"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 May 2010

19 MAY

Four Gorillas Killed by Extreme Cold Weather in Rwanda, New Times Reports - Bloomberg

BPA plastics chemical damages intestines, study shows

Leading Global Warming Skeptic Lindzen: Time to Abandon the ‘Skeptic’ Label

U.K. Journalist and ClimateGate Vanguard: Global Warming Debate as ‘Important’ as Winning World Wars

The Canadian National Newspaper: Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

Scientist: Global Cooling is the Real Crisis

Files reveal Britain's secret biological weapons trials in second world war | UK news | The Guardian

'Naked' scanners may increase cancer risk | News.com.au

11 Signs That The U.S. Government Has Become An Overgrown Monstrosity That Almost Every American Is Dependent Upon For Economic Survival

UC Berkeley Asking Incoming Students For DNA - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

TSA Agent Accused of Stealing Cash from Wheelchair-Bound Woman | NBC New York

Market Talk: Greek Finance Minister Says Separation From EU May Be Considered, Greek Gov’t Categorically Denies

Germany's Merkel Says Euro Is in Danger - CNBC

Wednesday Trading Session Set To Be “The Most Volatile In Living Memory” Warns Telegraph, Plunge In Bunds Expected

The Global Economy Is Now Out Of Control

Canada campaigns against global bank tax

E.U. faces tough questions as euro continues to slide

Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

The Responses to the Gulf Oil Spill and to the Financial Crisis Are Remarkably Similar … And Have Made Both Crises Much Worse

Congress blocks indiscriminate IMF aid for Europe – Telegraph Blogs

Snake Oil Salesman Obama Peddles Worthless Wall Street Reform

Author Daniel Estulin to Shed Light on Bilderbergs with Historic Presentation at European Parliament

Tarpley: Iran nuclear swap deal a defeat for US policy of isolation

From Safe Republic to Unsafe Empire

Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming – Telegraph Blogs

Roubini: Japan Could Easily Be Next

Bangkok Burning: Thai Protesters Set Fire to Landmark Buildings During Deadly Gunbattles

Rigi: US, Israel paid for assassination

Jim Cramer Announces His Place On The Gold Bandwagon, Says European Leaders Fear Lehman II

Futures Down, Markets Tank Around The World, Euro Ready To Break $1.21

Bill for Afghan war could run into the trillions

Rand Paul Savages Obama’s Catastrophic “Green Economy”

U.S. Coast Guard Threatens CBS Reporters With Arrest For Filming BP Oil Spill

Mexican President Rebukes U.S. Law at White House: Arizona Immigration Law 'Is Forcing Our People to Face Discrimination' - Political Punch

Pajamas Media » BREAKING: Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster (PJM Exclusive)

Rand Paul: Perfect storm, people want change

Rand Paul's win could be bad news for Republicans – Telegraph Blogs

Blanchflower: Europe Could Break Up, Another Bailout Inevitable

Woody Allen: It would be Good If Obama Could Be A Dictator

Iran Nuke Agreement Not Enough for Hoyer « The Speakers Lobby


**Obama’s lies, fraud: Can Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald open an investigation?


How to Prevent Citizens from Seeing Their Congress Critter? Claim His Office is Private Property

Primaries may help foreshadow November elections

Baghdad to enclose city with 15ft wall to keep suicide bombers out - Times Online

Gates Foundation Suggests Sterilizing Males with Ultrasound

Pirates plying the waves of Falcon Lake

FOXNews.com - Arizona Official Threatens to Cut Off Los Angeles Power as Payback for Boycott

CNSNews.com - Napolitano Hasn't Reviewed 'In Detail' the Arizona Immigration Law She's Criticized

Researchers Ponder a Hurricane Hitting the Oil-Slicked Gulf of Mexico - NYTimes.com

Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry

George F. Will - Handbook suggests that deviations from 'normality' are disorders - washingtonpost.com

Lying children will grow up to be successful citizens - Telegraph

This Stinks: What Perfume Makers Won’t Tell You | Business | GreenBiz.com

Foundation Funds 78 New Innovative Global Health Projects Including Cell Phone Blood Tests, Carnivorous Plants and Sweat-triggered Vaccines | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Specter Loses, Rand Paul Wins in Key Primaries - CBS News

Arlen Specter's Loss Goes Beyond Anti-Incumbent Mood - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Kagan Faces Questions Over Abortion Stance - CBS News

Rand Paul: Tea Party Ready to “Flex Some Muscle”

New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens

CIA director, national security adviser to meet with officials in Pakistan

Judge OKs release of 3 Hutaree members | freep.com | Detroit Free Press


*5 part vide:Patriots Question 9/11 – Robert Bowman Interview

Patriots Question 9/11 - (www.patriotsquestion911.com/)

The Patriots(www.thepatriots.us/)


pdf:Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe


Swiss MYSTERIES magazine covers nanothermite-research, did interviews with Niels Harrit and german "debunker" Gunnar Ries | 911Blogger.com

Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase And Goldman Sachs to Vaccination Contaminations, by Dr Len Horowitz « Case about Bird Flu

George W. Bush’s Inaction On 9/11

Rep. Issa Issues Report on Systemic Problems at the SEC, Calls for Major Overhaul


**Elena Kagan - Nominee to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court - Committee Questionnaire


Salazar Testifies Before Senate on Gulf Oil Spill Disaster

Breaking: Grassley and McCaskill Introduce Amendment to Strengthen IG Independence

Council of Europe Unanimously Adopts Whistleblower Protection Resolution

Ethics Pledge Should Help Put Some Distance Between Regulators and Industry

GE and other manufacturers back exemption in financial regulation bill


**Undercurrents -( links ; alternative media )


What is socialism? Socialism 101


*chomsky.info : Audio & Video

chomsky.info : Articles


FT.com / Technology - Google set for probes on data harvesting

Parents of under 5s face 'nanny state' home inspections to keep children safe | Mail Online

Study: US missile defense plans based on ‘technical myths’ | Raw Story

Vacaville Police Train with DHS in “Crowd Management” Exercise

Grenade's use in lethal raid questioned, defended | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Grenade’s use in lethal raid questioned, defended

YouTube - CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening

CBC News - Money - Ottawa gives thumbs-down to bank tax

Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Ex-Bundesbank Chief Says Greece Will Never Repay Debt, Says Bailout All About "Rescuing Banks And Rich Greeks" | zero hedge

[Folder Name]

Rand Paul Savages Obama’s Catastrophic “Green Economy”

Snake Oil Salesman Obama Peddles Worthless Wall Street Reform

Ottawa Bank Torched: Direct Action of False Flag?

