"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 November 2009

6 Nov '09

The Michael Savage Show 11/05/09

Savage:pt 2

*2:24:24 / YouTube - Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie HQ

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 5th With Ron Paul

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 4th With Rima E. Laibow and Major General Albert Stubblebine III


Larry Kotlikoff on Alex Jones Tv 1/3 :Economic Meltdown!! Video

YouTube - Larry Kotlikoff on Alex Jones Tv 2/3:Economic Meltdown!!

Larry Kotlikoff on Alex Jones Tv 3/3:Economic Meltdown!! Video

Largest Iraq bombing in two years may have been inside job

Resistance is NOT Futile — The Rise of “Resistance Journalism”

Declassified FBI File Alleges an Israeli Intelligence Agent Worked at AIPAC

12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Base Shootings

Secret copyright treaty leaks. It’s bad. Very bad.

Michael Geist - The ACTA Internet Chapter: Putting the Pieces Together

The Oath Keepers

Anti-gun ObamaCare bill Coming to the House Floor Very Soon

House Resolution Designates Venezuela a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Obama’s New Bill of Rights

Vaccines for the rich! Wall Street gets H1N1 vaccine bailout while school children told to wait

Why Does The U.S. Have An Empire In Asia?

Fort Hood Shooter Information Not Adding Up

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

YouTube - World Trade Center on 9/11 - Sounds of Explosions

YouTube - John Gross denies existance of molten metal

YouTube - Barry Jennings - 9/11 WTC7 Full Uncut Interview - 1 of 2

YouTube - Barry Jennings - 9/11 WTC7 Full Uncut Interview - 2 of 2

Victoria News - Olympic protesters are 'terrorists': MLA

Carbon traders deny sub-prime crisis brewing - Telegraph

Judge rules activist's beliefs on climate change akin to religion | Environment | The Guardian

Flashback: Bernanke on Unemployment: 'we don't think it will get to 10 percent'

Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan - Asia, World - The Independent

Parents lose right over sex education - Telegraph

Überloo International:product info

Crime Central - Times Online - WBLG: Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks

Tea partiers descend on Capitol Hill - Jonathan Allen and Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

House Democrats Prepare For Close Healthcare Vote - NYTimes.com

Global treaty could throw file-sharers off Internet after ‘three strikes’ | Raw Story

Crime Central - Times Online - WBLG: Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Nidal Hasan: Ft. Hood Shooter Participated in Homeland Security Disaster Preparation

FirefoxScreenSnapz018.jpg (JPEG Image, 529x532 pixels)

*Site:SalafiManhaj.com - Free Authentic Audio, E-books and Articles Upon The Salafi Methodology

City Brights: Michael Yaki : Ft. Hood Massacre: Mass murderer vs. Terrorist vs. "American Muslim"

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Muslims fear backlash in wake of Fort Hood massacre

Web post by Fort Hood gunman Major Nidal Malik Hasan could shed light on motives - Times Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Chomsky Confronted on 9/11

YouTube - Mark Abell Grills Noam Chomsky On 911 As An Inside Job

YouTube - Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Dissent 1/2

YouTube - Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Dissent 2/2

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Government is Patching the Barn Door Instead of Catching the Escaped Horses

Our terrorists ;Islamic fundamentalist militants are the enemies of Israel and Western governments, right? Think again. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed reports in this extended version of the article which appeared in the October 2009 issue. | October 2009 | New Internationalist

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » UN And ADL Want Global Hate Crimes Laws

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » As of yesterday, The Feds Changed the Rules

Reed Says ‘I’m Sorry’ for Role in Creating Citigroup- Bloomberg.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Now Is the Time for Americans To Be Relentless

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » What’s really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » H1N1 vaccines too little, too late; most people already exposed and immune

11-06-2009: Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks

11-05-2009: Teacher Claims Fingerprinting Is Mark Of The Beast

11-05-2009: H1N1 Virtually In Every Country In The World Say WHO

11-05-2009: Adolf Hitler was a German football coach, say one in 20 children

11-05-2009: Americans on food stamps tops 36 million, new record

The Billionaire Bailout Society

11-05-2009: Why Boys Are Turning Into Girls

11-05-2009: Reported Cases of Mystery Flu in Ukraine Double in Two Days

11-04-2009: Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks

Mission accomplished! ExxonMobil-led consortium nets 'supergiant' Iraq oil field

The Great Foreclosure Robbery Of The 21st Century

Senate Panel Clears Climate Bill

Bikini Clad Miss Earth Contestants Pushing Global Warming Propaganda

Air Force: ‘Overwhelm Enemy Cognitive Abilities’ with Bioscience

U.S. Needs Hit Squads, ‘Manhunting Agency’: Spec Ops Report

Top 10 Weirdest CIA Programs

Duh?: Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister

A Black Hole Engine That Could Power Spaceships

Truth, Human Dignity and the Goldstone Report

Pornographic Past vs Murderous Present

Zionism’s Version of History

DC sniper juror now says Muhammad doesn't deserve to die

The Rise and Fall of Charles Moose

DC sniper proclaims innocence in 2008 letter

DC Sniper Juror: Jury didn't know of sniper's mental illness

AP sources: Suicide eyed in Ky. census worker case

NYDailyNews Poll: Will you get the swine flu vaccine? 86% Say No.

