"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 October 2008


Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber
The Washington insider who made Obama rich
'Stevia Is A Drug' - FDA Citizen's Petition - Madness
7 Killer Whales Vanish From Puget Sound
A boy walks on the street in front of a power station in Caracas ... - Yahoo! News Photos
After Term-Limit Win, NYC Mayor Faces New Fight
Air Force Revamping Oversight of Nuclear Arsenal After Embarrassing Missteps - Fox
Albright Agrees with Biden Obama Will Face Unexpected Test
America Joins UK On Brink Of Recession
Annoy An Oligarch At Your Peril
Anti-tax author banned from selling his advice
Ark. anchorwoman dies in hospital after beating
Asia, Europe reach financial crisis consensus - USA Today
Atty. Philip J. Berg is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court Obama's eligibility to be President of the United States
Ayers, Dohrn 'White supremacy' responsible for America's troubles - New book blames race for 'bigotry' in society - WND
Banks Exploit Legal Loopholes To Seize Homes
Berg Appeals Obama Ruling To Supreme Court
Berg Suit Against Obama Tossed By Fed Court
Better Air Passenger Prescreening Expected in 2009
Bill O'Reilly, the 10 Million dollar man
Bush Puts Sanctions On Russian Arms Exports
Bush to announce renewal of US diplomatic relations with Iran - Jerusalem Post
Car Makers Slam On Brakes As Orders Drop
Cavuto on McCain 'Grumpy.' IMUS let's hope he doesn't die.
Chavez Proposes Russian Church In Caracas
Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama - AP
Christians face attacks in eastern India - South and Central Asia- msnbc.com
CIA Accused Of Causing Thames Collision
Citadel Admits 35% Dive In Hedge Fund Value
Cleric says Iran cannot gloat in financial crisis - Ynet
Clinton WH vets doubt Obama openness vow
CNSNews.com - White House 'We'll Just Trust Our Treasury Secretary' on Financial Bailout
Colbert Report The McCain Campaign Reaches Out To The Middle Class
Colin Powell Warns Of Coming Crisis “We Don’t Even Know About Right Now”
Commentary » Blog Archive » This Should Be News
Cosmic Ray Guns
Countdown Joe McCain's 911 Call
Countdown Palin Wants To Help Special Needs Kids By Doing Away With Science
Court Bans Motorcycle Gang From Wearing Trademark Logo
Crisis could trigger big public transit payments - USA Today
Decision not to join gov't final - J'lem Post
Dem govs warn against complacency
Dems predicting ‘earthquake’ election - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Despite Financial Meltdown Wall Street Pay Remains the Same
Did Mandelson Visit Russia Via Oligarch's Power
Did Obama Have An Affair With Vera Baker
Don't Expect China To Save West
Duncan Hunter on Obama 'I think he has great teeth'
Electric Space Weather Baffles Scientists
EU To Investigate Mandelson Oligarch Links
Even UK Baronet Powerless Against A Rothschild
Ex-U.S. general in Mideast says Israel can't hit Iran nukes - Haaretz
Farah - Our $700 Billion Bailout Gift To China
Fare Thee Well, and Get Ye Lost
Fed Judge Throws Out Berg v. Obama Lawsuit
Federal Judge Quits Over Sex Scandals
Flashback - The 545 People Responsible For All Of U.S. Woes
For Whom The Bailout Tolls
Former Bush Press Secretary Backs Obama
Globalists Call For Greater IMF
Google Megalomaniacs In Bed W-Pentagon-NWO
GOP Candidates Warn Against One-Party Rule
Hacker 'Too Sick' To Survive US Extradition
Had It With Government Money
Half a million march in Taiwan against China, president - Reuters
Hitchens On British Corruption, Decadence
How Private Coinage Worked in England
How The Illuminati Controls Politics
Huge New Biodefense Lab Is Dedicated at Fort Detrick - washingtonpost.com
Inflation Vs Deflation - Nope...Stagflation
Insanity - Gates Funds 'Flying Syringe' Mosquitos
Iran confirms Ahmadinejad is ill - Jerusalem Post
Iraqi party suspends ties with U.S. over raid - Reuters
Is Toxic Waste Behind Somali Piracy
Israel Deliberately Forgets Its History
Israeli Govt Force Destroys Jewish Home in Hebron
John McCain is Barack Obama's New Deal mandate-maker Politics West
John McCain loses temper with defeatist aides as he vows to fight to the last - Telegraph
Judge tosses lawsuit challenging Obama citizenship - Las Vegas Sun
Judge tosses lawsuit challenging Obama citizenship
Judge Was FAXED The Berg Ruling To Sign!
