"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 October 2008


Are We Rome Tu Betchus! - The New York Times
Financial crisis Government to take majority stake in RBS - Telegraph
Israel stocks plummet 7.68%t after delayed opening
My Way News - Castro Racism in US keeps many away from Obama
My Way News - Congressman says McCain 'sowing seeds of hatred'
My Way News - Palin criticizes Obama on abortion at Pa. rally
My Way News - Tax rebate, food stamp money possible in aid plan
Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama - NYTimes.com
Prostitution has not suffered drop-off despite economic meltdown
Replace capitalism with Islamic financial system cleric
The Herald HeraldOnline.com - Vandals strike York County GOP headquarters - Rock Hill, SC
US space tourist hopes to recoup 30 million-dollar ticket
'Millions' warned about 'gay' indoctrination
ABC News Mexican Marijuana Cartels Sully US Forests, Parks
ACORN in Ohio
Anger over Baader-Meinhof Biopic Victims' Families in Uproar over New German Terrorism Film - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Austria far-right leader Joerg Haider dies in car accident - Haaretz - Israel News
Barack Obama's Involvement with ACORN Unearthed, Missing Article Recovered Cleveland Leader
BillingsGazette.com Judge labels GOP's voter challenge as 'political chicanery'
Can Christians handle the truth about this
China stiffing America for $100 billion in debt
Clergyman apologises over call to tattoo gay people - Home News, UK - The Independent
Conspiracy theory faults Jews for Lehman Brothers' collapse - Haaretz - Israel News
Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Financial crisis Government to take majority stake in RBS - Telegraph
Fire in Angeles National Forest burns 750 acres - Los Angeles Times
FOXNews.com - Paulson Protectionism Won't Solve Credit Crisis - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum
FOXNews.com - Terrified Christian Families Flee Iraq's Mosul - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Getting tough on 2 million illegal alien drivers
Government grills publicist over Corsi investigation
Hanged for being a Christian in Iran - Telegraph
KFYI - The Valley's Talk Station
Lehman Brothers demise triggers huge default - Times Online
McCain Letter Demanded 2006 Action on Fannie and Freddie - HUMAN EVENTS
Mideast Muslims U.S. financial crisis is divine punishment - Haaretz - Israel News
Moviemaker's goal Real life imitating art
Muhammad Look-Alikes German Satire Magazine Shocks with 'Unbelievable Competition' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
My Way News - Marriage ruling not the end of debate in Conn.
My Way News - NKorea to resume dismantling nuclear facilities
news Photo exhibit at church honors same-sex relationships
Obama is hit by 'affair' smears following claims that attractive aide was banned by his wife Mail Online
Our psychology helps politicians bend the truth - being-human - 10 October 2008 - New Scientist
Palin defends firing of Alaska official - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Pelosi U.S. needs $150 billion stimulus
Proof Obama backed ruthless, foreign thug
Shariah sentence threatens Christian woman's family
The Bulletin - Philadelphia's Family Newspaper - Zogby It's Far From Over
TV ad features Obama mocking Bible
Twin Cities radio duo Magic fakes having AIDS
Two Pakistani Christians accused of desecrating Quran
Washington Times - Palin abused powers, report says
When it comes to kids, marijuana, faith matters
'Brain fingerprinting' could be breakthrough in law enforcement
'Come here. ... we're not going to restrain you. You can charge the interest rates you want'
'It's a 'throw away all your cares and be a kid again type of holiday''
'Many are thinking Who knows what's going to come next'
'Seen as something real to hold onto during times of panic'
'We are in this together. We will come through it together'
'We still have a Stone Age body. ... still require the same food'
1,000 point swing, record losses, down 40% from last year
1st time target for strategic launch was in equatorial part of Pacific Ocean
2500 evacuated after W.Pa. chemical leak
43-year-old hits record speed twice in borrowed Lamborghini Gallardo supercar
60 insurgents killed in Afghan battle
analysis Verification next step in N. Korea nuclear deal
And then strike its target in space of 1 minute
As We See It Elect Obama as next president
At least 4 die in attack on tribal region near Afghan border
attorney Marine fighting extradition from Mexico
Au revoir, foie gras Animal-rights activists call decision a victory
Backs trial lawyers in Senate votes
Barack Obama rides a wave of bad economic news
Behind the growing fascination with all things pagan, occult and magic
biden It's the economy, John
Biden, Clintons team up for Obama
Bigger drain than experts estimated – deficit climbs toward $2 trillion
Blasts beneficiary of Obama earmark pledging to raise $200,000 for Dem candidate
Bridge directors vote for net to deter suicides
Bush urges patience in crisis fix – rich nations vow to fight credit crunch
Campaign Notebook Obama gives nod to rival McCain
Check Point On Obama, Acorn and Voter Registration
Comparing the presidential candidates' income tax plans
Deborah Simmons spotlights high cost of violent crimes committed by the unwelcome
Degrees from top universities boost earning power
Election pendulum swings back to Obama in Ohio's dying downtowns
Election will show if Florida has changed - in 5 different ways
EU leaders vow no bank will fail
European Leaders Seek `One Voice' to Counter Crisis
European Leaders Seek `One Voice' to Counter Crisis
exclusive Ellis Washington sees senator as a 'moribund, uninspired political hack'
exclusive Fred Goldstein says little treasures won't be secret for long
