"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

20 May 2010

20 MAY


BP CEO Tony Hayward: Oil Spill Impact 'Very Modest'

Election Roundup: 'Mini Super Tuesday' not so super for Tea Partiers' fondest hopes

Transocean REALLY Cleans Up From Oil Spill: They Pocket Profit Of $270M

Jack Bauer Republicans. I'm not kidding

Anthony Weiner Goes After Glenn Beck's House of Gold

Sue Lowden tries to claim she didn't say what the tapes show she said about chickens for health care

Novelties and Notions

Another Paul on his way to Congress?

America's Obsession with Labels

The Politics of Petty on the Arizona Immigration Law

Marijuana and SWAT Teams: The Fascist Law of Prohibition

Debbie Schlussel:Welcome to Hezbollah-Ville: Prominent Scenes From Miss USA’s Hometown, Srifa, Lebanon; Miss USA’s Visit

Debbie Schlussel:But When Israel Does It . . .: HAMAS Razes Palestinians’ Homes – Your Day in “Palestinian” “Statehood”

Waking Up to Urbane Anti-Semitism

Talks of Peace -- Threats of War

Obama Madoff with Our Tax Dollars

I Think, Therefore I Profile

Democrats and Vote Fraud: On the Road to Rigged Elections

Saul Alinksy's American Dream

Another Very Bad Night for Obama, Democrats, and the Media

The November Impact of the Primaries

Arizona tries lame press play about LA's 'Electrons' as Gov. Brewer pours in 250K to rebrand their image for tourists

Florida mosque bombed; FBI calls for help; national media mute

Bernie Sanders: I Think We're an Oligarchy and I Think It's Getting Worse

Arizona's police-state immigration law gives local cops federal powers -- but its defenders try to obscure that fact

Glenn Beck marries FreedomWorks for the dowry

Seattle to Boycott Arizona!

Rand Paul: A Typical Far Right, Country Club, Arrogant Tea Party Extremist

BP's "Rules" Prevent Journalists From Touring Gulf Coast Damage

Rachel Maddow Corners Rand Paul On His Extremist Views Of Civil Rights

Texas State Board of Education Highlights, Day 1

Dems To Try, Try Again Thursday On Banking Reform Vote

McCain Calls Businesses Who Hire Illegals a 'Symptom' Instead of a Cause of Illegal Immigration

America's Death by Professor

Obama is Kicking the Dog

Why the Chosen People Chose Obama

Ground Zero Mosque: A Cultural Center or Islamization?

Federal Immigration Law Is Obsolete

With Arizona, You Get Egg Roll on Your Face

Do Democrats take a Hypocritic Oath?

The Case of the Muzzled Mole

Calderon trashes AZ immigration law on White House lawn

New Mexico to begin reporting illegal children to ICE

Mexican state officials whine about Arizona immigration law

Is the left finally reckoning with Rush?

Chef's Tweets from White House Kitchen a no-no

Union puts 'bounty' on school reformer

Thoughts on the defeat of Specter

Obama's Border Corner

Socialized Medicine Gives Birth to 'Ash Cash'


image:White House State Dinner - Yahoo! News Photos


CNSNews.com - Mexican President Denounces Arizona Law Despite Laws Against Illegal Immigration in His Own Country

FOXNews.com - Senators Press for National Guard Troops on Border

Obama Signs Law Supporting Global Press Freedom USA English

FOXNews.com - L.A. Mayor Dismisses Warning That Arizona Could Cut Off Power Over Boycott

Memo from 2002 could complicate challenge of Arizona immigration law

Left, right brace for voters' anti-incumbent anger - Washington Times

Tony Rezko, Barack Obama, the FBI Mole, and the Somnolent Chicago MSM - Big Journalism

Pakistan arrests army officer linked to Times Square bomb suspect - latimes.com

Homeland Security Alert: Terror suspect may be headed to Texas through Mexico khou.com Khou.com - News, Houston news, Texas News, Headlines

U.S. wants to build up Hezbollah moderates: adviser - Yahoo! News

Kansas City car dealer admits giving money to al Qaeda - NYPOST.com

Lenders Agree to Prop Up Ailing ShoreBank - FOXBusiness.com

Intelligence agencies slammed over Christmas plot - Washington Times

Kagan confirmation hearing to begin June 28 - NYPOST.com

Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming – Telegraph Blogs

The dog ate it: Crazy canine X-rays

Fox News targets Latinos with new website Reuters

Texas ready for textbook showdown - Life- msnbc.com

Warning over 'superbug' strains of TB - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

EclippTV :: Video :: Our Only Standard For Politicians Is They Be Above Room Temperature

EclippTV :: Video :: Biggest Transference Of Wealth In History!

Conspiracy of Banks Rigged Bids, Local Governments Robbed « Aletho News

Watchdog finds massive 'suckers list' - Times Online

Rand Paul Savages Obama’s Catastrophic “Green Economy”

NASA Finds Cause of Voyager 2 Glitch : Discovery News

Blair Murdered Glass-Steagall, Charges French Society of Financial Analysts LaRouchePAC

Goon Squad: The Bankster-Gangster Crowd..Murdering People for over 2,000 Years


Chuck Baldwin Live Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

Zionism & the Millennium Myth (May 17, 2010)

Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

FOXNews.com - Scientist Disputes EPA Finding that Carbon Dioxide Poses Threat to Humans

Right-wing Israeli extremists threaten Rahm Emanuel’s plan for Jerusalem bar mitzvah Raw Story

Man caught at Puerto Rico airport with weapons - Yahoo! News

Remove These Dual-Loyalty Congresskritters

Workers asked to return bonuses after 16 years - BostonHerald.com

Brzezinski Decries “Global Political Awakening” During CFR Speech

Glenn Beck Hits 2010 Ratings LOW

BBC News - Face of Stirling Castle warrior reconstructed

Who murdered UK weapons inspector Dr David Kelly? > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Power Play Over Immigration Law NBC Los Angeles

Media ignores Goldman Sachs' ties to Corexit dispersant - Picasso Dreams

Refreshing News: US voters deal blow to Washington's political establishment

UC Berkeley Requesting DNA Samples from Incoming Students Popular Science

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Free Marketers on the March - May 18, 2010

EclippTV :: Video :: [HD] Gerald Celente - The Bubble Situation, on MeetTheTruth

EclippTV :: Video :: Is The Chamber Of Commerce Report Some Kind Of Cruel Joke? Rep. Kaptur

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » RAND PAUL vs RACHEL MADDOW

MPAA Worries About Pirating U.S. Soldiers in Iraq TorrentFreak

Dr. Rand Paul, Civil Rights Patriot « H e y ! G e t T h i s . . .