Goldman Sachs Received H1N1 Vaccine Before Several Hospitals (Total Propaganda)

Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad.

Draft of secret copyright treaty should give you chills

Secret Copyright Treaty Will Ruin the Internet

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity To Drive Up Demand For H1N1 Vaccine

Elites Launch "Global Impact Investing Network"

Rep. Vern Buchanan Warns Against World Government

Obama's latest use of "secrecy" to shield presidential lawbreaking

Passing on the mantle of deep North American integration

The porous walls between Mayor Bloomberg, Bloomberg L.P. and private deals

Is your doctor's continuing ed funded by pharma?

Coal company destroys last intact mountain in Coal River Valley

Busting the Dafur genocide myth

Her Majesty’s Big Brother: Britain’s protesters rebranded ‘domestic extremists’

Mousa gives Egyptians a cryptic clue

What physicians know

Weapons of mass distraction, again!

Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

Pampering the mullah

*Alex Jones: It's Ron Paul's destiny to run for President in 2012

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Pay problem parents not to breed - mayor

Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

The Only Political Party in America: “The Corporate Party” (Part 1)

Video: Italy turns the tables on the CIA – Webster Tarpley

MSM: IAEA – We found ‘nothing to worry about’ at secret Iran nuke site

Video: Max Keiser on GM – US predators sacrifice workers as lambs

The Great Foreclosure Robbery Of The 21st Century

The Boiling Frogs with Sibel Edmonds Presents Stephen Kohn

Video: Alex Jones – The Cover up Regarding Vaccines and Autism!

Video: Joe Rogan on Alex Jones Tv – What The Hell Has Happened to Our Country?

*Video: Ron Paul on Alex Jones – Copenhagen Treaty & Cyber Security Act = Control Over The People!!

*Video: Ron Paul on Fox Business – Spending, Borrowing and Printing..

MSM: Carbon traders deny sub-prime crisis brewing

Who does this government consider an enemy?

Chomsky: Obama Continues Bush Policy

Gore Not Interested In Solutions To Climate Change That Don’t Line His Pockets

Army: Suspect Said `Allah Akbar!' Before Shooting

Army: Civilian Officer Shot Gunman

Fort Hood Gen: Gunman Went on 'Measured' Shooting

Suspected Fort Hood Shooter Got Poor Evaluation

Obama Laments 'Horrific Outburst of Violence'

Army Shooter Was on Radical Internet Postings

Democratic Support for Health Bill in Danger

Investigators Seize Suspect's Computer

Fort Hood Shooter Emptied His Apartment

NRA Fights Adoption Agencies' Gun Questions

Cheney Urges Commitment to Afghan War

Pelosi: We're 'On the Brink' of Obamacare

Coburn: Senate Will Thwart Obamacare

Price: 'Nervous Democrats' Rethinking Obamacare

U.S. Trials OK'd for 9/11 Suspects

Medical Marijuana Shops Abound in California

Feds Seize Computers, Cash at Fla. Lawyer's Office

Republicans Seek Probe of Brown's Recorded Calls

Three Senators Out To Rescue Climate Bill

How Tim Geithner Screwed the Taxpayers

Obesity Causes Over 100,000 Cancer Deaths Annually

‘All-Natural’ Sex Pill Contains Viagra Ingredient

Red, Processed Meats Linked to Prostate Cancer

Entire DNA Sequenced for $1,700

Google Providing Better View of Personal Data

Army Major Declared Sole Suspect in Hood Shooting

Obama Addresses Outburst Of Violence At Fort Hood

Nation’s Jobless Rate, Now in Double-Digits, Reaches 26-Year High

No Deal: Pro-Life Democrat Still Vowing to Kill Health Care Bill

Catholic Bishops: Proposed Amendment to Health Care Bill Creates ‘Money-Laundering System’ for Funding Abortion

In Forcing Americans to Buy Health Insurance, Dems Are Saying, ‘The Hell With the Constitution,’ Mark Levin Says

‘Kill the Bill,’ Conservatives Chant at ‘House Call’ Rally on Capitol Hill

Obama Touts Support from AMA, AARP as Health Care Vote Draws Near

GOP Congressman Questions AARP Endorsement of Pelosi Health-Care Bill as Possible Conflict of Interest

Islamic Bloc Says It Faces ‘Smear Campaign’ Over Religious ‘Defamation’ Push

Sen. Burris Cites Unwritten Constitutional 'Health' Provision to Justify Forcing Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Amid Berlin Wall Commemorations, Activists Rally for Liberation of North Korea

Troubling Portrait Emerges of Fort Hood Suspect

Mistrust Hinders ID of Cleveland Slaying Victims

Israel Rejects U.N. Approval of Report Accusing Jewish State of War Crimes

Sex-Toy Study at Duke Raises Some Eyebrows

FCC Chairman Ducks Question About FCC Official’s First Amendment Views

The Death of Deliberative Democracy

For Whom the Bell Tolls

One Year Later, Obama's Media Honeymoon Still Going Strong

How many countries do you have to be at war with to be disqualified from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?

