"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 November 2009

5 NOV '09

The Michael Savage Show


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Nov. 4, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 3, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 2, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 30, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 29, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 28, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 27, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 26, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 23, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 22, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 21, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 20, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 19, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 16, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 15, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 14, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 13, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 12, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-04, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-03, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-02, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-01, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-30, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-29, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-28, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-27, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-26, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-25, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-23, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-22, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-21, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-20, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-18, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-16, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-15, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-14, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-13, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-12, Monday


**Israel Videos

**Iraq War Videos


flashback:News Viewpoint: Global warming is a giant scam | South Jersey Life - NJ.com

flashback:MTV's 'dark side' on display (OneNewsNow.com)

flashback:Why boys are turning into girls - Telegraph

The Associated Press: UN climate chief: Deal must be legally enforceable

Politick: CO2 in the Atmosphere is Decreasing - How Will the Global Warming Crowd Explain THAT? UPDATED

Obama's new world order - Washington Times

*site:The Green Agenda

*site:United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

flashback:Rockefellers Fund Global-warming Protests as Earth Cools

(1:35:33)YouTube - Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul

*document:Lord Christopher Monckton’s Power Point Presentation

YouTube - Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

flashback:Health new word for total control | The Australian

Did Lord Monckton Spin the Facts Regarding the Copenhagen Treaty?

Lord Christopher Monckton & Ambassador John Bolton on Glenn Beck

*96 pgs./Copenhagen Treaty; Legal Text

**John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

AARP Backs House Health Bill - FOXNews.com

Health Care Reform Assumes Millions Would Pay Fine Rather Than Get Coverage - FOXNews.com

Democrats' Plan to Help 'Uninsurables' Requires 6-Month Wait - FOXNews.com

*Amendments to H.R. 3692—Pelosi Health Care Bill

H.R. 3962 Amendments: Amendments to H.R. 3692—Pelosi Health Care Bill - Legislative Digest - GOP.gov


Senate Committee Approves Climate Bill Without Republican Support

Newt: Conservatives Have Right to Be Angry at Me

Lew Rockwell Discusses The Mises Institute and Austrian Economics

House Countdown to Friday on Health Care - HUMAN EVENTS

Profit `Not Satanic,’ Barclays Says, After Goldman Invokes Jesus - Bloomberg.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama

Pentagon pursuing new investigation into Bush propaganda program | Raw Story

Campaign For Liberty — The Real Intelligence Failure | by Philip Giraldi

Oh Bummer: Health Care Deceit

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Funeral held for mosque leader slain by FBI, questions remain

YouTube - ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan

LBJ On JFK Assassination: ‘It’s All A Conspiracy’

Ex-Galleon Worker, 13 Others Charged in Insider Scam

YouTube - ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan

YouTube - Giuliani Gets Exposed As Fraud by Firefighters

YouTube - Sorry About Your Dead Son; That Will Be $29,186.50, Please

UN And ADL Want Global Hate Crimes Laws

Sources: Lawyer Scott Rothstein cooperating with feds - Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Driving up J Street | Michelle Goldberg | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Twilight Language: Zamora Dies

Pornographic Past Vs Murderous Present

2010 Looms - Democrats Crash And Burn In VA And NJ

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Cells link to CJD in young people

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » America the Betrayed

7 More Abandoned Cities and Towns of America | WebUrbanist

Smoke medical pot, lose your Second Amendment gun rights? | KVAL CBS 13 - News, Weather and Sports - Eugene, OR - Eugene, Oregon | Local & Regional News

TaxProf Blog: TIGTA: 43% of Taxpayers Risk Identity Theft When IRS Makes Copies of Their Tax Returns

GOP healthcare bill would leave 95 percent of uninsured without coverage | Raw Story

EclippTV :: Video :: Dr. Moulden - More Harm Than Good

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul On FOX Business-Nightly Scoreboard 11-04-09

Aletho News: Why Does AIPAC Spy on Americans?

YouTube - H1N1 Swine Flu News

I'm A Pimpin Turtle...: Ukraine: Influenza or Pneumonic Plague? The situation is getting worse and worse

World Of Technology: Growing PayPal may one day overshadow eBay

It is We the People that will pay!

