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02 May 2010


video:Oil Disaster - Who Should Be Blamed?

video:Oil Dispersant As Bad As The Oil


Oil spill disaster is now 'out of control' - Times Online

President Obama was part of the Blagojevich scandal after all April 23, 10:58 « bbPress

Obama opines on love _ and birth certificates | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama cracks jokes at White House Correspondents' dinner - Telegraph

Hollywood at war over TV drama 'hatchet job' on JFK - Americas, World - The Independent


video:(7part)Stephen Hawking's Universe: Aliens : Videos : Discovery Channel


Obama lawyers want more secrecy at White House

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Israel will not be a Jewish state, video - Gilad Atzmon

BP warned of rig fault ten years ago - Times Online

BP accused as size of oil slick triples in a day - Americas, World - The Independent

BP and Shell 'not meeting safety standards on North Sea oil rigs' | Business | The Observer

New York police defuse Times Square bomb | World news | guardian.co.uk

America's disappointing reaction to South Park censorship - Telegraph

American drones deployed to target Yemeni terrorist - Telegraph

Obama to hold global summit if latest Middle East talks fail - Middle East, World - The Independent

'Greeter' becomes face of fight vs. Wal-Mart | World news | guardian.co.uk

Frankie Boyle: Israel is apartheid, terrorist | The Jewish Chronicle

Israel deputy ambassador 'shocked' by Manchester attack | The Jewish Chronicle

Israeli soldiers kill young Palestinian protestor in Gaza Strip | inthenews.co.uk

Egypt opposition: Arrest Netanyahu for war crimes - Haaretz - Israel News

'Unlike Europe, Iran never hurt Jews'

Thousand of European Jews denounce Israeli settlements - The Globe and Mail

Fabricating Terrorism:" Victims of UK Injustice

Inventor of Mann-made global warming feels the heat – Telegraph Blogs

Pensioner's red, white, and blue election protest poster is branded 'racist' by police | Mail Online

Thai protesters call for reinforcements in capital - Asia, World - The Independent

Why Arizona Drew The Line

C'mon, how big is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, really? - CSMonitor.com

Blizzard On Saturn Is So Massive It's Visible From Earth

A Para-State Institution in the Service of Colonialism «Kawther Salam

Natural Health News: Another Recall for Tylenol and other medicines

NPN Email Alert

FOXNews.com - Florida GOP Auctions Crist Portrait on eBay After Political Breakup

American Chronicle | Human-looking ETs secretly in U.S.?

Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA

Hurricane Season And The BP Oil Rig Disaster

savethemales.ca - The False Teachings of Church Christianity

The Obama Sedition And Treason Trial Soon

Dr. Manning - We Have Proof Of Obama's Ineligibility

Russell Williams faces 82 more burglary-related charges - The Globe and Mail

Opposition to Arizona immigration bill exposes Neocon hypocrisy

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Well Done Frankie Boyle!!! By Gilad Atzmon

Charlotte Iserbyt -- United States-People's Republic of China Education Agreement

Death, Taxes and Holocaust Remembrance « The Ugly Truth

Children's cold, allergy medicine recalled - CNN.com

t r u t h o u t | Whistleblower: BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in Gulf

Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About Goldman Sachs, Our Entire Economy Is Built On Fraud :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

For Fishermen, Spill Closes Door and Opens Another - NYTimes.com

American professor claims UFO studies should be a university subject | Momento 24

Paul A Drockton M.A.: We Have a Winner!

Business & Financial News, Breaking News Headlines - Bloomberg

Goldman Sachs 'facing a criminal probe' over mortgage securities deals | Mail Online

Rioting Greeks throw petrol bombs at police - Telegraph

Preparing Haiti For Exploitation And Plunder

Louisiana oil slick: Gulf coast residents fear damage worse than Katrina - Telegraph

BBC News - Pressure mounts on British oil giant BP to tackle slick

Tehran warns Israel against attack on Syria as arms tension mounts | World news | The Guardian

Goldstone family drawn into row over Gaza report | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama threatens to impose peace plan on Middle East - Telegraph

