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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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15 October 2008

15 Oct.'08 -Will McCain Choke?

15 Oct

'I'm Watching Ukraine'
'Lost' synagogue reopens in Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter Jewish News Jerusalem Post
1960's Michigan Coed William Ayers 1965 Gang Rape [WARNING GRAPHIC LANGUAGE]
AAA - video - CFR Controls US Media
AAA - VIDEO - Alan Hart Zionism - Real Enemy Of The Jews
AAA- video - CFR Domination Of US & The World
AAA- video - Unrepentant KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADA'S GENOCIDE (documentary)
ABC News FBI Reported to Begin Probe of Florida Congressman
According to Michelle Obama, the fix is already in
ACORN = Bill Ayers’s Weather Underground
Actor in mob film Gomorrah arrested - for 'being part of the Mafia' Mail Online
American Thinker Barack Obama's Campaign of the Lie
American Thinker How to Steal Ohio
American Thinker Obama's Radical RevolutionIts Alinsky Root and Global Vision
American Thinker On Bill Ayers and small 'c' communists
American Thinker Why Obama's socialism matters
American Thinker Obama's Religious Ruse His 'Conversion'
American Thinker The Buckley Apostasy
American Thinker What an Obama Administration Might Look Like
American Thinker Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up
American Thinker Obama's Religious Ruse 'I've Always Been a Christian'
American Thinker Blog Another ad questioning Obama's plans
American Thinker Blog John McCain the hero or the goat
Bailout and Revolution
Barack Obama has Little History of ‘Reaching Out Across the Aisle’ « Publius’ Forum
Belt Tightening
Burien's Reply To Senators On Financial Crisis
CAIR is a front group......
CAIR'S origin
Cheney experiences abnormal heart rhythm - Yahoo! News
Chicago Mayor To Shut Down Govt For 6 Days
Chomsky - Econ Crisis Will Not End US Hegemony
Clinton Supporters Aid Palin - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
Democrats Mull $300 Billion Stimulus - WSJ.com
Do You Hate the State
Duped McCain Falls Into Paulson's Trap
Dutchmen on trial for spreading HIV at sex parties
Ecuador Approves Revolutionary New Constitution
FBI Investigation Ties CAIR Founders To Hamas
FBI Justifiable homicides at highest in more than a decade - USATODAY.com
FEC Should Start Obama Audit Now
First Time FBI Calls Case an Honor Killing
First, Cut the Warfare Budget
Free Market
Freedom Lost By One Is Lost By All
Gandhi vs. the Bailout
Glenn Beck - Interviews - Glenn talks with the Maverick
Great Secrets Into The 21st Century
Great Secrets Of The 20th Century - Pt 1
Great Secrets Of The 20th Century - Pt 2
Growth - America's Greatest Problem -Pt 1
Growth - America's Greatest Problem - Pt 2
Hamas Offering Online Courses in Practical Jihad - Defense-Middle East - Israel News - Arutz Sheva
Houseful of out-of-state Obama activists registered as Ohio voters, received absentee ballots
Illuminati Bankers 'Revolution' By Economy
Illuminati Bankers Are Making A Killing
Is Rezko Taking Obama Down By Singing To Feds
Is The Pope A Catholic
Israel News Obama Born In Kenya His Grandmother Says Yes
It Was A Rescue!
Its Hour Come Round at Last
Jihad In America
Keynesianism's Last Stand
Lack Of Vitamin D Link To Parkinsons
Little Green Footballs - Obama Was Not Ignorant About William Ayers
Lucifer Is The Secret God Of Secular Society
Madonna divorce Madonna and Guy Ritchie's relationship ends after seven years of marriage The Sun News
Mail Carriers To Bring Antibiotics If Anthrax Attacka
Man sentenced to life in 'Joe Cool' boat slayings
Marijuana Prohibition And Public Safety
McCain Is Sick
McCain Was Not Tortured Says POW Guard
McClatchy Washington Bureau 10-14-2008 Alaska glaciers grew this year, thanks to colder weather
Media catching on to the real Obama-Ayers relationship
Michelle Obama calls Corsi 'evil'
Mid-air drama as passengers disarm would-be hijacker 'carrying a bomb' Mail Online
Money And The Crisis Of Civilization
Multiculturalism - Destroying American Culture
Muslim fired from nuclear warship job seeks review
My husband was born in Hawaii and adopted by his step father, does that make him unpatriotic she asks, on a direct telephone to API.
