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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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17 August 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

"The great mass of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."

Adolf Hitler

2nd Amendment Tested | 45 Senators Will Oppose Ratification of UN’s Arms Trade Treaty

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Barack Obama’s Timothy McVeigh Moment in Iowa, on Video

Ron Paul | Who’s really destroy­ing the Repub­li­can Party?

Activist Post: 9 Essential Changes to Keep America From Becoming a Third World Country

Google's Big Bet on the Mobile Future - NYTimes.com

» Perry Should Have a Plan against Southern Bigotry - Big Government

» A ‘Marxist’ Agenda Against a Freedom Center - Big Government

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Rush Limbaugh: NBC News reporters in Obama's derriere?

The Truth about Billionaire Warren Buffett's Tax Hike Pleas

Obama's Midwest Jobs Tour Marked by Denial and Blame

Pajamas Media » Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Special Litigation Section

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Supreme Court One Vote Short of Tyranny

A Marxist Group, Not a ‘Liberal’ Group, Heckled Mitt Romney | FrontPage Magazine

Bill Clinton ridicules Rick Perry | Campaign 2012

Obama Tries to Spin Out of Responsibility | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

This is the Dead Land, this is Cactus Land: What QE3 Will Look Like

Chris Matthews Washington Post Media ‘Going to Spend Every Nickel They Have’ Investigating Rick Perry | Video | TheBlaze.com

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Yes They Did!: Barack Obama, Cesar Chavez and Their Common Communist Roots

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Marxist/Muslim Alliance: Daughter of Che Guevara, Meets Hizbullah Leaders

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » “Why is Russian TV Backing Ron Paul?”

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Russia Today Complains About Ron Paul Media Treatment

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » “Ron Paul: The GOP’s Henry Wallace”

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett: Brought Together by Fickle Fate, or Something More?

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » From 2009: Michele Bachmann Stands With the Tea Party

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Danger: Ron Paul’s Naive Views on Iran and Cuba

7-28-/Feds to justify withholding bin Laden photos by September 26 - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

666 things you didn’t know about London. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Biometrics: The New System of Identification | USAHM Conspiracy News

Concentration Camp Plans For U.S. Citizens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Nuclear Terrorist Attacks on 9-11-11 ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

911 Commission Clip from War by Deception - YouTube

+ 0% Interest Rates Lock in Inflation | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Ron Paul 81%, Rick Perry 19% - YouTube

- Congressman, Louis T. McFadden’s Fight Against The Federal Reserve Cost Him His Life : Federal Jack

Ron Paul Deserves More Respect | My Catbird Seat


* 1:40:00/The Assassination of RFK - YouTube


Sirhan is an innocent man, framed and used as a patsie


*1:41:00/The Clinton Chronicles - YouTube


+ The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Iran Contra CIA Drug Running Mena Arkansas Barry Seal 3 25 1994 CBS - YouTube


Mena Connection: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, Drug smuggling / 56:59





Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS - YouTube

MURDERED CPS FIGHTER Nancy Schaefer - YouTube

** CPS Warrior Nancy Schaefer Gunned Down Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!(w/Videos)

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Sen. Nancy Schaefer was Murdered Over Secret Pedophile Expose

Video: Nancy Schaefer’s Case Against Child Protective Services. | Video Rebel's Blog

Rick Perry—Another Texas Governor (and GOP POTUS candidate) for Amnesty | Original Dissent

Rick Perry's NAFTA Superhighway Problem - Rachel Alexander - Townhall Conservative

TX Gov. Rick Perry Attends Bilderberg in Istanbul, 2007 - YouTube

9/11 Cheney Connection - YouTube


+ 40 min/Technocracy - Patrick Wood - YouTube



Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?

Bombs in WTC clip from War by Deception - YouTube

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs : 9/11: A Hot Case in an Igloo

9/11 Explosions Inside WTC before collapse Must See Original Footage!! - YouTube

9/11 Inside Job - The Most Damning Evidence Yet! - YouTube


War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel) {Full Film} - YouTube


The Existentialist Cowboy: Evidence that 911 was an Inside Job

All In One Chunk - 9/11 Basic Questions-WRH 9/11 Index-Questions for Michael Moore

9/11 Index of What Really Happened | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Ron Paul Speaks Out: Media Blackout, Economic Freedom, Intellectual Revolution - YouTube

Ron Paul: Corporations Are NOT People - YouTube

CNN's Candy Crowley 'Horribly Misinformed' About Ron Paul's Polling Results Vs. Obama - Home - The Daily Bail

Ben Bernanke is not crying: End the Fed - Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube

Obama: Vice President Biden Calls The Tea Party Members Terrorists Aug 15th, 2011 - YouTube

Is the rise of social media related to social disparity? - YouTube

Did Ron Paul's presidential bid just get a big boost from Jon Stewart? - CSMonitor.com

Is China Declaring War On The United States?

Confidential Latest Low Down From Inside Libya - YouTube

More Trouble For Murdoch - NOTW Phone Hacking *NEW* - YouTube

Dedroidify: Edward Louis Bernays Quotes: Propaganda

Sherrie Questioning All: Venezuela may move billions of dollars of Gold and Cash out of U.S.

Lone Star Watchdog: Rick Perry is Another Charismatic Nighmare Like Clinton and Obama

World Trade Center 1: There Was No Inferno

FLASHBACK: In 2000, Perry Said It’s ‘Almost Treasonous’ Not To Support George W. Bush | ThinkProgress

CNN Issues An Apology For Mentioning Ron Paul In Media Coverage


*3:08:00/War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Iraq lies from the same cabal) - YouTube


Manufacturing Opposition: How America Supports Our So-Called Enemies – Part One :

The Silent Global Warfare: HAARP. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Mount Weather: Secret Underground Complex | USAHM Conspiracy News

ELF, GWEN Towers, and HAARP Connection. | USAHM Conspiracy News

What’s Happening in Antarctica? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Magnetic Pole Shift… | USAHM Conspiracy News


The Fake Victims of 9/11 | USAHM Conspiracy News

SPIN: Everything On TV Is Staged! | USAHM Conspiracy News

Subliminal Messages Are Altering Your Subconscious | USAHM Conspiracy News

Does The Universe Hear You? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Six Brainwashing Techniques They’re Using Right Now! | USAHM Conspiracy News

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Marijuana Conspiracy | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Burzynski Cancer Cure | USAHM Conspiracy News

Hot New TV Ad for Ron Paul "The One"

Ron Paul and Liberty by Walter Block

Lew Rockwell: Death of the Dollar - YouTube

The Daily Bell - Ron Paul: Mainstream America Is Coming My Way

Stewart on Paul, Paul Not Fringe, Perry Backpedals on Mandate - YouTube

Washington's Blog:Corporate Media Admit They Censor Candidates Who Challenge the Status Quo

Democide Is Painless, by L. Neil Smith

Rick Perry's Ruthless Drive to Win - Yahoo! News

Citizens of the American Constit

Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs And Ds

Are you ready for Big Brother 2.0? - BlackListedNews.com


** Articles of Freedom: Video




What Freedoms Have We Lost ? | USAHM Conspiracy News


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Documentaries:Site Page

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Police search for former Marine accused of sexually assaulting child | The Raw Story

Christopher Hitchens Defends His Atheism (Video) | Disinformation

Wall Street targeted for Britain-style riots

» Obama’s Lone Wolf Will Be a Sovereign Citizen Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Perry Apes Ron Paul in Attack on Fed Cartel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Reports: CIA Working with Mexican Drug Cartels

