"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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09 October 2008

9 Oct -

A Look at Steve Fossett's Super Secret Flying, Diving, Space Bound Submersible
flashback - Ayers' Weathermen firebombed judge's home while family slept
Site - BibleWheel.com
site - Etheric Rain Engineering
Site - Ice Age Now
'Bill Ayers forced me to have sex' with roommate
'Can't come to my party! ... can't come to my show. It's nothing personal'
'Going to help some families, but the overall economy is in the hands of God at this point'
'Help me today in welcoming the next vice president of the United States, John McCain!'
'Hillary was right You can't trust Obama with your guns'
'I don't even know the entire scope of it because registrations are coming in so heavy'
'I don't know anyone ... heavily involved in education policy who doesn't know Bill Ayers'
'Moving a patient of that magnitude is very difficult'
'No time for partisan fingerpointing'
'Obama Nation' author departs Kenya after detention, foiled news conference
'She opposes the right to birth control'
'Somehow the McCain folks manage to keep their charter clean'
'Steady base of recurring revenue and profits, investments for growth in emerging markets'
'They just believe they get better care, they have more privacy if they manage it themselves'
'This despicable ruling not of the people, nor for the people, but against the people'
'This is not something you can catch with your internal controls, apparently'
'Unbreakable' encryption unveiled
'We found insufficient evidence it offers protection to men who have sex with men'
10 minutes not enough – woman hospitalized with collapsed lung
10s of thousands in battleground contests eligible but kicked off rolls
2 missing U.S. journalists found, held in Syria
20-year-old faces up to 5 years in jail, $250,000 fine if convicted
2012 No Geomagnetic Reversal Universe Today
2nd event in 2 days destroyed 7 cabins, knocked down trees, raised dust plume
35 Christians killed, 50,000 forced from homes by Hindu mobs enraged at swami's murder
A decade of Internet superstars
A Fey-Palin comedy summit Stay tuned
Action to be dropped if New Orleans follows plan for returning weapons
Activist was protesting acquittal of New York City police in wedding day slaying
Ad guru Jim Whelan The wise man knows that how you spend it is the key to real wealth
Ad Hits Ayers-Obama Friendship
Adam 'Pacman' Jones Brawls With Bodyguard
Advice dispensed on FICO score issue, marriage finances, paying for college
Alien used fake Social Security number to buy 2 home, amass $780,000 in bad debt
Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama - Los Angeles Times
Alternative to embryos could be used for 'spare parts' without risk of rejection
Ammon Shea left with onomatomania after reading Oxford dictionary from A to Z - Times Online
Ancient Peru pyramid spotted by satellite - Discovery.com- msnbc.com
Angry about economy Smash some plates and move on
Ann Coulter lays out list of misstatements Biden made in VP debate
Appears not to have been retouched 'A clear slap in the face'
As Sales Slow, Wholesale Inventories Rise
author 'Why would networks deny viewers the facts'
Ayers (McCain ad)
Back From the Brink of Death, Boy, 9, Gets New Heart
Bad boys can blame behaviour on their hormones - being-human - 30 September 2008 - New Scientist
Banks scolded for evicting 'innocent' renters
BBC NEWS Science & Environment 'Deepest ever' living fish filmed
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Virgin to join climate experiment
Bear markets, recoveries rarely have a clear V shape – this 1 is trickier than usual
beldarblog Coffin nails, lies, and the junior senator from Illinois
Big fossil found in Ike-ravaged home's front yard - Yahoo! News
Body of Calif. congresswomen's brother found
Bomb Hits Police Center in Islamabad
Bomb kills senior Iraqi lawmaker
Brazil flies penguins to South Atlantic
Brinkley Denied Restraining Order Request
Burned! Washington state woman shot by stove (AP)
Bush 'Battered' by Economic Crisis
Bush signs order to ease switch to next president
But Bush spokeswoman 'railroads' over question about Ayers
Camera combo devices not a one-stop solution
Campaign seeks to curb 'homophobic language,' tells teens 'knock it off'
Can 'Google Goggles' Stop Drunk E-Mailing
Can Robots Build Better Braces
Cartoonists find humor in global financial crisis
Caylee's Mom Might Soon Be Charged With Murder
Cheaper rivals force bordello out of business after 40 years of infamy
China Bans a Company’s Herbal Medicine
City bonuses to drop 60% from peak times in 2008
Clergyman wants 'gays' labeled with health alert similar to those on cigarette packets
CNN announces Top 10 Heroes
Community Torn Apart By Immigration Raid
Company spent $440,000 on spa treatments, banquets, golf outings
Computer chips may foil cactus thieves
Concerned many are renters unaware their landlords have been failing to pay mortgages
Conspiracy theorists on UFOs and Large Hadron Collider connection - Louth Leader
Conventional wisdom says flee small-cap stocks economy tumbles – maybe not right now
Cops laughed, saluted as he passed through tunnels multiple times
Cost Overruns Threaten Next Mars Rover Project
Could Tina Fey Bring Down McCain-Palin
Court dismisses lawsuit to halt particle collider tests
Crackdown on tight trousers cancelled
Criminals targeted in U.S. kidnap capital
Dana Milbank - Open Season on Small Game - washingtonpost.com
Dead man on campus 'Zombie tag' a growing game at colleges
Deal comes on top of 1 made to troubled company last month
Debbie Schlussel - Muslims, Arabs Didn't Invent Falafel or Hummus....
Debbie Schlussel - Howard Stern Demonstrates Cluelessness of Obama's Harlem Supporters
Debbie Schlussel - Guy Who Defrauded Medicaid...
