"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

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All truth passes through three stages.
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“The King is Dead!....Long Live the King”

Elvis Presley - Wikipedia


Biography of Elvis Presley - Life of Elvis Aaron Presley - Elvis Biography


Elvis Presley's Death Anniversary Marked by Candlelight Vigil at Graceland : People.com

Elvis Presley Lives On, Thanks To The Internet | WebProNews


Audio:Elvis Presley-01-12


Promo:Elvis Presley Box Sets


» Breaking Down the Spin: CNN’s Crowley Lies About Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Phoenix Rising: The Re-Birth of the United States | Don't Tread On Me

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

Why Perry may be the real deal « Hot Air

Making the Cut: The Conservative Team in the 21st Century, and the Question Reagan was Never Asked.. | RedState

Fast & Furious Update: William Hoover claims ‘exit strategy’ meeting. | RedState

Military Industrial Complex 101 | Don't Tread On Me

Military Industrial Complex 201 | Don't Tread On Me

Activist Post: The Drone Arms Race Heats Up: World's First "Beach Ball" Surveillance Drone Developed in Japan

George Soros: Media Mogul

Tax fraud suspected in Obama land deal

» Krugman Calls On Government To Manufacture War To Save Economy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Michelle Malkin » Paul Krugman’s Suggestion to End the Economic Slump: Mobilize for a Space Alien Attack


+ Silver: http://www.apmex.com/

*Preserving The Past(http://past-pixs.blogspot.com/)


Pajamas Media » The Darrell Issa Hit Piece: Most Inaccurate NYT Article … Ever?

Pajamas Media » The New ObamaCare Decision Is Good

The PJ Tatler » The Visceral Terror of a Tea Party Presidency: 10 Thoughts on the Coming Political Warfare of 2012

Rubin Reports » The Left’s Very Anti-PC Strategy: Hate, Fear, Stereotype, and Treat Diversity as Evil

Ron Radosh » What Does Obama Believe? Norman Podhoretz Gets it Right

Vodkapundit » Privatized Currency: It Might be Happening Already

Pajamas Media » The Curious Case of the Osama-Obama Movie: Hollywood — But Not Politics — As Usual

Works and Days » The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama

Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Disease - YouTube

SMART METERS: No Federal Mandate « The PPJ Gazette

Devvy Kidd -- Investigate Obama's Criminal Fraud - 5-23-11


*(Link Page@ Rense.comThe Smart Grid's Next Step

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White House Rejects 1 Trillion Dollar Gift From IBM - YouTube


*The Story of Johnny Todd - Report by John S. Torell Report by John S. Torell


Jack Chick - RationalWiki


* chickcomics.com

+ Chick Cartoon Tracts

(SATIRE)The Jack T. Chick Parody Archive


savethemales.ca - We're Raising a Gender-Free Dog! (satire)

MAY'11/Vigilance: Canadian Couple Raising Gender-Free Child

Victim of state-sponsored sterilization speaks up - YouTube


Herman Cain Makes Reference to Pokemon 2000 at GOP Debate in Iowa - YouTube

Ron Paul remains media poison - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Stuffed Suits - Tea Party Fraud Rick Perry is Political Herpes

5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Antiproton ring found around Earth - space - 04 August 2011 - New Scientist

Twenty Percent of All Mammals at Risk of Extinction : Discovery News

The Health Ranger Misfires the Population Bomb « The PPJ Gazette

How Michele Bachmann Bought the Ames Straw Poll | Unelected.org

Iowans On Bachman - 'Like She Was Madonna Or Something'

Paul Krugman Wants Manufactured Threat From OuterSpace to Revive Economy - YouTube

Things To Know About BART

San Francisco cell phone net shutdown - YouTube

PressTV - 'NATO planning military attack on Iran'

Iran's first nuclear power station will be connected in weeks - Telegraph

Widow: After 8 deployments, Army Ranger takes own life | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Youtube Busted Censoring - YouTube

If We’re Turning Off Social Media, I Want News Channels Shut Down, Too | Epicenter | Wired.com

Huge rise in intensely sexualised pictures of women... but not men | Mail Online

Immigration - Poverty In America

Gov. Snyder's NAFTA Bridge - YouTube

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

New drug could cure nearly any viral infection - MIT News Office

New York Times Disinformation Denial & Suppressing Vital Truths

Representation, Secession and Taxation

Gonzalo Lira: “The Sequel”: How 2011 Is A Repeat of 2008—Only Bigger, Longer, and Uncut by Bailouts

Superman's memory crystals may become reality in computers - Telegraph

'Sugar Babies': Internet 'dating' for money

Activist Post: Zombies Hate Preppers (Video)

Ron Paul Mentioned on Daily show: Jon Stewart exposes media censorship of Ron Paul - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama debuts monster campaign bus

David McNeill / Jake Adelstein: TEPCO's Darkest Secret

Activist Post: Biden on mission to woo next China leader

Activist Post: Factory Foods Cause 70 pct of all foodborne illnesses; Dairy safest

Activist Post: 10 years after 9/11, did bin Laden or America win?

Activist Post: 9 Essential Changes to Keep America From Becoming a Third World Country

Student Loan Debt Climbs - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Activist Post: 21 Books The Ruling Elite Doesn't Want You to Read

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

Activist Post: Institutionalized robbery of the American people: the Pentagon criminal elite

False confessions: Silence is golden | The Economist

Proof that the FDA's assault on raw milk has nothing to do with consumer safety

+ BAKING SODA Kills CANCER,1of2 Matches NC Dr 30years ago. He Cure his CANCER 5 days YT=VitoVerns CH

+BAKING SODA Kills CANCER,2of2 Matches NC Dr 30years ago.Cured his CANCER 5 days YT=VitoVerns CH

Being Ron Paul: The Media Fix is In - YouTube

Texas orders STD vaccine for all girls - Health - Kids and parenting - msnbc.com

Fox News anchor comes clean on Ron Paul bias. - YouTube


100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican | Addicting Info

Major drug research company faked thousands of documents to get drugs approved, FDA says no big deal

Jon Stewart: Why is Everyone Still Ignoring Ron Paul? - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Pastor Zachery Tims, Found Dead In Times Square Hotel, Allegedly Had Drugs

Nano-Thermite in WTC Dust, Says Danish Scientist | Global Research TV

UK Greed? Culture? Police abuse? Economic Backlash? - YouTube

Out: UK's hormone plan to turn Hitler into woman - The Times of India

Ron Paul: ‘They Call Me Extreme – They’re The Extremists!’ - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : Jon Stewart nails the media for ignoring Ron Paul

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Interview With Piers Morgan

US releases CIA documents on Bay of Pigs invasion - Yahoo! News

16 Statistics Which Prove That The American People Are Absolutely Seething With Anger - 12160

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: The Military's Secret Shame

:Revolutionary Politics : Cutting Off Cell Phone Service To Squash Protest Is The Foreign Policy Of Dictators! Right???