Arab 'middlemen' help Jewish settlers buy homes in East Jerusalem - Times Online

US embassy warns terror attacks planned in India - Asia, World - The Independent

Mumbai attack masterminds 'will never be brought to justice' - Telegraph

Frankie Boyle criticises 'cowardly' BBC for Israel joke apology | Stage | The Guardian

Ariz. gov signs bill revising new immigration law | World news | guardian.co.uk

CIA documents show US never believed Gary Powers was shot down - Times Online

Lord Mandelson 'behind campaign to encourage Baroness Ashton's resignation' | Mail Online

China launches global TV news network | World news | The Guardian

Tens of thousands of Albanians protest in Tirana - Europe, World - The Independent

Facebook vigilante posts 6,000 photos of convicted paedophiles and sex offenders online as 'invaluable tool for parents' | Mail Online

Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe | Environment | The Observer

05-01-2010: Rioting Greeks throw petrol bombs at police

L.A.'s May Day immigration rally is nation's largest

Explosives Reportedly Found in Times Square Car

05-01-2010: American Meat Infused with Heavy Metals, Veterinary Medications, Agricultural Pesticides

Rush Limbaugh blames ‘environmentalist wackos’ for massive oil spill

05-01-2010: Census workers get ready for door-to-door count

Ark hunter: Potential Noah hoax could make Christians look gullible

ECB President Favors Global Governance

05-01-2010: Drilling Process Attracts Scrutiny in Rig Explosion

04-30-2010: State police to receive new AR-15 assault rifles

04-30-2010: Obama Administration Gives Priority to Bioweapons Research

04-30-2010: China launches global TV news network

Sophisticated Counterfeiting Operation Run Out of Apartment Facing Federal Reserve Building in Los Angeles

04-30-2010: Pentagon Confirms It Gave $1.4 Billion in No-Bid Fuel Contracts to Mysterious Companies

04-30-2010: ISI Behind Frenchmen Death?

Failed N.Y. bomb seen as potential terrorist attack

We are all asking the same questions: Why is there a hole burned in the aluminum helideck? Pic of Oil rig after explosio

Times Square cleared as bomb found in parked SUV

Report: Still Not Enough Troops For Afghanistan Operations

Hillary Clinton Calls Ahmadinejad Anti-semitic President

Justice Department Opens Goldman Sachs Criminal Investigation

Angry Americans March on Wall Street

Dems Spark Alarm With Call For National ID Card

Past Statement Tells Truth About Immigration Law's Goals

Immigration Enforcement Out of Control on Federal Level

Manuel Noriega - from US friend to foe

Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001?

Media Coverup on the Corporate Pillage and Destruction of sub-Saharan Africa

Secretive Group of International Bankers to form a World Government?

Global Financial Conflagration: The World of Fiat Money is Buckling under the Pressure of Unpayable Debts

A Tradition of Dehumanizing: The CIA's Psycho-War and Torture Schemes in The Philippines

Pentagon Paints Bleak Picture of Afghanistan War as More Civilians Die

The Insiduous Role of the Atlantic Council: Securing The 21st Century For NATO

Parliamentary Democracy: A Triumph of Victorian Engineering

Biological Warfare: Priority to Bioweapons Research over Public Health

If We Broke Up Standard Oil, We Can Break Up the Giant Banks

VIDEO: Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation

Big Problems With Who Should Regulate

Pentagon Confirms It Gave $1.4 Billion in No-Bid Fuel Contracts to Mysterious Companies

New ‘black box’ plan for US cars

Levin: SWAT Team Response To Oil Spill Is Government Takeover Plot


YouTube - Wayne Madsen Reports CIA Control of Afghanistan's Opium Fields on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen Reports CIA Control of Afghanistan's Opium Fields on Alex Jones Tv 2/


YouTube - Judge Napolitano on the Alex Jones show 04/28/10 (part 1)

YouTube - Judge Napolitano on the Alex Jones show 04/28/10 (part 2)


YouTube - David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan (Part 1)

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan (Part 3)

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan (Part 4)

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan (Part 5)

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan (Part 6)

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on 9/11 & the war in Afghanistan (Part 7)

US root of global terror: Ahmadinejad

YouTube - Health Ranger interviews health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord


YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - James Traficant Details How "We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion" on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


Dr. Manning: We have proof of Obama’s ineligibility | The Post & Email

An investigative report detailing the Obama eligibility controversy


YouTube - CrossTalk on Goldman Sachs: Dog & Pony Show?

