"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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24 October 2008

Friday - click for : Phil Lesh and Friends Live at Convention Hall on 2001-04-29

AN OBAMA PANIC - New York Post
CrossAction News - Livni expected to announce early elections on Sunday
Gateway Pundit Video Barack Obama Praises Fellow New Party Member & Quasi-Marxist Danny Davis#comments
Half-man, half-beast fear over fertility Bill The Sun News
Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
Prop. 8 Supporter Allegedly Attacked In Modesto - Sacramento- msnbc.com
The Gadfly 1995 Race Baiting Interview of Obama
aaa site - Free Online Learning at GCFLearnFree.org
Do Americans Understand What Socialism Is by Frank Salvato
“There is No Law that Will Stop Him from Becoming the President!” by JB Williams
aaa feature - Bill of Rights
Al Qaeda's Propaganda Aims to Affect US Election by Dr. Whalid Phares
audio - Oct 23, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
FEATURE - citizenship
FEATURE - Spirit of 76
Obama Gays in the Military Top of Presidential Agenda
Obama Throwing Papua Under the Bus
Obama Torpedoed, Biden Suspected by Paul R. Hollrah
Race would be different if I were VP pick - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Still Waiting for Those Records…
Team records 'music' from stars
US third parties fight to be heard
VIDEO - Terry Tate vs. Sarah Palin
video - The Secret Behind Secret Societies
'After she left, they had to repaint her dressing room it was such a mess'
'Ahmadinejad's health is deteriorating' - J'lem Post
'Dead' Planets May Have Life After All
'Drill Baby Drill' Ended Georgia War
'Eternal Sunshine' drug selectively erases memories - 23 October 2008 - New Scientist
'Fart gas' link to blood pressure
'Gravely ill' grandmother might not make it to election day Obama
'I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax'
'I wanted kids, but I wanted kids — not in God's timing, but in my timing'
'If these numbers stay as they are right now, ... we've yet to see the wave crest'
'If you want to buy a house and you're here without papers, now you can forget it'
'Maybe it really wasn't as lifeless as we think'
'New prostate' grown inside mouse
'One-stop' embryo test unveiled
'Saved' Site Lets You Send E-mails Post-Rapture
'The Daily Show' Steals 'SNL's' Thunder
'The mullah told me forget about a job. ... You should be a martyr and enjoy the afterlife'
'There is a complete rethink going on. People are bringing their money back home'
'They said, 'Either you read it or you go home''
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
'View' on the Palin Wedding
'We don't know the individual or the route of transmission'
'We saw that there was a demand for longer form, and a market that's growing'
'We've been replacing certain sections, patching and plugging others'
'What are you going to do Go sit on your dog and watch TV'
11 Days Out, And The Whispering Begins
11 hurt in fight between two groups of Arabs outside e. J'lem US consulate - Jerusalem Post
114 Hepatitis Cases Traced to 2 Las Vegas Clinics
18 Year Old Targeted in Jobs Heart Attack Rumor
2 third-party candidates in debate now
20 strategies to strip away stress
2008 Presidential Election The Consequences of DefeatMichael Medved
2008 The Year of the Woman
23-year veteran suspended for rubbing crotch, wiggling tongue at male sergeants
33 internal checkpoints set up to stop people, question them, demand proof of citizenship
3rd quarter data out next week, gloom predicted through rest of year
50 messages filled with white powder mailed to Chase, federal offices in 11 cities
6-month-old orange tabby's eyes, gums and tongue radiate lime green
6th-graders will be studying Holocaust later this year
7 hidden risks for lead exposure
A California Ballot Measure Offers Rights for Farm Animals
A Dishonest Double Standard
A hot cuppa helps melt hearts
A new way to make sticky tape see-through
A New Welfare State
AAA FEATURE - U.S. HISTORY era 1900 - 1960
aaa feature - U.S. Constitution
aaa feature - Declaration of Independence
aaa site - U.S. Department of Defense
AAA SITE - www.ustream tv channel from the frontlines
About 1.7 mln displaced return to southern Sudan IOM
ACORN Official Says Conservative Media, McCain Campaign Involved in Voting Suppression Effort
Afghanistan on the Edge of Abyss
AIG Consuming Bailout Loan
Airline Stocks Carriers are mixed amid widespread market sell-off
Alan Greenspan a martyr for the cause
Aluminum MacBook Core 2 Duo-2GHz and 2.4GHz
American Chronicle - Voters Reflect Polarized America
An Avalanche of Discontent
analysis Obama’s Call for Unity Omits Divisive Stances on Cultural Topics
Anchorwoman Fights for Life, Dad Speaks
Another Effort to Reboot Telescope
Anti-obesity drug use suspended
Anti-Taliban Gathering Protests Militant Slayings
Arctic Report New Trouble for Ice Sheets
Are Mentally Unstable Troops Redeployed
Ari Berman Conservative slime machines are less effective this time around
As Seen on TV Food Allergy Research for Kids
As sustainable farming takes root, green thumbs get greener