Tinfoil Hat News: THE PROTOCOLS FOR GOYS Yesterday AND Today

YouTube - Ron Paul denies 9/11 conspiracy theories

National Defense Rand Paul 2010 U.S. Senate


YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-1 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-2 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-3 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-4 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-5 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-6 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-7 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-8 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-9 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-10 of 11

YouTube - Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-11 of 11


05-19-2010: Evangelicals rewrite Texan curriculum

05-19-2010: Google debates face recognition technology

05-19-2010: Cyberwar Cassandras Get $400 Million in Conflict Cash

05-19-2010: China Organ Trafficking Trial Exposes Grisly Trade

05-19-2010: Pentagon, Police Stage Terror Attack Exercise in Long Beach

05-19-2010: 11 Signs That The U.S. Government Has Become An Overgrown Monstrosity That Almost Every American Is Dependent Upon For Economic Survival

05-19-2010: U.S. Coast Guard Threatens CBS Reporters With Arrest For Filming BP Oil Spill

05-19-2010: East Austin Home Had Underground Tunnel Bunker

05-19-2010: Euro Collapse Continues, Germany Bans Speculation on Naked Swaps

05-19-2010: Hack Attacks On Car Control Systems

05-19-2010: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk

05-19-2010: Billions More For Afghanistan War

Solar Sail Hybrid Launches Today From Japan

Japan Testing Interplanetary Solar Sail Concept

Neocon Rand Paul defeats neocon Trey Grayson

05-18-2010: Fake Populist Dobbs To Headline Tea Party Convention

05-18-2010: NASA Wants Mission To Bring Martian Rocks Back To Earth

05-18-2010: Baghdad to enclose city with 15ft wall to keep suicide bombers out

05-18-2010: Brzezinski Fears Global Awakening

05-18-2010: Ray Guns Near Crossroads to the Battlefield

05-18-2010: Sony's energy saving TVs watch you while you sleep

05-18-2010: Virtual reality used to transfer men's minds into a woman's body

05-17-2010: Nato future strategy to be set out by so-called expert panel

German Finance Minister: Markets Out of Control

Goldman Sachs Hands Clients Losses in Seven of Nine ‘Top Trades’

Booz Allen Hamilton Received $400 Million in Cyberwar Contracts in the Past Six Weeks

Eisenhower and Iron Man

New drug reverses even 'untreatable' cancers

Rich and powerful: Obama and the global super-elite

The Global Economy Is Now Out Of Control

11 Signs That The U.S. Government Has Become An Overgrown Monstrosity That Almost Every American Is Dependent Upon For Economic Survival

Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash

Found: genes that let you live to 100

The Responses to the Gulf Oil Spill and to the Financial Crisis Are Remarkably Similar ... And Have Made Both Crises Much Worse

Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry

ADHD Linked to Pesticide Exposure

Gates Foundation Suggests Sterilizing Males with Ultrasound

Scientists: “Inefficient” sex will no longer be used to make babies in just 10 years, as couples turn to IVF

Uncovered Audio: Obama’s Regulatory Czar Pushes Creepy Plan for Legally Controlling Internet Information

IBM, Positive ID and Verichip hope to get all humans tagged with microchip implants

Meet the nano-spiders: The DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body

Gates Foundation Researches Nanoparticle Vaccines Triggered by Sweat

Robot arm controlled by the mind

Big Brother Wants To Know How You Spend Your Money

Phantom Ray: Boeing unveils spy plane of the future... that doesn't need a pilot


Al Jazeera English - Europe - New details emerge in Polish crash


TSA's Program to Spot Terrorists a $200M Sham? - CBS Evening News - CBS News

U.S. Citizen Pleads Guilty to Sending Money to Al Qaeda - NYTimes.com

Most Americans Endorse Terrorist Expatriation Act: Angus Reid Global Monitor

Obama may personally greet each graduate: Kalamazoo Central seniors to fill out paperwork for Secret Service - MLive.com

Attorney: Local Men Didn't Fund Failed Terrorism Plot - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

Expert panel to view confidential swine flu papers

BP withholds oil spill facts — and government lets it McClatchy

Arizona Threatens to Turn Lights Off in Los Angeles If City Boycotts - ABC News

NORAD and USNORTHCOM Have A New Commander

New high-value detainee interrogation teams made operational

Humiliating Turkey and Brazil

When Will the Real Terrorists Stand Up?

The Greek People are the Victims of an Extortion Racket

Is It Good For The Rest Of Us?

The Financial Crisis As A Game Of 3 Card Monte

Mortgage Delinquencies, Foreclosures Break Records

Law & Order: Corporate Crime Unit

Fear Comes of Age

Why Are So Many Christians Conservative?

Mexico's Drug War: A Rigged Fight?

The Energy of Populist Conservatism

Interview with Survivor of Deep Water Oil Rig Blast

Taliban Test Perimeter of US Base in Kabul

Baghdad to Become Walled-In City

Weatherman Claims Military Is Spraying 'Chemtrails'

AllGov - U.S. Death Toll in Afghanistan Passes 1,000; Rate Rising Rapidly

American Deaths in Afghanistan Pass 1,000 - NYTimes.com

AllGov - Taxing Soft Drinks to Pay for Their Cost to Society

Economic Scene - Why a Soda Tax Makes Sense for Washington - NYTimes.com

AllGov - Are Mexican Trucks Good for U.S. Business?

AllGov - Democrat and Republican Compete for Title of Biggest Liar


**Site: iCasualties/ Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties


*Faces of the Fallen: Iraq and Afghanistan Casualties washingtonpost.com

*Site:Honor The Fallen - Honoring those who fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan - MilitaryTimes.com


VIDEO: How Canadians are Treated at the US/Canada Border


Municipal Malaise: Neoliberal Urbanism and the Future of Our Cities

Grotesque Global Financial System: Greece. Economic Theft on an Unprecedented Scale

The Greek People are the Victims of a Carefully Engineered Financial Extortion Racket

Supplanting the United States Constitution: War, National Emergency and the "Continuity of Governement"

Spanish Judge Accused of Establishing the History of Atrocities committed by the Franco Dictatorship

Is an Attempted Citizen's Arrest of War Criminal George W. Bush "a Criminal Act"?

Haitian Farmers to Burn Donated Monsanto Seeds

The "Eurozone Coup d’Etat": Towards a Global Systemic Economic Crisis

Korea-China Relations: Kim Jong-il In China. What Implications for the West?

Obama's Slippery Slope. Ginning-Up the "Terror" Threat, Shredding the Constitution

What the Europe Debt Bomb Looks Like


VIDEO: As Much as 70,000 Barrels of Oil Leaking in Gulf


The New Bureaucratic Man

In Praise of Lard

Paul Krugman's Welfare-State Fallacies


YouTube - Why America Must Be Saved [Yuri N. Maltsev]


Food Price Inflation to Spur Zombie Takeover


Millennium Ark: Hot News:New Ice Age 'to Begin in 2014'

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says


Is Your IRA or 401K a Target of Government Appropriation?

One City Where Citizens Will Not Assist *UPDATED* - The Market Ticker

Attorney: Video shows police fired into home - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Mexican helicopter spotted near Roma bridge : News : KGBT 4


*Key Oklahoma Bombing Witness Denied Access to Attorneys Fears for Life

*(5 pt video)David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing


**101 Constitutional Questions To Ask Candidates


3,000 officers switch to cyberspace specialty - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

Tea Party Patriots: Free Market Missionaries meet Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority

If it's good for General Motors, is it good for the rest of us?