Series Of Mysterious Cat Disappearances In Lake - Flash Player Installation

Every Hour Of TV Can Shorten Your Life By 22 Minutes | Disinformation

Should There Be A Tax On Wealth? | Disinformation

After Earth: Where Will Humanity Go? | Disinformation

Activist Post: Lessons of two wars: We will lose in Iraq and Afghanistan

Yoga, Bodywork, Healing & The Brain | Truth Is Scary

The Insider - Former chief UN weapons inspector: US regime was 'high for war' in Iraq and 'thought they could get away with it'

Did Humans and Dinosaurs Coexist? Yes!, page 1

I am tired of people posting "Aliens do not exist" threads. We HAVE contact. , page 1

Actual size of the universe., page 1

President Obama to address jobs in early September speech - CNN.com

Suspect in Case of Maryland Woman Missing in Aruba Reportedly Took Out $1.5M Insurance Policy - FoxNews.com

The Utah Compact: Five Principles To Promote Civil Immigration Policy Debate | Immigration | AlterNet

Why is the U.S. Waging War on Women Raped in War? « SpeakEasy

10 Natural Remedies for Athlete's Foot | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Mainstream media ignores Ron Paul - YouTube

Washington's Blog: Governments From Around the World ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror

Man Pretends To Be Hank Paulson To Make Fake $353,000 Mortgage Payment To Citi, Succeeds | ZeroHedge

Which Republican will end up running against Obama in 2012? - Your Community

Revolutionary Politics : Pentagon Eyeing End of Military Pension Program

Ron Paul 2012: From Underdog to Serious Challenger - YouTube

Third plane WTC 911 - never seen - YouTube

US gives millions to the Taliban — RT

21 Reasons Rick Perry's Texas Is a Complete Disaster | News & Politics | AlterNet

Moody’s Lowers U.S. Growth Outlook, China Growth Slows, German GDP Stalls, Mortgage Mess Meets Too Big To Fail, Changes In Military Retirement, Foreclosures Resume In NJ - Home - The Daily Bail

ATF promotes supervisors in controversial gun operation - 12160

Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him - Alex Jones Tv 1/2 - YouTube

Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him - Alex Jones Tv 2/2 - YouTube

Bus Tour Bust: Obama’s Approval Drops Back Into 30s, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

Prison Planet.com » Trump: Obama ‘Takes More Vacations Than Any Human Being I’ve Ever Seen’

European debt summit: Germany is using financial crisis to conquer Europe | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » Taxed Into Oblivion

Prison Planet.com » “The Global Plutocracy Is Terrified of Dissent

Prison Planet.com » Someone Is Setting Fire To Berlin’s Luxury Cars

Prison Planet.com » Quantitative Easing: “Didn’t Work”, “Is Good For The Rich, Bad For The Poor’

Prison Planet.com » Hacking The Human Brain

Prison Planet.com » 11 Reasons Why Ron Paul Would Defeat Barack Obama In A One-On-One Debate

Prison Planet.com » Flash Mob Epidemic

France & Germany: Save euro with one EU government | The Sun |News

Fact following fiction? Scientists plan mission to blow up an asteroid 'hurtling towards Earth' | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Explodes In Popularity Despite Smears

Prison Planet.com » Putting The Cart On Top Of The Horse, Or Why Heaping Fiscal “Stimulus” Upon “Stimulus” Is Suicide For America

Prison Planet.com » The Loss of Momentum in the Markets All Too Apparent Now

Obama Agriculture Secretary: Food Stamps Create Jobs | CNSnews.com

Obama Ag Secretary: More People On Food Stamps Means More Jobs - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » Hightower: Rick Perry is Bachmann with Better Hair

UPDATE 3-White House denounces Perry as Republicans target Fed | Reuters

Prison Planet.com » US streets full of formerly middle class

Prison Planet.com » Deepak Chopra “The Wonder of You”

Prison Planet.com » Diane Sawyer : Wind, Rain And Snow Caused By Global Warming

Prison Planet.com » Things the government approves that are more dangerous than raw milk

Aug 16 - Chupacabra Captured?

Daylight Robbery, Meet Nighttime Robbery | The Nation

Why did Japan surrender? - The Boston Globe


AA+ Downgrade Is By Government Owned Corporations « REALITY BLOG

Who’s Responsible For Federal Crime? « REALITY BLOG

Why the Afghanistan war won't end soon - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

$360M lost to insurgents, criminals in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

Shortage in Texas Power Grid

Leiby Kletzky Murder Spurs Stricter Child Laws In Orthodox Jewish Community

Ron Paul Ad Compares GOP Field to Obama - The Note

Tea Party confronts Obama as he attempts fightback aboard $1.1m 'Greyhound One' | Mail Online

Rick Perry Wants to Get Ugly With Ben Bernanke - Yahoo! News

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama’s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China At A Blistering Pace

USA TODAY:U.S. cities prepare to adapt to climate change

Cops That Murdered Kelly Thomas Were Allowed To Review Video Before Writing Report! - YouTube

What does the Koran say about women?

UKC News - FRI NIGHT VID: Catherine Destivelle Climbing Solo in Mali

Gov. Rick Perry - China Loves Him.mp4 - YouTube

Repressing the Internet, Western-Style - WSJ.com

GM corn being developed for fuel instead of food | Environment | The Guardian

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status | CNSnews.com

Mormons building ‘little Jerusalem’ in rural Utah | The Salt Lake Tribune

Shell locates secondary oil leak - Home News, UK - The Independent

DHS's new terrorist database rankles privacy groups | Homeland Security News Wire

Whores to the Right of Me, Whores to the Left of Me. Smoking Mirrors

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Truth Justice & Peace by Agron Belica

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Is Change possible in Israel?

Education and Behavior In Israel and Palestine | Opinion Maker

Video: US-China aircraft carrier 'face off' - Americas, World - The Independent

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Who will save the black man?

UK and London riots: David Cameron vows to 'turn around' 120,000 troubled families by 2015 - Telegraph

David Cameron UK riots speech: PM attacks human rights laws and backs national service | Mail Online

Economic End Times

Global food prices near 3-year highs: World Bank | Reuters

Google buys Motorola Mobility in $12.5bn deal - Telegraph

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Very Important Video: The Real Source of the British Riots

Starkey racism row: It is the political elite's ceaseless denigration of white working-class culture that has 'turned kids black' – Telegraph Blogs

Symbolic Pics of the Week (08/13/11) | The Vigilant Citizen

America's Nuclear Nightmare - YouTube

Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Disease - YouTube

SMART METERS: No Federal Mandate « The PPJ Gazette

IndustryWeek : Powering Up: The Smart Grid's Next Steps

Stuffed Suits - Tea Party Fraud Rick Perry is Political Herpes

The Story of Johnny Todd - John S. Torell

The 7th Billion Human On Earth - Part 1

The Bush-Saudi Connection

Keys to 9/11

The World Plutocracy Part I: Oil Rulers

Big Oil Rulers Part Two

Fake Revolution

'Govts rob citizens, money printing race disastrous' - YouTube

Ron Paul "What I Find Fascinating... Perry's First Day Out They're Asking About Federal Reserve!" - YouTube

Ron Paul "Our Foreign Policy Has Led To The Death Of A Million Iraqis!" - YouTube

Ron Paul interviewed on local ABC affiliate 8/16/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul "ALL The Other Republicans Represent The Status Quo!" - YouTube

Representation, Secession and Taxation

Rick Perry’s Campaign Strategy: Become Ron Paul

"The Message of Liberty" - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 - YouTube

"The Message of Liberty" - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 - YouTube

"The Message of Liberty" - Alex Jones Tv 3/3 - YouTube

» Ron Paul Responds To Perry Fed Smackdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Sis’ Latest Terrorists: More White Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Author Details Pentagon’s Fake al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hacking The Human Brain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cafferty Says Ron Paul the “Only Grown-up in the GOP” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama warns Tea Party holding back recovery - Yahoo! News

