"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Socialism is Communism Without the Firing Squad!

The Alex Jones Show [07/27/2011]

BFP Food for Thought: What’s so “Alternative” About These Alternatives?!

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades

US in 'denial' over China's Pacific strategy By Craig Guthrie

Israeli Foreign Ministry launches social media hasbara campaign featuring cute yellow puppet called ‘Hans von Puppet’

‪IS.REAL - PROMO‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Why Ghaddafi must die (MUST SEE Video)

Activist Post: Forced DNA Collection Without Search Warrant Violates Privacy Rights

Activist Post: USDA Closing Roads to Public Lands While Opening Doors for the United Nations

Activist Post: 6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

Conservatives: get ready, you’re being set up – Glenn Beck

Pelosi to Union Workers: GOP Wants Americans to ‘Sacrifice,‘ While They ’Get the Wealth’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Bob Moriarty: Peak Oil Passed | Energy and Environment Right Side News

The Daily Bell - Is the Left Right About Money and Politics?

The Daily Bell - Reality of US Policing

The Daily Bell - Breivik and the Insanity of War

Rubin Reports » Norway Terror Attack: Lessons and Illusions

Faster, Please! » The Myths of Oslo

Pajamas Media » Indicted Al-Shabaab Recruiter Continues Jihad on Facebook

Obama team threatens to veto Boehner debt plan - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Carney Gets Hit for Ten Minutes on the Obama Plan - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

Jihadists boast of 'paradise' since departure of U.S. ally

The Boehner Plan: Phony Cuts, Slimy Procedures, Dangerous Ignorance | RedState

*U.S. Border Patrol Weekly Blotter July 21 - July 27, 2011 | Homeland Security Right Side News

White House Council Takes Aim on Rural America | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Videos – Glenn Beck/Stu flips out when McCain calls Tea Party members "Hobbits"

Yoichi Shimatsu - Why Underground Entombment Won't Work

#Radioactive Compost Has Already Spread Wide | EX-SKF

U.S. wasn't fully prepared for radiation risks following Japan earthquake, top general says - Earthquake Disaster in Japan - Stripes

AccuWeather.com - Weather News | Dry Weather Worries Farmers from Iowa to Pennsylvania

NSA Lawyer Questioned Over Cellphone Location Tracking of Americans - Digits - WSJ

‪Rebel Militias Include the Human Traffickers of Benghazi‏ - YouTube

For $799,000, you can buy town of Scenic

Facebook tackles face-recognition privacy concern | Reuters


savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider: "Keep Your Money Hidden"

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider Responds to "Disbelievers"


Aloysius Fozdyke, Satanic conspiracy hoaxter « Diane Vera


*The Satanic Epistles of Aloysius Fozdyke


savethemales.ca - Illuminati's "Order of the Golden Centurion"

Ohio Cop Suspended After Cursing Out A Card-Carrying Gun Holder (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

PressTV - 'Radiation hormesis an incredible lie'

One More Lone Gunman who wasn't Alone. Reflections in a Petri Dish


The BBC continue to normalise a hateful narrative | Jody McIntyre | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

The case of Anders Breivik shows how the internet pushes political views in extreme directions – Telegraph Blogs

Norway massacre: Anders Breivik took drugs to make himself 'strong' before shooting - Telegraph

Anders Behring Breivik: 'I'm surprised I wasn't stopped' | World news | The Guardian

+Russia Plans to Sink the International Space Station in 2020 - FoxNews.com

America Heading For Tyranny And Impoverishment

The US Constitution Makes Default Illegal: What a Real President Would Do on August 1, 2011 « TARPLEY.net

Political Theater And The Debt Ceiling Crisis - Are We Being Had?

IMF's Christine Lagarde warns Europe and US over debt crises | Business | guardian.co.uk

Americans vent anger at Barack Obama-John Boehner debt stalemate - Telegraph

Paul Drockton M.A.: How Debt Crisis Affects You

How to Save the American Economy

Paul Drockton M.A.: Norway Gun Laws Lead to Tragedy

Paul Drockton M.A.: Masonic Symbolism Behind Norway Shooter

Paul Drockton M.A.: Norway Shooter, Israel and Albert Pike

Job listings say the unemployed need not apply | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Squeezed middle pay higher tax rates than millionaires – Telegraph Blogs

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities

US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side

GeoEngineering Schemes | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Oak Hill Mayor: Pot In Yard Isn't Mine - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Neutrino Quest II

Death and Contradiction | Opinion Maker

Post 9/11 Macavity | Opinion Maker

Natural Health News: Transvaginal Mesh and Women’s Health

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: How some extra sunlight can slash risk of diabetes

People at darker, higher latitudes evolved bigger eyes and brains | Science | guardian.co.uk

Bowel cancer risk doubles in a generation - Telegraph

McDonald's includes free fruit with every Happy Meal after health campaign pressure | Mail Online

‪The Norway Bombing and Israel?‏ - YouTube

Islamophobia Watch - Documenting anti Muslim bigotry - Pat Condell claims all rapists in Oslo are 'Muslim immigrants'

Norway’s monster and THE question | Opinion Maker

SMART METERS: A triple threat « The PPJ Gazette

+Communities which have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990

The Appalling Hypocrisy Of The Republican Party Exposed In Three Simple Charts

‪World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes‏ - YouTube

CRapitalism: The Liquidating of America/ Part 1 « The PPJ Gazette

Feds can't make up minds on mercury bulbs

Fingerprint analysis tech aims to revolutionize drug testing | The Raw Story

The Fed ADMITS Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE

savethemales.ca - Norwegians Now Face Indignities of Police State

savethemales.ca - Dissociated State of Mind is Social Necessity

Boehner 'Wants To Hurt Some People'

Escalation in Arizona: Firearms confiscated

Climate Change and Disaster in Montana | Naomi Klein

South Korean scientists create glowing dog: report | Reuters

Florida Looks For The Lowest Bidder As It Privatizes 30 State Prisons | ThinkProgress

SPECIAL REPORT-Fukushima long ranked Japan's most hazardous nuclear plant | Reuters

US cyber security chief quits after hacker attacks | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Gold drops from record on profit-taking, technicals | Reuters

Roy Tov – Winter Wars

Gaza: Men hung after spying for Israel - Middle East, World - The Independent

First Afghanistan, now Libya. Can Nato actually win any of its wars? | World news | The Guardian

China boosts internet surveillance | World news | The Guardian

CNN's Piers Morgan 'told interviewer stories were published based on phone tapping' - Telegraph

Chinese sub Jiaolong sinks to new depths with 5,000-metre dive | World news | guardian.co.uk

US to continue spy flights after jets 'pursued' by China over Taiwan - Telegraph

China boosts naval presence with carrier programme | Reuters

‪Sen. Feinstein's Husband Cashes In on Crisis, Thanks To Her?‏ - YouTube

Proposed road rules for farmers anger some

Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee: The UN Wildlands Project…Taking Over America Starting With Florida

An Education For The President et al. « The PPJ Gazette

‪Ron Paul Talks on The Federal Reserves Manipulation of US Dollar & The Tyranny of the TSA.‏ - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Canadian Coverage Of AFT Fast And Furious Program

Feds silence scientist over salmon study

A Free Thinker's Journey: NV - $1.5 million offer for man wrongly imprisoned in DNA screw up

Push Back Against FDA Growing – Tenth Amendment Center

Corporate cash hoard in the trillions: Moody’s - 12160

Peter Schiff Annihilates Geithner On Debt Ceiling Hyperbole: "He's Lying! He's Just Making This Stuff Up!" - Home - The Daily Bail

'Fast and Furious' Scandal Reaches the White House - 12160

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Central Bankers And Their Minions

270,000 Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto | NHNE Pulse

Prison Planet.com » Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans While Reassuring Big Banks

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists – An by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

New High: 46% Think Most in Congress Are Corrupt - Rasmussen Reports™

Pole Dancing Class For 7-Year-Olds Slammed

‪5.8 million Israelis Get 100 Billion In US Tax Dollars While American States Are Falling Apart‏ - YouTube

‪Japanese Nuclear Emergency Director: Citizens Have No Right To A Healthy Radiation Free Life‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Cancer NOT Covered By 9/11 Healthcare Fund

Revolutionary Politics : 'Xe' guns for hire above law as US hears & sees no evil

CHART: Federal Reserve Dollar Destruction - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Naked man tasered, maced and beaten by police‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: ‘Stoner Stupid’ Myth Goes Up In Smoke

‪UK releases $150 mln for Libya rebels, expels Gaddafi diplomats‏ - YouTube



The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Forces of Darkness" COMPLETE EPISODE 2

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Cover-Up" COMPLETE EPISODE 3

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Patsy" COMPLETE EPISODE 4

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Witnesses" COMPLETE EPISODE 5

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Truth Will Make You Free" COMPLETE EPISODE 6

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Smoking Guns" Complete Episode 7

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Love Affair" Complete Episode 8

The Men Who Killed Kennedy, "The Guilty Men" Complete Episode 9


IMAGE OF AN ASSASSINATION "A new look at the Zapruder film" Complete in it's Entirity


The JFK Assassination "The Jim Garrison Tapes" Complete in it's Entirety


Assassination of JFK, JUNIOR, in it's entirety.


