"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 March 2010



Bush wipes hand on Clinton's shirt - Snotr


YouTube - The Dynamics of the Jewish Elite (updated)


*20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms : Fire Andrea Mitchell!


The Shadow Government's Healthcare Bill Rules


The Jews Behind Obama’s Health Care Scheme | Real Zionist News



Regulated or Not, Nano-Foods Coming to a Store Near You

David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think-tank

Chipped Dogs Develop Fast-Growing, Lethal Tumors

Have a Nice World War, Folks: John Pilger : Information Clearing House - ICH

CNSNews.com - Obama Transportation Secretary: ‘This Is the End of Favoring Motorized Transportation at the Expense of Non-Motorized’

This Is the Future of the Fight Against Cancer - Nanobots - Gizmodo

The Scary, Scary Social Security 'Crisis' is Back!

Photo Sparks New Search in Holloway Case - AOL News

WHO rules out smallpox outbreak in eastern Uganda

Does the Catholic Church foster pedophilia?

Don’t believe the numbers, Obamacare is a financial disaster - Michael Pollaro - The Contrarian Take - True/Slant

The Hindu : News / International : Russian oil major pulls out of Iran

Full Circle: NATO Completes Takeover Of Former Yugoslavia

Amish, Muslims Exempt from Obamacare Mandate? | The FOX Nation

Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It

WHO Investigating Smallpox Reports In Uganda - NYTimes.com

Roy Tov - IDF = Singapore’s Defense Forces

Alarming Spike In H1N1 Hospitalizations and Deaths In Georgia

Atzmon - Judea Declares War On Obama

savethemales.ca - Patriot Historian Raises Questions About Eustace Mullins

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Scotland's Pedophile Protection Policy

Almost a quarter of Republicans think Obama 'may be the Antichrist' as 14 states sue over healthcare reforms

Republicans force new House vote on US health bill - Telegraph

Hoyer decries talk of reprisals against lawmakers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Death threats plague Democrats who supported Barack Obama's health care bill - Telegraph

Health care reform anger takes a nasty, violent turn - CNN.com

U.S. schoolbook glorifies communists

Gloves are off between US and China | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Pentagon 'is investigating Wikileaks whistleblower website leaking top secret documents' | Mail Online

Israel 'spits in Obama's eye' by announcing new settlements in east Jerusalem - Telegraph

The real price of Israel's settlements | Seth Freedman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Israel told: no passport promise means no new Mossad diplomat - Home News, UK - The Independent

Jordan: Israel playing with fire with settlements | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hackney: the promised land for Yemen's Jews - Middle East, World - The Independent

Pope implicated in cover-up of paedophile priest sex abuse of 200 deaf boys | Mail Online

Church documents 'show Pope failed to defrock priest who abused 200 boys' - Telegraph

Purple protests on streets of Rome - Europe, World - The Independent

Migrants feel the chill as the French clamp down | World news | The Guardian

New human species found in Siberia | Science | The Guardian

How China's internet generation broke the silence | World news | The Guardian

National Academy of Sciences criticised for hosting £1m spiritual award | Science | The Guardian

Poacher eaten by lion in Kruger National Park - Telegraph

School condemned after pupils left in tears by mock shooting - Telegraph

BBC News - Hate crime law comes into force in Scotland

Metropolitan police officer hit Ian Tomlinson protester 'in self-defence' | UK news | The Guardian

Donkey rides banned from beach - Telegraph

RAF intercepts Russian bombers over Stornoway - Times Online

CWD rates increase in deer population, DNR says - JSOnline

Coyote Captured by Police in Manhattan after Chase Through TriBeCa - DNAinfo.com

Man Arrested for Hacking Into Obama's Twitter - WSJ.com

Revenge of the white men - Los Angeles Times

Dogs suffer cancer after ID chipping

Letters: Islamophobia is a threat to democracy | World news | The Guardian

CIA prepared birthday cake for double agent who bombed Afghan base | World news | guardian.co.uk

Lebanon's archaeological sites a pillager's paradise - Telegraph

Silence that speaks volumes: blackout as Israel’s leader leaves White House - Times Online

California to hold statewide November vote on legalising marijuana - Times Online


Overpopulation - Frosty Wooldridge - speaker, author, environmentalist, patriot, bicyclist; Frosty promotes open discussion of environmental and U.S. national sustainability issues, and reduction of immigration to replacement levels in order to stabilize U.S. population. Frosty is also known as Frosty Woolridge


Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America: Part 3-Eugenics

Court told 'citizen' Obama actually may be alien


YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks Out Against 'Obamacare' Law on The Alex Jones Show 1/5

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks Out Against 'Obamacare' Law on The Alex Jones Show 2/5

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks Out Against 'Obamacare' Law on The Alex Jones Show 3/5

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks Out Against 'Obamacare' Law on The Alex Jones Show 4/5

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks Out Against 'Obamacare' Law on The Alex Jones Show 5/5


YouTube - Alex Takes Phone Calls & Covers Police State News on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Phone Calls & Covers Police State News on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Phone Calls & Covers Police State News on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Phone Calls & Covers Police State News on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


YouTube - Conyers Good and Welfare

Conyers Cites Imaginary Constitutional Clause in Defense of Obamacare


YouTube - Obama Mocks Republican 'Armageddon' Rhetoric (Again)


Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie


YouTube - FBI probes threats against health reformers

YouTube - NEWS ALERT - Homeland Security Healthcare Offensive?

Source: Patriot Act May Be Used Against Tea Party Activists

“The Only People Who Still Might Be Fooled Are the American Taxpayers, Who Are Ultimately Responsible When the Bills Come Due”

YouTube - Tarpley: US gov uses Google proxy to attack China

Tarpley: US Gov uses Google proxy to attack China

YouTube - 9/11 Truth On NY1

9/11 Truth On NY1


YouTube - Hillary Clinton at AIPAC

Clinton Threatens Iran With “Painful Consequences”


‘They’re Cops; They’re Going to Beat You’

Have a Nice World War, Folks

The Shadow Government’s Healthcare Bill Rules

Thanks, but No Thanks, Mr. Obama

Dick Cheney backs Rand Paul’s NeoCon opponent in Kentucky

Dead Bin Laden Sends Message to U.S.

