"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 October 2008


Brzezinski Powell decision tears GOP ticket
David Gergen explains ‘esoteric’ New World Order in confrontation
IMF Badmouths The Dollar In Open Attack On American Middle Class
Transcripts Interview with Barack Obama
video - Biden Attacks McCain on Coal
video - Biden for Senate Ad
video - DSCC Attacks Dole as Ineffective, Absentee
video - Howard, Griffith, and Winkler Say Obama's the One
video - Interview with McCain and Palin
video - McCain Ad Uses Biden's International Crisis Words Against Obama
video - McCain Attacks Obama, Democrats on Spending
video - McCain Florida Radio Ad with Gov. Crist
video - McCain's Interview with Wolf Blitzer
video - More Ads in Colorado
video - More Ads in Minnesota
video - More of NBC's McCain-Palin Interview
video - NRSC Hits Musgrove with Ads, Web Video
video - Obama Campaigns for Merkley in New Ad
video - Obama on Good Morning America
video - Obama on The Early Show
video - Obama's Spot for Spanish Audiences
video - Palin's Speech on Children with Special Needs
video - RNC Rolls Out Rezko Web Video
video - Sen. Clinton Campaigns in Minnesota
video - Fuhrer Obama Youth - Hitler Nazi Youth
'Adolf Hitler' donates to Obama campaign
'B'-grade hoax reveals the GOP's inner race-baiter
'Barack does not share our traditional values of defending innocent life'
'Dynamics would be different in Pennsylvania. ... we'd be foolish not to admit it publicly'
'I do know my ears have been getting bigger and bigger each episode'
'I expected something more. I had heard so much about 'his presence' in the media'
'I think it's more myth than anything else. Maybe it's Halloween or something'
'I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax'
'I want to spend our nation's dollar for retirement security better'
'It builds a very strong web'
'It is absolutely wonderful to see the stunned looks on their faces'
'May be perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history'
'No comment' to question about Obama's terrorism links
'Of course. I think I was 19. ... and it was great'
'Once you lose your job, you are losing money. You can't pay your bills'
'She had an excellent rapport with all the students'
'Stevia Is A Drug' - FDA Citizen's Petition - Madness
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
'Tonight Show' host is accused of acquiring$1.2M classic for $180,000 in sham auction
'We assume people know their campus well enough to find an alternate route'
'We cannot allow fighting climate change to destroy' economies
'We're asking for an 'emergency situation' to be called so Americans can buy cars and trucks'
200810232315 There is No Law that Will Stop Obama from Becoming President!
3-minute video shows jarring contrast between Obama, McCain on abortion
A Coming Blue Tide in Colorado
A Note on the Polls
A Reality Check on Obama's Wish List
A Strange New Disrespect
A Turn in the Housing Market
After 20 years, longer than she is tall – must cradle in her arms like baby
After Joe the Plumber, Joe the Hothead
After sad visit, Obama returns to campaign trail
Agency owes millions for refund, economic stimulus checks returned as undeliverable
Alan Reynolds wonders where Obama is going to find 4.3 trillion to pay for his promises
Alex Jones On International Press TV Discussing The Economic Implosion
Allegations of unwanted physical contact with more than 1 female teacher at football game
Alleged Robbery Victim Carved With 'B' A Fraud
America Has a Highly Progressive Tax System
American Family Association launches daily segments of new feature
Americans travel 15 billion fewer miles in August than last year
Appeals court to take up GOP effort in Indiana
As doubts grow, African Press insists recordings to be released before Nov. 4
Aspen driver accused of running 'business' without license
Assessing McCain's Closing Argument
Attacking The Credit Crisis at Its Source--US Housing Market
Australia Bans Word 'Drought' As 'Too Upsetting'
Authorities probe possible illegal use of government computers to pry into man's past
Ayers, Dohrn 'White supremacy' responsible for America's troubles
Barack Obama Is Not Barack Obama
Berg Files 2 Motions To Expedite Berg v. Obama
Best paid in McCain campaign in 2-week period
Bias What media bias
Biden a reliable running mate amid the stumbles
Biden's Chilling Remarks At Fundraiser
Bill Ayers, the Marxist Revolutionary in the 1960s
Birds of a Statist Feather
Black Turnout is Strong in Early Voting South
BoE - Worst Financial Crisis In Human History
California college students support endorsement of Marriage Protection Amendment
Caroline Baum explains how dodging big issues during campaign will cost next president
Case alleging 'false light' could have exposed even prayer requests to litigation