Phone hacking: News of the World reporter's letter reveals cover-up | Media | guardian.co.uk

Dollar decline 40 years in the making? - YouTube

Texas Governor Rick Perry forces 11 year-olds on STD Vaccine - YouTube

** Texas Governor Perry's Vaccination Mandate

Hummingbird Drone | NWOTruth


UFO At The Bottom Of The Baltic Sea? | NWOTruth

As America's Economy Collapses, "New Normal" Police State Takes Shape



Bullion Now Illegal for ALL U.S. Residents

Thinking the unthinkable: Sell U.S. Treasuries | The Japan Times Online

Moody’s Lowers Economic Growth Outlook - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Fitch reaffirms United States' top-notch rating - Aug. 16, 2011

Super Congress Seeks To Protect Military, Buffett Calls for Tax Hike On Billionaires, Starbucks CEO Urges Fellow CEOs to Boycott Giving To All Politicians, Al Gore's Global Warming Rant - When He Thought No One Was Recording - Home - The Daily Bail


* 3:30:00/The Money Masters - Full - YouTube

* 1:50:00/The Secret of Oz (by Mr Bill Still) - YouTube

Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land / 1:19:14

FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution / 58:53


Protests Over Fatal BART Police Shooting Shuts Down San Francisco Train Stations

[redacted] news: 9 Essential Changes to Keep America From Becoming a Third World Country

The greatest elected body that money can buy | Patriot Radio Network

Institutionalized robbery of the American people: the Pentagon criminal elite | End the Lie - Independent News


America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version / 1:51:16


New Exposé Reveals Rick Perry's Close Ties to Radical Evangelicals and Self-Proclaimed Prophets | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

MUST SEE - Felonious Monk Tells Obama "Stop Being A Dickhead And Balance The F*****g Budget" (Profanity) - Home - The Daily Bail

VIDEO - Nixon Ends The U.S. Gold Standard (1971) - Home - The Daily Bail

The BBC to take another shot at 9/11 Truth | Dig Within

Why the NIST report on the WTC towers is false | Dig Within

+ The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

Graphic 9/11 Coloring Book Teaching Kids 'Truth' About Terrorism Full Of Lies And Propaganda

+ Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

A 9/11 Challenge/Experiment

+ 9-11 Thermite and the WTC Collapses | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

+ Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

+ Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

Under Scrutiny, Perry Walks Back HPV Decision — Rick Perry | The Texas Tribune

Terrorism? What Terrorism? :

Did the White House 'Cleanse' References to Jerusalem, Israel From Its Web Site? Aug 10th, 2011 - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: The War on Terror and Israel will become a Political Liability for the NEO CONS.

The Intercept: Criminalizing poverty: During economic crisis, new laws crack down on America's poor, homeless

Today is the 40th Anniversary of Nixon Ending Gold Standard and Creating Modern Fiat Monetary System

PressTV - Quick News: Inside Fannie Mae: Confidential records show how Fannie Mae breaks the rules

White House: Need to monitor online 'extremism' | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

The Intercept: CODEPINK files complaint with Congressional Ethics Committee against AIPAC-funded junkets to Israel

The Revolution Is Underway by Karen Kwiatkowski

VIDEO - Krugman Wants To Create A Keynesian-Infused Space Alien Economic Bubble To Revive U.S. Economy - Home - The Daily Bail

CNN Hypes Alien Invasion As Tool To Improve The Economy – And Admits It Would Be Fake : Federal Jack

Congress’ Dirty [Seven] Dozen on Aipac All-Expense-Paid Israel Junket Richard Silverstein

Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry prepare for 'shoot-out at the OK Corral' - Telegraph

The GOPs Three to Beat - Road Runner

Rick Perry Introduces First ‘Obama Destroyed the Economy’ Campaign Video | Addicting Info

You Might Be A Conservative If… | Addicting Info

GOP Hopeful Exposes Republican Anti-Jobs, Anti-Middle Class Agenda – Without Meaning To | Addicting Info

Hey, Facebook: Are You Really Censoring Political Free Speech in America? | Addicting Info

History Lesson: What Some Previous Presidents Thought Of Corporate Power | Addicting Info

FOCUS: Bachmann-Perry Overdrive;A Christian Plot for Domination?

The March of Christian Dominionism 1: What Is Christian Dominionism?

The March of Christian Dominionism 2: Where Did It Come From and How Does It Work?

The March of Christian Dominionism 3: How Christian Dominionists Combat Reality

The March of Christian Dominionism 4: How Dominionists Are Trying To Undermine Our Country

Corporate Shill Smackdown of the Day: 8-16-2011 | Addicting Info

Bachmann: Gay Families Not Real Families, Will Not Appoint Homosexuals To Her Cabinet | Addicting Info

9/11 Super-Pilots, Dear Netflix, Self-Checkout Stores - New World Next Week - YouTube

Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him - Alex Jones Tv 1/2 - YouTube

Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him - Alex Jones Tv 2/2 - YouTube

Libyan rebel "gains" smokescreen for talks in Tunisia to end war

US says would consider staying in Iraq beyond 2011

Prison Planet.com » Disapproval of Congress Hits All Time High of 84%

Prison Planet.com » Rick Perry on Al Gore, the NAFTA Superhighway, and Bilderberg

Feds Who Ran 'Fast and Furious' Gun Program Receive Promotions

Obama clashes with Tea Party member

Prison Planet.com » No, Mr. Krugman … War is Not Good for the Economy

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul on Texas Straight Talk: U.S. Government Debt Is Becoming Worthless

Prison Planet.com » Stagflation Threatens Western Economies – Gold A Bubble, To Correct Or Go Parabolic As Per 1970’s?