exclusive Hal Lindsey ties group to financial meltdown, voter fraud, Barack Obama
exclusive Henry Lamb covers candidate's ACORN-influenced beliefs
exclusive John Aman clears the air about tragic death used by homosexual advocates
exclusive Joseph Farah revises earlier prediction about winner of presidential race
exclusive Pat Boone compares guvto 'buck stops here' Harry Truman
exclusive Patrice Lewis speculates about conspiracy to keep us obsessed with celebrities
FBI files detail Hoover's loathing for columnist Jack Anderson, efforts to debunk reporting -- amNY.com
flashback - Critic claims agreements involving billions used to shift market
flashback - Organization convicted of voter fraud, pushes 'authoritarian socialist' agenda
For Bush, last 100 days to feature 'no letting up'
Fuel prices continue to decline but are still 19% above year-ago levels
Glenn Beck On One World Currency
Globally renowned singer Bjork 'not included,' according to notice
GOP Facing Tougher Battle for Congress
GOP Officials Hope for Stability From McCain
Grasping 'Radical' Economic Change
How McCain Will Steal the Election from Obama (sort of)
HUD secretary in 1998 proudly declares high credit risk buyers would receive loans
Hundreds of consumers complain patch causes clots, strokes, even death
If only Democrats and Republicans would allow foresight to prevail
In Final Months in Office, Bush Is Burdened but Still Confident
Increasingly affected by financial-market shocks from outside physical oil market
Investors pour billions into agribusiness, try to reverse decades of Soviet mismanagement
Issue of Race Creeps Into Campaign
Jacob Zuma of South Africa still a mystery
Jews and Arabs trade blame after riots divide town
John McCain and Sarah Palin try new tactics
Jonathan Falwell urges Christians to consider abortion issue 1st when casting ballot
Jörg Haider, Austrian far-rightist, killed in car crash
Kenya's Nobel laureate lauds ex-Ireland leader
Kim Jong-il photos raise suspicions that he is ill
Lots of it – may take too long to see cost savings
Market crash has thrown wrench in retirement plans for many baby boomers
Mary Mitchell targets Limbaugh over Palin, calls radio host 'the epitome of white privilege'
McCain Asks Supporters to Show Obama Respect
McCain campaign sees Iowa as still in play
McCain Campaign Sustains the Focus on Obama’s Links to a 1960s Radical
McCain campaign's tone likened to George Wallace's
McCain to make up with Letterman, make a Late Show stop
McCain weighs proposal to cut taxes on investments
McCain's closing argument A push for divided government
Militarizing the Homeland NORTHCOM's Joint Task Force-Civil Support
New manufacturing process called 'brick' may lead to $800 computers
Newspaper poll Obama, McCain about even in Nevada
No indication so far of October surprise that could hurt Democrat nominee
NYC Council Speaker Quinn supports Bloomberg plan
Obama makes four stops in Philadelphia
Obama thanks McCain; Palin continues attack
Overturning rabbinical ruling, says woman who cheated on husband still gets 50% of assets
Pakistan gunship raid kills 35 Islamic militants officials
palin Probe Cleared Me Of Any Wrongdoing
police More shots, larger magazinesused in violent firearm confrontations
Pollsters Debate 'Bradley Effect'
Pope Canonizes India's First Female Saint
Race in '08 election Should Obama fear the 'Bradley effect'
Refueled before heading to Venezuela for joint naval exercises next month
Removal is provisional on compliance with inspections
Rep. John Lewis of Georgia accuses GOP team of stoking hate at their campaign events
Rep. Lewis clarifies controversial remarks about McCain, Palin
Russia's carrier rocket blasts off with sixth space tourist
Says Democrat has 'left behind even the middle ground on the issue of life'
Sister Alphonsa of Kerala becomes India’’s first woman saint
Slain Taliban commander was Pak army officer Report
Sources say chances are '50-50'
Star Parker wants government to return to simply protecting life, liberty and property
Tax plan of the next president will face a new reality
Teen driver took video of couple in van while he drove
Thai protesters postpone march against police
The Future of Financial Power
The Next Derivatives Bloodbath Insurance and Auto Makers
The World Watches Wall Street
Thinking of pulling money out of market Forget about it, warn experts
Toy Robot Intended to Save Humans From Evil, Future Bots
Turkish jets bomb PKK bases
Under conservatorship – have to be usedto keep capital flowing to housing market
Using Biology, Not Religion, to Argue Against Same-Sex Marriage
VIDEO - Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
VP hopefuls stay on the attack
Warn D.C. risks making same mistakes Tokyo made when banks there collapsed
What if McCain-Obama race ends up in a tie vote in the Electoral
What Obama means to me
World Finance Chiefs Back Action Plan to Combat Crisis
Would have to fall about 18% more to reach its 'trend line' since August 1982
Zimbabwe Opposition Leader Threatens to Quit Government

dead - Alabama Getaway
dead - Greatest Story Ever Told
old news - Will The Government Give Up Its Asinine UFO Coverup
dead - Box Of Rain
dead - Brown Eyed Women
dead - High Time
dead - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleloo
dead - Ramble On Rose
old news - Did Man Reach The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago
'Playing With Fire' McCain Rips Rights Icon
A Lesson from 1929 for the Hedge Funds
A Silver Lining in the Crisis
ACORN Probe Gives GOP New Weapon
Afghan War Unwinnable, Worse Than Most Know
Are We Superior To Dairy Cows And Primates
Army Orders Microwave Pain Ray Trucks
Australian Dollar Collapses To 5 Year Low
Bank Nationalisation Must Be Temporary
Barack Obama Is A Zionist Muslim Communist
Brown's Control of Crisis is Illusory
Canada Poised to Affiliate With the European Union