Asian, European Leaders Meet to Restore Confidence in Markets
Atheists Run Ads Saying God ‘Probably’ Doesn’t Exist
Attack code for critical Microsoft bug surfaces
Attacked Anchor Has Been Too Critical to Talk to Police
audio - Oct 22, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
Australia Bans Word 'Drought' As 'Too Upsetting'
Austria Confronts a Leader’s Sexuality
Austrian woman held for 8 years hails kidnap probe
Bachmann tapes apology ad
Bachmann's `Anti-American' Jab Roils Republican Races
Back on verge of bankruptcy – reneged on its $95 billion of sovereign debt in 2001
Bali bombers' execution date set
Banana Diet Recipe For Disaster For Most
Barack Obama, False Moderate
Beastie Boys recording political album
Beer lovers What would Jesus brew
Beijing pays little heed to rhetoric in U.S. - Sees stable ties after election - Washington Times
Biden bashes Palin, McCain
Biden win may be loss for biz-friendly Delaware
Bill Press hammers Palin for $150K shopping spree on RNC's dime
Billionaire Branson abandons quest to set sailing record
Bin Laden Still in Play for Election
Biofuels or Food Can Crops Feed Our Cars--And the Hungry - Scientific American
Black Turnout is Strong in Early Voting South
Blame game GOP forms circular firing squad
Boat sent e-mail that it was taking on water
Bodies removed from foreclosed funeral home
Body decomposition found in missing Fla. girl case
Bomber Kills 11 in Attack on Iraqi Official
Breaking Cancer's Gene Code
Breaking Down the Battleground States
Broadband users reach their limit
Brothers share wife to secure family land
Bug Repellent-Laced Soup Recalled, Woman Sickened
Bush summit November 16, likely to see many agendas - Good chance for clash with 20 world leaders - Washington Times
Business Finally Fights Back
Buzz for Your Buck in Indonesia
Calculating what McCain's health plan would do
Calif. brings back music-making asphalt
Campaign doesn't respond to claims in lawsuit over birth certificate
Can 'Machine Therapy' Help You
Can't Control Your Appetite Here's Why
Casino Complex to Be Built at Aqueduct
CDC panel recommends vaccination for smokers
Census Bureau’s Counting of Prisoners Benefits Some Rural Voting Districts
Charged with battery on police officer, resisting arrest without violence
Charging reporters $935 for access to heated file tent, power, cable TV, Internet, food
Cheap Stocks They're An Illusion
china Additives Draft Law Reviewed
China Arrests 6 Over Tainted Milk Scandal
China attacks award to Hu Jia
China's Olympic Hangover
China, EU see severe economic shock
Chinese Activist Wins Rights Prize
Chinese surfers see red over Microsoft black-outs
Cholera epidemic spreading quickly in Guinea-Bissau
Christian school's cheerleading coach carries on affair since spring with student, 17
Chrysler to cut big chunk of salaried workforce
CNSNews.com - Celebrities Mold the Young
CNSNews.com - Combat Veterans Grade Senators on Iraq War Votes
CNSNews.com - Justice Department Asked to Investigate Ohio Voter Registration Compliance
Cold viruses activate killer genes, study finds
Comcast launches faster Internet plans, but usage cap remains
Committee pulls Schaffer ads
Company caters to Orthodox Jewish women who must cover their hair after marriage
Computer heart model recalls da Vinci's sketches
Conservative media figures allege Obama's Hawaii trip is about discredited birth-certificate.....
Contest designed to promote marriage that will 'really last a lifetime'
Correctional officers sweeping inmate quarters of 112 facilities for contraband
Could face 5 years for illegally using man's ID, password to log onto interactive game
Court Case in Miami Casts Light on Corruption in Venezuela
Craving fried chicken Try healthy, budget-friendly recipes
Curbing Washington's Growing Power
Cylindrical Solar Cells Give a Whole New Meaning to Sunroof - Scientific American
David Limbaugh flays candidate for wanting to 'suck the lifeblood out of producers'
Dead Body Show Promotes Health, Exhibitor Says
Deadline looms for claiming stimulus checks
Debates need third parties - Flat Hat News
Democracy Now! McCain Campaign Calls Obama a Socialist -- But Why is That a Smear
Democracy Now! Following Widespread Complaints, New Lawsuit Seeks Paper Balloting in Pennsylvania
Democracy Now! Lawyers Planning Last-Minute Challenges as Time Running Out for Troy Anthony Davis
Democrat's campaign denied allegations,but new evidence indicates membership
Dems predicting ‘earthquake’ election
Depressed astronauts might get computerized solace
Depressed astronauts to find high-tech comfort
Despite slump, Yahoo plans new operations in Neb.
Did Palin's 'SNL' Stint Make Any Difference
Distraught mothers decry lack of N.L. services for suicidal teens
Do We Need a 'Geek Czar'
Do Your Own Research Before Casting A Vote
Docs Regularly Prescribe 'Fake' Treatments
Doctor and Patient Stories in the Service of Making a Better Doctor
Dr Pepper's GNR Promise Won't Go Flat
Draft letter calls on IMF to play critical role in financial crisis
DreamWorks 2.0 Studio joins forces with Universal
E-tailers push e-mail discounts to lure shoppers
Early voting glitches in 2 counties in Ga., Tenn.
