"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 October 2008

Thurs. 16 OCT

Art review 'Warhol's Jews'
CTA buses carry ads from Islamic group -- chicagotribune.com
Cuomo to Investigate AIG's Pay Practices - washingtonpost.com
Drama behind a $250 billion banking deal - International Herald Tribune
Frost 'one more thing' for grape growers PressDemocrat.com The Press Democrat Santa Rosa, CA
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Iran hails world financial crisis as 'end of capitalism'
Judge tosses challenge to S.F. ID card plan
McClatchy Washington Bureau 10-14-2008 Alaska glaciers grew this year, thanks to colder weather
Michigan attorney general charges ACORN worker with forgery The Detroit News detnews.com
Murtha Western Pa. 'racist' but Obama should win
Obama Voted 'Present' on Mortgage Reform - WSJ.com
Rush son guilty in prison sex case CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Chicago Crime
Suit against God thrown out over lack of address AP 10-15-2008
The BBC will tackle Islam differently to Christianity, admits its Director General Mail Online
Trickle-Up Poverty
Breitbart.tv » Biden Questions ‘Joe the Plumber’s’ Credibility
Breitbart.tv » Joe the Plumber Obama’s Tax Plan ‘Infuriates Me’
Breitbart.tv » Obama & McCain Answer Couric Why Do So Many Prominent Politicians Have Affairs
Breitbart.tv » Secret of ‘Worm Charmers’ Involves Mimicking Vibrations of Predatory Moles
Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast Writer Makes Case That Bill Ayers is Secret Author of Obama’s Book
King's top lieutenant convicted of incest in Va.
Sheriff Family cremated mom on BBQ, kept benefits
CIA using missile strikes to `tickle' terrorists
Get ready for more economic trouble ahead - CNN.com
SITE - America First Party
SITE - American Heritage Party
SITE - Constitution Party National Political Headquarters
SITE - Libertarian Party - ISSUES
SITE - United States Marijuana Party
SITE - What is Party X
Transcripts - Interview with Hillary Clinton
Transcripts - Interview with Meghan McCain
Transcripts - McCain's Pension and Family Security Plan
Transcripts - Panel on Bush's Banking Moves and Socialism
Transcripts - President Bush Announces G7 Banking Plan
Transcripts - Romney, Ferraro React to Debate
Transcripts - Roundtable on McCain, Rep. Lewis and Race
Transcripts - Sen. Clinton on the Debate
Transcripts - Shields & Brooks on the Final Debate
Transcripts - The Final Presidential Debate
'Casino' movie inspiration Rosenthal dead at 79
'Employee Free Choice Act' Is Anything But
'U-turn' West MI5 watching 'great' terror plot right now - World News Forum - Open Publishing
1968-1972 Harass the Brass Some notes toward the subversion of the US armed forces libcom.org
A Bailout Beijing Would Cheer
A Change of Heart in Belarus
A Defining Moment in History
A Losing Night for McCain
About 200K Ohio voters have records discrepancies
Act Now to Stave Off Depression
Aggressive Underdog vs. Cool Counterpuncher
America's Other Election
Are We Reliving Japan's Economic Nightmare
As McCain Slashes, Obama Keeps Cool
Banks Need Capital, Not Government Management
Beware an October Surprise from bin Laden
Beware of Bin Laden's October Surprise
Biden on Today
Blanket Deposit Insurance Is a Bad Idea
Bolivian people fight to defend their gains
Booing La Marseillaise ... by the French
Canadian Voters Play Nice or Else
Candidates Face Roast at Smith Dinner
Central Banks Reconsider Doctrine of Preemption
Chavez Cracks Down on the Media
China, Space Weapons, and U.S. Security - Council on Foreign Relations
Chomsky Anti-Democratic Nature of US Capitalism is Being Exposed
claim No. 2 In Al-Qaeda Iraq Leader Killed
Closing Curtain on Lebanon's War
Courting the Religious Right
Credit Derivatives The $58 Trillion in the Room
Don't Blame Free-Market Capitalism
Don't Laugh at the Bear
DVD review - Sicko
Ex-CIA Official Pleads Guilty in Corruption Case
FBI won’t release documents on anthrax suspect
Feds Investigate WaMu Failure
Financial Crisis Is McCain's Katrina
Former officials say Iran helped on al-Qaida
Fred Hampton, 1948-1969
Gaza - break the siege, oppose the occupation
Global Warming Demands US Attention
High Stakes in Afghanistan
How To Prevent Foreclosures
Jane Wylen - Lunatic Fringe or Politics as GOP Usual
Joe the Plumber Cuts to Heart of the Presidential Choice
Joe the Plumber is Hero of Debate
Joe the Plumber on the Debate
Joe the Plumber's Big Tax Bill
Joe the Plumber's Story Could Change The Race
Katrina for the Rest of Us
Khmer Rouge Justice Delayed and Denied
McCain Fails, Obama Not Rattled
McCain Promises A Better Four Years
McCain's Shot at a Late Game Win
Memory Police Chip Away At Our Freedom
Metronet climb down on activist victimisation libcom.org