Debbie Schlussel - Hezbollah-Arafat Senator Has Prominent McCain Role
Debbie Schlussel - In Observance of Yom Kippur
Debbie Schlussel - Joe Biden's Judge Releases Qaeda Gitmo Terrorists
Debbie Schlussel - One of the Side Effects of Teacher-Student Sex
Dems combine to banish 'anti-gay discrimination'
Denies he meddled in her administration to try to settle family dispute
Despite denial by candidate, political group, scrubbed webpage found in Internet archive
Did ACORN Take Obama's Get In Their Face Rallying Cry Literally
Different styles, same goal How the candidates made it work
Distinctive blanket leads to burglary suspects
Do We Live in a Giant Cosmic Bubble LiveScience
Doctors accused over airport bombing on trial
Doll Thought to Say 'Islam is the Light' Sparks Outrage
Drug Toting Teachers Defiling South Korea
Drunken man finds his way home — just not his home (AP)
enquirer Friends begging Britney's 17-year-old sister to have abortion
Error message claims video won't play without installing new software 1st
exclusive Craig Smith says nothing goes up forever
exclusive Craige McMillan puts ACORN in same class as Nazis, commies, Russia
exclusive Ellis Washington critiques justice's recent lecture on originalism
exclusive Erik Rush sees specter of grave social turmoil in wake of financial meltdown
exclusive Ernest Istook defends Reagan, free market from meltdown finger pointing
exclusive Fred Goldstein says little treasures won't be secret for long
exclusive Jack Cashill shows how media ignore literary scams when it suits them
exclusive Jane Chastain counts the costs of punching ballot for Barack
exclusive Joseph Farah indicts culture for epidemic of sending nude pix via cell phone
exclusive Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
exclusive Phil Elmore dispels idea government can somehow make firearms 'safer'
exclusive Roger Simmermaker highlights 'ShopFor America.com'
exclusive Ron Strom tells how Focus chief could have shaken election to its core
exclusive What Has NSA Really Heard
Fake YouTube Pages Snare Victims
Features electronic parking aids, automatic transmission, 'feminine' colors
Firefox users gain location tool
First interstellar spam broadcast
FOXNews.com - Horrifying X-Ray of Teen Stabbed in Head Released - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
From Outsider to Ultimate Insider
Frustrated moms, dads dumping kids at hospitals – even crossing state lines to do it
Futurists predict a bull market for escapism - Los Angeles Times
G.O.P. Facing Tougher Battle for Congress
Gene-testing start-up's study aims to counter critics
Germ linked to dairy kills three in outbreak CDC
Gets taste of farm life 'There's a lot more to this than meets the eye'
Girl who bleeds without being cut baffles doctors - Telegraph
Girls Found in Freezer Identified
GOP candidate proposes spending $300 billion to buy out 'underwater' homeowners
GOP candidate proposes spending $300 billionto buy out, renegotiate 'underwater' home loans
GPs 'paid more for working less'
Greg Palast - Ring of Fire Radio - Steal Back Your Vote!
Greg Palast - Steal Back Your Vote!
Group's deserved reputation for militance balanced by less-well-known 'inside strategy'
groups Dismantle W. Va. plant's chemical piles
Groups Wants Next President to Disclose 'Truth' About UFOs Autopia from Wired.com
Growing number of city-dwellers raising their own poultry, despite local ordinances
Guy's Take On London's Gritty Underworld
Hasn't relinquished lead in poll since he went ahead in late September
Hearings being held across country challenging immigration officials' actions
Heavy Metal-Eating Superworms Unearthed in U.K.
How Green Is Plant-Derived Gasoline
How safe is your city Put it to the bicycle test
If 'he has a consistent 5 point lead ... it would be very, very, very dramatic out there'
In debate, McCain and Obama battle mostly to a draw - Los Angeles Times
In Mexico, shopping for the right thing to wear at the wrong end of a gun - International Herald Tribune
Incident occurred after prosecutor visited high schools, warned students
Indonesian program seeks to win cooperation, reduce public support for violence
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology Chile Intraterrestrials in the Chilean Desert
Insider reports thousandsgiven to 'various officials'
Invisibility cloaks could take sting out of tsunamis - tech - 29 September 2008 - New Scientist Tech
iReporters learning to live with less
Is World War III Next
It's All in Your Poo New Test Better at Finding Cancer
Jessica Bennett details myriad ways culture is stealing children's innocence
Kirk Douglas fired up over blacklist, slavery
Labels Obama dangerous candidate due to tie with ex-domestic terrorist
LAIR OF THE BEASTS Do Mammoths Still Roam Mania.com
Larry Elder highlights poll showing Americansclueless about percentage of taxes wealthy pay
Last year, for 1st time, more infants went to families in country than to foreigners
Libya begins paying terror victims
Livni elected by just 431 votes amid charges of fraud, ballot stuffing
Low testosterone a problem in young diabetic men
Luxury Goods Industry to Face Hard Times
Mad Science Eight Real-Life Doctor Frankensteins Who Pushed the Boundaries of Life and Death
Man Allowed to Fly After Grenades Found in Luggage
Man indicted in murder of Denver Broncos' Williams
Man who survived childhood firebombing by Weather Underground describes attack on father
Man's 'Viva Viagra' missile misfires in NYC court (AP)
Market Volatility Continues
Mars Mission in Jeopardy
Michio Kaku - Impossible Science
Mike Lester draws McCain, Obama hitting up Uncle Sam
Montenegro recognizes Kosovo independence
More moves expected in effort to stabilize financial system
Multi-drug 'polypill' finally to tackle heart problems - health - New Scientist
N. Korea Bars IAEA Inspectors From Nuclear Reactor Site
N. Korea Ending Its Nuclear Freeze
NASA - A Star That Bursts, Blinks and Disappears
NATO bolsters anti-pirate force off Somalia
NATO sending ships to tackle Somali pirates
Nato to target Somalia's pirates
Nevada ACORN accused of submitting multiple registrations with duplicate, false names
New NRA spots will air in battleground states such as Ohio, Virginia, Florida
Next step in 'socially responsible investing' arrives
Obama Campaign Taking No Chances
Obama could steal Virginia from GOP
Obama Projects Cool and Steady Temperament
official They could use smuggling routes, bring weapons of mass destruction to U.S.