Zapruder film manipulation EDITING


‪"She Said Bush Knew About 9/11 Before It Happened!"‏ - YouTube

‪Norbert Mueller describes his wave disk generator‏ - YouTube

The Wings of Lyra: New Car Engine Sends Shock Waves Through Auto Industry (Video)

‪George Carlin; Bankers‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers: "Prepare for a lost decade or more"

Washington's Blog:Bill O'Reilly Is Right: It's Unfair To Call the Norwegian Mass Murderer a Christian ... And It's Also Unfair to Call Arab Terrorists Muslims

Courthouse News Service: The Dangerous Business of Photographing Cops

Revolutionary Politics : General Electric Sends 14 Billion Dollar Per Year X-Ray Business To China

Ron Paul's Urgent Warning On The Inevitable Collapse Of The Dollar

This Is What A Collapsing Ponzi Scheme Looks Like

Spec ops chief warns of al-Qaida 2.0 - Yahoo! News

BBC News - Trojan asteroid seen in Earth's orbit by Wise telescope

School Shut Down After Meth Found Inside

A Voice In The Wilderness: SMART METERS: A triple threat

WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues - Home - The Daily Bail

Social Security Reform Bill Encourages Americans To Live Faster, Die Younger | The Onion - America's Finest News Source | Onion News Network

Professor: Claim That "Radiation Is Good For You" Is "An Incredible Lie" - Jersey City Civil Rights | Examiner.com

Geithner Finally Shows His Hand: 'We Will Unveil Our Secret Plan To Prioritize Debt Payments Before August 2nd' - Home - The Daily Bail

U.S. report recommends ending loan guarantees to Israel at end of 2011 - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Activist Post: Sock-Puppets vs Bloggers vs Extremists | WTF?

Google didn’t help catch Breivik and that means we need less internet privacy? | End the Lie - Independent News


US Supreme Court Justice caught taking $700K bribe

Death and contradiction: the case of Iran’s nuclear scientists > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Gunman Conspired With “Business and Political Leaders” Before Massacre - 12160

Neo-Cons and Muslim Haters -

Will Attempts By Politicians To Steal Police Pensions Be The Wake-Up Call Cops Need?

The Intercept: NAACP head likens voter ID measures to Jim Crow

‪Rebel Militias Include the Human Traffickers of Benghazi‏ - YouTube

Wisconsin DMV Claims You Need “Bank Activity” To Get Voter Id Card :

Firms May Drop Millions of IRA Savers on Rule Change, Sifma Says - Bloomberg

The Intercept: 'Radiation hormesis an incredible lie'

The Intercept: Hidden Costs of War in Afghanistan

Lone Star Watchdog: The War on Terror Has Finally Lost all Credibility?

Cover Up Caught On Camera: 6 Police Officers Taser And Beat Mentally-ill Homeless Man To Death


Air Force Declassifies UFO Documents, Roswell, Grudge and More, See Them Yourself | Before It's News


**Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Paul Drockton M.A.: The Man Behind the Gold Confiscation Act?

Paul Drockton M.A.: Gold Confiscation Act in the Works


Marshall McLuhan Speaks (http://marshallmcluhanspeaks.com)


Who was Marshall McLuhan? – MMXI – Marshall McLuhan


+The Scientific Dictatorship Explained - BlackListedNews.com


White House Staffer Knew About Gun Running Operation Last Fall | CNSnews.com

GOP lawmaker admits he’s extorting Congress to rewrite Constitution - BlackListedNews.com

US Navy orders laser machine guns • The Register

Green agenda has parallels with excesses of communism | Herald Sun

Guns from U.S. sting found at Mexican crime scenes | Reuters

FDA finds U.S. drug research firm faked documents | Reuters

NSA Lawyer Questioned Over Cellphone Location Tracking of Americans - Digits - WSJ

Federal Reserve Attorneys: Fed Banks Are "Not Agencies" But "Independent Corporations" With "Private Boards of Directors" - BlackListedNews.com

The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE – Not Government – Entities - BlackListedNews.com

As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home - BlackListedNews.com

‪Ron Paul "I Am Sure We Will NOT Default On Our Debt"‏ - YouTube

‪We've Defaulted Before | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 7/25/11‏ - YouTube

‪Dennis Kucinich "We Don't Have To Pretend The Sky Is Falling! IT'S NOT!"‏ - YouTube

‪"Somebody That Spends Money Unwisely Shouldn't Be Given More Money" Senator Rand Paul‏ - YouTube

If The Bankers say jump should we continue to say How High?

Why Norway? Behind the shooting and bombing massacre in Norway «

News on the Schizophrenic Administration: Nato’s War in Libya «

Destroying Tyranny: We Will Not Stop «

‪Bradlee Dean's Fight Against MSNBC & Rachel Maddow for Defamation - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube

‪Genetic Armageddon: Humanity's Greatest Threat‏ - YouTube

**Prison Planet.com » Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat

+ Prison Planet.com » Paul Watson & Webster Tarpley: Media Paints Breivik as Lee Harvey Oswald Type Gunman

Prison Planet.com » Australian Airports To Test Non Irradiating Body Scanners

Prison Planet.com » DC Soap Opera Update: 17 Republicans To Vote Against Doomed Boehner Plan In The House

Prison Planet.com » Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington

Prison Planet.com » Federal Scientist Placed on Leave For Dubious ‘Drowning Polar Bears’ Research

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - Yahoo! News

EXCLUSIVE: AWOL Soldier Arrested Over Concerns of Second Alleged Plot to Attack Fort Hood - FoxNews.com

Prison Planet.com » Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City

Prison Planet.com » Bill Harming Online Privacy Moving Through Congress

Prison Planet.com » Jim Rogers: US Debtonation Doomed, Asia Owns Future

Anjem Choudary and Islamic extremists set up Sharia law zones in UK cities | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » President Obama Is A Mercenary For Private, International Banksters And The Treasonous Oligarchy

Prison Planet.com » White House Says Treasury Will Be “Running On Fumes” Shortly

Jackson Lee at Radical Islam Hearing: Let's ‘Have a Hearing on Right-Wing Extremists’ | CNSnews.com

GOP fault lines deepen as Boehner says tea party seeks ‘chaos’ in debt deal | The Raw Story

LA riot police fire rubber bullets at ravers on Hollywood Boulevard | Mail Online

Cataracts, hips, knees and tonsils: NHS begins rationing operations - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Prison Planet.com » Forced DNA Collection Without Search Warrant Violates Privacy Rights

Prison Planet.com » How the IPCC Defines ‘Distinguished Scientist’

Prison Planet.com » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate - WSJ.com

+ Target Africa: GMO crop push is depopulation scheme Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

** GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Recovery Job Growth Concentrated In Low-Paying Occupations

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'The Knights Templar': Mexico's newest drug cartel | Al Jazeera Blogs

‪Alex Takes Calls on Entering The Final Phases of Total Implosion 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Takes Calls on Entering The Final Phases of Total Implosion 2/2‏ - YouTube

‪Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite 2/2‏ - YouTube

Tea Party Address Hints at Palin's Potential Run for President

John McCain Slams Tea Party's Priorities

Smartphones Cause Some Users To Check Obsessively

Piers Morgan Admits To Hacking In Years-Old Interview

Alexander McQueen Leaves $82,000 to His Dogs, Housekeepers in Will

Strauss- Kahn Rape Case Delayed After Accuser Changes Her Story

Brett Favre Not Coming Out of Retirement, Agent Says




Centers for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov/)

World Health Organization(www.who.int/en/)

Health On the Net Foundation(www.hon.ch/)


** Refdesk.com**


Who's Pat Quinn talking to about gambling? - chicagotribune.com

Chicago police to disband 2 special units - chicagotribune.com

Chicago State officials will be asked to explain enrollment issue - chicagotribune.com

Superman flying into Chicago in August for filming | Consumer | Crain's Chicago Business

Full-time police to patrol CTA trains, buses next spring - chicagotribune.com

Addison man ‘deserved’ life term for murders of mom, prostitute - DailyHerald.com

Trio Animal Foundation Celebrates One Dog, Who Inspired Saving Countless More | Steve Dale's Pet World

Preckwinkle asks McCarthy to stop arresting low-level drug offenders - Chicago Tribune

Garry McCarthy Defends Chicago Police Shootings (VIDEO)

Groupon teams up with Supervalu to offer deal at Jewel - chicagotribune.com

CPS reorganization: New executive positions and streamlining on leadership posts - Chicago Tribune

Amazon quietly launches deals in Chicago - chicagotribune.com


House heads to showdown on Boehner debt-limit plan- On Politics - USATODAY.com

‪Tea Party Leaders Cite Member "Concern" about Speaker Boehner's Leadership‏ - YouTube

Sen. McCain, Sean Hannity Square Off on Debt Crisis - Interviews - Hannity - FoxNews.com

John Boehner and the politics of shame - Post Leadership - The Washington Post

How John Boehner's Debt Plan Would Let Federal Spending Continue to Rise - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Rep. Jason Chaffetz: One Republican Voting 'No' On Boehner's Plan : The Two-Way : NPR

John Boehner to Laura Ingraham: Hold the President’s Feet to the Fire | The State Column

Republican Establishment Tries to Leash the Tea Party | Swampland

Romney facing greater scrutiny over silence on Boehner plan - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Boehner Declares GOP Victory But Still Faces Tough Math - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Martin Bashir Likens Speaker Boehner to Child - HUMAN EVENTS

The 'Right-Wing Nutters' Who Are Pushing the Country To the Brink | The Nation

Analysis: U.S. may be entering age of political deadlock | Reuters

Fort Hood Plot: AWOL U.S. Serviceman Arrested - ABC News

FBI says bomb-making materials found in motel room of AWOL soldier arrested near Fort Hood - The Washington Post

Jon Stewart Rips Fox News' Hypocrisy: Norway Terrorist Not Christian But Fort Hood Terrorist Muslim? (VIDEO)

Dream Cars You Coveted in High School, but Brand New - WSJ.com

Q. and A. on the U.S. Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

What's Wrong With America's Job Engine? - WSJ.com

Gunwalker scandal called "perfect storm of idiocy" - - CBS News


**Operation Gunwalker Summary and Timeline [Archive] - Calguns.net


Dream Cars You Coveted in High School, but Brand New - WSJ.com

Q. and A. on the U.S. Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

What's Wrong With America's Job Engine? - WSJ.com

Bombshell: White House Knew About ATF Gunrunning Scandal | The Weekly Standard

Will Gunwalker morph into “Grenadewalker” soon? « Hot Air

Time to Fire Eric Holder - HUMAN EVENTS

ATF tried “downplaying” Fast & Furious scandal to Congress « Hot Air

» The Money Maven: Obama’s Billionairess Union-Busting Buddy Turns Heat On Strikers! - Big Government

Congress starting ATF "gunwalker scandal" probe - CBS News

Pajamas Media » ‘Gunwalker’ Scandal and the Case for Impeaching Holder

Gunwalker Scandal: Watergate with Murder?

