"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Political Oratory is an Art in Which Nothing
You Say Reveals the Fact That You're Saying Nothing.

The Alex Jones Show [07/28/2011]

* GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Media Dwells on Alleged Second Fort Hood Attack Following Norway Carnage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Just why is Obama constitutionally eligible?

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News

Google didn’t help catch Breivik and that means we need less internet privacy? | End the Lie - Independent News

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - Yahoo! News

Under Obama, Millennials move into the GOP column | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

Obama Talked About "Gun Tracing" in 2009 - Katie Pavlich

Is al Qaeda really dying? The birth of a news meme - latimes.com

The Essential Rules Of Liberty

Jedediah Bila | Mark Levin and Heritage Action for America get it right | The Daily Caller

What is the End Game for Big Government? | RedState

All You Need To Know About The House Republicans | RedState

Q. and A. on the U.S. Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com


“Stoner stupid” myth goes up in smoke, debunked by clinical trials | End the Lie - Independent News


NORML Blog(http://blog.norml.org/)


07-28 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Thu, Jul 28, 2011

07-27 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Wed, Jul 27, 2011

07-27 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Wed, Jul 27, 2011

07-26 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Tue, Jul 26, 2011

07-22 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Fri, Jul 22, 2011

07-21 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Thu, Jul 21, 2011

07-20 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Wed, Jul 20, 2011

07-19 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Tue, Jul 19, 2011

07-18 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Mon, Jul 18, 2011

07-15 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Fri, Jul 15, 2011

07-14 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Thu, Jul 14, 2011

07-13 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Wed, Jul 13, 2011

07-12 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Tue, Jul 12, 2011

07-11 NORML Daily Audio Stash - Mon, Jul 11, 2011


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‪World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes‏ - YouTube

YouTube Gets Its Own Short URLs. Except They're Still Pretty Long. | TechCrunch

YouTube Blog: Make Way for youtu.be Links

‪The Norway Bombing and Israel?‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Dr John Coleman - Death Of America's Constitution‏ - YouTube

UFO shoots across Texas sky live on breakfast TV | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - More Homosexuals Alone in Old Age

CRapitalism: The Liquidating of America/ Part 1 « The PPJ Gazette

Communities which have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990

SMART METERS: A triple threat « The PPJ Gazette

Post 9/11 Macavity | Opinion Maker

GeoEngineering Schemes | Agriculture Defense Coalition

CNN's Piers Morgan 'told interviewer stories were published based on phone tapping' - Telegraph

The US Constitution Makes Default Illegal: What a Real President Would Do on August 1, 2011 « TARPLEY.net

savethemales.ca - Illuminati's "Order of the Golden Centurion"

Facebook tackles face-recognition privacy concern | Reuters

If 10% of the Population Believes a Stupid Thing, The Majority Will Too | Disinformation

The attack on the 9/11 cross exposes the bizarre fundamentalism of American atheists – Telegraph Blogs

Be and Become what you Aspire To. Visible Origami

No 10 refuses to disclose Coulson's access to top-secret information | Media | The Guardian

Citi's Top Economist Says The Water Market Will Soon Eclipse Oil

Flee to Mars if America commits worst error since 1931 – Telegraph Blogs

Stuxnet virus 'could be adapted to attack the West' - Telegraph

Behind Norway's Kristallnacht

Glenn Beck likens Obama administration to the Third Reich - Telegraph

State Department to begin tracking its personnel | Homeland Security News Wire

Genetically engineered maize with synthetic toxin approved for usage in EU food and feed | Farm Wars

Push Back Against FDA Growing – Tenth Amendment Center

Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

South Korean scientists create glowing dog: report - Yahoo! News

savethemales.ca - The Talmud - "An Ocean of Nonsense"

Activist Post: Citizen Spies, Brutal Torture Foreshadow the Domestic War on Terror

Ghost towns on the increase as rural America accounts for just 16% of population | Mail Online

Home Depot Co-founder Langone: Obama's 'Unpresidential' Behavior Destroying Economy, Country

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists – An by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

Revolutionary Politics : Canadian Coverage Of AFT Fast And Furious Program


Rupert Murdoch Scandal, or long-term intelligence operation? | jeff-goodall

Corporate cash hoard in the trillions: Moody’s - 12160

'Fast and Furious' Scandal Reaches the White House - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : Cancer NOT Covered By 9/11 Healthcare Fund


Revolutionary Politics : 'Xe' guns for hire above law as US hears & sees no evil

Xe Watch (don't be fooled - Xe IS Blackwater!)




U.S. Training Center (http://www.ustraining.com)


Firms May Drop Millions of IRA Savers on Rule Change, Sifma Says - Bloomberg

‪5.8 million Israelis Get 100 Billion In US Tax Dollars While American States Are Falling Apart‏ - YouTube

Can Obama Use The 14th Amendment And Raise The Debt Ceiling Alone? Hell No Says Judge Napolitano - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: The War on Terror Has Finally Lost all Credibility?

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Obama Using the Plunge Protection Team for Financial Terrorism ,the other Political Weapon to Raise Debt Ceiling?

Growing Fury Over Goldman's New Money Machine - 'Metals Warehouses Make A Mockery Of The Market' - Home - The Daily Bail

‪South Park Underpants Gnomes Profit plan‏ - YouTube

‪*Obama civilian national security force.‏ - YouTube

Google Offers To Re-Write Your Webpages On The Fly, Promising 25% To 60% Speed Improvements | TechCrunch

Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on TED.com

Activist Post: 7 Essential Rules of Tyranny

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "I'd Rather Be A Hobbit Than A Troll"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul: Boehner's Budget Cuts Not Real

Activist Post: FDA: You Must Not Dissent From the Medical Establishment

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

A Voice In The Wilderness: Holding onto your Sanity in a Time of Universal Insanity

Revolutionary Politics : We Are Headed for Economic 911 - Gerald Celente on Ed Taylor Radio 26 July 2011

Revolutionary Politics : Panning For Gold


**Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Prison Planet.com » Lockheed Martin Wins $72 Million Contract To Install Body Scanners

Norway Shooter Anders Breivik’s Zionism in Line With Pro-Israel European Right - The Daily Beast

Flashback: Southern Poverty Law Center, FBI Linked To Oklahoma City Bombing :


Activist Post: White House recruits IMF communications chief

Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City :

Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest, Possible Threats To Populace :

MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

FEMA, Reagan Aides and the Secret Government :

Activist Post: 4 Recent Scientific Blows to the Global Warming Theory

Why The National Debt Crisis Is Way Worse Than You Think - Home - The Daily Bail

U.S. accuses Iran of “secret deal” with al Qaeda financier cell | The Envoy - Yahoo! News

TSA readying new behavior detection plan for airport checkpoints - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Scientist who claimed polar bears were drowning is investigated for 'scientific misconduct' | Mail Online

BBC News - Hollywood goes to war on pirates

How The Two-Party Oligarchy Uses The Democrat Vs Republican Charade To Loot The Country – ‘The Greatest Increase In Poverty And Hardship Produced By Any Law In Modern US History’ – Non-Hyperbolic Edition | David DeGraw

A Voice In The Wilderness: SMART METERS: A triple threat


Filer's Files # 31 -2011 Declassified Videos in Chile


*Weekly Filers Files(www.nationalufocenter.com)


Former Springs cop had 22 victims, prosecutors allege | springs, former, victims - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

In Mormon Utah, Sheep Get Slaughtered

Neo-Cons and Muslim Haters -

Revolutionary Politics : General Electric Sends 14 Billion Dollar Per Year X-Ray Business To China


Police on Alert After Political Activist "Liked" Article on Facebook

Check Out H.R. 4336 - Maybe The Greatest Bill In Congressional History - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum) - Original Version‏ - YouTube

Sherrie Questioning All: Sad State of these United - Broken States. People are Stealing back from the Government