OPEC announces special meeting as oil prices fall
Pair who 'finally had enough' of each other go their separate ways ... literally
Palin on SNL 'All in good time,' producer says
Patients reach across the Web, find help
pelosi U.S. needs $150 billion stimulus
Phyllis Schlafly Senator's 'Dreams' book is racial extremism at its worst
Playboy's Hugh Hefner, girlfriend call it quits
Police look to trade 'gas hogs' for fuel-efficient fleet
President Barack Hoover
Pterosaurs couldn't soar, says expert
Pulls out of buffer zones around rebel regions, 2 months after conflict over South Ossetia
Race mirrors 1980 election between Reagan, Carter
Rent at twice market 'I can't help it if the lawsays I should get paid that amount of money'
Report Fluorescent bulbs may do more harm than good
Robert Scheer lists Bible-like tragedies visited on nation thanks to 'W'
Rockers more concerned with cashing in on Swinging Sixties than speaking for generation
Russian PM featured in new martial arts DVD
Safe Haven Or Excuse to Dump Kids
Saudi stock market tumbles into 2-day rout across Gulf
Say little evidence to confirm techniques work to actually find terrorists
Says 'public intervention would have endangered lives in monasteries'
Says business lobby no longer nonpartisan, 'has turned into a wing' of GOP
Says could have made millions more per year if network had not defrauded him before firing
Says Obama vote to not fund troops 'sent a cold chill through my body'
Says rival trying to 'score cheap political points' by attacking character
Scientist warns cash woes 'devastating' to science
Section of 2,000-year-old burial chamber part of Muslim building
See a Pattern on Wall Street - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com
Self-described 'hockey mom' to join winner of team promotion for 'Ultimate Hockey Mom'
Senator unintentionally bringing black voters out in record numbers to support ban
Sex-saturated Bacchanalia boiling up from underworld
Shifts arsenal of missiles to nearby island, bans U.N. inspectors
Shiite Lawmaker Killed by Roadside Bomb in Baghdad
Skinny-dipping tailgater accused of kneeing cop (AP)
SPACE.com -- Huge Planet Defies Explanation
SPACE.com -- Spacecraft Reveals Stunning New Views of Mercury
Sperm Free-for-All 30 Pregnancies by Same Man
Stanley Kurtz' latest research into Barack Obama's ties to terrorist Bill Ayers and Palestinian advocate Rashid Khalidi
State has overtaken Massachusetts in number of same-sex marriages performed
Stephen Hawking Our future is in space
Steven Pearlstein - For the New Contagion, the Same Old Prescriptions - washingtonpost.com
Suspected U.S. Drone Fires Missile Into Pakistan
Syria Has U.S. Journalists Reported Missing in Lebanon
Team leader says co-workers were 'lazy crackheads'
The Audacity of Hope versus The Erosion of Doubt
The Colors of the Moon
The Design of Extremely Large Telescopes Wired Science from Wired.com
The Devil's Final Battle
The Reckoning Taking Hard New Look at a Greenspan Legacy
The Trends Research Institute® - Tracking, Analyzing and Forecasting International Business Trends
Think fat just hangs around and does nothing It doesn't
Todd Palin Sarah In Dark On Troopergate
Tom Shales - A Showdown That Was More of a Letdown - washingtonpost.com
Too little, too late for half-ton Mexican man
Trademark infringement Company says logo could give wrong impression
Tragedy For U.S. Rep. Sanchez Sisters
Treasury may capitalize banks by end of October source
Turn in confidence, 'We'll see it 1st in the credit markets and then in the equity markets'
Turning carbon dioxide waste into fuel
U.K. men convicted of weaving heroin into Afghan rugs
U.S. Considering Taking Ownership Stakes in Banks
U.S. eyes bank equity stakes as world looks to G7
U.S. military seeks to improve environment, reduce dependency on fossil fuels
U.S. Mulls Propping Up Banks Ahead of G7
U.S. Study Is Said to Warn of Crisis in Afghanistan
UK officials fear man will face death penalty if returned to his native Iran
Ukraine Will Hold Snap Elections
Venezuela to host Russia Navy Exercise in Caribbean
Victims held in dark rooms, beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted to extort ransom
video Daily Debrief Ceatec impressions
Wall St. falls after early gains
Washington Post The Fix blogger Chris Cillizza, meet Rashid Khalidi
Web TV shows porn, without the sex
WHO warns of mental health gap in poor countries
Withdraws offer for rival citing 'substantial deterioration' in economic outlook
witness A 36-hour non-stop run through Greece
Work less than 6 hours a day – loaf for 25% of their time on clock
YouTube - Howard Stern - 1-10-2008 - Sal Interviews Obama Supporters in Harlem
YouTube satire is ‘literally' hilarious
Zero-gravity fashion space suits of the future

'Economic 9-11' exacting grim psychological toll in US - BlackListed News
A master plan for China to bail out America - BlackListed News
AIG, Castigated for Resort Event, Plans Another One - BlackListed News
Alarm Over Plan to Transfer Jerusalem Land to Russia - BlackListed News
Darpa Launches Secret 'Gandalf' Project - BlackListed News
EU President Wants A New World To Come Out Of Complete Reform Of The International Financial System - BlackListed News
Mass Fraud Fears In US Election - BlackListed News
MSNBC McCain linked to Nazis and death squads in Iran-Contra scandal - BlackListed News
New video game literally a mind game - BlackListed News
New World Order is the endgame, says Glen Beck Daily Newscaster
Raytheon KillerBee Demonstrates Capabilities In Simulated Combat Environment - BlackListed News
Revealed Secret Executions Being Carried Out in Saddam's Old Intelligence Headquarters - BlackListed News
The man who invented political Davos - BlackListed News
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control - BlackListed News
U.S. Treasury Calls Emergency Weekend Meeting of G20 - BlackListed News
VIDEO - Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul - BlackListed News
VIDEO - Jim Cramer Time to get out of the stock market - BlackListed News
Wayne Madsen FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law - BlackListed News
news -
236.com - Sarah Palin Video Library - 236.com
GOP fantasizing about a Bill Ayers-Barack Obama twosome
Gretchen Rubin Balanced Life Financial Crisis Why You Shouldn't Follow the Stock Market Too Closely.