Celente - Bailout A Bust - Depression To Follow
Centralizing Credit in the Hands of the State
Clintons Launch Campaign Swing for Obama
Clintons Launch Obama Campaign Swing
Concern in GOP After Rough Week for McCain
Credit Catastrophe Glossary Of Terms
Crisis As Opportunity
dead - Brother Esau
Disarming the Middle East
Eastman - Dark Ruminations
Ex ITN Reporter And BBC Host Discusses Zionism
Fears of 1930s Redux Are Pushing Asia to Action
Feds Need to Start Buying Troubled Assets Fast
G7 Meeting - The Five Point Rescue Plan
Germany's Car Industry Crashes
Get Paid to Search the Internet
Gorbachev - Stop Teaching Russia 'Democracy'
Government Itself Can Become a Source of Panic
guests - Gov. Corzine and Fmr. Rep. Portman
guests - David Axelrod & Rick Davis
guests - Sens. Schumer & Specter; Robert Rubin
Hank Paulson's Filthy Rich Background
Has U.S Overreached Like Britain 100 Years Ago
Hope for Real Progress in N. Korea
How FDR Saved The US
How The Illuminati Controls Politics
How To Keep Americans In Their Homes
How Will the Markets Respond
Illegal Mexican Sexually Assaults Disabled Woman
IMF - Markets Could Drop Another 20%
IMF Warns Of World Financial Meltdown
Israel Hires PR Firm For Political Facelift
Issue of Race Creeps Into Campaign
Jailed O.J. Believes He Was 'Railroaded'
Joerg Haider - Assassinated By Intl Banking Cartel
JP Morgan - Jekyll Island Still Paying Off Big
Kidd - Obama & McCain - Modern Day Godfathers
Man Accused of Killing Wife Hangs Himself
Marine Accused of Murder Fights U.S. Return
McCain Calls Americans 'My Fellow Prisoners'
McCain Campaign Has Crossed the Line
McCain Proposes 401(k) Rule Changes
McCain to Unveil More Economic Policies
mccain “I Always Aspire To Be A Dictator”
McCain-Palin Promote Fear During Crisis
Media Misstating Palin Report - As Usual
Medvedev Offers Olmert Support, No Promises
Mercury's Electric Craters
Milk Thistle - A Great Friend For Your Liver
Most US Cities, States Virtually Bankrupt
Nanotech Buckyballs Accumulate In Living Tissue
NATO General We're Not Losing Afghan War
New Investigation Into Major 1970 Encounters
Next World War May Be Financial
obama Filling in the Blank
Obama Fundraiser Rezko Starts Singing To Feds
Obama Interview with Gibson
Obama Still Won't Answer Basic Questions
Obama The Dummy - Brzezinski The Ventriloquist
old news - Are You A Couch Patriot
old news - Entering The Mysterious Dimensions Of Shadow World
old news - Stan Romanek's Mystery Equations
old news - Three Time Jump Events With Three Witnesses
old news - More Evidence Of Possible Time Jumps
old news - The Holographic Universe
old news - The Fingers Of God Point To No Big Bang
old news -Montauk Mind Control Victim Interview
Oliver Stone's Masonic (Thumb On Knuckle) Greeting
Online Services Help Track Your Spending
Outlaw Derivatives To Save Civilization
Partial List Of Obama Campaign Lies
President Bush on the Economy, G7 Meeting
Put Country First
Quadrillion In Derivatives Waiting To Explode
Remain Steady in Afghanistan
Rep. Lewis Rebukes McCain for Recent Rallies
Roundtable on ACORN and Voter Fraud
Shields & Ponnuru on the Week's Events
Shocking Images At London's Eurostar Terminal
Spiraling Downward A Recap
Ten Unusual Allergic Reactions Revealed
Term Limits and Dispensable Arrogance
Terrorism’s Psy-War is Bad News
The Branchflower Report on Gov. Palin (PDF)
The Empire Has No Clothes
The Green Bible An Alert to Christians
The Long Disputed War Is Over!
The New Rules of the World Game
The Next Ron Paul
The Race Card Is Back
The Realist Resurgence
The Return of Mohammad Khatami
The Spring in Gordon Brown's Step
The Worst Financial Crisis Since the Depression
Tidal Wave Of Job Losses Predicted
Time To Let the Markets Do Their Messy Work
Tracking America's Decline
Traditional Lightbulbs Banned By EU
Two More Banks Closed By Regulators
UK Govt To Be Majority Owner Of RBS
Up and Down the Learning Curve
VIDEO - Ad Says We All Know the Truth About Obama
VIDEO - Biden Defends Against Third Party Ads
VIDEO - Biden on Today
VIDEO - Bush on Market Uncertainty
VIDEO - Bush's Brain
VIDEO - Bush's Statement After G-7 Finance Meeting
VIDEO - Cosmology In Crisis
VIDEO - Do You Know Enough About Barack Obama
VIDEO - Fear Conquered - A Great Feat
VIDEO - Glenn Beck Warns Of NWO & World Currency
VIDEO - McCain Questions Obama's Honesty About Ayers
VIDEO - McCain Urges Supporters to Be Respectful
VIDEO - McCain Web Ad on ACORN
VIDEO - McCain Web Video Explains Obama-Ayers Ties
VIDEO - Meet the Press and Face the Nation
VIDEO - Obama Ad Says Smears Are All McCain Has Left
VIDEO - Obama Appreciates McCain Trying to Tone Down Rhetoric
VIDEO - Obama on the Economy
VIDEO - Orthodox Jews Transfer Sins To Chickens
VIDEO - RNC Attacks the Chicago Way
VIDEO - US Army Prepares To Invade US
VIDEO - Vote Out Bailout Backers
VIDEO -Axelrod & Davis on Fox News Sunday
Warning Signs of an Israeli Strike on Iran
Watch the Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin Keynote Speeches
Waving Goodbye to Big Bonuses and Salaries
We Should Be Voting on Election Day
What The Financial Crisis Means For You
What the Troopergate Report Really Says
Who's to Blame Go Back to Bedford Falls
Will Gay Marriage Help McCain
World Leaders To Part Nationalize Global Banking
World Nuclear Power Renaissance


old news - 911 CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC
old news - On 911 An Ill Wind Blew To Booker School
old news - 911 CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC
old news - Avionics Expert - A 911 Remote Control Lesson For Popular Mechanics
old news - Both Sinclair Obama Sites Blocked On Eve Of DNC
old news - Brzezinski Seizing Control Over US Policy In Slow Motion
old news - CBC 911 Video Secrets Revealed
old news - Daily Kos 115 Failures of the 9-11 Commission
old news - Dirty Little 9-11 Secrets Exposed.