Refreshing News: Giving up hope makes you happier

Refreshing News: Alcohol gravest threat to society, claims sacked scientist

Refreshing News: Obama's 10 best and 10 worst moves of the year revealed

Refreshing News: Japan to speed decision on relocation of US base

flashback:How Governments Use Terrorism to Control Us

*10 False Flags that Changed the World

When the U.S. Dollar Rallies, the Stock Market Will Crash :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

NewsForum - Fox Flu Story Denied by White House

Four Reasons Hyperinflation Hasn’t Hit the US... Yet-Minyanville

Is this the world's best body art? Stunning eye-deceiving images reveal an artist at the top of his game | Mail Online

Snooper powers to track parents for child support - Times Online

Judge Napolitano and I Discuss Net Neutrality | bytestyle.tv

C.I.A.'s 'Blackwater' unit anchored in Peshawar - Kavkazcenter.com

Ron Paul in 2012? | bytestyle.tv

AIPAC's Power Base: America's Real Terrorists

Women with breast cancer have low vitamin D levels, scientists discover

Spectre of ‘greenism’ in the UK workplace is a backward step for climate change – Telegraph Blogs

Treasure hunter found £1m haul on first outing - Telegraph

Taliban charges US security firm Blackwater for 'devastating' Peshawar blast

Our Dwindling Email Privacy—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

How The Jews Took The White House | Real Zionist News

Global Treaty Could Throw File Sharers Off The Internet After Three Strikes

The monster devouring us: Even the men who created the internet are beginning to fear its power to destroy our freedom

*Proposed US ACTA multi-lateral intellectual property trade agreement (2007) -

11-04-2009: A Black Hole Engine That Could Power Space Ships

The billionaire bailout society

Bikini Clad Miss Earth Contestants Pushing Global Warming Propaganda

Air Force: ‘Overwhelm Enemy Cognitive Abilities’ with Bioscience

U.S. Needs Hit Squads, ‘Manhunting Agency’: Spec Ops Report

A Court Decision that Reflects What Type of Country the U.S. is

Who Are The Six Uighurs Released From Guantánamo To Palau?

America is Performing its Familiar Role of Propping Up a Dictator

Zionism's Jewish Enemy

President Obama's Deep Love Of Peace?

Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad.

Draft of secret copyright treaty should give you chills

Secret Copyright Treaty Will Ruin the Internet

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

Elites Launch "Global Impact Investing Network"

*Alex Jones: It's Ron Paul's destiny to run for President in 2012

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming

New Legislation Tabled to Stop RCMP From Investigating Itself

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

Sen. Burris Cites Unwritten Constitutional 'Health' Provision to Justify Forcing Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Dem Health Care Bills Protect Insurance Companies in Cases of Injury or Death, Republicans Warn

GOP Congressmen to Hold ‘News Conference’ Referendum on Democrats' Health Care Bill

N.Y. Democrat Wins House Seat on Opposition to Democrats' 'Public Option'

Sen. Casey Won’t ‘Draw Line in Sand’ on Abortion-Funding in Health Care Bill

With No Republicans Present, Senate Democrats Advance Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill

Democrats' Plan to Help 'Uninsurables' Questioned

Judge Blocks Illinois Abortion Notification Law

Weapons Seizure Highlights Growing Dangers in Middle East

Pelosi’s Health Care Bill Would Regulate Snack Machines at Estimated Cost of $56 Million the First Year

Democrats Say Election Results Won't Stop Health Care

FCC Chairman Ducks Question About FCC Official’s First Amendment Views

'Clunker' Data Show Many Americans Replaced Pickup Trucks With Newer Trucks

Democrats Have Short Memory on Judicial Nominations, AP Says

Obama Says U.S. Must Reverse Course With Native Americans

FDA Launches Plan to Curb Accidental Overdoses

Maine Becomes 5th State to Allow Pot Dispensaries

House Majority Leader Hoyer Says House Will Pass Health Bill

Congress Giving Homebuyers A $6,500 Tax Break

AP Analysis: Off-Year Election Lessons Will Shape 2010 Campaign

United Nations Relocating About 600 Staff After Afghan Attack

Pakistan Taliban: 'We Are Prepared for A Long War'

Yankees Win World Series; 27th Championship Title

Critics Blast Genetic Tests for U.K. Asylum Seekers

Northern California Town Bans Medical Marijuana Shops

Man Appears Alive at Own Funeral in Brazil

The Last Unsubsidized American

If I Owned a Network

One Year Later, Obama's Media Honeymoon Still Going Strong

Who Are You Calling ‘Extremist’?

flashback:What is Martial Law and how does it apply to you?

