"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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11 October 2008

Fri - 10/10

AdelaideNow... 30 South Australian lesbian mums 'impregnated by same man'
Barack Obama 'pseudo controversies' hide racism, news anchor says - Grand Rapids News - The Grand Rapids Press Online - Michigan Newspaper - MLive.com
City leaders to recommend approval of gay high school -- chicagotribune.com
Conn. court nixes gay marriage ban - Life- msnbc.com
For insensitivity, Wachovia refuses to be outdone - Los Angeles Times
FOXNews.com - Report North Korea Prepares to Fire More Missiles, Restart Nuke Facility - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » UH-OH! Paramount Unaware ‘South Park’ Hated On Spielberg & Lucas & ‘Indy 4'
No barbed wire...it might hurt the thieves, allotment holders told Mail Online
Obama McCain Wouldn't 'Say It to My Face' - FOXNews.com Elections
Power Line Forum Federal Suit Obama Not A “Natural Born Citizen,” Obama & DNC Try To Delay Production of Obama’s Birth Certificate ’Till After Election
Real author of Barack book Why it matters
Sharpton convicted of disorderly conduct - CNN.com
Subprime borrowers may face new hit next month MiamiHerald.com (2)
Subprime borrowers may face new hit next month MiamiHerald.com
The Pornification Of A Generation Print Article Newsweek.com
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control Rights and Liberties AlterNet
US government may take part ownership in banks
Wall Street plunges; Dow breaks 8,000 - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
ABC News Exclusive Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
Drivers will have no escape from new speed cameras
European markets slump further Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Fed Extends Reach With 1930s Powers
Markets Fall Back Again As Credit Remains Frozen - Economy US News Story - CNBC.com
Sheriff In Chicago Halts Foreclosure Evictions
Wall Street rebounds, pares massive losses - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
» Barack Obama Joined Marxist-Socialist Third Party In 1990s - Blogger News Network
The Era of Free Trade Has Ended
'Long road' ahead to resolve Georgia-Russia crisis Kouchner
'Toxic waste' behind Somali piracy
'US has outstayed its welcome in Iraq'
'US-N Korea nuclear deal close'
3 share Nobel prize for work on AIDS and cancer
50000 in county had no health insurance
A Fraudulent War
A Question of Obama's Character
A Short Banking History of the U.S.
A Treatise on Currency and Banking
ABC News Exclusive Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
acorn Not the Face of Change - HUMAN EVENTS
Ad Spotlight McCain, RNC Unleash Ayers Attacks
Adrian teen pleads guilty to murder
Africa's Expensive Borders
Amber Alert issued after Central Valley mom is stabbed, kids vanish
Americans Deserve a Real Health Care Debate
America’s airways ready for NextGen
Anger against US mounts as Iraq Shiites bury slain MP
Anger is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally
ap Airlines could save $10 billion a year with GPS
As Credit Crisis Spreads, Global Approach Weighed
Ayers a pointless campaign ploy
Ayers ads hit the airwaves
Bailout Blame Game - Christopher Westley - Mises Institute
Bankers Want World Economic Government To Solve Financial Crisis They Created
Barack Obama to pay big for primetime buy
Barack Obama's Magic Act
Behind the Panic Financial Warfare over Future of Global Bank Power
Berlusconi Says Leaders May Close World's Markets
Best-laid plans mean zip
Beyond Boom and Bust
Biden says McCain trying to distract voters
BlackBerry Storm vs. the iPhone
Boehner Wants Federal Funding For ACORN Halted AHN October 10, 2008
Brownstein On McCain's Radical Health Care Plan
Bush administration pledges help for student loans
Bush appeals for confidence
bush US Will Continue to Act to Resolve Crisis
Bush vows aggressive financial action
Can US Be Pals with Terrorist Taliban
Carnahan statement on ACORN registration mess
Child abduction in Lemoore
China, Space Weapons and U.S. Security
Citi drops out; Wells wins battle for Wachovia
City, Street Debris Will Destroy Lives
Civilian nuclear deal lauded by US, Indian envoys
CNN’s Misleading Report on ACORN
Colin Powell to testify in Stevens corruption trial
Connecticut Ruling Overturns Ban on Same-Sex Marriage
connelly Obama flying high, Gregoire grounded
Court wrestles with case on Navy sonar, whales
Crisis Marks New Geopolitical Order
