"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 October 2008

14th Oct - NO UFO YET!

Video - How Israel Controls America
18th Sinclair Interview - rense.com
19th Sinclair Interview - rense.com
A Taxpayer Bail-Out Plan
ABC News Congressman's $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress
AFL-CIO Joins The Gun Wars With Targeted Mail Blitz Defending Obama On Gun Rights
All Spin Zone » Palin-McCain Campaign Dialing Down the Hate Not So Much!
Americans May Get More Food Stamps
Another 911 'Passport Miracle'!
Another Untold 911 Story - Missiles Fired From Woolworth's
Baghdad not as ‘secure’ as government claims, residents say
Barky Calls For Stop On Foreclosures
BYU Physics Professor - Bombs Brought Down WTC
Child Robot Makes Rare Appearance
Christians flee en mass from Mosul amid new wave of terror
Daily Kos McCain Says To Stand Up For Him...And George Bush
Derivatives The New 'Ticking Bomb'
Doctors refuse to work in Karbala following threats
Family Members Of Doomed 911 Flights'Strangely Silent'
Fidel - A 'Miracle' Obama Hasn't Been Assassinated
Final Shoe Dropping On US Consumerism
Flt 93 & Flt 175 Landed At Or Near Cleveland On 911-- Says Former Cleveland Mayor
Gay Chic Gives Rise To 'Fauxmosexuals'
GM To Hurry Factory Closings
Government moves again to unclog credit lines
Govt To Only Invest In 'Healthy' Banks(!)
Greg Palast » Ring of Fire Radio - Steal Back Your Vote!
Icelandic Shoppers Face Empty Food Markets
Icke - They're Not Laughing Anymore
Iraq and Egypt boost oil cooperation
Iraqi Archbishop - Christians Face 'Liquidation'
Iraqi doctors can carry arms to ‘defend themselves’
Iraqi leaders to meet Turkish team on PKK rebels
Iraqi minorities are not for sale
Is Terrorist Killer Bill Ayers Obama's Ghostwriter
Jobs, baby, jobs Hillary and Bill hit the stump with a new chant Crooks and Liars
Kidd - Presidential Election...One Giant Fraud
Lacking an Accord On Troops, U.S. and Iraq Seek a Plan B
Larry Sinclair Shakes Hands With The McCains
Liberty Cover-Up & John McCain's Conscience
Makow - Illuminati Bankers 'Revolution' By Economy
mccain Ayers will come up in debate - Andy Barr - Politico.com
mccain If I Raise Ayers, It'll Be Obama's Fault
mccain People call me a terrorist at Obama rallies, too Crooks and Liars
McCain rolls out new economic proposals - MarketWatch
McCain to Unveil New Economic Proposals - NYTimes.com
Mind Control In The 21st Century
Ministry reopens files of murdered journalists
Monkey See, Monkey Do - Asian Stocks Soar
More Miraculous (Planted) 911 Evidence Appears!
More Miraculous 9-11 Evidence Found!
MoveOn.org Political Action 10 things to know about McCain
Obama & McCain - Modern Day Godfathers
Obama's Cabinet
Pakistan questions US man arrested in border area
Palin accidentally admonishes her own supporters Crooks and Liars
Palin's rural adviser quits over appointments
Pelosi Stimulus II - Peanuts For The Peasants
Prediction - No Spaceship On October 14th
Prominent Physics Prof Refutes Official 911 Story
Reliance On The US Will Never Be The Same
Say 'Hussein Obama' & Win An FBI Visit
Sen. Clinton says 2nd White House run is unlikely - Yahoo! News
Sen. McCain Stood With ACORN Rally In 2006 - Marc Ambinder
Sinclair With John & Cindy McCain - Pics
Soros - Nothing Will Prevent 'Severe Recession'
Still Doubt There Was A Highest Level 911 Conspiracy
Still More 'Miraculous 911 Evidence' Found!
Strange 'Suicide' Of Flight 11 Passenger's Wife
t r u t h o u t Private Sector Loans, Not Fannie or Freddie, Triggered Crisis
t r u t h o u t Obama Details Plan to Aid Victims of Fiscal Crisis
t r u t h o u t US Investing $250 Billion in Banks
Tape Blows Cover On True Treasury Intent
The 911 Hijackers - What Are They Up To Now
The Anti-Semite's Favorite Prayer
The Associated Press Clinton doesn't see a political role beyond Senate
The BRAD BLOG McCain Hearts ACORN! Was Keynote Speaker at Group's 2006 Rally!
The Devil's Advocate!
The Engine Of Mayhem
The October Surprise - Global Panic
The Three Stages Of Truth Regarding 911
The Wall Street-Treasury-Fed Axis Of Evil
Treasury Buys Into Banks - Paulson's 9 Finalists Are...