Early Voting Results Equal for Both Candidates So Far, Poll Shows
Eastern Europe Next to Face Crunch
Economy, election worries follow visitors to Vegas
Elephant-shaped Ganesh growth cured my ills, Queens man says
EU's Solana says Europe's commitment to the peace process is total - J'lem Post
Even Chefs Can Mix-Up Poisonous Foods
exclusive Hal Lindsey shames Obama camp over vote fraud, campaign spending
exclusive Ilana Mercer shows how 2 major parties uphold 'both socialism and serfdom'
exclusive Janet Porter anchors video portraying 'scary' results of Obama victory
exclusive Joseph Farah says Joe's comment 'goes from scary to Halloween-style petrifying'
exclusive Melanie Morgan warns of 'Fairness Doctrine' for Web if Dems take over
exclusive Noel Williams says we can't handle a 'smart, slick socialist' as prez
exclusive Obama Explains Why His Campaign Will Wait for 'Toot'
Existing-home sales jump 5.5%
factcheck.org - Body Armor Claim Still False and Nasty
factcheck.org - The Rifle Association's 'True Story'
Fadlallah slams Washington's SOFA push
Father Who Agreed to Abort Down Syndrome Son Seeks Redemption
FCC vote on white spaces to be delayed
FDA Approves Boston Scientific's Carotid Artery Stent
FDIC proposal aims to help homeowners
Fear, Death and Politics What Your Mortality Has to Do with the Upcoming Election - Scientific American
FEATURE - patriotism
Feds won't move N.J. river dolphins
Fiber may protect against small bowel cancer
Financial crisis adds pressure to keep working
First thoughts Not over 'til it's over
fitness Workout Regimens You Can Live With
Fla's Mahoney drops out of debate over TV presence
Fla. woman grows dreads to nearly 9 feet (AP)
Florida Authorities Hunt For Serial Rapist
Food That Fools You Into Losing Weight
Foreclosures Help Housing Find a Bottom
Foreign educators hired for math, science, special education
Foreign national in U.S. on tourist visa cannot meet 'primary residence' requirement
Forensic Tests - Decomposing Body Was in Car Driven by Caylee Anthony's Mom
Forgotten candidates for US president may still impact race
Former-Fed head says he 'looked to the self-interestof lending institutions to protect shareholder's equity'
Four Michigan US Senate candidates endorse Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty four point agenda
FOX 411 Jacko's Secrets Could Be Spilled Again
Frank threatens financial industry, calls hearing
Fred Thompson Sends Warning to America on Obama Presidency - Stop The ACLU
Free Aung San Suu Kyi
French president defiantly ignoring EU competition rules
Futures Plummet, Ugly Day On Street Expected - Fox
Futuristic fashion gets smart
Garriott back safe and sound
Gates Foundation Seeks Out Nontypical Research to Fund
Gates’ Secret Startup Rumor vs. Fact
George Takei Insists William Shatner Invited to Wedding
Georgia Should March Forward
German cannibal loses appeal against sentence
Germany Divided over Anti-Semitism
Germany says full-body airport scanner nonsense
Giant Spider Caught on Film Eating Bird in Australian Backyard
Globalization vs. New Nationalism
Gmail mobile app hits 2.0; Available for J2ME and BlackBerry phones
goal 50 unmanned combat air patrols operating 24 hours a day
Good old Joe lifts the curtain - Wesley Pruden
Goof leads Wis. store to sell diesel for 59 cents (AP)
Google exec happy with G1 launch
GOP clerk passes around Obama 'black Hitler' claim
GOP in blame game over McCain campaign
GOP open seats boost Democrats House chances
GOP open seats fertile ground for House Democrats
GOP turnout lagging in heavy N. Carolina early voting
Gov. Sarah Palin on Final Leg of Presidential Race
Green news harvest Solar thermal returns to Calif., Seattle algae
Greening the Gas-Guzzlers
Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation
Greenspan Shrugged
Group gives paralyzed Iraq veteran new hope
Group’s Tally of New Voters Was Vastly Overstated
Gunmen kidnap up to 15 in Russia's Ingushetia - Reuters
Haider Widow Believes Death No Accident
Haider widow halts cremation amid suspicions
Half of Doctors Routinely Prescribe Placebos
Harvey letter carrier delivers mail with police escort after evading gunfire along her route -- chicagotribune.com
Hasselbeck's Obama Confession!
Havoc Awaits Emerging Economies
Hezbollah Denies Links to Latin American Criminals
Hight price may thwart tax cut plans
Hispanic baby boom has Texas ramifications
HIV Scare At Missouri High School
hoax McCain volunteer admits to fabricating attack story
Homeowner asks 'Who do youwant running the U.S. military'
Hospital bills woman who never saw doctor
Hot drinks promote warm feelings
How to Catch Evolution in the Act
How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3T
Iceland will get $2 billion IMF loan
In campaign pause, Palin to testify on Troopergate
Informer says communist U.S. envisioned, re-education centers, 25 million 'eliminated'
Instructor uses school computer to expose himself online
Intelligence officials caution believers they may be followed home from church
Investment firms also take advantage of loans at lesser, but brisk pace
Iran holds U.S. women's rights activist
Iran Will Be on Top of To-Do List
Iran, Hezbollah, Iwo Jima
Iranians very focused on U.S. election
Iraq scars led soldier to choke guy at party
Iraq Takes Over
Iraq vets and PTSD No simple answers
Iraqi Christians flee Mosul after death threats U.N.