Crisis Marks Out New World Order
CTA plans 2009 fare increase
Current Market Conditions
Dalai Lama recuperates after successful operation
DC Investigates Actions Of Juvenile Justice Agency
Dean Barkley talks to the Budge (uncut)
Deep in a Goldmine, an Ecosystem of One
Defective NVIDIA Chips Spell Sour Apples
Degrees from top universities boost earning power
Demeaning Democracy in America
Denmark Offers Model Mortgage Market
Dial 'M' for Microsoft's new programming language
Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats
Doctor in bomb case 'made a will'
Does Obama Still Think Ayers Has Been Rehabilitated No, Says his Campaign
Don't Buy A Mac Laptop
Don't Worry About Split in South Africa
Dow slides 600 points as selloff intensifies
Doyle unveils research triangle for gene research
Drug companies No cold medicines for kids under 4
E. coli-Tainted Lettuce Came from California
Early Returns Are Promising In 'SNL's' Thursday Campaign
Enter the Race Card
Europe confirms Russian pullback
Ex-Mich. gov. backs away from McCain endorsement
Exchanges Mull Temporary Circuit Breaker
Facts about Obama's ties to ACORN
Failed London bombers made getaway on rickshaws, trial hears
Fatah considering reconciliation talks
Ford CEO rules out bankruptcy, focused on cash
Forging a New Era in the U.S.—Japan Alliance
Former Astronaut's Son Set for Space Tourist Trek
Former GOP state Sen. Arthurhultz on Obama bandwagon
Fox Guarding The Henhouse Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec To Oversee Bailout
FOX News Poll Obama Maintains Lead Over McCain
FOX News Poll The Candidates and Character
Gas Shortage Irrational Herding or Economics - Robert Prechter - Mises Institute
Gates proposes Afghan troop hike for 2009 elections
Genetic Research Offers Insights Into Form of Malaria
GeoEye Starts New Earth Photo Album With High-Res Pics
GeoEye-1 Is Google's Eye In The Sky
German doing well after 1st double arm transplant
Giving Emphasis To Mental Illnesses
Giving Until It Hurts
Glenn Beck's New World Order Diatribe
GM, Ford May Face Bankruptcy on Slowdown, S&P Says
Going into the Endgame in Iraq
Goldmine Bug DNA May Be Key to Alien Life
Google gets into video games _ with ads
Google satellite captures its first image
Google's Mail Goggles A (Relatively) Sober Hands-On
GOP in push to erase voters; purges ACORN over drive to register ...
Hamas, Fatah to resume talks
Harris Urges McCain to Attack Obama's Links to 'Shady Characters'
Hayek on the Business Cycle - Joseph T. Salerno - Mises Institute
Health Buzz Stem Cells From Testicles and Other Health News
Highway Trust Fund Inequities Will Get Worse in Future Years
Hundreds of stones removed from Dalai Lama's gall bladder
If Pakistan Fails, Taliban Will Rule
IMF director More coordinated action needed to fix markets
In case anyone cares, Letterman's on McCain's case again Los Angeles Times
In the deep, a community of one
In the Footsteps of Herbert Hoover
Income, Parental Education Significantly Affect Children’s Health
Interview with Michelle Obama
Iran Says “No”—Now What
Is Khatami Staging a Comeback in Iran
It's Down to Hope vs. Fear
Japan's Scientific Pioneers
Japan's Yamato Life Files for Bankruptcy Protection
Japanese businessman accused of murdering wife arrives in LA
Japanese man held in LA for wife's 1981 slaying
jerusalem City United Against Itself
Jewish-Arab clashes erupt in Israel
John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern
Judge Grants Anthony Defense Access To Car, Forensic Tests
Judge rules on some requests, reviewing others in Casey Anthony case
Jury shown footage of havoc caused by terror attack on Glasgow Airport
Keynes, Thou Shoulds't Be Living
Law Equalizes Coverage For Mental, Physical Care
Lawyer for Caylee Anthony's Mother Asks Judge to Share Evidence
Leaping dolphin gives Fla. boaters cuts, bruises
Lebanon's Election Law A Cup Half Full
Lehman Credit-Swap Auction Sets Payout of 91.38 Cents on Dollar
Lending Mandates Hurt the Poor
List of recent Nobel Prize in chemistry winners
Livni urges calm after Arabs, Jews clash in Israel
Looting the Responsible - Kevin Duffy - Mises Institute
Macy's Reins in Expectations
Mahalo Sets Out To Liveblog The World
Marines Massacre Was Iran's War
Market and Economic Fear Will Subside
Markets Off a Cliff
Maybe John McCain will bring back Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran
Mayor Plans an $80 Billion Campaign
McCain and Obama Share Basic Views on Ed. Tech.