Human Development Crisis in the Arab World

The Role of Gold in the World Monetary System

VIDEO: The Nature and Significance of NATO-US-Israeli War Crimes

Colombia Paramilitary, US Links Exposed

Shenandoah » A Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound



Crisis Compels Economists To Reach for New Paradigm - WSJ.com

Study uses satellite imagery to identify active magma systems in East Africa's Rift Valley

Chuck Baldwin -- Another State Introduces Firearms Freedom Act

Frosty Wooldridge -- US Sustainable Immigration Policy For All Americans

Mind control with sound and light - Boing Boing

What is Martial Law and how does it apply to you?

Suspect in Fort Hood Shooting, Nidal Malik Hasan, Was to Be Sent to Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

Suspect Objected to Deployment, Cousin Says - NYTimes.com

Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan 'said Muslims should rise up' - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Competency evaluation delayed in museum shooting

Secret Anti-Piracy Treaty Turns ISPs into Pirates | TorrentFreak

US Census And GPS Mapping ~ Big Brother at Your Door (Nov. 4, 2009)

Hidden In Plain Sight - On Beyond The X-Files

Suspect in Ft. Hood shooting rampage on ventilator | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Fort Hood shootings: How often do soldiers kill soldiers? | csmonitor.com

The States Can Stop Obama

Derek's close encounter (From This is Hampshire)

No respect, no morals, no trust - welcome to modern Britain - Telegraph

Even if global warming is the problem, carbon trading isn't the answer - Telegraph

Mahmoud Abbas gives up his leadership in fresh blow to peace process - Times Online

American voters get rid of mayor along with speed cameras - Times Online

Outrage as Jesus portrayed as transsexual woman - News, Theatre & Dance - The Independent

Judges no longer have to declare Freemasonry - Telegraph

House Shames Itself on Goldstone Report | CommonDreams.org

AIPAC Defined

Obama Uses Malia’s Test Scores as a Teaching Example - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

YouTube - John Gross denies existance of molten metal

Policeman who killed British troops 'is back with Taliban' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Report calls for antisocial behaviour to be treated as criminal | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Asset-seizing powers out of control | Chris Huhne | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Freed mercenary Simon Mann says he will testify against Mark Thatcher | World news | The Guardian

Bye bye, British constitution | Anthony Barnett | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Why the west fears China in Africa | Peter Guest | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Dick Cheney goes for the jugular | Cliff Schecter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

*The music of the Spheres | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Inhofe, on Fox, Responds to Boxer Using Nuclear Option to Push Climate Bill Through Committee

Who Controls Congress – Who Controls the US President - Who Controls the UN? No Prizes for Guessing!

savethemales.ca - Dutch Barter System Challenges Bankers

AMA, AARP back House health care bill - CNN.com

Mark Ndesandjo, Obama's Half Brother, Recalls Their Abusive Father (VIDEO)

U.S. Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Mr. Ed does it again!

YouTube - NC State Auditor Answers CAFR questions Part 1 of 3

YouTube - NC State Auditor answers CAFR questions Part 2 of 3

YouTube - NC State Auditor answers CAFR questions Part 3 of 3

*Government Statistics and Lies by Ron Paul

The Mounties Always Get Their Man...Unless That Man Is a Mountie by James Corbett

A Four-Step Health-Care Solution by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

The Media As Enablers of Government Lies by James Bovard

Investment guru urges Eastern-centric approach - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

2010: Year of the Third Party

Want to lose weight? Putting tomatoes in your sandwich will make you feel full

Bam, Whack, Pow by Burt Blumert

Dying To Serve: The Great American Problematic. The Youth and Imperial Justification

End the Fed and Restore the Powers of the 10th Amendment | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

*The Best Conspiracy Theories (Lizard-People Are Running the World!)

Math Is Hard: GOP Over-Inflates Audience Participation At Bachman's Teabaggery

Michele Bachmann and the GOP embarrasses themselves by hosting ugly teabagger DC protest

Fort Hood shooting update: Suspect Nidal Hassan is alive, stable

The Colbert Report: '09 Off-Year Semi-Presidential Electferendum

Wingnuts rush to conclusions about Fort Hood shooter -- but cousin says he was 'good American' harassed for being Muslim

The Right-Wing War on the AARP

Newt Gingrich the latest Conservative to bow down to Rush Limbaugh

Democrats Fall Into Fetal Position After Winning Two More Seats. WTF?

BREAKING: Deadly shooting rampage by fatigue-clad men at Fort Hood, Texas, army base

Rep. Eric Massa calls for the end of war in Afghanistan!