Truthdig - Reports - The GOP Identity Crisis
Two 911 Planes Were Never Deregistered
U.S. and lackeys blacken pages of Iraq’s history
US In Danger - Millions Of Illegal Voters On 11-4
Vast Number Of Cyber Attacks 'Made In USA'
Video - Berg Interview - Issues In Berg Vs. Obama
Video - Do You Know Enough About Barack Obama
Video - Ike's 'MilitaryIndustrial Complex' Speech
Video - US Army Prepares To Invade US
Video - Vote Out Bailout Backers
Vote Barky & Your Daughter Will Be Drafted
Vote Congressional Bailout Criminals OUT!
War-Hungry Peres Warns Iran Against Surprise Attack
What If US Opened Up To Unlimited Immigration
What Toben & Holocaust 'Deniers' Really Believe
Will the GOP Steal Another Election....
YouTube - BBC Newsnight America Promo for Greg Palast
YouTube - Cheney in 1994 on Iraq
YouTube - Iraq Six Months At A Time
YouTube - McCain Supporter Yells Out Traitor!
YouTube - McCain to Rally Crowd I Want Everyone to Be Respectful
YouTube - McCain Tries to Tame Flames He Earlier Fanned
YouTube - McCain We've Got Them Just Where We Want Them
YouTube - McCain You Do Not Have To Be Scared of Obama as President
YouTube - Palin Lectures Hecklers-That-Weren't at Campaign Rally
YouTube - Palin McCain Will End Washington's Abuses of Power
YouTube - Palin To Heckler My Son Is In Iraq
YouTube - Pastor at McCain Rally God Must Ensure McCain Win
YouTube - Rick Davis and David Axelrod Square Off on Fox News Sunday
YouTube - Theft of the 2008 Election Part 1

'After I whip his you-know-what' - First Read - msnbc.com
A Modest Proposal
A Really Hostile Takeover
ABC Denies Second Pro-Life Ad After Rejecting Obama Abortion Expose'
ACORN voter registrations probed in North Carolina Top stories Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
As governor, Palin at times bonds church and state Newsweek Politics Campaign 2008 Newsweek.com
As governor, Palin at times bonds church and state
Assault on reason The San Diego Union-Tribune
Barack Obama on Gun Control
barone - The coming liberal thugocracy
BBC NEWS Americas 106-year-old voter chooses Obama
Being Squirrelly About ACORN
British Prime Minister sells globalization as the saviour - BlackListed News
Bullion Shortage and Spot Prices Tell Two Different Gold Stories - BlackListed News
But What About The Next $750 Billion Of Writedowns
Buyout bosses gather in Dubai as crisis continues Deals Reuters
Capitalism has a problem
Chicago Daily Observer Feds and Rezko Piecing together Ayers, Giannoulias, Obama
Cloned animals should NOT be farmed for food, say consumers Mail Online
Columbus exposed as iron-fisted tyrant who tortured his slaves
Come Visit Our Beautiful Socialist Parks
Conspiracy Theories From The Right
Cops test license-plate cameras that store, trace data - BlackListed News
CQ Politics David Corn - McCain's Big Decision Which Group of Voters To Anger at the Debate
CQ Politics David Corn - McCain's New Lurch I Will Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight
Credit Card Companies To Share Private Information
Day The Markets Breathed Again
Devvy Kidd -- Presidential election one giant fraud
Disaggregating 'Wall Street'
Energy Industry - Oct 14 Energy Bulletin
Establishment Messiah
Every Bug Is Sacred
Federal energy incentives have chiefly benefited oil, natural gas industries; nuclear, renewables lag Energy Bulletin
Former AIG Exec at Center of Meltdown Got Paid Millions for Little Work - ProPublica
Fox's Obama Expert Fears Jews
GOP ditches recruits to save incumbents - Patrick O'Connor and Josh Kraushaar - Politico.com
How about socialism for the rest of us
How Central Banks Destabilized the World's Economies - BlackListed News
How Congress set the stage for a fiscal meltdown - USATODAY.com
How To Fix Our Depreciating Money
How Valid is Palin's Abortion Attack on Obama - TIME
IMF warns of world financial system 'meltdown' - Financial crisis - Telegraph
Inmate executed after Supreme Court rejects obese argument - CNN.com
Is Obama like Hoover
Is Rezko Taking Obama Down By Singing To Feds
Lack Of Vitamin D Link To Parkinsons
Mahoney defends his record, apologizes for embarrassing family
Mark Levin 13 Oct '08 - audio - Great rants!