McCain Calls Americans 'My Fellow Prisoners'
McCain Campaign Is at Odds Over Negative Attacks' Scope
McCain campaign writes off Michigan
McCain Continues Wisconsin Campaign Jaunt On Friday
McCain Interview with Charles Gibson
McCain Joins Attack on Obama over Ayers
McCain Joins Attacks on Obama Over Radical
McCain Lets the Dogs Off the Chain
McCain Pushes Guilt-by-Association Tie Between Ayers and Obama
McCain still has time, but needs a message
McCain Talks About Mortgage Plan in PA
McCain targets Ayers, Rezko and Bill Daley in Chicago Way spot - Lynn Sweet
McCain's Risky Health Plan
McCain, Palin Interview with Hannity
Media Distorts GOP Crowds into Racist Mobs
Mich. teen pleads guilty to poisoning grandma
Microsoft Moves a Step Closer to Oslo
Microsoft To Release Oslo Modeling Software Preview
Millions of new voters register in swing states
Minimum Wage Laws
MUFG to Push Ahead With Morgan Stanley Deal
Mugabe's party 'wants mediation'
NATO allows strikes on Afghan drug sites
New Careers For Wall Street's Unemployed
New Guidelines Make It Easy to Get Fit
Ning Adds OpenSocial Support
Not Over Yet for McCain
Notes on a Milk Scandal
NSA Eavesdropping 'Outrageous' and 'Disturbing,' Critics Say
NYC term limits to be the topic in churches
Obama Blasts McCain's Mortgage Plan
Obama Criticizes McCain's Mortgage Plan
Obama Criticizes Republican Tactics
Obama Embodies a New America
Obama Interview with ABC News
Obama Makes His Own Weather in Storm
Obama Making Huge Network Ad Buy for October 29
Obama Proposes Small Business Rescue Plan
Obama Sheeple Cheer Police Violation Of Free Speech
Obama's Best Tactic Do Nothing
Obama's Speech in Indianapolis
Obama, flush with cash, buys up primetime network TV
Obese death row convict loses Ohio state appeal
ohio Obesity Fails to Stay an Execution
Ohio Secretary of State on ACORN Voter Fraud Allegations 'On the ...
Orderly or Disorderly
Our Founding Financial Dictator
Pakistan suicide bomber strikes anti-Taliban tribal elders
Palin and Fey together on 'SNL' (Head explodes)
Palin Sits Down with FNC
Palin Wrong to Bring Up Wright Again
Palin's Radical Right-Wing Pals
Panel on Democrats' Prospects in the Senate
petraeus Serious Ethnic Challenges Loom in Iraq
Philip Zelikow Had 9-11 Report Rewritten To Be More Favorable Of Condi
Pirates threaten to blow up hijacked ship off Somalia
Pius XII and the Holocaust
Political Overreaction Will Be the Great Danger
Political Power and Economic Ignorance - Jeremie T.A. Rostan - Mises Institute
Pope defends Pius XII over Holocaust
Progressive Swings to Loss on Write-Downs
Prominent GOPer Not the McCain I know
Quarter of adolescent US girls received HPV vaccine
Radar vs. satellite A look at air traffic systems
Rage rising on the McCain campaign trail
Rat-hunting woman causes NC school lockdown
Regulation Is the Cause, Not the Cure
Ron Paul A Most Unusual Politician by Murray N. Rothbard
Roundtable's Post-Debate Analysis
Sarah Palin--Feminist Or Victim Of Sexism
Sarah Silverman speaks
Save the Bluefin Tuna
Saving Banks Won't Save the Economy
Saving What's Left of the Aral Sea
Schlepping their way to voters
scientists Virginia shark's pup a 'virgin birth'
Senator Coleman Pulls Negative Ads
Serbia Expels Macedonian Ambassador after Kosovo Recognition
Sheriffs, ACORN, Teacher's Union and More
Shock to System Requires Fresh Answers
Shooting Reported Inside New Jersey Hospital
Sleeping with the enemy Sony yearns for Xbox 360 success in Japan
South Korea Says North's Nuclear Compromise May Be Near
Spokane Tribe upset about casino ads
Sprint's Xohm WiMax service How fast is it
States probe possible voter registration fraud
Suicide blast kills 32 anti-Taliban tribesmen in Pakistan
Surviving the Financial Hurricane
Take Axe to Architects of Downfall
Taking the 'Union' Out of EU
Tech solutions for saving drunk people from themselves
Texas Has Highest Rate of Uninsured
Thai protest leaders get bail; campaign to roll on
The Assault on Saving
The Career of Guantanamo Prisoner No. 760
The Economy is Stronger Than We Think
The Empire is Crumbling
The End Of American Capitalism
The Era of Free Trade Has Ended
The EU's Decline at the UN
The Evil SEC
The Financial Decelerator
The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Kondratieff Cycle Real or Fabricated by Murray N. Rothbard
The meltdown's silver lining - cheap oil
The Mood of the Market
The New Senate Majority
The New Welfare Queens
The next burden inflation
The President Who Will Deal with Iran
The Rise and Fall of Harper Majority