Virtual living

Not all Jews blindly support Israel

The truth about immigration

An important lesson in economics for labor

The vicious circle of debt and depression -- it is a class war

Obama Sides With Mexico Against Arizona Before It's News


*Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number


*The Many Contributions To America, by Illegal Immigrants (Video & Photos) - Gate


SEC's Circuit Breaker Rule: Idiotic - The Market Ticker

Astonishing Science: Sun May Cause Global Warming Hennessy's View

*13 pg/USArmy/Army Electronic Warfare Brief May 2010

NASA spacecraft 'hijacked by aliens' The Australian

More Malarkey About Health Care FactCheck.org

7 Secret Keys to a Spiritually Fulfilling Life Before It's News


Males Deceiving Females for Sex Not Limited to Humans, Liverpool Scientists Find Antelopes Do It Too Before It's News



Richard Cohen - A superpower -- and a president -- with declining clout

Ground Zero Mosque Before It's News

Eneco thermal-electric converter technology re-emerging Before It's News

Pot Growers Troubled by Falling Prices NBC Bay Area

video:Jean-Claude Trichet: Global Governance

Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites


**YouTube - President Obama Tells Mexican President "We are Not Defined by Our Borders"

YouTube - Calderon fires up immigration row in US visit


Felipe Calderón -- Interview Transcript - WSJ.com

*Obama, with Calderon again blasts Arizona law. Press conference transcript - Lynn Sweet


*film:(2:20:38)/Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length


False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order


*Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent


Linda McMahon campaign accidentally posts video of Blumenthal telling the truth

Alabama geometry lesson: How to shoot Obama

Rand Paul supporters accused of voter intimidation, ACORN soon to be blamed

Obama aunt Zeituni Onyango granted asylum in U.S.

Michele Bachmann pals around with birther queen Orly Taitz

Jason Pye, Doug Mataconis react to Wayne Root pulling out of Rev. Manning’s Obama Birther ‘trial’ Independent Political Report

NY Man Admits Strangling Wife, Covering His Tracks

White House: Lincoln Proposal "Very Strong"

Victim Identified in MacDill Base Shooting

Lawyer: Mass. Men Unconnected to Times Sq. Suspect

WHO to Tackle Alcohol Misuse, Binge Drinking

NY Island Site of Animal Disease Lab May Be Sold

Toyota Again Faces U.S. Congressional Scrutiny

Crews Battle 2 Mich. Forest Fires Over 9,800 Acres

Lesbian Who Sued Over Prom Date Transfers Schools

Can Chocolate Fight Aging and Make Your Skin Glow?

Judge Chides Suspects in Sen. Landrieu Office Case

Annoyed by Cellphones Chats? Scientists Explain Why

Mayor: Detroit Doesn't Know 'How to Stop' Killings

Ed Dept: $437 Million in Teacher Incentive Grants

U.S. to Check BP Spill Size, Heavy Oil Comes Ashore

British TV to Carry First Abortion Services Advert

U.S. Mothers Visit Iran Detainees, Plead for Release

NY Skyscraper Wins Highest "Green" Certification

Chicago Police Officer Killed in Robbery Attempt

Mo. Auto Dealer Pleads Guilty to Aiding Al-Qaida

UK Hacker Wins More Time to Fight U.S. Extradition

Cash Machine Inventor Dies in Scotland at 84

Chinese Kung Fu Kids Guard Against School Attacks

Getting to Grips With Turkey's Okuzgozu Wine

U.S. Launches Criminal Probe on Soldiers in Afghanistan

Rare Tintin Artifacts to Go Under the Hammer

Asian Moms Hooked on Internet for Children, Selves: Study

George Washington's Library Book Returned 221 Years Late

Ninjas Rescue Sydney Student From Muggers

Freeze-Dry, Eco-Friendly Burials Set for Global Launch

Tibetan Choreography Master Seeks the Unknown in Others

Colo. Police Retrieve Body From Irrigation Ditch

Paper: Pa. School Pays Alleged Abuse Victims $3M

Army Veteran Fatally Shot at Fla. Base

Mass. Cardinal: Catholic Schools Welcome All

Labor Group Offers to Lease Texas Gov. Mobile Home

Man Whose Son Fled Minn. to Avoid Chemo Has Cancer

Official: NYC Bomb Suspect Looked at Other Targets

South Korea Says North Torpedoed Its Ship

ND Man Charged With Fraud After Fairy Tale Wedding

Calif. AG Supports Claim for Art Seized in WWII

Senate Democratic Whip Compares Sealing the Mexican Border to Trying to Keep Drugs Off of I-95

Obama Says Administration Taking ‘Very Close Look’ at Arizona’s Immigration Law for Civil Rights ‘Implications’

Sestak Has ‘Moral Imperative’ to Answer Questions on White House Job Offer, GOP Congressman Says

Democratic Leader Hoyer Doesn’t Know Whether Obama Administration was Prepared for Oil Spill

Ahead of White House Visit, Lebanese PM Meets With Syrian President, Seeks Talks with Hezbollah Leader

National Science Agency Presses for Carbon Tax; Calls ‘Global Warming’ an ‘Urgent Threat’

Some Small Businesses Feel Misled by Obama Health Care Law

Senate Fails to End Debate on Bank Regulation Bill

Republican Senator Reads Apology to American Indians

Second-Grader Asks First Lady About Immigration and Her Undocumented Mother

McCain: ‘Insulting’ for State Department to ‘Compare’ Arizona Illegal Immigration Law to China’s Human Rights ‘Abuses’

McCain, Kyl Demand Top Obama State Dept. Official Retract Statement and Apologize for Likening AZ Immigration Law to Chinese Human Rights Violations

Cuban Lawmakers Denounce Arizona Immigration Law

First Facebook Ban, Now Pakistan Blocks YouTube over ‘Sacrilegious’ Content

North Korea Crisis Looms As Hillary Clinton Heads to Asia

Women Allegedly Try to Smuggle Drugs Inside Bible

Teen Found Not Guilty of Disorderly Conduct for Rapping McDonald’s Order

Elena Kagan’s Papers Shed Light on Nominee's Personality

Kagan Wants to Impose Her Values on Your Speech

Immigration and Liberty

Eric Holder Can’t Read?

Democrats: Learn to Read

The Worst Kind of Lie


Video:CNSNews.com - McCain: ‘Insulting’ for Obama State Department to ‘Compare’ Arizona Illegal Immigration Law to China’s Human Rights ‘Abuses’


Obama Sides With Mexico Against Arizona Immigration Law

Ariz. Official Dares L.A. to Stage Boycott

McCain Blasts Comments Comparing Ariz. to China

Kyl, McCain Beg Obama: Send Troops to Border

Caddell: GOP Blowing Opportunity to Stop Obama

Alter: Obama Reveals He May Be One-Term President

Rasmussen: Arizona Support for Brewer Soars

Kagan Papers Shed Light On Nominee's Personality

Tighter Security This Time at Obama's State Dinner

GOP Blocks Dodd's Bank Bill

Utah's Bennett Suggests He May Fight On

Obama Ramps up Criticism of Ariz. Immigration Law

Video Shows Blumenthal Correctly Stating Service

House GOP Stops Big Science, Technology Bill

Obama Asks for GOP Help On Immigration Reform

Pelosi Vows To End 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

North Korean Torpedo Sank South's Ship: Report

Brazen Attacks Might Signal a New Taliban Strategy

Chavez Wants US to ID Money Laundering Suspects

350 Illegals in L.A. Jail Fighting Deportation

Fading of Inflation Helps Buyers and Borrowers

Gov't Encourages Retailers to Welcome Food Stamps

Tea Party Favorite Enters Race for Souder's Seat

Poll: Calif. GOP Race for Governor Tightens

Too Much PC? Paper Erases 3 Dems From Photo

Mothers Meet US Hikers in Tehran

Thief Steals $600 Mln in Paris Art

Bloodshed Returns to Colombia's Drug Capital

Goldman Economist: Crisis Is Good for the Euro

Not Enough Produce Available in US to Prevent Cancer

Is Aging a Disease?