Rand Paul tapped into 'anger' - Yahoo! News

Senators preparing for final Wall Street reform vote this week - TheHill.com

The Wall Street Standard: Volcker Rule Opponents Pushing For 60-Vote Threshold


*download : “Army Surveillance of Civilians” (1972)


Dem Leaders Scramble To Keep Financial Reform From Unraveling

Sestak Beats Specter: 'This Is What Democracy Looks Like'

YouTube - Matt Lewis on MSNBC - Feb 18, 2010

YouTube - Why Do Liberal Groups Take Orders from Rahm Emanuel? - MSNBC, 2/3/10




*The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 17th With Max Keiser


YouTube - Christopher Story - EU Corruption Part 1/3

YouTube - Christopher Story - EU Corruption Part 2/3

YouTube - Christopher Story - EU Corruption Part 3/3


Consortiumnews.com:Kagan's Dubious Stand on Civil Rights

Consortiumnews.com:The Historical Challenge of Rabbi Jesus


*site page:Barack OBAMA - U.S. President - Better World Links

*site directory/Better World Links:a-z

**Veganica > Spirituality Links

**News + Links:(www.thepeoplesvoice.org)


In "Mini Super-Tuesday" Primaries, Defeats for Party Establishments on Both Sides of the Aisle


*The Hare Krishna Views On Science




*SITE:Green America: Boycotts

*SITE:Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)

*SITE:Media Watch

*SITE:Common Cause

*SITE: Center for Public Integrity


*SITE:Project Vote Smart

*Stock Research Center - Yahoo!

*SITE:The Corporate Library


*SITE:Multinational Monitor



Solar Sail Hybrid Launches Today From Japan

Japan Testing Interplanetary Solar Sail Concept

Neocon Rand Paul defeats neocon Trey Grayson

05-18-2010: Guns outlawed at NRA convention

05-18-2010: Fake Populist Dobbs To Headline Tea Party Convention

05-18-2010: NASA Wants Mission To Bring Martian Rocks Back To Earth

05-18-2010: Brzezinski Fears Global Awakening

05-18-2010: Ray Guns Near Crossroads to the Battlefield

05-18-2010: Sony's energy saving TVs watch you while you sleep

05-18-2010: Virtual reality used to transfer men's minds into a woman's body

UC Berkeley Asking Incoming Students For DNA

The Global Economy Is Now Out Of Control

11 Signs That The U.S. Government Has Become An Overgrown Monstrosity That Almost Every American Is Dependent Upon For Economic Survival

Hack Attacks On Car Control Systems

Scientists: “Inefficient” sex will no longer be used to make babies in just 10 years, as couples turn to IVF

The Point of Maximum Danger

Did Vladimir Lenin Predict The Banking Disaster Of 2008?

Texas Schools Board Rewrites US History with Lessons Promoting God and Guns

FBI Kept Files on Walter Kronkite Helping Anti-Vietnam Protesters

Caffeine Best Addiction for for Worker Bees

Weatherman Claims Military Is Spraying 'Chemtrails'

The Greek People are the Victims of a Carefully Engineered Financial Extortion Racket

Israel's nuclear weapons capabilities: Secret Report Reveals Weapons-grade Uranium Diversions from the U.S. to Israel

Haitian Farmers to Burn Donated Monsanto Seeds

Britain’s New Regime: The Oligarchy’s Coup Moves Into Action

VIDEO: Economic Crisis Spreads Unrest Globally

The "Eurozone Coup d’Etat": Towards a Global Systemic Economic Crisis

Korea-China Relations: Kim Jong-il In China. What Implications for the West?

Obama's Slippery Slope. Ginning-Up the "Terror" Threat, Shredding the Constitution

AllGov - Is Obama Cancer Choice, Harold Varmus, Too Close to Drug Industry?

The Death of Aiyana Jones: 'Showtime Syndrome' Claims a Child

Fluoride a poison in our water

Oath Keepers Proves That There WERE Troops Who Refused to Confiscate Guns During Katrina

Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster

Rand Paul Victory Speech: 'We've Come to Take Our Government Back'

Woody Allen Says Obama Should Become a Dictator

Rand Paul: 'We've come to take our government back'

The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality by Ludwig von Mises

After thoughtcrime, now we have tweetcrime

Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites

U.S. Government Can Execute Its Own Citizens With No Judicial Process And Based On Secret Intelligence

Supremes Rule in Favor of Indefinite Detention

Feds Single Out IRS Tax Critic for Harsh Treatment

3,000 officers switch to cyberspace specialty - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

Capping the devil’s cauldron

The truth about immigration

The vicious circle of debt and depression -- it is a class war

VIDEO:Jean-Claude Trichet: Global Governance

Incumbent Dem forced into runoff in Arkansas - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

WH adviser: Interrogation team questions Shahzad

Times Square Suspect Shahzad Appears in N.Y. Court (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Times Square Bomb Suspect Eyed Sikorsky: Source | NBC Connecticut

Jefferson County geometry teacher uses wrong example to teach angles --- assassination of President Barack Obama | al.com

Geometry teacher who used Obama assassination to teach angles placed on leave | al.com

El Paso to consider allowing electric fences around businesses |

Paul wins GOP Senate nod in Kentucky - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

Sestak, Paul score wins as Lincoln faces runoff - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Specter loses in PA, while Paul gets boost from Tea Party in KY - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

The Fix - Joe Sestak defeats Arlen Specter, Rand Paul wins, Democrats claim victory in PA special election

YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 05/17/10

YouTube - Lowkey ft Mai Khalil - The Cradle Of Civilization

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #45 - Arizona Immigration: The REAL Truth

YouTube - Rand Paul's victory speech

YouTube - border issue

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Pro-Constitution Sheriff - May 18, 2010

EclippTV :: Video :: Afghanistan Runs On Drugs, Corruption & Aid - U.N.