Mugabe's Latest Betrayal
Muslim fired from nuclear warship job seeks review
Negative ads at center of Wash. gov
New York Times demands escalation of Afghanistan war
No “Bailout” for the World’s Poorest
Obama Counts on Boosting Voter Turnout in Republican States
Obama Favored By Group of Ohio Women
Obama Hasn't Closed the Sale
Obama, the Friendly Socialist
Ohio Plumber Becomes Focus of Debate
Opposing Uptick Rule Is Short Sighted
Playing the Mortgage Blame Game
Redesigned World Socialist Web Site begins Wednesday, October 22
Religion (and Keynes) to the Economy's Rescue
Reliving Japan's Economic Nightmare
Renewing Memories of Gettysburg
Rushing to See the Economic Apocalypse
Russians Overstay Their Welcome
Saving Weak Banks Threatens Banking
Searching for Antidote to Ahmadinejad
Searching for the Antidote to Ahmadinejad
Seize wealth of City
Seven Years After 9-11, Spies Finally Forced to Share
Solutions for a Sustainable World
Spain's Prudent Supervision
Stop The Bleeding, Hank
That's It for McCain
Thatcherism's dead
The Age of Modesty
The Bankrupting of Henry Paulson
The Best Debate By Far
The European Council on Foreign Relations A global force for human rights An audit of European power at the UN - PDF
The European Council on Foreign Relations A global force for human rights An audit of European power at the UN
The Feds Will Save Homeowners Next
The Final Debate
The Foods That Are Most Affected by Pesticides
The Pre-Primary Period-2008 - Presidential Campaign Debates and Forums
The Racist Demonstration Against Black Rap Music
The U.S. Still Sets Pace for World Economy
The White Lie That Threatens Obama
Time to face up to it - capitalism must go!
TV Barn Debate III McCain wins the men, Obama woos the women. So is that a draw
TV Barn The debate Voters are happy because Obama is happy, or why McCain can't win on TV
U.S. & Iraq Agree To Pact For 2011 Withdrawal
US Treasury meeting How the financial aristocracy laid down the law
Use the power - stop the war
VIDEO - Biden on Hardball
VIDEO - Biden on Today
VIDEO - Candidates Talk About Joe the Plumber
VIDEO - Coleman's Positive New Ad
VIDEO - DSCC Says Coleman is Shameless
VIDEO - DSCC Says Smith is Bush's Corner Man
VIDEO - DSCC Targets Chambliss on National Sales Tax
VIDEO - Franken Out with Two New Ads
VIDEO - Giuliani on the Morning Shows
VIDEO - Joe the Plumber on the Debate
VIDEO - McCain Ad Says Obama is Unethical
VIDEO - Mccain I'm not President Bush
VIDEO - McCain Promises A Better Four Years
VIDEO - McCain Proposes More Economic Measures
VIDEO - NRSC Targets Franken and Landrieu with New Ads
VIDEO - Obama Still Leads Across the Board
VIDEO - PACs Line Up Ads Against Franken, for Coleman
VIDEO - RNC Questions Obama's Crisis Management
VIDEO - Sen. Clinton on Fox and Friends
VIDEO - Strategy Update from David Plouffe
VIDEO - The Final Presidential Debate
VIDEO - Wicker Tells You Who Supports Ronnie Musgrove
video Final Presidential Debate from Hofstra University You Decide 2008
video Obama-McCain debate from Mississippi Sept. 26th You Decide 2008
video Presidential Town Hall Debate from Belmont University (10-7-08) You Decide 2008
video Vice Presidential Debate from St. Louis (10-2-08) You Decide 2008
Washington Simply Didn't Catch Up To Wall Street
What Joe the Plumber Can't Fix
What the $596T Derivatives Market Means
What’s the Future for Much-Maligned Derivatives
Working for the Working- Class Vote
Working Poor report Nearly 30 percent of US families subsist on poverty wages
“Joe the Plumber,” the star of Wednesday’s debate You Decide 2008

The Kitchen Sink Debate
Video - McCain Ad 'Let's Fight for America'
Video - 'Obama 'I will let no one question my love of this country' 08-20-08
Video - 10 Surprising Facts About Barack Obama 05-02-08
Video - Al Gore's Energy Challenge 07-18-08
Video - An Inside Look At The Straight Talk Express 06-19-08
Video - Are These Barack Obama's Own Words 06-10-08
Video - Conservative PAC - Both Ways Barack 07-21-08
Video - Democratic National Committee We Don't Need a Third Bush Term 03-20-08
Video - Democratic Primary Debate held Nov. 15, 2007, Las Vegas, Nev. 10-09-08
Video - Democratic Primary Debate held Oct. 30, 2007, Philadelphia, Pa. 10-09-08
Video - DNC - John McCain The Wrong Choice For America's Future 07-07-08
Video - DNC Ad 'Bush and McCain, More of the Same' 09-05-08
Video - DNC Web Video McCain Vs. McCain 04-29-08
Video - Farrakhan Calls Obama the Messiah
Video - Howard Dean GOP Is the 'White' Party 08-18-08
Video - John McCain Al-Qaeda's Worst Nightmare 05-07-08
Video - John McCain Appears on The View (pt. 1) 04-10-08
Video - John McCain Appears on The View (pt. 2) 04-10-08
Video - John McCain Appears on The View (pt. 3) 04-10-08
Video - Lost Bill O'Reilly Tapes Revealed 06-05-08