Julius Caesar
Just How Healthy Are You
Larry King Live Republican Circular Firing Squad
Latinos to Vote Democratic thanks to the anti-immigration nuts
Law may preclude TV stardom for Palin
Livni Faces Election After Coalition Talks Fail
Mandelson's Action Boosted Russian Oligarch
Mandelson, Rothschild's Long-Lasting Friendship
Many Witnesses - New Texas UFO Sightings
McCain cuts size of shopping spree
McCain delves deep into process
McCain guarantees victory
McCain Pal Gets 54 Months For Fraud
McCain Tries To Build a Bigger Joe The Plumber Narrative--By Using Multi-Million Dollar Earning CEOs
McCain warns against Democratic takeover News
Meet The Press McCain to Brokaw I reject your objective measures of reality and substitute my own
Michael Moore on Larry King Live with Plumbers for Obama!
Michelle - 'My Husband Was Born In Hawaii And Adopted'
Michelle - 'No Law Will Stop Obama From Being President'
Michelle Bachman Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Michelle Bachmann So much for that apology
Michelle Obama Campaigning in Columbus OH
More Proof Of Electric Comets
Mormons and Prop 8 Lies and Blackmail
Multiple Obama Mistresses
Muslim fanatic prisoners to be 'de-programmed' using controversial techniques to 'cure' them of beliefs
My Way News - Companies start competing for bailout money
My Way News - Judge tosses lawsuit challenging Obama citizenship
My Way News - Starving cattle amid high prices for feed in Neb.
Mysterious Pink Light Over London
NASA unveils new lunar rover built for endurance
Nathaniel Rothschild - Financier Reverts To Type
Net Smear Artist Eric Jon Phelps Exposed - Pt 1
New disgusting Robo Calls from the McCain camp...
New order moves us closer to China's economic model
Newspaper shows Obama belonged to socialist party - WND
Obama & The Predicted World Crisis
Obama Birth - What Means Anything Anymore
Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden by Hal Boedeker
Obama opens up about his grandmother
Obama Or McCain Videos May Yield Identity Theft
Obama Sex Scandal Hit UK Press
Obama To Lead Fourth Reich
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance - article by Daniel Pipes
Obama's Affair With Staffer Baker Detailed
Obama's War Plans & Forced 'Home Service'
Obama, back on trail, hits McCain on economy
Obama, McCain begin closing arguments - Target western states - MSNBC
Obama-Led Foundation Funded a Group Led by Former Chair of 'Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)'
Obama’s Tax Plan Won’t Hurt Small Businesses, Democratic Leaders Say
Obama’s ‘Spread the Wealth’ Tax Plan a Good Idea, Says Schumer
Oil Closer To Pastor Williams Predicted $50
Olmert to make political comeback
Olmert's blast settlers in remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, IDF moved into evict settlers
Opposite Berg-Obama Suit Verdict Story Vanishes
Osborne Warned - 'Stop Rubbishing' Rothschild
Pair of Earthquakes Strike Northern California - Fox
Pakistan Forces Capture Key Militant Stronghold - Fox
Palin 'Going Rogue' Say Obama Shill CNN
Palin Election isn't over till it's over
Palin Is 'Going Rogue' Says McCain Aide
Palin warns Obama would create nanny state if elected
Pastor charged with felony for spanking son Teacher calls social services on father after he paddles child for lying - WND
Phil Berg discusses lawsuit against Obama
Racism, hate bubble up yet again at Palin's rally in Vegas
Racist 'Supremacist' Roots Of The European Union
Rafsanjani - US Nuked Iraq In 1991
Real Time Governing From The Center
Real Time The Panel Gets Real on the Topic of Abortion
Republican Brad Blakeman attacks Obama for visiting his sick grandmother in a 767 campaign plane
Restaurant industry is starving for customers - Los Angeles Times
Review - Barack H. Obama The Unauthorized Biography
Richard Engel Afghanistan Tip of the Spear!
Robert A. Schuller, 'Hour of Prayer' Preacher, Removed by Father - Fox
Roberts - Where Inflation Came From
Rothschild Controversy How World Really Works
Rothschild Threatens To 'Destroy' Osborne
Rothschilds - Eccentricity, Money, Power, Scandal
Roubini - The Worst Is Yet To Come
Rove GOP finger-pointing 'sad' - Daniel W. Reilly - Politico.com
Russia - Biggest War Games Since Soviet End
Sarko Tries To Make Himself Euro President
Saudi king to attend November UN interfaith dialogue - Jerusalem Post
Saudi Supercomputer Lures Researchers - MSNBC
Secret Euro Plan To Boost GM Crop Production
Sharia Rulings Rubber-Stamped By UK
Shocking Abuse At Pig Farm
SignOnSanDiego.com News Metro -- Residents fight back over pilfered political placards
Sinclair Speaks To Obama's Sister
SNL George Bush endorses the McCain-Palin ticket
Survival - Learn From Argentina's Collapse
Suspect in Mexican cop slayings is held
Taiwan Dumps Fannie, Freddie
Terrorist 'tweets' US Army warns of Twitter dangers
The Age Of The Grasshoppers
The Daily Show Who The F@# Is That Guy
The Fate Of The World
The new Concorde Supersonic jet will get you from London to New York in just three hours - Daily Mail - UK
The Rothschilds 200 Yrs Of Political Influence
The State 10-26-2008 Election 2008 New generation of black leaders emerges
The State 10-26-2008 Student voters ‘elect’ Obama as president
Thousands Of Hedge Funds To Fail Soon
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control
Toxic Fluoride Added To UK School Kids' Milk!
