"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 October 2008


Behind McCain’s Fall « The State of the Union
Big ballot boo-boo Osama for president -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY
Bush says anxiety feeding market instability
Class surprises lesbian teacher on wedding day
CNSNews.com - Incumbent Party Loses During Economic Turmoil, History Shows
Conn. court nixes gay marriage ban - Life- msnbc.com
DNA proves Dubrovnik body is missing Britt Lapthorne's NEWS.com.au
Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Former S.F. supervisor pleads guilty to federal extortion, bribery, plans to accuse others
FOXNews.com - 'Austin Powers' Actor Charged in Unsolved Gang Rape - Celebrity Gossip Entertainment News Arts And Entertainment
Illegal Immigrant Sentenced For Killing Child Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ Local News
My Way News - Officials US to drop NKorea from terror blacklist
Neighbors alerted to be on lookout for teens who left group home
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » UH-OH! Paramount Unaware ‘South Park’ Hated On Spielberg & Lucas & ‘Indy 4'; UPDATE Everyone Just Plans To Ignore It
The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com
Wild blueberries take antioxidant crown
AdelaideNow... 30 South Australian lesbian mums 'impregnated by same man'
Barack Obama 'pseudo controversies' hide racism, news anchor says - Grand Rapids News - The Grand Rapids Press Online - Michigan Newspaper - MLive.com
No barbed wire...it might hurt the thieves, allotment holders told Mail Online
Real author of Barack book Why it matters
SF Gate Multimedia (video)
'Brain fingerprinting' could be breakthrough in law enforcement
A scramble to unlock bank lending
akko Jewish residents call for boycott on Arab businesses - Ynet
Akko Riots lead to 2 cases of arson - Ynet
Alex Jones' Infowars There's a war on for your mind!
Andrew C. Wallace -- Avoid Civil War, Vote Out Political Criminals
Army Orders 'Pain Ray' Trucks
Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks; New Report Shows 'Potential for Death'
Arthur Robinson -- Easy Pickens
Barack Obama Joined Marxist Third Party In 1990s
Behind the Panic Financial Warfare over Future of Global Bank Power
Berit Kjos -- Training a Socialist Army of World Servers, Part 1
Berlusconi Says Leaders May Close World's Markets
Betty Freauf -- Let 'Em Fall
Beverly Eakman -- What the US Was Like When Men Were Free
Bloodbath as Panic Selling Devastates World Markets - Fox
Brit Govt Spy Cameras See Under Clothing
bush World will act to fight market mayhem
Byron J. Richards -- Plastic Outrage - Children in Danger
Can 'electric oysters' restore New York's waters
Can China Save The Global Economy - Adrienne Mong
Can the US be pals with the terrorist Taliban
Canadian Premier hopes to integrate economy with European Union
China May Let Peasants Sell Rights to Farmland - NY Times
China stiffing America for $100 billion in debt - WND
Chuck Baldwin -- A Wasted Vote
Cliff Kincaid -- McCain Follows Obama Down the Same Socialist Road
Congo blames Rwanda for fresh fighting
Curvier Women are Cleverer Too
Dave Daubenmire -- The Congregation of the Dead
Deanna Spingola -- Listen Up, Eye Rollers!, Part 1
Deanna Spingola -- Listen Up, Eye Rollers!, Part 2
Declare Your Independence From the Colonial Master
Devvy Kidd -- Obama & McCain Modern day Godfathers
Dow down again, caps off worst week since 1914
Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Rush Limbaugh
Economy, TV and the American Family
Elissa Meininger -- Global Food Imperialism - UN Style
EU struggles for unified response
Eugene Narrett -- Not Prime Time
Europe to US 'I told you so'
Frosty Wooldridge -- America's Greatest Danger this November Millions of Illegal Voters
G-7 Commit to `All Necessary Steps' to Stem Meltdown
Gas down almost 6 cents, nearing $3 - CNN
Glenn Beck's New World Order Diatribe
Graham Hospitalized After Fall Over Dog
Greg Evensen -- The Choice is Simple, The Ballot Box or the Bullet Box
Greg Palast » BBC Newsnight - The Theft of 2008
Greg Palast » BBC-TV “Set up to steal it again.” Is 2008 already fixed
Hard Lesson Americans Tighten Wallets
How to shake the bear market funk
Howard Nemerov -- Gun Control Common Sense or Common Cause
Iran calls for halting oil price slide - J'lem Post
Is North Korea set to come off US terror-sponsor list
Is This What We're In For
Jim R. Schwiesow -- Stepping to Perdition
Joan Veon -- World Government is Not Coming, It's Here!