Video - Lost Footage Of McCain Leaving North Vietnam 09-11-08
Video - Mccain - I'll Turn Around Afghanistan Just Like We Turned Around Iraq 07-16-08
Video - Mccain - We Can't Go Back On Our Word On Free Trade Promises 07-01-08
Video - McCain Ad 'Let's Fight for America'
Video - McCain Ad 'Obama's Blind Ambition'
Video - McCain Ad He's Ready To Raise Your Taxes, but Not Ready to Lead' 08-25-08
Video - McCain Ad Obama Unethical
Video - McCain Ad Obama’s Economic Advisor 09-19-08
Video - McCain Ad The Truth About Barack Obama 10-09-08
Video - McCain Challenges Obama to Town Hall Style Debates 06-04-08
Video - Mccain Phil Gramm Does Not Speak For Me, I Speak For Me 07-11-08
Video - McCain Pledges To Crack Down On Internet Predators 07-02-08
Video - McCain Radio Ad 'Ready To Tax, Ready To Spend, Not Ready To Lead' 08-21-08
Video - McCain Remembers Tim Russert 06-16-08
Video - Mccain We Must Secure Our Borders 07-09-08
Video - McCain, Obama Meet on 9-11 09-12-08
Video - Michelle Obama Co-Hosts The View 06-18-08
Video - MLK Was a Republican 08-25-08
Video - Newt Obama's Done Nothing but Talk and Write 09-03-08
Video - Obama - GOP Can't Govern, but Knows How to Run a Negative Campaign 08-19-08
Video - Obama - Immigration Enforcement Terrorizes Communities 07-14-08
Video - Obama - It Is Time To Update Our National Security Strategy 07-17-08
Video - Obama -The System Is Broken 06-23-08
Video - Obama Ad 'Politicians Lying About Their Records' 09-10-08
Video - Obama Ad 'Social Security' 09-18-08
Video - Obama Ad 'These Ads are Ridiculous'
Video - Obama Ad 'With All Our Problems, Why is John McCain Talking About the Sixties' 08-26-08
Video - Obama Ad McCain and Bush 10-16-08
Video - Obama Ad McCain and Bush
Video - Obama Ad McCain Opposes Equal Pay 09-16-08
Video - Obama Ad McCain Sells Out American Workers 09-02-08
Video - Obama Ad Tax Plan
Video - Obama Ad Washington Not Living Up to their Responsibilities 09-17-08
Video - Obama Ad ‘One House America Can’t Afford to Let John McCain Move Into’ 08-22-08
Video - Obama and McCain on Abortion 08-18-08
Video - Obama blames the GOP for not catching Bin Laden 06-18-08
Video - Obama To U.S. Mayors You Need A Partner In The White House 06-23-08
Video - Obama's Dirty Money Man 06-06-08
Video - Obama's Double Blunder, Not Sweet 05-16-08
Video - Obama's Foreign Policy Blueprint 09-30-08
Video - Ohio GOP to Obama As Ohio Goes, So Goes The Nation 06-18-08
Video - Palin 'I'm Not a Member of the Permanent Political Establishment' 09-04-08
Video - Planned Parenthood Ad 'McCain is Twisting the Facts' 09-12-08
Video - Ralph Nader Obama Is Trying To Talk White 06-27-08
Video - Raw Footage Obama Says It's OK to Talk to Iran 05-19-08
Video - Republican National Committee Ad 'Change or More of the Same' 09-15-08
Video - Rev. Wright America Is a Terrorist Nation 04-28-08
Video - Rev. Wright Complains of Unfair Treatment 04-24-08
Video - Rev. Wright U.S. Lied About Pearl Harbor, AIDS 04-28-08
Video - Rev. Wright U.S. the Same as Al-Qaida 04-28-08
Video - RNC - Obama, Towing The Party Line 07-07-08
Video - RNC Ad 'Obama Career First, Country Second'
Video - RNC Ad No Executive Experience 10-16-08
Video - RNC Ad Obama's Chicago Politics
Video - What Will Obama Change Next 06-30-08
' Video - How Much Do You Know About Barack Obama' 08-22-08
'Joe the Plumber' happy to help candidates make point - CNN.com
4 dead in helicopter crash identified - Chicago
4 killed in latest medical chopper accident - CNN.com
analysis McCain comes out swinging, but no game changer - CNN.com
analysis McCain’s best likely not good enough
Army to outline career paths in test program - FederalTimes.com
Banjo Legend Plays on Operating Table During Brain Surgery
Bank of alderman's nephew lends millions to his wife
British Couple Seriously Injured After Mysterious Fall From Sixth-Floor Hotel Room
Candidates Race to Battlegrounds After Feisty Debate - FOXNews.com Elections
commentary America is ready for the Obama Effect - CNN.com
commentary Get ready for more economic trouble ahead - CNN.com
cops 'Bored' homeless man killed student - CNN.com
Counselor at Mundelein rehab center charged with having sex with patient, 16 -- chicagotribune.com
Daley reins in radicals — the Chicago Way -- chicagotribune.com
Democracy Now! 15 Arrested Outside Presidential Debate in Protest Led by Iraq Veterans Against the War
Democracy Now! How We Lost the War We Won A Journey into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan
Democracy Now! - James Bamford - The Shadow Factory The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9-11 to the Eavesdropping on America
Employee found dead in Lakeview eatery basement - Chicago
FBI sees rise in computer crime
Former McCain Supporter Accuses the Senator ....
Friend admits not getting bills for Stevens
Front-runner Obama cautions against overconfidence - CNN.com
G8 Leaders Statement on the Global Economy
Hopper finds 'Crash' character 'a shocking guy' - CNN.com
Lott appointed to board of EADS North America
Max Blumenthal on Sarah Palin’s Radical Right-Wing Pals...
McCain - A Surge is Part of a Counter Insurgency Strategy
McCain Campaign Accuses Community Organizing Mainstay ACORN of Fraud....
McCain comes out swinging in last debate
McCain plays to 'The Plumber' CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Elections
McCain puts Obama on the spot in final debate - CNN.com
McCain slings mud up from the low road
Mother of abandoned baby is charged - Chicago
Muslim fiction puts Obama in no-win fight
New constitution doesn't mean pensions at risk -- chicagotribune.com
New mother I wanted my baby to die
Newsmax.com – Debate Venue Features Protests, Boos, Indifference
Newsmax.com – McCain Hits Obama on Ayers Ties
Newsmax.com – McCain Was Right on School Vouchers
Newsmax.com – McCain, Obama Get Tough, Personal in Final Debate
Newsmax.com – Obama's Long Record of Flip-Flops Exposed
Newsmax.com – Secret Service ‘Kill’ Obama Report Unfounded
Obama edging into W.Va., other GOP states
Ohio Elections Chief Challenges Court Ruling - FOXNews.com Elections
Ohio plumber becomes focus of debate
OLD NEWS ARTICLES - A Democratic machine in Chicago Don't be naive -- chicagotribune.com
OLD NEWS ARTICLES - FBI didn't need billboard to see this insider cabal -- chicagotribune.com
OLD NEWS ARTICLES - Fleeting nature of all glory unlikely to be lost on Obama -- chicagotribune.com
OLD NEWS ARTICLES - To coin a phrase, Chicago is hardly a change machine -- chicagotribune.com
OLD NEWS ARTICLES - Warmth from the Daleys defies conventional wisdom -- chicagotribune.com
OLD NEWS ARTICLES - When Daley says shhh, library is quiet on Obama -- chicagotribune.com
Police shoot armed man who wouldn't drop weapon CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Chicago Crime
poll Debate watchers say Obama wins - CNN.com
President Bush Discusses Economy
President Bush Meets with Cabinet
President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders ....
President Bush Visits Ada, Michigan, Discusses Economy
renzi FBI taped discussions on leadership races
Republicans in retreat CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Nation
Third-Party Candidates Ralph Nader & Cynthia McKinney .....
Tomb of Real 'Gladiator' Found in Rome
Truthdig - Open the Debates
Trying Caylee's mom harder without a body - CNN.com
Video - McCain - You Can't Choose to Lose a War in Iraq in Order to Win a War in Afghanistan 07-22-08
Video - McCain - A President's Got To To Keep His Word 06-24-08
Video - McCain - Obama Would Rather Lose a War in Order to Win a Political Campaign 07-23-08
Video - McCain - I Want to Fix the System Without Raising Taxes 08-01-08
Video - Obama - Bush Isn't Good Enough To Be Ambassador To Iraq 06-13-08
Video - RNC AD Obama, King of the World 07-29-08
Web site rates hospitals on specific medical procedures -- chicagotribune.com
What keeps Obama safe could protect the rest of us
Where Mayor Daley has gone wrong CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Politics

'Mentoring' for prof who said, 'Undermine Palin'
2nd lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship
ABC News Did Mahoney Help Second Alleged Mistress Win Federal Grant
Airline ban on Christian cross appealed
Candidates Hit Hard at Final Presidential Debate - FOXNews.com Elections
Chavez says Comrade Bush turns left in crisis Reuters
Democrat Candidate Says America's Greatest Enemy is America - HUMAN EVENTS
Did Ayers' wife kill policeman
Jerusalem concert to feature fantasies of the Temple's lost music - Haaretz - Israel News
Joe The Plumber's Chat With Couric - Horserace
Judge Anti-terrorism T-shirt promotes 'illegal behavior'
Lawsuit charges ex-'gays' deprived of rights
Michelle Obama organized event with Ayers, husband
Murtha apologizes for race comments - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Negrophilia afflicts U.S.