US Plans Troop Surge In Afghanistan
US Plunders World Wealth - Major China Paper
Uses for $700B bailout money ever shifting - USA Today
Venezuela's Chavez wants to jail rival
Vermont Citizens Vote To Impeach Bush-Cheney
video - CNBC Analyst Blames 'Illuminati' For Crisis
video - Fuhrer Obama Youth - Hitler Nazi Youth
video - Hear The Truth - Reverse Speech Blind Test
video - Obama = Hitler
Warren Buffett, Government Propagandist
Wasted Bailout bill subsidizes rum
What Bernanke And Hank Aren't telling You
White House 'We'll Just Trust Our Treasury Secretary' on Financial Bailout
Who Is Vera Baker And Why Is She In Martinique
Whole System Going Down For The Count
Will 'Lean Years' Lead To Communism
William Ayers Babysat Obama's Kids
Wingnuts just say NO to guilt by association for McCain and Palin
WWF Resorts To Deception In Climate Fearmongering
WWII - The Theft Of German Intellectual Property
YouTube - Biden Angered By Tough Questions
Zionist Berlusconi Erasing Basics Of Democracy
`Out of Control' CEOs Spurned Davos Warnings on Risk

part 2

Palin’s terms for pipeline curbed bids
Transcripts - Michael Barone on the Battleground States
'Barack does not share our traditional values of defending innocent life'
'Being a bit disorganized ... is somewhat of an asset for attaining historical greatness'
'Broadcasters should take the view that there are still young viewers after 9 p.m.'
'Case was brought about by putting undercover agents into the money-laundering cycle'
'Clearly the city has felt some heat, and now they have seen the constitutional light'
'Fireside Chat' Fred Thompson-Style (Video)
'Former' Obama Advisor Meets with Syrians
'Government as part of the family, taking care of us, making decisions for us'
'I don't believe it's supporters. It's all people like Tina Fey types looking to knock her'
'I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax'
'I want to spend our nation's dollar for retirement security better'
'If there's an overarching excess ... you look at it to see if it's sustainable'
'Israeli strike against Iran won't work'
'It doesn't matter if it's a law or not. When it's wrong, it's wrong. It is a sin'
'It seems that at the lower levels in the body it is essential'
'It's refreshing to find a public figure who is not afraid to be politically incorrect'
'May not have been as hairy and dirty as is commonly imagined'
'Miracle' Minneapolis Twins Beat Rare Disease
'No comment' to question about Obama's terrorism links
'No question that this race continues to tighten and that McCain is finding his message again'
'Once you lose your job, you are losing money. You can't pay your bills'
'Syria-Hizbullah ties growing stronger'
'The fundamental goal of the compensation plan is to allow an employee to get wealthy'
'The Obama Temptation'
'These are questions that are rolling about right now and questions that need to be asked'
'They did something wrong to the country, and they should stand trial'
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
'Unfathomable' Odds of taking both grand prizes is 1 in 4.1 trillion
'View' honchos a bit teed off at Elisabeth Hasselbeck
12-year-old assaulted pregnant woman, has been making death threats since 2nd-grade
13 races that could lock up the US Senate for the left
3-minute video shows jarring contrast between Obama, McCain on abortion
600 Palestinian cops deploy in Hebron
7 killer whales missing from Wash. waters
A Cloud Over 'Made in China'
A coming college bubble
A look back at the ads of the campaign lots of new, some of the same
A Reality Check on Obama's Wish List
AAA SITE - Free Fax • Free Internet Faxing
AAA SITE - Anonymouse.org
AAA SITE - Hushmail - Free Email with Privacy
Al Franken hopes to have the last laugh in Minnesota
Al Qaeda and the Election
Al-Qaida appears to claim Glasgow attack
Alan Reynolds wonders where Obama is going to find 4.3 trillion to pay for his promises
America Has a Highly Progressive Tax System
American Family Association launches daily segments of new feature
Amy Poehler gives birth (to 'a little baby Sean Penn')
An inaugural speech at the ready -- ready for ridicule, that is
Anchorage Daily News supports… Obama
AP INVESTIGATION - Palin pipeline terms curbed bids
Arizona's 'Stop Illegal Hiring' Act is a Sham
Armed Bus Hijacker Tells Driver to Go to Disney
As doubts grow, African Press insists recordings to be released before Nov. 4
As Fed makes cuts, 'floor' keeps companies from following along
Aspen driver accused of running 'business' without license
At the UN, Many Hope for an Obama Win
Attacking The Credit Crisis at Its Source--US Housing Market
Authorities probe possible illegal use of government computers to pry into man's past
Bailout expanding to insurers
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Live at Barney Allis Plaza on 1997-06-14
Berg lawsuit on Obama birth certificate reportedly dismissed
Betting Against the Elites on Sarah Palin
Biden Interview results in Obama campaign snubbing TV station
Bill Ayers, the Marxist Revolutionary in the 1960s
Bill Clinton, Obama will join together at Orlando rally this Wednesday
Both McCain, Obama proposals face steep obstacles as deficits swell
Both parties to guard polls on Election Day
Bovines had pressed against wire fence during storm
Bush's election guru says McCain's last chance is to focus on tax, security
Calif. gay marriage ban becomes big money race
