"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 July 2010


Bob Dylan UK 1965 49:47


*10 pg/20 Worst Drinks in America 2010


High Fructose Corn Syrup Versus Aspartame

Devvy - What Did Halliburton Do To the Drill Hole 4-19-10?

Devvy --What did Halliburton do to the Deepwater Horizon drill hole Part II -- 07/06/10

Ron Paul hits government oil spill efforts; defends GOP chairman - CNN.com

50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The World Has Happened To America - Pravda.Ru


Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's “The 1920s.” Chapter 18 of 200 Years Together

*site:(www.ethnopoliticsonline.com/archives/ais/ais main.html)Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together

*site(http://firstword.us/2007/11/two-hundred-years-together-chap-1-a/)Two Hundred Years Together: From the Beginnings in Khazaria | First Word


savethemales.ca - NWO Making Strides in Ireland

Global Economic Collapse Of “Staggering Proportions” Warned Imminent

NATO Orders All “Critical Assets” Moved 100 Miles Inland From Gulf Oil Spill Region

YouTube - Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia

YouTube - Why people think Americans are stupid & arrogant

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Obama's Assassination Program


1 Mike Rivero on The Alex Jones Show july 6 2010 - 12160.org

2 Mike Rivero on The Alex Jones Show july 6 2010 - 12160.org


YouTube - Mike Rivero: BP Gulf Oil Crisis is America's Chernobyl 1/4

YouTube - Mike Rivero: BP Gulf Oil Crisis is America's Chernobyl 2/4

YouTube - Mike Rivero: BP Gulf Oil Crisis is America's Chernobyl 3/4

YouTube - Mike Rivero: BP Gulf Oil Crisis is America's Chernobyl 4/4


YouTube - The Franklin Cover_Up Part 1

YouTube - The Franklin Cover_Up Part 2

YouTube - The Franklin Cover_Up Part 3

YouTube - The Franklin Cover Up Part 4

YouTube - The Franklin Cover Up Part 5

YouTube - The Franklin Cover Up Part 6


YouTube - Heavy Surf, High Winds Affect Cleanup as Weather Continues to Strike Gulf -

un[redacted] news: THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal


Bishop Donald Corder: The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai | Intifada Palestine

Bishop Donald Corder: The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai – Heaven and Earth | Intifada Palestine

Bishop Donald Corder: The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai – The Commander | Intifada Palestine

Bishop Donald Corder:The Sun Tzu of a Turkish Samurai: Method and Discipline | Intifada Palestine


*Franklin Documentary


Video: Sand houses defy Gaza shortages

Pentagon plans 'flying submarine' - Telegraph

Vote shows Mexicans have little faith in any party | World news | guardian.co.uk

Me, General Petraeus & The Lobby | Political Correction

UFOs At Soviet & US Nuclear Weapons Sites

Parallel H1N1 Pandemics in 2010?

‘Bomb’ Found On Beach - Orange Beach Ala.

At least 4 dead in last 10 days after swimming at Gulf beaches | Florida Oil Spill Law

The Duel Of The Machiavellians - Obama vs Petraeus

FOXNews.com - Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

Sex Diseases Tripled in Men 40 or Older Taking Viagra, Cialis, Study Says - Bloomberg

California Implodes | Before It's News

The General, the Journalist, and the Power of Israel

Nicolas Sarkozy campaign received 'illegal' donation, claim - Telegraph

Recombination and G158E Duplication In H1N1 Iowa Swine

Wall Street Apocalypse: The World of the Doomsday Investors - DailyFinance

Saudi Arabia's Betrayal To The Islamic World

Judaizing Jerusalem

SULTANS OF SWAP: BP Collapse Potentially More Devastating than Lehman! :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Microsoft calling. Anyone there? - The Globe and Mail

Afghan War: Petraeus Expands U.S. Military Presence Throughout Eurasia

BP oil spill: all states along Gulf of Mexico affected by slick - Telegraph

BP stops refuelling Iranian passenger planes - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

PIJIP: - American University Washington College of Law

Activist Post: Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm

Hillary Clinton talks tough with the Kremlin, but Russia has won the geopolitical war – Telegraph Blogs

poor richard's blog: The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

China to count Abortions as Carbon off-set Credits.- EU and UN Approve / Applaud - Chris_Horner "RED HOT LIES" - 12160.org

flandersnews.be: Dutroux documents found at Cardinal's

aangirfan: Marc Dutroux

Forget Pot Smokers; What Does It Take to Lock Up Drug Company Execs? - 12160.org

Report: Belgian Cardinal Linked to Convicted Sex Killer - Charles Johnson - The Lizard Annex - True/Slant

*From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

Activist Post: Madhouse Medical Tyranny: When Health Becomes Sickness

poor richard's blog: BP's Relief Well Is Not a Slam Dunk

FOXNews.com - Former Rep. Traficant Disqualified From Comeback Bid for Office

Maariv: Netanyahu won’t meet Clinton; ‘sources’ say she “isn’t relevant” « Coteret

How Do You Know What You Know You Know by Beth Anne Roseberry

General Petraeus’s leaked emails about Israel « Aletho News


The US cash behind extremist settlers | Andrew Kadi and Aaron Levitt | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

American's Journey: Bahgdad Museum Circa 1972

Fascist Take-Over of the U.S.

Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!


Sarah Palin Says 'Trust The Oil Industry' In Aftermath Of 'Tragic' Spill

Court tells Men at Work to pay royalties for copied flute riff in global hit ‘Down Under’ - thestar.com

Goldman Sachs Executive to Advise Head of Canada’s Central Bank, a Former Goldman Sachs Executive

07-07-2010: Police: Conn. priest stole $1M for male escorts

Since 2007, at Least $3 Billion Has Left Afghanistan by Plane in Boxes and Suitcases

07-07-2010: Department of Homeland Security to take control of spill response website

07-07-2010: EU calls for opening UFO data

07-06-2010: Central Banks Dumping Gold At A Torrid Pace

07-06-2010: Biometric ATM gives cash via ‘finger vein’ scan

07-06-2010: Japan's 'slave labour' interns die after 16 hour days

A New Generation: An Elusive American Dream

07-06-2010: Tea Partiers assail Rand Paul for taking D.C. money

07-06-2010: Up to 400,000 Layoffs Expected at State, Local Level

07-06-2010: Queen Wants Corrupt UN To Lead World In Confronting So-Called Dangers

07-06-2010: How China’s New Generation Of Workers Won’t Accept Slave Labor

More bad news for BP as arsenic levels rise in seawater around the Gulf of Mexico

07-06-2010: Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire

07-06-2010: EU: Retirement Age Must Be Raised

07-06-2010: Chicago Mayor Plans Strict Handgun Law

07-06-2010: TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web

07-06-2010: BP Remains Key Pentagon Fuel Supplier

07-06-2010: Surveillance System Monitors Conversations

07-04-2010: U.S. Largely Ruling Out North Korea As Source Of 2009 Cyberattacks

07-04-2010: Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities

Expert Says Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead

Brainchips Could Help Paralyzed Patients

Spy Tech That Monitors Being Launched In Europe


site:The Bible UFO Connection

**Katherine Albrecht - Show Archives

*CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering

*spychips.com - how RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom

*AntiChips: Protest VeriChip, VeriMed


SPACE.com -- Mysterious Moon Light Made by Glowing Dust Fountains

Monkey-eating eagle divebombs BBC filmmaker as he fits nest-cam | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Cryptomundo » Should Bigfoot Be Killed To Prove They Exist?