McCain debuts comeback speech - Mike Allen - Politico.com
McCain Was Not Tortured Says POW Guard
McCain's Economic Proposals - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
McCain, Obama seek to avoid fray on immigration
Michelle Malkin - ACORN Watch RICO suit filed in Ohio
Michelle Malkin - Report Credit card fraud for Obama
Michelle Malkin - Crap Sandwich 2.0 A Trojan Horse for bank nationalization
Michelle Malkin - Report Credit card fraud for Obama
Nathan Gardels My Interview with George Soros End of Financial Crisis Could Be in Sight
Nice Try Senator (neverfindout.org spot)
Nobel Fraud
Obama calls for 90-day moratorium on foreclosures - Yahoo! News
OBAMA SEX PERV SCANDAL - Celebrity News Gossip - National Enquirer
Obama's record on guns says it all
Obamacorn, Mickey Mouse, and John McCain
Paul added to Louisiana presidential ballot thetowntalk.com
Perfect Federal Storm
Rahm Emanuel Shuts Down GOP Foley Defense Crooks and Liars
Resource Investor - Bringing Money Markets Back To Life
Riehl World View When Is Racism Okay
Sex Scandal Shakes Race for Congress in Florida - NYTimes.com
Smith is forced to scrap 7-7 inquest secrecy law News
sowell The real Obama
Spies Launch 'Cyber-Behavior' Investigation - BlackListed News
Spying on Activists Discussed at Forum, Group Questions Why Some, Not Others - BlackListed News
Ten Things the 'Straight Talker' Can’t Tell You by Christopher Manion
The 'Straight Talker'
The Crushing Potential of Financial Derivatives
The Evil of Bailout by Ron Paul
The Evil of Bailout
The left was right -
The Lesser of Two Goods by Laurence M. Vance
The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama
The Obama abortion menace
The Secret History of the American Empire
The True Nature of Change
The U.S. Federal Reserve to flood financial markets with dollars - BlackListed News
Vitamin D Supplementation Guidelines for Youngsters Doubled - washingtonpost.com
WaMu Insiders Claim Execs Ignored Warnings
War-weary Saddam victims miss his iron rule
Washington Times - Obama tax cut 'refunds' those who don't pay
Washington Times - SOWELL The real Obama
Watching Ukraine- by Justin Raimondo
We Who Dare Say No to War
What Rough Beast…
Why the Bailout Scam Is More Likely to Fail than to Succeed Information Clearing House - ICH
Will Hutton Without real leadership, we face disaster Comment is free The Observer
WSJ.com - Acorn Fires Back at McCain
Yes, There Is An Alternative
Youth vote is in; says Obama will win - Today on the Trail - MSNBC.com
YouTube - The Lowdown on The Weathermen (William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn)
YouTube - Why Barrack Obama Shouldn't be President
YouTube - Wisconsin voter warns McCain about socialism, ACORN
America’s Political Cannibalism Information Clearing House - ICH
';Capitalism Has Degenerated into a Casino' Information Clearing House - ICH
';The United States Has Essentially a One-Party System' Information Clearing House - ICH
Jim Rogers CASH is King Information Clearing House - ICH
Rescue for the Few, Debt Slavery for the Many Information Clearing House - ICH

A Savage prediction for McCain
Candidates differ on female draft
CNSNews.com - Shari’a Law Called ‘Racist, Backward’ at Meeting of Ex-Muslims
DNA proves Dubrovnik body is missing Britt Lapthorne's NEWS.com.au
Farrakhan on Obama 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Yaser Abdel Said
FOXNews.com - Bush Announces Expanded Bank Bailout Details - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum
FOXNews.com - First Time FBI Calls Case an 'Honor Killing' - Local News News Articles National News US News
From nude photos to lying Federal judges under scrutiny Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
HYMAN Obama's Kenya ghosts
Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news
UPDATED Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans Media Circus
URGENT Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors « HillBuzz
ABC News Democrats Aim for Super Majority in Congress as Economic Crisis Hits Home
Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts - A New Wrinkle (or Unwrinkle) in the Campaign The Biden Brow
Baby Dangled Upside Down By Feet Outside Vehicle During Carjacking - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Ben Smith's Blog Obama's rescue plan [UPDATED] - Politico.com
Breitbart.tv » Obama Tells Tax-Burdened Plumber the Plan is to ‘Spread the Wealth Around’
cbs2chicago.com - Loop Parking May Be Getting More Expensive
Ex-Jim Ned teacher allegedly sought sexual favors Local News Abilene Reporter-News
McCain may rue attacks 'rest of his life' - Andy Barr - Politico.com
McCain would guarantee all savings for 6 months
Multiple registrants tell Cuyahoga County Elections Board ACORN workers begged for signatures - Cleveland.com
Ohio.com - Poll workers clash at Falls nursing home
Pelosi Statement on Congressman Tim Mahoney - Yahoo! News
Podium gets carried away during Bush toast - Yahoo! News
Schmidt McCain 'within striking distance' - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Secret Service visits Lufkin woman after 'death threat' allegation from an Obama campaign volunteer
Tina Fey 'I'm done' with playing Sarah Palin on 'Saturday Night Live' if she wins
U.S. has history of intervention - International Herald Tribune
Web site lets kids report school bullies incognito - Yahoo! News
