"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

06 July 2010

July 3,4,5,6

NATO Orders All “Critical Assets” Moved 100 Miles Inland From Gulf Oil Spill Region

Clinton scolds Russia on Georgia trip

FDIC Loss-Share Guarantees Balloon To $177 Billion Putting Taxpayers At Risk | Problem Bank List

Millions of birds set to fly into Gulf oil mess - U.S. news - Environment - msnbc.com

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

National debt soars to highest level since WWII - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Chris Bollyn - Our Fraudulent Elections

Pat Buchanan: America has become a tower of Babel.

YouTube - High School Student Destroys State Senator

YouTube - Oil in Lake Pontchartrain

YouTube - U.S. GOV can kill ANYONE including YOU without trial COVERTLY !!

YouTube - Acid Rain In Texas Compilation

Gateway Pundit:Krauthammer Bashes Obama’s Infantile NASA Muslim Outreach Program

ALIPAC - Obama's Speech Misleads Americans on Illegal Immigration & Amnesty

Scientists discover what makes us live longer - Science, News - The Independent

Al-Qaida puts celebrities and bombs online with Inspire magazine | World news | The Guardian

The truth about the porn industry | Life and style | The Guardian

French civil servant lifts lid on five-hours-a-week culture - Telegraph

Roy Tov – Meir Dagan is Satan’s Servant

Breaking News Military Men Moving There own Families Now!!!! Snowplows Ready To Remove Abandoned Vehicles from Highways When Evacuations Occur | Before It's News

US Afghan War - Illegal And Unwinnable

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider: "There is No Escape!"

Dangerous new pesticide coming to the produce aisle - HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH

Natural Health News: Enjoy Your Holiday, GMO FREE

Hatch, Romney, Kagan and the Federalist Society

American World Order: The Beginning Of The End | Opinion Maker

Black Slavery « What Do You Believe?

Living Outside the Dialectic

Constitution Is Endangered If Kagan OK'd - IBD - Investors.com

FOXNews.com - Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

U.S. Chicken McNuggets 'contain Silly Putty chemical and more calories and fat' than in Britain | Mail Online

`Big Brother’ school lunchbox scheme abandoned - Telegraph

Britain faces drink, drugs and obesity health crisis | Society | guardian.co.uk

Google founder Sergey Brin to use search engine to find cure for Parkinson's - Telegraph

The latest threat to the global recovery - state capitalism - Telegraph

Russian spy scandal: You wouldn't catch the Chinese messing around like this – Telegraph Blogs

Mexico drug gangs in deadly border gunfight | World news | The Guardian

Cuban communist party expels intellectual for exposing corruption | World news | The Guardian

'Horse Boy' reappears on Google Street View in Aberdeen - Telegraph

7/7 victims still awaiting compensation - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Egyptian/ Hebrew Origin of Masonic Terms

Russian Spy Case - Espionage Or Politics?

Johann Hari: How Goldman gambled on starvation - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

Discovery of a hepatitis C-related virus in bats may reduce outbreaks in humans

Dangerous Crossroads in World History: Obama’s New Iran Sanctions: An Act of War

Pax Americana – a dream shattered by Afghans | Opinion Maker

Guess Who Wants to Kill the Internet? | Opinion Maker

Brain chips could help paralysed patients - Telegraph

Patient Money - Joint Replacement? Do It Right the First Time - NYTimes.com

Baby's reaction - Snotr

savethemales.ca - Breasts are for Babies, Not Men

What the butler heard: Snobbery, hypocrisy, anti-semitism and greed - Europe, World - The Independent

Italian resort of Forte dei Marmi turns against rich tourists | World news | The Observer

Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities - Telegraph

China's new Silk Road into Europe - Telegraph

Eastman - Who Cares Enough To Tell The Truth?

Ministers ordered to find 40 per cent cuts as Treasury axe swings - Telegraph

Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride

Goldman Sachs warns on global economic slowdown - Telegraph

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding - Yahoo! News

Mideast buyers reported to be eyeing BP investment - Yahoo! Finance

Buffett donates $1.6bn to Gates Foundation - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Debunking the War on Terror!!!

Grade Obama's First Year in Office - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

One Man's July Fourth

Gay Parade Subverted by Zionists «Kawther Salam

How Much Oil Has BP Drilled Into? Try THIS On...


Classical music moves the heart in vegetative patients - health - 02 July 2010 - New Scientist

Pregnant women should be given vitamin D supplements, researchers claim - Telegraph

Public advice on suntanning may mean vitamin deficiency risk - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

'Climategate' was 'a game-changer' in science reporting, say climatologists | Environment | The Guardian

Wanted, and in Britain: Interpol names foreign criminals in hiding here | Mail Online

Fury as Lockerbie bomber doctor Karol Sikora admits he could live for a decade | Mail Online

More than 300 NHS executives have a larger salary than the prime minister - Telegraph

Terrorism in Britain 'mostly home grown', report says - Telegraph

Iraq war veteran: Haunted, in prison, now homeless | UK news | The Guardian

The truth about mega-farms: Chemical fumes, distressed animals, poisoned locals | Mail Online

To do 'God's work', bankers need morals - Telegraph

With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932 - Telegraph

The appeal of the softer Jaroslaw Kaczynski to Poles | Kamil Tchorek | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Pope's key speech in Westminster will clash with Jewish festival | World news | The Guardian

Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The Guardian

American geologist Xue Feng jailed in China for eight years - Telegraph

Venezuela in diplomatic row with Washington - Americas, World - The Independent

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Barack Obama: The great jobs killer - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Blistering heat expected in Northeast - CNN.com

Blago scandal: politics as usual from Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

LF: House, Senate leaders finalize details of sweeping financial overhaul

Natural Health News: We need to rescue our food system from corporate control

Iran puts forward 'evidence' that nuclear scientist was abducted by CIA - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Redefining Sanity: DID Normal; Faith is Not

TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Doctor Treating Pregnant Women With Experimental Drug To Prevent Lesbianism | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

Cargill To Introduce Industry-First Healthy Oil Innovation, Clea

FT.com / Companies / Oil & Gas - Oil spill drains BP of funding options

A Very Scary Fireworks Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space : NPR

Bibi Back at the White House — The Consistency of Israeli Duplicity Comes Ever More Clearly into Focus | Criminal State

American Sheeple - Special Publication

Protesters demand Bill Blair’s resignation, call for inquiry into G20 policing - thestar.com

savethemales.ca - Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

1979's Ixtoc oil well blowout in Gulf of Mexico has startling parallels to current disaster | NOLA.com

'Afterglow' of Big Bang captured by satellite - Science, News - The Independent

Birthplace of 'drive-thru' turns its back on fast food - Americas, World - The Independent

FT Alphaville » Fuel protests bring India to a halt

Europe’s ‘toothless’ bank tests making matters worse - Telegraph

Nearly 70 graduates for every job vacancy - Education News, Education - The Independent

Review of questioned IPCC report says conclusions 'well-founded' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

As third Climategate report is published, even computer models turn against AGW alarmists – Telegraph Blogs

How come we now have to go to the Chinese for the truth about global warming? – Telegraph Blogs

We have not learnt the lesson of the July 7 suicide bombing - Telegraph

Road pricing could become yet another tax - Telegraph

Surveillance system monitors conversations - Telegraph

UK's collusion with Islamists 'catastrophic' | Politics | The Guardian

Hillary Clinton talks tough with the Kremlin, but Russia has won the geopolitical war – Telegraph Blogs

Vote shows Mexicans have little faith in any party | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pentagon plans 'flying submarine' - Telegraph

Republicans call for party chairman to quit over Afghan remarks | World news | The Guardian

Turkey threatens to cut ties with Israel over Gaza flotilla | World news | The Guardian

North Sea oil: hopes rise of the biggest discovery in a decade - Telegraph

BP stops refuelling Iranian passenger planes - Telegraph

BP oil spill: all states along Gulf of Mexico affected by slick - Telegraph

YouTube - Heavy Surf, High Winds Affect Cleanup as Weather Continues to Strike Gulf


The Devil and Bill Marriott:

The Devil and Bill Marriott (Part 2):

The Devil, Bill Marriott and the Council on Foreign Relations

The Devil, Bill Marriott and Bilderberg

The Marriott Foundation and the NWO


The Declaration of Independence (Part 1)

The Declaration of Independence (Part 2)