Horses Understand Humans, Sort Of : Discovery News

America's Masonic Foundations | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

The giant mound builders of Erie

Out of This World, Out of Our Minds - NYTimes.com

The Most Dangerous Things at the Beach | LiveScience

From the Shadows: Encounters with Gnomes

Archaelogists find 'muscular' body of 'female gladiator' in Britain | Mail Online

Jefferson changed 'subjects' to 'citizens' in Declaration of Independence

Far-Out World Leaves Astronomers Baffled : Discovery News

Zoo to bring dead animals back to life, 'Jurassic Park'-style - Telegraph

'Mummies of the World' comes to Los Angeles - Travel News - Destination Travel - US and Canada - msnbc.com

That genetic test that predicts if you can live to 100: Scientists pinpoint 19 markers that show you will have a long life | Mail Online

Woman wins millions from Texas lottery for 4th time

Cleopatra Killed by Drug Cocktail? : Discovery News

SPACE.com -- Vacations In Zero Gravity Come of Age

Tibetans adapted to high life at record-breaking rate - life - 01 July 2010 - New Scientist

Indonesia's last glacier will melt within years

Scientific evidence of poltergeist knocking? | Society for Psychical Research

Beautiful New Image of a Rare Blue Nebula | Wired Science | Wired.com

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: The 1968 "Night Visitor"

Bouncy Titanic goes down badly | Orange UK

Two-Headed Hognose Snake Is Venice Beach Freakshow's Newest Star

BBC News - Hayabusa capsule particles may be from asteroid

FOXNews.com - Psychic Octopus Shocks Germany with Semi-Final Prediction

Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Classified Information | Threat Level | Wired.com

Pfc. Bradley Manning - Google Search

The Curse Of Economic Uncertainty - Forbes.com

Economic Scene - 5 Ways Congress Can Bolster Growth - NYTimes.com

Joseph Rago: The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck' - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Pitfalls of Soaking the Rich

Aspen Ideas Festival: Obama Loses Support of Nation’s Elite - The Daily Beast

What Do Liberals Want From Obama? | The New Republic

The American Spectator : The Rout of Obamanomics

Secure border can provide big dividends

Opposing view on immigration: Act now to prevent profiling - USATODAY.com

John F. Kerry - How New-START will improve our nation's security

Bad posture on amnesty - BostonHerald.com

Pals -- for now - NYPOST.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - The Anatomy of Defeat

Gen. Stanley McChrystal should oversee the U.S. drawdown from Iraq. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Natural Reluctance - Reason Magazine

Obama’s New Take on Partisanship - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Editorial - Mr. Netanyahu at the White House - NYTimes.com

Obama's Dangerous Immigration Game - WSJ.com

Lesson from the Gulf oil spill: Listen to the locals - CSMonitor.com

Reverse discrimination in New Black Panther case | Washington Examiner

Many Republican leaders bypassing RNC chief Steele ahead of midterms

Republican budget hawks boost Obama’s bipartisan deficit panel - TheHill.com

Secret donors make Thomas's wife's group a tea party player - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Obama Bypassing Congress to Appoint Chief of Medicare and Medicaid - NYTimes.com

The Coming GOP Tsunami | FrumForum

TaxVox: the Tax Policy Center blog :: The Senate Struggles with Unemployment Benefits

Reid Re-Reposts Angle's Old Website -- Even After Threat Of Lawsuit | TPMDC

Hot Air » Rush to Republicans: Why not go after Kagan instead of Steele?

Why Pelosi, Democrats Are Wrong on Unemployment Extension - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

David Brooks on Fiscal Stimulus | Mother Jones

Bias and the IPCC report: Accentuate the negative | The Economist

Will High-Speed Rail Drive Business? - Transportation Experts

Americans must be free to fail--Michael Goodwin - NYPOST.com

Republicans: a party of unemployment | Dean Baker | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Michael Steele Makes the Case for Party Reform

Analysts say WHO communication errors spurred 'false pandemic' charges

Warning Signs From the Bond Market – Red Flags for the Economy

The BP/Government police state

World's top firms cause $2.2 trillion in environmental damage

The toxic truth about mega-farms: Chemical fumes, distressed animals and poisoned locals driven from their homes and worse

Shipping Our Economy, Our Jobs And Our Prosperity To China

To Di For: Occult Jam made from Princess Diana’s Hair

KGB Back in Fashion in Ukraine

Japan's 'slave labour' interns die after 16 hour days

California Implodes

Texas BP Refinery Released 538,000 Pounds of Chemicals Into Atmosphere

Worse Than Wall Street: How shaky European banks could tip the world back into recession.

Russia mobilises 20,000 troops; showcase naval strength

“When your teeth are broken you will leave, just as the British left before you”

Profits and Moves Behind the Downturn

U.S. Consumers in 'Dire' Credit Situation

Military Spying and Torture Continues Under Obama: CIFA's Nine (Corrupt) Lives

Banned FEMA Formaldehyde Trailers Return for Latest Gulf Disaster

Are Georgia-Style Contract Cities Inevitable in Cashed-Strapped CA?

Military Plans Hummingbird-Sized Spies in the Sky

Addictive McDonald's McNuggets made with 'Silly Putty' chemical

USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity

Big Companies Allowed to Monitor Their Own Compliance with Bailout Rules

No Theory? No Evidence? No Problem!

For a New Generation, an Elusive American Dream - NYTimes.com

Get Real: This Is Not 1932 - Forbes.com

The economic power of Obama's pen - latimes.com

ETFs: Which Strategy Makes Sense in a Volatile Market? - BusinessWeek

Inside IBM's sex and trading scandal - Jul. 6, 2010

RAHN: Government taxes imaginary income - Washington Times

Revisiting Cramer’s ‘Gigantic Rally’

Why admire RenTech? | Analysis & Opinion |


Israel has never lacked enemies but now it risks losing its friends | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

John F. Kerry - How New-START will improve our nation's security

Obama risks sacrificing Iraq in the name of punctuality - The National Newspaper

Op-Ed Contributor - An Anti-Incumbency Wave — in Mexico - NYTimes.com

A Country Ruled by Amoebas | Opinion | The Moscow Times

RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

Editorial - Mr. Netanyahu at the White House - NYTimes.com

Biden in Iraq, a message of urgency - CSMonitor.com

The ECFA makes rapprochement irreversible - The China Post

An American convicted in China: The long and obscure arm of the law | The Economist

YouTube - Krauthammer Bashes Obama's Infantile NASA Muslim Outreach Program


**WND TV**


VIDEO:Evangelist leads repentant man to new life in Jesus

*American Minute for July 7th:William J Federer's American Minute

Santa and Frank By Thomas Sowell

ACLU suspends part of 1st Amendment!

My kind of vandals

Idiots in high places

The war for Arizona – and America

The founders' vision versus ours

The real sin of Michael Steele

Parasitic tort lawyers

America's great religious document

Republicans Incite Class Warfare—Within the Middle Class | The Progressive

Farah encapsulates founders' passion

American Thinker: Former Chicago Machine Player Issues Warning to Sharron Angle Campaign

Face of Jesus seen from the heavens on Google Earth | Mail Online

Wyoming threatens to sell prime Grand Teton land - USATODAY.com

Office Vacancy Rate Keeps Climbing - WSJ.com

New Loan Delinquencies on the Rise Again - CNBC

Widow honors spouse with holiday fireworks sendoff - News

Widow lives with corpses of husband, twin

Daughter Abandons Mother's Body At Crematory - News Story - WSB Atlanta

Satanism wrongly used at trial, death row inmate argues

Ad offers neighbor's stuff

Iceland exhumes chess icon Bobby Fischer's body for paternity test | cleveland.com

Georgia Governor Mangham? - 11Alive.com | WXIA | Atlanta, GA

BBC News - 'Big budget' porn film shot in London hospital

Renewing license may require vast patience - Daniel Shoer Roth - MiamiHerald.com

CNN reporter on terrorist: 'I respect him a lot'

Big Sis blowing off ban on 'controversial opinion'

Arizona crackdown called 'sound and constitutional'

What a 'caliphate' would look like in 2010

'Beastly' system marking every purchase you make

Pastors seek to 'secure our national borders'

Memorializing George Tiller's evil

The war for Arizona – and America

What is Obama talking about?

Black Swans and Bank Leverage by Gary North

Jim Rogers on The Mangru Report

The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar by Henry Hazlitt

The Real Sin of Michael Steele by Patrick J. Buchanan

Adventures From the Technology Underground

New Book Aims to Reveal FBI, CIA Involvement in Kennedy Assassination

8 Tools That Will Change Your Life | The Art of Manliness

Facts | Examining the real cost of America's airport security

Asset Protection BLOG - Mark Nestmann: Encryption Works!