Perry Regrets HPV Vaccine Mandate

Rebels say Tripoli encircled; Gaddafi defiant | Reuters

Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

» Tell Rick Perry that there was NO ‘Texas Miracle’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Reports: CIA Working with Mexican Drug Cartels

Supercommittee runs risk of turf war - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com

Police officer Robert Lasso shot dead after pointing his stun gun at man's dogs | Mail Online

Oakland Officer Shoots Public Urination Suspect After Scuffle « CBS San Francisco

» Doc: One More Girl – HPV Vaccines Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Eugenics victim, son fighting together for justice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

» Complete Course in Food and Population Control as a Weapon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Google's Motorola Deal Will Spur Antitrust Regulators to Action - Arik Hesseldahl - Mobile - AllThingsD

» New footage of Tower 7 blasted into rubble Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout


» 9/11, Ten Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China’s New Lucrative Business: Dead Babies Turn into Stamina Booster Pills - International Business Times

cryptogon.com » A Clock That Can Run for 10,000 Years Is Being Built Inside a Mountain Owned by Jeff Bezos

cryptogon.com » MABEL: University of Michigan Demonstrates Running Bipedal Robot—Sort Of

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Cyber recruits key part of NSA hiring blitz

Who Will Save Libya From Its Western Saviours


* Libya War Not A War? + Video+


Why the Afghanistan War Won't End Soon

Iran, Damned Lies and US Congressman Allen West


True Cost of Afghan, Iraq Wars is Anyone's Guess


** Cost of War to the United States (http://costofwar.com)


Is Capitalism Doomed?

USA: The Top 1%

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich

Tax the Super-rich or Riots Will Rage in 2012

Real Domestic Terror | American Free Press

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

The Size Of The U.S. Public Debt: Are The Rating Agencies Fools or Knaves?

The British Riots: The State unleashes the Dogs of Media

The Pentagon's "Salvador Option": The Deployment of Death Squads in Iraq and Syria

Top Secret CIA 'Official History' of the Bay of Pigs: Revelations

Marx Was Right. Capitalism May Be Destroying Itself

Analyzing Capitalism: The Left’s Crisis

Report: $3.7 Trillion For U.S. Wars, $12,000 Per Person

Fundamentalist Christians ‘spanked’ daughter to death | Raw Replay

Hightower: There’s a ‘very ugly side’ to Rick Perry | Raw Replay

Panetta, Clinton Unite to Condemn Potential Spending Cuts -- News from Antiwar.com

Clinton Touts Libya War as ‘Smart Power’ -- News from Antiwar.com

Gadhafi support soars amid NATO bombing - Opinion - TheChronicleHerald.ca

www.tmsfeatures.com >> William Pfaff

Ed cetera | I Cheer Ron Paul | Seattle Times Newspaper

Is Afghanistan worth one more U.S. soldier? - USATODAY.com

Probe to examine two years worth of DARPA contracts | The Raw Story

How the war is spun: Mass killings mean ‘progress,’ military says - Stripes Central - Stripes

CIA in 1960 thought Cuba invasion plan was "unachievable" [Corrected] | FP Passport

Analysis: Mexico's splintering drug gangs pose new security risk - Yahoo! News

Scientists create first-ever animal with artificial information in its genetic code | Mail Online

"Bulletproof Human Skin" Made From Spider Silk And Goat Milk Developed By Researchers | Before It's News

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

Tarek Fatah names three members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House « Pesky Emotional Republican

Flash Mob Epidemic

Detailed Renderings of Apple’s Newest Headquarters Revealed

Air Force sergeant AWOL over 'forged' Obama document

Spectacular Hercules statue found in Jezreel Valley - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

16 Statistics Which Prove That The American People Are Absolutely Seething With Anger

Analysis: Al-Qaida’s ‘Doomsday’ revenge? - JPost - Middle East

Stone Age toe could redraw human family tree - life - 10 August 2011 - New Scientist

THE DAYS OF NOAH and the "Sons of God"

Study Proves That a Much-Sought Exotic Quantum State of Matter Can Exist - News - Institute of Nanotechnology

*Audio:Lew Rockwell talks to RT;Nixon, Gold, and Ron Paul

Social Degeneration by Thomas Sowell

Nine Ways To Light Your Creativity ON FIRE Altucher Confidential

Congress and Obama: We Need More Innocent People in Prison by William L. Anderson

Sustainable Living, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Urban Farms by Anthony Gregory

The Death Penalty Is a Miscarriage of Justice: It Should Be Abolished by John W. Whitehead

The Beginning of Faith-Based Money by Bill Bonner

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver in 6 Different Situations | The Art of Manliness

Does Eating Red Meat Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk? | Mark's Daily Apple

+ Activist Post: Are You Prepared? Take the Preparedness Test

Activist Post: True News: The Real Source of the British Riots (Video)

Activist Post: Obama frets over 'lone wolf' attack as Sept 11 looms

Activist Post: Perry under fire over Bernanke remarks

Activist Post: US moral authority undercut by war on terror

Activist Post: Money, Banksters and August 2011 – The Coming Silver Revolution

Police Say They Can Detain Photographers If Their Photographs Have 'No Apparent Esthetic Value' | Techdirt

92% of Foreclosures in New York Lack Proper Documents -- Banks Booting People Without Proof? | | AlterNet

It’s Not Easy Being Filthy Rich — Emerging Ideas — Utne Reader

Many GMOs are virtually unregulated due to technicalities in current federal law

Activist Post: Serbia’s Nikola Aleksic to President Tadic: Stop GMO, Stop Chemtrails, Or I Will Call the People of Serbia to the Streets (Video)

Activist Post: Cancer Still a Mystery to Establishment Medical Science

Activist Post: Obama Is Asked To Defend His Administration’s Opposition To Medical Cannabis — He Can’t

Nano Gold Rush: Researchers use tiny gold particles to boost organic solar cell efficiency - CNSI

Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone - YouTube

Smart Meter Slavery

Medved Claims Ron Paul Outside “Mainstream” America | Old-Thinker News

Proposals outlined for collective Eurozone government - Newstalk.ie

5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Is Democracy as We Know It on Its Way Out? | News & Politics | AlterNet

Are Michele Bachmann's Views About 'Christian Submission' Even More Extreme Than She's Letting On? | | AlterNet

8 Trillion on Our Military Addiction? Why the Price Tag of the National Security Complex Should Scare the Hell Out of You | World | AlterNet

Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to the Planet | Food | AlterNet

4 Dirty Secrets Hiding In Your Tuna Can | Food | AlterNet

Is Marijuana Addictive? | Drugs | AlterNet

Why Is Sean Hannity So Mad You're Having Sex? 5 Ways Conservatives Attack Sexual Freedom | Sex & Relationships | AlterNet

How Meditation Makes You More Rational | Personal Health | AlterNet

Report: Obama Talking About Jobs While Riding Made-in-Canada Bus

Non-Union Employer Shot, Suspect Etched 'Scab' On Vehicle

Romneycare Costs Rising Faster Than Inflation in Mass.

Terry Jeffrey: Will Boehner's House Fund a Group That Kills 910 Babies Per Day?

Brent Bozell: Fear and Loathing of Bachmann

Ken Blackwell: What? Another Department of Jobs?