YouTube - 9/11: Ashleigh Banfield reports secondary explosions

YouTube - WTC7 - "That is the building that is going to go down next"

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Liberty Round Table with Sam Bushman 04-30-10

Washington's Blog :Cut the Partisan Crap ... BOTH the Private Sector AND the Government are to Blame for the Financial Crisis P

European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

U.S. Army Trains to Take On Tea Party

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Silence From U.S. and Its Allies Allowed Iran to Get Seat on U.N. Women’s Rights Body

Arizona Congressman Who Represents Border District Declines to Answer, Walks Away When Asked If He’s Committed to Sealing Border Against Drug Traffic

Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens Using Drugs Predominantly Supplied by Mexican Traffickers

Some Democrats See Drugs and Border Security As ‘Distraction’ to Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Napolitano: U.S.- Mexico Border ‘As Secure Now As It Has Ever Been’

Obama Gives Unions a 'Massive Payback' with Executive Order, Contractors Claim

Making Reform Pay

Barack Obama, America’s Selective Salary Policeman

President Obama Calls For Civility in Our Political Debates

Kristol calls for drilling closer to shore

Palin's 'Drill Baby Drill' Vs. Oil Spill

President Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Tens of Thousands March In Major Cities for Immigration Reform


*audio page:Saturday Open Thread with the Driftglass and Bluegal Podcast: .Shakespeare, Sex, Obama, and the Press


NPR Stands By Its Report: Feds Investigating Massey Energy for Possible Bribes, Criminal Negligence

Gulf oil spill triples in size overnight; unimaginable environmental catastrophe looms

Putting An End To Prison Rape

Leaving the Homeland

Anthem Backs Off On Huge Rate Increase; Blames 'Flawed' Data

Dez Bryant story getting weirder: The Pimp Edition.

The Dems' framework for immigration: Mostly a worthy start, with a big biometric exception

Kris Kobach altered Arizona bill to allow fishing expeditions with a very wide net

Justice Department Investigation Into Goldman Sachs Goes Beyond SEC Cases

Papantonio: Thank Dick Cheney and His Meetings With Oil Industry Execs for Lack of Safeguards on Oil Rigs

10,000 March In Showdown On Wall Street; Mainstream Media Ignores Them

AZ Gov. Jan Brewer: Arizona under 'terrorist attacks' in the form of illegal immigration

Whistleblower who predicted Gulf oil disaster in 2008 says more are on the way

Douglas Brinkley Rips BP For Its Terrible Safety Record

Fiscal Sustainability Facts and Solutions

The Origins of the Lapdog Media

The New Leaders We Need

ObamaCare: An Unmitigated Disaster

The Fate of the Library of Alexandria

Within an Inch of Their Lives

Progressive Death

Postmodernism: A Unified Theory of All the Trouble in the World


The Re-emergence of German Dominance in Europe

O, Such Sad Deception

Economic Policy Protests: U.S. versus Greece

Police checking surveillance cameras after car bomb fizzle in Times Square

The crux of Islam's hatred against the Jews

Obama overstretch

A rational approach to profiling

What if Obama was aware of a bribe to fill IL senate seat?

Why MAD will fail with Iran

US to abandon Israel at the UN

Smaller than expected crowds for pro-illegal immigration protests

Capital Flight and Freedom

Financial Regulation and Coercive Currency.

Drug Czar Supports More of the Same

Does the Federal Reserve REALLY Control Interest Rates?

When the government is broken,...