PBS Newshour: TV, Radio Talkers Shaping Political Discourse in U.S.

Report: Older, Youngest Victims of Severe Flu At Highest Risk

Bachmann and Napolitano get all paranoid about eeeevil Nancy Pelosi conspiring to stop today's 'Tea Party' in D.C.

Congressman Grayson's Microphone Cut Off Halfway Through His 60 Minutes

TaxProf Blog: Post Office Returns 107,831 Tax Refund Checks to IRS Due to Faulty Addresses

Fort Hood Shootings: Don't Let Racism Hide Truth

Army: Civilian officer shot gunman, ended rampage - WALB.com News, Weather and Sports for Albany, Valdosta and Thomasville. Leading the way for South Georgia. |

Smoking Mirrors: From Fort Hood to Ramakrishna. Don't be Deceived.

Jobs Issue Jeopardizes Wind Farm’s Stimulus Deal - NYTimes.com

UN Affirms Israeli-Hamas War Crimes Report by Thalif Deen -- Antiwar.com

Greenhouse Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Enrichment Products at Home Harvest Garden Supply

*Ft Hood Shooter Was a Member of Obama’s Homeland Security Transition Team « Constitutionally Speaking

Malik Nadal Hasan (PHOTO): Key Details Emerge About Fort Hood Shooting Suspect

This is Going to Get Very Dark | Talking Points Memo

Surviving Fort Hood shooting suspect arrested at golf course, officer says - CNN.com


Medical Research Council - News - Vitamin B12 may protect the brain in old age

SAS join search in Helmand for gunman who killed five soldiers - Times Online

The Associated Press: AP sources: Authorities had concerns about suspect

*EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Alex Jones:Copenhagen Treaty & Cyber Security Act = Control !!

Violence All Too Familiar at Fort Hood - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Martial Law Declared In Ukraine Over Mystery Epidemic

EclippTV :: Video :: Max Keiser on GM : U.S Predator Sacrifice Workers as Lambs!

Congressman Massa: 2950 Days, 300 Billion Dollars and 911 Dead Americans » Nationalist Coalition Blog

POLITICS-US: No Sunset for Sweeping Patriot Act Powers? - IPS ipsnews.net

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Grand-daddy of all Fake Terror Fall Guys: Guy Fawkes

Second Gunman In Custody At Army's Fort Hood -Report

Israel's Super-Thermite Lab

EclippTV :: Video :: A Brave New World, Transhumanist looking to "Breed Out" The Lower Classes

EclippTV :: Video :: Operation Health Freedom - Andrew Napolitano



Fannie Mae seeking extra $US15 billion in aid after quarterly loss | The Courier-Mail

Oh Bummer: Deceit has its price

Pak has lost control of rogue military officers, says book - dnaindia.com

The Associated Press: Venezuela sends 15,000 troops to Colombia border

IAEA found nothing serious at Iran site: ElBaradei | Reuters

POLITICS: New Doubt Cast on U.S. Claim Qom Plant is Illicit - IPS ipsnews.net

*Debunking the myths of Columbine, 10 years later - CNN.com

*10 years later, the real story behind Columbine - USATODAY.com

Neighbor: Fort Hood suspect emptied his apartment before shooting rampage | kens5.com | News

Video: Tea Party protest on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. features misquoted Pledge of Allegiance

Nine protesters arrested at Lieberman's office - On Politics - USATODAY.com

Thousands crowd Capitol Hill to protest health bill

Police Arrest Anti-health Care Bill Protestors in Washington

Feds' New Insider Trading Target: Lawyers - Forbes.com

Forget Galleon: What about Goldman’s Ex-Boss? by Matt Taibbi

Posthuman Nuclear Doomsday Maneuvers | h+ Magazine

Top Bailout Recipients Spent $71 Million On Lobbying In Year Since Bailout

The Return of the Inflation Tax

Intelligence officer: Did Fort Hood shooter have 'sinister' connections? | abcactionnews.com

Imam says Fort Hood suspect didn't seem radical - wtop.com

CIA Buys Another Front Company | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

TaxProf Blog: How to Audit-Proof Your Tax Return: Don't e-File

video:911 /Aaron Russo

No global climate change treaty likely for up to a year, negotiators admit | Environment | The Guardian

Refreshing News: Windows 7 Still Vulnerable to Viruses — Durr, Really?

Fed Signals "All Systems Go" For More Inflation | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Americans’ income and spending drop, despite stimulus | csmonitor.com

archive:The doomsday weapon - Haaretz - Israel News

Climate Bill Shows Democrats' Unease - WSJ.com

The warlords' president


Hillary Clinton gives Obama’s Middle East game away

LobeLog.com » Blog Archive » Heavyweight-Hawks Hold Court On The Hill

flashback:News Viewpoint: Global warming is a giant scam | South Jersey Life - NJ.com

Revenge of the middle class - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Oh Bummer: Health Care Deceit

truthjihad.com blog: Jim Duensing Shooting Story Grows Legs

flashback:November 4, 1979 - The Embassy Takeover in Tehran | Newstalgia

Prominent Muslim organizations condemn Fort Hood shootings - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Obama: Flags to Half-staff After Shooting

Lindsay Lohan's Dad Says God Is Punishing Her - Scandals & Feuds, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Lohan : People.com

Oprah spokesman denies definite plan to move show exists :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Entertainment

YouTube - The Oprah Winfrey Network?