California college students support endorsement of Marriage Protection Amendment
Cameron's Tories Clueless Towards Europe
Camp Followers
Campaign check Lies and half-truths outed
Campaign Financing Draws New Scrutiny
Can NATO Stop the Somali Pirates
Candidates duel over Western swing states
Caroline Baum explains how dodging big issues during campaign will cost next president
Case alleging 'false light' could have exposed even prayer requests to litigation
Casino bosses put money behind Republican McCain
Cat Stevens cancelation Clashing dates or security row - Haaretz
China divided over US election race
China's Wen calls for 'every means' against global meltdown
Chris Coffey - McCain Has to Win the Ground War
Christian right steps up attacks on Obama
CIA Accused Of Causing Thames Collision
CNN confirms Bill Clinton to campaign with Obama
College threatens students for even discussing guns
Colorado Races Still in Republican Reach
Conservative Civil War well underway
Counting on Colorado
Couple Gets Bag of Pot With Taco Order at Restaurant
Crisis moves to Gulf Arab nations
Defense Ministry to prep mayors for war
Democrat camp cries foul when TV anchor asks tough questions
Democrat's campaign denied allegations, but new evidence indicates membership
Democrats See Risk and Reward if Party Sweeps
Denver justice accused of asking prostitute to lie about relationship
Derek Trucks Band Live at Shinsaibashi Club Quattro on 2007-11-29
Derek Trucks Band Live at The Fez Under Time Cafe on 2000-03-15
Detectives reportedly found evidence Pressly's credit card used at gas station near home
Device can scan crowd, ID people who have been handling explosives
Diagnosing The Health Care Debate
Dies in collision with suspected drunk driver who slammed pickup truck into squad car
Dollar Gains Most Since 1992 on Concern Global Slump Deepening
Donna Jean and the Tricksters Live at A Bear's Picnic @ Lincoln Park on 2008-08-15
Donna Jean and the Tricksters Live at The Silo on 2007-12-31
Donna the Buffalo Live at Lilac Festival on 2008-05-11
Donna the BuffaloDonna the Buffalo Live at Milestone's on 2005-08-19
Dread Clampitt Live at Floyd Festival - Main Stage on 2005-07-30
Economy Shapes Senate Contest in Minnesota
Egyptian Couple Arrested for Hosting Sex Parties
Ellen Ratner - What Is the McCain Camp Thinking
Ensuring Health Care Freedom
Europe on Brink of Currency Crisis
Exclusive - Pat Boone cries for justice for victims of India's slaughter of Christians
Exclusive - Phil Elmore warns of hackers stealing information via your Web browser
Exclusive - Ellis Washington shows how U.S. colleges became home to wealth redistribution
Exclusive - Henry Lamb exposes United Nations' infringement on Americans' freedom
Exclusive - Joseph Farah uncovers ulterior motives in so-called 'rescue' package
Exclusive - Greg Laurie celebrates hidden sacrifices that changed the world
Exclusive - Patrice Lewis gushesover Democrat's messianic image
Execs cleared radio pair's lewd messages claiming sex with man's granddaughter
Expedition using airborne radar to virtually 'peel away' 2.5 miles of ice covering peaks
Fake IA voter gets an absentee ballot ... in Rome
FDA Approves Boston Scientific's Carotid Artery Stent
Fed to slash US rates as recession looms
FEMA will retest mobile homes for formaldehyde
Financial markets brace for crucial week
Financial Turmoil Helps S. Korea, Japan Mend
For McCain, a Mountainous Task Ahead
Foreign experts barred by IDF from Gaza mental health conference
Forgotten Fossil Bed Found Again After 150 Years
Fried Brains
From Little ACORNs, Big Scandals Grow
Front-page commentary calls for Asia, EU to banish greenback from their direct trades
Front-page commentary calls for Asia, EUto banish greenback from their direct trades
Fuehrer-food fight Jewish groups, political-prisoner organizations blast bad taste
Genetic manipulation of brain overproduces key enzyme that wipes slate clean
German minister Crisis far from over
Gmail Revved for Mobile
Gold Standard Is Wrong Salve for Global Ills
Google, Akamai, and VMware - Are These Cloud Computing's Top Three
GOP - The Party of Yesterday
GOP disavows e-mail to Jewish voters
GOP, McCain Cede the Center
Gov. Palin's pipeline project flawed
Graham, Emanuel Debate Closing Arguments
Grateful Dead Keyboardist Dies
Grateful Dead Live at Dane County Coliseum on 1973-02-15
Grateful Dead Live at Providence Civic Center on 1982-04-15
Grateful Dead Live at The Spectrum on 1994-10-06
Grateful Dead Live at Winterland Arena on 1975-06-17
Grateful DeadGrateful Dead Live at Long Beach Arena on 1987-11-15
Greenspan Didn't Bank on Human Nature
Group say picture showing aborted baby, Democrat lawmakers' names threatens tax status
Growing Asian-American vote sheds passive past
Hal Kant dies at 77; lawyer represented the Grateful Dead
Heritage Foundation - Who Belongs on the Supreme Court
Hippie Hero and Jazz Great Merl Saunders Passes Away
Home Front Command foresees greater rocket threat
How Big Will the Democrats' Win Be
How Could Mr. Right Have Been So Wrong
How McCain Can Pull Off an Upset
How Obama's tax plans would 'spread the wealth around'
How The PPP Killed Capitalism
How Would McCain Govern
How Would Obama Govern
Hudson Murders - Trouble in the Marriage
HUMAN EVENTS - Exclusive - Bachmann Under Fire
Husband of Hudson's sis William Balfour detained further, while ...