YouTube - Glenn Beck- Buckle Up, America- Something Is Coming Soon

Citizens For Legitimate Government:ABC Series 'V': Invading, Fascist Lizards Arrive With 'Universal Health Care' and 'Message of Hope' --ABC Network Portrays Aliens, Hell-bent on Destroying Planet Earth, as the Obama Administration

Family Security Matters » Publications » UN’s ‘Defamation of Religions’ Resolution Goes Against Free Speech and Human Rights

Asia Times Online :Russia, India and China go their ways

Is This China’s Anti-Satellite Laser Weapon Site? | Danger Room | Wired.com

Russia Expands Its Chemical Arsenal, Exposing Treaty’s Faults | Danger Room | Wired.com

Space arms race inevitable says Chinese commander - Telegraph

Nov 5, 2009 Why Gold Has a LONG Way to Go Casey

Nov 4, 2009 Gold Starship: Family Reunion On Pluto? Stewart Thomson

Researchers ask how best to engineer the planet | Green Tech - CNET News

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Unmanned Aerial System Mission Vehicle in Oregon?

*Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”

Shenandoah » India Enjoys A Post Sex Cigarette

Months of gains ahead for commodities - MoneyWeek

Vacant apartments host WMD exercises | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star

Capitol to be filled with livid Americans

Family Security Matters » Publications » It’s Radical Islam, Stupid

Jihadi Training Compounds, U.S.A. – by Ryan Mauro | FrontPage Magazine

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Foreign Policy and National Security ‘On Hold’

Chuck Baldwin -- Choosing Federalism, Choosing Freedom

Chuck Baldwin -- Freedom's Destruction by Constitutional De-Construction

Big Brother antics mocking openness | Daily Telegraph Piers Akerman Blog

House Resolution Designates Venezuela a " State Sponsor of Terrorism"

Human Development Crisis in the Arab World

The Role of Gold in the World Monetary System

VIDEO: The Nature and Significance of NATO-US-Israeli War Crimes

The Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of the Continent

Cut Wall Street Out! Own Your Own Bank

America's Democracy in Crisis: Is "Executive Privilege" Undemocratic

Economic Crisis Hits States and Municipalities

Overseas Contingency Operation: America's "Jihad" on Muslims, abroad and at home

A Step towards a War-free World: Criminalise War

Colombia Paramilitary, US Links Exposed

VIDEO: Swine Flu Government Data Scam

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-NINE: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

Congressman Grayson's Microphone Cut Off Halfway Through His 60 Minutes

Rush Limbaugh blames Newt Gingrich for Hoffman's loss in NY-23

United States Pushing International, Mandatory Copyright Laws. Guilty Until Proven Innocent!

Support a strong voice against the war in Afghanistan

Matthews Asks Cantor Why McDonnell Ran Away From Sarah Palin in Virginia

Flu Vaccines Go Back To The Future

Owning a Gun by Charley Reese

Faith in Physics by George Giles

The Right to Remain Loud by Phil Maymin

Forget Galleon: What about Goldman’s Ex-Boss? by Matt Taibbi

The Growing Pile of Cash On Corporate Balance Sheets by Eric Fry

Four Reasons Hyperinflation Hasn’t Hit the US... Yet-Minyanville

Jim Rogers on the Dollar, China and Commodities -- Seeking Alpha

A MINORITY VIEW:Dumbest Generation Getting Dumber

Ayn Rand's Conservative Call Echoes Today : NPR

audio:Ayn Rand's Conservative Call Echoes Today

Government Urged To Stop Illegal Alien Transport Through Texas

Win the Cold War - Natural Solutions Vibrant Health Balanced Living

Why Markets Fail 11.3.09 (5:00 min)

The Last Unsubsidized American 11.3.09 (5:00 min)

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November!!

A Solution for Afghanistan

Minimum Wage, Maximum Impact

Power to the People

Health Care Reform in the Breach

Twenty-Five Years after the Reagan Landslide

"Net Neutrality" Nets Out to Government Control

An O-Care Victory Will Make Him More Narcissistic

A Privileged Press?

Conservatives, End the Apology Tour

Obama Pal Edward Said Another Fraud

The Sociopathic Epidemic

Forget the 2-1 Spin; It Was a Rout

Pelosi: 'We won!'

Iran raises uranium output

Senatorial Committee will not spend money in contested primaries

Who says Scozzafava is a 'moderate' Republican?

75% of America's youth unwanted by Uncle Sam

The Political Handicapping of 'Norm' Hsu

Unions big losers in this election

Anti-Israel animosity comes from one party only

Boxer Goes Nuclear on Climate Bill

Tea Party Express Tour II: The Five Dollar Lady

At the J Street meeting

Is It Time to End the IMF and WTO?


It's a Gas

The Great Mystery

Obama-Pelosi to Health Insurers: Shut Up or We'll Shut You Down

Will the Left Try a Kamikaze Rush?