New Rule Goldman Sad Sachs
Not a Whole Lot of Town, and Other Debate Reactions
People's Weekly World - Latina girls magazine talks back to Palin
War and Piece - blog - 9 Oct
Site - Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Site - Cost of War National Priorities Project
'Deadly Dozen' Reports Diseases Worsened By Climate Change
'Play or no pay' warning for Pakistan
'Pregnancy pact' school to give out contraceptives
(Opinion) How 25 Years of Gay Activism in Hollywood Has Paid Off
A Warm Breath Of Carbon Dioxide
Advanced Gasification Technology Being Developed
Afghanistan military situation will worsen next year, Mullen says
All Counterterrorism Programs That Collect Data Need Evaluation
Alternative Fossil Fuels Have Economic Potential, Study Shows
analysis Venezuela seeks military power
And the Real Winner Is . . .
AP Exclusive Documents say detainee near insanity - Yahoo! News
Aquatic Plants Offer Cheap Method To Treat Wastewater
Arctic Soil May Pack Twice Greenhouse Gas Punch
Ariane 5 Is Readied For A Dual-Payload Mission
Artist's Print Derides Wall Street Bailout
As We See It Debate to nowhere
Atomic View Reveals How Eye's Retina Works
attorney Casey Preparing For Worst
BBC NEWS Africa Hijacked tanks 'for South Sudan'
Bernanke, Paulson Seek Global Help as Crisis Spreads
biden “McCain campaign is on the ropes”
Biggest Threat' to U.S. in Afghanistan Is Aided by Pakistanis
Bioengineers Fill Holes In Science Of Cellular Self-organization
bobgeiger.com - Webb Urges Halt To U.S. Propaganda In Iraq
BP and the Fuelling of Heathrow ukwatch.net
Bush Forced Into 'Diminished Role' in Economic Crisis
Bush, McCain abuse their legacy Information Clearing House - ICH
California -- the most gay-friendly state in the Union
California's new budget already $1 billion in the red
Can Obama Reform Healthcare
Can Stem Cells Heal Damaged Hearts No Easy Answers, But Some Signs Of Hope
Canada's Afghanistan mission tally 10.5 billion dollars
Canadian Dimension Blog - Afghan war could cost $18.1B; Departments lack transparency
CCPA approves Indo-US nuke agreement for signing tomorrow
Central Banks Starting to Buy Gold
Chicago to Approve Public High School for Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Teens
China says it won't torture Guantanamo detainees
China's currency 'substantially undervalued' IMF
Chinese defense ministry condemns US for Taiwan arms sales
Christie Brinkley Requests Restraining Order Against Ex-Husband
Citi, walk away from Wachovia!
Colin Powell arrives at senator's corruption trial
Colorful Portrait Reveals Star Birth Clues
Cosmic Eye Sheds Light On Early Galaxy
Counterterrorism Programs That Collect And Mine Data Should Be Evaluated For Effectiveness, Report Recommends
Credit Default Swaps
CTA Fare Increase
Daley vows to fire garbage crew slackers
Dan Agin Out of the Mouths of Palin-McCain (2)
Dan Agin Out of the Mouths of Palin-McCain
Death in the deep Volcanoes blamed for mass extinction
Debate was 10th-most watched in US history
Deepest-living Fishes Filmed For First Time
Defense Tech Marines Fund Non-Lethal Heat Ray
Democrats Look To Possible Obama Landslide
Dennis Kucinich on the Democrats’ Bailout Betrayal Information Clearing House - ICH
Dick Cheney’s Song of America
Dinosaur's dominance due to chance, study says
DNA Could Reveal Your Surname
Earl Pomerantz The Sound of Silence
Earliest Animal Footprints Ever Found Show Animals Walking 30 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought
Economic 9 11 exacting grim psychological toll in US
Economic Woes Set Tone for Rivals in 2nd Debate
Enigmatic Billionaire Is Back in Term Limit Fray
EU scientists launch new, 'unbreakable' encryption system
exclusive Inside Account of US Eavesdropping on Americans
Fifty rub n' tugs for $80b - Meeting minutes from the AIG retreat
Firefighters take control of Camp Pendleton wildfire
Foo Fighters to McCain Stop Using Our Song
Fort Gordon listening operation questioned in ABC news report
French army chief rules out military victory in Afghanistan
French Writer Wins Nobel Prize
Fungus Fights Air Pollution By Removing Sulfur From Crude Oil
Future Looks Bleak For One Of World’s Smallest Seal Species
Genome Of Parasite That Causes Relapsing Malaria Decoded
GM Stock Falls To Lowest Level Since 1950
GOP Candidate Challenges Sen. Kerry on AIG Bailout
GOP Renews Complaints Over Voter Registrations
Green Fluorescent Protein 2008 Chemistry Nobel
hack-a-vote Students Learn How Vulnerable Electronic Voting Really Is
Harper at Risk in Canada Vote as Stewardship Pitch Backfires
Highest Power Tabletop Laser Ever Built
Honey Helps To Heal Wounds, Review Suggests
Honeywell Technology Helps Pilots Avoid Runway Overruns
Hutchins defends covert spying by state police
IMF - World economy to slow sharply, led by US
IMF, World Bank Push Joint Action As World on 'Cusp' of Recession
Impact Of Geology On The U.S. Civil War War From The Ground Up
India To Have New Launchpad For Proposed Manned Mission
Intelligence study finds chaos in Afghanistan report
Interbank Rates Still High After Rate Cut
It’s time to shut down ACORN, work against
Joel Schwartzberg The Post-Debate Focus Group Assembly of Odd
John McCain is friends with this drug addict-thief
Kaine to Fire Hundreds of Workers
Larry King Interview Michelle Obama not offended by 'that one' remark
LewRockwell.com - Blog - Galloping centralization
lieberman 'I Worry About' Whether Obama Has 'The Right Stuff To Bomb Iran'
Lloyd Garver Sarah Palin – speakin’ her mind
