"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

27 March 2010

27 March

Conyers Cites Imaginary Constitutional Clause in Defense of Obamacare

Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

“The Only People Who Still Might Be Fooled Are the American Taxpayers, Who Are Ultimately Responsible When the Bills Come Due”

*Leaked CIA Report: “Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters” In Waging Endless Wars

YouTube - MSNBC's Ed Schultz- Time For 'Socialism' In Talk Radio

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Demands Return to the Fairness Doctrine


*video:Judge Napolitano On Alex Jones TV: Obamacare is Unconstitutional


YouTube - Bill Murphy of GATA Reveals Whistle-Blower in Gold Price Suppression

YouTube - Engdahl: Wall Street pulled Greek plug to distract from dollar disaster

YouTube - Ron Paul "We Have Only One Party! And They Fight Over Power & Influence!

YouTube - War on whistleblower: CIA spies on WikiLeaks for 'Pentagon murder cover-up' exposure?

Korea Tensions Pale Alongside Agenda To Attack Iran

The Future Will Be Medicated

The Shadow Government’s Healthcare Bill Rules

Thanks, but No Thanks, Mr. Obama

The Great 9/11 Insurance Bonanza

Anti-Hate Group Finds Yet Another Group It Hates

Dick Cheney backs Rand Paul’s NeoCon opponent in Kentucky

The States, and 10th Amendment, will Thwart Obamacare

Good-bye, Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It

Future News: Massachusetts makes disobedience vaccine mandatory

Next Power Grab: Cap-and-Trade

Rand Paul and Vote Rigging in Kentucky

Murdoch’s Subscription Scheme Will Kill Times Online

Jesse's Café Américain: Whistleblower Speaks Out On J. P. Morgan's Market Manipulation - Reports Violations to the CFTC in the Silver Market

EU summit: IMF joint plan likely as Germany set for Greece debt victory | Mail Online

US healthcare reform is boon for India outsourcing companies - Yahoo! News

OpEdNews - Article: The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: New EU gestapo spies on Britons

‘Has the FBI Infiltrated the Tea Parties?’ « LewRockwell.com Blog

Israel could use tactical nukes on Iran: thinktank - washingtonpost.com

Help! I’ve Been Taxed and I Can’t Get Up - Casey Research

Swine Flu Virus Not So New, Study Finds - ABC News

CNSNews.com - Obama Transportation Secretary: ‘This Is the End of Favoring Motorized Transportation at the Expense of Non-Motorized’

U.S., Mexican drug gangs form alliances - Washington Times

Mexican drug gang tells residents to leave town | Crime and Safety | News from Fort Wort...

Social Security Payout to Exceed Revenue This Year - NYTimes.com

World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America | EUTimes.net

KBR Bills $5 Million For Mechanics Who Work 43 Minutes a Month | Mother Jones

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

The Hindu : News / International : Russian oil major pulls out of Iran

YouTube - POLICE STATE 2010: Homeland Security Unveils Mobile Mind Screening Checkpoints


YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP - Washington Times

AT&T to Book $1 Billion Cost on Health-Care Reform (Update3) - BusinessWeek

Allergies mysteriously on rise in U.S. - Allergies and asthma- msnbc.com

Companies say health care costs hard to swallow EarthLink - Business News

Half of U.S. Home Loan Modifications Default Again (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Unemployment benefits set to expire April 5 - washingtonpost.com

CNSNews.com - 12 Taxes in Health Care Law Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000

Bees in more trouble than ever after bad winter - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Hateful Climate in U.S. Could Lead to Obama Assassination, Farrakhan Says

BBC News - Victoria stab death police arrest 20 teenagers

Gordon Brown dismisses Conservative calls for inquiry into cash for influence scandal - Telegraph

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israeli cabinet mulls US demands

Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online

Mossad to Replace Chief Agent in Britain

Ahmadinejad slams West for supporting Israel

Former Iranian Leader’s Grandson Arrested in Tehran - NYTimes.com

Latin American Herald Tribune - 41 Break Out of Mexican Jail Near U.S. Border

The Associated Press: Obama adds 54 alleged traffickers to kingpin list

Russia blasts NATO's reluctance to eliminate opium

China: Closing for Business? - BusinessWeek

Olive: China's artificially suppressed currency costs jobs - thestar.com

N. Korea vows 'nuclear strikes' in latest threat - North Korea- msnbc.com


Flashback: House Speaker Pelosi admits JAIL is fair for not buying health insurance – 11-9-09

YouTube - House Speaker Pelosi admits JAIL is fair for not buying health insurance - 11-9-09


Search for survivors of sunken South Korea navy ship as officials 'rule out' involvement of the North | Mail Online

The Long, Long History Of False Starts Of War Between South And North Korea

Korea Tensions Pale Alongside Agenda To Attack Iran

Navy ship sinks in West Sea after explosion

What You Need To Know About The U.S. Military In Korea


*Korea Map US Military Facilities


flaashback:'08 race worker held in damage to Colorado Democratic HQ - The Denver Post

Dick Cheney sticks nose in KY Senate race to back Rand Paul’s NeoCon opponent

Dems Make Case Tea Party Movement is Terrorist

Invisible Empire: A Primer on the New World Order

Record numbers now licensed to pack heat - Life- msnbc.com

YouTube - Financial Services Hearing March 25


YouTube - The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101


YouTube - Potato or Tomato? | Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution


YouTube - Gibbs asked if he ever feels dirty defending this administration's lies and deception


McChrystal admits failure to cut civilian death

CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan

Gold Soars After South Korean Ship Attack

Obamacare Versus Freedom

The Federal Reserve as a Confidence Game

OfA fundraises off threats

Global Warming: Shut Down the IPCC

Arctic sea ice continues to rise past the normal peak date

NATO won't destroy Afghan poppy fields

AFP: N.Korea vows nuclear attacks to defend its regime

JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named in Bid-Rigging Conspiracy (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Climate bill could face threats from left - The Hill's E2-Wire

