"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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05 April 2010

Evening News :


Housing protest leads to takeover of duplex
National debt seen heading for crisis level
Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org
Obama and the L-Word - Reason Magazine
Michael Steele: I'm not going anywhere - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com
Commentary » Blog Archive » Eloquent No More
McCain the Maverick Fights for His Soul: Margolick - Newsweek.com
Brit 'super boat' bought by Iran | The Sun |News
Immigration effort lacks 2nd backer from GOP - Washington Times
FOXNews.com - Murdered Rancher's Family Asks for Troops Along Mexican Border
Reuters AlertNet - Suicide bomber kills 2 police in Russia's Ingushetia
Local News | Math lessons in Mandarin? Local schools go global | Seattle Times Newspaper
Zuma appeals for calm after Terreblanche's death - CNN.com
Eugene Terre'blanche, South African Far-Right Leader And White Supremacist, Murdered At His Farm | World News | Sky News
Panel: Justice stonewalling on Panthers - Washington Times
FODEMAN: Obamacare's doctorless world - Washington Times
Huge 25% tax hike for small businesses kills New York jobs - NYPOST.com
Acorn Says It Continues Its Work - NYTimes.com
My Way News - Justice Stevens to leave while Obama in office
19 Celebs with ADD or ADHD - Parenting.com
Sean Penn threatened to kill photographer: lawsuit - NYPOST.com
Al Ross - Doggie Diner founder - dies

AfricanCrisis: Different Perspective Right Perspective Robb Ellis The Centurion Readers' Comments Most Popular Browse Comments Guestbook JTF Bulletin Board Our Online Shop Donations Contact us Send us News Reader's Favourites The All-Time Top 40 Last Week's Best 20 The Worst 20 Predictions Analysis Explanation Latest Scenarios Latest Predictions Latest Comments Predictions due Add a Prediction Other Search Engine Editor's Comments The Editor's Choice The Editor's Gallery Afrikaans Humour Cartoons Photo Gallery Classic Gallery Audio & Radio White Homeland Brainstorming Quick Translation Arabic Chinese French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Please tell us what you think of this article by clicking on a button & rating it:- VERY IMPORTANT: Julius Malema - President Zuma's Secret Agent Visits Mugabe: We will take White Farms in SA...

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah Governor Takes Drockton Earthquake Prophecy to Heart
Member of Hollie’s Army targets Malcolm Chisholm SMP
Terreblanche murder is 'declaration of war' by blacks - Telegraph
Mining groups fear backlash in South Africa - Telegraph
Iran to host nuclear disarmament conference as new sanctions loom | World news | The Guardian
Private shipment of clothes allowed in Gaza by Israel for first time in three years - Telegraph
Dozens killed in Pakistan bomb attacks | World news | guardian.co.uk
Taliban attempt to storm US consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan - Telegraph
Karzai stands by vote fraud claims against West - Asia, World - The Independent
Tories call for review into death of Dr David Kelly - Telegraph
US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan - Times Online
'Diana effect' blamed for war weariness - Home News, UK - The Independent
Deflation on the prowl as Bernanke shuts down his printing press - Telegraph
Bones in South African cave establish new link in chain of mankind - Times Online
Cardinal tells Pope Benedict XVI not to be distracted by 'petty gossip' - Telegraph
Teabonics: the language of the Tea Party movement | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk
Analysis: Is the tea party brewing a revolution? | World news | guardian.co.uk
12-year-old sues New York authorities for $1 million - Telegraph
David Petraeus for President: Run General, run - Telegraph
Smoking Mirrors: Shades of Gray and the Abattoir Stench.
Pope defiant over child sex abuse | World news | The Guardian
Life beyond miracles | Peter Preston | Comment is free | The Guardian
'I was stung by 1,500 bees and I feel great': MS sufferer's pioneering therapy | Mail Online
Government condones using force to control school pupils | Education | guardian.co.uk
VC hero Johnson Beharry accuses Brown of 'disrespect' - Times Online
Stressed teachers 'considering suicide' - Telegraph
Number of British troops losing limbs in conflict rising sharply, report shows | UK news | The Guardian
Higher steel prices signal return of inflation - MSN Money
YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya
Citizens For Legitimate Government