The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order


Revolution and Repression in America

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship


*article links:Weekly Southern African Report


Jefferson changed 'subjects' to 'citizens' in Declaration of Independence

The irrefutable Jefferson - Berkshire Eagle Online

*Declaring Independence: Drafting the Documents


Bishop Donald Corder: The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai | Intifada Palestine

Bishop Donald Corder: The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai – Heaven and Earth | Intifada Palestine

Bishop Donald Corder: The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai – The Commander | Intifada Palestine

Bishop Donald Corder:The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai: Method and Discipline | Intifada Palestine


YouTube - National Treasure Declaration of Independence


YouTube - Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover - PT 1/2

YouTube - Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover - PT 2/2


YouTube - U.S. Gives Israeli Spy Asylum

YouTube - No 'Sorry' from US as Iran plane tragedy marked

**Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2010 Congressional Candidates

YouTube - Republicans Block Investigative Power for Oil Spill Commission

GORDON DUFF: MUNICH AND THE FIVE “9/11′s” : Veterans Today

YouTube - BP and Military on Panama City Beach July 4 2010

Breaking: Obama shuts down 33% of the country’s oil refining capacity

Netanyahu heads to Washington in effort to mend U.S. ties - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Dutch agency admits mistake in UN climate report - Yahoo! News

Georgianne Nienaber: Coast Guard Media Liaison Works for BP's PR Agency

The BP/Government police state - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Fascist Take-Over of the U.S.

Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

The Importance of Concentration | Watts Up With That?

Early buyers in Trump's tower pocket profits while he presses for loan extension | Crain's Chicago Business

Texas BP Refinery Released 538,000 Pounds of Chemicals Into Atmosphere « SpeakEasy

Justice Dept. expected to sue Ariz. on immigration, citing 'preemption' grounds

YouTube - Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill

SOUTH LEBANON: IKEA furnishing the occupation

Russian spy ring needed some serious IT help

Obama's Expanded Military Spying and Torture Network

More bad news for BP as arsenic levels rise in seawater around the Gulf of Mexico | News.com.au

Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia

Tar balls from Gulf disaster reach Lake Pontchartrain, shores of Texas - CNN.com

A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

Activist Post: Sheep For Slaughter: Is the Elite really trying to KILL us?

VDARE.com: 02/27/09 - Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Rise And Immigration-Related Fall

The Obama Presidency: An Unfolding Disaster | Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times

Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire | Intifada Palestine

Israel’s New Master Plan | Intifada Palestine

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Activist Post: Controversial Websites Blocked by U.S. Government

Obama's Expanded Military Spying and Torture Network

The Truth Seeker - Three Interesting Numbers

EPA Scraps Texas Clean Air Program, Will Make Oil Refineries To File For New Permits

Obama mum on Bush's borders for Israel - Washington Times

Tea party gatherings on the Fourth mix the educational and the patriotic

TSA To Block Websites With “Controversial Opinions”

'Israel trying to block U.S.-Saudi Arabia defense contract' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Eco-Terrorism Suspected At Papaya Farm - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

Veterans Today Opposes U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan | My Catbird Seat

Refreshing News: Scientists Identify a Secret Ingredient in Honey That Kills Bacteria

International Lawyer Says Israel A Liability Not An Asset For The US : Political Theatrics

BP admits failing to use industry risk test at any of its deepwater wells in the US - Telegraph

7.9 million jobs lost, many forever - Yahoo! Finance

Americans Have No Rights « Dprogram.net


UN Warns of New War in North; Claims on Gas May Be Trigger - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

'US facing Soviet-like disintegration'

UK mulling food vouchers distribution

First Amendment suspended in the Gulf of Mexico as spill cover-up goes Orwellian

Activist Post: Hey Hillary, Which ‘Intolerant Governments’ Are You Referring To?

Activist Post: The Ultimate "RED" Herring: The Russians are Back!

Obama’s Justice Dept.’s Black Panther Case: RACISM and A Lawless Hostility Toward Equal Enforcement of the Law. | RedState

Chavez Regime Nationalizes U.S. Oil Rigs

More union disclosure woes - Josh Israel & Aaron Mehta - Center for Public Integrity - POLITICO.com

Dissension Over Ending Saturday Mail Delivery - NYTimes.com

More Indian Americans seeking office this year

Michael Steele Afghanistan Remarks Spark Republican Outrage - WSJ.com

Andrew G. Biggs and Jason Richwine: The Government Pay Bonus - WSJ.com

The American people want more government spending - Great Recession | Economic Recession, Economic Crisis - Salon.com

Mort Zuckerman: Obama Is Barely Treading Water - US News and World Report

RealClearPolitics - The Unemployment Emergency

Op-Ed Columnist - A Little Economic Realism - NYTimes.com

Bring back the old glory: It's time to rescue the idea that America is exceptional, says historian

NASA's new mission: Building ties to Muslim world | Washington Examiner

Clarence Thomas, Gun Control and the Case for Black Self-Defense

The new frontier: 'Covering' conservatives - USATODAY.com

Gotcha politics gone wild - CNN.com

Cold War heats up a bit - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

Window Is Closing for Jobless Numbers to Rescue Democrats - Capital Journal - WSJ

The rehabilitation of Conrad Black - The Globe and Mail

RealClearPolitics - All-American Light Bulb Dims as Freedom Flickers

Halperin's Gracious Exception - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Dependence Day: Where are we headed? - Monday, Jul. 5, 2010

Inequality in America | The Nation

No, we can't: Obama speech provides little hope for immigration breakthrough | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The real censor at U of Ottawa

Kristol Calls On Steele To Resign - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Open Left:: Jobs numbers are impossible to spin

Mitt Romney - Obama's worst foreign-policy mistake

Gen. Stanley McChrystal should oversee the U.S. drawdown from Iraq. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

A pivotal moment

Eugene Robinson - The unemployment emergency

Gaga over recession worry - NYPOST.com

Banking Tests Do Nothing But Stress Out Markets: Commentary Matthew Lynn - Bloomberg

With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932 - Telegraph

Fareed Zakaria - Obama's CEO problem -- and ours

Op-Ed Columnist - Punishing the Unemployed - NYTimes.com

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Barack Obama: The great jobs killer - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Obama Gets a Bum Rap With Anti-Business Charge: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Obama Plays Election-Year Politics on Immigration

Trust the Palestinian Authority? - Daniel Pipes - National Review Online

Clinton’s Caucasus Campaign Gains Tepid Results | EurasiaNet.org

Politicians finally hear the people say 'enough' | The Australian

RealClearPolitics - Financial "Reform" -- or Revenge?

The financial-reform bill and auto dealerships : The New Yorker

Fire Michael Steele, but do it for the right reasons | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Judicial Change to Believe In

Back Channels: Panther case dismissal needs explanation | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/04/2010

The country's hard, dark times bring out the best in Americans

Op-Ed Columnist - The Pessimism Bubble and the Economy - NYTimes.com

Another Patriotic Holiday, Another Day of Liberal Flag-Avoidance Syndrome

The political price of backing invaluable TARP

Florida needs a permanent drilling ban - St. Petersburg Times

We elected Blago --what were we thinking? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Labor, business push Manchin to appoint self - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Democrats told to press Social Security fears over recess - TheHill.com

Companies Find Ways to Bypass Ban on Earmarks - NYTimes.com

CQ Politics | Vitter Proving to be Difficult Democratic Target

NRA on firing line over Harry Reid - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Budget Deficit and Wars’ Cost Draw Fire on the Home Front - NYTimes.com

America's heartland sees little need for a political insurrection

Small business: It's not leading economic recovery this time - latimes.com

Declaration of Independence: Reading it aloud on July 4th - chicagotribune.com

America's essence: May we cherish this framework of freedom

EDITORIAL: The Fourth of July - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

A welcoming nation: President Obama must lead on immigration reform

Brian Calle: We must preserve our gift of freedom | government, declaration, liberty - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Happy Fourth of July – America needs it - The Globe and Mail

George F. Will - Candidate nobody is not to be underestimated

‘All men are created equal’ is not hypocrisy but vision - The Boston Globe

Op-Ed Columnist - Fourth of July 1776, 1964, 2010 - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Kagan's Harvard Policy Was Vapid and Hollow

Op-Ed Contributor - Brandeis’s Seat, Kagan’s Responsibility - NYTimes.com

The Great Rupture - NYTimes.com

America's first debt crisis - chicagotribune.com

A Great Time to Be Alive? | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Operation Proper Exit