If McCain loses, what next for conservatives
IMF head cleared of 'power abuse'
IMF, Ukraine Reach Agreement on $16.5 Billion Loan
In Defense of Negative Campaigning
In Hawaii unraveling evidence in questions over citizenship
In Iowa, McCain dismisses Palin clothes flap
In Iowa, McCain dismisses sour poll numbers
In Obama, US Again Shows Europe the Way
Independent institutions staring at major threats to solvency as funding sources dry up
Information on Joe the Plumber may have come from illegally accessed computers
Informer says communist U.S. envisioned, re-education centers, 25 million 'eliminated'
Inside McCain camp, a mood of gritty determination
Insurers, automakers, other industries angling to get federal help
Iran's president promised much, but delivered little, to Iran's poor
Iranian official calls for attack on UK Jerusalem Post
Israel foils Hamas abduction plan
Israel Navy deploys state-of-the-art missile defense shield - Haaretz
Israeli government refuses to permit renovations until groups come to terms
Israelis Must Learn from Acre
It's Your Recession, Mr. Brown
James Pinkerton Another Obama Connection
Jerusalem chief to discuss Hamas tying decisions to Obama win
Jewish Settlers Vandalize Muslim Graves
JGB Live at A Bear's Picnic @ Lincoln Park on 2008-08-15
Joe The Plumber Warns America About Obama
Jonathan Falwell finds courage to face increasingly anti-Christian culture
Junk Science . Greens Looking Forward to the Past
Kennedy Targets Health Care Reform From Home
Kent Cat Mystery Solved
Kuwait moves to prop up major bank after losses
Law firm Simpson Thacher just 1 of big names with potential conflicts working on bailout
Lawmaker questions Google-backed spectrum plan
Let's Use Fannie To Clean Up the Mess It Made
Locals believe animals angry as country's runaway development destroys more habitat
Mailed Ads Have Become Mostly Negative, Experts Say
Making dollars and sense of candidate's tax plans
Man in the News Ford's Alan Mulally
Manhattan single needs to raise $3 million – only $2,999,000 to go
Many reasons still for Obama to worry, and McCain to hope
Mark Morford - Obama will change not only our flawed, broken nation, but entire planet
Max Schulz focuses on fuzzy, shifting policy coming from Democrat's campaign
McCain 'doing fine' despite polls
Mccain - Bush failed in number of areas
McCain breaks out final leg strategies
McCain brushes off polls, says 'we're doing fine'
McCain Dismisses Polls Showing Him Behind Obama
McCain Jokes Obama 'Inaugural' on Par With 'Dewey Defeats Truman'
McCain mocks Obama for drafting Inaugural speech
McCain Rejects Polls, Predicts a Victory
McCain says he's competitive in key states
McCain, Obama campaign in New Mexico, Nevada
McCain, Obama Hit the West
McConnell Challenger Steals Audio Recorder
Messiah Deficit Disorder
MI chief Assad trusts Hizbullah more than own army
Mickey Hart Band Live at Sherwood Court - Rothbury Festival on 2008-07-03
Mickey Hart Band Live at Soo Pass Ranch on 2008-07-24
Mickey Hart Band Live at Tower Theater on 1998-10-25
Military Ballots Being Rejected in Virginia
Modest Steps for a New Bretton Woods
moe. Live at Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa - The Music Box on 2008-06-08
moe. Live at King Cat Theater on 1997-10-04
moe.moe. Live at The Atlantis on 1996-09-28
Moves being made as company 'works to find new ways to operate'
Mutual funds tailored to faiths, denominations seek earthly returns for heavenly minded
NASA Try to Repair Ailing Hubble
Nasrallah decries 'propaganda'
New book blames race for 'bigotry' in society
New Riders of the Purple Sage Live at DogStock Festival on 2007-07-27
New Worm Exploits Microsoft Bug
Newsmax.com – 'Straight Talk' from Fred Thompson on Obama
Newsmax.com – 500 Guns Exchanged for Cash in Harlem Churches
Newsmax.com – Bono to Write for N.Y. Times
Newsmax.com – Christians Feud Over Church of Holy Sepulcher
Newsmax.com – Drinking Veggies Will Help Meet Daily Needs
Newsmax.com – Obama Pitches Self in New Ad; McCain Hits Tax Plan
Newsmax.com – Sharpton Calls for Inquiry in Alleged NYPD Assault
Newsmax.com – Two Heritage Experts Allege Liberal Vote Fraud
Newsmax.com – Young Voters Could Rock the Polls This Year
Newsweek . Why the U.S. should talk to Iran
North, South Korea to hold military talks Monday
Not Guilty Plea Entered for Man in Elizabeth Smart...