Michelle Malkin: Rick Perry's Bad Medicine

Gingrich: U.S. Entering Period Of Weakness Relative To Pearl Harbor

Gingrich: Every State Should Have Job Training Programs for Unemployed

AP Source: Obama to Give Major Jobs Speech

Obama Takes Bus Tour to Western Illinois

Bachmann Mixes Up Elvis Presley's Birth and Death Dates

White House Fires Back at Perry Comments

Casey Anthony's Parents to Appear on Dr. Phil Show

New Noah's Ark in Kentucky Aims to Prove Truth of Bible Story

Survey: Cellphones a Lifeline, Boredom Staller

China Lectures U.S. on Economic Recovery

Survey: Child Poverty Increased in 38 States From 2000 to 2009

Feds Back Off Idea of Making Farmers Get Commercial Drivers Licenses

Tobacco Industry: New Gov't-Mandated Warning Labels Violate Free Speech Rights

Report: Guns Loosed by ATF Found at Multiple Violent Crime Scenes in U.S.

The Quiet Revolution: Latin America is Moving Away from Washington’s Influence - Truth is Treason

Senate Committee Keeps Domestic Surveillance Portion of PATRIOT ACT Secret, Denies Access to Concerned Fellow Senators - Truth is Treason

Agenda 21 and DOT Encroach on Family Farms, Want to Require CDL to Operate Family Farm Equipment - Truth is Treason

- How to: 8 Steps to Build Your Bartering Network - Truth is Treason

The Alchemy Of Entrepreneurship, by Sal Parkes - Truth is Treason

10 Signs That Economic Riots and Civil Unrest Inside the United States is a Possibility - Truth is Treason

FBI Targets Self-Reliant Preppers and Emergency Preparedness in Domestic Terrorism Bulletin - Truth is Treason

CNN - Fake Alien Invasion Can Improve The Economy + Admits It Would Be Fake(Project Bluebeam) - YouTube

Can ‘Space Aliens’ Save Us? by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Liberal Solutions for the Economy Are Statist Nonsense - informationliberation

When Do We Arrest the Tea Party? - informationliberation

Video:Picking the Bones of US Public Economy

Videos:Testimonies on Palestinians offenses

Libya's Rebels Vie for Control of Strategic City

UN: Children at Ethiopia Camp Dying at 'Alarming' Rate

US Vice President on Confidence-Building Trip to China

Iran Foreign Minister Agrees on Need to Restart Nuclear Talks

Gorbachev: Russia is 'Going Backwards'

NJ Poll: Obama Doesn't Deserve Re-election

Tea Party's Rhodes: Obama is Not a King

Perry: I’m Not Alone in Fed Worries

Bachmann to Buffett: 'Write a Big Check Today'

Lieberman: I Might Not Back Obama in 2012

+ 11 New Crimes Tied to 'Fast and Furious' Guns

Documents Cast New Doubt on James Murdoch's Denial

Ryan Discussed Presidential Run with Boehner

Will Perry-Bush Feud Affect Perry's Run?

Romney Avoids Direct Conflicts With Perry

Some Home Prices Fall Below Pre-Bubble Levels

Moderate Drinking Protects Against Alzheimer's

New Weapon Against Deadly Hospital Superbug

Jackie O tapes to reveal her and JFK's affairs and who she believed was behind his death | Mail Online

China Urges US to Boost Dollar, Forget More Easing

Globalist United Kingdom Banks Fund The Deadly Cluster-Bomb Industry :

UK banks fund deadly cluster-bomb industry - Home News, UK - The Independent

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

US, South Korea Naval Drills Draw Threats From North

NATO Condemns Libya's Use of Scud Missile

Panetta: Congress & Whole Federal Budget for Cuts

Guest Post: The Fed Cannot Stave Off The Inevitable Market Revaluation | ZeroHedge

Obama Bus Tour Is Bad Public Relations

Warren Buffett, the Rascal: Tax the Other Rich, Not Me

Obama Failing the Middle Class

Obama on the Offensive Against His Own Failed Policies

Tea Party Has It Right: Don't Spend More Than You Have

Following Outcry, City Will Hire Attorney to Investigate Death of Homeless Man | CNSnews.com

American Materialism: The Elephant in the Middle of the Room | Reality Sandwich

How to: Construct Secret Hiding Places - Truth is Treason

General: Iran-Backed Militants Biggest Iraq Threat | CNSnews.com

Seven People Pulled from Iraqi Mosque Are Killed Execution-Style | CNSnews.com

Romneycare costs rising faster than inflation

Perry's Texas: Transportation needs trail behind

Is Perry built for the general election?

Senator Blasts ATF’s Reported Promotion of Supervisors in Ill-Fated Gun Operation

Chinese mother smuggled to South Florida seeks asylum based on ‘one-child’ limit

Church fights Washington State decision to prohibit baptism in public park

Obama dares Republicans to block his coming jobs package

U.S. supercomputer lab’s Chinese-made parts raise spy concerns

County Commission: new state gun law could create 'Wild West' Palm Beach

ACLU backs sex offenders living near daycare

Patients are scrambling for cancer drugs

Vilsack: More People Using Food Stamps Because Government 'Getting the Word Out' Better

Warm hopes, cold fear in Alaska as offshore drilling is considered

With ‘listening tour,’ Elizabeth Warren tests waters for a Senate run

Clinton defends U.S. response to crackdown in Syria

Critics tell Warren Buffett to pay more taxes if he wants to

Los Angeles to hand over animal shelter to nonprofit group

Outrage After U.K. Man Jailed for Giving Partner Genital Herpes

Governor Scott: Legislature needs to tackle insurance fraud

Las Vegas plans to top London Eye with massive Ferris wheel

Climate change leads Inuits to team up with CSU to predict weather and ice

Critics slam low-cost CT scans for smokers as marketing ploy

Critics call on Obama to cancel his Martha’s Vineyard vacation

Arizona Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood on Abortion Requirements | CNSnews.com

Bloody Ramadan: More Than 100 Killed in Iraq So Far | CNSnews.com

Man shot dead after Pa. Facebook hit allegations

Youths attack police in Sweden overnight

Plan B for Obama family vacation - St. Petersburg Times

UPDATE 3-White House denounces Perry as Republicans target Fed | Reuters

Perry’s Swaggering Tone May Not Play Well Outside of Texas - Bloomberg

Bachmann also takes aim at Fed | Reuters

Race separating brother and sister in Polk schools? | News | Bartow News

Libyan rebels claim they will topple Gaddafi by the end of August - Telegraph

Mikhail Gorbachev: I should have abandoned the Communist party earlier | World news | The Guardian

Seattle's 'green jobs' program a bust | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

So Many Flies At Burger King, Inspectors Wouldn - Flash Player Installation

Computer lab's Chinese-made parts raise spy concerns - Washington Times

Close-up of Vesta poses puzzle : Nature News

Spaceweather.com Time Machine

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Pyramids and "Ancient Astronauts"

Earthfiles.com Environment | What A Biophysicist Says About Crop Formations

The Ron Paul Tipping Point - YouTube

Flash Mobs Worsen, Philadelphia Cracks Down

* What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 16th, 2011

* Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 16th, 2011

Ron Paul on Texas Straight Talk: U.S. Government Debt Is Becoming Worthless | Dprogram.net


* Smart Grid :(www.nist.gov/smartgrid/)


**Black Sabbath To Reunite**


Disapproval of Congress Hits All Time High of 84% | Dprogram.net

» Rick Perry on Al Gore, the NAFTA Superhighway, and Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rick Perry backed an already-climate-crusading Al Gore in '88 - Bob King - POLITICO.com

The Excavator: Visual Rituals: Television As The Greatest Myth-Making Force in Human History

Lew Rockwell: Death of the Dollar - YouTube

Mike Huckabee Bashes Ron Paul And Avoids Iran Question - YouTube

8/16/11 Full show -- Barack's Bailout Bus Hits the Road to Serfdom, The Housing Crisis in 4 Graphs - YouTube


Wells Fargo's $3 Debit Card Charge: A Sign of More Bank Fees to Come? - DailyFinance

