"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

01 March 2010

1 march '10


Streaming:Alex Jones Show


Calculating Life for a Dying Empire

Nothing But Shit Strewn Everywhere

500 Artists Against Israeli Apartheid

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

Brilliant Research Scientist John Burke Passes

Meat Might Be Behind Many Unidentified Allergic Reactions - BusinessWeek

Liberal Richard Cohen Wants Israel-First War Policy

Hedge Funds to Handcuffs

Dead Man Musings: BBC Spikes Holly Grieg Story.

Greek deal puts Goldman Sachs in the firing line – again | Business | The Observer

Fears of stand-off with military grow amid new Turkish arrests - Scotland on Sunday

Compassion for Lockerbie bomber but not for Hollie Greig

German woman breaks silence about Red Army rapes - Telegraph

200 Russian tanks found abandoned in forest - Telegraph

Deny all knowledge: How the Ministry of Defence now handles reported UFO sightings | Mail Online

Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare: Uncovering the Full Cost of Means-Tested Welfare or Aid to the Poor

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Short Selling Restrictions "A Great Indicator of Imminent Market Crashes"

2/3 In Poll Think US Women Should Fight In Combat

Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US senator warns of ‘financial meltdown’ risk

Financial Armageddon: Temporary Hiring: a Different Kind of Signal?


*Alex Jones TV Sunday Edition: The Patriot Act – Banking Elite’s Trojan Horse for a Police State


Bill Gates: Use Vaccines To Lower Population

The Case against Greenspan and Bernanke

Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights

Mainstream Media Refuses to Disclose that “Independent” Pundits Are Actually Lobbyists

Journalist Loses Bet He Can Endure 15 Seconds of Waterboarding

Big Pharma Fabricates “Female Sexual Dysfunction” to Sell More Drugs

CDC Panel Calls for Flu Vaccine for All

Carpe Diem, Dr. Paul!

Nigel Farage Talks About Van Rompuy and the EU On Alex Jones TV

Environmental Deception – The Difference between Contrail and Chemtrail


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 4/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 5/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 6/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 7/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 8/8: The Patriot Act - Banking Elite's"Trojan Horse" for a Police State


Wall Street's Bailout Hustle : Rolling Stone

YouTube - Bush... I mean Obama Extends Patriot Act

Strauss-Kahn Says I.M.F. Must Better Spot Economic Risks - NYTimes.com

The Financial Battle for the Middle Class – Underemployment at 20 Percent, 38 Million Americans on Food Stamps and Little Hiring. Can it be a Recovery with no Jobs for this Long?

Obama May Prohibit Home-Loan Foreclosures Without HAMP Review - Bloomberg.com

License Plate Software Stirs Privacy Concerns - NYTimes.com

Paul Craig Roberts: US pushing for nuclear war; “leadership” treasonous, dupes US into wars

Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Gun case presents quandary for Supreme Court justices - washingtonpost.com

Morgan Park man takes City of Chicago to Supreme Court over handgun ban - 2/25/10 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

foodconsumer.org - CDC advisory panel recommends flu vaccine for all Americans

U.S. would lose a cyber war, former intell chief warns -- Government Computer News

Latvian hacker tweets hard on banking whistle • The Register

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Secret plot to let 50million African workers into EU

Editorial: Border fences are a big boondoggle - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Hiding debt: The secret lives of America's debtors - Feb. 26, 2010

Pelosi says Dems and Tea Party movement have common ground - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Conservatives target their own fringe - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Eyewitness Says Sky Changed Color Before Chile Earthquake

Louisiana Cops Plan for “End of the World” Scenario

Ron Paul vs. Big-Government Conservatives

Why pharmaceuticals might be called Weapons of Mass Prescription

Grading Free Market Capitalism and “The Invisible Hand”

Big Players Get Out Of Risk And In To Gold

Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out Infowars, censors real questions

Faces of Frustration: CNN Tracks Obama’s Visual Irritation at Healthcare Summit

Broken Us Government with Ron Paul

Is America Becoming A Police State?

Spurious Warming in the Jones U.S. Temperatures Since 1973

Green fuels cause more harm than fossil fuels, according to report - Times Online

A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC - Telegraph

Israel distributes new gas masks to civilians: army

China 'should sprint to become the world's most powerful country' - Telegraph

Chilean military takes control of quake-hit cities | World news | guardian.co.uk

China insider sees revolution brewing

Barack Obama ‘destroys first year in office’ - Times Online

Carbon fast: Churches urging CO2 reduction during Lent

Now the Government want competence test before you can be a dog owner | Mail Online

Fruit juice cancer warning as scientists find harmful chemical in 16 drinks | Mail Online

Soros Signals Gold Bubble as Goldman Predicts Record - BusinessWeek

The Measuring Stick Illusion


***JFK Assassination documentary: The Garrison Tapes


Brzezinski’s Lament - ‘Jewish Lobby Controls Obama’ | Real Zionist News

savethemales.ca - Most Men are Victims of Porn


Blog Globs: Canadian Banks: Can You Spot Their Occult Symbols?

Blog Globs: Bohemian Grove Brought to You by Walt Disney


Blog Globs: A Barrage O' Barack


Chinese fluoride is a homeland security matter » Letters » Cumberland Times-News

NanoTech, DynCorp And NSA Goes B.A.N.G.


*Dead Man Musings: Are We in a HAARP Earthquake War?


YouTube - The Shocking Truth About Public Schools


YouTube - Jack Blood Calls Out Alex Jones As A Phony, Part 1

YouTube - Jack Blood Calls Out Alex Jones As A Phony, Part 2


What Are Banks Doing with Their Depositors' Money?

Man who broke the Bank of England, George Soros, 'at centre of hedge funds plot to cash in on fall of the euro'


**The Untold Story of the Woolworth Building Incidents on 9-11-01


Time For The Rothschild Gang To Pay Damages


savethemales.ca - I'm a Prisoner of Porn and Can't Escape

Terrorists 'could hijack new meters to cause blackouts' | Mail Online

College students urged: Trade Bible for Playboy

Apple admits using child labour - Telegraph

Neil Kirby on the five-star world of sex, lies and bribes - Times Online

Rupert Murdoch's hunger for power is a threat to democracy | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer

Democrats vote to renew Patriot Act


***Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Pedophile

Propaganda Matrix.com - Exposing the New World Order and Government Sponsored Terrorism

Mike James: Are Pedophiles Running Blair's War Machine?

The Truth Seeker - Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile

The Truth Seeker - Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Paedophile Ring

** cremationofcare.com - You are currently in the 'The New World Order' section.

The Truth Seeker - Dunblane Secret Documents Contain Letters by Tory and Labour Ministers

Scotland: Lord Cullen, Dunblane, Lockerbie




*Datapages Mike James(ARTICLES)



21st Century British Nationalism: British Elite Paedophile Ring - the scottish connection

Call to lift veil of secrecy over Dunblane | UK news | The Guardian

The Truth Seeker - Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Paedophile Ring






Americans redraw the map to erase 'offensive' names - Americas, World - The Independent

Barack Obama orders new nuclear review amid growing feud | World news | The Observer


*Newsvine - Royal Order of Jester (ROJ) Resource & Poll


Roy Tov - On the Face

The great pyramid

*Great Pyramid - Interesting Facts*

Great Pyramid - Ancient Mystery Unraveled

Great Pyramid - Secret Tunnels of Giza Plateau



Dead Man Musings: More 911 by the Numbers

Weekly; Southern African Report(ARTICLE LINKS)


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 26th With Nigel Farage

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 25th With Lindsey Williams


03-01-2010: Hospital Director, Accused of Raping Children Since 1975

03-01-2010: Out of Work? U.S. Offers Lots of Lousy, Unsafe Jobs for Low Pay

03-01-2010: Russian politician says wants to be cloned for nation's sake

02-28-2010: Massive head of pharaoh unearthed in Egypt

02-28-2010: Nanotech May Tap Into Your Mind

02-28-2010: Euro has become a 'subprime' currency

02-28-2010: Louisiana Sheriff launches Operation Exodus," a policing plan for an end-of-the-world scenario

02-28-2010: Military allows Twitter, other social media

foodconsumer.org - Plastic chemical triggers allergic asthma


02-28-2010: Dick Armey And FreedomWorks Commanding And Controlling The Tea Party



Internet overtakes print in news consumption among Americans

Bush’s torture psychologists wanted to use ‘mock burials’: report

Unemployment Benefits Denied!Over A Million Families Destroyed!

Augmented Identity App Helps You Identify Strangers on the Street

American Intelligence Agents to Be Embedded in Mexican Law Enforcement

National Archives Wants Investigation into Destruction of John Yoo Torture Emails

Arrested Terrorist Leader Exposes Extensive CIA Connections


*1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves


Calculating Life for a Dying Empire

The Case against Greenspan and Bernanke

US Banks Veto 'Socialist Pay' in Secret Talks

Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff

Lethal drug killed Hamas commander: Police

Corporate Lobbyists and Public Relations Firms behind Cable News Outlets

A Homeland "Security Blanket" for the Defense Industry: The Flawed Nuke Detection Program

How Obama’s Health Care “Reform” Kills Health Care

Media Fabrications: The "Srebrenica Massacre” is a Western Myth

Stalin's Secret War Plans: Why Hitler Invaded the Soviet Union

Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order

The Road to Armageddon: The Insane Drive for American Hegemony Threatens Life on Earth

21st Century Strategy: Militarized Europe, Globalized NATO

Hamas Leader: Israel' Mosad Accused of Extra-Judicial Assassination

Ex-Mossad agent: Israel uses 'false flag' in most operations to avoid suspicion in Arab states.

Obama gives Patriot Act another year with no privacy protections

Head of IMF Proposes New Global Reserve Currency

Flashback: Carbon trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised

You are a slave to the Government

Leaked UN Documents Reveal Plan For “Green World Order” By 2012

House Abandons Privacy Protections, Approves PATRIOT Act

POLICE STATE - Judge Orders Kids To Wear GPS Tracking Devices At School

FBI, US Attorney Investigating Penn. School Districts Computer Spying on Young Students

Students Stunned by School Spying

Teachers spying on students through laptop webcams

Big Brother Creepy Uncle the Public School Principal Spying on Your Children

Alex Jones on RT - School Officials Spying Through Students Laptop Webcams

Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here

FLASHBACK: Ban the Bulb? -- "If all 4 billion incandescent sockets were filled with CFLs we'd have nearly 50,000 pounds of mercury spread around every single US household"

Beware of McCain's Freedom-Destroying Dietary Supplement Regulatory Bill

Fifteen Years With No Global Warming Doesn't Mean There's No Global Warming, Says EPA Chief

Same Empire, Different Emperor

Glenn Beck Lies About 9/11 Truthers & Calls for More Taxes

Weaponizing Mozart: How Britain is using classical music as a form of social control

Leave no one behind

‘Covert’ surveillance cameras coming to Chicago

CNN Poll: Majority says government a threat to citizens' rights

The Digital Dictatorship

The BRAD BLOG : VIDEO: 'Andy Breitbart Exlains It All For You' - An Exclusive Interview, Disturbing Admissions and Manic Responses to the ACORN Video 'Pimp' Hoax

Ex-CIA Chief Hayden Praises Obama for Continuity in War on Terror

Hayden: Al-Qaida Would Use Nuclear Device

Iran Sneaking in Nuclear Equipment

Hayden: Iran ‘Hell-Bent’ on Getting Nuclear Weapon

Internet Ranks Third for News in U.S.

Al Gore Takes Aim at Climate Skeptics

Buffett: Healthcare Costs Hurt Economy

Farrakhan: 'White Right' Out to Hurt Obama

Pelosi: GOP 'Hijacking' Tea Party Movement

RFK's Grandson Decides Against House Run

Liz Cheney: Dad Is Well, Following Doctor's Orders

Al Gore Admits Errors in Climate Claims

McConnell: GOP Best, Brightest Shone at Summit

White House OK On Healthcare Without GOP

Sen. Kyl: Extended Unemployment Benefits to Pass

Michael Jordan Buys Bobcats

Napolitano Says People From Countries Tied to Terrorism Could ‘Potentially’ Enter USA, But DHS Reports Says Thousands Already Have

U.S. Eyes Increasingly Active Al-Qaida Network in North Africa As It Gains Strength and Recruits

Registered Sex Offender Arrested in Disappearance of San Diego County Teenager

China Preparing to Take Advantage of Arctic Ice Melt, Group Says

Dubai Says Israelis Will Be Denied UAE Entry

Supreme Court Declines New 10 Commandments Fight

Paris Hilton Too Hot for Brazil? Beer Commercial Criticized

Obama Begins His Assault on Your Life Savings

Why Obamacare Makes No Sense

Why oh why can't we have a better press corps?

He's Back!!!! Van Jones Kills Glenn Beck Softly With His Love

Justice For Well-Connected White Punks: Smear ACORN, Attempt Wiretapping and Still Get Off Scot Free?

Liz Cheney: Democrats Passing Health Care Bill is a "Dangerous Exercise in Democracy"

George Will Thinks We're Getting Richer

Eric Cantor: No One Wants to Go on Medicaid

The Right Wing war on symbols continues

Blackburn and Boustany Come Crying to Hannity About How They Were Treated at the Health Care Summit

McCain on military's gay ban: 'I believe that it's working'

Pelosi on Healthcare Reform: 'This Will Take Courage'

Kyl tries to defend Bunning blocking unemployment benefits

Matthews Asks His Panel if We're Going to Have George W. Bush Nostalgia When His Memoir Comes Out

Glenn Beck's eliminationist attacks on progressives: How long before someone acts on this violent rhetoric?

Pelosi Walks Tightrope Between House Anti-Choicers and Deficit Hawks on Healthcare Bill

Right Wingers Mock Louise Slaughter at the Health Care Summit

Obama Asks Barrasso If He Would Feel the Same Way About Catastrophic Care if He Made $40,000 a Year

Michael Steele Calls the Health Care Summit a "Death Panel for the Democrats This Fall"

The comic books that brainwash North Koreans

Bloomberg.com: Obama Needs to Go Chicago-Style on Health Care: Albert R. Hunt

Orlando Sentinel – George Soros tells CNN: I’m not satisfied with Barack Obama, but he saved country from recession


Face-to-Face With Marc Faber(NEWS VIDEO LINKS)


*YouTube - Frustration Revolution


*Ron Paul vs. Bizarre Ben Bernanke – Ron Paul « Dprogram.net


*YouTube - JESSE VENTURA - HAARP - Ep 1 Pt 1/4 (Conspiracy Theory)

YouTube - JESSE VENTURA - HAARP - Ep 1 Pt 2/4 (Conspiracy Theory)

YouTube - JESSE VENTURA - HAARP - Ep 1 Pt 3/4 (Conspiracy Theory)

YouTube - JESSE VENTURA - HAARP - Ep 1 Pt 4/4 (Conspiracy Theory)


Last Trumpet Newsletter - America - Infested With Spiritual Bacteria! /March 2010

BC professor Lisa Dodson tracks ‘economic’ disobedience - The Boston Globe

True Fiscal Insanity: Creating Money to Buy Government Debt

Military Monitored Planned Parenthood, Supremacists | Threat Level | Wired.com

The Art of Humping a Pack, by Blake in Arkansas - SurvivalBlog.com

My Way News - Supreme Court scrutinizes state, local gun control

Cancers can re-seed themselves after chemo, surgery or radiation

Eurocopter Moves One Step Closer to ‘Whisper Mode’ | Autopia | Wired.com

The Anti-Income Tax Movement: Why They Are Right : Neithercorp Press

Left and Right Against War, Part 87 by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Who Put the 'L' in CPAC? by Brian Wilson

Jefferson vs Lincoln: America Must Choose by Josh Eboch

The BRAD BLOG : 'Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us' in March Issue of Hustler (Now on Newsstands Online!)

The BRAD BLOG : More Devastating Response to NYT's Outrageous Hypocrisy in Refusing to Correct Inaccurate ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax Coverage

Op-Ed Contributor - We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Farrakhan predicts 'white right' trouble for Obama

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Obama the pragmatist must prevail

What caused Washington to be a campaign issue in Texas governor's race? | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

California is a greater risk than Greece, warns JP Morgan chief - Telegraph

The short life and long tortured death of Laura Cummings : City & Region : The Buffalo News

Miami-Dade's Inmate Idol Turns Jailbirds Into Songbirds | NBC Miami

Stalker fear over facial recognition phone app | The Sun |News

American reliance on government at all-time high - Washington Times

Some Iraq, Afghanistan war veterans criticize movie 'Hurt Locker' as inaccurate

'The Hurt Locker' sets off conflict - latimes.com

News Units at ABC and CBS Try to Navigate Uncertain Times - NYTimes.com

China PLA officer urges challenging U.S. dominance | Reuters

The Strange World Of Dr. Anthrax - March 1, 2010

The Associated Press: Scientists defend warning after tsunami nonevent

Tokyo Apologizes for Aggressive Response to the Tsunami That Wasn't - Dispatch - WSJ

Nancy Pelosi's brutal reality check - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Pelosi: GOP has had its day; confident Dems can pull together on health bill - TheHill.com

The Associated Press: Democrats' Obama bounce in California disappearing

Microsoft offers computer users choice of browsers - Telegraph

LATE NIGHT GOP WARS: Letterman Pits Mitt Romney Against Leno’s Sarah Palin – Deadline.com

Newsmax - Obama Mulls New U.S. Nuclear Strategy

Newsmax - IAEA Chief: Can't Confirm Iran Nuke Work Peaceful

Newsmax - Scientists Defend Warning After Tsunami Nonevent

Newsmax - No Finish in Sight for 'Virtual' Border Fence

Newsmax - Supreme Court Declines New 10 Commandments Fight

Newsmax - Drug Gangs Taking Over U.S. Public Lands

Newsmax - U.S. Rep: No Plot to Poison Food at S.C. Army Base

Newsmax - Sen. Coburn Gives GOP Address On Health Care

Moneynews - Rogers: Farming-Based Stocks Poised to Grow

Newsmax - Amtrak Launches Wireless Access On Acela Trains

Newsmax - Some Scientists Defend Tsunami Warnings

A quick tour of hyperinflation and the possible consequences for America by John Silveira Issue #122

Revisionism and the Historical Blackout - Harry Elmer Barnes - Mises Institute

Death in the Atlantic: The Last Four Minutes of Air France Flight 447 - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Who is the Enemy, Dr Ron Paul? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website



**America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version (1:51:16)


YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 1 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 2 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 3 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 4 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 5 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 6 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 7 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 8 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 9 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 10 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 11 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 12 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 13 of 14

YouTube - David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam, September 2009 14 of 14


*Scottish Establishment Paedophile Ring Exposed - David Icke


Interview with David Icke on The New World Order (Part 1)

Interview with David Icke on The New World Order (Part 2)


flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room - Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace - 1939 | Newstalgia


TBO.com - SF police, new chief tackle quality of life crimes

Soros: Another Golden Match for Arianna

Secretary Geithner's Got Some Explaining to Do

Presidential Spending Authority Under EESA

The Facilitator-in-Chief Failed Miserably

Healthcare Summit Democrat Demagoguery

NAACP Image Award Reaches New Low

We Need a Ready-for-Prime-Time Barack Obama Impersonator

ESPN Goes Red

Obama to Dems: It's Harry Kiri or Nancy Kazi!

Obama's Envoy to the Muslim World: A Soros Tie?

Ahmadinejad discovers Israel's 'secret'

Government mandated 'fairness' is rarely the optimal solution

Obama seeking unilateral nuclear disarmament

How many DOJ lawyers represented Gitmo prisoners?

Banning texting while driving is a state matter

Docs tell the president to quit smoking, lower cholesterol

To Be or Not to Be Conservative

If You Get Too Cold, I'll Tax the Heat

This Isn't Eugenics ... No, Wait!

Obama and Charity

American Christians and Moral Relativism

Christian Nihilism

RealClearPolitics - Politics as Make-Believe

RealClearPolitics - Living with Partisanship

Why Chile Is Better Than Haiti at Handling Earthquakes - TIME

The Photo That Could Doom the Democrats - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Republican Showdown in the Lone Star State

The Tea Party is a dynamic force, but it is still unruly and incoherent | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Cubanization of Venezuela | The Weekly Standard

More Drama Would Help Obama - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Report details violence and lost freedoms in Venezuela - washingtonpost.com

Hoyer: House will go first on health bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

GOP's Kyl vows Senate will pass jobless benefits extension | McClatchy

Business Bashes Federal Plan to Bypass Lowest Bidder - WSJ.com


*Transcripts:2-28/Interviews with Speaker Pelosi & Leader McConnell

Interviews with Speaker Pelosi & Sen. Alexander

Reps. Hoyer & Blackburn, Sens. Conrad & Coburn (PDF)

Interviews with Sen. McCain & Nancy-Ann DeParle


*Politics Video:3-1/Rep. Eric Cantor On Health Care Summit, Fraud Control

Durbin Defends Using Reconciliation Tactic

Obama Vows Education Reform

Carville, Dowd On Getting Votes To Pass Health Care

Warren Buffet Says Washington Should Start Over On Health Care

Sen. McConnell: GOP Will Not Vote For Health Care Legislation

Dem Bill Halter Announces Primary Challenge Against Sen. Lincoln

Sens. Kyl And Menendez On "FOX News Sunday"


*2-28/Sen. Alexander Talks Health Care On "This Week"

Rep. Ryan: Dems Want To "Jam" Health Care Through

Pelosi: Tea Party "Hijacked" By GOP

Sen. McCain: Health Bill "Not Bipartisan"

Health Care Czar: We'll Have The Votes

Sen. Conrad: Reconciliation "Can Not" Be Used For Health Care

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Rangel, Emanuel

Pelosi: Dems Will Retain Majority In Midterms

"This Week" Roundtable On Rep. Charlie Rangel


Op-Ed Columnist - How the G.O.P. Goes Green - NYTimes.com

Obama should expand court | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/28/2010

Curb Your Exhilaration | The Weekly Standard

Pelosi Stands By Her Chairman - Washington Wire - WSJ


**An interview with Alexander Haig, a true Cold Warrior - washingtonpost.com


*Audio:Aaron Klein exposes Obama's socialist agenda


White House to push ACORN pet project

That's a rap! Obama a 'One Term President'

FOXNews.com - 'White Right' Wants Obama to Be One-Term President, Farrakhan Says

Babies' DNA given to military database

FOXNews.com - Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Jobs for Health Care

Alexander: Health Care Reform a 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats - The Note

White House: Simple up-or-down vote on health care

Obama vs. the 10th Amendment

The mysterious power of hate

No finish in sight for 'virtual' border fence - Washington Times

State takes custody of 7-year-old over homeschooling

Israeli police clash with Palestinians in Jerusalem's Old City - Telegraph

Israel begins distributing gas masks to citizens - World News | Tri-City Herald : Mid-Columbia news

Big quake question: Are they getting worse? - Chile earthquake- msnbc.com

Tulsa Restaurant Patrons Step Over Shooting Victim To Reach Pickup Window - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

Seven-month-old baby survives shot to chest in parents' murder-suicide pact blamed on global warming

Page Not Found | AlterNet

CIA bomber: I lured targets with lies - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Bush appears at Fort Worth Christian School fundraiser | Fort Worth | News from Fort Wor...

Op-Ed Contributor - We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change - NYTimes.com

Soros swoops in, takes another bank

White House to push ACORN pet project

Obama denies his economic policies are 'socialism'

Appealed! Tax subsidies for abortionists

Not all school violence is created equal

The folly of Steele's 80/20 approach

Trading liberty for tyranny

GOP elite: 'Liberal,' not 'moderate'

Pombo for Congress

Today's bad guys truly are fascists

What's wrong with CPAC?

Muslim Mafia's media lapdogs

Aren't you glad McCain did not win?

The unlimited potential of the tea party

Charlie's been a very bad boy

Interview with John Williams

The bad guys win again

Obama and friends: How not to lead

Save the acronym!

FOXNews.com - Time to Get Real About What Is -- And Isn't -- Terrorism

U.S. needs 'serious medicine'

American Thinker: Al Gore Is Lying Low -- for Good Reason

Government Is Not the Problem - Newsweek.com

Does GOP have death wish?

Edwards epilogue: Does the press really vet presidential candidates? - POLITICO.com Print View

Is this incredible thing in heavens a sign from God?

Pizzeria worker sees Jesus in sauce bucket on first Friday of Lent - News - The Times-Tribune

YouTube - Image of Jesus in Sauce Bucket Scranton PA

It's raining fish ... no really | Northern Territory News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Matthew Albanese's incredible landscape art made from household objects | Metro.co.uk

Nepalese celebrate 'cursing festival' - Yahoo! News

The fiancee formula: Academics work out the best time to propose | Mail Online

DNA test traces Hitler's cousin... and reveals Austrian region where 39 other relatives may live | Mail Online

Yitta Schwartz, Who Died at 93, Had 2,000 Living Descendants - NYTimes.com

Beck under fire from fellow hosts for fueling 3rd party

Scientists Unravel Mysteries of Intelligence - Yahoo! News

Brain's 'Fairness' Spot Found | LiveScience

How Different Cultures Shape the Brain - Sharon Begley - Newsweek.com

Carly Simon ends You’re So Vain riddle | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

Photographer captures amazing images of lions at watering hole after submerging himself for three months | Mail Online

US pilot who dismissed Pearl Harbor reports dies - washingtonpost.com

nrc.nl - International - Unknown letter from Descartes found

Munich's answer to Lent: stronger beer - The Local

Outraged atheists lose faith in Dawkins as he censors website - Times Online

Studies: Belief in God relieves depression - Washington Times

Egyptian priests ate like gods – and paid by dying young - Times Online

Pompeii to Offer Live Excavation Experience : Discovery News

Gallery - Messages from the Stone Age - Image 1 - New Scientist

Mastering the art of the proposal


RELIGION; VIDEO/ Christianity: 'Spiritual journey' or destination?

RELIGION; VIDEO/ How the church was corrupted by a pagan leader

Shocked by the Bible A Good News interview with Shocked by the Bible author Joe Kovacs/ The Good News: March/April 2010


Ex-Congressman opens consignment shop |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

Enron's Jeff Skilling takes fight to Supreme Court | Reuters

Jobs report critical after mixed economic data

Senate Votes to Create U.S. Tourism Agency - Advertising Age - News

Woodstock Hippies Lead to the Financial Collapse, Says New Film - ABC News

Not much impact from repeat buyer credit

Dodd Consumer Proposal Would Create Bureau of Financial Protection - WSJ.com

Economists: Let small farms die off - Politiken.dk

Business & Technology | Paper gains drive Berkshire's profit skyward | Seattle Times Newspaper

Buffett: Execs should pay price for risky bets - Yahoo! Finance

Lawmaker: Toyota withheld crash lawsuit evidence - San Jose Mercury News

Floor mat troubles won't be swept under rug

Buffett Says U.S. Housing Will Recover by 2011 on Lower Supply - Bloomberg.com

Does intellectual property exist?

How to Tell if You Are Saving Enough for Retirement - Yahoo! Finance

NewsSun.com:Man arrested for obscene calls to 911

Iraqi Christians protest slayings, Pope concerned | Reuters

Iraq says sacking of Saddam officers would be illegal

Over $340 million has been allocated to the Census Bureau for a promotion and advertising campaign to avoid an undercount

Bush seeks 'anonymity'

Drunk Bridgeton man calls 911 from patrol car, claims kidnapping | - NJ.com

Locked out with frozen feet, New Brighton man sues police | StarTribune.com

Bible Pages Used To Set Church Bus On Fire - NewsChannel 5.com - Nashville, Tennessee -

The Bicycle Diaries: one man, one bike, 6,000 miles - Telegraph

Whales perform for 1st time since trainer's death

War dog wins bravery medal | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

Psychiatrists call for end to 'glamorising' of eating disorders - Telegraph

Soros swoops in, takes another bank


ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Conservatives target their own fringe - POLITICO.com Print View

Who are the real conspiracy theorists?

American Thinker: Decrypting Obama's 'Pop'

Jack Cashill: " Just Who is Obama's "pop?" "

Jack Cashill: "Obama's Missing Year"

American Thinker: Another Look at Obama's Origins

American Thinker: A Further Inquiry into Obama's Origins


*American Minute for March 1st:William J Federer's American Minute

Biden touts jobs created by stimulus in Florida

Chynna Phillips completes treatment for anxiety

Prosecutor: Mich. man killed 2 to avenge his mom

Medvedev demands resignations over Olympic flop

IBM Fosters Creation of Health Information Exchanges

Search resumes for missing California teen

Court weighs if silence alone can invoke Miranda

Study: Fewer shark attacks reported in the US


*Earthquake in Chile: Images, Aftershocks


Goldman's Board Rejects Pay Demands

Can Alinsky’s Tactics Work on the Right? Should They?

Mi Causa, Su Causa: a Latina Looks at the N.Y. Times Abortion Debate

Frank Rich Looks in Mirror, Sees ‘Axis of the Obsessed and the Deranged’

Former Veep Goes Girly-Man, Has Hissy Fit in Pages of New York Times

Bipartisan, or Part of the Chicago ‘Combine’ — Ray LaHood, the Machine’s Man in the Obama Administration

The New Fascists: Part 1 – A Political Primer

The New Fascists: Foundation – Part 2

The New Fascists: Execution – Part 3

Terrorists in the Military: The Legacy of Political Correctness

The Left Should Think Twice Before Charging ‘Racism’

It Is Time For a New Tax Revolt

More Guns, Less Crime

Liberty and Government: An American Tipping Point

Proxy Access: The Obama-Dodd-Alinsky Shareholder Jujitsu

Why Larry Kudlow Must Run

What Happened to That ACORN Investigation Jerry Brown Promised?

Fiscal Death by Welfare

The President’s ‘Tiger’ Moment: Obama Apologizes For His Indiscretions

Gore: We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change

Israel’s Increasingly Dangerous Neighborhood

Obama Signs Patriot Act Extension: MSM and the Left Silent

The British Aren’t So Special to Obama

WaPo: ‘Hurt Locker’ Faces ‘Rising Backlash From People In Uniform’

Matt Damon’s Upcoming ‘Green Zone’ a Bush-Bash-Athon

BOOK EXCERPT: The Entitlement of Celebrity

Culture of Cruelty: When Hollywood Attacks Mentally Disabled Children


Day by Day: Last Call


***NorthJersey.com: 'Smart dust' aims to revolutionize lives

**RFID Chips Are Here | MashTrends






MOVIECLIPS.com Goes Global, Opens API







*C-Span Book TV short: Peter Lance on TRIPLE CROSS: Gross Negligence ... (2:04:14)


Peter Lance on Triple Cross(1:43:07)


*32 page:Triple Cross /Timeline 2009

DIAC Link Chart:declassified - 3.21.00

13 pages:El Sayyid Nosai r Document s

Ali Abdel Saoud Mohamed

AFP: WH aide cites Yemen cleric's ties to two attacks

The World Needs A Stronger Blog...: Fort Hood & the KSM trial- Part I: What do these terrorism stories have in common?

The World Needs A Stronger Blog...: Fort Hood & the KSM trial- Part II: The al Qaeda Spy Who Could Be the Best Witness vs. KSM in NY

PART ONE: Airdate: September 1st, 2003/Dan Rather reports on 1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE

PART TWO: Airdate: September 2nd, 2003/Dan Rather reports on 1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE

The Chilling Effect

*Cast of Characters

PETER LANCE:ABLE DANGER Major Able Danger media sources:

Nat Geo Doc /Whitewash

al Qaeda and OKC bombing



PETER LANCE:Scarpa Jr./document links


Debbie Schlussel:The Prob w/ Starstruck Federal Air Marshals: Now, It’s Kim Kardashian

Debbie SchlusselMore Evidence of Palestinians, King Suleyman . . . Oh Wait, It’s the Jews & King Solomon

Alex Jones TV Sunday Edition: The Patriot Act – Banking Elite’s Trojan Horse for a Police State

Grading Free Market Capitalism and “The Invisible Hand”

Cops & Judges Caught Using Secret Codes On Tickets

Ron Paul on Cafferty File: The U.S. Government is Broke

Sweden unexpectedly slides back into recession in Q4 | News | Business Spectator

Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary

ABC News to cut half its domestic correspondents, close bricks-and-mortar bureaus [Updated] | Company Town | Los Angeles Times



*YouTube - Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)


*Can We Go Back to the Moon?



Washington's Blog:Grading Free Market Capitalism and "The Invisible Hand"

Senator Kerry: Israel won't go alone on Iran - U.S is on same page

A Free Thinker's Journey: AL - Local Census office having trouble recruiting workers

Doctors Struggle to Treat Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections - NYTimes.com

Harry Markopolos: “Don’t Trust Your Government” | Sense on Cents

A Country of Serfs Ruled By Oligarchs by Paul Craig Roberts on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

Roger's Rules » The Al Gore Comedy Hour

Al-Qaida growing in strength and numbers in Africa - Yahoo! News


FOXNews.com - Homeowners Say Banks Keep Them Underwater by Spurning Loan Program Rules

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Try Not to Laugh Watching This Video of Nancy Pelosi

EclippTV :: Video :: Raw Footage: February 26 Riot in the streets of Berkeley

EclippTV :: Video :: Jack Cafferty: "Should More People Be Listening To Ron Paul?"

100 Reasons Why Anthropogenic Global Warming Is a Cult

Facial recognition phone application described as 'stalker's dream' | Mail Online

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » BLACKWATER Stealing Hundreds Weapons From US Military


Ron Paul .com

Campaign For Liberty

Congressman Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul | Blog

Grassroots Support of Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty.


A quick tour of hyperinflation and the possible consequences for America by John Silveira Issue #122

Doug Casey on the Military

News Hounds: God Forbid Obama Should Let Atheists Into The White House

Jefferson vs Lincoln: America Must Choose | Tenth Amendment Center

The 545 People Responsible For All of America's Woes

Visible Origami: ♫We are the People that Might have Been,

EclippTV :: Video :: The Collapse of Crony Socialism and the War of Information

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage - Pelosi Family Flying Air Force Jets at $39,000 an hr!!!


EclippTV :: Video :: Fractional Banking and How it Affects the Economy! Depression? Recession?

Palestine Think Tank » Analysis Arabian Coffee House Israel Newswire Palestine Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance Zionism » Mohamed Khodr – Veritas in Harvard: No, Just Double Standards, Injustice, and Fear

MSM: How mobile phones let spies see our every move « Dprogram.net

*Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: The US Government’s Debt Can Never Be Repaid


Obama's first year | Video | Reuters.com



#Video: Teen Considers Bariatric Surgery For Weight Loss

Blasts in Afghanistan claim soldier

Tensions run high in Jerusalem

Video: Obama: Replacing School Staff, Last Resort

Video: 'Crazy Heart's Oscar Nominated Song

DC Hospital Fires Nurses, Staffers for Snowstorm Absences

Cantor: GOP Will Win Back Congress if Dems Go Reconciliation Route

Video: Raw Video: Out-of-control Car Sends Cop Flying

Video: Raw Video: Looting Persists in Chile

Video: Canadian reserve evicts non-Mohawk residents

China fireworks blast deaths rise

Video: CIA suicide bomber calls for jihad against Jordan

Video: Jenn Fred Checks Out The 'Sneeze Sleeve'

Van Jones: 'I'm Called the Green Jack Kemp'

Video: Relocation Tough Move for Kenya's Zebras

Van Jones Loved Signing Copy of Glenn Beck’s Book

Graphic Dashcam: Skidding Car Plows Into Police Officer

Soros on Obama: ‘I’m Not Satisfied’

‘Heimo’s Arctic Refuge’: Meet the American Who’s Never Seen Video of 9-11

Pelosi: ‘A Bill Can Be Bipartisan Without Bipartisan Votes’

Olympics Closing Ceremony Riffs on Technical Failure During Opening Cermony

Summit in Two Minutes: CNN Condenses Seven-Hour Healthcare Confab

Faces of Frustration: CNN Tracks Obama’s Visual Irritation at Healthcare Summit

McCain Explains Hesitance to Change ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

Sen. Conrad (D-ND): Reconciliation Won’t Work for ObamaCare

Pelosi Says She Shares Values With Tea Party

Rep. Ryan: ‘They Do Not Now Have the Votes’ to Pass Health Care Bill

White House Official: ‘We Will Have the Votes’ to Pass Health Care Bill

‘Supreme Arrogance’: Liz Cheney Calls Reconciliation ‘Dangerous as an Exercise in Democracy’

Oakland Officers Were Told to Avoid Writing Parking Tickets in Wealthy Neighborhoods

Huckabee Would Rather Defend ‘Jeffrey Dahmer’s Diet’ Than ‘Charlie Rangel on Ethics’

Geraldo Guest Doesn’t Realize He’s Live On-Air

CNN’s Frenetic Rick Sanchez Asks Scientist: ‘Nine Meters in English Is?’

‘Who Cares?’: Deadly Snow Accident Doesn’t Concern Joan Rivers

PleaseRobMe.com: Site Exposes Web Users’ Whereabouts

World’s First Personal Jetpack Can Be Yours for $76K

Cuba Seeks More Female Cigar Smokers

Obama Doctors Recommend ‘Moderation of Alcohol Intake’

Democrats Insist Health Care Overhaul Will Pass

Cantor: GOP Will Win Back Congress if Dems Go Reconciliation Route

Catholic Bishops Conference Contradicts Pelosi’s Claim That Senate Health Bill Doesn’t Fund Abortion

Update: Was President Obama Just Trying to Stimulate His Immune System?

GOP Congressman: Abortion Devastates African-Americans More Than Slavery Did

‘Angie the Anti-Theist’ Explains the Live Tweeting of her RU486 Abortion

‘America’s Coming For You, Congress!’: Tea Party Activists Explain Billboard Politics

Giuliani: ‘Real Issue’ With Justice Department Officials Having Represented Gitmo Detainees

Van Jones to Glenn Beck: ‘I See You, and I Love You, Brother’

Mother's plea to murder suspect

Raw Video: Giant Panda Makes Himself at Home

Mall Security Guard Killed in Tennessee

Jay Leno Retuns to the 11:35 Timeslot

Several injured in Jerusalem Al-Aqsa mosque clashes

Oscars countdown

Ramsay 'Mum of Year'

Countdown to 2012

This decade in technology

What Oscar Nods Mean to the Stars

Thousands of quake victims homeless in Santiago

Chile quake devastation

Thousands strip in Sydney

Robbers abandon child

ShowBiz Minute: Lil Wayne, Osmond, Box Office

Arrest in mother-daughter murder

Karadzic Blames Islamic Militants in Bosnia

Fun in the snow at the Great Wall of China

Oscar Virgins Celebrate

HSBC profits rise, boss gives bonus to charity

Relocation Tough Move for Kenya's Zebras

CIA suicide bomber calls for jihad against Jordan

Tory donor confirms tax status

Canadian reserve evicts non-Mohawk residents

Raw Video: Looting Persists in Chile

Raw Video: Out-of-control Car Sends Cop Flying

New Michelin food bible crowns small village eatery

'Crazy Heart's Oscar Nominated Song

Tories aim for education

Obama: Replacing School Staff, Last Resort

Karadzic ends trial boycott, defends 'holy' cause

Search for survivors as Chile quake toll tops 700

Cheryl Cole going solo


Coroner begins investigation into death of Marie Osmond's son | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

'ET' anchor Mary Hart: Osmond's son 'had struggled' with depression - USATODAY.com

Hit or Miss? Seinfeld's 'The Marriage Ref' - Culture - The Atlantic

FOXNews.com - Dr. Oscar Predicts 2010's Best Picture Academy Award Winner

Jay Leno and the greatest comebacks in the history of humankind, including Elvis, Michael Jordan

Final Shrek movie to open Tribeca Film Fest | Reuters

Lil Wayne's Jail Time: A Prison Guard Breaks Down His Routine - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Charlie Sheen, Wife -- Two Different Stories | TMZ.com

Gang Starr MC Guru In Coma - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Michael Douglas Admits He Put Career Before Son | PopEater.com

Four California Men Indicted In $25 Million Ticket Scam - WSJ.com

Roger Ebert gets 'voice' grandkids can recognize

UPDATE: Merkel: Must Combat Markets Working Against Euro - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Karadzic: Islamic militants to blame for bloodshed

YouTube - Serb leader Karadzic begins defence at genocide trial

Persuade Pakistan to stop terrorism, PM urges Saudi - India - The Times of India

A legal framework for the Mossad - Haaretz - Israel News

BBC News - Palestinian cabinet moves meeting in shrine protest

AFP: EU welcomes return home of Nigeria's ailing president

The Associated Press: Pro-gov't party leads Tajik elections; fraud cited

Russian politics: liberals push radical agenda - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Somali Islamists ban UN food from rebel-held areas

Turkey warns U.S. against genocide bill in Congress | Reuters

China Elevates Its Chosen Tibetan Spiritual Leader - NYTimes.com

Zimbabwe Forces White-Owned Firms to Give Up Majority Stake | Economy | English

FOXNews.com - Two Democratic Senators Face Prospect of High-Level Challengers

Pelosi Confident on Health Vote - WSJ.com

Obama highlights federal funds to lower high school dropout rate - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Senate impasse puts federal employees out of work

Search continues in San Diego County for missing 17-year-old girl | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Gun case presents quandary for Supreme Court justices - washingtonpost.com

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers on 'Alert' as Democrats Lay Groundwork for Health Care Passage

Medaille Perspective - Tiger leaves questions about return

FOXNews.com - Obama's Vegas Visit Does Little for Reid's Popularity, Poll Shows

Gov. Chris Christie wants federal help with unemployment debt | - NJ.com

God of War III Team Considered Leaving Out Sex Mini-Game

Farrakhan slams 'white right' in Saviour's Day speech :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Religion

Farrakhan speech: Louis Farrakhan addresses Nation of Islam at Saviours’ Day event - chicagotribune.com

Farrakhan blames Obama woes on Jews, whites | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

GOP governor's campaign is more texting than talking | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas-Fort Worth Politics | The Dallas Morning News

Savior’s Day 2010









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