Caught in crossfire between Mexican state police, well-armed drug gang in Tiajuana
Chamber of Commerce Irks Democrats with GOP Push
Christian mom Daughter's 'I Kissed a Girl' hit 'shameful and disgusting'
Colin Powell - Hypocrite
Community of at least 5,000 in New Jersey excited by message for 'change'
Crates hidden away for 70 years reveal how fascist general coordinated forces
Daily Show Sarah Palin's expensive scandals
DARPA Contract Description Hints at Advanced Video Spying - washingtonpost.com
Democrat - Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
Democrat's campaign denied allegations, but new evidence indicates membership
Democrats candidate plans to force environmental agenda
Denver Crowd Goes Wild for McCain
Denver justice accused of asking prostitute to lie about relationship
Deputies capture 2 suspected workers, uproot thousands of plants
Difference on Taxes Has Never Been Wider
Does Frank Davis Connect ALL Obama Dots
Duncan Hunter on Obama 'I think he has great teeth'
Early-voting trends appear to favor Barack Obama - Los Angeles Times
Early-Voting Trends Appear to Favor Obama
Economic Crisis Presents Opportunity, Pitfalls for Dems
Ed Brown Gassed, Tortured In Deprivation Tank
Election officials will have to hand-copy votes
Electric Space Weather Baffles Scientists
England adds controversial subject to national curriculum
Eric John Phelps Exposed
Excerpts from Joe McCain 911, police calls
exclusive Ellis Washington shows how U.S. colleges became home to wealth redistribution
exclusive Greg Laurie celebrates hidden sacrifices that changed the world
exclusive Henry Lamb exposes United Nations' infringement on Americans' freedom
exclusive Joseph Farah uncovers ulterior motives in so-called 'rescue' package
exclusive Pat Boone cries for justice for victims of India's slaughter of Christians
exclusive Patrice Lewis gushesover Democrat's messianic image
exclusive Phil Elmore warns how new OnStar® technology can be used by government
exclusive Phil Elmore warns of hackers stealing information via your Web browser
Fails to strike compound owned by Taliban operator with close links to bin Laden
Fear is All McCain Has Left
Fed Judge Throws Out Berg v. Obama Lawsuit
Federal agents arrest suspect for pulling pistol, firing at wiener vendor
Federal judge in Utah donated to Obama campaign
Feeding The Mermaids
Fight the Smears The Truth About Barack’s Birth Certificate
Fight the Smears The Truth About Joe Biden’s Campaign Vendor
Fight the Smears Unfit for Publication
Fight the Smears Barack Obama Never Organized with ACORN
Fight the Smears Know your rights campaign gear and the polls
Fight the Smears Reckless accusations of infanticide
Fight the Smears Scamming the faithful
Fight the Smears The NRA uses deceptive claims to attack Barack Obama
Fight the Smears The Truth About Barack’s Faith
Fight the Smears The Truth About Barack’s Support for the Troops
Fight the Smears The Truth About Michelle Obama’s American Pride
Fight the Smears The Truth About the Obama Campaign Plane
Fight the Smears Barack Obama does not take advice from Fannie Mae executives
Fight the Smears Bi-Partisan Group of Legislators Denounces False Iraq Accusation
Fight the Smears Next Generation Swift Boaters
Fight the Smears Smear-master Corsi peddles more lies about Barack and Raila Odinga
Fight the Smears The Truth about Barack Obama and his Bracelet Honoring a Fallen Soldier
Fight the Smears The Truth about Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi
Fight the Smears The Truth About Barack Obama and Taxes
Fight the Smears The Truth about Barack Obama and William Ayers
Fight the Smears The Truth About Barack’s Love for Flag and Country
Fight the Smears The Truth About Quotes from Barack’s Books
Fight the Smears - Barack Obama has a strong record on preventing crime
Fight the Smears - The Truth About Barack Obama and the New Party
Fight the Smears The Truth About a Non-Existent Michelle Tape
Fight the Smears - A campaign funded by millions of everyday Americans
Florida voting back in spotlight this Election Day
Former secretary of state claims Islamophobia surrounds Obama's candidacy
fredex Washington Is the Problem
Georgia households pay $523 every year to support 495,000 aliens
Global recession forces freeze on U.N. climate talks
Gold Standard Is Wrong Salve for Global Ills
GOP Drops Bachmann
Government's $700 billion program has become potential piggybank for troubled industries
Great News Barney Frank says Dems will cut defense, raise taxes, and spend lots of money
Greenspan Admits To A Few Mistakes
Greenspan Didn't Bank on Human Nature
Greenspan In 'Shocked Disbelief' - Admits Errors
Greenspan's Blind Spot
Haider Widow Believes Death No Accident
Hanoi Hilton commandant disputes Republican's 'war-hero' status
Has fallen afoul of northern Nigeria's Islamic laws, now in prison
Hey - It's Just Business!