YouTube - Norman Finkelstein: Israel being exposed and feels threatened


YouTube - After Signing "Freedom Of Press Act" Obama Refuses To Answer Questions


American Idol Judge Ellen DeGeneres Asks Female Contestant to Sing Love Song to a Woman on Idol Semifinal

McCain: ‘Insulting’ for State Department to ‘Compare’ Arizona Illegal Immigration Law to China’s Human Rights ‘Abuses’

McCain, Kyl Demand Top Obama State Dept. Official Retract Statement and Apologize for Likening AZ Immigration Law to Chinese Human Rights Violations

At Previous Human Rights Session, U.S. Responded ‘Forthrightly’ to China’s Concerns About U.S. Practices

Immigration Reform May Overshadow Drug Violence When Obama Meets With Mexican President Wednesday

Democrats’ See A ‘Significant Blow to the Republican Party’ in Tuesday’s Elections

Hoyer: No Plans Yet by Democrats To End Fannie, Freddie Bailouts

Congress Pushing for Unilateral Gasoline Sanctions Against Iran Despite Progress at U.N.

Obama Urged to Issue Executive Order on Human Right to Ensure U.S. Compliance With U.N. Treaties

Insurgents Attack U.S. Air Base in Afghanistan, One Day After Deadly Attack on NATO Convoy

Obama State Dept. Tells Communist China: AZ Immigration Law Is Indication of 'Troubling Trend' of 'Discrimination' in U.S.

White House Health Czar Repeats False Claim of Lower Health Costs

If Confirmed to Supreme Court, Kagan May Have To Recuse Herself in Health Care Cases

Kagan Advocated Campaign Restrictions While Serving as Clinton Adviser

FEMA Photographer Asked Church Volunteers Not to Wear Religious T-Shirts in Video on Tornado Aftermath

Pelosi: Obama’s Budget a ‘Blueprint for Economic Stabilization’ for America, Designed To ‘Reduce the Deficit’

Mortgage Delinquencies, Foreclosures Break Records

Consumer Inflation Vanishes, a Boon for Borrowers

Rules Proposed for Avoiding Another 'Flash Crash' -- Before Cause of Crash Is Known

Three Militia Members Released From Jail; Gov’t Fighting to Keep Other Six Behind Bars

AP: Obama Endorsements Don't Seem to Help Democrats

Nine People Reported Injured in Latest China Knife Attack

Restaurant Lets You Pay What You Want

Kagan Wants to Impose Her Values on Your Speech

Democrats: Learn to Read

The U.S. Department of Blame America First

Speaker Pelosi’s Progressive Catholicism and the Antidote

Muslim Anger Prompts Pakistan to Block Facebook

Video Shows Blumenthal Correctly Stating Service

House GOP Again Stops Big Science, Technology Bill

Obama Asks for GOP Help On Immigration Reform

McCain Blasts Comments Comparing Ariz. to China

Obama Rips GOP as Inhofe Blocks Oil Penalty Hike

Paul Pledges Tea Party Loyalty in Senate Race

Poll: NH Republicans Favor Romney for President

Rand Paul: Congress 'Generally Untrustworthy'

Ariz. Official Dares L.A. to Stage Boycott

Rep. Engel to Obama: Stop Guns Flowing to Mexico

Dems Relish Paul's GOP Win in Ky. Senate Race

Obama Helped Little in Keeping Murtha Seat

Dems Win Special Pa. Election, Retain Murtha Seat

Schoen: Strong ‘Anti-Obama Vote’ in Results

Senate Dems: Make Oil Industry Pay for Inspections

Panetta Briefs Pakistan On Times Square Suspect

Taliban Attack Key US Base in Afghanistan

Intel Agencies Slammed Over Christmas Plot

Small Terror Attacks Raise Concern: Expert

Paul Victory in Kentucky Major Show of Tea Party Clout

Big Tobacco Cutting Contracts With US Farmers

Cuomo: Store Sold Soldiers Overpriced Electronics

Immigrant Crossings Into Arizona On the Rise

Rasmussen: McCain Has Strong Lead in Ariz. Primary

Arab Gulf State Bans Al-Jazeera TV

Biggs: Technology to Lead 20 Percent Stock Surge

Inhaled Drug May Prevent Lung Cancer

Bran Helps Diabetics Live Longer

Does Smallpox Vaccine Fight HIV?

British Library Digitizing 40 Million Newspapers

German Prosecutors Investigating Google

Yahoo Buys News Site Associated Content

Travolta, Preston 'Expecting' but Didn't Say What

Maybe We Shouldn't Clean Up the Gulf Oil Spill

Richard Blumenthal Is a Disgrace — and Must Resign

Revolution Sweeping 'Establishment' Politicians Out of Office

Big Wins for Tea Party

Govt Can Seize Your Property, Sell for Personal Gain

Supreme Court Confirmation Rules Obsolete

No Jerusalem Deal Until Arabs Recognize Israel as Jewish State

Lower Court Challenges Ariz. School Choice Program

YouTube - CBS News: Copy Machines, a Security Risk?



*FILM: Meltup/54:37


YouTube - WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP




Superpowers pine for the good old days - The Globe and Mail

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

What explains the anti-establishment sentiment? « Aletho News

EclippTV :: Video :: Report- Feds look silly AIG Charges Judge Napolitano

EclippTV :: Video :: Protestors Take Over Senator Scott Brown's Office


Washington - Industry Complicity Behind The Gulf Disaster

The German Government Has Had Enough - The Market Ticker ®

Texas ready for textbook showdown - Life- msnbc.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Biggest Transference Of Wealth In History!