Famously smart, Obama was stupid about economy | San Francisco Examiner

Central banks lead subtle shift away from dollar | Reuters

A Deathblow for ObamaCare

14 People Charged in Insider Trading Case - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Ore. student editors sorry for 'kill Jews' humor

*Britain's Savage free speech attack | nyunews.com

Iran opposition protesters return to streets - Yahoo! News

CNSNews.com - FCC Chairman Ducks Question About FCC Official’s First Amendment Views

Ignoring GOP, Senate enviro panel passes climate bill - Washington Times

Republican Leader John Boehner | Speaker Pelosi’s Government-Run Health Plan Will Require a Monthly Abortion Premium

Hoyer sees close U.S. House healthcare vote | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

Election result: Red-state Dems worried, rethink agenda - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

The Madness of Queen Nancy - WSJ.com

Protesters Arrested at Lieberman's Office - The Note

Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill | Politics | Reuters

One year on, Obama cites struggle with Bush legacy | World | Reuters

Obama Uses Malia’s Test Scores as a Teaching Example - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Senate blocks census US-citizenship question - Yahoo! News

Republican Wins May Make Democrats Cautious on Obama Agenda - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Analysis: For Clinton, tough talk but few results

FT.com / Media - News Corp says MySpace Google deal at risk

China bans physical punishment for Internet addicts | World | Reuters

HBO Obama Doc: The Bland Leading the Blind

Glenn Beck, CNN, John Nolte, the Canadians and Me

Coming Soon: ‘The Surge — The Untold Story’

Left Lashes Out at ‘V’, Obama-Friendly ABC Purges Showrunner…

Daily Gut: Where are Roland Emmerich’s Balls?

Obama Parable?: Brownshirt Lizards Return in ‘V’

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Facebook Comment to Folks in the News

Note to Andrew Sullivan: Don’t Blame Breitbart For My Thought Crimes

‘L.A. Times’ Writer Slams ‘Anti-Hollywood Crowd’ With Everything But Facts

Burt’s Eye View: Mother Nature and the Left

INTRODUCING: ‘Yosi Needs a Hug’ by Gary Eaton

Lindsey Graham: For Cap and Trade, Except When He’s Not

LA Times Issues Correction on its Op-ED: The War on ACORN

The Real Meaning of New Jersey, and Virginia and New York 23

Let Your Voice Be Heard on Health Care: A Message From Rep. Mike Pence

Mike Flynn on ‘Glenn Beck’ and ‘Kudlow’

Boots on the Ground Report: Obama Focused on the Wrong Election

Big Win In Staten Island For ACORN Working Families Party and Peace Action

More Stimulus Math: Cooking the Books on Stimulus Jobs

The Top 5 Lessons of the November 2009 Election

Exclusive: Interview with Rep. Joe Wilson on Health Care


*Transcripts:Panel on the Elections and Health Care

Interview with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Reps. Van Hollen & McCarthy Debate 2009 Election

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz on 2009 Elections

Interview with House Minority Whip Eric Cantor

Analysts Discuss U.S. Policy in Afghanistan

Obama's Remarks with Chancellor Merkel

Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the Forum for the Future

Address to U.S. Congress


Washington City Paper Staff Reenacts Fisticuffs at Washington Post

Obama’s Marxist Media Advisor Says Reporters Were Biased for McCain

Parents Group Condemns ‘Gossip Girl’ Episode Featuring Teen Threesome

Swine Flu Threatens Remote Amazon Tribe

Viral Video Inspires CNN Reporter’s Attempt to Open Wine Bottle With Boot

Florida Inmates Save Deputy’s Life During Brutal Attack

VA Correctional Officer Accused of Fondling K-9

The B-Cast: ‘V’ Skewers Obama/More Kids Sing His Praises

Will Pelosi Use Hill Security to Restrict Access to Bachmann ‘House Call?’

Gingrich: ‘Entire Scozzafava Candidacy Was a Mistake’

MSNBC’s O’Donnell Congratulates Steele on ‘Disastrous Loss’

Glenn Beck Diagnosed with Appendicitis

Conyers Calls on Obama to Keep Promise Not to Fund Abortions in Health Bill

Pelosi: We Won Last Night

NBC’s Chuck Todd: No ‘Core Set of Principles’ in Obama Movement

Iranian Protestors Chant: ‘Obama Are You With Us or With Them’

Obama’s Half Brother Writes About Abusive Father

Man Accused of Using HIV as Weapon in Lip Biting Attack

Tea Party Leader to Chris Matthews: ‘You’re Making My Leg Tingle’

11 Uncovered School Videos Feature Songs Praising Obama

Bill O’Reilly To Obama: ‘Hire Me As Your Top Adviser’