The SEC Short Sells Us Down the River - Art Carden and Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute
The Second Presidential Debate
The Surge That Failed
The Time to Act is Now
There's Something Rotten in Alaska
Thinking pink for breast cancer research
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control
Top universities 'should charge higher fees'
Trade Deficit Shrinks, but Exports Slide
Treasury may inject capital into banks by end October source
Trying to shore up base, Cindy McCain goes to North Carolina
UCSD Scientist Shares Nobel Prize for Molecular Research
Ukraine considers measures to fight crisis
US Allegedly Listened In on Calls of Americans Abroad
US and India to sign nuclear deal
US congratulates Ahtisaari on Nobel prize
US Exchanges Said to Seek Targeted Short Sales Ban (Update1)
US needs frigates, LCS to fight modern pirates
US plans to train Afghanistan tribal militias
US stocks down again as shaken investors pull out of equities
US stocks extend huge losses over credit concerns
US tapped intimate calls from Americans overseas, 2 eavesdroppers say
USA vs. Russia, Circa 1984
VOA News - As Election Day Approaches, US Presidential Contenders Trade Charges in TV Ads
Wal-Mart joins MSN and Yahoo, leaves DRM servers online
Walgreen CEO Rein exits drug-store chain
Wall Street Executives
We Have the Tools to Manage the Crisis
We Have the Tools to Manage This Crisis
We Haven't Hit the Bottom Yet
We Must Lead the World to Stability
We Must Lead to Financial Stability
Weathering the Financial Storm
What Barney Frank Doesn't Grasp
What can Tina Fey do to Sarah Palin
When did Obama know about Ayers terrorist background My search for Ayers and Dohrn - Lynn Sweet
Where Are North Korean Dissidents
WHO seeks care for mental health victims in developing nations
Why No Traction for McCain
Why the Ferocity to Stifle Questions
Why Wall Street Will Prevail
Wis. governor unveils gene research triangle
With Misleading Report On ACORN, CNN Misses The Real Story In Lake Co. Progress Illinois
Witness testifies he was told to create ‘paper trail' for Stevens
Woman Knocked Unconscious By Dolphin
World Bank chief Zoellick to supercede G7 with new constricting global body
World Bank Under Cyber Siege in 'Unprecedented Crisis'
Yahoo shares dip below $12 amid call for Microsoft deal
You Saw It Here First; Economic Crash, Banker Stick-Up Predicted Long Ago
You're lying! says McCain. You're dividing! says Obama. Could election really come down to this
YouTube flips switch on new sales channel
Zoho launches e-mail app with offline, mobile access
Zoho Mail mobile, offline, and out of beta

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » UH-OH! Paramount Unaware ‘South Park’ Hated On Spielberg & Lucas & ‘Indy 4'
'South Park' vs. Lucas and Spielberg Too far Show Tracker Los Angeles Times
Anger Is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally
Barack 'Osama' on Rensselaer County ballots -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY
Barack Obama to pay big for primetime buy
Bush says anxiety feeding market instability
Cindy McCain accuses Barack Obama of endangering her son in Iraq - Telegraph
Conn. high court rules gay couples can marry
Europe suffers losses as Dow trims fall - Times Online
Even Britney Spears wonders what she was thinking
Ex-president Carter slams Bush on market crisis Reuters
Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Google-sponsored satellite sends first image
In food crisis, Cuba limits sales so all can eat
Kenya's Obamamania hits a high note
Local 2 Investigates Dead Voters - Local 2 Investigates News Story - KPRC Houston
Major World Indices - Yahoo! Finance
McCain Obama link to ex-radical is honesty issue
Missouri officials suspect fake voter registration - Yahoo! News
My Way News - OPEC to hold emergency meeting on oil prices
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » UH-OH! Paramount Unaware ‘South Park’ Hated On Spielberg & Lucas & ‘Indy 4'
NY State sues Arbitron over Portable People Meter - Yahoo! News
Oil plunges to 13-month low on global slowdown
Palin Obama not telling ‘total truth’ - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Stone says no malice intended in W. Entertainment Reuters
Swaggers turn to shudders a year after market high - Yahoo! News
The Associated Press Polygraphs proposed for Ind. congressional debate
The Associated Press Russia's Putin gets tiger cub for his birthday
The End Of American Capitalism
U. of Texas ends fight over dorm-room Obama signs
