"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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03 May 2010



YouTube - PA Tax Amnesty TV ad "We Know Who You Are"

David Icke On Time Speeding Up

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Weather Underground, Bill Ayers and Obama

Oil spill disaster is now 'out of control' - Times Online

Obots Smear Sinclair - Say He Set Times Sq Bomb

Obama opines on love _ and birth certificates | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama cracks jokes at White House Correspondents' dinner - Telegraph


videos:Stephen Hawking On Alien Life ( 7 Part)

Obama lawyers want more secrecy at White House


**Dr. Manning - We Have Proof Of Obama's Ineligibility


Bush and Blair Guilty of War Crimes and Genocide

savethemales.ca - What is the Secret of Jewish Success?

Natural Health News: Parents Stop Palm Tree Cell Tower

Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About Goldman Sachs, Our Entire Economy Is Built On Fraud

Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe | Environment | The Observer

America - The Grim Truth

Greece Gets $146 Billion Rescue in EU, IMF Package (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Greece: A new age of austerity and anger dawns - Europe, World - The Independent

Zimbabwe - Don't Cry Tomorrow

A Lack Of Diplomatic Finesse In UAE

America's disappointing reaction to South Park censorship - Telegraph

Hollywood at war over TV drama 'hatchet job' on JFK - Americas, World - The Independent

savethemales.ca - The False Teachings of Church Christianity

The Obama Sedition And Treason Trial Soon

Withdraw All Consent - You Cannot Eat Democracy

Couple Arrested For Asking For Directions - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Video May Hold Clues in Times Square Bomb Scare - AOL News

Al-Qaeda Terror Tape Proven Fraudulent Once Again

Refreshing News: Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History

YouTube - 'Hitler Youth' Shout Down Dissent To Green Fascism, w/ Interview Excerpts

YouTube - PA Tax Amnesty TV ad "We Know Who You Are"

YouTube - Wall St. protests explode


Consortiumnews.com:How Rev. Moon's 'Snakes' Infested US

Washington's Blog:Cut the Partisan Crap ... BOTH the Private Sector AND the Government are to Blame for the Financial Crisis

The Raw Story | US lawmakers denounce Ahmadinejad visit to New York

If The World's Population Were Reduced To 100 | Crack Two

American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought | Food | AlterNet

Newsalert: Is the Cap and Trade Movement Much like the Nazis' Nature Protection Law?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Liberty Round Table with Sam Bushman 04-30-10

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CrossTalk on Goldman Sachs: Dog & Pony Show?

The next 9/11 – made in Israel? > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Civil.Ge | Opposition Rallies in ‘Solidarity with Political Prisoners’

US: We stand by Israel at UN « Aletho News

Global Warfare: U.S. Consolidates Military Network In Asia-Pacific Region

How Wars Are Born: China versus the U.S.

Is Obama A Congenital Liar & Sadistic Torturer? :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

The return of the Mahdi Militia :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Costly IRS Mandate Slipped into Health Bill | Cato @ Liberty

BP Fought Safety Measures at Deepwater Oil Rigs - ABC News

Radical Muslim group run by Israeli Jews!

Judge Won't Subpoena Obama to Testify in Blagojevich Trial - WSJ.com

BP using toxic chemicals to ‘disperse’ spilled oil | Raw Story

Canada: 9/11 Truth Storm in Mainstream Media | 911Blogger.com

SOUTH LEBANON: France implicated in Hariri murder case

Mother of all gushers could kill Earth's oceans

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Shuts Seven More Banks at a Cost of Over $7 Billion - DailyFinance

The Radical "Muslim" Group That Threatened South Park Creators Was Founded and Run by Joseph Cohen, a Former Israeli Radical Who Used to Live in a Settlement in the West Bank. Fundamentalist Jews who pretend to be Radical Muslims, a growing problem... > New World Order Report

US and Russia to propose ban on WMD in Middle East | World news | The Guardian

Clinton, Ahmadinejad Face Off At UN Nuclear Conference

A Disgusting Little Email Making the Rounds on Wall Street The Reformed Broker

American Atrocities Against The Filipinos

Why Is Obama’s Organization Raising Money In Other Countries? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier

3 Businessmen Testify of Armed Raids by I.R.S. - NYTimes.com

FSO Editorial: "The 800 LB Gorilla in the Financial Reform Bill" by Joel Skousen 04/29/2010

The GM Bailout | Young Americans for Liberty

American's Journey: The Constitution is not a suicide pact

Obama Takes Direct Aim at Anti-Government Rhetoric - ABC News

SOUTH LEBANON: The Corruption of Congress

The Revenant: Brief Glimpses of Empire's Reality :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Reuters AlertNet - Pakistani Taliban claim failed New York bomb attack

Fake Al Qaeda

Biological Warfare: Priority to Bioweapons Research over Public Health

Media Coverup on the Corporate Pillage and Destruction of sub-Saharan Africa

No US visas for Iran press

U.S. States Consider Starting Their Own Banks - IPS ipsnews.net

Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for "War Crimes," Law Prof Says - Law - Gizmodo

Brown - Web of Debt, 3rd ed. rev. (2008) - Synopsis

Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government

Refreshing News: 10 hours of sleep every day can help you hit 100!

Israeli News: Times Square bomb: terrorism or PR?

kenny's sideshow: Distrust Rising

Obama Targets LewRockwell.com « LewRockwell.com Blog

It wasn’t just GS. The Fed, Govt. Banks, GSEs are all complicit. « InvestmentWatch

utterlycorrelated: Treasuries, Deficits, and Damn Lies


*article link page:Weekly Southern African Report


One Step Closer to the End of the Yellow Brick Road

Financial Regulation and Coercive Currency.

Does the Federal Reserve REALLY Control Interest Rates?

The Fate of the Library of Alexandria

Progressive Death

Postmodernism: A Unified Theory of All the Trouble in the World

The Reemergence of German Dominance in Europe

Crony Philanthropy

Times Square South Park link?

San Francisco's dirty little secret

The solution to Arizona's immigration law lies in Democrats' hands

Oil spill Obama's Katrina?

Was the violence in Santa Cruz the fault of the left?

All elections - even school board races - have consequences

Will Obama suspend other domestic policy 'disasters?'

