"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 October 2008

13 Oct

'All of their children and grandchildren would be registered as Muslims'
'Must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either ... should fail.
'We received warnings not to talk about the incident'
10 things to know about Bill Ayers. A primer - Lynn Sweet
2nd out-of-state teen dropped at Omaha hospital
A slander against the '60s SocialistWorker.org
Article purged from website recovered, reveals candidate's training activities
Attempt to return found pages of torn Islamic scriptures used by family enemy to make charge
Ayers a pointless campaign ploy -- chicagotribune.com
Barack Hussein Obama ~ SHOCKING connections!
Barack Obama Is A Zionist Muslim Communist
Barack Obama Pastor Friend Michael Pfleger Mocking Hillary
Barack Obama Saul Alinsky Louis Farrakhan Tony Rezko Bill ...
Barack Obama's Pattern of False Statements on Bill Ayers
borger Dwindling savings make attacks on Obama less salient
Boy killed in Santa Cruz sand cave collapse is identified
Britain withdraws terror detention law after defeat
Bush, Farrakhan and Obama
Cambodia warns Thais over border
Campaign tries to distance senator from group convicted of voter fraud
Candidate's 'Fight the Smears' site tries to bury video documentation
Charles Krauthammer - Obama & Friends Judge Not - washingtonpost.com
Chinese Culture Is Morally Bankrupt, Say Critics
Clashes in Montenegro over Kosovo
Congressman says several colleagues got message before vote
Daley reins in radicals — the Chicago Way
Democrat elected to remove 'ethical cloud' of disgraced predecessor, Mark Foley
Ex-minister barred for ANC threat
exclusive Joseph Farah calls for nation to reclaim position as shining city on a hill
Exodus of Christians as killers step up religious cleansing in Iraq
Farrakhan calls Barack Obama the Messiah
Farrakhan Endorses Obama HITLER YOUTH - Helter Skelter
flashback - Organization convicted of voter fraud, pushes 'authoritarian socialist' agenda
Ghana News Feature Article Obama and `60s bomber A look into crossed paths
GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama
GOP candidate plans to springboard from next debate
Hank Williams Jr. Cleans Up His Act for McCain-Palin
Hidden Agendas, Obama, Farrakhan & Helter Skelter
Hillary Clinton appropriates a signature line from Sarah Palin rallies
House speaker suggests Congress may need to return this year
House to investigate lawmaker for alleged affair, ethics lapse
Houston TV station helicopter crashes, 2 dead
Is US fighting force big enough
It's The Theology Stupid! Obama, Wright and Farrakhan connection
Jerome Corsi - Interview with the Best Selling Author
Jerome Corsi - Obama & Odinga of Kenya
Jerome Corsi, Author, The Obama Nation Takes Live Phone Calls
John Lewis, Farrakhan, Obama and Hillary
Kenya maintains no negotiation policy with Somali pirates
Livni 'makes key coalition deal'
Longer Version - Barack Obama Racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Louis farrakhan Calls OBAMA the messiah! Helter Skelter
Louis Farrakhan calls Obama the Stone the Builders Rejected ...
Louis Farrakhan on Barack Obama, Churches and Satan's Rule
Mayor Commends Quinn on Term Limit Decision
Mayor Daley defends Obama, vouching for William Ayers - Lynn Sweet
McCain offers tougher criticism of Bush economics
McCain Responds to Conservative Critics
McCain switches gears, aggressively goes on the offensive
McCain Vows Comeback as He Tries New Tack
McCain vows to keep fighting
Michelle Obama speaks of family struggles in Minn.