BBC News - Huge Arctic fire hints at new climate cue

Powerful Magnetic Waves Behind Sun’s Coronal Heating Mystery? - International Business Times

NASA's Juno spacecraft leaves Cape Canaveral for Jupiter on Aug. 5 | FLORIDA TODAY | floridatoday.com

International Space Station to be Sunk to Ocean Bottom in 2020 - International Business Times

Reputation as earliest bird may not have the feathers to fly

Cern scientists suspect glimpse of Higgs boson | Science | The Guardian

Icy Moon Enceladus Spews Water on Saturn - International Business Times

Volcano on the moon's far side - TIME

Alligator Living in River, and Four Foot Alligator Found in Home - International Business Times

New experiment shows that time travel is even less likely than we thought

Scientists Discover The Oldest, Largest Body Of Water In Existence--In Space | Fast Company

Theory points to magma for dinosaurs' end - UPI.com

Creating Life in the Laboratory | IdeaFeed | Big Think

Scientists seek “the Frankenstein spark” to create new life | BREAKING NEWS | Sky Valley Chronicle Washington State News

Scientists Striving to Create Life Out of Nothing

China Completes Record Dive - WSJ.com

Got milk (or beef)? Use fair guide for dummies | The Columbus Dispatch

NASA releases iPad app for science research | The Digital Home - CNET News

Astronomers find huge asteroid sharing Earth's orbit | DVICE

‪Earth's first Trojan asteroid 2010 TK7 orbit‏ - YouTube

Google to speed up, host customers' Web sites | Deep Tech - CNET News

Google speeds up your load times with Page Speed | TG Daily

Google+ Traffic, Audience Time Drop | PCWorld

Hollywood’s U.K. Pirate Blockbuster - Tech Europe - WSJ

DOJ Taking Closer Look at Google, AdMeld Deal | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Half Of Netflix Streaming Viewers Come From Game Consoles

Treasurys rise ahead of 7-year auction - Bond Report - MarketWatch

Foreclosure activity down in most metro areas - USATODAY.com

U.S. Treasury says sales next week are not new debt | Reuters

Continental Cancels Flights For Lack Of Crew

Judge Rejects Lawsuit Against Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research - California Healthline

Computers Still Not a Big Help With Reading Mammograms - Health Blog - WSJ

Medical News: U.S. Gout Rates Keep Climbing - in Rheumatology, General Rheumatology from MedPage Today

Long-term, universal flu shot on horizon - USATODAY.com

A McDonald's Dietitian On The Healthier Happy Meal | Fast Company

Nose job patients often mentally ill, study says - HealthPop - CBS News

Zadroga 9/11 Health Bill To Be Discussed in Melville - Half Hollow Hills, NY Patch

Eco-friendly cigarette ads make tobacco foes fume - USATODAY.com

Planned Parenthood Hit With Idiot's Molotov Cocktail | Death and Taxes

Papaya salmonella fear prompts fruit medley recall - Forbes.com

U.S. man operates on himself with butter knife | Reuters

Kidney transplants: New procedure makes it easier to match patients with organs - latimes.com

Health tab reported to hit $4.6 trillion in 2020 - The Daily Breeze

Hepatitis rates soar among IV drug users, study finds - USATODAY.com

Casing of colors marks close of Walter Reed hospital | Reuters

‪Walter Reed Hospital Says Goodbye‏ - YouTube

Piers Morgan’s past resurfaces months into CNN host gig - BostonHerald.com

Videos: Lady Gaga Goes Gaga on 'So You Think You Can Dance' | Extra

Here Come Some Amy Winehouse Album Rumors -- Vulture

Iron Man maker rustles up some Cowboys & Aliens | Reuters

San Francisco Circumcision Ban May Get Striken - ABC News

Richard Chavez, brother of Cesar Chavez, dies at 81 - latimes.com

As debt limit debate rages, both sides warn of "dictatorship" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Overhead Bin - Police: Pilot beaten in fracas with passengers

Muslim leaders meet with Herman Cain - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Herman Cain Meets With Muslim Leaders, Apologizes for Mosque Comments, Christian News

Remains of N.C. mom Laura Jean Ackerson identified - Crimesider - CBS News

Evacuees return home after freight train derailment - latimes.com

Hearsay evidence barred in former Bolingbrook cop's murder trial | AHN

Report: Tea Party freshman sued for $117K in child support- On Politics - USATODAY.com

Health reform hits the highest court | MassDevice - Medical Device Industry News

NY prosecutor grapples with politics of Strauss-Kahn case | Reuters

‪Tape said to prove DSK maid is not after his money‏ - YouTube

GOP bill seen as key step in moving ahead on debt | ajc.com

U.S. soldier arrested with bomb-making materials | Reuters

Polygamist group leader fires attys in sex case - seattlepi.com

Pataki: ‘Seriously considering’ White House run from Political Intelligence

Atheists Sue Over Cross in World Trade Center Museum - ABC News

Inmate uses glitch in jail's phone system to fund his bail - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

$3 million bond for man charged in 1957 killing - seattlepi.com

In-state tuition for illegal immigrants could prove a tough issue for Perry - BostonHerald.com

‪Job creation big debate in presidential race‏ - YouTube

Digital Life - White House rickrolls bored Twitter follower

Signal problem in train crash

India and Pakistan in a 'new era' of talks

BBC man among 21 killed in Afghan attacks

Thousands forcibly 'disappeared' by Syrian regime, says action group - CNN.com

2 Die as Asiana Cargo Plane Crashes Off South Korea - NYTimes.com

UK police say they have arrested teen hacking leader

Phone-hacking inquiry may need more time, says Lord Justice Leveson | Media | guardian.co.uk

Israeli ambassador to UN: Palestinian bid for statehood will not bring peace - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel Establishes Diplomatic Ties With South Sudan

Peru's Humala Prepares to Take Power | Americas | English

India's anticorruption party tainted by scandal of its own - CSMonitor.com

Britain leads NATO effort to find Libya exit strategy - CSMonitor.com

Taliban Storm Provincial Capital - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Libya rebels launch offensive in west

Twin Iraq bombings kill 12, injure 31

‪China blames lightning strike for deadly train crash‏ - YouTube

Norway police end Utoeya search - Europe - Al Jazeera English

‪Norway to review security after Oslo attacks‏ - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show – July 27th, 2011

Alex Jones Show – July 26th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 27th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 27th, 2011

+GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma | Dprogram.net

+Secret Cloning Projects Exposed: Help Us Warn the World | Dprogram.net

+Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat | Dprogram.net

- A Closer look at Herman Cain 2012 – Gary Franchi | Dprogram.net

‪07/27/11 Full Show - Luke Rudkowski VS Charlie Veitch on 9/11, Jake Diliberto VS Stefan Molyneux,‏ - YouTube

+2 Parts/Max Igan – Radio SkidRow – 25th July 2011 | Dprogram.net

‪Golden Salute to Global Breakdown‏ - YouTube

US in Revolt. It Can Be Done. Now is the Time

Andrew C. Wallace -- Smoking Gun: Preparation For War on the People

Black Helicopters Seen In Multiple States As Pentagons Deployment Of 20,000 Troops Inside United States Set To Be Ready This Year | Dprogram.net

Good Samaritan shot feeding US homeless

BATF Admits “Guns Walked” Under Fast & Furious | Dprogram.net

US Debt: Credit Ratings Agencies Raise Stakes In Borrowing Limit Crisis As Deal Deadline Looms | Business | Sky News

+Air Force Declassifies UFO Documents, Roswell, Grudge and More, See Them Yourself | Before It's News

**ELF, GWEN Towers, and HAARP Connection. | Before It's News

Texas Lake Turns "Blood Red" | Before It's News

Ron Paul: “Gold Price is Tell Tale Sign of What Will Happen to this Economy” | Before It's News

What You Eat Matters More Than the Calories | Before It's News

Tracking stem cells using tricks learned in outer space | Before It's News

Tea Party Nation Founder: What Washington Has Forgotten | Before It's News

Fox News Says Poor Are Really Rich – Colbert Explains | Before It's News

Russia Downs US Missile After Noway, Obama Secrets Release | Before It's News

Unbelievable Events in Antarctica | Before It's News

Eat The Rich – The Solution to Our Money Problems!? | Before It's News

A New Thermal Energy to Electricity Device | Before It's News

MITEI | Making Electricity with Photovoltaics

White House Launches Government Accountability and Transparency Board to Cut Waste and Boost Accountability | Before It's News

President Obama Is A Mercenary For Private, International Banksters And The Treasonous Oligarchy | Before It's News

President Obama Statement on the Passing of Richard Estrada Chavez | Before It's News

» Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Incredible Dehumanization - Alex Jones Tv | Before It's News

Massive Ice Island Floats Off Canada's East Coast | Before It's News

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed – Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? | AmpedStatus

Al-Qaeda could collapse, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post

Massacre in Norway– More About the Jewish Right Wing Connection | Veterans Today

Israel And USA Are Killing Iranian Scientists | Before It's News


Boycott Brazil(www.brazilboycott.org/)


VIDEO:Protest Demands Obama Stop Immigrant Deportations

Massacre Highlights Europe's Growing Far Right

Air Force vice chief testifies on force readiness

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists

Murdochs Were Given Secret Defence Briefings

The Saudi States of America

Fundamentalism Kills


The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

Obama returns to the fraud of “equal sacrifice”

Is America Caught In The Closed Mind Trap?