hoax McCain volunteer admits to fabricating attack story
How Could Mr. Right Have Been So Wrong
How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3 Trillion
Human Species 'May Split In Two'
Impact Of Recession Spreads
In Defense of Negative Campaigning
Increase indicates powerful new sign of demographic clout
Informer says communist U.S. envisioned, re-education centers, 25 million 'eliminated'
Inhuman Animal Testing - It Simply Has To Stop
Interpol Details Plans For Global Biometric Facial Scan Database
Iran's president cancels series of speaking engagements
Is Communist Frank Davis Obama's Real Dad
Islamic courts cleared to deal with family, divorce disputes
Israel Deliberately Forgets Its History
Jerusalem chief to discuss Hamas tying decisions to Obama win
Jonathan Falwell finds courage to face increasingly anti-Christian culture
Judge rejects Montco lawyer's bid to have Obama removed from ballot
Katy 'I Kissed a Girl' Perry branded 'out of her mind' by father of blade-crime victim
Larry Sinclair-Barack Obama Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber
Larry Sinclair-Barack Obama - THE TRUTH ABOUT MITCH (By MysticNinjaJay)
Legal Fight Over Obama's Citizenship Boils
Let's Use Fannie To Clean Up the Mess It Made
Liberal-leaning economists make case for new, expensive programs to jump-start economy
Lieberman skirts issue of Palin's readiness
Listen to pastor interviewing author Joe Kovacs about best-selling 'Shocked by the Bible'
Long Lines, Glitches Mar Early Voting
Man in the News Ford's Alan Mulally
Man says TV host's false statements led FBI to arrest, charge him with extortion
Mark Morford Obama will change not only our flawed, broken nation, but entire planet
Max Schulz focuses on fuzzy, shifting policy coming from Democrat's campaign
McCain and the NYT
McCain Banking on a Confederacy of Dunces
McCain Best Choice for Uncertain Times
McCain Campaign fed the Hoax Racist Assault Story to the media!
McCain Pal Gets 54 Months For Fraud
McCain restricted in his spending
McCain sows doubts on Obama in campaign end game
McCain stepping up assault on Obama out West
McCain stumps hard defending base
McCain vs. The Juggernaut
McCain's brother apologizes for calling 911
McCain's Judicial Apocalypse
Messianic Pretensions
Michelle Bachman Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Modest Steps for a New Bretton Woods
MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers
Mormons and Prop 8 Lies and Blackmail
Nathaniel Rothschild - Financier Reverts To Type
New documentary tells story of how national tradition helped unite masses against Soviets
New York Times can't bring itself to name ACORN in its headline on voter fraud story
Newt's Big advice to McCain is to scare Americans about Pelosi and Reid
No Easy Answers For Housing Mess
No guarantee gas pipeline will be built
Not-for-profit organization blamed over bone fragments in Lake Zurich
Note to Sarah Palin Here are some other domestic terrorists
Nude Pics Of Stanley Dunham By Real Barky Dad
NYT corporate debt cut to junk status
Obama advisor praises Iran in Globe op-ed
Obama as Carter 1976 is Back
Obama Battles for Florida
Obama Birth - What Means Anything Anymore
Obama Headed For Grand Slam Victory
Obama HI Trip About Birth Certs, Not Grandma
Obama on on race and salvation
Obama opens up about his grandmother
Obama pitches self in new ad; McCain hits tax plan
Obama receives coveted Iran endorsement
Obama To Lead Fourth Reich
Obama Visits Grandmother, Returns to Trail
Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote
Obama's Middle East Peace Blueprint
Obama's victory plan economic focus, TV ad finale
Obama's War Plans & Forced 'Home Service'
Obama, McCain target the West's toss-up states
Obesity Drug Tied To Suicides Pulled
Ohio's sudden celebrity admits considering political career move
Oil Falls Below $67
One Tiny Vote for John McCain
Or, Did He Obama Campaign Ends
Ordinary Joes have mixed feelings on wealth
Organic Farming 'Could Feed Africa'
Osborne Warned - 'Stop Rubbishing' Rothschild
Oscar winner's mother, brother found dead, amber alert issued for 7-year-old
owner 'He rarely goes through a puddle and has an aversion to baths'
Pakistan Rejects US War On 'Extremists'
Palin Promises Aid for Special-Needs Kids
Pastor charged with felony for spanking son
Pat Buchanan lays out myriad examples of journalists following their new leader
Paul Chesser sees more money than science behind climate alarmism
Payout made to avoid lawsuit over disorderly-conduct arrest for exercising speech rights
Pedophilia Thriving In Judaism's Right Wing
Photograph of U.S. presidential candidate advertises $253,000 jackpot
Plumbing Biden's Mysterious Warning
Police Fear Riots If Barky Loses Election
Police retrieve surveillance video – doctors encouraged by woman's progress
Police say suspect in attempted catalytic converter ripoff found snoozing under car
President Bill Clinton's appointee shows partisanship, contributes to Democrat
Price drops despite announcement to slash daily output by 1.5 million barrels
Queen Michelle Obama's $447 Waldorf-Astoria Snack
Question Everything!