Washington's Blog:The World's Biggest Central Bank Has Private Shareholders

*Cental Bank


Bank for International Settlements(www.bis.org/)

La Raza

Obama Says Becoming A Dictator Is Very Tempting As La Raza Crowd Cheers - BlackListedNews.com


‪Obama addresses La Raza.... tempted to be dictatorial.‏ - YouTube


National Council of La Raza(www.nclr.org/ )


'06/U.S. Immigration Laws: The Truth About "La Raza" Movement - HUMAN EVENTS


IMF chief: Dollar status in doubt if debt crisis persists - BlackListedNews.com

Bush says slow reaction on 9/11 was deliberate decision | The Raw Story

My Way News - NYPD pioneers new dirty bomb detection system

News from The Associated Press

Giant Banks Lobby to Raise the Debt Ceiling and Slash Public Benefits ... So They Can Keep Sucking at the Public Teet - BlackListedNews.com

BofA Donates Then Demolishes Houses to Cut Glut of Foreclosures - BlackListedNews.com

Iran revolutionary guards' commander set to become president of Opec | World news | The Guardian

Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas - BlackListedNews.com


How Treasury Bonds Work - A Quick Lesson

‪Debt clock ticks, Sen. Reid moves ahead with his own plan‏ - YouTube

Reid Moves Forward With Debt-Reduction Plan as Boehner Sweetens Deal for GOP - FoxNews.com

RAW VIDEO: Pres. Obama urges Senate to unite | Video | abc7chicago.com

Someone wants to look at hot Bulgarian girls — RT

Poland to Admit Guilt for Plane Crash

North Korea seeking formal end to Korean War along with a peace treaty with U.S. - BlackListedNews.com

North Korean diplomat heads to US for nuclear talks | End the Lie - Independent News

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

House panel approves bill forcing ISPs to log users’ web history | The Raw Story

Police Beat 'Gentle' Mentally-ill Homeless Man to Death

Video:Why Gaddafi Must Die!

Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Crisis

Video:Untold Wealth: The Rise of the Super Rich

USA: A Sea of Silent Peasants.

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists

Is America Caught In The Closed Mind Trap?

The Saudi States of America

Fundamentalism Kills

Americans 'Disgusted' as Politicians Fail to Compromise on Debt

Wealth Gap Widens Between US Whites, Minorities In 25

The Question Conservatives Can’t Answer

'Breivik part of an anti-Islam network':


The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research

Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Biometric business security goes beyond Bond

Belafonte says Obama lacks moral courage, vision - Yahoo! News

‪Ron Paul Interview On CNN AC 360 About The Boehner Bill‏ - YouTube

‪Keiser Report: Ghettofication of America (E168)‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on Bloomberg 07/28/11‏ - YouTube

‪Rand Paul on Freedom Watch 07/28/11‏ - YouTube

‪07/28/11 Full Show - NO MORE VEITCH!, What drives Obama?‏ - YouTube

The Third American Republic and the Coming Constitutional Collision

Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington

* Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat

News on the Schizophrenic Administration: Nato’s War in Libya

Why Norway? Behind the shooting and bombing massacre in Norway

The War on Libya : An Imperialist Project to Create Three Libyas

This Is What A Collapsing Ponzi Scheme Looks Like

The Sentencing of Tim DeChristopher Highlights the Conflict Between the People and Corporate-Government

The "Solution" to America's Debt Ceiling Crisis: Looting What has Already been Looted...

It’s not a “Debt Crisis”. It’s "Economic Genocide"

War and Religion: Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Train Officers on Ethics of Launching Nuclear Weapons


*Famous Quotes about Fiat Money


The Government Is Watching You - informationliberation

Libyan Rebel Chief Killed After Arrest by Rebels -- News from Antiwar.com

McCain tells Libyan rebels: end abuses or risk US support - Africa, World - The Independent

Army Private Confesses to Plan to Attack Fort Hood -- News from Antiwar.com

US Accuses Iran of ‘Secret Deal’ With al-Qaeda -- News from Antiwar.com

Leaked Audit: Boeing Overcharged Army Up to 177,000 Percent on Helicopter Spare Parts

‘Over-generalled’: Is the Air Force too top-heavy? - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Army general cleared of charges that he sought to use psy ops on U.S. senators - The Washington Post

Venezuela’s Chavez celebrates 57th birthday facing cancer treatment, vowing to stay in power - The Washington Post

U.S., North Korea hold business-like talks | Reuters

Blast at U.S. Embassy in Georgia Tied to Russian Officer - NYTimes.com

China warns US over spy flights | The Australian

US destroys missile over Pacific in test

TSA readying new behavior detection plan for airport checkpoints - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Clerk at gun shop near Fort Hood alerted police - AP News Wire, Associated Press News - Salon.com

U.S. government says Stuxnet could morph into new threat | Reuters

Michael Leiter, at Aspen Forum, Says Al Qaeda Is Still a Threat - NYTimes.com

Senate extends FBI director's term - The Hill's Floor Action

Knights Templar: In Mexico, like Norway, criminals look to past for legitimacy - CSMonitor.com

Recent war vets face risk of homelessness - USATODAY.com

Limbaugh: Four More Years Of Obama And America Is Transformed | RealClearPolitics

Archaeologists Uncover Ruins of Biblical City Shekem in War-Torn Palestine - FoxNews.com

2010-2011 drought likely to be among costliest on record for Texas farmers, ranchers

Scientists Study Future Megathrust Earthquake In Pacific Northwest - Irish Weather Online

Food, Control and the Growing Police State :: Weekly Blitz

Black Helicopters Seen In Multiple States As Pentagons Deployment Of 20,000 Troops Inside United States Set To Be Ready This Year :

Special Ops Chief Warns of Al Qaeda 2.0 - FoxNews.com

Fast and Furious: Enter the IRS and White House - HUMAN EVENTS

20 things that could happen if no debt deal is reached | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Jobs Czar Sends American Jobs to China

Islam Demands Unconditional Surrender » Publications » Family Security Matters

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply

Is Social Security Obama's secret piggy bank? | Benzinga.com

Former Intel Chief: Call Off The Drone War (And Maybe the Whole War on Terror) | Danger Room | Wired.com

Guest Post: Who Are The Extremists? | ZeroHedge

Unseen comet's orbit indicates possible crash - seattlepi.com

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet

DOD Working Toward Full Financial Audits

On Weasels and the Removal Thereof Through Unified Action by Susan Westfall

Why Capitalism Is Worth Defending by Anthony Gregory

What Are Scientists Saying About X-Ray Backscatter Scanners? by Kathryn Muratore

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: A Swamp Monster Disses Ron Paul

Become a Conspiracy Realist by Liam Scheff

It’s another assault on retirement accounts | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Ghost towns on the increase as rural America accounts for just 16% of population | Mail Online

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

Test Tube DNA Brain Gets Quiz Questions Right : Discovery News

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

Epigenetic Engineering | Old-Thinker News

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

Predictive Programming or Warning? Video Game Trailer Shows Transhuman Future | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained | Old-Thinker News

Genetic Armageddon: Humanity’s Greatest Threat | Old-Thinker News

As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home - BlackListedNews.com

Giuliani Slams Obama on Debt Crisis, 'Horrendous' Social Security Scare

Hannity, McCain Spar Over Tea Party, Boehner Bill

Boehner Rewrites His Bill, Obama Pleads for Pact

Paying for Healthcare Top Boomer Worry

Al-Qaida Still Likely to Use WM D

WSJ’s Strassel: In Defense of Boehner

Robert Samuelson: Blame Seniors for Debt Crisis

Palin Enters Debt Fray

TSA New Tactic: Talk to Passengers

Sen. Sessions: Congress Has Waited Too Long

Huntsman: Boehner Plan 'Only Act in Town'

Bush Explains Slow Reaction to Sept. 11 Attacks

Huckabee: Maybe Trump Should Re-enter Race

Sharpton: Debt About 'Your Mama,' Not Obama

New Biography: Mick Jagger Closet Conservative

Cuban-Americans Fret Bills Curbing Travel

Brad Blakeman: Let Steel Cross Rise at Ground Zero

Congressmen Seek to Cash in on Debt Morass

Gingrich 2012 Tees: Made in ...El Salvador?

