"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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05 April 2010



Bill Cunningham 4/4/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 4/4/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 4/4/10 Hour 3


YouTube - Alex Jones and Bob Chapman's Time Travelling Adventure

Savage Caller: Hutaree Member Planned to Run for Office, Member of Campaign for Liberty

YouTube - Michael Savage Talks To Caller Who Knows Michigan Militia Member

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

YouTube - TW Paul Krugman death panels a cost saver.mov

ABC, CBS Evening News Continue To Hemorrhage Viewers

U.S. official says intel suggests Iran plans to ship arms to Taliban

Gunmen in Uniform Kill 25 Family Members in Iraq - NYTimes.com

U.S. Special Forces staying in Iraq - UPI.com

The Iraqi Pilgrimage to Iran :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

Unemployment benefits expire for thousands - CNN.com

Establishment Grooms “Outsider” Petraeus for Presidential Bid

Disillusioned Democrats Join the Tea Party

Obama Approval Drops 5 Percent to New Low Since Pro-Abortion Health Care Law

An Indispensable Compendium on the Police State

Greenpeace To Global Warming Skeptics: “We Know Where You Live”

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing

The Smoke and Mirrors Economy

YouTube - The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101

An Indispensable Compendium on the Police State

Greenpeace To Global Warming Skeptics: “We Know Where You Live”

The Smoke and Mirrors Economy

Alex Reveals Democrats Caught in False Flag Race Attack

They Were Just Following Orders

The Coming Dictatorship

Kristol: ‘Better’ for US to attack Iran than if Israel did | Raw Story

YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya

Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

States fear that five words in Obama health law will open door to lawsuits | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Hutaree leader loved war games | detnews.com | The Detroit News

The Manufactured Menace From Michigan, Take Two by William Norman Grigg

YouTube - Earthquake in SD 4/4

Obama to Crush Economy with Massive CO2 Taxes as Early as Next Week

The Future Technocracy of Digital Education and Governance Plan

YouTube - Phil Hare doesn't care.

Nullifying Federal Tyranny

Freedom Watch: Constitutional Awakening in America

Precrimes, Hutaree, and Free Political Speech

Indiana Joins Legal Challenge to Health Care Law -- Politics Daily

Are We Seeing a Constitutional Awakening? | Tenth Amendment Center

CIA can withhold Oklahoma City documents - UPI.com

Westside Schools on limited lockdown as precautionary measure - KAIT-Jonesboro, AR-News, weather, sports, classifieds-

Romney struggles to explain that RomneyCare is not ObamaCare | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The most embarrassing sports takedown ever: Bush vs. Obama pitch comparison | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The emperor’s new clothes: Foreign affairs | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

News Analysis - The West Has Little Room to Respond to Karzai’s Criticism - NYTimes.com

The Media Equation - Sarah Palin’s Lucrative Career in Mainstream Media - NYTimes.com

Discovery Rockets Toward Space Station -- InformationWeek

How Americans Are Propagandized About Afghanistan | CommonDreams.org

Bacteria detection is anti-terror effort | Columbus Dispatch Politics

100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story

Forensic experts to reexamine WTC rubble

YouTube - World Trade Center Disaster Fresh Kills Forensic Site 25 January 2002

More Surveillance: Planes, Trains, Automobiles and Buses

Police: Teaching Kids to Mistrust Government Makes Couple ‘Unsuitable’ Parents - Stephen C. Webster - Brave New Hooks - True/Slant

Shocking Admission on Killing Civilians by Top US General Almost Completely Ignored by Corporate Media | Media and Culture | AlterNet

The Dangers of Nuclear War: U.S.-Russian Nuke Deal no Cure for Real Threat

BBC News - Attack on US consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan

FOXNews.com - Wild Shooting Near Times Square Leaves 4 Injured

Girl Arrested For Doodling on School Desk Sues New York City - AOL News

Conservative Truth - The Law of Unintended Consequences - Doug Patton - 2010-04-05

Conservative Truth - The Ideological War between Humanistic State Governments and God’s Kingdom - Bishop Joseph Mattera - 2010-04-05

Conservative Truth - A Post-ObamaCare Strategy - Doug Edelman - 2010-04-05

Higher steel prices signal return of inflation - MSN Money

Texas gun case could decide health care reform lawsuit | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

YouTube - South Africa's Nazi-inspired leader killed

YouTube - Bomber attacks Russian police station

At least 13 injured in two Ingush blasts | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Australia to appoint population minister; develop strategy | World | Reuters

Government Lied: Naked Body Scanners CAN Transmit Images

YouTube - Full-body Scanner Debuts at O'Hare Airport

YouTube - Midas Resources: National Debt

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Congressman's island-capsizing query goes viral | Politics and Law - CNET News

Will Feds Use Letter Sent by Sovereign Citizen Group to Stage False Flag?

YouTube - Letters to Governors Contain No Threats Sparks FBI's Fears Anyway

YouTube - Hysteria over Letters to Governors

44 - Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed'

Climate Change Act has the biggest ever bill - Telegraph

FBI, DHS probe ‘Guardians’ who demanded governors resign




YouTube - Magnitude 7.2 Quake Strikes Baja California

Earthquake in Mexico felt in Los Angeles | Mail Online

How Amazongate blighted the rainforest harvest for WWF - Telegraph

Recent Growth In Economy Is But A Mirage

The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever (Another View)

Medicated in the cockpit: FAA says pilots on psych drugs can fly commercial airliners

Obama Echoes Bush To Test Iran

The Lobby v. America

The Only iPad “Review” You Need To Read

Singer on Climategate Parliamentary Inquiry

“The US economy will not recover for at least another decade” – Engdahl

The Gold Market is a Ponzi Scheme

The most trusted journalist in America now is a comedian – media critic

U.S. Special Forces Soldiers Dug Bullets Out of Their Victims’ Bodies After a Botched Night Raid, Washed the Wounds with Alcohol, Then Lied to Superiors About What Happened

IPCC – How not to compare temperatures

The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever (Another View)

White supremacist murder sparks off World Cup race war fears - Oneindia News

At least 41 killed as triple car bomb hits Baghdad - Times Online

Police secretly photographing 14million motorists and their passengers every day and keeping images for two years | Mail Online

Barack Obama aims to drive gas guzzlers off the road with greener laws - Times Online

States fear that five words in Obama health law will open door to lawsuits | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Russia rail bombs seen linked to Moscow attacks

UPDATE 3-Putin bolsters oil, defense ties with Venezuela | Business News | Regulatory News | Reuters

The Fed’s Last Hurrah

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 2nd With Barry Cooper


In Lyon we try to cross the H1N1 and influenza H5N1de

AfricanCrisis:IMPORTANT: What S.Africa's Intelligence Services will do Secretly now that Eugene Terreblanche is dead...

AmericanCrisis:Obama - Alleged to be Hated by the Chicago Law School Faculty

Mossad’s One Million Helpers World-Wide

AfricanCrisis:VERY IMPORTANT: The Murder of Eugene Terblanche - I just heard about it: The ANC's Coming Race War against Afrikaners...