old news - How the Mighty Are Falling
old news - Is Popular Mechanics Hiding 911 NYC Engine In Street Photo
old news - Larry Sinclair - Obama's First Political Prisoner
old news - Larry Sinclair - Who Is Atty Patricia Stewart Protecting
old news - Missing Pentagon Jet Engine Identified - A 727 JT8D
old news - Missing Pentagon Unobstructed Citgo Videos
old news - Murdered Obama Church Choirmaster's Sinclair Contact
old news - National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
old news - nbc FDNY Chief of Safety Reported Bombs Both Within the Towers and on the Planes on 9-11
old news - New National Enquirer Sinclair Coverage
old news - NYC Photos, Flight 93 Witnesses Identify 9-11 White Jet
old news - Obama Campaign Homosexual Body Count
old news - Obama Firestorm - Larry Sinclair
old news - Obama Goons Force Sinclair Off Net Again
old news - Obama-Sinclair 'Love Triangle'
old news - On 911 An Ill Wind Blew To Booker School
old news - On Origins of Assassination
old news - PM Claims Landing Gear Made Pentagon 12 Foot Hole
old news - PM Missed NASA 911-Type Airliner Crash 20 Years Ago
old news - Real 911 Science For PM - The ST Airliner Photo
old news - RICO-BAMA
old news - Second 911 ST Airliner Remote Control Antenna Verified
old news - Sinclair Requests Obama Camp Release Records
old news - Sneak Preview - 911 Pentagon Tapes
old news - The Democrat-DNC Panic Attack
old news - The Emperor's New Hump
old news - The NY Times' 911 Scam
old news - Top Secret Advisor To 4 Presidents Dies 'Violently' In DC
old news - TOTAL 911 INFO
old news - Two Major Tabloids Hit The Sinclair-Obama Story
old news - War Declared On Elitist DC Zionist Criminal Cabal
old news - WTC Cutter Charges Clearly Visible
old news - WTC Jet Engine Confirmed NOT From Boeing 767
'All of their children and grandchildren would be registered as Muslims'
'Her hateful rhetoric goes far beyond dirty politics'
'I don't think Obama has closed the deal yet'
'Many are thinking Who knows what's going to come next'
'Must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either ... should fail.
'Seen as something real to hold onto during times of panic'
'This is an overt indoctrination of children who are too young'
'Time that religious believers began to recommend ... discouragements of homosexual practices'
'We are in this together. We will come through it together'
'We received warnings not to talk about the incident'
10th Rense-Sinclair Interview
11th Rense-Sinclair Interview
12th Rense-Sinclair Interview
13th Rense-Sinclair Interview
14th Rense-Sinclair Interview
15th Rense-Sinclair Interview
16th Rense-Sinclair Interview
17th Rense-Sinclair Interview
1st Rense-Sinclair Interview
1st time target for strategic launch was in equatorial part of Pacific Ocean
2nd Rense-Sinclair Interview
3rd Rense-Sinclair Interview
4 Ways McCain Could Still Turn It Around
43-year-old hits record speed twice in borrowed Lamborghini Gallardo supercar
4th Rense-Sinclair Interview
5th Rense-Sinclair Interview
6th Rense-Sinclair Interview
7th Rense-Sinclair Interview
8th Rense-Sinclair Interview
9th Rense-Sinclair Interview
A Flexible G-14 Is the Key
A Master Plan for China to Bail Out America
Acts of Rage, Hate in McCain Corner
Afghan War is Unwinnable
Afghanistan a Growing Danger
Also would consider officially opening combat positions to females
Announcement follows U.S. deal to remove nation from terror list
Another Obama Campaign Ploy Coming
Appearance first since host ripped GOP candidate for cancellation
Army's top general makes history by addressing conference on homosexuality - Telegraph
Article purged from website recovered, reveals candidate's training activities
Attempt to return found pages of torn Islamic scriptures used by family enemy to make charge
Axelrod & Davis on Fox News Sunday
Backs trial lawyers in Senate votes
Bailout push included threat of martial law
Bank on the United Kingdom
Ben Shapiro When it comes to Israel, just who is he
Biden Defends Against Third Party Ads
Bigger drain than experts esitmated – deficit climbs toward $2 trillion
Bigger drain than experts estimated – deficit climbs toward $2 trillion
Blasts beneficiary of Obama earmark pledging to raise $200,000 for Dem candidate
Bush on Market Uncertainty
Bush urges patience in crisis fix – rich nations vow to fight credit crunch
Bush's Statement After G-7 Finance Meeting
But says rival's criticism not comparable to George Wallace or his segregationist policies
Can U.S. Sustain Burdens of Global Leadership
Candidate's 'Fight the Smears' site tries to bury video documentation
Chance of a Taliban Deal Increases
Clintons, Bidens Stump in Scranton
Confirmed - Obama Puts Sinclair On Secret Service List
Crisis Shows Paulson Has No Clothes
Critics say plan looks 'suspiciously like welfare'
David Freddoso Conservatives opposed McCain; the GOP should have listened
Debtor-in-possession financing harder to obtain for companies trying to restart
Delisting North Korea
Demand from new markets drives blue-chip prices upward
Display protests state's ban on homosexual marriage
Domestic trade in khat benefits growers overseas
DSCC Says Dole is Out of Touch with North Carolina
Early morning Molotov cocktail results in at least 8 felony counts
economist 'Body blows to the U.S. economy are coming fast and furious'
