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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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09 October 2008

7 th - 8 th Oct

more election news
the news
'Achmed the Dead Terrorist' ruled offensive to Muslims
'But I figure, seeing as I'm running for president, I need to cut myself a little slack'
'Fireproof' joins religion, politics movies to round out nation's top 10
'Injecting fear and loathing' into campaign by bringing up Ayers
'No time for partisan fingerpointing'
'Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers'
'Obama Nation' author departs Kenyaafter detention, foiled news conference
'They know they can't win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear'
'This is a totally bogus story. I've never even heard of the guy'
'Town hall' audience made up of uncommitted voters
1 in 5 doesn't graduate from high school on time in Virginia
1998 school shooter pleads guilty to theft charges
20-year-old faces up to 5 years in jail, $250,000 fine if convicted
2nd rock slide reported in Yosemite National Park
ABC, NBC and CBS want to keep Obama's secrets
Ads highlight lost health care benefits, jobs in key manufacturing states
After homosexual activity, man allegedly carves, chews lover's body
Alarm over Obama presidency resurges
Any remnants of submerged bias surfacing on Election Day are eroding
Apparently faked names include 'Uadhshgu Hduadh'
author Drew Peterson Failed Half a Polygraph Test
Bill Clinton to visit stem cell event
Both mentioned investor Warren Buffett as a possible choice
BRIAN DICKERSON What stem cell report really says
Budget deficit hits record $438 billion, CBO says
But Bush spokeswoman 'railroads' over question about Ayers
Conspirators seek to solidify control over Judaism's holiest site
Corsi detained because he was 'going to drop a hot potato'
Democrat spokesman not amused, calls gifts 'silly distractions'
Denver wants pro-Obama mural removed
Drug mule's body found in Yonkers park - cops
Expert warns 'mainstream media' providing 'talking points' of Arab countries
Fancy a free (electric) car
Federal judge grants delay in Rezko sentencing
flashback - Gazan brothers' illicit contributions listed in government campaign filings
flashback -'They were launching him — introducing him ... as the best thing since sliced bread'
Girls strip-searched at Mich. school, parents say
Gov't Winds Down Case Against Sen. Stevens
Governor amends hearsay bill prompted by Stacy Peterson case
Hitting places of worship, beauty salons in urban centers of swing states
Hundreds endorse letter opposing 'demonization' of former bomber linked to Obama
If US Had One, A San Antonio Man Would Be King
Judge OKs delay in Rezko sentencing
Judge postpones Rezko sentencing
Leaders say they are humbly calling upon God in time when country needs it most
Livni elected by just 431 votes amid charges of fraud, ballot stuffing
Mayor addresses economy, term limits
Mayor Bloomberg's term bill unleashes unlimited City Council debate
Native Californian was charged with treason in 2006
Obama surrogate Sen. Claire McCaskill hands TV earpiece to Mitt Romney
On Parched Farms, Intuition Used to Help Find Water
Palin says she, McCain would impose spending freeze on national budget -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Parents say teacher strip-searched female seventh-graders in Mich.