The silence of Hollywood in the face of murderous jihadis

Tea Party Music: Tea Are The World!

Palestinians Show How to Indoctrinate Children into a Culture of Violence

How Obama Himself Made More Than 'Enough Money'

Sarah Palin Is on a Roll

America's Growing Vulnerability to Catastrophe

On Becoming an Un-Hyphenated American

What If Arizona Were Quebec?

The Two Vietnam Wars

Debbie Schlussel: Lance Horton & Duane Jackson, American Heroes: Alert Vendors Saw NYC Bomb; Don’t Ignore the Cassandras

Debbie Schlussel:More “Moderate” US Muslims Indicted, Helped Qaeda, Bought Watches for IEDs @ US Sites

My Way News - Illegal immigrants plan to leave over Ariz. law

Mexico acknowledges migrant abuse, pledges changes - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - San Francisco Leads Charge to Boycott Arizona, But Calls Could Spark Backlash

Obama: Congress may not tackle immigration soon

Tim James defends his 'this-is-Alabama-we-speak-English' commercial | al.com

Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Deport Children of Illegals: Hunter | NBC San Diego

The Associated Press: 2 lawsuits challenge new Arizona immigration law

Bill to block immigrants’ benefits fails - The Boston Globe

Top Treasury Official Is Involved in Subprime Mess? - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights

Holy Man Claims to Have Lived Without Food, Water for 70 Years - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com

Proposal: All New Yorkers Become Organ Donors - wcbstv.com

TBO.com - Obama takes direct aim at anti-government rhetoric

FOXNews.com - Despite Ariz. Law, Illegals Vow to Keep Coming

FOXNews.com - NYPD Seek Man Captured on Video Near Bomb

Times Square car bomb: police investigate South Park link - Telegraph

US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rig

LAPD estimate crowd at immigrant rights rally is about half of what was expected [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

FOXNews.com - Ariz. Deputy Shot; Illegal Immigrants Suspected

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

They're rich, they're running — can they win? - 05/01/2010 - MiamiHerald.com

My Way News - Some profit from wives despite French polygamy ban

Bibi be gone: Obama team plotting overthrow of Israel's Netanyahu

Church Counsels Women Addicted to Pornography - NYTimes.com

Ariz. gov signs bill revising new immigration law

Feds want anonymous jury for embassy-bombing trial - NYPOST.com

NUGENT: Immigration lesson for numskulls - Washington Times

STEYN: Bigotry label for thee, not me - Washington Times

Madoff's sons, brother facing federal tax charges: report - NYPOST.com

Gold men: Inside Sachs culture - NYPOST.com

Supreme Court conservative Justice Antonin Scalia switches roles in domestic partnership case - latimes.com

France: Workers indignant over government plan to raise retirement age - latimes.com

Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin - Telegraph

MAINWARING: Defined by principle, not just protest - Washington Times




WEBCommentary - The Prescience of Michael Savage







YouTube - Ron Paul Blasts Obama's Economic Fascism

YouTube - Ron Paul: GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America 6/8/09

YouTube - Ron Paul on American Fascism


YouTube - Wayne Madsen Reports CIA Control of Afghanistan's Opium Fields on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen Reports CIA Control of Afghanistan's Opium Fields on Alex Jones Tv 2/


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 05/3/10


'Iran violating key nuclear treaty'

Unconditional support for Israel 'is dangerous', say leading European Jews | World news | The Guardian

A Tradition of Dehumanizing: The CIA's Psycho-War and Torture Schemes in The Philippines

U.S. Households Lost $100,000 From Crisis, Study Says (Correct) - Bloomberg.com

Global Financial Conflagration: The World of Fiat Money is Buckling under the Pressure of Unpayable Debts

Carnivores' Dilemma Widens as Pork Signals Record Meat Prices - Bloomberg

YouTube - Advice to Tea Partiers

BP’s oil containment problem is unprecedented - latimes.com

Gulf oil spill: The Halliburton connection

YouTube - NYPD: Car Bomb Contained Nonexplosive Fertilizer

YouTube - N.Y. Police: No Taliban Link in SUV Bomb

Times Square car bomb was act of terrorism - Telegraph

YouTube - Bomb scare in New York city

YouTube - Cops Find Suspected Car Bomb in Times Square

NY's Times Square bomb made safe - Yahoo! News UK

YouTube - Napolitano- Evidence recovered from car bomb (Today Show)

US root of global terror: Ahmadinejad

Feds Characterize Smoldering Car in Times Square as “Potential Terrorist Attack”


Video: David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan « Dprogram.net


YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

video:Orwellian Big Brother Tax Collection Commercial Airs in Pennsylvania

The "Gentle" Power of Choice Architecture

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

video:Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card

U.S. Army Trains to Take On Tea Party

Future police: Meet the UK's armed robot drones

Cisco sees the network entering your brain


**film: Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA


Authorities Cautious About Linking Terror Groups to Failed Times Square Car Bombing

Police Seek Man Seen on Video in Connection With Times Square Car Bomb Plot

Americans Sick and Tired of Motorized Transportation, Transportation Secretary Says

‘Government Will Do Whatever It Takes,’ Obama Tells Gulf Coast Fishermen

U.S. Fails to Stick Up for Victims of Religious Violence in Nigeria and Elsewhere, Commission Finds

Attack Highlights Unrelenting Plight of Iraq’s Christians

‘Immigrants’ Rights’ March Ends in Vandalism in Santa Cruz

Arizona’s Largest Newspaper Says McCain, Other Politicians Failed on Immigration

States Want to Share Patients’ Prescription Information to Curb Abuse

Continental and United Combining to Form World’s Largest Airline

Census Still Struggling With IT Problems That May Affect Count’s Accuracy

Detroit Police Officer Killed, 4 Wounded in Shooting

Rep. Blumenauer: Altering Roads for Pedestrians, Bicyclists Will Boost ‘Community Vitality’

Obama Gives Unions a 'Massive Payback' with Executive Order, Contractors Claim

Group: Army Symbol Is Religious, Should Be Changed

Is the USA Too Big to Fail?

The Consequences of Religious Apathy

Making Reform Pay

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001?

The Fiction of Freedom in America: The "American Dream" of Social Inequality, Discrimination and Poverty

Food Security: Gates Foundation, US Treasury and World Bank to the Rescue of Small Farmers

Secretive Group of International Bankers to form a World Government?