I spy a nuisance, not a partner: Beyond the espionage case, Russia is belligerent and defiant

RealClearPolitics - The Serious Spying These Days is in Cyberspace

RealClearPolitics - Thomas Jefferson: American Touchstone

A Cold Man's Warm Words - WSJ.com


*Transcripts:2nd/Obama's Remarks on the Monthly Employment Numbers

July 2 State Department Briefing

Britain's Foreign Policy in a Networked World

*1st/The Case for Comprehensive for Immigration Refrom

Panel on Obama's Immigration Speech

Analysts on Obama's Immigration Plan

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Rep. Edward Markey on the Oil Spill

Interview with Admiral Thad Allen

Rebooting and Rebuilding Britain's Economy

Strengthening Canada-India Ties

Security in an Era of Austerity


**6th/Politics Video:Former ND GOP Chairman Challenges Steele For Control Of RNC

Rep. Cantor On Steele's Future At RNC: "We'll Have To See"

Eugene Robinson: Steele's Opinion "Not Tenable" In GOP

DNC Ad Ties Barton On Oil To Boehner On Wall Street

Barnicle: Sharron Angle Sounds Like A "Mental Patient"

Senor: Steele's Comments Prompt A "Legitimate Debate"

5th/Biden's Wife On Son: "I'm Glad He's Actually Not" In Iraq

White House To Welcome Israeli PM Netanyahu

GOP Holding Jobless Relief "Hostage"?

RCP's David Paul Kuhn On Michael Steele Controversy

Rove: Biden Has Always Been On The Wrong End Of Foreign Policy

4th/Obama Delivers Independence Day Message: "We Are All Endowed By Our Creator"

Reps. Hunter, Boccieri & Coffman On Iraq And Afghanistan

Sen. McCain Slams RNC Chair Steele For Afghanistan Remarks

Sen. Lieberman On Afghanistan: "We've Got To Win It"

"This Week" Roundtable On Michael Steele's Slip

Rep. Dingell Calls Senate Procedures "Undemocratic"

Sen. Graham: Steele's Comment Was "Uninformed, Unnecessary And Unwise"

Feinberg On Handling Funds For Unemployed Oil Rig Workers: "I Have Enough Problems"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Steele's Remarks On Afghanistan

ABC's Tapper To McCain: Are You Pandering To Border Hawks?

Sen. DeMint: Steele Should Apologize To Our Troops

Univision's Jorge Ramos On Obama's Broken Immigration Promise

3rd/Sen. Saxby Chambliss Gives GOP Address On July 4th & National Debt

"FOX News Watch" On Petraeus And The Press

Obama Announces Plan To Spend $2 Billion For 5,100 Energy Jobs

CNN: Government Blocking Media From Showing Results From Oil Spill

Vice President Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Iraq

Dr. Krauthammer Warns Of Years Of Chronic Unemployment

Olbermann: Steele Attempts To Rewrite Afghan War History

Glenn Beck On Women Of The American Revolution

Rendell: Obama Doing As Much As Possible On Oil Spill


YouTube - Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia

Smoking Mirrors: The World of Most People and the Power of the Unseen.

Visible Origami: No Matter what, it's going to Happen.


The Truth Seeker - Egyptian/ Hebrew Origin of Masonic Terms

07-06-2010: Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire

07-06-2010: Chicago Mayor Plans Strict Handgun Law

07-06-2010: BP Remains Key Pentagon Fuel Supplier

07-06-2010: Surveillance System Monitors Conversations

07-04-2010: Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities

Spy Tech That Monitors Being Launched In Europe

07-02-2010: America is sinking under Obama’s towering debt

07-02-2010: Army drops 'psy ops' name for influence operations

07-01-2010: Lady Gaga and the New World Order

Clinton Pledges 'Steadfast' US Support for Georgia

Turkey Threatens to Cut Ties With Israel

China Says Can't Remember Dalai Lama's Birthday

Motorists Hit Jackpot With Coins on Italy Highway

Manson Follower Faces Parole Board for 19th Time

Mont. Delegation Pushes EPA on Asbestos Cleanup

Imam Entangled in Terrorism Case Leaves US

Charges Undecided in Wash. Hunting Bow Case

Plane Crash Near NJ Airport Kills Doctor, 2 Others

X Marks the Spot: A Swiss Town's Detective Cult

China Says Jailing of U.S. Geologist Its Own Affair

BP Gulf oil blowout still gushes Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Chloride, Sulfur Dioxide. Chris Landau geologist/met

BP's PR Firm Embedded with Coast Guard

Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation

The Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation, Part Two

Review of American Monetary Institute's "The Blueprint for Prosperity for All"

Asked If Catholic Church Could Recruit at Harvard Law Even Though It Bans Female Priests, Kagan Said All Recruiters Needed to Certify They Did Not Discriminate By Gender

Poll: More Think Obama Stimulus Hurt Employment Than Helped

Pakistan Again Pledges to Target Terrorists, But Its Record Is Poor

Administrator of $20 Billion Compensation Fund for Gulf Oil Spill Will Verify Social Security Numbers to Make Sure Funds Are Not Distributed to Illegal Aliens

A Majority of U.S. Combat Casualties in Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War Have Occurred in Less Than Year-and-a-Half of Obama Presidency

Conservatives Are More Than Twice as Likely as Liberals to Be Strongly Patriotic, Says Gallup Poll

Sam's Club Will Offer Small Business Loans

Obama, Netanyahu to Focus on Peace Talks

Hezbollah, Islamic Leaders Mourn Death of Top Shi’ite Cleric

Post Office Plans to Announce New Rate Increase

Petraeus: Military Didn't Recommend Obama’s July 2011 Date for Beginning Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Task Force Urges Bone-Density Tests for More Women

Missed Meetings With Teachers Could mean Jail Time for Detroit Parents

First Health Overhaul Provisions Start to Kick in

French Parliament Debates Ban on Burqa-Style Veils

Groups Fill NRA Void in Gun Rights Movement

Hard Rocker Ozzy Osbourne Wants His DNA Mapped To Find Out Why He's Still Alive

American Indians Ask for A Voice on Federal Courts

Doing More Harm Than Good

The Failing Fourth Estate

Obama Concedes Loss of the U.S. House

Yankee Utopians in a Chinese Century

Assimilation and the Founding Fathers

50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The World Has Happened To America

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Popular Music Is The Babylon System

Columbia University: Body Scanners Increase Risk Of Skin Cancer

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

A stock market forecast that says ‘take cover’

Worse Than Wall Street: How shaky European banks could tip the world back into recession.

Russia mobilises 20,000 troops; showcase naval strength

Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia

Department of Homeland Security to take control of spill response website

Tax-Exempt Funds Aid Settlements in West Bank

Since 2007, at Least $3 Billion Has Left Afghanistan by Plane in Boxes and Suitcases

Biometric ATM gives cash via ‘finger vein’ scan

“When your teeth are broken you will leave, just as the British left before you”

Profits and Moves Behind the Downturn

NASA's 'foremost' mission is now to improve relations with Muslim world...

Military Spying and Torture Continues Under Obama: CIFA's Nine (Corrupt) Lives

Banned FEMA Formaldehyde Trailers Return for Latest Gulf Disaster

Retirement age must be raised, EU says

Military Plans Hummingbird-Sized Spies in the Sky

Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire

Pope launches team to 're-evangelise' the West

Mexico's Drug War Heats up Near Arizona Border

Ariz. Dems Blast Obama's Immigration Stance

Jeb Bush: Welcome Legal Immigrants Better

Democrats Facing Rising Anti-Obama Tide in Midterms

Tea Party's Next Wave Rising from Alaska to Colorado

DEA: Seized Submarine Quantum Leap for Narcos

China Objects to US Sanctions Against Iran

McCain: Kandahar Is Key to Victory in Afghan War

BP Clean-up Leaves US Vulnerable to New Spill

Exit Polls: Komorowski Takes Polish Presidency

Venezuela Rejects US Accusations of Rights Abuses

Mideast Buyers Reported to Be Eyeing BP Investment

First Health Overhaul Provisions Start to Kick in

Derided No More, Suburban Life Is Turning Serious

Mass. Lt. Governor Hospitalized, in Good Spirits

Once a Withdrawn Teen, Man Now Takes On Senator

GOP Newcomer Hot on the Heels of Feingold

GOP Prepares Amid Calls for Steele's Resignation

Brown Invites Rival Whitman to House for Tea

A Gay Bishop for the Church of England?