Second TSA nominee withdraws his name - washingtonpost.com

UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says sorry — and switches to neutral - Times Online


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 26th With Bob Chapman

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 25th With Andrew Napolitano


Pentagon wants $33 billion more for war in Afghanistan

KBR Bills $5 Million For Mechanics Who Work 43 Minutes a Month

U.S. looks to export drone technology to allies

Despite 'row,' US seals military deal with Israel

Israeli tanks cross into Gaza

Sources: Iran-Contra operative linked to questionable spy program

'Govt not buying electricity from Iran due to US pressure'

Amid pro-Maliki protests, Allawi coalition named winner

Marines Charged in Killings of Iraqis

US and Russia seal deal to slash nuclear arsenals by a third

Don't hand passport to officials, FCO tells Britons travelling to Israel

American Terror Suspect Worked for D.E.A.

GOP: We'll Kill the Liars Who Say We Are Inciting Violence

Georgia Attorney General Faces Impeachment Threat After Refusing to File Anti-Health Care Lawsuit

Former militiaman unapologetic for calls to vandalize offices over health care


***Reconciliation Act of 2010 - How the Senate Voted


Breitbart.tv » Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’

Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution

The Jews Behind Obama’s Health Care Scheme | Real Zionist News

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

The Shadow Government's Healthcare Bill Rules

$100,000 falls from lorry causing mad scramble for cash - Telegraph

N Korea Torpedoes, Sinks Large S Korean Navy Ship

savethemales.ca - Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936

Obama's 'Big F*cking Health Care Deal'

Health Care Mandate - Now The Legal Fight Begins

Social Security Scare Tactics - The Fake Crisis

FOXNews.com - DANA PERINO: Where's the Outrage Over What Just Happened to Student Loans?

***The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

Think BEFORE Using ANY Online Backup Service

The Power Behind The Scenes

The frightening face of American fascism « Murray Dobbin's Blog

Rent-A-Rambos by Eric Margolis

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Chinese Academics’ Paper on Cyberwar Sets Off Alarms in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

The Real Danger To America Is The Majority Of Its People

Can It Really Be The End Time?

CNSNews.com - House Judiciary Chairman Says Constitution's Non-Existent ‘Good and Welfare Clause’ Authorizes Congress to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Empire

Homeland Sec. Director Convicted In Illegal Alien Case | Judicial Watch

savethemales.ca - Tobacco Linked to Mental Illness

New human species found in Siberia | Science | The Guardian

Letters: Islamophobia is a threat to democracy | World news | The Guardian

U.S. schoolbook glorifies communists

U.S. healthcare reform bill: 14 rebel states sue | Mail Online

Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It

Amish, Muslims Exempt from Obamacare Mandate? | The FOX Nation

The Scary, Scary Social Security 'Crisis' is Back!

This Is the Future of the Fight Against Cancer - Nanobots - Gizmodo

Rise in mouth cancer may be due to sexually transmitted infection: experts - Telegraph

'King of Heroin' arrested in Mexico - Telegraph

Naval battle between UAE and Saudi Arabia raises fears for Gulf security - Telegraph

The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

What if It Was All Just a Big Bubble? | The Mess That Greenspan Made

Paul A Drockton M.A.: When Big Brother IS the Pedophile

Obama Orders Lenders To Cut Mtge Pmts For Jobless

The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

D.A. on verge of mass drug-case dismissals

03-27-2010: Terrorists 'could use exploding breast implants to blow up jet'

Catholic Church Wants 'Wiggle Room' For Rape And Torture Of Children

03-27-2010: 2nd pick for transportation security chief is out

03-26-2010: Israel could use tactical nukes on Iran: thinktank

Supply Fears Start To Hit Treasuries


Tea partiers air doubts about Dick Armey

*SITE:FreedomWorks ; Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom


03-26-2010: New RFID Tag Could Mean the End of Bar Codes

CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan

03-26-2010: Clergy abuse threatens to tarnish pope's legacy

03-26-2010: Earth Hour - climate change campaigners urge global switch-off

03-26-2010: Palin takes dead aim at defeating Democrats

03-26-2010: Sources: Iran-Contra operative linked to questionable spy program

Russian"Nuke" Bombers Invade UK Airspace Again

03-26-2010: Royal astronomer goes in search of ET

03-26-2010: Typing technique 'could trap paedophiles'

03-26-2010: DARPA Radar System Will Track Cars Anywhere


Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America: Part 3-Eugenics

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America: Part 4- Prevention


The coming of an American Reichstag?

EU draws up plans for single 'economic government' to prevent crisis

Medical Companies: Taxes In Healthcare Bill Will Kill Jobs, Businesses

How The Digital Economy Bill Sets Up A System Like China's Censorship from the you-get-what-you-asked-for dept

"The Only People Who Still Might Be Fooled Are the American Taxpayers, Who Are Ultimately Responsible When the Bills Come Due"

Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Derivatives, Which Would Be at the Very CENTER of Cap and Trade

Petraeus to Ashkenazi: I never said Israel policy endangers U.S.