Joe Kress -- Obama I'm a Citizen of the World, Part 1
Joe Kress -- Obama I'm a Citizen of the World, Part 2
John Loeffler -- The Sad Road to Socialism
John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern
Joint Chiefs head 'Enablers' needed in troop-scarce Afghanistan
Jon Christian Ryter -- DNC joins Obama to block Berg suit
Just Say No to the Bailout
Kashkari faces major task as 'bailout czar' - USA Today
Let free markets work, say conservatives - Washington Times
Livni tells Acre residents Don't take law into your own hands - Haaretz
Looking at Beautiful Art
Lying Time
Lynn Stuter -- Nancy Pelosi’s buy-in
Marc H. Rudov -- Biden Exposed Himself to Palin
McCain again raises Obama's ties with 1970s radical - Reuters
Media reports Chrysler, GM discuss merger, acquisition - USA Today
Meeting G-7, Bush Vows World Economic Fix
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 2
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 3
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 4
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 5
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 6
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 7
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 8
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development
MichaelMoore.com Barack 'Osama' on Rensselaer County ballots
MichaelMoore.com Exclusive Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
MichaelMoore.com Former governor Milliken backs away from McCain
MichaelMoore.com McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd
MichaelMoore.com McCain pledges balanced budget, criticizes Obama
MichaelMoore.com Mich. GOP Rep. Walberg tries to connect Democratic challenger to filmmaker Michael Moore
MichaelMoore.com States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal
NATO Members Agree to Hit Drug Trade in Afghanistan
Neocon Paper Obama Tried to Sway Iraqis on Bush Deal
New Flying Dinosaur Drone to Resemble Pterodactyl
New Killer Drones Could be Piloted by Teenagers
North Korea Releases Pictures of Kim Jong Il - Fox
Obama Sheeple Cheer Police Violation Of Free Speech
Olbermann slams McCain's connections to bonafied eugenicists, racists and fascists
Orwellian U.K. Angers People With Tree Cameras, Snooping Kids
Palin Pre-empts State Report, Clears Self in Trooper Probe - Fox
Patrick Wood -- Obama & McCain Pawns of the global elite
Paul Proctor -- Christians Partner With Pagans For A Better World
paulson U.S. Will Buy Stock in Banks - AP
People pressure Is immigration an ecoissue
Phillip D. Collins -- America, Inc. Land of Corporate Reign
Pint-Size Eco-Police, Making Parents Proud and Sometimes Crazy - NYTimes.com
Randy Murray -- Headlines, Sound Bites & Bumper Stickers
Reagan Palled Around With Terrorists, Too Jim Lobe
Renewed Arab-Jewish clashes in Acre after Yom Kippur riots - Jerusalem Post
Rich Nations Pushing for Coordination in Rescue - NY Times
Rosalind Peterson -- Buying & Selling the Right to Pollute
Samuel Blumenfeld -- Skeletons in the Democratic Party Closet
Sheriff begins taking away concealed weapons permits
Soldier punished in beating of Jewish trainee
Somali Pirates Threaten to Blow Up Hijacked Ship if No Ransom Is Paid - Fox
Stan J. Liebowitz -- How and Why the Federal Government Created the Mortgage Meltdown
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 1
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 2
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 3
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 4
Steven Yates -- Premises
Suicide attacks a growing threat in Pakistan
Taliban jailbreak thwarted....
The Ethno-Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy
The Spice Trade
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control
Time for Optimism
Tom DeWeese -- T. Boone Pickens New Kind of Prairie Rustler
Too Much Anger McCain Confronts Backers
Training a Socialist Army of World Servers, Part 1 Illuminati ...
Treasury may inject capital into banks by end October source
Troopergate Report Palin Abused Power
Turn Cheap Plonk into Fine Wine
UN and NATO Sign Secret Cooperation Agreement With Out UN Member States Reading Draft
Viva McCain! - The best man for the job - William Kristol
We Are Change RI Confronts Richard Haass... Again
What comes after the Great Unwinding - James Saft
What Explains the Recent Strength of the Dollar
Will Asian financial centers overtake Wall Street
World Bank Under Cyber Siege in 'Unprecedented Crisis'
World powers pledge to combat credit crisis - USA Today
You Saw It Here First; Economic Crash, Banker Stick-Up Predicted Long Ago

- - - -
'1984' Is Here! Orwell's Prophecy Has Become Reality
'Change' - Obama Backed By Consumate Insider
'Freedom And Liberty' For All...In A Dying Nation
38 Of Obama's 'Not Exactly' Statements
9-11-1 To 9-11-8 - Seven Year Tribulation
ATLAH Daily Webcast - Manning Fierce Prayer for Bristol Palin
Barack Hussein Obama, Future President
Barack Obama - The Devil's Spawn
Barack Obama Is A Zionist Muslim Communist
Black Americans Hosed By Obama
Bomber Obama - My Own Personal Terror War
Buchanan - Johnny's Got a New Girl
Change Or Surrender!