US stocks surge late in day after 8 days of losses Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Washington Times - Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal
White House dismisses idea of market suspension U.S. Reuters
Woman kept prisoner at home by her husband for 50 years - Telegraph
World finance chiefs grasp for solutions in firestorm
VIDEO -Farrakhan Calls Obama 'The Messiah'
Obama Still Condemns Ayers
Video - Cosmology In Crisis
$44,000 for 20 federal workers to attend anti-terrorism conference
'Black Gold Stranglehold' explodes common myths that keep America enslaved
'Bundler' raised $50,000 to $100,000 for campaign
'Economic 9-11' exacting grim psychological toll in US
'Experts' Didn't See Crisis Soaring Deficits, Debt
'Fantastic' Result Of 2 Arm Transplant Surgery
'I'm mad! I'm really mad! It's time that you 2 represent the rest of us. So go get 'em'
'Inappropriate rhetoric ... distracts from the real questions of judgment, character'
'Like any other large durable goods manufacturer, it's a very challenging environment'
'No time for partisan fingerpointing'
'Some parents and medical experts may scoff, but I've seen a miraculous change in my son'
'The USA will lose its superpower status in the global financial system'
'They'd ask me if I was registered. I'd say yes, and they'd ask me to do it again'
'This despicable ruling not of the people, nor for the people, but against the people'
'Tides are flowing in the Democrats' direction ... the most important thing in politics'
'Ultimate slap in the face to the 99% of Americans out there who pay their mortgages'
'undecideds always seem to break more strongly toward sort of the more anti-'gay' side'
'We have some evidence [money is] going into savings and checking accounts'
'We received warnings not to talk about the incident'
'You've got a hot bod – don't keep it to yourself'
101 Reasons to Vote Against John McCain - 18-101
17 new mothers reported at 1,200-student facility in last academic year
30-year mortgage rates dip below 6% - USA Today
4 miles under ocean's surface lie billions of barrels of recently discovered light crude
6-pound frozen object leaves large bump on grandma's head, holes in roof
74% of CEOs believe Dem would be 'disastrous' for nation
A master plan for China to bail out America
ABC, NBC and CBS want to keep Obama's secrets
ACORN seldom falls far from the tree
Ad guru Jim Whelan The wise man knows that how you spend it is the key to real wealth
Afghanistan In Downward Spiral For US
AIG Borrows 57 Percent of Government Loan - Reuters
Akko Riots Police ordered on heightened alert - J'lem Post
America As We've Known It Is Finished
America Under Siege
An Obama Nation.Net Communist New Party Named Obama As A Member
An Obama Nation.Net How About Secretary Of Education Ayers
An Obama Nation.Net Joe Biden, Preferred Candidate of Parasites
An Obama Nation.Net McCain hammers away at Obama's Ayers connection
An Obama Nation.Net Palin Obama not telling ‘total truth’
Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab
Appears pair killed when 26-foot motor boat collided with supply barge being towed by tug
As Banking 'Fairy Tale' Ends, Iceland Looks Back to the Sea
Asian Stocks Plunge Again - Crisis Deepens
At Morgan Stanley, Outlook Darkens; Stock Tumbles 26%
Axelrod Told Us to Use His Name, So What's Wrong with Hussein
Barack Obama Joined Marxist Third Party In 1990s
Bargains await cash-rich China - Washington Times
barletta 'The intensity of support is getting stronger every day'
Berg Reply To Obama-DNC Protective Order
Berlusconi says time needed to 'rewrite the rules of international finance'
Bill Press spanks GOP ticket for bringing up William Ayers, Obama's 'elitism'
Bird Flu Returns To Germany
Blame Clinton for Fannie Mae breakdown
Blames shortage of fathers over 35 passing on mutations
Bloodbath as Panic Selling Devastates World Markets - Fox
Bodies Pile Up In Mexican Border Drug Wars
Boehner calls for ban on group contracting with candidates for federal office
Bot not in blue-collar, NE Penn. where anti-illegals mayor is GOP star
Brown Considers Legal Action Against Iceland
Brown Wants 'Global Solution' To Crisis
bush 'We Can Solve Crisis' (Who Caused It, George)
Bush Economic Outlook Turns Dour
But refused to report on event featuring public nudity, sex acts, bondage, whipping
Campus would serve as portal for students, faculty, executives, alumni
Can China Save The Global Economy - Adrienne Mong
Celente - Bailout A Bust - Depression To Follow