AAA reading - Bhagavad-gita As It Is
video - Axelrod & Davis on Fox News Sunday
video - Biden on Hardball
video - DSCC Says Coleman is Shameless
video - Giuliani on the Morning Shows
video - McCain, Palin in Virginia Beach
video - Meet the Press and Face the Nation
video - Obama Lays Out Economic Rescue Plan
video - Sen. Clinton on Fox and Friends
video - Strategy Update from David Plouffe
'It seems that Mexican authorities have deactivated the speculative bubble'
'Many are thinking Who knows what's going to come next'
'Seen as something real to hold onto during times of panic'
'Time that religious believers began to recommend ... discouragements of homosexual practices'
15 nations to announce financial bailout packages
1st time target for strategic launch was in equatorial part of Pacific Ocean
43-year-old hits record speed twice in borrowed Lamborghini Gallardo supercar
A Challenge to Secular Turks
A Jobless Rescue
A Mad Scramble over Afghanistan
A Maverick No More
A PreMortem for The McCain Campaign
A Rescue Plan for the Middle-Class
About-Face on Banks Sends Stock Market Soaring
Afghan War Is Unwinnable
Alien cuts victim with scissors, kicked her repeatedly in stomach
America Will Remain the Superpower
American Chronicle The Savage Spirit Spiritual Famine and the Financial Meltdown
Another Stimulus Bill is Not the Answer
Appearance first since host ripped GOP candidate for cancellation
At most colleges, left-leaning peer groups are more common than conservative ones
Attempt to return found pages of torn Islamic scriptures used by family enemy to make charge
Bandit steals credit cards while reverendencourages flock to show mercy to others
Beware a Liberal Washington
Biden says McCain short on new ideas for economy
Big Change is Indeed Coming
Big Government Ahead
Blasts beneficiary of Obama earmark pledging to raise $200,000 for Dem candidate
Blaze started because family did not have power, was using candles
But says rival's criticism not comparable to George Wallace or his segregationist policies
Butcher shop sold cocaine in popular meat market
Call It Bailout, Take Two
Candidates' health care plans at a glance
Candy company delivers chocolate-coated slap in the face
Cheers, applause on floor of New York Stock Exchange at closing bell
Company will limit car loans to customers with credit scores of at least 700
Convicted deportees freed in U.S. because home countries won't take them
Crisis is Redefining Our Leaders
Crisis leaving residents drowning in mortgage debt
Critics say plan looks 'suspiciously like welfare'
Dave Zirin and Daniel Denvir ridicule governor for boos at Flyers hockey game
David Limbaugh warns of a President Obama stifling free speech
Debtor-in-possession financing harder to obtain for companies trying to restart
Dennis Prager claims right-left polarization will never end until 1 side wins
Display protests state's ban on homosexual marriage
Domestic trade in khat benefits growers overseas
Early morning Molotov cocktail results in at least 8 felony counts
Economic Experts Discuss Resurgent Market
Editor, columnist, police officers, bar patrons murdered
Europe Deals with Immigration
exclusive Bill Salus sees Israel controlling Arab oil after Psalm 83 Mideast showdown
exclusive Brad O'Leary connects dots between terrorist's dad, Chicago powers
exclusive Chuck Norris blasts revision of America's religious history
exclusive Jack Cashill digs up more evidenceof Bill Ayers writing 'Dreams from my Father'
exclusive Janet Porter offers 10 reasons to defeat Obama in November
exclusive Joseph Farah calls for nation to reclaim position as shining city on a hill
exclusive Joseph Farah looks at significance of demagogue's Obama video
exclusive Les Kinsolving chronicles scandal plaguing Democrat's campaign
exclusive Mychal Massie compares a Barry administration to that of Jimmy Carter
Financial Crisis Threatens Aid for Poor
Fla. congressman denies breaking any laws
flashback - Organization convicted of voter fraud, pushes 'authoritarian socialist' agenda
For McCain, Another Day, Another Strategy
Friendly Fire in Iraq - And Cover Up
Getting Moscow to Behave
GOP Throws Aside Rand for Marx
Government offers banks as much as $55.4 billion to boost liquidity
Government to try to help banks stay afloat through financial crisis
Growing health-reform challenge for next president
guests David Axelrod & Rick Davis
guests Gov. Corzine and Fmr. Rep. Portman
guests Sen. Graham & Gov. Ritter (PDF)
guests Sens. Schumer & Specter; Robert Rubin
Has Capitalism Failed
He's 'living out of a suitcase,' not 'knowing how I will pay next month's bills'
Hong Kong now passing up New Yorkas biggest issuer of initial public offerings
Hopes Quickly Fade For a Postpartisan Era
House speaker suggests Congress may need to return this year
How Vulnerable Are Asian Markets
Howard Stern spotlights Harlem interviews of incredibly confused Barack supporters
Humberto Fontova marks anniversary of communist killer's demise
Interview with John McCain
Iran's 'World without America'
It's All About the Economy
Laying the Groundwork for Recovery
Leaders worry wealthier nations may try to cut back on aid commitments
Little Has Changed in North Korea
Man claims to be selling rubber Halloween costume, complete with freezer
Man with 12-gauge shotgun believed strangers were trying to break into home