Jeff Rense Program

How Mossad blew it: The gripping story of how Israel's 'brutally efficient' secret service botched that Dubai assassination | Mail Online

Astronomers discover 90 per cent more universe | Mail Online

South Korea attempts to comfort relatives of missing sailors - Monsters and Critics

YouTube - Treason by Members of the United States Congress

So all Tea Party members are racists? – Telegraph Blogs

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Satanic Ritual Abuse in Utah, Satanists at Large

The Forgotten Populists who had the Answer

New catalytic converter material could make for cleaner, cheaper cars

Stupak’s Health Care Vote Aborts The Pro-Life Movement | Real Zionist News

Credibility gap: Pope needs to answer questions | National Catholic Reporter

Hollie tells police she was abused by sheriff - Press & Journal

savethemales.ca - Leaderless Resistance: Divorcing the System

The Voluptuousness Of Living

Teachers reveal toll of violence against them in schools | Education | The Guardian

Following the herd: Fear dictates what music teenagers listen to | Mail Online

Large Hadron Collider to start high energy 'God Particle' hunt - Telegraph

Junk food 'as addictive as heroin and smoking' - Telegraph


It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

Roy Tov on The Da Vinci Nazi

Page Not Found - United States House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 1st Session

Searches Prove NO Mandatory Chipping In Health Bill

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO

Utah gov. OKs eminent domain use on federal land : 24 Hour Breaking News : The Buffalo News

The Federal Reserve: An Astounding Exposure 1934

'When Silence Becomes Betrayal'

An archaeological mystery in a half-ton lead coffin

Human Bones Successfully Grown in Lab From Stem Cells | Popular Science

Freedom is not found online | Aditya Chakrabortty | Comment is free | The Guardian

Archaeologists find door to the afterlife - Telegraph

Large Hadron Collider smashes protons, record - latimes.com

Scientists discover moral compass in the brain which can be controlled by magnets | Mail Online

YouTube - Israeli Terrorism Against America

The Abrahamic Legacy: The Jewish Ideal of Freedom by Mordy Oberstein

GOP Rep Voters Shouldn't Be Able To Elect Senators

Expected Obama Administration Backing for Indonesian State Terror

Paul A Drockton M.A.: BBC Denies Holly Greig Cover-up

20 Million US Unemployed - Immigration Moratorium Needed

Taxes - Tax horror: White House secretly passes currency controls

Israel's blood diamonds :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings - NYTimes.com

CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings - NYTimes.com

The Health Care Reform Law Contains a Hidden Tax on Annuities - DailyFinance

The Forgotten History And The Progression Of Lies

savethemales.ca - The US Wasn't Founded as a Christian Nation

Most Americans hip to Easter's real meaning?

Large Hadron Collider achieves success with high energy particle collisions - Telegraph

The third sex: The truth about gender ambiguity - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

Common toads can detect earthquakes in advance - Telegraph

Barack Obama faces potential Chinese death trap - Telegraph

Obama Oil Drilling Plan Draws Critics - NYTimes.com

American Capitalism - Gone With A Whimper

Very Good Reason to Believe Home Prices Will Collapse : Information Clearing House - ICH

Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State by Michael Hampton

The Convenient Media Rope-A-Dope With The Pope

Arianna Huffington's LAME Solutions

Things We've Known That Are On The Way Out

We Spoke Loudly...But It Didn't Matter At All

YouTube - American Patriot Foundation: FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund

38 Yr Old Woman Slaughterhouse Worker Dies Of Mad Cow

Is AIPAC Still the Chosen One? | Mother Jones

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

savethemales.ca - US Corporate Elite Funds Radical Left & Islam

Turin Shroud 3D glasses condemned by church - Telegraph

Probe launched into physical and sexual abuse of a six-year-old schoolgirl by her classmates | Mail Online

Analysis: Barack Obama's oil drilling bargaining chip - Telegraph

'Blue code' of silence breaks after cover-up of New Orleans shootings - Times Online

Teenage girl 'sold her 7-year-old stepsister for sex' | Mail Online

Emissions limits, greater fuel efficiency for cars, light trucks made official - washingtonpost.com

China spends big to counter severe weather caused by climate change | Environment | The Guardian

Fried breakfast is healthiest start to day, say scientists - Telegraph

Tens of thousands of women 'should contact plastic surgeon over breast implants' - Telegraph

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Militia "Straw Man"

Revealed: the nasty secret in your kitchen cupboard - News, Food & Drink - The Independent

Bogus Washington-Proposed Financial Reform

Terry Lakin: Army Officer Joins Birthers, Defies Orders

The Case For Impeachment Of 'President' Obama

SPECIAL REPORT-iPad striptease: It's what's inside that counts | Reuters

Energy from the vacuum (cleaner) | Before It's News

World in collision with mass extinction?

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Now This is a "Killer" Breakfast

savethemales.ca - Tracking the Illuminati on Facebook

Chinese fluoride is a homeland security matter

More Similarities Between 1918 and 2009 Pandemic H1N1

The Criminal NSA Eavesdropping Program : Information Clearing House - ICH

There Were 88 Media Companies...Now There Are 6

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1- The link to the New World Order

'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man – Telegraph Blogs


Army suggests brain scan for eligibility challenger

Canadian Jewish groups rankled by Pope preacher's anti-Semitism comparisons - Winnipeg Free Press

States fear that five words in Obama health law will open door to lawsuits | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Holly Greig Revolution is On!

YouTube - 911 WTC nuclear demolition Dimitri Khalezov 01 of 26

Nasa technology used on Mars 'could prevent water wars on Earth' - Telegraph

US to drop extra security against 'terror-prone' Muslim air travellers - Times Online

Barack Obama aims to drive gas guzzlers off the road with greener laws - Times Online

Barack Obama? Not bothered... Schoolboy left wondering what all fuss is all about after meeting president amid crowd frenzy | Mail Online

Deaths from throat cancer 'could triple over the next 20 years if obesity trends continue' - Telegraph

Increase in Arctic ice confounds doomsayers | Mail Online

Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!! « Pak Alert Press

Silence Of The Lambs, Bovine Stupidity Of The Goyim

Eustace Mullins - What The Rothschild Empire Did To Japan

Kevin MacDonald: The Netanyahu-Obama Flap « The Occidental Observer Blog

Jesus for Communists, Zionists and Lawyers

The world's biggest investment banks ordered to inject billions - Times Online

700-year-old cave carvings with links to Knights Templar at risk as worms eat walls | UK news | The Observer

Super Hornet creates vapour cone | Mail Online

Heavens above: The wonders of the solar system - Science, News - The Independent

Fossil could rewrite human evolution - Telegraph

Moscow suicide bombings: how the internet has changed terrorism | World news | The Observer

Walking, talking living doll: Japanese scientists unveil female android | Mail Online

Along the Silk Road at 220mph: China's high-speed rail revolution - Asia, World - The Independent

Inside the world of the 'Kennedys of the Gulf' - Telegraph

John Paul ‘ignored abuse of 2,000 boys’ -Times Online

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Understanding Christianity: The Creation

savethemales.ca - Tracking the Bilderbergers in Facebook

Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails massively in South Africa


Citizens For Legitimate Government

YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya

Higher steel prices signal return of inflation - MSN Money


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism


Overpopulation In 21st Century America - Part 11

YouTube - Student fears in 'jobless America'

Who’s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories? « Aletho News

From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

*site:The American Monetary Institute

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama's Private Army

EclippTV :: Video :: What is Brzezinki whispering to Obama?

EclippTV :: Video :: Unemployment. The UNREPORTED TRUTH! Get Informed at Inflation.US


How Private Health Insurers Purchased Healthcare Reform -- Signs of the Times News

Obama Expands Military Involvement in Africa by Daniel Volman -- Antiwar.com

Who's afraid of 9/11 conspiracy theories? > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

EclippTV :: Video :: American Patriot Foundation: FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund

Robert Ringer's Voice of Sanity Blog

The Ethics of Tax Resistance

ah, mephistophelis.: Great Firewall Not Just of China Anymore

YouTube - The Truth about Facebook!