Prison Planet.com » Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

Col Gaddafi fires scud missile at rebel territory as Nato braces itself for final violent showdown - Telegraph

Prison Planet.com » As The Economy Crumbles, The Media Goes into the “Ritual Politics Mode”

Prison Planet.com » Visual Rituals: Television As The Greatest Myth-Making Force in Human History

High food prices threaten poorest: World Bank | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » Building 7 Was An Inside Job

Moody’s Lowers Economic Growth Outlook - Real Time Economics - WSJ

10 years after 9/11, did bin Laden or America win? | Inquirer Global Nation

Obama: Forcing People to Buy Health Insurance ‘Should Not Be Controversial’ | CNSnews.com

Obama: Individual Health Insurance Mandate 'Should Not Be Controversial' - YouTube

Rick Perry backed an already-climate-crusading Al Gore in '88 - Bob King - POLITICO.com

Police accessed BlackBerry messages to thwart planned riots | UK news | The Guardian

Democrat questions TSA over Israeli-style ‘chat downs’ | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » BART spokesman blames protesters for cell phone service shut down

Fined after parking for exactly 17 seconds: Spy cameras hit innocent drivers as tickets soar fivefold | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » Shell, govt spin machine keeps lid on worst UK oil spill for decade

Prison Planet.com » What is a Coronal Mass Ejection and Why Should You Care?

Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

Supercommittee runs risk of turf war - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com

Repressing the Internet, Western-Style - WSJ.com

Oakland Officer Shoots Public Urination Suspect After Scuffle « CBS San Francisco

Shameful chapter cries out for justice | BlueRidgeNow.com

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Google's Motorola Deal Will Spur Antitrust Regulators to Action - Arik Hesseldahl - Mobile - AllThingsD

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status | CNSnews.com

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

IMF must not ask a gov't to commit suicide - Editorial - JamaicaObserver.com

» Alex Jones War Cry: I declare eternal war against you (Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bombshell as investigators start insider trading enquiry at Standard & Poor's: Who had prior knowledge of downgrade? | Mail Online

» 4 Ways to Break The Silver Manipulation Barrier Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Another Day, Another Child Molested by TSA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*1:31:00/They Live - (FULL LENGTH) - YouTube


Ron Paul "ALL The Other Republicans Represent The Status Quo!" - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview With Piers Morgan 08\15/2011 - YouTube

Shell, govt spin machine keeps lid on worst UK oil spill for decade - YouTube

Dennis Blair Fmr National Intelligence Dir Slams Obama Admin For Use Of Drones In Middle East! - YouTube

What is Freedom of Speech?

Cutting Off Cell Phone Service To Squash Protest Is The Foreign Policy Of Dictators! Right??? - YouTube

BART, Cell Phones, Lenin, and a Steel Cage

Microsoft vs. Google: Patents, Society, and Greed

Close-up of Vesta poses puzzle : Nature News

BBC News - Ministry of Defence files on UFO sightings released

Earthfiles.com Environment | What A Biophysicist Says About Crop Formations

Astronaut Snaps Spectacular Meteor Photo From Space | Shooting Stars & Meteor Showers | Skywatching Tips & Amateur Astronomy | Space.com

Jodie Foster helps in search for alien civilizations - CSMonitor.com

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Pyramids and "Ancient Astronauts"


First computer to sing - Daisy Bell - YouTube


Are you ready for Big Brother 2.0? - BlackListedNews.com

Once a fringe candidate, Paul shaping 2012 race - Yahoo! News

10 Signs That Economic Riots And Civil Unrest Inside The United States Are Now More Likely Than Ever - BlackListedNews.com

Now That U.S. Government Debt Has Been Downgraded, The Rest Of The World Is Calling Even Louder For A New Global Currency - BlackListedNews.com

If We’re Turning Off Social Media, I Want News Channels Shut Down, Too - BlackListedNews.com

"The Wasteland" - How Central Planning Broke All Markets... And What We Can Do To Fix Them - BlackListedNews.com

Autonomous Robot Truck Will Debut in Afghanistan This Year | Singularity Hub

Special Ops: The New Face of War - BlackListedNews.com

UK riots: police could get new curfew powers, says Theresa May | UK news | guardian.co.uk

As Economy Tanks, “New Normal” Police State Takes Shape | Dissident Voice

A Short Meditation on America’s Loss of Manufacturing | Dissident Voice

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Cyber recruits key part of NSA hiring blitz

Budget Buster: Pentagon Unable to Account for “Trillions,” Glain Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

BBC News - Crime to be reported to police on Facebook

SPIEGEL Interview with George Soros: 'You Need This Dirty Word, Euro Bonds' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Addiction a brain disorder, not just bad behavior - Yahoo! News

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

American Free Press Visits Jekyll Island on Anniversary of Fed's Founding - YouTube

American Free Press Discusses Fed Reserve Outside Jekyll Island - YouTube

American Free Press Visits Globalists' Georgia Guidestones - YouTube

I’m So Proud. I Shot Down Navy Seals’ Chinook

‘Karl Marx Was Right’

CNN - Fake Alien Invasion Can Improve The Economy + Admits It Would Be Fake(Project Bluebeam) - YouTube

Police Let Flash Mob Rob 7-11 - YouTube

Marc Faber on FOX Business News 08/12/11 - YouTube

Jim Rogers on FOX Business News 08/12/11 - YouTube

Peter Schiff, Paul Griffiths and Gillian Tett - let's ask the experts - YouTube

What Can You Do When You Don't Approve of Police Actions? - informationliberation

How Statism Is a Sickness, and Not Just a Destructive Political System - informationliberation