Two Census Bureau managers fired for creating at least 10,000 bogus questionnaires to meet deadlines


**gCaptain - Marine Weather Tools and Links

**gCaptain - Terrestrial and Celestial Marine Navigation Tools.


**6TH/Transcripts:Obama and PM Netanyahu Answer Questions

*5TH/Interview with Rep. Ron Paul

Panel on Iran and Nuclear Weapons

Analysis of the Supreme Court's Term

Secretary Clinton's Press Conf. with President Saakashvili

*7TH/Remarks at a Town Hall With Georgian Women Leaders

*4TH/Obama's Remarks on Independence Day

Interview with Senator McCain in Afghanistan

Interview with Senator Lieberman in Afghanistan

Interview with Senator Graham in Afghanistan (PDF)

Guests: Amb. Said; Reps. Coffman, Hunter & Boccieri


**Politics Video:7TH/Rep. Rangel Says Ethics Scandals Improve 2010 Re-Election Chances

Netanyahu: No Preconditions To Direct Peace Talks

Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At Unemployment Numbers, Benefits

Krauthammer: Government Will Lose Case Against Arizona

Barney Frank: Obama Afraid To "Look Weak On Defense"

Olbermann Knocks Angle For Comparing Herself To Lincoln

O'Reilly: Arizona Lawsuit A Political "Loser" For Obama

Matthews: Unemployment Rate Will Determine Obama's Fate

6TH/Rep. Cantor On Steele's Future At RNC: "We'll Have To See"

McCain On Illegal Immigrants: "Many Of Them Need To Be Sent Back"

Feds Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

Barnicle: Sharron Angle Sounds Like A "Mental Patient"

Limbaugh Defends Steele, Slams Liberal Double Standard

Eugene Robinson: Steele's Opinion "Not Tenable" In GOP

Former ND GOP Chairman Challenges Steele For Control Of RNC

Senor: Steele's Comments Prompt A "Legitimate Debate"

Obama: "Bond" Between US And Israel Is "Unbreakable"

NASA Chief: "Foremost" Mission To Improve Muslim Relations

DNC Ad Ties Barton On Oil To Boehner On Wall Street


DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:Who is Behind “Son of HAMAS”? Meet His Anti-Israel Ghost-Writer (Published by PJM)

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:US Cover Up? TWA Hezbollah Hijacker Hamadi Apparently Still Alive

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:Dubai-Bye: US University’s Dubai Campus a Failure, Closes

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:Reagan/Bush Used NASA for Muslim Outreach Before Obama

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:HILARIOUS: Obama’s Immigration Chief Focuses on “Important Issues”


Afghan TV Confirms BIGs Scoop: Mullah Omar in Pakistani Custody

An Islamophobe in Sweden

Barbarism Watch: Stoning in Iran

The President and Operational Planning

We Cannot Allow a Nuclear Iran

Should This Ad Be Banned by CBS?

Report Timed to Sabotage Netanyahu/Obama Meeting

YouTube’s (Biased?) Removal of ‘We Con the World’

There’s No Recovery, Just More Hard Times Ahead

Michael Steele's 'Gaffe' and What is is

Tell Me Again, Who Can't Film on Federal Property?

The Reading Pagoda: A Case Study on Public Ownership

On Illegal Immigration

The Federal Claim to Supremacy

All Government is Socialist

Q: What's worse than state-controlled news?

US Economy Stuck in Misery

State nullification trumps federal supremacy

The Left-Fascist Axis. Again.

Somewhere over the Wind Farm

Smearing Global Warming Skeptics

Bringing Home Incivility

A Hapless Administration

Why isn't the media covering the paramilitary aspect of the Black Panther case?

Overturn the Arizona Immigration Law - Please!

Obama the Disingenuous Mechanic

Muslim extremists chop off hand of professor

The Voice of America has become Voice of Tehran

Stimulus monies devoted to public sector projects a waste says ... Harvard economist?

Obama approval among independents: 38%

UAE Ambassador to US urges Iran strike

Protecting Mahmoud Abbas

President Dogbert

The Left's Use and Abuse of Children

Can Freedom Endure Democracy?

Obama is Strangling Big Oil

Sour Grapes

The Arab Veil of Deception and the Left

FEC: Citizens United Free Of Disclosure Rules. My, This Just Gets Better And Better.

An Offer Republicans Can't Refuse on Jobless Benefits

Maddow: Afghanistan counterinsurgency won't work without deadline

Rep. Ron Paul defends Michael Steele: 'Republicans ought to have a right to at least say that maybe this war isn't going well'

Amateur Scientist Has Built a Fusion Reactor in Brooklyn

BP Will Penalize Fishermen For Not Helping To Clean Up Their Toxic Mess. Unbelievable!

Steele Crazy After All These Years

Environmental Lawyer: Federal Agencies 'Played Russian Roulette' With Gulf's Endangered Species

McCain: Kandahar Is Key to Success or Failure in Afghanistan

Worst Person Limbaugh: 'If Obama Weren't Black He'd Be a Tour Guide in Honolulu'

Corporations Sit On $1.8 Trillion Until They Get Their Way

America's Weird "We-Must-Be-Nice-to-Rich-People" Doctrine

Has the Obama administration "De-Goodlinged" the DOJ or his administration yet?

'I haven't thought about anything but Toy Story 3'

No anti-junk food laws, vows Lansley

Euro breakup 'would cause recession'

Gulf is 'minefield' of abandoned wells

Chinese armada tackles algae plume

Manuel Noriega jailed for seven years

Iran to open nuke plant in Sept.

Poll: Most Palestinians want ceasefire

UK court victory for gay refugees

UN launches probe into flotilla raid

Sarkozy donation claims investigated

Solar-powered plane takes off


CARTOON:Obama Nation: Isn’t She Lovely


**CARTOON PAGES:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash


As Oil Spreads Across the Gulf, the Feds Chase Movie Pirates

HBO’s Upcoming Look at Al-Qaeda: There’s Good and Bad News

‘Happy Town’ Trashes Conservatives: Why Would a ‘Business’ Constantly Insult Half Its Customers?

Once Again, Hollywood’s Behind the Curve: The Darker Side of Green

There Are No Replacements For Hollywood’s Aging A-List

Daily Gut: Feelings Before Frontiers

AP: Judge Sends Lindsay Lohan to Jail

THE NEW BLACKLIST: Did a Pro-Afghan War Director Sucker the Sundance Film Festival?

RACISM: Mel Gibson May Rant But Leftist Hollywood Believes…

‘Light-Fry’ Crewmember Claims They Did Nothing Wrong — Let’s Go To the Video Tape!

Hypocrisy Grows in Sunlight

Happy Birthday, President George W. Bush

What You Need to Know About the Possible Health Risks of the Gulf Oil Spill

Barack Obama Cannot, Will Not and Does Not Want to ‘Create Jobs’

One Nation against the Obama’s Chicago Machine

New Job Program: An Alvin Greene in Every Stocking

The Unaccountability of Peter Orszag

Heritage Foundation Remembers the Gulf

Cynthia Tucker: Steele An Affirmative Action Hire; Not Obama


*39 PAGE:Blocking For the Home Team 2: Documents the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Read


Reaching For a Metaphor, Lazy Shales Repeats ‘N-Word’ Lie

Blocking For the Home Team 3: On Immigration, MSM Carries Water For Obama, Then Steps Aside

NewsBusted: Why is Larry King Retiring?

Paging Andrew Sullivan: Levi Johnston Lied About the Palin Family

New York Times Swallows Brady Campaign’s Anti-Gun Rhetoric Whole

Another Republican Woman For the Left To Hate: Sharron Angle

Levi Johnston Publicly Apologizes To The Palins, But Will the MSM Do the Same?