Legalization of Online Gambling Sought

British Library Digitizing 40 Million Newspapers

Jagger Pushes Satisfaction for Legal Pot Experiment

We Have Hope, Now We Need Real Change

Primary Politics

Global Cooling Has Begun

Kentucky Win Proves Tea Party Movement Is No Fluke

Democrats, Incumbents Lose Big

Democrats Poised for Heavy Senate Losses

Lower Court Challenges Ariz. School Choice Program

My Way News - Obama clamors for federal fix to immigration woes

My Way News - Senators press for National Guard troops on border

Lenders Agree to Prop Up Ailing ShoreBank - FOXBusiness.com

Mad Money: Cramer: Europe to Collapse in 48 Hours – or Never - CNBC

Breitbart.tv » Secret Service Investigates After Wisconsin Bartender Burns Obama in Effigy

Veteran Ordered To Remove Flag From Outside Home - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester

What Married Women Want More Than Sex - The Early Show - CBS News

Paintings Worth Millions Stolen From Paris Museum - WSJ.com

State dinner crashers stopped near White House

Obama turns on glamour for Mexico state dinner - Yahoo! News

FT.com / Technology - Google debates face recognition technology

FT.com / Technology - Google web expansion set to rile rivals

FT.com / US / Economy & Fed - US state pensions becoming federal issue

Disabled Face Hard Choices as States Slash Medicaid - WSJ.com

My Way News - NKorea warns of war if punished for ship sinking

U.S. launches criminal probe on soldiers in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

Iran says can destroy Israel in week - Israel News, Ynetnews

Breitbart.tv » Calderón Before Congress: AZ Immigration Law ‘Carries Great Amount of Risk’

Feds won't act on child's question to first lady - CNN.com

Next year's budget sinking in deep red ink - The Hill's On The Money

Pakistan’s Blocking Binge: First Facebook, Now YouTube; Others Inaccessible Epicenter Wired.com

AG Corbett Subpoenas Twitter to Name Bloggersabc27 News


Part 1: The Next Added 100 Million Americans Before It's News

Part 3: The Next Added 100 Million Americans--a human predicament Before It's News

Part 2: The Next Added 100 Million Americans--consequences of a human Katrina Before It's News

Part 4: The Next Added 100 Million Americans--Bow of the Titanic Before It's News


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 05/17/10

YouTube - Rand Paul wins in a "Randslide"

YouTube - Rallying behind Rand

YouTube - Ron & Rand Paul on FOX & Friends

YouTube - Rand Paul's victory speech (full)

DNC Chairman: Rand Paul Is A Far Right “Extreme Candidate”


Celente: 2010 Year of the Bubble


YouTube - REAL ID in AZ Immigration Bill - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Biometrics Exemption Bill - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Staff Sgt. Refuses Gun Grab - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Zibgniew Brzezinski Denounces Global Awakening - NEWS ALERT

YouTube - Kissinger's Trilateral Commission Connection - Reality Report

YouTube - Eyewitness to Greek Riots - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - US / Greece Economic Parallels - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Why The Greek Economy Crashed - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Pharma corruption of medical science by Beatrice Golomb.


YouTube - Beyond Belief 2008 -09- Naomi Oreskes 1-2

YouTube - Beyond Belief 2008 -09- Naomi Oreskes 2-2


YouTube - Dylan Ratigan: Make Believe Financial Reform - Part 1 - May 18, 2010

YouTube - Dylan Ratigan: Make Believe Financial Reform - Part 2 - May 18, 2010


Mexican President Rebukes U.S. Law at White House: Arizona Immigration Law 'Is Forcing Our People to Face Discrimination' - Political Punch


YouTube - President Obama Tells Mexican President "We are Not Defined by Our Borders"


YouTube - Lowkey ft Mai Khalil - The Cradle Of Civilization

YouTube - border issue

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Pro-Constitution Sheriff - May 18, 2010


Monsanto Plant Shut Down by Activists in Europe

Scott Gottlieb: No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan - WSJ.com

Lawsuit seeks to ban genetically modified sugar beets


*SITE:The Non-GMO Shopping Guide


YouTube - REALITY REPORT #45 - Arizona Immigration: The REAL Truth

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: On Naked Short Selling

YouTube - Rand Paul: Perfect storm, people want change


*ETFs For Capital Preservation ETF Database


11 PG/Famous Philosophy Majors – Graduates.


Muslims Respond to Cartoon Controversy :: Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)

Alternative Energy Industry Breathes a Sign of Relief as Rare Earth Elements Found in Nebraska Oil Price.com

A Look at Kidnapping through the Lens of Protective Intelligence Before It's News

U.S.-Mexico: Trade and Investment at a Glance Before It's News

U.S.-Mexico: Trade and Investment at a Glance

Sex Trade Is A Big Racket For Organized Crime In The United States Before It's News

Rand Paul Defends Opposition to Civil Rights Act's Prohibitions on Private Discrimination - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The Son Also Rises - Reason Magazine

When it Comes to Farm Subsidies, Obama’s USDA Is Less Transparent Than Bush’s « SpeakEasy

Reason Foundation - How Should Justices Judge?

Reason Foundation - Watch Out, Facebook



YouTube - Miss Oklahoma USA Supports Arizona Law: "I'm A Huge Believer In States' Rights"

YouTube - The Most Depressing Graduation Speech Ever

YouTube - Souder Resigns

YouTube - • Crash Politics • Janet Napolitano Admits she HAS NOT Read the Arizona Law she Condemns!

YouTube - Mark Levin Tears A Liberal to Pieces

YouTube - candidate's story

YouTube - state guy

YouTube - Newt bashes Saudi money

YouTube - Hannity & David Horowitz on UCSD Muslim woman's bazaar answer

YouTube - Pence: American Taxpayers Should Not Be Responsible for Bailing Out Europe

YouTube - Eric Holder Refuses To Say "Radical Islam"

YouTube - Mark Levin exposes radical Obama Nominee Donald Berwick

YouTube - C-SPAN Ted Poe questions Eric Holder Arizona Immigration Law

YouTube - Newt Gingrich slams Elena Kagan!

YouTube - Brewer and Palin-Secure The Border


Genome From A Bottle - Science News




YouTube - The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (1of2)

YouTube - The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (2of2)


YouTube - Bird Flu Distributed by Dept of Homeland Security

YouTube - Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Universal Peace Federation


PID News » Secrets of the Black Awakening – Part One

PID News » Secrets of the Black Awakening – Part II: What Lies Beneath?


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: Domes, Obelisks, and Magic Squares, O My! How the Most Powerful Nation on Earth Beckons the Evil One

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: Comments On Coast To Coast AM About The Arrival Of The Jewish Messiah In 2012

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: Freemasonry, The Lost Symbol, & Secrets of 2012: Tom Horn at Radio Liberty 2009 Parts 1 - 7 (The Playlist Below Will Automatically Play All 7 Parts)


Mexico's Calderon criticizes state immigration law

AP: ACLU helping guard Twitter posters' IDs in Pa.