NY Times U.S. providing light arms to Lebanese military - Haaretz
Obama Ad Attacks McCain's Attacks
Obama already has inaugural address written
Obama and Dohrn and Ayers
Obama and the World
Obama as a War President
obama EU Domestic Policy, UN Foreign Policy
Obama Leads McCain in National, Battleground Polls
Obama opens wide lead in New Hampshire over McCain
Obama stirs up supporters in Colorado
Obama tries to win over GOP-leaning Colorado
Obama visits Reno, takes on criticism
Obama vs. McCain It's About Your Money
Obama was AWOL in IL Senate while Chicago murder rate skyrocketed
Obama's campaign built on lies
Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote
Obama's Inaugural Address is Already Written
Obama's Mandate for Nationalized Same-Sex Marriage
Obama's Personality Pendulum
Obamanomics Abhors the Free Market
Obstacles - Inexperienced bureaucrats, too few contractors, cumbersome approval procedure
Ohio's sudden celebrity admits considering political career move
Online campaign donations spark new concerns of abuse
Oscar winner's mother, brother found dead, amber alert issued for 7-year-old
Outformation Live at Parish on 2008-10-18
Outformation Live at Pour House on 2005-05-28
PA fatwa condemns Arab voters in J'lem
Paid $10 for lawn clippings, now facing charge of conspiracy to purchase marijuana
Pat Buchanan lays out myriad examples of journalists following their new leader
Paul Chesser sees more money than science behind climate alarmism
Pennsylvania GOP disavows email likening Obama vote to rise of Hitler - Haaretz
Pennsylvania GOP disavows inflammatory e-mail
Phil Lesh and Friends Live at PNC Bank Arts Center on 2001-07-29
Phil Lesh and Friends Live at Warfield Theater on 1999-04-16
Police Arrest Two in Fatal Newark Drive-By Shooting
Police prepare for unrest on Election Day
Pope condemns Christian killings in Iraq, India
Power in Hands of Few Replaces Liberty
Premier says China to ensure safe food
President Bill Clinton's appointee shows partisanship, contributes to Democrat
Putting Taiwan on the Map
Race for White House Far From Over
Radiators Live at Parrish Room on 2006-04-21
Radical Loon When Obama Was Only 47
Reads riot act to campaign staff, making clear they must fight to end
Record prices spur sales of fake earrings, necklaces, bangles that cost 1-10 amount
Rescuing Capitalism
Researchers say blacks, Hispanics more likely to be accustomed to discrimination
Researchers say infectious germnot usually seen outside hospitals
Return of the Living Dead
Richard Garriott Back on Earth After Space Station Voyage
Rise of the 1st Metropolitan Candidate
Rove - Doubts About Obama Are Real
Rules voters don't have standing to 'police'constitutional requirements for president
Russian do-it-yourselfer climbs out of 16th floor window
Rusted Root Live at Cassino Ballroom on 2003-04-05
Rusted Root Live at Electric Factory on 2008-10-04
Same-Sex Marriage 'Whether You Like It or Not'
Says 'lack of shared vision' jeopardized ministry, necessitated split
Says nation is 'in a mess,' presidential election won't change that
Scientists dismayed over vanishing whales
Secret of Obama tax plan revealed
Security Flaw Is Revealed in T-Mobile’s Google Phone
Settlers rebuild evacuated outpost
Shariah-complaint banking in EU 'a matter of really enabling and creating the market'
She's back to plain old Sarah Palin
shocker Star-Tribune endorses Norm Coleman
Signs Pointing To A McCain Victory
Sikh MP joins British parliamentary group against anti-Semitism and hate crime
So When Will Banks Start Giving Loans
Social Issues Can Save McCain
Son of famous dad appeals for appointment if Democrat elected president
Soul legend's estate goes to family, charity
Sources - SEC identifies Steve Jobs heart attack prankster
Sowing the seeds of US 'realism'
Spin Doctors Live at Fiesta Days on 2008-07-12
Star keyboardist Merl Saunders dies
Star Parker takes aim at teachers unions fighting for same-sex marriage
Stealing the Presidency An Obama-ACORN Primer
Stranger buys home for weeping mom
String Cheese Incident Live at Belmont's on 1996-09-06
String Cheese Incident Live at Fuji Rock Festival - Field of Heaven on 2006-07-29
String Cheese Incident Live at UMBC Fieldhouse on 2000-11-03
Subprime Meltdown Culprits
Surprise! Bananas Glow Blue Under Black Light
syria 9 dead in U.S. helicopter border strike from Iraq - Haaretz
Tea with the Taliban
Teacher calls social services on father after he paddles child for lying