Should Coca-Cola Raise Its Prices? - DailyFinance

Why Wal-Mart May Never Be Great Again - DailyFinance

US says would consider staying in Iraq beyond 2011

Graphic 9/11 Coloring Book Teaching Kids 'Truth' About Terrorism Full Of Lies And Propaganda


*Article Links:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 16, 2011


Working Families to Express Buyer's Remorse Over Right-Wing Members of Congress

Five Jobs Bills Obama Can Send Congress Right Now

Forget Rick Perry - Mitt Romney is Perfect for the GOP

Perry's Texas Two-Step: Luck and Half-Truths

Republicans: The Truth is Stranger Than Dystopian Science Fiction

How Rick Perry and President Obama Handle Hecklers

Rep. Clyburn: The President is Going to Have to Lay the Jobs Problem at the Doorsteps of the Republican Leadership

The Plot to Kill the Post Office...And Its Union Contracts

WaPo: Obama Considers Keeping Government's Role In Housing Market

Rick Perry Threatens Ben Bernanke, Calls Him Treasonous and Bushies Object

Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday...on the Anniversary of His Death

CBS Story Pushes Unpaid Internships Without Noting How They're Illegally Used As Free Labor Pool

Starbucks CEO Calls For Campaign Contribution Boycott Until 'Washington Gets Back To Work'

New President of Current TV Says Network Will 'Provide a Fair Amount of Time for Liberal Viewpoints'

Ways You Can Show Solidarity With Striking Verizon Workers

Bill Clinton Makes Fun of Rick Perry's Anti-Washington Sentiment

London Rioters Will Be Forced To Clean Up Their Mess - Think We Could Get Bankers To Do That Here?

David Gregory Compares Perry's Talk of Secession to Obama's Health Care Law

Proof Butch Cassidy DIDN'T die in 1908 shootout with the Bolivian army? | Mail Online

Charlie Sheen | Gathering of the Juggalos

Is 94-Year-Old Zsa Zsa Gabor Going To Be A Mother? - Forbes

'There's never been anybody like him': Elvis mourned - Entertainment - Celebrities - TODAY.com

Who's got more money than U.S. Treasury?

GOOD Helmets | GOOD Helmets | News.com.au

Tom Hanks 'Reimburses Moviegoers' | Stuff.co.nz

Hitler hormone plot: Bizarre plan by British spies to make the Fuhrer a fraulein | Mail Online

Warren Buffett: Just shut up

Did Jesus endorse capitalism, weapons?

Yes, Rick Perry is the 5th column candidate

Ominous parallels

Let's go, girls!

Par for the course

Obama bans war criminals, but not our own

The GOP race heats up

Mitt's dilemma

Newest Conspiracy Theory: Christian Manchurian Candidates « Commentary Magazine

Why is Russian TV Backing Ron Paul?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Total leadership failure

How the Political Right Bullied the Department of Homeland Security Into Ignoring the Threat of Right-Wing Extremism | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

State Department Funds Anti-American Propaganda « Commentary Magazine

Wall Street targeted for Britain-style riots

Obama's radical pal: U.K. riots coming to America

Terror 'co-conspirator' vets military chaplains

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

'Fast and Furious' a prelude to gun registration?

Air Force sergeant AWOL over 'forged' Obama document

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

Christians provide rope to hang culture

Savage and the fall of the U.K.


+ Cryptome

+ WikiLeaks


Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Live longer with just 15 minutes’ exercise

Coffee in sunscreen 'may ward off skin cancer and wrinkles' | Mail Online

Young people 'bored' with social media - Telegraph

Facebook: Young people spend so much time online 'they're lonely as the elderly' | Mail Online

IBM: 'PCs going the way of the typewriter' - Telegraph

London riots 2011: Hackney shopkeeper Shiva Kandiah 'only has 25p but will re-open' | Mail Online

Can't give up tanning beds? Users show same brain changes as drug addicts | Mail Online

Coloured contact lenses increase risk of eye infection and can lead to blindness | Mail Online

Nudie run of justice | News | NT News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Huge rise in intensely sexualised pictures of women... but not men | Mail Online

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Republican reshuffling;Larry Sabato dissects Bachmann straw poll win, Perry entrance, viability of Paul

Tax-cheat Timmy to be swapped out?

UPDATE 3-White House denounces Perry as Republicans target Fed | Reuters

Rush Limbaugh: Where are Obama's former girlfriends?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Herald Citizen - GOP headquarters mural vandalized

Promotions of 'Fast and Furious' officials draw Texan's wrath - Washington Times

Rosenberg police recover more than $400K in cash during traffic stop | abc13.com

Larry Klayman wins round against Obama health reform effort - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Whistleblowers team up for conference on sex

House attorneys: Marriage law constitutional - Washington Times

Abercrombie offering to pay "The Situation" to not wear its clothes - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Taliban, criminals get $360 million from US taxes - politics - msnbc.com

Teen dies in shooting but doctors deliver son: 'The baby is fighting for his life' - chicagotribune.com

Rick Sanchez: TV star looking forward to calling FIU football games - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Obama souvenir sales in tailspin - Washington Times

Obama Bus Tour | Donald Trump | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

BBC News - Obama's battle bus no symbol of hope

Ten things about Rick Perry that may worry some conservatives | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog

Good-looking candidates like Michele Bachmann get more votes, study shows | Mail Online

Former Obama WH Economist: Unemployment Won’t Drop Below 8% Before End of 2012 | CNSnews.com

+ Mayor to rioters: 'Stop acting like idiots and fools!'


U.S. prisons incubation cells for jihadists? « Klein Online

UK-style riots coming to America? « Klein Online

Erasing facts, history at Temple Mount « Klein Online


* Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


125 Year Old Pot Smoker Claims Weed Was Her Secret To Longevity | Before It's News

David Icke - Who`s Controlling Who?? Why The Control System is Insecure!! - YouTube

The U.S. Postal Service: A Government Failure | Before It's News

George Green Talks Cloning Presidents - YouTube

Obama Is Asked To Defend His Administration’s Opposition To Medical Cannabis — He Can’t | Before It's News

Cancer Still a Mystery to Establishment Medical Science | Before It's News

* Super Congress Member Becerra a Member of Socialist Caucus (Along With 69 Other Democrats in Congress) | Before It's News

**The Hidden History of Man, the RH Blood Factor - Parts 1 and 2 | Before It's News

How to Fix a Sucky Economy in Ten Minutes | Benzinga.com

Obama Caught Lying On His 2006 U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report | Before It's News

Incredible UFO Sighting: 2 Military Jets Convoy A UFO!! | Before It's News

Far Left Liberals Repeating Their Palin Mistakes With Rick Perry | Before It's News

As Obama’s Popularity Fades, He Finally Uses Some Rhetoric to Defend Himself. | Before It's News

Chinese firms are today invested in at least 35 of 50 states | Before It's News

Is Chemtrail Barium Contained in Secret STADIS-450 Fuel Additive? | Before It's News

President Obama Announces New Jobs Initiatives for Rural America | Before It's News

Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett: Brought Together by Fickle Fate, or Something More? | Before It's News

Enormous Sinkhole Opens Up Beneath House In China | Before It's News

How To Plug A Tire And Check For Leaks | Before It's News

Debbie Schlussel:“Warrior”: A Movie You’ll Love – The New “Rocky”

Debbie Schlussel:Getting Groped by Agent “Ashley”: TSA Begins Tranny Sensitivity Training

Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ CAIR Netwk In Love With Rick Perry (& It’s Mutual)

U.N. ‘Anti-Racism’ Conference Bringing Unseemly Characters to New York

Iran-Aided Syrian Crack-Down Extends to Palestinians

The Chinese Chief of Staff Visits Israel: Renewing Military Relations?

