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10 October 2008

video archive - part 1 - and articles

An Hour with John Edwards
An Hour with John McCain
An Hour with Karl Rove
Barack Obama Hope and Change
Barack Obama on the Wealth Gap and Taxation
Bill Richardson in Iowa
Bill Richardson on This Week w- George Stephanopoulos
Bill Richardson Unveils Policy for Veterans and Military Families
Bob Novak Talks About Clinton And Obama
Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank on Charlie Rose
clinton Gray Chynoweth Endorsement
Club For Growth Attacks On Mike Huckabee
CNBC News Anchor Calls Bush a 'Monkey'
CNN Acknowledges Its Mistake
Debate Highlights from Las Vegas
Debate Highlights Giuliani
Debate Highlights Guns and Abortion
Debate Highlights Huckabee
Debate Highlights McCain
Debate Highlights Romney
Debate Highlights Thompson
Debate Videos By The Candidates
Dennis Kucinich Talks To The Des Moines Register
Dick Morris Analyzes The GOP Debate
Edwards - 1 Million Jobs Lost to NAFTA
Edwards - 37 Days Until the NH Primary
edwards 1 Million Jobs Lost To NAFTA Web Ad
Edwards And The Register's Editorial Board
Edwards Has HOPE
Edwards Speaks at the WGA Strike in NYC
Edwards Takes Aim At Romney
Election 2008 Roundtable
Fred Thompson on This Week
Fred Thompson's Testy Exchange w- Chris Wallace
Giuliani on Mad Money
Huckabee And The Register's Editorial Board
hunter American Jobs For American Troops Web Ad
Jeri Thompson With Laura Ingraham
Joe Biden on The NewsHour
John Edwards at the League of Conservation Voters
John Edwards on ABC Nightly News
John Edwards on Face The Nation
John Edwards Q&A With The Press
John McCain Love America Enough
John McCain on This Week w- George Stephanopoulos
John McCain Talks To The Des Moines Register
Katie Couric Interviews Hillary Clinton
Kerr On CNN
Log Cabin Republicans Mitt Flops
Luntz's Debate Winners and Losers
Mike Huckabee HuckChuckFacts
Mike Huckabee on Fox News Sunday
Mike Huckabee on Late Edition
Mike Huckabee on the Situation Room
Mitt Romney American Family
Mitt Romney on Fiscal Discipline
Mitt Romney on Morning Joe
Obama's Plan for a Healthy America
On The Trail With Obama
Paul And The Register's Editorial Board
Preview of CNN-YouTube GOP Debate
Richardson Presents Policy And A Purple Heart
Richardson Talks To The Des Moines Register
Richardson's New Direction For Agriculture
romney Attacking Me On My Faith Is Un-American
Romney On Laura Ingraham Show
Romney On Mike Huckabee's Record
Romney on Religious Attacks
Romney On Running Against Sen. Clinton
Romney Prepares For Debate; Plays Football
Romney Talks To The Des Moines Register
Rudy Addresses Federalist Society
Rudy Giuliani at Homestead-Miami Speedway
rudy It's About Records
Russert Discusses GOP Debate on Today
Scarborough Blasts CNN
Susan Lynch Endoreses Hillary Clinton
The Huckabee Media Blitz
Thompson Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
Trent Lott Resignation Press Conference
wmur Romney Calls For Judge To Resign
5 Brothers & The Mitt Mobile
5th Anniversary of Barack Obama's Anti-War Speech
60 Minutes Clarence Thomas Part II
60 Minutes Clarence Thomas Part II
A Conversation with Jeffrey Toobin
A Conversation with Hans Blix
A Conversation with Jeffrey Toobin
A Discussion About Iraq & Journalism with John Burns
A Discussion on China with Henry Kissinger
Ann Romney In Los Angeles
Ann Romney on Your World w-Neil Cavuto
Ask Fred - Building the Border Fence