Iron Curtain Falls On Google's Russian Ad Deal
Is Bill Gates Putting Together A New Company Please
Is the Great Tax Revolt Over
Is the Smartphone the Next PC Device
israel Have we become Sodom Israel Harel
israel Remedia, Health Ministry execs indicted for negligent homicide - Ynet
Israeli businessman kidnapped in Ghana - J'lem Post
Israeli election likely as ultra-Orthodox party turns down Livni
Israeli Minister Struggles to Form Government
J.P. Morgan Forecasts Deeper Recession In U.S., Europe
janison Bloomberg's term-limit win far from decisive
Japanese woman faces jail over online 'murder'
Jerry Lewis, 82, has no plans to retire
Jewish support for Obama peaks - Ynet
Jihad-camp suspect says bin Laden told trainees 'something big was going to happen'
Job fears pressure European governments to act
Job, education may buffer against dementia
John McCain's 'Socialist' Fallacy
John McCain's Economic Fairy Tale
John Messner Porno King from Ocean City Dies
Juror's father dies, judge temporarily halts Stevens trial
Jury in Sen. Stevens' trial seeks to oust a member
Katmai survivors Harrowing hours after fishing vessel rolled
Kennedy secretly crafts health care plan - Turns 'cause of his life' into '09 bipartisan bill - Washington Times
Kennedy working on healthcare initiative
Kennedy working on universal health care bill
Kentucky Grants Child Killer's Death Wish
Key Israel party spurns coalition
Keys to Securing Pakistan
Laser to Aid in Search for Life on Mars
Last Chapter of a Storybook Campaign
Lenders blocked from initiating proceedings until 30 days after contacting borrower
Leo XIII - Rerum Novarum - Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor
Lingerie Model Has Simple Message in Complex Mag
Link found between physical and emotional warmth
lives Facebook in a Crowd
London Times quotes 'well-placed sources' saying Winfrey's name 'floated' for UK
Magnet device aims to treat depression patients
Man claims in online chats with undercover officers contact with other children
Man Fails To Hijack Russian Plane
Man guilty in grisly killing of Okla. woman, son
Man in Jay Leno Suit Kills Self
Man locked up for paying for absentee votes, improperly handling ballots
Man won't explain how he got banned substances into prison
Mandelson faces new tycoon claims
Many of its member newspapers facing unprecedented financial hardships complained
Mark-to-Market Is the Cure
Masked burglar made its way into house through chimney
McCain ad uses Biden to attack Obama on security
McCain ad uses Biden to attack Obama
McCain backer quizzed after alleged attack
McCain Best Choice for Uncertain Times
McCain campaigns in Colo. despite lagging in polls
McCain hammers Obama on Florida bus tour
McCain health plan calls for shopping around
McCain kicks off 'Joe the Plumber' tour
McCain says Obama would harm middle class
McCain seeks to portray Obama as an extreme liberal
McCain seeks to win back momentum
McCain supporters still see path to victory
McCain Takes 'Joe the Plumber' Tour to Florida
McCain volunteer recants mugging claim
McCain's Closing Arguments Three Messages With Eleven Days Left
McCain's Slim Hopes Can Obama 'Close'
McCain, Obama Make Populist Appeals in Swing States
Media Matters - Cunningham falsely claimed Hill quoted police chief warning of possible riots by Obama supporters
Media Matters - Savage Why should a welfare recipient have the right to vote They're only gonna vote themselves a raise
Medvedev appoints ambassadors to South Ossetia, Abkhazia
Memory meltdown - How to combat it
Microsoft's Earnings Don't Disappoint
Miley Says New 'Great Christian' Boyfriends Age Irrelevant
Mom volunteered for in vitro fertilization when child couldn't conceive
Mom Whose Baby Ate Crack at Party Won't Go to Jail
More bad behavior from Mahoney
More Republicans jump ship - Weld, McClellan support Obama
More Tim Mahoney scandal
More Trouble for Hubble
More US Troops to Afghanistan
More video coming to NYTimes.com
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
Murdered Jogger's Daughters Will Stay in Canada
NATO ships to escort UN food shipments to Somalia
Negative eBay Feedback Could Land Buyer in Libel Suit
Never Say Die Why We Can't Imagine Death - Scientific American
New Allegations in Mahoney Sex Scandal
New Gallup poll shows 75% of U.S. Jews plan to vote Obama - Haaretz
New Life For the Estate Tax
Newspaper shows Obama belonged to socialist party - WND
newsweek An end to Dubai's building boom
Newt's Big advice to McCain is to scare Americans about Pelosi and Reid
NHS 'not making enough use of IT'
No takers for contest that requires abstinence (AP)
North Carolinians Have Fallen for Obama
NRCC invokes September 11 attacks
Nun Allegedly Raped and Paraded Naked Slams Police
NY council extends term limit so Bloomberg can run
Obama (Stock Market) Discount May Be Real
Obama - Snake-oil Salesman Extraordinaire
Obama Arrives in Hawaii to Visit Ailing Grandmother
Obama Enjoys Boost in Va. From Influential Sen. Webb
Obama Fears 'Toot' Won't Make Election Day
Obama Justified in Votes Against Born Alive Infant Protection Bill, Say Democrats
Obama Looks Like a Winner, but It's Not Over Yet
Obama picks up more newspaper endorsements in key states
Obama Rebuts McCain on Tax Plan
Obama Says Grandmother Gravely Ill
Obama spends private time with sick grandmother
Obama visits grandmother, perhaps for last time
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance - Daniel Pipes
Obama's Grandma 'Toot'
Obama's Interview With Robin Roberts
Obama-Led Foundation Funded a Group Led by Former Chair of 'Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)'
Obama’s ‘Spread the Wealth’ Tax Plan a Good Idea, Says Schumer
Obesity Drug Tied To Suicides Pulled
Officer investigated twice for sexually assaulting young girls, but remained on job
Oil tumbles under $64 a barrel, OPEC cuts output
Old Europe, New Europe
OPEC Orders Cut in Oil Production
OpenSecrets Justice, Defense Department Employees At Odds Over Next Leader - Capital Eye
OpenSecrets RNC Launches Small Database of Small Donors - Capital Eye
OpenSecrets U.S. Election Will Cost $5.3 Billion, Center for Responsive Politics Predicts - Capital Eye
Pajamas Media - ‘Drill Here, Drill Now’ Helped End Russia-Georgia War
Pakistan Uses Tribal Militias in Taliban War
Pakistani Ambassador Walks Fine Line
Pakistani militias outgunned by Taliban
Palestinian Police Deployment Worries Hebron’s Small Jewish Population
Palin Denies Accepting $150,000 in Designer Clothes - Fox
Palin Evokes Namath Boldness
palin I Didn't Accept $150G Clothes
Palin might have brighter future in Hollywood
Palin raises gender 'double standard'
Palin says clothes aren't worth $150000
Palin says she will support special-needs kids
Palin stylist draws higher pay than policy adviser
Palintology and Post-Mortems
Panic Grips Investor Psyche In Asia
Pat Buchanan lays out myriad examplesof journalists following their new leader
Penalty has been $100 since scooper law passed in 1978
Pencil-shaped vehicle powered by jet engine, rocket set to break land speed record
Pendulum Swings, but Capitalism Remains
Pilgrimage to Roots of Faith and Strife
Plenty of company on ballot - Cincinnati.Com
PNC agrees to buy ailing National City for $5.6 billion
Police arrest naked burglary suspect
Police Fear Riots If Barky Loses Election
police Man steals while in trouble for stealing (AP)
Police Search Missing Teens' Computers for Clues
Policy to tackle wildfires is slow to evolve
Political Memo In McCain’s Uphill Battle, Winning Is an Option
Poll shows Pennsylvania Democrat who dissed constituents in trouble again – with voters
Polls Point to Struggle for McCain
Powder-laced letters sent to U.S. banks warned 'it's payback time'
Power Play Cuomo, Gore Tangle with Electric Cos.