Long History for Proposal by McCain on Mortgages
Major shock eavesdropping powers abused without oversight
Man charged in Tenn. mall shooting that killed 1
Market Meltdown Makes For Sweeter Setups
McCain ad says Obama 'too risky'
McCain camp disavows use of Obama's middle name
McCain Campaign Tries To See Glass as Half Full
McCain defends mortgage proposal
McCain Housing Proposal Easier Said Than Done
McCain in a Bear Market
McCain is heading for defeat, says Republican analyst World news The Guardian
McCain to Biden Too early to celebrate
McCain's Problems
McCain, Obama offer very different health care plans
McCampaign do-overs Did we say $500 FOR every rape victim We meant FROM
McClatchy Washington Bureau 10-07-2008 New U.S. intelligence report warns 'victory' not certain in Iraq
Method Of Predicting Clear Air Turbulence Could Make Flights Smoother In The Future
Michael Gerson - Health Insurance For All - washingtonpost.com
Michigan election officials deny removing eligible voters from lists
Molecule That Coordinates The Movement Of Cells Identified
N. Korea Bars IAEA Inspectors From Nuclear Reactor Site
NASA Spacecraft Ready To Explore Outer Solar System
NASA's MESSENGER Spacecraft Reveals Mercury As Never Seen Before
National Rifle Association Endorses McCain
NATO May Expand Its Anti-Drug Role in Afghanistan
NATO sending ships to tackle Somali pirates
Never Mind Fraudulent Voter Registrations NY Times Examines ‘Voter Roll Purges’
Never-Paid Freelancers Revolt After Magazine Invites Them To Party
New Fake-Proof Personality Test Created
New Optics For Improved Solar Power Generators
New Self-training Gene Prediction Program For Fungi Developed
New World Order Global co-operation, nationalisation and state intervention - all in one day - The Scotsman
NKorea developing nuke warhead Seoul official
NKorea fires short-range missiles Yonhap
No Oxygen In Eastern Mediterranean Bottom-Water
NRA puts its muscle behind McCain
Obama and Health-Care Equity
Obama Attacks McCain As 'Risky,' 'Erratic'
Obama calls McCain mortgage plan ill-advised
Obama Closes Gap in Indiana
Obama Has Largest Lead Ever over McCain, Poll Shows
Obama May Be Favored Against McCain, but It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
obama McCain's mortgage bailout costly and out of touch
obama McCain's mortgage plan shows 'erratic' leadership - CNN.com
Obama says he'll look out for taxpayers
Obama slams 'risky' McCain mortgage plan
Ocean Floor Geysers Warm Flowing Sea Water
official Registration issues won't affect vote
Ohio high court inmate not too fat to be executed
Oil falls on demand fears, OPEC action uncertainty
Oliver Stone On W It's Not A Political Film
Order to Release Uighur Detainees at Guantanamo Blocked
Outside View Oil price Iran attack factor
Outside View The oil dimension of war
Paper Trail, Tasers in Yacht Murder Case
Pediatric Study Finds Alternatives For Radiation Of Low-grade Brain Tumors
petraeus He'll ‘Let Historians Decide’ What Would've Happened Had US Withdrawn from Iraq
Plant Virus Research Could Lead To New Ways To Improve Crop Yields
Political Radar The Note McCain Changes Mortgage Plan
Poor visibility blamed for Everest plane crash
Portable Imaging System Will Help Disaster Response
Presidential debate a big TV draw
Press TV - Brazil, Argentina abandon US dollar
Pressure on G7 after muted response to rate cuts
Prosecution rests at Stevens trial
Proteins In Sperm Unlock Understanding Of Male Infertility, Says New Study
Qantas Passengers Recount Ordeal as Plane Plunged (Update2)
R.I.P. Good Times -- Crisis Hits Startups
Rap Music Fan Sentenced to Listening to Beethoven
Red Wine May Lower Lung Cancer Risk
Report finds garbage collection workers loafing for hours every day
Reporter Complains About Obama Plane As World's Tiniest Violins Play Piteous Strains
Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
RNC Says ACORN is Undermining the Electoral System
Russia and Brazil crumble as commodity prices crash - Telegraph
Russia Defense Watch Boosting war budgets
Russian warships to visit Libya navy
Saving Liberal Fannies
Scandal forces reform in China dairy industry
Schumer Foresees Possible 60-Seat Democratic Majority in Senate
Scientists Genetically Enhance Scent Of Flowers
Secret Saudi dinner, Karzai's brother and the Taliban - Asia, World - The Independent
Sharpest Whole-Planet Picture Of Jupiter Taken From The Ground
sheriff I will stop enforcing evictions
Sheriff in Chicago Ends Evictions in Foreclosures
Shorts blamed for Morgan Stanley plunge
Signals From An Infant Earth
Silver and Gold Prices The Bailout Bill WILL be Passed - Silver and Gold Prices will take a Whack, but that Won't Last Long
Single Boulder May Prove Connection Betweeen Antarctica And North America
Six powers to discuss Iran in a few days US
Smithsonian ‘Celebrates’ Eugenicist, Anarchist, Pro-Bolshevik Journalist, and Liberal Feminists
Some Thai Protest Charges Dropped
South Africans share views on ANC split
Species Have Come And Gone At Different Rates Than Previously Believed
Spend the Bailout Money on the Middle Class
Spotless Sun Blankest Year Of The Space Age
Stars Stop Forming When Big Galaxies Collide
States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal
Suicide attacks a growing threat in Pakistan
t r u t h o u t US Study Is Said to Warn of Crisis in Afghanistan
Taking The Salt Out Of Sea Water
The ACORN-Obama Voter Registration ‘Thug Thizzle’
The Green Sahara, A Desert In Bloom
The Oldest Rocks On Earth