Mine, Baby, Mine
Money As Debt
More cash slated to ensure services for farmers
NKorea lifts ban on UN inspectors at nuclear site
No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen - New York Times
NYC Council speaker supports term-limit law change
Obama - ODM Candidate for President
obama A foolish choice
Obama did not write Dreams From my Father
Obama Expands Economic Plans
Obama Offers Steps to Stem Foreclosures, Aid Families (Update2)
Obama Pitches Middle Class Rescue Plan
Obama's Other Hateful Pastor
Official admits state is too swamped to stop ineligible from casting ballots
Official says deposits in Vatican bank are safe
Palin Stays on the Offensive at Huge Va. Rally
Palling with the Weatherman -- and we don't mean Dick Goddard - PD Opinion - cleveland.com
Parliament hit by airport protest
Post-ABC Poll McCain's Structural Problems
Presidential wannabe could putfemale warriors on front lines
Pyongyang to allow nuclear checks
Red Alert temporarily postponed until author's recovery from traumatic abduction
Republicans beat Ayers drum
Reuters Summit-Obama, McCain would raise corporate taxes expert
Rumors attractive aide was banned by wife reportedly came from Democrats
schmidt McCain 'within striking distance'...
Scientists Try to Domesticate Mother Nature, 'Super Bugs' for Fuel - WSJ.com
Set up direct Senate contact for Kenyan opposition leader
Should McCain Worry About West Virginia
Source says jump-start to include lower taxes for investors
Sources say info may hurt Illinois' governor worse than state's senator
Sudanese Arrest Militia Leader
Supreme Court rejects obese Ohio inmate's appeal
The day a 'terrorist' was a guest in my kitchen
The Evolutionary Third Way - A US Mandate For Change
The Great American Guilt Trip
Treasury intends to invest billions in exchange for majority stake
Treasury secretary promises foreign leaders U.S. won't 'limit the flow of goods'
US commander rejects reports of Afghan war being lost
video Hillary kicks ass - “American will once again rise from the ashes of the Bushes.” blogger interrupted
video “He’s Arab” woman got her info from McCain campaign office blogger interrupted
Voter registration boom favors Obama
War hero McCain deserted by voters in military state
Will Obama suffer from the 'Bradley effect'
Yet U.S. taxpayers helping Beijing as part of trillion-$ credit bailout
YouTube - Bill Ayers IED Maker & Obama Mentor

A Savage prediction for McCain
ABC News Congressman's $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress
Big Brown's racing career over after injury -- Newsday.com
Candidates differ on female draft
CNSNews.com - Shari’a Law Called ‘Racist, Backward’ at Meeting of Ex-Muslims
From nude photos to lying Federal judges under scrutiny Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Hanged for being a Christian in Iran - Telegraph
Howard Stern loses listeners -- and influence -- on satellite radio - Los Angeles Times
HYMAN Obama's Kenya ghosts
URGENT Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors « HillBuzz
Site - Notes from the Vegan Feast Kitchen
Site -Deborah Madison (vegatarian cooking)
video - Berg Interview - Issues In Berg Vs. Obama
' Barack Osama' on absentee ballots
'I've lost faith in The Messiah' How EDWARD HEATHCOAT AMORY lost ...
1.3 Million Reasons for the GOP's 'Dixie-Chicking' of ACORN
4 Ways McCain Could Still Turn It Around
A Closer Look at Sustainable Development – Part A
A Closer Look at Sustainable Development – Part B
A History of Smears Against Black Leaders
A Rescue Plan for the Middle-Class
AAA Site - HempUSA -
Acts of Rage, Hate in McCain Corner
Afghanistan a Growing Danger
Alan Stang -- Beware of the Red Dot
All That Darned Conservatism
Americans - People Without A Country
Americans May Get More Food Stamps
Andrea Mitchell questions McCain's economic advisor over guilt by association tactic in the latest smear ads
Arthur Robinson -- Easy Pickens
Axelrod & Davis on Fox News Sunday
Babies Left to Die Is Obama a Christian
Barack 'Osama' on Ballots Sent to Voters in NY
Barky Calls For Stop On Foreclosures
Berit Kjos -- Training a Socialist Army of World Servers, Part 1
Bernanke & Co. Have Plenty of Options Left
Betty Freauf -- There is Profit in Confusion
Beverly Eakman -- What the US Was Like When Men Were Free
Biden Defends Against Third Party Ads