My Way News - 'Ellen' airs video against gay marriage ban
My Way News - Fla. Congressman said to be involved in 2nd affair
MyFox Kansas City Northland Couple Warns of Political Credit Card Fraud
MyFox New York Brooklyn Middle School Ordered To Remove Obama Poster
New Constitution Gives NATURE Human Rights
New Dangers Of Oral Bacteria
Obama & McCain Modern day Godfathers
Obama & The Coming Military State
Obama concedes mistake over Muslim outreach meeting - Deep Background
obama The Community Organizer
Obama will be no friend of gun owners Letters to the Editor The Rocky Mountain News
Obama's Copied Speeches & Brzezinski's Spare Obama
Obama's Involvement With ACORN Unearthed
Ohio.com - Poll workers clash at Falls nursing home
Oil price slides below $72 to 13-month low
Omaha.com Metro-Region Section
Our Troubled Country - Importing Poverty
Presidential election one giant fraud
Registration fraud creates a potential nightmare election, McCain campaign says
Riehl World View - When Is Racism Okay
RIGZONE - Venezuela's Chavez Talks Austerity As Oil Boom Softens
School Textbook Promotes Obama
SignOnSanDiego.com News Op-Ed Ruben Navarrette Jr. -- What Ayers story reveals about Obama
Smaller Banks Resist Federal Cash Infusions
Stoics, Cynics, and the Meaning of Life
The Blackmail Business - Part 1
The Blackmail Business - Part 2
The Blackmail Business - Part 3
The Blackmail Business - Part 4
The BRAD BLOG McCain Hearts ACORN! Was Keynote Speaker at Group's 2006 Rally!
The BRAD BLOG WV Finds Ballot Programming Error The Day Before Early Voting
The BRAD BLOG So Where's the ACORN 'Voter Fraud'
The Judeo Masonic Roots of Modern 'Culture'
The New Media Journal It’s the Voter Fraud Stupid by JB Williams
TheHill.com - Obama's first 100 days start early
They Look Like Giant Tombstones
Tolerance, Apathy The Last Virtues Of A Dying Society
US Govt No Longer Values Citizenship
US troops kill No. 2 leader of al-Qaida in Iraq - Yahoo! News
Was a Communist Obama’s Sex Teacher
Washington Times - Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms
Washington Times - Clinton looms over presidential debate
Washington Times - Pumpkin symbol marks sex offenders' homes
wcbstv.com - Hofstra Steadies Itself For Presidential Stage
What Toben & Holocaust 'Deniers' Really Believe
When Plays Are Political, Liberal Views Dominate the Theater - NYTimes.com
YouTube - CNN Obama's relationship with Ayers much deeper than Obama said

AAA Site - Project Vote Smart
'Meet the Press' celebrates 60 years of television
22 to Know -- In These Times
A Pit Bull Doesn't Lie CommonDreams.org
AAA SITE - BarackBook - Barack's Friend Feed
ABC Lying About NSA
Al Jazeera English - Azerbaijan presidential polls close
Al Jazeera English - Defections hit Afghan forces
Al Jazeera English - Hijack drama on Turkish plane
Al Jazeera English - Israeli parties in 'coalition deal'
Americans Unwilling to Face Reality CommonDreams.org
Arab Americans Hear They Can Sway Presidential Election
AT&T Promises Not to Spy on You... Sort Of CommonDreams.org
Ban urges patience, stressing that dealing with Georgia situation will take time
Barack Obama’s Ties To ACORN
Blogging journalists - survey results pt.1 - context and methodology
bush Policy concessions aim to preserve free market - USATODAY.com
Can Obama See the Grand Canyon CommonDreams.org
Court documents reveal ACORN's troubled history
Critics say financial rescue plan rules are too vague to curb CEO pay - USATODAY.com
David Sirota on bailout at Colorado rally -- Video -- In These Times
Defending ACORN and the Right to Vote CommonDreams.org
Defining ‘Socialized’ Medicine CommonDreams.org
Democracy Now! How We Lost the War We Won A Journey into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan
Democracy Now! James Bamford The Shadow Factory The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9-11 to the Eavesdropping on America
Democracy Now! Robert Parry Why Are McCain Backers So Angry
Economy Shrinks, Tactics Grow, in Media Narrative
Embedded in Pink -- In These Times
Engineering Students Talk Trash -- In These Times
Establishment of Syrian-Lebanese diplomatic ties a ‘landmark event’ – Ban
Facing Reality in Afghanistan Talking with the Taliban - TIME
Former McCain Supporter Accuses the Senator of “Deliberately Feeding the Most Unhinged Elements of Our Society the Red Meat of Hate
Fox Toledo Affiliate Covers Berg's Obama Suit
GOP Strategist Obama Landslide on the Way -- Video -- In These Times
How to Fix the Debates Better Moderators CommonDreams.org
If Elected ... - From 2 Rivals, 2 Prescriptions - Series - NYTimes.com
In Case You Missed It Biden Routes Campaign Cash To Family, Their Firms
Is John McCain Still Trapped in Vietnam CommonDreams.org
Islamofascism Awareness Week CommonDreams.org
John McCain or Barack Obama Election Day Nears
Journalist arrested during RNC faces over year in prison
Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks Body Politics Sarah Palin's Body Language And Why It Should Worry You
Latin America Adjusting to World Financial Turmoil
Less aid to poor nations amid financial crunch will worsen food crisis, warns UN
Live From Main Street Columbus Will Your Vote Count -- Video -- In These Times
Marriage Equality in Peril -- In These Times
Max Blumenthal on Sarah Palin’s Radical Right-Wing Pals and Her Ties to the Pro-Secessionist Alaskan Independence Party
McCain Campaign Accuses Community Organizing Mainstay ACORN of Fraud....