CIA and Pakistan Locked in Aggressive Spy Battles

90-Year-Old Nazi Suspect Adolf Storms Dies

10 Natural Ways to Soothe Sunburn

Healthcare Bill May Mean Longer ER Waits

Interpol Seeks Public's Help to Find Top Fugitives

Ancient Hunting Tool Found Near Yellowstone Park

George Michael Arrested in London After Car Crash

Dem Committees Losing Big Wall Street Donors

Report: Hezbollah on US-Mexico Border

Democrats Cast Petraeus in New Light

RNC Foresees Big Cuts for Voter Drives

Authors: New Citizens Fear for Freedom's Future

Scientists Admit Errors in UN Climate Report

Tea Party Used Fourth to Study Constitution

Obama Desperate to Fix Relations With Israel

McCain: Petraeus 'Tweaking' Afghan Fighting Rules

Biden Fails to Resolve Iraqi Deadlock

Tried Together, Blagojevich Brothers Often Apart

Democrats Push for New Internet Sales Taxes

Why Elena Kagan Makes Hollywood Nervous

Obama's Taxes Will Ruin Small Businesses

Obama Fails on Immigration Reform

Church Scandals May Have Cleansing Effect

CFL Bulbs Are a Dim-Witted Idea

The Real Meaning of the Fourth of July

Sharron Angle Can Beat Harry Reid

The Birds and the Bees

Wikipedia as a 9/11 disinformation op

The glory of white-wing politics

Fighting Facebook’s censorship against the left

The mainstream media mind warp

A day in a dying empire: An intimate fable on current events

Woman, lover murdered in another suspected 'honour killing' in Delhi

Alleging blasphemy, fanatics hack lecturer's hand

British documents reveal new claims of detainee abuse

Anger growing at Clearwater BP claims office

At Yahoo, Using Searches to Steer News Coverage

BP launches search for new investors: report

Barack Obama's 'politics as usual' revealed by Rod Blagojevich trial

Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

Did President Obama sell out the American people to BP for an oil spill media blackout and money?

Walmart CEO Pay: More in an Hour Than Workers Get All Year?

Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes

Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History

Quotes From Lincoln That We Never Hear

On jobs, Obama giveth, and Obama taketh away

The Recovering Economy: Euphemism for Depression

Work for Free

Clemency for Wall Street Criminals, Prison for the Powerless

The administration defends its assassination program

Washington Post fails to disclose blogger's ties to White House

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Public School Educators: Most Are a Sorry Lot

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

Overwhelmed by Oil and Toxic Pollutants: The Destruction of an Entire Coastline

Dramatic increase in leakage of methane gas from the Arctic seabed.

Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?

Middle East War: U.S. Doctors Approved Torture and Denied Medical Care to Captives

Fending For Themselves: Devastating Social and Environmental Impacts of BP Oil Spill

Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia

Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire

Post Climategate: Towards a Reassessment of the Global Warming Consensus

In the Aftermath of the G20: Reflections on Strategy, Tactics and Militancy

Global Elites Struggle to Keep EU, Euro Intact

Senate Democrats Seek to Exploit Oil Spill to Ramrod Climate Bill

Obama, FTC Plan to Bail Out, Subsidize Lapdog Media

Alcohol-Based Motor Fuels a High-Octane Energy Solution


Iran Planes 'Refused' Fuel in U.K., Germany, United Arab Emirates

In the Religion of 100% Americanism, Ignorance is Strength

US Questions its Unwavering Support for Israel

The Unknown Afghan Body Count

Death by Remote: But Is It Legal?

Republicans Block Investigative Power for Oil Spill Commission :

Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill Us

TX Rep. Louis Gohmert Warns of Terrorist Babies:

Move the Money, Starve the Empire

Courthouse News Service:JFK Theorist Sues Dallas Police

US Dollar unreliable global reserve currency – UN - RT Top Stories

Appetite for Commodities by Richard Daughty

Rick Rule on Bail-Outs, Business-Cycles and 10 More Years of a Golden Bull

New Tom Woods Book Will 'Nullify' Any Reservations About States' Rights by Britt Combs

International Banking Colossus in the Making by Michael S. Rozeff

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools - Gennady Stolyarov II - Mises Daily

Government Confiscation of Gold: It Happened Before — Could It Happen Again? | Silver Monthly - The Silver Investor's Resource

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought | Mail Online

Paleo diet turns back the evolutionary clock - Health & Fitness - sacbee.com

Apocalypse ! Palin McCain Camp: Obama Is Antichrist Finally TRUE Starts Picket WH Antichrist Signs | Before It's News


site:Obama And The Anti-Christ

site:Obama Antichrist - Tracking the End of Times


The Greenroom » Top 20 Photos From the Gulf that Obama Doesn’t Want You to See

Demonic, Warlike Animals Are the Rare Exception, Not the Rule: Wild Justice In Animals Redux | Psychology Today

Zombie Obama Antichrist Blasts Palin MCain (Sexy) Forces Of Truth Revelation Apocalypse | Before It's News

Zombie Antichrist Obama Smack-Down By Palin Says He's Satan End 4 Bible's Beast | Before It's News

Palin-McCain Team Say Obama Is Antichrist - His Fatal Head-Wound Is Victory Announcement's 666 | Before It's News

Consortiumnews.com:What Eisenhower Could Teach Obama

Our Opinion: Trial shows possibilities of technology

Woman arrested at jail for threats on kids

Police make year's largest heroin bust

Gulf Coast Politicians Side With BP While Trying to Preserve Themselves Politically

It's The Worst Period of Unemployment Since The Great Depression

Glenn Beck defends the Minutemen: 'Zero! None! No violent episodes from the Minutemen!' Oh really?

Secretary Clinton: 'Citizens Must Be Free To Come Together, To Advocate And Agitate'

Lieberman: Republicans not undermined by Steele comments

You'll Never Guess: John McCain Doesn't Want A Deadline In Afghanistan!

"100% Americanist" J.D. Hayworth attacks Obama on immigration; Joe Arpaio chimes in with slam of McCain

America cannot be America at perpetual war

DeMint: Graham 'wrong' for saying Tea Party will 'die out'

Al Hunt Calls Out McCain for Fear Mongering About Crime Rates in Arizona - Points Out Rates Are Down

Oh, Look: The Fed Sold Us Junk Bonds!

Former CNN reporter: Lara Logan comments 'very damaging' to reporters

Bill Kristol: One Thing Republicans Can Be Proud of 'Is That We Don't Politicize Foreign Wars'

Marine Biologist: Corexit Being Sprayed by Coast Guard

How Fox News Distorts the Truth: Missiles, Biden and Iraq

Cynthia Tucker: Steele Would Have Been Fired a Long Time Ago Were He Not Black

Administration Officials Not Invited To Teachers Convention; Probable Heckling The Reason

Lieberman: Rules of engagement protecting civilians 'hurt morale'

An Interview With Speaker John Boehner

Krugman: Two Imaginary Creatures Dominating the Discussion on Austerity

Sheriff Joe: Because of Obama's speech, 'we're going to get more and more people crossing that border'

Ted Nugent tells Hannity: Obama 'spitting on the US Constitution'

Serious People Notice Banks Are Gouging Consumers and Tanking the Economy

Bob Dudley Responds to BP Parody Video

Republican Message of the Week is to Talk About Debt, Mum on Jobs and the Economy

Will Giant Skimmer Help Clean Up Gulf? Weather Delays Testing

Citizens United promotes latest fantasy on Hannity: Economic crisis was a product of spoiled '60s hippies' ethos

Tom Price: 'No Nation Has Ever Borrowed and Spent Its Way to Prosperity. We're Not About to be the First'

Newstalgia Reference Room - Immigration Reform: An Overview. Part One

Newstalgia Reference Room - Immigration Reform: An Overview - Part 2 - The 1970s


YouTube - Alex Jones: 50 Random Facts on What in The Hell Happened to America 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones: 50 Random Facts on What in The Hell Happened to America 2/2


YouTube - Alex Jones: It Feels like It's 1932

Ron Paul Slams Federal Interference In Oil Spill Relief Efforts

Video: Euro to Collapse Within Months?

YouTube - Ron Paul on CNN: This is Obama's War! End it now!