'Sesame Street' turns 40 with help from Michelle Obama

William Shatner on 'The Tonight Show': This time, he reads Levi Johnston's REAL Tweets! | EW.com

ANALYSIS-U.S. singled out for delay of climate pact | Reuters

YouTube - Inside Story - The UN climate change summit - 5 Nov 09

VOA News - Global Climate Change Treaty Delayed

VOA News - Berlin Wall Remembrances Vary

YouTube - Reflecting on the fall of the Berlin Wall

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli concern over Abbas move

YouTube - Abbas' move highlights failure of peace process - 06 Nov 09

Interim leader announces unity government for Honduras - CNN.com

NATO Are Soldiers Misssing as Taliban Reports Recovery of Two Bodies - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Israel Rejects UN War Crimes Resolution

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Key Pakistan Taliban town 'falls'

AFP: No worries at Iran uranium site: IAEA chief

AFP: US says open to NKorea visit

VOA News - India Bars Foreign Media from Border State During Dalai Lama Visit

Spanish judge considers pirate prisoner swap - CNN.com

China hopes APEC summit conducive to global economic recovery_English_Xinhua

YouTube - President Obama Secretary travel Asia summit in Singapore

Obama: 'no answers' yet on Fort Hood; 'I won't let up' on fighting unemployment - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - Unemployment Rate 'disappointments' White House

The Associated Press: House Dems say Sat. vote on health care may slip

Obama wants Paterson out, but guv says he takes no joy in heat on prez for Dems' election losse

Texas polygamist sect member found guilty of sexual assault - CNN.com

YouTube - Texas FLDS Sect Member Guilty of Sex Assault

Palin Speech: No Phones, Laptops, Photos… - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

WBIR.com | Knoxville, TN | Woman attacked by accused serial killer Anthony Sowell describes her ordeal

YouTube - Clergy Support Families of Missing OH Women

Kansas remembers Bill Avery | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

Caught on Tape: Inmates to the Rescue! - Crimesider - CBS News

YouTube - Raw Video: Inmate Attacks Guard at Fla. Jail

Bennett's census-immigration amendment rejected - Salt Lake Tribune

Neighbor: Fort Hood suspect emptied his apartment - Yahoo! News

Fort Hood Shooting by Army Doctor Nidal Malik Hasan Leaves 12 Dead - ABC News

AP sources: Ft. Hood suspect remains in coma - Yahoo! News

Gunman kills 12, wounds 31 at Fort Hood - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Breitbart.tv » Co-Worker: Ft. Hood Suspect Made ‘Outlandish’ Comments Condemning US Foreign Policy

Police raid shooting suspect's Killeen apartment

The 'emotional carnage' suffered at Fort Hood - Times Online

Dramatic Photos: Fort Hood Shooting | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Reuters AlertNet - UN climate treaty may need extra year

Angry words as timetable for climate deal starts to slip

Republicans Rally Resistance to Health Care Bill, as House Vote Nears - FOXNews.com

Republican Leader John Boehner | Speaker Pelosi’s Government-Run Health Plan Will Require a Monthly Abortion Premium

House Prepares Health Vote, Undaunted by Elections - Bloomberg.com

Hoyer sees close U.S. House healthcare vote | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

Election result: Red-state Dems worried, rethink agenda - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Democrats' Plan to Help 'Uninsurables' Requires 6-Month Wait - FOXNews.com

Anti-abortion activists arrested at Pelosi's suite - Yahoo! News

Sir Paul McCartney: The Beatles weren't that good when we started out | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

Immigration may threaten health vote - TheHill.com

Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead design – secret report | World news | The Guardian

Paterson Empowered By Obama's Election Woes - wcbstv.com

Democrats Try to Secure Support as Health Vote Nears (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Republican Wins May Make Democrats Cautious on Obama Agenda - Bloomberg.com

Fort Hood shooter emptied apartment in days before attack

Shooter advised Obama transition

*40 pg/Thinking Anew—Security Priorities for the Next Administration

TBO.com - Details emerge about Fort Hood suspect background

Obama Nominates ACORN Activist to Appeals Court

Fort Hood suspect Nidal Malik Hasan seemed 'cool, calm, religious' - CNN.com

Finally Ridding Ourselves of the Slack

Libertarianism & Abortion

Ignorance & Apathy - Twin Threats to Liberty

White House Painting: Obama Throws Artist Under the Bus

Exclusive: Behind the ‘V’ Controversy

PBS Ombudsman: ‘Sesame Street’ Fox News Slam Crossed Line

Jon Voight Speaks at DC Anti-ObamaCare Rally

Review: Clooney’s ‘Men Who Stare at Goats’ Biased but Amusing

Fort Hood: Wise Words From Michael Yon

Smithsonian Air&Space on Kopp-Etchells Effect

Matt Damon, State Dept. Create Global Warming Propaganda PSA

Sheda Vasseghi: Profiles in Courage From the Streets of Iran for Hollywood’s Gutless Wonders