McCain Plays the Race Card CommonDreams.org
McCain, Suspend Your Campaign CommonDreams.org
Media Matters - Savage - Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists happen to be Muslim
Mich. AG charges ex-ACORN worker with forgery
Missing From The McCain Comeback Plan Straight Talk OurFuture.org
More U.S. Meddling in El Salvador -- In These Times
MSNBC CLIP Discussing McCain's Faux Populism On MSNBC w-Maddow OurFuture.org
Obama for president
Obama works for the working-class vote - International Herald Tribune
Obama's Acorn Tree
Obama's Insufficient Funds
Paulson defends government intervention
Paulson's Plan B CommonDreams.org
Paulson, the Treasurer of Wall Street CommonDreams.org
Pentagon Challenge Ask Iraqis How Many Have Died CommonDreams.org
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino 14 Oct. '08
Punk Manifesto -- In These Times
report U.S., Iraq take security pact to leaders - USATODAY.com
Right Truth McCain Can Win
Right Truth Shariah TV New York
Right Truth Who is Neel Kashkari
Right Truth New discovery Murdoch's preliminary design also contained an Islamic sundial - Blogburst
RIP The Era Of Small Government NPR
Robert S. McElvaine It's the Stupid Economics, Stupid!
Seeds of Hatred CommonDreams.org
Senior Qaeda leader killed in Iraq, U.S. military says - International Herald Tribune
Spend the Bailout Money on the Middle Class
Talking Points Memo Remember the US Attorneys
The Great Reagan Pyramid Scheme Comes Crashing Down CommonDreams.org
The Hoover-Palin Ticket CommonDreams.org
The Reality of War in Afghanistan CommonDreams.org
The Uprising at ITT Part 1 -- Video -- In These Times
This is How Fascism Comes Reflections on the Cost of Silence Red Room
This Stock Collapse Is Petty When Compared to the Nature Crunch CommonDreams.org
Toxic pellets found in car of Russian lawyer - International Herald Tribune
TPMCafe Talking Points Memo Generous Henry's Big Bailout
Turning a Wall Street Giveaway Into a Rescue for All Americans -- In These Times
Twilight of the Media Idols
U.S.-Funded Program Aims to Balance Human, Environmental Needs
Volunteer Energy and Political Tipping Points CommonDreams.org
Vote Drives Defended, Despite Fake Names
Vote for Obama - Slate.com
What Went Wrong - washingtonpost.com
Why Is America So Content With Mediocrity CommonDreams.org
Association of Muslim Scholars Issues Fatwa Prohibiting Long-term Pact Information Clearing House - ICH
Chomsky Economic Crisis Will Not End US Hegemony Information Clearing House - ICH
Is US fighting force big enough Information Clearing House - ICH

Dutch abortion ship sparks controversy in Spain
Hackers could target mobile phones, security experts warn - Telegraph
LiveLeak.com - Transvestite Involved in ACORN Scandal Flashes Reporter
Obama, McCain seek leader's image in final debate - Yahoo! News
Single brain cell can reactivate paralysed limbs study
Voter turnout lowest on record - Yahoo! Canada News
Disaster aid is key in US House race from Iowa
TRANSCRIPTS - Interview with Hillary Clinton
TRANSCRIPTS - Interview with John McCain
TRANSCRIPTS - Interview with Meghan McCain
TRANSCRIPTS - McCain's Pension and Family Security Plan
TRANSCRIPTS - Roundtable on McCain, Rep. Lewis and Race
VIDEO - The National Security State
911 Bailout - They hate us for our freedoms
ACORN Becoming an Embarrassment for Obama
Airport admits 'strip search' body scanners WILL show people naked Mail Online
America Has Died - To Thunderous Applause - The Market Ticker
analysis Economy lacked a trusted national leader
Archeologists - Man with wings found in Iran
Army developing synthetic telepathy
As Taliban Influence Grows, ‘Shadow Government’ Seems an Increasingly Viable Option to Afghans From Antiwar.com
Attack on U.S. Embassy in Yemen Linked to Mossad Indybay
Axelrod & Davis on Fox News Sunday
Bad economy spells upturn for military recruiting Pentagon officials
BBC NEWS Haider 'drunk' in fatal car crash
Biden on Hardball
Biden says Obama would create 2 million jobs
Can McCain Rattle an Imperturbable Foe
Challenger blasts US Rep. Henry Brown on SC fire
Christopher Buckley Resigns From National Review - The Hate Continues Crooks and Liars
CNSNews.com - Nancy Reagan Hospitalized with Broken Pelvis
CNSNews.com - Obama-Led Foundation Spent $49 Million But Had 'Little Impact' on Improving Chicago Schools
CNSNews.com - Obama’s Tax Cut is Actually a Spending Increase, Says Non-Partisan Group
CNSNews.com - Republicans Who Voted for Bailout Violated Earmark Pledge, Group Says
CNSNews.com - Shari’a Law Called ‘Racist, Backward’ at Meeting of Ex-Muslims
CNSNews.com - The Jewish Case Against Barack Obama
CNSNews.com - Woman Says No to Aborting Down Syndrome Baby ‘He’s a Human Being’
CNSNews.com - ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ Comment Comes Back to Haunt Obama
colbert Where has the real McCain gone Crooks and Liars
David Gregory cherry picks polls to favor McCain Crooks and Liars
Dee's Illustration.com - Pictures
Democrat surge helps set Ore. registration record
Devils trails are world's oldest human footprints
DSCC Says Coleman is Shameless
FCC overhaul eyes broadband but could raise bills (AP)
Fed Opens Cash Spigot to Overseas Credit Markets
Federal court Ohio must check voter registrations
Fight Brewing Over Censored, Cost-Free National Wireless Internet
Financial Crisis is the Birth Pains of a New Currency
Fla. Congressman said to be involved in 2nd affair
Franken Out with Two New Ads
Free Nationwide Wi-Fi Network To Censor Political Websites
From Little ACORNS... Crooks and Liars
George Washington's Blog NSA Tapped 9-11 Hijackers' Phone Calls for 2 Years - Inside the U.S.