November results 'already tainted' by ACORN
Nurse Obama lied about infanticide in debate
Obama Fox News to Blame for Elitist Perception NewsBusters.org
Obama lies in debate about ties to ACORN
Obama raised $1 million for foreign thug's election
Obama turns down voter-gathering group amid charges of fraud
Officials FBI investigates ACORN for voter fraud
Political Radar Joe The Plumber Obama Tax Plan 'Infuriates Me'
Report Michelle Obama calls Corsi 'evil'
Secret Service says Kill him allegation unfounded Wilkes-Barre breaking news timesleader.com - The Times Leader
State Department warns against travel to Mexico
The Associated Press Ohio elections chief appeals court ruling
Transcript Final presidential debate
Washington Times - Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms
Wexler campaign held second mortgage on West Palm Beach home
World Series game could be delayed for Obama pitch - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com
Zogby Statistical dead heat - BostonHerald.com
FROM - MISTERSEED.COM..DOCUMENT MENTIONED IN WND.COM ARTICLE - Kenyan insiders say ObamaBRwas part of takeover strategy
8 OCT Bribes paid for Corsi to escape from Kenya
A Moving Love Story, Drowned by Greed
Barack Obama, John McCain Get Feisty in Final Presidential Debate Before Election Day
Joe the Plumber Takes Center Stage at Final Presidential Debate
Jon and Kate Plus 8 'Multiple Blessings' of Twins, Sextuplets
McCain ACORN Fears Overblown Experts
New Law Gives License to Abuse in Italian Circuses
old news - David Rockefeller urges worldwide population control measures
Student Sues University Over Alleged 'Gang Rape'
video - Ike's 'MilitaryIndustrial Complex' Speech
'Engaged in a pattern of conduct abusing his position of trust ... for his own gratification'
'Fear ... and uncertainty' 'Nobody knowsyet how bad the economy is going to get'
'Fully appropriate that we scrutinize the activities of the bank, its leaders and others'
'I don't need anyone to lecture me about ... what I have observed for more than 50 years'
'If there was coke, I had to stay up and do every last flake ... Nothing else mattered'
'In territory that we have not been in, in modern times – since the 1930s'
'It Hasn't Been Enough'
'It is possible to see genitals and breasts while they're going through the machine'
'It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history'
'It was a take it or take it offer'
'It was a virus that caused my tumor, the HPV virus'
'It's like an 'OK, I'm awake' pulse'
'Most of the suppliers are disappointed with this financial crisis – it's a disaster'
'The public is confused, they're despondent, they're unhappy. They want to see a change'
'There was blood going everywhere ... It looked like somebody had been murdered'
'There's something mysterious in building instruments that just cannot be described'
'To be a minority I think puts a slightly different outlook on it'
'We knew it was going to happen. It was nobody's fault – it was everybody's fault'
'We've had 8 conversions, close to 400 calls and close to 75,000 hits on our website in 1 week'
'When they said her name, it was like a rush of excitement exploding'
'You may lose money flying from A to B but you can reduce your losses on ancillary'
10 OCT Proof Obama backed ruthless foreign thug
10 OCT Breaking Obama's native language not actually English - Politico.com
12 OCT Washington Times - HYMAN Obama's Kenya ghosts
14 OCT Obama raised $1 million for foreign thug's election
22 Asian sailors freed by Somali pirates - J'lem Post
35,000 take part in Jerusalem March for Succot - J'lem Post
4 members of Islamic Jihad terror cell arrested in Kabatiya - Jerusalem Post
7 OCT - Reports to confirm Obama's ties to ally of Muslims
8 JAN Africa Odinga says Obama is his cousin
A Dolphin or a Friendly Transvestite
ABC News FACT CHECK Truth Behind Final Presidential Debate Claims
ACORN comes out swinging
africa Food Situation to Worsen, World Food Body Warns
After fight night, candidates hit the campaign road
AIG Executives Rack Up a Reported $86,000 Tab During Hunting Trip - Fox
Airline says purchase of Boeing 787s to boost fuel efficiency of fleet
Americans reveal moral consensus
America’s Coup D’État
analysis Debate gets beyond talking points
Ann Coulter notes presidential polls going back to 1976 routinely favor Democrats
Artist spends $10,000 per yearto make his incredible creations
As price of crude tumbles from record highs, what will become of push to increase supply
attorney Congressman Paid Off Staffer With Own Money
Baltic Dry Shipping Collapse Sign Of Recession
Bank insurance lags behind deposit growth
Battle of the Billionaires on Term Limits
BBC NEWS Will China bail out the West
Blaming the Jews (again) - Cal Thomas
Brain cell stimulates muscle to work, gives hope to humans - USATODAY.com
Budget fears dominate EU summit
California Next To Go Bankrupt
Can no longer charge emergency room clients for balances not paid by insurers
Can The US Add 100 Million People In 30 Yrs
Candidates Hit Hard at Final Presidential Debate - FOXNews.com Elections
Capitalism Without Capital
Causes Of Fear-Of-Default Crisis
Cindy McCain didn't call Sprint
Clifford May & James Jay Carafano discuss Ahmadinejad's possible plans for U.S.