Washington Murdered Privacy at Home and Abroad

Scottish Newspaper May Have Exposed U.S. Plan to Hit Iran

Obama Under Assault From Both Parties For ‘Attacking’ Israel


FEMA Detention Site Plans Exposed

Mainstream Paper Refuses Ventura’s 9-11 Commentary

YouTube - Bin Laden threatens US in new audio tape

Obama: Inside Man for the Greatest Heist in History | Black Agenda Report

Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card | Threat Level | Wired.com

t r u t h o u t | With 2.4 Million Jobs Lost to China, New Trade Battle Begins

Dozens Missing From Sunken South Korean Navy Vessel | Asia | English

Obama: Student Loan Reform Helps Students, Economy | USA | English

Republicans Call for Health-Care Reform Replacement | USA | English

The Health Care Bill Is Great For American Taxpayers -- If You Like Being Punched In The Groin

Coffin Never Placed On Congressman’s Lawn – Used in Rally to Symbolize ‘Loss of Lives’ By ‘Medical Rationing’ in Health Care Bill

Source: Patriot Act May Be Used Against Tea Party Activists

Wikileaks Releases Revealing CIA Psy-Op Document: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters"

CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan

Julian Assange: U.S. must stop spying on WikiLeaks

Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

Dems Make Case Tea Party Movement is Terrorist

Do They Wear White Hoods to Their Tea Parties?

The Judge and Rockwell

Freedom in One Word

Korea Tensions Pale Alongside Agenda To Attack Iran

Despite Federal Mandates, Obama Says Health Care Law Helps Small Businesses

Pelosi Claims Health Care Reform to Save $1.3 Trillion; No Mention in CBO Estimate

I need YOUR pledge NOW for the most important campaign in the history of the planet!

WWF hopes to find $60 billion growing on trees

31% Say They Owe More on Mortgage Than Their House Is Worth

Chicago taxi driver charged with aiding terrorist

Flashback: USA Buys 14 Million+ Guns In 2009 - More Than 21 of the Worlds Standing Armies

The horrible prospect of Supreme Court Justice Cass Sunstein

12 Taxes in Health Care Law Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000

Health Care Fix Bill Taxes "Unearned" Income, Capital Gains Rate Soars

CBO Says Govt to Collect $69 Billion in Tax Penalties From Health Care Law's Insurance Mandate in First 10 Years

ObamaCare's Effects Are Already Showing: Companies Are Already Warning About Higher Health-Care Costs

ACTA Draft: No Internet for Copyright Scofflaws

FCC’s Broadband Plan Sets Groundwork for National Smart Grid Spy Grid

Obama's Internet Takeover: Telecom giant challenges FCC role in broadband

Pro-Obamacare Thugs, Not Tea Party Activists, Are The Real Violent Extremists

Rights groups fear Graham bill will sanction indefinite detention

Reconciliation 'Fixes' to Health Bill Will Ride on Back of Taxpayers and Medicare Recipients, Republicans Say

ObamaCare Is a Death Threat to Us All

Thanks for nothing, Mr. ‘Health Care Reform’ President

My children, Ralph Nader and the South China Sea

America’s ‘Islamists’ go where oilmen fear to tread

Trying to defeat the Taliban is futile

Loophole Exempts Washington Insiders From Obamacare Mandate

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

Sean Hannity Previews ‘Conservative Victory': We Can Take Our Country Back and Ensure Liberty is Preserved

Education Secretary Denies Govt Takeover of Student Loan Programs Will Hurt Private Sector, Cause Job Loss

Senate Refuses to Exempt Veterans from Health Bill’s New Tax on Prosthetics and Other Medical Devices; Also Refuses to Exempt the Disabled and Children

Rep. Patrick Kennedy: Federal Funding of Abortion Is ‘Not a Question of Morality’

Islamic Drive Against Religious ‘Defamation’ May Be Losing Steam

Top Russian Lawmaker Predicts Republican Opposition to Arms Control Treaty

FCC’s Broadband Plan Sets Groundwork for National Smart Grid To Transition To More Green Energy Use: Electric Cars, Solar Panels

Sean Hannity: ‘If You Look Up the Dictionary Definition of Socialism, This Is It’

North Korea Threatens 'Nuclear Strikes' on South Korea, U.S.

Marine General: Homosexuals Would Get Their Own Rooms

McCain, Palin to Campaign Together in Arizona

Court Rejects GOP Bid to Raise Unlimited Money

Charges Reduced in Phone Caper at Senator's Office

First Legal Male Prostitute Leaves Brothel after Only 10 Paying Customers

Class on Pennsylvania Town's Immigration Fight Draws Fire

Would Partners of Homosexual Troops Get Benefits, Too?

We’ve Been Had

Netanyahu’s Hollow Victory

How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer

War, Racism and the Empire of Poverty

Citizens United Against Citizens United

Nuclear Weapons present a real and present Danger to Humanity and Life on Earth

Obama’s Health Plan: The Continuing Battle

Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem Does Not Belong to Jewish-Israelis

God & His Demons: Taking on the Religious Right

U.S. Plunges Central America Back To Era Of Coups And Death Squads

VIDEO: Eight Million Africans Died in Wars Financed by US, UK

Fidel Castro: Thoughts on Obama and Health Reform in the United States

War Criminal Tony Blair Should Not Be Allowed on Malaysian Soil

Crude Oil Still Stuck at $80; Natural Gas Falls Below $4

Reid Under Siege: Palin, Tea Party to Rally in His Hometown

Ask AP: Tiananmen Square, Obama's Nobel Prize

Abortion Ban Proposal to Be on Colo. Ballot

11 Killed When Tractor-Trailer, Van Crash in Ky.

Mich. Police: Drunken Driver Called 911 on Herself

Skydiver Who Crashed Through Texas Roof ID'd

Alleged Drug Kingpin to Face Charges in Calif.