Racism, hate bubble up yet again at Palin's rally in Vegas
Reagan + Friedman + Keynes
Regulators Admit They Made Fateful Mistakes
Renault, Peugeot, Air France-KLM all warn on profit – UK economy shrinks
Reportedly got drunk, vomited on floor, spit at people, passed out, threw things
Republican Brad Blakeman attacks Obama for visiting his sick grandmother in a 767 campaign plane
Republicans accused of using mortgage foreclosure lists to challenge eligibility
Rescuing Capitalism
Robert Barnett dubbed 'Kingpin of Washington book deals, 'doorman' of D.C.'s culture
Romanian Jews Decry Cemetery Vandalism
Rothschild Threatens To 'Destroy' Osborne
Rothschild's Atticus Hedge Worsens His Problems
Says he 'looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholders'
Says nation is 'in a mess,' presidential election won't change that
Scott McClellan endorses Obama
Secret of Obama tax plan revealed
Shariah-complaint banking in EU 'a matterof really enabling and creating the market'
Shocking development Mrs Obama decides enough is enough my husband was born-in-hawaii-and-adopted-by-his-step-father-does that make him unpatriotic she asks on a direct telephone to API
Signs Pointing To A McCain Victory
Sister, 10, earlier returned by court order
So When Will Banks Start Giving Loans
Star Parker takes aim at teachers unions fighting for same-sex marriage
Still Lots of Right-Wing Mayhem to Go Around
Striking back at international criticism of its presidential, legislative elections
Sununu In Granite State Brawl
Swap Spreads Turn Negative
Teen Readers Make Vampire Books Big Business
Television May Be Doing Your Thinking
Tells donors to homosexual side to match donations to initiative campaign
The Electoral College Process
The Green Religion
The monied left under Obama
The NWO A Zionist Bid for Global Domination
The Real Villains of the Subprime Meltdown
The Right Insurance Rules
The Risk of Obama
The Rothschilds 200 Yrs Of Political Influence
The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
The Senate's Bankers
The Supreme Court and the Ohio Voting case
The Washington Insider Who Made Obama Rich
The Weekend Interview FedEx's Fred Smith
Threat of felony charges persuades campaigners to rescind their registrations
Town councilman banished from rotation for claiming name of Christ
Traffic stop turns to jail for researching women's activism in Muslim nation
Transcripts Michelle Obama Stumps in Columbus, Ohio
Transcripts Analysts Discuss Greenspan and the Financial Crisis
Transcripts McCain's Economic Remarks in Denver
Transcripts Michael Barone on the Battleground States
Transcripts October 24 White Hosue Press Briefing
Transcripts Palin on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts Palin's Speech on Children with Special Needs
Transcripts Panel on Bipartisanship and the Candidates
Transcripts Roundtable on What the Polls Mean
Transcripts Shields and Broooks on the Week's News
U.N. rights expert says move against Iceland shows rules can be abused to stifle dissent
U.S. sovereign gets huge boost from investors running away from stocks
UK Bumper Wheat Crop Surprise
US Cities Now Compare To African Cities
US Plunders World Wealth - Major China Paper
USA Elections - Do They Matter
Venezuela's Chavez Palin a pitiful 'beauty queen'
video - Greenspan - 'Shocked Over Credit Tsunami'
video - Obama = Hitler
video - Ralph Nader Calls Out AIPAC
video - Stunning Space Ship Over Uruguay
Virginia tossing some absentee ballots cast using federal form
Vote Debacle Predicted For November 4
Wall Street Halts Futures Trading Amid Panic
Wealth Gap Creating Social Time Bomb
What New Direction Should Capitalism Take
Why Congress is So Disliked
Why is Palin being so secretive about her medical records
Will be reporting observations to protective services agencies
WND's Corsi probing Obama's 'Kenyan birth'
Woman, 62, confronts man in bedroom, kills him
Iraq's prime minister won't sign U.S. troop deal
Libertarian Party - THE ISSUES
Chicago Beats New York, Los Angeles In Murders
Frank envisions post-election stimulus from Democrats
How W.Va. Democrats Came to Terms with Obama's Rise
Joe 'scared for America' after talking to Obama
PICTURE - Palin Is Lost
'Changeling' Lost Boys, By Kurt Loder
'Changeling' moves too slowly to engage fully
'Saw V'
'Star Trek's' William Shatner and George Takei's wedding squabble
14 reasons Main Street loses while Wall Street sinks democracy - MarketWatch
2 greenhouse gases on the rise worry scientists
A letter from Cindy the heiress to Joe the plumber
A New (Fighter) Jet for Google’s Founders
A Puzzle Over Prisoners as Iraqis Take Control
A Savage prediction for McCain
A Senate Leader’s Pork-Barrel Punch
AAA FEATURE - audio - Phil Berg discusses lawsuit against Obama
Abbas boosts West Bank security
ABC News Exclusive Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
ACORN Official Says Conservative Media, McCain Campaign Involved in Voting Suppression Effort
Address errors cause thousands to miss federal checks