EclippTV :: Video :: Our Only Standard For Politicians Is They Be Above Room Temperature

Conspiracy of Banks Rigged Bids, Local Governments Robbed « Aletho News

Russia Warns US, EU Against Unilateral Sanctions On Iran

Pres. Barack Obama meeting Jewish Democratic Congressmen

Switch On Memory | h+ Magazine

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: Fed-Loving Senators Will Pay The Price

EclippTV :: Video :: David Swanson: Lobbyists must be stopped

kenny's sideshow: A Dangerous Precedent?


Kitco - Commentaries - Graham Summers

Miss USA Rima Fakih: Hezbollah babe or just a girl in a bikini? | McClatchy

Congressmen urge Obama to take personal interest in Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

US Dollar is Overbought | Charting Stocks


*Corporations and Nazis; Ford and the Führer


Daily Gut: God is Ted Turner

Big Government to the Rescue!

Polanski’s Rape-Rape: The Talent Pass and the Morality Paradox

WSJ Profile: Out of the Conservative Closet — Jon David is…Jonathan Kahn

James Blunt: A Tale of Two Videos

Leftist Hollywood Injects Divisive Politics Into Miss USA Pageant… Again

Daily Gut: Health Care for Those Too Creative to Pay for it Themselves

Teachable Tyranny

REVIEW: ‘Justified’ Rejuvenates Old-Fashioned Hero Type

Michele Bachmann, Warrior for Judeo-Christian and Foundational American Values

High Schooler Objects to ‘Sicko’ Final Exam, Says Teacher Called Her A ‘Teabagger’ in Front of Class

The 9/11 Mosque’s Peace Charade

Arizona’s Immigration Law

Ohioans Want Economic Recovery, Not the President’s Job-Killing Agenda

Did SEIU Pay Media Matters to Cover Up the Gladney Beating?

Only in Philly: Black Panther on the Ballot!

Word to Obama – Daniel Pearl Was Not Beheaded Because He Was a Journalist. He Was Beheaded Because He Was an American and a Jew

175 People Double Voted in One Precinct in PA-12

Progressives Behind New Michigan ‘Tea Party’

Obama’s Risky ‘Southern Strategy’ II

Rand Paul Wins Kentucky Senate Primary

Specter Loses Democratic Primary, Lincoln Forced Into Runoff

Wednesday Open Thread: Specter Edition

Why We’re Having an Everybody Draw Mohammed Constest on Thursday, May 20

Astroturfed Net Neutrality Letter Still Shrouded in Mystery

What a Surprise: During The Recession Public Sector Wages Grew Faster Than Private Sector Ones

Kagan: Shill for Shariah?

New Jersey Teachers Union Forced to Take Back Seat to Kids

Vitter’s Not-Everything’s-A-Bank Amendment Drives Progressives Nuts

So You Want To Be a Journalist, Eh?

You Thought They Were In Bed Together — They Are In Bed Together

MSM AWOL From a Non-Ideological Climate Conference

Must-Read Of the Day: In the Digital Age, How Much Are Words Worth?

A Con In Conn. — Media Asleep For Three Decades On Dick Blumenthal’s Big Vietnam Lie

New York Times Does the Right Thing, Exposes Blumenthal Fraud

When Weasels Cry ‘Semper Fi’

Tomorrow’s Media Spin Today: Are the 2010 Elections ‘Anti-Incumbent,’ ‘Anti-Liberal,’ or ‘Anti-Democrat’?

Meanwhile, In Alabama, Another Marine Candidate Runs the Greatest Campaign Ad Ever

NewsBusted: Does Eric Holder Know How To Read?

In the Media Spotlight, Even Beauty Queens Must Walk the PC Tightrope

CAIR Takes Muslim Media Manipulation to New Heights

The Real Blumenthal Scandal Is the Media

Debbie Schlussel:But When Israel Does It . . .: HAMAS Razes Palestinians’ Homes – Your Day in “Palestinian” “Statehood”

Debbie Schlussel:“Peace, Love & Understanding”?: Has-Been Elvis Costello Boycotts Israel

Debbie Schlussel:Fact Check: Meet the REAL 1st Arab-American Miss USA; Christians Don’t Count?

Debbie Schlusse:lHezbollah’s American Sharmuta: Tired of Pole Dancing? Try Miss USA

YouTube - President Obama Tells Mexican President "We are Not Defined by Our Borders"

Obama Signs Law Supporting Global Press Freedom | USA | English

Mexican president condemns Arizona immigration law during White House visit | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

Voters in primaries shake things up for both major parties - latimes.com

Memo from 2002 could complicate challenge of Arizona immigration law

Pakistan arrests army officer linked to Times Square bomb suspect - latimes.com

Scott Gottlieb: No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan - WSJ.com

EDITORIAL: Obama's invisible Islam - Washington Times

Muslim soldier: Army has not addressed harassment complaints

The GOP's dilemma: Fight Kagan or go along? | Washington Examiner

Horses gave first aid to pal | The Sun |News

The World's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives - Forbes.com

Fans asked to remove pro-Arizona immigration law shirts during NBA game | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Miss USA 2010 Winner Rima Fakih Pole Dancing Pictures Surface: Will They Jeopardize Her Title? - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Citizens or Subjects: Keynesian Economics

The Black Church's Commitment to Obama

Cannibalizing Capital

Diverting Kagan Questions

Extraordinary video of dead Canadian heroes returning home

Obama's idea of press freedom

Democrats to shift focus to jobs...again?

Souder's affair: Satire not needed

Look who else is under the bus

Blumenthal's Disgrace and the GOP

DoJ trial attorney in Black Panthers case resigns in protest

The Administration's Re-Bombing Program

Phony Marine at Phony Vietnam Blumenthal's Presser

The November Impact of the Primaries

Another Very Bad Night for Obama, Democrats, and the Media

Saul Alinksy's American Dream

Democrats and Vote Fraud: On the Road to Rigged Elections

Obama Madoff with Our Tax Dollars

I Think, Therefore I Profile

Talks of Peace -- Threats of War

Waking Up to Urbane Anti-Semitism

Another Paul on his way to Congress?