Mark to Market Gives Economy New Life
mccain Lewis' remarks on campaign tone are unfair
McCain Plays the Race Card
McCain proposes $52.5 billion economic plan
McCain wants to end tax on unemployment benefits
McCain's Speech in Virginia Beach
McCain, Palin Stump for Votes in Virginia
McDonald's cashier called 9-1-1 after drive-thru customer offers marijuana
Michael Savage Proposes New Political Party
Mobsters bent on reshaping global drug trafficking map
NASA scientists duel over interpretation of data
Negative Advertising vs. 'Real Issues'
New York Times columnist called GOP 'party of stupid'
Not Raising Rev. Wright is Political Malpractice
Nothing's Changed with North Korea
Number of money-losing institutions nationwide has surged about 75% from last year
Obama and Acorn
Obama Details Aid Plan for Financial Crisis
Official admits state is too swamped to stop ineligible from casting ballots
OPEC countries may tighten production in bid to slow crude's precipitous decline
Passengers enter residential neighborhood, jump fences into backyards of homes
Pat Buchanan sees financial meltdown necessitating massive defense cuts worldwide
Paulson Urges Banks to Deploy Capital to Spur Economy
President Bush Announces G7 Banking Plan
redstate 9-11 Conservatives, CRA FisCons, ACORN Republicans and Other Observations
RedState Barack Obama
RedState Biden Slip of the Tongue or He Just Doesn't Care
redstate Is the Market Crash Manufactured
RedState Jesse Jackson Obama will break power of Zionists
RedState John McCain
RedState McCain
RedState Sarah Palin
redstate Today, the Canadians vote
RedState Why ACORN Blatantly Defrauds The System
Refueled before heading to Venezuela for joint naval exercises next month
Registered sex offender works in office that solely deals with female defendants
Removal is provisional on compliance with inspections
Research links hyperactivity not to sugar, but to Red 40
Results could subject officers to politically motivated criminal prosecution'
Robbers kick in back door, demand money, force victims into bedroom
Satellite radio 'shock jock' losing listeners, influence
Says 'baseless accusations' are distraction from real issues
Sen. Clinton says 2nd White House run is unlikely
Speakers decry rise of 'political Islam' across Europe
State canceled registrations for those whose ID card returned as undeliverable
Submitted card lists fake birth date making her 27
Surviving members of Grateful Dead rock for Obama
testimony 'They would come up with a sob story when they needed a signature'
The Death of A Right-Wing Populist
The Diplomatic Surge
The GOP Is a Mess and a Fraud
The Politicization of the Nobel Prize
The Public is Disgusted w-Our Government
The Rise of Guns in China
The Russians Are Coming - With Cash
The Savage Manifesto
The Shocking Cost of the Housing Boom
Turning Russia Into a Global Citizen
U.N. will be able to monitor main complex, but not anywhere else
U.S. military unable to stop faith-targeted 'killing campaign'
US policy on international court unlikely to shift
US Teeters on Afghan Uncertainty
Violent crew accused of stealing from dealers, kidnapping, sexually torturing victims
Wall Street Donors Resent Being Bashed by McCain
We Must Not Sow Seeds of Next Crisis
We're Laying Groundwork for Recovery
Who Guides US-EU Dialogue
Why Mr. Krugman Deserves His Nobel
World markets responding positively to new initiatives
Yet U.S. taxpayers helping Beijing as part of trillion-$ credit bailout

aaa vid - Barack Obama
Andrea Mitchell In Bed With Greenspan!
Bush Surrenders to Reality-Based Community
Exciting Obama Sex Smear Relaunched In British Press
Guide to the Panic of 1873
Is People Neglecting Angelina Jolie For Sarah Palin
No One At Sarah Silverman's Obama Schlep, Including Sarah Silverman
Sarah Palin's Fake SAT Scores Actually Belong to Born-Again Virgin Dawn Eden
SITE - Richard Dooling
Slavery Unites Michelle Obama, Anderson Cooper
Wait, What's Up With ACORN
Wall Street Zombies To Invade Manhattan
101 Reasons to Vote Against John McCain
2004 Flashback Candidate Shockingly Vain!
95 Percent 'Tax Cut' - HUMAN EVENTS
A Few Minutes Before Midnight
A PreMortem for The McCain Campaign - The Flack
A Problem of Persuasion
aaa vid - John McCain»
Anti-McCain video seems a bit overrated - CHICAGO SUN-TIMES -
As Iraq cools, fighters join Afghan militants - International Herald Tribune
Bank of alderman's nephew lends millions to his wife
Christina Applegate Why I had a double mastectomy - CNN.com
CNN Omits ACORN’s Name From Brief on Voter Fraud Raid in Vegas NewsBusters.org
Daley orders 3-day government shutdown CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Politics
David Brooks Sees the Future. And It Looks Pretty Good. - The Plank
Death Defying
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann Voter Hatred of Wall Street - Townhall.com
Does drinking alcohol shrink your brain - CNN.com
Evan Thomas 'A Disgrace' If McCain Beats Obama with Ayers NewsBusters.org
excerpt Superorganism--How One and One Make Three
Fanning the Flames
Fauxmosexual Anti-Gay Ad Sneaks Onto Gay Websites
Fauxmosexuals' Ruining It For Real Gay People
FBI Not Taking Corporate Fraud Seriously
FNC Features, Networks Ignore Ayers Victim NewsBusters.org
Following Acre riots, PFLP threatens We will kill Lieberman Israel Jerusalem Post
Girl, 14, starved to 48 lbs.
How will Obama pay for new spending
Howard Bloom's Grand Unified Theory Of Everything In The Universe Including The Human Soul
Intellectual Flyover Country - HUMAN EVENTS
Invisible Man
Islam's War to Save the World
Liquidating the Empire - HUMAN EVENTS
mayor Feds turned my town 'topsy turvy' - CNN.com
McCain's Gyrations
McCain's New Stunt He's Nice Again!
Media Rage at Nasty, Ugly and Bitter McCain Campaign
Media Silence on Abortion Aids Radical Obama
Money And The Crisis Of Civilization
NewsMax - Louis Farrakhan Calls Obama the Messiah
Newsmax.com - Latest - Dick Morris Map Shows Wipeout, But McCain Still Has Chance
Newsmax.com – Biden McCain Attacks Attempt to Distract Voters
Newsmax.com – Bristol Palin's Beau Speaks Out on Obama, Baby
Newsmax.com – Clever Obama Tries To Bury ACORN Past
Newsmax.com – Ex-FBI Agents Outraged at Obama-Ayers Ties
Newsmax.com – Fish Oil May Slow Healing of Wounds
Newsmax.com – Jam and Jelly Can Fight Cancer
Newsmax.com – McCain Offers Tougher Criticism of Bush Economics
Newsmax.com – McCormick Tells All About 'Brady' Drug Addiction
Newsmax.com – Mexican Town Helps Migrants Flee Police
Newsmax.com – New York Times Spins Obama Muslim Ties
Newsmax.com – Obama Gaining Among Rural Voters
Newsmax.com – Obama Gets Free Pass From Media
Newsmax.com – Oldest Human Footprints Discovered in Italy
Newsmax.com – Palin Castigates Obama for Supporting Abortion
Newsmax.com – Ringo Starr No More Fan Mail
Newsmax.com – Rolling Stone Ends Large Format After 4 Decades
Newsmax.com – US Policy on International Court Unlikely to Shift
Newsmax.com – Why Bill Ayers Matters
Newsmax.com – Your Mirror Provides an Instant Health Checkup
Northern Exposure
Nostradamus Quatrains Century 8 - Quatrain 28
Obama & The Coming Military State
Ohio voter registration fraud
Perception, Culture, and the Brain--Reality Is A Mass Hallucination. The tricks of herd perception.
Rachel Maddow - Sarah Palin Is Lying To You — Enthusiastically And Repeatedly
Ringo Starr Forbids You To Send Fan Mail
School Textbook Promotes Obama
Silencing the Students
Still Radical After All These Years - HUMAN EVENTS
The Obama Bunch (Audio)
The Sombrero Galaxy
The World According to Obama - HUMAN EVENTS
There On The Set Of Who's Nailin' Paylin
Time mag interviews Tom Dart CHICAGO SUN-TIMES
Time Warp
U.S. has history of intervention - International Herald Tribune
U.S. Treasury chief says banks must deploy new capital - International Herald Tribune
What Happened to the Bradley Effect - The Plank
Would Romney Be Doing Better - The Stump
Yes, There Is An Alternative
Your Cell Phone Can Now Snitch On You To Faceless Corporations

'Psychological Operations Is My Specialty'
'This Is A War Between Judaisim And Islam'
A Conspiracy Most Foul
An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack In London
Bankers Demand We 'Obey' Them
Barack Obama Targeted by Extremists on the Internet Overview
Barack Obama The Death of White Supremacy
Death Of Free Speech And Individualism In NWO America
Do You Want A Black President - September 24, 2008
ECHELON Bombshell - NSA Accused Of Spying On US Politicians
Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose
Fulford - The History Of The Illuminati
Full Speech Of Rabbi Rabbinovitch Found
Highway To Hell
If You Think Barack Obama Will Challenge White Supremacy...
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy
Innocent Murder - The Real Story Of JonBenet's Death
Intentional Collapse And Takedown Of The US
International Zionism Once Again Behind War, Death
Jerusalem Post - Michelle Obama As Fascist
Jesus' Second Coming Through Cloning Proposed
JFK, 911 And The Real America - Tying US History Together
John McCain - The Manchurian Candidate
Makow - Illuminati Murdered At Least Two Other Presidents
Moon Predicts One-World Religion - Denies Divinity Of Christ
Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists Publish Ominous Threats to Obama's Life PEEK AlterNet
Neoconservatism - Fascist Zionism
Obama's Copied Speeches & Brzezinski's Spare Obama
Police stop white supremacist plot to kill Barack Obama - Telegraph
President Obama Many White Supremacists are Celebrating Hatewatch Southern Poverty Law Center
Protocols The NWO Blueprint'Protocols Of Zion' Is The Illuminati ...
Psy-Ops & Stupidity!