NASA Sets April 5 Launch for Shuttle Discovery

Ohio Plane Crash Victim Cremated by Mistake

Secularist Former Leader Allawi Wins Iraq Vote

Leftist Rebel and 2 Collaborators Plead Guilty

Minn. Boy Who Fled State to Avoid Chemo Turns 14

Calif. Courts Asked to Free Mentally Disabled

'Miscommunication' Led to Giraffe Remains in Trash

Clues Emerge About WWII Plane Crashed in Oregon

Fla. Girl Assaulted Before Found in Ga. Landfill

Mass. Dad Convicted in OD Death of Daughter, 4

McCain, Palin Take Stage at Tucson Rally

Israel condemned at Arab summit

Shaikh Ahmad missing after glider crash in Morocco

Eyad Allawi to start coalition talks after slim win over Iraq PM

Abuse scandal shakes faith in Pope's birthplace

Battling the Maoists in Jharkhand

Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare

President's Group Uses Threats to Raise Cash

Sen. Graham: Obamacare Doomed Immigration Bill

Clyburn: Attacks over Healthcare Equal Terrorism

Palin, Tea Party Activists Target Reid

McConnell: Repeal, Replace Healthcare Overhaul

RNC to Take Fundraising Case to Supreme Court

Religious Order: Sorry for Sex Abuse

Top Vatican Cardinal Defends Pope Amid Scandal

Gross: Buy Canadian, German Bonds; Sell Greek

Faber: U.S. Market Won't Crash, But I'd Sell Anyway

Official: China to Tweak Monetary Policy Accordingly

More Than 600 Communities Vying for Google Network

Beware Scammers Posing as Soldiers

Roger Ebert Plans to Produce New Movie Review Show

Rio Tinto Deal Reveals Some Interesting Faces In Finance « Aftermath News




Obama Obstructs Oversight of FBI in Anthrax Case

Steve Quayle News Alerts:America's Idolatry Brings the Plagues and Judgement We Have Forsaken the Lord God of Heaven And Embraced Death

OSIRIS-REx: Mission to an Asteroid

Lensing Confirms Cosmic Acceleration


Claim: There are Nazis on the Moon | The Truth Online


Newsmax - Don't Play Politics With Threats

Newsmax - Tone Down Rhetoric Over Healthcare

Newsmax - Midterm Elections Will Determine Our Nation's Path

Newsmax - Healthcare Reform Should Come From Markets, not Mandates

Newsmax - Say 'No' to the Traitors Who Voted 'Yes'

Newsmax - Secularists Quick to Condemn Church on Sex Abuse

» 2010: A Race Odyssey — Disproving a Negative for Cash Prizes or, How the Civil Rights Movement Jumped the Shark - Big Journalism

Obamacare and the Politics of Revenge by Gary North

Frum Fired? by Karen Kwiatkowski

The 2nd Bubble by Bill Sardi

Government Caused the Meltdown by George C. Leef

Very Good Reason to Believe Home Prices Will Collapse by Peter Schiff

Jim Rogers on Oil, Gold and the Biggest US Bubble - CNBC

Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State by Michael Hampton

Inspire Awards 2010 Honorees: Clint Eastwood by David Hochman

New RFID Tag Could Mean the End of Bar Codes | Wired Science | Wired.com

BBC News - Tiny cube to tackle space debris

Dutch prisons use psychics to help prisoners contect the dead - Telegraph

'I want to be a ballerina': Girl, 9, stuns doctors with miraculous recovery after half her brain is removed during surgery | Mail Online

Universe Has Billions More Stars Than Thought : Discovery News

BBC News - Cuts cast doubt on asteroid plan

Tiny Tyrannosaur Came from the Land Down Under | LiveScience

Object Lesson: Pluto's Smallest Neighbors Prove Tough to Find: Scientific American

Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery - CNN.com

BBC News - Child vampire hunters sparked comic crackdown

Ron Paul: "What The Federal Reserve Still Fails To Realize Is That Intervention In The Economy Is Always Harmful" | iStockAnalyst.com

*Code Name Insight: DPT--25 Things to Always Have With You

Code Name Insight: Your Advisory Council


The 10th Amendment Movement by Michael Boldin

Tenth Amendment Center | 10th Amendment Resolutions

Tenth Amendment Center | 10th Amendment Bills

Tenth Amendment Center | State Marijuana Legislation

Tenth Amendment Center | Real ID Nullification Legislation

Tenth Amendment Center | Health Care Freedom Act

Tenth Amendment Center | Bring the Guard Home Legislation

Tenth Amendment Center | Constitutional Tender Legislation

Tenth Amendment Center | Cap and Trade Nullification Legislation

Tenth Amendment Center | State Sovereignty and Federal Tax Funds Act

Tenth Amendment Center | Sheriffs First Legislation

Tenth Amendment Center | Federal Gun Laws Nullification

Tenth Amendment Center | Nullification of Federal Intrastate Commerce Regulation

Why All the Angst Over Nullification? Just Do It! by Gary D. Barnett

The States’ Rights Tradition Nobody Knows | Tenth Amendment Center

Tenth Amendment Center | Firearms Freedom Act Legislation

Firearms Freedom Act

Tenth Amendment Center’s printable Firearms Freedom Act Brochure


*SITE:Tenth Amendment Center


Kansas House Fails To Pass "Health Care Freedom" Amendment

States Fighting Health-Care Act Don't Have Precedent On Their Side

GE exalts Reagan in new TV ad while pandering to the right and rewriting history

Quinnipiac poll on Tea Parties confirms yet again that they are arch-conservatives

Tea Partier Victoria Jackson -- Too Crazy for Fox & Friends

Alabama teabagger/militiaman threatens more violence against liberals. (Audio)

Administration To Announce New Help For Underwater Mortgages, Unemployed Homeowners

The GOP's One-Way Bipartisanship Continues in Final Health Care Vote

John McCain Excuses Sarah Palin's 'Reload' Tweet and Political Crosshairs Post While Calling for 'Civility'

Blue America Proudly Welcomes Back An Old Friend--Give It Up For Alan Grayson

Rep. Harry Mitchell, D-Ariz. receives death threats: "I wish a panty bomber would come in and just f*&king blow your place up."

Eric Cantor blames Democrats' concerns about violence for shot fired at his office. Except there wasn't.