exclusive Barbara Simpson rips into 'attitude police,' insists McCain defend himself, country
exclusive Chuck Norris blasts revision of America's religious history
exclusive Craig R. Smith asks, 'What will it take to restore trust'
exclusive David Hanson reveals how to deal with America's economic crisis
exclusive Doug Powers shares sneak peak of commercial to air before Election Day
exclusive Ellen Ratner explains why Americans are angry, shifting toward Obama
exclusive Fred Goldstein says little treasures won't be secret for long
exclusive Jack Cashill makes compelling case radical penned Barack's memoir
exclusive Joseph Farah calls for nation to reclaim position as shining city on a hill
exclusive Joseph Farah revises earlier prediction about winner of presidential race
exclusive Linda Harvey demands Obama explain plan for teaching 'social justice'
exclusive Michael Ackley proves publishing facts, expressing opinion isn't 'smearing'
exclusive Pat Boone compares guv to 'buck stops here' Harry Truman
exclusive Roger Hedgecock condemnsabuse of those who don't support Obama
exclusive Vox Day proves government cannot rescue America's economy now
Fareed Zakaria Discipline will be painful for a country used to having it all
Father says court case against schools reached his goal
Fidel - A 'Miracle' Obama Hasn't Been Assassinated
Find out who's who in the 'Rogues Gallery' of economic crisis
flashback - Critic claims agreements involving billions used to shift market
flashback - Organization convicted of voter fraud, pushes 'authoritarian socialist' agenda
Fmr. Speaker Dennis Hastert on Hannity & Colmes
Free Markets Are Our Best Hope
GOP candidate plans to springboard from next debate
Gordon Brown Does Good
Government offers banks as much as $55.4 billion to boost liquidity
guests David Axelrod & Rick Davis
guests Gov. Corzine and Fmr. Rep. Portman
guests Gov. Granholm & Sen. Feinstein (PDF)
guests Reps. Emanuel & Blackburn; Mayor Bloomberg
guests Sen. Graham & Gov. Ritter (PDF)
guests Sens. Lieberman and McCaskill
guests Sens. Schumer & Specter; Robert Rubin
Hamas prime minister 'We are witnessing the collapse of the American Empire'
Has Everything Changed for Brown
History Suggests McCain Faces an Uphill Battle
Home association board president 'He brought it upon himself'
Homeschoolers, production company depict challenge to Roe v. Wade
House speaker suggests Congress may need to return this year
How Obama Got Joe Six-Pack
How to Capitalize Banks and Save Finance
Hundreds of consumers complain patch causes clots, strokes, even death
If It Walks Like Obama...It's Obama
IMF and G7 No More Lehmans
Interview with McCain and Palin
Interview with Michelle Obama
interview with Pastor Manning -Rense
Investors pour billions into agribusiness, try to reverse decades of Soviet mismanagement
Is the Market Panic an Obama Panic
Israel's Religious Fanatics
Jumping Ship on McCain....
Larry Sinclair In Nashville For Obama Rally
Leaders worry wealthier nations may try to cut back on aid commitments
Livestock logged for tracking disease disappear from system
Makow - Illuminati Bankers 'Revolution' By Economy
Mark Hyman Senator was 'firmly behind Odinga'
Mark-to-Market Accounting Wrecks Banks
Market finding some footing after 8 sessions of massive losses
Markets Remain Best Hope for a Better Future
Martti Ahtisaari A Real Peacemaker
McCain Interview with Charles Gibson
McCain Proposes 401(k) Rule Changes
McCain Struggles to Hold Viriginia
McCain Urges Supporters to Be Respectful
McCain Vows to Win Wednesday Debate
McCain Web Ad on ACORN
McCain's Speech in Virginia Beach
McCain, Palin Interview with Hannity
Meet the Press and Face the Nation
Money As Debt
My Way News - Gov't mulls plan to take ownership stakes in banks
Nation talks of cutting supply to up per-barrel oil revenue
New Iranian laws put Christian son on death row
Next President Will Benefit From Move on N. Korea
No Room in America for Class Warfare
NRSC on Shaheen's Fiscal Record
Obama Ad Says Smears Are All McCain Has Left
Obama Appreciates McCain Trying to Tone Down Rhetoric
Obama didn't write 'Dreams from My Father'
Obama Gains as New South Trumps Old Race Card
Obama Picked Biden to Help Him Govern
Obama Rides Wave of Bad Economic News
Obama Says McCain Wants to Distract from Issues
Obama website lies about ACORN ties
Obama's 95% Illusion
Obama's Campaign Has Failed to Transcend Race
Obama's Newest Illegal Net Activity
Obama-Biden(s) Plan Their Own 9-11
Official admits state is too swamped to stop ineligible from casting ballots
Oslo Taught Value in Two-State Solution
Peter Feld 'Was he terrified of the prospect he might actually become president'
police More shots, larger magazines used in violent firearm confrontations
Political Prisoner Lawrence Sinclair
President Bush on the Economy, G7 Meeting
Principal threatened to withhold diploma for Christian testimony
Proof Obama Birth Certificate Is A Fake
Red Alert temporarily postponed until author's recovery from traumatic abduction
Regular unleaded falls 35 cents over last week
Removal is provisional on compliance with inspections
Rep. John Lewis of Georgia accuses GOP team of stoking hate at their campaign events
Rescuers pluck crew moments before cargo ship ripped apart
Research links hyperactivity not to sugar, but to Red 40
RNC Attacks the Chicago Way
RNC chairman says 'violent intimidation tactics'include break-ins, harassment, spray-painting