More Stimulus Math: Cooking the Books on Stimulus Jobs

Exclusive: Interview with Rep. Joe Wilson on Health Care

Pelosi’s Gift to Insurance Companies: Immunity from Lawsuits

The Soros Plan To Kill Capitalism

George Soros creates $50 million institute to spur new economics | Midwest Voices

*Site:Institute for New Economic Thinking

Eyewitness to an SEIU Assault: The Kenneth Gladney Incident

Obama Back-Tracking on Net Neutrality?

Citigroup Executive Pulls Out of Sham ACORN Audit Under Pressure

Thousands Attend Pelosi-Care Protest: Ten Arrested at Capitol Hill Sit-In

Obama’s Shock Troops: SEIU and Political Intimidation in St. Louis

Mmm mmm mmm…Indoctrination of Our Youth (Sing It With Me Now)

So, How’s That Stimulus Thing Working For You?

BREAKING: More Proof of White House Political Director Patrick Gaspard’s Ties To ACORN Surfaces

Breitbart News Video

Dad: Daughter Heard Ft. Hood Shooter Exclaim ‘Allah Akbar’ as He Opened Fire

MSNBC’s Maddow Mocks Slips Up During Conservative Slamfest

Veteran on Ft. Hood: ‘Need to Take a Giant Step Back From All the Psychobabble’

*Obama Gives ‘Shout Out’ Before Commenting on Fort Hood Violence

Jon Stewart Mocks Glenn Beck’s Appendectomy

Denver School Investigated for ‘Dummy’ Classes, Fake Students

Jilted Lover Calls Office Phone Thousands of Times

Levi Johnston Says Tweets Shatner Read on ‘Tonight Show’ Penned by Imposter

Sharon Osbourne Trashes Susan Boyle on Opie & Anthony

Olbermann: GOP Health Care ‘House Call’ Looked Like ‘Pro-Apartheid Rally’

Woman Makes Repeated Calls to 911 Because Boyfriend Won’t Marry Her

Update: Fort Hood Shooting Suspect NOT Dead

Cousin: Suspected Fort Hood Gunman Faced Harassment

Code Pinkers & Pro-Lifers Lead Simultaneous Demonstrations Outside Pelosi’s Office

William Shatner Performs Poetic Reading of Levi Johnson’s Purported Tweets

12 Dead, 31 Hurt in Fort Hood Shooting

Officers Arrest Nine Liberal Protesters at Sen. Lieberman’s Office

Rep Stumbles Reciting ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ at Health Care Rally

Obama Makes Surprise Appearance at Press Briefing to Tout AMA, AARP Backing

‘Village Voice’ Columnist Mocks Palin in Drag Sketch on ‘Countdown’

‘Pelosi Plan Exposed’: GOP Launches 12-Hour Marathon Telecast

Swine Flu Threatens Remote Amazon Tribe

Obama’s Marxist Media Advisor Says Reporters Were Biased for McCain

Parents Group Condemns ‘Gossip Girl’ Episode Featuring Teen Threesome

Florida Inmates Save Deputy’s Life During Brutal Attack

Kangaroo Plague Has Australia Under Siege

Filipino Prisoners Are Back…Dancing to Queen

Iranian Protestors Chant: ‘Obama Are You With Us or With Them’

President Obama Opens White House Evening of Classical Music

Cantor Takes to YouTube to Push GOP Health Care Alternative

Conyers Calls on Obama to Keep Promise Not to Fund Abortions in Health Bill

Raw: Defense Department Video Shows Aftermath of Ft. Hood Massacre

FBI Launches Search For ‘Grandpa Bandit’

Raw: Aftermath of Fort Hood Shooting

Verizon Gets Stealthy With Latest ‘Droid’ Ad

‘Green’ FBI Building Opens in Houston

Diane Sawyer Hits Gore on Profits From Global Warming

Sesame Street Celebrates 40 Years

Is Oprah Leaving Chicago for Los Angeles?