Biden on Hardball
Biden on Today
Biden To Palin Don't Lecture Me About Patriotism
Brad at Guardian UK 'The Republican Voter Fraud Hoax'
Build Our Way Out Of Depression, Dems Say
Bush on Market Uncertainty
Bush's Statement After G-7 Finance Meeting
Byron J. Richards -- Plastic Outrage - Children in Danger
Campaigns Pledge Immigration Enforcement
Can America Afford Another Jimmy Carter
Can U.S. Sustain Burdens of Global Leadership
Child Robot Makes Rare Appearance
Chuck Baldwin -- A Wasted Vote
Cliff Kincaid -- McCain Follows Obama Down the Same Socialist Road
Clinton Planned To Divorce Hillary
Clintons, Bidens Stump in Scranton
CNN Runs Extremely Misleading Obama Headline
Comparing Campaign Attacks The Chris Matthews Show panel just doesn't get it
Crushing Potential Of Financial Derivatives
D.C. Report Finds E-Vote Company Added Thousands of 'Phantom Votes' in Last Month's Primary
Dave Daubenmire -- The Congregation of the Dead
David Axelrod to Rick Davis 'You're selling lobbyists access to Senator McCain
David Freddoso Argues 'The Case Against Barack Obama' on FNC
David Freddoso on CNN The Case Against Barack Obama
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Anglo-American Chessboard
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Bankers & Their Bombers
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Beating the Oil War Drums
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Burn All, Steal All, Kill All!
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Government by Gunpoint
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Killing the Competitors
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Oil War One, 1914-1918
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Population Reduction Through Genocide
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Recruiting Willing Puppets
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Viet Nam - Democratized and Ready to Plunder
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Viet Nam Plundered
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook, Creating & Controlling Chaos
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook, Promoting War, Part 1
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam, a Prototype, Part 2
Debtor Nation
Defining Sustainable Development
Deregulation Sank the Titanic!
Dev Blog Obama Misrepresenting His Record
Dev Blog The Audacity Of Deceit Barak Obama
Devvy - Line In The Sand Now At Pacific Ocean
Devvy Kidd -- Presidential election one giant fraud
Dow Surges More Than 900 Points
DSCC Says Dole is Out of Touch with North Carolina
Economic Crisis Or Climate Crisis, Must We Choose
Economic Crisis Worst Since Great Depression
Electrical Particle Accelerator In Space
Eruption Of 3 Volcanoes Raises Questions
Eugene Narrett -- Not Prime Time
exclusive OH's SoS Brunner Looks Beyond Today's E-Voting Nightmares
Fidel - A 'Miracle' Obama Hasn't Been Assassinated
Final Shoe Dropping On US Consumerism
Fox News Wright Does Not Influence Obama
Frozen Grand Central - 'Art' Or Psy Op
Gay Chic Gives Rise To 'Fauxmosexuals'
Geoff Metcalf -- Who Won the First Presidential Debate
Give Me Liberty or Give Me… Sex
Globe - Obama Caught Up In Gay Murder Probe
GOP Withdraws 6,000 Bogus Voter Challenges in Montana
GOP's ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Scam Rolls Out in MO...Right on Schedule...
Govt To Only Invest In 'Healthy' Banks(!)
Greg Evensen -- The Unraveling of America's Soul
guests David Axelrod & Rick Davis
guests Gov. Corzine and Fmr. Rep. Portman
guests Gov. Granholm & Sen. Feinstein (PDF)
guests Reps. Emanuel & Blackburn; Mayor Bloomberg
guests Sen. Graham & Gov. Ritter (PDF)
guests Sens. Lieberman and McCaskill
guests Sens. Schumer & Specter; Robert Rubin
History Suggests McCain Faces an Uphill Battle
Houses Blown Up - Christians Flee Iraq's Mosul
How Obama Got Joe Six-Pack
Howard Nemerov -- Gun Control Common Sense or Common Cause
Icke - They're Not Laughing Anymore
Insider Exposes Hoax Of Guantanamo 'Confessions'
Interview with Michelle Obama
Intimidation by ObamaNation
Iraqi Archbishop - Christians Face 'Liquidation'
Iraqi Govt Fuels 'War For Oil' Theories
Is Terrorist Killer Bill Ayers Obama's Ghostwriter
Is the media pumping up the angry Mobnarratives at the McCain-Palin events Malkinites are called to duty!