Giuliani on the Morning Shows
Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law Following Economic Crisis
Gun control a gray area between McCain, Obama
High Ga. turnout as 540,000 cast ballots early
How Will We Pay for This Mess
In blue Vermont and red Utah, a quiet campaign
informationliberation - Zeitgeist Addendum
Jon Stewart catches McCain recycling his convention speech Crooks and Liars
Judge allows release of HPD shooting video
Judge blocks Minn. law that hampers exit polling
Judge orders Palin staff private e-mails preserved
Kabul Is Now Surrounded By The Taliban
Last debate set for America's first suburb
LiveLeak.com - Fake Michelle Obama Interview Fascinates Blogosphere
LiveLeak.com - Florida voting machine
LiveLeak.com - GOP Congressman jokes about pro-Obama voter suppression
LiveLeak.com - McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort
LiveLeak.com - Obama raised $1 million for foreign thug's election
LiveLeak.com - Transvestite Involved in ACORN Scandal Flashes Reporter
LiveLeak.com - You Do Not Have To Choose Between The Lesser Of Two Evils
Local Calif. GOP compares Obama to Osama bin Laden
Made To Look Like A Coward, McCain Now Says He'll Bring Up Ayers In Third Debate Crooks and Liars
Mahoney lawyer No campaign funds used in payoff
Mainstream Media Lies about Vitamin D Deficiency and Parkinson's with Deceptive Headlines
McCain Ad Says Obama is Unethical
McCain Proposes More Economic Measures
McCain seeks to recharge candidacy at final debate
Meet the Press and Face the Nation
Microscope-On-a-Chip Is One Step Closer to the Tricorder
Missouri ballot decision helped Democrat
murtha Western Pa. 'racist' but Obama should win
New World Order Global co-operation, nationalisation and state intervention - all in one day - The Scotsman
Nick Clegg After the economic 9-11, we will face a new world order - Yorkshire Post
NRSC Targets Franken and Landrieu with New Ads
NSA Tapped 9-11 Hijackers' Phone Calls for 2 Years - Inside the U.S.
obama 'Spread the Wealth Around'
Obama Still Leads Across the Board
Obama Yard Signs Burned in St. Peters MO Crooks and Liars
Obama's Economic Plan Middle Class America First Crooks and Liars
Obama's Truthfulness in Question
Obama, Jackson disavow column about Israel
Obama, McCain seek leader's image in final debate
Ohio Dems pick nominee for late lawmaker's term
Ohio voters pick nominee for late US Rep.'s term
PACs Line Up Ads Against Franken, for Coleman
Palin says Obama running against Bush, not McCain
Palin sees similarities between NH and Alaska
Pentagon envisions spaceship troops
Proof Obama backed ruthless foreign thug
Revealed How the Government studied the paranormal for use in war on terror - The Daily Record
RFID Journal - - RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
RNC out of Wisconsin, Maine; focuses on red states
Sarah Silverman's comic video tries to boost Obama
Scientists view both Obama, McCain as supportive
Sen. Clinton on Fox and Friends
ShadowMonkey - Data-Mining for Terrorists Not 'Feasible,' DHS-Funded Study Finds
ShadowMonkey - Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
Stakes high as Obama, McCain head for final debate
Strategy Update from David Plouffe
Tale of 2 states
The Choice Who Do You Like
The PRE-PLANNED Financial Economic 911 of 2008
The Real Story Of Troopergate
The Woman Who Could Have Prevented This Financial Mess Was Silenced by Greenspan, Rubin and Summers
Tonight's Debate & the Next 20 Days
Total Bailout Cost Heads Towards $5 TRILLION
Unhinged on the Right
Via Media Catholic How scientists are bringing dinosaurs back to life with the help of the humble chicken
VIDEO - DSCC Says Smith is Bush's Corner Man
What Biden Wants as Vice-President
Will Neural Implants be Part of Our Future Evolution
YouTube - 911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED
YouTube - Big Box Mart
YouTube - Contradictio David Dees Jeso
YouTube - David Dees Illustrations
YouTube - Free Abdillahi! by Arr [Please visit FreeAbdillahi.com & Share]
YouTube - The 56 Trillion Dollar Deficit Bill Maher Interviews Fmr. Comptroller General David Walker
YouTube - The Art of David Dees

AFP McCain faces make-or-break debate with Obama
CNN.com - Inside the Middle East - Blog
CNSNews.com - ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ Comment Comes Back to Haunt Obama
Conservatives’ civil war - THE WEEK