perino Economy Is ‘Distressing,’ But Not Necessarily in Recession
Perino On Whether The Country Is In A Recession ‘I Don’t Know’
Police blow up backpack after former mosque resident becomes violent
Powell heads up Stevens' witness list
Praises Obama for running 'much better campaign than I ran in 1988'
Pressured to Take More Risk, Fannie Reached Tipping Point - Series - NYTimes.com
Rare black rhino dies en route to Oregon Zoo
Relationship called 'much more extensive' than senator is willing to admit
Report says governor wants crack at impersonating Tina Fey
Sen. John Warner 'I'm disappointed that he spoke against the rescue package'
Sex-saturated Bacchanalia boiling up from underworld
Skewered Pelosi, Frank, hedge fund billionaire and liberal donor George Soros
Sparks debate over skits depicting gun violence
Spokesman admits Obama associated with Ayers after learning his past
State Bill Would Require Term-Limit Referendum
Supreme Court hears case on Navy sonar, whales
Supreme Court's once wide majority in favor of abortion rights has shrunk to 1
Suspended for insubordination for slogan-chanting drill squad
Texan is Washington's kin, and could've been king
The Associated Press AIG execs' retreat after bailout angers lawmakers
The bail-a-holics
The clock is ticking faster for human embryonic stem cell research
The Man Who Would Be King
Trial exposes corrupt culture of payoffs, campaign finance abuses plaguing politics
Trig Palin called 'star' of political conventions this year
UPDATE 1-White House hopes rate cut will stem crisis
Very close race with 1 month left to go
Voters shouldn't let him, Obama off the hook
Were candidates' claims completely accurate during debate
Woman works for nonpartisan 'Get out the Vote' organization
You Can Weather the Economic Storm
A Timeless Debate Format Or a Dated One
Americans turn to Uncle Sam
analysis Obama gains, McCain seeks game-changer
At Debate, McCain Proposes Buying Up Bad Home Loans
Ayers and Obama later worked on Chicago charitable boards together
Ayers’ Invite - What Were SC Educrats Thinking
Biden calls McCain a sidekick, not a maverick
Biden says McCain taking 'low road'
Campaign sign mischief crosses party lines
commentary Why Ayers case is risky for McCain-Palin
Debate Verdict John McCain, Barack Obama Exchange Blows, No Knockouts
Democrats Predominate Among Newly Registered Florida Voters
Economy shapes second debate
Focus groups give debate to Obama
For older voters, too, a call for change
If Kids Could Vote, Half Would Support Obama
iReporters say Obama won second debate
Joe Biden Isn't Joe Biden Anymore, He's John McCain
John McCain calls Barack Obama 'that one' during debate Was it rude or not
McCain Adviser Offers Details on Mortgage Plan
McCain Changes Tactics
McCain plan would buy bad homeowner mortgages
McCain ramps up assault, Biden warns of dangerous turn in campaign
McCain, Obama discuss possible Treasury secretary picks
Obama strategist Axelrod warns John McCain on tonight's debate
Obama, McCain clash on financial crisis
Obama, McCain highlight debate moments
Obama-McCain debate jabs, but no knockout
Politics of body language McCain, Obama spar
Poll shows Obama with a 10-point lead
Post-debate polling favors Obama over McCain
Questions at a Town Hall-Style Debate
SCENARIOS-How candidates are faring in key US states
study Nearly all recent McCain ads were negative
That One, Too
The Fannie-Freddie Talking Points Presentation
The McCain-isms that Lost the Debate, If Not the Election
The Swing States Barack Obama and John McCain Mine for Votes in Colorado - US News and World Report
The Town Hall Debate What Was McCain Up To
The Weather Underground
US candidates return to campaign
Warren Buffett may be the man to bail us out, McCain & Obama agree
What did Obama know about Ayers, when
What We (Still) Don't Know About Obama and McCain
Who Is John McCain
Young Voters Could Be the Deciding Factor in Florida
ACORN Vegas Office Raided in Voter Fraud Investigation - FOXNews.com Elections
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN POLL Majority think country headed for depression « - Blogs from CNN.com
Experts ponder link between creativity, mood disorders - CNN.com
Frank says GOP housing attacks racially motivated
Global rate cut does little to calm markets - Eye on the Economy- msnbc.com
Goldman Sachs' survival in Wall Street jungle - Los Angeles Times
Lehman's former leader Fuld testifies in House hearing - Oct. 6, 2008
More Bogus Obama Donors Surface, Donations Made Between July and Early August - CBS News
News - 'Bride' and 'groom' will soon return to state marriage license forms - sacbee.com
Newsmax.com – Lehman Sought Millions for Executives
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » Mystery Of That Missing SNL Bailout Skit Solved NBC.com Took It Down For Legal Reasons; Has Put Up Edited Version Today
Sorry we could not find the page you were looking for.