Coburn Blocks Unemployment Extension - And His Party Backs Him Up

TN Man Enraged By Obama Sticker Slams SUV Into Car With 10 Year Old Child Inside

Breaking Reagan's 11th Commandment Got David Frum Fired

Lights Go Out as Global Climate Campaign Begins | Environment | English

Iraq's Allawi says open to all in coalition talks | Reuters

YouTube - Doubt after Iraq's poll result

S Korean warship sinks, rescue efforts continue while 46 missing

YouTube - U.S. Stocks Advance on Upgrades, Gains Trimmed on Korea: Video

The Associated Press: Israeli soldiers leave Gaza after fierce clash

The Associated Press: Analysis: New nuclear arms treaty is `new start'

Some States Find Burdens in Health Law - NYTimes.com

Obama: Student Loan Reform Helps Students, Economy | American Life | English

Ruling allows contributions to activist groups for campaigns - washingtonpost.com

Asian Currencies Decline for Week on Euro Region Debt Concerns - BusinessWeek

AT&T Plans $1 Billion Charge - WSJ.com

Google Fiber Candidates: Top 5 Desperate Cities - PCWorld

Resistance can develop fast with swine flu: report | Reuters

Ailing Dennis Hopper gets a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame - latimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: a Bandaged Dennis Hopper Gets a Star

Online Passover meal Links Jews Around The World - Faith & Spirit - Ledger-Enquirer.com

SentinelSource.com |Holy Week services set throughout area

'Idol' castoff Paige Miles: 'Really bad timing' for laryngitis - USATODAY.com

The Nuclear Waste Problem: Where To Put It? - ABC News

Obama administration revises anti-foreclosure strategy - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Obama's Mortgage Rescue Plan

Palin denounces violence, but gun imagery will stay - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

YouTube - Palin, McCain Reunite

Pakistan-born cabdriver in Chicago accused of helping al-Qaeda - washingtonpost.com

Can Republicans win by opposing Obama? | Reuters

White House crashers to be on reality TV show - CNN.com

Some Thompson Case: Jarred Harrell Charged With Premeditated Murder - ABC News

Legal-Marijuana Advocates Focus on a New Green - NYTimes.com

Legalizing Marijuana: The Golden State’s Pot Of Gold? | NEWS JUNKIE POST

Brown, Maddow wage political war over fund-raising letter - The Boston Globe

BBC News - Can a pope resign from office?

YouTube - The Vatican Strikes Back

Sanctions against Iran possible, but 'not optimal' - Medvedev | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Arab League Chief: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process May Fail | Middle East | English

The Associated Press: 9 alleged militants killed in Pakistan: official

Russia-Ukraine gas deal: who got it wrong? | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

The Associated Press: Chavez criticizes US as arrests stir concern

My Way News - SKorean naval ship sinks near NKorea; 46 missing

North Korea vows 'nuclear strikes' in latest threat

My Way News - Top Vatican cardinal defends pope amid scandal

Gulf sheikh Ahmed bin Zayed al-Nahyan missing after plane crash - Telegraph

The Times they are a charging | The Sun |News

Murdoch to Sulzberger: You Are a Girly Man | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

» Politics: Democratic Stimulus Haul is Almost Double Republicans - Big Government

Israelis quit Gaza after worst clash in over a year - Yahoo! News UK

Arabs to unite against Israel at annual summit

Camden Woman Struck By 'D' Battery In Northeast Philadelphia Road Rage Incident - cbs3.com

Protests and Defense of a Transgender Comedy at Tribeca Festival - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

Arizona State Law Promises To Be 'Toughest' on Illegal Immigration - ABC News

Pope Benedict Cannot Be Fired, Despite Growing Sex Abuse Cover-Ups - ABC News

Transportation Department Embraces Bikes, and Business Groups Cry Foul - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com

Road rage, accident centers on Obama bumper sticker - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather, and Sports |

2,000 House staffers make six figures - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Scott Brown, Sarah Palin, John McCain Lead Republican Counter-Attack - ABC News

At last: Final health care measure heads to Obama - Yahoo! News

Op-Ed Columnist - Going to Extreme - NYTimes.com

Chavez criticizes US as arrests stir concern - Yahoo! News

Police: Drunk Pennsylvania Man Tried To 'Revive' Dead Opossum - cbs3.com


**Timeline of Major Provisions in the Democrats’ Health Care Package**




Anticipation Builds Over Possible Obama Recess Appointments « Row 2, Seat 4

ObamaCare: Repeal, Replace or What? - WSJ.com

Marine to face court-martial in killings of 24 Iraqi civilians - latimes.com

Palin Makes Fans Uneasy by Backing McCain - WSJ.com

Power Line - Parade's end

Harry Reid's Freudian vote | Washington Examiner

NPR Ditches 'Pro-life' Label in Favor of Left-leaning 'Abortion Rights Opponent' | NewsBusters.org

Now it's CowGate: expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false – Telegraph Blogs

D.A. on verge of mass drug-case dismissals

Post poll: Obama still in single digits

Gas up $1 a gallon on Obama's watch - Washington Times

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

Obama's extremist pal declares 'socialism has a future'

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds - Washington Times

Uma Thurman's latest film grosses a paltry $131 in London - NYPOST.com


*Alex Jones -David Meyer De Rothschild Interview 35:53

The New World Order scumbags 38:33

Rothschilds Timeline FULL 2:55:39

David Rockefeller Speaks About Population Control.

YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 1 of 3

YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 2 of 3

YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 3 of 3

Texe Marrs - Thunder Over Zion (RARE Video!) 56:48

Money As Debt 47:07

YouTube - Debunking David De Rothschild And The Global Warming Hoax

YouTube - Jordan Maxwell - You are property of the Rothschild family!


We Report, You Obey – The MSM’s Dirty Tea Party Fetish

Marriage is Sacred: Sarah Silverman Misfires

America and Israel: Tick, Tock

The Health Care Controversy and Our European Future

Ride 2 Recovery: No Arms, No Legs…No Problem

Was Coffingate A Fundraising Stunt?