RNC Ad Depicts Dismal 2017 If Obama Re-elected

Moderate Republicans Rue GOP Shift Further Right

China News Agency Lambastes US for Debt Crisis

China Defends Carrier Plans as Neighbors Fret

China: US Debt Fight 'Dangerously Irresponsible'

Dr. Brownstein: Your Heart Needs Potassium, Unrefined Salt

Pumping Iron May Lower Diabetes Risk

Does a Daily Vitamin Boost Your Memory?

Pope's Representative to US Dies After Short Illness

Ron Paul and the War on Drugs

Americans Are Taking Note of the China Threat

Weak Economy Sinks Obama's Approval Numbers

Default on US Debt Is Obama’s Choice

*The Alex Jones Show – July 28th, 2011 | Dprogram.net

+2 Parts/Gerald Celente on Ed Taylor Radio – July 26th, 2011 | Dprogram.net

‪Gerald Celente - Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio 19 July 2011‏ - YouTube


*ARTICLE LINKS:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 28th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 28th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – July 27th, 2011

*Alex Jones Show – July 26th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 27th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 27th, 2011


Stop The Presses: The Fed Can Fund The Treasury With Over Half A Trillion In Emergency Capital | ZeroHedge

Forced DNA Collection Without Search Warrant Violates Privacy Rights | Electronic Frontier Foundation

President Obama Is A Mercenary For Private, International Banksters And The Treasonous Oligarchy | Dprogram.net

Bill Harming Online Privacy Moving Through Congress | Dprogram.net

Jackson Lee at Radical Islam Hearing: Let's ‘Have a Hearing on Right-Wing Extremists’ | CNSnews.com

Only a Domestic Terror Attack Can Rescue Brand Obama | Dprogram.net

IMF and CFR Insider Recruited by Obama White House | Dprogram.net

Romans 13: Setting It Straight – Chuck Baldwin | Dprogram.net

The New World Order’s Megadeath Plan For The World: The Five Theaters of Action | Dprogram.net

5 Delicious Ways to Use a Store-Bought Rotisserie Chicken | The Art of Manliness

How to Make the Barefoot Transition | Mark's Daily Apple

In ‘Anonymous’ Raids, Feds Work From List of Top 1,000 Protesters | Threat Level | Wired.com

3,000-year-old altar uncovered at Philistine site suggests cultural links to Jews - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Some Used vs. New Car Buying Pros and Cons by Eric Peters

‪7/29/2011 -- Six plumes erupt over 12 hours -- California and Nevada -- ALL VOLCANO SITES‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Fed has 'no magic wand' in default

Activist Post: FDA: You Must Not Dissent From the Medical Establishment

WHO ARE THE EXTREMISTS? « The Burning Platform

Scientists clone genetically-modified dog that 'glows' when given antibiotic

Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

Economic Prism: Admit Defeat of the Social Utopia :

FEMA, Reagan Aides and the Secret Government :

Thyroid Problems Natural Remedies: Toxic Issues And Chemicals That Disrupt The Thyroid :

Reid Will Write His Own Debt-Limit Bill; ‘Last Chance to Save Our Nation’

Obama Open to ‘Enforcement Mechanism’ in Future Fiscal Negotiations

Obama Sees ‘Plenty of Ways Out of This Mess,’ But Offers No Specifics

FLASHBACK: Obama's Budget Called for Doubling Publicly Held Debt Over 10 Years

Democrats -- With No Bill of Their Own -- Point Accusing Finger at Republicans

Buchanan: What 'Big Deals' Did to America

VIDEO: Pelosi: Boehner Bill ‘Pulls The Plug’ On 50 Years of ‘Progress for America’s Families’

Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan Will See More U.S. Casualties, Warns Retired Army General

U.N. Group Stands Up for Children's Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Including Abortion

Pelosi: ‘My Work in Politics’ Is ‘An Extension of My Role as a Mom’

GOP Seeks to Resurrect 9/11 Commission to Examine Domestic Radicalization

Top Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Line to Become Oil Minister, OPEC Head

House Committee to Seek More Info on White House Links to Gunrunner Operation

Congressman: Boehner Bill Gets Support Overnight

First-Term Senate Democrat Disgusted With Congress

Huntsman: 'Conservation Is Conservative'

Rosa Parks Essay Reveals Rape Attempt

Study Finds No Cancer Link with Kids, Cellphones

Amid Bee Die-Off, Healthy Hives Thrive in Cities

EPA Targets Air Pollution from Gas Drilling Boom

Congressman to Introduce Bill on 2 Arkansas Soldiers

ACORN Voter Registration Suit Dismissed in Pennsylvania

Recruiters pressed to reach out to gays once ban is lifted

Catholic University faces challenge on its same-sex dorm plan

U.S. may be able to pay bills beyond debt-ceiling deadline

Millbank: The crumbling of John Boehner’s speakership

Samuelson: Why are we in this debt fix? It’s the elderly, stupid

Former astronaut forced out of Navy years after bizarre confrontation with romantic rival

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

Drunken-driving penalties could depend on your location

Ruling may weaken escort roles at abortion clinics

States no longer wedded to idea of alimony for life

Norway shooter: Ammo clips were from U.S.

Dennis Blair, former DNI, rips Obama White House on use of drones

House Considers Creation of Religious Freedom Envoy in Middle East, Asia

Obama Administration Accuses Iran of 'Secret Deal' With Al Qaeda

Houston transit chief suspended for going to adult sites on agency computer

Report: Bondholders to get priority under contingency plan

Casey Anthony reportedly seeking $1.5 million for first interview

+ Earth Changes and the Pole Shift | Before It's News

NASA Preparing For Outside Threat 2011? | Before It's News

Unbelievable Events in Antarctica | Before It's News

Social Media History Becomes a New Job Hurdle | Before It's News

3,000 Roman 3rd Century Coins Found In Field | Before It's News

Elenin: What is a Comet Cluster? | Before It's News

Roswell UFO expert challenges a review of Area 51 book | Before It's News

Psychics Channel Counter-Intelligence for Drug Cartels | Before It's News

A LENR and Cold Fusion Update | Before It's News

HIPAA vs. the Cloud | Before It's News

Nixon White House may have bugged Pentagon leadership « intelNews.org

President Obama Announces Historic 54.5 mpg Fuel Efficiency Standard | Before It's News

Nothing New: Government Competes with Private Sector | Before It's News

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply (and insured depopulation & sterility) | Before It's News

The Lost Knowledge and Forgotten Wisdom of The Heart, ( P ) | Before It's News

The Hebrew Calendar: Insights for Our Days | Before It's News

State Department Expands Personnel Tracking System | Before It's News


Let's Roll Forums (http://letsrollforums.com/)


'06/GOD will use planet X to fulfill HIS judgments upon mankind (revised)

LinkedIn Marketing Debate: Should Your LinkedIn Profile Be in 1st Person or 3rd Person? | Before It's News

The Villagers' Idea of Compromise

John McCain rips Tea Party politicians over making foolish and bizarre demands over debt ceiling

Rep. Joe Walsh, Deadbeat Dad

Dan Savage threatens to redefine Santorum's first name

Charles Krauthammer says Michele Bachmann's stance on debt ceiling is 'unbelievably irresponsible'

Gingrich busted holding campaign T-shirt made in El Salvador

House Republicans are not just do-nothings -- they're spinning their wheels furiously

Keith Ellison Responds to King's Refusal to Allow Him to Testify in His Upcoming Muslim Witch Hunt

Jon Stewart destroys O'Reilly's arguments that Anders Breivik wasn't Christian, and sets up a GOP Special Victims Unit to boot

Bachmann: Questions about gay therapy are out of bounds

Rick Perry does a 'Romney Flip' on gay marriage and now wants a federal ban

House Vote on Boehner's Debt Ceiling Bill postponed -- UPDATE: GOP Whip -- No Vote on Debt Ceiling Tonight

Japan will test children for cancer from the Fukushima region forever

True or False? Over 50% Do Not Pay Income Taxes

Tea Party's Judson Phillips' Misogynistic Attack on Nancy Pelosi: 'The Botox Has Gotten To Her"

Here's What The Tea Party Wants: Chaos

Court To Andrew Breitbart: Shirley Sherrod May Go Forward With Her Defamation Lawsuit


Rupertgate Thursday - "A New Low".