Afghanistan on the Edge of Abyss, Part II
After Term-Limit Win, NYC Mayor Faces New Fight
Aggressive vaccine effort could cut cervical cancer
AIG Has Used $72 Billion Of $85 Billion Emergency Credit Line
Ailing Kennedy Seeks Health Care Overhaul
America's Medicated Army - TIME
AN OBAMA PANIC - New York Post
An Orderly End to Iraq War
Around the World, the Signs Of Slowdown Spiral Outward
Asia, Europe reach financial crisis consensus - USA Today
Asian and European Leaders Urge New Financial Rules
Atheists Run Ads Saying God ‘Probably’ Doesn’t Exist
Attorney for Drew Peterson Denies Charges are Pending
Australia warns of Indonesia terror threat
Barack Obama and the End of the Republic
Barack Obama, 'Untested' New RNC ad
Beaten Anchor's Credit Card Used at Shell After Attack
Behind the Panic Financial Warfare over Future of Global Bank Power
Behind the Tainted Milk Scandal
Berit Kjos -- Training a Socialist Army of World Servers, Part 1
Berit Kjos -- Training a Socialist Army of World Servers, Part 2
Betty Freauf -- Useful Idiots Elect Communists
Biden's effort predicted - even the unpredictable
Bin Laden to come up with book on al-Qaeda - GEO.tv
Black vote could help swing key states to Obama
Blast kills two near Georgia's rebel Abkhazia region
Breaking Cancer's Gene Code
Briton, South African shot dead in Afghan capital
Buried Antarctic Mountain Range Shouldn't Exist at All
Bush Orders DOJ to Probe Ohio Voter Registrations
Bush Seeks `Common Principles' to Solve Global Financial Crisis
Calif. woman allegedly abducts dog over barking
cavuto World Goes Nuts, We Go to Work
CDC panel recommends vaccination for smokers
Celebrities come out in support of gay marriage
Chicago PD Pursuing Car Dispute Theory
china Award for Dissident Criticized
China Should Free Hu Ja
Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama - AP
Christian right steps up attacks on Obama
Chrysler layoffs looming
Citadel Seeks to Reassure Debt Holders
Civil War re-enactor shot; shakes die-hards
Cleric says Iran cannot gloat in financial crisis - Ynet
cnn Legalized Prostitution Could Help San Fran Economy - NewsBusters.org
CNSNews.com - Celebrities Mold the Young
CNSNews.com - Even Some Democrats Oppose Re-imposition of Fairness Doctrine
CNSNews.com - It’s Not the Economy; It’s the Media’s Economic Agenda
CNSNews.com - White House 'We'll Just Trust Our Treasury Secretary' on Financial Bailout
Coke or Pepsi
Colon Cancer Drug Won't Help Those With Certain Gene Mutation
Colorblind Society
Combat Veterans Grade Senators on Iraq War Votes
Comcast launches faster Internet plans, but usage cap remains
Complicated Task for Critics of Georgian Leader
Computer heart model recalls da Vinci's sketches
Conservative media figures allege Obama's Hawaii trip is about ......
Cosmic Log Rocket racers target space
Council Gets a Charge From Vote on Term Limits
Croatia To Pursue Killer Of Journalist
Dalai Lama says he has given up on China talks
DARPA building search engine for video surveillance footage
Debate to delay 'white space' vote heats up
Democrats claim McCain violating fundraising rules
Democrats headed toward big gains in House, Senate
Dems May Turn This Into a Party Tsunami
Denver rally all about 'comebacks'
Depressed astronauts to find high-tech comfort
Divorce More Likely In ADHD Families
Do You Speak Hollywood
Dollar and Yen Soar as Other Currencies Fall and Stocks Slip
Dollar Gains Most Since 1992 on Concern Global Slump Deepening
Don't Close the Door on Free Trade
Doomacrats And Republigrins
Dow slides 312 points on 79th anniversary of Wall Street Crash recession - Telegraph
Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The People's Republic of America
Dragging Death Raises Tensions In Texas
Dreamer, Live in the Here and Now
E-cards may aid in STD notification
Early-voting trends appear to favor Barack Obama
eBay buyer faces libel action after leaving negative feedback - Times Online
Election rules control signs, buttons and T-shirts
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Evaluating Republican rule
Even in death, suspected spy tantalizes
F-A-18 fighters to be inspected for cracks
Fare Thee Well, and Get Ye Lost
FDA Approves Boston Scientific's Carotid Artery Stent
Feds warn baby clothes may cause rash
Female robber hits 3 banks in 1 week
Florida Authorities Hunt For Serial Rapist
Florida Man Up to His Elbows in Chads
Foreign Leaders Urge New Financial Rules
Foreign Policy Dream Team for No. 44
Forgotten Fossil Bed Found Again After 150 Years
Former Bush Press Secretary Backs Obama
From Apple, a Luxury Laptop in Lean Times
From his hospital bed, man says he's hurting from police brutality
Futuristic fashion gets smart
G.O.P. Senses Opportunities in Statehouse Races
Game Developer Richard Garriott Returns From Space
Gates Foundation Seeks Out Nontypical Research to Fund
GE to tap into Fed funding facility
God Bless You! Origins of Cold, Flu Phrases
GOP ad says US in a storm, Obama too risky. Unsaid who got us here.