Demonizing Everyday Americans

MSNBC Presents ‘Watergate Jr.’ Coming to Lackluster End: O’Keefe, Cohorts’ Charges Reduced to Misdemeanor

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Biggest Tax Haven of Them All?

The Educated Idiots Award (Vol. 1, No. 4): ‘Just the Two of Us’

Every Tanker Delayed is an Airman at Risk

Once They Encouraged the Pitchforks, Now Democrats are Frightened of Them

Code Pink Democrats Aid and Abet Terrorists, Obama and the Democrat Party

Times vs. Times: The Truth on Union Corporate Influence

Joint Committee on Taxation Confirms that ObamaCare Does Not Enforce Individual Mandate

Breitbart Back On MSNBC, Introduces World To ‘Jovial And Measured Andrew’

The First Referendum on Nationalized Healthcare is in Congressional District FL-19

Breitbart Guest-Hosts ‘The Savage Nation’

As Accusations of ‘Violence’ Flow, Let’s Take a Look At the Record

White Noise

NewsBusted: What is America’s Craziest City?

In Wake of Democrat Health-Care Hijack, CNN’s Rick Sanchez Claims ‘Technical Difficulties’ In Getting GOP Response

O’Keefe Deserves an Apology From MSNBC… At the Very Least

‘Watergate Jr.’ Comes to Lackluster End: O’Keefe, Cohorts’ Charges Lessened to Single Misdemeanor

Is a D.O.D. Insider Leaking Classified Information to CNN?

Why the Push for Amnesty Again? Is Voter Fraud in Play?

Useful Idiots: The Tolerant Ones

Early Morning Thread: Obama Polls, Israeli Division

In Iowa, Going Rogue: All That’s Missing is Sarah Palin

The Scent of Weakness

Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel

Stupid Is As Stupid Does; Obama and Co. Moves To Alienate Israel

University of Ottawa Scolds Ann Coulter, Embraces Castro’s ‘Witch Doctors and Shamans’

Can you hear us now?

Are the Attacks on the Pope a Prelude to Attacks on Iran?

Wrinkles on the GOP's Health Care Solutions for the Brain and Brow

Paternalism in our federal government today

Critique of 2012: Republicans

Healthcare Reform or the Fleecing of Our Country by Special Interests

Debbie Schlussel: “HAMAS Exercise Video”: FOX News “Health Report” is Anti-Israel Propaganda

Debbie Schlussel: Big Business: Who Owns the Freedom Concerts? How Sean Hannity’s Private Jets, Luxe SUVs, Suites Were Paid

Mexico's Drug War and America

The Looting of America

A Nation of Dependents

Coercive Charity Destroys the Human Spirit

An English Perspective on Health Care

No Limits on Federal Power?

Engineering the New Electorate

The Weatherization Boondoggle

Beware, America

The consequences of the US-Russian START treaty

Pelosi's curious reading of our Declaration of Independence

Liberals are not much on short term memory

Is all the pessimism justified?

Hey kids! How about a Life Insurance Mandate?

Obamacare: Running the numbers

Health Care time bombs

Attack on GOP HQ in Virginia

Airport worker caught in body scanner abuse

Welcome to the Machine: Cultural Marxism in Education

Electric Green Waste

The Wishful Thinking Election of 2008

Health Care, Sick Care, and ObamaCare

Federalized Higher Education

A Look at Preexisting Conditions

Obama and Herbert Croly

Freedom of the Mind and the Emasculated Society

What If Johnny Appleseed Turned Out to Be Johnny Rotten-Appleseed?

The Blight of the Cherry Blossoms


For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 3


Obama administration announces effort to slash mortgages for unemployed borrowers - washingtonpost.com

More Mortgage Meddling: Will it Work This Time? - Business - The Atlantic

ObamaCare: Repeal, Replace or What? - WSJ.com

Which Side of History? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

Barack Obama’s humiliation of Israel is a disgrace – Telegraph Blogs

Op-Ed Columnist - Going to Extreme - NYTimes.com

Paul Krugman's Dumbest Statement Yet? - Greg Pollowitz

The House horse race: How many seats will Republicans gain? - MarketWatch 's Election Blog - MarketWatch

Inside David Frum's Bitter Exit - The Daily Beast

National Journal Magazine - Dems Caught In Populist Crossfire

REPEAL | The Weekly Standard

Op-Ed Columnist - Derailing Help for Consumers - NYTimes.com

Barack Obama: a question of respect - Telegraph

Obama's Mideast gamble - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Allawi Victory in Iraq Sets Up Period of Uncertainty - NYTimes.com

The Next GOP Screw-Up - The Daily Beast

The Arms-Control Agreement: Not Worth a Victory Lap - Jamie M. Fly - The Corner on National Review Online

White men shun Democrats -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY

Colbert I. King - In the faces of Tea Party shouters, images of hate and history - washingtonpost.com

Meg Whitman: immigration reform, with respect - latimes.com

Kathleen Parker - Federally funded abortions are in our future - washingtonpost.com

Hatred as a political strategy - The Boston Globe

Power Line - Israel is alone, but does Netanyahu realize it?