Immigrants used as scapegoats for problems caused by big government

RealClearPolitics - Public Sees Beyond Hysterics on Immigration

RealClearPolitics - Punting on Immigration -- Again

RealClearPolitics - The Problem is Spending, Not Taxes

Fair Game - At G.M., Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash - NYTimes.com

Goldman: It's About What's Legal - Ezra Klein - Newsweek.com

Coming Up Short - Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Embedded Journalism, in War & Politics

RealClearPolitics - Why Left Talks About 'White' Tea Parties

Op-Ed Columnist - If Only Arizona Were the Real Problem - NYTimes.com

J.C. WATTS: Getting the budget under control - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Oil spill changes everything - CNN.com

A Short Money Treatise for D.C. Dummies - Forbes.com

The Spill vs. a Need to Drill - NYTimes.com

Iran turns US nuclear high ground into tricky terrain - The National Newspaper

Richard Clarke's new book says we're completely unprepared to fight a cyberwar. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Border disorder - NYPOST.com

Ruth Marcus reviews Laura Bush's memoir, 'Spoken From the Heart'

Europe's sovereign-debt crisis: Acropolis now | The Economist

Government Greed - IBD - Investors.com

Arizona Burning

He wants credit for this? / Governor joins many others in ignoring health law’s vast flaws - SignOnSanDiego.com

May Day Rallies Converge Across U.S. - ABC News

Obama urges Congress to act quickly on campaign finance reform - latimes.com

Senate Democrats' plan highlights nation's shift to the right on immigration

Calls to boycott Arizona over immigration law divide Democrats - TheHill.com


*Politics Video:5/2:MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Blames "Right-Wing Group" For Failed NYC Car Bomb

Crist Unclear If He Would Caucus With Republicans Or Democrats

Rep. Suggests NY Bomb May Be Retribution For "South Park" Episode

Clinton: Arizona Immigration Law Invites Racial Profiling, Questions Legality

Rubio On Crist's "Accountability" And "Political Convenience"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Oil Slick, Immigration

"This Week" Panel On Immigration Debate

Napolitano Responds To Critics On Obama's Slow Response To Oil Spill

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Arizona Immigration Law

Sec. Salazar On The Worst Case Scenario Of Gulf Oil Spill

Napolitano On Border Security, Immigration Reform

Rubio Addresses Credit Card Scandal

Napolitano On NY Bomb: No Evidence "Anything Other Than A One-Off"

President Obama Speaks At The White House Correspondents' Dinner

*5/1:Larry King Appears At WH Correspondents' Dinner With Another Woman

Gordon Brown Has Heckler Thrown Out During Campaign Stop

Obama Uses Teleprompters At Commencement Address

Watch Live: White House Correspondents' Dinner

Latino Democratic Congressman Arrested In Front Of White House

Obama: We've "Seen The Dangers Of Too Little Government"

Ann Coulter On Battle Over Immigration

Obama: "Try Reading A Few Columns On The Huffington Post"

Maher: "Why Isn't Barack Obama Getting More Shit" For The Oil Spill?

Dem. Rep. Pallone: Drilling "Shouldn't Be Done"

Rep. Pete Hoekstra Gives GOP Weekly Address: "Enough Is Enough"

Obama Weekly Address On Giving Government Back To The American People

Mark Levin Caller: Oil Rig Explosion Was Not Terrorism

Rove: Obama "Demonizes" Opponents

Hardball: Where's The Tea Party Anger Over Ariz. Law?

Countdown: Oil Disaster Cools Drilling Fervor

Krauthammer: Oil Spill Will Be "Death Knell" Of "Drill Baby Drill"

Alberto Gonzales, Bill Richardson Debate AZ Law


Transcripts:29th:Charlie Crist Announces His Independent Senate Bid

Rep. Kendrick Meek on Facing Crist and Rubio

Interview with Marco Rubio

John McCain on Immigration and Charlie Crist

Senator Menendez On Immigration Reform

Panel on Sanctions for Iran

Geithner's Testimony on Financial Services


TBO.com - Obama takes direct aim at anti-government rhetoric

LAPD estimate crowd at immigrant rights rally is about half of what was expected [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Car bomb scare shuts down streets in Times Square - NYPOST.com

Times Square car bomb: police investigate South Park link - Telegraph

US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rig

BP plan deemed major spill from Gulf well unlikely - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Ariz. Deputy Shot; Illegal Immigrants Suspected

They're rich, they're running — can they win? - 05/01/2010 - MiamiHerald.com

My Way News - Some profit from wives despite French polygamy ban

British Muslim daubs war memorial with Islamic slogans... but CPS says he was NOT racially motivated | Mail Online