Massive Sun 'Twister' Swirls Up 12 Earths High | Sun Photos From Space & Space Weather | Sun Storms & Solar Storms | Space.com

Korean Scientists Produce Glow-in-the-Dark Dog - FoxNews.com

BBC News - Trojan asteroid seen in Earth's orbit by Wise telescope

The Big Crunch: Physicists Make Time End | Wired Science | Wired.com

Massive meteorite found in China | MNN - Mother Nature Network

“Belgian UFO” Photo A Hoax | Ghost Theory

In Test Tube, Hint of Chemicals Coming Alive - NYTimes.com

Aha! Icy moon 'rain' creates water on Saturn - Technology & science - Space - Space.com - msnbc.com

NY Mummy Smugglers Reveal Vast Antiquities Black Market | Egyptian Antiquities & Artifacts Theft | Art Crimes | LiveScience

CHRIS HOLLY'S Paranormal World: The Strangest Strangers

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI | Space.com

‪Republicans Postpone Vote on Debt Bill‏ - YouTube

Infographic: Keeping Tabs on Google+ Privacy | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Libyan who returned from Britain finds the rebel's life tough | Reuters

Islamists Show Solidarity in Massive Egypt Rally | News | English

Fort Hood/Abdo story underplayed? | Ad Astrum

Warren Jeffs Remains Mute As Sex Trial Begins - ABC News

Comments On: Boeing’s NSA Decison | AVIATION WEEK

Mitch Winehouse Hands Out Amy's Clothes : People.com

Earth's Trojan Asteroids

Congressional conservatives must fight | Ennis Daily News

Emanuel Reveals $635M Projected Budget Hole | NBC Chicago

Emanuel gets along with at least one union - chicagotribune.com

Northwest Herald | State’s attorney touts progress in 1957 case

Google+ Invites Taking Too Long: Traffic Slows Down - International Business Times

54 Miles Per Gallon | WASHINGTON, D.C.

Google Introduces Hotel Search - NYTimes.com

Can We Get Addicted to Our Smartphones? | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Google Releases Page Speed Service

Microsoft Rips Google With Gmail Man [VIDEO]

Google TV price slashed to $99 as Logitech stumbles | Reuters

Spotify hit with patent-infringement lawsuit | The Digital Home - CNET News

Boeing shows off 787 Dreamliner at Oshkosh air show - chicagotribune.com

Fed Readies Guidance for Banks if Deadline Missed - Bloomberg

Groupon Now In Your Foursquare, Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together | TechCrunch

Panel Scorns Nuclear-Waste Policy - WSJ.com

Pilot training questioned as recorders shed light on Air France crash - CNN.com

Apple now has more cash than the U.S. government - CNN.com

Parliament not done with News Corp.'s James Murdoch - latimes.com

EPA Pollution Rule Objection Period Still Open - Exeter, NH Patch

Yahoo a ‘forced seller’ in Alipay deal: analyst - MarketWatch

BBC News - 'Super antibody' fights off flu

A legal history of smoking in Canada - Health - CBC News

Stem cell research to continue getting federal funds - latimes.com

Fearing scary diagnosis, man drops 175 pounds - CNN.com

BBC News - WHO: Hepatitis toll 'in millions'

Women who eat lots of fiber have less breast cancer | Reuters

There's an app for invisible wounds of war - - military - Jacksonville Daily News

The Furious French Fry Fiasco - Mount Pleasant-Sturtevant, WI Patch

U.S. Biologist Suspended over Report on Dead Polar Bears

Population to Bulge, But Will Hit Ceiling : Discovery News

Humans Crowded Out Neanderthals : Discovery News

Climate Data | Global Warming | Climate Predictions | The Daily Caller

A first: Giant black hole caught eating hot gas - CBS News

Ominous sign from ancient sea level rise - US news - Environment - Discovery.com - msnbc.com

Plants evolve special leaves to make sounds that bats enjoy

Next ISS Crew Prepares For Commercial Freighters | AVIATION WEEK

Juno's Jupiter mission may yield clues to Earth's origins - latimes.com

BBC News - Huge Arctic fire hints at new climate cue

U.S. Government Unprepared for Extreme Weather Events: Senator - International Business Times

Cosmic Log - Corps will turn science into startups

Low Tide Reveals Rare Dinosaur Fossil - FoxNews.com

U.S. team sets end-September target in Higgs chase | Reuters

BBC News - Vesta asteroid shows shadowed top

Enormous Magnetic Waves Bake Sun's Corona, Christian News

Girl found suffocated was locked in box as punishment | Reuters

Search continues for missing 11-year-old girl - SentinelSource.com: State Regional

Former NASA Astronaut Lisa Nowak Expelled from Navy | U.S. Navy & NASA's Astronaut Corps | Lisa Nowak Criminal Case | Space.com

Larry Flynt says he's offered Casey Anthony $500,000 to pose in Hustler - Crimesider - CBS News

Judge orders release of Nixon Watergate testimony - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Victoria Advocate | Church holds prayer service for those who cannot attend Perry's The Response

Who's Afraid of Rick Perry? - WSJ.com

Bush details 9/11 memories for documentary - Wire TV News - sacbee.com

Bush opens up on bin Laden: No "jubilation" at his death - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Emanuel projects $635.7 million budget shortfall next year - chicagotribune.com

Jon Huntsman Jr. emphasizing electability | Deseret News


Digital Life - Fugitive caught after taunting cops via Facebook

AWOL soldier condemned '09 Fort Hood shootings - Watertown Daily Times Online : National:

‪AWOL Soldier Admits to Ft. Hood Attack Plot‏ - YouTube

President Obama on debt ceiling debate - YNN, Your News Now

‪Obama: Multiple Ways Out of Debt Ceiling Mess‏ - YouTube

Entourage creator says movie of hit show will happen | Reuters

Near-riot in Hollywood: LAPD to review video footage - latimes.com

Meat Loaf Passes Out on Stage for 10 Minutes, Finishes Show | Billboard.com

Debbie Gibson, Tiffany reunite for tour - USATODAY.com

Lady Gaga takes over Hollywood Boulevard, peacefully - latimes.com

‪Lady GaGa - Yoü and I Live performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live Full Video 2011 HQ‏ - YouTube

Suspects in Lebanon leader's killing identified - CNN.com

NATO takes over border posts in Kosovo after violent clashes | The Lincoln Tribune

J'lem greets French edict on Isra... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Protesters urge fellow Syrians to join uprising | ajc.com

'Madeleine McCann found': Hopes dashed after sighting in India | Mail Online

27,700 evacuated as tropical storm Nock-Ten hits south China

UN: One-Third of Somalis Needing Aid Are Children | News | English

BBC News - Afghanistan: Deadly attack in Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan

Gaza-bound land convoy reaches Sudan - CNN

Peru's Humala faces critical test to boost economy

Another phone hacking victim, another blow to Murdoch's power in Britain - CSMonitor.com

James Murdoch asked to clarify hacking testimony

‪Murdoch foam pie attacker goes to court‏ - YouTube

AFP: China train crash payments almost double: Xinhua

Mine Explosion in Ukraine Kills 17 - NYTimes.com

‪At least 16 dead in Ukraine mine blast‏ - YouTube

Norway police raise attack death toll to 77 from 76 | Reuters

Poland's defence minister resigns over Smolensk crash report - Telegraph

‪Flight Faultlines: Polish probe proves VIP plane crash crew error‏ - YouTube

A balanced budget amendment sounds logical to me

Van Susteren Calls Carney “Petty;” Says White House Needs to “Give It A Rest

The Human Nature of Government

America, it is time for an intervention!