War and Religion: Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Train Officers on Ethics of Launching Nuclear Weapons

+Famous Quotes about Fiat Money

Tax Cuts for the Middle Class and Poor STIMULATE The Economy, But Tax Cuts for the Wealthy HURT The Economy

VIDEO: Fukushima: Minimize Exposure to Radiation, Not Information!

Statement of Hunger Strike Leaders at Pelican Bay Prison

The Sentencing of Tim DeChristopher Highlights the Conflict Between the People and Corporate-Government

The "Solution" to America's Debt Ceiling Crisis: Looting What has Already been Looted...

Obama's Illegal War Rages On

‪Police Beating of Kelly Thomas in Fullerton, CA‏ - YouTube

‪Man Beat to Death by Fullerton Police Wasn't Resisting, Says Witness‏ - YouTube

FBI investigates brutal police beating in Tennessee — RT

Politicos Attacked for 'Liking' CopBlock.org Post | Cop Block

SWAT burns innocent man to death - informationliberation

Planning board member arraigned on assault charges | Turn to 10

Man who distributed fliers during Casey Anthony trial is sentenced - BostonHerald.com

Grappling with the Banality of Evil - informationliberation

Ideas and the Culpability for Violence - informationliberation

Ranks of hungry children swell, worrying doctors - The Boston Globe

Scientists think they’ve figured out the “uncanny valley” – why humanoid robots creep us out

IEEE publishes long range wireless standards - 100km network won't interefere with TV | TechEye

Russian telescope launch pulls national space program out of black hole - CSMonitor.com

GE Moves 115-Year-Old X-Ray Unit’s Base to China to Tap Growth - Bloomberg

Norway ends search for bodies at island | Reuters

Casey Anthony seeking $1.5 million for interview, but will networks bite? | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Greenway University, Nation's First Medical Marijuana School, Suspended From Offering Further Classes

Anti-Piracy Lawyers Rip Off Work From Competitor | TorrentFreak

MARC FABER: The Debt Fight Is Meaningless, As Governments March Toward Hyperinflation

The Government Is Watching You - informationliberation

High-Profile Assassinations on the Rise in Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com

Clinton Urges Veto on Foreign Relations Bill -- News from Antiwar.com

Al-Qaeda’s Zawahiri Backs Syria Protests -- News from Antiwar.com

Palestine, Israel, the U.N., and America’s attempted Quartet sophistry by Daniel Levy | The Middle East Channel

Thousands of soldiers in Army awaiting word on possible discharge, Chiarelli says - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Defense Department won’t decide which contractors get paid if US defaults - TheHill.com

In Secret, Senate Panel May Re-Up Vast Surveillance Dragnet | Danger Room | Wired.com

THE LORD IS SHAKING THE NATIONS PHYSICALLY, SPIRITUALLY, FINANCIALLY: Why, and how should we respond? « Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Dolphins offer insight into fast wound healing

Explorers find bizarre, spaceship-like object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest :

TIP: Armored Military Equipment Movements In CONUS :

Black Helicopters Seen In Multiple States As Pentagons Deployment Of 20,000 Troops Inside United States Set To Be Ready This Year :

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

Predictive Programming or Warning? Video Game Trailer Shows Transhuman Future | Old-Thinker News


+Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


‪*1:45:49/Burzynski The Movie ~ Cancer Is Serious Business‏ - YouTube


The Scientific Dictatorship Explained | Old-Thinker News

As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home - BlackListedNews.com

Test Tube DNA Brain Gets Quiz Questions Right : Discovery News

NSA Admits It Tracks Americans Via Cell Phones | Old-Thinker News

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

CTV Winnipeg- Deal reached on labels for genetically modified food - CTV News

+The Fed’s Funny Money by Ron Paul

When Government Shuts Down by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Debt Debate Definitions: Your Guide Through the Current Manufactured Madness by Brian Wilson

New Requirement to Report ALL Offshore Assets May Foreshadow U.S. 'Wealth Tax' by Mark Nestmann

Obama's 'Balanced' Approach by Thomas Sowell

Activist Post: Raw Milk Unfreedom and FDA Propaganda

Activist Post: Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City

Activist Post: Unbelievable Events in Antarctica

Activist Post: Feds to Grab Land for Homeland Security

Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas


‪+The Week In Alternative News 4‏ - YouTube


N.J. Gov. Chris Christie in Hospital After Breathing Problems

Nadler: ‘We Don’t Have a Deficit Problem Right Now’

McCain: Tea Partiers Have Bad ‘Hobbit’ Of Not Supporting A Raise In Debt Ceiling

U.N. Group Stands Up for Children's Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Including Abortion

House Republicans Plan to Vote Thursday on Revamped Debt-Limit Bill

Kucinich Calls For Justice Department To Investigate Ratings Agencies

Federal Wildlife Biologist Investigated for Scientific Misconduct in Global Warming Debate

Democrat: Terror Group That’s Recruiting Americans Doesn’t ‘Present Any Danger to This Homeland’

Great Debate: Sen. Obama Vs. President Obama

Mexico Gun-Running Operation Enhanced Cartels’ ‘Ability to Inflict Serious Damage and Casualties,’ Report Says

Rep. Lankford: Lawmakers Exploiting Failed Gunrunner Operation to Limit 2nd Amendment

Rare Legal Victory in Case of Pakistani Christian Who Refused to Convert to Islam

Muslim Group Says Norwegian Mass Killer Was Inspired by Critics of Global Jihad

Pentagon Clears 3-Star General of Alleged Misdeed

Anthony Judge Wants Public Records Law Changed

First-Term Republican Plans to Vote No on Boehner

Romney Looks Past Primary, Campaigns Against Obama

Study Finds No Cancer Link with Kids, Cellphones

Judge Opens Inquiry into Britain's Hacking Scandal

Special Ops Chief Warns of Al-Qaida 2.0

Vatican's US Envoy Dies Following Lung Surgery

GOP aims to gut Christmas, White House alleges

flashback:Senate casts historic vote on health care reform - Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009 | 8:46 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Kaskade Block Party: Cops Fire Bean Bags at Unruly "Electric Daisy" Fans in Hollywood - ktla.com

Aug.'10/Afghanistan: Muslim Soldier Pfc. Naser Abdo Hoping to Avoid Deployment, Says Faith Conflicts With Service - ABC News

D.C. bike-sharing program crippled by own success - Washington Times

President on Sidelines in Critical Battle Over Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama 'Unpresidential,' 'Petulant' 'Dividing Us': Langone - CNBC

Hapless blonde crashes £250k Bentley into FOUR other supercars | Mail Online

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - Yahoo! News

Realistic Doll Making Waves At University Park - Flash Player Installation

Ranks of hungry children swell, worrying doctors - The Boston Globe

Up, up and away! The spectacular photos taken as world record-breaking balloonists took to the skies | Mail Online

For Al Sharpton, Questions on Ties to Comcast - NYTimes.com

Two women Bulgarian students find hidden cameras in apartment near Westchase - St. Petersburg Times

Skeleton in Chimney Solves 27-Year-Old Mystery | NBC Los Angeles

Nation & World | Unmanned Army blimp brought down in Pa. woods | Seattle Times Newspaper

Brothers Arrested, Pilot Hurt After Fight On Plane At MIA - Miami News Story - WPLG Miami

Hay Crisis Reaches North Texas, Ranchers Stunne - Flash Player Installation

Cataracts, hips, knees and tonsils: NHS begins rationing operations - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Amy Winehouse's Death: From Alcohol Withdrawal? : People.com

Iran revolutionary guards' commander set to become president of Opec | World news | The Guardian

Rep. David Wu could be eligible for $1M in pension, benefits - On Politics - USATODAY.com

Detroit to set services by neighborhood condition - CNBC

Trojan asteroid tags along on Earth's orbit - latimes.com

The Associated Press: NH activists' search for candidate leads to Texas

Tom Crone, Lawyer for News of the World, Had Ringside Seat at Tabloid - WSJ.com

Morgan defiant as enemies try to implicate him in hacking scandal - Crime, UK - The Independent

Chinese riot after killing of fruit vendor - FT.com

Woman gets jury trial for displaying plastic te - Flash Player Installation

Vaseline: A Multipurpose Prep Item | Ready Nutrition

The Soap You Should Never Use – But 75% of Households Do by Joseph Mercola

White House courts religious leaders to help people in need

What's Obama doing? Day 3 with no public appearances scheduled

Too much airbrushing: Make-up ads banned in U.K. for being misleading

Federal Judge Tosses Suit Opposing Obama Funding of Stem Cell Research

Protection for three wildflowers will crimp oil and gas projects in Colo.

Perry unsure of his role at his own prayer rally

Homeland Security's CBP running ads against sex slavery

Milk Board Scraps Ad Campaign to Promote Milk as Cure for PMS

Some hotels use RFID chips to keep linens from checking out

Health insurers seek to cut unnecessary ER visits, costs

California Good Samaritan Shot While Delivering Food to Homeless

'Swift Boat' Veteran Who Defended Kerry Stripped of Silver Star

Lesbians asked to reverse pro-gay-marriage shirt at Dollywood

McCain erupts: Conservatives are lying to America

Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry’s son pleads guilty to drug possession in D.C.