GOP relies on top makeup artists to help McCain and Palin look their best
Guantanamo Guards Struggle With Hunger Strike
Had It With Government Money
Haider and Boyfriend Revived Old Tradition
Half a million march in Taiwan against China, president - Reuters
Half of Doctors Routinely Prescribe Placebos
Harper Should Ditch Some Campaign Vows
Health Insurance Costs Outpace Wages
Hey, Al Gore
Hezbollah Denies Links to Latin American Criminals
Hollywood feels pinch amid economic worries
Home sales see biggest gain since July 2003
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith rejects pleas on behalf of Gary McKinnon
Hopeful Signs for Pakistan
How Private Coinage Worked in England
Hudson's career took off, but her family kept her grounded
Hugo Chavez's Jewish Problem
Hydrogen Sulfide May Regulate Blood Pressure
Immigration Chronicles - Pelosi No path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
In The Last Days Of The Election Apocalypse Now, Palin
Inside the Mind of a Hacker
Internet Rumors Fueled by Obama Citizenship Lawsuits
Iraq Can't Spend Oil Riches Fast Enough
Iraqis Join Voices Against Security Pact
IRS holding checks for region residents
Is Barack Obama an American - The Political Whore
Is Vice Presidential Nominee Joe Biden a Fortune Teller
Israeli Minister Struggles to Form a Government
Italian satellite launched from California
John Kerry wants New Deal II - BostonHerald.com
John McCain can't win the election on the issues
Judge rejects Montco lawyer's bid to have Obama removed from ballot Philadelphia Daily News 10-25-2008
Julius Caesar
Just How Healthy Are You
Justice Department Asked to Investigate Ohio Voter Registration Compliance
Katmai sinking may bring more federal scrutiny
Kentucky could be key Senate race
Kenya readies for Obama tourist boom
Land Scandal Threatens Greek Leader
Larouche - Dummies Don't Understand It--THIS IS NOT A CRASH!
Let's Use Fannie to Clean Up the Mess It Made
lives Facebook in a Crowd
Machan's Inputs - Greenspan versus Rand on Self-Interest
Man charged with threatening Ohio elections chief
Marsha West -- Barbaric Obama, God’s Choice
Matt Lauer hit by funny bombs at Friars Club roast
McCain can't make attacks stick to Obama
McCain rocks the house
McCain tries to reignite his support in Colorado
McCain, Obama and North Korea
Memory meltdown - How to combat it
Michael Moore
Michelle Obama makes pitch
Microsoft shares gyrate after mixed report
Microsoft to ban freedom of speech
Microsoft to Seed Vista SP2 to Developers Next Week
More than 16.5 million people were placed at risk of identity theft
Mourning Hudson family prays for boy's return CHICAGO SUN-TIMES
My Way News - Democrats headed toward big gains in House, Senate
My Way News - Depressed astronauts might get computerized solace
My Way News - Jerry Lewis makes another anti-gay slur
My Way News - McCain seeks comeback, warns Obama is big taxer
My Way News - Palin testifies to investigator in ethics dispute
My Way News - Starving cattle amid high prices for feed in Neb.