YouTube - DHS Global Biometric Plan, Facial Recognition Billboards (plus more)


YouTube - 6 Day War Israel Palestine pt1 of 2

YouTube - 6 Day War Israel Palestine pt2 of 2 1967 Arab Israeli War


Was Israel Ever Legitimate? | Criminal State


YouTube - How the US news media fails us


YouTube - Norman Finkelstein vs. Israel 1/3

YouTube - Norman Finkelstein vs. Israel 2/3

YouTube - Norman Finkelstein vs. Israel 3/3


YouTube - 5 Agents busted in my door this morning - Unlawful entry 3-30-2010 - 6:30 am.wmv


YouTube - 4409 -- Easter bunny eggs photo radar!


YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 1)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 2)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 3)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 4)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 5)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 6)


**Tyranny quotes


YouTube - Fatah vs Hamas debate

Debate: Hamas vs. Fatah - Truthdig


Helen Thomas on gender and journalism

Helen Thomas on White House Press Corps

Helen Thomas on her one question for Obama


YouTube - Andrew Maguire finally exposes systemic fraud by CFTC & JPMorgan


EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage-Obama, Hank Johnson, 1 Party System

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Audit the Fed, Obamacare and Government Transparency

‘Death Camps’ Warned Being Prepared As Millions In US Left Hopeless

Are You Prepared To Be Shocked?


YouTube - The Secret of Vatican 2012


YouTube - THE SECRET OF Washington D.C 2- OBAMA is a Sign!




YouTube - Washington D.C.'s Pyramids


YouTube - REVEALED: The Secret of Christianity


YouTube - Everything 2012 Earth Changes Part 1 of 3

YouTube - Everything 2012 Earth Changes Part 2 of 3

YouTube - Everything 2012 Earth Changes Part 3 of 3


YouTube - The Secret History of Everything


Washington's Blog:Proof that Regulators Knew of and Allowed Debt-Hiding Accounting Tricks Like Lehman's Repo 105 R

George Soros backs Oxford to refresh economics - Times Online

Washington's Blog:Not Just the Catholic Church ... Mormon Church and Other Religious Institutions Have Also Covered Up For Pedophiles F

US Nuclear Test Ban Ratification ‘Just Not Going to Happen’ -- News from Antiwar.com

Thousands of vets missing out on better benefits - Yahoo! News

Eighteen Million, Out in the Road: Information Clearing House - ICH

Former IAEA chief: Iraq war killed “a million innocent civilians” :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

NATO’s Afghanistan: The Champion of Drugs Production :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

The Myth Called The Islamic World

The pagan roots of Easter | Heather McDougall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Holy Water-Gate: The Search for the Pope's “Deep Throat” | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

EclippTV :: Video :: the GOVERNMENT is Bankrupting this Country...

Obama lies to CBS on Iran nuclear evidence; CBS publishes lies in conspiracy for unlawful war


EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - How to prepare (1/3)

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente, How to prepare (2/3)

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente, How to prepare (3/3)


Survey Shows Record Number of Americans Ready to Leave the U.S. -- BALTIMORE, March 31 /PRNewswire/ --

EclippTV :: Video :: Michelle says Barack's Home country is Kenya - full statement

EclippTV :: Video :: Tea Party Express Shuns We Are Change

NATO’s Afghanistan: The Champion of Drugs Production :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Did you know Bush had the Pope's name removed from a sexual abuse of minors lawsuit? - Democratic Underground

Shadow Justice Secretary backs call for inquiry into death of weapons inspector Dr David Kelly | Mail Online

FBI, DHS probe ‘Guardians’ who demanded governors resign | Raw Story

World News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Editorial - When It Comes to Terror, We Can’t Tell You - NYTimes.com

BBC World Service - News - Heroin 'tsunami' sweeping Russia

Israel to use anti-Iran strike to win Chinese backing


Jesus Christ – The Neighbour from Hell - Jesus isn't nice at all!

What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes.com

Moscow suicide bombings: how the internet has changed terrorism | World news | The Observer

Obama Echoes Bush To Test Iran

America's new angry brigade is prepared to commit murder | World news | The Observer

Ex-NY Mayor Koch: Obama Anti-Israel ‘In Order to Please Muslims’ - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

US Wars On “Terrorism” Were The Essence Of “Violence”

Americans:Apologetic,Submissive and Complicit

Western Digital Caviar drives: unforgivably unreliable! - Western Digital Caviar® Special Edition WD1200JB 120 GB ATA-100 Hard Drive - Epinions.com

That's Right: Beware Of Western Digital Hard Drives!

EclippTV :: Video :: Political Rapper Diabolic on Conspiracies, the New World Order, and 9/11

EclippTV :: Video :: Ground zero to be sifted again

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage Talks To Caller Who Knows Michigan Militia Member

EclippTV :: Video :: 4/2/2010 Peter Schiff: Who Should Be Hiring Right Now?

EclippTV :: Video :: WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP

Warning Signs: Obama's Math Skills

Capital Controls ACT (HIRE ACT) SCARY! - 12160.org

An Objectivist Individualist: Krugman: Advisory Panels will Reduce Costs with Rationing

tungsten genesis.pdf (application/pdf Object)

How the Aral Sea - once half the size of England - has dried up | Mail Online

EclippTV :: Video :: Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, the slickest money-changer in the world

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Rich Dad Silver- Forecast To Silver Prices

Pope’s immunity to prosecution may be challenged in Britain | Raw Story

Obama Gives Key Agriculture Post to Monsanto Man


America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version 1:51:16

YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

YouTube - Fall of the Republic HQ full length version


American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, and public action. 1 of 6 | Dailycensored.com

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 2 of 6

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 3 of 6


Texas gun case could decide health care reform lawsuit

Power of the pupils: Child 'spies' allowed to sabotage the careers of teachers

IMF fed E. Europe crisis to get work - Czech cen banker

Real Life Training or Humiliation? German Unemployed Sent to Fake Supermarket to Hone Skills

Scientists Tweak Subjects' Brains to Alter Their Moral Choices

USPS gets in on drug raids

The Fed Admits To Breaking The Law

FOXNews.com - Kansas City Federal Courthouse Evacuated After Bomb Threat

U.S. Admits Role in February Killing of Afghan Women - NYTimes.com

Former IAEA Chief: Iraq War Killed “A Million Innocent Civilians”

U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves

“The Evil Scourge of Terrorism”: Reality, Construction, Remedy

The Next Civil War

Is Racism Still Alive in America?

Our Government Is Planning to Stay at War for the Next 80 Years

Big Brother and the Hidden Hand of the "Free Market"

Crisis of the Global Economy: Trade Conflicts and "Fair Trade"

VIDEO: Secret Negotiations: China Confronts the US over Iran Sanctions, Mounting Opposition against Washington

The Perils of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Historic Declaration against Nuclear War

Let’s Put an End to Public Debt Blackmail!

Largest Money Transfer in Recorded History: $4.6 Trillion Spent on the Bank Bailout to Date

Big Government, Budget Deficits, Entitlements and the “Centrist” Ploy

The Gold Market is a Ponzi Scheme


*site:Arnold Exposed


Are We Seeing a Constitutional Awakening?

Feds: Homes with Chinese drywall must be gutted

78% Think Jesus Christ Rose from the Dead

They Were Just Following Orders

Gov shortening yellow traffic light time to raise taxes... and crashes

The Great College Hoax

informationliberation - Obama Gives 17-Minute, 2,500-Word Response to Woman's Claim of Being 'Over-Taxed'

YouTube - 3 Reasons Public Sector Employees are Killing the Economy

YouTube - Jobs, Markets, Emigration, Student Loans, Capital Controls

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Schoolgirl unimpressed with Obama amid frenzied crowd

The K Street Hustlin’ of Obamacare

Obama Puts Pesticide Pusher in Charge of Agricultural Trade Relations

Mumbai Terrorist Was US Agent

History of Iran

The so-called ‘only democracy in the Middle East’

Dr. King’s economic dream deferred

To the beyond creepy Madeleine K. Albright, I say, ‘Enough!’