America's Obsession with Labels

The Politics of Petty on the Arizona Immigration Law

Crying Over Spilt Crude and Royalties.

Marijuana and SWAT Teams: The Fascist Law of Prohibition

The Fall of the American Empire?

Made in the USA: Still Number One !

Crony Capitalism Caused the Crisis

Newt Gingrich gets free rein to embrace his inner fearmonger on Hannity's show

Matthews Calls Defeat of Establishment Candidates in Senate Primaries a 'Revolution'

Another 'family values' Republican bites the dust: Abstinence advocate Mark Souder to resign over affair with staffer

Establishment GOP In Kentucky Battens Down The Hatches Against Tea Party Fave Rand Paul

Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster: Incompetence, negligence or something more sinister?

Mitch McConnell Tries to Minimize Anti-Incumbent Mood of Voters

Kobe Bryant's wife, Vanessa slaps the Lakers' Phil Jackson by wearing "Do I Look Illegal?" T-Shirt to Lakers Playoff Game!

Ted Turner: "God's sending us a message."

Beck compares America to the Titanic. A better analogy: His fast-sinking show

Bucky Bush collapses at Wellpoint shareholder meeting

Tea Time: Birther Law is Passed But That Doesn't Stop Bachmann From Appearing With Taitz

The Terrible Texas Textbook Showdown

BP CEO Tony Hayward: Oil Spill Impact 'Very Modest'

Election Roundup: 'Mini Super Tuesday' not so super for Tea Partiers' fondest hopes

Transocean REALLY Cleans Up From Oil Spill: They Pocket Profit Of $270M

Jack Bauer Republicans. I'm not kidding

Anthony Weiner Goes After Glenn Beck's House of Gold

Bayless busy tweeting about White House chef gig :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

Rick Bayless: I Didn't Tweet In White House Kitchen; Columnist Admits Mistake - cbs2chicago.com

Bayless Tweets Censored by White House? | NBC Chicago

BP told feds it could handle oil spill 60 times larger than Deepwater Horizon | al.com

Faisal Shahzad, Times Square Suspect Appears in Court - ABC News

Lenders Agree to Prop Up Ailing ShoreBank - FOXBusiness.com

NJ Mom Recognizes Census Worker as Sex Offender | NBC Philadelphia

My Way News - Obama endorsements don't seem to help Democrats

RealClearPolitics - Video - Al Gore Gives Depressing Commencement Speech On Global Warming

Student complains `Sicko' is part of final exam - STLtoday.com

Photos reveal inside look at East Austin tunnel home | kvue.com | KVUE News local | Austin, Tx | Breaking news

Maddow's "Matthews Moment" - On Media - POLITICO.com

On Location: Captain America will be filmed in...London | Company Town | Los Angeles Times

Obama may personally greet each graduate: Kalamazoo Central seniors to fill out paperwork for Secret Service | - MLive.com

Breitbart.tv » Mexican President Knocks Arizona Law From White House Lawn

YouTube - President Obama Tells Mexican President "We are Not Defined by Our Borders"

Council declares Costa Mesa a 'Rule of Law City' | city, immigration, mansoor - News - The Orange County Register

Douglas County votes to charge fees for school-bus rides - The Denver Post

Eric Schmidt says Google should not be prosecuted for wi-fi records - Times Online

Senators load financial overhaul with irrelevancies | McClatchy

Next year's budget is sinking in deep red ink - The Hill's On The Money

SKorea's top diplomat: 'Obvious' NKorea sank ship

House passes beer resolution - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Muslim anger prompts Pakistan to block Facebook - Yahoo! News

‘Enough Money’ By Thomas Sowell

The Case Against the Fed Book Review | Silver Monthly - The Silver Investor's Resource

The Keynesian Race to Bankruptcy by Gary North

Forget Sarah Palin: It's Rand Paul's moment and Ron Paul's opportunity - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Working as Designed by Jim Fedako

Meltdown? by Jim Davies

Character Matters by Jim Gibbons


Poll shows Republicans doing well in November as voting begins in three states | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

Everybody vs. Obama - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - No, This Isn't an "Anti-Incumbent" Year

Diane Ravitch's weak case on charter schools--Charles Sahm - NYPOST.com

Banks chalk up 2 wins as Senate reform bill evolves - USATODAY.com

Arlen Specter Defeated by Joe Sestak for Pennsylvania Senate Seat - ABC News

Sestak ousts Specter in Democratic primary | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/19/2010

Analysis of the election results in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Arkansas. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Don't Blame Taxpayers For the Deficit

Paul thumps Grayson; Conway edges Mongiardo - Vote results - Kentucky.com

Scandals in the House Republican Class of 1994

Honorable thing for Blumenthal to do is quit race - NYPOST.com

The Politicizing Of Bankruptcy - Forbes.com

Don't judge Elena Kagan by her college thesis. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Challenging Kagan on the Constitution: Would She Uphold the Health Care Bill?

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama and the Oil Spill - NYTimes.com

The EU is as doomed as its currency – let's get out from under this collapsing monstrosity – Telegraph Blogs

Charter debate: Parents have long fought for better school alternatives

RealClearPolitics - Slow Learners at the Ninth Circuit

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Why We're Having an Everybody Draw Mohammed Contest on Thursday May 20 - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

But Isn't the Tea Party Movement Racist? - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Scandal comes at Hoosiers' expense | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star

The World from Berlin: 'Tehran Is Succeeding in Duping the West' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

House Republicans: We’ll still take the House - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com


*Transcripts:18TH/Obama's Remarks on the Economy in Youngstown

*17TH/Obama Signs the Freedom of the Press Act

Roundtable Predicts Primary Results

Interview with Senator John Cornyn

Interview with Republican House Candidate Tim Burns

Reporter on Kentucky's Primaries


*19th/Politics Video:John McCain Star Wars Border Ad Spoof

Rand Paul Begs Obama To Campaign For Democrat In Kentucky

Somalia Terror Suspect Headed To Texas Through Mexico

American Idol's Ellen Picks Love Song For Female Contestant To Sing

Dale Peterson Ad Spoof: We're Better Than That, Too!