Liar, Liar - Forbes.com
Robert Kuttner: Fiscal Folly
The American Spectator : Bowing to Tehran
Lessons from the Health-Care Wars | The American Prospect
White House Focuses on Three High Court Candidates (Update1) - Bloomberg.com
Jerry Brown: older, not wiser | brown, state, governor - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Obama mission: Saving Gov. Patrick - POLITICO.com Print View
Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - A Second Look At Gubernatorial Running Mates

04-05-2010: Gordon Brown Hails Move On Global Bank Tax
Japanese Scientists Unveil Human Android
04-04-2010: Why US companies pay less taxes than you (in the US)...
04-04-2010: Disney resort hit by staff suicides
Rubin and Greenspan to face crisis inquiry
Wall Street Bailout Cost Reaches $4.6 Trillion; Most from Federal Reserve Loans
McChrystal Admits U.S. Troops are Killing Innocent Afghans at Checkpoints
Proof that Regulators Knew of and Allowed Debt-Hiding Accounting Tricks Like Lehman's Repo 105
FDIC wants your retirement cash to save banks: Bloomberg
Wikileaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad - Full video
Explosion reported at West Virginia mine
US Special Forces 'Tried to Cover-up' Botched Khataba Raid in Afghanistan
Karzai's Defiant Stance Concerns U.S., Other Afghans
Collateral Murder
Kristol: ‘Better’ For US to Attack Iran Than if Israel Did
59% of America Says YOU BETCHA!!!!
Israel and the “De-legitimization” Oxymoron
Homelessness Or No Free Press
How the Corporations Broke Ralph Nader and America, Too
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes
Not Satisfied With U.S. History, Some Conservatives Are Rewriting It
Did Obama Sandbag His Own Health Care Bill?
"I Don't Need A Warrant"
Dear President Obama: Easter Has Nothing To Do With War
Glenn Greenwald: How Americans are propagandized about Afghanistan:
Interpol issues arrest warrant for Saddam Hussein's daughter
Can CIA sabotage Iran’s nuclear project? :
Insurance Industry Already Gaming System
'Food Fraud' on the Rise
JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon's Assault on Economy
'Five or Six Players Own Regulatory Status'
Democrats Suffer Buyers Remorse on Healthcare
A Price Control By Any Other Name Is Still A Price Control
Alex Detail Cops & CPS Seizing Barry & Candi Cooper's 7 year old Kid on Alex Jones Tv
Savage Caller: Hutaree Member Planned to Run for Office, Member of Campaign for Liberty
Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Dems or independents
Pfizer ordered to pay up over 'AIDS-like' virus infections
Are We Seeing a Constitutional Awakening?
Big Brother and the Hidden Hand of the "Free Market"
Feds: Homes with Chinese drywall must be gutted
YouTube - NEDA'S DEATH - NOT REAL!!- (Iran Protest)