Islam's transcendent challenge
Israel's Religious Fanatics
It's Common Sense The Experts are to Blame
Jeffrey Smith -- An FDA-Created Health Crisis Circles the Globe, Part 1
Jerusalem Post - Michelle Obama As Fascist
Joan Veon -- The Raping of the American Investor
John Loeffler -- The Sad Road to Socialism
John Velleco -- Sarah Palin Brings Firepower to General Election
Jon Christian Ryter -- DNC joins Obama to block Berg suit
Jumping Ship on McCain....
karmaFoley's successor in own sex scandal
Kristol rips McCain campaign it's pathetic Pfotenhauer says 'He has bought into the Obama campaign’s party line'.
Larry King Live Republican Women Implode Over Their Party And Sarah Palin
Lessons Of The Credit Crash
Liberal Catholic Bigotry Against Sarah Palin
Liberty or Sustainable Development
Lynn Stuter -- Nancy Pelosi’s buy-in
MAJOR IRONY ALERT 'Vote-Rigging' FL Congressman Tom Feeney Tells Fox News ACORN 'Destructive of Democracy'
Makow - Illuminati Bankers 'Revolution' By Economy
Man At Palin Rally Displays Monkey Doll wearing Obama Sticker
Marc H. Rudov -- Biden Exposed Himself to Palin
Markets Remain Best Hope for a Better Future
Mary Matalin defends psycho right wing crowd reactions of the McCain campaign to Obama. Rev Wright is not far behind
Maybe It's Your Duty NOT To Vote--Youth Voter Organization Pushes Back Against John Stossel
Maybe Obama Does Not Know How to Use A Computer, Either
McCain Ad Says Ambition Blinded Obama's Judgment
McCain Funded By Soros Since 2001
McCain Interview with Charles Gibson
McCain Interview with Gibson
McCain Proposes 401(k) Rule Changes
McCain Questions Obama's Honesty About Ayers
McCain Should Fire His Campaign
McCain Struggles to Hold Viriginia
McCain Urges Supporters to Be Respectful
McCain Vows to Win Wednesday Debate
McCain Web Ad on ACORN
McCain Web Video Explains Obama-Ayers Ties
McCain's latest We've got [Obama] right where we want him!
McCain's Lobbyists -- And His Judgment
McCain's Pandora's Box
McCain's Speech in Virginia Beach
McCain's Supposed Adviser John Lewis Calls Him Out
McCain, Palin in Virginia Beach
McCain, Palin Interview with Hannity
McCain-Palin Interview with Hannity
Meet the Press and Face the Nation
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 9
Mister Magoo Goes to Washington
Naomi Wolf - Fascism Is Falling Upon Us
Nationalisation Of The Wests Banking System
Next President Will Benefit From Move on N. Korea
No Room in America for Class Warfare
NRSC on Shaheen's Fiscal Record
O'Reilly on Obama's Mentors
Obama Ad Says Smears Are All McCain Has Left
Obama And 'Da Yutes'
Obama Appreciates McCain Trying to Tone Down Rhetoric
Obama called 'fake reformer'
Obama Gains as New South Trumps Old Race Card
Obama Interview with ABC News
Obama Interview with Gibson
Obama Lays Out Economic Rescue Plan
Obama Picked Biden to Help Him Govern
Obama Rides Wave of Bad Economic News
Obama steps up to the plate on the economy
Obama The Dummy - Brzezinski The Ventriloquist
Obama the Facilitator
Obama tied to Chicago corruption
Obama vs. McCain, Pt. 2
Obama vs. McCain
Obama Will Fundamentally Alter Nation's Character
Obama's 'No Preconditions' pledge blows up in his face
Obama's 95% Illusion
Obama's Backers Make Their Threat
Obama's Campaign Has Failed to Transcend Race
Obama's Robert Gibbs on Hannity & Colmes
Obama's Three Strikes
Obamabots Attack Free Speech—Again
Obama`s Desperate Equivalency Gambit
On Gallup's Two Likely Voter Models
Palin greeted with resounding boos at Philly hockey game, FOX edits it out
Palin's real accomplishments in energy policy
Patrick Wood -- Obama & McCain Pawns of the global elite
Pelosi Stimulus II - Peanuts For The Peasants
Phil Hart -- The Murphy Court Human Life has No Value
President Bush on the Economy, G7 Meeting
Race and the Race
Real Time New Rules
Returning the Focus to Obama
Rev Wright Is Right About Manmade AIDS
Rick Davis defends McCain rallies He was a POW!