The Pepperoni Pizza Hypothesis
The Problems With the Ayers Attack
The Project for the New American Century
The Raw Story ABC NSA agents admit spying on Americans' private calls
The Raw Story Anti-US Sadrist MP dies in Baghdad bomb attack
The Raw Story McCain steps up character attack on Obama
The Raw Story World finance chiefs heading for Washington for crunch talks
The secret Downing Street memo
The Upside Of Downside For Boeing
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy The Clintons Are Lurking -
The Weather Underground
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control Information Clearing House - ICH
Tight money markets show more action needed
Time To Face The Facts On Afghanistan Information Clearing House - ICH
Todd Palin Pushed Firing for Years, Probe Told
Toward Freedom - Life as Commerce Criticizing Market-Based Conservation
Traumatic Brain Injury Common Amongst Homeless People
Treasury may capitalize banks by end October source
Turkish Leaders Mull Iraq Buffer Zone
Ukraine president says Dec election is no tragedy
Ukraine Snap Election May Benefit Russia, Impact NATO Bid
US arms sales threaten peace in Taiwan Strait China
US election McCain rallies grow negative as Obama rises in the polls
US says Russian pullout in Georgia 'positive'
US weekly jobless claims fall 20000 to 478000 UPDATE
USA TODAY-Gallup Poll Debate Boosted Obama, Not McCain
Voters Haven't Decided Yet
Voting the Fate of the Nation
Walker's World Bush speaks at last
We Should Have Sold This Country Ten Years Ago
Weather Underground Victim Says Obama Should Have Known of Ayers' Past
White House begins transition meetings - Mike Allen - Politico.com
White House Blasts AIG’s Costly California Retreat
White House Considers Ownership Stakes in Banks
Will allow distribution at high school
World Class Hypocrites NRA Endorses 'Enemy of the 2nd Amendment ...
World Class Hypocrites NRA Endorses 'Enemy of the 2nd Amendment' McCain - MarketWatch
You Paid For It AIG's Retreat Destination, Up Close
ZeroWater(R) Offers First US Water Filter Recycling Program
Zimbabwe Inflation Reaches 231 Million Percent
Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt Information Clearing House - ICH
Israel Wedded To War Information Clearing House - ICH
McCain is deluding himself over the 'surge' Information Clearing House - ICH
McCain Linked to Group in Iran-Contra Affair Information Clearing House - ICH
A crisis made in the Oval Office Information Clearing House - ICH
Former officials say Iran helped on al-Qaida Information Clearing House - ICH
Iran, the IAEA, and the Laptop Information Clearing House - ICH
Olbermann It's Palin doing the pallin' Information Clearing House - ICH
The Debate That Made No Difference Information Clearing House - ICH
The financial crisis could be the euro's death knell ... and even end the shambolic EU Information Clearing House - ICH

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Ukraine parliament dissolved
Anti-Obama author deported from Kenya - Scotsman.com News
Bank of China buys into Rothschild bank - International Herald Tribune
Bankers and politicians are stuck in 1929 - Telegraph
BBC NEWS Business 'Major global downturn' says IMF
Britain will be biggest casualty of the world downturn, says IMF Mail Online
Britain's trade deficit passes £8bn Business guardian.co.uk
British banks rated less sound than Botswana's - Times Online
Bush has reached two great accomplishments - Pravda.Ru
Carnage as Royal Bank loses £2m a second - Scotsman.com News
CDC Anthrax Q & A Signs and Symptoms
China state paper lashes US monetary policy- International Business-News-The Economic Times
Chris Payne The next burden inflation Comment is free guardian.co.uk
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - A futile bailout as darkness falls on America
Darling posts crisis team to Iceland Business guardian.co.uk
Fed unveils radical plan to boost banks Business guardian.co.uk
Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of England make emergency interest rate cuts - Telegraph
Feds Declare 'Anthrax Emergency'
Financial crisis Hank Paulson warns that more banks and businesses will fail - Telegraph
Financial crisis Home safe sales soar as trust in banks collapses - Telegraph
Financial crisis UK bank bail-out The key points - Telegraph
Financial Crisis Who is going to bail out the euro - Telegraph (2)
Financial Crisis Who is going to bail out the euro - Telegraph
Forecasters see U.S. leading global downturn - World business- msnbc.com
From Syrian fishing port to naval power base Russia moves into the Mediterranean World news The Guardian
FT.com - Wealth - Investing in gold - Central banks all but stop lending bullion
German guarantee may not cover UK savers
hEyOkA mAgAzInE
Holocaust of Indian Christians
IMF urges rapid, coordinated international response to financial crisis Business guardian.co.uk
Justice For Yemini Sheik
Latest News Top Stories News Articles
London shares in the red despite rate cuts Business guardian.co.uk
MetLife caution triggers rout of insurers - MarketWatch
More rate cuts in train - MarketWatch
My Way News - Obama money from abroad could total $3.3 million
My Way News - Sheriff in Ill. county won't evict in foreclosures
New World Order Global co-operation, nationalisation and state intervention - all in one day - The Scotsman
Ngaire Woods The IMF needs reform to be relevant Comment is free guardian.co.uk
Palin's famous family lineage - Scotsman.com News
Protect Yourself - It is Out Of Control!