FOXNews.com - John McCain's Daughter Meghan on Her Latest Book and Her Father's Race for the Presidency - Neil Cavuto Your World
Jackson “Zionists” will lose influence under Obama « FOX Embeds « FOXNews.com
John McCain campaign cries foul over 'voter fraud' - Times Online
McCain campaigns for Obama at McCain event csmonitor.com
Obama co-chair Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. refutes dad Rev. Jackson comments on Israel - Lynn Sweet
Obama Tax Plan “Spread the Wealth Around” » Right Pundits
Patrick Ruffini, the demise of the right and the Democratic alternative - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
The Associated Press Palin says Obama running against Bush, not McCain
old news - Organization convicted of voter fraud, pushes 'authoritarian socialist' agenda
Operation MJ-12 Documents -- Page 1-3
video - Huckabee - Norris Argue Financial Terrorism
'Bailout' Costs Taxpayers $4 Trillion - So Far
'Bigfoot' cop wants job back
'Deep and persistent doubts' about whether he is able to be president
'Former homosexuals fired, ridiculed, assaulted, intimidated'
'He picked her up W.W.F.-style and slammed her onto the bed'
'I am begging you, sir, I am begging you; Take it to him'
'I have seen a lot of crises but I have never seen anything quite like this one'
'No false charges can change Barack Obama's unshakeable commitment to Israel's security'
'Why Israel's Days Are Numbered'
1st-grade field trip to lesbian teacher's wedding sparks outrage
300 of state's educators have questionable pasts
5 Myths About Terrorism - washingtonpost.com
6 notorious prisons offer ghostly thrills - Seasonal- msnbc.com
ACORN accused of obtaining fake, duplicate names in state
Acorn Replies to Questions About Role With Voters
Advocacy Group Wants an Immigration Debate
Airbus Gives Alert as Autopilot Caused Plane's Plunge (Update3)
Al Qaeda in Iraq Commander Is Killed
Alien cuts victim with scissors, kicked her repeatedly in stomach
Ambushed by History
American Election Expressions
Angry mother of 8th-grader exposes publication lauding 'change' theme
As the Violence Soars, Mexico Signals It's Had Enough of America's Stupid War on Drugs AlterNet
Asia Times Online Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
Asia's Reawakening Resentments
Azeri exit polls point to victory for Aliyev
Bailout Billions May Not Save Banking System
Banks dictate conditions of US financial bailout
Barack Obama, John McCain Face Off in Final Presidential Debate
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Is anybody listening out there
BBC NEWS Science & Environment - Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis'
Belgian brewer hits bump on road to buying Anheuser-Busch
Believes 'decades of putting Israel's interests first' will end if elected
Ben Shapiro challenges Alan Dershowitz over candidate's level of support for Israel
Biggest price decline ever recorded by government
Brazil's Future Going with Oil
Brazil's Lula Says Rich Countries to Blame for Financial Crisis
Brooklyn Congressman Won’t Quit Mayor’s Race
Buckley Resigns From National Review After Endorsing Obama
Bush administration gave nod for CIA waterboarding report
Bush emphasizes bank stakes would be temporary
cair 'Until the motive is proven in a court of law, this is [just] a homicide'
Calls columnist George Will 'super-nerd,' Gov. Tommy Thompson 'block of wood'
Campaign tries to distance senator from group convicted of voter fraud
Can China Shield Itself from Storm
Can McCain win without Limbaugh
Canada PM faces market crisis with minority government
Candidate in Kenya supporting Raila Odinga, violence
Carey avoids jail in US after police agree to plea deal
Carey avoids jail, apologises to police
Caribbean depression may become tropical storm
Caylee's mom named in murder indictment
Character Does Matter in Our Leaders
China Charging Up to Fast Lane
China Should Act Prudently on Iran
China Democracy By 2020 - Senior Party Figure
Chomsky - Econ Crisis Will Not End US Hegemony
CIA Tactics Endorsed In Secret Memos
Civil case launched for girl born alive during abortion
Class reading list contained book about murderer who violates victims' bodies
Cobb police add tank to arsenal ajc.com
commentary Time for Palin to answer
Company sends workers to semiannual 'Latinnovation' gathering
Congressman says he didn't break any laws, will fight for re-election