Man and His Car Catch Fire While Pumping Gas

Caught on Tape: New Jersey Cop Puts TV Photographer in Choke Hold

Breitbart.tv » ‘Pelosi Plan Exposed’: GOP Launches 12-Hour Marathon Telecast

Anti-Government Protestors in Iran Face Tear Gas & Batons

Krauthammer: Obama’s Campaign Resembled China’s Cultural Revolution

‘Horrorcore’ Rapper ‘Syko Sam’ Charged in Virginia Murders

Suspected Cleveland Serial Killer Makes Initial Court Appearance

Ten Victims: Police Find More Bodies Behind Rapist’s Home

Verizon Gets Stealthy With Latest ‘Droid’ Ad

‘Green’ FBI Building Opens in Houston

How to Open a Bottle of Wine Without a Corkscrew

Audio: Voicemail Message Reveals Lindsay Lohan’s Desperate Cry For Help

Adobe Premier: Putin the Moviemaker

‘It Was Exhausting’: Former Playmate Talks Sex Addiction With Joy Behar

New Video: Rev. Wright Praises Magazine’s ‘No Nonsense Marxism’

Chased by Their Church: Scientologists Pursue Those Who Leave the Faith

The B-Cast B-Side: Is the White House Refocusing Attention on Rush Limbaugh?


RealClearPolitics - Voters Are Desperate for Political Leadership

RealClearPolitics - Not Right-Wing, But Still Angry

RealClearPolitics - The Economics of a GOP Gubernatorial Sweep

RealClearPolitics - The GOP's Toxic Tea Party

RealClearPolitics - Can It Be? A Party for Capitalism?

RealClearPolitics - The "Costs" of Medical Care: Part II

Clash Looms on Banks - WSJ.com

Senate votes to renew tax credit for first-time home buyers - washingtonpost.com

Warning sign for Democrats: They're losing independents | McClatchy

Dems tackle hot-button issues ahead of healthcare vote scheduled for Saturday - TheHill.com

Voters reject Obama's double talk | Washington Examiner

The center holds in Tuesday's elections - washingtonpost.com

Fear of health ‘reform’ is warranted

Some Vaguely Heretical Thoughts on Health-Care Reform: Rational Irrationality : The New Yorker

Op-Ed Columnist - Unhealthy America - NYTimes.com

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » ‘Permanent Democratic majority’ begins to unravel | Blogs |

It's clear President Obama's charisma cannot rescue the lackluster Democrats

Fed to markets: Let the bubble blow David Callaway - MarketWatch

RealClearMarkets - The Feds Have No Faith in Recovery

Obama gibberish on jobs makes my job easy

Ushering in A Greenspan Redux

Seven Trading Lessons from a Legend | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

The United States in the New Asia - Council on Foreign Relations

Iran: the revolution will not be fossilised - The National Newspaper

Ray Takeyh - Iran's nuclear program provides a useful diversion for domestic repression - washingtonpost.com

Who's Really Running Iran's Green Movement | Foreign Policy


*Markets Video:More Relief for Unemployed, Home Buyers

Is Gold a Bubble?

Russian Stocks Rocketing

Obama Overreach? Wall St. Compensation Curbs

Equity Investors Should be Careful What They Wish

Is Google Feeling Lucky?

Roubini: 'Mother of All Carry Trades'

Is Oil the New Reserve Currency?

China's Investment Boom

Schwab Launches First ETFs

*World Video:Looking for the Berlin Wall

Interview with Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas

Israel Seizes Hezbollah Bound Arms Shipment

UN Pulls Staff Out of Afghanistan

Cameron Promises Vote on Future EU Powers

Raw Video: Laser Robots in Space Competition

Is Two-State Solution a Viable Option?

Army Soldier Deaths at PMQs

China Agrees to Disney Theme Park in Shanghai

Oil Spil Off the Coast of East Timor

ICC to Open Kenya Investigation

Karadzic Attends UN War Crimes Court

U.S.- European Union Summit

Vaclav Klaus Signs Lisbon Treaty

Clinton Emphasises Opposition to Settlements

US House Rejects Goldstone Report

Mousavi Supports March in Tehran: Raw Video

Five British Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

Interview with Al Qaeda Militant in Pakistan

*Politics Video:Boehner: "Political Rebellion Going On In America"

Grayson Reads Names Of Dead In GOP Districts

Pelosi: No Decision On Allowing Abortion Amendment

Gore Defends Lieberman: He's "Right And Forceful" On Many Issues

Gallup: Huckabee Top Contender For GOP In 2012

Dem Cummings: "We Had A Major Victory" Tuesday Night

Gingrich Changes Mind: Scozzafava Candidacy Was A "Mistake"