Prominent journalist's murder roils Croatia
Question, Answers About The Election
Questioning Candidates On Global Warming
Raccoon unfazed by cop's Taser during wild chase (AP)
Racism Marginalized, Even If Obama Loses
Ramesh Ponnuru battles notion Americans have drifted left
Ready to Shack Up With a Stranger
Reaping a Sad Harvest A Narcotic Farm That Tried to Grow Recovery - Scientific American
Recipes for Health Warm Potato Salad With Goat Cheese
Relief and fear as executions near
Rep. Tom Tancredo sounds alarm over pro-illegals prop disguised as anti-illegals
report N. Korea Using Public Executions for Intimidation
report Passenger Hijacks Russian Aircraft, Orders Plane to Change Course - Fox
reports Russian Plane Hijacked With 130 Aboard
Republican former Mass. governor endorses Obama
research Eating quickly until full triples overweight risk
Researchers Find More Genes Linked to Lung Cancer
review New MacBook Pretty, but Still Too Pricey
Ridge robo hits Obama on terrorism
Ron Howard Wigs Out for Obama in Latest Film
Ron Paul 'Monetary system is fraudulent'
Rothschild's Atticus Hedge Worsens His Problems
Rubbish dump wins landscape award
Rule to 'dramatically reduce' number of people hassled at airports
Running for President or Chief Celebrity
Russia can avoid crisis, emerge stronger Medvedev - Reuters
Russia's Jailed Bellwether
Safety, costs for 11- to 26-year-olds questioned, but CDC supports rule
Samsung Offers Netflix Movie-Streaming In Blu-ray Players
San Francisco weighs takeover of electrical system
Sarah Palin and the Pressure of Special Needs Children On Marriages
Sarah Palin says clothing budget row is sexist
SAS plane makes emergency landing due to smoke
Say actress was negligent when she allegedly took over SUV to chase recently fired assistant
Says supporting candidate that has best chance for changing way Washington works
scoop Tom Cruise to roast ‘glib' Matt Lauer
SEC hasn't unearthed any trading records that show he benefited from stock drop
Several major institutions may spend portion of rescue money to buy other financial firms
Shas Council of Torah Sages Party cannot join coalition - Jerusalem Post
Shifting Careers The Care and Feeding of Entrepreneurs
Silverman Mum About Kimmel, Not Obama
Site - Anti-CAIR - Defending America from the Council on American-Islamic Relations
SITE - BillOfRights.net
SITE - Police-State.net
Slide show Month in Space Cyclones and supernovas
Smuggled clues hint at 2,000-year-old lost tribe
Some presidential alternatives - The Collegian Online
Sorting Out McCain's and Obama's Spin, Exaggerations—and Worse
Space tourist returns to Earth safely
Spotless Mind Erasing Memories for Real
Sri Lanka says troops push into Tiger territory
Starting Gate Palin’s Rising Star - Horserace
Stephen Hawking to Retire From Cambridge
Stephen Hawking to retire from post
Stevens Verdict Pushed Closer to Election
stockholm Bright Light, Dim City
Stocks, Oil, Gold Sink On Recession Fears
Stocks, oil, gold tank on growing recession fears - Jerusalem Post
Stretched thin, Army deploys some vulnerable troops back on frontlines
Strike shuts down Indian Kashmir on U.N. day
study It Pays to Be Sexist
study Stinky 'Gas' Helps Regulate Blood Pressure
Swiftboat Blues
Swing State Americans in Israel May Affect U.S. Election
Teachers experience zero-gravity
Teen Said to Have Faked Heart-Attack Story About Apple's Jobs
Testing Obama's mettle - America's decision will impact entire world - Caroline B. Glick
Texas Teen ID'd as Serial Killer Victim
Texts tackle HIV in South Africa
Thailand and Cambodia vow peace
Thailand Escapes Financial Meltdown
The Commissars of Climate Change
The Election Choice Health Care
The Essence of Conservatism
The Future of Term Limits Is in Court
The George Wallace We Forgot
The GOP Has Finally Imploded
The Ground Campaign Obama's Earnest Army
The Incredible Shrinking Hedge Funds
The new Concorde Supersonic jet will get you from London to New York in just three hours - Daily Mail - UK
The New Old Age The Immediate Cause of Death
The Note Obama Leaves Campaign Trail as McCain, Palin Go on the Attack
The Physical Science behind Climate Change - Scientific American
The Point of No Return
The problem with Palin
The Real Story Behind Unemployment
The Syrian-Lebanese Embrace
The Terrorist Attack of 2010
The value of third parties - Palladium-Item
Third party candidates offer other choices - Opinion
Third-party Candidates Their names are on the ballot, but supporters say they have been excluded
Third-Party Presidential Debate Will Have Nader Against Chuck Baldwin - AHN - October 24, 2008
Time to patch Windows again, ASAP
To the Undecided Voter
Tough Times Demand Austerity Olympics
Traditional jack-o-lantern gives way to death star, Bush, Obama ...