When Do We Arrest the Tea Party? - informationliberation

Farmers thrash idea of commercial licenses - JSOnline

Cop allegedly threatens to execute family after they reported his wife for reckless driving - informationliberation

Former state trooper accused of excessive force, death threats and false arrest in lawsuit | WHAS11.com Louisville

The Other BOB: The Bugout Bank, by Ron A. - SurvivalBlog.com

The Big Wobble: Three Clear Photographs of Black Triangle over South Carolina

The Excavator: Martial Law in America Will Peel Away The Veil of Freedom, Democracy And Civility

Fallen Angels Get Bold: Elenin, Immortals, 9/11 In Movies? Antichrist foretold? - YouTube

Stone Age toe could redraw human family tree - life - 10 August 2011 - New Scientist

THE DAYS OF NOAH and the "Sons of God"

Study Proves That a Much-Sought Exotic Quantum State of Matter Can Exist - News - Institute of Nanotechnology

Analysis: Al-Qaida’s ‘Doomsday’ revenge? - JPost - Middle East

Reports: CIA Working with Mexican Drug Cartels


+ Lambert's Web Links:(http://ldolphin.org)/

+ Lambert's Library(http://ldolphin.org)


Medved Claims Ron Paul Outside “Mainstream” America | Old-Thinker News

Message to Ron Paul: National Security Still Matters - Michael Medved

Insider: CIA Orchestrated Operation Fast and Furious | Old-Thinker News

Stand tall as it all comes down | Old-Thinker News

Yemen's President Vows to Return Soon

Marx Was Right. Capitalism May Be Destroying Itself

Analyzing Capitalism: The Left’s Crisis

Shattered Illusions of Economic Recovery: Capitalism's New Era

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Army Sec. & Army Management, Structure Transformation

Officials: No Changes to Military Retirement

The Next Inside Job: A Nuclear 9/11 :

Tea Party Has It Right: Don't Spend More Than You Have

Obama on the Offensive Against His Own Failed Policies

Obama Sending Mixed Messages on Economy, Foreign Policy

Ron Paul Scores Big in Iowa — but Ignored by Media

On 9/11, Let's Remember What Really Counts

Washington Post Got It Wrong on Immigration

Obama Attacks GOP Candidates--On Tax-Funded Bus Trip Through Battleground States

Former Obama WH Economist: Unemployment Won’t Drop Below 8% Before End of 2012

Romney: Only Herman Cain and I Have Business Experience Needed to Be President

Romney: 'I'm Not Going to Vary ... My Vision ... Based Upon the Political Winds of the Day'

Courthouse Security Guards Under Investigation for Accepting Roger Clemens' Autographed Balls

Obama On Debt: I Had A Deal That 'Would Have Solved This Problem'

Irish Bookmaker: 100-to-1 Odds that Actor Matt Damon Will Become President

Defense Cuts Are Unacceptable to Some on New 'Super Committee'

Husband of 'Real Housewives' Star Armstrong Dies

Survey: Cellphones a Lifeline, Boredom Staller

Elvis Presley Fans Flock to Graceland 34 Years After He Died

U.S. Declares Haqqani Network Commander a Terrorist

Oregon Mother Gets Probation in Home Circumcision

Addiction a Brain Disorder, Not Just Bad Behavior

Illegal Immigrants Plead for End to Fingerprint-Sharing Program

Perry warns of Fed treason, challenges Obama - The Washington Post

Obesity Epidemic Affected by Too Many Food Choices, Expert says

Obama Jobs Plan Unveiled For Rural America

ATF promotes 3 supervisors in controversial gun operation

Democrat bill to create jobs supercommittee expected this week

Immigrant deaths along Arizona border drop 38 percent

Schumer bill would mandate FBI background checks for utility workers

Obama will use USDA and SBA to spur jobs

On mortgage rates, Obama wants proposal for how government can keep big role

Rick Perry: 'I made a mistake' mandating HPV vaccine

Pelosi hammers GOP for ‘anti-worker agenda’

Ed Rendell: Hillary Clinton can't resist White House run

Comcast to give subsidized Internet to free-lunch students

Hospice lobbyists battle over Medicare payment system

Obama Conversation With Tea Partier Gets Heated

Perry Says Things Could Get 'Ugly' for Bernanke in Texas

More homeowners shorten mortgage terms

Eighth grade student hangs himself on school grounds

Tea party crowd applauds Rep. Allen West despite his debt ceiling vote

Former Bush aide calls Rick Perry’s “treason” comment about Ben Bernanke “inappropriate and unpresidential”

Report: Casey Anthony has book deal in works

Huffington Post logo contest raises ire

VIDEO: CFTC Commissioner: "A Hair Trigger Away from Economic Calamity"

VIDEO: Food, Speculation and Parasitical Trading

VIDEO: Chilean students demand education reform

VIDEO: Testimonies on Palestinians offenses

VIDEO: How Wall St Speculation Drives Up Gas Prices

VIDEO: Fault Lines: The Top 1%

Perry Blasts Obama, Bernanke — Calls Fed Action 'Treasonous'

Media, Left Attack Perry

Rick Perry Has Good Ties With Muslims

Bill Clinton: Perry Is 'a Good-Looking Rascal'

Karl Rove: Palin, Christie Might Join 2012 GOP Field

Perry: Bernanke Almost 'Treasonous' for Printing Money

Obama to Preserve Federal Mortgage Role

Fitch Keeps US at AAA With Stable Outlook

Immigration Groups Take Fight to Obama

Perry Allies Fret About Fundraising Sources

West: Ron Paul's Position on Nuclear Iran Perilous

Optimism Boosts Immunity

Chinese Herb May Shorten Flu Fever

Study: 15 Minutes of Daily Exercise Adds 3 Years to Life

Expert: Rural US Websites Easy Target for Hackers

Lieberman Stresses Need to Rest in 'Sabbath' Book

Rep. Paul Ryan: An Obligation to Run?