Change, Change, Change...To More Of The Same
Confirmed - Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet
Death Certificates Of Murdered Donald Young And Larry Bland - Both From Obama's Church
Every Modern US Election A Criminal Manipulation
Globe - Obama Caught Up In Gay Murder Probe
Hillary, Obama And The Cult Of Alinsky
How Big Corporations Choose 'Your' Candidates
I Love The Smell Of Fear In The Morning
Jerusalem Post - Michelle Obama As Fascist
Lest We Forget - 33 Senators Voted against English
Look Who's Backing Obama
Makow - Obama's Slip Revealed His True Colors
Massive Brzezinski Control Of Obama
Michael Moore - The Rich Are Staging A Coup
Money as debt
Multiculturalism - Destroying American Culture
Murdered Obama Church Choirmaster's Sinclair Contact
Obama 'First Family' Photos
Obama - America's 'Second Chance'...Or Its Last
Obama - ODM Candidate for President
Obama And 'Da Yutes'
Obama And The Fall Into Tyranny
Obama Can't Get Fake Photo Pose Right
Obama Economic Controller Is Skull And Bones Member
Obama Funder Soros Is Bush War Profiteer
Obama Lies About Membership In The CFR
Obama On Gun Control - The Facts
Obama The Dummy - Brzezinski The Ventriloquist
Obama Will Reinstate Draft - The Coming War
Obama's Backers Make Their Threat
Obama's Berlin Speech
Obama's Copied Speeches & Brzezinski's Spare Obama
Obama's Impending Pearl Harbor
Obama's New Spin Doc Is The Butcher Of 1991 Iraq War
Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security
Partial List Of Obama Campaign Lies
Pick Your Poison - The Next President Made To Order By The New World Order
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Rockefeller, TLC-Bilderberg Boss Nye Stump For Obama
Soros, Brzezinski, Rohjatyn, Rudman Running Obama
Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud
Tarpley - Is Gwatney Murder Part Of Obama Body Count
The Cult Of The Obamagogue
The Revealing Barack Obama Test
The World's Foremost Terrorist - The US Government
Thinking About Voting For The Obama Dream
US Kingmakers Triumph No Matter Who Wins
Walberg - The Bankers 9-11
Was Barack Obama Planted
When Worlds Collide
Who Counts Your Vote Only The Shadow Knows
Wooldridge - Brain Dead Voters
- -
Another Obama Ad on Health Care
Biden Defends Against Third Party Ads
Bush on Market Uncertainty
Bush's Statement After G-7 Finance Meeting
DSCC Says Schaffer Will Gamble with Social Security
Franken Ad Says Coleman Used Wellstone Story to Make Him Look Angry
McCain Ad Says Ambition Blinded Obama's Judgment
McCain Interview with Gibson
McCain Questions Obama's Honesty About Ayers
McCain Urges Supporters to Be Respectful
McCain Web Ad on ACORN
McCain Web Video Explains Obama-Ayers Ties
McCain-Palin Interview with Hannity
New Obama Ad Criticizes McCain Mortgage Plan
NRSC Says Merkley Ignores Rural Oregon
Obama Ad Says Smears Are All McCain Has Left
Obama in Portsmouth, Ohio
Obama Interview with Gibson
Obama on McCain's Mortgage Plan
Obama on the Economy
RNC Attacks the Chicago Way
Udall Out with Two More Ads
Why These Voters Stand with McCain Web Ad
Analysts on the Debate Performances
Interview with Michelle Obama
McCain Interview with Charles Gibson
McCain Proposes 401(k) Rule Changes
McCain, Palin Interview with Hannity
Obama Criticizes McCain's Mortgage Plan
Obama Interview with ABC News
Obama Says Now is Not the Time for Fear
Panel on Democrats' Prospects in the Senate
President Bush on the Economy, G7 Meeting
Roundtable on ACORN and Voter Fraud
Roundtable on the Economy & Candidates
Roundtable's Post-Debate Analysis
Shields & Ponnuru on the Week's Events
The Branchflower Report on Gov. Palin (PDF)
The Second Presidential Debate
Video - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
'Again this is a remote option, but not to be ruled out'
'All of their children and grandchildren would be registered as Muslims'
'Barack has captured the youth,' will bring about 'universal change'
'Bundler' raised $50,000 to $100,000 for campaign
'Experts' Didn't See Crisis Soaring Deficits, Debt
'How can you be sure they are not killing each other'
'I think I'm better off just keeping the cash for myself'
'I'm due to retire next month and I don't want my savings to disappear'
'It was used in the context of business'
'John has to show that there's nothing mainstream about Sen. Obama'
'Knows how to ... not make loans to people who can't afford to pay them back'
'Leanings of the mainstream media have overflowed into their sales departments as well'
'Nothing's easier than riling up a crowd by stoking anger and division'
'Once considered a sterile asset, ... now taking on a much more important role'
'Ooh, in America, this is the time, if you miss it it's gone'
'Seriously confused' Joins opposition to amendment declaring fertilized egg a person
'Some Americans don't take to social change with grace'
'There will be no bid for global equities ... until credit markets improve and funding rates drop'
'These ... are getting on the ballot as a way of generating fear in the public'
'We are in this together. We will come through it together'
'We commit to continue working together to stabilize financial markets'
'We received warnings not to talk about the incident'
'We're talking about children here ... and this behavior is completely unacceptable'
'What really did us in was the collapse of the banking system'
10 Dead, 50 Hurt By Pakistani Suicide Bomb
10 things to know about Bill Ayers CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Barack Obama
20 Questions For Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan
53% majority thinks government involvement not part of solution at all
8 great space telescopes
A peek inside the homes of the future
A Silence About Terror
Afghan President Reshuffles Cabinet