Is Obama a Wall Street Puppet?

Military Dominance: Obama's Fake Nuclear Disarmament Initiative allows the U.S. to Assert its Global Military Hegemony

Obama's Threat to Launch a Nuclear Attack on Iran

Hollywood and The Rigging of Financial Markets

US Threatens to Nuke Iran and Anyone Else it Feels like Nuking.

Will the next 9/11 be made in Israel?

Wake up and smell the system

Good News: Ford Says Profits Are Up, Turn-Around on Track

The Borders Are Closing In

Hillary Clinton Calls Iranian Leader 'Anti-Semitic'

A Free Society Is an Armed Society

Report: Still Not Enough Troops For Afghanistan Operations

Can You Pass The Iran Quiz

Past Statement Tells Truth About Immigration Law's Goals

Immigration Enforcement Out of Control on Federal Level

New government pay-for-performance policies punish doctors who care for obese patients

RFID tags help cows teats to tweet

LockMart Demos Future Of Net-Enabled Warfare At JEFX 10

China May ‘Crash’ in Next 9 to 12 Months, Faber Says

The rise of the robo-fighters: Britain's new pilotless air force

Cash-strapped Fresno police enlist volunteers

Rain-making lasers could trigger showers on demand

How Charles Darwin's family paid the price of inbreeding

U.S. Army officer is Afghan 'king'

Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA

If We Broke Up Standard Oil, We Can Break Up the Giant Banks

VIDEO: Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation

American Meat Infused with Heavy Metals, Veterinary Medications, Agricultural Pesticides

05-03-2010: UK: Talk Of A Tax On Debt

Laser Creates Clouds Over Germany

05-03-2010: Fake Terror Video: Pakistan Taliban Leader Vows To Strike U.S. Cities

05-02-2010: Unification Church will put Washington Times up for sale

Rush Limbaugh blames ‘environmentalist wackos’ for massive oil spill

Ark hunter: Potential Noah hoax could make Christians look gullible

04-30-2010: Obama Administration Gives Priority to Bioweapons Research

Sophisticated Counterfeiting Operation Run Out of Apartment Facing Federal Reserve Building in Los Angeles

04-30-2010: Pentagon Confirms It Gave $1.4 Billion in No-Bid Fuel Contracts to Mysterious Companies

04-30-2010: ISI Behind Frenchmen Death?

No Criminal Charges for SC Governor in Ethics Case

Dead Jellyfish Washing Ashore Along Miss. Coast

Lynn Redgrave Has Died

BP Says Tackling Oil Spill, to Pay Legitimate Claims

Pork Test to Bust Cheats in Muslim Kazakhstan

NYPD Interviews Registered Owner of Car Bomb SUV

Iran, U.S. Take Their Nuclear Cases to UN

Car Plows Into Ohio Marching Band; 3 Students Hurt

Attorneys Agree to Block on Oklahoma Abortion Law

Green Gyms: Healthier Grist for Recycled Treadmills

AG: No Question About Intent on Times Square

Book Talk: Sex, Drugs and Classic Record Covers

Korean Defends Climbing Claim After Doubts Raised

US Women Due in Court in Philly in Terrorism Case

Tenn. Officials Brace for More Flooding, Deaths

Pakistan Taliban Leader Alive, Threatens U.S. Attacks

Thai PM Promises "Road Map" to End Crisis

Pipe That Interrupted Mass. Water Supply Is Fixed

Modern Etiquette: Compliment or Crawling? How to Get It Right

Military Court Hearing Graner's Abu Ghraib Appeal

Could Immigration Furor Create Positive Evolution?

Asian Auction House to Offer Tips on Art Investing

Timeline in NYC Times Square Car Bombing Attempt

Investigators Hunt New York Car Bomb Culprits

Daunting Task Ahead to Secure Detroit's Future

NYPD: Video Has Possible SUV Bomb Suspect in Alley

Obama Praises Law Enforcement on Car Bomb Response

People With Dwarfism Find TV Exposure Aids Acceptance

Obama Calls Oil Spill 'Potentially Unprecedented Environmental Disaster'

Calif. Immigrants' Rights March Ends in Vandalism

Thai 'Red Shirts' Ignore New Government Threats

NYC Mayor: No Link Now to Terror Orgs in Bomb Try

10,000 Gallons of Oil Removed From AK Shipwreck

20 Sea Turtles Found Dead Along Miss. Beaches

"Thriller" Voted Most Influential Pop Video in Poll

Ariz.'s Largest Paper: Pols Failed on Immigration

A Nuclear 9/11: Experts Say It's 'Likely' Within Years

Hillary Says Iran Violating Key Nuclear Treaty

TSA: 'Suspicious Message' On Philly-Bound Airplane

McCain: Obama Is 'Misreading' Iran

Mexico's Illegals Laws Tougher than Arizona's

Military Defends Prosecution of SEAL

A Push from the Left to Get Tougher On Wall St.

Immigration March Ends in Widespread Vandalism

Buffett: Regulators Caused Turmoil, Not Goldman

Palin Rips into Obama, Democrats

Republican Leading in Murtha District

New Video: Obama 'Coddles' Iran

Hillary Not Interested in Supreme Court

Arizona's Largest Newspaper Slams McCain, Kyl

Napolitano Defends Response to Gulf Oil Spill

Taliban Promise U.S. Attacks Post-NYC Scare

Ahmadinejad, Clinton Face off at U.N.

Obama Says Stopping Oil Spill Could Take Many Days

Immigration Crackdown Championed

In Alaska, Gulf Spill Brings Back Painful Memories

Arizona Law Sparks Anger, Resignation in Mexico

Polanski Speaks out Against Extradition to U.S.

Three States Kick-Start Primary Season

In Ohio, Job Worries Overshadow Primary Election

Will an Ex-Convict Stage a Political Comeback?