Jonathan Alter on Obama's First Year in Office

Rand Paul Begs Obama To Campaign For Democrat In Kentucky

Obama: Arizona Law May Result In People Being "Harassed Or Arrested"

Obama To Mexican President: "We Are Defined Not By Our Borders"

Howard Dean Bashes Tea Partiers, Compares Them To Progressives

Mexican President Slams Arizona Law At WH: "Our People To Face Discrimination"

Sestak Says His Difference With Obama Is Focus On Small Businesses

Limbaugh: There Is A "Disconnect Between Liberalism and Americanism"

Countdown: GOP's Tea Party Problems

O'Reilly: Voters Don't Like "Ideological" Politicians Like Obama

Couric: Rand Paul Poses Challenge For GOP

Krauthammer: Tea Party Success A "Tribute" To Obama's "Radical" Agenda

*18th/MSNBC's Mitchell: "Hardball" Is "Widely Watched Across The Country"

Clinton: US, Russia & China Have Reached Agreement On Iran Sanctions

State Department Spokesman Says AZ Law Challenges "Human Rights," Says He Hasn't Read It

GOP Congressman Talks Abstinence With Staffer He Had Affair With

Obama Uses Teleprompters To Address Factory Workers On "Main Street" Tour

Sen. Kerry: US Shouldn't Have Ability To Shoot Down Russian Missiles

Biden Apologizes To Student For Using F-Bomb At Health Care Celebration

Obama: If "Just Say No Crowd" Won We'd Be In A "Deeper World Of Hurt"

Gov. Rendell Predicts Specter Will Win

Coast Guard And BP Threaten To Arrest CBS Reporter Covering Oil Spill

Watch Live: Rand Paul Headquarters

Paul Begala: Blumenthal Vietnam Lie Is "Indefensible; A Catastrophic Mistake"

Fred Thompson On His New Memoir, Politics

Krauthammer On Iran: "This Is A Collapse Of The Obama Foreign Policy"

Close Call in PA Senate Primary

Specter Concedes Pennsylvania Senate Primary

Rendell: Obama Did Not Campaign For Specter Because "It Didn't Do Too Much Good" In NJ, VA & MA

PA-12: Tim Burns (R) Concedes Race

MSNBC's Matthews: Specter Is Like A Man Wearing A Dress To Get A Life Boat On The Titanic

Sestak Declares Victory: "This Is What Democracy Looks Like"

Blumenthal Defends Military Career: "I Did Misspeak"

Sarah Palin: Rand Paul Is "Unconventional"

Rand Paul: "We've Come To Take Our Government Back"

GOP: Health Care Bill Will Not Reduce Deficit As Promised

Obama: "Controlling" The Price Of Health Care Premiums Is "The Right Thing To Do"

GOP Congressman Souder Resigns After Affair With Staffer

Teary-Eyed Specter Predicts "I Expect To Vote Many More Times"

Rand Paul: "The Government Is Out Of Control"

2010: Blumenthal Says He "Did Not Serve In Vietnam"

Miss Oklahoma USA Reacts To Pageant: It Was A Loaded Question

Beck: Potential For Abuse With Amended Miranda Rules

Olbermann Fact Checks Beck & Palin NRA Speeches

Lincoln Unable To Vote Because She Already Submitted Absentee Ballot

Rep. Joe Sestak On Anti-Incumbent Mood

Specter Makes Final Election Plea, Bashes Tea Party And Gold Standard

Matthews: Obama Should Nationalize Oil Industry

Krauthammer: Voters Are More Anti-Obama Than Anti-Incumbent

Trey Grayson On KY Senate Race, Oil Spill


A List of Goldman Sachs People in the Obama Government: Names Attached to the Giant Squid’s Tentacles | The Seminal

An Updated List of Goldman Sachs Ties to the Obama Government Including Elena Kagan | The Seminal


May 18, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-May-18, Tuesday

05/18 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue May 18, 2010. 04:20 PM


C&L's Fellowship Action Campaign. "Can You Help?"

OH , “O”

YouTube - CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up

Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day five - GUILTY of ALL CHARGES! | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

*ATLAH Ministries - CIA Columbia Obama Trial

Rev. Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day One - | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day Two - | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day three - | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Manning Trial Update: The Obama Columbia University Trial - Summary of Day four - | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records


Natural Health News: RoundUp Ready Crops: Just as Predicited

BBC News - Dio's two-finger gesture - what does it mean?

New Ice Age 'to begin in 2014'

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Illuminati "Beatlemania" Illusion

Brown - More States May Create Public-Owned Banks

Super Tuesday: Polarisation of US politics likely to gather pace | World news | The Guardian

Al-Qaeda said to be plotting terrorist attack at the World Cup - Times Online

The Justice of Executions? «Kawther Salam

Could this be Obama's Waterloo!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Zionism & the Millenium Myth (May 17, 2010)

Archaeologists discover 2,700-year-old tomb in Mexico | Science | The Guardian

US teacher investigated after 'teaching maths class how to shoot the president' - Telegraph

Rich and powerful: Obama and the global super-elite - World Politics, World - The Independent

New born babies learn even in their sleep - Telegraph

New drug reverses even 'untreatable' cancers - Telegraph

Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming – Telegraph Blogs

Toyota recalls 4,500 cars in Japan | Business | guardian.co.uk

Aliens 'hijack' Nasa's Voyager 2 spacecraft, claims expert - Telegraph

The Fix - How (and why) Arlen Specter lost

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: US government extends no-fishing zone - Telegraph


*69pg/Member of the Kenyan Assembly on March 25th, 2010, admits that Obama was born in Kenya.