Stocks fluctuate after initial big drop - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
TBO.com - News From AP
The Savage Manifesto
U.S. intelligence warns Iraq war could explode again - Yahoo! News
heath news
Americans turn to Uncle Sam csmonitor.com
Bloomberg.com Africa
Cancer Groups Look for Common Ground As Competition for Research Funds Heats Up - WSJ.com
Circumcision Benefit in AIDS Is Divided - NYTimes.com
Crazy distinctions - Health - Belleville News Democrat
Family Income Impacts Children's Health - US News and World Report
Genentech Has Mixed Results In Cancer Fight - Forbes.com
German Man Recoving Well After Double Arm Transplant dBTechno
Health Buzz SIDS Risk and Other Health News - US News and World Report
New Debate Over Circumcision, HIV Reduction - TIME
No cough meds under 4, no kids opening microwaves, and fans can prevent SIDS MOMania
Nobel Prize awarded for AIDS, cervical cancer research - Los Angeles Times
Noisy Neighborhoods Driving San Franciscans Nuts - News Story - KNTV San Francisco
Not only do we have to exercise, we have to enjoy it too Booster Shots Los Angeles Times
Obama Turns To Health Care - Marc Ambinder
Quick bites 'Simply Ming,' Breast Cancer Awareness month, more Freep.com Detroit Free Press
VOA News - Scientists Predict Global Warming Will Lead to Spread of Disease
Weather shift curbs West Nile NewsOK.com
Woods Hole cell biologist wins Nobel Prize - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
news +
ron paul
The Credit Contraction Begins
The Actual Astronomy of 2012 - An essay by Thomas Razzeto
Bailout- Congress Does Something But Not the Right Thing
-Monsanto Loss Narrows; Forecasts Higher 2009 Profit
Ford to Triple Job Cuts at Volvo Cars on Demand Slump
Stewart Enterprises Falls After Offer Is Withdrawn
59 percent of Americans agreeThrow ALL the bums out!
American traitor, Islamic terroristcelebrates U.S. economic woes
Ex-headmistress of schoolsues Oprah for defamation
Homosexuals should carrywarning tattoos, says chaplain
Iceland struggles, abandons fixed exchange rate
Northern Californians prepare to splitfrom their neighbors, create new state
Transgender Georgia officialwins legal battle
Health care activists hope for comeback - Jeanne Cummings - Politico.com
McCain Is the Real Health-Care Reformer - WSJ.com
McCain Plans Federal Health Cuts - WSJ.com
Obama and Health-Care Equity - WSJ.com
Obama Campaign Won't Say if Health Care Plan Would Cover Abortions
Obama v. McCain Fundamental Difference on Health Care
Palin on Health Care « FOX Embeds « FOXNews.com
Crude oil stockpiles unexpectedly jumped last week - Forbes.com
Oil Falls After Inventory Report
Solar energy gets huge earmark in bailout bill MiamiHerald.com
A Status Quo Debate
An Unenlightening Night
analysis Candidates play against type in debate
analysis Obama gains, McCain seeks game-changer
analysis Obama, McCain defy stereotypes in debate
Asia's Fear of a Weak America
Biden calls McCain a sidekick, not a maverick
Biden calls Palin's criticism 'mildly dangerous'
Body language confident Obama, combative McCain
Boring Debate Ends in a Lot of Bad Feelings
Candidates Say Financial Crisis Threatens U.S. Power
Competition and Economic Openness is the Answer
Early voters start casting ballots in New Mexico
Fact check Obama, McCain twist records
For New Contagion, Same Old Prescriptions
Gore toasts Obama at fundraiser
How Can This Woman Be Vice President
Ignoring Reality Has a Price
Lawmaker's son indicted in Palin e-mail hacking
Long History for Proposal on Mortgages by McCain
McCain and Obama support cut in interest rates
McCain plan would buy bad homeowner mortgages
McCain renewing harsh criticism of Obama
McCain Struggles to Derail Obama
McCain would buy bad homeowner mortgages