Ailing company sends 75 employees on all-expense paid trip to Greek Isles
All expected to recover, did not suffer any life-threatening injuries
American Thinker Blog Obama on Ayers 'I assumed he had been rehabilitated'
Americans' charge-it culture getting overdue reality check – will new discipline stick
Anthrax Symptoms & Information
Article purged from website recovered, reveals candidate's training activities
As Crisis Spreads, Global Approach Weighed
Assisted Suicide On Ballot In Wash. State
Austrian Firebrand Haider Dies In Odd Car Crash
Babies Can Tell Happy From Sad Songs
Back-to-Basics Banking
Berg Reply To Obama-DNC Protective Order
Billionaire money manager pooh-poohs 1929 talk
Bookmarklet converts Web pages to CD sleeves
Boy, 13, 'Dead' for 15 Minutes Regains Consciousness
Brown Lawn Puts FL Grandpa In Jail - No Bail
Bush pledges global response
But endorses 'common sense, effective safety measures' against inner-city violence
Call to ban junk food from NHS
Campaign says mistake to join a meeting attended by leaders of 2 controversial groups
Can McCain Still Win - HUMAN EVENTS
Can McCain Still Win
Cancer common after liver transplantation
Caps worst week ever – day's trading leaves Nasdaq with modest gain, Dow with mild decline
Cases test whether federal rules trump local consumer-protection policies
Catholics Struggle Over Voting For Obama
Check your junk mail Might have a contract in it
Children from same community potentially at risk for incestuous relationships
China May Let Peasants Sell Rights to Farmland
China recalls herbal injection after deaths
Claims not to have known about 'reprehensible acts' until after they had met
Computer repository of sensitive data about economies of every nation raided repeatedly
Concludes family grudge wasn't sole reason official fired but likely contributing factor
Crowd Boos After McCain Defends Obama
CT Supreme Court Legalizes Same Sex Marriage
Cuba Limits Food Sales So All Can Eat
Cyndi Lauper and her hero fight for gay rights
Deaths lead to transplants review
Deborah Simmons spotlights high cost of violent crimes committed by the unwelcome
Debt the culprit 'The deity controlling fairness and balance has just kicked back'
Dodd and Countrywide - WSJ.com
Drug-resistant HIV strains turning up in China
Economic downturn poses threat to mental health WHO
Educational under-achievement 'Both a regional and national catastrophe are at hand'
Elizabeth Edwards Tends to 'Gravely Ill' Mother
Embarrassed official says typo got past 3 proofers
Even presidents need time to chill out
Excerpt from Mark Steyn's book not likely to expose Muslims to hatred, contempt
exclusive Ellis Washington sees senator as a 'moribund, uninspired political hack'
exclusive Greg Laurie offers hope in times of pain and tragedy
exclusive Hal Lindsey ties group to financial meltdown, voter fraud, Barack Obama
exclusive Henry Lamb covers candidate's ACORN-influenced beliefs
exclusive John Aman clears the air about tragic death used by homosexual advocates
exclusive Joseph Farah revises earlier prediction about winner of presidential race
exclusive Pat Boone compares guvto 'buck stops here' Harry Truman
exclusive Patrice Lewis speculates about conspiracy to keep us obsessed with celebrities
exclusive Ted Baehr recommends movies with which to celebrate church holidays
Exhibit teaches life's beginnings through literal interpretation of Bible
Family group says fast-food giant agrees not to promote 'gay' agenda
Fatah group mulls talks with Hamas
Father says court case against schools reached his goal
FCC likely to recommend unlicensed spectrum use
Fear of Obama Presidency Hurt Markets; McCain is the Solution
Fearful Investors Dump Stocks, Bonds For Cash
Flashback - Critic claims agreements involving billions used to shift market
For Bush, last 100 days to feature 'no letting up' - Yahoo! Malaysia News
For Karl Rove, a Busy New Career and a ‘Rovian’ Legacy
FOX 411 Christie Brinkley's Ex Addicted to the Press
G7 endorses plan to stem financial crisis
G7 Rewrite Of Intl Finance Rules On Tap
Geoscientist proposes turning old vessels into mobile desalination plants
Germans Stockpiling Gold Amid Market Panic
Getting no credit for past support for immigration reform, while Republicans still angry
Global Crisis Needs Global Solution
Global Stock Selloff - Markets Plummet
GM, Chrysler In Merger Talks
Golden Gate Netting To Stop Suicide Jumpers
Google founder Brin visits Russian space cosmodrome
Had been in nursing home for past 2 years with Alzheimer's
Homeless man dies after being set ablaze
Hot Air Balloon Crashes In Flames; 1 Dead
Hot Air » Blog Archive » The quality of rehabilitation is very strained; Update “Rehabilitation” in 1998
House speaker suggests Congress may need to return this year
HUD secretary in 1998 proudly declares high credit risk buyers would receive loans
Hugh Hefner's crazy, sex-fueled life
Hundreds of consumers complain patch causes clots, strokes, even death
IMF warns of financial meltdown; Europe seeks unity
In private conversations on troop presence, candidate pitched delay
Investors worry about the impact of a severe international downturn
Is Posse Comitatus Dead
It's Not Over, But It's Going Obama's Way
Jonathan Falwell urges Christians to consider abortion issue 1st when casting ballot
Jump-Start Your Weight Loss Plan This Fall
Kidd - Obama & McCain - Modern Day Godfathers
Lawyer for Caylee's Mom Gets Access to Car, Evidence
Leonardo DiCaprio Half a boy and half a man
Lisa Marie Presley delivers twins report
Local 2 Investigates Dead Voters
London Bombing Suspects Used Getaway Rickshaws
London Feels For Russian Oligarchs' Losses
Longtime 'All My Children' actress dies
Makow - Freemasons Stage Our Political Charade