The Conservative Monster.com: Guilty Verdict Handed Down by the Obama Columbia Jury


'Abolish U.N. climate panel, indict chief'


Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Pau/1:35:33l


YouTube - Lord Monckton Says Abolish UN IPCC


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Ultrasound empowers women seeking abortions

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Permanent lockup: 'A public-safety issue'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Karzai's brother helps enemy build IEDs


Why Kagan looks moderate to Obama

Why materialist 'conservatives' are wrong

Kagan hired Obama man who wants to censor Net

Kagan: Flag-burning OK

Kagan was member of pro-abortion group

Kagan's hero: 'Most liberal activist judge' in world

Kagan slammed own memo during 1st Senate hearing

Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

Kagan: Yes, government can ban books

Constitution takes hit from Supreme Court

Feds: Nightstick at polls 'not prosecutable'

Kagan hired Obama man who wants to censor Net

Democrat calls Kagan abortion memo 'troubling' - Yahoo! News

The GOP's dilemma: Fight Kagan or go along? | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - No, This Isn't an "Anti-Incumbent" Year

A dip in value for Obama endorsements? - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

Marines battle back on Confederate flag tattoos

U.S. government lauds, funds 9/11 mosque

Report: Failures in Christmas Attack Mirror 9/11 - CBS News

Homeland Security Alert: Terror suspect may be headed to Texas through Mexico | khou.com | Khou.com - News, Houston news, Texas News, Headlines

Crackdown on Christians ramping up

Intel briefs: Bull's-eye put on Israel's nukes

Marietta Bar Hangs Controversial Sign

Class-action suit filed against Ariz. law - Washington Times

Breitbart.tv » State Department Spokesman Critical of Arizona Law Admits He Too Hasn’t Read It

Toilet brush 'blunder' death | The Sun |News

Feds: Va. Tech violated law in ’07 massacre - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Ex-Israeli Special Agent Confirms 'Son of Hamas' Story | Christianpost.com

Vatican says Pope is not liable for day-to-day actions of priests -Times Online

DNA could solve a doggie whodunit - Baltimore Sun

Man Selling Spots In Hidden Bunker Called Vivos As Last Hope - cbs2.com

Wem ghost picture mystery resolved by eagled-eyed pensioner | Mail Online

At the end of the day, they are journalism's worst cliches | News.com.au

Jack Harris spends 7 years doing 5,000 piece jigsaw then finds ONE bit missing | Mail Online

A hacker knows where your children are, do you?

Facebook for conservatives? - Politics- msnbc.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Rachel Maddow: AZ Immigration Law Like Apartheid

Constitution takes hit from Supreme Court

video:Got the guts to tell the preacher he's full of it?

Nazi philosophy in today's America

Why Kagan looks moderate to Obama

Elena Kagan vs. that 1st Amendment thing

Kick 'em out and change the locks

Obamaites denounce Arizona law – without reading it

Blame Hitler!

Immigration and libertarians

Sexy 7-year-olds: It's child abuse

When the cops seize your stuff

How Republicans can blow it in November

My Country, Tis of Me - Magazine - The Atlantic

Miss Attorney General

Obama's smart aleck disses Les Kinsolving

Bill Murchison : Home School, Sweet Home School - Townhall.com

Horrifying moment an American mother is swept away by huge wave and drowns trying to save her son | Mail Online

Queens man Vincent Liew dies of uterine cancer after kidney transplant from NYU Medical Center

Uproar as Naples pizzerias are hit by claim their pizzas are baked in ovens lit with wood from COFFINS | Mail Online

Escaped woman hid in coffin to elude police - LewistownSentinel.com | News, Sports, Jobs, Central PA — Lewistown Sentinel

Swingers' case tests sexual limits in China - Yahoo! News

Port St. Lucie man charged with killing mother: She 'deserved to die' » TCPalm.com

Wife of RFK Jr. Charged With Drunk Driving - CBS News

Chef 'killed wife with pan and kept body in freezer' - Telegraph

Call centre worker threatened rape and murder of young mum Julie Malak | Mail Online

Tulsa World: Tulsa police discuss patrols near Chicken Hut

Don't believe everything I say - Tony Abbott | News.com.au

Worshipping the beautiful game | Quirky News | Orange UK

Primary school students driven to school 'fail to know where they live' - Telegraph

Dead man lay slumped in car for 10 hours | News.com.au

Caffeine may slow Alzheimer's disease - UPI.com

Telemarketers talk themselves sick, study says | News.com.au

Saudi woman beats up virtue cop

Play space owner defends herself against claims that she's pushing religion

Handless lorry driver sues police | Quirky News | Orange UK

Blind Justice? Attractive Get Breaks with Juries - CBS News

Richland couple finds stash of cash in furniture | Northwest News - The News Tribune

Underground bunkers for sale, in case of apocalypse - latimes.com

New NASA image shows Gulf spill expanding as tar balls wash up on Key West - Yahoo! News

Dostoevsky images on metro ‘could cause suicides’ - Europe, World - The Independent

White explorers couldn't recognise a smile on native symbols - Telegraph

In an Ancient Mexican Tomb, High Society and Human Sacrifice - NYTimes.com

Did exploding stars shatter life's mirror? - life - 19 May 2010 - New Scientist

BBC News - LHC particle search 'nearing', says physicist

SPACE.com -- Mysteries of Venus Targeted by New Japanese Probe

Gary McKinnon: 'They can't return me to a place I wasn't in' - Profiles, People - The Independent

Gallery - Pinocchio frog and dwarf wallaby: New species found - Image 1 - New Scientist

500-year-old remains of Korean woman discovered with her handbag | Mail Online

Apparition: ‘fantastic message’ imparted to self-proclaimed visionary - The Irish Times - Wed, May 12, 2010

Abu Dhabi hotel installs gold vending machine - Yahoo! News

Peacock moves into family home - Telegraph

Superstitious Serbia :: BalkanInsight.com

Where's the oil? Much of it may be gone - Science- msnbc.com

Royal Navy 'does not keep sea monster sighting archive' - Telegraph

Report: Secret Space Plane Likely an Orbiting Spy | Danger Room | Wired.com

GM crop use makes minor pests major problem : Nature News


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*American Minute for May 19th:William J Federer's American Minute


#Video: Questions Surround Inmates Release

Video: Suspected Pharmacy Robber Barricaded In Car

Video: QC Family Focus: How Much Is Too Much High-Tech Talk?