Palestine - Ending the Pretending, Facing the Facts

Can’t we just Regulate all American Industries out of Existence?

Ignoring Iran to Our Peril

Potential Oil Production Increases in Gulf from Speedier Permitting

Islam Demands Unconditional Surrender

Cell phones not associated with brain cancer, reports new study

Bipartisan Senators Fight Another Job Crushing EPA Regulation

Obama’s Continued Denial of Illegal Fundraising Questions

The Myth of White Privilege

What is Liberty, That We May Defend It?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The insanity must be stopped

‘Blankies’ for Barry!

Liberty Lovers Are Counter-Revolutionaries

Call the monarchy’s bluff

Labor Unions, GE, and the Job Czar

Raising the Debt Ceiling Just Doesn’t Cut it

Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ Fave Tea Partier: Palestinian GOP Congressman Votes w/ Islamic Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim Illegal Alien on Revoked Student Visa Threatened to Kill Obama

Debbie Schlussel:What Inner City?: Detroit Mayor Spends Time Seeking Leniency for Millionaire NBA Drunk Driver

Debbie Schlussel:Karma?: Norway Camp Breivik Shot Up Celebrated HAMAS, Jew-Hatred

Debbie Schlussel:Fort Hood Massacre II: “Modest” Muslim Child Porn Addict Had Bombs – How Many More Like Him in Armed Forces?

Climate Witchcraft and Post-Normal Science

Truthful Accounting Should Be the First Objective of Any Debt Ceiling Compromise

Progressives and Their Taxes Kill Cities

Obama Seems To Be Taking His Defeat In The 2012 Election Rather Well

Our Historic Compromise

McCain, the Republican Joe Lieberman

Picket Across America

Sign of the times; the hungry young victims of Obamanomics

'Fast and Furious' traced to White House

Geithner's 'unworkable' plan to prioritize debt payments

Indies fleeing Obama

'Durban III' conference mulling anti-Israel statement

Economic 'growth' at a near standstill

US accuses Iran of working with al-Qaeda

Boehner's credibility gap

Speaker Boehner, Please Stop Saying 'How High?'

Differentiation is the New Diversity!

Overexposure is Dangerous for Gays and Jews

A Tip of the Hat to Glenn Beck on His Way off the Air

The Old Deal

Learning the Work Ethic Young

The Gray Lady's Sexual Agenda Revealed

Tea Party Crashes Washington Orgy

The Boehner Plan is the Best Deal for the Country That Our Divided Government Can Deliver

I Won in an Historic Landslide and All I Got Was This Lousy Rounding Error

Al Sharpton Loses Temper on Air Rant Caller Slams Spreading Lies Debt Ceiling Social Security | Video | TheBlaze.com

Van Jones: GOP ‘Faction’ Puts ‘Gun to Head of 310 Million People’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

First Amendment Fight in Livingston, New Jersey Over Christian Cross in Patrick Racaniello’s Yard | TheBlaze.com

Tea Party Protester Theron Cal Explains White Racist Gene | TheBlaze.com

WW1 Began Today 97 Years Ago | TheBlaze.com

Republicans Call Off House Debt Bill Vote Thursday Night Boehner Debt Ceiling GOP | TheBlaze.com

Jay Carney: Republicans Want to ‘Blow Up’ the Economy | Video | TheBlaze.com

Brothers Two Men Arrested for Attacking Pilot on San Francisco Bound Plane, Chasing Him Through Terminal at Miami Airport | Video | TheBlaze.com

UN Group Y-PEER Calls for Decriminalization of Prostitution, Drug Abuse | TheBlaze.com

U.S. Treasury Department Accuses Iran of Secret Deal with Al Qaeda | TheBlaze.com

Army Soldier Naser Jason Abdo Accused of Possible Fort Hood Attack | Video | TheBlaze.com

HALE-D Lockheed Martin Blimp Crashes in Pennsylvania | Video | TheBlaze.com

Homeless Woman Tries to Eat Baby’s Arm | TheBlaze.com

Suspect Arrested in Another Possible Ft. Hood Attack Plot | TheBlaze.com

University of Alabama Researcher Dr. Roy Spencer Finds NASA Satellite Data Contradicts Global Warming Predictions | TheBlaze.com

ATF Boss may have shared operation fast and furious with white house 2010 | TheBlaze.com

Alaska Scientist Charles Monnett Tied to Global Warming Investigated for Scientific Misconduct | TheBlaze.com

NIH Director Francis Collins Accepts Evolution But Decries | TheBlaze.com

George Pataki Definitely Thinking About Running for President AUDIO | TheBlaze.com

Sheila Jackson Lee Wants Hearing on Rupert Murdoch Right Wing Extremists | Video | TheBlaze.com

Poll Finds Muslim Brotherhood Will Win Egypt Election | TheBlaze.com

Islamic Militant Group Bans Tasty Snack Food for Being ‘Too Christian’ Samosas | TheBlaze.com

Herman Cain Meets With Muslim Leaders and Apologies for Comments on Islam | TheBlaze.com

Calls for Shairah Law at Egyption Protest | Video | TheBlaze.com

Rep. Allen West Appears on Laura Ingraham’s Show to Discuss Tea Party Schizophrenia and Support for Boehner | TheBlaze.com

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Jerusalem Israel Passport Case Against Obama Administration | TheBlaze.com

Allen West Explains Support for Debt Deal and Boehner Plan | Video | TheBlaze.com

Obama Labor Official Raymond Jefferson Quits After Internal Ethics Investigation Probe | TheBlaze.com

Home Depot Founder Ken Langone Calls President Barack Obama Divisive and Unpresidential | Video | TheBlaze.com

Michigan Marijuana Dispensary Offered Patients Free Pot if They Registered to Vote | Video | TheBlaze.com

Woman Allegedly Kicked Out of Walmart for String Bikini | Video | TheBlaze.com

Chinese Scientists Say Evolutionary Bird Archaeopteryx May Be a Dinosaur | TheBlaze.com

Angry Neighbors Dump Trash at Wells Fargo | Video | TheBlaze.com

President Obama Speaks on Debt Crisis and Status of Debt Ceiling Negotiations | TheBlaze.com

North Carolina Taco Bell Franchise Sued by EEOC Over Firing Christopher Abbey for Not Cutting His Hair | TheBlaze.com

Fort Hood Gunman Still Getting Paycheck | TheBlaze.com

Atlanta Street Vendors Fight Regulations | TheBlaze.com

Rick Perry: ‘Obviously Gay Marriage Is Not Fine With Me’ | TheBlaze.com

Bill Maher Blasts Genn Beck Over ‘Count Me a Jew’ Statement | Jewish, Israel, Christians United for Israel, CUFI, Count me a Jew | Video | TheBlaze.com

CBS’ Schieffer Social Security Checks Debt Ceiling Crisis Debate | Video | TheBlaze.com

Fox Host Varney on Soros: ‘I Do Not Like Billionaire Socialists Who Hate America and Try to Make Money Out of Our Ruin’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Al Sharpton Loses Temper on Air Rant Caller Slams Spreading Lies Debt Ceiling Social Security | Video | TheBlaze.com