Perry: Military Wants a Veteran as President

Rasmussen Poll: Most Think Obama is Too Far Left

Trump: Obama's Bus Tour a 'Fundraiser'

Obama's New Bus Has $1.1 Million Price Tag

Obama Criticizes GOP Presidential Field


*95 MIN/Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic - (FULL MOVIE)@ YouTube


Dutch Government Gives € 1,000,000.00 Stolen Libyan Money to World Health Organization :

Obama: I reversed recession until 'bad luck' hit | Campaign 2012

Obama adviser: Obama not obsessed with keeping job - Yahoo! News

Another Big Lincoln Lie Exposed by Thomas DiLorenzo

Ron Paul and Liberty by Walter Block

The TSA: Bringing 'Common Sense' and 'Intelligence' to Slavery by Becky Akers

Hooked on Debt by Eric Margolis

Mitt's Dilemma by Patrick J. Buchanan

Jesse Ventura on Government Cover-Ups . . . 9/11, the Reality of HAARP and Making Government Better by Anthony Wile

Rick Perry takes first jabs at Mitt Romney - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Rick Perry backed an already-climate-crusading Al Gore in '88 - Bob King - POLITICO.com

Ryan for President? | The Weekly Standard

Study: 1 hour of TV can shorten life by 22 minutes - Health - msnbc.com

Tulsa Tower Standoff Moves Into Day 6 - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

Former Obama WH Economist: Unemployment Won’t Drop Below 8% Before End of 2012 | CNSnews.com

Mitt Romney mocks President Barack Obama 'Magical Misery Tour' of midwestern states - NYPOST.com

Obama souvenir sales in tailspin - Washington Times

Spectacular Hercules statue found in Jezreel Valley - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

Man Killed Dad With Weed Wacker: Cops | NBC Chicago

Savage and the fall of the U.K.

Former sportscaster Marvell Scott pleads guilty in child prostitute case - NYPOST.com

Metro and State | Dog missing for year after car crash heading home to Michigan | The Detroit News

SpaceX to fly to Int'l Space Station in November

UPDATED: Paul Ryan has no free, in-person town halls scheduled this recess | The Raw Story

Stewart: ‘How did Ron Paul become the 13th floor in a hotel?’ | Raw Replay

Colbert on straw poll: Bachmann got ’80% of the votes she paid for’ | Raw Replay

Cases lining up to ask Supreme Court to clarify Second Amendment rights - The Washington Post

The ‘Free Coffee’ Starbucks Card Has Died. What The Social Experiment Really Meant. | Singularity Hub

Google’s Driverless Car Causes Accident – Due To Human Error | Singularity Hub

More Than 1 Million Download Socialcam So They Can Share iPhone Video Instantly | Singularity Hub

The Gamification of Google: Image Labeler, Logos, Google+, and Now Badges in Google News | Singularity Hub

Computer Chip-Sized Spacecraft Will Explore Space In Swarms | Singularity Hub

Are Nations Less Important Than Phone Calls? New MIT Map Redraws The U.S. According to Communication | Singularity Hub

New ‘Lab-On-A-Chip’ Is An HIV Test That Fits In Your Pocket (video) | Singularity Hub

Autonomous Robot Truck Will Debut in Afghanistan This Year | Singularity Hub

Massachusetts Police Want To Track All Cars On The Road — Are Your Rights Being Violated? | Singularity Hub

New President of Current TV Says Network Will 'Provide a Fair Amount of Time for Liberal Viewpoints'

Ways You Can Show Solidarity With Striking Verizon Workers

Cisco: Stop helping China abuse human rights!

MI5 joins social messaging trawl for riot organisers | UK news | The Guardian

Obama Issues Executive Order on Environmental Justice

Fluoride: Disposing of Mining Waste Through Your Body - The Bradenton Times - Free News for Bradenton, FL and Manatee County

Big Brother knows all about my bunion op - and the fish pie I ate after it: How one woman found out about the intimate information held about her | Mail Online

Americans for Tax Reform :: Verizon Strikers Sabotaging Wirelines, Disrupting Phone Service

Bill Clinton Makes Fun of Rick Perry's Anti-Washington Sentiment

London Rioters Will Be Forced To Clean Up Their Mess - Think We Could Get Bankers To Do That Here?

David Gregory Compares Perry's Talk of Secession to Obama's Health Care Law

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Can GOP win Weiner's old seat?;Congressional candidate Bob Turner within striking distance of liberal Democrat

Brace for next U.S.-Mideast war

'Netanyahu should prepare himself for the cage!'

After Campaign Announcement, Perry Faces Texas-Sized Scrutiny - FoxNews.com

Allowing guns into bars has 'surprising' result

Government vaccinations at gunpoint reported

Tax fraud suspected in Obama land deal

Obama clashes with Tea Party member

Obama: I reversed recession until 'bad luck' hit | Campaign 2012

Evergreen Solar files for bankruptcy, plans asset sale - BostonHerald.com

Articles: Perry's Problematic Pals

ACLU Lawsuit Moves to Keep Sex Offenders in House Near New Day Care Center - FoxNews.com

China succeeding despite communism

Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Coloured contact lenses increase risk of eye infection and can lead to blindness | Mail Online

Flipper meets Jaws | News | NT News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Bisin: Magic ingredient could keep food (and wine) fresh for years | Mail Online

Facebook: Young people spend so much time online 'they're lonely as the elderly' | Mail Online

Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman: People with symmetrical faces more likely to be selfish | Mail Online

Mercedes car firm grants £35k bionic hand wish for Formula One fan Matthew James | Mail Online


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


AUDIO:Erasing facts, history at Temple Mount « Klein Online

This is only solution to world's problems

Christians provide rope to hang culture

Mitt's dilemma

We shouldn't know about them

NAACP's incredible attempt to ban flag

Social degeneration

Oh, how America has changed

Obama's 'counteroffensive'? Please!

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich - NYTimes.com

Column: The Reagan stimulus vs. the Obama one - USATODAY.com

Obama calls for tax hikes, blasts GOP - Washington Times

Mitt Romney, meet ‘Kay Bailout’ - The Washington Post

Christians provide rope to hang culture

Savage and the fall of the U.K.