Obama pushing higher fuel efficiency standards

Paintings worth millions stolen from Paris museum

Lab's move begins to lift mystery around NY island

Judge issues warrant for Lindsay Lohan's arrest

Muslim concerns trigger Pakistani Web bans

EPA demands a less toxic dispersant in Gulf spill

Mexico's Calderon urges US to curb drug demand

DC party crashers get a cameo for 2nd state dinner

Teachable Tyranny

Intolerance Education Runs Amok: Special Education Student Charged with Terrorism

VIDEO: Big Hollywood’s ‘Jon David’ Revealed as Jon Kahn on Fox News

Daily Gut: Running for the Border

‘Conservative Like Me’: The Patrick Goldstein ‘Prove Big Hollywood Wrong’ Challenge

BREAKING: Latest Polanski Accuser Claims to Have Corroborating Witness

‘Little Obama’: Indonesian Film Portrays Obama’s Early Years

Astroturfed Net Neutrality Letter Still Shrouded in Mystery

What a Surprise: During The Recession Public Sector Wages Grew Faster Than Private Sector Ones

Kagan: Shill for Shariah?

New Jersey Teachers Union Forced to Take Back Seat to Kids

Vitter’s Not-Everything’s-A-Bank Amendment Drives Progressives Nuts

Thanks To 3 Senators, China Entrenched In Iraqi Oil For 20 Years

Media Matters Quotes Infanticide Supporter to Defend Health Rationing

Pennsylvania Special Election Is a Reminder That Campaigns Do Matter

The Difference Between the Kennedy and Murtha Seats – A Warning for Republicans

YouCut: Will Washington?

SEIU Storms Private Residence, Terrorizes Teenage Son of Bank of America Exec

Playing Rough: DC v. Sex

Shorebank Bailout: The Ties that Bind


**Health Care Fail: Promised Tax Credit for Small Business Almost Impossible to Get


In the Media Spotlight, Even Beauty Queens Must Walk the PC Tightrope

CAIR Takes Muslim Media Manipulation to New Heights

The Real Blumenthal Scandal Is the Media

In Conn., Dick Blumenthal’s Charm Offensive Shielded Him From Media Scrutiny

» Tony Rezko, Barack Obama, the FBI Mole, and the Somnolent Chicago MSM - Big Journalism

» Michael Kinsley Can’t See the Forest For the Teas - Big Journalism

» Regarding Cuba, a Typical MSM Double Standard At Play - Big Journalism

» Katie Couric Goes Inside the Secure, Undisclosed Location of Joe Biden’s Mind - Big Journalism

» ‘Conservative Like Me’: Challenging Patrick Goldstein’s Willful Ignorance - Big Journalism

» Kagan Has Donated Exclusively To Democrats, Including Radical Bonifaz; MSM Pretends Not To Notice - Big Journalism

» With Kagan, Empathy For the Military Is the Least Of Her Qualities - Big Journalism

» In Kagan Confirmation Run-Up, White House Spoon-Feeds MSM - Big Journalism

Power Play Over Immigration Law NBC Los Angeles

Professor of Mechanical Engineering Estimates that 4 Million Gallons of Oil are Leaking Every Day

Pyongyang denies sinking Cheonan, threatens war

DNC Chairman: Rand Paul Is A Far Right “Extreme Candidate”

U.S. Coast Guard Threatens CBS Reporters With Arrest For Filming BP Oil Spill

Mexican President Rebukes U.S. Law at White House: Arizona Immigration Law 'Is Forcing Our People to Face Discrimination' - Political Punch

Rand Paul Savages Obama’s Catastrophic “Green Economy”

Snake Oil Salesman Obama Peddles Worthless Wall Street Reform

Tarpley: Iran nuclear swap deal a defeat for US policy of isolation

From Safe Republic to Unsafe Empire

Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming – Telegraph Blogs

Lenders Agree to Prop Up Ailing ShoreBank - FOXBusiness.com

Special interrogating team formed to question Faisal Shahzad

Blumenthal’s Words Differ From His History - NYTimes.com

Pajamas Media » BREAKING: Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster (PJM Exclusive)

Agenda 21 Alert: Immigration Theater

BP and Coast Guard Threaten to Arrest Journalists for Covering Oil Polluted Shoreline in Louisiana

The Establishment Is In Full Blown Panic Over Rand Paul

Tentative First Steps in Europe’s Self-Defense Against Zombie Bankers and Hedge Fund Hyenas

Live Feed From Athens As 100,000 Greeks Go On Strike, Consider Storming Parliament Again

Mexican Pirates Attack American Fishermen


Vacaville Police Train with DHS in “Crowd Management” Exercise(VIDEOS)

*(5 PT VIDEO)Patriots Question 9/11 – Robert Bowman Interview


Dictator Of Failed State Lectures Americans About Freedom


The Conservative Backlash Against Rand Paul - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

Live Feed From Athens As 100,000 Greeks Go On Strike, Consider Storming Parliament Again

The Establishment Is In Full Blown Panic Over Rand Paul

Congressman Poe Speaks Out As Another Mexican Helicopter Invades U.S.

Europe Debt Crisis - German Finance Minister: Markets Out of Control - CNBC

Pyongyang denies sinking Cheonan, threatens war

National Broadcaster Openly Rejects Question On Trilateral Meeting

Oops! MSNBC graphic suggests Taliban set fire to Bangkok

Horrific Account Of Last Night’s Bangkok Violence From A Journalist Who Was Shot

Euro Collapse Looms? Engdahl on Naked Short Selling Ban

Paul Krugman’s Welfare-State Fallacies

Just Like 9/11? Oil Spill Responders Are Getting Sick … But Are Being Told They Don’t Need Any Safety Gear

Dow Drop Likely Caused By Intentional Liquidity Cutoff

EURJPY Liquidations Take Pair Below 110, 100 pip Move In Seconds; BOJ Expected To Intervene Imminently

Pan-European Bank Run Is Now On: Capital Flight From UK To Switzerland, As GBPCHF Intervention Strikes Next

The Road to Recession

The Unbelievably Rampant Corruption On Wall Street

Rand Paul: Perfect storm, people want change

Jobless claims rise by largest amount in 3 months ‎ Raw Story

The Republican Party's biggest enemy: itself - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Secret Service Investigates After Wisconsin Bartender Burns Obama in Effigy

Activists seize control of politics - John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

Professor of Mechanical Engineering Estimates that 4 Million Gallons of Oil are Leaking Every Day

FT.com / Technology - Google debates face recognition technology

Feds Move to Throw Pot Smokers in Prison for Impaired Driving

Pig virus contaminates rotavirus vaccines, but FDA says no problem

FDA: Glaxo, Merck vaccines OK despite pig virus Reuters

Wall Street slumps on euro-zone fears Reuters

Police close in on Glebe bank firebomb suspects

Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Police officers use SRC campus for active shooter scenario - Macomb, IL - McDonough County The Voice

Study: US missile defense plans based on ‘technical myths’ Raw Story

Woman’s Home Confiscated Over Small Water Bill

9/11 Truth Gore Vidal recommends book ‘The New Pearl Harbor’ (Flashback)

Obama starts deploying interrogation teams Reuters

CIA director, national security adviser to meet with officials in Pakistan

CIA director, national security adviser to meet with officials in Pakistan

Rand Paul: Tea Party Ready to "Flex Some Muscle" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens

How Mercury Kills The Brain: Vaccines & Autism

Obama Tells Mexican President “We are Not Defined by Our Borders”