Obama and One Year Later, ABC News Poll Analysis - ABC News

Kim Strassel: Hello, Tipping Point - WSJ.com

Defectors Among the House Democrats - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Attack of the Palinites

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama Faces His Anzio - NYTimes.com

Peter Foster: From Berlin to Copenhagen - Full Comment

The State of Hillary: A Mixed Record on the Job

Three Strikes against Obamacare by The Editors on National Review Online

The harder he falls: Corrupt former Commissioner Bernie Kerik has landed with a thud

GOP's special elections losing streak - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Democrats Push Climate Bill Through Panel Without G.O.P. Debate - NYTimes.com

Senate Defeats Measure to Bar Funding for 9/11 Civilian Trials - WSJ.com

Editorial: Massacre at Fort Hood | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Editorials

RealClearPolitics - The Most Absurd Post-Election Spin

Op-Ed Columnist - Hark! The Voters Speak! - NYTimes.com

Republican Purists Scare Democrats, GOP Too: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

Obama’s edge not so sharp - BostonHerald.com

Why Democrats Are Smiling - The Daily Beast

Independents will decide if GOP tide rises | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Michael Steele on the election - washingtonpost.com

U.S. Health Care Gets Cancer Right - Forbes.com

In U.S., Majority Now Say Obama’s Policies "Mostly Liberal"

GLOWING CORAL PHOTO: Fluorescence Found to Aid Healing

Experts cannot explain paranormal events in Czech house | Prague Monitor

BBC NEWS | Health | Feeling grumpy 'is good for you'

Twilight Language: Zamora Dies

The Many Mysteries of Neanderthals | LiveScience

Special Feature




















Obama's 'army' crashes colleges for health 'reform'

Military jihadists fill 'every branch'

Soldier heard 'Allahu Akbar' before slaughter

Shop owner: Hasan didn't want deployment

Israel, Palestinian Authority probing Texas shooter

Report: Suspect pushed Islam on patients

Fort Hood triggerman: Muslim, shrink, officer

Troubling protrait emerges of Army psychiatrist suspected in rampage at Fort Hood, Texas - 11/5/2009 9:31:32 PM | Newser

Fort Hood: Tragedy Not the First for Largest U.S. Base - ABC News

Troubling portrait emerges of Fort Hood suspect | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Judge orders return of 'Muslim Mafia' docs

Patriots swarm Capitol to protest Obamacare

Gibbs on Capitol Hill Protest: “I'm Sure There's a Jon Voight Joke in Here Somewhere” - Political Punch

YouTube - Nancy Pelosi's Office sit-in and demonstration

Pelosi's Reform Bill Establishes Waiting List - The Philadelphia Bulletin

Joe Wilson Proposes Forcing Congress Onto Government Health Insurance Plan - FOXNews.com

One year on, Obama cites struggle with Bush legacy | World | Reuters

Obama to Native Americans: 'I understand what it means to be an outsider' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Congress: 'Private Laws' Bailout Americans in Special Cases - ABC News

Steele to Republicans Who Support Obama: ‘We’ll Come After You’ - The Note

Election puts 10 Democrats on high alert - Jonathan Allen and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Planned Parenthood's abortion quotas exposed

WND Player

World Net Daily Player:House majority 'rules with an iron fist'

World Net Daily Player:GOP 'avalanche' buries Democrats

World Net Daily Player:Democrats 'have to be concerned' by elections

World Net Daily Player:Congressman 'amazed' by turnout at Capitol


At Least 8 Shot In Downtown High-Rise - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Student stuns Iran by criticizing supreme leader - Yahoo! News

Arutz Sheva - IsraelNationalNews.com

Top IDF officer: Iran has taken over Hezbollah - Haaretz - Israel News

US Offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases - IslamOnline.net - News

Forests in the desert: the answer to climate change? | Technology | The Guardian

Russia Still Dragging Its Feet on Climate Change - COP15: Climate Change Conference

*Know What Google Knows About You with 'Dashboard' - Reviews by PC Magazine

Rise of stealthy traffic cameras fuels disgust - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Chimp victim to sue state for $150 million - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

NYT: For thrillers, Glenn Beck is new Oprah - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Watch-Women Complain, IDF Orders Biblical Verse Removed - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

The Life And Death Of The Death Of God - by Nathan Schneider - Obit Magazine

Top contender for Ga. governor wants to see proof of Obama birth | Jay Bookman

Yes, we're serious!

It's a freedom issue, not a health-care issue

Doubling the size of the welfare state

Redistributing whose wealth?

The referendum on Obama that wasn't

How GOP party bosses betray grass roots

White House post-election arrogance

When PR flacks take over moral messaging

What? Southern rubes aren't racists after all?

The Tea Party's Takeover of the GOP | Mother Jones

The cold, hard facts about Fox News

RealClearPolitics - There Is No Honor; There's Only Killing

*YouTube - Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News

Newborn Babies Cry in Native Tongue - Yahoo! News

Brits put Cold War bunker on preservation list

Bacon-wrapped matzvah balls with Top Chef Ilan Hall | Food | Jewish Journal

Unlikely friends: Why we love odd animal pairs - Creature Comforts- msnbc.com

video:If Jesus is the image of the invisible God ...

New Boycott List Shows Companies Backing Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Israel, Palestinian Authority probing Texas shooter

Abortion business announces its own 'termination'

GOP's Boehner: Pelosi plans 'monthly abortion premium'


*American Minute for November 6th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama bro: Dad was wife-beater!