Brace for another U.S.-Mideast war

Obama's radical pal: U.K. riots coming to America

Terror 'co-conspirator' vets military chaplains

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

Tax-funded academy with Muslim agenda closes

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

Pippa Middleton accused of padding her 'flat bottom' for sister Kate's Royal Wedding

Brainwashed to believe in evolution

The Profiteers Club: Congressman Darrell Issa

Democrats Tell Obama It's Time To Get Aggressive About Jobs

Matt Dowd: Rick Perry Could Have Trouble in a General Election Because He Sounds a Lot Like George Bush

Laura Ingraham Repeats Right-Wing Distortion that the President No Longer Gets Daily Briefing on the Economy

Will the Gas Tax be the New Tea Party Fight?

Rep. Steve King Articulates John Birch Society's Apocalyptic Vision

And Then There Were Three Republican Candidates -- And Two Of Them Are Dominionists

Warren Buffett tells US Gov't: 'Stop Coddling The Super-Rich'

Iowa Fairgoer to Todd Palin: Your Wife 'Sold Out'

It’s Time for a Pro-Quality-of-Life Movement

President Obama Begins Bus Tour in Minnesota Town Hall By Talking Jobs

Mother Sent To Jail For Trying To Send Her Kids To A School In A Safer Neighborhood

Quinn to Rahm: Slow down on Chicago casino - chicagotribune.com

Illinois denies tax exemption to Chicago, Naperville hospitals - chicagotribune.com

Food Detective: In defense of bug-eating - Chicago Sun-Times

State Rep. Dan Burke gave tuition award to ex-secretary’s daughter - Chicago Sun-Times

Rick Perry and 'treasonous': Is the folksy campaigner gaffe-prone? - CSMonitor.com

Obama defends government action in Midwest bus tour - USATODAY.com

Lawyer named for man accused of decapitating son | ajc.com

AFP: US must keep Pakistan ties: Panetta

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Suspicious Parcels Force Evacuations at Alaska Lawmakers' Offices

'I'm not a witch': Christine O'Donnell regrets, cringes at ad - latimes.com

Is Ron Paul getting unfair media treatment? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Associated Press: US declares Haqqani network commander a terrorist

Beyond the Genome, Cancer’s Secrets Come Into Sharper Focus - NYTimes.com

MIT Researchers Say New Drug Found May Cure Any Viral Infection

FDA, Industry Reach Generic Drug Fee Agreement - FoxNews.com

Mystery death probe gives family closure but leaves questions - World - NZ Herald News

Hundreds pay tribute to Astronaut student who died of rare brain infection | FLORIDA TODAY | floridatoday.com

Exotic Animals Caught in Candid Moments [PHOTOS]

Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | Photo: Panorama of Mars rover components

NASA's Spectacular Hubble Images and Video of Colliding Galaxies - International Business Times

SETI project: We're listening again, ET - San Jose Mercury News

Buffett's Op-Ed on Taxes Too Little, Too Late - TheStreet

US Real Estate: Home Builders Face New Hurdles — CNBC Realty Check - CNBC

Elvis Presley, who died 34 years ago today, spurs fresh tears - latimes.com


The Life and Career of Elvis Presley - YouTube


Sex And The City TV return puts film on hold | Mail Online

Verizon Says Google Deal May Stabilize Patent Fights - WSJ.com

DailyTech - Steve Jobs Authorized Biography to be Released November 2011

Businesses in U.S. complain of .xxx shakedown | Reuters

Bushies slam Rick Perry's Ben Bernanke comment - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Rick Perry said he doesn't expect Texas A&M to go to SEC

'Collar Bomb' Suspect Court Document Details Mistake that Led to Arrest - ABC News

Obama traveling in style in $1.1 million bus

Letter Suggests Hacking 'Widely Discussed' at News of the World; James Murdoch May Face Further Questions - WSJ.com

Scale of reported Somalia food aid theft implausible, insists UN | Global development | guardian.co.uk

Gorbachev criticizes Putin's Russia as backsliding on democracy - CSMonitor.com

Mubarak Trial Will No Longer Be Televised, Judge Rules - NYTimes.com

US, South Korea Naval Drills Draw Threats From North | Asia | English

Eyewitnesses: 26 killed in Yemen clashes - CNN.com

Ukraine poses dilemma for Brussels - FT.com

Niagara Falls sweeps away Japanese student - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Tehran welcomes Moscow’s move to get closer to Iran: Salehi - Tehran Times


*The Alex Jones Show – August 15th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 15th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 15th, 2011


The Age Of Ron Paul! | Dprogram.net

8/15/11 Full Show -- Voluntarism, Feminism, and the Slutwalk, GOP Straw Poll Slap - YouTube

DHS says Terror Watchlist is exempt from Privacy Act - 12160

2 Videos:Rick Perry Is The Bankers Answer To Ron Paul | Dprogram.net


* Article Links: BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 15, 2011 | Dprogram.net


Aug. 15, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-15, Monday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Manning Report – 15 August 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-15-11

08/15 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, August, 15, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-15-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-15-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-15-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-15-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-15-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 08/15/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2


Ann Coulter, Star Parker: CIA Hacking the Manning Report | ATLAH Media Network

Bachmann/Cain 2012 | ATLAH Media Network

*16 Aug

American Minute for August 16th

August 16 Events in History

August 16th This Day in History

This Day in History for 16th August

Today in History: August 16

August 16th in History

Today in History: August 16

Today in History for August 16th - YouTube


New Court Ruling in Black Panther Scandal

Rasmussen: Perry 29%, Romney 18%, Bachmann 13%

Remember When I said Perry Should Have a Plan?