Gateway Pundit:American Singer Receives Death Threats After Recording Anti-Obama Song

LeBron to announce decision on TV

5 suspects in Russia spy case to be moved to NY

Europe bans illegal timber to protect forests

Polish court orders Mossad spy suspect extradited

Weather hampers containment efforts at Gulf oil spill site

Obama naming 18 to advisory council on exports

Green religion movement hopes spill wins converts

British climate scientists cleared of dishonesty

Most rapists elude arrest, few DNA tests in Illinois: study

British troops to withdraw from south Afghan area

» Welcome ‘Big Peace’: There Is Another Bear in the Woods - Big Government

Restive Iraq provinces defy U.S. withdrawal timeline | Reuters

Biden defends Afghan war strategy

Mexico's drug war heats up near Arizona border

Chinese court sentences US geologist to 8 years

Dying Lockerbie bomber 'could survive for 10 years or more' - Telegraph

» Reaching For a Metaphor, Lazy Shales Repeats ‘N-Word’ Lie - Big Journalism

'Titanic' actress Gloria Stuart celebrates her 100th birthday | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

Bristol Palin guest stars on 'The Secret Life of the American Teenager' - latimes.com

‘Daily Show’ Women Defend Jon Stewart in Writing - NYTimes.com

Denis Leary Promotes Rescue Me With Homophobic Slur, Jokes About His Children Burning Alive | Movieline

Oliver Stone Defends Latin American Film | TheWrap.com

New James Bond Film Goes From Stalled to Canceled - Screen Rant

Former NASA chief: Muslim outreach is ‘perversion’ of NASA’s mission | Washington Examiner

NASA's new mission: Building ties to Muslim world | Washington Examiner

Breitbart.tv » Former Justice Official Accuses Obama DOJ of Ignoring Cases Involving Black Defendants and White Victims

Power Line - Had Enough "Hope and Change"?

CNSNews.com - Federal Government Helped Pay Home Air-Conditioning Bills for Federal Employees, Prisoners and More Than 11,000 Dead People

Levi Johnston Apologizes to Palin Family for 'Youthful Indiscretion' - Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin : People.com

White House Successfully Puts Cap on Gusher of Unflattering Oil-Spill Stories - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

BBC News - US soldier linked to Iraq helicopter video leak charged

Field Notes - Photographer detained by police, BP employee near refinery

PJTV - Black Panther Justice for All? J. Christian Adams Responds to the DOJ With Exclusive Documents. - Mpg

FLASHBACK:Jabberwocky On The Potomac - 1988 - The Reagan Years | Newstalgia

Some Thoughts on "Patriotism"

Islamo-fascism, Judaeo-fascism, Bapto-fascism,

Republicans Incite Class Warfare—Within the Middle Class

The Glory Of White-Wing Politics

Taliban leader killed in Pakistan:

WikiLeaks, iPhone Incidents Show that U.S. Needs Shield Law

Venezuela, Chile to head new Latin American bloc

Global emissions targets will lead to 4C temperature rise, say studies:

The New Nation - Disinfection programme launched to prevent avian influenza

Global Elites Struggle to Keep EU, Euro Intact

Senate Democrats Seek to Exploit Oil Spill to Ramrod Climate Bill

Obama, FTC Plan to Bail Out, Subsidize Lapdog Media

Alcohol-Based Motor Fuels a High-Octane Energy Solution

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

US-Russian Relations: Wooing the West

Obama’s Nuclear Postures: The Nuclear Weapons Complex

VIDEO: Is the Sun Setting on the American Empire?

Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?

Fending For Themselves: Devastating Social and Environmental Impacts of BP Oil Spill

Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire

Friendly "Siege Of China"? U.S. Submarines Reach Asian Ports

Dramatic increase in leakage of methane gas from the Arctic seabed.

Eminent Domain: We're All Indians Now

Overthrowing the Government: As American as Apple Pie

The crux of our endless War on Terror

Rules of America's rule of law

Yet Again with the National ID

YouTube - Ron Paul: It Is Obama's War! He's The One Sending More Troops Over There!

TSA To Block Websites With "Controversial Opinions"

Don't kid yourself, it's a Police State

Hundreds of households hit with bin fines bigger than those given to shoplifters

How a Marxist Sees the Crisis

If information is free, what is not free?

Larry King has gone -- and primetime TV itself could follow him

Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes

Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History

AllGov - Oil Industry Gains Billions of Dollars in Government Subsidies

Oil Companies Reap Billions From Subsidies - NYTimes.com


44 PG/'05/Taxing Capital Income: Effective Rates and Approaches to Reform


AllGov - Teenagers Do Better if School Starts Later

Later School Start Times May Foster Better Students

Start School Later for Better High School Students

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med -- Abstract: Impact of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescent Sleep, Mood, and Behavior, July 2010, Owens et al. 164 (7): 608

AllGov - Treasury Dept. Operative Gave Billions to Goldman Sachs While Owning Goldman Sachs Stock

Treasury’s ‘Point Man’ on AIG Bailout That Benefited Goldman, Owned Goldman Stock - ProPublica

In U.S. Bailout of A.I.G., Forgiveness for Big Banks - NYTimes.com

Mystery Men of the Financial Crisis - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

Losing in Afghanistan

Two for One: Guantanamo Won’t Close, But Illinois Supermax Will Open

The Militarization of the Gulf Oil Disaster

Alleged Military Whistleblower Charged With Leaking Video of a US Attack on Civilians and Secret Documents

US-Russian relations reset undercut by FBI ‘spy’ scandal

Hamas can turn the tables on Israel with Shalit’s release

Where the hell is the peace movement?

Millennium goals revisited: Noble ideas, and feel-good moments

Mississippi Gov. Barbour Fronts for BP

Pope Benedict XVI Lashes Out at Secular Justice

Deet Finally Exposed as Neurotoxic

Health insurers may soon offer contraceptives at no extra cost

Death by Remote: But Is It Legal?

Anger growing at Clearwater BP claims office

At Yahoo, Using Searches to Steer News Coverage

Wikipedia as a 9/11 disinformation op

Fighting Facebook’s censorship against the left

The mainstream media mind warp


YouTube - Not Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS


The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Queen challenges UN to lead in confronting dangers

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

If Only Information Flowed as Freely as Oil

Reassembling America's Democracy

(2 PT)Video: Gerald Celente – We’re Going into The Greatest Depression and WW 3 – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

(3 PART)Video: Alex Jones – Fed’s Attack States Rights « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Alex Jones: U.S. Warships Anger Costa Rican Citizens

BP Oil Gusher « Dprogram.net


**HR1207-Shame-List;U.S. representatives cosponsored H.R. 1207 but voted against Audit the Fed


Obama’s “Consequence Management Response Force” Ready To Be Deployed Against Americans In October « Bonfire's Blog

YouTube - Shasta County Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Contamination Cover-Up

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’! | Sovereign Independent


YouTube - Alex Jones: 50 Random Facts on What in The Hell Happened to America 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones: 50 Random Facts on What in The Hell Happened to America 2/2


4 PART/Video: Alex Jones Tv – It isn’t Enough! « Dprogram.net

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Barack Obama: The great jobs killer - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Israel: A Failing Colonial Project

Soldier in Iraq Faces Criminal Charges

Gates Issues Memo to Leaders on Media Engagement

Obama, Netanyahu Discuss Iran's Nuclear Program

Tehran to continue uranium enrichment: FM spokesman

Russia, US & arms treaty ratification by late July

NATO: Joint Force Captures Afghan Taliban Commander

Iraqi Forces Arrest 10 Terrorism Suspects

Yemeni Court Sentences 2 Al-Qaida Suspects to Death

Al-Shabab Vows Jihad Against New Troops

UN Commission Sets New Food Standards

US Economists Say University Not Only Way to Success

Queen Elizabeth Addresses UN General Assembly

Pilot to Attempt Night Flight in a Solar-Powered Plane

Experts: 'Ridiculous' Lawsuit Won't Nix Arizona Law on Illegals

Feds File Lawsuit Over Arizona Immigration Law

Ron Paul Raps Feds on Spill, Backs Steele War Jab

Ariz. Dems Blast Obama's Immigration Stance

RNC Foresees Big Cuts for Voter Drives

Supreme Court vs. Obama: The Battle Lines Are Drawn

Pope Toughens Laws on Abusive Priests

Officials: Al-Qaida Man to Be Charged in NYC Plot

TSA Drops Policy Blocking Controversial Sites

Obama Backs Israel on Nuclear Conference

Gen. Odierno Eyes UN Forces for Iraq

French Parliament Debates Ban on Burqa-Style Veils

Economic Stress Is Easing More Slowly

China Objects to US Sanctions Against Iran

O'Leary/Zogby: 56% Say Obama Jobs 'Ineffective'

Kagan: Harvard Law's $476 Million Dean

Lieberman: US Ready to Strike Iran

GOP Aims at Record for Gubernatorial Wins

BP's Hayward Flies to Mideast to Meet 'Partners'

Blago Spoke of Fundraising, Road Program

Arab Diplomat: Bombing Iran Has Benefits

Hawaii Gov. Vetoes Same-Sex Civil Unions Bill

Writer Ends McChrystal's Career, Gets Book Deal

GOP's Corbett Opens Wide Lead in Pa. Gov. Race

Obama Bypassing GOP on Medicare Appointment

Vatican to Issue Long-Awaited Sex Abuse Document

Obama 'Clean-Air' Rule to Cost $3 Billion

Pentagon Clamps Down on Media After McChrystal

BP Gets US Demand for Notice of Asset Sales

Sam's Club Will Offer Small Business Loans

Whitman Tack Spurs Dead Heat With Brown in Calif.