YouTube - Ron Paul "We're At War Against People Who Have No Tanks, Planes, Or Ships"

What Mainstream Media is Not Telling You about the Gulf Oil Cleanup

Pentagon buys $82 million a month in fuel from BP, despite spill | Raw Story

* 8 part/Video: Alex Breaks Down The Derivatives Scam & Takes Your Calls for Solutions « Dprogram.net

Video: The World Blowed Up Real Good


*Adolph Hitler: War Hero, Street Cleaner, Prostitute or Secret Agent: A Psychohistory Analysis « Dprogram.net

Retired Geography Professor Advocates Global One-Child Policy

*5 part-Video: Freedom Watch – Judge Napolitano « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Drones Spying On Americans! Why Does The Government Want To Spy On Us Like This?

*4 part-Video: Bob Chapman – Global Governance is A Corporate Takeover by The illuminati – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

*3 part-Video: Max Keiser – Goldman Sachs – The Real Pirates behind America’s Economic Implosion « Dprogram.net

TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Feds to file lawsuit over Arizona immigration law - Yahoo! News

Joe Biden sees Iraq success for President Obama - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

US Consumer - Retailers Launch Their Own Stimulus Packages - CNBC

Veterans Affairs head blasts administration over hospital incident - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: DFAS employees fired after security review

FOXNews.com - NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

Interpol asks Web surfers to help catch fugitives

Eight to be charged over Indonesia sex videos

ICU death rates higher on weekends: study | Reuters

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Discovery paves way for blood test to predict Alzheimer's disease - Telegraph

Widow Jean Stevens Found Living With Corpses Of Husband, Twin Sister In Pennyslvania Home - cbs3.com

Reuters AlertNet - RPT-FEATURE-Venezuela slum takes socialism beyond Chavez

Census worker taken to court for trespassing

Obama, Israel's Netanyahu hold fence-mending talks - Yahoo! News

CNN editor sad over ayatollah's death

Iran Launches Holy War on Haircuts - ABC News

Surveillance system monitors conversations - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case

Prince: the internet's completely over - Telegraph

Prince - world exclusive interview: Peter Willis goes inside the star's secret world - mirror.co.uk

Obama and Supreme Court may be on collision course - latimes.com

Bad news for Obama: Conservative Justice Kennedy tells pals he's in no rush to leave Supreme Court

Economic Outlook - Banks Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Bail Out: Roubini - CNBC

The Associated Press: Mexico's drug war heats up near Arizona border

A Free Press for a Free People

Feds to challenge Arizona immigration law - CNN.com

AP: Ex-Rep. Jim Traficant denied a spot on Ohio ballot - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Charles Manson acolyte Leslie Van Houten up for parole - CNN.com

Britain's Queen Elizabeth Visits New York, UN Headquarters | Europe | English

The Associated Press: Byrd burial service Tuesday at Arlington cemetery

The Associated Press: Widow lives with corpses of husband, twin

Tree-killing Asian beetles found in Jamaica Plain - BostonHerald.com

Obama Decried, Then Used, Some Bush Drilling Policies - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: 'Second Wave' of Independent Border-Watchers Target Arizona

Cartels recruit teens to smuggle - USATODAY.com

Mom Chases Car Carrying Abducted Daughter - ABC News

Imam leaves United States under plea deal in terror case - CNN.com

WRAPUP 1-Iran says planes get fuel; EU bans some for safety | Reuters

Hillary Clinton slams Russia over Georgia: Why Russia shrugs - CSMonitor.com

Dalai Lama Turns 75 | Asia | English

Kaczynski’s 47% Support May Slow Polish Deficit Cuts - BusinessWeek

CBC News - Ottawa - Queen Elizabeth's Canadian tour winds down

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Security Council Considers Rebuke of North Korea for Ship Incident

China Court Says Oil Data Led to Case - WSJ.com

AFP: French lawmakers to debate Islamic veil ban

The Associated Press: Lindsay Lohan probation revocation hearing begins

George Michael Arrested After Crashing Into Building - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Lady Gaga Has More Friends than You – and the President! - Lady Gaga : People.com

Kelsey Grammer Addresses 'Malicious' Rumors about Father's Day - Kelsey Grammer : People.com

Prince says 'the Internet is completely over' | EW.com

BBC News - Men At Work ordered to pay song royalties

Bristol Palin's role in 'Secret Life of an American Teenager' does not mean she will pursue acting

Do Video Games Cause Attention Problems in Kids? - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The Guardian

The New Civil Wars Within the West | Oil Price.com

Unconscious Will Sways Actions, Desires, Say Researchers - TIME

Activist Post: The Ultimate "RED" Herring: The Russians are Back!

kenny's sideshow: 4th of July: From Celebration of Independence to Acceptance of Slavery?

'Corporates may cause rise in hunger'

Deet Finally Exposed as Neurotoxic

The truth about mega-farms: Chemical fumes, distressed animals, poisoned locals | Mail Online

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’! | Sovereign Independent

On July 4th, from What Did America Declare Its Independence? « Dprogram.net

Microsoft calling. Anyone there? - The Globe and Mail

SULTANS OF SWAP: BP Collapse Potentially More Devastating than Lehman! :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Republicans call for party chairman to quit over Afghan remarks | World news | The Guardian

We have not learnt the lesson of the July 7 suicide bombing - Telegraph

How come we now have to go to the Chinese for the truth about global warming? – Telegraph Blogs

savethemales.ca - Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

Parallel Lives: Liberty or Power? by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Ending Tyranny Without Violence by Murray N. Rothbard

What Really Matters by John Taylor Gatto - Natural Life Magazine - frugal, green family living

Wall Street Apocalypse: The World of the Doomsday Investors - DailyFinance

The War That’s Not a War by Ron Paul

More Debt, Obama Tells the World by Eric Margolis

How Do You Know What You Know You Know by Beth Anne Roseberry

JFK Assassination News: John Canal Exposes Fabrications in Official Autopsy Reports!

With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932 - Telegraph

Why morning people rule the world | Life & Style

Stop Talking About Becoming an Expat – Just Get on and Do It! | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

Interview: Michael Pollan | Life and style | The Guardian

Senior Ex-KGB Man Claims 400 Russian Spies In U.S. - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

The Civilian Expeditionary Force: Obama Says 'Burden' Can’t be All on the Military - Political Punch

Biden Claims a GOP 'Blitzkrieg' (Updated)

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

Navy’s New Solution to Bombs: Cook Them With Microwaves | Danger Room | Wired.com

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

British scientist uncovers 'secret messages' hidden in Plato's ancient text | Mail Online

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists

ET Tech: "Could Technology Exist That's Beyond Information & Matter?" (A Galaxy Classic)

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine

Military: U.S. soldier to be charged in leak of strike video – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

RNC's Steele Says: 'The One Thing You Don't Do Is Engage in a Land War In Afghanistan.' Uh-Oh, Now He's in Trouble! | The Nation

FOXNews.com - Rep. Paul Defends Steele Amid GOP Criticism Over Afghanistan Remarks

Hammering the Poor and Vulnerable - The Nader Page

The Prisoner of Gen. Petraeus « Patrick J. Buchanan

Ellen Brown: Who Will Pay: Wall Street or Main Street?

Risk-Taking at BP Extends to Energy Markets - NYTimes.com

Fed Made Taxpayers Unwitting Junk-Bond Buyers - Bloomberg

*review:Newstalgia World Week - June 28-July 2, 2010 | Newstalgia

NSA Reminds Contractors: STFU! « Dprogram.net

*4 part-Video: Alex Jones Tv – It isn’t Enough! « Dprogram.net

» Massive ‘Big Brother’ NSA Project Underway: High Tech ‘Campus’ To Be Built at Ft. Meade <

*2 part-Video: Gerald Celente – We’re Going into The Greatest Depression and WW 3 – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

Management Tip of the Day: Don't Let Tight Budgets Stop Progress - ABC News


Bill Cunningham 7/4/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/4/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/4/10 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/27/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/27/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/27/10 Hour 3

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Mon July 05, 2010. 04:20 PM

July 5, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-05, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-04, Sunday

07/05 The Mark Levin Show


Ixquick: Search Engines Should Become Government Spies, Says EU Parliament

White House Preparing National Online ID Plan -- Cybersecurity -- InformationWeek


**54 pg/Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development


Obama Administration Unveils Security Strategy | USA | English

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Councils use bugs in lampposts to eavesdrop on you

Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities - Telegraph

International Institute for Strategic Studies The Military Balance 2010

A Neuroscientist Uncovers A Dark Secret : NPR

Debbie Schlussel:Alhamdillullah [Praise allah]: Hezbollah Leader Fadlallah Dies on Independence Day; “Moderates” Praise Dead Terrorist Chief

Debbie Schlussel:Bob Probert, RIP: Tragic Pro Athlete Life Spans Races, Sports

Debbie Schlussel:Who is Behind “Son of HAMAS”? Why did Pajamas Media Publish Anti-Israel Author?