How Christian is the pope, really?

The Lobby vs. America: On Netanyahu’s lies and the spineless politicians

FCC Adviser Advocates State-run Propaganda “Megaphone” to Counter Alternative Media


video:The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101


The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Karzai steps up attack against US war policy « Dprogram.net

US Wars On “Terrorism” Were The Essence Of “Violence” « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Alex Reveals Democrats Caught in False Flag Race Attack on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Alex Reveals Democrats Caught in False Flag Race Attack on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


IT Problems Will Put Census at Risk ‘Up to the Last Minute,’ Says Commerce Dept Official

Final Decision Expected Soon on Building Major Wind Farm Off Cape Cod

Strong Earthquake Kills 2 in Mexico, Rattles U.S. States

More Than a Quarter of Americans Are Supporters of Tea Party Movement, According to Gallup

Jihad Jane’s Alleged Accomplice Indicted in Philadelphia

Top Vatican Official Rebuts New York Times' Attack on Pope

EPA Chief Says New Pollution Rules for Cars Only the Beginning of Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO Says

White House Braces Unemployed Americans for Slow Job Rebound

Obama Invokes 'Shared Spirit of Humanity' on Easter Weekend

Obama Family Attends Easter Service at Black Methodist Church

Breast-Feeding Would Save Lives and Money, Study Says

Suicide Bombers Target Embassies in Iraq, Killing Dozens

Water Bills Go Up in Down Economy As Usage Drops

Four Bombs Target U.S. Consulate in Northwest Pakistan

Saudi Conference Condemns Extremism, Embraces Shari’a

Russian President Vows 'Crueler' Measures Against Terrorists

Women Hold Topless March in Maine

Israeli Unveils Tank-Defense System of the Future

Obama’s Defining Lie

Our Warrior Class

An Easter People: The Centrality of the Resurrection

George Will Touts Paul Ryan's Social Security Privatization Scheme as Election Strategy for GOP

Repubs Stopping Missile Defense Critics

Right Wingers say Pelosi's Big Gavel is ample cause for despicable Teabagger behavior

A Booming Industry Fights 30 Percent of The Nation's Unemployment Claims

Hartmann: This is what happens when you show up at a tea party with a "no medicare" pledge?

Greenspan Plays Deficit Hawk Again and Warns of Severe Consequences if CBO is Wrong on Health Care Bill Costs

Regulators Point To Growth Of Illegal Unpaid Internships. But They're A Good Way To Keep Out The Rabble!

Fox Business Channel doesn't disclose that Elaine Chao is married to Mitch McConnell

Are you ready for some Baseball?

6.9 Earthquake just hit Baja and shook my house: UPDATEd to 7.2

Brit Hume Claims Economic Recovery is Being Hindered by the Regulatory Atmosphere

The 'Party Of No' Finds Obstruction Strategy Is Not Paying Off In Contributions. But It Will Later, They Insist!

Alan Colmes: FL Doctor Who Refuses To Treat Obama Voters Doesn't Even Know What's In The Bill

Larry Summers: Dodd's Financial Reform Bill Prevents 'Too Big To Fail'

Kristol cheers 'use of force' to delay Iranian nukes

Kyl threatens to use filibuster on next Supreme Court nominee

Avlon Compares Citizen's Arrest Of Karl Rove To Domestic Terrorism Of Hutaree Militia

Major Charity Watchdog Group Downgrades Sean Hannity's Charity - 4 Star Rating Cut In Half

New Poll: Teabaggers are just another name for Conservatives. Are they Daleks or Cyberman?

Open Thread: The Driftglass and Blue Gal Weekly Podcast: Rooting out the Teabagger Rot, Blog against Theocracy

Jobs Growth: Not As Bad As Usual - Especially If You Like Working Temp Jobs!

Bunning and Coburn Worst Persons for Blocking Extending National Flood Insurance Plan

Sen. Corker backtracks on his statement that repealing the health care bill was never going to happen

Rachel Maddow Calls Bull-Pucky on Fake Republican Outrage

Foxheads dismiss 'Patriot' group's threats to governors as harmless hyperbole

Good Ole Glenn Beck Comes Through Again

Newsbusters FAIL - Media Was Wrong About Right-Wing Influence On Militias Because One Hutaree Member Is A "Registered" Democrat

Newstalgia World Week - March 29-April 2, 2010 | Newstalgia

Probe V7N4: The Matin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis

Washington's Blog:“We Are in a Cabal... Five or Six Players ... Own the Regulatory Apparatus. Everybody Is Afraid to Regulate Them"

Washington's Blog:U.S. Recants Claims that Detainee Who Was One of the Main Sources for the 9/11 Report, and Repeatedly Tortured, Was Involved in 9/11 or Even Al Qaeda

115 Rescued From China Mine

South Korea Sends Warship After Hijacked Oil Tanker

South African President Urges Calm Following Murder of White Supremacist Leader

Chinese Oil Spill Threatens Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Shuttle Discovery Launches Mission to Space Station

Flight Attendants Are First Line of Defense Against Human Trafficking

Russian Arms Sales to Venezuela Could Total $5 Billion

Obama Administration Remains Concerned About China Currency Valuation

Electric Car Maker sees Transportation 'Revolution' in Ethiopia

Nazi Germany's Last Surviving Rabbi Marks Passover Seder

Kyl, Top GOP Lawmakers Want Accountability from Steele

Scott Brown: GOP Must Stop 'Fired-Up' Obama

Poll: 40% of Tea Party Dems, Independents

Limbaugh Hits Back at Obama for Criticism

Summers Expects Financial Overhaul to Pass

Greenspan: If CBO Wrong on Obamacare, Dire Result

Steele Defends Stewardship of Party Affairs

Lieberman: Domestic Terror Is Real Threat

Scandal Cost U.S. Catholic Church $3B

Will the CIA Sabotage Iran's Nukes?

Battle Brews as Justice Stevens Mulls Exit

Chicago Tea Partyers: Rallies Not Enough

Castro: Cuba Will Resist Hunger Strike 'Blackmail'

Times: Tea Party’s #1 Target Harry Reid

Specter Hopes Justice Stevens Doesn't Quit in 2010

White House: China Should Link Currency to Market

Border City Absorbs Most U.S. Damage in Quake

Pope Hailed As 'Unfailing' Leader at Easter Mass

Exclusive: Easter With Joel and Victoria Osteen

Office Vacancy Rate Hits 16-year High

3 Shootings As Groups of Youths Run Amok in NYC

Obama Aims to Save Mass. Gov. Patrick

Democrats Stand by Candidate for Obama's Old Seat

Ark. Governor Shows Not All Incumbents Are Toxic

Rash of Swami Sex Scandals Rock India

IMF Head: World Economy 'Not Out of the Woods'

Bread and Cookies That Help You Lose Weight

Drug Companies Paid Docs Millions

6 Mistakes That Pollute Your Home

German Minister Criticizes Facebook On Privacy

Judge to Hear Arguments in Hopper Divorce

Jackson Family to Face Doctor Charged in Death

Trump Fires Blagojevich On 'Celebrity Apprentice'