Markets Need to Break From Digging
Mary Mitchell targets Limbaugh over Palin, calls radio host 'the epitome of white privilege'
McCain Booed Trying To Calm Anti-Obama Crowd
McCain Draws Line on Attacks as Crowds Cry ‘Fight Back’
McCain Letter Demanded 2006 Action on Fannie and Freddie - HUMAN EVENTS
MD Cops Put Activists' Names On Terror Lists
Media Distorts GOP Crowds into Racist Mobs
Michelle Obama, Oprah rally women CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Elections
Milliken says he's disappointed by personal attacks on Obama, choice of Palin
Missouri officials suspect fake voter registration - Yahoo! News
Moody's weighs downgrade on concern financial crisis threatens earnings, investor confidence
More Journalists Pull Out of Iraq
My Way News - Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans
My Way News - Tim Robbins gets star of Hollywood Walk of Fame
NASA Gives Green Light to Threatened Mars Rover
National Portrait Gallery curator defends inclusion of Sanger, despite racist, eugenist views
Neocons Have Taken Over The Executive Branch
Nepalese girl will live in near isolation until she reaches puberty, loses her divine status
New license has expiration date for police to monitor visitors' stays
New-found level of complexity in structure makes them more difficult to predict
Not Over Yet for McCain
O.J. Simpson seeks new robbery trial
Obama Aims for Electoral Edge, Block by Block
Obama Dirty Money - Who's Buying The WH
Obama Fundraiser Rezko Starts Singing To Feds
Obama Says Negative Ads Won't Sway Voters
Obama thanks McCain for remarks, presses attack
Obama vs. Free Speech
Obama's Truth Deficit on Ayers
Obama, McCain Scramble to Address Voters' Fears
Obama, the New Old Gipper
Of Generals and Victories - HUMAN EVENTS
Offers to reduce fine if man listens to 20 hours of classical tunes
Official Obama Website
Oklahoma Is Sued Over Required Ultrasounds for Abortions
opinion Let's drill our way to lower taxes Governor's Task Force on Energy Policy
Opium trade blamed for pumping up to $100 million a year into Taliban coffers
Pa. governor Drowning man doesn't care what color person is who throws him life preserver
Pair reportedly grinding metal to repair water pipeline when spark ignited blaze
Palin drubs Obama on abortion during Pa. rally - Yahoo! News
Palin Guilty In Troopergate
Palin's Famous Family Lineage
Paul - Bailout Is New Taxes...Should Not Come From Senate
Paulson warns emerging markets not immune to turmoil
Picking apart the new McCain ad CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Lynn Sweet
Pitt changed Jolie's mind about biological kids
Planting Seeds of Disaster by Stanley Kurtz on National Review Online
Playing Frisbee on a Precipice
Police confirm Maoists killed Hindu leader – thousands flee amid continued violence
Political Memo A Candidate Who Embraces Opposites
Politics in Canada turn ugly - and dangerous - International Herald Tribune
Powell says Sen. Stevens' integrity sterling
Principal threatened to withhold diploma for Christian testimony
Program asks 'It's that time of day. Are you sure you want to send this'
RELIGION BRIEFING - washingtonpost.com
Removal is provisional on compliance with nuclear inspections
Report shows husband Todd unapologetic about effort to have trooper fired
Repossession 'is mental threat'
Rich Nations Pushing for Joint Financial Rescue
Rising rates accelerating defaults, could further undermine financial system
Road to November As Industries Dry Up, Frustration and Despair
Ron Paul - Bailout Was The Wrong Thing
Russia test-fires ballistic missile to mid-Pacific - Yahoo! News
Russia's Realism Vs America's Denial
Russian warships call in Libya report
SAG could strike in November
Says she's 'not confident we can get a fair election' in state in November
Schedule calls for her to campaign in West Virginia, Arkansas, Pennsylvania
Scientists confirm shark's ‘virgin birth'
Set up direct Senate contact for Kenyan opposition leader
Seven Days In October
Site adds 'audio preview' feature to cut back on inane discussion
Skin Deep The Sum of Your Facial Parts
Smokeless Gun Of Flagrant Election Fixing
Somalia and the Pirates
Sorry, Dad, I'm Voting For Obama
Space toilet goes on the fritz . again!
Specter raised of strategic crisis in some of world's most dangerous spots
Star Parker wants government to return to simply protecting life, liberty and property
Stone says no malice intended in W.
Strange Fish Found Thriving Five Miles Deep in Pacific
study Drinking Red Wine May Prevent Lung Cancer
Suing – claims numbers ordered at 859 p.m., then delay occurred
Suspect in high-profile murder case kills himself
Swept Up by Insanity of Markets
Talking Ourselves Into a Depression
Tells Paulson $700 billion bailout 'appears to be improving liquidity'
That way, supporters can spend Election Day 'getting other people' to polls
The 'Unitary Executive' Question
The Anti-Semite's Favorite Prayer
The Associated Press Polygraphs proposed for Ind. congressional debate
The Big Apple Is Quickly Losing Its Luster
The Bill Ayers Barack and I Worked With
The Empire Has No Clothes
The End Of American Capitalism - washingtonpost.com
The Excesses of Pragmatism
The Federal Reserve - Greatest Scam In History
The Financial Collapse - What Will Happen Next
The Fleecing Of America
The Government Is Contributing to the Panic
The Light at the End of the Crisis
The New Senate Majority
The New Welfare Queens
The Next Banking Bomb
The OOC Takes it to Barry Obama
The Real World Consequences of Republican Rule
The Real, Actual Astronomy Of 2012
The stealth candidate
These are the new coffeehouses, community centers of the Internet
Three killed in U.S. missile attack in Pakistan U.S. Reuters
Time to Act
Tomorrow The Coup