Clinton Concerned About Extending Term Limits For Bloomberg
Clinton Says Path on Term Limits Is ‘Disturbing’
Comrades George, Ben, and Hank
Cow Brains, Spines Banned From Pet Food In 2009
Cracks In Rescue Armor As Nightmare Continues
Critics say without competition manufacturers have lost incentive to make product better
Cuomo Seeks Recovery of Bonuses at AIG
Death doesn't sell - New initiative calls for changing Dead Sea's name - Ynet
Debates Over, Candidates Begin Final Sprint
Dept Of Homeland Security - A Complete Fraud
Derivative Black Hole Enough To Destroy Planet
Disappointing retail sales point to slower demand from U.S. consumers, businesses
Doctors kept bluegrass maestro conscious under a local anesthetic to diagnose brain tremor
Downed power line caused Sesnon fire, officials say
Drinking and the Shrinking Brain
Eager to show it can raise capital on Wall Street, repay government as soon as possible
Economic Eugenics
Emergency Supreme Court appeal filed in Ohio voters case
Emerging markets may feel financial pain next - David J. Lynch
ethiopia Children Observe Global Hand Washing Day
exclusive Brad O'Leary profiles Chicago foundations with close financial ties
exclusive Craige McMillan praises Hillary supporters with the courage to vote for McCain
exclusive Erik Rush diagnoses white disorderthat sees Barack Obama incapable of corruption
exclusive Ernest Istook asserts the economy 'was legislated and regulated' to death
exclusive Jack Cashill analyzes Democrat's 2002 address slamming Perle, Wolfowitz
exclusive Jane Chastain explains why group is enduring snub from Illinois senator
exclusive Joseph Farah defends best-selling author from 'pack of lies from the pit of hell'
exclusive Judge Roy Moore cheers on pastors who defied IRS from the pulpit
exclusive Phil Elmore warns how new OnStar® technology can be used by government
Extremists convinced autistic Muslim convert to launch suicide-bomb attack
FactChecking Debate No. 3
Factory Data Take Down Stocks
FCC's broadband overhaul may raise bills
Fed head proposes bank power to promote stability
Fed's Steps May Be Helping Commercial Paper
Federal official FBI investigating Mahoney
Film by Israeli producer meant to expose what it calls threat of radical Islam
Final 'Debate' - Same Old Results - Yawn
Final Debate McCain Mocks Women's Health In Abortion Issue Crooks and Liars
Final Debate McCain's Deer In The Headlight Look On Obama's Healthcare Plan Crooks and Liars
For McCain, It’s All About Plumber Joe
Frank Luntz Focus group This is a good night for Barack Obama. Crooks and Liars
From $145 to $70, Oil Hits 14-Month Low - Fox
FTC Shuts Down 'Spam Gang'
Full text of the the joint statement between China and Pakistan
Gardener's 3-foot fence taken down so city not sued
Geneva talks off to bumpy start
Germany agrees with 16 states on bank rescue (Roundup)
GM to lay off 1500 workers in Michigan, Delaware report
GOP Ad Warns of Obama’s ‘First Crisis’
Government's efforts have led to some mild improvements in lending rates, Treasury yields
Greenspan, Rubin, Summers Support For Derivatives
group Tests find cancer-linked chemicals 3 times higher than California's health standard
Growing Number of US Residents Delay Medical Care as Economy Worsens
Growth - America's Greatest Problem -Pt 1
Growth - America's Greatest Problem - Pt 2
Heating Oil Regret Locked In at a High
Hedge Funds Want Freeing Of Lehman Assets
Helped county official in district get $3.4 million from FEMA
Hey, Paulson Read Hazlitt
High hopes for healed Hubble
Hints of Discord on Land Reform in China
I'm Sorry for Your Sins
IDF using new stinky weapon as safe way to disperse protesters
Immigrants hear mixed messages - Stephen Dinan
Immigrations's Racial Violence Spreading Across US
Internet Use Can Be Good For the Brain
Iran's army air force begins military exercise - J'lem Post
Iran's government fails to end bazaar tax strike
IRS glitch couldn't match names of women who had changed names after nuptials
ISPs are pressed to become child porn cops - New law, new monitoring technology raise concerns about privacy - AP
Israeli Troops Kill Alleged Palestinian Firebomber
Israelis held for ransom in Caribbean - J'lem Post
Jewish group Porush at peace with Arab sovereignty over Temple Mount - Ynet
Joe the Plumber More like Joe the Keating Family Operative Crooks and Liars
John McCain Zeroes In on Barack Obama in Final Debate