Newsmax - The Bond Saga Continues

Newsmax - Karl Rove Memoir Recounts Bush Years

Chicago Terrorism Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

Ohio Christian Convert Fights to Stay in US

Priest Accused of US Abuse Still Working in India

Police Arrest Bomb Threat Man at Tulsa Airport

Charity to Give $100M in Grants for New Art Spaces

Arraignment Set in Phone Caper at Senator's Office

New Dispute Over Boy Brought to NJ From Brazil

Space Shuttle Discovery, 7 Astronauts Blast Off

6 Hurt as ATV Plunges off Cliff in Massachusetts

Bikini Workouts: Buffing up to Brave the Beach

Mexican Drug Cartel Honcho Finally Faces Sentence

Stranded Ship "Time Bomb" to Great Barrier Reef

5 Things to Know About the Tea Party Movement

At Least 114 Rescued From Flooded China Mine

Studies Find Patterns of Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse

Analysis: Abuse Crisis in Europe Much Like US 2002

White House Easter Egg Roll Through the Years

Van Gogh Painting Reproduced in Breakfast Cereal

Police Consider Charges in Denver Bus Crash

4 Killed in L.A. Restaurant Shooting

Debbie Schlussel : Hilarious: Tiger Woods Played Race Card; Called Out By Kindergarten Teacher’s Lawsuit Threat

Debbie Schlussel : Islam Wishes You a “Happy” Easter

Debbie Schlussel : Out for End of Passover & Happy Easter to My Christian Readers

Drug investigation nets 81 felonies against 44 adults | Martinsville Media

U.S. NEWS: Guardians of the free Republics tied to Texas radio station - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Pfizer ordered to pay up over "AIDS-like" virus infections - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM


ECONOMY: Tim Geithner And The Sovereign Debt That Dare Not Speak Its Name - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

ECONOMY: Rothschilds Bring In an Outsider to Run the Show - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

WORLD NEWS: Global Food Reserve Needed to Stabilize Prices, Researchers Say - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

cryptogon.com » Meet the Sims… and Shoot Them: The Rise of Militainment

WORLD NEWS: Disney resort hit by staff suicides - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

WORLD NEWS: Why US companies pay less taxes than you (in the US)... - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

GOP Threatens to Remove Ron Paul from All Committee Assignments | FDL News Desk

FDA pressured to combat rising 'food fraud'

Looting Main Street : Rolling Stone

Jamie Dimon’s Assault on the Economy « SpeakEasy

“We Are in a Cabal... Five or Six Players ... Own the Regulatory Apparatus. Everybody Is Afraid to Regulate Them" | zero hedge


YouTube - 5 Agents busted in my door this morning - Unlawful entry 3-30-2010 - 6:30 am.wmv

YouTube - 5 Agents busted in my home, part 2 security camera.wmv


informationliberation - Shocking Admission on Killing Civilians by Top US General Almost Completely Ignored by Corporate Media

informationliberation - Are Federal Officials Above the Law?

informationliberation - Government Lied: Naked Body Scanners CAN Transmit Images

Texas border towns fear violent spillover from Mexico | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

Ranchers speak out on lack of action - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

Obama addresses harsh criticism - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

China buys air defense systems from Russia - Yahoo! News

Columbus Air Test Finds Tularemia-Causing Bacteria | WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio News

Time Lords discovered in California - life - 01 April 2010 - New Scientist

Would Microsoft's 'guardian angel' turn our brains to mush?

Exposing the Government’s Lies by Jacob Huebert

They Protest Too Much by Butler Shaffer

Halloween Comes to the Subways by Fred Reed

Absolutist Thought in Italy by Murray N. Rothbard

The Coming Dictatorship by Robert Ringer

The Political Unemployment Scam! by Gary D. Barnett

Inside the seething green roach pit where they EAT their own – Telegraph Blogs

Peter Schiff: Obama's student loans solution will make it worse

Four female astronauts rendezvous 50 years after first woman in space - Times Online

The Associated Press: Ritual sacrifice of children on rise in Uganda

Who's Behind the Anti-Obama Billboards? - 11Alive.com | WXIA | Atlanta, GA

FT.com / US / Economy & Fed - Rubin and Greenspan to face crisis inquiry

Potential Risk to Blood Supply Probed - WSJ.com

Karzai stands by vote fraud claims against West - Asia, World - The Independent

Dozens Arrested After Midtown Mayhem - wcbstv.com

U.S. government a big commercial real estate player - washingtonpost.com

UPDATE 1-Termite gangs tunnel into third French bank | Reuters

White supremacist murder sparks World Cup race war fears | The Sun |News

My Way News - Dubai jail sentence upheld for UK kissing couple

Carla Bruni 'humiliated' as Woody Allen decides Marion Cotillard is true French first lady | Mail Online

Further Freedom Concert Charges | Pollstar - The Concert Hotwire

Michael Jackson Death Investigation: Jackson Doctor, Conrad Murray, Due in L.A. Court - latimes.com

Erin Andrews won't let death threats stop her on 'Dancing with the Stars': 'I don't quit on things'

Olivia Newton-John goes overboard for the wrong man - Telegraph

Marco observes Easter with sunrise service | marcoislandflorida.com | Marco Island Sun Times

YouTube - Caught on Tape: Mexicali earthquake waves felt in California, Nevada

Michael Steele: Black Politicians Have Less Room for Error - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

FOXNews.com - Critics of 'Extreme' Tea Partiers Showed Little Interest in Bush-Bashers

YouTube - Can the Tea Party Spark a Real Revolution?

Rove urges Americans to fill out Census forms - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

"Too Big to Fail" in Crosshairs of Reform Debate - ABC News

Obama, Election 2012: GOP's Romney, Pawlenty to Campaign - TIME

High Court: Justices increasingly speaking outside the courtroom - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Justice Stevens to Leave While Obama in Office

Oakland pot lab fills oversight need - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Giuliani endorses Rubio in Miami campaign stop - Florida AP - MiamiHerald.com

FOXNews.com - Piece of Plane Falls Off During Florida-Bound Flight

Topless Women Shocked That People Like to Watch Topless Women - Crimesider - CBS News

Suicide Attacks Kill 45 in Pakistan | Asia | English

YouTube - Raw Video: 4 Bombs Explode Near U.S. Consulate

BBC News - Terreblanche killing reopens South Africa race wounds

Pirates seize South Korean tanker - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - White House Slams Karzai for Latest Anti-American Outburst

Kazakh president expresses condolences over Moscow blasts | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

YouTube - Bomber attacks Russian police station

The Hindu : News / International : China rejects criticism over dams

Great Barrier Reef rammed by Chinese coal ship - latimes.com

Iran Sanctions Yield Little - WSJ.com

DRC Troops Retake Airport After Rebel Attack | Central Africa | English

Confusion, Division Plague Sudan's Opposition Ahead of Polls | Africa | English

Al Jazeera English - GENERAL - Rhythms of resistance

AFP: US to release nuclear strategy Tuesday

BBC News - Egypt releases ElBaradei backer

BBC News - Afghan women were killed in bungled raid, Nato admits

The Associated Press: UN chief says Uzbekistan must observe human rights


Probe V6N5: Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?

Probe V6N6: Oswald, the CIA and Mexico City

Probe V7N5: James Jesus Angleton and the Kennedy Assassination: Part 1

Probe V7N6: James Jesus Angleton and the Kennedy Assassination: Part 2

Probe V7N1: Jesse Ventura Takes On the Establishment re JFK Case

Probe V5N3: Sirhan and the RFK Assassination: The Grand Illusion

Probe V5N4: Sirhan and the RFK Assassination: Part II: Rubik's Cube

Probe V5N6: The Zapruder Film Comes to Home Video

Probe V4N6: The Posthumous Assassination of JFK

Probe V5N1: The Posthumous Assassination of JFK Part II

Probe V5N2: Harvey, Lee and Tippit

Probe V5N2: Is the King Case Dead?