Van Jones: GOP ‘Faction’ Puts ‘Gun to Head of 310 Million People’ | Video | TheBlaze.com


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


- NYPOST.com

GE moving X-ray business to China - Boston.com

PolitiFact | Tom Coburn says government is twice the size it was a decade ago

Mixed race Erica Herrera to marry white supremacist murder suspect | Mail Online

Obama Talked About "Gun Tracing" in 2009 - Katie Pavlich

Catholic church calls for tax increases, fewer spending cuts in debt debate - Washington Times

Soros Returns Capital, Avoids Dodd Frank - TheStreet

Brothers accused of beating airline pilot - CNN.com

Honour killings: Man guns down six daughters – The Express Tribune


'Real Time With Bill Maher' Picked Up for 10th Season - Hollywood Reporter

G.D. Spradlin 1920-2011

I’ll Drive Him: George Lopez Says He’ll Move to Canada If Palin Wins

‘Captain America’: Little Hero, Big Heart

Morning Call Sheet: Ghost Rider, Ratner, Clooney, Fat Pesci and Happy Friday

Class Act: Unable to Accept Marine’s Invite, Scarlett Johansson Toasts Them All

Review: ‘Cowboys and Aliens’ – Good Times and Merriment

Review: ‘Friends with Benefits’ Has Its Perks

Director Gilles Paquet-Brenner Discusses His New Film ‘Sarah’s Key’

Indiewire’s Anthony Kaufman Still Struggling with ‘Black Republicans’

Morning Call Sheet: Cowboys, Aliens, ‘Star Trek’, and Alex Trebek

Obama Supporter Russell Simmons Attends Elite Corporate-Jet Sponsored Event

AUDIO:The Debt Ceiling Debacle and Who’s to Blame

White House Playbook: Arbitrary Numbers and Financially Ignorant Sloganeering

Van Jones: GOP Putting a ‘Gun to the Head of 310 Million People’

GDP Report: Sharper Slowdown than Expected

The House Has Done Its Job-It Is Time for the Senate to Do Theirs

The Tea Party is Dead. Long Live the Tea Party.

Indoctrination Fridays: ‘Three Little Pigs’ Slaughtered by Leftists

House GOP Leadership Postpones Debt Vote

FBI Tries to Censure Agents, Fails

Reason.tv: Happy 99th Birthday, Milton Friedman! A Tribute to the Late, Great Economist

Appeals Court Upholds Army Officer’s Conviction, Ignores Evidence in Death of Al-Qaeda Operative

Big Labor, Big Bucks in High Stakes Wisconsin Recalls

White House Celebrates: Health Care Spending Increases Because of Democrats’ Health Care Law

Does America Defaulting on Its Debt Mean We’ll Need a Bailout Like Greece?

Media on RNC’s new Campaign Ad: Foreboding, Ominous, Dark, Doomsday!!

Al Sharpton Hustles His Way to NBC News Gig

Something Is Missing in MSM Coverage of War Opposition

Sound Bite for the Day: White House’s Hatred of Fox Spills Into Debt Presser

Who Watches The Watchers? We Do

Brian Williams Demands of Mitch McConnell: ‘Why Shouldn't Rich Folks Pay More?’ | NewsBusters.org

Google+ rattles Facebook, triggers 'social media' arms race | Video | Reuters.com

Olbermann Calls Rep. Peter King an ‘A$*&!@’ - By Nat Brown - Media Blog - National Review Online

/Film | Blogging the Reel World

For Obama's Birthday: Performances by Jennifer Hudson, Herbie Hancock - Wilshire & Washington on Variety.com

Why America Doesn't Count at the Box Office Anymore | The Wrap Movies

Talk about 'peddling paranoia'

Anti-war group raised money for Fort Hood terror plotter

Science stunner! 'Missing link' for 150 years and now it isn't?

Obamacare's fate in hands of Supreme Court?

Maligned candidate asks IRS to investigate Soros-linked group

Improving Mexican economy draws undocumented immigrants home from California - Sacramento City News - sacbee.com

Muslim Journalist: Mossad Behind Norway Attack!

AUDIO:Congressman Bob Goodlatte: A Little Common Sense Could Go A Long Way

Breivik and Totalitarian Democrats

Record Number Of US Troops Killed By Iranian Arms

Washington Follows Brussels In Fraud And Extortion

AUDIO:James Carroll: Kansas Legion Riders Change Lives

Appeals Court Upholds Army Officer’s Conviction, Ignores Evidence in Death of Al-Qaeda Operative

Congress Fails To Put Military Pay First, Effectively Joining Obama’s Threats To Our Heroes

Arabs Set a Trap For Themselves. Will Israel Close It?

No trial before 2012 for Norway killed; prosecutors

Right-wing NGO may join housing protest if Hatikva sung

Turkey's top military chiefs 'resign' over divisions with government

'State's economic growth not improving people's lives'

Some cities say they'll keep red-light cameras operating

Obama blasts Boehner debt-ceiling bill, calls for bipartisan deal

US growth and budget standoff woes hurt markets

Stranded emperor penguin Happy Feet given the all-clear

Spain prime minister calls early election for 20 November

This Week in History: The British Mandate for Palestine

Sun and Mirror fined for contempt of court in Christopher Jefferies articles

Lebanon tribunal releases Hariri indictment details

Egyptian 'unity' rally highlights split within nation

AWOL soldier defiant in 1st court appearance

Civil trial over reputed Edwards sex tape delayed

Stocks sink as the debt limit debate drags on

Nixon's secret Watergate testimony ordered released

Security of nation at stake over debt: top Democrat

Senator Schumer says hopes for debt compromise Friday

NJ governor says he's feeling 'fabulous'

Sen Reid: Democrats want debt hike to March 2013

Cougars | Miss Cougar International | Amy Luna Manderino | The Daily Caller

Raiders newest cheerleader is a grandmother - Shutdown Corner - NFL Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Casey Anthony masks sells for $1m on eBay and beer drinking video is up for offer | Mail Online

London 2012 Olympics: Online campaign for tramp Gordon Roberts to carry torch | Mail Online

5 Health Benefits of Smoking | Long-Term Smoking & Heart Attacks | Smoking Lowers Parkinson's Disease Risk | LiveScience

Mob Wipes Out Elephants, Tigers & Rhinos | Wildlife Conservation & Law Enforcement | LiveScience

Afghans to get comedy series based on 'The Office' - Telegraph

Hackers plan to assault corporate/government corruption


29-Jul-11 World View

28-Jul-11 World View

27-Jul-11 World View

26-Jul-11 World View

25-Jul-11 World View

24-Jul-11 World View

23-Jul-11 World View


South Korean scientists create glowing dog: report - Yahoo! News

Mayor Michael Bloomberg greets Muslim leaders with 'Shalom Alaikum' at Ramadan meeting

Female Navy SEALs? Special Operations Commander 'Ready to Go Down That Road' - ABC News

Navy P-8 Sub-Killer Plane Makes First Flight

Jewish group promoting polygamy? - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Pa. girl, 11, hit by lightning on sunny afternoon - Yahoo! News

British holidaymakers warned as 'killer seaweed' strikes Brittany beaches | Mail Online

Who wants to live for ever? A scientific breakthrough could mean humans live for hundreds of years - Science, News - The Independent

What 'big deals' did to America

It's the politics, stupid

Rich people are job creators

Why are we ignoring simple, painless debt solution?

Boehner is acting honorably

It's up to Obama to save the country

The Aug. 2 'deadline' lie

Real Christians hate death

The soft left is mother of the hard right

Home free on Facebook? Think again

Pumping up Muslim victimization

Perry, Palin or Paul?