Tea Party Bust

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Total leadership failure

The Bus, The Beast and the Dark Lord of Mordor

UN’s Agenda 21 forcing society back to the Ghetto

You don’t need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows

Earth to Allen West: We're Broke!

Are Blacks Oblivious to Their Obvious Problem?

The Conconcon; Wrong Name, Right Time

Growing Our Way to Prosperity?

Media Stifling Racial Violence Coverage

The Bad Faith of Michele Bachmann's Gay Rights Inquisitors

Green Ideology Trumps Flood Control

Israel, Liberalism, and Moral Cowardice

Turns Out Head Start's as Bad as It Always Was

Bloomberg/Soros Millions for Futile Social Engineering

Canine Cruelty By Our 'Afghan Allies'

Obama may seek more stimulus

Obama vs. Perry in a nutshell

More guns in bars, less crime

Congressional Cowardice Sustains Ethanol Subsidies

Stimulative Dependence

Deep Fried Messiah

Salazar loses lawsuit, American energy wins

Obama administration kills F-16 deal with Taiwan

Obama's Iowa speech lie

Stop Coddling Warren Buffett

Bearing No Faith or Allegiance to the Constitution

Democrats Gaming 'Bipartisan' Redictricting Efforts

What the Ideal Conservative Candidate Needs (and Who Doesn't Have It)

The Poisoned Fruit of Social Democracy

From Rock Star to Rock Bottom

Burying Obama

Why the Left Elites Are Criticizing Obama

Obama is a Calculating, Not Stupid Individual

Will Obama Run for Re-election?

Strange Friends of the New EPA Trucking Regulations

Presidential campaign: Obama draws fire for 'Darth Vader' tour bus | Mail Online

CROMBEZ: Declining fortunes of the left - Washington Times

Pentagon: Army Improperly Tested Body Armor Plates - FoxNews.com

Can Rick Perry maintain his good ties with Muslims as a GOP candidate? - CSMonitor.com

Free meals for all Detroit schoolchildren in fall | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Rep. Wilson Claims He Was Right on Illegal Immigrant Coverage When He Shouted 'You Lie' - FoxNews.com

Has the Obama Administration Been Infiltrated By Muslim Brotherhood? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Maxine Waters Criticizes Obama and Calls Out Town Hall Crowd | Video | TheBlaze.com

Engineers Create Fastest Bipedal Robot | Video | TheBlaze.com

Chris Matthews Ties Rick Perry to Civil Rights Era Racist Bull Connor | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Bus Tour as Campaign Event | Video | TheBlaze.com

Would You Buy Your Toddler French Jours Apres Lunes ‘Loungerie’? | TheBlaze.com

Louis Farrakhan | Fort Hood Shooter Is a Good Muslim Driven Crazy by ‘Terrorist’ American Soldiers | Video | TheBlaze.com

Man Pretends To Be Former Treasury Secretary To Fake Mortgage Payment | TheBlaze.com

Ed Schultz Apologizes for Editing Rick Perry Clip Out of Context | Video | TheBlaze.com

MSNBC Ed Schultz Deceptive Editing to Make Rick Perry Look Like a Racist President Barack Obama | Video | TheBlaze.com

Answers in Genesis Building Noah’s Ark Replica Based on the Bible | Video | TheBlaze.com

Allen West on Martin Luther King Jr.: ‘We Have Not Overcome’ National Journal Atlanta | TheBlaze.com

Robot Head Reads Music and Sings | Video | TheBlaze.com

Sen. Patrick Leahy Seeks to Cut Aid to Israel Defense Forces on Grounds of ‘Human Rights Violations’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Are Jihadists Fanning the Flames of the U.K. Riots? | TheBlaze.com

Tulsa Man William Sturdivant II Continues Stand - Flash Player Installation

Liberal and Conservative Christians Argue Over Rick Perry’s Faith | TheBlaze.com

Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday on Death Anniversary | Video | TheBlaze.com

Rush Limbaugh Interviews Ryan Rhodes | TheBlaze.com

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Claims Food Stamps Create Jobs | Video | TheBlaze.com

Study Finds Quick Medicine on Battlefield Leads to High Survival Rate | TheBlaze.com

Texas Man Steals Forklift and Leads Police on Wild Chase in Ft. Worth | Video | TheBlaze.com

App Allows you to Donate Money Every Time you Hit News | Video | TheBlaze.com

North Carolina Professor Mike Adams Against Gay Church List | TheBlaze.com

Boston Firefighter Albert Arroyo Found Not Guil - Flash Player Installation

Robert Gibbs Attacks Rick Perry | Video | TheBlaze.com

Paul Ryan and Chris Christie Could Run for President | Video | TheBlaze.com

Americas Passing Middle East in Energy Production | TheBlaze.com

Chart Maps Where GOP Candidates & Obama Stand on Gay Rights | TheBlaze.com

Police in Detroit and San Jose To Ignore Burgla - Flash Player Installation

Tea Party Activists Confront Obama About Biden ‘Terrorist’ Description | Iowa Town Hall | Video | TheBlaze.com

Watching TV Can Shorten Lifespan While Even Limited Exercise Increases It | TheBlaze.com

Chris Matthews Washington Post Media ‘Going to Spend Every Nickel They Have’ Investigating Rick Perry | Video | TheBlaze.com

Scotland Convict Murdered Grandmother Converts to Islam Halal Ramadan | TheBlaze.com

Al-Qaida Seek Islamic Uprising, Arab Spring in North Africa | TheBlaze.com

Twin Smith Brothers Could be Stripped of $50,000 for Trick Shot | TheBlaze.com

Is the Broadband Internet a Civil Right for All Americans? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry Accused of Being Radical Evangelicals | Video | TheBlaze.com

Hariri calls on Hezbollah to hand suspects... JPost - Middle East

Lieberman alleges social proteste... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

'Netanyahu refused Clinton's call... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Hariri indictment says phones link suspect... JPost - Middle East

Syria forces hold hundreds in Latakia spor... JPost - Middle East

Congress, not Fed, must do more for economy: Fisher | Reuters

Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming

What's the age of the moon? It could be waning

Hollywood Gins up Electric Car Propaganda Machine

Morning Call Sheet: Fox Fights the Future, Hatfields Fight the McCoys, and I Discover Something Better Than TV

Jon Stewart Slams Obama Bus Trip as Campaign Event

Muppets and Gay Marriage: A Statist’s Attempt to Indoctrinate Preschoolers

‘Rise of the Apes’ Director: Film’s Hero Inspired by Che Guevara

About Those Disenfranchised, Wealthy, Organic Chef Looters

Russell Brand Blames Cameron and Thatcher for London Riots

Child Molestation Allegations Against Hollywood Must Be Investigated

Muslims Attack Christians Watching 'Jesus Film' - Radical Islam - Fox Nation

Hollywood Wiretap - Entertainment news, celebrity news, tv news, movie news, and entertainment industry news

Obama Supporter Salma Hayek: Being Rich Is 'Great' - Salma Hayek - Fox Nation

Simmons is a Rick Perry fan - CLICK - POLITICO.com

Cartoon:Gracefully, MSNBC’s Schultz Awaits Perry

Audio:How FDR’s Legacy Damaged the American Economy

Paul Krugman Meets E.T.

Wisconsin to Connecticut Unions: The Way We Were in the Good Old Days

‘Submissive Wife’ Not What Left Thinks it Is

Forget Corporate Jets. Government Limousines Show They’re Stealing You Blind

DEVELOPING: Ohio Business Owner Shot For Being Non-Union, Police Investigating

Rick Perry Leads Republican Field and Is Fixin’ to Trounce Obama in 2012

The Government War on Young Enterprise

Rejecting Science: When The Study Doesn’t Match the Liberal Agenda, Liberals Ignore the Study

Perry’s Red-Hot Bernanke Slam: A Much Needed Defense of the Dollar

Sen. Lieberman Unsure He’ll Support Obama in 2012

Union Rep Declares “Open Season” on “Managers and Scabs”

New Court Ruling in Black Panther Scandal

Rasmussen: Perry 29%, Romney 18%, Bachmann 13%

Remember When I said Perry Should Have a Plan?