Private Profits And Public Losses Are Unsustainable - Forbes.com

This Time, Pot Really Might Become Legal | Mother Jones

PRUDEN: Can Israel survive friends like these? - Washington Times

The End of Government -Times Online

US-Russia nuclear deal: Two tribes don't go to war | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The ObamaCare Writedowns - WSJ.com

Don't pursue: The impact of new rules on gays in the military - washingtonpost.com

Funding gap, rising debt put new focus on Social Security reform - TheHill.com

In Possible Retirement, the Likelihood of an Election-Year Confrontation - NYTimes.com

Colleges scramble to adjust as student loan overhaul nears passage - washingtonpost.com


*3-26/TranscriptsObama, Clinton, Gates Brief on START Treaty


*3-25/Obama's Health Care Speech in Iowa City

Roundtable on the Health Care Debate

Interview with Rahm Emanuel

Rep. Bart Stupak on Threats, Health Care

Senator John McCain on Health Care

Senator Orrin Hatch on Health Care Mandate

Interview with Rep. Mike Pence

Interview with GOP Chairman Michael Steele

Chairman Bernanke on the Fed's Exit Strategy

Geithner's Speech to the Amer. Enterprise Institute

Secretary Gates' Testimony to Senate Appropriations

Clinton's Remarks to Senate Appropriations Subcomm.


*3-27/Politics VideoObama Weekly Address On Health Care Reform Victory

Mitch McConnell Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

Maddow: How Should Democrats Use Political Capital?

Countdown: White House May Not Support Anti-Health Care Dems

Special Report Panel on Foreclosure Protection Plan


*3-26/Liberal Radio Host Tells Limbaugh, Glenn Beck To Die

Dem Sen: Democrats "Overpromising" On Health Care Bill

Greenspan: Financial Crisis Caused by "Once-in-a-Century" Event

Dem Sen: "Chicken Little Is Running The GOP"

Flashback: Romney Supports Individual Mandate

McCain: Health Bill Going "To Be Repealed And Replaced" Soon

Sarah Palin At McCain Rally: "Keep Fighting Hard" Against Health Care

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: GOP Should Take ObamaCare On The "Chin"

Sen. McCaskill: Health Bill Will Get "Stronger And Stronger" As Time Goes On

Rahm Emanuel: "I Don't Blame Republicans" For Response To Health Bill

Rescue Mission: South Korea Ship Sinking After Suspected North Korean Attack

Sen. Scott Brown: President's Rhetoric "Inappropriate"

Hillary Clinton To Helen Thomas: "I've Missed You"

Ron Paul: "People Are Catching On That Our Government Is Bankrupt"

Hatch Says He Supported Individual Health Mandate To Stop HillaryCare

Ann Coulter On Her Cancelled University Of Ottawa Appearance

Maddow: Health Care Mandate a Republican Idea

Special Report Panel on Obama's Tour to Sell Health Care Bill

Countdown: Republicans Using "Rove Playbook" in Response to Threats

O'Reilly: The Truth About ObamaCare Enforcement


Ex-Obama czar wants to 'transform' U.S. economy

Obama's extremist pal declares 'socialism has a future'

Alinsky trainer developed 1st Obama volunteers

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

How is Pelosi faring in her own backyard?

The Beatles' tax-man prophecy

How I filled out my Census form

The problem with the Contract from America

satire:WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Cash for Codgers'

CANOE -- CNEWS - Good News: Rookie cop saves life on her first day

Rush to blame for Obamacare's passage?

Universe may have billions more stars - Telegraph

New Proof Unknown "Structures" Tug at Our Universe

Widow Rita Munns travels 60,000 miles to scatter ashes of husband Richard and 'show him the world' | Mail Online

Digging into the great dachshund decline - The Local

Doggie Gaga: Barking photos of canines dressed in pop star's most famous outfits | Mail Online

The strongest living land creatures on Earth, measured by their power to weight ratio - Telegraph

WWII plane wreckage found on coast; crew remains may exist | KATU.com - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Portland, Oregon | News

nrc.nl - International - A prosecutor's hunt for the last Nazis

Flight plan confirming Armstrong's first words on the moon to be auctioned - Telegraph

Swedish prisoner warned over flatulence protests - Telegraph

D’oh!’, Homer’s oddity is voted top linguistic contribution to TV - Times Online

Journey into space with a balloon and duct tape - Times Online

Edmonton man renames himself 'God' - Weird News - Canoe.ca

Phony products win Energy Star label || WXYZ.com | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More

Brazilian Couple Receive Criminal Conviction for Homeschooling

Danish journalist on trial for killing fish with shampoo - Telegraph

N.J. officials, N.Y. rabbis caught in federal money laundering, corruption sweep | - NJ.com

Class on Pa. town's immigration fight draws fire - U.S. news- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Congress takes aim at unhealthy school lunches

Sex virus blamed for rise in head and neck cancers | Reuters

Freda Lindsay, co-founder of Christ for the Nations in Oak Cliff, dies at 95 | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

Imelda Marcos relaunches political career at 80 ahead of Philippines elections - Telegraph

Train crashes through Chesapeake drawbridge gate, dangling engine spills 1,700 gallons of fuel into water - WGHP

British teacher 'fought off 11ft crocodile' - Telegraph

Can a bad mother help her nature? - Times Online


video:God rescues man's heart from suicide

video:Why would Christians celebrate that?



*American Minute for March 27th:William J Federer's American Minute

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'This is a job-killer bill'

'Obama Zombies' - Video - FoxNews.com

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Insidious' Obamacare 'huge cloud' over economy


*TIMELINE-Major incidents along border of rival Koreas - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com


About that exploding breast-implant story

How is Pelosi faring in her own backyard?

U.N. soiree may feature Clinton vs. Clinton

Americans condemn Obama's rudeness, reach out to Israel

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

Police chief's remarks on terrorism anger Arabs

Following in Switzerland's Footsteps: International Right-Wingers Gather for EU-Wide Minaret Ban - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

UK's Muslim TV: Wives must not refuse sex with spouse | News

EU to defend Christian minorities

Italy summons Pakistani diplomat over attacks on Christians

Judge advances student's lawsuit against school

My Way News - Clergy abuse threatens to tarnish pope's legacy

Shep Smith: Republican rhetoric leads to death threats

Windows broken at Albemarle County GOP headquarters | Charlottesville Daily Progress

Protest at AG office prompts lockdown - Seattle News - MyNorthwest.com

Iowa man joins protest against Obama and health-care reform - washingtonpost.com

Scott Brown, Sarah Palin, John McCain Lead Republican Counter-Attack - ABC News

Gingrich: GOP can strangle 'Obamacare'

Breitbart.tv » Sen. McCaskill Admits Democrats Are ‘Overpromising’ on Health Care

WM_hcr_timelinel.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Voters call 'showdown with Harry Reid'

Nevada tea party candidate facing felony charges - Yahoo! News

White House Visitor Logs: Obama Had Pro-Abortion Leader at Christmas Party

Biden says Obama's troubles rooted in failures of Bush years | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

Is this the face of Jesus Christ?