Bibi be gone: Obama team plotting overthrow of Israel's Netanyahu

Feds want anonymous jury for embassy-bombing trial - NYPOST.com

Ariz. gov signs bill revising new immigration law

NUGENT: Immigration lesson for numskulls - Washington Times

STEYN: Bigotry label for thee, not me - Washington Times

Supreme Court conservative Justice Antonin Scalia switches roles in domestic partnership case - latimes.com

Gold men: Inside Sachs culture - NYPOST.com

France: Workers indignant over government plan to raise retirement age - latimes.com

Madoff's sons, brother facing federal tax charges: report - NYPOST.com

MAINWARING: Defined by principle, not just protest - Washington Times

Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin - Telegraph









Time Square car bomb: Cops evacuate heart of NYC after 'potential terrorist attack'

Times Square car bomb: police investigate South Park link - Telegraph

My Way News - GAO: Census has computer problem

Oil Spill’s ‘Fisheries Failure’ May Signal End of Coastal Towns - Bloomberg.com

Dana Milbank - Obama's fatal flinch on immigration reform

Hunt for 'Jason Bourne' who kept arms cache in penthouse overlooking U.S. federal bank | Mail Online

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Uses Teleprompters At Commencement Address

My Way News - Obama takes direct aim at anti-government rhetoric

China Remains Biggest Holder of U.S. Debt - WSJ.com

Injured Chinese diplomat says HPD arrest caught on tape | Front page | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

ECB President Favors Global Governance « Forbes.com's Face to Face

Dressing Mrs. Obama for Success, Then Going Out of Business - NYTimes.com

Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Suspicious Device Detonated Near Marathon Finish Line Outside Greyhound Bus Station - kdka.com

FOXNews.com - Pittsburgh Marathon Course Altered by Bomb Scare

My Way News - Obama takes digs at birthers, GOP, his advisers

President Obama Makes Fun Of Jay Leno – Who Then Gets Few Big Laughs And Some Groans: “Ooh, This Is A Tough Room!” – Deadline.com

Boehner: GOP Will Repeal Health Care Law : NPR

Cross-Dressing Teen Sparks Prom Debate In New Jersey - cbs3.com

Google’s AdMob Purchase Said to Be Opposed by U.S. FTC Staff - BusinessWeek

Miss him? Bush's reputation might be ready for a rebound - Yahoo! News

Alec Baldwin says he's hosting 'SNL' finale. Scrumptulescent! | EW.com

Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson's doctor, receives death threats after claiming singer was gay

Michael Lohan Going For Lindsay Lohan Conservatorship THIS WEEK--Backseat Cuddler

Conan O'Brien Gives His Side on 60 Minutes - Bodog Beat

New Miley Cyrus, 'Can't Be Tamed': Death to Hannah Montana | EW.com

With tostadas, the simpler the better

Jennifer Aniston's Ball-and-Chain: Her Past | PopEater.com

Pakistan army says 21 militants killed

500 arrested in German May Day clashes - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

Export duty on Russian gas for Ukraine reset to zero | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Pope, in respite from scandal, visits Turin Shroud | Reuters

Cameron promises to try to 'take the whole country' with him - Times Online

Major powers to propose ban on WMD in Middle East | World news | The Guardian

Talks could restart between Israel, Palestinians - CNN.com

China Opens Doors to World Expo, Visitors Face Long Lines | Asia | English

Nepal's Maoists Begin Nationwide General Strike | Asia | English

Thai PM: Govt. Preparing to End 7-Week Long Opposition Protests | Asia | English

At least 45 dead in Somalia mosque attack - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Hamas short on cash as Gaza blockade takes toll

AFP: N.Korea leader 'likely to visit China in day or two'

Memo From Vatican City - In Abuse Crisis, a Church Is Pitted Against Society and Itself - NYTimes.com

Pope's envoy to run discredited Catholic order - CNN.com

The Associated Press: US-Taiwanese man held after bomb hoax on plane

Arizona's immigration law must inspire President Obama on reform

SPIRITUAL LIFE: Prayer day does serve a secular function - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger

FOXNews.com - State of Virginia to Investigate Global Warming Scientist Mann

Miss him? Bush's reputation might be ready for a rebound - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Dude Looks Like A Lady, And Other Civil War Tales : NPR