Audio:U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock Talks Debt and His Campaign

Google and Motorola: Concentrating Attention on Concentrated Power

White House paints GOP field with tea party brush

Obama has a big bullhorn for the political trail

Panetta, Clinton warn that State, Defense budget cuts undermine national security - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Media Ignores Business Owner Shot for Being Non-Union

NewsBusted: Is Al Sharpton Qualified to Be President?

The Crown Heights Riot 20 Years Ago, The True Story Never Told

MSNBC Selectively Edits Perry Remark to Smear Him as a Racist *UPDATE Here Comes Joan Walsh to Defend *UPDATE: More Schultz Editing *GASP: Obama Used Phrase, Too? *UPDATE: Schultz Apologizes

Media Apoplectic Over Perry Remarks

Sound Bite for the Day: When Will Republican Learn?

Who Was It Obsessed with Phalluses, Again?

SIGH: Why Does Michele Bachmann Always Sound So Dumb?

Celeb’s Hollywood Pedophilia Stunner Met With Media Whimper | NewsBusters.org

NYT's Appelbaum: 'Everything We Know About Economics' Says Govt. 'Should Be Getting Bigger Right Now' | NewsBusters.org

How Will US Respond To Pakistan Backstab?

Cong. West Sends One Word Letter To CAIR: ‘NUTS!’

Israeli Plot! Mossad Wanted To Sell Hair Products To Harm Egyptian ‘Reproductive Abilities,’ Claims Egypt

The Israeli Left’s Faustian Bargain

A ‘Doomsday’ Scenario That Would Make Dr. Strangelove Envious

Oldest Survivor Of Bataan Death March Dies

Ramadan: 70 People Killed In Iraq’s Deadliest Day Of Year

In Mock Puppet Trial, Children Find Mubarak Guilty Of Liking Jews

Turkey Threatens Syria, As Military Attacks Palestinian Refugee Camp

Special Forces Using AWD Dirt Bikes In Afghanistan

What The ‘CAIR’-ful CIA Didn’t Want Law Enforcement to Learn

The Staggering Price Tag Of War: No One Knows Exactly How Much Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Cost


+ 17-Aug-11 World View


** NEWS VIDEOS:Anti-Obama Anger Explodes at Congressional Black Caucus

Ron Paul: ‘The One’

Rove: Don’t Lecture Us About Rhetoric, Mr. President

Krauthammer: Obama’s Actions on the Economy Are ‘Pathetic’

Dems Hold Senate Seats in Wisc. Recall

Breitbart.TV Talk Radio Analyzes Ed Schultz’ Deceptive Editing Story; Special Guest Andrew Breitbart

16th/NBC News’ Ed Schultz Admits Selective Edit Deception; Not False Racism Charge

NBC News Caught Red Handed ‘Selectively Editing’ & ‘ Doctoring’ Video to Smear Gov Perry as Racist

Perry: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy ‘Almost Treasonous’

Flashback: NBC News’ Ed Schultz ‘Selectively Edits’ Neil Boortz

NBC News’ Sharpton Repeats ‘Black Cloud’ Deception

Lieberman Might Not Support Obama

Perry Responds to Romney Attack: ‘Give Him My Love (Blows Kiss)’

Mr. President, Meet the Tea Party

15th/Big Journalism’s Loesch Exposes Attempts to Paint Bachmann as Fringe Candidate

Breitbart on Obama Bus Tour: ‘Narcissism on Display’

Tea Party Activist Confronts Obama on Biden’s ‘Tea Party Terrorist’ Smear

Clyburn to Use Super Committee to ‘Close Wealth Gap’

NBC News Reaches New Low with Al Sharpton’s Pretend Dog Story

Sharpton Starts the Week with Stirring Opening

Clinton Tries to Diminish Perry: ‘He’s a Good Looking Rascal’

Obama Uses Michelle’s Shopping Habits for Sexist Analogy

Shep Smith Reports on ‘London’s Top C**k’

Perry: ‘I Hope I’m Obama’s Worst Nightmare’

‘I Have No Problem With Folks Saying ‘Obama Cares’, I DO Care’

Obama on Obamacare: ‘Should Be Upheld Without a Problem’

Cuba’s First Ever Gay/Transgendered Wedding Celebrated

Bomb Squad Called to Boehner’s Office

Taylor Swift’s Wardrobe Malfunction


Between 2007 And 2010, 47 Percent Of Government Jobs Were Created In Texas | ThinkProgress

What Has Perry Done for Hispanics Lately? | FrumForum

Ryan Clayton: The SuperCongress Dilemma: Warren Buffett v. Grover Norquist

Obama tolerates terror operations run out of Syria’s embassy - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Food Stamp Party is Stimulating Poverty | RedState

America’s Dangerous Battle Plan | The Diplomat

SPIEGEL Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev: 'They Were Truly Idiots' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Empire at Dusk - By Stephen Glain | Foreign Policy

The Futures of Civilization - Brian Stewart - National Review Online

RealClearWorld - What to Leave Behind in Iraq

The American world order will endure

U.S.' 'superpower' title means little in a multipolar world - latimes.com

No, the US Isn’t Japan | The Diplomat

Rising superpower floats an aircraft carrier | The Japan Times Online

Endgame in Libya - Telegraph

The Phantom Menace - NYTimes.com

Investors rage against the machine - Todd Harrison - MarketWatch

Editorial: Did Bo (Obama's Dog) Eat The Recovery? - Investors.com

RealClearMarkets - Gov. Rick Perry's Red-Hot Bernanke Slam

An ugly start to Rick Perry’s campaign - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Will Health Care's Long Boom Go Bust?

Asia Times Online :: THE BEAR'S LAIR: Ben's promises are empty

Tax the super-rich or riots will rage in 2012 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Obama’s Folly: Why Taxing the Rich Is No Solution — The American Magazine

Once-Promising Evergreen Solar Goes Bankrupt | WBUR

Solar Energy: Tough Love in the EU — MasterResource

Rick Perry Wants To Frack Iowa | ThinkProgress

Making Bacteria Make More Fuel - Technology Review

Smart Grids Highlight Innovation's Promise and Where America Leads the World, Even China - Forbes

Who Will Win the Clean-Energy Revolution? - Phyllis Cuttino and Michael Liebreich - Project Syndicate

A Solar Panel on Every Roof? In U.S., Still a Distant Dream by Dave Levitan: Yale Environment 360

The Psychology of Fuel Prices at Oil Price

The Myth of Pristine Nature - Reason Magazine

The Physics of Nothing; The Philosophy of Everything : Starts With A Bang

Colliding Galaxies Preview of Milky Way's Demise | Atlas of Merging Galaxy Collisions | Milky Way, Andromeda & The Universe | Space.com

The 'Virtual Universe' Will Be Full of Discoveries : Discovery News

Making a bee-line for the best results | COSMOS magazine

PlantLab's Psychedelic Plant-Growing Paradise | Fast Company

An Almost Perfect Murder | Speakeasy Science

Paranormal Investigator Joe Nickell Reveals the Truth Behind Modern Cryptozoological Myths

The end of the road for motormania - opinion - 16 August 2011 - New Scientist

Suicide-Bombing Bacteria Could Fight Infections - ScienceNOW

Brain’s Network of Bottlenecks May Limit Multitasking | Wired Science | Wired.com

Look, Up In the Sky - It's Aeroecology | Current Affairs - ISNS

Were Antarctica, North America attached? - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet - msnbc.com

RealClearReligion - Could This Be Islam's Moment in the UK?