Consolidation of departments will cut 240 jobs, save city $5 million a year
Convicted deportees freed in U.S. because home countries won't take them
Convicted felon faces up to 14 years on each of 6 counts
Counterterrorist Data Mining Needs Privacy Protection
Crisis calls for U.N. reform, BRIC nations say
Damascus says Lebanon, Syria face same militant threat
Damascus says Lebanon, Syria face same threat
Defense Industry Faces Downturn
Democracy Now Follows Up on NSA’s Illegal Spying and War Crimes
Democrat joined Libya's Gadhafiamong top contributors to Odinga
Democratic candidate tells plumber why he's going to tax him more
Deregulation Was Not the Problem
Desperately pleads for change of course, warns against cutting off media
Details of purported tryst with another woman are emerging
Detainees Fill Pentagon DNA Databank
Did NSA Lie & Cover-Up
Difference between McCain, Obama supporters could not have been any starker
Dion Should Go; Harper Should Ruminate
DNA fingerprinting could reveal your surname
Doctors find recurrence of abnormal rhythm, White House says
Don't Mean to Be a Party Pooper [John Hood]
Drunk Man Tries to Hijack a Turkish Plane
End of Capitalism No, Just a Burst Bubble
End Of Financial Crisis Not Here
EU presses for reforms, recession signs mount
EU to press for reform, Asia joins bailout bandwagon
Europe Dares to Dream in Palestine
Europe Still a Tower of Babel
Ex-Presidents Bush, Clinton tour Ike damage (w-video)
Excited over woman running for VP, black man running for prez
exclusive Brad O'Leary untangles financial web surrounding Ayers, Northern Trust Bank
exclusive Burt Prelutsky says Joe Biden makes Pinocchio look like a lightweight
exclusive Ellis Washington says Connecticut court made toilet paper out of Constitution
exclusive Jack Cashill digs up more evidence of Bill Ayers writing 'Dreams'
exclusive Jack Cashill proves radical penned Barack's memoir
exclusive Joseph Farah puts Bill Ayersin league with OKC bomber, Kaczynski
exclusive Judge Roy Moore cheers on pastors who defied IRS from the pulpit
exclusive Mychal Massie compares a Barry administration to that of Jimmy Carter
Experts Say New Rescue Plan May Encourage Lending But Won't Stop ...
Fact Check Did Obama 'all of a sudden' alter energy stance
Fat 'tree rodent' attacks Purple Heart recipient
Father sneaks alias onto birth certificate, ignores wife's pick
Fed Should Reduce Margin Requirements
Federal court Ohio must check voter registrations
Federal Court Rules Ohio Must Check Voter Registrations
Federal debt hits record high of $454.8 billion
Federal Reserve Abolition Act - HR 2755
Fighting at Thai-Cambodia border kills 2 soldiers
Financial Crisis = Birth Pains Of A New Currency
Financial Crisis A View from the East
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George HW Bush 'On the Record'
Former senators warn problem worse than Florida election nightmare of 2000
Fox Toledo Affiliate Covers Berg's Obama Suit
FOXNews.com - Gov't Moves Again to Unfreeze Credit Market - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum
Game Show Reject Threatens to Blow Up San Francisco Law Office
Gecko-grip material aims to be the end of glue - tech - 09 October 2008 - New Scientist Tech
Georgia's Wise Decisions
Ginkgo extract offers promise to cut stroke damage
Glitch denies 250,000 married couples overdue rebate
Global stocks shaken down on recession fear
Governments will sell bonds with buyers coming from Asia, Middle East
Governor to propose carpool lanes for toll road
Govt wants kids to buckle up on small school buses
Gun fight ensues until victim recovers vehicle
Hacker McKinnon to be extradited to US within days. 13 Oct 2008 ComputerWeekly.com
Haider 'drunk' in fatal car crash
Hair pieces feature side-swept bangs favored by vice-presidential candidate
Harper shy a majority after vote in Canada
Harper's Victory Nothing to Cheer About
Health care giant reports 30 percent jump in third-quarter earnings
Health Care Spin
Helmet to Convey Messages by Thought Discovery News
Here Comes The Recession...
High court clears way for execution
Homeowners refuse to pay income taxes,declare themselves free of gov't authority
How Long Will Governments Stay Invested
How To Dump Your Kids - The Nebraska Solution
How to Manage the Banks
Iceland Forced Into Russia's Arms
Ictconference.org - ictconference Resources and Information. This website is for sale!