Girl Outs Mom's Citizenship Status During Obama Visit NBC Washington

Only on FOX: Student suspended for wearing rosary beads - FOX23 News - The 10 O'Clock News

New World Order Freaking Out Over Arizona Law

Obama Turns His Back On the Press - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Forget Sarah Palin: It's Rand Paul's moment and Ron Paul's opportunity - The Hill's Pundits Blog

How to Prevent Citizens from Seeing Their Congress Critter? Claim His Office is Private Property

Rachel Maddow Attempts to Portray Rand Paul as a Racist


*AUDIO:The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 19th With William Gheen


RealClearPolitics - Limits to the Anti-Government Mood

Anti-Incumbent? Try Anti-Obama - WSJ.com

Political Times - Voter Insurrection Turns Mainstream, Creating New Rules - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Political Theater of the Absurd

What’s big, risky, and losing billions? - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - Wall Street "Reform" Just More Crony Capitalism

Is Marquette free to be Catholic? - JSOnline

Bill Maher's bigotry insults common sense, MLK, my mom - KansasCity.com

Sarah Palin, feminist - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - What Does the Future Hold for Rand and Ron?

Kentucky primary hype: Tempest in a Tea Party - The Boston Globe

The Party of Debt The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - A Big Hit Against Big Government

The US-Israel crisis is far from over

Can we really not send terrorist suspects home? - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - Financial Follies

EDITORIAL: The Rand Paul uprising - Washington Times

One Win Is Altering Parties' Calculus - WSJ.com

Democrats Embrace Panel to Control Immigrant Workers (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Democratic New York senator Chuck Schumer is poised to become majority leader

FOXNews.com - Post-Primary Both Parties Try to Spin Away the Obvious

US politics' new rules - NYPOST.com

The American Spectator : Landslide Rand

Democrats Find Hope in Midterm Victories - NYTimes.com

DEBORCHGRAVE: Diagnosis: Retrograde amnesia - Washington Times


**19 MAY/Transcripts :Obama's Remarks with President Calderon of Mexico


2OTH/Politics Video:Kaine: PA-12 "Demonstrates The Democratic Party Is The Big-Tent Party"

Secretary Duncan On Education Reform, Teachers

Rand Paul Responds To Maddow Interview

AR-Sen: Bill Halter On Runoff Election Against Lincoln

Clyburn Denounces Rand Paul Over Civil Rights Act

Secret Service Investigates After Obama Burned In Effigy

Rep. Michele Bachmann On Midterm Elections, Obama

Rachel Maddow And Rand Paul Discuss Civil Rights

O'Reilly: "Obama Is No Longer A Force In Electoral Politics"

Madeleine Albright On AZ Illegal Immigration Law

Krauthammer: Obama Refuses To "Stand Up For His Own Country"

*19TH/2nd Grader Asks Michelle Obama About Taking Away People WIthout "Papers"

Cramer: If You Don't Get A Lehman Brothers II In Europe In 48 Hours, Financial Stocks Will Go Up

Mexican President Denounces Wrong Arizona Immigration Bill

Sen. Gregg: We're Turning Into A European-Style Of Government

Rick Santelli: "There Is Not Enough Gold"

GOP Senate Candidate's Ad Mocks Harry Reid As Batman And Opponent As "Rubber Stamp"

Gov. Richardson: "We Need Immigration Reform"

Politico's Allen on PA-12: "Republicans Should Have Won"

Dale Peterson Ad Spoof: We're Better Than That, Too!

John McCain Star Wars Border Ad Spoof

Harry Reid On Wall Street Reform Loss: "A Senator Broke His Word With Me"

CBS' Chip Reid To Obama: "Any Plans For A Real Press Conference"

Oops: US Protocol Chief Slips On White House Steps At State Dinner

Somalia Terror Suspect Headed To Texas Through Mexico

American Idol's Ellen Picks Love Song For Female Contestant To Sing

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: Glenn Beck Is A "Scumbag"

Rand Paul Begs Obama To Campaign For Democrat In Kentucky

Second Grader Asks Michelle Obama About Taking Away People Without "Papers"

Top GOP Official: Pennsylvania House Race Was "Mistake on Our Investment"

Obama National Security Advisor: Administration Will Reach Out To Hezbollah

Sestak Says He Was "Offered" Federal Job To Drop Out Of Race

Lib Talker Malloy: Michele Bachmann Is A "Skank"

Obama To Mexican President: "We Are Defined Not By Our Borders"

Day 8: Matthews Continues Anti-Limbaugh Crusade

Rep. Van Hollen: GOP Victories Are "Double-Edged Sword"

Mexican President Slams Arizona Law At WH: "Our People To Face Discrimination"

Obama: Arizona Law May Result In People Being "Harassed Or Arrested"

Fred Thompson: Blumenthal Is A "Lying Weasel"

Rand Paul Begs Obama To Campaign For Democrat In Kentucky

Limbaugh: There Is A "Disconnect Between Liberalism and Americanism"

Howard Dean Bashes Tea Partiers, Compares Them To Progressives

Krauthammer: Tea Party Success A "Tribute" To Obama's "Radical" Agenda

Countdown: GOP's Tea Party Problems

O'Reilly: Voters Don't Like "Ideological" Politicians Like Obama

Couric: Rand Paul Poses Challenge For GOP

Sestak Says His Difference With Obama Is Focus On Small Businesses

Jonathan Alter on Obama's First Year in Office


Was great-great-great-great gramps Neanderthal?

Soros-funded group urges media run by government




YouTube - Lord Monckton Says Abolish UN IPCC


*(1:35:33) Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Dishonest ... deceptive ... un-American'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Tea partiers boost another GOP underdog

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Sitting duck ... weak showing ... massive landslide'


Kagan hired Obama man who wants to censor Net

Kagan: Flag-burning OK

Kagan was member of pro-abortion group

Kagan's hero: 'Most liberal activist judge' in world

Kagan slammed own memo during 1st Senate hearing

Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

Maryland law slams door on pro-life speech

Motion argues decision is above feds' pay grade

PTA banishes organization battling discrimination

Constitution takes hit from Supreme Court

Documentary delivers verdict on socialism and Christianity

Manipulation as 'news'

Why Kagan looks moderate to Obama

Why materialist 'conservatives' are wrong


*Did aliens hijack NASA spacecraft?