Michael Steele's 'Gaffe' and What is is

Tell Me Again, Who Can't Film on Federal Property?

The Reading Pagoda: A Case Study on Public Ownership

On Illegal Immigration

The Federal Claim to Supremacy

All Government is Socialist

Q: What's worse than state-controlled news?

US Economy Stuck in Misery

If You Want to Immigrate Here

Why Kagan Is Unqualified -- and Dangerous

Shooting Hoops with Kagan

Repeal the 20th Century?

Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?

Why Cloward-Piven Will Eat Itself

NASA = No Americans in Space Anymore?

Losing the Republic

George Washington -- The Culturist Father of Our Country

Does the Declaration of Independence Tell the Truth?

The Euthanasia Drumbeat Gets Louder

A Clinton Entendre Eulogy

Clarice's Pieces: Independence Day

Our Declaration to the World

The 4th of July and the Progressive Overreach

Burma and Nuclear Weapons

My Shaky Government Pensions

Last Week's Other Big Supreme Court Decision

Dependency, the Liberals' Natural Resource

Kagan: Unfit for the Supreme Court

Time for a Little Perspective on Oil Spills

What Obama Doesn't Understand About Zionism

How Europeans Invented the Modern World

The Left-Fascist Axis. Again

Somewhere over the wind farm

Smearing Global Warming Skeptics

Bringing Home Incivility

Former Chicago Machine Player Issues Warning to Sharron Angle Campaign

A Hapless Administration

Calls for Steele's resignation grow louder

Remember those who paid for our liberty in blood

Richard Henry Lee, a tall man among giants.

Fairtrade coffee is a 'loud bandwagon'

Remembering those who served: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Virtual Wall

The 'good news-bad news' scenario for the Dems in November

Obama says: Cuba Si!, Gulf Coast No!

Time to choose

The 'Deem'n Pass' budget

Fiddling While the Oil Churns

Ruby Slipper Immigrants

Culturists Oppose Another Mosque in Brooklyn

The myth that the border can't be secured

Republicans Must Govern Responsibly

Lockerbie bomber could live another 5-10 years

Victim rights v prisoner rights


The Elian Gonzalez case 10 years on

Reclaiming language on the right

Iran says they will 'rescue' America from Obama 'dictatorship'

NASA to boost Muslim self-esteem?

The Culinary Historian

Citizens or Subjects?

The revolution is not being televised

Not the Homily I expected

Feds to take another try at banning deep water drilling

As transparent as crude oil.

The real story behind Israel's response to the Gaza flotilla

Golf Cart 1 Fails Fuel Economy Standards

School Busing with a new twist

Ingraham's new book: A satire that skirts dangerously close to the truth

Nothing Important Happened Monday

In Praise of Financial Inequality

He can't resist: Obama bashes Founders on the 4th of July

CNN editor mourns the death of terrorist supporting Hezb'allah cleric

TSA blocks employee access to 'controversial' opinions on net

DoJ: Az Law Will Create Too Much Work for Us

Cryptomundo » Should Bigfoot Be Killed To Prove They Exist?

Horses Understand Humans, Sort Of : Discovery News

America's Masonic Foundations | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

The giant mound builders of Erie

Out of This World, Out of Our Minds - NYTimes.com

Lair of the Beasts: Boar to be Wild - Mania.com

The Most Dangerous Things at the Beach | LiveScience

From the Shadows: Encounters with Gnomes

Takeru Kobayashi Arrested at Nathan's July 4 Hot Dog Contest, Joey Chestnut Wins

Jefferson changed 'subjects' to 'citizens' in Declaration of Independence

Archaelogists find 'muscular' body of 'female gladiator' in Britain | Mail Online

Far-Out World Leaves Astronomers Baffled : Discovery News

Zoo to bring dead animals back to life, 'Jurassic Park'-style - Telegraph

'Mummies of the World' comes to Los Angeles - Travel News - Destination Travel - US and Canada - msnbc.com

Vampire Car Crash: Colorado woman blames vampire for crashing car - KDVR

That genetic test that predicts if you can live to 100: Scientists pinpoint 19 markers that show you will have a long life | Mail Online

Ghost of Jim Morrison of The Doors Said to Haunt Mexican Restaurant in Los Angeles

Woman wins millions from Texas lottery for 4th time

'Horse Boy' reappears on Google Street View in Aberdeen - Telegraph

Cleopatra Killed by Drug Cocktail? : Discovery News

SPACE.com -- Vacations In Zero Gravity Come of Age

Tibetans adapted to high life at record-breaking rate - life - 01 July 2010 - New Scientist

Indonesia's last glacier will melt within years

Scientific evidence of poltergeist knocking? | Society for Psychical Research

How city workers pulled off alleged scam

Mexico thwarts Hezbollah bid to set up South American network - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

An ugly countdown: Here come the taxes - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

FOXNews.com - Ariz. Sheriff Gets Death Threats Over New Law

Racism in Mexico rears its ugly head - latimes.com

CNSNews.com - Police Explain Reasons for Reopening Al Gore Case

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Barack Obama: The great jobs killer - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

CNSNews.com - A Majority of U.S. Combat Casualties in Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War Have Occurred in Less Than Year-and-a-Half of Obama Presidency

Oliver Stone lunches with George Soros in the Hamptons - NYPOST.com

Thomas Jefferson Made Slip in Declaration - ABC News

Breitbart.tv » NASA Chief: Obama Wanted Me to Make Muslims Feel Good

Horses dragged driver as he tried to stop rampage - Yahoo! News

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

The World's Most Expensive Places To Live 2010 - CNBC

Counterfeit money: Fake cash a growing problem for small businesses - latimes.com

Excess TV, video games stunt focus - Washington Times

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

Afghanistan: $4.2 billion in mysterious cash flown out of Kabul since 2007 - The Scotsman

Retired FDNY Lt. John McLaughlin receives disability pension despit being known as "Iron Man" - NYPOST.com

Iran presents 'Islamic haircut catalogue' - Israel News, Ynetnews

CNN reporter on terrorist: 'I respect him a lot'

Obama pushes new demands on Israel

Yet another terrorist tie to Obama White House

White House scholar funded Ayers group

Obama scholar linked to 'Ground Zero' imam

What a 'caliphate' would look like in 2010

'Beastly' system marking every purchase you make

Pastors seek to 'secure our national borders'

Analyst: Obama has U.S. economy in 'death spiral'

What is Obama talking about?

What passes for journalism in Minneapolis


*American Minute for July 6th:William J Federer's American Minute


Litter box becomes weapon in fight, Pasco police say - St. Petersburg Times

Is Google becoming a god?

Court sees tinted windows driver's way - PennLive.com

China Sentences US Geologist Xue Feng to 8 Years in Prison

Interpol asks Web surfers to help catch fugitives

Green machine: Cars could run on sunlight and CO2 - tech - 02 June 2010 - New Scientist

Impostors, once unusual, are emerging in ID thefts - Hawaii News - Staradvertiser.com

Transsexual to get legal aid to help fight NHS over breast surgery row - Telegraph

Bedbugs Expand Their Horizons Beyond the Bedroom - WSJ.com

Fat Acceptance Brings Gainers Out of the Sexual Closet - ABC News

"Abandoned" pupil taken to police station by Arnold head teacher

A Picture is Worth... In 1991 The Fattest US States Were As Thin As The Leanest in 2009 : TreeHugger

Beach weary: A tolerant neighborhood is looking differently at 'bums' - latimes.com

Pay cut for Oakland mayor impossible?

Michael Steele told the truth

What is Obama talking about?

Abortion lobby's rhetorical sandpaper

Farah encapsulates founders' passion

Santa, Frank and Charlie Brown

Pajamas Media » Institutionalized Gangster Government

A Dangerous Combo: Weak Job Markets and Republican Stupidity - Working In These Times

Obama's shell game

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Barack Obama: The great jobs killer - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Save the Russian 'immigrants'

Why is everyone so stressed?

Exactly what are you celebrating?