China Bank Buys Into French Rothschild Bank
China Military Enraged Over US Arms For Taiwan
Christie Brinkley's Ex Addicted to the Press
Cites honor for Gore, others – claims conflict with Alfred Nobel's will and testament
CITI Ends Pursuit Of Wachovia
CNN reveals Top 10 Heroes of 2008 - CNN
Coastal rebuilding awash in debate - USA Today
Coming Next - Inflation
Confronting Barney
Congress Shelves Iran Draft War Resolution
Congress, the bailout and freedom
Cook - How To Save The US Economy
Cops up in arms Michael Sneed
Credit Crisis Commercial Paper Disaster
Crisis Sets Irish Government Against EU
David Limbaugh Obama's relationships 'scare the daylights out of us'
Dems combine to banish 'anti-gay discrimination'
Dichter vows to put Acre rioters, inciters 'behind lock and key' - Jerusalem Post
Don't go wobbly – follow Sarah
Dow industrials down over 5,500 points, or 39%, from year-ago peak
Dow plunges 700 points to below 8,000, recovers it all
Drive-Bys Attack Palin Crowds
ei Israel's surprising best seller contradicts founding ideology
EU Adopts Flag, Anthem - Sovereignty Doomed
European Markets Slump Further
European Stocks Routed - AP
exclusive Craig R. Smith says 'confidence' hearings won't inspire any
exclusive Fred Goldstein says little treasures won't be secret for long
exclusive Greg Knapp rolls eyes at Demsclaiming every criticism of Obama is racist
exclusive Hal Lindsey ties group to financial meltdown, voter fraud, Barack Obama
exclusive Ilana Mercer attributes Palin's slip-ups to McCain policies forced on her
exclusive Joseph Farah shares the truth about courageous reporter's Africa adventure
exclusive Melanie Morgan notes McCain warned of Fannie Mae while Obama took cash
exclusive Peter Rosenberger's own experience leads him to reject socialized medicine
exclusive Phil Elmore dispels idea government can somehow make firearms 'safer'
exclusive Roger Simmermaker highlights 'ShopFor America.com'
Expected to sign bill imposing heavy regulations on sites offering abortion alternatives
Express 'sweeping dismay' over 'avowed support for U.S. military incursions'
Family group says fast-food giant agrees not to promote 'gay' agenda
Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
FBI warns of potential terror attacks on public buildings - NBC News
FDIC Deposit Insurance Not A Sure Thing
Fear of terror attack, rumors of death, spark neighborhood battle
Fearful investors in global panic selling
Federal Reserve Extends Reach With 1930s Powers
Financial Crisis Gordon Brown demands £20 bn 'British money' from Iceland
Financial War Over Future Global Bank Power
Financial War Over Future Of Global Bank Power
Finds law discriminates by limiting matrimony to heterosexual couples
Flashback - Forced to amend FEC report to specify spending $800,000 with group
Found wreckage, comrade's remainsmissing since nighttime raid on Berlin
Fulford - How To Rebuild Finances & Save The Planet
Girl, 14, says instructor told her not to tell anyone
Global Auto Market May Collapse In 2009
Global Stock Selloff - Markets Plummet
GM shares drop to 58-year low, global risks eyed - Reuters
Group received $832,598 for get-out-the-vote work during primaries
Hamas in Palestinian unity talks in ...
He apologizes profusely, compliments them on comfortable mattress
Head of Zimbabwe's opposition won most votes for president, forced to quit due to violence
Holy War Strikes India
Iceland's Biggest Bank Taken Over
If Obama Is Really So Far Ahead, Why Does ACORN Have to Cheat
IMF - Risk Of A World Depression Nearly Nil
IMF and FSF Convene High-Level Meeting On Economy
IMF readies emergency aid for wounded economies - Reuters
Impact site was near seminary of veteran Taliban commander
In 1 instance, application filled out for 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27
In defense of 'the rich'
In private conversations on troop presence, candidate pitched delay
Indonesian stock exchange halted indefinitely
Insider reports thousands given to 'various officials'
Investors worry about the impact of a severe international downturn
Iran appoints successor to Mughniyeh - J'lem Post
Iraq Must Rid Itself Of US Troops Says Iran
Is Anyone Safe From The Long Arm Of The EU
Is Barack Obama the Messiah He is the Alpha and the Omega
Is Barack Obama the Messiah I'm asking you to BELIEVE ...
Is Barack Obama the Messiah Obama - The Transfiguration
Is Posse Comitatus Dead
Israel - Married To War
Israeli Scholar Contradicts Founding Ideology
It may be politically prudent for McCain....