James Traficant Falls Short in Bid for Comeback

Once a Withdrawn Teen, Man Now Takes on Senator

GOP Newcomer Hot on the Heels of Feingold

GOP Prepares Amid Calls for Steele's Resignation

U.A.E. Diplomat: Hit on Iran's Nukes An Option

Obama Tries Carrot, Not Stick on Netanyahu

Century-Old Grenade Found in Jerusalem Wall

Mexican Governor's Guard Accused of Drug Ties

Iran Offers Modest New Haircut Guidelines for Men

China Funds Are Sneaking Back Into the US Market

Obama Tax Hikes to Hit the Rich in 10 Big Ways

10 Super Foods to Eat Now

Routine Bone-Density Screening Expanded

'Mind-Body' Therapy Eases Fibromyalgia

Borders Group Inc. Launches Electronic Bookstore

'Climategate' Inquiry Mostly Vindicates Scientists

Youtube to Gather Videos for 'Life in a Day' Movie

EU Looking Carefully at Google Allegations

L.A. Judge Denies Dismissal Motion in Smith Case

Naval Academy Says 4 Treated for Heat Exhaustion

Hard Copy Still Important in Digital Age

German Women Expect Lower Salaries, Study Says

U.S. Unseals New Charges Against 5 in New York Plot

Group Finds 420 Birds Oiled by Spill in 3 States

Anonymous Ohio $261M Powerball Winner Claims Prize

Imperial Sugar Agrees to $4M Fines for Ga. Blast

Founder of Spanish-Language Newspaper Dies at 82

Green Religion Movement Hopes Spill Wins Converts

Russia Seeks Spy Swap for Agents in U.S: Lawyer

U.S. on Track to Double Exports in 5 Years: Obama

"Jaws" Aura Still Thrashing on Martha's Vineyard

Lawsuit Filed Against Chicago's New Gun Laws

NH Church Sex Assault Case Headed to Grand Jury

Veggie Burgers Stake out Argentine Dining Tables

Plea Hearing Set for Ex-Congressman in Terror Case

Iran Says Sanctions Might Slow Nuclear Programme

Missing 4-Year-Old Mo. Girl Found Safe at Car Wash

BP Boss in Mideast Talks as Relief Well Advances

Authorities ID Body in Colo. House as 9-Year-Old

Man Pleads Not Guilty to Attack at Maine College

Jerry Brown, Meg Whitman Tied in California Governor's Race

NYers Still Living Behind Post-9/11 Checkpoints

French Heiress Affair Is Half Drama, Half Farce

Gallery Appeals for First UK Portrait of Freed Slave

Hawaii Governor Vetoes Same-Sex Civil Unions Bill

States Honor Drunken Driving Victims With Signs

Book Talk: Pat Benatar Says She Is a Fan of Lady Gaga

Book Talk: John Verdon Uses Retirement to Hone New Skills

Iran Says Atom Plant Set for Launch After Final Test

Women's Surnames a Hot-Button Topic in Japan Poll

Osama Bin Laden Makes Bollywood Debut

Missing 4-Year-Old Missouri Girl Found Alive

NATO Airstrike Kills Five Afghan Soldiers

Police: Hemet Booby Trap Suspect to Be Charged

UC President Responds to Jewish Groups' Letter

Obama's Rhetoric Imperils Afghanistan Strategy

Tort Lawyers Are Parasites

Govt Control of Internet Nears Law

Obama Directs NASA to Reach Out to Muslim Nations

Aretha Franklin, Condoleezza Rice to Perform at Charity Event

Kagan Will Vote Liberal if Confirmed

Gulf Oil Crisis Getting Worse

Charging Wikileaks Source: The Nail in the Coffin of Whistblowers

EPA, Coast Guard, and BP PR Tied to Airborne Corexit Denials

Want to Light up a Movement? Think Art, Engage the Heart

ICE Releases Memo Showing Agency Has Resources to Remove Only 4% of Illegal Aliens A Year

Obama Will Bypass Senate, Use Recess Appointment for Medicare Chief

Flashback: Obama Medicare Czar Praised British NHS for Not Leaving Health Care in ‘The Darkness of Private Enterprise’

Federal Government Helped Pay Home Air-Conditioning Bills for Federal Employees, Prisoners and More Than 11,000 Dead People

Awlaki’s Online Propaganda Is Influencing Muslims Far From His Yemen Base

Kagan Rejects Suggestions By GOP Senators She Authored Language in Key ACOG Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion

Second Amendment Supporters to Challenge Chicago’s New Restrictions on Gun Ownership

Federal Lawsuit Challenging Arizona’s Immigration Law Focuses on Core ‘Balance of Power’ Issue

Patching Up Differences Vital for U.S.-Israeli Security and Politics, Experts Say

EPA’s New Clean-Air Rule Will Boost Power Prices, Force Closure of Older Coal-Fired Plants, Prompt Lawsuits

Asked If Catholic Church Could Recruit at Harvard Law Even Though It Bans Female Priests, Kagan Said All Recruiters Needed to Certify They Did Not Discriminate By Gender

Republicans Denounce Obama Administration Over Arizona Lawsuit As Democrats Lay Low

GOP Chairman Steele Staying Put Despite Mounting Criticism

Illinois Governor’s Staff Gets 20 Percent Raises Despite State’s Budget Woes

Protests of Arizona Governor Planned in Boston

Senators Say Steele on Hot Seat as GOP Chairman

Obama, Netanyahu Say Their Bond Is ‘Unbreakable'

Al-Qaida Chief to Be Charged in N.Y. Subway Plot

Protest at Maine Wind Power Site Ends With Three Arrests

Police: Connecticut Priest Stole $1M for Male Escorts

One Business Filed 37,375 Bad W-2 Forms—and Is Getting Away With It

Open-Borders DOJ vs. America

The Real Sin of Michael Steele

Kagan’s Comedy Is News?

Sovereign Debt: The Death of Nations vs. the Wealth of Nations

Cap-and-Trade is a Nation Killer

Smoke and Mirrors in the Climate Science Game

Objectiveless in Iraq and Afghanistan

While Big Easy Takes on Oil, Obama Sues Arizona!

Dr Martin Hertzberg in Explosive Attack on Global Warming Theory

NASA Unveils New Plan for Muslims in Outer Space

Refusing to Report the Truth

Do Christians Who Voted for Obama Believe His Policies are Biblical?

Drug lobby showers money on its hero Harry Reid

Video: Ignoramus Democrat Says The More we Borrow the Richer we Get

Dutch agency admits error in UN climate report

Tipping Points Are Natural; Environmentalists Exploit Them

Ultra-green British National Newspaper Apologizes on Amazongate Lies

Obama Silent On Palestinian Authority Incitement And Racism

A Socialist on the High Court? Part One

A Socialist on the High Court? Part Two

Modern farming best for the planet

Uncovering the Obama Conspiracies

Obama Not Honest about Afghanistan: There is no Short-Term Solution

Terrorism policy flaws 'increased risk of attacks', says former police chief | Politics | The Guardian

Censorship and cover-up in the Gulf oil disaster

HSBC offshore accounts under investigation by US tax authorities | Business | The Guardian

Postal Service Seeks 2-Cent Rise in First-Class Mail - BusinessWeek

Terror stop and search powers will have to stop, says Europe - Telegraph

More Debt, Obama Tells the World by Eric Margolis

Mossad agent strains German-Israeli relations by exploiting Holocaust

Hammering the Poor and Vulnerable - The Nader Page

Ellen Brown: Who Will Pay: Wall Street or Main Street?