McCain's Dilemma
McCain, Obama trade barbs in town hall debate
Mud Pies for 'That One'
Obama and McCain Clash Over Economy
Obama urges Americans not to panic over economy
Obama's Friends and the Truth
Once firmly in GOP column, NC now a battleground
Over-Regulation is Not the Answer
Palin hack Tenn. Democrat's son pleads not guilty
Pocketbook Issues Take Center Stage
Prepare for the Worst
Religion, Bill Maher Style
report Obama outspends McCain on TV ads
Sarah Palin is Nobody's Dummy
Sharp Tone, No Gaffes in Town Hall Debate
Son of Tenn. Democrat indicted in Palin hacking
Stalemate Works to Obama's Favor
study Nearly all recent McCain ads were negative
Taming the Tumult
The Bailout & the Vanishing Taxpayer
The GOP Peddles Economic Snake Oil
US House race in NM pits oilman against rancher
W.Va. ag chief running for 11th 4-year term
Wis. judicial panel Punish new judge for false ad
Bailout Basics
Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
US Economy Collapsing
1929 - The End Was Only The Beginning
9-11’s Guided Missiles Real Jew News
A Move To Secede On CA-OR Border
Advocating Genocide As US Electoral Tactic
AIG Spa Trip Fuels Fury on Hill
All Fall Down
Anthrax Symptoms & Information
Asian Markets Plunge To New Low
Asian Stocks Fall Again
Bankers And Politicians Are Stuck In 1929
Brown Orders Massive UK Bank Rescue
Bush From Day 1 - 'Controlled Demo' Of The US
China's Billionaires Lose One Third Of Wealth
Credit Crisis Risk Collapse Of Euro Monetary Union
Dow Dives 508 - S&P Falls 60 - Worst Since 1937
Dow Slump Threatens Global Markets
ECB Sees Crisis Of 'Enormous Proportions'
Euro Govts Panic Triggers Stock Market Crash
Fatal Adenovirus 14 On Prince Of Wales Alaska
FDR's Lesson - A Decisive Act To Break Depression
Fed May Buy Companies, Unsecured Debt
Feds Declare 'Anthrax Emergency'
Global Markets Dive Despite UK Bank 'Rescue' Plan
Gold Prices Drop - Real Value Soars
Has China 'Handed Off' N Korea To Russia
Heating Bills At Least 15% Higher This Winter
Iceland Govt Seizes Control Of Landsbanki
Icelandic PM Warns Nation Of Bankruptcy
Iceland Gets $8B Russian Loan As Banks Fold
IMF - UK Economy Faces Bleak Future
Iran Snubs US Moves To Forge Links
Israel Presses Russia Not To Sell SAMs To Iran
Japanese To Build Space Elevator
Jim Cramer throws in the towel - Top Stocks Blog - MSN Money
Leading Geneticist - Human Evolution Is Over
LIBOR OIS Spread Signals Credit Earthquake
Naomi Wolf To Vote For Obama (Brzezinski-Soros)
NATO To Defend Ex-Soviet Members From Russia
Neocon Jews & The Afghan Surge
Obama, DNC File To Delay Berg Discovery!
Pakistan Facing Bankruptcy
Palestinians Sue Israel Over Settle Land Theft
Perception Management And Election Rigging
Royal Bank Loses $4M A Second
Severe Bull Market for Gold
Smaller Banks Still Making Loans
Spain Announces Emergency Fund
Stock Market Crash- Where's the Bottom
Stocks Soar After Shock 0.5% UK Rate Cut
The 75 Minute US Stock Market Rescue
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Thursday is D-Day - D For Derivatives
Troubled BofA To Raise $10B In Capital
UFO Close Encounter Near Houston, BC
UK Bank 'Bailout' - The Key Points
UK Bank Shares Dive Again As Panic Spreads
UK Govt Takes $100B Stake In Top Banks
UK Govt Tries To Stop Banking System Collapse
UK Taxpayers Stuck For $1 Trillion Bank Bailout
US Financier Loses All In Crisis, Kills Family, Self
US Mint Halts Some Am Eagle Production
US Slaughters 11 Members Of Same Iraqi Family
US Won't Allow Iran Attack While US Is In Iraq
US Retirement Accounts Have Lost $2 TRILLION
Vegas Raid Over GOP ACORN Voter Fraud Scam
When Is A Holocaust Not A Holocaust
When Is It Never 'A Buying Opportunity'
Why I FEAR Obama like no other, like no other « Ignorance Is Futile!