Illinois tollway eyes bonds for $1.8 bln plan
Interview with Hillary Clinton
Interview with John McCain
Interview with Meghan McCain
Investigation hits headlines as author detained
Investors mull plan to spend $250 billion on private banks
Iraq says pact to allow U.S. troops until 2011
Iraqi leaders review final draft of U.S. pact
It's do or die for McCain in last debate with Obama, experts say
japan Japan Goes Big Brother with Vending Machines with CCTV Cameras
Japan PM vows to bring abductees home from N.Korea
Joanne Mariner Was George Washington a Terrorist
John McCain proposes new package of tax breaks
John McCain's Final Debate Hope Against Barack Obama
Lenders want to protect themselves from bad debt, so they're tightening standards
Main St Suspicious Of Bush Bailout
Man has sentence reduced after performing CPR to save life
Marie Matta Arab attacks wrong
McCain and Obama meet in last White House debate
McCain calls for 'voter fraud' inquiry
McCain Proposal Seeks Tax Breaks Worth $52 Billion
McCain seeks to renew doubts about Obama on Israel
McCain Sees Obama on the Economy, Raises Stakes - BusinessWeek
McCain Talks 'Pork,' Voters Think 'Bush!'
McCain Woos Pennsylvanians With Economic Plans
McCain's Duty to Expose Real Obama
McCain's Pension and Family Security Plan
Men shoot at building, throw grenade that fails to explode
Merkel backs global finance reform summit call
Middle East Online
Millions mark UN hand-washing day
Missing Fla. girl's mom appears in court; no bond
Moon Wars
More Iraqi Christians flee Mosul
Muslim gunmen crushed gates, set Christian building ablaze
NASA scientists duel over interpretation of data
National Review Boots Buckley Son For Obama Boost
NATO airstrikes Taliban hideouts in Afghanistan
NBC, ABC,CBS remain captivated with Illinois senator
Nearly 200 images of child erotica found on computer
Negative campaigning by McCain appears to backfire, poll finds
Network used servers in China to host websites, hijacked 'botnett' to send messages
New Vision Online Terrorism is a tool and not an ideology
New WTO crisis task force
newsdaily Mice overcome fear, depression with natural Prozac
Next President Confronts Staggering to-Do List
Next President Will Need to Bridge Partisan Divides
Next Victim of Turmoil Your Salary
Nick Clegg After the economic 9-11, we will face a new world order
No Government Jobs Recession Yet
No, we are for Free Trade,...All hail the market.
Nobody can tell me to shut up
North Korea may resume disablement after deal South
North Korea restores U.N. monitoring of atom site diplomats
North Korea steps up bid to show recovered Kim
North Korea's seductress spy sent to prison
Nothing in sentaor's scant paper trail that would suggest something as stylish, penetrating
Number of money-losing institutions nationwide has surged about 75% from last year
NY museum's climate change show dives into politics
Obama Addresses ACORN Voter Fraud Allegations
Obama burns out
Obama Camp Responds to Jesse Jackson's Comments on ‘Zionists’
Obama Drowning Out McCain in TV Ads
Obama lays out modest steps on economy
Obama Leads in Four Key States
Obama now leads in states with many older voters
Obama Ramps Up Ad Spending
Obama Responds With New Ads
Obama vs. McCain healthcare smackdown
Obama Widens Lead as Americans See `Serious' Crisis (Update2)
Obama's Abortion Extremism
Obama, McCain pitching costly economic proposals
Obama’s tax plan and the redistribution of wealth
Obama’s team shows shades of Rove
One-day Marxist school Revisionism
Operator could not hear, disconnected call before victim raped, killed
Opinion poll shows 47 percent of public favor measure
Pakistan's Zardari looks to China for support
Pakistan, Afghans, U.S. aim to end misunderstandings
Pakistani, Chinese presidents meet in Beijing
Palin Thwarts The Gas Cartel
Palin's Rural Adviser Quits Over Native Record
Palin, McCain Stir Up Storm of Ugly Racism
Panama-flagged vessel, 11 crew members freed after gunbattle
Passengers enter residential neighborhood, jump fences into backyards of homes
Pat Buchanan - Liquidating The Empire
Paul Krugman Died a Decade Ago
Paul Krugman Professor and Pundit
Paul Waldman predicts anti-Clinton type 'outright hate' against a President Obama
Penn State International Center for the Study of Terrorism
Pentagon confident of deal to keep troops in Iraq
Pentagon sees reconciliation with Taliban, not Qaeda
Pentagon tightens rules on detainee interrogation
people David Letterman, Amitabh Bachchan, Lisa Marie Presley
Phyllis Schlafly McCain win depends on voters learning facts about his opponent
Physicians driven by group with ties to Moveon.org concerned about potential Palin presidency
Political Memo In Debating McCain, Obama’s Real Opponent Was Voter ...
poll McCain, Obama, Debate and Football
POLL-Obama has 4-point lead on McCain in US race
Prehistoric child is discovered buried with 'toy hedgehog' at Stonehenge - Mail Online
President Bush Announces G7 Banking Plan
President Hugo Chavez shakes markets, threatens to cut off supplies to U.S.