Risk-Taking at BP Extends to Energy Markets - NYTimes.com

Senior Ex-KGB Man Claims 400 Russian Spies In U.S. - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Billions Missing, Lies Mounting | CommonDreams.org

Fed Made Taxpayers Unwitting Junk-Bond Buyers - Bloomberg

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

Navy’s New Solution to Bombs: Cook Them With Microwaves | Danger Room | Wired.com

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists

ET Tech: "Could Technology Exist That's Beyond Information & Matter?" (A Galaxy Classic)

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine

Recession Imposes New World Order

Official "This website seized by feds" graphic - Boing Boing

World's first illustrated Christian bible is discovered at Ethiopian monastery | Mail Online

Transcript of Adm. Thad Allen's Wednesday BP oil leak briefing | McClatchy

The Dietary Guidelines 2010 Must Do No Harm Or Be Overhauled. | Before It's News

The Meaning Of Christianity | Before It's News

Road pricing could become yet another tax - Telegraph

Management Tip of the Day: Remove the Mental Barriers to Success - ABC News


VIDEO:US Failing to Adjust to New Reality | Global Research TV

VIDEO:BPs Well From Hell | Global Research TV


Drug lobby showers money on its hero Harry Reid | Washington Examiner

Russia offers 'spy swap' to U.S. - with deal to take place via Britain | Mail Online

UK inquiry finds emails do not undermine climate science (Reuters) | Yahoo! Green

San Francisco's Rules for Making Pot Brownies | NBC Bay Area

FOXNews.com - Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case

Feds vs. state again in suit against Arizona law - Yahoo! News

US government sues Arizona over anti-immigration law - Yahoo! News

U.A.E. diplomat mulls hit on Iran's nukes - Washington Times

Fish talk to each other, researcher finds

Clinton gets earful from Moscow on 'occupation' remarks | Russia | RIA Novosti

TSA drops policy blocking 'controversial' sites - Washington Times

BBC News - US soldier linked to Iraq helicopter video leak charged

Army intelligence analyst charged in Wikileaks case

FOXNews.com - NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

FOXNews.com - Former NASA Director Says Muslim Outreach Push 'Deeply Flawed'

Obama denies any Israel, US rift

Tanning salons feel burned by 10 percent 'tan tax'

Fan falls from upper deck at Rangers game | wfaa.com | Dallas - Fort Worth Sports

Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | CLE@TEX: Fan falls from stands, game delayed - Video | MLB.com: Multimedia

Democrats digging harder than ever for dirt on Republicans

Pennsylvania will borrow up to $600 million to pay for pet building projects | PennLive.com

Lovesick Indian Student Pours Pesticide into School Water Tank

GOP senators launch broadside against Obamacare | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

New Yorkers fight three new mosques - Washington Times

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing' - Political Punch

Obama nominee heralded despite 'honorary' titles - Washington Times

Imam booted out of U.S.: 'God bless America' - U.S. news - Security - msnbc.com

An ugly countdown: Here come the taxes - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Ex-con disqualified from Congress comeback - Politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

Mexico thwarts Hezbollah bid to set up South American network - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Retired FDNY Lt. John McLaughlin receives disability pension despit being known as "Iron Man" - NYPOST.com

Sugary-drink ban starts to affect S.F. sites

Afghanistan: $4.2 billion in mysterious cash flown out of Kabul since 2007 - The Scotsman

An expert's view of gold

Prehistoric Fossils Unearthed in Jim Leyden's Tenn. Backyard


Georgia Mosque Set On Fire

Jon Stewart Takes on Puppet Michael Steele

Wild Boar Runs Wild in Hong Kong

MSNBC Hosts Pile On Sharron Angle; Scarborough Calls Candidate ‘Jackass’

Ed Koch on Palin and Obama: She’s Very Smart, He Gets a ‘C’

Judge Sends Lohan to Jail for Probation Violation; Actress Breaks Down at Sentencing

Truck Dangles Over Edge of Arizona Freeway

Pinal Co. Sheriff Receives Death Threats From Mexican Mafia

Obama: ‘Our Commitment to Israel’s Security Has Been Unwavering’

Justice Department Suing Arizona

Despite State Cash Crunch, Missouri Spends Big Bucks on Vanity Signs

The Price of Peace

Video of Israeli Soldiers Dancing on Duty Goes Viral

Fan Falls From Upper Deck at Baseball Game

Fan Who Fell From Upper Deck at Rangers Game Carried Out on Stretcher


YouTube - Solar plane on maiden flight


YouTube - FOX NEWS SUNDAY: DeMint on Afghanistan, Spending, Immigration, & Tea Party

YouTube - Press TV-Africa Today-Aid to Africa-07-06-2010(Part1)

YouTube - Press TV-Africa Today-Aid to Africa-07-06-2010(Part2)

YouTube - Press TV-Africa Today-Aid to Africa-07-06-2010(Part3)

YouTube - Press TV-Iran Today-Fighting Against Narcotics in Iran-07-06-2010(Part1)

YouTube - Press TV-Iran Today-Fighting Against Narcotics in Iran-07-06-2010(Part2)

YouTube - Press TV-Iran Today-Fighting Against Narcotics in Iran-07-06-2010(Part3)

YouTube - Red Eye: An Al Qaeda Magazine?

YouTube - Red Eye: Russia's Hot Spy

YouTube - Red Eye: Wonder Woman - From American Hero to Global Zero

YouTube - Car smashes into restaurant

YouTube - A Bold Gamble To Salvage Afghanistan

YouTube - Fox tells MPs British forces are to leave Sangin

YouTube - Gold medals for hero hounds

YouTube - Obama meets Netanyahu

YouTube - Obama calls for Israeli-Palestinian talks

YouTube - Deadly Rental Cars on the Road

YouTube - Marcus Wesson: A Master Manipulator

YouTube - Will Two Cent Stamp Increase Save Post Office?

YouTube - Why Would Preacher's Wife Commit Suicide?

YouTube - New York's Royal Visit

YouTube - Solar plane on maiden flight

YouTube - Whale Skimmer Aeriel Views Oil Spill Hits Texas and All Gulf States


BBC News - US airline 'loses Netanyahu bodyguard guns'

Julia Gillard's gunboat diplomacy | The Australian

The Associated Press: Israel keeping flotilla ships until inquiry ends

The Associated Press: Russian pianist accused of child rape in Thailand

FT.com / Middle East - US allies join nuclear power quest

Indian Army Deployed in Kashmir Following Deadly Protests | Asia | English

Former top anti-terror cop: London should fear more terror attacks - CNN.com

YouTube - July 7 bombings remembered

Zion killings: DNA points to another suspect in 2005 slayings of Zion girls - chicagotribune.com

Eco questions: Paper or plastic? Cloth or paper? - chicagotribune.com

Sirott returns to WFLD-Ch. 32 - Chicago Tribune

3rd man pleads guilty in teen's overdose death - Chicago Tribune

Masked intruder beats architect in home invasion - Chicago Tribune

Streamwood standoff ends, man subdued :: The Courier News :: Local News

Russia, US May Be Planning Spy Exchange | Europe | English

Obama Cites Progress in Expanding Exports - NYTimes.com

Feds: NYC Subway Plotters Targeted London, Too - CBS News

W. Va. exploring special election to replace Sen. Robert Byrd - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Blagojevich defense: Didn't intend to break law - Illinois | State & regional - bnd.com

Blagojevich's unkind word for fund-raisers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

McCain on Kagan: Nay - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Gun owners sue Chicago over ordinance | abc7chicago.com

Why Congress Can't Afford Not to Extend Unemployment Benefits Again - US News and World Report

Credit-card delinquencies fall to 8-year low: ABA Economic Report - MarketWatch

Toyota adding more time to new vehicle development - BusinessWeek

EPA Agrees to Review Air Pollution Rules for 28 Industries - NYTimes.com

BP CEO Tony Hayward exploring options in MidEast Read more: BP CEO Tony Hayward exploring options in MidEast - Houston Business Journal


BP Oil Spill: Navy Sends MZ-3A Blimp to Help Survey Gulf of Mexico

Americans use phones more for games, Internet

Fans rage over Blizzard forum plans

NASA's Final Frontier: The Muslim World

Report: Apple iTunes Hack Affected 400 Users Out of 150M

Twitter to Promote Marketers' Special Offers

Borders jumps into e-bookstore game

Lindsay Lohan's Parents React To Her Sentencing

Angelina Jolie: Brad and kids 'know all my flaws'

Bruce Willis: The Scent of a Man – Vain Style

Ringo Starr: Happy 70th birthday! | EW.com

The Conversation: Ringo Starr Turns 70, With a Little Help from His Friends

Prince Insists 'The Internet's Completely Over'

10 questions loom over Emmy Award nominations

The expectations keep ratcheting up for 'Inception.' Can they go too high?