transcripts - Analysts Discuss Greenspan and the Financial Crisis
transcripts - McCain's Economic Remarks in Denver
transcripts - Palin on Hannity & Colmes
transcripts - Palin's Speech on Children with Special Needs
Turkish Court Ruling Party Exploits Religion
Two Nev. Clinics Linked In Hep. C Outbreak
U.K. economy officially on brink of recession
u.n. 200,000 displaced by Congo fighting
U.N. agency 200,000 newly displaced in east Congo
U.S. Cedes Control Over Iraq's Once-Bloody 'Triangle of Death'
U.S. military needs new leadership culture - UPI.com
U.S. plans $7.6B super storm tracker - USA Today
U.S. to target Taliban drug traffic - USA Today
U.S. to target Taliban drug traffic
UK Bumper Wheat Crop Surprise
UK contracts suffer, China says outlook grim - Reuters
UK Towns Join Rush To Dump Speed Cams
Under-30s Turnout May Be Decisive
US Economy Home Resales Rose More Than Forecast in September
US Officials Time is Short for Troop Agreement in Iraq
US Presidents
US Vows More Help for Homeowners
Using Plants Instead of Petroleum to Make Jet Fuel - Scientific American
video - Angry 911 Call McCain's Brother
video - Does Vitamin C Speed Up a Cold
video - The Freeman Perspective with Gaylon Ross
video - A Library Without Paper
video - Antibacterial Gels Prevent Colds
video - Biden Attacks McCain on Coal
video - Chinese Secret Society Threatens Illuminati
video - Dr. Nathan Joyce Sermon Series U.S. Stress Secret Society
video - DSCC Attacks Dole as Ineffective, Absentee
video - Hidden Agendas of Secret Societies
video - JFK Murder and the Bush Family Connection
video - Latest News from Asian Secret Society by Benjamin Fulford
video - McCain Ad Uses Biden's International Crisis Words Against Obama
video - McCain Attacks Obama Tax Plan in Florida
video - More Ads in Minnesota
video - More of NBC's McCain-Palin Interview
video - NRSC Hits Musgrove with Ads, Web Video
video - Obama on Good Morning America
video - Obama on The Early Show
video - Obama's Spot for Spanish Audiences
video - Order of the Knights of Malta
video - Palin's Speech on Children with Special Needs
video - Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies (1995)
video - Secret Societies-Bildeberg Group,Skull & Bones, CFR
video - Secrets of the 3rd reich
video - Sen. Klobuchar in New Franken Ad
video - Udall Ad Attacks Schaffer on Airline Security, Departmenf of Education
video - Wake up America! - Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of ...
Virginia mall apologizes for dumping longtime Santa
VOA News - South African Ruling Party Leader Visits US Officials
Voters to Weigh In on Potpourri of Ballot Initiatives
Wall Street Takes A Walk On The Downside
Was Austrian far-right leader Joerg Haider gay
Wax cylinders made in 1920s lay untouched in attic for years
Webcams Watching Teen Drivers
Weld backs Obama
West Bank economic crisis ever deeper, World Bank says - Ynet
West Is in Talks on Credit to Aid Poorer Nations - NY Times
West Is in Talks on Credit to Aid Poorer Nations
What Colin Powell Didn’t Say - Catholic Exchange
What Sen. Biden Said ...
When XX marks the ballot Six gender myths
White House 'We'll Just Trust Our Treasury Secretary' on Financial Bailout
Who knew Alternative presidential candidates - The Collegian Online
Whoever Wins Faces a Colossal Mess
Whoopi Blasts Obama Critics
Why a Democratic Victory is Looking Likely
Why Are There No Decent Notetaking Applications for the iPhone
Why Congress is So Disliked
Why Dogs Don't Enjoy Music - Scientific American
Why I'm Voting Obama
Why is Palin being so secretive about her medical records
Why Spreading the Wealth is Wrong
Will Ferrell's Bush meets Fey's Palin on ‘SNL'
Willie Nelson shines on country singles chart
Windows Hole Could Be Used By Dishonest Employees
Woman Jailed After Killing Virtual Hubby
Woman says attack on her linked to McCain bumper sticker
Women covers graffiti with image of person she wants in White House
World markets sink again; dollar at 13-year low vs yen - USA Today
You Lose, George Soros Wins
YouTube - Body Count's In the House
YouTube - Child Victim of William Ayers Nail Bomb Speaks Out
YouTube - Ice-T & Body Count Cop Killa
YouTube - Leftist Obama Distorts the Bible, Attacks Christians
YouTube - Obama's Plan Driver's Licenses for Illegals
YouTube - Over 1,500 Black Babies Per Day Are Killed In The USA - Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Video PSA
YouTube - Sarah Palin Better Than Barack Obama
YouTube - The Lowdown on ACORN
YouTube - The Lowdown on The Weathermen (William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn)
YouTube - The One
YouTube - Why Barrack Obama Shouldn't be President
YouTube tosses 10-minute limit to show full TV episodes
zimbabwe Tsvangirai Slams Mugabe
‘Invisible’ War Wounds, Mental Health, Merit More Attention, Says Defense Secretary
‘Time to Push Back Against Chavez,’ Critics Say

part 2

Obama Birth Certificate Obama Citizenship Lawsuits Spread to Eight States - Blogger News Network
Obama isn't a Amerikan citizen
Surgical Instruments From Ancient Rome
'Adolf Hitler' donates to Obama campaign
200810222308 My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Obama's
33 Minutes of Fearmongering
8,000 Hedge Funds To Disappear
A Closer Look At The Birth Certificate
AIPAC Influence On Talk Radio Host Town Hall
Al Qaeda and the Election
Albright Agrees with Biden Obama Will Face Unexpected Test
AN OBAMA PANIC - New York Post
Ancestral Time Preference
And Now...The Manchurian Microchip
Andy Martin - Barack Obama is not Barack Obama
Army Can't Retry Watada For Iraq War Refusal
Asian Stock Markets Slide Further
Barack O'Bonaparte, Man of Destiny
Barack Obama and the End of the Republic
Barack Obama Birth Certificate Hawaii lawsuit documents
Barack Obama For President - New York Times
Barack Obama in Richmond, VA There are no 'real' parts of the country and 'fake' parts of the country
Barack Obama Is Not Barack Obama
Barack Obama's Campaign of the Lie
Barkey's Support Of Unrepentant Terrorist
Barky Will Seek Advice Of Clinton, Bush 41 ('Change'!)