NASA makes repair to Hubble Space Telescope
NASA unveils new lunar rover built for endurance
National Briefing Rockies Gray Wolves May Lose Protections
NATO warships ready to tackle piracy off Somalia
Navy inspecting Boeing jets after 'cracks' found
nelson How About A Bailout For America’s Family Farms
New gene mutation linked to cancer drugs' success
New Poll Finds Stark Reversal on Perceptions of Palin
New test detects staph infection within hours
New worm feeds on latest Microsoft bug
Next Up Ailing Insurers
No Gloom and Doom in Lebanon
Not Guilty Plea Entered for Man in Elizabeth Smart Case
NWO Books on Tape World Government, Eugenics, Scientific Technique & Power
NY governor's top aide resigns over tax flap
O'Reilly reups at Fox News for $10 million a year
Obama and McCain running low on cash
Obama arrives in Hawaii to visit grandmother
Obama Has Burst in Ad Spending
Obama Justified in Votes Against Born Alive Infant Protection Bill, Say Democrats
Obama pitches self in new ad; McCain hits tax plan
Obama Rises Is Racism on Way Out
Obama says grandmother may not see Election Day
Obama vs. His Advisers
Obama Widens Lead Over McCain Nationally and in Battlegrounds
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance - by Daniel Pipes
Obama's Damage
Obama's Leftism
Obama-Led Foundation Funded a Group Led by Former Chair of 'Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)'
Obama’s Tax Plan Won’t Hurt Small Businesses, Democratic Leaders Say
Obama’s ‘Spread the Wealth’ Tax Plan a Good Idea, Says Schumer
Omar Khadr's trial delayed until next year
Online divorcee jailed after killing virtual hubby
OPEC Says It Will Cut Oil Output
Opie and Andy Taylor for Obama
Oprah effect Can celebs sway voters
Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother shot dead and nephew, 7, still missing
Pakistan forces 'take key town'
Pakistan Forces Capture Key Militant Stronghold - Fox
Palestinian Authority security forces deploy in Hebron - Jerusalem Post
Palin spotlights special needs in first major policy speech
Palin stylist draws higher pay than policy adviser
Parents of truant kids can face jail time
Paterson Aide Quits in Furor Over His Taxes
Pensions insurer 'sounder' than year ago
Pentagon Wants Packs Of Robots To Detect “Non-cooperative Humans”
Permission to Strike
police 2 foreign DHL workers shot dead in Kabul
police Man urinates on dog after owner spurns sex
Police Search Missing Missouri Teens' Computers for Clues
Potent Greenhouse Gas More Prevalent Than Thought
Powell Lies About Iraq War after Endorsing Obama
Premier says China to ensure safe food
President, First Lady Vote for McCain-Palin
Programs are available to help struggling homeowners
Progress in Kashmir
Prominent journalist's murder roils Croatia
Proposition 8 proponents and foes raise $60 million - Los Angeles Times
Proposition 8 proponents and foes raise $60 million
Prostate Grown From Adult Stem Cell
Rackspace, Microsoft Bid For Their Slices Of The Cloud
Rare Film Shows Hidden London Life In 1904 After Historian Discovers Footage
Reaching Out to Iran
Regulators Close Georgia Bank
report Call Center Worker Loses Job for Refusal to Read Political Ad
Republicans Face Possibility of Big Losses in US Congressional Races
Rich-Poor Gap Widens in Europe, North America
Riots highlight Arab-Jewish tension
Roger Fredinburg -- Home-Boys Gang Up; Uncle Tom is dead...
Runner Is Master at Any Distance
Russia rebuffs Google on purchase of Begun search engine
Sarah Palin plus or minus A discussion with video
Sarkozy Doesn't Want You to Buy Voodoo Doll of Him
Schools in need employ teachers from overseas - USATODAY.com
Scientists erase scary memories in mice
Second-generation spacemen return
Security Flaw Is Revealed in T-Mobile’s Google Phone
Selectively Deleting Memories
Selwyn Duke -- The Terrorist Attack of 2010
Sending Iran's Regrets
shas Decision not to join gov't final - J'lem Post
Six Horses Among More Than 60 Seized in Texas
Smarter people more likely to vote, scientists say
Son didn't kill Jennifer Hudson kin, mom says
South Korea Second Time Around
Sri Lankan gov't says civilians held by rebels against their wishes
Stevens Verdict Pushed Closer to Election
Stocks bomb as dire warnings shake markets - CNN.com
Summit leaders Global teamwork needed to fight crunch - CNN
Summit weighs global finance reform
Surveillance technology is getting smarter If looks could kill - The Economist
Swing State Americans in Israel May Affect U.S. Election
Teen at center of Metra scandal was aspiring engineer
Teen May Be Behind Fake Jobs Heart Attack Story
tests Decomposing Body Was in Car of Caylee's Mom
That One
The 545 People Responsible For All Of U.S. Woes
The best cancer-fighting foods
The Broker Rebellion
The lawsuit none dare mention
The Morning After the Elections
The Obama Machine
The Savage Manifesto
The Standard of Living Bubble
The U.S. Dollar Death Dance
The Velocity of Worthless Money
The Washington insider who made Obama rich
This is the left's big opportunity
This Should Be News
Thomas 'Lying' About OD, Chief Tells Paper
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control
Tiny Skull Sheds Light on Strange Dinosaur Diets
Toilet stench clears out London airport
Tony Benn What went wrong in the capitalist casino
Traffic 'Laws'