Ariz. Lawmakers Give Conservatives Plenty to Cheer

Palin Backs Emmer in Minn. Governor's Race

EU Mulls European-Wide Muslim Veil Ban

Late Polish President's Twin Big in Polls

Israel's Olmert Faces More Indictments

HSBC's King: Spirit of Reagan, Thatcher Is Doomed

Buffett: Economy Shows 'Significant' Signs of Life

Merkel: Euro Zone Needs More Economic Security

Apple Sells 1 Million Ipads, Outdoing First Iphone

Unvarnished Lets Unnamed Peers Judge You On Web

Parents Using Text, IM, E-Mail to Avoid Kid Ears

Kiefer Sutherland and Costars Say Goodbye to '24'

'As the World Turns' Matriarch Wagner Dies at 91

TV Academy Honors 8 TV Shows 'With a Conscience'

Ariz. Immigration Critics Following Liberal Tradition

Ariz. Immigration Law Result of Govt Inaction at Border

Activists Challenge Credibility of Ariz. Immigration Law

Uncontrolled Immigration Fails

Showing Your ID Is Part of Being American

We're Just Waiting for the Right Candidate

New York Remains Prime Target in Terror War

Jay Leno Faces Tough Crowd at White House Dinner

Time Magazine List Mixes Pop and Politics


*audio page:#148:The Lew Rockwell Show


YouTube - Gerald Celente on BILL MEYER 26 April 2010

Robert Higgs on the Independent Institute, Free-Market Thinking and the Impact of the Internet

Commodity Surge:: Marc Faber, Jim Rogers on Greece Bailout

It’s good to be green - Al Gore buys $9 million seaside home

Wayne B. Wheeler: The Man Who Turned Off the Taps | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

YouTube - US Army - "We Tolerate The Cultivation Of Opium Poppies"

Alex Jones: Sets Record Straight and Reaches Out to Military

Suspicious Package Found On Red Line Just A Pipe - Chicagoist

9-11 Coordinated By Cheney Says Wayne Madsen

Los Angeles police hunting mystery man likened to Jason Bourne | Perth Now


OBAMA CHEATING SCANDAL: SHOCKING NEW REPORTS - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer


The Fight Of Your Life: Economic Destruction Warning And The Source Of The Moscow Meeting Speaks On Martial Law And The Coming Military Dictatorship

Repudiate the National Debt by Murray N. Rothbard

On Auditing the Fed: The Doddering Senate by Gary North

Stock Market Investing: Why the Majority Must Lose by Richard Daughty

The Euro Is Screwed by Kevin Brekke and David Galland

Machiavelli Was Right by Charley Reese

In Defense of Salt by Mac Beaulieu

We are all asking the same questions: Why is there a hole burned in the aluminum helideck? Pic of Oil rig after explosio

Security Network Planned for Midtown - NYTimes.com

Police may have video of possible car bomb suspect - CNN.com

Chris Wallace Rolls Out Timeline Which Implies the Administration Didn't Respond to the Oil Spill Immediately

Next up from Arizona: How about Governor Joe Arpaio?

It Would Be Irresponsible Not To Speculate. Was Bomber A Fan Of The Beckster?

Alexander Denounces Crist's Run as Independent as Undermining Democracy but Praises Lieberman

From Bill Moyers Final Broadcast: Plutocracy and Democracy Don't Mix

Dean Baker: Deficit Hawks Peterson and Rubin Are Telling Us To Tighten Our Belts While They Get Rich. Hypocrites!

Maher: Racists are more likely to be Republicans

BP Exec: Who Could Have Known? It's Not Our Rig! Etc. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT!

T. Boone Pickens: 'Way Too Much is Being Made of the Oil That's Coming Out There in the Gulf, All of That Will Get Cleaned Up'

What our immigration laws have in common with our drug laws: Rooted in white xenophobia, both needlessly criminalize people

Napolitano: No evidence NYC car bomb 'anything other than a one-off'- UPDATED

President Obama Calls For Civility in Our Political Debates

Kristol calls for drilling closer to shore

Palin's 'Drill Baby Drill' Vs. Oil Spill

President Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Tens of Thousands March In Major Cities for Immigration Reform


*audio page:Saturday Open Thread with the Driftglass and Bluegal Podcast: Shakespeare, Sex, Obama, and the Press


Videos appear to show Pakistan Taliban chief alive - Yahoo! News

Pakistan Taliban leader 'still alive' | Mail Online

US consumer inflation up two percent

20 most stressed, least stressed counties - Yahoo! News

In ironic twist, BP finalist for pollution prevention award – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - White House defends oil spill response

BBC News - Yahoo chief Carol Bartz sees trouble for Google

States want to share patient Rx use to curb abuse - Yahoo! News

Link by Link - In Tax Fight, Amazon Cites Privacy Concerns - NYTimes.com

Thousands across Bay Area protest new Arizona immigration law - 5/01/10 - San Francisco News - abc7news.com

Obama Trounces Leno - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Gord help us: Brown heads to church to pray for an election miracle | Mail Online

Supreme Court closing iconic front entrance - Yahoo! News

Did DHS pressure teen to get abortion? | Philadelphia Daily News | 05/03/2010

Putin Welcomes Gift Leopard From Iran - The World Newser

Rep. Israel wants Ahmadinejad arrested - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

For Sale - Fake and Stolen Facebook Accounts - NYTimes.com

Facebook to Share Your Info for Money

Firearm Safety Program Coming to Virginia Elementary Schools

Fears grow as animal disease spreads in S.Korea

Health freedom alert: Congressman Waxman sneaks anti-vitamin amendment into Wall Street reform bill

"Why does the Wall Street regulation overhaul give FTC authority over the Internet?" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Church Counsels Women Addicted to Pornography - NYTimes.com

Polanski says extradition case based on a lie - Yahoo! News

Pelosi makes history, and enemies, as an effective House speaker

Obama is hit by 'affair' smears following claims that attractive aide was banned by his wife | Mail Online

Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Clubs busted for selling liquor without scanning licenses - Salt Lake Tribune

Big Paydays for Chiefs of Top Media Companies - NYTimes.com

Roman Polanski: 'I ask only to be treated fairly like everyone else' | - New Jersey Entertainment | Music, Movies, TV, Events & More - NJ.com

Michael Douglas takes blame for son’s addiction - Celebrities

Britney Spears' Purported Demo Of Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' Leaks - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Canyon News - Tribeca And Hollywood!