GOP rivals have different takes on Mormon faith - Boston.com

Real Happiness: Colson and George Bemoan our National Virtue Deficit | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Religious Tests | FrontPage Magazine

Perry, Prayer, and Politics « Public Discourse

Homeschooled Jews Are Minority Within a Minority – Forward.com

Ramadan: Why I became a Muslim - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

To Rick Perry, which is worse—an atheist or a Muslim? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Making Washington inconsequential - The Boston Globe

Let's Get Real | Talking Points Memo

Reason.tv: Grace-Marie Turner On Why Obamacare is Wrong for America - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

‘Hope & change’ air getting thin - Chicago Sun-Times

Waiting for Mr. Obama - We Need a Jobs Agenda - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - What Happened to Tim Pawlenty?

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle - The Washington Post

Progressives Anxious Over Obamacare’s Supreme Court Showdown - The Daily Beast

The American Spectator : Obamacare Is Going Down

Obama Aims to Keep White Voters on Board - WSJ.com

On Day 938 of his presidency, Obama says he'll have a jobs plan in a month or so - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Perry's Red-Hot Bernanke Slam: A Much Needed Defense of the Dollar

Jared Bernstein: Rick Perry, Ben Bernanke, and the Middle Class


**World Video:Lessons Of The Arab Spring

Germany Leads Eurozone Growth Slump

Wissam Tarif Talks Syria Violence

Saleh Forth: Yemeni President Vows Return

Taking Steps To Tackle Euro Turmoil

China's Meat Cravings Raising U.S. Food Prices

Riot Sentencing 'Over The Top'

Syria Situation 'Getting Desperate'

More Gunfire Heard In Syrian Port Of Latakia

Female Activists Bare All In Kiev Protest

Victim Of A Bomb Hoax Speaks

Letter Suggests News Of The World Knew Of Hacking

Ram Aviram On A Two-State Solution

Global Impact Of Chinese Economy, U.S. Debt Crisis

16th/The Interrogator: An Education

Is America A 'Shrinking Superpower'?

Chinese Connected To Downed U.S. Chopper?

U.S. And China Face Off Over Aircraft Carriers

India Struggles To Tame Inflation

Could Eurobonds End Eurozone Crisis?

Political Battle Over Riots Response

Raw Video: New Explosions Rock Syrian City

Israeli Aircraft Hit Gaza: 1 Dead, 4 Hurt

'German People Are A Bit Frightened'

NATO Tankers Wrecked In Pakistan

Kentucky Man Arrested In Australian Bomb Scare

Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri Posts New Video

Religious Restrictions Around The World

**Markets Video: Forbes: Buffett Can Pay More

16th/Cramer: Was Last Week's Turmoil Just a Dream?

Did the Fed Just Doom the Dollar?

Do Unemployment Checks Really Create Jobs?

**Politics Video:Top Black Dem: "We're Supportive Of The President, But We're Getting Tired"

Perry Responds To Obama: "Mr. President, Actions Speak Louder Than Words"

Perry Doubles Down On Fed: "Open Up And Be Transparent"

Rick Santorum To Rick Perry: "We're Not In Texas Anymore"

Krauthammer: Obama's Attacks On GOP Are Like Perry's Fed Attack

Howard Dean: "Ruthless" Bush Team "Going To Take Perry Out"

Giuliani: Obama "Doesn't Realize How Bad The Economy Really Is"

Maddow: GOP Returns To "Patriotism" Playbook For 2012

Lieberman: Obama's Handling Of Israel Has Encouraged Their Enemies

16th/Obama To Perry: "Be A Little More Careful About What You Say"

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve Is "Counterfeiting" Money

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Selectively Edits Video To Make Perry Look Racist

Mark Levin: What Is The Point Of This Presidency?

Chris Matthews: House GOP Not Too "Horny" To Meet The Public

Rove Slams Perry Over Fed Reserve Comment

Chuck Todd: Obama's Not-Yet-Existent Plan Has "Raised The Bar"

Obama's Tea Party Heckler On Rush Limbaugh

Obama's Long Bus Entourage Shocks Locals In Minnesota

N.H. Political Analyst: "It Is Over For Mitt Romney"

Ron Paul Ad: "The One"

Gov. Christie: People Want A President Who Will Lead, Take Risks

Obama Ag Secretary Vilsack: Food Stamps Are A "Stimulus"

Rasmussen: Rick Perry Is GOP Frontrunner

Jon Stewart: Why Is The Media Ignoring Ron Paul?

Rick Perry: Fed Printing More Money Would Be "Treasonous"

Krauthammer: Obama's Actions On The Economy Are "Pathetic"

Gibbs On Perry: "Remarkable Turnaround" From Secession Comment

Lieberman Unsure If He Will Support Obama In 2012

Asked If Obama Loves America: Rick Perry Says "You Need To Ask Him"

Maddow: Will Perry Be Burned By Tea Party Talk?

Dem Web Ad: "Good Week For The Tea Party"

Doggett: Perry "Has A Pretty Inflated View Of Himself"

Karl Rove Says GOP Field Could Still Expand

*17 Aug

American Minute for August 17th

August 17 Events in History

Today in History: August 17

This Day in History for 17th August

August 17th in History

Today in History: August 17

August 17th This Day in History

Today in History for August 17th - YouTube


Aug. 16, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 16 August 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-16, Tuesday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-16-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, August, 15, 2011

08/16 The Mark Levin Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-16-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-16-11 Hr 2

The Michael Savage Show 08/16/2011 1

The Michael Savage Show 08/16/2011 2

The Michael Savage Show 08/16/2011 3

Redding News Review 08-16-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-16-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-16-11 Hr 3


Four Years in Jail for U.K. Pair Who Incited Riots on Facebook - ABC News

BBC News - Gloucestershire Facebook 'riot' teen avoids court

In China, Biden touts 'fundamental strengths' of U.S. economy - latimes.com

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Gov. Pat Quinn at odds over casino bill - Chicago Sun-Times

Bomb plot targeting Tampa school foiled, police say - latimes.com

Texas and the government are chummier than you'd think - CSMonitor.com

GOP attacks Obama bus, but Bush did same - chicagotribune.com

Majority of College-Bound Students Not Qualified - ABC News

GOP’s Perry stands by his tough talk - BostonHerald.com

'Birth tourism' not a widespread practice in U.S., data show - USATODAY.com

"Fast and Furious" guns at more crime scenes - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Newt Gingrich to take his campaign to Hawaii - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

How Real Is The Texas Job Boom? - Forbes

Social Security mistakenly reports thousands of deaths - Aug. 17, 2011

Judge bounces Google's complaint over Android code viewing - Computerworld

Google's social Photovine pops up on iTunes | Digital Media - CNET News

Google's smartypants math doodle | Digital Media - CNET News

Prosecutors probe Aruba suspect's insurance - TODAY News - TODAY.com

Improved dating process upsets timeline of Moon formation

Final Atlantis Crew Talks Life After the Space Shuttle - FoxNews.com

Comet Elenin Won't Kill Us, Says NASA : Discovery News

AFP: Coffee stain helps smarter inks

SETI project: We're listening again, ET - San Jose Mercury News

Solar activity increases odds of disruptions on Earth - San Jose Mercury News

Brain-eating amoebas blamed in three deaths - CNN.com

Yale disputes OSHA criticism in student's lab death | Reuters

Venezuela To Nationalize Gold Industry - WSJ.com

HHS releases simpler health insurance forms - Washington Times

Adding caffeine to sunscreen could guard against skin cancer | Science | The Guardian