*The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

William F. Pepper Talk on "An Act of State", San Francisco, 2/4/03
EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on the Regular Guys Show Atlanta 1st April 2010
EclippTV :: Video :: Media Critic: 'Journalists are lap dogs, not watchdogs'
EclippTV :: Video :: CIA Whistleblower talks about Heart Attack gun
EclippTV :: Video :: William Engdahl : US won't recover for at least 15 years
American's Journey: Heroic Whistleblower WikiLeaks Video: U.S. Military Murders 12 including Two Reuters Journalists
Riverside County Pastor Suspected for Drug, Sex Crimes | NBC Los Angeles
Tea Partiers: Obama’s a Muslim because he takes his shoes off | Raw Story
GM to expand brake override systems to most vehicles - Yahoo! Canada News
Vatican Condemned at UN for Child Abuse | International Humanist and Ethical Union
Loonie closes in on parity as Canadians and firms look to hedge bets - Yahoo! Canada News
MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing « Dprogram.net
Sacrificing Children on the Altar of Parents’ Fanatical Faith | The Smirking Chimp
Nun inherits brothel from her mother | Austria News
Pope defiant over child sex abuse | World news | The Guardian
Pope’s immunity to prosecution may be challenged in Britain | Raw Story
EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Wikileaks Iraq Killings Video Is Out
ah, mephistophelis.: Collateral Murder (by all of us if we do nothing)>
I believe you’ve killed the church, Holy Father | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online
UHRI | Urban Health Research Initiative | Vancouver, BC - Media Release
VIDEO: Secret Negotiations: China Confronts the US over Iran Sanctions, Mounting Opposition against Washington
The Great Schism: Generals, Pirates & Fornicators as [Anti]Popes - | Sophrosyne Radical
Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails massively in South Africa

CIA can withhold Oklahoma City documents - UPI.com

*4-4/TranscriptsSenators Kyl & Specter on the Week's News
Interview with Lawrence Summers
Guests: Romer, Lieberman, Harman, Chertoff
YouTube - Classic Alex Jones Anti-U.N. Speech at The Texas Capitol - Oct 24, 1998 1/2

YouTube - Classic Alex Jones Anti U.N. Speech at The Texas Capitol - Oct 24, 1998 2/2

YouTube - Award-Winning Photographer Dan Winters in-studio on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Award-Winning Photographer Dan Winters in-studio on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Award-Winning Photographer Dan Winters in-studio on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Award-Winning Photographer Dan Winters in-studio on The Alex Jones Show 4/4

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing

An Indispensable Compendium on the Police State

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 5th With Ron Paul
The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 2nd With Barry Cooper

National Polls Shatter Myth Of Tea Party As Right Wing Fringe Group
Are Federal Officials Above the Law?
Fed Still Fighting Over Whether The Problem Is Inflation Or Deflation
13 Ohio groups on the same list of militias as the Michigan-based Hutaree
Web blocking powers return • The Register
White House Focuses on Three High Court Candidates (Update1) - Bloomberg.com
Arctic ice recovers from the great melt - Times Online

Michael Jackson Death Investigation: Jackson Doctor, Conrad Murray, Appears in L.A. Court - latimes.com
Arts, Briefly - Blagojevich Loses Another Job - NYTimes.com
44 - Reid mocks Palin: 'You betcha' (video)
Tina Fey to Come Back as Sarah Palin - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Outrage aside, Badu video has an artistic point | Dallas-Fort Worth Entertainment News and Events | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News
The Associated Press: Virginia FBI probes threats against ESPN's Andrews
Tori Spelling says she's 'not headed for divorce' with husband Dean McDermott
Madonna Returns to Malawi on Charity Trip - ABC News
Tiger Woods' former lover Joslyn James says press conference at Augusta was 'a big malarkey'
Porn Star, Mistress Joslyn James Holds Press Conference After Tiger Woods Took Questions From Media - WPIX
The Associated Press: Judge settles key issues in Hopper divorce case
Paris vs. Holly: Who Wears Her Love for Benji Better? – Style News - StyleWatch - People.com
Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler gets CMT Music Awards noms - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

The Fix - RNC chief of staff Ken McKay resigns
Who Are the Tea Partiers? - Politics - The Atlantic
The Associated Press: Tea party: Much noise, but an impact in November?
44 - John McCain: A maverick no more?
John McCain: I'm not a Maverick - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Vatican Declined to Pursue Accused Priest - NYTimes.com
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Expire - ABC News
The Associated Press: Census Bureau urges same-sex couples to be counted
The Associated Press: Chicago terrorism suspect pleads not guilty
The Associated Press: Giuliani endorses Rubio for Senate seat in Fla.
Obama's Offshore Oil Decision Has a Political Dimension - US News and World Report
Gambling bill wins committee backing - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
Is Larry Summers Leaving? - Politics - The Atlantic