Obama Prods Economic Team to Stay - WSJ.com

2 Ex-Brooklyn Men Charged in Alleged Qaeda Plan - NYTimes.com

Obama lands on Gulf Coast to view oil slick - CNN.com

Times Square Bomb Scare: New York Authorities Probe Evidence for Clues - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Clinton Says Arizona Immigration Law Invites Racial Profiling

White House Correspondents' Dinner: Red carpet arrivals

University of Michigan graduates say they'll take President Barack Obama's message forward | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Census workers go door-to-door for final 2010 tally

Obama urges Congress to act quickly on campaign finance reform - Los Angeles Times

Immigration Advocates Rally for Change - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Immigrant Groups Rally Outside W.H.

AZ Immigration Facts and the Left’s New Hate of Affirmative Action

Big Labor’s Prodigal Son

A New Job for Andy Stern, it’s Not the White House…Yet

Feminists and Franklin Graham

Sunday Open Thread: Euro Edition

Why Be Optimistic about the Future?


*audio page:Ricochet Podcast #14: Raising Arizona


Close Call But Court Will Find Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

Tim Kaine and the Democrats’ Southern Strategy

AP: ‘Will this be Obama’s Katrina?’

A Remote President

Obama Nation: Before and After

In Case You Were Wondering, This Is What You Missed Last Night

Morning Thread: The White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner

Have Even ‘Progresssives’ Finally Had It With Keith Olbermann and MSNBC?

As the MSM Whips Up Fears of Tea Parties, Media Ignores the Real Terrorists Among Us — the Eco-Nuts

The Old Order Passeth… And the Citizen-Journalist Is An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again

Gloom, Doom Loom For Once-Mighty Network News Operations

Helen Thomas: The Last Defiant Roar Of the Old Media Dinosaurs

German scholar rankles Swiss with questions over Heidi's origins - The Local

Goldilocks on trial

New research shows that lucky charms DO work | Mail Online

72-YEAR-OLD granny has affair with grandson: Pearl Carter hires surrogate | Mail Online

Survey: 72% of Millennials 'more spiritual than religious' - USATODAY.com

New 'safety plan' would control what you eat


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Why isn't Fort Hood treated as war zone?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Voters rejecting 'status quo' Republicans

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Political grandstanding' on oil spill


Not hot! Your sex life 'hit by global warming'

U.S. promoting 'North American' climate change plan

Times Square car bomb: police investigate South Park link - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - Pittsburgh Marathon Course Altered by Bomb Scare

Clinton says not interested in Supreme Court job | Reuters

Obama lawyers want more secrecy at White House

Obama Takes Direct Aim at Anti-Government Rhetoric - ABC News

Rejected: Obamacare's 'high-risk' plan for states

Betrayed by the NHS: Doctor who gave her life to health service is refused vital cancer drugs that could save her | Mail Online

Doctors refuse to perform circumcisions - The Local

Christian preacher on hooligan charge after saying he believes that homosexuality is a sin | Mail Online

Anti-prayer protest leads to arrest - Hawaii News - Starbulletin.com

Sagebrush stirrings

Justices deciding whether Christians deserve bull's-eye

Mayor pushed into apology for honoring 'ex-gays'

Pensioner's red, white, and blue election protest poster is branded 'racist' by police | Mail Online

Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

National Enquirer - Obama scandal - Vera Baker | Mediaite

The Associated Press: 17 caught in search for Ariz. deputy's attackers

Gov. Brewer 'outraged' by shooting of deputy - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

Protests against Arizona immigration law go nationwide - CNN.com

City Insider : MLB players' union calls for repeal of Arizona law

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Natl. Poll: More favor than oppose Arizona immigration law « - Blogs from CNN.com

Federal lawsuits filed to challenge Arizona illegal-immigrant law - latimes.com

Perry: Arizona immigration law not right for Texas | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Congress ignores Obama, takes up 'amnesty'

Amnesty agenda exposed

British Muslim daubs war memorial with Islamic slogans... but CPS says he was NOT racially motivated | Mail Online

Iranians teach Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Barack Obama threatens to impose peace plan on Middle East - Telegraph

'US may stop using UN veto on resolutions targeting Israel'