Pentagon rejects call to halt spy flights near China

Dunkin' Donuts IPO makes a scorching debut

Administration rebuffs Democrats Wyden, Udall on FISA surveillance query

CPS takes baby after mom's arrest at strip club

Former Miami drug trafficker now an accused Medicare scammer

Herman Cain hosts meeting with Muslim leaders - Juana Summers - POLITICO.com

Bugging Out vs. Hunkering Down by M.D. Creekmore

Polls: Obama's Popularity Plunging in 2012 'Battleground' States

Dow Plunges Nearly 200 Points on Debt Fears

Thompson: GOP Achieved What It Wanted

Trump: Obama Is 'Now Totally Lost'

Gallup: Romney Loses Ground vs. Perry, Palin, Giuliani

Rove Group's Ad: Obama Leaves Economy Hanging

White House: Boehner Debt Bill 'Political Act'

Obamacare Critics Cite Rising Costs in Govt Report

US Healthcare Tab to Hit $13,710 a Head by 2020

Judge Sides With Obama, Nixes Stem Cell Suit

Gene-Targeted Drug Triples Lung Cancer Survival

Crystal Cathedral Restores Schuller to Board

Casey Anthony Judge Pushes for Juror Secrecy Law

Old West Actor Faces Charge for Injuring Tourists

Watchdogs: IRS Rules Mask Political Groups

RNC Ad Depicts Dismal 2017 If Obama Re-elected

GOP Whip McCarthy: We're Seeking Alternative Plan

Bove: Don't Buy Stocks Until Debt Crisis Ends

Langone: 'Unpresidential' Obama Destroying US

Chilling Labor Trend: Unemployed Need Not Apply

How To Avoid Unexpected Hospital Bills

Pesky 'God Particle' Continues to Elude Scientists

Boeing, Embraer Back Sugar Jet-Fuel Study

Internet Privacy Controls Challenge Tech Industry

From 'Hope and Change' to 'Eat Your Peas'

Democrats Should Stand by Their President

Prison Sentences for Abusive Mortgage Practices

Romney Is GOP's Best Bet in 2012

Debt Debate's Winner May Be a Third Party

Debt Crisis Shows Legislative Process Needs Revamping

Rush Limbaugh's theory: Air conditioners make people believe in global warming

Republican Priorities

Lawrence O'Donnell Attempts to Get Marsha Blackburn to Explain Her Previous Debt Ceiling Votes

Violent movie clip is played to fire up House Republicans for Boehner's debt ceiling bill

Minorities Suffer Most From Wealth Gap

This is Your Brain After Listening to Too Many Right Wing Talking Points on the Debt Ceiling

Wingnut extraordinaire Rep. Paul Broun wants to lower -- not raise -- the debt ceiling

Piers Morgan appears to have known all about phone hacking at Murdoch rags

Question for MSNBC’s Progressive Hosts re. The Network’s In-House Bigot: Pat Buchanan

Palin: American capitalism is 'foreign to our president'

Is the Cult of the "Beltway Media" Destroying America's Political System?

What's a Tea Party if no one shows up? Breaking News on Fox, that's what.

Sally Quinn reads Bill O'Reilly some of Anders Breivik's Christian writings... and he still denies Norway shooter is 'Christian'

Republicans turn on each other over Rep. John Boehner's Debt Deal

The Villagers' Idea of Compromise

John McCain rips Tea Party politicians over making foolish and bizarre demands over debt ceiling

Rep. Joe Walsh, Deadbeat Dad

Dan Savage threatens to redefine Santorum's first name

Charles Krauthammer says Michele Bachmann's stance on debt ceiling is 'unbelievably irresponsible'

“Belgian UFO” Photo A Hoax | Ghost Theory

In Test Tube, Hint of Chemicals Coming Alive - NYTimes.com

Aha! Icy moon 'rain' creates water on Saturn - Technology & science - Space - Space.com - msnbc.com

NY Mummy Smugglers Reveal Vast Antiquities Black Market | Egyptian Antiquities & Artifacts Theft | Art Crimes | LiveScience

CHRIS HOLLY'S Paranormal World: The Strangest Strangers

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI | Space.com

How the Heat Wave Started | Wired Science | Wired.com

Naica Mine: Crystal caves discovered by chance in Mexico | Mail Online

BBC News - Dolphin hunts with electric sense

God particle: The Large Hadron Collider - Telegraph

Indiewire’s Anthony Kaufman Still Struggling with ‘Black Republicans’

Morning Call Sheet: Cowboys, Aliens, ‘Star Trek’, and Alex Trebek

Obama Supporter Russell Simmons Attends Elite Corporate-Jet Sponsored Event

George Clooney Swears New Political Film Isn’t Partisan

The Smiths Morrissey: Norway Attacks ‘Nothing’ Compared to Actions of McDonald’s’

Why Modern Hollywood Villains Stink

Ricky Gervais ‘Christ’ Photo Isn’t Controversial. It’s Just Bad Art.

‘Battleship’ Trailer Arrives

Dems Freak Over Republican Screening of ‘Town’ Clip; Ben Affleck Responds

Morning Call Sheet: Streaming News, Ladies of the Right, Walking Dead, and a Gold Bikini

Does America Defaulting on It’s Debt Mean We’ll Need a Bailout Like Greece?

Audio:Brad Thor Talks About Full Black and the Patriots in America’s Special Forces

Flash Mobbin’ In the NEA

Clinic Offers Free Pot for Registering to Vote

Gov. Rick Perry’s Defense of States’ Rights Forces the Question: Do We Have the Courage to be Free?

Fear Over Debt Fight Taking Hold with Investors

It’s Time for Republicans to Stop Negotiating With Themselves and Put Pressure on the Senate

If Your Government Check Stops Due to the Debt Limit: Blame Obama

Andrew Breitbart on Uncommon Knowledge

Obama Taking Heat over Proposed Fuel Economy Standard

Obama: More than Twice the Debt in Half the Time as Bush

A Downgrade Is Serious Business and S&P Knows That

Judge Clears Way for Sodexo to Present Evidence of Extortion in RICO Suit Against SEIU

Hey, Mr. President, ‘Where’s the Plan?’

Obama White House to American People on Debt Ceiling Plans: None of Your Business!

Desperation: House Dems Urge Obama to Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling

America, You’re Being Community Organized

Sound Bite for the Day: White House’s Hatred of Fox Spills Into Debt Presser

Who Watches The Watchers? We Do

Sally Quinn Should Stick to Cocktail Parties and Ballroom Dancing

Martin Bashir to John Boehner: “Go the F*ck to Sleep”

Would The Mainstream Media Be This Quiet If “Fast and Furious” Had Happened Under Bush?

Sound Bite for the Day: Comfortable Bar Stools

NewsBusted: “Is the Success of the Obama Presidency Obvious to You?”

Credit Where It’s Due: NYT on James O’Keefe

Despite Glowing Profile of NY Times Publisher, Paper Still has Problems

MSM Ignores How Oslo Shooter’s Own Manifesto Completely Destroys “Christian Conservative” Label

Carney Bats Down Press Inquiry as “Republican Talking Points”

Congress Fails To Put Military Pay First, Effectively Joining Obama’s Threats To Our Heroes

Arabs Set a Trap For Themselves. Will Israel Close It?

‘Fast & Furious’ Not The Movie, The Obama Fiasco

Why Are The Arabs Stiffing ‘Palestine’?

Norwegian Ambassador: The Oslo Attacks And Palestinian Terrorism Are ‘Different’

Audio:Daniel Silva: Portrait of a Spy

The Norway Mass Murder: The Dexter Factor

Anders Breivik T-Shirts, Anyone?

Peter King: 40 Americans Have Joined Al Qaeda Group

Audio:Fred Fleitz: Leftist Legacy of Bad Intel Estimate on Iran

Islamic Immigration Debate In Focus After Norway Massacre

Hamas And Fatah Unity Talks To Resume In Cairo

Syria Set To Allow Opposition Parties

Strauss-Kahn accuser thanks NY supporters

Box Office Preview: 'Cowboys' to outdraw 'Smurfs'

Polanski, Le Carre lead Venice film lineup

Judge moves to strike circumcision ban from S.F. ballot

'Stroller march' participants: 'Kids are for the rich only'

'1 in 4 gay, lesbian high school students are homeless'

Mom accidentally shoots daughter with gun mistaken to be cigarette lighter

Shell says age of cheap oil and gas is over

BSkyB directors back James Murdoch

Chinese media attacks US on debt limit

Political lethargy tarnishes India's lustre

Suspect sought in parking dispute killing at Chuck E. Cheese's

Almost 900 pupils suspended from school each day for violence

Mick Jagger: Closet Conservative With an Affinity for Soft-Boiled Eggs | The Wrap Media

Three Fingers of Politics » Blog Archive » TV’s Dr. Drew Compares Hate for Palin and Bachmann with Casey Anthony

Anderson Urges Royalty To Go Fur Free

Polly Platt, Oscar-nominated art director, dies at 72 - latimes.com

Debbie Wasserman Schultz says GOP rhetoric could spark 'chaos' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

In Va., dark GOP ad paints Obama as dupe of Chinese - WTOP.com

James O’Keefe to New York Times reporter: ‘How can I be sure you’ll be objective and accurate?’ | Poynter.