The Associated Press: Mom: Son helped kill SAfrican white supremacist
Strong Earthquake in Mexico Rattles California - NYTimes.com
Ingush president sees link in latest bombings | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire
Pirates seize South Korean tanker - CNN.com
Protesters in Thailand Defy Government Orders to Disperse - NYTimes.com
China hails ‘miracle’ escape of 115 trapped miners - Times Online
YouTube - 'Wish Come True': 115 Chinese Miners Rescued
Jordan's king issues rebuke to Israel - WSJ.com
Leaked U.S. video shows Iraq deaths, including Reuters staff - washingtonpost.com
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Reef oil spill a government 'wake-up call' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
US Warns Venezuela on Weapons Purchase | Americas | English
The Associated Press: Police say Shiite family of 6 gunned down in Iraq
U.N. sees Congo troops withdrawn over three years - washingtonpost.com
Iran Sanctions Yield Little - WSJ.com
White House ‘troubled’ by President Karzai’s accusations of fraud - Times Online
BBC News - Sri Lanka arrests Buddhist monks over Fonseka protest
Al Jazeera English - Africa - Sudan urged to end political curbs
AFP: US says N.Korea soldiers' remains 'humanitarian issue'

France24 - Vatican deputy led cover-up in US abuse case: report

Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself | TMZ.com
Arpaio gets inmates moving on electricity-generating cycles - Phoenix Arizona news, breaking news, local news, weather radar, traffic from ABC15 News | ABC15.com
Now 16, Elian Gonzalez shown at Cuba youth meeting