White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 1

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 2

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 3


America turns its back on the hungry

Obama's shell game

Strategies - Robert Prechter’s Market Forecast Says ‘Take Cover’ - NYTimes.com

'Beastly' system marking every purchase you make

FOXNews.com - Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

What a 'caliphate' would look like in 2010

Imam booted out of U.S.: 'God bless America' - U.S. news - Security - msnbc.com

Indonesian Muslims arm for religious war

Schoolbook hunky-dory with Islam, but skunks Jesus?

Military: U.S. soldier to be charged in leak of strike video – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Democrats hope Obama 2008 model will help stem midterm losses

FOXNews.com - Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case

Obama and Supreme Court may be on collision course - latimes.com

Bad news for Obama: Conservative Justice Kennedy tells pals he's in no rush to leave Supreme Court

CNSNews.com - A Majority of U.S. Combat Casualties in Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War Have Occurred in Less Than Year-and-a-Half of Obama Presidency

‘Safety’ concerns factor in maid case - BostonHerald.com

Is Sharpton 'race-mongering' in Indiana?


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Guess who's covering sensational claim on Obama's birth


Tax Dollars Spent Making Redundant Mobile Phone Apps

Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

Government Math… FOR KIDS!

Military Patrols Beach in Panama City

Profits and Moves Behind the Downturn

Retired Geography Professor Advocates Global One-Child Policy

50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The World Has Happened To America

BP, Homeland Security, and Cops Work Together to Deny First Amendment

How China’s New Generation Of Workers Won’t Accept Slave Labor

Tony Blair tipped to take over as chairman of crisit-hit BP - mirror.co.uk

U.S. tries to calm Georgia's fears about reset of relations with Russia

The spies who loved me (and did little else) - World Politics, World - The Independent

Johann Hari: How Goldman gambled on starvation - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

The Ultimate “RED” Herring: The Russians are Back!

Expect lots of government layoffs at state, local level - USATODAY.com

Global Elites Struggle to Keep EU, Euro Intact

Euro Weakens, Bonds Rise on Trichet Austerity Comments; Stocks Fluctuate - Bloomberg

Dow Repeats Great Depression Pattern: Charts - CNBC

US Dollar Outlook Hinges Upon Federal Reserve Rate Decision Next Week

Howard Davidowitz: U.S. Economy "Is a Complete Disaster": Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

US Dollar Collapse or Another Sign on the Road to a Devalued Dollar? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says - CNN.com

The BP/Government police state - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Exclusive: ‘Drug war insurgent’ Barry Cooper may face prison for ‘false reports’ to police

LAPD ordered to pay $1.7 million to reporters beaten at rally | Raw Story

FOXNews.com - Strapped U.S. Police Turn to Marijuana Busts for Cash

Anti-terrorism drills staged at Metro stations

Rep. Barney Frank: Why We Must Reduce Military Spending

US warships cause anger in Costa Rica

Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia

CBC News - Montreal - Group claims responsibility for Quebec blast

UN chief fears Israel-Hizballah war in near future

Defense Secretary Gates tightens rules for media relations | Raw Story

Tony Blair wins 2010 Liberty Medal award | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk

Social Scare: Cops take kids away in ‘forced adoption’ racket

Homeland Security seizes control over BP oil spill website | HULI...

Spy tech that ‘monitors conversations’ being launched in Europe: report | Raw Story

The latest threat to the global recovery - state capitalism - Telegraph

Hey Hillary, Which ‘Intolerant Governments’ Are You Referring To?

Russia's Security Service Could Gain Powers Formerly Associated With Soviet KGB | Europe | English

Queen to unveil 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero in first visit to New York since 1976 | Mail Online

Republicrats and Pandora

Hot Tweet: Photographers Feel Rights Threatened by BP - DailyFinance

Americans Have No Rights

Corruption in Afghanistan: US Cuts Aid After Millions Siphoned Off to Dubai - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Obama’s Expanded Military Spying and Torture Network

Israel preparing to occupy Lebanon

‘Stability’ Mission In Iraq Won’t Mean End of Fighting - NYTimes.com

Anti-terrorism chief: U.S.-born cleric had major role in airline bombing try - CNN.com

Al-Qaeda launches English website - Inspire more flaming underpants | TechEye

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’

Health law risks turning away sick - TheHill.com

Seventy million expired flu vaccines about to be incinerated as waste

Madhouse Medical Tyranny: When Health Becomes Sickness

Shasta County Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Contamination Cover-Up

Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities - Telegraph

Brain chips could help paralysed patients - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Councils use bugs in lampposts to eavesdrop on you

Oil Companies Reap Billions From Subsidies - NYTimes.com

Pinal County Sheriff Receiving Death Threats

LiveLeak.com - Cochise County Militia patrol border areas

Mexico drug gangs in deadly border gunfight | World news | The Guardian

BP oil spill: all states along Gulf of Mexico affected by slick - Telegraph

US Navy airship en route to assist Gulf oil recovery | Raw Story

The New Civil Wars Within the West | Oil Price.com

On Why America’s 234th Birthday May Not Have Many More To Follow

Fending For Themselves | Dahr Jamail - Independent Reporting from Iraq and the Middle East

Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead

The War That’s Not a War

Explosion punctuates Biden trip - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Biden in Iraq amid political deadlock

Harsh new US penalties against Iran

Iran to quit talks if sanctions tightened

Military: U.S. soldier to be charged in leak of strike video – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The Guardian

audio:TRUTH2U – Joe Kovacs – Best Journalist in the World | TRUTH2U

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

Congressman Ron Paul “Suspicious” Of BP, U.S. Government Response To Spill

Rep. Barney Frank: Why We Must Reduce Military Spending

Shasta County Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Contamination Cover-Up

Ron Paul Slams Federal Interference In Oil Spill Relief Efforts

Military Patrols Beach in Panama City

Dubai Airport Rejects Body Scanners As Assault On Privacy

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

Euro's Worst to Come, Top Analysts Say - Bloomberg

Is Pop Music and its Immoral Agenda Eating Society?

First Amendment suspended in the Gulf of Mexico as spill cover-up goes Orwellian

US taxpayers’ Afghan aid money buys rich Afghans’ Dubai villas

Video: Army Corps on vacation?

Ken Rogoff: “China Property Market Collapse Starting”

How China’s New Generation Of Workers Won’t Accept Slave Labor

Special Report: China's new migrant workers pushing the line | Reuters

The Death Cross: Another Sign That We Are On The Verge Of A Recession?

Rick Santelli: Deflation Is The “Biggest Bogeyman In A Central Banker’s Closet”

Electric cars must be taxed to pay for more power stations 'or National Grid could fail' - Telegraph

Charging per mile 'inevitable' - Motoring News - RAC

Prince: the internet's completely over - Telegraph


*site:Kagan Watch


C-SPAN Video Player - Senate Judiciary Cmte. Hearing on Supreme Court Associate Justice Nominee Elena Kagan - Day Four


Even Kagan’s Witness Admits Liberals Unfairly Criticized The Ledbetter Decision | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

If Confirmed Kagan would be LYING as she took OATH – She is ANTI-2nd Amendment | Before It's News

Baltimore Jewish Times - National News | Kagan Declines Response on Holocaust Insurers

Elena Kagan helped 2 Live Crew and blacks, so confirm her already - Page 1 - News - Miami - Miami New Times

Elena Kagan confirmation: The Senate has no reason not to confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court - baltimoresun.com

Kagan's Harvard policy was vapid and hollow

FOXNews.com - Kagan Defends Revising Medical Group's Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion

Hatch Questions Kagan on Abortion Stance - Washington Wire - WSJ

Separating the Grain from the Chaff on Kagan's Nomination | Sunshine State News

NBU: Why Kagan is Unqualified - and Dangerous by Selwyn Duke , 7/6/10


Blagojevich trial: Defense cross-examines FBI agent Patrick Murphy - The Blago Blog

The Associated Press: 'How's my tie?' Blagojevich asks outside court

Blago trial resumes with focus on wife's real estate pay - Chicago Breaking News

FBI agent: Blago denied linking contracts, donations - Blagojevich on Trial

Juror Dismissed In Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial - cbs2chicago.com

Blago scandal: politics as usual from Barack Obama | Before It's News

Rod Blagojevich trial: Highlights and forecast - Chicago Tribune

Obama’s Circle and the Blagojevich Trial « Liveshots

National briefs: Blagojevich rips Obama on FBI tape | Nation


FEC: Citizens United Free Of Disclosure Rules. My, This Just Gets Better And Better.