For Al Sharpton, Questions on Ties to Comcast - NYTimes.com

Morgan defiant as enemies try to implicate him in hacking scandal - Crime, UK - The Independent

Al Sharpton: Affirmative-Action Beneficiary of the NBC-Comcast Merger? - The Daily Beast

New al-Qaida chief praises Syrian protesters

Breast ironing tradition targeted in Cameroon - CNN.com

+28-Jul-11 World View

+27-Jul-11 World View

Obama Seems To Be Taking His Defeat In The 2012 Election Rather Well

The Myth of White Privilege

Mumbai vs. Oslo

Mayhem In Norway

Progressives and Their Taxes Kill Cities

Truthful Accounting Should Be the First Objective of Any Debt Ceiling Compromise

Climate Witchcraft and Post-Normal Science

Geithner's Tattered Credibility

AOL begins its Arianna era

3 soldiers arrested near Fort Hood in connection with possible attack (Updated)

Obama on the People's House

What most Democrats secretly believe

Back to square one on debt ceiling?

Hysteria at the DNC

Obama Makes Empty Appeal to 'Bone-Tired' Americans

Norwegian Ambassador: The Oslo Attacks And Palestinian Terrorism Are 'Different'

What A Spending Solution Would Look Like

Why Conservatives Should Bork the Balanced Budget Amendment

The Astonishing World to Come

Obama's Exit from Relevance, Stage Left

Boehner's 12 Member Commission Political Game

Obama's Ineptitude

The Danger of a Weak American President

George Lopez Will Self-Deport If Palin Wins: Another Great Reason to Vote Palin!

Obama: Not sure what he stands for? – Do know who he stands with!

A Statement from a ‘TEA Party Hobbit’

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to act

Ron Paul’s Citizens Protection Act of 2011, H.R. 2613.

It’s time to Plan for PD-Day of 2012!

Band of Military Mothers Rescues John Bolton From Code Pink Attack

The Turning Point for “Entitlement” Programs

Obama Prison Blues

Failure: Calorie labeling on menus

A New Deal for America

The Plight of Marco Sauceda and the Loss of Our Freedoms

An important message from Sen. Jim DeMint

Identifying a Psychopath

Obama is Boring Us to Death

Egypt-Sinai-Gaza: The Triangular Threat to Israel

White House’s Carney Loses Patience, Turns on Press Corps

Safer Streets 2011: The Good Samaritans

Debunking 6 Myths About Anders Breivik

What is Liberty, That We May Defend It?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

Obama’s Amateur Paint-by-Numbers Liberalism Driving the World Off a Cliff

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Democrat Senators Say They Will Refuse to Stop Spending

Why Republicans are losing the debt ceiling battle

A Clash of Histories

Dunes Sagebrush Lizards- Another Spotted Owl Fiasco?

Anders Breivik is Not a Christian. Period.

Sheila Jackson Lee Wants Hearing on Rupert Murdoch Right Wing Extremists | Video | TheBlaze.com

Suspect Arrested in Another Possible Ft. Hood A - Flash Player Installation

University of Alabama Researcher Dr. Roy Spencer Finds NASA Satellite Data Contradicts Global Warming Predictions | TheBlaze.com

Herman Cain Meets With Muslim Leaders and Apologies for Comments on Islam | TheBlaze.com

Alaska Scientist Charles Monnett Tied to Global Warming Investigated for Scientific Misconduct | TheBlaze.com

McCain Reacts and Defends Hobbit Tea Party Comments | Video | TheBlaze.com

Los Angeles Movie Riot | Hollywood Boulevard | Video | TheBlaze.com

Poll Finds Muslim Brotherhood Will Win Egypt Election | TheBlaze.com

Al Franken Senate Floor ‘Welcome Terrorists’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

McCain Calls Tea Party ‘Hobbits’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Islamic Militant Group Bans Tasty Snack Food for Being ‘Too Christian’ Samosas | TheBlaze.com

MSNBC‘s Martin Bashir Likens Boehner to a Child Who Should ’Go the F*** to Sleep’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Bring Your Goat to the Apple Store VIDEO | Video | TheBlaze.com

Comedian George Lopez Will Leave United States of America if Sarah Palin Elected President | Video | TheBlaze.com

British Evil Twin Clothing Company Name Parka Coat Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Germany Nazi Death | TheBlaze.com

Jeopardy! Host Alex Trebek Snapped Achilles Tendon While Chasing Burglar! | Video | TheBlaze.com

Palestinian Authority Threatens to Disband if U.S. Thwarts Palestinian Statehood Efforts in September | TheBlaze.com

Christian Pastor Rick Warren Tweets About Taxes Then Deletes Message | TheBlaze.com

Ikea Virgina Unionize NLR National Labor Relations Board Collective Bargaining The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers | TheBlaze.com

Federal Judge Rules in Obama Administration’s Favor on Embryonic Stem Cell Research | TheBlaze.com

Uzbek Man Indicted for Threatening to Assassinate Obama, Obtaining Explosives, Machine Gun | TheBlaze.com

Black Student Sues School Race Prevented Her Valedictorian | TheBlaze.com

Camp Quest Offers Summer Camp for Children of Atheists, Agnostics | Video | TheBlaze.com

Homeless Man Kelly Thomas Died After Violent Police Beating | Video | TheBlaze.com

14 year old mexican cartel hitman el ponchis 3 years jail beheading people | TheBlaze.com

News Site TVWEEK Posts Glenn Beck Picture in Death Notice of Elmer Lower | TheBlaze.com

Man Throws Toilet At Buddy’s House | TheBlaze.com

MSNBC Ed Schultz: Fox News Channel Martha MacCallum Shows ‘How Dumb’ Some Anchors are | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jay Carney Accuses Ed Henry of Creating a Thing | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Debt Speech | Video | TheBlaze.com

Amber Jones Writes Scratch and Sniff Book About New York City Smells | Video | TheBlaze.com

Tea Party Leader Judson Phillips: Speaker of the House ‘John Boehner Has To Go’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

debt ceiling crisis revisited 30 years ago | TheBlaze.com

House Republicans Call for Firing of Republican Study Committee Executive Director Paul Teller | TheBlaze.com

Kevin McCarthy Allegedly Shows The Town Clip to Colleagues Debt Crisis | Video | TheBlaze.com

Democrat James Clyburn Calls On Obama to Ignore Congress Use 14th Amendment on Debt Ceiling | Video | TheBlaze.com

Donald Trump Says Obama Jimmy Carter-esque, Republicans Have All Cards for Debt Deal | Video | TheBlaze.com

How Treasury Bonds Work - A Quick Lesson

GOP needs to hold the line, Boehner may not be up to it

Preservation of Texas Civil War sites a priority in the Sesquicentennial


Pay For Performance - The Failed Experiment

Food Totalitarians on Parade

The God Complex vs. I Don’t Really Know Anything


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Obama Talked About "Gun Tracing" in 2009 - Katie Pavlich

Catholic church calls for tax increases, fewer spending cuts in debt debate - Washington Times

Party Leaders Clash Ahead of Key Vote on GOP Debt-Limit Bill - FoxNews.com

GE moving X-ray business to China - Boston.com

Germany blames Chinese land buys for Africa drought - Yahoo! News

PolitiFact | Tom Coburn says government is twice the size it was a decade ago

Soros Returns Capital, Avoids Dodd Frank - TheStreet

ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Blog: Chicken Liberals

Texas Lawmaker Calls for Congressional Probe Into Ban of Christian Prayers at Military Funerals - FoxNews.com

China child trafficking busts save 89 toddlers - CBS News

CAIR Wants Muslim-Turned-Christian Minister to Stop Training Immigration Officials, Christian News

Murderer Frederick Barrett busted after 32 years on the run | Mail Online

For Al Sharpton, Questions on Ties to Comcast - NYTimes.com

Mayor Michael Bloomberg greets Muslim leaders with 'Shalom Alaikum' at Ramadan meeting

» Analysis of Barack Obama’s Debt Ceiling Speech and Various Other Related Lies

Pajamas Media » Obama Takes Putin’s Side in Magnitsky Case

NHS begins rationing operations in cost-cutting drive - Telegraph

Pat Robertson appears at Mitt Romney fundraiser - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Pajamas Media » ‘Gentle Justice’ Meets Mass Murderer

John McCain Attacks Tea Party - Sean Hannity - Video | Mediaite

The Slow-Motion Meltdown of the President’s Press Secretary « Commentary Magazine

Boehner’s Plan Will Do - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online

Antioxidants of interest to address infertility, erectile dysfunction | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

170 Jewish Social Justice Leaders to Meet With Obama Administration

Michele Bachmann - President Obama - Effectively A Dictator | VIDEO | Mediaite

Pajamas Media » The 5 Biggest Lies Told about Oslo Shooter Anders Breivik

GOP must stand up to batty Michele Bachmann: She is not presidential material

Reaganite Republican: Obama Already DOOMED: Another Record Low for this Despicable Regime

Roger’s Rules » Phony Cuts/Real Taxes

50 Most Beautiful People for 2011 - TheHill.com

Our Admiral Ackbar Moment — It Is A Trap | RedState

RedNeckoBlogger: Chicago, D.C. ???