The States, and 10th Amendment, will Thwart Obamacare

The Story of Cap & Trade

Future News: Massachusetts makes disobedience vaccine mandatory

Rand Paul and Vote Rigging in Kentucky

Murdoch’s Subscription Scheme Will Kill Times Online

Judge Napolitano: Health Care and the Constitution

Jesse's Café Américain: Whistleblower Speaks Out On J. P. Morgan's Market Manipulation - Reports Violations to the CFTC in the Silver Market

Personal Income Drops Across the Country - WSJ.com

EU summit: IMF joint plan likely as Germany set for Greece debt victory | Mail Online

US healthcare reform is boon for India outsourcing companies - Yahoo! News

Evesham school fake shooting of teacher traumatises children | Mail Online

NATO rejects Russian call for Afghan poppy spraying | Reuters

Developers Begin To Reach Agreement Over WTC Site - NY1.com

Help! I’ve Been Taxed and I Can’t Get Up - Casey Research

BBC News - Review all anti-terrorism laws, say MPs

GOP Lawmaker Darrell Issa Poised to Call for Special Prosecutor to Investigate White House - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

CNSNews.com - Obama Transportation Secretary: ‘This Is the End of Favoring Motorized Transportation at the Expense of Non-Motorized’

Nanotechnology Bringing Foods, Regulated or Not, to Grocery Near You - AOL News

Swine Flu Virus Not So New, Study Finds - ABC News

El Paso Area Law Enforcement Officers Targeted - News Story - KFOX El Paso

Latest Farmers Branch Rental Ordinance Struck Down | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

U.S. Taxpayers Funding Mexican Military And Incursions | Conspiring Times

World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America | EUTimes.net

Reid casts wrong vote on health care for second time - CNN.com

Cantor Accuses Democrats of Exploiting Threats - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

KBR Bills $5 Million For Mechanics Who Work 43 Minutes a Month | Mother Jones

Many American Soldiers Turning to Prescription Drugs to Treat Psychological Distress. - ABC News

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: UK 'could not fight a war with Iran'

Report: Netanyahu to ask Obama for weapons to strike Iran - Haaretz - Israel News

Ron Paul Schools Geithner On Austrian Economics

U.S. Iran Sneak Attack?

Report: Saudi Arabia Seeks Strike on Iran - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

FOXNews.com - Putin Says Iran's Nuke Plant Should Be On Line by Summer

YouTube - House Leader Condemns Threats Against Members

YouTube - Clyburn: Health Care Opponents Aiding Terrorism

Dems Make Case Tea Party Movement is Terrorist

Medical Companies: Taxes In Healthcare Bill Will Kill Jobs, Businesses

YouTube - Fight at Russ Carnahan Town Hall Event - Raw Video (8/6/09)

YouTube - Tea Party Protesters Assaulted by Pro-Amnesty Socialist Group

Pro-Obamacare Thugs, Not Tea Party Activists, Are The Real Violent Extremists

WikiLeaks Followed by CIA and State Department

Invisible Empire: A Primer on the New World Order

Police Recruit Internet Cafe Owners To Spy On Users

Insurance Industry “suddenly” excited about health care law, launches program to “Enroll America”

The Pelosi Sanction

Good-Bye: Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It

YouTube - Clyburn: Health Care Opponents Aiding Terrorism

YouTube - 'Reprehensible': Cantor Condemns Dems for Using Violent Incidents for Political Gain

Fidel Castro salutes Obama's health care reform as 'success' : America World

BBC News - RAF spots Russian jets near Western Isles


YouTube - The feds are planting terrorists


James Cameron wants to ’shoot it out’ with global warming deniers

U.S. & NATO Are Supporting Afghan Drug Industry

World is headed for a global revolution – authors

Pentagon 'is investigating Wikileaks whistleblower website leaking top secret documents' | Mail Online

The President’s Nullification Power


Are These 10 Big Tax Hikes Coming To America?


THE GREAT DISCONNECT: Stocks 30% Overvalued And Still Going Up… And Housing Rolling Over

Did Gordon Brown Sell UK’s Gold To Keep AIG And Rothschild Solvent; More Disclosures On How The NY Fed Manipulates Gold Prices

72% of Democrats, 84% of Republicans and 80% of Independents Think the Economy Could Collapse

Here’s Why The Money Supply Has Exploded, But We Haven’t Seen Rampant Inflation Yet

‘The BIG Black Lie’ Author Debates MSNBC’s Shuster on Tea Party ‘Violence’

EPIC testifies before Homeland Security Hearing advising it suspend body scanner use at airports | ZDNet Government | ZDNet.com

Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

Medical Companies: Taxes In Healthcare Bill Will Kill Jobs, Businesses

Obamacare: Taxing The American People Into Oblivion

Loophole Exempts Washington Insiders From Obamacare Mandate

ObamaCare's Effects Are Already Showing - WSJ.com

The Cost Of Defying Obamacare: $2,250 a Month And IRS Goons Pointing Guns At Your Family


YouTube - Alex Jones on Greece: Battle against oligarchs


YouTube - MSNBC's Ed Schultz- Time For 'Socialism' In Talk Radio


YouTube - Gibbs asked if he ever feels dirty defending this administration's lies and deception


flashback:Bin Laden tape a fake, Swiss lab says

flashbackProof Bin Laden Tape Is 5-Year-Old, Re-Released Footage

flashbackU.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged Al-Qaeda Videos


YouTube - Financial Services Hearing March 25

YouTube - The IRS is Not An Agency of the US Government

YouTube - Jim Rogers quizzed on euro, Greece bailout, EU future

‘Birds Were Chirping’: Obama Mocks GOP for Likening Health Bill to ‘Armageddon’

Medical Companies: Taxes In Healthcare Bill Will Kill Jobs, Businesses

“Break-up of EU would be good for its member states” – British politician

Obamacare Versus Freedom

Dems Make Case Tea Party Movement is Terrorist

Invisible Empire: A Primer on the New World Order

Whistleblower Exposes JP Morgan’s Silver Manipulation Scheme

OfA fundraises off threats

Next Power Grab: Cap-and-Trade

Chipped Pets Develop Fast-Growing, Lethal Tumors

Rights groups fear Graham bill will sanction indefinite detention

Arctic sea ice continues to rise past the normal peak date

Evidence Grows for Multiverse

AFP: N.Korea vows nuclear attacks to defend its regime

EU summit: IMF joint plan likely as Germany set for Greece debt victory | Mail Online

Exclusive / Despite row, U.S. and Israel sign massive arms deal - Haaretz - Israel News

Bin Laden Threatens Deaths If Mohammed Is Executed (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Personal Income Drops Across the Country - WSJ.com

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill - Rasmussen Reports™

Latest Farmers Branch Rental Ordinance Struck Down | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

NJ Police Department Starts Senior Safety Program - wcbstv.com

Telecom giant challenges FCC role in broadband - washingtonpost.com

Healthcare Bill Exempts Congress And Staff

Obama Awarded Hundreds of Thousands in Airport Grants to Stupak’s District Two Days Before Vote

Kelleigh Nelson -- It Has Nothing to do With Healthcare

Whom Will Obama Bomb?