Why I'm 'worse than Joe McCarthy'

Motion argues decision is above feds' pay grade

Feds: Nightstick at polls 'not prosecutable'

NJ Mom Recognizes Census Worker as Sex Offender NBC Philadelphia

PTA banishes organization battling discrimination

Obama technology adviser reprimanded for ethics violation

New Ice Age 'to begin in 2014'

Scientists defend global warming work - Washington Times

Mexican president condemns Ariz. immigration law before Congress - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

My Way News - Obama clamors for federal fix to immigration woes

My Way News - Senators press for National Guard troops on border

Rhode Island lawmaker files bill that follows Arizona immigration law Rhode Island news projo.com The Providence Journal

Power Play Over Immigration Law NBC Los Angeles

Mexican president urges Congress to reinstate assault weapons ban - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Who's behind I-95 billboard featuring George Bush? - Political Currents - MiamiHerald.com

TODAY'S TMJ4 Exclusive: President Obama Burned in Effigy at Bar in West Allis Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ Local News

GOP outsider surges in Conn. polls - The Boston Globe

Change boomerangs on President Obama - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

U.S. adviser: Washington hopes to promote Hezbollah 'moderates' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

Breitbart.tv » ‘Al-Quds’: Top Obama Advisor Refers to Jerusalem by Arabic Name

Drill to simulate massive rocket attack

Will Lula Beat Ahmadinejad to the Bomb? The Weekly Standard

Marines battle back on Confederate flag tattoos

Civil War Soldier Awarded Medal of Honor - CBS News

Criminal probe on GIs in Afghanistan launched - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

U.S. government lauds, funds 9/11 mosque

Pakistani Army Major Arrested in Times Square Bomb Probe NBC New York

NYT: Scientists accuse Obama over oil spill - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Breitbart.tv » Coast Guard Helps Block CBS News From Recording Video of Oil-Covered Beach

'Small portion' of slick in Loop Current - Gulf oil spill- msnbc.com

Professor dumped from oil spill team over writings - Yahoo! News

Fallen Heroes Project: American Artist Provides Solace with Portraits of War Dead - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Police enlist Turkey Vulture for corpse searches - The Local

Researcher mauled by 'sleeping' bear - The Local

2,000 years of water in Jerusalem - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

A hacker knows where your children are, do you?

Facebook for conservatives? - Politics- msnbc.com

Facebook Privacy: Why I Quit Facebook - DailyFinance

Movie depicts seamy life of Facebook boss - Times Online

CNN anchor: I'm quitting this ratings dumpster

Crowd goes wild as 'View' co-host touts Norris column

Paul Calls Maddow Appearance ‘Mistake,’ Civil Rights ‘Settled’ - Daniel Foster - The Corner on National Review Online

» CAIR Takes Muslim Media Manipulation to New Heights - Big Journalism

Nation faces $1,000,000 deficit - On Media - POLITICO.com

Kagan hired Obama man who wants to censor Net

Kagan: Yes, government can ban books


VIDEO:4-car accident sets man on path to God

VIDEO:Got the guts to tell the preacher he's full of it?


**The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

** Bilderberg Group - List of Participants 1954-1977**

*Bilderberg Attendees: Vouliagmeni, Greece, 14-17 May 2009 (Final list of Participants)

Unofficial 2010 Bilderberg Attendees « COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS

Bilderberg attendees Bilderberg 2010


Crisis and Leviathan: Observations amid the Current Episode by Robert Higgs

In Praise of Lard by Jeffrey A. Tucker

The Why of The Capitalist and the Entrepreneur by Peter G. Klein

Reserve earns praise, but not our politicians

Katz Fired From Oil-Spill Team Due to ‘Controversial Writings’ - Bloomberg.com

Jump Back From the Debt Crevasse by Floy Lilley

New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Toughest test comes after graduation: Getting a job - USATODAY.com

What to Carry on a First Date: The Gentleman’s Arsenal The Art of Manliness


*American Minute for May 20th:William J Federer's American Minute


Tricks Restaurants Use to Make You Eat More and Faster by Joseph Mercola


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


It's not 'anti-incumbency' – it's 'anti-liberalism'

Sandy Berger's boy spanks Specter

GOP on track to snatch defeat from jaws of victory

Stolen valor

Manipulation as 'news'

The danged fence vs. the danged record

The apostasy of 'social justice Christians'

Kagan a lesbian? Why it matters

How the Net propagates a 'black power' martial art

Political Bookworm - 10 fictitious Tea Party beliefs

When the cops seize your stuff

The Silicon Lining by Guy Sorman, City Journal Spring 2010

Gulf of Mexico oil spill won't stop Shell drilling in Alaska - Telegraph

US top scientists urge coal, oil use penalties - Yahoo! News

Toyota exec: Electronics are not to blame Deseret News

FEMA Apologizes to Volunteers Over T-Shirt Flap in Mississippi - AOL News

City requires lingerie store to get food permit for having tasty treats kens5.com San Antonio News, Weather, Sports, Traffic, Entertainment, Video and Photos

Newark Pastor Accused of Forcing Teen Girls Into Sex Acts at NJ Motel NBC New York

Tougher laws keep sex offenders behind bars Deseret News

Man arrested after chase a former NASCAR driver - SignOnSanDiego.com

Psychic Doesn't Foresee Her Fraud Arrest - cbs4denver.com

Witness, suspect share Hennepin County jail cell — bad move - TwinCities.com

Edgar Valdez-Villareal 'La Barbie' May Take Control of Mexican Drug Cartel - ABC News

Headache pills cause chronic headaches: study - The Local

Viagra may cause hearing loss Mom Houston MomHouston.com

Daughter says Billy Graham may preach at stadium in Charlotte - WIS News 10 - Columbia, South Carolina

State Dinner: From Jicama to Goat Cheese Ice Cream - Washington Wire - WSJ

New Desalination Plants Water the Desert - Good News - Israel News - Israel National News

A passion to clean up the Pacific Ocean's great 'garbage patch' - CSMonitor.com


*JACKIE MASON:Moviemaking: Worse than waterboarding


Tiny but deadly rare frogs bred in UK Quirky News Orange UK


*IMAGES:Mount St. Helens, 30 years ago - The Big Picture - Boston.com


BBC News - Stellar blast sparks controversy

Girl grows two new kidneys after old ones fail thanks to million-to-one genetic quirk Mail Online

Video: An Artificial Butterfly Takes Flight Wired Science Wired.com

Ghost picture mystery resolved - Telegraph

From Fermilab, a New Clue to Explain Human Existence? - NYTimes.com

Underground bunkers for sale, in case of apocalypse - latimes.com

New NASA image shows Gulf spill expanding as tar balls wash up on Key West - Yahoo! News

Dostoevsky images on metro ‘could cause suicides’ - Europe, World - The Independent

White explorers couldn't recognise a smile on native symbols - Telegraph

Did exploding stars shatter life's mirror? - life - 19 May 2010 - New Scientist

In an Ancient Mexican Tomb, High Society and Human Sacrifice - NYTimes.com

BBC News - LHC particle search 'nearing', says physicist

SPACE.com -- Mysteries of Venus Targeted by New Japanese Probe

Gary McKinnon: 'They can't return me to a place I wasn't in' - Profiles, People - The Independent

Gallery - Pinocchio frog and dwarf wallaby: New species found - Image 1 - New Scientist

500-year-old remains of Korean woman discovered with her handbag Mail Online

Apparition: ‘fantastic message’ imparted to self-proclaimed visionary - The Irish Times - Wed, May 12, 2010

Where's the oil? Much of it may be gone - Science- msnbc.com

Royal Navy 'does not keep sea monster sighting archive' - Telegraph

Report: Secret Space Plane Likely an Orbiting Spy Danger Room Wired.com

GM crop use makes minor pests major problem : Nature News

FOXNews.com - Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code

Iowa court orders relatives to exhume body of man who wanted his head cryogenically frozen - WQAD

Prestosuchus chiniquensis: Fearsome predator that roamed Earth before the dinosaurs discovered Mail Online

Aliens 'hijack' Nasa's Voyager 2 spacecraft, claims expert - Telegraph

Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests Danger Room Wired.com

A Vincent van Gogh now adorns my wall - Paranormal Review

Miracle or hoax in a Pakistan village? - World Blog - msnbc.com

Aiming to cure deafness, Stanford scientists first to create functional inner-ear cells


*SITE:Synchronized Universe

*SITE:Institute for Responsible Technology


*SITE:Aspartame & Aspartame Poisoning Information

*SITE:Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Toxicity Information Center

*DISEASES OVERVIEWS - The Cayce Health Database


YouTube - Attitudes, Emotions, and Your Health with C. Norman Shealy, MD PhD


YouTube - Did Edgar Cayce speak about 2012? Kevin Todeschi answers your questions


YouTube - 2012 Mayan Prophecy End of an Age Part 1

YouTube - 2012 Mayan Prophecy End of an Age Part 2


YouTube - Book of Life - Akashic Records - #1 A.R.E.