RIGZONE - Texas Oil, Gas Jobs Rebound

Sun News : Fifth war criminal suspect busted on his birthday

Philanthropy Daily® » Fannie Mae’s public-private disaster

Hawkish Republicans may harm future Russia-U.S relations - Rogozin | Russia | RIA Novosti

Don't Raise the Debt Limit | Ending Spending | EndingSpending.com

American Spirit Always a winner! « Coach is Right

Roger L. Simon » The Man Without A Plan

FBI teaches new recruits to read 'anti-Islam' books - Telegraph

Sojourners Launches Radio and Facebook Ads Calling Politicians to Remember the Poor - Tim King - God's Politics Blog

Jet2 Engine Shoots 30 Foot Flames as Tourists Watch From Beach (VIDEO) - AOL Travel News

Jobs, Economy and National Security on American's Minds - Page 1 - George Landrith - Townhall Conservative

Angle to McCain: Wait a minute, you campaigned for me in 2010. Now you're insulting me and the Tea Party? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Evidence Found for Undiscovered Comet That May Threaten Earth | Comets & Earth Impact Threats | February Eta Draconid Meteor Shower & Shooting Stars | Space.com

Fort Hood Jihad II: Muslim Servicemen Arrested in Alleged Attack on Fort Hood, Captured with possession of large quantities of ammunition, weapons and the explosive makings of a bomb - Atlas Shrugs

Obama's a Hopeless Spending Addict, and the GOP MUST Make That Point - HUMAN EVENTS

Madeleine McCann 'spotted in north Indian market' by tourist | Mail Online

Senate Watches the House, Readies Number of Procedural Options - FoxNews.com

Klaudia Batyi, 16, dies in agony after medic mistook blood poisoning for a panic attack | Mail Online

4 Dumbest Things to Do If You're Deep in Debt

Last Days Watchman: Media terrorism

Does Sexual Fare Cause Sexual Violence? - Page 1 - Steve Chapman - Townhall Conservative

The Case Against S&P’s Case For The U.S. of AA

WND RADIO WND Exclusive On board with Boehner;Rep. Rigell supports speaker's 'imperfect' plan, encourages colleagues do same

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'How long do each of us have to toil?';Betsy McCaughey urges spending cuts now, supports elderly in health-care debate

Just why is Obama constitutionally eligible? Read more: Just why is Obama constitutionally eligible?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Escalation in Arizona: Firearms confiscated

Defamation claim: Ministry attacked to get at Bachmann

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News

Layered colors 'simple proof' of Obama document forgery

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Perry faces tea party scrutiny on immigration | National Politics and Election News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Rick Perry fooled me

GOP scrubs bill for $65 billion in new cuts - Washington Times

Senate Democrats Promise to Reject Boehner Plan - NYTimes.com

Debbie Wasserman Schultz says GOP rhetoric could spark 'chaos' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Fight to protect unborn to march forward

Charges predicted as weapons scandal heats up

Maligned candidate asks IRS to investigate Soros-linked group

Obamacare's fate in hands of Supreme Court?

Health care law won't rein in costs, study says - Washington Times

Cataracts, hips, knees and tonsils: NHS begins rationing operations - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Catching Our Flag | James E. Rogan | Clinton Impeachment | The Daily Caller

Stuxnet virus 'could be adapted to attack the West' - Telegraph

New Homeland Security campaign's goal: Stopping slavery

Norway intelligence boss reckons Breivik... JPost - International

Breivik was desperate to be taken alive, say police - Europe, World - The Independent

Anjem Choudary and Islamic extremists set up Sharia law zones in UK cities | Mail Online

PA ‘Digs in’ to Rewrite History - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Al-Qaida's Zawahri tells Syrians to also fight... JPost - Defense

Sharron Angle rips 'maverick' John McCain - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

‪Critics of the So. Central Los Angeles Tea Party (Race Baiting / Racism / NAACP)‏ - YouTube


Committee on Rules(www.rules.house.gov/)


Obama following in Hitler's footsteps

The summer of lies

We, like, ain't got no more money

When 'balanced' is unbalanced

Barack Obama created the tea party

New York Times reader kills dozens in Norway

Iran's imminent nuke threat

Say goodbye to your CDs, DVDs

Chartilism vs. capitalism

2 faces of Hispanic America

The GOP’s State-by-State Crusade to Disenfranchise Voters | Common Dreams

Ground Zero: Yes to mosque, no to church

McDonald's to Kids: Apple Slices For All, Whether or Not You Want Them - Reason Magazine

A President Off-Balance - Page 1 - Bill Tatro - Townhall Finance

NYC fire truck lowered into 9/11 display - KansasCity.com

U.S. Health Tab Projected to Hit $4.6 Trillion in 2020 - FoxNews.com

Anti-Freeze in Pilots' Blood Baffles Air Force - National - The Atlantic Wire

americas-job-engine-wsj: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

The Daily Bell - Defining the Moment: The Internet Reformation

WORLD Magazine | Project Nim | Alisa Harris | Jul 30, 11

Eric Holder: Texas School Suspensions Wake-Up Call

Racketeering Charges against SEIU; What Does Obama Know? - Page 1 - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Border Dispute with Kosovo: Serbian Attackers Shoot at NATO Soldiers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Joe Scarborough Tea Party | Obama Debt Crisis | MSNBC Video | Mediaite

FCC Pushes For Universal Broadband Access : NPR

An Islamic and anti-Christian poster in the streets of Jerusalem - Vatican Insider

The RINO List » RINO McCain calls Tea Party Republicans in the House “Hobbits”

Most observers agree government employees will have to sacrifice beyond 2-year pay freeze

Federal pay and benefits spared -- for now -- GovExec.com

Checklist: America meets 90% of Karl Marx's demands

Fructose consumption increases risk factors for heart disease

'China, Iran discussing barter s... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

‪USNavyVisualNews's Channel‏ - YouTube

Under Obama, Millennials Move Into the Republican Fold - Page 1 - Michael Barone - Townhall Conservative

U.N. Group Stands Up for Children's Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Including Abortion | CNSnews.com

When Is an Ideology Responsible for Murder? | FrontPage Magazine

All 53 Senate Democrats Sign Letter to Boehner Threatening to Default on US Debt | The Gateway Pundit

Judge wants to carry gun in courtroom - JSOnline

U.S. will pay half of all health care spending by 2020 - Jul. 28, 2011

Mexico Gun-Running Operation Enhanced Cartels’ ‘Ability to Inflict Serious Damage and Casualties,’ Report Says | CNSnews.com

Democrats see wiggle room on Obama’s Aug. 2 debt-limit deadline - TheHill.com

Vatican nuncio to U.S. Archbishop Sambi dies « CNS Blog

Real Christians hate death

Jihadists boast of 'paradise' since departure of U.S. ally

Obamacare's fate in hands of Supreme Court?

Maligned candidate asks IRS to investigate Soros-linked group

New physical therapy promises to impr... JPost - Health & Science

Scientists discover genetic key to Elephant Man's disfigurement - Science, News - The Independent

Naturalized citizen accused in Sacramento of masterminding alleged immigration fraud - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Mexican judge finds 14-year-old U.S. citizen guilty of beheadings - CNN.com

Gainesville Times | News from The Associated Press

Scientists discover tipping point for... JPost - Health & Science

Russia Downs US Missile After Norway, Obama Secrets Release

Rural US Disappearing? Population Share Hits Low - ABC News

NSA Spooks Won't Rule Out Secretly Tracking Your Phone

Riot breaks out on Hollywood Boulevard - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com


One Per Cent: Web plugin tells you who is on the same page




Watch: Pastor kicks off NASCAR Race with the best prayer ever | Weird News - NewsRadio610 WIOD - News | Traffic | Weather 24/7

Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays

Revising the Social Cost of Carbon

Impacts of Gulf of Mexico Oil & Nat Gas on U.S. Economy

Where is Nuclear Energy Going? A Debate. Category: Page One from The Berkeley Daily Planet

Biofuels Potential to Transform the Global Economy | Oil Price.com

A state-level look at how energy companies create economic opportunity | ExxonMobil's Perspectives Blog

Carbon...from Al Gore to Michael Bloomberg to enhanced oil recovery - The Barrel

Billionaires’ Rise Aids India, and Vice Versa - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - China, and Overdone Green Energy Hysteria

Researchers lose bid to block human embryonic stem cell research

One in ten research projects using monkeys has no benefit, finds review | Science | The Guardian

Does Irradiation Make Food More Safe, or Less? - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Feathers fly in first bird debate

Marvelous Destroyers: The Fungus-Farming Beetles | Wired Science | Wired.com

Was the Universe born with Black Holes? : Starts With A Bang

Born Evil: Is This The Rebirth Of Phrenology?

Out-of-the-blue panic attacks aren't without warning — body sends signals for hour before (SMU Research)

Organized crime is wiping out wildlife | Science Codex

OSU pigment discovery expanding to new colors – including orange | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

Purdue Newsroom - Material created at Purdue lets electrons 'dance' and form new state

Applying Healthy Skepticism to Healthy Foods - Miller-McCune

Martian Water vs. The Volcanoes | Research - ISNS

Cryonics pioneer goes into the deep freeze at 92 - News, People - The Independent

BBC News - Passport to a drug free Olympics?