Dean On Health Reform: We "Have To Start Moving"

Sen. McCain On Afghanistan Troop Decision

Liberal Group Blasts GOP Health Care Plan

Countdown: Kos On Democratic Base

O'Reilly: Why Obama Should Hire Me As His Primary Adviser

Axelrod Does Interview With FOX News After Bashing Them

FOX: Obama Watched Documentary About Himself Last Night

Dem: NY-23 Shows Republicans Are "Eating Themselves"

Dem Rep Calls On Obama Not To Fund Abortions In Health Bill

Axelrod: NY-23 Was "Referendum"; NJ Was Based On "Local Issues"

Speaker Pelosi: "We Won Last Night"

DNC's Kaine: "It Didn't Go Our Way"

Krauthammer On Races, Compares Obama Campaign To Cultural Revolution

Steele: Victory In New Jersey Is "Huge"

Christie Gives Victory Speech: "We Did It"

RCP Wraps Up VA, NJ, NY-23 Races

Dem Bill Owens Wins NY-23 Race

Corzine Congratulates Christie In Concession Speech


Obama divulges Malia's grades, not his own

Even Europe fears Muslim immigration

GOP's Boehner: Pelosi plans 'monthly abortion premium'

Theater operators could be warned over 'Antichrist'

11-year-old gives birth to baby girl... after going into labor at her wedding

Berlin Wall now in pieces across USA - USATODAY.com

Messenger Space Probe Beams Back New Photos of Mercury

Great white sharks coming closer to shore than thought, researchers find - washingtonpost.com

Gone to the dogs: Church starts pet service - Faith- msnbc.com

Random drug testing for Wellington polo ponies a sign of the sports' changes in the wake of tragedy

Star Cars

Axelrod to ABC News on Voters' Economic Anxiety: "There is a Heavy Burden That Falls on the Governing Party. That's Just Something You Accept. That's Part of the Deal" - Political Punch

Dealer's promise of CashBack America rebate empty -- chicagotribune.com

Top 9 Companies With the Best Job Security

Stroudsburg Ruby Tuesday sexual harassment payout: $255,000 | PoconoRecord.com

Anti-Anglo racist tripe

Cell-phone hacking is up for sale | KREM 2 News | KREM.com | When it Matters Most | Home

Experts Explore Risks of Nanotechnology in Our Clothes -- Sphere News, Opinion and Analysis

Nearly Half of US Supermarket Foods Are Kosher - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Twitter being used for risky money making schemes | KREM 2 News | KREM.com | When it Matters Most | Consumer

Crabby cabby boots same-sex lovebirds

Election '09: Change I can believe in!

National Implications: McDonnell's Win Is a Model for Conservative Revival | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Ready to rumble?

Enemies of the 1st Amendment

What would an illegitimate government look like?

Immorality drives up medical costs

Islam's world peace: Now or later?

The cold, hard facts about Fox News

Unjustly imprisoned sailor speaks out

Barbara Ehrenreich: Why Your Children May Not Get a Swine Flu Shot Before They Need It | Health and Wellness | AlterNet

The truth about journalists' bias

Pajamas Media » The ‘C’ in ACLU Is for Cowardice

Baby Sitter, Mom Charged in Disappearance of Florida Infant Found Alive - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Democrats Confront Coalition Strains - WSJ.com

Cornyn: ‘We Will Not Spend Money in a Contested Primary’ - The Note

Sarah Palin to Sit Down with Barbara Walters - ABC News

Source: Carrie Prejean 'sex tape' spurred pageant settlement - CNN.com

Glendale father to be arraigned in 'honor killing' case

Muslims given strong role in Hamtramck

Hezbollah snubs Arabic version of Anne Frank's diary - Haaretz - Israel News

Sterilise underclass, says Laws | Stuff.co.nz

Girl Who Had Sex With Teacher Sues School - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Boy, 14, charged as adult in clothes-dryer murder of 4-year-old - CNN.com

Police determine teen missing since 1954 was slain - Yahoo! News

London mayor shows chivalry not dead in bike rescue - Yahoo! News

CANOE -- JAM! Movies: Report: Sean Penn's son arrested

Wii at risk if boy re-offends | Winnipeg | News | Winnipeg Sun

Texas Woman Sues Facebook for Privacy Violations - Buying Home Computer | Business Solution | Networking Home Computers - FOXNews.com

'Humanist' billboard vandalized again in Moscow | NorthWest Cable News | Idaho News