Probe V4N5: Sirhan Says "I didn't kill RKF"

Probe V4N4: King's Son says Ray Not Guilty

Probe V4N2: The Left and the Death of Kennedy

Probe V4N1: The Nearness of History: Scott Enyart vs. LAPD on the RFK Photos

Probe V3N1: Silencers, Sniper Rifles & the CIA


Students Resist Colleges, Strap on Empty Holsters

Survivalism in the Suburbs

Housing protest leads to takeover of duplex

Commentary » Blog Archive » Eloquent No More

Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org

Breitbart.tv » Matthews Calls Limbaugh a ‘Walrus Underwater’ Over ‘Regime’ Quote

Obama and the L-Word - Reason Magazine

Immigration effort lacks 2nd backer from GOP - Washington Times

Acorn Says It Continues Its Work - NYTimes.com

Eugene Terre'blanche, South African Far-Right Leader And White Supremacist, Murdered At His Farm | World News | Sky News

Independent voters turn angry - Washington Times

Zuma appeals for calm after Terreblanche's death - CNN.com

FODEMAN: Obamacare's doctorless world - Washington Times

Iran Nuclear Ring Probed - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - Journals of Texas Students Reveal Horrors Across the Border

Huge 25% tax hike for small businesses kills New York jobs - NYPOST.com

My Way News - Justice Stevens to leave while Obama in office

Killer guilty in '07 shooting in El Cerrito

S.F. Chief George Gascón apologizes to Muslims

To Join the Met’s Board, Have a Checkbook Handy - NYTimes.com

Chronicle outdoors writer arrested in pot case

FOXNews.com - Indiana School Not Canceling Graduation Prayer Without Judge Order

19 Celebs with ADD or ADHD - Parenting.com

Missing link between man and apes found - Telegraph

Some disquiet on these L.A. film sets - latimes.com

River reveals chilling tracks of ancient flood : Nature News

Air Force's mystery spaceship: X-37 gears up for launch / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Unexplained sheep attacks 'caused by aliens in UFOs', farmers claim - Telegraph

'Miracle' of Ann Mintram brought back from the dead 114 TIMES in 30 hours | Mail Online

Bionic Eye Attempts to Restore Vision | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Twisted Physics: 7 Recent Mind-Blowing Findings | LiveScience

Unexplained Mysteries - Night jumpers

Study: Magnetic Waves Alter Moral Compass - CBS News

What Does the Easter Bunny Have To Do With Easter? : Discovery News

How your brain remembers the future - life - 02 April 2010 - New Scientist

Cars vs. cosmic rays - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Prehistoric hailstorm triggered a 1,000-year freeze on Earth that wiped out animal species | Mail Online

Cryptomundo » Hawaiian Weekly Calls Menehune: “First Hoax”


*Website/The Shroud of Turin


Frontline - Secret History of the Credit Card 2004 54:07

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America 3:35:19


YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 1of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 2of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 3of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 4of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 5of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 6of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 7of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 8of9: "David beat Goliath"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 9of9: "David beat Goliath"


YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 1of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 2of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 3of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 5of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 6of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 7of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 8of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 9of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 10of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 11of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones 12of12: "The century of change, towards the brave new world"


Wolves and more Wolves (With a Hint of Hypocrisy)

When Wolves Attack

Congressman responds to himself

Canada's struggle with health care wait times a harbinger for the US

Obama's reverse Midas touch

Dr. Cassell and the shot heard around America

What Obamacare will cost doctors

Distractions used to hide Obamacare's failures

California state universities' financial shenanigans

The Democrats' Risky Business

Something's Rotten in Caracas

With 'Social Justice' You Don't Get Egg Roll

America's Sinking Middle Class

Undermining Our Faith

Obama's Russian Disaster

The Empty Vessel President

My Search for Intelligent Life in Berkeley

Spoiling the Spoilsport

False Prophets Are Ravenous Wolves

The Man in the Watchtower

Another Twenty-Five Years of Affirmative Action?

Saudi Arabia and the Peace Process

Hybrid Health Care

States Need to Protect Us from ObamaCare

Love, Fear, and Tyranny

A Catholic Doctor's Hope for America

Paying the Price for Obama

Bonnie and Clyde's propaganda coup

No escaping the facts; Obama will accept a nuclear Iran

Follow the money

Amnesty International endorses 'defensive jihad'

Another view of the Iraq election

Great People on Tea Party Express

Why can't we find a Climategate summary like this in US Media

Doctor who posted controversial sign a victim of intolerance

Obama's narcissism knows no bounds

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of control

Obama's insincerity in raising the level of debate

New York Times’ Anti-American Heart Beats Fast for ‘Jihadis: A Love Story’

Morning Thread: Have the Wheels Come Off Obama’s Media Tricycle?

Village Boys

Black Democrat Race Exploiters Trash Diverse Tea Party

Drill, Baby, Drill (Especially off Nancy Pelosi’s California Coast)

Obama Spares Us From Energy Independence; Ignorant MSM Cheers

Open Thread: Comments on the Commentary About Commenting

‘Race To the Top’ Is Great — Unless You’re a Charter School

The Bogeyman Series: Don’t Let the NY Times Scare You Off Important Medication

Memo to Paul Krugman: My Search Was Not in Vain

Times Tip for Taliban: Don’t Fire Til You See the Whites Of Our Eyes

Journo-Politico Violence: Deadly Threat or Menacing Trend?

Red Line

NewsBusted: Why Did Fox Cancel “24″?




YouTube - Maxine Waters Thinks Waving Flags, Laughing, and Having A Good Time is OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR


Death by Senator: As Financial Reform Looms, We Revisit IndyMac

Worried About the Constitution? Join the Fight to Defend it!

Global Warming, R. I. P.

Shining the Light on Searchlight

Throwing Stones: The Left’s Hypocrisy Problem

Monday Open Thread: Veto Edition

The Eternal Hope of Spring: Baseball and the United States

Dressing Up Standards, Dumbing Down Schools

Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?

Leftists Have No Right to Strip Faith from American History

Join Me: April 10th!

YouTube - Steve King and Michele Bachmann: Defenders of Freedom

ShoreBank: Too Green to Fail?

Sunday Open Thread: Abdication Edition

Hillary Invades Canada!

The Horrors Of Progressive Socialism Revisited

The American Revolution…REBOOTED!

Faulkner Offers Much-Needed Hope to New York

Connect the Dots on CAIR’s Foreign Funding and Lobbying at CAIRObservatory.org

Global Warming, the Next Chapter in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

A New Birth of Freedom


YouTube - Rep. Hare Responds to YouTube Video on Comments About Constitution

YouTube - Ilya Shapiro Accepts Challenge to Debate ObamaCare

YouTube - Congressional Black Caucus 3 20 2010 - original video

YouTube - Nancy Pelosi walks past protestors with big gavel.mov

YouTube - Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, featuring Victor Davis Hanson

YouTube - Karl Rove Gets Disrupted By Code Pink At Book Event

YouTube - Howard Dean Admits Health Care Bill is Redistribution

YouTube - The Flat Tax: How it Works and Why it is Good for America


Op-Ed Columnist - Start-Ups, Not Bailouts - NYTimes.com

Housing market could spoil the recovery party - Times Online

RealClearPolitics - For Latinos, Mixed Signals

RealClearPolitics - Time to End Recess Appointments

RealClearPolitics - Not Making the Grade on Reform

Op-Ed Columnist - It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama! - NYTimes.com

Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews and the 'regime' question | Washington Examiner

Death of the White House Press Corps - The Daily Beast

Communications Corruption at the White House - The Washington Note

Dan Quayle: Don't let the tea party go Perot - washingtonpost.com

Juan Williams: Tea Party Anger Reflects Mainstream Concerns - WSJ.com

Texas Dems still waiting for Latino surge | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Church gets an unfair rap | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/04/2010

Op-Ed Columnist - A Devil of a Scandal - NYTimes.com

Why Obama Can't End Nukes - Newsweek.com

Op-Ed Contributors - How Washington Abetted the Bank Job - NYTimes.com

Progressives gone wild?