President's spokeswoman says ACORN dispute will be addressed
Presidential Tax Calculators
Questions Over Obama's Off-the-Cuff Remark
Received 2009 Dodge Challenger for birthday
Recession worry, data outweigh good earnings
Record Numbers of People Are Looking For Food
Regulating Bankers' Pay Is a Bad Idea
Researchers find easier way to make stem cells
Restaurants expecting big increases in food costs
Results could subject officers to politically motivated criminal prosecution'
Retail sales, inflation fall; factories weak
Rice cancels Abu Dhabi trip over economic crisis
RIP The Era of Small Government
rnc Obama Tells the Tax Truth
Ron Paul - Capitalism Without Capital
Roundtable on McCain, Rep. Lewis and Race
Russia's Lonely Stand on South Ossetia
Russia's Medvedev test fires long-range missile
Russia-Georgia talks suspended until November
Russian Patriotism Unleashed by War
S. Africa Ruling Party Dissidents Gain New Supporter
Satellites may help scientists predict outbreaks - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com
Says he entered politics because 'America of my dreams includes everyone, not just a few'
Scene shows how Democrat 'has been unfairly treated' by Republican campaign
Scientists find the more people drink, the smaller the size
Secret Cove - Natural History - Current Events
Secret Papers Reveal Tony Blair Sold Out to Big Tobacco
Secretary of State stays home to help Bush administration tackle financial troubles
Self-Determination And Its Value
Senator is first presidential candidate to buy space in 'Guitar Hero,' 'Madden'
Set up direct Senate contact for Kenyan opposition leader
Settling with North Korea
She tells foreign news agency 'to support Africans and African-American view'
Shikha Dalmia questions Arnold-approved plan for $10 billion high-speed rail project
Should the Sunrise Powerlink line traverse a desert park
Small Business v. Small Business Income
Solutions for a Sustainable World
Somali forces free hijacked vessel
Some warn measures must be taken to monitor precincts in battleground states
Sovereign Funds Now Prefer Hoarding Cash to Rescuing U.S. Financial Firms
SPACE.com -- Giant Cyclones Seen on Saturn
Spotlight now on Pelosi's handling of matter, 2 more congressmen
Stakes high as Obama, McCain head for final debate
Stanley Kurtz delves into programs, personalities supported by Annenberg Challenge
Star sought refuge in cocaine dens above Hollywood
stephanopoulos Is There Anything McCain Can Do
Stephen Harper's Conservatives Win in Canada
SteveLendmanBlog Terrorism Defined
Stimulating Asia's Economies
Suspect charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias
Suspect sentenced to prison for indecent assault
Suspects offer informant truck, boat, camper to murder live-in boyfriend
Swiss Economy as Safe as Swiss Banks
Syria opens diplomatic ties with Lebanon
Talks Between Georgia and Russia Break Down
Tectonic Shifts in Eco-Political Power Structure
Ten guilty of subliminal advertising - The Australian
Terrorism Defined - World News Forum - Open Publishing
Terrorism Is a Tactic - by Charley Reese
Thai, Cambodian troops exchange border gunfire
The Ayers Attack is Not Country First
The Feds Take Control of Lending
The financial crisis at least affords us an opportunity to now rethink our catastrophic ecological trajectory
The Gilded Age of Deregulation
The Great Realignment is at Hand
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Regime
The Panic of '08 What made investors run for the exits
The politics of hate
The Reagan-Thatcher Era is Over
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey's 3-D guide to the final frontier
The West Must Not Push Russia Away - Again
The Wrong Plan for Australia
Time for a Global Glasnost, Says Gorbachev
Turkey's military rejects criticism over PKK attacks
Two more genes linked to common skin cancer
U.N. monitors re-seal North Korean nuclear equipment
U.S. official has new evidence of Iranian meddling in Iraq - CNN.com
U.S. State Department describes incursion as misunderstanding
U.S., Iraq agree to let troops stay until 2011
UFO Magazine - The Green Room - Disclosure Outside Looking In
UFO sighting over Philly - 10-08-08 - Philadelphia News - 6abc.com
Ukraine Needs to Sort Its Own Problems
Undecideds Hold Great Sway in Critical Va.
Unemployment applications highestsince after Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
Union Leader backs McCain
US Must Leave Mid East Before Any Talks - Iran
US Treasury Bond Market Crash
Vermont AG Candidate Will Prosecute Bush
video Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law Following Economic Crisis
Vietnam Sentences Reporter to 2 Years in Prison
Voter registration fraud 'deprives Americans of their most precious right'
Wall St Humiliated By Nationalization Of Banks
Walter E. Williams argues for expanding size of House to reduce lobbyists' influence
Warning over ‘huge’ terror threat
We Need to Do More
Western Democrats On The Rise
What Paulson Is Trying to Do
When Guilt by Association is Fair Game
When You Spread the Wealth Around
White House pours cold water on Democrats' stimulus
Who's To Blame Start With Reagan, Thatcher
Will Obama Be Sacrificed
With Huge Money Advantage, Obama Ramps Up Ads
Woman was mistakenly declared dead delawareonline The News Journal
Zen... and the Art of Debunkery
Zimbabwe's Opposition Calls for Violence Probe as Talks Resume