J.D. Power predicts growth will slow in developing nations
Japan In Biggest Stock Drop In 20 Years
Jewish Scholar - 'Jewish People' Were Invented
Jewish youths allegedly beat Arab man in Acre, igniting riots - Haaretz
Kenya's Corsi caper
Last time large block of airtime purchased by candidate was Ross Perot in '92
Lawyers say Philip Morris' claim shows 'no respect for the Constitution'
Lebanon on the brink — and why it matters - Caroline B. Glick
Legal changes would be needed to give Fed, government authority to buy stocks
Lehman CDS sellers face massive losses in auction
Lehman Credit Default Swap Auction Bomb Drops This Afternoon
Lessons From The 1929 Stock Market Crash
Liberal MP - Tobin Should Not Be Extradited
Lieberman Calls Obama 'Naïve,' May Bolt Party in Future - NewsMax
London - Worst Ever Opening As Markets Slide
Man kills attacking bear with stick (and he's got the scars to prove it)
Man says ACORN paid him in cash and cigarettes
Markets Crash - How Panic Spread
Markets Off Lows After Early 650 Point Plunge - Fox
Mass Fraud Fears In US Election
McCain again raises Obama's ties with 1970s radical - Reuters
McCain at his best talking national security Michael Sneed
McCain Camp Links Obama to ACORN Scandal
McCain camp still bullish on chances in Pennsylvania
McCain Proposes Suspending Mandatory 401(k) Stock Sales
Medical team performs 15-hour operation to graft limbs from deceased donor
Message features girl showing mom picture book 'King and King' teacher read in class
Michael Kinsley - Experience Never Mind - washingtonpost.com
Michelle Malkin » The Obama Witch Project RAAAAAAAAACISM!
Millions Of 'Bin Ladens' Hidden By Spaniards
MoD Stunned By Massive Data Loss
More judicial tyranny from Obama-style judges....
Morgan Stanley Credit Rating May Be Cut
Mud Pies for ‘That One’
Mutant Fish Develops Taste For Humans In India
N Korea Reportedly Off US Terror List
Nato to attack Afghan opium labs
nato Troops Can Target Afghan Drug Operations - Fox
Neocons Have Taken Over The Executive Branch
New campuses expected to open next year
New Flying Dinosaur Drone to Resemble Pterodactyl
New license has expiration date for police to monitor visitors' stays
New video game literally a mind game
Now is Not the Time for Fear
Now It All Makes Sense
NSA Spied On Soldiers' Personal Calls
OAS calls for new international financial organ
Obama buys half-hour of network primetime - AP
October 10 The Name of Jesus - Charles Stanley
Officers' 'phone sex' intercepted, recorded, shared across NSA listening post
Officials rule graffiti artist's work is illegal election sign
Ohio fan says hasn't seen crowd so excited since John F. Kennedy ran for president
Oil exporters to discuss impact of financial crisis on prices
Op-Ed Columnist - Moment of Truth - NYTimes.com
OPEC announces special meeting as oil prices fall - USA Today
Orwellian U.K. Angers People With Tree Cameras, Snooping Kids
Pakistan seeks US funding to avoid bankruptcy
Palin Pre-empts State Report, Clears Self in Trooper Probe - Fox
Pat Buchanan Senator must persuade nation Obama is unacceptable as president
paul Reject The Two Partys Vote For Third
paul U.S. In Georgia To Protect Pipeline
Pay attention to business
pelosi U.S. needs $150 billion stimulus
Permanent Link Group Tied to Widespread Voter Fraud
Permanent Link Washington Rushes to Bail Out Banks
Pint-Size Eco-Police, Making Parents Proud and Sometimes Crazy
Plan would suck up 3 billion messages daily
Planned upgrade will make it capable of tracking up to 1 quadrillion dollars
Pravda - Bush's Two Great Accomplishments
President Bush’s Remarks Friday
Professor says long-term future of human race must be in space
Questions raised about what Obama knows about voter-registration scams
Rate cuts raise bigger concerns - Depression feared; short-sale ban lifted - Washington Times
reding EU to govern Internet of the future
Renewed Arab-Jewish clashes in Acre after Yom Kippur riots - Jerusalem Post
Reykjavik refuses to honor British billions in its failed banks
Rising interest rate could mean unaffordable mortgage payments
Ron Paul On AIG Bailout 09-17-08
Ron Paul On Global Financial Crisis
Rose McGowan May Play 'Deep Throat' Star Linda Lovelace
Russia hints it won't sell S-300 to Iran - J'lem Post
Russia pushes security pact to rival NATO - USA Today
Russia Trains To Fight NATO In Giant Exercise