Troopergate Report Palin Abused Power
TV ad features Obama mocking Bible
U.S. drug maker 'pleased with vaccination rate' of children, 13-17
Unveil 5-point plan to address economic crisis calling for 'urgent and exceptional action'
US Holds Bird Flu Vax Over Bioweapon Fears
US Stocks Drop In Rollercoaster Session
Victim says man entered her home, attacked her in bed
Video - Cosmology In Crisis
Video - CRISIS
Video - Farrakhan Calls Obama 'The Messiah'
Video - Goldman Sachs Bribed Senate To Pass Bailout
Video - John McCain's Rage
Video - Ron Paul - 'They Defied Their Districts'
Video - US Army Prepares To Invade US
Video - US Economy Collapsing
Video highlights past legal work for group, fact they endorsed him for president
Visit China's Forbidden City - as a virtual eunuch
Voters consider once-in-20-year opportunity for constitutional convention
Warn D.C. risks making same mistakesTokyo made when banks there collapsed
Warning issued Fluorescent modelwhere shape of coil is clearly visible
Western Journalists in Iraq Stage Pullback of Their Own
What Barney Frank Doesn't Grasp
What History Tells Us About the Market
What The Financial Crisis Means For You
When carjacker flashed air pistol, victim refused, talked to God
When Do We Get to Riot
When Is A Holocaust Not A Holocaust
White House - Markets Won't Be Shut Down
Why Ayers Matters
Why No Traction for McCain
Why the Ayers Attack Isn't Sticking
Will MSM Challenge Obama Assumption That Bill Ayers Was 'Rehabilitated' NewsBusters.org
World Nuclear Power Renaissance
Yet U.S. taxpayers helping Beijingas part of trillion-$ credit bailout
YouTube to Offer TV Shows With Ads Strewn Through

'Langley' Hacks 911 Poll! - Results Turned Upside Down - Hack Discovered
Another 'Average American' Ready To Confront The New World Order Before It's Too Late
Christians Should Reassess Support for Israel Zionism, Anti Semitism and American Democracy
Clinton Involved In Arkansas 'Blood Scandal' According To New Documentary Released
Communism, Zionism And Feminism Share NWO Pedigree Mankind Is Entering A New Dark Age
Makow - Bush Victory Could Foil Occult Plot The 'Crown' And The Masonic Temple
Makow - Elite Sets Stage For World War Three Americans To Take The 'Fall' This Time
Makow - Lucifer Is The Secret God Of Secular Society Occult Agents Control Humanity
Pick Your Poison - The Next President Made To Order By The New World Order
Protocols The NWO Blueprint'Protocols Of Zion' Is The Illuminati Blueprint
The Bush-Bin Laden Cartel And The NWO Chronology Of The Seduction Of America
The Real Motive Behind 'Dept Of Global Anti-Semitism' By Rev. Ted Pike 8-25-5
Zionists Made A Deal With The Devil Accepting The 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
'The Skulls' - Insider Secrets Of The New World Orderlies
Adam Weishaupt - The New World Order And Utopian Globalism
Again & Again
Alan Cantwell On The Origin Of AIDS
Americans Are Energy Ignorant
Americans Are Rothschild Proxies In Iraq Who Is America Fighting For
An Afternoon With Eustace Mullins
Are 'Chem-Busters' Actually Chem-Boosters -- Or Cleaners-Uppers ...
As The World Goes To Hell... Freemasonry Is The Common Denominator
Bankers Demand We 'Obey' Them
Barack Obama Is A Zionist Muslim Communist
Be Afraid - The New World Order's Fascist Pedigree
Bliderberg Plan - Control Oil, Control People
Bush Thought 'National Security' Would Mask His Lies
Chamish - The Guilt-Ridden Jews Of The New World Order
China Wants Its Own 'New World Order' To Oppose US Version
Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati
Conspiracies, Conspiracies Everywhere
Deaths Of 5 Ipswich Prostitutes - Media Misdirection
Denmark - Model Matrix For A Brave New World
Do Jews Control The World
Does A Satanic Cult Rule The World
Eustace Mullins Tells It Like It Is - Vid
Ex-Gautemala Bishop - Jesuits Are Spiritual Controllers Of NWO
F. William Engdahl's 'Seeds of Destruction'
For Whom Art Bell Tolls... He Tolls For The New World Order
Free Speech Is Not Freedom To Lie, Slander, Defame
Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose
Frosty Wooldridge -- The Coming Break Up of America Part 2
Gloria Steinem - How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society
Hidden 1845 Book Gives Clues About The New World Order
Hitler Didn't Want World War Illuminati Created and Manipulated Hitler
How The Banksters Ensured US WWII Intervention
Humanity Is Under Occult Attack
Illuminati Cash 'Slush Fund' Estimated At $65 Trillion
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy
Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture
Important Quotes
Is the Conspiracy Jewish - The Controversy Of Zion
John Lennon Said Turned Into New World Order Patsy
Keep An Eye On Gorbachev
Let Us Sound The Midnight Cry Of Paul Revere
Life In The New World Order
Lifting The Curtain On The Invisible Government
Makow - 'The Jewish Banker Conspiracy'
Makow - Bankers Are Behind The Counter Culture The Aquarian Conspiracy
Makow - Bill Gates Satanist In Sheep's Clothes
Makow - Communism Illuminati Jewish Theft, Murder
Makow - Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive Cognitive Dissonance
Makow - Countdown To World War Three
Makow - Did Bormann Run Hitler For The Illuminati
Makow - Did Rothschild Write The Protocols Of Zion
Makow - Do Jews Suffer From False Consciousness
Makow - Freemasonry Mankind's Death Wish
Makow - How UFOs Relate To The New World Order
Makow - Illuminati Bankers Are Making A Killing
Makow - Illuminati Rebel Issues Warning
Makow - Is the New World Order 'Jewish'
Makow - Jews Being Set Up For Another Holocaust
Makow - John Kerry & The Art Of Brainwashing Psycho Politics
Makow - Michael Moore Shills For Illuminati Bankers Propaganda 911
Makow - Miley Cyrus Pedophilia - The Next Frontier