BREAKING: Justice Department will sue Arizona over SB1070

Kimmel Producers Promise Not to Hire ‘Light-Torture’ Crew Again; Entertainment Media Reluctantly Covers the Story

WE LOVE PIXAR: How ‘Ratatouille,’ and ‘The Incredibles’ Turned Me Right

REVIEW: ‘The Kids Are All Right’ Tells Us We Don’t Need Fathers

Progressive Trolling and … The Real McMurphy?

A Tea Partier Responds to Sheryl Crow

It’s the Liberty, Stupid: ‘Big Peace’ Launches!

As Oil Spreads Across the Gulf, the Feds Chase Movie Pirates

HBO’s Upcoming Look at Al-Qaeda: There’s Good and Bad News

‘Happy Town’ Trashes Conservatives: Why Would a ‘Business’ Constantly Insult Half Its Customers?

Baghdad and Kabul? No – The Most Dangerous Place in the World is Between the Teachers Unions and the Public Trough

Reading the Tea Leaves on Byrd’s Replacement: Senator Coal

Jerry Brown Promises NOT to Do The Job – Literally

*audio page:Independence Weekend Edition: Jobs and Deficits

Reason.tv: 3 Reasons The New Financial Regs Won’t Fix Anything

The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Fiscal Policy

Mr. Beck, Meet Mr. Chambers

VIDEO: ObamaCare’s Negative Impact on Doctors

Business, Not Government, Create Jobs

Did the SEIU-controlled NLRB Blackmail Company Owner?

Declaration of Independence

‘We’re Not the Enemy Here’ — When You’ve Lost Anderson Cooper and CNN… Maybe the MSM Is Finally Beginning To Sober Up

Flipping the Media COIN To Defeat the Anti-American Insurgency Behind the Headlines

National Public Radio: Choosing Sides and Controlling the Terms Of the Debate With Our Money

The New Media Template: Influence Policy, Control the Narrative and Celebrate the Death of Objective Journalism

Great Moments in Sports — American Flag Division

In the Wake Of ‘Rolling Stone’ McChrystal Fiasco, New Restrictions On Journos In Afghanistan

ABC’s Tapper Stacks the Deck But Dan’s Senor Moment Still Prevails

The Way We Were: Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964

A Candidate the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Once Again, Welcome To the Fight: ‘Big Peace’ Is Born On the Fourth Of July

Night and the City, and the Artist’s Imagination

Blocking For the Home Team: Photos the MSM Doesn’t Want You To See

Anklebiters Alert: Give ‘Big Peace’ a Chance

Countdown To Media Heads Exploding: Ed Koch Calls Palin ‘Very Smart,’ Gives Obama a ‘C’

Disgraced ‘Historian’ Michael Bellesiles’ Fishy War Story

Afghan TV Confirms BIGs Scoop: Mullah Omar in Pakistani Custody

Cynthia Tucker: Steele An Affirmative Action Hire; Not Obama

Opposing Obama’s Blueprint by Celebrating American Exceptionalism

A Cold Man’s Warm Words

President Obama Votes Present on Immigration Reform

Obama Says Stimulus Worked, Created Jobs… Here’s a Reminder of the Waste

Striking Longshoremen Threaten Already Fragile Economy

Judges, Guns and Money: Part I

Judges, Guns and Money: Part II

Welcome ‘Big Peace’: There Is Another Bear in the Woods

If the U.S. Won’t Drill Oil Offshore, Other Nations Will

The Gipper Then and Now

Specter Library, Murtha Center Part of Pennsylvania’s Budget

Three Cheers for American Exceptionalism…Pass It On!

The Government Pay Bonus

Senate Panel OKs Creation of Alternative Gulf Commission

What About the Country, Mr. President?

The Hope for Our Country Lives…Out Here

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

A New Declaration of Independence

General Petraeus’ Greatest Afghanistan Challenge: Eikenberry

From Europe: Who Will Protect Us from NATO?

The Other Influence Operation

Sharia: A National Security Threat

Noc, Noc, Who’s There? KGB’s Moscow Center

Path to Victory: General David Petraeus

Open Thread: Lt.-Col. West: ‘There’s a Storm Brewing’

Obama: Less Competent than Jimmy Carter

The Price of Peace

‘Restrepo’: Required Viewing for All Americans

Military Insubordination or Administrative Incompetence?

Offshore Oil Drilling Ban Enriches Our Enemies

Disgruntled employee kills 6 in Egypt rampage

Hard times for Ill., but not for governor's staff

Lohan judge says she won't consider alcohol report

CIA and Pakistan locked in aggressive spy battles

EPA: Clean-air rule would overturn Bush-era plan

Feds to file lawsuit over Arizona immigration law

Heat blankets US as workers return after holiday

NY Rep. Rangel: Power Loss Portrait in Congress

Obama says he disagrees with notion of US-Israel rift, says his support has never wavered.

US soldier linked to Iraq attack video charged

Ex-con Traficant DQ'd from comeback bid for office

Oil's fingers reach into Louisiana's inland waters

Obama: Bond between US, Israel 'unbreakable'

'Israel acts irrationally'

Abramovich: Barak didn't leak Ben-Eliezer trip

Broadcaster drops scandal-hit sumo

Plan for Anglo-Saxon online archive

Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten seeks freedom, more than 40 years after LaBianca murders


Justice Department Suing Arizona

Despite State Cash Crunch, Missouri Spends Big Bucks on Vanity Signs

Truck Dangles Over Edge of Arizona Freeway

Pinal Co. Sheriff Receives Death Threats From Mexican Mafia

The Price of Peace

Has Janeane Garofalo Finally Lost It?

Video of Israeli Soldiers Dancing on Duty Goes Viral

Ed Koch on Palin and Obama: She’s Very Smart, He Gets a ‘C’

French Politicians Set to Debate Ban on Veil

Mayhem at Hot Dog Eating Contest as Kobayashi is Arrested

Pregnant Alicia Keys Falls on Stage During Performance

War on Drugs: DEA Seize Drug-smuggling Submarine

Krugman: Stimulus Was Too Small, Too Many Tax Cuts

Lt. Col. Allen West: ‘There’s a Storm Brewing That’s Heading for Washington’

Fireworks at ‘This Week’ Round Table with Jake Tapper

Big Peace: The July 4th Happy Birthday to America Launch!

HBO’s ‘John Adams’: The Declaration of Independence

Schoolhouse Rock: ‘Fireworks’

‘Brothers at War’

1 Killed, 23 Injured as Horses Run Amok at 4th of July Parade

Fireworks Display Ends in Tragedy


Saudi Arabia's Betrayal To The Islamic World

Ron Paul hits government oil spill efforts; defends GOP chairman - CNN.com

Judaizing Jerusalem

The Duel Of The Machiavellians - Obama vs Petraeus

Microsoft calling. Anyone there? - The Globe and Mail

Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia

YouTube - Heavy Surf, High Winds Affect Cleanup as Weather Continues to Strike Gulf

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet « GCN News

Congressman Ron Paul “Suspicious” Of BP, U.S. Government Response To Spill « GCN News

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs « GCN News

The Internet Must Remain Free « GCN News

The Fallacies of Nonmonetary Explanations of the Trade Cycle « GCN News

Retired Geography Professor Advocates Global One-Child Policy « GCN News

Shasta County Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Contamination Cover-Up « GCN News

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’ « GCN News

NASA Unveils New Plan for Muslims in Outer Space

Refusing to Report the Truth

Is Personal Privacy a Thing of the Past?

Black Liberation Theology’s Unsung Whistleblower

How to Stop Democrats in the News

The Obama & Krugman Keynesian Conceit

Grassroots Gravitas

A Socialist on the High Court? Part One

Dutch agency admits error in UN climate report

Senator Harry Reid’s Campaign Forced to Take Down Deceptive Website

Uncovering the Obama Conspiracies

Ultra-green British National Newspaper Apologizes on Amazongate Lies

Twin Explosions Mar Biden Visit to Iraq: What About That “Great Achievement”?

Modern farming best for the planet

Harvard Business Review Article: BP as Environmental Role Model

In Defense of the Electoral College and America during this Celebration of Independence

Inhofe encouraged by Democrats’ reservations on liability caps

Kerry-Lieberman to Destroy Up to 5.1 Million Jobs, Cost Families $1,042 per Year

Wash Post Forgets to Mention that Writer Is Obama Operative

Artificial Paradise, Inc.

A three step plan for halting the influx of illegal aliens

New Immigration Enforcement Chief Opposes Immigration Enforcement