'A Nightmare On Elm Street' Slashes Box-Office Competition - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Watch Conan O’Brien On 60 Minutes

YouTube - Extra: What's With Conan O'Brien's Hair?

allAfrica.com: Rwanda: Accuracy is Fundamental to Journalism

North Korea, Kim Jong Il, China - latimes.com

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - CIA base targeted by suicide bomber

Iraq Recount Mired in a New Dispute - NYTimes.com

Suspected US Missile Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan | Asia | English

allAfrica.com: Somalia: Hizbul Islam Takes Over Harardere Town in Central Region

National Strike Ordered by Maoists Brings Nepal to Virtual Halt | Asia | English

BBC News - Cash rewards offered for Kyrgyzstan arrests

Lanka President Rajapaksa to scrap emergency laws - South Asia - World - The Times of India

General Elections 2010: David Miliband favourite to be next Labour leader - Telegraph

A step backwards in Turkish-Armenian relations - McClatchy Network - Kentucky.com

NPT 101: How relevant is cold war treaty in age of terrorism? - CSMonitor.com

Beyond Kasab guilty verdict, Mumbai attacks reshape Indian law - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: US envoy returns to lead Israeli-Palestinian talks

The Associated Press: Thai PM offers reconciliation plan, election date

Pakistan Taliban chief resurfaces on video | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Taliban leader vows attacks on the US

Federal Eye - Oil spill: Update on the government response

California gubernatorial race, debate: Immigration a hot topic in Whitman and Poizner's last debate - latimes.com

Probe against S.C.'s Sanford to be aired - UPI.com

Pawnbroker now wants to be Illinois gov - UPI.com

The Associated Press: DOD: 3 more states want federal Guard mobilization

Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio to announce today if he will run for governor -

Sheriff Joe Arpaio considers run for Governor - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

Science group: Climate science 'witch hunt' underway in Virginia - Science Fair: Science and Space News - USATODAY.com

U.S. House candidates clash tonight in televised debate | honoluluadvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser

Cohen to announce gov bid today :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Election 2010

The Associated Press: Attorneys agree to block on Oklahoma abortion law

Abu Ghraib ringleader seeks new trial

Lessons from the Gulf oil spill

Both sides in Arizona's immigration debate use crime argument - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Arizona under pressure as thousands protest immigration law

UPDATE 1-US has 'good leads' in car bomb probe -AG Holder | Reuters

YouTube - Bloomberg: We Live in a Dangerous World

FOXNews.com - How the Subsea Oil Recovery System Works

YouTube - Obama says oil spill damage potentially 'unprecedented

Obama to 80% of Americans: You’re Extreme, Inciting Violence and You Hate Yourselves

Mideast Policy: The President’s Chickens Are Coming Come Home To Roost

Communist Filmmaker Joins Unions in NYC to Push Obama-Dodd Financial Takeover Bill

Obamacare Will Kill Medical Technology

The Extreme Left: A Ticking Time Bomb

Pakistani Taliban Claims NYC Car Bomb

Greece’s Problem Is High Tax Rates, not Tax Evasion

Reason.tv: How Did GM Pay Back Its TARP Loans So Fast? Well, It Didn’t…

AZ Immigration Facts and the Left’s New Hate of Affirmative Action

Big Labor’s Prodigal Son

A New Job for Andy Stern, it’s Not the White House…Yet

Feminists and Franklin Graham

Why Be Optimistic about the Future?

No Hard Times In Media For Head Honchos and Big Cheeses

‘Too Much Media’ Case No Cause For Alarm In the Blogosphere

Who Says There’s No Good News — ‘Bill Moyers Journal’ Is Finally Off the Air

Is Keith Olbermann Actually ‘The Worst Person In the World?’

In Case You Were Wondering, This Is What You Missed Last Night

Is There a Hollywood Blacklist?

A Remote President

Obama Nation: Before and After


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 8

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 9

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 10

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 11


The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR): The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Californians: Executive Summary

Current timeline to shut down Gulf of Mexico oil spill: three months - Yahoo! News

Corporate Media Plays Down Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs Who Terrorized Santa Cruz

Military Dominance: Obama's Fake Nuclear Disarmament Initiative allows the U.S. to Assert its Global Military Hegemony

The Revenant: Brief Glimpses of Empire's Reality

ah, mephistophelis.: Dear Big Bad Banker Who Wrote The Scary Email: Don't Worry...

Withdraw All Consent - You Cannot Eat Democracy

Mother of all gushers could kill Earth's oceans

In Defense of Salt by Mac Beaulieu

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Shuts Seven More Banks at a Cost of Over $7 Billion - DailyFinance


YouTube - Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (part 1 of 3)

YouTube - The Strangest Secret - Earl Nightingale - 2 of 3

YouTube - The Strangest Secret - Earl Nightingale - 3 of 3




Free Masons - US govenrment conspiracy mini documentary 07:39

The Occult History of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler 54:20

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy part 2of 2 56:31

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve 41:25

Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination Alex Jones 911 Conspiracy 1:30:27

Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" 1:00:41

Secrets of the CIA 44:27

Police State III: Total Enslavement 2:37:56

One World Government - A look into the Futere 30:31

Masters Of Terror - Alex Jones 2:02:19

America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order 58:41

Election 2004: Republican Terror Manipulations, How They Work and Why 26:52


The DaVinci Code Delusion 48:48

Who Wrote the Bible? 1:43:14

Bloody History of Communism Part 1 of 3 35:13

The Bloody History of Communism Part 2 of 3 38:07

The Bloody History of Communism Part 3 of 3 54:40


Islam Children of Abraham. Part 1. Turkey Palestine Bosnia Israel Egypt USA 48:36

Islam Children of Abraham. PART 2 44:33

ISlam Children of Abraham PART 3 Bosnia 48:33

War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11) 1:56:31

Satans Bloody Teachings Satanism Devil Worship / Who is Satan? 32:22

Russia and the U.S. in the Age of Terrorism 25:16

Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade Against God and Family 24:01

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media [Part 1 of 6] 21:18

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media [Part 2 of 6] 19:39

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media [Part 3 of 6] 12:52

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media [Part 4 of 6] 18:50

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media [Part 5 of 6] 10:05

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media [Part 6 of 6] 19:30

Did Jesus Die on the Cross? 26:20

prophecy and predictions 1998 1:26:50


The Future of Astrology

John Pilger - The New rulers of The World 53:11

Fundamental Physics in 2010 1:29:47

The THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: The Mysterious Madame Blavatsky 27:15