Healthy tax increases, not only on wealthy - Washington Times

China vs. the Internet - latimes.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Census, the Constitution, and Civil Disobedience

YouTube - Is Health-Care Reform Unconstitutional?

In Harbinger Of Things To Come, Indonesian Parliament Begins Criminal Investigation Into Bank Bailouts | zero hedge

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 25th With Andrew Napolitano

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 24th With Paul Joseph Watson

03-26-2010: Typing technique 'could trap paedophiles'

03-26-2010: U.S. Seeks To Destablize Nicaragua

03-26-2010: DARPA Radar System Will Track Cars Anywhere

03-25-2010: U.S. looks to export drone technology to allies

"DROP DEAD": White Powder Package Sent to Rep. Weiner's Office

Health Care Clears Final Hurdle: House Passes Reconciliation Bill

03-25-2010: The Silent Entitlements Monster: Social Security, Medicare And Interest On The Debt Will Gobble Up Every Single Tax Dollar By 2020

03-25-2010: 55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

New Human Relative Found?

03-25-2010: China Seeks Russia Alliance to Counter US Dominance

Nearly 300 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond

03-25-2010: Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Derivatives, Which Would Be at the Very CENTER of Cap and Trade

03-25-2010: U.S. Military Contractors Move into Africa

EU draws up plans for single 'economic government' to prevent crisis

Russian ‘Nuke’ Bombers Invade UK Airspace…Again

How The Digital Economy Bill Sets Up A System Like China's Censorship from the you-get-what-you-asked-for dept

Airport security guard John Laker ogled woman colleague in body scanner

Britain: Teacher ‘Shot Dead’ In School Science Stunt

"The Only People Who Still Might Be Fooled Are the American Taxpayers, Who Are Ultimately Responsible When the Bills Come Due"

Prisoners forced to submit to radiation experiments for private foreign companies

Navy laser weapon goes through early tests

Corporate Media Fears Competition from Social Networking Sites

KBR Bills $5 Million For Mechanics Who Work 43 Minutes a Month

GOP: We'll Kill the Liars Who Say We Are Inciting Violence

Georgia Attorney General Faces Impeachment Threat After Refusing to File Anti-Health Care Lawsuit

Former militiaman unapologetic for calls to vandalize offices over health care

House passes reconciliation bill on 220 to 207 vote

When Presidential Sermons Collide

Covering up American War Crimes, From Baghdad to New York

Judea Declares War On Obama

Israeli Intelligence, Our Constant Companion

Be Sure The Truth Will Find You Out

Next Up: Wall Street Reform

To Rob a Country, Own a Bank

Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card | Threat Level | Wired.com

KBR Bills $5 Million For Mechanics Who Work 43 Minutes a Month | Mother Jones

Obama’s Health Plan: The Continuing Battle

Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem Does Not Belong to Jewish-Israelis

God & His Demons: Taking on the Religious Right

VIDEO: Eight Million Africans Died in Wars Financed by US, UK

Fidel Castro: Thoughts on Obama and Health Reform in the United States

Militarizing Latin America

Full Circle: NATO Completes Takeover Of Former Yugoslavia

US Stands Alone in Human Rights Council Votes on Israel

NATO Membership Sought in Serbia

Cuba: Human Rights Again?

12 Taxes in Health Care Law Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000

Health Care Fix Bill Taxes "Unearned" Income, Capital Gains Rate Soars

CBO Says Govt to Collect $69 Billion in Tax Penalties From Health Care Law's Insurance Mandate in First 10 Years

ObamaCare's Effects Are Already Showing: Companies Are Already Warning About Higher Health-Care Costs

ACTA Draft: No Internet for Copyright Scofflaws

FCC’s Broadband Plan Sets Groundwork for National Smart Grid Spy Grid

Obama's Internet Takeover: Telecom giant challenges FCC role in broadband

Reconciliation 'Fixes' to Health Bill Will Ride on Back of Taxpayers and Medicare Recipients, Republicans Say

ObamaCare Is a Death Threat to Us All

Health Care Bill -- Bad Medicine & Unconstititional

Tom Woods vs Neil Siegel on States' Rights - NPR Debate 3/23/10

Insurance Industry "suddenly" excited about health care law, launches program to "Enroll America"

Obama and health care: Then and now, candidate and president

Healthcare Intervention: The Bigger Picture

Milford, CT bans smoking in public housing units

Transforming TSA into a Military Intelligence Operation

Let the Looting Begin! : Health-Care Changes Taxes to Start Taking Effect This Year

Health Care Bill Doesn't Cover Children With Pre-Existing Conditions

YouTube - Ron Paul on FOX News 03/24/10

Closing Time: An Historic Confirmation of Corporate Power


YouTube - Obama: "I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns"


Corporate America's $33 Billion Tax Refund

Health Care Reform: We're Being Fooled Again

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Any Attack on Iran Must Be Full-Scale

Iraq: Operation Enduring Occupation

Obama gives sugar plums to the special interests

Bernanke Running Amuck


YouTube - 911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED


Dates That Destroyed America

Wireless survey: 91% of Americans use cell phones

Green Cops in Houston?

How Washington Murdered Privacy at Home and Abroad

Health care dictatorship: A crime against America


YouTube - Mike Adams Tells Alex-"We are Now Under a Medical Dictatorship" on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Mike Adams Tells Alex-"We are Now Under a Medical Dictatorship" on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


Thanks for nothing, Mr. ‘Health Care Reform’ President

Do They Wear White Hoods to Their Tea Parties? by David Franke

Doug Casey: Making Terrorism Your Friend

Freedom in One Word by Michael Boldin

Government Funded Businesses: Going Where the Money Is by Richard Daughty

Too Big To Fail? by Dick Clark

Have a Nice World War, Folks by John Pilger

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

U.S. aviation security pick favors Israeli model




The coming of an American Reichstag?


Obama Obstructs Oversight of FBI in Anthrax Case

Western Rifle Shooters Association: 19 April 2010: Bring Your Sidearms and Longarms To The Banks of the Potomac

Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online


Steve Quayle News Alerts:America's Idolatry Brings the Plagues and Judgement We Have Forsaken the Lord God of Heaven And Embraced Death

OSIRIS-REx: Mission to an Asteroid



Claim: There are Nazis on the Moon | The Truth Online

Sci-fi movie’s moon scenes “could not have been filmed on Earth” | The Truth Online


Breaking Reagan's 11th Commandment Got David Frum Fired

Libertarian Militiaman Who Urged 'Patriots' To Break Windows? He's On Government Disability

Erick Erickson, CNN's newest commentator, invites Stupak backlash on his blog

John Shadegg Excuses His Colleagues for Egging on Protesters Outside of Capitol

Will Elizabeth Warren Get Her Chance to Protect American Families?