Accused Russian Spy Angry Over Sex Photos; Says Ex-Husband is Telling Lies

Eye-Popping New Fashion Trend Could Carry Dangers, Docs Say

Depression Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

Can neck measure indicate body fat better than BMI?

Blood Pressure and Diabetes: How Low Should You Go?

Vitamin D Fears Lead to Sun Warnings Review

Smokers fume over cigarette tax hike

FDA Approves Implantable Telescope for AMD

'Father of modern gerontology' Robert N. Butler dies at 83

Is Taking Viagra More Likely to Give You A STD? - TIME NewsFeed

VIDEO:News Update: Study Finds Older Men Using Viagra Face Higher STD Risk

Social Security Administration Sends in the Clowns

Feds Sue Arizona…But, What About Rhode Island?

‘Peace From Space’: NASA’s New Initiative

Former FNC Producer Commits Suicide; Left Classless As Usual


YouTube - MONEY = DEBT = SLAVERY prt.1

YouTube - MONEY = DEBT = SLAVERY Prt 2


TBR News July 6, 2010 Jul 06 2010 The Voice of the White House

TBR News July 3, 2010 Jul 03 2010 The Voice of the White House



*How Did Mossad Know the London Bombings Were Going to Happen?

*Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks

*The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy


Rasmussen Polls: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Morning Joe declares Sharron Angle campaign "over"

savethemales.ca - The G-20 Agreed to Strangle Us With Debt

There Will Be No Global Currency

Popular Music Is The Babylon System « GCN News

CNNMoney.com || Farm workers: Take our jobs, please!

Activist Post: USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity

The Case For War - The Iron Mountain Report

Further restrictions on Iran Air in new EU blacklist - Telegraph

Sangin troop withdrawal: Four years in hell, and Taliban remain undefeated | Politics | The Guardian

Clonal Spread of G158E Duplication In H1N1 Illinois Swine

Ex-con disqualified from Congress comeback - Politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

EU call for 'X Files' archive of UFO sightings - Telegraph

Breakup of single currency 'would plunge eurozone into deep recession' | Business | The Guardian

China's property market braced for 30pc drop - Telegraph

Hobos and welfare for America's Rich – Telegraph Blogs

CCTV turning schools into 'prisons' - Telegraph

Pensioners form high-tech surveillance group to catch criminals - Telegraph

Terror arrest threat for rail passenger who took photos on train to prove overcrowding | Mail Online

Monkeys use trees to catapault themselves out of Japanese laboratory - Telegraph

UAE Disavows Ambassador’s Call to Attack Iran -- News from Antiwar.com

New Temperature Record at BWI: atmospheric or asphaltic? | Watts Up With That?

US Demands North Waziristan Offensive -- News from Antiwar.com

Plotting Terrorism by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

theblogprof: Good news: Michigan school district effectively bans white teachers from being hired

U.S. Shopping Center Vacancies Approach Record High, Reis Says - BusinessWeek

Americans may be slammed by shocking tax hike - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

ISP filtering legislation on the way | The Australian

Porn movie: one hospital's road to rude financial health | Society | guardian.co.uk

SULTANS OF SWAP: BP Collapse Potentially More Devastating than Lehman! :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

UAE Ambassador: We 'Absolutely' Want U.S. To Stop Iran By Force

SOUTH LEBANON: Israeli army facing mounting suicide

Dutch nun wanted for killing of fellow sister | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

SOUTH LEBANON: Pakistan: Solidarity campaign with Palestinians launched

Why so many Paedophiles in British Govt.? - David Icke's Official Forums

The Fall of the Belgian Church | The Brussels Journal

SOUTH LEBANON: Who Cares About The Iranian People?

Belgian prelate perverts and their catechism kiddie porn - Mail Online - Euroseptic: Mary Ellen Synon in Brussels

Belgian Bishops Ignored Parents on Grossly Sexually Explicit Catholic ‘Catechism'

Invalid Article on National Review Online

Exposed: The truth about Israel's land grab in the West Bank - Middle East, World - The Independent

Gulf awash in 27,000 abandoned wells — and no one at all is checking to see if they are leaking | Raw Story

SOUTH LEBANON: Human Rights Volunteers Needed in Palestine

That Good Deed Might Cost You $300 in Miami | End Homelessness | Change.org

Whistleblower: Relief payments get slashed if fishermen refuse to work for BP | Raw Story

Senator Pressures NRC to Clear NUMEC President of Illegal Uranium Diversions to Israel - IRmep - Forbes.com

Welcome to smart bombs

BBC News - France probes US submarine link to fishing boat sinking

Explorer-Scouts Train in Post-9/11 Law Enforcement Methods - NYTimes.com


BBC News - Swine flu drug hand-out service raises concerns

OpEdNews - Article: Charging Wikileaks Source: The Nail in the Coffin of Whistblowers

BP boss in UAE amid speculation - Business - Al Jazeera English

Report: Secret document affirms U.S.-Israel nuclear partnership - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama reaffirms U.S. ambiguity on Israel nukes | Israel | Jewish Journal

FOXNews.com - Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

Refreshing News: Windows 8 to Have 3 Rs: Recovery, Reset, Restore

KREM 2 News | KREM.com | When it Matters Most | Video

Study says smells sickening people come from oilpatch, but no source - Yahoo! Canada News

Abandoned oil wells make Gulf of Mexico 'environmental minefield' | Business | The Guardian

Polish Troops Train To Take On American “Terrorists”

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

Activist Post: Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm

Islamo-fascism, Judaeo-fascism, Bapto-fascism, and Why We Need More Bars : ICH - Information Clearing House

Patrick Cockburn: No Woodshed for Netanyahu

Costa Rican Govt Approves US Occupation -- News from Antiwar.com

A Garden in Every Window

French, American Medieval Castles Rise By Hand

National Guard and Cops Impose Military Police State in New York State

New York National Guard Units Scan Vehicles For Gun Confiscations

Treason in New York, National Guard Confiscating Guns from Citizens

Documentary Featured on Fox Blames Baby Boomers for Depression

Polish Troops Train To Take On American “Terrorists”

A Long Economic Winter Ahead

How the Green Movement Failed Us

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

Tax Dollars Spent Making Redundant Mobile Phone Apps

New York National Guard Units Scan Vehicles For Gun Confiscations

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved

Obama’s New Health Care Czar: “We Must Redistribute Wealth”

TSA drops policy blocking 'controversial' sites - Washington Times

Documentary Featured on Fox Blames Baby Boomers for Depression

Polish Troops Train To Take On American “Terrorists”

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists

New rule makes violating BP oil spill 'safety zone' criminal

BBC News - US soldier linked to Iraq helicopter video leak charged

Queen addresses United Nations General Assembly in New York - Telegraph

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

Red Flags for the Economy

Gun Liberty and McDonald

The Relief Wells Are Ahead of Schedule … But Will They Work?

Rep. Barney Frank: Why We Must Reduce Military Spending

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

Euro's Worst to Come, Top Analysts Say - Bloomberg

Is Pop Music and its Immoral Agenda Eating Society?