Team McCain sends Chris Matthews a copy of the Constitution
Tells Brokaw, 'We're going to do well in this campaign, my friend. We're going to win it'
Tension reported with 'handlers' 'She's lost confidence in most of the people on the plane'
Tests . Decomposing Body Was in Car of Caylee's Mom
The Age of Triumphalism is Over
The AK Party and Turkey’s New Coalition
The Audacity of Brand-New Taxes
The Buying of the Presidency 2008
The Case Against Barack Obama, Part 2
The Economic Meltdown and Obama's Bounce An American Paradox
The EU Communitarian Agenda
The Green Religion
The Making (and Remaking) of McCain
The Mortgage Dilemma
The Next New Deal
The Obama Temptation
The public must never see this tape (updated)
The Real Villains of the Subprime Meltdown
The Right Insurance Rules
The Risk of Obama
The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
The Senate's Bankers
The Shameless Media Bias for Obama
The Supreme Court and the Ohio Voting case
The Weekend Interview FedEx's Fred Smith
The Witches of Eastwick
The World After The 2008 Presidential Election
Thousands flee northern city of Mosul as result of attacks by Kurds, Sunnis
Threat of felony charges persuades campaigners to rescind their registrations
Three Teenage Girls Among Dead in Fiery Tenn. Crash
Three temblors strike Santa Clara County on Saturday
Tiny Skull Sheds Light on Strange Dinosaur Diets
To be sent to 290,000 households in 8 swing states
To McCain supporters, it's his way or socialism
Town councilman banished from rotation for claiming name of Christ
Traditionalist leader reminds church members Pope Benedict XVI says issue non-negotiable
Traffic stop turns to jail for researching women's activism in Muslim nation
Transcript - Gov. Kaine on 'FOX News Sunday'
Transcript - Karl Rove on 'FOX News Sunday'
Transcripts - John McCain on Meet the Press
Transcripts - Michelle Obama Stumps in Columbus, Ohio
Transcripts - Roundtable on What the Polls Mean
Transcripts - McCain's Economic Remarks in Denver
Transcripts - Palin's Speech on Children with Special Needs
Transcripts - Shields and Broooks on the Week's News
UK Must Avoid Big State Solution
un Israel violated Geneva Conventions
Undaunted by jokes or omens, McCain stumps in Waterloo
University now banned from arresting those exercising free speech on public property
Updated - Virginia County Rejecting Military Ballots
Using the Regional Banking ETF to Play Bank Mergers
VIDEO - Biden Attacks McCain on Coal
VIDEO - Biden for Senate Ad
VIDEO - Howard, Griffith, and Winkler Say Obama's the One
VIDEO - McCain Attacks Obama, Democrats on Spending
VIDEO - More of NBC's McCain-Palin Interview
VIDEO - Obama Ad Keeps Focus on McCain, Economy
VIDEO - Obama Campaigns for Merkley in New Ad
VIDEO - Obama Lays Out Agenda in Two-Minute Ad
VIDEO - Obama on Good Morning America
VIDEO - Obama on The Early Show
VIDEO - Palin's Speech on Children with Special Needs
VIDEO - Puerto Rican Man Talks About Abduction
VIDEO - Rendell & Pawlenty on Face the Nation
VIDEO - RNC Says Obama is Untested at the Helm
VIDEO - Sen. Clinton Campaigns in Minnesota
VIDEO - UK Aircraft Buzzed, Paced By UFO
Village elder caught 2 months earlier having sex with animal now cleansed from his sin
Vince Welnick Live at Boykin Ball @ The Church of Universal Love & Music on 2005-09-11
Vince Welnick Live at Planet 505 on 2002-12-06
Vince Welnick Live at Wiggin's Park on 1997-07-13
We Should Talk to Our Enemies
What drives three young Silicon Valley voters
What New Direction Should Capitalism Take
Whitewashing Freddie, Fannie
Why the Mortgage Crisis Happened
Why you can't believe everything you see on CNN (Part 4,398)
Why you can't remember what you forgot
Will be reporting observations to protective services agencies
Witnesses say at least 7 counted dead near Iraq border
Woman terminated from job for refusing to make anti-Obama calls
Woman, 29, was attacked at prayer hall, paraded 1-2-naked through streets
Working Joes and pay-stub realities
World Economic Forum officials say they failed to play tough with financial-industry bosses
Yikes! there's politics in my mailbox
Yonder Mountain String Band Live at Liberty Hall on 2008-10-24
Young train fans can pose dangerous distraction
Zeppelins return to the skies in San Francisco
Zero Live at Backstage on 1997-03-26
Zero Live at Cabaret Cotati on 1985-01-02
$16.3 trillion in stock value lost since Sept. 1