Tea Party organizer sued over Sarah Palin's speaking fees

Blue America Welcomes North Carolina Secretary Of State Elaine Marshall

Steve King Runs From Dana Bash When Questioned About Inciting Protesters

Beck clarifies his theory: If violence breaks out from the right, it will have been intentionally provoked by Obama

Are Republican AGs Grandstanding? HC Bill Includes Mandate Opt-Out For States

Rachel Maddow: Words Matter

Autistic Teen Picks First Two NCAA Rounds Perfectly

New online Harris poll basically says: Republicans are insane

New Documents Show Pope Benedict Protected Priest Who Molested As Many As 200 Deaf Boys

Mark Potok: John Boehner a 'Day Late and a Dollar Short'

While Clinton Takes Responsibility For The Sad State of Haiti's Economy, Bush Deigns To Shake A Haitian's Hand...Just Barely

Senate Republicans Force Reconciliation Bill Back To The House

Sanchez: Democrats Should 'Be Careful' About Linking Republicans to Threats and Violence

Republicans Fundraising off of Outbursts in the House

Denmark's Little Mermaid Leaves Home for First Time

Man Charged in Death of Fla. Girl in Landfill

Death Toll at 11 in Ky. Highway Truck-Van Crash

Jail Costs Estimated at $207K for Ft. Hood Suspect

Ga. Man Charged With Flurry of False FEMA Claims

Mainer Gets 10 Years in Fatal Sex Game Shooting

Class on Pa. Town's Immigration Fight Draws Fire

Judge to Rule on Case Involving 24 Iraqi Deaths

South Korean Ship Sinking, North Attack Suspected: Report

North Chile Hit by 6.2 Quake, No Damage Reported

Deputies Raid 4 Ariz. McDonald's in ID Theft Case

Tough Times for White South African Squatters

Obama, Medvedev Sign off on New Nuclear Pact

2 Little Rock Officers Shot While Serving Warrant

S. Calif. Fortuneteller Convicted of Child Rape

DA: Pa. Woman Falsely Claimed Baby's Ashes Stolen

Toyota Warned Dealers of Crash Risk in 2007

Ohio Plane Crash Victim Cremated by Mistake

NC Courthouse in Edwards Video Dispute Hit by Fire

Could Abba Be Ready for a One-off Reunion?

3 Phoenix Motorcycle Riders Killed in Truck Crash

Saying 'I Do': Black Marriage Campaign Is Growing

Heart Attack Prompts Jetliner's Emergency Landing

Ask AP: Tiananmen Square, Obama's Nobel Prize

Marines Charged in Killings of Iraqis

Family Holidays on the Rise, as Is Annoyance

It's Big, It's Back, It's the World Expo: China Style

Secret Stash Could Offer Insight Into Chicago Mob

50 Illegal Immigrants, 10 Smugglers Arrested in AZ

SoCal Teacher Arrested in Alleged Drunken Teaching

New Charge of Murder Against Washington Officer

Cantor: Democrats 'Fanning Flames' With Talk of Partisan Violence

'Go for It,' Obama Tells GOP On Health Repeal

Watchdog Blasts Obama Loan Relief Plan

DeMint: Midterms Key to Stopping Obamacare

Poll: 40% Think Obama Is a Socialist

Pentagon Increases Protections for Gays in Military

Gov't Unveils Plan to Shrink Some Home Loans

Sex Abuse Scandal in U.S., Italy Taints Papacy

U.S.: Treaty Cuts Nuclear Weapons by Fourth

Congress Approves Nationalizing Student Loans

Report: Mexican Traffickers Cement Grip in U.S.

Sen. Brown to Maddow: Bring It On

President's Group Uses Threats to Raise Cash

CBO: Debt Will Rise to 90% of GDP

First Tea Party Democrat to Run for Congress

McCain, Palin to Campaign Together in Arizona

PBS, NPR Get $10M Infusion for Local News

Pelosi, GOP, Decry Threats Against Congress

Suspected Twitter Infiltrator: 'I'm a Nice Hacker'

Brad Blakeman: Will Iran Follow Hitler's Example?

'Cash for Refrigerators' Boosts Appliance Sales

Calif. Pot Vote Isn't Just Hippies Versus Cops

Tentative Deal Reached On Rebuilding WTC Site

Senate Republican Holds up Jobless Benefits

British Air Worker Planned Suicide Bombing

Soros: Get 'Unsound' Fannie, Freddie Out of Lending

Geithner Hopes GOP Will Back Financial Overhaul

10 Ways to De-Stress

Sleep Apnea May Extend Lives of Elderly

VA Tests System for Electronic Disability Claims

Roger Ebert Plans to Produce New Movie Review Show

The Associated Press: Companies say health care costs hard to swallow

Rio Tinto Deal Reveals Some Interesting Faces In Finance


YouTube - Mag-Fed 20MM Rifle with Suppressor

Magfed 20mm Rifles - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities


YouTube - Bill Murphy of GATA Reveals Whistle-Blower in Gold Price Suppression


EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Will NOT Vote Democratic or Republican in 2012


EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul "We Have Only One Party! And They Fight Over Power & Influence!


EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Covers Marxist Media Demonizing Tea Partiers on The Alex Jones Show


Tinfoil Hat News: Behind Obama’s Health Care Scheme

U.S. Treasury Said to Have Plan for Citigroup Shares (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Anti-Hate Group Finds Yet Another Group It Hates « LewRockwell.com Blog

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown | Watch Free Documentary Online


**American's Journey: Conspiracy Theory - Reason vs. the Crowd


***Marijuana Medical Papers: 1839- 1972 Edited by Tod H. Mikuriya

EndrTimes: Ex-S.F. Arhcbishop Given 10-1 Odds Becoming Next Pope

YouTube - Priest Off

The pope's entire career has the stench of evil about it. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine


EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber: Central Asia will Bring War between US and China, Russia


Earth Hour: Lights off, nobody home | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Ottawa Sun


EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff 03/24/2010 Health Care Bill -- bad medicine & unconstititional


EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 03/24/10



Quadrant Online - Six myths about "deniers"

Global Warming Is Fact, and Denial Won't Change Climate Back - US News and World Report

Weakland shredded copies of sex abuse reports, documents say - JSOnline

YouTube - Bank Collapse Coming 10K Limit on Wire Transfers 2010

Victims: Vatican Accused Of Ignoring Reported Sex Abuse - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee

Egypt's government to restrict NGO vote monitoring - washingtonpost.com

Washington's Blog:"The Only People Who Still Might Be Fooled Are the American Taxpayers, Who Are Ultimately Responsible When the Bills Come Due"

Washington's Blog:Evidence Grows for Multiverse


Albert Einstein on the task of humanity – | Sophrosyne Radical

truthjihad.com blog: New poll: About 1 in 3 Americans thinks 9/11 was "a big fabrication"


From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

Catholic Church quietly expelling and punishing children, homeless | New, Next, Now! | IrishCentral

YouTube - Pope still protecting pedophile bishops

YouTube - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

CNSNews.com - 12 Taxes in Health Care Law Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000

Informed Comment: Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem does not belong to Jewish-Israelis


*Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

Purported Bin Laden message hints at retaliation - CNN.com


Liberal White Boy: The Southern Poverty Law Center...Another Jewish Hate Organization In Disguise?

Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution

Newsmax - Tone Down Rhetoric Over Healthcare

Newsmax - Midterm Elections Will Determine Our Nation's Path

Newsmax - Healthcare Reform Should Come From Markets, not Mandates

Newsmax - Secularists Quick to Condemn Church on Sex Abuse

Newsmax - Obamacare Set to Bankrupt Generations

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

The Shadow Government's Healthcare Bill Rules

Thomas More Law Center - Home Page

Bishop's Body Moved To Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Refreshing News: Flight plan confirming Armstrong's first words on the moon to be auctioned

AMERICAblog News: Ratzinger defends pedophiles


EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura On Bonnie Hunt (part 1)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura On Bonnie Hunt (part 2)


YouTube - Alex Details More of 'Obamacare' as a Trojan Horse for Total Enslavment on The Alex Jones Show 1/6

YouTube - Alex Details More of 'Obamacare' as a Trojan Horse for Total Enslavment on The Alex Jones Show 2/6

YouTube - Alex Details More of 'Obamacare' as a Trojan Horse for Total Enslavment on The Alex Jones Show 3/6

YouTube - Alex Details More of 'Obamacare' as a Trojan Horse for Total Enslavment on The Alex Jones Show 4/6

YouTube - Alex Details More of 'Obamacare' as a Trojan Horse for Total Enslavment on The Alex Jones Show 5/6

YouTube - Alex Details More of 'Obamacare' as a Trojan Horse for Total Enslavment on The Alex Jones Show 6/6


flashback:Staring Into The Murky Waters Of Immigration in 1988 | Newstalgia

TheRecord.com - Life - Coconut water: Nature’s sports drink

Paul Krugman, the Nobel prize winner who threatens the world - Telegraph

The Betrayal of an American Ally

Supporting terrorism: Islamist infiltration from colleges to government offices

Exposing pro-Hamas activities in the U.S.

Peering behind the rift: Obama’s pro-Palestinian agenda


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*Encounters at the End of the World | Watch Free Documentary Online


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YouTube - John Coltrane & Stan Getz: Hackensack (Rifftide)

YouTube - Miles davis et John Coltrane - So what

YouTube - Miles Davis - Kind of Blue 50th Anniversary

YouTube - Autumn Leaves, Miles Davis & Cannonball Adderley

YouTube - John Coltrane Quartet - My Favorite Things

YouTube - John Coltrane Quartet - On Green Dolphin Street - 1960

YouTube - Stan Getz - On Green Dolphin Street (1989)

YouTube - Stan Getz-Autumn Leaves

YouTube - Stan Getz Quartet - Desafinado, Girl from Ipanema

YouTube - Stan Getz Performs Wave - Copenhagen 1970s

YouTube - The Girl From Ipanema Original US Version

João Gilberto & Tom Jobim - Desafinado

Misty - Stan Getz


Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd - Desafinado

Dizzy & Stan - It Don't Mean A Thing

The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five (1961)

Andy Williams & Antonio Carlos Jobim - Girl From Ipanema


Ronnie Scott - On Green Dolphin Street

George Benson & mccoy Tyner Trio - Stella by Starlight

Miles Davis Quintet - 'Round Midnight

Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie


John Coltrane - Every Time We Say Goodbye - 1961


SPACE.com -- Mars Rover Finds Weird Rocks, Hits 20-Km Marker

BBC News - Cuts cast doubt on asteroid plan

Tiny Tyrannosaur Came from the Land Down Under | LiveScience

Object Lesson: Pluto's Smallest Neighbors Prove Tough to Find: Scientific American

Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery - CNN.com

BBC News - Child vampire hunters sparked comic crackdown

In Search of Alien Glyphs (or are they microwave blasters?) - Boing Boing

Possible new human ancestor found in Siberia | Reuters




YouTube - Gibbs asked if he ever feels dirty defending this administration's lies and deception


Bam's triple-diplo-whammy day - NYPOST.com

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Biden: Without Health Care Obama Would Be 'Absolutely Done'

Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - FOXNews.com

Tea partiers air doubts about Dick Armey - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Page Not Found

GOP Lawmaker Darrell Issa Poised to Call for Special Prosecutor to Investigate White House - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Gov. Bob McDonnell signs Virginia Health Care Freedom Act | WSLS 10

Seagram liquor heiresses, Clare and Sara Bronfman lose $65M in commodities-trading scheme run by Keith Raniere - NYPOST.com

Debbie Schlussel:“HAMAS Exercise Video”: FOX News “Health Report” is Anti-Israel Propaganda

Debbie SchlusselBig Business: Who Owns the Freedom Concerts? How Sean Hannity’s Private Jets, Luxe SUVs, Suites Were Paid

Debbie SchlusselHumorous Video: Finally, PETA a/k/a PUTAh Has a Point

Debbie SchlusselBloody Brits: UK Expels Israeli Diplomat over Dubai House-Cleaning

The Associated Press: Israel to continue building in east Jerusalem

US, Russia to Sign Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty on April 8 | Europe | English

YouTube - Medvedev, Obama to sign new nuclear arms treaty on April 8 in Prague

South Korea says not clear North involved in ship sinking | Reuters

Vatican Denies Pope Knew of Priest’s Transfer - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Abuse Victims Target The Pope

Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: Fashionable first ladies - washingtonpost.com

Al Jazeera English - Focus - 'Arab summit is political theatre'