25% of Wild Mammal Species Face Extinction - washingtonpost.com
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Messenger extends Mercury vista
BBC NEWS Technology Firefox users gain location tool
BetaNews Adobe works to pre-empt a 'clickjacking' security nightmare
BetaNews The latest Mozilla Labs add-on ties presence to location
Cell Illuminators Win Chemistry Nobel Wired Science from Wired.com
DailyTech - Google Finally Jumps into Video Game Advertising
DailyTech - Google Goggles Help Curb Drunken E-mailing
Developing with Google Android
Ford Announces Family-Friendly Safety Features Geekdad from Wired.com
Ford Offers Teen-Safety Electronics - 10-8-2008 101700 AM - TWICE
Google Offering In-game Advertising via AdSense [Updated with Sample] - Shacknews - PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads
Google tries to stop you from sending mail you will regret Googling Google ZDNet.com
Google's Gmail Goggles Goodbye to Web rage
Kernell indicted in break-in to Palin’s Yahoo email ZDNet Government ZDNet.com
Macworld iPhone Central Analysis How will Android compare to the iPhone
NASA Messenger Reveals More Of Surface On Mercury ChattahBox
Nintendo Responds to Next-Gen Wii HD Reports, Analyst Weighs In - Shacknews - PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads
Oracle orders in Primavera Software Business Tech - CNET News
RealNetworks needs a hit - Oct. 8, 2008
Research On Glowing Jellyfish Earns Scientists Nobel Prize For Chemistry AHN October 8, 2008
Study Says 25% Of All Species On Earth Face Extinction ChattahBox
symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Fermilab and symmetry breaking
Ten Years Later, Yahoo Finally Updates Its Calendar - washingtonpost.com
TG Daily - The iPod is about done, Apple co-founder says
Three Physicists Share Nobel Prize - NYTimes.com
Windows XP Gets Reprieve, Yet Again -- InformationWeek
Yahoo updates its online calendar - San Francisco Business Times
world news
'Divorce papers' for South Africa's ruling ANC - Los Angeles Times
AFP China reluctant to reveal tainted milk figures
AFP Conservatives face defeat over economy polls
AFP Everest plane crash kills 18 tourists in Nepal
AFP Malaysian PM to quit next March
AFP Military probe finds 30 civilians killed in Afghan air strike report
AFP Pakistan parliament gets rare briefing on militant threat
AFP Troops on Thai streets as protest leaders vow to fight on
AFP Turkish parliament extends mandate on Iraq strikes
AFP Zimbabwe rivals still deadlocked over power-sharing opposition
Aloof leader bids to show he feels Canadians' pain Markets Bonds News Reuters
Bank of Canada cuts key rate in coordinated move Deals Reuters
BBC NEWS World Asia-Pacific Malaysian PM 'to quit in March'
Briton kidnapped in Somalia freed in gunbattle - CNN.com
Bush To Ink U.S.-India Nuclear Pact AHN October 8, 2008
D.C. Area Families Are Ready to Receive Uighur Detainees - washingtonpost.com
Ex-Taliban minister wants inmates` assets unfrozen - PakTribune
Former Taliban minister denies Afghan peace talks World Reuters
Four killed in attack on police bus in Turkey International Reuters
Government evolving policy on Sea Piracy Navy Chief
Jerome Corsi, Obama critic, to be deported from Kenya - Los Angeles Times
Judge Orders 17 Detainees at Guantánamo Freed - NYTimes.com
Kenya Detains U.S. Author Critical of Obama - NYTimes.com
Qantas Computer Error Rattles Flight, Forces Emergency Landing - WSJ.com
RIA Novosti - World - Medvedev stresses importance of new European security deal
Taliban 'met Afghan president's brother to discuss deal' - Telegraph
The Associated Press Bush to sign landmark US-India nuclear legislation
The Associated Press Georgian official says Russian pullout incomplete
The Associated Press Hurricane Norbert strengthens, threatens Baja
U.S. source Afghan airstrike killed at least 30 civilians - CNN.com
UK Civilian ships must be armed against pirates - Telegraph
US federal court orders Chinese Muslims in Guantánamo released csmonitor.com
VOA News - Top Pakistani Military Officials Brief Lawmakers on Counter-Terror Plan
VOA News - Zimbabwean Parties Still Arguing Over Cabinet Posts
Deborah Madison - vegatarian cooking , etc
NBC Edits ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketch - TV Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com