Trash is turning into key power source for NJ
Treasury Looking At Ways to Aid Insurance Companies - Fox
Trickle-Up Poverty
Trouble Behind, Trouble Ahead
U.N. rushes aid to Iraqi Christian refugees - Refugee agency says thousands of people chased from Mosul after threats - AP
U.S. Government Spends Trillions to Support Flawed Banking System
U.S. to target Taliban drug traffic - USA Today
U.S. Training Pakistanis To Fight Taliban
Unpopular Bush keeps low profile as McCain seeks distance
US hopefuls target crucial West
US Presidential Nominees’ Health-Care Plans Behind the Scenes
USAF command to manage arms
Venezuela's Chavez calls Palin a confused beauty queen
video - “Bush Guilty Of First Deg Murder”
video Centuries of British freedoms being ‘broken’ by security state
Waltz With Bashir
Was Austrian far-right leader Joerg Haider gay
Was too much money spent on Palin's makeover
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE - McCain lambastes Bush years
Waxman Backs More Regulation of Hedge Funds, Rating Companies
What Means Anything Anymore
What You Need To Know About Fevers
What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing
Where are Paige and Levi
While McCain Looked Away, Florida Shifted
Who emReally-em Wants Two States
Who Really Rules Us - JOHN PILGER warns us to open our eyes to the true rulers of the world
Why Iowa
Will Ferrell & Tina Fey Bushwhack John McCain
With term extension OKd, Bloomberg seeks to mend fences
World Bank director claims Federal Reserve is 'part of government already'
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World leaders pledge financial reform as gloom deepens
World Looks to Beijing for Help
Yemen floods leave 58 dead, 20,000 homeless
Young train fans can pose dangerous distraction
YouTube - 5th November 2008 Bonfire Night
YouTube - Barack Obama - Ayers - Dohrn - Weathermen Terrorists
YouTube - Barack Obama and the History of Project Vote
YouTube - Help spread the truth about ACORN
Zimbabwe opposition leader calls for justice
‘Invisible’ War Wounds, Mental Health, Merit More Attention, Says Defense Secretary
‘Time to Push Back Against Chavez,’ Critics Say

part 2

site - www.africa-union.org
6 Minnesota politicians' homes defaced
aaa site - gdradio.net - streaming Grateful Dead and more!
audio - Oct 24, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
Berg Suit Against Obama Tossed By Fed Court
Biden Blurts Out Plan
Confederate Yankee My Name Is Barack Obama, and I Approve This Mistress
Did Obama Have an Affair with Vera Baker Recently - Stop The ACLU
Faithful Citizenship — Respect for Life - The Catholic Standard & Times
Federal Judge Quits Over Sex Scandals
Fred Thompson - Obama's agenda based upon the belief that there are elites among us who know more and know better how to use our money
Fred Thompson Warns Of An Obama Election part1
Fred Thompson Warns Of An Obama Election part2
Google Megalomaniacs in Bed with Pentagon-NWO Lunatics (Oct. 12, 2008)
Grateful Dead - Uncle Johns Band - Alpine Valley 1989
Grateful Dead Live at Alpine Valley Music Theatre on 1982-08-08
Grateful Dead Live at Avalon Ballroom on 1968-10-12
Grateful Dead Live at Boreal Ridge Ski Resort on 1985-08-24
Grateful Dead Live at Capital Centre on 1988-09-05
Grateful Dead Live at Charlotte Coliseum on 1989-10-23
Grateful Dead Live at Frost Amphitheatre on 1987-05-03
Grateful Dead Live at Gruga Halle on 1981-03-28
Grateful Dead Live at Madison Square Garden on 1993-09-22
Grateful Dead Live at Pauly Pavillion on 1979-11-25
Grateful Dead Live at Providence Civic Center on 1985-04-04
Grateful Dead Live at Sandstone Amphitheatre on 1990-07-04
Grateful Dead Live at The Omni on 1995-03-26
Grateful Dead Live at Ventura County Fairgrounds on 1987-06-14
Grateful DeadGrateful Dead Live at Berkeley Community Theater on 1984-10-30
Israel Deliberately Forgets Its History
Michelle - 'My Husband Was Born In Hawaii And Adopted'
Michelle - 'No Law Will Stop Obama From Being President'
Obama Affair! Vera Baker Found! Exiled to Carribean by Michelle Obama - Located in Martinique - podblanc
Question Everything!
site - European Central Bank
site - World Health Organization
site - Bank for International Settlements
site - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
site - Center for Strategic and International Studies ( CSIS )
site - Council on Foreign Relations
site - DARPA
site - Department of Homeland Security
site - Department of Homeland Security
site - IMF
site - SPP - Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
site - The European Council on Foreign Relations
site - The World Bank
site - U.S. Northern Command
site - UN
site - World Affairs Council
site - WTO
Strange Opposite News Story Vanishes
The Fate Of The World
The Rothschilds and their 200 years of political influence - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Vermont Citizens Vote To Impeach Bush-Cheney
video - Jerry Garcia Band-Lay Down Sally (11-15-91-1)
video - Stunning Space Ship Over Uruguay
YouTube - Grateful Dead - Box Of Rain - 7-12-90 - RFK Stadium, DC
YouTube - Grateful Dead - The Supreme Audio - Bertha -7-8-78-Red Rocks
YouTube - Grateful Dead Althea
YouTube - Grateful Dead Must Have Been The Roses
YouTube - Jerry Garcia practice jam - NBC studio's 10-13-89
YouTube - Ladies and Gentlemen