Remember 1929 – what seemed to be the end was only the beginning - Telegraph
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia says no plans to sell missile systems to volatile regions
RIA Novosti - World - U.S. reportedly to take North Korea off terrorism list in October
Rock Out With Your Bailout - October 7, 2008
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev calls for Europe to freeze out US - Telegraph
RussiaToday Features Millions of “Bin Ladens” stashed under Spanish floorboards
RussiaToday News Abkhazian and South Ossetian officials denied U.S. visas
RussiaToday News Reports of another Great Depression were exaggeration - IMF
Staring into the abyss Business The Guardian
Stock Market Crash- Where's the Bottom The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Stocks fall for 6th session on recession fear U.S. Reuters
The Associated Press 3 Asian central banks slash interest rates
The Quickening
Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news
U.S. Afghan airstrike killed 33 civilians - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
UFOs 'have been here since 1947' - Telegraph
UK Government Acts To Prevent Collapse Of Banking System The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Video Brown and Darling commit £500 billion for bank bailout - Times Online
Von NotHaus Starts 'Free Marijuana Church'
Walberg - The Bankers 9-11
Why it's So Hard to Face Reality
Wildlife gives early warning of 'deadly dozen' diseases spread by climate change - Times Online
ABC News Exclusive Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
After flight delay, man accused of spraying powder in plane - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Air Force Will Fight Online Without Cyber Command
Alistair Darling's bail-out plan starts to work as the FTSE share index rises The Sun NewsSun Money
Aussies joke - and hope - that China can save capitalism
Bankers Want World Economic Government To Solve Financial Crisis They Created
Barack Obama 'pseudo controversies' hide racism, news anchor says - Grand Rapids News - The Grand Rapids Press Online - Michigan Newspaper - MLive.com
Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard Attacks 9-11 Truth
Congresswoman Criminal Insiders Behind Bailout Bill
David Rockefeller urges worldwide population control measures
Dem strategists see landslide in the making - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
ECB Sees Crisis Of Enormous Proportions
Economic Woes May Give Planet A Breather
Feds investigating sheriff after 'Hussein' remark - News- msnbc.com
Financial Crisis Who is going to bail out the euro - Telegraph
Fox Guarding The Henhouse Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec To Oversee Bailout
FT.com - Wealth - Investing in gold - Central banks all but stop lending bullion
FT.com - World - Opec members seek emergency meeting
FT.com - World - US retains top competitiveness ranking
Global auto market may collapse in 2009 J.D.Power Reuters
Global gamble the fightback begins... - Business News, Business - The Independent
Gold Coins In High Demand During Turmoil
How The Illuminati Controls Politics
India prepares to launch first unmanned moon mission Chandrayaan-1 - Times Online
John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern
Keep The Ngger Out Of Office - October 8, 2008
McCain “I Always Aspire To Be A Dictator”
Missouri officials suspect fake voter registration - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Man accused of binding teen's hands on flight
MyFox New York Cops Stamford Man Threatened Bank Over Financial Losses
New TASER Weapons Produced For Crowd Control
New World Order Global co-operation, nationalisation and state intervention - all in one day - The Scotsman
NUTS! - New York Post
Oil falls below $88 on US, Europe recession fears Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Palin may be related to Princess Diana, Roosevelt Lifestyle Reuters
Pelosi says $150B economic stimulus plan needed - Yahoo! News
Pollster Don’t believe the Dem hype - BostonHerald.com
Reporter's Notebook Seeing How The Other Half Lives - From The Road
Retirement accounts have lost $2 trillion — so far - Yahoo! News
ReviewJournal.com - News - Alleging fraud, authorities raid voter group
Ron Paul Bailout Will Destroy Dollar, World Economy
The next burden inflation
US government may take part ownership in banks
With teens being left at hospitals, Nebraska Legislature sets hearing - CNN.com
Woman kept prisoner at home by her husband for 50 years - Telegraph
You Saw It Here First; Economic Crash, Banker Stick-Up Predicted Long Ago
video - 2nd debate - Presidential Race 08
The Second Presidential Debate
Coleman Ad Features Daughter
DSCC Asks if Dole is the new Senator from China
DSCC Says McConnell Let Wall Street Run Wild
DSCC Says Schaffer Will Gamble with Social Security
Franken Ad Says Coleman Used Wellstone Story to Make Him Look Angry
McCain Ad Says We All Know the Truth About Obama
McCain Web Video Explains Obama-Ayers Ties
McCain-Palin Interview with Hannity
New Obama Ad Criticizes McCain Mortgage Plan
NRSC Says Mark Udall is a Boulder Liberal
Obama Ad Says McCain Will Tax, Not Fix Health Care
Obama Competes for North Carolina with New Ad
Obama Interview with Gibson
Obama Says There are Better Days Ahead
RNC Ad on Obama's Spending Plan
Analysts on the Debate Performances
Chairman Bernanke on the Current Economic Conditions
Interview with Michelle Obama
McCain Talks About Mortgage Plan in PA
McCain, Palin Interview with Hannity
Obama Interview with ABC News
Obama's Robert Gibbs on Hannity & Colmes
Obama's Speech in Indianapolis
Roundtable on the Economy & Candidates
Roundtable's Post-Debate Analysis
The Second Presidential Debate
'Israel backs withdrawing from Ghajar' - Jerusalem Post
'Unravel' ad hits McCain health plan
ACORN Vegas Office Raided in Voter Fraud Investigation - FOXNews.com Elections
AFP Fed announces new 37.8-bln-dlr cash infusion for AIG
AIG could get up to $37.8 billion more from Fed - USA Today
AIG May Get $37.8 Billion From Fed for More Liquidity
AIG, Party On!