Makow - Osama bin Laden Endorses John Kerry Blows His CIA Cover
Makow - Protocols Forgery Argument Is Flawed
Makow - Psy-Op 'Earth Hour' Turns Light Out On Humanity
Makow - Rothschilds Conduct 'Red Symphony' The 20th Century Unveiled
Makow - Satan's Face In Current Events Evil Claims A Planet
Makow - Sexual Liberation Is About Slavery
Makow - Surviving The New World Order
Makow - The 'God' That Serves Elite Jews
Makow - The Illuminati World Of 'Make Believe'
Makow - The Jewish Century
Makow - The Reason For Israel's Moral Failure
Makow - Zionist Fox Guards American Henhouse Protection Racket
Makow - Zionists Double-Crossed Iraqi Jews The Cartel Cons Humanity
Makow-Why Men Are Losing Interest in Women
Massive Brzezinski Control Of Obama
More High Level Illuminati Inside Info From Masonic Defector
New Nazi-Lite Con Men Take Washington
New World Order Involvement In Illegal Immigration
New World Order Killer Children - What Have We Wrought
New World Order Stealing Americans Blind
No Border, No Order, No Nation
NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
NY Times A Zionist NWO Mouthpiece
One Of The Great Vortexes Of History
Our Leaders Hold A Gun To Our Head
Post Game Show - Russia Vs Georgia
Protocols Offer Key To Our Exasperation Jews In The NWO
Rothschilds & Rockefellers - Trillionaires Of The World
Russia, Europe & The US - Fundamental Geopolitics
Sarah's Not-So-Perfect World
Schwarz Versus Brzezinski
Secret Societies And The New World Order
Setting The Stage For Complete Global Governance
Soros Is CIA In EU
The Baphomet Conspiracy and the Laboratory of Fear
The Barbara 'Olsen' Story Has No Legs
The Bear And The NWO
The Coming Break Up Of America - Part 1
The Elders Of Zion And The Masters Of Discourse
The Enemy Of Humanity - How Should We React
The Georgia Guidestones - Illuminati Ten Commandments
The Holocaust As Mental Paradigm WhyThe Jews Didn't Resist
The Hypocrisy Of David Horowitz
The Merchandising Of The New World Order
The Millennium Conflict - America First or World Government
The Most Perfect President Ever Produced
The New World Order Is Our Own Government
The New York Stock Exchange Goes Global
The On-Going Conspiracy To Create A One World Dictatorshiip
The Planned Collapse Of USA
The Power Of The Rothschilds
The PRE-PLANNED Financial-Economic 911 of 2008
The Prophet Before The Storm - Part I
The Protocols Of Zion - A Literary Forgery
The Quickening
The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem.
The Strange, Mysterious Eternal Allure Of Adolf Hitler
The Train Wreck Of The Zionist New World Order
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Part II
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO
The Upside-Down World Of Denial & Conquest
The Zionist NWO Versus A Sino-Russian NWO
The Zionist West Has Met Its Match
To Serve Man - Aliens And The New World Order
Top World Leaders Work Together To Destroy America
Toward A New World Order - How It Is Being Done
Translating And Dissecting DC Lies
U.S. State Department Says New Testament Is Anti-Semitic
US And Russia Seed Of 'New World Order' Seen
Veon - US Dropped To Third World Status
Wanta Money Languishing In 'Hands Of The Devil'
War Declared On Elitist DC Zionist Criminal Cabal
We Have The Power
Welcome To the Revolution
When Worlds Collide
Who Is Running America The Corporate USA And The New World Order
Who We Need Fear - What Is Global Hawk
Who Will Stop The Countdown
Will Killer Fungus Be Used To Spread GMO Wheat
Will There Be A Zionist Century
World Financial Collapse - A Capitalist Conspiracy!
'Minnesota Nice' McCain Calls for Calm
5 Killed in Chelsea Apartment Fire
A Candidate Who Embraces Opposites
A Fantasy Universe Raises Its Broadsword Against World of Warcraft
A Guantánamo Homecoming
ABC Report Suggests ACORN Is Committing Voter Fraud
Advocacy Group Sues Oklahoma's Law Against Abortion
Alaska Probe Says Palin Abused Her Authority
Angelina Jolie's very public private moment
Antiwar Protestor Disrupts McCain Iowa Rally
As governor, Palin at times bonds church and state
attorney Jailed OJ believes he was 'railroaded'
Austrian far-right leader Haider dies in car crash
Battle over early election decree in Ukraine
BBC NEWS Science & Environment 'Deepest ever' living fish filmed
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Is anybody listening out there
Biden is the one to fear
biden It's the economy, John
Big ballot boo-boo Osama for president
Bloomberg shrugs off opposition to term-limit extension
Boat smashes into dock on Michigan river; 3 killed
Bridge directors vote for net to deter suicides
Can the G-7 Save the World from Financial Chaos
Candidates offer new proposals to aid investors
Check Point On Obama, Acorn and Voter Registration
China says new liquid milk in line with melamine limits
Citizen Terrorists Deleted
Credit freeze sees small cracks
Cuomo to court Stop 'illegal' radio ratings
Democrats Discuss a Post-Election Stimulus Bill
Did Obama lie about Ayers
Economic Crisis Could Flatten Mobile Apps
Elderly man who shot wife in hospital dies
FCC report negates free Internet interference claims
FDIC Easing of Trust Rules Increases Deposit Coverage (Update1)
Finance officials comments at IMF meetings
Friend says missing hikers didn't consider themselves lost
Fund lobbies to revive Microsoft-Yahoo deal
GE Finance Arm Tightens Lending Standards Worldwide in Crunch
GeoEye Starts New Earth Photo Album With High-Res Pics
GeoEye's Eye On .... Kutztown
German experts probe Nepal plane crash
GM Held Merger Talks With Ford Before Chrysler
Groups Wants Next President to Disclose 'Truth' About UFOs Autopia from Wired.com
Health Insurance – A Major Problem in the US
Hearst to Close CosmoGirl Magazine
Heavy Metal-Eating Superworms Unearthed in U.K.