AUDIO:U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock Talks Debt and His Campaign

Google and Motorola: Concentrating Attention on Concentrated Power

President Obama’s Not-So-Very-Good Weekend News

Friday’s Obamacare Ruling Was a Momentous Event

Warren Buffett’s Fiscal Innumeracy

Internal E-Mail Reveals Striking Union’s Tactics Against Verizon

Move-On-Up.org: Stepping Outside the Template

Obamageddon: Why the U.S. Economy Is the Titanic Headed for the Iceberg

A ‘Marxist’ Agenda Against a Freedom Center

Perry Should Have a Plan against Southern Bigotry

The AFDI Threats to Freedom Index

Kinder Accuser Tammy Chapman Can’t Keep Story Straight

Obama Tries to Spin Out of Responsibility

California’s ‘Amazon Tax’ Already Proving a Bust

Appeals Court Rules Fannie/Freddie Docs Can be Kept Secret

Media Apoplectic Over Perry Remarks

Sound Bite for the Day: When Will Republican Learn?

Who Was It Obsessed with Phalluses, Again?

As Congressman Darrell Issa Chases Fast and Furious, the New York Times Deploys Smoke Screen

Krugman: A Space Alien Attack Will Save Us

Sound Bite for the Day: DC Knows More About Debt Than the American People

CARTOON/ObamaNation: Solutions

Credit Where It’s Due: KTVI Fox 2 Covers Black Conservative Conference

Another Example of How the NYTimes Warps Truth

Child Molestation Allegations Against Hollywood Must Be Investigated

Morning Call Sheet: Kevin Smith Retires? ‘Tangled’ and Charter Internet Is Ruining My Life

Is Billy Crystal Oscar’s Savior?

Mark Boal: Hollywood’s Go-To Hack for All Things Pseudo-Military

100- to-1 Odds: Matt Damon Could Be U.S. President!

Benefit Cuts Cause Riots

Morning Call Sheet: ‘Austin Powers 4,’ ‘The Lone Ranger’ and Breaking ‘Breaking Bad’ News

Turkey Threatens Syria, As Military Attacks Palestinian Refugee Camp

Special Forces Using AWD Dirt Bikes In Afghanistan

What The ‘CAIR’-ful CIA Didn’t Want Law Enforcement to Learn

The Staggering Price Tag Of War: No One Knows Exactly How Much Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Cost

White House Mischief

OPEC Under New Management; Iran’s Management

Paper Declared ‘Enemy Of Islam’ And Burned For Publishing Pork Recipes During Ramadan

AUDIO:Senator Jim Demint: The Great American Awakening

UK Riots: Leftists Blame ‘Society’, Conservatives Blame Individuals, Some Say Problem Is Rioting Is ‘Fun’

Avian-Brained Abe Foxman on the ‘Cloacal’ Sharia

Fraulein Hitler?

Libya: Why Are We Ignoring The Al-Qaeda Links To the Anti-Government Rebels?

Report: Obama Administration Bows To Chinese Pressure On Taiwan Arms Sales; Will Cost U.S. 16,000 Jobs

High cancer risk in black moms who don't breastfeed

Documents cast new doubt on James Murdoch's denial

Reporter implicates Murdoch execs and ex Cameron aide

White House checks in with foursquare

Scenarios: Deficit panel talks loom for Medicare, Medicaid

Police: Target of Facebook hit fatally shot

US must keep Pakistan ties: Panetta

Why the rioters should be reading Rousseau

Murdoch affair: Tabloid reporter implicates former editor

Who will be the next 'Jewish Idol'?

Police want to interview Kobe Bryant about church incident

'Hamas refusing to hand over el-Arish terror suspects'

Tehran says Russian plan could revive nuclear talks


+16-Aug-11 World View


'Billion-Ton' Update: Bioenergy Growth Opportunities

Global Oil Market Report

Perry Can’t Quiet ‘Who’s Next?’ Talk - Washington Wire - WSJ

Malpractice Reform: Yet Another Texas Non-Miracle | Mother Jones

Kristen Soltis: Rick Perry: National or Niche Candidate?

Smart Grids Highlight Innovation's Promise and Where America Leads the World, Even China - Forbes

Shale Gas Producing Results | EnergyBiz

U.S. cities prepare to adapt to climate change - USATODAY.com

Rick Perry backed an already-climate-crusading Al Gore in '88 - Bob King - POLITICO.com

Where Federal Energy Subsidies Really Go - Forbes

Back to Work 2011 — Special Report — 'Green' Jobs Sector Still Has Growing Pains - CNBC

Why a Limited Supply of Cheap Oil is Pushing us Into Another Recession at Oil Price

Eyeing Rick Perry, Mitt Romney shifts his focus - The Washington Post

Klavan On The Culture » My Heart Stirred: A Review of Rick Perry’s Speech

What Obama Can Learn From Truman | The New Republic

The American Spectator : Obamacare Loses Another One

Obama on health care plan: It's 'Obama cares'

Cornel West and the Black War Over Obama - The Daily Beast

Brian Calle: CEOs giving Obama the business - Orange County Register

What Obama’s team really believes about GOP and economy - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - The Emergence of Rick Perry

Obama Tries to Reclaim Momentum With Midwest Bus Tour - NYTimes.com

Republican Extremism, Bad Economics - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Hillary for VP: Obama's Best Hope for Re-election?

MILLER: Obama's Bus Force One - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Obama Dispenses Hugs (and Policy Analysis) in the Midwest

Why the Obama strategy may work

RealClearPolitics - There's Something to Be Said for States' Rights

Lewis E. Lehrman: The Nixon Shock Heard 'Round the World - WSJ.com

Rick Perry almost alone in military service - The Fix - The Washington Post

Will Oil from Canada's Keystone XL Pipeline Go to U.S. or China?