Kenyan insiders say ObamaBRwas part of takeover strategy
Largest increase in more than a quarter century
Larry Elder spotlights senator's use of 'tax cuts' for redistribution of wealth
Late-Night Comics Skewer Republicans 7-to-1, Study Finds
Latinos coping with HIV
Lawsuits expected to follow bottled water study
Losing Gay Marriage in California
Lou Dobbs and Co. revert to McCarthy Mode Socialist! Crooks and Liars
Many invest surplus cash, but real estate investments are unusual
Marijuana Prohibition And Public Safety
Markets, analysts mixed on Swiss bank move
Marks visit by monarch to organization's London offices today
Mass wedding in Gaza - gunmen taking advantage of ceasefire to get married - Ynet
Massachusetts Governor to Cut Jobs, Drain Reserves (Update1)
McCain ACORN Fears Overblown Experts
McCain expected to make amends on Letterman show
McCain loses blinking contest to Obama
mccain Obama skirted questions
McCain sharpens attacks; Obama pivots back to economy
McCain strategist 'It's like running against God. The media has anointed him'
McCain's Conundrum What More Can He Do
McCain-Palin supporters let their racist roots show Crooks and Liars
Mechanics face charges for Spanair crash
Mich. activists work hard as campaigns pull back
Missile Strike Targeting Taliban Leader in Pakistan Kills 6
Mob of 300 descended on Christians praying before Sunday worship service
Money The Ultimate Addiction
Mortgage rates spike; home builders index at record low - USA Today
Mortgage rates spike; home builders index at record low
Mother And Son Die Of Mad Cow Disease
Multiculturalism - Destroying American Culture
Murky business groups waging murderous struggle for cut of everything
Murtha apologizes for calling western Pennsylvania 'racist'
Nato airstrike blamed for deaths of 18 civilians in Afghanistan
New report shows 'potential for death'
News Analysis McCain Attacks, but Obama Stays Steady
Not Enough $$$ In The World To Fix Things
Obama ad It's in the game
Obama and ACORN Relationship May Be More Extensive Than Candidate Says - Fox
Obama cites FOX News and sez If I mistake you for Bush it's because it's hard to tell the difference. Crooks and Liars
Obama Eyes GOP Territory
Obama has 5-point lead on McCain
Obama Lawyer Critical of McCain Cell Phone Tower
Obama now buying ads on video games
Obama Puts Money, Manpower in Florida as Polls Show Close Race
Obama renews efforts to link McCain to Bush
Obama to McCain Your attacks say more about your campaign than they do about me Crooks and Liars
Obama Warns Supporters to Not Get Cocky
Obama's campaign
Obama-backed ally forged pact with radical Muslims
Observers criticise Azerbaijan president's re-election
Of late, periods of economic expansion have lasted longer, downturns relatively short
officials FBI investigates ACORN for voter fraud
Ohio elections chief appeals court’s voter ruling
Oil at $70 still historically high IEA
Oil Drops To $69 A Barrel
On World Food Day, UN urges donors to honour aid pledges
Once wary, Hispanics now warm to Obama
OPEC is latest group to reduce its consumption estimate
Our Troubled Country - Importing Poverty
Oval Office Stars in New GOP Independent Expenditure Ad
Palin criticizes Obama over ACORN, view of America
Palin Rips Obama Over ACORN in Maine
Paulson Plan Puts Banks 1st, Taxpayers 2nd
Paulson regrets mistakes on economy
Plaintiff counters 'Since God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit'
Registration up, residents ready to vote
Religious-Bias Filings Up
report Mugabe plans changes to appease opposition
Republicans re-direct ad dollars to traditionally-red states
Robert Scheer Americans are 'grateful' feds now manage financial-sector businesses
Sagging auto sales pace September downturn – consumers pare back on all but health needs, gas
Sailor joins 800 of his comrades who died in torpedo blitz
Sarkozy Defends Travel Budget Increase, Says `It's Not Tourism'
Sex Offenders' Homes to Be Marked With Pumpkin Symbol
Shades of 2000 Florida again too close to call
Share prices tumble amid fears that downturn is spreading east
Sleeping-bag company moves jobs to U.S.
Snap Polls Obama wins CBS-CNN independents big time Crooks and Liars
Social Security benefits expected to jump in 2009
Social Security benefits going up by 5.8 percent
Southwest's treacherous oil hedges
Sponsorships dry up amid credit crisis
Steven's wife takes witness stand
Stock Market Crash Alert!