Brazil's March for Jesus draws 1.5 million evangelicals

Generations of Pentecostals divided on doctrine of speaking in tongues - Inside Bay Area

Planned Parenthood's abortion quotas exposed

Innocent blood: How lying marketers sold Roe v. Wade to America

Planned Parenthood Attempting to Silence Ex-Director Who Quit Abortion Business

GOP's Boehner: Pelosi plans 'monthly abortion premium'

Majority leader: House will pass health bill - Health care reform- msnbc.com

Democrats say elections won't stop health care - Yahoo! News

Joe Wilson Proposes Forcing Congress Onto Government Health Insurance Plan - FOXNews.com

Democrats' Plan to Help 'Uninsurables' Requires 6-Month Wait - FOXNews.com

Evangelical, Jewish Leaders Call for Sanctions Against Iran | Christianpost.com

Turkey backs Iran's 'right' to nukes

Filmmaker admits intimidation by Islam

Theater operators could be warned over 'Antichrist'

Judge orders return of 'Muslim Mafia' docs

Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress

Christians protest at portrayal of Jesus as transsexual woman - Herald Scotland | News | Home News

azdailysun.com :Plea deal in abortion scuffle

Petition seeks FCC probe into 'hate speech' in media

Christians to take 'hate crimes' challenge to Holder

Racial disparity: All active ethics probes focus on black lawmakers - Yahoo! News

NEA raves to teachers about Alinsky 'guidebook'

District: Teacher Gave Students Alcohol - Education News Story - WKMG Orlando

Teacher Makes Student Clean Classmate's Urine - News- msnbc.com

Members, families cash in on free trips - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Amnesty to be 'coup de grace' to United States?

Timeline: The secret history of swine flu - health - 29 October 2009 - New Scientist

Hospital worker may lose job over religious beliefs : News : WEYI NBC25

EXCLUSIVE: Convicted CIA Spy Says "We Broke the Law" - ABC News


*American Minute for November 5th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama bro: Dad was wife-beater!

Hail, Obama! Look who's forecaster in chief


Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan - Asia, World - The Independent

House Democrats Prepare For Close Healthcare Vote - NYTimes.com

Mark Ndesandjo, Obama's Half Brother, Recalls Their Abusive Father (VIDEO)

Bachmann and Napolitano get all paranoid about eeeevil Nancy Pelosi conspiring to stop today's 'Tea Party' in D.C.

Congressman Grayson's Microphone Cut Off Halfway Through His 60 Minutes

Campaign For Liberty — The Real Intelligence Failure | by Philip Giraldi

House Democrats prepare for close healthcare vote | U.S. | Reuters

YouTube - The bottom line

Patriots swarm Capitol to protest Obamacare

Is Tony Blair CIA?

Gore Not Interested In Solutions To Climate Change That Don’t Line His Pockets

The billionaire bailout society

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Grand-daddy of all Fake Terror Fall Guys: Guy Fawkes

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Chomsky: Obama Continues Bush Policy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is it time to give Guy Fawkes a break?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Tymoshenko says all Ukrainians will be provided with gauze masks in a week

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » UN And ADL Want Global Hate Crimes Laws

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Deficits Funded With Monetization And Hyperinflation

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Plants need more CO2, not less

Swine Flu: World Health Organisation Monitoring Epidemic In Ukraine Amid Fears Virus Has Mutated | World News | Sky News

Senate Democrats Pass Carbon Plan Over GOP Boycott (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Fury as parents lose right to withdraw children from sex education lessons

Police to Wear Ear-Cams to Record Arrests - PoliceLink

Who Controls Congress – Who Controls the US President - Who Controls the UN? No Prizes for Guessing!

AMA, AARP back House health care bill - CNN.com

Parents lose right over sex education - Telegraph

She looks innocent and has a respectable job - but Holly is one of a generation of women for whom drunken violence is just part of a night out | Mail Online


video:I don't believe a word you're saying

video:If Jesus is the image of the invisible God ...