Barack Obama on Energy Policy
Barack Obama on Foreign Policy
biden Changing Course
biden End Domestic Violence
biden Health Care Getting It Done
Biden's Health Care Plan
Biden-Brownback Iraq Forum
Bill O'Reilly on The Tonight Show w- Jay Leno
Bill Richardson on Face The Nation
Bill Richardson on Iraq
Bipartisan Summit Biden-Brownback
Chris Wallace Interviews Nancy Pelosi
Clinton Ad Trapdoor
clinton Stand by Us
Conversation With Campaign Spouses
Counterinsurgency Expert David Kilcullen
Dearborn Debate Highlights
Deval Patrick Endorses Barack Obama
Deval Patrick Endorses Barack Obama
Dodd at the UAW Hall in Ottumwa, Iowa
dodd Barbershop
dodd Johnson County BBQ
Dodd Talks to Fire Fighters
Edwards - Columbus, Kentucky
Edwards - Merrimack High School, NH
Edwards - NEA Teach for a Day
Edwards - Nevada Carpenters Rally Intro
Edwards - Nevada Carpenters Rally
Edwards on MTP Edwards vs. Hillary
Elizabeth Edwards on Iraq, Education
flashback McCain Endorses Mitt Romney
Florida GOP Debate 10.21.07 Highlights
Following the Middle Class Express
Former WI Gov.Tommy Thompson Endorses Rudy Giuliani
Fred and Jeri Thomspon on Hannity & Colmes
Fred Thompson in Iowa
Fred Thompson on Your World w- Neil Cavuto
Gallagher on Rudy
gallup Clinton's Gender Gap
Giuliani Addresses the Republican Jewish Coalition
Gordon Brown on Iraq
Gregg (R-NH) Endorses Romney
harkin Limbaugh High on Drugs Again
Harry Reid on Rush Limbaugh
Harry Reid Thanks Rush on Senate Floor
Hillary Clinton on Education
Hillary Clinton on The View
Howard Kurtz on The Daily Show w- John Stewart
Huckabee's Little Rock Speech
Interview w- Nancy Pelosi
Interview w- Ron Paul on The Situation Room
Iowans for Sensible Priorities - Edwards
Joe Biden on Rudy Giuliani
Joey Vento Endorses Mayor Giuliani
John Edwards on Countdown w- Keith Olbermann
John Edwards on Health Care (Lobbyists)
John Edwards receives 10 State SEIU Endorsements
kucinich About The Imagine Peace Tower
Log Cabin Republicans on Romney
luntz Obama Wins
Mark Penn v. Lynn Sweet
Matthews vs. Stewart
McCain on $1 Million Woodstock Museum
Mike Gravel--Live Q&A (10-1-07)
Mike Huckabee on Good Morning America
Mitt On The Democrats' Massive Tax Increase Prop
Mitt Romney 'Tax Pledge'
Mitt Romney at the Dearborn, Michigan Debate
Mitt Romney on Fox Business Network's Cavuto
Mitt Romney on The Hugh Hewitt Show
Mitt Romney vs. Rudy Giuliani
novak Senate GOP Knew About Craig's 'Weird Conduct'
Obama '08 Volunteer Training in Oakland
obama 'Real Leadership on Social Security'
Obama at DePaul University
Obama NH Ad America's Back
Obama on the Black Vote
Post-debate Analysis on McCain
Power & Penn on Obama & Clinton
Rep. Stark's Outrageous Remarks on House Floor
Richardson Discusses the U.S. Economy on CNBC
Richardson Endorses 'Sensible Priorities'
Richardson on MSNBC's Morning Joe
Richardson on This Week
Rick Perry Endorses Rudy For President
romney 'Business World'
romney Dems Can't Bribe The American People
Romney Discusses GOP Debate With Hannity
romney Line-Item Veto Is Constitutional
Romney On His Iran Strategy
Romney On Sen. Gregg's Endorsement
Romney Talks Taxes On Today
romney We Can Solve The Big Problems
Ron Paul on Leno
Ron Paul TV Ads for New Hampshire
Rudy & Judith Giuliani on Hannity & Colmes
Rudy Giuliani at the National Federation of Republican Women
Rudy Giuliani in New Hampshire
Rudy on How He Can Beat Hillary
Running With Rudy Debate Edition
Rush Announces eBay Charity Auction of Harry Reid's Letter