The Status of Science: We Have No-one to Blame but Ourselves : Uncertain Principles

Flight failure won't stop 'mad scientists' - CNN.com

Cyberwar: The defense community can't figure out how to define it. - By Jeffrey Carr - Slate Magazine

One Per Cent: Creepy robot head reads music and sings

A Dim Light on Global Warming - Bjørn Lomborg - Project Syndicate

Now you see it, now you don't—dark matter detection wars

Beyond the Genome, Cancer’s Secrets Come Into Sharper Focus - NYTimes.com

Cod genome reveals unusual immune system : Nature News

Plants And Fungi Recognize Generous Trading Partners - Science News

'Sex On Six Legs': When Insects Go Wild : NPR

Futurity.org – Sex appeal: Women kiss science goodbye

First Data from Daya Bay: Closing in on a Neutrino Mystery « Berkeley Lab News Center

To Rick Perry, which is worse—an atheist or a Muslim? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Karl Giberson, Ph.D: The Bible Is a Library, Not a Book

Loose Money Will Keep Economy From Sliding Away: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

Tax the super-rich or riots will rage in 2012 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Obama’s Folly: Why Taxing the Rich Is No Solution — The American Magazine

The Americas, Not the Middle East, Will Be the World Capital of Energy - By Amy Myers Jaffe | Foreign Policy

No stalemate in Libya – the writing is on the wall for Gaddafi | Brian Whitaker | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearWorld - Re-Examining the Arab Spring

Obama will not save Netanyahu - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Palestinian leadership mulls the way forward in United Nations bid for statehood and what comes after - Global Spin - TIME.com

Kazakhstan’s Islamist Threat? | The Diplomat

Russia's Arctic 'sea grab' - CSMonitor.com


**Markets Video:Who Wins With Google-Motorola?

**World Video:The Interrogator: An Education

Is America A 'Shrinking Superpower'?

Chinese Connected To Downed U.S. Chopper?

U.S. And China Face Off Over Aircraft Carriers

India Struggles To Tame Inflation

Could Eurobonds End Eurozone Crisis?

Political Battle Over Riots Response

Raw Video: New Explosions Rock Syrian City

Israeli Aircraft Hit Gaza: 1 Dead, 4 Hurt

'German People Are A Bit Frightened'

NATO Tankers Wrecked In Pakistan

Kentucky Man Arrested In Australian Bomb Scare

Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri Posts New Video

Religious Restrictions Around The World


Pakistan's 'Meltdown'

How Australia Regained its AAA Rating

Why China Needs U.S.

Syrian Military Pound Coastal City

Japan Sees Economic Improvements

Suu Kyi Addresses Supporters

Amateur Video Of Syrian Violence

Raw Video: Suicide Attack In Afghanistan

Violence Returns To Algeria

Somali Abuses Blamed On All Sides

Japan Marks WWII Anniversary

Norway Massacre Re-enacted By Confessed Killer

Larry Korb On The Battle For Libya

**Politics Video:Rick Perry: Fed Printing More Money Would Be "Treasonous"

Obama Ag Secretary Vilsack: Food Stamps Are A Stimulus

Rove Slams Perry Over Fed Reserve Comment

Ron Paul Ad: "The One"

Gov. Christie: People Want A President Who Will Lead, Take Risks

Gibbs On Perry: "Remarkable Turnaround" From Secession Comment

N.H. Political Analyst: "It Is Over For Mitt Romney"

Jon Stewart: Why Is The Media Ignoring Ron Paul?

Asked If Obama Loves America: Rick Perry Says "You Need To Ask Him"

Dem Web Ad: "Good Week For The Tea Party"

Krauthammer: Obama's Actions On The Economy Are "Pathetic"

Maddow: Will Perry Be Burned By Tea Party Talk?

Doggett: Perry "Has A Pretty Inflated View Of Himself"

Karl Rove Says GOP Field Could Still Expand

15th/Couple Confronts Obama About Biden Calling Tea Party Members "Terrorists"

Chris Matthews: The Media Better Investigate Rick Perry

Neil Cavuto: It's Still Business As Usual

Obama Likens Level Of Criticism He Receives To Lincoln

Bill Clinton: Rick Perry A "Good-Looking Rascal"

Obama Will Announce Specific Economic Plan In September

Rick Perry On Bush: "He's A Yale Graduate; I'm A Texas A&M Grad"

Clyburn Wants To Use Super Committee Seat To "Close Wealth Gap"

RNC Ad: Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour

Reich: More Government Spending Now Is Necessary

Obama: "I Have No Problem With Folks Saying 'Obama Cares.' I Do Care."

Obama: "There Is Nothing Wrong With America That Can't Be Fixed"

Perry: Bachmann "A Ball Of Fire"

Mitt Romney Ad: Minnesotans Slam Obama Economy

Perry In Waterloo, Iowa: "When I'm In, I'm In All The Way"

**NEWS VIDEOS:Mr. President, Meet the Tea Party

Perry: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy ‘Almost Treasonous’

Perry Responds to Romney Attack: ‘Give Him My Love (Blows Kiss)’

15TH/Breitbart on Obama Bus Tour: ‘Narcissism on Display’

Big Journalism’s Loesch Exposes Attempts to Paint Bachmann as Fringe Candidate

Tea Party Activist Confronts Obama on Biden’s ‘Tea Party Terrorist’ Smear

Clyburn to Use Super Committee to ‘Close Wealth Gap’

Clinton Tries to Diminish Perry: ‘He’s a Good Looking Rascal’

NBC News Reaches New Low with Al Sharpton’s Pretend Dog Story

Sharpton Starts the Week with Stirring Opening

Obama Uses Michelle’s Shopping Habits for Sexist Analogy

Shep Smith Reports on ‘London’s Top C**k’

Perry: ‘I Hope I’m Obama’s Worst Nightmare’

‘I Have No Problem With Folks Saying ‘Obama Cares’, I DO Care’

Obama on Obamacare: ‘Should Be Upheld Without a Problem’

Cuba’s First Ever Gay/Transgendered Wedding Celebrated

Obama Hits the Trail

Democratic Tracker Shows Up Late to Breitbart Appearance, Gets Tracked Himself

Papa Grizzly Todd Squares Off with Palin Heckler

Taylor Swift’s Wardrobe Malfunction

Romney’s Pre-emptive Strike on Obama’s ‘Magical Misery Bus Tour’

Bomb Squad Called to Boehner’s Office

Rick Perry’s 1st Ad Hits Hard: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

NBC News’ Gregory: Washington Pols Know More than American People

14THAllen West on Wasserman-Schultz: ‘Debbie Is Not Smart’

Toomey Delivers GOP Message: ‘The Policies Of This Administration Are Not Working’

Paul Krugman Recommends Military Build-up to Fight Alien Invasion as Remedy for Economy