Roundtable on ACORN and Voter Fraud
Rumors attractive aide was banned by wife reportedly came from Democrats
Sarah Palin's Interview with Carl Cameron
Says 'baseless accusations' are distraction from real issues
Says Democrat has 'left behind even the middle ground on the issue of life'
Selective Memory & The Bradley Effect
Series depicts homosexual acts, exorcism of Mother Teresa
Sinclair & The Thousand Points Of Darkness
Sinclair - The Almighty G7
Sinclair Asks Chicago PD To Respond To Claims
Sinclair Joins Obama - Biden Ticket
Sinclair Makes His Case At The RNC
Site - The Rockefeller Connection - eXile MM - Christians in Exile 2000
Source says jump-start to include lower taxes for investors
Sources say info may hurt Illinois' governor worse than state's senator
Strategists and Roundtable on Meet the Press
Study confirms effect of 'religiosity' on risk of smoking dope 50% less
study Correct information forgotten if it conflicts with way voters categorize candidate
Submitted card lists fake birth date making her 27
Suspect thought he was meeting wife, arrested instead
Taking It On The Road - Larry Sinclair -audio
Tarpley report on Sinclair -rense.com
Teen driver took video of couple in van while he drove
Testimony before lawmakers 'It takes a man and a woman to create children and thus create a family'
The Engine of Market Mayhem
The Fed Is Everyone's Lender of Last Resort
The G7 Undermines Price Discovery
The Lasting Consequences of Bush's N. Korea Surrender
The Light at the End of the Crisis
The Next President & The Economy
The Psychology of Wall Street's Lemmings
The Second Presidential Debate
The Vice Presidential Debate
The World Vote
The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com
Tom Vilsack on Hannity & Colmes
Treasury intends to invest billions in exchange for majority stake
Treasury secretary promises foreign leaders U.S. won't 'limit the flow of goods'
U.S. military unable to stop faith-targeted 'killing campaign'
Under conservatorship – have to be used to keep capital flowing to housing market
University catalogues collection that spans 50 countries, 4 centuries
Urges Muslims everywhereto 'profit' from credit crisis
Use pesticides, herbicides that pollute water, deer, bears poached
Voters consider once-in-20-year opportunity for constitutional convention
Warlordism Is Afghanistan's Only Hope
Watch Out, The Left Is On a Roll
Who Designs Jerusalem
Would have to fall about 18% more to reach its 'trend line' since August 1982
Years after meeting at Nazi death camp they found each other on blind date
Yet U.S. taxpayers helping Beijing as part of trillion-$ credit bailout
» Caylee Anthony’s Grandfather Set To Testify in Front of Grand Jury - Blogger News Network
» Caylee Anthony’s Mother Was a NoShow Today in Court - Blogger News Network
» Governor Palin’s Mental Health Problems Surface - Blogger News Network
» Have Terrorists infiltrated Indian IT Companies - Blogger News Network
» Managing the Global Financial Crisis - Blogger News Network
» Obama McCain A Man For This Season - Blogger News Network
» Pro Obama, Anti Catholic bigot opens political blog - Blogger News Network
» Strategic Voting - Blogger News Network
» Suspected Tot Killer Casey Anthony For The Big Pay Back, Or Is It Everyone Else That Gets The Pay - Blogger News Network
» The Coming of Islam, and The Exit of Freedom. - Blogger News Network
» The final days of McCain versus Obama - Blogger News Network

old news - Murder of a Gay Man at Trinity Church - Who killed Donald Young Personal Friend of Barrack Obama
OLD NEWS - Bill Cunningham viciously attacks Obama while introducing McCain McCain repudiates him Crooks and Liars
old news - fact - Obama is a Fraud Video
old news - Larry Sinclair Obama and Murdered Gay Choir Master - Were Lovers
old news - Obama campaign Mum's the word!
old news - Rev. James Manning, Larry Sinclair, Jeff Rense discuss Barack Obamas Criminal Past and the MEDIA COVERUP that is ongoing
TAXES - OLD NEWS - Obama's stand on taxing people making 42,000 a year
'Go Get 'em'
30,000 Felons Illegally Registered to Vote in Florida...
A Buckley For Obama
Ad at Human Events Barack Obama EXPOSED! - FREE Report G
Ain't My Government
Bank of Israel, Treasury prepare emergency plan
Barack Obama The Child - The Messiah - The Obamessiah
Bill Cunningham Scared of Barack Obama
BREAKING NEWS Barack Obama Is NOT God!
christians Pray for Barack Obama to be an Instrument of God
Cops test license-plate cameras that store, trace data
Farrakhan calls Barack Obama the Messiah
Financial crisis World leaders pledge to part-nationalise swathes of global banking
Five days that shook the world
G20 will use 'all financial tools' to stabilise ailing system
Glenn Beck O' Hail the Messiah Lord Obama
GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama
How to capitalise the banks and save finance
International Trade Benefactor of Mankind
Is a Gold Standard Too Expensive
Is Barack Obama the Messiah Barack Obama - Our American Prayer
Is Barack Obama the Messiah He is the Alpha and the Omega
Is Barack Obama the Messiah I'm asking you to BELIEVE ...
Is Barack Obama the Messiah Obama - The Transfiguration
Is Barack Obama the Messiah Obama Son of Promise, Child of Hope
Is Barack Obama the Messiah Precious Children Sing to Our Glorious Leader!
It's Over!