The Return of Jesus Christ 28:30

STARTLING PROOFS - Does God Really Exist? creation vs evolution darwin 58:38

The End of The World.avi 58:33

Stewart Swerdlow - History of Mind Control 2:25:20

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (1 of 2) 58:22

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (2 of 2) 54:54

One Nation Under Siege - Full Theatrical Release 1:27:15

Ron Paul of Texas - The End of Dollar Hegemony 34:49

The Denial Machine 40:42

John Pilger - Truth Game 1:19:12

Who Controls The World? Illuminati, Jesuits, Bilderberg, Church, Skull, Religion 43:10

The Occult History of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler 54:20

Easter means "Ishtar": Orthodox Teaching on Christ's Resurrection vs paganism 54:50

Dr David Kelly - Conspiracy Watch this video on video.google.co.uk 58:28

Process, Pattern, Prediction: Complexity in Driven Dynamical Systems 1:02:16

The Origins of Christmas 45:10

The Untold Truth About The Water You Drink - By Ian Blair Hamilton 59:17

Time reversal and open quantum systems 33:43

Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage

History of Freemasonry 53:21


Bill Cunningham 5/2/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/2/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/2/10 Hour 3


The Greek Tragedy Unfolds - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Think Tank: Terrorism : The New Yorker

Arizona's Message To Washington On Immigration - Forbes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Narcos, No’s and Nafta - NYTimes.com

Works and Days » Thoughts on Gorism

Common Sense | The New Republic

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac should be allowed to disappear | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

RealClearPolitics - European Union Ripping at the Seams

Botched Times Square Attack Revives Threat of Car Bombs - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Rebalancing the Economy

John Taylor: How to Avoid a 'Bailout Bill' - WSJ.com

Some Professors Call Financial Bill Premature - NYTimes.com

American Oligarchy

Fear of Immigrants - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Blaming the citizen - NYPOST.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Oil Drilling, Disaster and Denial - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Obama's diplomacy, not fully engaged

Britain’s electoral cliffhanger : The New Yorker

General Election 2010: Gordon Brown was undone by the media, not Gillian Duffy - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Tory Lessons for Republicans

RealClearPolitics - The Left Loses Its Way by Abandoning 'Third Way'

Charlie Crist Independent Run: Can He Win Florida Race? - TIME

The American Spectator : Will Petraeus Be Like Ike?

South Park: The most dangerous show on television? - Telegraph

Terror in Times Square - NYPOST.com

The EU rescue for Greece: Europe agrees a "shock and awe" bail-out for Greece | The Economist

Geithner and GM tell a whopper | Washington Examiner

Rethinking oil: An unfolding disaster raises long-term issues

Obama, Democrats struggle with details of proposed tax on banks - The Hill's On The Money

Pelosi makes history, and enemies, as an effective House speaker

CQ Politics | Firing Up the Populist Brand

RealClearPolitics - Politics - May 03, 2010 - Internal GOP wars shaping policies nationwide


*Transcripts:2 May:Secretaries Salazar & Napolitano; Marco Rubio

Guests: Secs. Clinton, Salazar, Napolitano; Charlie Crist

Guests: BP President, Secretaries Salazar & Napolitano


*Politics Video:3 May:Video Shows Pakistani Taliban Leader Hakimullah Mehsud Alive Threatening Attacks Against US

Students At Tehran University To Ahmadinejad: "Death To The Dictator"

Biden: "The Law Your Governor Signed Is Misguided And I Hope It Will Not Stand"

Bloomberg: As Of Now Bomb Scare Has No Ties To International Terrorism

Schumer: UN Should "Condemn" Ahmadinejad

Buffett: Nothing Improper In Goldman Transaction

BP CEO: "This Wasn't Our Accident"

Rep. Peter King On Times Square Car Bomb Incident

PA-Sen: Specter, Sestak Debate Highlights

AR-Sen: Americans For Job Security Runs Jobs Ad Against Halter

Pakistan Taliban Leader Hakeemullah Mehsud Threatens US Cities

*2 May:NYPD Releases Tape Showing Suspect In Times Square Bomb Scare

Clinton: Arizona Immigration Law Invites Racial Profiling, Questions Legality

Crist Unclear If He Would Caucus With Republicans Or Democrats

Obama: "Government Will do Whatever It Takes" To Stop Gulf Crisis

Napolitano Responds To Critics On Obama's Slow Response To Oil Spill

Rubio Addresses Credit Card Scandal

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Arizona Immigration Law

Napolitano On NY Bomb: No Evidence "Anything Other Than A One-Off"

Rep. Suggests NY Bomb May Be Retribution For "South Park" Episode

Pakistani Taliban Purportedly Claims Responsibility For Failed New York Bomb Plot

Local NYC Channel Reports: Failed Bomb At Times Square Was A "Diversion" For Massive Explosion

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Oil Slick, Immigration

Napolitano On Border Security, Immigration Reform

"This Week" Panel On Immigration Debate

Sec. Salazar On The Worst Case Scenario Of Gulf Oil Spill

Rubio On Crist's "Accountability" And "Political Convenience"

President Obama Speaks At The White House Correspondents' Dinner


1 Million 'Fans' Of Obama Death Prayer Page | WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio News

Five minutes in the green can boost self esteem | Reuters

iPhone's Gay Social Networking App Leads to Murder of Phoenix Man, Police Claim - Phoenix News - Valley Fever

Father of four punched train commuter for talking loudly on mobile phone | Courier Mail

Not guilty plea entered for woman accused of stealing Lolo home

'Hey Man, Good Food': G-8 Chefs Baffled By Laura Bush's 'Poisoning' Claims - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Church Counsels Women Addicted to Pornography - NYTimes.com

Student suspended over hair design

Boy pulled from class over spiked hair |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

Living | Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day | Seattle Times Newspaper

20,000 bees swarm on woman's washing | Quirky News | Orange UK

Man dies after having eel inserted in rectum during a prank gone awry | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Teen sex film too sexy for teens - Around the World News - Austrian Times Online News - English Newspaper

Danish artists in Berlin wipe Israel off the map

South Park Muhammad joke won't air in Sweden - The Local

Acclaimed black film director Spike Lee discovers he has a white cousin | Mail Online

Ancient Weapons Emerge From Melting Arctic Ice : Discovery News

Record-breaking current found deep in Southern Ocean - environment - 01 May 2010 - New Scientist

Binge eating to become bona fide entry in disorder bible

‘ALL THE POPE’S PRIESTS’? Deal To Develop Catholic Church Scandal Film From POV Of Boston Globe Journalism Team – Deadline.com

Bystander stops Palm Bay bank robbery | floridatoday.com | FLORIDA TODAY

Silly Tampon Ads


*(Full Show MP3 : 2 Hours, 3 Minutes) 4.29.10 Linda Godfrey


Political Bookworm - Reagan and the occult

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Mexico: Chupacabras in Monclova, Coahuila?