Stocks sink again worldwide - USA Today
Strong start but no win for McCain, iReporters say
Surprise (Not) - The Global Bailout Failed
surprise McCain gains ground on Obama in Thursday's Gallup Poll
Tel Aviv stocks fall following US dive - Jerusalem Post
Thailand, Cambodia Agree to Joint Border Patrols After Clashes
The $600 Trillion Derivatives Emergency Meeting
The ADL Hates Our Freedoms
The Bald Facts
The Cabinet of Dr. Obama - Dissecting the health care proposals of Obama and McCain - Yuval Levin
The Eve Of Destruction
The Final Debate McCain's Last Stand
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism
THE UNDECIDEDS 2 choose Obama; 1 for GOP
Thousands of Christians flee Iraq city
Thousands take part in Birkat ha'Cohanim at the Kotel- AP
Tim Russert in the Afterworld
Toben's Arrest - New Assault Against Free Speech
Tried to storm cockpit 'I have bomb. If you don't take me in I will blow up'
Turkey's Army loses luster over PKK attack
Two 20-kg bombs seized in West Bank - J'lem Post
Two Companies Put Up Cellular Towers at McCain Ranch
UN Food Agency Worries About Contributions
Unemployment applications highest since after Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
update McCain protests YouTube's removal of his campaign videos
update Yahoo's Shares Surge As Microsoft CEO Tests Water
US Economy Manufacturing Slumps by Most in Decades (Update1)
US Govt No Longer Values Citizenship
US infant mortality ranks lower
US requires more than just hammers to deal with security threat - Gates
US Stocks Plunge Most Since Crash Of '87
US Forcing Banks To Resume Lending
Vacation happened as insurer asked for billions more in federal loans
VIDEO - Biden on Today
VIDEO - McCain I'm not President Bush
VIDEO - McCain Interview with Fox
VIDEO - McCain Promises A Better Four Years
VIDEO - Obama Ties McCain to Bush
VIDEO - RNC Questions Obama's Crisis Management
VIDEO - The Final Presidential Debate
VIDEO - McCain Attended ACORN Event
VIDEO - Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard
Voter Ire Threatens GOP Seats - Donald Lambro
Wall Of Liquidity Was Wall of Leverage
Wall St Carny Becomes A Tourist Attraction
Wall Street Swings Widely After Latest Data - AP
Wall Street swings wildly after latest data - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
Was traveling at 88 mph in a 42 mph zone
Weak Sales Weigh on Harley-Davidson
Welcome To Orwell's Version Of 'Free Markets'
What does Prop. 8 mean for kids
Who Is 'Essential' During Pandemic Flu Outbreak
Why Illegals Are Here & Why They Stay
Why obese people overeat A clue in the brain
Will Gloves Come Off When McCain Faces Letterman
witness FBI 'Mentally Waterboarded' Me
Woman, 96, hopes to raise money from sale to pay nursing home fees
Worries shift to recession, EU to offer aid - Reuters
YouTube - The Obama and Odinga Connection
YouTube Gives McCain Campaign A Rare Reality Check
YouTube snubs John McCain request to leave videos up for longer
Zionism, Militarism, & The Decline Of US Power
Zurich Bank's Vault Full To The Brim With Gold

AAA FEATURE ARTICLE - SEPT 11 , 2001 No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen - New York Times
SITE - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
SITE - Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
SITE - Internal Revenue Service
'Galaxy riddled with black holes'
AUDIO - How the globalists are planning your future without your knowledge
MARRS - OLD NEWS - Who knows what happened on 911
Obama Organizer Targets the Big House
OLD NEWS - This war on terrorism is bogus
OLD VIDEO - YouTube - Where Is The Money
SITE - Bank for International Settlements
SITE - IMF -- International Monetary Fund Home Page
SITE - Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
SITE - The World Bank
SITE - U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)
SITE - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
2nd lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship
AAA FEATURE - OLD NEWS - Bill Ayers 9-11 Piece We Didn’t Do Enough Sweetness & Light
Angela Merkel world is facing most challenging financial crisis since 1920s - Telegraph
BBC NEWS Market Data Stock Markets
Big Brother database the revolt grows
Cern CIO on the credit crunch and black holes
Chuck Baldwin -- A Wasted Vote
Clearing the Ayers - NYTimes.com
Colossal black holes common in early universe
Galaxy's spiral arms might reveal black hole mass
Helmet to Convey Messages by Thought
Hidden black holes may roam Milky Way - 09 October 2008 - New Scientist Space
Japanese PM Taro Aso dismisses bank bail-out as 'insufficient' Business
Lost In Space How Is A Black Hole Formed -- Courant.com
Markets feel the chill from China - Business News, Business - The Independent
MARRS - OLD NEWS - Secret DOJ Memo Says Fourth Amendment Has No Application After 911
MARRS - OLD NEWS - Three Members of Obama’s Church Killed
Michelle Obama organized event with Ayers, husband
My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics
MyFox Kansas City Northland Couple Warns of Political Credit Card Fraud
OLD NEWS - ’60s Radicals Become Issue in Campaign of 2008 - New York Times
OLD NEWS - Billions over Baghdad Politics & Power vanityfair.com
OLD NEWS - China's All-Seeing Eye Rolling Stone
OLD NEWS - The Way We Live Now 9-16-01 Questions for Bill Ayers; Forever Rad - New York Times
OLD VIDEO - YouTube - Cynthia McKinney takes on Donald Rumsfeld
Paul Craig Roberts - Darkness Falls On America
Paulson regrets mistakes on economy Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Philippe Sands 10 years of the Pinochet principle
Recession fear drives up grain prices
Seumas Milne Civilian dead are a trade-off in Nato's war of barbarity
SITE - Department of The Treasury
SITE - Appropriations Committee
SITE - OCC - Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks
SITE - United States - Department of The Treasury
SITE - United States Senate Committee on Appropriations
Star-hugging planet is hottest and fastest found
The Day The World Didn't End
The God Equation
Those Who Blow OLD NEWS - Whistle on Contractor Fraud in Iraq Face Penalties
What if America Opened Its Borders to Unlimited Immigration
Will Hutton The nightmare continues - on a high street near you