Court strikes limits on contributions to independent political groups - washingtonpost.com

Ex-Obama czar wants to 'transform' U.S. economy

Obama ally targets 401(k) dollars

Robert Menendez poll draws scrutiny - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

» Politics: Democratic Stimulus Haul is Almost Double Republicans - Big Government

Classroom sex images, Christian-bashing draw lawsuit

Hope for parents stuck with public schools

Dogs suffer cancer after ID chipping

Lab chiefs share nuke safety doubts - Jen DiMascio and Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Kathleen Sebelius: 'Important changes' coming - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Attorney links eligibility, health care challenges

Obama in 1980 said he was born in Mombasa, Kenya | The Post & Email

Court told 'citizen' Obama actually may be alien


I blame Bush for Stalincare

I'm so sick of being right

Marxist is as Marxist does

Welcome to the Madoff economy

The government plantation forever?

The Beatles' tax-man prophecy

Why Obama and the left fear the tea-party movement

We don't fear God

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Calls For Deaths Of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly

Why your worldview matters

So George Washington was a socialist, too! - Joe Conason - Salon.com

There's no progress in 'progressive'

» Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel - Big Journalism

Toyotas' sudden acceleration blamed for more deaths - latimes.com

Toyota ramps up spending on incentives Ahead of the Curve - MarketWatch

To leftists, dissent equals hate

Indian firms hope to cash in on U.S. health-care law

'Living trust' just a gimmick?

Unemployment Climbs in 27 U.S. States, Falls in Seven (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Is Economy's Momentum About to Hit a Wall? - CBS News


YouTube - Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it

Breitbart.tv » Pelosi Celebrates 70th Birthday With Health Bill Signing, Cake

Breitbart.tv » Sen. McCaskill Admits Democrats Are ‘Overpromising’ on Health Care


YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People

The Seoul Times:Chinese Eat Baby Soup for Sex

Get a free abortion on the NHS: Women in Poland told to travel to Britain for treatment | Mail Online


Number of NHS bureaucrats increases SIX TIMES as fast as number of nurses | Mail Online

Business school grads flocking to Asia for jobs - BusinessWeek.com- msnbc.com

Nanotechnology Bringing Foods, Regulated or Not, to Grocery Near You - AOL News

Obsession With Nanotechnology Growth Stymies Regulators - AOL News

Giant coal-fired power plant gets green subsidies - Times Online


March 26, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

03/26 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-26, Friday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/26/2010


Tea Party Allegories



The Article Cash4Gold Doesn't Want You To Read - The Consumerist


Botched raid in Afghanistan covered up by NATO

TJX Hacker Paid $75K As Secret Service Informant - Security - IT Channel News by CRN


WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

EclippTV :: Video :: Obamanation...


EclippTV :: Video :: Joel Levine: Why we need to go back to Mars


Rule by fear or rule by law? - SFGate


So You Still Think FEMA Detention Camps Don’t Exist? « LewRockwell.com Blog

YouTube - Oliver North Questioned - Rex 84 Exposed During Iran Contra


YouTube - Gas Station Rip Off Your credit cards numbers Exposed LANSD


Neuroscientists don't believe in souls--But that doesn't mean they can't sell theirs

Washington's Blog:Leaked CIA Report: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters" In Waging Endless Wars


EclippTV :: Video :: 2010 census: You are trespassing, leave this property now.


YouTube - Swarm of Bacteria Builds Tiny Pyramid


Jon Stewart, Dylan Ratigan: videos to understand financial & banking corruption, obvious solutions

New poll finds Obama tied with Anybody in 2012 vote | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Contextualizing Oppositionalism, Charity and Negative Responsibility – | Sophrosyne Radical

Israel / A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks

The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

The frightening face of American fascism « Murray Dobbin's Blog

The Power Behind The Scenes

Think BEFORE Using ANY Online Backup Service

Citizens For Legitimate Government

The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

Christopher Hitchens: Catholic Church Wants 'Wiggle Room' For Rape And Torture Of Children (VIDEO)

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul- morning Joe – people are realizing parties are the same 3-26-10

TSA Cognitive Recognition Exam « Revolt of the Plebs


EclippTV :: Video :: Bob Chapman Covers Economic Power Grab by Banking Cartel on Alex Jones(1/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Bob Chapman Covers Economic Power Grab by Banking Cartel on Alex Jones(2/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Bob Chapman Covers Economic Power Grab by Banking Cartel on Alex Jones(3/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Bob Chapman Covers Economic Power Grab by Banking Cartel on Alex Jones(4/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Bob Chapman Covers Economic Power Grab by Banking Cartel on Alex Jones(5/5)


EclippTV :: Video :: 3/25/10 Jim Rogers on CNBC: Commodities More Attractive Than Currencies

Leaked CIA Report: ‘Apathy Key To War,Obama A Great War Salesman’

Ill. Gov - Pension Revamp a 'Political Earthquake' - NYTimes.com

Transcript of Japanese Parliamentary discussion of 911

So-called Economics is a Rockefeller con-job


AUDIO:"2010-3-23 NWO Defeated NOW as Success of RESTORE AMERICA PLAN Done Deal now"