Rush Limbaugh on Harry Reid & Tom Harkin
Students Support Bill Richardson
Tancredo at 9-27 PBS Debate-Part 1
Tancredo at the PBS Debate Part 2
Thompson On Gay Marriage
Where Edwards Draws His Strength From
A Conversation with Alan Greenspan
A Conversation with General David Petraeus
A Conversation with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
A Conversation with Robert Draper
Adam Nagourney on Democratic Campaigns
Barack Obama 2007 Harkin Steak Fry
Barack Obama on Labor Day
Barack Obama's NYC Rally Trailer
biden 'Ears' of Experience Montage
Biden at New Hampshire Dem Convention
Biden at the Dartmouth Debate Montage
biden Bush's War but it's America's Future
Biden in New Hampshire
Biden On Hardball
Bill Clinton on Iraq, Global Fund
Bill Clinton on the MoveOn.org Ad
Bill Maher Petraeus and Bush Are Liars
Bill Richardson on Iraq
Bill Richardson on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Bob Beckel, Tammy Bruce on Fred's Launch
clinton I will vote against funding this war
Clinton on 9-11
Clinton's Darth Vader Joke
Columbia University's President Introduces Ahmadinejad, Part 1
columbia We'd Invite Hitler Too
Conversations with the Candidates Edwards & Kucinich
Coulter on Your World w-Cavuto
Daily Show on the Hillary Cackle
David Bonior - Pre-Debate Webcast
Debate Highlights
Democratic Response
Democrats Answer Gay Question at Debate
Dennis Kucinich on Jay Leno
Dodd on Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Edwards - A New Strategy Against Terrorism
Edwards - Introduced by Steve Skvara at USW UMWA
Edwards - Manchester Q&A
Edwards - Q&A Educational Disparity
Edwards Getting In Front of Clinton On Health Care
edwards MTV-MySpace Presidential Dialogue
Edwards On Health Care
Edwards on Raising Captial Gains Rate
Edwards Response To Bush
Elizabeth Edwards With GM Strikers
Fire Chief Lewis Hayes On Why He Supports Rudy
fns Specter and Leahy on Larry Craig
Fred Calls National House Parties
Fred in Cedar Rapids
Fred in Des Moines 9-6-07
Fred on HillaryCare
Fred on MoveOn.org's Attack on Petraeus
Fred On the Road - Council Bluffs
Fred Thompson - Radio Interview
Fred Thompson Interview in Austin
Fred Thompson's Web Announcement
gallup Bill Clinton's Role
Gallup Tests Greenspan
gingrich Iraqi Government More Productive Than Congress
Giuliani Attacks Clinton in First Web Ad
Giuliani On How To Win the War
Giuliani on Social Security
Gov. Haley Barbour Introduces Giuliani
Gov. Romney On CNBC's 'Street Signs'
Gov. Romney Puts 'Energetic Approach' To Work
Gravel Discusses Closeted Gays Real Time
Gravel Interviews with 'Voice of America'
Here's Something You Haven't Heard In A While
hillary Been There Done That
Hillary Clinton on Dick Cheney
Hillary Clinton on Ellen
Hillary Clinton on her Health Care Plan
Hitchens On The Surge and Iraq
Huckabee Answers Questions on Climate Change
huckabee FAQs (Working with Congress)
Huckabee FAQs Energy Independence
Hugh Hewitt Interviews Ron Paul
Hugh Hewitt's Ron Paul Interview
I Can Do Better
Jeff Greenfield On Joe Biden
Joe Biden Knocks Richardson, Clinton
Joe Biden on 'The View'
Joe Biden on 'The View'
Joe Biden on the Early Show
Joe Scarborough on Rudy Giuliani
John Bolton on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
John McCain on Iraq, Iran and Ahmadinejad
Jon Meacham on the Thompson Campaign
Kevin Madden On Tonight's Debate
kristol Bush Dropped The Ball On Ahmadinejad
Kucinich speaks at Lebanese Festival in L.A.
Lamar Alexander on Fred Thompson
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Gays in Iran
mccain MoveOn Should Be Thrown Out of This Country
mccain No Surrender
McCain Too Old You Little Jerk
McConnell on MoveOn Ad Attacking Petraeus
Meeting the One Millionth Clinton Supporter
Mike Gravel 'Consistent Since 1971'
Mike Huckabee at OBU
Mike Huckabee on Iraq
Mike Huckabee's Closing Statement at the Values Voters Debate
Mitt Romney In Sacramento, CA
Mitt Romney's Remarks to the NRA
N.H. Debate 30-Sec Round
N.H. Debate Barack as a President of Hope
N.H. Debate Biden on Giuliani's Foreign Policy
N.H. Debate Dems on Torture
N.H. Debate Why Obama is Running for President
Newt Gingrich on Hillary Clinton
NH Pre-Debate Madness
No Surrender Tour South Carolina
Norman Podhoretz on World War IV
Obama at Tom Harkin Steak Fry
Obama On Iraq
Obama on LinkedIn
Obama on Today Show
Obama Rally in New York
Part 2 of Bollinger's Introduction
Petraeus Responds to Moveon.org
Poll Shows Republican Race Tightening
President Bush Addresses the Troops in Anbar
President Bush on FY2008 Budget
President Bush Speech, Luntz Reax
President Bush's Speech at the United Nations
richardson N.H. Post Debate Interview
Richardson Supporters in Miami for Univision Debate
romney Ahmadinejad Shouldn't Go To UN
Romney on O'Reilly
Romney On The Debate
Romney Responds to Hillary's Health Plan
Romney Response To Bush
Romney's Iraq Is A Mess Comments
Romney's New FL Ad Energy
Ron Paul's Closing Statement at the Values Voters Debate
Ron Silver on Rudy
Rudy Giuliani A Betrayal of Trust
Rudy Giuliani a Liberal
Rudy Giuliani at the National Rifle Association
Rudy on Fox and Friends, 9-16-07
Rudy's Internet Kickoff
Running with Rudy in San Diego
Running With Rudy Yogi and Rudy
Secretary of Defense Cheney on Iraq in 1992
Sen. Feingold Questions Gen. Petraeus
So Honest It's Almost To A Fault
Student Zapped During Kerry Speech
Students for Barack Obama
Tancredo on Fox and Friends 9-5
The Real Rudy
thompson I'd Have Voted Against Drug Benefit
Thompson on The Tonight Show
Thompson's First Ad
Tom Harkin Introduces Obama
Univision Debate Spin Room
Video from Six Years Ago
vilsack Rudy's Got 'A Very Interesting Past'
Warner Announces His Retirement
Wexler's Statement on Iraq Surge
What Mark Warner's Ads May Look Like....
'Winning By One Vote Is a Win'
1982 Larry Craig Denial of Sex With Male Pages
A Conversation with Robert Novak
A conversation with Sen. John McCain
A Conversation with Senator Joseph Biden
A Conversation with Thomas Friedman
African American Men For Hillary
Al Franken On Bush, Coleman
An Hour with Rudy Giuliani
Anti-Iraq Ad Americans United For Change
Ari Fleischer On Freedom's Watch Group, Iraq
Arkansas Gov. Endorsement Of Clinton
army TNR's Beauchamp Is False
Ask Bill Energy Solutions and Foreign Relations
Audience Questions
Barack in New Hampshire August 19-21
Barack Obama in New Orleans
Barack Obama Walks Through Gentilly
Biden On Today Show
Bill Kristol on The Daily Show
Bill Richardson on Late Edition 8-26
Boycott Or Punish China For Dangerous Imports
Bring Back The Draft
brownback 'I Will Never Sign a Tax Increase'
Brownback At Firing Range
Brownback Responds to Romney
Brownback Talks Straw Poll Strategy
Brownback's Iraq Position
bush 1,500 Terrorists Killed or Captured in Iraq Each Month
Cheney '94 Toppling Saddam Would Create Quagmire
Chris Wallace vs. Bill Moyers
clinton Extend Benefits to Families of Wounded Vets
Clinton On Immigration
Clinton's Electability Argument
Club For Growth Mike Huckabee or Bill Clinton
Coleman Calls For Craig's Resignation
Congressional Report Card
Conversation With Gen. Colin Powell
Daily Show on Mitt Romney
Debunking Third-World Myths Of Health, Wealth
Dem War Critic Rep. Baird Stay In Iraq Longer
Dodd On CNBC
dodd Suspend Import Of Chinese Food, Toys
dodd Tax Polluters
Economic Advisors of Three Leading Democratic Presidential Campaigns
Edwards - Rebuilding New Orleans
Edwards At Yearly Kos
Edwards Explains His Health Care Plan To Crowds
Edwards Highlight Reel
Edwards vs. Biden On Labor Support
Edwin Meese on Bush, Iraq Study Group
Federal Gov't Employs Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants
fns Could the Surge Be Working
gingrich Win The War At Home
Gingrich's Challenge
Giuliani At Hannity's Freedom Concert
giuliani Free Market Better w-Serious Illness
giuliani I Turned Around A Coal Company
giuliani Immigration Stance Hasn't Changed, Technology Has
Giuliani On Gun Control, NRA In 1995
Giuliani On Iraq
Giuliani Works The Iowa State Fair
Governor Culver on Iowa Caucus Date
Governor Romney On Bloomberg TV
hillary Bush Leading Assault on Science
Hillary Clinton's First Ad
hillary Improving Health Care Quality
Hillary on Gonzales Resignation
Hillary on Letterman, 8-30-07
House Erupts in Chaos
Huckabee In Iowa
Huckabee On Hardball
huckabee Rights And Responsibilites
Huckabee's Ames Speech
Huckabee's Big Four
hunter America's Strength is Going Offshore
IAFF Endorses Chris Dodd for President
If John McCain Were A Tree (Stump)...
Interview With Karl Rove
Interview With Sen. John Warner
Iran, Iraq Are More Than Chess Squares
Iraq, Pakistan Debate
John Edwards - A Survivor's Question
John Edwards at LiveStrong on Corporate Lobbyists
John Edwards at YDA Conference
John Edwards Takes on Rudy Giuliani
John McCain Courageous Service
Journalists on Karl Rove's Resignation
Luntz Focus Group Obama Won
luntz Fred Thompson Is Waiting To Long
Max Boot On Iraq Withdrawal Plans
mccain Consequences of Defeat
McCain In New Hampshire
McCain Interview On South Carolina TV
McCain On Immigration
mccain Surge Is Working, I Was Right
mccain We Weren't Going To Do Ames
Michelle Obama Can't Run Own House, Can't Run White House
Minneapolis Bridge Collapse & Aftermath
Misreporting Obama
More Rove 2008 Presidential Predictions
newt How The Right Should Respond to Environmentalism
Nixon's 1972 Re-Election Strategy, Featuring Rove
nukes Armageddon Or Balance of Power
obama Bush Admin. Objective To Destroy The Labor Movement
Obama Gaffe Air raiding villages and killing civilians
Obama In New Hampshire
Obama On Education
Obama on The Daily Show
Obama's New Orleans Video
Obama's Speech
Paul Gigot on his interview with Karl Rove
Peter Robinson Interviews John McCain
Pro-Iraq Ad Freedom's Watch
Racism Is Reason D.C. Doesn't Have Voting Rights
richardson Bush, Cheney Appeasing Musharraf
richardson No Residual Troops Left In Iraq
Richardson's LGBT Damage Control
romney 'Change Begins in Iowa'
Romney Defends Sons Not Being In Military
Romney Hits Rudy On Sanctuary Cities
Romney On Immigration At The Border
Romney on Kudlow
Romney on Obama Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove
Romney On Sanctuary Cities (Again)
Romney Radio Ad Hitting Sanctuary Cities
romney Surge Of Support
Romney Unplugged
Romney's 24 Hours In Iowa
Romney's 24 Hours On The Trail
Romney's Abortion Position(s)
Romney's Ames Victory
Romney's Heated Exchange On Health Care
Romney's Support for Surge Effort
Ron Paul On Civil Liberities
Ron Paul On Morning Joe
Ron Paul's Iowa Ad
Ron Paul's Pork
Ron Paul, 1988
Rove On Rush
Rove, Bush Press Conference
Roy Blunt You Lost The Vote
Rudy '96 On Immigrants In NYC
rudy McCain Would Be My Pick
Rudy on CNBC on Cutting Taxes
Rudy On Lowering Taxes
Sen. Durbin's Salute to YearlyKos and the Netroots
Sen. Larry Craig 'I Did Nothing Wrong'
Senator Warner, Don't Surrender To Al Qaeda
Sens. Durbin, Casey On The Surge
Slate Re-eneactment of Sen. Craig's Mens Room Experience
South Carolina Pushes GOP Primary Date Earlier
Tancredo and Geraldo Debate Sanctuary Cities
Tancredo at Ames
Tancredo On Cavuto
Ted Stevens to Dana Bash Understand English
Ten Minutes With McCain
Thompson at the Iowa State Fair
Thompson On Federalism
Tommy Thompson at Ames
Tonight Show McCain Fires Away at Rumsfeld
Tonight Show McCain Makes an Announcement
Tonight Show McCain Talks About YouTube
Trade, NAFTA and WTO
What Craig Should Have Said
Why Imus Mattered
Wyden, Hoekstra On FISA
Yearly Kos '07 Debate Part I
Yearly Kos '07 Debate Part II
Yearly Kos '07 Debate Part III
Yesterday's Iraq Carnage, Political Turmoil
A Bump For Bush
A Conversation About Iraq with John Burns
A Conversation with Senator Richard Lugar
A discussion about Hillary Clinton
All YouTube Questions
Ann Romney on CBS Early Morning
Attacking Obama's Money Trail
Barney Frank On Darfur Divestment
Biden Attacks Rudy, GOP
Biden on Iraq
Biden Pushing IED-Resistant Vehicles
Biden, Richardson, Clinton on Darfur
Bill Clinton Defends Wife
Bush and the Budget
Charlie Rose A Conversation with Dennis Ross
Clinton Asks Supporters To Make Ads
Clinton on Bush's Commuting of Libby's Sentence
Clinton On Iraq
Clinton On Women
clinton What Happened To Politics Of Hope
Clinton, Edwards Talk Of Excluding Candidates
CNN Focus Group Rates Obama's Diplomacy Answer
CNN-YouTube Debate Biden on Iraq
Dodd at National Educational Association
DSCC Attack Ad on Sen. Sununu
Edwards in New Orleans
Edwards Meets With Poultry Workers
Edwards On Affirmative Action
Edwards on Iraq
Edwards On Raising Capital Gains Tax
Edwards on Trade
edwards Take Away Power Of The Bigs
Edwards, Clinton and Thompson
feinstein War Supporters Smoking Something
Fundraising Numbers and Scooter Libby
gingrich FedEx vs. Federal Government
gingrich U.S. Is In Phony War
Giuliani Addresses SC Firefighters
Giuliani Explains Position on Guns
Giuliani Explains Position on Guns
Giuliani On His 12 Commitments
giuliani U.N. Irrelevant, More Action Needed on Darfur
GOP & YouTube = Democrats & Fox
GOP Defections on the War
gore Why Bush Attacked Iraq
Huckabee's Kind Words For Clinton
Hugh Hewitt vs. Jake Tapper
Hunter Defends Ramos & Compean
Interview With Fred Siegel
Is Al Qaeda Stronger
James Lowe Speaks With Edwards
Jihad Watch on Keith Ellison
Land of Lincoln
limbaugh It's Time for a Pardon, Mr. President
Matthews on Libby
McCain Hopes To Renew Campaign In N.H.
McCain's Campaign Troubles
Meeting with Hostile Leaders Clinton vs. Obama
Michael Moore vs. Wolf Blitzer
Michael Rectenwald vs. Tucker
Miguel Estrada Endorses Giuliani
North Korea and Iraq
O'Reilly On JetBlue's DailyKos Sponsorship
Obama at National Educational Association
Obama Breaks Down War Cost
Obama Calls Supporters
Obama Explains Iraq Opposition
obama How To Reduce Special Interest Influence
Obama in Iowa on Iraq
Obama on Iraq, Clinton
obama U.S. Fighting On Wrong Battlefields
Obama Walks The Picket Line in Chicago
Obama's 4th of July Card Game
Obama, Clinton On Meeting Dictators
Patton on the War on Terror
RCP's McIntyre On C-SPAN's Washington Journal
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. Impeach Bush
Rep. Melissa Bean Not Fit for Illinois
RFK Jr. Slams Climate Change Skeptics as 'Traitors'
romney Clinton Couldn't Get Elected in France
Romney On Higher Education
Romney Supports The Surge
romney Track Sex Offenders For Life
Ron Paul Freedom is Popular
Ron Paul's Theme Song
rudy Urban Legend
Sheehan On Al-Jazeera
Tancredo on Cavuto
Tancredo Vid Romney Supports Amnesty
Thompson In Texas
Trippi's Warning for Republicans
Voters React YouTube Debate
WashingtonPost.com Podcast w-John McIntyre
WashingtonPost.com Podcast w-John McIntyre
Webb vs. Graham on Meet The Press
Welcome to HillCam
Wolfson Defends DailyKos
A Bloomberg Candidacy
A Conversation with Judge Robert H. Bork
afscme Barack Obama On Iraq
afscme Hillary Clinton on Iraq
afscme John Edwards On Iraq
Assessing McCain's Campaign
Attack on Romney's Campaing Finance Position
Barack Obama in Pittsburgh
Biden on Darfur
Biden on Iraq Vote
Brian Lamb vs. Michael Savage
Brownback On the Road in Iowa
Charlie Rose A Conversation with Nancy Pelosi
Chris Dodd Swings at MSM
Chris Matthews Blooper
Clinton Booed at Take Back America
Clinton on AIDS
Clinton's Sopranos Spoof Video
Coulter on Edwards
Dem Debate - Health Care
Do Democrats Want an Immigration Bill
Edwards on Global Warming
Edwards, Obama Exchange on Iraq
Elizabeth Edwards vs. Ann Coulter
Frank Luntz Romney Won
Fred Thompson in London (part four)
Fred Thompson in London (part one)
Fred Thompson in London (part three)
Fred Thompson in London (part two)
Fred Thompson on Jay Leno
Fred Thompson Pro-Life Video Address
Fred Thompson's Candidacy
Fred Thompson's Candidacy
Gen. Petraeus on Progress in Iraq
Giuliani Courts D.C.-Area Jewish Group
Giuliani on Health Care Plan
Gonzales and Harry Reid's Senate
GOP N.H. Debate Confronting Iran
GOP N.H. Debate Giuliani on Abortion
GOP N.H. Debate Huckabee on Evolution
GOP N.H. Debate McCain on Iraq
GOP N.H. Debate Romney on Health Care
GOP N.H. Debate Romney on Immigration
GOP N.H. Debate The Future of the GOP
GOP N.H. Debate Was It Right to Invade Iraq
Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft
House Republican Video Fighting For the Taxpayer
Huffington on Clinton
I've Got a Crush on Fred Thompson's Politics
Immigration and Gen. Peter Pace
Immigration and Michael Bloomberg
Immigration Reform Makes Comeback
inhofe Clinton and Boxer Want to Reign in Talk Radio
Jim Cramer on Mitt Romney
Joe Biden & the 'Iowa Factor'
Joe Biden on Outrageous Oil Companies
John Edwards at Cooper Union
John Fund on Thompson's Baby Steps
John Kerry on the Fairness Doctrine
Kucinich Discusses Fairness Doctrine on Lou Dobbs
Kudlow Interviews Fred Thompson
Larry King Anderson Gets More Time. Why
Matthews Apologizes for On-Air Swear
McCain Campaign Mitt Romney on Abortion -- May 27, 2005
McCain In Trouble What You Smokin'
McConnell On The Fairness Doctrine
Mitt Romney Blasts Jimmy Carter
MSNBC's Scarborough Demeans Fred Thompson's Wife
N.H. GOP Debate Hunter on Immigration
N.H. Republican Debate
New York Times' Jeff Gerth on Hillary
Pat Robertson Reviews Rudy
PBS Feature on Romney's Online Efforts
Petraeus vs. Congress
President Bush Throws a Strike at the 2001 World Series
Protesters Clash With Police At G8 Summit In Germany
Rahmbo Takes on Cheney
Rather Slams Couric For 'Dumb It Down' Kind of News
Reagan - Tear Down This Wall
Reagan Attorney General Meese on Immigration Bill
Richardson at Take Back America Conference
Richardson's Commitment to Roe v. Wade
Romney Campaign Full Veto Clip
Second Democratic Debate
Sweet Home GoreObama
The Aftermath of the Immigration Bill
The GOP Hearts Ted
The Today Show On The Trail With Mitt Romney
The Upcoming Energy Bill
Thompson in South Carolina (Part I)
Thompson in South Carolina (Part II)
Thompson in South Carolina (Part III)
Thompson Responds to Attacks on Lobbying Career
VP Candidate Al Gore on Iraq's Terror Connection
Warren Buffett with Hillary Clinton
Washington Post Podcast with John McIntyre
Waxman Investigates GSA Misconduct
YouTube Interview with John Edwards
A Conversation with Paul Wolfowitz
Al Sharpton on Romney's Religion
An Hour with Former Vice President Al Gore
Ben Affleck, P.J. O'Rourke & Bill Maher on 2008 GOP Field
Bill Clinton Promotes Hillary
Bill Richardson for President
Bush vs. Conservatives
Charlie Rose Condoleezza Rice
Democrats, United on Terrorism - John Edwards
FNC Debate Abortion
FNC Debate Economy and Taxes
FNC Debate Giuliani v. Paul
FNC Debate Immigration
FNS Roundtable Clinton and the Iraq War
FNS Roundtable Giuliani and Clinton
FNS Roundtable Immigration
Fred Thompson in California
Fred Thompson Responds to Michael Moore
Gen. Batiste on Olbermann
gma Al Gore
GOP Debate Abortion
GOP Debate Iran
GOP Debate Iraq
GOP Debate Osama bin Laden
Hannity & Colmes Fred Thompson
Hardball Panel Giuliani and Abortion
hardball Rep. Rahm Emanuel
hardball Sen. Jim Webb
McCain on O'Reilly
Mitt Romney on Jay Leno
Mitt Romney on the Contract with America
Newt Gingrich on GMA
NJ Gov. Corzine's PSA
Obama vs. Clinton
President Bush Explains His Veto
Rep. Mike Pence on Immigration
rudy Global War On Terror Not a Bumper Sticker
Rudy Speaks At Houston Baptist University
Special Report Roundtable After the Veto
Special Report Roundtable Blair's Departure
Special Report Roundtable Cheney in Baghdad
Special Report Roundtable Giuliani on Abortion
Special Report Roundtable Giuliani's Abortion Dilemma
Special Report Roundtable GOP Candidates
Special Report Roundtable GOP Debate
Special Report Roundtable Immigration (cont.)
Special Report Roundtable Immigration Debate
Special Report Roundtable Immigration Politics
Special Report Roundtable Sarkozy's Victory
Special Report Roundtable The Democratic Congress
Special Report Roundtable The GOP Field
Special Report Roundtable The GOP in S.C.
Special Report Roundtable U.S.-Iran Negotiations
Special Report Roundtable Wolfowitz
This Week Panel Immigration Reform
This Week Panel Obama
This Week Panel On Earlier Primaries
Your World w- Neil Cavuto Rupert Murdoch
Charlie Rose A Conversation with Gen. Petraeus
Charlie Rose A Conversation with President Bush
FNS Roundtable Weighing the Democratic Field
FNS w- Chris Wallace Sens. Schumer & Specter
Hardball Panel Discusses GOP Debate
Hardball w- Chris Matthews Democratic Debate Preview
Hardball w- Chris Matthews Panel Questions Iglesias
Hardball w- Chris Matthews Sen. Durbin
McCain Announces
Meet the Press Biden on Iraq
NewsHour w-Jim Lehrer Brooks and Shields
S.C. Democratic Debate Abortion
S.C. Democratic Debate Response to Terrorist Attack
S.C. Democratic Primary Debate
Situation Room Reid on Iraq, Gen. Petraeus
Special Report Roundtable Dems on Defense
Special Report Roundtable McCain's Announcement
Special Report Roundtable Tenet's New Book
Special Report Roundtable The Iraq Spending Bill
Special Report w- Brit Hume Roundtable Gonzales' Future
Special Report w- Brit Hume Roundtable
This Week Panel The Iraq War
This Week Roundtable on Abortion

Another Obama Ad on Health Care
Franken Ad Says Coleman Used Wellstone Story to Make Him Look Angry
McCain Web Video Explains Obama-Ayers Ties
McCain-Palin Interview with Hannity
New Obama Ad Criticizes McCain Mortgage Plan
Obama Interview with Gibson

stories +

Flashback - Eliot Spitzer - Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime - washingtonpost.com
A Rescue Plan That Didn't
As Economy Sags, Obama Soars
Does Obama Ever Disagree w-Dems
Elliot Spitzer Died for Wall Street’s Sins
Health Care is a Right
McCain Economics Still Bush League
McCain Misunderstands Meaning of Honor
Obama Projects a Steady Temperament
Obama's Race May Be as Much a Plus as a Minus
The Question Obama Won't Answer
The Race Isn't Necessarily Over
ThomHartmann.com - Economic Terrorism
ThomHartmann.com - How Wall Street Can Bail Itself Out Without Destroying The Dollar
Will 2008 Be a Major Realigning Election
YouTube - Fear Mongering exposed by Mr. Sherman on CSPAN