American Thinker Who Wrote Dreams From My Father
Bailout Fascism Passes
Bailout Mania
Bargains await cash-rich China - Washington Times
Bernanke, Paulson Seek Global Help as Crisis Spreads
Biden Introduced As 'John McCain'
Bribes paid for Corsi to escape from Kenya - WND
Bush signs order to ease switch to next president
Can McCain Come Back
Canada Poised to Affiliate With the European Union
Candidates tout economic bona fides
Dem Chances in Congress Rise on Economic Woes
Dem Strategists See Landslide in Making
Dem strategists see landslide in the making
Don't Vote
Down market hits 1-year mark with no clear bottom - AP
Economy heats race in Ohio 'barometer' county
Fannie and Freddie Must Go
Fear Trumps Greed as Market Woes Paralyze Economies
Fed orders emergency rate cut to 1.5 percent - Move to handle worst financial crisis since 1929 stock market crash - AP
Financial Apocalypse Not as Scary as Nuclear One
FOXNews.com - Report North Korea Prepares to Fire More Missiles, Threatens War With Southern Neighbor - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Frank says GOP housing attacks racially motivated
G-7's Finance Ministers Coming to Washington on Friday - Wall Street Journal
Gas drops 4 cents a gallon - Nationwide average in AAA survey nears $3.40 a gallon. Oklahoma dips below $3 - CNN
Giving Until It Hurts
Goldman Sachs' survival in Wall Street jungle - Los Angeles Times
GOP candidate challenges Sen. Kerry on AIG bailout
GOP finds plucking off House Democrats difficult
Hayek's Business Cycle Theory Vindicated
How to Win in Afghanistan - It's time to adjust the strategy - Christopher D. Kolenda
Hundreds of new marine species discovered Australian scientists
Iceland suspends stock trading, creates new bank
In search of a winning strategy - --
Israel's most beautiful synagogues – part 2 - Ynet
It's the Culture, Stupid
Jewish youths allegedly beat Arab man in Acre, igniting riots - Haaretz
John McCain Wants Your Mortgage
Latin American Banks Use Reserves to Save Currencies
Libor Dollar Rate Jumps to Highest in Year; Credit Stays Frozen
Libor Holds Central Banks Hostage as London Makes World Freeze
Lieberman Calls Obama 'Naïve,' May Bolt Party in Future - NewsMax
Lithuania urges EU compensation for nuclear plant - J'lem Post
LJWorld.com - Ethanol plant files for bankruptcy
Looking for Leadership
Many nonobservant Jews are finding religion - Ana Veciana-Suarez
Map of the week The mystery of the missing opium
McCain changes homeowner plan
McCain in a Bear Market
McCain pushes $300 billion mortgage plan - Reuters
McCain Reshuffles Rescue Deal
McCain's 'homeowner resurgence' plan
McCain's Mortgage Plan Draws Fire from Obama, Economists
McCain, Obama Misjudge Voter Appetite for Spending
Medical delegation denied entry to Gaza - Ynet
Medvedev Rides Video Into the Blogosphere
Meltdown Has Many Culprits
More Bogus Obama Donors Surface, Donations Made Between July and Early August - CBS News
Mormons renew calls for Calif. gay marriage ban
My Way News - White House considers ownership stakes in banks
National Rifle Association endorses McCain
New Research Questions the Impact of CO2 on Climate
News - 'Bride' and 'groom' will soon return to state marriage license forms - sacbee.com
News Flash The Media Back Obama
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » Mystery Of That Missing SNL Bailout Skit Solved NBC.com Took It Down For Legal Reasons; Has Put Up Edited Version Today
Obama calls McCain mortgage plan ill-advised
Obama holds advertising advantage over McCain
Obama McCain Wouldn't 'Say It to My Face' - FOXNews.com Elections
Obama Rallies in Indiana
Obama Wraps His Hopes Inside Economic Anxiety
Obama's ads have the bucks; McCain's have the bark
Our Choice Recession or Depression
Our Financial Debacle
Pakistan lawmakers debate counter-terror strategy - Jerusalem Post
Power Line Forum Does Brokaw symbolize the narcissism of the Drive By Media
Power Line Forum Federal Suit Obama Not A “Natural Born Citizen,” Obama & DNC Try To Delay Production of Obama’s Birth Certificate ’Till After Election
Quit Fighting Foreign Bogeymen
Rally fades again, leaving U.S. stocks lower - USA Today
Rate cuts raise bigger concerns - Depression feared; short-sale ban lifted - Washington Times
report North Korea Prepares to Fire More Missiles - Fox
report Voter purges in 6 states may violate law
Resilient America Struggles
richardson ‘Permanent fissure’ with Bill
Running From Reality
Russia plans to boost military spending - Funds for salaries, streamlining armed forces - Washington Times
Russia pushes security pact to rival NATO - USA Today
Satellites may help scientists predict outbreaks - MSNBC
Saved by the Deficit
Sharpton convicted of disorderly conduct - CNN.com
Socialists and Central Planners to the Rescue
Taking Hard New Look at a Greenspan Legacy - Peter S. Goodman
Taliban Rising in Pakistan
Tennessee Man Indicted in Hacking of Palin's E-Mail Account - FOXNews.com Elections
The Credit Contraction Begins
The Demise of a Giant Hedge Fund - The old Wall Street is dead. Long live the new Wall Street! - Andy Kessler
The Obama Surge Will It Last
The Pornification Of A Generation Print Article Newsweek.com
The Problem With Fiat Money
The Wall Street Address
The worst debate ever
The Worst Legislation Ever
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control Rights and Liberties AlterNet
Time for Europe to Copy America
Todd Palin had unusual access to wife's staff
Trichet Can't Rule Out More Cuts, Offers Cash Flood
U.S. intelligence warns Iraq war could explode again - Yahoo! News
U.S. to take N.Korea off terrorist list in Oct report - Reuters
UK Government to unveil bank rescue - BBC
US September retail sales miss, some forecasts cut
Voting the Fate of the Nation
Wall Street 101
Washington's only contested US House race revs up
Watch the Ron Paul Keynote at the JBS 50th Anniversary Celebration
When did Obama know about Ayers terrorist background My search for Ayers and Dohrn - Lynn Sweet
Where the Jews Vote Republican - One thing Israelis and Palestinians can agree on is that Obama is bad news - Willy Stern
White House begins transition meetings
Who's Really to Blame for This Mess
Will 2008 Be a Major Realigning Election