The Enemy Is Inside The Gates
The Illuminati-Staged US Presidential Election
The Nazi Destruction Of America
The Next President
The Seven-Headed Hydra
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Part II
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Part IV
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO
The War On Consciousness
The Zionist War On Your Freedom Of Speech
TWA 800 - Connecting The Dots...The Psychology Of A Cover-Up
Visual Psy-Ops On TV And In Print
Wag the Dog
Winston Churchill, Illuminati - London Bombing In Perspective
23 Of 38 Mars Missions Fail - UFO Sightings Around US
Another Smoking Gun On The Moon
Armstrong Moon Video Update - Is This An Experiment
Astounding Moon Footage -
Biggest Telescope To Prove US Went To Moon
Buzz Aldrin Says They Saw UFO On Trip To Moon
Did Long-Destroyed 5th Planet Cause Lunar Cataclysm
Did Man Reach The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago
Eisenhower White House On Mars' Moon Phobos Being Artificial
HAARP Hits Moon With Radio Waves
HAARP, China, Russia And The Moon
Human Noah's Ark Plan For Moon
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 2
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 3
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 4
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 5
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 6
Logo Shown In Armstrong Moon Structure Film
Lunatic Fringe - The Apollo Moon Hoax Theory
Military Helping In Fake Moon Walk Rehearsal And The Mystery Ladder
Moon Viewed As Source For Future Earth Energy
NASA Commissions Book To Prove Moon Landings Real
NASA Plans Moon Base To Control Path To Space
Our Solar System Is No Accident
Smoking Gun - Apollo 11 'Live' Broadcast Faked
The Moon - What Is It And Who Made It
The Moon And Its Rilles
Top 5 Cosmic Myths
US Has Limited Means For Reaching Moon And Mars
Was Jules Verne A Prophet
Were US Astronauts Ordered Not To Report UFOs & Aliens
Who Or What Made Polygon Features On Moons
'Indiana Jones,' past and present
'SNL' this week You betcha Tina Fey doesn't know
A Few Minutes Before Midnight
A Savage prediction for McCain
ACORN defends efforts amid voter-fraud allegations
Air traffic controllers say 4 airliners rerouted to test trainee ...
Apple's blow to Microsoft may be glancing
As Iraq cools, fighters join Afghan militants
Biden on Hardball
Biden says McCain short on new ideas for economy
Biden says Obama will win West Virginia
Big Content gloats as Bush signs PRO-IP Act
Black dog down US soldier in fight to take home war zone pet
Brown’s anti-terror plan defeated
Buckley Loses National Review Column
Buckley Resigns From National Review After Endorsing Obama
Bush signs online child protection bills
Bush To Announce Return To Moon Milky Way Days - Returning To The New Frontier
Canada votes, expected to re-elect Conservatives
Carey escapes jail sentence in USA, two years probation
Chicago mayor to shut down government for six days
China orders recall of all milk
Clashes in Sadr City, 1 US soldier wounded
Clinton says unlikely to mount another White House bid
Clinton Supporters Aid Palin
Confusion And Crashes, But Finally A Look At Open Office 3
Convicted 'Joe Cool' Boat Killer Gets Life in Prison
Cornyn wants inquiry into ACORN efforts
Czech Kundera denies he denounced Western spy
DailyTech - Russia Space Director Talks Russia-U.S. Business Deal
Daley orders 'partial shutdown' of city government
David Cole - Incredible Auschwitz Revelations
Democrats' Plan New Deal 2.0
Digital TV switch will be messy FCC official
DreamWorks, Universal ink deal
Europe posts solid gains after Japanese stocks soar
Every passing day spells danger for Barack Obama
Facebook's safety chief responds to KIDS act
FBI Reported to Begin Probe of Florida Congressman
FEC Should Start Obama Audit Now
Former Enron Broadband Co-Chief Executive Officer Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud - MarketWatch
FY '08 budget deficit swells to record $455 billion
Game Show Reject Threatens to Blow Up San Francisco Law Office
Georgia-Kosovo - An Historic Connection
Giuliani on the Morning Shows
Google Will Appeal German Copyright Decisions
Google, Yahoo Seek to Avoid Antitrust Suit Over Ad Deal
Hands On with Sony's New PlayStation Portable 3000
Health Care Spin
Hong Kong Backs Its Banks
How the Super-Rich Are Surviving the Meltdown Newsweek Business Newsweek.com
HYMAN Obama's Kenya ghosts
In Oregon, Rival Candidate Rides Democratic Wave
Indonesia hopes Cambodia, Thailand to exercise restraint
Internet search results Increased brain activity
Interview with John McCain
Iraq-US Agreement is Guarantee for Success in Region
Is Rezko Taking Obama Down By Singing To Feds
JC Penney to Launch Apparel Line
John McCain unveils new economic measures
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 1
Judge tosses challenge to S.F. plan to issue illegal immigrants ID cards
Justices Clear Way for Execution in Georgia
Keynes Would Have Seen It Coming
labor We achieved 100% of our goals
Lack Of Vitamin D Link To Parkinsons
Looks Like Discover Holds The Cards
Macrovision Sells TV Guide Magazine to Private Equity Firm
Madonna Downplays Her Physical Threats Against Sarah Palin 'It's ...