American Chronicle | Extraterrestrials in the news, and maybe in America

Blast in East Jakarta Believed to Be Meteorite - The Jakarta Globe

Mystery man sought in Times Square bomb probe - USATODAY.com

New research shows that lucky charms DO work | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Do Aliens Exist? Denver Puts It to the Vote


Making Oil in Minutes, Not Millennia | Autopia | Wired.com

Blind boy learns how to 'see' using dolphin technique - Telegraph

Chinese Man Has Eaten 1,500 Light Bulbs Over 42 Years - Asylum.com

Is Stephen Hawking right about aliens? | Science | The Guardian

SPACE.com -- Giant Blizzard Raging on Saturn

At last, it's monkey riding a goat walking on a tightrope | Metro.co.uk

The Obama-Ayers meeting: What you haven't been told

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Why isn't Fort Hood treated as war zone?

'Absolutely, there will be more attacks in New York'

3 days: 30,000 anti-amnesty pledges hit Senate

Gutierrez talks immigration following arrest - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

CNSNews.com - Arizona’s Largest Newspaper Says McCain, Other Politicians Failed on Immigration

FOXNews.com - Despite Ariz. Law, Illegals Vow to Keep Coming

Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona's - Washington Times

May Day rally turns violent in Santa Cruz

Pope virtually endorses Shroud

The requested document was not found - USATODAY.com

Court won't hear appeal on Boy Scouts land rental

Not hot! Your sex life 'hit by global warming'

Pakistani convicted in Mumbai siege - Washington Times

Barack Obama threatens to impose peace plan on Middle East - Telegraph

European Jews sign petition critical of Israel

Leaked report: Government fears Deepwater Horizon well could become unchecked gusher | al.com

Administration team defends oil spill response

Privacy vs profit at Facebook

Survey: 72% of Millennials 'more spiritual than religious' - USATODAY.com

Surprise! Lucky chef nearly croc's meal | Northern Territory News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Pink underwear for Al Sharpton

Satire: How our democracy can remain strong

Give me liberty or …

My deep dark conspiracy theory

Arizona's battle will only get worse

Border? What border?

Bigging up failure

10 'cans' amidst all the 'can't' thinking

A historian's 'toxic take on history'

Don't ignore the Tea Party's toxic take on history. - By Ron Rosenbaum - Slate Magazine

Border disorder - NYPOST.com


*American Minute for May 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute


How America is fanning flames of Islamic radicalism

New 'safety plan' would control what you eat

Analysis: Repealing 'gay' ban would 'paralyze' forces

Obama lawyers want more secrecy at White House

Rejected: Obamacare's 'high-risk' plan for states

Justices deciding whether Christians deserve bull's-eye


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

YouTube - FRAUD IN THE USA (Part 1 of 4): The end of the birth certificate controversy

YouTube - FRAUD IN THE USA (Part 2 of 4): The end of the birth certificate controversy

YouTube - FRAUD IN THE USA (Part 3 of 4): The end of the birth certificate controversy

YouTube - FRAUD IN THE USA (Part 4 of 4): The end of the birth certificate controversy

'Love and a birth certificate'

From Palin to Leno, birth certificates to approval ratings, Obama mines material for laughs - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com


British Cop Arrests Street Preacher for Saying Homsexuality Is a Sin

‘From Day One…’: Obama Team Uses Oil Spill Catch Phrase 16 Times on Sunday Shows

Ann Coulter on Obama: ‘He’s a Better Comedian Than He Is a President’

Obama Encourages Beck & Limbaugh Fans to Read Huffington Post

Raw: Police Release Video of Potential Suspect NYC Bomb Suspect

WHCD: Leno Explains How Pelosi Sold ObamaCare to American Citizens

WHCD: Romney, Boehner & Massa Fail to Evade Obama’s Jocular Jibes

WHCD: Obama Takes Shots at Crist, McCain & CNN

Obama Opens With Birth Certificate Joke at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Bill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh ‘The Louis Farrakhan of White People’

‘Stupid Behavior’: Letterman Tells Regis & Kelly About Effort to Restore Marriage

Conan Talks to ‘60 Minutes’ About ‘Toxic’ Break With NBC

Bill Maher on Oil Spill: ‘Why Isn’t Barack Obama Getting More S*** For This?’

Ann Coulter: Everyone’s ‘Blatantly Lying’ About the Immigration Bill

‘Obama’s Katrina’: Rush Knocks White House Over Oil-Spill Response

Cupcake Cannon Blasts Victims With ‘Frosty Delights’ at 120PSI

‘Better Marriage Blanket’ Fights ‘Silent But Deadly’ Relationship Killers

Angry Alabama Fishermen Drive BP Spokeperson From Oil Spill Meeting

ReasonTV: Did GM Really Pay Back It’s Loans ‘In Full?’