Toyota faces $16M fine, accused of hiding defect
6 dead, 21 missing in W.Va. coal mine blast
Transcript of Woods' news conference
Homicide Bomber Kills 2 Police in Russia Province
Ill Nigerian president meets Christian leaders
8 dead as Taliban targets U.S. Consulate
Vatican backs extradition in sex allegation
Interpol ramps up hunt for Saddam Hussein's daughter
Priest Charged with Abusing Girl Still Working
Korea ship chases Somali pirates
Tax Day: A Moral Reckoning
Divide and Conquer: The Quiet War
From My Cold, Dead, Patriotic Hands!
Police nEGGligence In Tea Party Bus Egging Case
‘Hannity’: Breitbart Targeted By Reid Supporters
Ricochet Podcast #9: Stand and Fight
Breaking – White House Deputy CTO McLaughlin’s Google Buzz Account Deleted After FOIA Request
Tribune’s Oscar Avila Plays Stupid With The Tea Party
Viva the Bill Ayers Weatherman Revolution v. the Tea Party Movement
Death by Senator: As Financial Reform Looms, We Revisit IndyMac
Worried About the Constitution? Join the Fight to Defend it!
ANNOUNCMENT: The Era of the Leftist-Hollywood Sucker Punch is Over
Daily Gut: A Comedy of Terrors
INTERVIEW: ‘Letters to God’ Director David Nixon
Don Henley’s Lawsuit Threatens Everyone’s Free Speech
America Has A Race Problem?: Tom Hanks Throws Stones From a Very Caucasian House
ZoNation: Hate Mail From Tolerant Liberals
Obama Nation: The Check List
Day By Day: Immortal
‘Jesus of Nazareth’: Sermon on the Mount
My Sarah Palin Experience
Open Happy Birthday Thread: Craig T. Nelson
Sean Penn’s Twisted Relationship With Hugo Chavez
A Horse Is a Horse, Of Course — Unless, Of Course, He’s a Horse’s… Unless He’s the Famous Mr. Ed…
On the Road, Eggs and All, Tea Party Express Rolls On
New York Times’ Anti-American Heart Beats Fast for ‘Jihadis: A Love Story’
Morning Thread: Have the Wheels Come Off Obama’s Media Tricycle?
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - Clearing the rubbish ...
Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-05, Monday
Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-04, Sunday
Beyond the Beltway - March 28, 2010
Debbie Schlussel : Responding to Schlussel Expose, Charity Navigator Downgrades Hannity Charity: Freedom Alliance Rating Now Only 2 Stars (”Needs Improvement”)
Debbie SchlusselRapier: My New Dream Sports Car is American-Made
Debbie SchlusselHilarious: Tiger Woods Played Race Card; Called Out By Kindergarten Teacher’s Lawsuit Threat
US plans broader nuclear arms talks with Russians
Jackson doctor's case assigned to LA trial judge
Photographer Annie Leibovitz sued in NY for unpaid fees
Leibovitz accused anew of not paying her bills
AP Analysis: Karzai remarks risk US-Afghan rift
Lawyer: US terror suspect to plead not guilty
Conn. murder suspect's lawyer opposes guilty plea
Hawaii man's China military secrets trial to begin
Obama's nuclear agenda, front and center
Michelle Obama's brother writes a memoir
Japanese rail chief attacks China over safety
Yemen one of seven nations to get U.S. CI funds
The China-Asia masses as 'new immigrants' to the former USA
UAE weighs investment in Yemen's energy sector
Top North Korean defector has only scorn for U.S. reliance on China
Hayworth defines Ariz. race as tea party vs. DC
Edward R. Moss Named Chairman of Fleet Week San Diego 2010
Police arrest bomb threat man at Tulsa airport
Charity to give $100M in grants for new art spaces
Did Michelle say Barack born in Kenya?
Obama Approval on Healthcare Recovers to 42%
New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility
Toyota Hit by Largest-Ever Auto Civil Penalty
Alternative Energy Winners: A-Power
Doors documentary 'When You're Strange' won't light your fire
POLL: Who Should Play John Edwards on the Big Screen?
Discovery lifts off, in one of NASA's final orbiter missions
Focus shifts from eating good to eating well as chefs join healthy diet campaign
Too many pregnancy pounds ups future obesity risk
How Does The Brain Store Memories Of Specific Fears
Police: Carjackers foiled by manual transmission
Mom says her baby saved her family from house fire
Equal time: Women hold topless march in Maine
Drunk man calls police to help him out of bar
Domestication Has Not Made Guinea Pigs Dumber
Eye Position Betrays What Numbers We Have In Mind
The worldwide headquarters of General Motors in downtown Detroit, Michigan
Toyota has recalled around 2.3 million cars in the US and more than eight million cars worldwide after problems
Contrails from the space shuttle Discovery are seen near the Kennedy Space Center
The US space shuttle Discovery launches into space
California Republican gubernatorial candidate and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman
Video: 'Glee' Cast Celebrates Easter With First Family
Video: Oil Spill on Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Video: Leads in Colorado Missing Girl Case Top 240
Video: Woods Apologizes to Golfers, Praises Fans
Video: Large Quake Kills 2 in Mexico, Damage Widespread
Video: Twitter and Facebook Help In Quake's Wake
Video: Washington Remains Concerned About Karzai
HowTo: Build a Self Balancing Segway-Skateboard
Video: New Solar Panel Farm; Jobs Coming to Senatobia, Mississippi
Yuan rise would drive U.S. companies' China profits
Gordon Brown to call May 6 general election
AIG executive Cassano still faces probe
Cocktails and wiretaps
Bank of England turns more radical
"Termite gangs" tunnel into third French bank
U.S. private Medicare plans see flat payment change
Exxon Mobil to pay $32.2 mln in whistleblower case
Economics without mathematics | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Top 20 most promising startups | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Manufacturing hits 15-yr high | Reuters
Yuan revaluation would yield limited US benefits | Reuters
U.S. delays China yuan ruling | Reuters
Lucasfilm plans animated Star Wars series | Entertainment | Reuters
Bruce Lee remembered for more than his movies | Entertainment | Reuters
Unpaid Spanish air hostesses strip in protest | Oddly Enough | Reuters
Australian Ned Kelly painting sells for record | Oddly Enough | Reuters
The naked stewardess time warp… | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters