"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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02 March 2010

2 March '10


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**Supreme Court Hears Chicago Gun-Ban Case - ABC News

*archive:Mayor Daley's Latest Anti Gun Plans | LearnAboutGuns.com

Chicago gun-control case: Both sides speak out - chicagotribune.com

FOXNews.com - Will the Supreme Court Recognize the Truth About Chicago's Handgun Ban?

American Thinker Blog: Chicago's Handgun Ban and RICO


Can Obama Assassinate Americans? | Nat Hentoff | Cato Institute: Commentary

Steady Stream of Drug Money Departs Afghanistan, U.S. Officials Flummoxed

YouTube - Afghan farmers growing poppies to survive - 27 Aug 07

Grading Free Market Capitalism and “The Invisible Hand”

YouTube - Cops & Judges Caught Using Secret Codes On Tickets

Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order


Colorado Congressman Fights Back Against DEA’s Medical Marijuana Raids



YouTube - Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out Infowars, censors real questions


YouTube - Broken Us Government with Ron Paul.


Orlando Sentinel – The TV Guy:George Soros tells CNN: I’m not satisfied with Barack Obama, but he saved country from recession


Harry Markopolos: “Don’t Trust Your Government”

Journalist Loses Bet He Can Endure 15 Seconds of Waterboarding

Why pharmaceuticals might be called Weapons of Mass Prescription

Internet overtakes print in news consumption among Americans

Brown tells police: Get your bobbies back on the beat... and don't blame red tape | Mail Online

Afghanistan bans coverage of attacks, will detain offending journalists | Raw Story

Paul Craig Roberts: US pushing for nuclear war; “leadership” treasonous, dupes US into wars

One in four Germans wants microchip under skin: poll | Raw Story

Open Wi-Fi 'outlawed' by Digital Economy Bill - ZDNet.co.uk

As Ground Zero cases go to trial, respirator rule is revealed

Gun case presents quandary for Supreme Court justices - washingtonpost.com

American reliance on government at all-time high - Washington Times

Some local water suppliers concerned about new regulations | Wacotrib.com

CNSNews.com - Napolitano Says People From Countries Tied to Terrorism Could ‘Potentially’ Enter USA, But DHS Reports Says Thousands Already Have

Travel | No curbs on border searches of cellphones, laptops | Seattle Times Newspaper

Response to 'No Finish in Sight for 'virtual' Border Fence'

Iraqi PM accused of handing out guns in bid to buy tribal votes | World news | The Guardian

Pelosi says Dems and Tea Party movement have common ground - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Conservatives target their own fringe - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com


What Happened to the Flu?

Did Hyping H1N1 Create A Dangerous Flu Fatigue? - AOL News


Official: Substance at IRS building not a hazard - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Suspicious substance at Utah IRS office: FBI | Reuters


Cumberland Advisors:Commercial Real Estate: More Trouble Ahead

YouTube - CrossTalk: Soviet Amerika

John Day Takes On the Fourth Reich


YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 1/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"

YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 2/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"

YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 3/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"

YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 4/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"

YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 5/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"

YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 6/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"

YouTube - Shooter Jennings on Alex Jones Tv 7/7: World Exclusive: Shooter's New Album "Black Ribbons"


*The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 1st With Shooter Jennings


Russia Warns US Communist Threat Endangering Entire World

Iran Captures Top CIA Terrorist In US Air Force Afghan Showdown

US Puts South America “On Notice” With Catastrophic Chile Quake Test

Massive Fourth of July Bio-Attack Warned To Hit 5 Major US Cities

Germany Answers Obama Call For NATO Troops In US Homeland


EU Federal Economic Government Proposal Mirrors Nazi Plan For Fourth Reich


video: Farrakhan: ‘White Right is Trying to Set Barack Up to Be Ass


Farrakhan: ‘White Right is Trying to Set Barack Up to Be Assassinated’


YouTube - Bush... I mean Obama Extends Patriot Act

YouTube - Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights


Ron Paul burned by tea party blowback - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com


*site:Retake Congress


Naked Credit Default Swaps Are “Like Buying Fire Insurance On Your Neighbor’s House — You Create An Incentive To Burn Down The House”

Dont Bet on a Recovery

Nationalized Health Care and Economic Fallacy

Bizarre Spending Habits

Iran: US war on terror, plot to train terrorists

German ProSieben TV Channel Finds 500 Gram Tungsten Bar At W.C.Heraeus Gold Foundry With Bank Origin

15 Years Ago, the Combined Assets of the 6 Biggest Banks Totaled 17% of GDP… By 2006, 55% … Now, 63%

Tea Party keynoter says Palin ‘not presidential’

New psychiatric disorders flag normal human behaviors as “diseases”

Half the Members of an “Independent Panel” Appointed to Study the Quadrennial Defense Review Have Financial Ties to Defense Contractors

House Majority Leader: Greek debt crisis ‘can happen here’ | Raw Story

Climategate: 'a lot of common data' – Phil Jones exposes AGW dominoes to Commons committee – Telegraph Blogs

Chile earthquake: over 700 dead, 2M homeless, martial law demanded | Global Crisis News


YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 1 of 4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 2 of 4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 3 of 4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 4 of 4


With new fighter in hand, Putin wants modern bombers | Reuters

Pentagon panel has contractor contacts - USATODAY.com


*In Search of Ancient Astronauts( 51:34 )


*site:Alien Shift


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 26th With Nigel Farage

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 25th With Lindsey Williams


*trailer:The God Who Wasn't There


*Rebuttal to "the God Who Wasn't There" (also "Zeitgeist ... 23:59


BBC News - Children 'over-exposed to sexual imagery'

Assisted suicide case relatives may not be charged | Mail Online

Struck in a rut? That might be because our movements are 90% predictable | Mail Online

Privacy alert: Will dummies buy the fed’s “smart meter” line? | The Sci-Tech Heretic

Northeastern’s smart shirt to prevent pitcher’s elbow | The Sci-Tech Heretic

Pot scare of the week: “may cause psychosis” | The Sci-Tech Heretic

03-02-2010: Whistleblower: Pursuit of Madoff Was a 'Death Sentence'

03-01-2010: Farrakhan predicts 'white right' trouble for Obama

03-01-2010: Military Monitored Planned Parenthood, Supremacists

03-01-2010: Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth's Axis, NASA Scientist Says

03-01-2010: Cern nuclear team restarts Large Hadron Collider

03-01-2010: Chilean Military Takes Control Of Towns and Cities Affected By Earthquake

03-01-2010: U.S.- Canada Border Security and Military Integration

03-01-2010: Pentagon panel has contractor contacts

03-01-2010: Hospital Director, Accused of Raping Children Since 1975

03-01-2010: Out of Work? U.S. Offers Lots of Lousy, Unsafe Jobs for Low Pay

Common Weedkiller Turns Male Frogs Into Females


Russian oil, gas company's top manager found shot dead in Moscow office

Golden-i: Now You Can Wear Your Windows

Supreme Court gun case could imperil basis of state laws

Russia toys with exotic nuclear space projects

Corporate Lobbyists and Public Relations Firms behind Cable News Outlets

George Soros tells CNN: I’m not satisfied with Barack Obama, but he saved country from recession

Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama

The Traitors Among Us

The Case against Greenspan and Bernanke

US Banks Veto 'Socialist Pay' in Secret Talks

UFO Sightings Revealed in UK Archive Files From 1990s

Consumer Protection: GMO Contamination of Organic Food

Ex-Mossad agent: Israel uses 'false flag' in most operations to avoid suspicion in Arab states.

VIDEO: New Independent 9/11 Investigation

Why Leahy Is Afraid to Subpoena Yoo

How Obama’s Health Care “Reform” Kills Health Care

A Homeland "Security Blanket" for the Defense Industry: The Flawed Nuke Detection Program

Towards America’s Electronic, Troop-less Wars

Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemy

IMF "Economic Medicine" Comes to America


*VIDEO: Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses


*VIDEO: The Infinite War - The Truth About Kosovo

More Details Emerge on Assassination of Hamas Leader in Dubai

Total Internet Takeover: Open Wi-Fi 'outlawed' by Digital Economy Bill

Government Stimulus, One Year Later

"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem


Ron Paul Speaks to Mises Institute: Prepare for the Worst

Ron Paul vs. Big-Government Conservatives

Ron Paul: The US Government's Debt Can Never Be Repaid


Bill Gates: "If we do a really great job on new vaccines... we could lower [the population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent"


Head of ‘Climategate’ research unit admits he hid data – because it was ’standard practice’

Al Bore comes out of hibernation to pen fearmongering NY Times OpEd

Obama gives Patriot Act another year with no privacy protections


Flashback: Carbon trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman


Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised

You are a slave to the Government

Look out for the nuclear bomb coming with your electric bill

The truth about tort reform

NSA threatened Qwest CEO with repercussions if he didn’t cut a surveillance deal

Why Iran? Give Iran a break!

And then we blame them for what we caused . . .

Challenging history: Why the oppressed must tell their own story

YouTube - Americans + Bailout = REVOLUTION

Video: War Powers Resolution of 1973: Derailing the Gravy Train for the Dogs of War

video:Judge Orders Kids To Wear GPS Tracking Devices At School

Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights

‘Covert’ surveillance cameras coming to Chicago

The Digital Dictatorship

The Masonic “Reconquista” | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Mitt Romney Offers Bold Blueprint for America With 'No Apology'

Ex-CIA Director Hayden Praises Obama's War Strategy

Obama May Eliminate ‘Thousands’ of Nukes

Kissinger Lauds Alexander Haig

Poll: Specter Leads Toomey in Potential Showdown

Postmaster: Five-Day Delivery Critical to Survival

Obama Frequently Lunches With CEOs

Democrat Brown Expected to Enter Calif. Gov's Race

Report: Paterson Directed Staff to Contact Woman

Hoyer Still Optimistic On Healthcare Legislation

Rasmussen: Majority Rejects Obama's Policies

Some House Foes Eye 'Yes' Vote On Healthcare

Biden Says He Understands Anger Over Bailouts

Pelosi: Smaller Health Bill on the Way

China Holds More U.S. Debt than Indicated

Gov't Eyes Brake Safety Measures for All New Cars

ACORN Workers Cleared in NYC Prostitute Video

Kentucky's Bunning Again Blocks Jobless Benefits

Hamas Leader Disowns Israeli Spy Son

Belief in God Improves Response to Treatment for Depression

Drug Tests Pending in Marie Osmond Son's Death


**The 800 Pound Gorilla - Israel did 9/11


‘Evidence of Science’ Backs Pope’s Assertion Against Condom Use To Stem HIV-AIDS in Africa

Hoax of the Century

Credit Culture: Incentivizing Greed and Irresponsibility

Why Obamacare Makes No Sense

t r u t h o u t | How Big Banks' Greek-Style Schemes Are Bankrupting States Across the US

The Unemployed Now Have Their Own Union, and It's Catching on Quickly | Economy | AlterNet

That was a war council in Damascus - The National Newspaper

Exclusive: Are We Financing Our Own Demise? » Publications » Family Security Matters

The Sovereigns And The Serfs - Forbes.com

America's hidden debt problem - Mar. 1, 2010

Putin: Russia to build new strategic bomber

The Fight of Your Life: Russian Endgame: The Greatest Deception That Few Ever Mention

Devvy Kidd -- Will vote fraud determine upcoming primaries - again?

savethemales.ca - Could Rothschild Lawsuit Divide Canada?


Pulling Back the Curtain on French Freemasonry | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

The Real Roots of the CIA’s Rendition and Black Sites Program | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

CNSNews.com - White House Not Ready to Deny Democrat's Claim That Administration Offered Him Taxpayer-Funded Job If He Wouldn’t Run Against Sen. Specter

CNSNews.com - Mexican Drug Cartels Active Nationwide, Obama Administration Officials Say

CNSNews.com - First Lady Credits School Cafeteria Programs for Bolstering National Security

CNSNews.com - Inhofe Ranked Most Conservative Senator, Sherrod Brown Most Liberal

CNSNews.com - ‘Descendants of Mohammed’ Confront Newspapers Over Cartoons, Demanding Apologies and Eyeing Lawsuits

CNSNews.com - ‘Public Option’ Health Care Plan Remains ‘Very Popular in the Public,’ Pelosi Says

CNSNews.com - Napolitano Says People From Countries Tied to Terrorism Could ‘Potentially’ Enter USA, But DHS Reports Says Thousands Already Have

CNSNews.com - New Website to Give Citizens Cash Incentive to Hold Public Officials Accountable

CNSNews.com - Individual Mandate in President’s Health Care Plan Apparently Violates Obama’s Tax Pledge

CNSNews.com - High Court Says No to Same-Day Audio on Gun Rights Case

CNSNews.com - Dubai Says Israelis Will Be Denied UAE Entry

CNSNews.com - Phoenix Neighborhood at Odds With Church That Feeds the Needy


Liberal White Boy: Mr. Larry "Pull It" Silverstein...Did You Commit Insurance Fraud On 9/11?


Obama highlights federal funds to lower high school dropout rate - CNN.com

Big Quake Coming For U.S.? - The Early Show - CBS News

Secret Service Uses Outdated Computer Mainframe System From The 1980s: System Is 'Fragile', Works At 60% Capacity

The Associated Press: German court overturns law on phone, e-mail data

Leno Crushes Letterman in Return, In Adults 18-49 Too - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com

Bunning Defends His Position - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

Rancho Cordova-based insurer launches medical marijuana coverage - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

Harold Ford: Democrats are 'scared' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Porsche unveils 'green' supercar for petrol-heads - The Local

Hundreds of fish fall out of the sky over remote Australian town of Lajamanu | Mail Online

FT.com / Europe - Five European states back burka ban

My Way News - Voters finally get a say in rough Texas primary

RPT-In Texas governor showdown, nice doesn't cut it | Reuters

B'klyn ACORN cleared over giving illegal advice on how to hide money from prostitution

The Associated Press: ACORN workers cleared in NYC prostitute video

Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library - latimes.com

One Senator Holds Up Bill, in New Level of Gridlock - WSJ.com

Breitbart.tv » ABC News Angers Sen. Bunning: ‘This Is a Senators-Only Elevator!’

FOXNews.com - Administration Blames Bunning's 'Political Games' for Furlough of 2,000 Workers

Woodland cheese shoplifter gets 7 years 8 months in prison - Yolo County News - sacbee.com

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments On Chicago Handgun Ban - cbs2chicago.com

Giga-Biter In Obstruction Charge - March 2, 2010

China PLA officer urges challenging U.S. dominance | Reuters

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says - Bloomberg.com

Chile earthquake: Military takes control as death toll passes 700 | Mail Online

Dubai asks FBI to check credit cards in Hamas hit - Yahoo! India News

My Way News - Pakistan lays out terror charges for 5 Americans

McCain: I'll Cut Deficits Like Reagan!

Jim Bunning's hold is also killing "flood insurance"

GOP Wins Filibuster Gold Medal

Harold Ford Jr. Decides Not to Run for New York Senate Seat

The lost CPAC video: Breitbart's unhinged confession that there was never a pimp in ACORN

McConnell Says Republicans Will Work With Democrats on "Insurance Reform"

Warren Buffett Calls For Penalties Against Banking Executives

Alan Colmes asks: 'What freedoms are being taken away?' Fox's Megyn Kelly doesn't answer.

Bioterror - Good for Business

Sen. Bunning, the Unemployment Filibuster King, tells ABC: 'This Is a Senators Only Elevator!'

Bill Kristol Critiques Health Care Summit He Says He Didn't Watch

Civil Suit Accuses Electronics Giants of Price-Fixing; DoJ Probe Continues

Sorry, Kathleen Parker, Only You Could Call Bush's Post Presidency "Noble"

A question for Glenn Beck: If progressives are the root of all evil, what about the civil rights they championed?

Bill Halter to primary Blanche Lincoln: Blue America News

Krugman: No Financial Reform Bill At All Better Than A Cosmetic Coverup

Why oh why can't we have a better press corps?

He's Back!!!! Van Jones Kills Glenn Beck Softly With His Love

Justice For Well-Connected White Punks: Smear ACORN, Attempt Wiretapping and Still Get Off Scot Free?

Liz Cheney: Democrats Passing Health Care Bill is a "Dangerous Exercise in Democracy"

Teacher Barack Obama could be a one-term President - Telegraph

True Fiscal Insanity: Creating Money to Buy Government Debt by Richard Daughty

Frank Rich, Ron Paul and the Battle for the Soul of America by Murray Sabrin

The Road to Dictatorship by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com


Bizarre Spending Habits by Ron Paul


Don’t Tread on Pipe Tobacco or Anything Else | Pipes Magazine - Community for the 21st Century Tobacco Pipe Smoker


**H.R. 4439, the Tobacco Tax Parity Act of 2010



Healthy Kitchen - Unpasteurized Dairy - AOL Food

Is The Yellowstone Caldera Calling? by Ernie Fitzpatrick

TBO.com - SF police, new chief tackle quality of life crimes

FOXNews.com - 'White Right' Wants Obama to Be One-Term President, Farrakhan Says

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers on 'Alert' as Democrats Lay Groundwork for Health Care Passage

US Rep: No plot to poison food at SC Army base - State & Regional - Wire - TheState.com

Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party - Telegraph

British opposition rallies as Brown vows to win - World - Javno

Justice and friendship prevail - latimes.com

Pelosi Says She's Running Most Ethical Congress Ever, Media Mum | NewsBusters.org

Pelosi's 'campaign mode' pledge could play major role in Rep. Rangel's future - TheHill.com

Pelosi and the Tea Party 'Share Views' - The Note

'Physical Evidence' Links Sex Offender to Teen's Disappearance, Police Say - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

My Way News - Al-Qaida bomber calls for attacks on Jordan spies

FOXNews.com - Miami Considers Ban on Feeding the Homeless Without Training

No finish in sight for 'virtual' border fence - Washington Times

IAF expands training for rapid refueling

Manhattan mugger gets 25 years behind bars for elevator slay - NYPOST.com

On display: murder-scene photos with a twist - latimes.com

Swede swindler convicted of attempted armed robbery - NYPOST.com

News Hounds: Fox & Friends Partisan Friend, Steven Crowder, Says Mainstream Media Dissed CPAC

Opposing Views: Worries About Direction of Tea Party Movement

Debbie Schlussel :Caterpillar Does the Right Thing on Iran (Finally); When Will Shell?

Debbie Schlussel : Epic Fail: E-Verify Employer Immigration Check Doesn’t Work

Debbie Schlussel : Religion of (Rest In) Peace . . . And Murdering Cyclists

Debbie Schlussel : The Prob w/ Starstruck Federal Air Marshals – Kim Kardashian Edition

Debbie Schlussel : More Evidence of Palestinians, King Suleyman . . . Oh Wait, It’s the Jews & King Solomon

Opposing Views: Eugene Volokh on Gun Rights: Outright Bans Will be Struck Down

Opposing Views: Latin America Moves Toward Drug Decriminalization

Opposing Views: Were the Founding Fathers Media Socialists?

Opposing Views: Warren Buffett to Obama: Start Over on Health Care

Opposing Views: White Sorority's Controversial Win in "Stepping" Competition Reversed


*Opposing Views: McDonald v. Chicago Gun Case Goes to Supreme Court Tuesday



Opposing Views: AMA Ends 72-Year Policy, Says Marijuana has Medical Benefits


+ REPORT 3 OF THE COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND PUBLIC HEALTH (I-09) Use of Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes






*Effects of Marijuana Legislation by State


*Opposing Views: Issues, Experts, Answers


Opposing Views: OSHA Warned SeaWorld: 'Trainer will be Killed by Whale'

Jay Leno beats David Letterman by wide margin in overnights | EW.com

The Watcher: Roger Ebert debuts new 'voice' on 'Oprah'

Marie Osmond's Many Troubles - ABC News

The Associated Press: Dustin Hoffman set to star in series pilot for HBO

Report: Brittany Murphy Leaves Entire Estate To Mother | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos


YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 1/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 2/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 3/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 4/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 5/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 6/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 7/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 8/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 9/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 10/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 11/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 12/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 13/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 14/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 15/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 16/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 17/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 18/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 19/20) Documentary

YouTube - The History of the Holy Bible (Part 20/20) Documentary



One Senator Holds Up Bill, in New Level of Gridlock - WSJ.com

YouTube - No extension - yet - for unemployment

Postmaster delivers bundle of bad news - washingtonpost.com

Obama in Excellent Health but Should Quit Smoking, Control Cholesterol, Doctors Say - ABC News

Calls on Governor Paterson to resign get louder as 'Aide-gate' gets worse

YouTube - Gov. accused of involvement in incident

Obama balances between jobs and health care - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Associated Press: Colorado governor injured in bicycle mishap

Chelsea King's father believes missing teen is still alive | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Team 'Moving Heaven, Earth' to Find Missing Girl

Harold Ford Jr. takes parting shot at Democratic leaders - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

High Court Revives Freelancer Settlement - WSJ.com

Obama's White House: There's something about Rahm - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

US Supreme Court Revives Freelancer-Publisher Settlement - WSJ.com

Obama's Nuclear Power Plan Cheers Koreans - BusinessWeek

Utah Legislature: Affirmative action ban gains backing after changes | Deseret News

Clinton Visits Chile, Pledges Support in Wake of Deadly Earthquake | Americas | English

Dubai Restricts Israeli Entry After Killing - WSJ.com

YouTube - Dubai Murder Saga: Did Mossad land Israel in the doghouse?

Russia hints reservations on anti-Iran sanctions

Bosnian Muslims 'planted corpses' and exaggerated death tolls, Karadzic claims - Telegraph

New Ukrainian president balances ties with Europe, Russia

The Associated Press: Icons and opposition mark Medvedev visit to Paris

The Associated Press: Jerusalem plan would demolish Palestinian homes

BBC News - UK rejects Hillary Clinton's help in Falklands dispute

Turkey indicts two army officers for coup plot

The Associated Press: Pakistani army wraps up combat operations in Bajur

The Associated Press: Hamas aide: Assassinated leader smuggled weapons

Venezuela plotted to kill Colombia president, Spain judge says / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

US Deputy Secretary of State Arrives in Beijing for Talks | Asia | English

BBC News - German court orders stored telecoms data deletion

The Associated Press: Afghan govt says it's not banning attacks coverage

Nigerian Minister Fears Instability Over President's Ill-Health | Africa | English

BBC World Service Trust - Uganda - Handling issues of homosexuality in Uganda’s rural media

Decentralize The Government - Forbes.com

Why Republicans want gridlock - Republican Party - Salon.com

RealClearPolitics - The Enduring Mommy-Daddy Political Divide

Hotheaded Emanuel may be White House voice of reason - washingtonpost.com

The mathematics of a reconciliation health reform bill. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Alice in Health Care

Dana Milbank - Wild pitches from Sen. Bunning - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Pelosi Has Failed to Clean House

Orrin Hatch - Reconciliation on health care would be an assault to the democratic process - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Why I’m Not Running for the Senate - NYTimes.com

No more concessions on health reform - The Boston Globe

PRUDEN: An FDR lesson Obama missed - Washington Times

Dealbook Column - In Annual Letter, Warren Buffett Casts a Wary Eye on Bankers - NYTimes.com

Larry Fink's $12 Trillion Shadow | Business | Vanity Fair

Al Gore makes latest global-warming pitch in New York Times - NYPOST.com

Editorial: Democrats shouldn't bend rules to pass health care | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Editorial: For Iran: Sanctions. Tough ones. Soon. | StarTribune.com

Free speech is under assault

Business as usual in Congress | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star

Obama angers union officials with remarks in support of R.I. teacher firings - washingtonpost.com

Hoyer: Raising taxes a realistic option - TheHill.com

G.O.P. Challengers See Boxer as Vulnerable in California - NYTimes.com

Geithner, Summers Leading Search for Successor to Fed’s Kohn - Bloomberg.com

Bloomberg.com: Obama Needs to Go Chicago-Style on Health Care: Albert R. Hunt

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Obama the pragmatist must prevail

Maybe Gore Still Needs to Thaw « The Enterprise Blog

White House Faces Tough Fight on Climate Push - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - A Republican Surprise - NYTimes.com

RAND:Iran's Counter-Strike

Iran, Syria may talk a big talk, but too scared to act - Haaretz - Israel News

Iraq votes, but who pulls the strings? - The National Newspaper

Power Struggle in Turkey: Is Erdogan Strong Enough to Take on the Generals? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Crisis in Turkey - Daniel Pipes - National Review Online

RealClearWorld - NATO Must Reassure Nervous Allies

A New Look at the Military Doctrine | Opinion | The Moscow Times

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Europe can't afford to go soft on Iran

Genocide in Darfur: How Sudan covers it up / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Is Chile's new president ready to deal with an earthquake's aftereffects? - washingtonpost.com

RealClearWorld - No Central Asia Success Without Political Progress

Personal Income & Spending Started Year with Gains

Allan Sloan - Remembering the lessons of the last market bubble - washingtonpost.com

Jim Jubak: Better investing through return on invested capital - MSN Money

Investors.com - Sowell: Free Market Fights Discrimination

Cut Pay For Government Workers - Forbes.com

Hey Washington! Economy has us very worried - NYPOST.com

The Earth has its own set of rules - latimes.com

Bret Stephens: How Milton Friedman Saved Chile - WSJ.com

Wall Street is stealing another 20% from you Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

RealClearMarkets - The Mystery That Is Martin Wolf's Influence

How will a Fed fund rate hike impact equities? » Investment Postcards from Cape Town

Econbrowser: What Are These Three Numbers?

Kaeppel's Corner: You Are What You Think You Are - Optionetics Commentary

Goldman Discloses a New Risk: Bad Publicity - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

The Big Picture » Blog Archive » What Were the Actual Losses in Madoff’s Fraud?

Theater of the Absurd | Alhambra Investments

‘Golden Era’ May Elude Private-Equity Investors as Prices Rise - Bloomberg.com

Month 2: For business owners, finances are front and center - USATODAY.com

Making the Case for iPad E-Book Prices - NYTimes.com


*Politics Video:3/2:Harold Ford Jr.: Democrats Are "Scared"

Jake Tapper On Obama's Checkup

Rep. Anthony Weiner On Health Care At All Costs

TX-Gov: Texas GOP Political Showdown

Sen. Kyl On Health Summit And Reconciliation

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz On Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Bill

Maddow: Health Reform Opponents Reprise Smear Role

O'Reilly: Barney Frank, President Obama And Your Money

Olbermann: "Life Panels" Invaluable For Americans

Krauthammer: GOP Should Attack Health Bill On Merits


*2/1:Pelosi: New Health Bill Will Be "Much Smaller"

Dems Call GOP Hypocrites On Stimulus

Obama Adviser Larry Summers: Winter Storms To "Distort" Job Numbers

GOP Senator Snaps At Reporter: "This Is A Senator's Only Elevator!"

Janet Napolitano On Terrorism Threats To US

White House On Obama Smoking: He "Occasionally Falls Off The Wagon"

Obama Vows Education Reform

Carville, Dowd On Getting Votes To Pass Health Care

Warren Buffett Says Washington Should Start Over On Health Care

Durbin Defends Using Reconciliation Tactic

Dem Bill Halter Announces Primary Challenge Against Sen. Lincoln

Rep. Eric Cantor On Health Care Summit, Fraud Control

Sen. McConnell: GOP Will Not Vote For Health Care Legislation

Sens. Kyl And Menendez On "FOX News Sunday"


White House to push ACORN pet project

-YouTube - O.T.P. ( One Term President ) by WOLVERINES!


That's a rap! Obama a 'One Term President'


WND RADIO GOP plan to cover pre-existing conditions

WND RADIO Congress planning 'brown bailout' for UPS?

WND RADIO 'Not surprised at all' by Chile quake


*Audio:WND; Aaron Klein hosts Kudlow's 3-hour radio show


Czar: Education to make students 'revolutionaries'

'Biology-based' restrooms called 'discrimination'

Rep. Deal (R) stepping down, making House vote on ObamaCare that much closer | Washington Examiner

Kentucky's Bunning again blocks jobless benefits - Yahoo! News

Anthrax suspect: Obama-loving cross-dresser

RPT-In Texas governor showdown, nice doesn't cut it | Reuters

Poll: Tea Party could help Reid get re-elected - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Tancredo open to another White House run

nrc.nl - International - Features - Tea Party prominent: Palin not presidential

How James Murdoch Is 'Power Grabbing' News Corp From His Dad

ABC News to cut half its domestic correspondents, close bricks-and-mortar bureaus [Updated] | Company Town | Los Angeles Times

News Units at ABC and CBS Try to Navigate Uncertain Times - NYTimes.com

Muslim group loses bid to kill Patriot Act

Dems: Emanuel’s ‘gut instincts’ trump Obama’s - Washington Post- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - Pelosi: New Health Care Bill Will Be Ready in Days

Top Republican expects final healthcare vote before end-of-month recess - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers on 'Alert' as Democrats Lay Groundwork for Health Care Passage

Alexander: Health Care Reform a 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats - The Note

The mysterious power of hate

3 ACORN workers cleared of wrongdoing - More politics- msnbc.com

What a boomer! Car sales continue plunge

U.K. Fighter Jets Scrambled After Woman Rushes AA Flight Cockpit - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Attempted Army Coup Throws Turkey into Crisis - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Muslim leader implodes on air

Rally aims to make ‘retard’ new dirty word - BostonHerald.com

UN's climate link to hurricanes in doubt - Times Online

Climategate professor Phil Jones admits sending 'pretty awful emails' | Mail Online


ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER: Freemasonry's Real Opinion about Women



ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER: Time is to Emit; or Matter Moving in Space

ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER: Hermes~Mercury~Thoth~ Trismegistus~Three Times Great



ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER: Introduction to Grecio-Roman Mythology

Bureaucracy,Privatization or Bust


YouTube - Power Of The Sentence 1 of 3

YouTube - Power Of The Sentence 2 of 3

YouTube - Power Of The Sentence 3 of 3


YouTube - Creation and the Singularity

YouTube - Creation and the Singularity Part 2


YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 1of7

YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 2of7

YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 3of7

YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 4of7

YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 5of7

YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 6of7

YouTube - The Island of Dr Moreau 7of7


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Sheriff Mack on Hardball with Chris Mathews - Sheriff Mack on Hardball with Chris Matthews 1/3 (1 of 3)

Sheriff Mack on Hardball with Chris Mathews - Sheriff Mack on Hardball with Chris Matthews 2/3 (2 of 3)

Sheriff Mack on Hardball with Chris Mathews - Sheriff Mack on Hardball with Chris Matthews 3/3 (3 of 3)


EPIC MEDIA FAIL: CNN’s Rick Sanchez places Hawaii off the coast of South America

NanoTech, DynCorp, and NSA Goes B.A.N.G. : The Unholy Trinity and the Implosion of Freedom

US military spied on Planned Parenthood, civilian phone calls

Our Country has become exactly like or worse then Great Britain

Americans need to remember the Constitution

YouTube - Why Resistance Is Essential

TruthAlliance.net > News > Government-Backed Freddie Mac Lost Nearly $26 Billion Last Year

Russia toys with exotic nuclear space projects - Restore The Republic

Reality Report #32- Banning VeriChip, Burning Beck, Biometrics Newspeak, NAZI Olympics, Freedom App, Charles Key - Restore The Republic

Reality Report #31 – Tea Parties Co-opted, Mass Resignations, New Enemy of the State, Assassinating Americans, Super Bowl Conditioning - Restore The Republic

The NWO System is Designed to Fail. - Restore The Republic

Genetically Modified Potato Cleared for EU Farming | PuppetGov

Senate ditches consumer protection | PuppetGov

Brown renews commitment to Police State, DNA database and CCTV Networks | PuppetGov

Pound Could Collapse Within Weeks, Predicts Billionaire Financier Jim Rogers (2/3/10)

Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us - Sibel Edmonds Has Named Names. Why Isn’t the Media Reporting the Story? - By Brad Friedman, Hustler Magazine (2/3/10)

What’s More Important: Price Per Ounce or Ounces Owned? - By Jeff Clark (2/3/10)


*The Calm Before The Coming Sovereign Debt Storm - By Martin D. Weiss (2/3/10)


Arrested Terrorist Leader Exposes Extensive CIA Connections - By Steve Watson (1/3/10)

The Last Testament Of Joe Stack (22/2/10)


5 pgs:Governments From Around The World ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror - By Washington Blog (23/2/10)


Our Founders Were NOT Fundamentalists - By Harvey Wasserman, OpEdNews (16/2/10)

Zionism Unmasked - By Jeff Gates (15/2/10)

TruthAlliance.net > Videos > TEA Party Movement Hijacked by Big Government NEO-Cons - Who will win?


***ALCHIMY, THE ORDINALL OF- Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry


*TrueWorldHistory.info - Expanded Video List

TrueWorldHistory.info - The Entire Library of Documentaries

Sprword.com - videos

patti smith

YouTube - Patti Smith - Gimme Shelter (Jools Holland 2007)

YouTube - Patti Smith - Because The Night

YouTube - Patti Smith Gloria Live Jools Holland 2007

YouTube - Patti Smith - Smells like teen spirit


We Need a Ready-for-Prime-Time Barack Obama Impersonator

Secretary Geithner's Got Some Explaining to Do

Legalizing Chinese espionage?

Olbermann mum on his employer's coverage of mostly white olympics

Slate blogger Mickey Kaus to challenge Boxer

Farrakhan and Ahmadinejad - peas in a pod

Pro-democracy Iran activists accomplish more than the Obama administration

Tea Partiers: Beware politicians bearing gifts

Obama payback paranoia or politics as usual?

ACORN in the news

'First, do no harm...'

Does Ahmadinejad Want a Radioactive Cloud over Iran?

Obama's Government without Love

The Smartest Guys in the Room?

King and Parliament, American-Style

Science and the Toxic Scare Machine

Science's Big Problem

Internationalization of the Fight against the Jihadists

Liberty Loses a Voice


*(image)pyramid of control:new world order


AB (out of)



*(birther):Who are the real conspiracy theorists?


Democrats ready final push for healthcare bill

Wells Fargo Announces National African American Media Tour

AutoTrader.com Cross-shopping Data Shows New Hummer Buyers Up for Grabs if Brand Shuts Down

Cablevision Issues New Statement on ABC Disney

DHL Global Mail Announces Appointment of New Chairman

Obama spells out rebates for energy efficiency

Chile quake death toll tops 750: report+

Obama calls for adding GOP ideas to health plan

Official: Pakistani group behind Kabul attacks

BrainDistrict(TM) Expands LifeAssets to Windows(R) Users, Improves User Interface

Icahn Enterprises L.P. Announces Earnings Call and Quarterly Distribution

Baroness Thyssen wants Spanish state to buy art collection

When Liberal ‘Journalists’ Attack, Real Americans Suffer

‘The Acceleration of Disbelief,’ Starring ‘Floor Mat’ Al Gore

Does the New York State Democrat Establishment Hate Black Politicians? Ask Harold Ford, Jr.

As ABC News Announces Cutbacks, Is Diane Sawyer a Salary Hypocrite?

Unexamined Premises, Hidden Agendas: the New York Times and Planned Parenthood

The New York Times — Defending Murderous Dictators Since Walter Duranty

WaPo Ignores Tea Parties, Astroturfs the ‘Coffee Parties’ — World Amazed

Can Alinsky’s Tactics Work on the Right? Should They?

Mi Causa, Su Causa: a Latina Looks at the N.Y. Times Abortion Debate

Frank Rich Looks in Mirror, Sees ‘Axis of the Obsessed and the Deranged’

Former Veep Goes Girly-Man, Has Hissy Fit in Pages of New York Times

Obama’s Labor Department Is Serious About Ethics…Except When It Isn’t

Scott Rasmussen: Americans Against Unpopular Health Care Reform

Obama’s Continued War on the Market

Upward Bound Is Down… Radical Sexual Indoctrination of Kids Is In

Carpe Diem, Larry Kudlow

ACORN and the Ku Klux Klan

Chicago Gun Case: Enforce the Constitution–All of It

The Handout President

Graft, Greed and Waste in State Government: New Mexico Edition

Reason.tv: Nanny of the Month for February 2010!

The Left Is Underestimating Opponents Again

The Fox Butterfield Effect and the Laffer Curve

It Is Time For a New Tax Revolt

More Guns, Less Crime

Liberty and Government: An American Tipping Point

Breitbart: Roger Ebert’s ‘Raw Contempt For Middle America’

BOOK EXCERPT: Hollywood’s Age Discrimination

BOOK EXCERPT: The Entitlement of Celebrity

James Cameron Puts Liberalism on Full Display with ‘She’s a Girl’ Meme

Saving the Soul of the Religious Left

LA Times’ Patrick Goldstein Just Can’t Get His Facts Straight

Daily Gut: He’s Back and Backier Than Ever

WaPo: ‘Hurt Locker’ Faces ‘Rising Backlash From People In Uniform’

Matt Damon’s Upcoming ‘Green Zone’ a Bush-Bash-Athon

(war horror)The Picture - ICH


flashback/YouTube - Carter: "US Candidates MUST do as Israel says"


YouTube - Israeli Nazis


The Saddest Story | AfterDowningStreet.org


Gail Heriot and Peter Kirsanow: Congress Tries to Break Hawaii in Two - WSJ.com

America's Permanent War Agenda

Friedmanism at the Fed

Hoax of the Century by Patrick J. Buchanan

GM recall - 1.3 million Cobalts and G5s - Mar. 2, 2010

Lack Of Deep Sleep May Increase Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

The Road to Dictatorship by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Al Gore's Personality Disorder - Forbes.com

Investors.com - A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore

Palestine Think Tank » Analysis Biography Israel Khalid Amayreh Newswire Palestine Zionism » Khalid Amayreh – The Musa’ab Yousuf Story: a classic example of Israeli disinformation

'Free iPad' scam spreading on Facebook and Twitter, warns Sophos | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Palestine Think Tank » Analysis Arabian Coffee House Israel Newswire Palestine Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance Zionism » Mohamed Khodr – Veritas in Harvard: No, Just Double Standards, Injustice, and Fear

Congressman Ron Paul returns a whopping $100,000 of his office budget to the US Treasury | CAIVN


Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | UK Police Promise Not To Retain DNA Data, But Do Anyway

More Details Emerge on Assassination of Hamas Leader in Dubai

EclippTV :: Video :: House Reauthorizes Patriot Act; Farrakhan Advises Obama

OpEdNews - Article: The Moral Problem of Neocons like Bunning Who Love to Cut Off Poor Peoples' Living

EclippTV :: Video :: Firefighter for 9/11 Truth, Eric Lawyer on NIST and Fire Investigation Proc

EclippTV :: Video :: Wall Street rules the American people

Dodd Proposes Giving Fed the Task of Consumer Protection - NYTimes.com

Abuse of language threatens American freedoms | Jordan Times

TigerText can erase sent text messages. Is it really the 'perfect app for cheating'? | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com

American's Journey: War Powers Resolution of 1973: Derailing the Gravy Train for the Dogs of War

Calls For Urgent Action To Save Al Aqsa As Israel Steps Up Security

Iran reminds IAEA of West’s broken promises « Aletho News

What Are Banks Doing with Their Depositors' Money?

charles hugh smith-When Debt-Junkies Go Broke, So Do Mercantilist Pushers

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gold, the IMF, and Dirty Jokes

Massive head of pharaoh unearthed in Egypt

A Titanic Budget in an Ocean of Icebergs: Will the USS Budget Go Down? -- Signs of the Times News

The Associated Press: Unpaid $68 dental bill dogs Utah homeowner


YouTube - Hitler Meets Christ


*Nail from Christ's crucifixion found? - Telegraph

New Google Chrome browser translates websites - Telegraph

Rare Buddhist flower found under nun's washing machine - Telegraph


YouTube - The Purim Celebration of Hate


YouTube - Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech


Farrakhan: Obama is targeted by U.S. Jewish lobby, Zionists - Haaretz - Israel News


*Hitler - The Ultimate Zionist False Flag Operation


Utah legislator who wants to criminalize miscarriages is a Glenn Beck '912er' and Tea Party fan

Dana Bash: It Could Take a Couple of Weeks for Democrats to Work Around Bunning's Obstruction

Obama plans 'dramatic cuts' in nuclear stockpile - Telegraph

The Texas two-step and the Tea Party | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cigarettes and alcohol and Obama | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk

Falklands defence spending plunges by 50 per cent in six years | Mail Online

Hamas chief assassination suspects 'hiding in Israel', says police chief - Telegraph

View from the Lab: Who is a Jew? DNA can hold the key - Telegraph

Chinese newspapers in joint call to end curb on migrant workers | World news | The Guardian

We work, we strike | Vittorio Longhi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Nicolas Sarkozy angers allies with proposed warship sales to Russia | World news | guardian.co.uk

Radovan Karadzic claims Bosnian Muslims 'killed own people' in Sarajevo | World news | guardian.co.uk

Don't use your PS3, warns Sony - Telegraph

Hollie wasn’t the only one that lost her childhood in Scotland

Political Prisoner Ernst Zundel Released

Roy Tov – American Weather Balloon

Devvy Kidd -- Will vote fraud determine upcoming primaries - again?

Temple Grandin: Why autism is a gift - CNN.com

End Games Near Climax


Harrisburg, PA - Cat Has A Special Friend

US diplomats add a moat to their expenses at $1bn London embassy - Times Online

Dead Man Musings: Holly Grieg's Mother on Paul Drockton Radio.

Stocks, Dollar Gain as Spending, AIG Deal Bolster Confidence - Bloomberg.com

Is the Hollie Greig story getting through to them at last?

Indian holy leader and BA stewardess arrested over prostitution racket - Times Online

Cern nuclear team restarts Large Hadron Collider | Science | The Guardian

Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party - Telegraph

Sir Ian Blair's deal with Islamic radical - Telegraph

Thatcher 'threatened to nuke Argentina' | World news | The Guardian

Obama administration embroiled in illegal removal of Haitian children - Telegraph

A world away from Texas | Peter Preston | Comment is free | The Guardian

Barack Obama's first medical: president smokes too much and should improve diet - Telegraph

WaterWarCrimes: U.S. Media Continues Its Interest In Water War Crimes Issues

WaterWarCrimes: British Columbia Government Insider - Jack Ebbels - Dies. Murder Is Suspected.

TALKERSAlex Jones - 2010-Mar-01, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-28, Sunday


03/01 The Mark Levin Show


March 1, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/01/2010