Berg Files 2 Motions To Expedite Berg v. Obama
Betting Against the Elites on Sarah Palin
Bias What media bias
Biden's Chilling Remarks At Fundraiser
Big Little Government
Biggest Breast Cancer Risk No One Talks About
Bill O'Reilly Laments a Possible Democratic WH and Congress and Get This...A Complicit Press
Brad's Otherworldly Affairs #1 In 2008
California Foreclosures Soar By 228%
Charles Krauthammer - McCain for President
CNN Lies - Smears Palin With False Quote
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Former Bush aide voting for Obama
Colin Powell - Hypocrite
Colin Powell Warns Of Coming Crisis “We Don’t Even Know About Right Now”
Columbo Questions Obama
Conservative media figures allege Obama's Hawaii trip is about discredited birth-certificate....
Cosmic Ray Guns
Dave Reichert Another lying Republican hypocrite exposed -- no thanks to the media
Debt Slavery Is Real Reason Behind The 'Bailout'
Deconstructing the Liberal Media's Funny Bone
Demand For Gold Soars As Price Tumbles
Democrat - Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
Does Frank Davis Connect ALL Obama Dots
Dow Expected To Dive To 5,000 In 2009
Eliminating 25 million Americans
Eric John Phelps Exposed
Evidence Mounts Ayers Co-Wrote Obama's Dreams
Feeding The Mermaids
Financial Catastrophe - They Did It On Purpose
FT.com - In depth - ‘I made a mistake,’ admits Greenspan
Goldman Sachs Cuts 10% Of Staff
Greenspan Admits To A Few Mistakes
Greenspan Concedes to `Flaw' in His Market Ideology
Greenspan In 'Shocked Disbelief' - Admits Errors
Greenspan Shrugged
Group asks IRS to investigate Catholic bishop against Obama - USATODAY.com
Hey - It's Just Business!
Hezbollah Chief Poisoned - Iran Docs Save Him
Holding Noses
Hope for common cold treatment - Telegraph
How Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the R-Bomb
How To Live to 114
Impact Of Recession Spreads
In Defense of Negative Campaigning
Inhuman Animal Testing - It Simply Has To Stop
INTERVIEW-U.S. to miss deadline on Mexico border fence
Iran holding American student in prison
Is Communist Frank Davis Obama's Real Dad
Islamic group calls on NMGOP to repudiate remarks made by Marcia Stirman
JP Morgan Chase Chief Dimon Gets Death Threats
Karl Rove Says Rural Pennsylvanians Really DO Cling To Guns and Religion
kdka.com - McCain Campaign Worker Allegedly Attacked
Kidd - McPalin Donations In March - Obama Alert
Latest Obama advocates Opie, Andy Griffith, Fonz
Leftist Bianca Jagger's 20 year rent scam comes to a halt
Lehman Bros Executives Get Subpoenas
Lemmings Seek Safety In $ While Dumping Gold
Livni Rebuffed by Shas in Bid to Form Israel Cabinet
London Market Losses Worsen
Manhattan Storage Companies Takes Out Billboard Ads To Lobby For Choice and Against Palin
McCain Washington D.C. and NYC = Fake America
McCain Issues Challenge Name a Single Issue I've Changed On
Media Polls Pimping for Obama
Merkel Anger Over Sarko's Intervention Plan
MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers
My Way News - Banks borrow record amount from Fed
My Way News - Mo. students face punishment for `Hit a Jew Day'
My Way News - Obama fundraising drops as McCain's cash dwindles
Naomi Wolf Give Me Liberty A Handbook for American Revolutionaries
Nathaniel Rothschild - Financier Reverts To Type
Nathaniel Rothschild Defends Flunky Mandelson
ND, MT Oil Reserves 25x More Than 1995 Estimate
New York Times can't bring itself to name ACORN in its headline on voter fraud story
New York Times Company sinking faster
Newsmax.com – Obama Most Secretive Democratic Candidate Ever
No signs of Qaeda election threat - U.S. World Reuters
Noonan's Slipped a Peg
North Korea clamps down on mobile phones to stop news of food crisis - Times Online
Not Death Of Capitalism, Birth Of A New Order
Nude Pics Of Stanley Dunham By Real Barky Dad
NYT corporate debt cut to junk status
Obama & DNC Admit All Allegations of Federal Court Lawsuit .......