Michael Steele: Affirmative action hire gone bad | Cynthia Tucker

Moonbats wing it when it comes to paying more taxes - BostonHerald.com

EDITORIAL: Costs? What costs? - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Editorial - When It Comes to Terror, We Can’t Tell You - NYTimes.com

Schools for scandal: Charters must be kept free of cheap politicians

Hold hard to our Christian values - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Democrats' Uphill Battles Continue

RealClearPolitics - The Way Forward for Republicans, Tea Partiers

National debt seen heading for crisis level

Weathermen, and other climate change skeptics : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Will Russ Feingold Survive?

Obama Needs to Take On Labor Allies in Trade Fight: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - The Poisonous Politics of Self-Esteem

RealClearPolitics - Under Obama, Reducing Choices for the Future

Op-Ed Columnist - Making Financial Reform Fool-Resistant - NYTimes.com

Bust Up the Banks - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Houston, we have a real problem - The Denver Post

Justice arrested in Venezuela | Václav Havel | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Peter Berkowitz: Can French President Nicolas Sarkozy Justify Banning the Veil? - WSJ.com

I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor - A Season for Disarmament - NYTimes.com

Liberal Internationalism: The Twilight of a Dream - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Works and Days » A Postmodern Presidency

Obama Seems Unserious About a Nuclear Iran - WSJ.com

Move quickly on Iran sanctions - The Boston Globe

EDITORIAL: Stop 'Big Corn' - Washington Times

The Marine Corps deserves proper recognition. - chicagotribune.com

Sen. Specter viewed as a model Democrat one year after switch - TheHill.com

CQ Politics | Pelosi Presses Caucus to Pay Dues

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Apr 04, 2010 - Top GOP lawmakers want accountability at RNC

States Skeptical About ‘Race to Top’ School Aid Contest - NYTimes.com

Judge says threats to confiscate children may be coercion

(Recent Earthquakes - All Earthquake List for CA-NV


flashback:Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

*Emergency Health Army? - Video - FoxNews.com


*audio page:TRUTH2U - Joe Kovacs - The Sign of Jonah - 040410

audio page/TRUTH2U - Jeff Gilbert - Easter Vs Passover - 280310


*Can science, religion co-exist?

David Kupelian on Hannity's 'Great American Panel'

HAGELIN: Learning how evil works and some solutions - Washington Times

Immigration radicals claim 'friend' in White House

Immigration effort lacks 2nd backer from GOP - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Murdered Rancher's Family Asks for Troops Along Mexican Border

Feds: Surge in Haitians crossing border into Vermont | The Burlington Free Press | Burlington, Vermont

Farah back at 2nd Tea Party Nation convention

Who's Behind the Anti-Obama Billboards? - 11Alive.com | WXIA | Atlanta, GA

Hattiesburg, Laurel residents file lawsuit against Obama - WDAM - Channel 7 - Serving Hattiesburg, Laurel and the Pine Belt

Tea Party 48% Obama 44% - Rasmussen Reports™

Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of 'character assassination' - Jonathan Martin and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Ed Schultz Dredges Up Completely Discredited 2007 Soros-Funded 'Report' to Again Demand the 'Fairness' Doctrine | NewsBusters.org

Never fear, ActionFest is finally here!

Did you feel that hit in your wallet?

Ariz. Will Sue Over Health Care Bill - Politics News Story - KPHO Phoenix

44 - Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed'

Panel: Justice stonewalling on Panthers - Washington Times

White House helps keep GOP's Michael Steele in the spotlight - TheHill.com

House plans to resurrect law requiring 'gay' hires

Lawmakers ripped over 9/11 mosque fundraiser

FOXNews.com - Congressman Defends His 'Constitution' Comments on Health Care Law

Congressman: 'I don't worry about the Constitution'

Easter Mass becomes papal pep rally in Rome

Archbishop of Canterbury hits out at cross ban - Telegraph

Orthodox, western faiths share Easter this year, next :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Religion

Resurrection real, according to some scientists - Redlands Daily Facts

Obama hails 'shared spirit of humanity' at Easter - Yahoo! News

The passion of the Christian

3D-face creator says Shroud proves resurrection

Priestly Blessing – Video - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Immigration radicals claim 'friend' in White House

Judge says threats to confiscate children may be coercion

An attack on liberty-loving colleges

Blessing for the Easter doughnut Tasmania News - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania

New book claims Jesus 'was the son of a middle-class architect' | Mail Online

*Easter: Test your Bible knowledge now! - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

video:Selling Easter to the highest bidder

Sacramento-area churches add extra round of entertainment to Sunday's Easter basket - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

No room for Jesus at Easter Show - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


*American Minute for April 5th:William J Federer's American Minute

*American Minute for April 4th:William J Federer's American Minute


America's Most Underrated National Parks

Area 51 veterans dispel rumors about space aliens, UFOs

Local News | CIA concludes study of UFOs futile — who'd trust findings? | Seattle Times Newspaper

Energizer Bunny going, going, gone — at auction | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Obamanites get violent in support of the agenda

Defending Obamacare with 'misinformation'

'Moderate' terror in D.C.

Ignoring history's lessons

Immigration? No. Invasion

Death and dishonor in Cochise County

America is broke

Fat, dumb and happy?

On Higher Education » Federal financial aid & meat offered to idols

Op-Ed Columnist - It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama! - NYTimes.com

E-mail to the Editor

Death of the White House Press Corps - The Daily Beast

Burger King ad featuring its mascot as crazy offends mental health organizations - washingtonpost.com

Burger King Wages Breakfast War on McDonald's - Advertising Age - News

'Long way to go' in taming US joblessness: White House

Car Dealer Scams To Avoid- Yahoo! Autos Article Page

Inside Secrets: How Car Dealers Think

China's credit curbs pose mounting risk to commodities - Telegraph

Losing the dollar? It's a lock

3D to launch on mobile phones | Video | Reuters.com

Patient Money - New Law, but Old Rules if You Lose Health Care - NYTimes.com

pay-garnishments-rise-as-debtors-fall-behind: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

An estimated 700,000 iPads bought on day one — plus a Steve Jobs sighting in Palo Alto - San Jose Mercury News

When technology enables despotism

Starbucks goes upmarket with Seattle test cafe | Reuters

Finds fuel deep-sea oil rush | The Australian

Science Centric | News | Plastic electronics could slash the cost of solar panels

Credit card tricks to avoid

Should you consider a charge card over a credit card? - Apr. 3, 2010

Cars vs. cosmic rays - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Pornographic pizza roundly panned | Adelaide Now

Is buying a hybrid worth it?

'Living trust' just a gimmick?