Obama following in Hitler's footsteps

Israel’s epic chess game - JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Why I'm voting with Boehner;Rep. Brady offers insight into tense standoff in Congress

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Why is Boehner pushing another bill?';FreedomWorks: Speaker forcing Republicans 'to negotiate with themselves'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive No real solution until 2012;Rep. Fleming: New president needed to enact spending reform

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be delivered

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Subpoena plans hit airwaves

Maligned candidate asks IRS to investigate Soros-linked group

The Fast Fix: Has Wall Street abandoned Obama? | The Fast Fix - Yahoo! News

Rick Perry Categorizes Abortion as a States' Rights Issue - The Note

The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute | POLITICO 44

Payback may be coming for congressman's 'disloyalty' | The Columbus Dispatch

Sen. Kyl: 'Conservatives are not in charge' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obamacare's fate in hands of Supreme Court?

Iran admits assassinated scientist was nuke expert - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Mubarak trial to be held in Cairo despite ... JPost - Middle East

How did the medieval Knights Templar influence Norway gunman? | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

The Incredible Shrinking Speaker

Boehner Still Controls the GOP

Will the New Fuel Rules Actually Work?

The Debt-Ceiling Divide - National Review Online

North Korea meetings with US reflect a cautious conflict avoidance | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearPolitics - A Post-Modern Pact With the Devil

Langone Of NYSE: Obama Acting "Unpresidential" And "Petulant" | RealClearPolitics

China's military flexes its muscle - USATODAY.com

The American Spectator : Don't Blame the House

You think the debt crisis is bad now? Wait until Obamacare takes its toll

Why the Debt Crisis Is Even Worse Than You Think - BusinessWeek

Dear Yankee :: Texas Monthly

Obama’s Path From Poetry to Drudgery - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Under Obama, Millennials Move Toward GOP

RealClearPolitics - Ideals vs. Realities

President on Sidelines in Critical Battle Over Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

No Excusing the A.T.F., or Congress - NYTimes.com

A misguided Republican attack on the OAS - latimes.com

Al Sharpton & Comcast/NBC Merger: Another New Conflict of Interest - The Daily Beast

Fast & Furious blows up for White House--Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com

The Centrist Cop-Out - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Reagan the Statesman

Rick Perry for President: How the Texas Governor Could Win in 2012 - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - The Failure of Central Planning Lite

RealClearPolitics - Power of the Big Idea

Growth anemic, debt fight poses recession risk | Reuters

Jay Carney | Barack Obama | Debt Ceiling | The Daily Caller

Five Reasons the House GOP Is to Blame - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic

They've Lost That Lovin' Feeling - WSJ.com

Obama, Geithner May Regret Threats of Default: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Republicans' Debt Ceiling Charade Is Downright Dangerous | Swampland

Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays

The Era of the Electric Car?

Revising the Social Cost of Carbon

Impacts of Gulf of Mexico Oil & Nat Gas on U.S. Economy

Exxon and Shell Report Strong 2nd-Quarter Profits - NYTimes.com

Minimal Wind, Maximum Power

The Implications of Germany Decision to End Their Nuclear Energy Programme | Oil Price.com

Electric Vehicles, the New Frontier? | The Energy Collective

The Return of the American Diesel Car

Softening the Climate Sell - Commentary | EnergyBiz

Court Rulings Indicate New Mexico's Battle Over GHG Regs Far from Over | SolveClimate News

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - Yahoo! News

WPR Article | Gazprom's Inroads Highlight EU's Energy Policy Woes

Where is Nuclear Energy Going? A Debate. Category: Page One from The Berkeley Daily Planet

Biofuels Potential to Transform the Global Economy | Oil Price.com

A state-level look at how energy companies create economic opportunity | ExxonMobil's Perspectives Blog

A Luxuriously Efficient Light Bulb

Intoxicated on Independence: Is Domestically Produced Ethanol Worth the Cost?: Scientific American

American Security Project

Japan’s Energy Armageddon « The Enterprise Blog

DeChristopher case begs question: What if enviros were allowed to bid on oil leases? | Grist

Oil Majors Seek Power Of The Sun

The Psychology of Political Stubbornness - Miller-McCune

The Collapse of Political Trust | Wired Science | Wired.com

Scientific fraud in the UK: The time has come for regulation | Brian Deer | Science | guardian.co.uk

Will Li-Fi be the new Wi-Fi? - tech - 28 July 2011 - New Scientist

In Test Tube, Hint of Chemicals Coming Alive - NYTimes.com

Earth Is Getting Fatter | Research - ISNS

Cities Cause Animals to Adapt and Evolve - Blog

Born Evil: Is This The Rebirth Of Phrenology?

Was the Universe born with Black Holes? : Starts With A Bang

BBC News - Feathers fly in first bird debate

Does Irradiation Make Food More Safe, or Less? - NYTimes.com

One in ten research projects using monkeys has no benefit, finds review | Science | The Guardian

Study of golf swings pinpoints biomechanical differences between pros and amateurs | Science Codex

Averting bridge disasters: New technology could save hundreds of lives

University of Florida News – Geographic analysis offers new insight into coral disease spread

Rice University | News & Media

"Neuromusic" Gives New Meaning to "Formula" Music - Blog

Will New 40x Caffeine Coffee Make Your Heart Explode? | Is 'Black Blood of the Earth' Deadly? | Life's Little Mysteries

Mouthwashing moms less likely to have a preemie | Reuters

Astronomy Discovery Could Help Treat Cancer Patients | Star Structure & Black Holes | Cancer & Cancer Treatment | Space.com

BBC Nature - Plant evolved a bat beckoning beacon

Farewell, Archaeopteryx

Arctic Biologist Suspended Over Report of Dead Polar Bears - NYTimes.com

Climate Change Debunked? Not So Fast | Global Warming & Cloud Cover | Climate Change Skeptics | LiveScience

The evolution of generosity: Welcome, stranger | The Economist

RNS Feature: "Vatican’s U.S. envoy, who helped shape stateside church, dies"

The American Spectator : Rome vs. Beijing: China's Catch-22

Not a Christian, Not a Knight, but a Breivik | Blogs | NCRegister.com

Anders Breivik as a Pragmatic Agnostic | Philosophical Fragments

Asma Uddin: The Role of Men in Religious Terrorism

The Church as the Bride of Caesar - By Fr. Robert A. Sirico - The Corner - National Review Online

The more we understand, the less we blame | Harriet Baber | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The healing of sick souls | Eye of Faith

Poll: God has better approval rating than Congress | The Christian Century

Al Qaeda Is (Sorta, Kinda, Almost) Dead - National - The Atlantic Wire

The New Biblical Archeology » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Terrorism has no religion - chicagotribune.com

Terrorist responsible for Norway attacks is not a Christian - Religious Right Now - The Washington Post

America's rising tide of Islamophobia | Sarah Wildman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Frank G. Kirkpatrick: The Moral Imperative for Taxing Our 'Superfluous' Wealth

Not all atheists are alike » GetReligion

Governments Infected With Debt

Is Obama Ending Iraq War Responsibly?

New Revelations in U.S.-French Nuclear Cooperation

The Long Shadow of 9/11

Behind Africa’s famine, more than just drought Famine isn’t inevitable - The Washington Post

Don't just recognise the Libyan 'rebels' - arm them - Telegraph

Five reasons to be sceptical about ‘Arab Spring’ - New Europe

Breivik and the right | The Spectator

A shaky dialogue | Opinion | DAWN.COM

It's Hard to Say Goodbye to Iraq | Foreign Affairs

Asia’s BRICs Hit the Wall - Jaswant Singh - Project Syndicate

The ethics of warfare: Drones and the man | The Economist

Holding Pakistan to Account - NYTimes.com

China: A new low in knockoffs - The Boston Globe

Commentary: Khamenei's Assault on Iran | The National Interest

Norway attacks: Suspect may have been inspired by U.S. cases - latimes.com

The cost of Mao's reign in human lives

‪Greg Ebert - Clerk at Texas Gun Shop Near Fort Hood Who Alerted Police to Naser Abdo‏ - YouTube

Democracy must spread across the globe - Public Service Europe

Green agenda has parallels with excesses of communism | Herald Sun

*29 July

American Minute for July 29th

July 29 Events in History

This Day in History for 29th July

Today in History: July 29

July this day in history For The Month of July

July 29th This Day in History

Today in History: July 29

July 28th in History

‪Today in History for July 29th‏ - YouTube


**World Video:North Korea: The Role Of Economic Statecraft

Janusz Lewandowski On EU spending

Libyan Rebel Army Leader Killed

China Stuck With U.S. Debt

Al Qaeda 2.0?