Tasting Scotch Whisky, Note By Vacuum-Distilled Note | Popular Science

Why Are People "Irrationally" Generous to Strangers? - Reason Magazine

The Brain: A Body Fit for a Freaky-Big Brain | Mind & Brain | DISCOVER Magazine

Seven Creepy Experiments That Could Teach Us So Much (If They Weren’t So Wrong) | Magazine

Poll: God has better approval rating than Congress | The Christian Century

Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD) - Senator Al Franken Mocks "Focus on the Family" Pro-Marriage Testimony

The Moderate Pro-Choicer’s Trade-off | First Things

Al Qaeda Is (Sorta, Kinda, Almost) Dead - National - The Atlantic Wire

Religion: God, Barbies and moms | The Republic

The New Biblical Archeology » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

American religion: trending downward? - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Al-Qaeda on the Brink? - Daveed Gartenstein-Ross - National Review Online

Read China’s Lips - Stephen S. Roach - Project Syndicate

Adrian Hamilton: Now we want Gaddafi out, now we don't - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

West must support democracy in Arab world as it did in Central Europe - CSMonitor.com

Creative Diplomacy Puts U.S. on Side of Syria’s Protesters: View - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Getting Ready for the Next Time

Who Is Killing Iran's Nuclear Scientists? - ABC News

Breivik finds common cause with Zionists - and Al Qaeda - The National

How Islamists Can Save Tunisia's Revolution - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Crowd-sourcing terror in Norway

Gas Pains - by Lee Smith > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

After the debt-ceiling standoff is resolved - The Washington Post

Why the Debt Crisis Is Even Worse Than You Think - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - A Debt Downgrade Is Serious Business

Stephen Moore: Warren Buffett Is Wrong on Taxes - WSJ.com

Overblown fear factor - WWW.THEDAILY.COM

RealClearMarkets - How to Cut Taxes, Boost Revenue

GOP no-tax pledge impact on debt ceiling debate: GOP tyrants threaten nation's stability - latimes.com

The Unemployment Situation Is Getting Worse - Louis Woodhill - Unconventional Logic - Forbes

Einstein on Wall Street, Time-Money Continuum: Mark Buchanan - Bloomberg

America’s Credibility Is at Risk - NYTimes.com

5 tips to survive the coming market axe murder - Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch

Save yourself from US debt disaster - 1 - protect your wealth - MSN Money

Federal ‘Clean Energy’ Loan Guarantees: Crazy Dollars for Bubble Jobs — MasterResource


The Fed should twist again - Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch

3 reasons why it's OK for MBAs to seek jobs in tech - Term Sheet

A Bubble in Social-Media Stocks - Barrons.com

How To Play The Risk Of US Debt Default Or Debt Downgrade | Markets | Minyanville.com

What's Wrong With America's Job Engine? - WSJ.com

If Boehner’s bill passes, what happens next? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

How And Why The Boehner Bill Matters | The New Republic

Gingrich busted holding campaign T-shirt made in El Salvador


July 27, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 27 July 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-27, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-27-11

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, July, 27, 2011

07/27 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Review 07-27-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 07-27-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 07-27-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-27-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-27-11 Hr 2

The Michael Savage Show 07/27/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

*July 28

American Minute for July 28th

July 28th This Day in History

July 28th in History

Today in History: July 28

July 28 Events in History

Today in History: July 28

This Day in History for 28th July

‪Today in History for July 28th‏ - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:The Great Debate: Candidate Obama Vs. President Obama

Christie Hospitalized for Shortness of Breath

Big Government Contributor: Obama and Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’

Hannity Takes On McCain Over Tea Party ‘Hobbit’ Smear

O’Reilly Producer Crashes Elite Polo Party in Hamptons

Dem Rep at Radical Islam Hearing: Let’s ‘Have a Hearing on Right-Wing Extremists’

CNN’s Morgan Embroiled in British Hacking Scandal

Dem Rep: ‘We Don’t Have a Deficit Problem’

27TH/Dem Leader: Republicans ‘Want to Shoot Every Bullet they Have at the President’

Rep West Supports Boehner Plan

Carney vs. Fox News’ Ed Henry: Round 2

Embattled Dem Rep Refuses to Resign Before Debt Vote

Al Franken’s Theatre of the Absurd Hits the Senate Floor

Trump: ‘Obama is Totally Lost’

Townhall’s Benson: GOP Needs to Support Boehner

Reporter Attacked During Live Shot

Boehner Defends Plan: ‘This Is the Time to Do What is Doable’

Pirates Robbed on Worst Homeplate Call Ever

Jon Stewart on Obama’s Debt Speech: ‘Did the President Just Quit?’

Freshman GOP Rep: We Were Sent Here to Wrangle Spending

NBC News Host on Boehner: Lazy, Hot Tempered Liar ‘More Comfortable On a Bar Stool’

Palin on ‘More Drama Obama’: ‘It’s the Spending, Stupid’

George Lopez: If Sarah Palin Becomes President ‘I Will Move to Canada’

26TH/Dem Rep Arrested Outside White House Protesting Obama’s Immigration Policies

NBC News Panelist Calls Grover Norquist ‘Gingrich’s Butt Buddy’

Carney Admits: We Won’t Put ‘Plan’ on Paper

Pelosi: Republicans Want to Destroy Your Rights

White House Accuses Fox News Reporter of Pushing Republican Talking Points

White House Reporters Boo Obama Press Flack

House Oversight Hearing: What Did ATF Know About ‘Fast & Furious’ and When Did They Know It?

How Pigford Made White Lawyers Like Al Pires Millions

25TH/DSK Maid: ‘They’re Gonna Kill Me’

Actor Cheadle: GOP Senator Opened My Eyes to Sudan

24TH/High-Speed Rail Disaster in China

Grandma Marries Grandma in New York

Ravings of a Madman: Oslo Killer’s Last Video Manifesto Revealed

23RD/Amy Winehouse Dead at 27


House to Take Crucial Vote; Senate in Limbo : Roll Call News

President on Sidelines in Critical Battle Over Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

Klein: Democrats Can Lose Debt Fight, Win Tax War - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Ideals vs. Realities

RealClearPolitics - Under Obama, Millennials Move Toward GOP

Obama’s Path From Poetry to Drudgery - NYTimes.com

Dear Yankee :: Texas Monthly

You think the debt crisis is bad now? Wait until Obamacare takes its toll

Geoffrey R. Stone: By Any Means Possible: Republican Threats and the Debt Ceiling

The American Spectator : Don't Blame the House

HughHewitt.com Blog : Hugh Hewitt : A Shabby White House: The Emperor's Clothes

RealClearPolitics - Centrism Twists Debt Ceiling Debate

China's military flexes its muscle - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Washington: The Sausage Factory

America's Jericho moment - chicagotribune.com

The politics of China’s high-speed train wreck - The Washington Post

We are edging towards the partition of Libya - Telegraph

Stop the gun flow - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com


**Transcripts:Interview with White House Advisor David Plouffe

Guest: Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Interview with Representative Keith Ellison

Interview with Senator Mike Lee

Interview with Representative Allen West


Obama’s Battleground Sate Blues

Why Obama-Won’t Face 2012 Primary Challenge From His Base on the Left

Morning Jay: The Fundamentals Do Not Currently Favor Obama's Reelection | The Weekly Standard

President Dangerfield - WSJ.com

Lessons From the U.S. Economy's Malaise - NYTimes.com

So Long, Speaker Boehner?

Al Sharpton, MSNBC and journalistic standards - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

HURT: Obama offers lectures but no answers - Washington Times

The Debt Showdown: The GOP's "Blank Check" Lie | Mother Jones

The Cult That Is Destroying America - NYTimes.com

Are progressives losing the larger argument? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Burning down the economy--John Podhoretz - NYPOST.com

Peter Foster: Keystone ­versus green Keynesianism | FP Comment | Financial Post


**World Video:Strategy To Combat Transnational Organized Crime

Inside The Norway Terror Suspect's Mind

Norway: Trial On Terror

UK Blogger Denies Links To Breivik

UN Starts Olympic Countdown Clock

Ethnic Serbs Set Kosovo Border Post On Fire

PM Stoltenberg Vows Norway 'Will Not Be Intimidated'

Target Kandahar

Thousands Seek Aid In Famine-Stricken Africa

Britain Expels Gaddafi Regime Diplomats

South African Wakes Up In Morgue After 'Dying'

Why Life In Africa Is Getting Better

Why Facebook Won't Win In China

Gaddafi's Failure To Meet Deadline

27th/The Role of Economic Institutions in Economic Growth

How Safe Is Afghanistan?

U.S. Seeks To Empower Foreign Women

Lockerbie Bomber Attends Rally In Libya

Massacre Suspect 'Seemed Like A Shy Boy'

Breivik's Lawyer: 'He Expected To Be Killed'

Growing Anti-Immigration Sentiments In Norway

Christine Lagarde Warns Of Debt Crisis Impact

U.N. Peacekeepers Hit In Lebanon Bombing

Obama Signs Norway Condolence Book

Women Dodge Iran Street Biking Ban

Morocco Plane Crash Kills 78

Foreign Assessments Of U.S. Power

Will Bringing The Troops Home Save America's Credit?

**Politics Video:Carney: House GOP Acting "Incredibly Juvenile"

Bachmann: If Obama Uses 14th Amendment He's A "Dictator"

Cantor To Reid: Compromise Or Default

Carney On Debt Fight: "We're Winning This Argument" Politically

Clyburn Likens Executive Order To Raise Debt Ceiling To Emancipation Proclamation

Carney On Markets: "Buy And Hold, See What Happens"

Ad: Washington Could Learn A Lot From A Drug Addict

Carney: Boehner Bill "Ain't Going Anywhere In The United States Senate"

Rep. Cummings: Debt Fight A "Manufactured" Crisis

Langone Of NYSE: Obama Acting "Unpresidential" And "Petulant"

Krauthammer: Dems Are "Clearly Unserious About Debt Reduction"

O'Donnell: We Are Still In The Bluff Stage Of Negotiations

Hannity To McCain: Why Are You Attacking The Tea Party?

Matthews: Debt Stalemate Is Why Politicians Are Unpopular

27th/Rep. Paul Ryan On Debt: We're Losing Our Sovereignty

Sen. Rand Paul: No Plan Will Ever Balance The Budget

Rep. Ellison To Obama: Just Raise The Debt Limit

Fineman: WH Thinks Boehner Plan Will Not Pass House

Crossroads GPS Ad: "Thread"

Christie On Debt Talks: "We Have Not Seen A Plan" From The President

Cantor: Obama Does Not Like People Whose Opinion Differs From Him

Fineman Predicts Short-Term Debt Deal

Harry Reid: "Boehner Plan Is A Big Wet Kiss To The Right-Wing"

Carney Accuses Ed Henry Of "Creating A Thing For FOX"

O'Reilly: U.S. "Bankrupting Itself With An Entitlement Philosophy"

Pfeiffer Says Boehner Bill Is "Irrelevant"

Krauthammer: Obama Threw A "Tantrum"

Karl Rove: Obama's "Undermining His Own Credibility"