YouTube - Edgar Cayce Book of Life Akashic Records - #2 A.R.E.


YouTube - Edgar Cayce Earth Changes Prophecies


May 19, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-May-19, Wednesday

05/19 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Wed May 19, 2010. 04:20 PM


Election 2010: Arizona Republican Primary for Senate - Rasmussen Reports

Obama shuns English-language news outlets at press conference - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

snopes.com: Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

Maddow's "Matthews Moment" - On Media - POLITICO.com

Got Cash? Obama's Second State Dinner Is Just Like the First - ABC News

Inside Fights Chael Sonnen a Winner on Election Day

Mortgage delinquencies drag on economic recovery - Yahoo! Finance

Rescissions: Much Ado About Nothing John Goodman NCPA

FOXNews.com - Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns

BBC News - Nick Clegg pledges biggest political reforms since 1832


G-20 and IMF Officials Institutionalize Economic Global Governance » Spotlight on Sovereignty » Global Governance Watch


**AEI:American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

**The Federalist Society


*3 PG/Building the Big Society


*What the Communitarians Stand For

*Communitarianism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)


*Yeomen of the Queen's Body Guard

Opening of Parliament


2nd grader tells First Lady: 'My mom said Barack Obama is going to take away everybody that doesn't have papers'

A Tale of Two Book Banners: Palin Ripped, Kagan Excused

California Water Shortage Exposes Big Government Run Amok


#Video: Man Whose Son Fled To Avoid Chemo Has Cancer

Video: "Anchor Babies" Could Be Arizona's Next Target

Video: Kidnapped Girl Sends Text Message For Help

Video: Social Search Engine Tells All

Video: Mom Has Deputy Pretend to Arrest 5-year-old

Picasso, Matisse paintings stolen in Paris

Video: The Empire Strikes Back, 30 Years Later

Video: Raw Video: Police Chase Semi-truck

London 2012 Olympic mascots unveiled

Caldern Before Congress: AZ Immigration Law 'Carries Great Amount of Risk'

The B-Cast B-Side: Is Anybody Buying Blumenthal’s Story?

FEMA: Staffer Should Not Have Ordered Removal of Faith-Based T-Shirts

Alan Colmes: ‘There’s No Such Thing as Radical Islam’

Rand Paul Says Maddow Appearance a ‘Poor Political Decision’

Perez Hilton: Anderson Cooper Should Come Out of the Closet

Peeping Tom Suspect Runs From California TV News Crew

Glenn Beck Interviews Tough-Talking Alabama Candidate Dale Peterson

Animated Ogre Shrek to Get Star on Walk of Fame

More Americans Unexpectedly File for Jobless Benefits

Americans United for Change Hits GOP on Oil Record in New TV Spot

CNBC’s Cramer: Europe to Collapse in 48 Hours – or Never

Celtics Player’s Stepdad Zapped With Taser

Jindal: ‘The Day We’ve Been Fearing Is Upon Us’

Caught on Video: Damage From Wild Oklahoma Hail Storms Could Be in Tens of Millions

Calderón: My Job Is Risky

E-Mails Reveal ‘Anchor Babies’ Could Be AZ State Senator’s Next Target

ACLU Targets NY Town’s English-Only Law

Coast Guard Helps Block CBS News From Recording Video of Oil-Covered Beach

Maryland Second-Grader Reveals Mom’s Citizenship Status to Michelle Obama

US Protocol Chief Slips on White House Steps as Mexican President Arrives

Rand Paul To Democrats: ‘Please, Please Bring President Obama To Kentucky’

Begala Likens Blumenthal Statements to Condi Rice Calling Bush ‘My Husband’

Obama : ‘Troublesome’ Arizona Law Is ‘Misdirected Effort’

Mexican President Knocks Arizona Law From White House Lawn

Obama Tells Mexican President ‘We Are Defined’ by Bonds Not Borders

Matthews: Specter Was Like Man Wearing a Dress to Get on Titanic Lifeboat

Bangkok Burning: Thai Protesters Set Fire to Landmark Buildings During Deadly Gunbattles

Dale Peterson’s Tough-Talking Ad Inspires Slightly-NSFW Spoof

Sen. Arlen Specter: ‘It’s Been a Great Privilege to Serve’

Mothers Meet With U.S. Hikers Detained in Iran

Update: Census Worker Allowed to Keep Dog That Bit St. Louis Man

More Than 90 Cats Removed From Memphis Home

British Soccer Reporter ‘Invents New Kind of English’

Texas Bus Driver Spots Baby Just in Time


*SEARCH SITE:People Search; White Pages

Dr. Manning - We Have Proof Of Obama's Ineligibility
Rev. Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day One - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day Two - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day three - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day four - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day five - GUILTY of ALL CHARGES! Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Obama's 'CERTIFICATION of Live Birth' form reveals Birth Registration FILED but never fully ACCEPTED! Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Atty Apuzzo: The Nonsense Published by Our Nation’s Editors Regarding Obama’s Eligibility to be President. Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
YouTube - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim
YouTube - Buying and Selling in a RFID Chip for the FIRST TIME EVER - Positive ID
EclippTV :: Video :: 10 mins to Expose Global Warming Scam

The Justice of Executions? «Kawther Salam
Zionism & the Millennium Myth (May 17, 2010)
Rich and powerful: Obama and the global super-elite - World Politics, World - The Independent
New born babies learn even in their sleep - Telegraph
Aliens 'hijack' Nasa's Voyager 2 spacecraft, claims expert - Telegraph
savethemales.ca - Jews Vs. Gays: When Illuminati Shills Collide
Google reconsiders introducing facial recognition technology - Telegraph
Extradition of computer hacker Gary McKinnon put on hold World news guardian.co.uk
Found: Hitler's book of looted art - Telegraph
Link between obesity and dementia according to new research - Telegraph
Obama clamors for federal fix to immigration woes World news guardian.co.uk
North Korea condemned by world powers over torpedo attack - Telegraph
North Korea slams report that it torpedoed South Korean ship - CNN.com
‘All out war’ threatened over North Korea attack on warship Cheonan - Times Online
Paul A Drockton M.A.: Scotland's Bane: The Curse of Freemasonry
Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Melbourne Man: Satan's Plan Revealed
Footage of Polish air crash emerges claiming to show Russian-speaking men shooting survivors Mail Online
Obama's Lies, Fraud - Can Patrick Fitzgerald Investigate?
Meet MSG's little-known brother - Food Business - Salon.com
Google aims to offer internet on your TV - Times Online
Natural Health News: RoundUp Ready Crops: Just as Predicited
BBC News - Dio's two-finger gesture - what does it mean?
Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Illuminati "Beatlemania" Illusion