Holiday wars Sony counts on games, Microsoft on price
How To Tell If Your Small Bank Is In Trouble
HPV infection rates similar in men and women
In Philadelphia, Obama paints McCain as out of touch
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology Chile Intraterrestrials in the Chilean Desert
Inside mailbox, an eastern diamondback lay waiting
Insurance on Lehman Debt Is the Industry’s Next Test
Is Cheaper Oil A Good Thing
Is That the Sound of the Silicon Valley Web 2.0 Bubble Bursting
Israeli Jews and Arabs Clash in Acre for Fourth Day
Japanese businessman accused of conspiring to kill wife hangs himself in jail -- Newsday.com
LAIR OF THE BEASTS Do Mammoths Still Roam Mania.com
Lettuce in E. coli outbreak traced to California
Limit on cold remedies for kids was FDA's idea
Lost manatee headed to Fla. after Mass. rescue
Maryland Nuns Branded as Suspected Terrorists
Mazda says no decision on sale of Ford's stake
McCain ad deplores Obama's ties to Ayers
mccain America is angry and I am too
McCain Campaign Sustains the Focus on Obama’s Links to a 1960s Radical
McCain Chides Protestor, Asks For Bipartisanship
McCain on Defense in Red States Campaign Notebook (Update1)
McCain shies away from recent days' attacks
Mexican cartel's pot 'gardens' pollute area forests
Mexican marijuana cartels sully US forests, parks
MHS set to host “WE DIG PINK” event
MoD spins out UFO X-Files with speedy redact technology 9 Oct 2008 ComputerWeekly.com
Mutant fish called goonch found on India-Nepal border eating human corpses to be shown in TV documentary The Sun NewsWeird
Mystery Illness Kills 100 Horses at Florida Farm
Napa County wildfire forces evacuations of over 100 homes
Nasa committed to Mars rover plan
New Guidelines Make It Easy to Get Fit
Next Mars Rover Mission on Schedule Even as Cost Rises
NKorea TV shows photos of Kim inspecting military
Nobel Peace Prize winner wants jobs for the young
Nuke deal is signed, sealed, and delivered
Obama and McCain push economic plans as stocks plunge
Obama gets blue-light special rate for primetime TV address
Obama Proposes Small Business Rescue Plan
Obama wins William Buckley's son
Obama “Appreciated” McCain’s Efforts to Tone Down Rhetoric
Obama's organization outpaces McCain's in Wis.
Obama, McCain Scramble to Address Voters' Fears
Oil sheds more than $9 to hit 13-month low
OJ Gunning for New Trial
Ovarian Cancer Test Sales Are Illegal, FDA Warns
Palin Goes After Obama on Issue of Abortion
palin Obama put 'ambition above country'
Peter Cook Says I Am Still the Person Christie 'Raved' About
Picking apart the new McCain ad that slams the 'Chicago Way'
Pike sued for Fast Lane, E-ZPass toll differences
Pirates threaten to blast ship
Protesters voice opinions outside McCain event
Registration questions stain vote, ex-justice
Report sheds light on uninsured
Riding high, Obama nods to McCain, rallies fans
Russian space chief reassures US partners
Sarah Palin takes on SNL's Tina Fey Oct. 25
Satellites may help scientists predict outbreaks - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com
Singh helps start Kashmir train service
Space station crew might not be expanded
SPACE.com -- Spacecraft Reveals Stunning New Views of Mercury
Study asks if gene testing motivates healthy living
Sumner Redstone forced to sell Viacom, CBS shares
Ten guilty of subliminal advertising The Australian
Thai PM considers resigning in wake of protests
The Copycat Effect Stock Market Suicides
The Fight for the Jewish Vote
This week in Apple New notebooks, new writers, and more Woz
Verizon Wireless Plans to Charge Companies Sending Text Messages
video - Ron Paul Rejects Evolution
Voter Registration Deadline Tuesday
wachovia No shareholder vote on Wells deal
Wal-Mart Reverses Decision To Shutdown Digital Music DRM Servers
Walgreen hits 10-year low after CEO Rein departs
War of words in presidential campaign intensifies
Wildlife gives early warning of 'deadly dozen' diseases spread by climate change - Times Online
Will McCain Do Anything to Win
Woman was mistakenly declared dead delawareonline The News Journal
You know what these presidential debates need
Your Money One Thing You Can Control Your Credit Score
YouTube - Let's Take America Back - Ron Paul 2008
YouTube - Ron Paul vs Ben Bernanke - Monetary Inflation - 11.08.07
YouTube to Offer Full TV Shows
Zimbabwe's Opposition Says Power-Sharing Deal in Jeopardy