Video: Potentially Catastrophic Science

Video: Wal-Mart Still Selling Cadmium-Tainted Jewelry

Video: Facebook Blocked in Pakistan Over Prophet Images

Obama: Arizona Law Is 'Misdirected Effort'

Video: Obama Affirms Support for Immigration Reform

Video: SKorean Diplomat: "Obvious" North Sank Ship

Video: Kurt the Cyberguy: Snapshot Spying

The B-Cast B-Side: Is Anybody Buying Blumenthal’s Story?

FEMA: Staffer Should Not Have Ordered Removal of Faith-Based T-Shirts

Alan Colmes: ‘There’s No Such Thing as Radical Islam’

US Soldier Will Sue Military for Not Stopping Anti-Muslim Harassment

Peeping Tom Suspect Runs From California TV News Crew

Glenn Beck Interviews Tough-Talking Alabama Candidate Dale Peterson

Cockpit Fire Prompts Emergency Landing of Celebrity-Filled Flight

Woman Chases Wendy’s Worker With Stun Gun Over Botched Order

Caught on Video: Damage From Wild Oklahoma Hail Storms Could Be in Tens of Millions

CBS News: Most TV Meteorologists Doubt Human Activity Is Causing Global Warming

Obama: Arizona Law Is ‘Misdirected Effort’

Obama Tells Mexican President ‘We Are Defined’ by Bonds Not Borders

Matthews: Specter Was Like Man Wearing a Dress to Get on Titanic Lifeboat

Begala Likens Blumenthal Statements to Condi Rice Calling Bush ‘My Husband’

Bangkok Burning: Thai Protesters Set Fire to Landmark Buildings During Deadly Gunbattles

Dale Peterson’s Tough-Talking Ad Inspires Slightly-NSFW Spoof

Sen. Arlen Specter: ‘It’s Been a Great Privilege to Serve’

Rand Paul: ‘We’ve Come to Take Our Government Back’

Caught on Video: ‘Unruly Wreath Appears to Attack’ Ukranian President Yanukovych

The B-Cast: Has Any Obama Official Actually Read the Arizona Law?

Robert Gibbs Doesn’t Know if Limbaugh Was Told to ‘Go Play With Himself’

‘I Am So Ashamed’: Rep. Souder Holds Tearful News Conference — Without Wife

Napolitano Admits She Hasn’t Read Arizona Immigration Law in ‘Detail’

Senate Candidate Blumenthal: I Misspoke About Vietnam Service

Rep. Souder Made Pro-Abstinence Video With Mistress

Primary Races Test Anti-Incumbent Sentiment

Affair With Aide Sinks Eight-Term Indiana Congressman

American Woman Drowns in Italy After Saving Son From Waves

Texas Bus Driver Spots Baby Just in Time


FOXNews.com - Stand Up To Cancer Fundraiser Returning in September

The fourth time's no charm for 'Shrek' - Brand X

FOXNews.com - 'Everybody Draw Mohammed' Day Unleashes Facebook Fracas

New Government in Britain Promises Much Less Intrusion - NYTimes.com

Border security talks wrap with Obama pointing to issues with Ariz. law

Blumenthal Statements Give GOP Hope in Senate Race - ABC News

BBC News - Dad of dead children in Spain faces child sex charges

BBC News - EU eases trade with Latin America at Madrid summit

Medvedev says N.Caucasus corruption threatens national security (Update) | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Andrew Walker: Thailand's Farmers Have Stood Up - WSJ.com

New Details on Kaczynski Crash - WSJ.com

YouTube - Polish Air Force chief in cockpit moments before Kaczynski plane crash?

‘Idol’s’ top 3 double down with two songs each - American Idol

Lindsay Lohan apt to miss court date - People - MiamiHerald.com

Conan O'Brien performs at TBS, TNT upfront

PopStar | Celebrity News | ABC Reveals 2010-2011 TV Schedule

CBS Adds Three New Dramas Including ‘Hawaii Five-O’ (Update2) - BusinessWeek

CBS dumps ghosts for ghosts of TV shows past - BostonHerald.com

BBC News - Kiss and Pearl Jam pay tribute to Ronnie James Dio


Doyle vetoes raw milk bill - JSOnline

Miss USA Rima Fakih: 'I didn't do anything wrong' | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Conservative group backs opponent to Sen. Harry Reid - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

First lady invites special guests to White House state dinner

Black farmers still waiting for justice - CNN.com

Lawmakers consider Internet gambling bills | Reuters

House Republicans: "We've Got a Lot of Work To Do" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Arizona Backs Sales Tax Increase - NYTimes.com

Cityscapes: National Trust names Michigan dunes to nation's most endangered historic places list

Obama Blasts Critics of US Economic Recovery Plan | Economy | English

Q&A with HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan - CSMonitor.com

Ex-NJ lawmaker is convicted in corruption probe - U.S. news- msnbc.com

Judge ordering release of fourth Hutaree militia member | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Why Is the U.S. Apologizing to China About Human Rights? - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

Senate to Vote on Measure to Ban Proprietary Trading - WSJ.com

What Elena Kagan Wrote for Her College Newspaper - Newsweek.com

YouTube - Supreme Ct. Nominee Kagen Meets Sen. Franken

Florida Keys Tar Balls Not From BP Well, Lab Says (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Voters' anger at Washington may overpower any fixes

YouTube - What Messages Did Tuesday's Election Send?