It's The Theology Stupid! Obama, Wright and Farrakhan connection
John McCain and Sarah Palin try new tactics
Larry Sinclair Meets The Press About Barack Obama Pt.2
Larry Sinclair Meets The Press About Barack Obama Pt.3
Larry Sinclair Meets The Press About Barack Obama Pt.4
Larry Sinclair Meets The Press About Barack Obama Pt.5
Larry Sinclair Meets The Press About Barack Obama Pt.6
Learn About the Great Depression II
Louis farrakhan Calls OBAMA the messiah! Helter Skelter
McCain & Obama Talk About Religion (plus Bill Mahr)
McCain's 'Fight' Speech
Militarizing the Homeland NORTHCOM's Joint Task Force-Civil Support
More Lies From the Regime Street Journal
Obama Supporter God Damn America
Obama The Black Messiah
Obama Tied to Ayres, Rev. Wright & Kilpatrick
old news - Breaking News - Obama GAY Affair
old news - Larry Sinclair Presents Airtight Evidence
old news - Minnesota Man Claims He Took Drugs & Had Sex with Barack Obama in 1999 Cleveland Leader
old news - Obama accuser has long rap sheet - Ben Smith - Politico.com
old news - An Interesting Larry Sinclair Tale
old news - B4 Larry Got arrested - Larry Sinclairs released Phone Numbers related to obama and Donald Young
old news - Barack Obama, David Axelrod, George Soros, Richard Daley and the rest of the Obama gang are corrupt to the core
old news - How terrorists groomed Obama to take over America Video
old news - How terrorists groomed Obama to take over America
old news - Larry Sinclair urges Rev. Wright to join him in Washington at the National Press Club June 18
old news - Larry Sinclair-Barack Obama - PHONE LISTED BY HACKER IN NAME OF OBAMA
old news - Letter From Larry Sinclair To Obama And Axelrod
old news - McCain is not afraid to debate Obama, here is proof McCain is a great debater - The Ongoing War Against Reason
old news - Obama Supporters state they will kill Larry Sinclair if he does not cancel the Jun 18 National Press Club Conference
old news - Obamas Limo Sex & Drug Party
O’Reilly Factor Reverend Wright Obama Fox News
Pastor David Manning Hail Hitler, Hail Obama
Pastor Manning discusses Larry Sinclair - Obama’s Drug Use
Paulson Speeds Consideration of Guarantees for US Bank Debt
Prescription for America
Questions about McCain, Palin
Questions and answers about new bank rescue efforts
Rev. Jeremiah Wright hate
Shocking Video exploiting kids for Obama
Spies Launch 'Cyber-Behavior' Investigation
The Anti-Terrorist Scam in Afghanistan
The Crushing Potential of Financial Derivatives
The End Draws Near
The T-Bone Steak Index
The Trinity of Hell
TheObamaNation.com The Tender Balance of Us-and-Other - Camp Obama Day One
TheObamaNation.com Day Two
Treasury to Invest in `Healthy' Banks, Kashkari Says (Update3)
Trillions Disappear in Stock Market, but Where Did Money Go
US summons banks to meeting on rescue plan
VIDEO - Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Weaker than Kerry, Dukakis and McGovern combined, the DNC brings you Obama
What Made Bill Clinton Stupid
What Ron Paul Saw in Him
Whatcha Gonna Do
YouTube - Larry Sinclair Meets The Press About Barack Obama Pt.1

'I have a plan,' McCain assures fleeing voters
22 days to go, Republican campaign gets dirty
A £516 trillion derivatives 'time-bomb'
abc Mahoney Paid $121k To alleged Mistress
ABC News Obama Takes Double-Digit Lead Over McCain
Africa Under Communist Chinese Colonial Whip
Ain't My Government
Anti-Muslim, Anti-Jewish Feelings Up In Europe
Beer Drinking In America By Volume
biden McCain is trying to distract from economy
Black GOP Leader Condemns Frederick
Bond Market Collapse Is Imminent
Bootleggers Playing Hide-and-Seek on the Tundra
British lawmakers reject tighter anti-terror laws
Bush hosts Italian premier for talks
Bush Seeks To Partly Nationalize US Banking
Cabbie killed in San Mateo when teen driver broadsides his taxi
Can The EU Take The Economic Strain
Canada PM, rival go coast to coast before election
Channel 13 chopper reported down in Montgomery County
China dairy sued over infant's toxic milk death
China Gets Right To Evict Americans From Homes
China milk as pure as is supposed to be now
Clashes in Pakistani tribal regions kill 51
Clinton's rejoinder Jobs, baby, jobs
Cloned animals should NOT be farmed for food, say consumers Mail Online
Cool Obama turns the heat up on rival
Cops test license-plate cameras that store, trace data
Cost Of Bailout Plan Keeps Rising
Credit Card Companies To Share Private Information
Daughter Of Israel Intel Ace Refuses Military
European markets rebound ahead of Wall Street open
Field Trip to Teacher's Lesbian Wedding Sparks Controversy
Financial crisis World leaders pledge to part-nationalise swathes of global banking
Fire marshals Manhattan blaze caused by fire play
G20 will use 'all financial tools' to stabilise ailing system
GM Crops Now Firmly In Evil Hands
Google Megalomaniacs In Bed W-Pentagon-NWO
Holocaust Revisionist Toben's Trial Soon
House GOP objects to spending in $150 billion stimulus package
How Bush Stopped States From Helping Us
How Jerome Corsi earns a living from political smear
How Valid is Palin's Abortion Attack on Obama
Iceland preparing to take IMF loan in echo of 1976 Britain
In Virginia, McCain Vows an Underdog Fight
India's first woman saint
International Trade Benefactor of Mankind
Iraqi Christians say forced to flee Mosul
Iraqi Govt Fuels 'War For Oil' Theories
Is a Gold Standard Too Expensive
Is US fighting force big enough
Israel's Religious Fanatics
Israeli City Divided by Sectarian Violence
Jewish Bankers At War
Learn About the Great Depression II
Makow - Illuminati Bankers 'Revolution' By Economy
McCain to do Letterman - no this time it’s for real
Militarizing the Homeland NORTHCOM's Joint Task Force-Civil Support
More Lies From the Regime Street Journal
North Korea allows back nuclear inspectors
Obama Expands Economic Plans
Obama goes door-to-door to drum up votes in Ohio
Obama Pitches Middle Class Rescue Plan
Obama's Weatherman shows which way the wind blows
Official Gunmen Open Fire on U.S. Consulate in Mexico
palin Election will run through southeast Virginia
Palin Stays on the Offensive at Huge Va. Rally
Pentagon Death Machine Wants $450B More
Post-ABC Poll McCain's Structural Problems
Questioning Obama
Rice In India To Talk Nuke Pact And 'Terrorism'
Royal Bank Of Scotland Under UK Control
Sarah Silverman, meet Jackie Mason
Seeing The Magician$ From Monticello
Shelters, Soup Kitchens Hold Crisis Front Lines
Siberian Snowman Takes A Stroll
Sinclair - The Almighty G7
Somali pirates may extend deadline on ship's fate
South Africa's ANC Suspends Lekota, Widening Rift (Update2)
Spies Launch 'Cyber-Behavior' Investigation
Spying On Innocent US Activists Discussed
Stevens' wife becoming key in corruption trial
Taliban losers and winners in Afghan war
The Anti-Terrorist Scam in Afghanistan
The Cook Plan
The David Icke Newsletter
The End Draws Near
The Engine Of Mayhem
The Great Schlep For Obama
The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama
The McCain-Palin Outbursts the Press Won't Report
The Step On Shoe Scanner
The T-Bone Steak Index
The U.S. Federal Reserve to flood financial markets with dollars
Time To Go Home, Iraqi leader Tells Brits
Today's Financial Crisis Surpasses 1929
Trains, Water, Power May Be Next Bailoutss
Trillions Disappear in Stock Market, but Where Did Money Go
Turkey hits Kurdish rebels twice in two days
US Can Never Regain Its Status In Global Mkts - Putin
US commander rejects reports of Afghan war being lost
US In Danger - Millions Of Illegal Voters On 11-4
VIDEO - Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Voter registration boom favors Obama
What Made Bill Clinton Stupid
What Ron Paul Saw in Him
Will Guns Sink Obama in Va.