Russian - No Missile Sales To Volatile Regions
S.Korea scrambles to defend sliding markets - Reuters
Safeway In Trouble - Among Hardest By Crisis
Sarah’s Pompom Palaver
Says he doesn't have any reason to believe group involved in shady, illegal acts in state
Says secretary of state not giving counties time to detect fraudulent registrations
Senior elders make televised appeal, lay out week-by-week strategy
Set up direct Senate contactfor Kenyan opposition leader
Seven Days In October
Sex-saturated Bacchanalia boiling up from underworld
Shares of most big firms nosedived as controversial ban on selling practice ended
Sharia Courts To Bring Moslem Law To Scots
Sheriff requests registration documents for those who voted early
Site - ObamaNation.Com
Smokeless Gun Of Flagrant Election Fixing
Software publishers, medical labs enjoyed double-digit growth over last 12 months
Spokesman says agency has no data showing number holding foreclosed, bad loans
Staring Into The Abyss
States That Can't Pay For Themselves
Steve Strang provides list of videos laying out argument against junior senator
Take The Ax To Architects Of The Crash
Taking Hard New Look at a Greenspan Legacy - Peter S. Goodman
Tells Paulson $700 billion bailout'appears to be improving liquidity'
The Anti-Semite's Favorite Prayer
The Big Money Rip-Off By The Ruling Class
The Empire Has No Clothes
The end of American capitalism - Market turmoil draining the nation's wealth may claim another casualty - Anthony Faiola
The Financial Collapse - What Will Happen Next
The Light at the End of the Crisis by Larry Kudlow on National Review Online
The McCain Campaign Can You Feel the Hate
The mortgage scandal roots - Washington Times
The mystery of the missing opium
The New World Order
The Palin file . . . Michael Sneed
The stealth candidate
Turkish military attacks rebels in northern Iraq - J'lem Post
U.S. intelligence Karzai's government may be incapable of containing the Taliban
U.S. military seeks to improve environment, reduce dependency on fossil fuels
U.S. Weighs Backing Bank Debt
UK Prepares For Mass Unemployment
Unapologetic as he addressed investigation questioning work habits of top employee
Unlicensed motorist sped away during police stop. escaped
US Mint 'Unprecedented Demand' For Gold Eagles
US tax money covered fraud at AIG to save Goldman Sachs
US told to increase nuclear arsenal as China threat looms
US Told To Increase Nukes As China Threat Grows
US-UK Crash Destroys Many Innocent Lives
Video - Conjoined Twins, Abby & Brittany At 16
VIDEO - Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul
VIDEO - Jim Rogers Global Bankers Have Unleashed Inflationary Holocaust
Video - John McCain's Rage
VIDEO - New World Order Is The Endgame, Says Glen Beck
Video-sharing site still trying to find recipe for financial success
Vladimir Bukovsky and Pavel Stroilov uncover Soviet document from 1979 meeting
Vote Congressional Bailout Criminals OUT!
Wall St Opens With 678 Loss, Recovers, Drops Again
Walling Off The World - The Era of Ever-Free Trade Has Ended - Irwin M. Stelzer
Was Barack Obama Planted
Washington Times - Inside the Beltway New war
Washington Times - Inside the Beltway Still not ready
Washington Times - Inside the Beltway
Watching America Vote - Israelis Looking For Strong Leadership - Martin Fletcher
Wayne Madsen FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law
What are kids supposed to do
What is a Loophole - HUMAN EVENTS
What McCain Learned From the Rough Rider
When leader lacking, someone emerges who's self-centered, lacking in empathy, exaggerates talents
Where the Jews Vote Republican - One thing Israelis and Palestinians can agree on is that Obama is bad news - Willy Stern
White House confirms Treasury is looking at buying stakes in nation's institutions
White House dismisses idea of market suspension U.S. Reuters
Who Owns The IMF
Why McCain Blinked
Woman speaking out to counter reports excusing behavior of ex-domestic terrorist
Won't move to block rival's proposed purchase but will seek breach of contract damages
World Bank Under Cyber Siege in 'Unprecedented Crisis' - Fox
World Markets Follow Huge U.S. Losses
World markets plunge Japan index nose-dives 9.6% - Fox
World Nuclear Power Renaissance
Would triple air traffic capacity, reduce delays by 1-2, improve safety, reduce emissions
Yosemite Sam Lights the Fuse!
YouTube - Obamanation-Cult of Personality