Pawlenty's Foreign Policy Plans

Lagarde On 'Worrisome' U.S. Debt Debate, Eurozone's Future

Yemeni FM On Saleh: 'History Will Judge'

The U.S. Debt Ceiling Debate Is Strengthening The Euro

South Korean Scientists Create A Glowing Dog

16 Dead In Ukraine Mine Blast

Three Killed In Argentina Clashes

Murdoch Back On The Hot Seat

Details Murky On Libya Rebel Chief Death

28th/Strategy To Combat Transnational Organized Crime

Inside The Norway Terror Suspect's Mind

Norway: Trial On Terror

UK Blogger Denies Links To Breivik

UN Starts Olympic Countdown Clock

Ethnic Serbs Set Kosovo Border Post On Fire

PM Stoltenberg Vows Norway 'Will Not Be Intimidated'

Kandahar Under Attack By Taliban

Thousands Seek Aid In Famine-Stricken Africa

Britain Expels Gaddafi Regime Diplomats

South African Wakes Up In Morgue After 'Dying'

Why Life In Africa Is Getting Better

Why Facebook Won't Win In China

Gaddafi's Failure To Meet Deadline


**Politics Video:Rep. Allen West Slams Tea Party "Schizophrenia"

Obama: "We Do Not Have AAA Political System To Match Our AAA Credit Rating"

Reid: "The Only Compromise There Is, Is Mine"

Scarborough: Dems Say Privately Obama Is Invisible, Not A Leader

McConnell To Dems: Where Is Your Plan?

O'Reilly: Obama's Lack Of Leadership Will Damage Him In 2012

Obama: "Tweet" Your Congressman ... "Keep The Pressure" On DC

O'Donnell: There Is Just No Educating Of Tea Party People

Huntsman On Debt: We Need to Cut This Cancer Out

Robinson: President Has The "Right" To Invoke 14th Amendment

28th/Jackson Jr.: Obama "Being Treated Differently Than Other Presidents"

Brian Williams Asks Senator: "Why Shouldn't Rich Folks Pay More?"

Pelosi: GOP Wants To "See Seniors Pay More For Medicare"

Sessions: "Tea Party Didn't Start This Fire, They Sounded The Alarm"

Carney: "Cooler Heads Will Prevail ... Sanity Will Prevail"

Ron Paul: "Default Is Coming"

Daley: Obama Has Not Spoken To Boehner "In A Few Days"

Carney: Boehner Bill "Ain't Going Anywhere In The United States Senate"

Cantor To Reid: Compromise Or Default

Clyburn Likens Executive Order To Raise Debt Ceiling To Emancipation Proclamation

Ad: Washington Could Learn A Lot From A Drug Addict

Carney: House GOP Acting "Incredibly Juvenile"

Krauthammer: Dems Are "Clearly Unserious About Debt Reduction"

Carney On Debt Fight: "We're Winning This Argument" Politically

Bachmann: If Obama Uses 14th Amendment He's A "Dictator"

Carney On Markets: "Buy And Hold, See What Happens"

Rep. Cummings: Debt Fight A "Manufactured" Crisis

Matthews: Debt Stalemate Is Why Politicians Are Unpopular

Hannity To McCain: Why Are You Attacking The Tea Party?

O'Donnell: We Are Still In The Bluff Stage Of Negotiations

*Markets Video*

Real Clear Markets - Video - Corporate Insiders are Selling Faster Than Usual

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Dollar Is Still a Safe Haven

Real Clear Markets - Video - Will a U.S. Debt Downgrade Dent Munis?

Real Clear Markets - Video - National Debt: Greatest Security Threat?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Automakers Profitable! Who Would Have Thought?

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Promise & Problems of Shale Gas

Real Clear Markets - Video - Trouble Ahead? S&P's View on US' AAA Rating

Real Clear Markets - Video - PIMCO's El-Erian: U.S. Needs to Step Up

Real Clear Markets - Video - $1,730 Gold in Weeks?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Fetch a New Home in Phoenix for $65,000?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Langone: Obama 'Unpresidential,' 'Petulant' 'Dividing Us'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Elevation Partners' Roger McNamee Talks Tech

Real Clear Markets - Video - Shiller & Siegel: How to Clean Up the Debt Mess?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Be Careful What You Post on Facebook?


**NEWS VIDEOS:White House Reporters Challenge Carney on Obama’s Community Organizing Tactics in Debt Ceiling Debate

NBC News’ Sharpton Offers Rambling, Incoherent Answer

Obama: Boehner Plan ‘Has No Chance of Becoming Law’

Rep. Allen West Slams Tea Party ‘Schizophrenia’

Obama Blames America’s Political System for Debt Ceiling Stalemate

Child Dies in Box: 4 Family Members Arrested

Coulter: Pass the Boehner Plan

Dem Pundit Comes Unhinged on ‘Hannity’; Shoves Hugh Hewitt on Air

28TH/Must See: Government Unions and the Bankrupting of America

White House: ‘If We Have No Other Alternative We Have to Take Action’

Al Sharpton Hustles His Way to NBC News Gig

Van Jones Compares ‘Un-American’ GOP to Terrorists; Putting ‘Gun to Head of 310 Million People’

Drama Queen Pelosi: ‘We’re Trying to Save World From GOP Budget, Trying to Save Life On This Planet as We Know It”

HuffPo Contributor Compares Tea Party with Taliban; Says They Oppose President Because He’s Black

The Great Debate: Candidate Obama Vs. President Obama

Dem Rep at Radical Islam Hearing: Let’s ‘Have a Hearing on Right-Wing Extremists’

Christie Hospitalized for Shortness of Breath

CNN’s Morgan Embroiled in British Hacking Scandal

Big Government Contributor: Obama and Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’

O’Reilly Producer Crashes Elite Polo Party in Hamptons

Dem Rep: ‘We Don’t Have a Deficit Problem’

Hannity Takes On McCain Over Tea Party ‘Hobbit’ Smear

27TH/Dem Leader: Republicans ‘Want to Shoot Every Bullet They Have at the President’

Rep West Supports Boehner Plan

Carney vs. Fox News’ Ed Henry: Round 2

Embattled Dem Rep Refuses to Resign Before Debt Vote

Al Franken’s Theatre of the Absurd Hits the Senate Floor

Trump: ‘Obama is Totally Lost’

Reporter Attacked During Live Shot

Jon Stewart on Obama’s Debt Speech: ‘Did the President Just Quit?’

Freshman GOP Rep: We Were Sent Here to Wrangle Spending

George Lopez: If Sarah Palin Becomes President ‘I Will Move to Canada’

26TH/House Oversight Hearing: What Did ATF Know About ‘Fast & Furious’ and When Did They Know It?

25TH/DSK Maid: ‘They’re Gonna Kill Me’

24TH/High-Speed Rail Disaster in China


July 28, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Redding News Review 07-28-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 07-28-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 07-28-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-28-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-28-11 Hr 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Manning Report – 28 July 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-28, Thursday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-28-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, July, 27, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 07/28/2011

07/28 The Mark Levin Show