Obama Asks Court to Reinstate Ban on Deepwater Drilling - NYTimes.com

Iran says Bushehr nuclear plant to be ready by September - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

It’s about money, not peace: Norman Finkelstein on Netanyahu visit to US

BP board game foreshadows Gulf disaster

Body scanners will not be used at Dubai airports: Reports - Middle East - World - The Times of India

BP’s Relief Well Is Not a Slam Dunk

Turkey threatens to cut ties with Israel over Gaza flotilla | World news | The Guardian

Video: Army Corps on vacation?

Goldman Tells Clients To Ignore “Controversial” Bad News, Sees 1.6% (Precisely) Recession Chance

Shipping Our Economy, Our Jobs And Our Prosperity To China

Central Banks Dumping Gold At A Torrid Pace

Mass. town will charge to keep street lights on

Economic Outlook - Banks Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Bail Out: Roubini - CNBC

Gold May Weaken to $1,160, Then $1,309: Charts - CNBC

Ken Rogoff: “China Property Market Collapse Starting”

Let Them Drink Starbucks! Mika Brzezinski Wants a Ban on All Sugary Sodas

Terrorism policy flaws 'increased risk of attacks', says former police chief | Politics | The Guardian

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing' - Political Punch

CNSNews.com - ICE Releases Memo Showing Agency Has Resources to Remove Only 4% of Illegal Aliens A Year

Before the Obama Justice Dept Dropped Charges Against Him, Black Panther Advocated Killing White Babies

Justice Dept. expected to sue Ariz. on immigration, citing 'preemption' grounds

Gulf oil spill: Tar balls reach Texas as bad weather hampers cleanup - latimes.com

Tea party gatherings on the Fourth mix the educational and the patriotic

Queen to unveil 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero in first visit to New York since 1976 | Mail Online

Fmr. CNN journo: Attacks on Rolling Stone reporter make media look servile

JFK airport terminal reopened after bomb scare – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

President’s Weekly Address: $2 Billion for 5,000 ‘Green Jobs’, Passing Reference to Independence Day

Republican Steele’s Afghanistan Remarks Praised by Ron Paul - BusinessWeek

CNSNews.com - A Majority of U.S. Combat Casualties in Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War Have Occurred in Less Than Year-and-a-Half of Obama Presidency

Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home

Carbon tax increase hits drivers at the pump

Antarctic sea ice more than two standard deviations *above* normal; CO2 blamed


YouTube - Midas Resources: National Debt


YouTube - Federal Reserve


**Midas Resources, Inc.- The World's Most Trusted Premiere Source for Precious Metals and Gold


YouTube - The Rahn Curve and the Growth-Maximizing Level of Government

YouTube - Keiser Report №57: Markets! Finance! Drunk Brokers!

YouTube - "American Empire: Before the Fall"

YouTube - Big Government and the Fed: A Sinister Alliance

Ron Paul Slams Federal Interference In Oil Spill Relief Efforts

Documentary Featured on Fox Blames Baby Boomers for Depression

Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

Economists, Financial Experts: U.S. Is Trapped In 1932 Size Depression

Profits and Moves Behind the Downturn

Reps. Paul & Frank: Why We Must Reduce Military Spending

Congressman Ron Paul “Suspicious” Of BP, U.S. Government Response To Spill

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

The Internet Must Remain Free

Is America Really Free, If A Privately-Owned Central Bank Controls Our Currency And Runs Our Economy?

We Need Constitutional Sheriffs Now!

The Fallacies of Nonmonetary Explanations of the Trade Cycle

Republicrats and Pandora

Retired Geography Professor Advocates Global One-Child Policy

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

Obama’s New Health Care Czar: “We Must Redistribute Wealth”

Shasta County Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Contamination Cover-Up

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’


4 PART/Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy – Alex Jones Tv


The Alex Jones Show – July 6th With Mike Rivero

July 6, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

07/06 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-06, Tuesday


Facebook to recognize faces, help tag photos - CNN.com

Global patients tracked here | The Augusta Chronicle

Judges block Obama effort to close Yucca Mountain waste site - Yahoo! News

Justice Department Sues Arizona for Immigration Law -- But Does Not Make Charges of "Discrimination" - Political Punch

The Blast:Mexican Mafia Gives “Green Light” To Kill AZ Sheriff

u.s. economy "is a complete disaster": Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance


SHOCKING: Robin Carnahan Defied Federal Law? «


* videos:Dana Show


**Look who flip-flopped on 'Audit the Fed' vote

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama reneges on tax vows

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama, Netanyahu play nice for cameras

video:Keeping Hush on Hamas? Report: White House sending envoy to relay telegram

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'All Americans can be proud of success in Iraq'


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Guess who's covering sensational claim on Obama's birth

*audio:Globe reignites Obama-birth controversy; Listen as Joe Kovacs explains latest -developments in ongoing saga


Investigation of 'anti-white bias' grows

Obama nominee heralded despite 'honorary' titles - Washington Times

Kagan: 'No view on natural rights'

Arizona crackdown called 'sound and constitutional'

FOXNews.com - Justice Department Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: 'Second Wave' of Independent Border-Watchers Target Arizona

Oil enters New Orleans through back door - Disaster in the Gulf - msnbc.com

Good heavens! Bible class officially OK for school

'Beastly' system marking every purchase you make

Goal of the left: Destroy American economy

Smart Politics - Republican Party Poised to Win Most Gubernatorial Seats in 90 Years

Democrats digging harder than ever for dirt on Republicans

Military: U.S. soldier to be charged in leak of strike video – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Child neglect: Toddler suffers heat exhaustion while panhandling with parents - WXIN

Judges order newspapers to 'unpublish' 5 articles

Big Sis blowing off ban on 'controversial opinion'


site:Kagan Watch

McCain Won’t Vote for Kagan - Washington Wire - WSJ

McCain Opposes Kagan Due To Military Policy At Harvard | Real Time Market News | Dow Jones

*Free Exercise Flip? Kagan, Stevens, and the Future of Religious Freedom - Melissa Rogers


Kagan Confirmation Hearing, Day 4 - C-SPAN Video Library

Kagan Confirmation Hearing, Day 3, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library

Kagan Confirmation Hearing, Day 2, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library

Kagan Confirmation Hearing, Day 1, Arrivals - C-SPAN Video Library


Will Supreme Court Crush Obama’s Initiatives?

The Week of June 27-July 3 - Kagan's Week in the Sun - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com

Kagan's Harvard policy was vapid and hollow

Op-Ed Contributor - A ‘Kagan Doctrine’ on Gay Marriage - NYTimes.com

44 - Bush administration lawyers praise Kagan

C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics

Kirk still mulling Kagan, Obama health care repeal; stumping in Collinsville, Quincy, Springfield - Lynn Sweet

Kagan Beat Religious Tests - National - The Atlantic

Elena Kagan, Eye Candy Mentality & Jewish Wisdom | The Jewish Week

The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times : July 7, 2010

ksl.com - Sen Hatch takes on immigration, Kagan & the Tea Party

Elena Kagan's repressed liberal shame

Justice Oliver Wendell Kagan - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine


*FORA.tv - Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court

YouTube - Q&A: Mark Farkas on "The Supreme Court"

YouTube - CSPAN's Channel/Supreme Court Week


Gerry Krozel: I lied to the FBI to get them out of my house

Blagojevich defense: Didn't intend to break law

*Rod Blagojevich : Rod Blagojevich News and Photos - chicagotribune.com

*The Blago Blog

Campaign Money Again Dominates Blago Trial

Janan Hanna: Blagojevich, Mr. First Amendment?

Blago giggles at his swearwords :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Michael Sneed

Blagojevich Accused of Lying to the FBI - MyStateLine.com

Blagojevich's unkind word for fund-raisers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Sun-Times: Ill. to blame for Blagojevich - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

John Kass: Will Blagojevich's $400,000 clothing spree fit him for federal orange outfit? - chicagotribune.com

RCFP: Appeals court orders hearing on Blagojevich juror names

The Associated Press: Tried together, Blagojevich brothers often apart

Rod Blagojevich trial: Highlights and forecast - chicagotribune.com

Chicago News Cooperative - Blagojevich Trial Shines a Light on Real Politics - NYTimes.com