RNC Attacks the Chicago Way
RNC Cuts Out Middleman, Issues Verbatim Fox 'News' Transcript as Press Release
RNC Launches Obama-Ayers Ad Guilt by Association
Ron Paul On The 'Soft Fascism' In America
Ron Paul On The Coming Economic Collapse
Rooting Sustainable Development in the USA
Roundtable on ACORN and Voter Fraud
Roundtable on Obama and Ayers
Rudy Takala -- Change Lacking Reflection
Sarah Palin's Email A Crime Used To Expose A Crime
Sarah Palin's Interview with Carl Cameron
Satanic Kidnapping Of Children - Johnny Gosch
Say 'Hussein Obama' & Win An FBI Visit
Secret Societies, UFOs, & The New World Order - Pt 1
Secret Societies, UFOs, & The New World Order - Pt 2
Selective Memory & The Bradley Effect
Shields & Ponnuru on the Week's Events
Sowing ACORNs to reap the biggest oak tree in Washington, DC
Stan J. Liebowitz -- How and Why the Federal Government Created the Mortgage Meltdown
Stephen Baskerville Ph.D. -- How to Turn a Free People into Slaves
Stop Foreclosures With Own To Rent Plan
Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud
Sustainable Development’s Land Use Element
Tape Blows Cover On True Treasury Intent
Tarpley - Is Gwatney Murder Part Of Obama Body Count
Terrorism as a Career Option
The Astonishing Dimensions Of US Debt

The Case Against Barack Obama - David Freddoso Interview 1
The Case Against Barack Obama - David Freddoso Interview 2
The Case Against Barack Obama - David Freddoso Interview 3
The Case Against Barack Obama
The Case Against McCain and Palin
The Cook Plan
The Crime of the Century The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
The Decay of Liberty – An Illustration
The Democrats Want To BAN BOOKS
The Engine of Market Mayhem
The Engine Of Mayhem
The Forgotten Issue Illegal Immigration and Crime
The Glories of Socialism
The Houdini Afterlife Experiment - Did It Work
The Lasting Consequences of Bush's N. Korea Surrender
The Left has destroyed anti-nuclear proliferation
The Next President & The Economy
The October Surprise - Global Panic
The Poor Losers Of The Right
The real Obama
The Second Presidential Debate
The Second Presidential Debate
The Vice Presidential Debate
The Wall Street-Treasury-Fed Axis Of Evil
The World Vote
This could be the game changer (updated)
This Week Krugman Pushes Back Against False Equivalencies
Time To Go Home, Iraqi leader Tells Brits
Tom DeWeese -- T. Boone Pickens New Kind of Prairie Rustler
Tracking polls show signs of hope for McCain
Trains, Water, Power May Be Next Bailoutss
Turkey attacks Kurdish rebels in Iraq
TX Courts Uphold Shari'a Law In Texas
US Stocks open higher after rally overseas
Utter Global Economic Collapse
Vast Number Of Cyber Attacks 'Made In USA'
video Brad on Russian TV...
video McCain Begs Supporters to Respect Obama
Watch Out, The Left Is On a Roll
What happened to the media
What if McCain knows what he's doing
What If Obama Doesn't Have America's Best Interests at Heart
What is it about Democratic presidential candidates and terrorists
What's the Matter With Thomas Frank
What's With All These Clueless Christians
Who Was Radical Marxist Jew Saul Alinsky by Jerome Corsi and ...
Who Wrote Dreams From My Father
Why Gold Is Dropping When Should Be Rising
Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines
Why Obama's socialism matters
You're An Obama Supporter You Can't Park Here!
Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table