*World VideoLooking for the Berlin Wall

Interview with Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas

Israel Seizes Hezbollah Bound Arms Shipment

UN Pulls Staff Out of Afghanistan

Cameron Promises Vote on Future EU Powers

Raw Video: Laser Robots in Space Competition

Is Two-State Solution a Viable Option?

Army Soldier Deaths at PMQs

China Agrees to Disney Theme Park in Shanghai

Oil Spil Off the Coast of East Timor

ICC to Open Kenya Investigation

*Markets Video:U.S. Jobless Hits 10.2%

Jim Rogers Talks Gold

Dollar Could Fall to All-Time Low vs Euro

Insider Trading: Intrinsic to Wall St. Way of Life?

Baby Berkshire is Growing Up

More Relief for Unemployed, Home Buyers

Is Gold a Bubble?

Russian Stocks Rocketing

Obama Overreach? Wall St. Compensation Curbs

*Politics Video:Hoyer On Final Push For Health Care Bill

Obama On Ft. Hood, Unemployment Numbers

Gibbs Confirms Abortions Won't Be Included In Health Care Bill

Obama On Ft. Hood: "Horrific Outburst of Violence"

Unemployment Climbs To 10.2%; 190,000 Jobs Lost In October

Gov. Paterson: I Don't Feel Empowered By Dem Losses

Pence, Wasserman-Schultz Debate Health Care

Rep. Price On "House Call" On The Hill

Olbermann On Conservatives Protesting In Washington

Grayson Reads Names Of Dead In GOP Districts

Liberal Group Blasts GOP Health Care Plan

Sestak Runs Ad Calling Specter "Not A Loyal Democrat"

Steele Warns GOP Centrists: "We'll Come After You"

Dem Cummings: "We Had A Major Victory" Tuesday Night

Countdown: Kos On Democratic Base

Boehner: "Political Rebellion Going On In America"

Obama Thanks AMA, AARP For Endorsing Health Plan

Protestors Dragged Out Of Sen. Lieberman's Office

Pelosi: No Decision On Allowing Abortion Amendment

O'Reilly: Why Obama Should Hire Me As His Primary Adviser

Gallup: Huckabee Top Contender For GOP In 2012

Dean On Health Reform: We "Have To Start Moving"

Sen. McCain On Afghanistan Troop Decision

Gore Defends Lieberman: He's "Right And Forceful" On Many Issues

Gingrich Changes Mind: Scozzafava Candidacy Was A "Mistake"


**The Michael Savage Show/ Podcast**

**Audio:Mark Levin ; rally against Pelosi's health care bill

Audio:Bread With Circus #17

Audio:Bread With Circus #16

11/05 The Mark Levin Show

11/04 The Mark Levin Show

Nov. 5, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 4, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 3, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 2, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 30, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-05, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-04, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-03, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-02, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-01, Sunday


*Transcripts:President Obama on Support from AARP and the AMA

Interviews with Michael Steele & Robert Gibbs

Analysts on Results of 2009 Elections

Reps. Pence & Taylor Debate Health Care

Fred Thompson on Doug Hoffman

Interviews with Matthew Hoh & Al Gore

Interview with Florida Governor Charlie Crist

Secretary Clinton's Interview with NPR

Obama's Remarks on America's Education System

Panel on the Elections and Health Care

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Reps. Van Hollen & McCarthy Debate 2009 Election

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz on 2009 Elections

Interview with House Minority Whip Eric Cantor

Analysts Discuss U.S. Policy in Afghanistan

Obama's Remarks with Chancellor Merkel


Honduran Accord Solidifies Coup D'Etat Rule

Is Tony Blair fit to become the President of the European Union?

US generals and soldiers flood Israel

Moscow mayor accuses Roman Abramovich of being greedy - Telegraph

New leadership needed to give EU key global role, says Peter Mandelson | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Gordon Brown vows to fight Taliban in Afghanistan but public support falters | Politics | The Guardian

Doctors in Mexico arrested over newborn baby-selling ring - Telegraph

How wonderful are 'wonder' drugs? - Telegraph

Moscow urges calm over North Korea's plutonium weaponizing | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Large Hadron Collider broken by bread dropped by passing bird - Telegraph

Foreign journalists arrested as Iran restricts reports on opposition - Times Online

Mexican mayor announces rival's death hours before body is found - Telegraph

China angry over Dalai Lama visit to disputed Tibetan border - Telegraph

Suspect Named in Orlando Shooting that Killed 2 | wltx.com

Amador High Student Continues To Be Target Of Hate - cbs13.com

Mortgage fraud: Mortgage-fraud "epidemic" in Central Florida -- OrlandoSentinel.com


*EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on MSNBC - The Fed : People Demand Transparency!

Fox hosts want ’special screenings’ for Muslims in military | Raw Story

Troops On Tv: Is Fox News Working For Israel Against America?

Shoshanna Johnson Calls Out JAG Tom Kenniff For 'Dangerous' Assumptions on Fort Hood Shootings

Washington State Approves Gay Partnership Bill: 'Everything But Marriage'

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