Marching for right to bare breasts, women faced with sea of cameras | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Erykah Badu News - Yahoo! Music

ONE YEAR AS WIFE’S HOSTAGE, News - Latest - Ahmedabad Mirror,Ahmedabad Mirror

Italian prostitutes get own road sign to warn motorists of impending distraction | Mail Online

Cher, Sting and Bono share just one thing with Mitch - JSOnline

Police stop toddler who took off in mom's car | thenorthwestern.com | Oshkosh Northwestern

Fishing banned on the Sea of Galilee - Telegraph

Virgin Mary coming back to Knock Shrine on May 11, claims ‘visionary’ | Irish News | IrishCentral

Do-it-yourself groups in Bay Area form alternatives to institutional churches - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Homeless in Binghamton | FrontPage Magazine

Small coterie advises pope, but decisions his own - Yahoo! News

Anglican leader: Irish church lost all credibility - Yahoo! News

Teenagers at egg hunt find body in Des Moines park | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

Missing link between man and apes found - Telegraph

Air Force to launch robotic winged space plane - Yahoo! News

Band teacher texting student: Winter Park band teacher admitted texting student - OrlandoSentinel.com

Plane crashes on Brooker Hwy Today's News - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania

Peninsula man sues pet shop after slipping on dog feces | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Digital Domain - Web Sites Are Helping Music Groups Raise Money - NYTimes.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Support dwindles for bill limiting access to records - Hawaii News - Starbulletin.com

Upping ante on eligibility

New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility

Eligibility challenger: Don't touch my brain!


*4-5/Politics VideoMichael Steele Says He Will Not Resign

Raw: Space Shuttle Discovery Lifts Off

MA-Gov: Obama Speaks At Fundraiser In Boston

Rove Appears In Television Ad For The Census

Rep. Delahunt: Public Support In Afghanistan Is "Weak And Shaky"

Raw: 4 Bombs Explode Near U.S. Consulate In Pakistan

Rep. Kanjorski On The Future Of Financial Reform

Blago Fired On "Celebrity Apprentice"

Michael Steele: Obama And I Have Slimmer Margins of Error Because We Are African-American

Rep. Tom Price Describes 10 Solutions to Conservative Victory in 2010

Constituents Laugh At Dem Rep. Shea-Porter's Health Care Budget Claims

Dwindling GOP Support for Michael Steele

PA-Sen: Rep. Sestak Talks Health Care, Campaign

Will Justice Stevens Retire?

*4-4/GOP Recruiter Rep. McCarthy Predicts GOP Takeover Of House

"This Week" Roundtable On RNC's Strip Club Spending

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Obama's Leadership, Agenda

Sen. Lieberman: Iraq Bombings A "Warning For Us"

Larry Summers: Economy Ahead of Forecasting

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP In 2010

Summers: China Currency Report Not Tied to Iran

Romer On Consumers Driving A Sustainable Recovery

Sen. Specter Wants More "Diverse" Justice On Supreme Court

*4-3/Obama Weekly Address On Holiday Greetings

Maddow: Republican Outrage Is "Bull"

O'Reilly: Conservative Critics Not To Blame For Obama's Struggles

Countdown: Republicans Peddling Lies In Battle Against Health Reform


YouTube - 4409 -- Interview with ABC15 News: Easter Bunny eggs photo radar!

'Easter Bunny' targets photo radar camera in Tempe - Phoenix Arizona news, breaking news, local news, weather radar, traffic from ABC15 News | ABC15.com

Wikileaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad — Full video

Cheers mixed with boos as Obama throws first pitch

U.S. government a big commercial real estate player - washingtonpost.com

Former Miami Beach Cop Charged In Kidnapping And Extortion Scheme - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

YouTube - Alex Jones Interviews Federaljack Reporter About Arrest

National Polls Shatter Myth Of Tea Party As Right Wing Fringe Group

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing

Are Federal Officials Above the Law?

Financial Reform 201

What Good are Allies? Turning Means into Ends

The most trusted journalist in America now is a comedian – media critic

White House Focuses on Three High Court Candidates (Update1) - Bloomberg.com


#video:Four Shot: Police Make 54 Arrests as ‘Young Thugs’ Rampage Through Manhattan

Obama Biographer: ‘He Does Not Have the Same Talents as Ronald Reagan’

NY Times Investigates: Parisian Women Wear High Heels More Than New Yorkers

Raw: Bombs Explode Near US Consulate in Northern Pakistan

‘Miracle’: Rescuers Save More Than 100 From Flooded Chinese Mine

‘No’: Steele Says He Won’t Resign Over Nightclub Scandal

Off-the-Hook Hypocrisy: Rep. Waters Used to Love ‘Vulgar’&‘Outlandish’ Protest Rallies

Pittsburgh Dudes Smash New iPad With Baseball Bat

Caught on Tape: Earthquake Shakes Water From Pool

Mystery Man Helps Rescue Toddler From Frigid NYC River

‘Le Whif’: Coffee Inhaler Offers Dry Caffeine Hit

Senegal’s Scantily Clad Mega-Statue Draws Knocks

Elderly Michigan Woman Keeps Hair Appointment Despite Crashing Car Into Salon

Erykah Badu Defends Her ‘Butt-Naked Truth’ at JFK Assassination Site

Workers Hack Racist South African Farmer to Death in Dispute Over Wages

‘I Just Won a ****Load of Money’: Gambler Interrupts TV News Liveshot

Harsh Words Erupt Over Catholic Church Crisis

Minke Whale Turns 40-Mile Charity Mission Into Something ‘Magical’

Cops Arrest Six in Gang Rape of 7-Year-Old NJ Girl

Fans Jeer Obama as He Blows First Pitch in Washington

‘Dude Perfect’: Texas Trick Shot Crew Perfects ‘Nothing-But-Net’ Style

Michael Steele: Obama and I Have Slimmer Margins of Error Because of Race

Dem: Public Support in Afghanistan ‘Very Weak and Shaky’

Rove Asks People to Fill Out Census in New Ad

Obama Shoots Hoops With CBS Lead Basketball Analyst

Caught on Video: Air Show Crash Kills Brazilian Military Pilot

Saudis Plan to Execute Fortune-Teller

Speculation Mounts That Supreme Court Justice Stevens Will Retire This Month

Obama Gives 17-Minute, 2,500-Word Response to Woman’s Claim of Being ‘Over-Taxed’

Radio Equalizer: Libtalkers Twist Words in Attempt to Smear Hannity

St. Louis Blogger Tells Cavuto: ‘We’re an Army of Davids and Our Video Cameras Are Our Slings’

Update: Florida Doc Explains ObamaCare Warning to His Patients

Rep. Cohen (D-TN): ‘The Tea Party People Are Kind of Without Robes and Hoods’

‘I Don’t Worry About the Constitution’: Illinois Democrat Explains What He Meant

Rep. Waters: ‘Loud, Vulgar’ Voices Drowning Out Tea Party

Filmmaker Phelim McAleer & Actress Kyra Sedgwick Discuss Plastic Bags

Sheriff’s Department Launches Internal Investigation After Deputies Enter Woman’s Home

Dallas Police Cite Singer With Disorderly Conduct for Naked Music Video

Cause and Effect: Has the ObamaCare Job Killing Already Begun?

Apple Co-Founder Does Magic Trick While Waiting in Line for iPad

The B-Cast A-Side: Letterman Has Suprisingly Pleasant Talk With Tea Party Member

‘It’s Troublesome’: Obama Slams Beck & Limbaugh for ‘This Kind of Vitriol’

Catholic League Head: ‘Most of the Molesters Have Been Gay’

The B-Cast B-Side: Sen. Boxer Has a Warning for Her Democratic Colleagues

The B-Cast Interview: Conservative Leader Explains Call for RNC Donation Ban

Video: Dark clouds in Florida as shuttle program winds down

Video: Raw Video: Overgrown Kids on Big Wheels

Michael Steele: Obama and I Have Slimmer Margins of Error Because of Race