Obama 'admits' Kenyan birth
Obama and Dohrn and Ayers
Obama as a War President
Obama Birth Certificate Issue Goes to Hawaii Supreme Court
Obama Ignores Citizenship Lawsuit
Obama leaves campaign trail to visit ill grandmother, worries she may not see Election Day
Obama Lies For His Wall Street Handlers
Obama on on race and salvation
Obama Supporter-Robber Carves 'B' On Woman's Face
Obama the 'Light-Worker'
Obama To Lead Fourth Reich
Obama's campaign built on lies
Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote
Obama's Radical RevolutionIts Alinsky Root and Global Vision
Obama's Religious Ruse 'I've Always Been a Christian'
Obama's Religious Ruse His 'Conversion'
Obama's Religious Ruse The Cult of the Marxist Messiah
Obama's War Plans & Forced 'Home Service'
Oil Price Falls Despite Production Supply Cut
On Bill Ayers and small 'c' communists
Organic Farming 'Could Feed Africa'
Osborne Warned - 'Stop Rubbishing' Rothschild
Pakistan's Hidden War
Pakistan Stares Into Abyss
Palin Betrays Base On Immigration Amnesty
Pedophilia Thriving In Judaism's Right Wing
Peggy Noonan - Not One Of Those You Must Vote People
Phil Berg discusses lawsuit against Obama
Planetary President Obama
Plumbing Biden's Mysterious Warning
police 'Inconsistencies' In Story Of Politically Motivated Attack - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh
Powell - 'There's Going To Be A Crisis'
Queen Michelle Obama's $447 Waldorf-Astoria Snack
Regulators Admit They Made Fateful Mistakes
Republican HQ Manager's Home Shot Up Over McCain Signs
RNC uses Rudy Giuliani and Fox News in robocalls
Romanian Jews Decry Cemetery Vandalism
Rothschild Threatens To 'Destroy' Osborne
Russian Financial Crisis Deepens
Russian watchdog rejects Google bid for ad firm (Reuters)
Sarah Palin future media star
Second Citizenship Lawsuit Filed Against Barack Obama
Secret of Obama tax plan revealed
Set up for fraud
Sherrod Brown Watch Hannity and O'Reilly cry on election night
Social Issues Can Save McCain
Stealing the Presidency An Obama-ACORN Primer
Surgical Instruments From Ancient Rome
Sushi and the Economic Crisis
Tamiflu Resistance In Canada
The Berlin-Budapest Express
The Buying of the Presidency 2008
The Duke Crimes Continue
The Electoral College Process
The Gang of Thieves Called Government
The Joe-the-Plumber vote is bigger than you think
The Last Two Years
The Man Who Never Was
The Mendacity of Hope
The monied left under Obama
The Myth That Laissez-Faire Caused the Economic Crisis
The NWO A Zionist Bid for Global Domination
The Risk of Obama
The Rothschilds 200 Yrs Of Political Influence
The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
The Supreme Court and the Ohio Voting case
The US's Iraq Desert
Transcripts - Analysts Discuss Greenspan and the Financial Crisis
Transcripts - Fmr. Senators George Allen & Bob Graham
Transcripts - Interview with Barack Obama
Transcripts - Interview with Gov. Schwarzenegger
Transcripts - Interview with John McCain
Transcripts - Interview with Rep. Murtha's Challenger
Transcripts - Interview with Sarah Palin
Transcripts - McCain's Speech in Goffstown, New Hampshire
Transcripts - Obama's Speech on Economic Competitiveness
Transcripts - Obama's Statement on National Security
Transcripts - October 23 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts - Palin on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts - Panel on Bipartisanship and the Candidates
Transcripts - Panel on the State of the Race
Transcripts - President Bush on International Development
Transcripts - Roundtable on Race in the Campaign
Transcripts - Roundtable on the Candidates' Tax Plans
Truth Seeps Into Mainstream Media
US Cities Now Compare To African Cities
US Mulls New 'Bailout'
US Spends Trillions On Corrupt Banking System
USA Elections - Do They Matter
video - Attempted Citizen's Arrest Of Karl Rove
video - Fuhrer Obama Youth - Hitler Nazi Youth
video - Greenspan - 'Shocked Over Credit Tsunami'
video - Obama = Hitler
video - Ralph Nader Calls Out AIPAC
video - Why Bailout Could Not, Will Never Work
videos - Gov. Rendell on Murtha's Comments
videos - Howard, Griffith, and Winkler Say Obama's the One
videos - Interview with McCain and Palin
videos - McCain Ad Attacks Obama on Taxes
videos - McCain Ad Uses Biden's International Crisis Words Against Obama
videos - McCain Attacks Obama Tax Plan in Florida
videos - McCain Florida Radio Ad with Gov. Crist
videos - McCain's Interview with Wolf Blitzer
videos - More Ads in Colorado
videos - More of NBC's McCain-Palin Interview
videos - NRSC Says Hagan is a Creation of the Washington Power Brokers
videos - Obama on Good Morning America
videos - Obama on Leaving the Trail, Biden's Tested Comment
videos - Obama on The Early Show
videos - Obama Says McCain is for Joe the CEO
videos - Obama Talks About McCain and Trade Policy
videos - Obama's Spot for Spanish Audiences
videos - Palin Challenges Media on Biden, Apologizes for America Comments
videos - RNC Rolls Out Rezko Web Video
videos - Sen. Klobuchar in New Franken Ad
videos - Udall Ad Attacks Schaffer on Airline Security, Departmenf of Education
Vote Debacle Predicted For November 4
Walid Phares explains al-Qaeda 'endorsement' of McCain
wcbstv.com - 'Aye' And Mighty Bloomberg's Wish Is Granted
Wealth Gap Creating Social Time Bomb
What He Believes
What if 'SNL' mocked Michelle Obama
What's Up With Gold
Will an angry electorate hand the election to Obama
Will take more than `The Messiah’ to eclipse mainstreet America
YouTube - Obama Does Not Regret Spread the Wealth Comment