Makow - Psy-Op 'Earth Hour' Turns Light Out On Humanity
Man sentenced to life in 'Joe Cool' boat slayings
Maureen McCormick ‘I hit rock bottom’
McCain and Obama A Fresh Start, a Fresh Economic Plan
McCain and Torre — both underdogs and both need a win
McCain Campaign Wants DMCA Takedown Priority
McCain Fights for Right to Remix on YouTube
McCain needs 'knockout blow' in final debate as poll ratings collapse
McCain Proposes More Economic Measures
McCain to Unveil New Economic Proposals
McCain Was Not Tortured Says POW Guard
McCain's last stand at final debate
McCain's Pension and Family Security Plan
McCain's Sex Offender E-mail Registry Signed Into Law
McCain, Palin in Virginia Beach
Merkel meets Chinese youth delegation
Microsoft Patches Critical Active Directory Vulnerability
Microsoft Surprises With New Windows 7 Name
Money And The Crisis Of Civilization
More Ayers on Wednesday Night
Mother of missing Fla. girl indicted for murder
MySpace.com - Unholy Alliance Chapter III - NEW YORK, New York ...
NASA Ready to Reboot Hubble
NYC could shed 165000 jobs, double July's estimate
Obama & The Coming Military State
obama Banking Plan Must Rein in Executive Pay
Obama Campaign Makes Some Revisions to Its Candidate's Resume
Obama Comments on ACORN Controversy
Obama makes inroads into America's wealthiest
Obama makes play for videogamers
Obama Reviews McCain Economic Proposals
Obama Still Leads Across the Board
Obama Takes Solid Lead Over McCain in Four Battleground States
Oct. 14 arrives! Humans ready for UFO insight
October 14th UFO Prediction
Oliver Stone Assigns Motive to Dubya's MO In W.
palin Mortgage plan not a handout, but a hand up
Palin Takes on Biden's Hometown
Palin to Limbaugh ‘They Won’t Shut Me Up’
Parole board commissioner Chris Ortloff arrested in child sex sting
Paulson Plans to Invest in `Thousands' of US Banks (Update3)
Pentagon confident of deal to keep troops in Iraq
people David Letterman, Amitabh Bachchan, Lisa Marie Presley
Pirates are the same 300 years on
police Soldier Led Searchers to Teen's Body
Political Radar Actor Duvall Blasts Palin Critics at Fundraiser
politics-us Bush Set to Go With a Whimper, Not a Bang
poll Asian Americans in NY and NY back Obama
Poll Finds Wide Obama Lead Despite McCain Attacks
Prediction - No Spaceship On October 14th
President Bush Announces G7 Banking Plan
Questions for the Next Debate
Rasmussen on New Battleground Polling
Reading This Will Change Your Brain
report Google, Yahoo talking with DOJ over advertising agreement
Report Says Acclaimed Czech Writer Informed on a Supposed Spy
Republicans Rally the Troops Against Mahoney
republicans YouTube Should Review Campaign Clips Before Takedown
Ringo Starr tells fans NOT to write him anymore
rnc Obama's ACORN Tree
Russia, North Korea to hold nuclear talks Wednesday
saakashvili Georgia open to talks with breakaway regions
School Textbook Promotes Obama
Sen. Clinton on Fox and Friends
Shouting 'Fannie!' in a Crowded Congress
Smith warns of continued terror threat
Somali forces free pirate hostages
Stevens case could go to jury Monday
study Web Search Makes You Smarter
Sudan Holds Militia Leader Wanted by International Court
Syria establishes diplomatic ties with Lebanon
Syria to open embassy in Beirut after historic decree
T-Mobile G1 Android Pre-sales Hit 1.5M
The American Spectator Anatomy of a Scandal
The Permanent (Smear) Campaign
The Sombrero Galaxy
The Supreme Court Stakes
Tina Fey and Sarah Palin. Who's Who
Tina Fey leaving Earth if Palin wins
To the Public, Obama Looking Like a President
Transcript of presidential debate - CNN.com
Transcript of presidential debate
Turkey to form new structure for coordination in fight against ...
UN Says Over 100000 People Have Fled Fighting in Pakistan's Northwest
URGENT Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors « HillBuzz
USAF Planned To Nuke The Moon - (No Wonder ET Told US To Keep Away...)
Voter Group Admits Mistakes, Defends Work
Walson UFO Videos - Pt 1
Walson UFO Videos - Pt 2
Was Ron Paul Threatened Or Warned
Washington Times - Hillary Clinton for Supreme Court
What kind of school reform did Obama fund
When politics and literature intersect Kundera, Buckley, Hemingway
Wright 101 by Stanley Kurtz on National Review Online
Wright 101
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 1)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 2)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 3)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 4)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 5)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 6)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 7)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 8)
YouTube - Censored Images of War (part 9)
Zimbabwe Deal Threatened by Prosecution Fears