World rolling out emergency financial moves
Zimbabwe President Mugabe swears in vice presidents

22 days to go, Republican campaign gets dirty
A £516 trillion derivatives 'time-bomb'
abc Mahoney Paid $121k To alleged Mistress
ABC News Obama Takes Double-Digit Lead Over McCain
Africa Under Communist Chinese Colonial Whip
Ain't My Government
Anti-Muslim, Anti-Jewish Feelings Up In Europe
Beer Drinking In America By Volume
biden McCain is trying to distract from economy
Black GOP Leader Condemns Frederick
Bond Market Collapse Is Imminent
Bootleggers Playing Hide-and-Seek on the Tundra
British lawmakers reject tighter anti-terror laws
Bush hosts Italian premier for talks
Bush Seeks To Partly Nationalize US Banking
Cabbie killed in San Mateo when teen driver broadsides his taxi
Can The EU Take The Economic Strain
Canada PM, rival go coast to coast before election
Channel 13 chopper reported down in Montgomery County
China dairy sued over infant's toxic milk death
China Gets Right To Evict Americans From Homes
China milk as pure as is supposed to be now
Clashes in Pakistani tribal regions kill 51
Clinton's rejoinder Jobs, baby, jobs
Cloned animals should NOT be farmed for food, say consumers Mail Online
Cool Obama turns the heat up on rival
Cops test license-plate cameras that store, trace data
Cost Of Bailout Plan Keeps Rising
Credit Card Companies To Share Private Information
Daughter Of Israel Intel Ace Refuses Military
European markets rebound ahead of Wall Street open
Field Trip to Teacher's Lesbian Wedding Sparks Controversy
Financial crisis World leaders pledge to part-nationalise swathes of global banking
Fire marshals Manhattan blaze caused by fire play
G20 will use 'all financial tools' to stabilise ailing system
GM Crops Now Firmly In Evil Hands
Google Megalomaniacs In Bed W-Pentagon-NWO
Holocaust Revisionist Toben's Trial Soon
House GOP objects to spending in $150 billion stimulus package
How Bush Stopped States From Helping Us
How Jerome Corsi earns a living from political smear
How Valid is Palin's Abortion Attack on Obama
Iceland preparing to take IMF loan in echo of 1976 Britain
In Virginia, McCain Vows an Underdog Fight
India's first woman saint
International Trade Benefactor of Mankind
Iraqi Christians say forced to flee Mosul
Iraqi Govt Fuels 'War For Oil' Theories
Is a Gold Standard Too Expensive
Is US fighting force big enough
Israel's Religious Fanatics
Israeli City Divided by Sectarian Violence
Jewish Bankers At War
Learn About the Great Depression II
Makow - Illuminati Bankers 'Revolution' By Economy
McCain to do Letterman - no this time it’s for real
Militarizing the Homeland NORTHCOM's Joint Task Force-Civil Support
More Lies From the Regime Street Journal
North Korea allows back nuclear inspectors
Obama Expands Economic Plans
Obama goes door-to-door to drum up votes in Ohio
Obama Pitches Middle Class Rescue Plan
Obama's Weatherman shows which way the wind blows
Official Gunmen Open Fire on U.S. Consulate in Mexico
palin Election will run through southeast Virginia
Palin Stays on the Offensive at Huge Va. Rally
Pentagon Death Machine Wants $450B More
Post-ABC Poll McCain's Structural Problems
Questioning Obama
Rice In India To Talk Nuke Pact And 'Terrorism'
Royal Bank Of Scotland Under UK Control
Sarah Silverman, meet Jackie Mason
Seeing The Magician$ From Monticello
Shelters, Soup Kitchens Hold Crisis Front Lines
Siberian Snowman Takes A Stroll
Sinclair - The Almighty G7
Somali pirates may extend deadline on ship's fate
South Africa's ANC Suspends Lekota, Widening Rift (Update2)
Spies Launch 'Cyber-Behavior' Investigation
Spying On Innocent US Activists Discussed
Stevens' wife becoming key in corruption trial
Taliban losers and winners in Afghan war
The Anti-Terrorist Scam in Afghanistan
The Cook Plan
The David Icke Newsletter
The End Draws Near
The Engine Of Mayhem
The Great Schlep For Obama
The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama
The McCain-Palin Outbursts the Press Won't Report
The Step On Shoe Scanner
The T-Bone Steak Index
The U.S. Federal Reserve to flood financial markets with dollars
Time To Go Home, Iraqi leader Tells Brits
Today's Financial Crisis Surpasses 1929
Trains, Water, Power May Be Next Bailoutss
Trillions Disappear in Stock Market, but Where Did Money Go
Turkey hits Kurdish rebels twice in two days
US Can Never Regain Its Status In Global Mkts - Putin
US commander rejects reports of Afghan war being lost
US In Danger - Millions Of Illegal Voters On 11-4
VIDEO - Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Voter registration boom favors Obama
What Made Bill Clinton Stupid
What Ron Paul Saw in Him
Will Guns Sink Obama in Va.
World rolling out emergency financial moves
Zimbabwe President Mugabe swears in vice presidents