U.S.: We will continue to defend Israel in the UN - Haaretz - Israel News

Lag B'Omer: Rightists to burn Obama photos - Israel News, Ynetnews

Syria: Scud warning 'slander campaign' - Israel News, Ynetnews

U.N. showdown: Ahmadinejad comes to town

Report: U.S. in talks to declare Mideast nuclear-free zone - Haaretz - Israel News

Iran: We Also Worry About Nuclear Weapons in the Wrong Hands - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Cavalry arrives for beleaguered homeschool family

Boehner: GOP could pick up 100 seats - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalkers Blame Gulf Oil Spill On Bush, While Praising Obama

Bee die-off accelerates, putting an industry in peril | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Riot police shield Obama from tea-party grandmas

Latest Noah's Ark 'just wood planted on Ararat'

Hundreds seek to fill vacant positions at Pro's Ranch Market | Phoenix News | Arizona News | azfamily.com | Arizona News


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama Birth Certificate Critic Visits Hawaii - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

'New eligibility strategy working'

Rush: Obama 'afraid' of eligibility question?

From Palin to Leno, birth certificates to approval ratings, Obama mines material for laughs - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com


video:Holy cow! Christians pick up pagan worship


*American Minute for May 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute


iPhone's Gay Social Networking App Leads to Murder of Phoenix Man, Police Claim - Phoenix News - Valley Fever

MEP Koch-Mehrin calls for Europe-wide burka ban - The Local

South Park Muhammad joke won't air in Sweden - The Local

Acclaimed black film director Spike Lee discovers he has a white cousin | Mail Online

Straight Talk Cell Phones, No Contracts, Phone Cards - Walmart.com

Ancient Weapons Emerge From Melting Arctic Ice : Discovery News

Binge eating to become bona fide entry in disorder bible

Officials treat Times Square bomb as potential terrorist attack - USATODAY.com

New research shows that lucky charms DO work | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Do Aliens Exist? Denver Puts It to the Vote


Making Oil in Minutes, Not Millennia | Autopia | Wired.com

Blind boy learns how to 'see' using dolphin technique - Telegraph

Chinese Man Has Eaten 1,500 Light Bulbs Over 42 Years - Asylum.com

Is Stephen Hawking right about aliens? | Science | The Guardian

SPACE.com -- Giant Blizzard Raging on Saturn

Indian military analyzes 'holy man' who drinks no water, consumes no food

Humans Interbred with Neanderthals, Study Suggests | LiveScience

Noah's Ark Found? Insider Randall Price Now Says Discovery May Be a Hoax - AOL News

Magnetic Refuge Found on Moon : Discovery News

Air Force's Falcon Hypersonic Glider Disappears Mysteriously - Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 - Gizmodo


#video:WHCD: Leno Explains How Pelosi Sold ObamaCare to American Citizens

WHCD: Romney, Boehner & Massa Fail to Evade Obama’s Jocular Jibes

WHCD: Obama Takes Shots at Crist, McCain & CNN

Obama Opens With Birth Certificate Joke at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Bill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh ‘The Louis Farrakhan of White People’

‘Stupid Behavior’: Letterman Tells Regis & Kelly About Effort to Restore Marriage

Conan Talks to ‘60 Minutes’ About ‘Toxic’ Break With NBC

Bill Maher on Oil Spill: ‘Why Isn’t Barack Obama Getting More S*** For This?’

Sneak Peak: CNN Anchor Rick Sanchez Tours His New Set in Atlanta

Ann Coulter: Everyone’s ‘Blatantly Lying’ About the Immigration Bill

‘Obama’s Katrina’: Rush Knocks White House Over Oil-Spill Response

ReasonTV: Did GM Really Pay Back It’s Loans ‘In Full?’