16 Words New Court Filing Suggests Manufactured Terror Threat in Bush's 2002 State of the Union
aclu 2-3rds of US population lives in 'Constitution-free zone'
Adolf Hitler 'planned propaganda cable TV'
Afghan Soldiers Accidentally Killed in Friendly Fire Attack
Aide Says Iran's President Is Suffering From Exhaustion
Alan Watts - Work as Play
Big Brother Radio frequency (RF) Geolocation of Opponents of the New World Order
Bill Gates' mysterious new company
Both McCain and Obama call for rebuilding US ground forces
Bush Declares Exceptions to Sections of Two Bills He Signed Into Law
Buzz Aldrin Mars Pioneers Should Stay There
Central Banks Are Likely to Launch Coordinated Emergency Action This Week
chertoff No Sign Of Al-Qaeda Election Attack
CNN Reports On Brain Scans Being Used To Judge Guilt In Criminal Cases
Coalition airstrike kills Afghan allies
Concerns about deployment of military on U.S. soil growing
DARPA Wants To See Inside Your House
Discrepencies Suggest China Faked Spacewalk Footage
E Howard Hunt's Confession
EU formally renews ties with Cuba
Even the New York Times Calls Paulson a Liar
Ex-officer guilty of selling targeting lasers
FDA Conspired with Chemical Industry to Declare Bisphenol-A Harmless
Financial Meltdown The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History
First wargames with China in India
Former CIA man died after volume on hospital heart monitor was turned down
Global economy talks call for greater role for IMF Business guardian.co.uk
Google Founders’ Fighter Jet Will Fly NASA Missions
Greenspan and Cox Confess
Hedge Fund Manager Goodbye and F---- You
Homeland Security Seeks ID Checks By Employers
Indonesia 3 to Be Executed for Attacks
Iraq govt cancels meeting to discuss US-Iraqi pact
Iraqi ministry members hurt in car bombing
Is America Fascist
Israeli Settlers Rampage After Settlement Dismantled
Itoham to Recall Millions of Products on Possible Contamination
Japan firm recalls sausage, pizza products
Kevin Warwick Cyborgs are the next evolutionary step for humans
Kremlin Rules Mayor of Moscow Exports Russia’s New Nationalism
Licensed Kleptocracy for Years to Come The ABCs of Paulson's Bailout
Livni calls for early Israeli election
Minister Cambodia-Thailand trade to be normal soon
Music & Life An Alan Watts Animation by Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Mutant Seeds for Mesopotamia
Myriad militant groups operate on Pakistan border
NASA Unveils New Lunar Rover
Netherlands Teen Sentenced for Stealing Virtual Goods
Nine injured in two Baghdad blasts
NSA Spying and the Shredding of the Constitution
Olive harvest becomes West Bank battleground
Pak border operations kill 12 Taliban
Pakistan fighting leaves 41 dead
Pandemic, America's Final Solution
Pesticides Make Farmers Literally Depressed
Plastics ingredient linked to smaller penises
Police 'warned' of race concerns
Police Fear Riots If Obama Loses
President of manufacturers association calls for Transatlantic Free Trade Area
Prominent journalist's murder roils Croatia
Relief and fear as executions near
Researchers Unveil ‘One-Stop’ Embryo Test
Rich-Poor Gap Widens in Europe, North America
Russia finds a new forum for ritual denunciations of the western world
SAIC to support Army’s biometrics toolset
Settlers vandalise West Bank cemetery
Sheehan claims her campaign against Pelosi is being sabotaged
SOFA, slammed as 'capitulatory rights'
Summit weighs new global economy rules
Sunspots an omen of weather woes
Tainted milk fed to many in Beijing
Terrorism Laws Can Be Used To Stifle Dissent
Translating Propaganda and Thinking the Unthinkable
u.s. Female immigrants must get cancer vaccine
US ranks last in income equality
US taking steps to get Albania, Croatia into NATO
VIDEO - CNBC Guest Illuminati Behind Stock Market Crash
VIDEO - Forbes Blames the Fed for Economic Crisis
VIDEO - Lou Dobbs Major Public Concerns Of Martial Law In The U.S. & Army Denies
video Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden
video Peter Schiff On CNBC 10-23-08
WORLD EXCLUSIVE E. Howard Hunt JFK Assassination Revelations - P2
Young radicals divided
YouTube - WORLD EXCLUSIVE E. Howard Hunt JFK Assassination Revelations - P1
Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai says no deal just to satisfy mediators

How The PPP Killed Capitalism
The EU Communitarian Agenda
The World After The 2008 Presidential Election
video - Puerto Rican Man Talks About Abduction
video - UK Aircraft Buzzed, Paced By UFO