Hidden Camera Captures Video of Armed Drug Smugglers Near Shooting Scene

Real Life Spiderman Catches Comic Book Thief With Help From Jedi Knights

Santa Cruz Businesses Try to Rebound From Violent May Day Riot

NYPD Officer Who Led Evacuation of Times Square Is Hailed as Hero

Five Die as Gunshot Scare Triggers Stampede at Mexican Concert

NYPD Examines Video Showing 40-ish White Male Shedding Clothes in Times Square Alley

Police Detonate Suspected Pipe Bomb Found Along Pittsburgh Marathon Course

Hero Street Vendors Alert Police to Times Square Car Bomb

Sec. Napolitano: NYC Car Bomb Attempt Is Being Taken ‘Very Seriously’

NYC Police Call Car Bomb ‘Amateurish’

‘We Are Very Lucky’: NYC Mayor Says Car Bomb Would Have Been ‘Very Deadly’

Times Square Car Bomb Attempt Draws Intense Security Response

NYC Theater Crowds Face Shock of Car Bomb Reality in Times Square

Police Find Explosives in Smoking Car Bomb Parked in Times Square

Update: Arizona Deputy Recovers After Being Shot By Drug Smugglers

Jury Convicts Student Who Hacked Sarah Palin’s E-Mail Account

Mississippi Democrat Compares Oil Leak to Spilled ‘Chocolate Milk’

U.S. Delegate, Others Walk Out of Ahmadinejad Speech at U.N.

Hitler Paranoia: Dangerous Political Rhetoric Whips Protesters Into Vulgar Frenzy

‘Worst Ad Ever?’: Arkansas Senate Race Now Involves ‘Grateful Indians’

Creepy PA Tax Amnesty Ad: ‘We Do Know Who You Are’

Palin Tells MO Crowd: ‘You Don’t Need a Teleprompter to Make a Difference’

Still Alive?: Videos Show Pakistan Taliban Chief That US Claimed Had Been Killed

Video: May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Video: Ariz. Immigration Spurs Dialogue in Va.

Video: Fresno Man Arrested at May Day Rally in Santa Cruz

Video: Hip-Hop Artist Discusses New Film

Video: Police nab man wanted for sexual assualt

Video: Will footage bring shooter to justice?

Video: Hip Procedure Is Alternative To Invasive Surgery

Video: Gino Interviews 'Iron Man 2' Co-Star Mickey Rourke

Video: Former President Jimmy Carter to Visit U.C. Merced


BP Offering $5K In Quick Cash To Poor Fishing Community in Alabama; State AG Asks Them To Stop

What Real Financial Reform Looks Like

The Oil Mess - The Takedown Of World Economy?

Roy Tov – Waiting to Messiah: On Hebrew Rock Music

whatll-they-tax-next: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Bees face extinction as billions of colonies die worldwide | Mail Online

Barack Obama: oil spill 'potentially unprecedented' - Telegraph

BP oil leak to last 'another week at least' - Americas, World - The Independent

Unconditional support for Israel 'is dangerous', say leading European Jews | World news | The Guardian

US and Russia to propose ban on WMD in Middle East | World news | The Guardian

Iran take their nuclear case to UN stage - Middle East, World - The Independent

Secret papers shed new light on Britain's presence in Iraq in 1920s - Telegraph

5.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile - Telegraph

Times Square bomb: New York police defuse 'car bomb' | Mail Online

US to unveil size of nuclear stockpile - Telegraph

Kim Jong-il visits China - Telegraph

Mumbai attack gunman convicted over role in killing 174 people - Telegraph

Sorry we could not find the page you were looking for.

MELANIE PHILLIPS: The Orwellian logic that's turning the faith Britain was built on into a crime | Mail Online

Motorcyclists demonstrate against rising fuel costs - Home News, UK - The Independent

Psychotherapy rebels consider rebranding to avoid state regulation | Society | The Guardian

Photo of Saudi king with women could lead to reform - Telegraph

Give up the nukes?


*document:Declassified 9/11 U.S. Secret Service FOIA Records Describing Activity of President Bush & VP Cheney


Corporate Media Plays Down Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs Who Terrorized Santa Cruz

Bank of America Hit with Mark of the Beast Graffiti

Al-Qaeda Terror Tape Proven Fraudulent Once Again

A Financial Conflagration Of Immense Proportions

Greece Gets $146 Billion Rescue in EU, IMF Package (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Goldman Sachs concedes case for restraining the big banks - Business News, Business - The Independent

Christian preacher on hooligan charge after saying he believes that homosexuality is a sin | Mail Online

'Smart dust' aims to monitor everything - CNN.com

Auto bill draft would require black boxes, allow NHTSA to issue quick recalls

Bailout Bill Would Require Banks to Track and Report Personal Checking Accounts to Feds

The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America

Taliban Claim Unverified Responsibility: Times Square Car Bomb, Prelude To Nuclear Attack?

Israeli Intel Group Shows Its Hand in Times Square Bomb Hoax

Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom

Halliburton May Be Culprit In Oil Rig Explosion

Hunt for ‘Jason Bourne’ who kept arms cache in penthouse overlooking U.S. federal bank

Hundreds of thousands march as global protests mark workers’ day of solidarity | Raw Story

Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe | Environment | The Observer

Clegg: Digital Economy Bill was a "stitch-up" | News | PC Pro

Climate Craziness of the Week – MSM jumps on alarming headline

30,000 Anti-Global Warming Scientists Can’t Be Wrong

Levin: SWAT Team Response To Oil Spill Is Government Takeover Plot

Former Nazi Bank To Rule The Global Economy

Times Square Car Bomb: New York Authorities Probe Evidence for Clues - ABC News

Local NYC Channel Reports: Failed Bomb At Times Square Was A “Diversion” For Massive Explosion

Digital Enhancement Of Polish President Plane Crash Site Footage Reveals Mysterious Activity, Gunshots

South Park: The most dangerous show on television? - Telegraph

Oil Spill: Here’s the Inside Scoop

Radical tax on debt put to parties - Telegraph

Goldman Sachs concedes case for restraining the big banks - Business News, Business - The Independent

Why You Should Be VERY CONCERNED About The Financial Crisis In Greece

Thwarted car bomb attack, impending arrival of Iran President Ahmadinejad mean more cops in city

Analysis of 40-year-old tape may reveal whether Ohio Guardsmen were ordered to fire on Kent State protesters | cleveland.com

Secret papers shed new light on Britain's presence in Iraq in 1920s - Telegraph

The Government Official In Charge of Responding to the Oil Spill Was the Official In Charge of Responding to Hurricane Katrina

A Dash of Tyranny

Climategate: the emails that most damn Jones | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Watching TV 'makes toddlers less intelligent' - Education News, Education - The Independent

AR4 on “1998 was the warmest year”

Islamic group that warned creators of 'South Park' denies involvement in Times Square bomb plot


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 30th With James Traficant