Time-Lapse Video Reveals 24-Hours Inside Walmart

Police Detonate Suspected Pipe Bomb Found Along Pittsburgh Marathon Course

Hero Street Vendors Alert Police to Times Square Car Bomb

Sec. Napolitano: NYC Car Bomb Attempt Is Being Taken ‘Very Seriously’

NYC Police Call Car Bomb ‘Amateurish’

‘We Are Very Lucky’: NYC Mayor Says Car Bomb Would Have Been ‘Very Deadly’

Times Square Car Bomb Attempt Draws Intense Security Response

NYC Theater Crowds Face Shock of Car Bomb Reality in Times Square

Police Find Explosives in Smoking Car Bomb Parked in Times Square

Update: Arizona Deputy Recovers After Being Shot By Drug Smugglers

Jury Convicts Student Who Hacked Sarah Palin’s E-Mail Account

Palin Tells MO Crowd: ‘You Don’t Need a Teleprompter to Make a Difference’

Barney Frank on Fannie: Don’t Blame Me — Blame Tom Delay

‘Mini’ Race Car Flips Into Crowd During Australian Event

NY Cops Mistakenly Tell Family Their Son Died In Car Crash

Fan in Stands Gets Hit Hard at Orlando Predators Arena Football Game

Dan Akroyd: Extraterrestrials Don’t Like Us Because of 9-11

Video: Jaco Report: STL Hispanic Reaction To AZ Immigration Law

Video: Leno, Obama Jockey for Laughs at Annual Dinner

Nepal facing state of emergency

Video: Car In NY Bomb Scare Had Conn. License Plate

Video: Central Fla. Company Sends Booms To Gulf

Video: Oil Spill Won't Hit Florida Beaches -- Yet


Georgianne Nienaber: Defense Mobilizes Louisiana National Guard to Fight BP Oil Spill

US STOCKS-Wall St sinks on Goldman, chipmakers weigh | Reuters

James Traficant Details How “We Are in A Soviet Style Implosion” on Alex Jones TV

Orwellian Big Brother Tax Collection Commercial Airs in Pennsylvania

Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government

Greece erupts as men from IMF prepare to wield axe - Times Online

YouTube - NYU's Roubini Says Greece Wasn't Ready to Join EU: Video

Nouriel Roubini Talks Doom Again | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

News.Az - Washington to use Armenian territory to attack Iran - Azerbaijani MP


Afghanistan PowerPoint slide: Generals left baffled by PowerPoint slide | Mail Online



*document:Declassified 9/11 U.S. Secret Service FOIA Records Describing Activity of President Bush & VP Cheney


YouTube - Clinton's Take on Immigration, Goldman Sachs

Bill Clinton Sees 'More Immigrants' As A Way To Reduce Deficit - Yahoo! News

The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America

Auto bill draft would require black boxes, allow NHTSA to issue quick recalls

Bailout Bill Would Require Banks to Track and Report Personal Checking Accounts to Feds

Feds falsely labelled British MP a terrorist: lawyer - CTV News

Thousands across Bay Area protest new Arizona immigration law - 5/01/10 - San Francisco News - abc7news.com

Obama’s Shadow Government

Feds Characterize Smoldering Car in Times Square as “Potential Terrorist Attack”

Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe | Environment | The Observer

Clegg: Digital Economy Bill was a "stitch-up" | News | PC Pro

Climate Craziness of the Week – MSM jumps on alarming headline

Hundreds of thousands march as global protests mark workers’ day of solidarity | Raw Story

NY's Times Square bomb made safe - Yahoo! News UK

Times Square bomb: terrorism or PR?

Official: ‘Too early’ to call Times Square a terror incident

Times Square car bomb was act of terrorism - Telegraph

Oil spill disaster is now 'out of control' - Times Online

BP using toxic chemicals to ‘disperse’ spilled oil | Raw Story

Greece erupts as men from IMF prepare to wield axe - Times Online

American drones deployed to target Yemeni terrorist - Telegraph

Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for "War Crimes," Law Prof Says - Law - Gizmodo

Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation

Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government

5 Reasons We Must Break Up the Giant Banks

Further details on command and control system used to coordinate 9/11 incident

Financial Regulation and the Money Power

Greece Agrees to a Bailout Deal With EU and I.M.F. - NYTimes.com

Goldman's London bankers paid average of $1m each - Times Online

Justice probe of Goldman goes beyond deals cited by SEC

Business & Financial News, Breaking News Headlines - Bloomberg

US youth ‘too fat’ for battle

Gulf Coast Towns Brace as Huge Oil Slick Nears Marshes - NYTimes.com

Alex Jones:audio

*The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 30th With James Traficant