Violence Rocks Iraq Ahead of Vote Results | Middle East | English

BBC News - Thailand's red-shirts plan new Bangkok rally

Pakistani troops kill 34 militants after attack | Reuters

U.N. rights forum condemns Myanmar, extends probe | Reuters

The Hindu : News / International : U.S. aid for Pak. energy, road projects

BBC News - MPs raise concern over Zimbabwe children after visit

Chávez Critic Is Arrested, Then Freed, in Venezuela - NYTimes.com

Putin warns about spring floods across Russia - washingtonpost.com

Officials Spar Over How Far to Privatize Japan Post - WSJ.com

Toyota Suspends Europe Production - WSJ.com

AFP: 'Proud' Prince Charles hails troops on Afghan visit

site:Vote for the Worst

News - Idol's Paige Miles Blames Laryngitis for Getting the Boot - Movies, TV & Music - UsMagazine.com

Dennis Hopper Appearance: Dennis Hopper to Receive Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame in Person Amid Reports He is Dying - latimes.com

Jim Marshall dies at 74; iconic photographer shot music greats - Los Angeles Times

Administration Moves to Assist Struggling Homeowners - NYTimes.com

Some Thompson Case: Jarred Harrell Charged With Premeditated Murder - ABC News

Sarah Palin, Sen. John McCain reunite to boost Arizona senator's re-election bid

More Frum Fallout | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

White House crashers on ‘Real Housewives’? - TODAY Entertainment

FOXNews.com - Obama Campaign Arm Appeals for Donations After Threats to Lawmakers

YouTube - Slaughter speaks out about threats

Bin Laden threatens to kill Americans if Khalid Sheik Mohammed is executed - washingtonpost.com

Obama's healthcare win could boost foreign policy | Reuters

President Obama Visiting Maine - WABI TV5

Kim Strassel: The Senate Reckoning - WSJ.com

Ill. Gov - Pension Revamp a 'Political Earthquake' - NYTimes.com

Rachel Maddow criticizes Sen. Brown in ad - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

Sex-for-tickets verdict: 1 win, 1 loss - Game On!: Covering the Latest Sports News

None of David Paterson’s Problems Have Gone Away | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

L.A. can bar Hare Krishnas from panhandling at airports, court rules - latimes.com

Airport money-raising ban ruled constitutional

Mother and 3-year-old son identified as Fall River victims - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Fall River victims ID'd as mom and son

NJ Transit fare hearing draws angry response from commuters | - NJ.com

'Pure Michigan' Tourism Campaign Gets $9.5M Boost - ABC News

NC Courthouse in Edwards Video Dispute Hit by Fire - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Chatham County courthouse damaged in fire

Quinn to reveal lt. gov preference today; expected to tap Simon | Political Fix | STLtoday

Reuters AlertNet - S.Korean navy ship sinking, North suspected-media

SKorean navy ship sinks in waters near NKorea

The Times they are a charging | The Sun |News

RNC loses bid to raise unlimited money

Obama readies steps to fight foreclosures, particularly for unemployed - washingtonpost.com

U.S. looks to export drone technology to allies | Reuters

Wall Street Journal to charge 17.99 dollars a month on iPad

Prince Charles on secret visit to boost British troops in Afghanistan | Mail Online

Latest Farmers Branch Rental Ordinance Struck Down | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

FOXNews.com - Terrorists Could Use Explosives in Breast Implants to Crash Planes, Experts Warn

Pope Benedict Cannot Be Fired, Despite Growing Sex Abuse Cover-Ups - ABC News

Summary Box: Rates rise after weak auction results - Yahoo! Finance

Cuba Readies for U.S. Tourists With Golf Courses, Luxury Hotels - Bloomberg.com

Replica of U.S. slave ship sails into Havana - Yahoo! News

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

Reid casts wrong vote on health care for second time - CNN.com

WM_hcr_timelinel.pdf (application/pdf Object)

2,000 House staffers make six figures - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Scott Brown, Sarah Palin, John McCain Lead Republican Counter-Attack - ABC News

Powder-Laced Letter Sent To Weiner Not Hazardous - wcbstv.com

At last: Final health care measure heads to Obama - Yahoo! News

Carla Bruni says she hopes Nicolas Sarkozy won't run for a second term - Times Online

REVIEW: ‘The Eclipse’ is a Haunting Supernatural Drama

‘How to Train Your Dragon’ Has Comedy, Heart, Great Action

Daily Gut: ‘Red Eye’ Robot Theatre Presents ‘What Would Cameron Do?’

REVIEW: ‘Atomic Jihad’ An Important Look at Iran & Obama

James Cameron – I Accept

Time Magazine Profile: Citizen Breitbart

2010: A Race Odyssey — Disproving a Negative for Cash Prizes or, How the Civil Rights Movement Jumped the Shark

Every Tanker Delayed is an Airman at Risk

Politics: Democratic Stimulus Haul is Almost Double Republicans

Once They Encouraged the Pitchforks, Now Democrats are Frightened of Them

Code Pink Democrats Aid and Abet Terrorists, Obama and the Democrat Party

Times vs. Times: The Truth on Union Corporate Influence

Joint Committee on Taxation Confirms that ObamaCare Does Not Enforce Individual Mandate

Breitbart Back On MSNBC, Introduces World To ‘Jovial And Measured Andrew’

The First Referendum on Nationalized Healthcare is in Congressional District FL-19

Breitbart Guest-Hosts ‘The Savage Nation’

ObamaCare Signing: Ex-con at the Scene of the Crime

Time Magazine Profile: Citizen Breitbart

Freedom Alliance Offers Transparency, but Leftist Group Doesn’t

‘Seeing’ Red at Reconciliation over Medicine Cabinet Tax

A Perfect Storm: Deficit Soaring…Debt Soaring…Number Who Pay No Taxes…Soaring

‘Hi, I’m Pete Kesterson!’: Normal People Step Up To Take On Incumbents

Thoughts On The Spurious Census

Social Security Going Broke Faster than Expected

Why the Push for Amnesty Again? Is Voter Fraud in Play?

Useful Idiots: The Tolerant Ones

Early Morning Thread: Obama Polls, Israeli Division

In Iowa, Going Rogue: All That’s Missing is Sarah Palin

The Scent of Weakness

Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel

Stupid Is As Stupid Does; Obama and Co. Moves To Alienate Israel

University of Ottawa Scolds Ann Coulter, Embraces Castro’s ‘Witch Doctors and Shamans’

Hey, Ann Coulter: Blame Canada — ‘They’re Not Even a Real Country, Anyway’

2010: A Race Odyssey — Disproving a Negative for Cash Prizes or, How the Civil Rights Movement Jumped the Shark

Marinus van der Lubbe, Call Your Agent; Saul Alinsky Would Like To Speak With You

On a Day That Will Live in Infamy, Rep. Stupak Makes History


Hollywood’s Broke Part 1: Recognizing There’s a Problem

Hollywood’s Broke Part 2: The Diagnosis

Hollywood’s Broke Part 3: The Details

Hollywood’s Broke Part 4: The Innovation Deficit

Hollywood’s Broke Part 5: The Solutions

Hollywood’s Broke Part 6: Fixing Television

Hollywood’s Broke Part 7: Agents

Hollywood’s Broke Final Chapter: In Summary


Transcripts:3-25Obama's Health Care Speech in Iowa City

Chairman Bernanke on the Fed's Exit Strategy


*3-24/Interview with Speaker Pelosi

Roundtable on Selling Health Care

Interview with Secretary Geithner

Senator Hatch on the Health Care Mandate

Senators Gregg & DeMint on Health Care

Interview with Majority Whip James Clyburn

Secretary Gates' Testimony to House Appropriations

Secretary Clinton's Remarks with Pakistan's FM


*3-26/Politics VideoRahm Emanuel: "I Don't Blame Republicans" For Response To Health Bill

Dem Sen: "Chicken Little Is Running The GOP"

Flashback: Romney Supports Individual Mandate

Hillary Clinton To Helen Thomas: "I've Missed You"

Sen. McCaskill: Health Bill Will Get "Stronger And Stronger" As Time Goes On

Ron Paul: "People Are Catching On That Our Government Is Bankrupt"

Sen. Scott Brown: President's Rhetoric "Inappropriate"

Hatch Says He Supported Individual Health Mandate To Stop HillaryCare

Ann Coulter On Her Cancelled University Of Ottawa Appearance

Maddow: Health Care Mandate a Republican Idea

O'Reilly: The Truth About ObamaCare Enforcement

Countdown: Republicans Using "Rove Playbook" in Response to Threats

Special Report Panel on Obama's Tour to Sell Health Care Bill


*3-25/Leno: "Cuss Jar" for Joe Biden

Obama Has Name Stitched To Suit Jacket

NRCC Criticizes Rep. Markey For Voting For "Corrupt" Health Bill

Audio: Bin Laden Threatens To Kill Americans If KSM Is Executed

Did Bush Wipe Hand on Clinton's Shirt?

Obama Looks At Rove's Book At Iowa Bookstore

Rep. Perriello: Boehner's Statement on Threats "Fairly Outrageous"

Doctor: I'll Retire When Reform Kicks In

Obama On GOP's Attempt To Repeal Bill: "Go For It"

Dem Senator: Health Legislation Will Address The "Mal-Distribution Of Income In America"

Rahm Emanuel: Health Care Was "Worth The Political Capital Spent"

MSNBC Host: Time For "Socialism" In Talk Radio

Pelosi: GOP Has Not "Provoked" Threats Against Dem Lawmakers

Rove: I Did Not Want Cheney As Vice President

Rep. Bachmann Says Property Was Vandalized

"Fanning The Flames": Shot Fired At GOP Rep. Cantor's VA Office

Dem Leader: GOP "Stoking The Flames" Of Violence

Audience Member Faints At Obama Health Care Rally In Iowa

Flashback: Obama Criticized Clinton For Proposing Health Care Mandate

Hoyer Defends Taxing Citizens For Lack Of Health Insurance

Obama's Approval Up Slightly

O'Reilly: Fears Over Loss of Freedom "Justified"

Barney Frank: I Get More "After-Death Threats" Than Death Threats

Rep. Clyburn: Health Care Opponents "Aiding And Abetting" Terrorism

Sen. McCain: "There Is No Bipartisanship"

Countdown: Frank Says Republicans "Egged On" Unruly Protestors

FL-Sen: Crist Attacks Rubio For "Using" GOP Establishment

Jimmy Carter "Miss Me Yet" Billboard Pops Up In Dallas

Special Report Panel on Health Care Bill Surprises

Maddow: Republicans Incite Extremists

Dem Rep. Dingell On "Control" Comment: "I Goofed"


ObamaCare: Repeal, Replace or What? - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Now Comes the Hard Part - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Making - and Unmaking - of History

RealClearPolitics - Will the Grown-Ups Step Up?

RealClearPolitics - Masters of Distraction

Obama Gives Up: The era of bipartisanship is over, at least until November. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Message to Dems: People still don't like Obamacare | Washington Examiner

Five lessons from the healthcare fight - Healthcare Reform | Obama Health Care Plan - Salon.com

The American Spectator : Deere in Obama's Headlights

Three new realities of the Obama Era - The Week

RealClearPolitics - Ellsworth Must Explain - and Defend - His Vote for ObamaCare

Why I voted for this health care bill - The Denver Post

Bam's triple-diplo-whammy day - NYPOST.com

Regulators, Mount Up | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - The VAT Cometh

The power of Pelosi - The Boston Globe

» 2010: A Race Odyssey — Disproving a Negative for Cash Prizes or, How the Civil Rights Movement Jumped the Shark - Big Government

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Health Care Fight Returns To Town Halls

Putting out the flames - washingtonpost.com

EDITORIAL: $12,670,895,780,689.20 - Washington Times

Editorial - Loosening the ‘Don’t Ask, Don't Tell’ Shackles - NYTimes.com

Take clout out of admissions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Funding gap, rising debt put new focus on Social Security reform - TheHill.com

2,000 House staffers make six figures - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

In Possible Retirement, the Likelihood of an Election-Year Confrontation - NYTimes.com

Colleges scramble to adjust as student loan overhaul nears passage - washingtonpost.com

A moral, civil rights issue - Rep. Patrick Kennedy - POLITICO.com

Heading Off the Next Financial Crisis - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Reality of Obamacare

RealClearPolitics - Bond Markets Reflect the True Cost of Obamacare

RealClearPolitics - Health Care's New Nullifiers

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - The Republican Message Writes Itself

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Senior Concern: Health Reform And The Midterms

FOXNews.com - STEVE FORBES: Could a Chavez-Style Media Crackdown Be Coming Our Way?

Andrew Breitbart: Big Government 'Neo-Crank' Draws Fire - TIME

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Replace lawmakers ... repeal ... reform'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Republicans will have a repeat of 1994'

'Obama Zombies' - Video - FoxNews.com

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Giuliani scolds Obama for Israel criticism

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

UPDATE 2-Obama dares Republicans to seek healthcare repeal | Reuters

Final health care bill awaits Obama - Washington Times

Gingrich: GOP can strangle 'Obamacare'

'People' to decide if they win with 'Obamacare're'

Voters call 'showdown with Harry Reid'

Tea partiers air doubts about Dick Armey - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Charlie Daniels Calls U.S. Government a 'Dictatorship' - The Boot

Palin Makes Fans Uneasy by Backing McCain - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - Dems, GOP Trade Accusations of Politically Exploiting Threats

Farrakhan: Anti-Obama comments may lead to death

Pelosi: GOP not provoking threats against lawmakers - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Caught on film: Congressman “spat on” by tea partier, sort of

GOP Pressured To End 'Tea Party Racism' - Tell Me More Blog : NPR

Ex-Obama czar wants to 'transform' U.S. economy

Obama's extremist pal declares 'socialism has a future'

Obama ally targets 401(k) dollars

Alinsky trainer developed 1st Obama volunteers

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

FOXNews.com - An ACORN by Any Other Name Still Smells Like an ACORN, Critics Say

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Page not found « - Blogs from CNN.com

Radio rant: Supremes may call Obama N-word

NPR Ditches 'Pro-life' Label in Favor of Left-leaning 'Abortion Rights Opponent' | NewsBusters.org

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC's Schultz: Time For A Government Takeover Of Talk Radio

Hope for parents stuck with public schools

Classroom sex images, Christian-bashing draw lawsuit

Ann Coulter strikes a defiant pose as she arrives in Calgary

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Carter Wants Obama to Remove Hamas from Terror List - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Fatah: Virgin Mary Was Palestinian - News Briefs - Israel National News

Is this the face of Jesus Christ?

FOXNews.com - Judge Rules Illinois Father Cannot Take Daughter to Easter Mass

Jimmy Carter Opposes Sanctions Against North Korea

Islam wrongly linked with terrorism: UN

Geert Wilders to miss film starring himself | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

CBS News Mobile Story Details

BREAST IMPLANT TERROR - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Report: Exploding breast implants could down airliners

How the New Resistance can win the culture war

Exorcise Obamacare!

The end of the world as we know it

The question 'conservative' pundits fear

There's no progress in 'progressive'

Tangling with progressives

How I filled out my Census form

'Precious' … or grotesque?

Bibi's hollow victory

The Mad Tea Party

The 100-year war … against America

A Tale of Two Cities by Andrew Klavan, City Journal 23 March 2010

Obama's extremist pal declares 'socialism has a future'

Alinsky trainer developed 1st Obama volunteers

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

A 2-state solution – for America

The problem with the Contract from America

video:Why would Christians celebrate that?

video:God rescues man's heart from suicide

Swedish prisoner warned over flatulence protests - Telegraph

D’oh!’, Homer’s oddity is voted top linguistic contribution to TV - Times Online

Journey into space with a balloon and duct tape - Times Online

Edmonton man renames himself 'God' - Weird News - Canoe.ca

Horse drawn Hummer takes to the streets in New York - Telegraph

Fairfield cops: Robbers called ahead for take-out cash - Connecticut Post

CANOE -- CNEWS - Good News: Big breakfast set for Guinness

Man Says Spiritual Figure Helps Him Take Homes - WREG

Judge rips 'charlatan' Dr. Phil - NYPOST.com

Researchers Dig up Controversy in Jerusalem

Thirsty Peruvians harvesting fog with nets | Reuters

Blood Falls located in Taylor Glacier, Antarctica | Atlas Obscura | Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations

NYT: Social Security payout to exceed revenue - The New York Times- msnbc.com

US economy not yet ready to fly solo, says Ben Bernanke - Telegraph

Green economy could save planet: experts - Yahoo! News

Explain why you sold Britain's gold, Gordon Brown told - Telegraph

'King of Heroin' arrested in Mexico - Telegraph

Measure to legalize marijuana will be on California's November ballot - latimes.com

Fortune teller convicted of raping teens - World - Canoe.ca

Former member of Sunshine Band arrested - Celebrities- msnbc.com

Accident victims stole good Samaritan's car - The Local

Underwater search for Holloway comes up empty - World - Canoe.ca

Sexual revolution as Indian Supreme Court sanctions co-habitation - Times Online

New Quebec law tells Muslims: Uncover your face- Politics - Canoe.ca

France to ban veil says Nicolas Sarkozy - Telegraph

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment - Telegraph

Frenchman hacks Obama's Twitter account - Security- msnbc.com

Melissa Smith, Brigitte Daguerre Claim Affair With Jesse James - ABC News

Pope Did Not Defrock Priest Who Admitted to Molesting Deaf Boys - ABC News

Tetris could reduce long-term stress after major trauma - Telegraph

Battling the Inner Demons of War: What Joe Dwyer's Death Can Teach Us about PTSD - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Bible is beautiful, but does it mislead?

TN Man Enraged By Obama Sticker Slams SUV Into Car With 10 Year Old Child Inside


Attorney links eligibility, health care challenges


Critique of 2012: Republicans

Healthcare Reform or the Fleecing of Our Country by Special Interests

State of America

Divide and Conquer

What the Passage of the Health Care Bill Means to Americans

Freedom From Fascism

How to Destroy the Private Sector via Health Care Reform

Secularism's Ongoing Debt to Christianity

The Progressives' Perfect Trojan Horse

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

Downsizing America's Economy

Is the left responsible for the unstable political atmosphere?

Out-dumbing the dumb left

Anatomy of an MSM smear of tea partyers

Lawmakers, staffs exempted from Obamacare insurance exchanges

Obama in extraordinary snub to Bibi

Not bad for government work (Part I)

Not bad for government work (Part II)

When Will Liberals Give the Tea Party the Same Respect They Give Radical Islam?

Keeping Support for Israel Bipartisan

Mexico's Drug War and America

The Looting of America

A Nation of Dependents

Coercive Charity Destroys the Human Spirit

An English Perspective on Health Care

The Last Line of Defense between ObamaCare and Kansans

No Limits on Federal Power?

It's Hard to Make a Doctor

Engineering the New Electorate

The Weatherization Boondoggle


*American Minute for March 26th:William J Federer's American Minute


YouTube - We The People

Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim - Telegraph

YouTube - Max Baucus on Obamacare's hidden agenda - redistribution of wealth

YouTube - Showdown in Searchlight - March 27th


**American Thinker Blog: Amish, Muslims to be excused from Obamacare mandate?


YouTube - House Majority Leader confronted over ObamaCare government mandate

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Exclusive: Steny Hoyer explains taxing Americans for lack of health insurance

Not Even Al Franken Is Sure What The Senate Was Doing Last Night | Mediaite

Investors.com - ObamaCare Will Effectively Bar New Physician-Owned Hospitals

Pilots criticize security as Britain makes body scanners mandatory - News & Advice, Travel - The Independent

EETimes.com - Google, Microchip develop energy monitor software

WWF hopes to find $60 billion growing on trees - Telegraph


March 25, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

03/25 The Mark Levin Show

(Andrew Breitbart)The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/25/2010 FULL

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-25, Thursday