Jackie Mason

*Jackie Mason:The recession is 'over' – again

Talk Radio

The Jeff Rense Program:Hour 1 - Jeffery Smith - GM Food Report

The Jeff Rense Program:Hour 2 - Andrew Gause - Gold Rising

The Jeff Rense Program:Hour 3 - From England - Tim Rifat - Cobalt 60...How Muslims Can Win WWIII

The Jeff Rense ProgramHour 1 - Dr. Bill Deagle, - MD The Baxter H5N1 'Mistake'

The Jeff Rense ProgramHour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Geopolitical Military Analysis

The Jeff Rense Program:Hour 3 - Tom Fife - Obama's Communist Ties

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 4th With Rima E. Laibow and Major General Albert Stubblebine III

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 3rd With William Lewis and Gary Franchi

11/04 The Mark Levin Show

11/03 The Mark Levin Show

11/02 The Mark Levin Show


Reports: Mutliple Soldiers Shot At Ft. Hood In Texas, Gunmen On The Loose - cbs11tv.com
Flu shots for Wall Street stirs ire in New York | U.S. | Reuters
YouTube - Shooting at U.S. Army Base; 7 Dead
Obama Trumpets AMA Backing of Health Bill - WSJ.com
Census counting all -- citizens or not | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times
Local News | Van stolen 35 years ago is recovered | Seattle Times Newspaper
Oprah's Studio Denies Report Show Will Move To Cable Network - WSJ.com
Lindsay Lohan Stands Up to Her Father - Lindsay Lohan, Michael Lohan : People.com
Sesame Street Goes Global, From HIV+ Muppet to Iraq War
Mariah Carey Opens Up to Larry King About Emotional Abuse - ABC News
Carrie Prejean Gets Nothing From Miss USA Pageant Lawsuit Because of Sex Tape - ABC News
Michael Jackson Soundtrack Tops U.S. Album Chart - ABC News
Parents Group Angry Over Gossip Girl Threesome Plot – Movies, TV & Music – UsMagazine.com
Abbas offers to quit over stalled peace process | Reuters
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Climate deal 'unlikely' this year
Israel says U.N. censure should focus on its foes | International | Reuters
The Associated Press: Negotiators scale back UN climate pact ambitions
U.N. to scale back in Kabul as it ponders better security - World AP - MiamiHerald.com
YouTube - Afghans Protest, UN Relocates Staff
Indonesian Officials Quit in Bribery Case - WSJ.com
Hamas calls private coeducation institutions for non-mixing_English_Xinhua
U.S. Presses Myanmar for a More Open Government - WSJ.com
The Associated Press: Honduras reaches deadline for new unity government
Thailand, Cambodia recall envoys over Thaksin spat | World | Reuters
U.S. set to leave Iraq, continue war efforts in Afghanistan, Pakistan: expert_English_Xinhua
Clashes erupt as Iran marks anniversary of embassy siege - washingtonpost.com
International Court to Investigate Kenya Violence - NYTimes.com
YouTube - ICC Prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo lands in Kenya
YouTube - Palestinian negotiator warns Israel - 05 Nov 09
ANALYSIS-Clinton star power flickers in diplomatic arena | Reuters
VOA News - Southern Africa Leaders Meet to Discuss Zimbabwe
Seniors, doctors groups throw their support behind House healthcare bill -- latimes.com
Army confirms shooting at Texas base | Reuters
Senate Democrats Advance Climate Bill Without GOP - ABC News
Obama Faces Political Concern on Jobs After Election Setbacks - Bloomberg.com
YouTube - RNC Chair on Successful Elections
Bernard Kerik pleads guilty in influence-peddling case -- latimes.com
Pawlenty proposes spending-cap amendment, but prospects of passing slim « Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.
Obama to Native Americans: "You will not be forgotten" | Reuters
The Associated Press: Fla. gov changes tune on supporting Obama stimulus
YouTube - Classical Music At The White House With Michelle Obama
Phillip Garrido's Parole Officers Failed Jaycee Dugard, According to Scathing Report - ABC News
YouTube - CA Officials on Phillip Garrido Case
Garrido Victim: Scathing Report On-Target - The Early Show - CBS News
Protesters fill Lieberman's office, angry over his health care stance | NECN
City Brights: Peter Gleick : California water bills. Is the new water legislation better than nothing?
The Associated Press: FBI: Arrest made in slaying of New Mexico nun
YouTube - Arrest made in nun's death
IL SEN: Dissuading Sarah - First Read - msnbc.com
Kirk courting Sarah Palin; in Chicago for Oprah Winfrey show - Lynn Sweet
State Police shoot man to death in New Bedford drug raid - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
YouTube - Mass. trooper shot, suspect killed
THE END OF ‘OPRAH’ AS WE KNOW HER: Daytime Diva Giving Up Syndie Talk Show & Moving It To Her Cable Network In 2011 – Deadline.com
Republican Wins May Make Democrats Cautious on Obama Agenda - Bloomberg.com
Senate blocks census US-citizenship question - Yahoo! News
12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Shootings at Fort Hood in Texas
Army Withholds Anti-Burn Humvee Panels as IED Deaths Continue - FOXNews.com
Army: 12 dead, 31 wounded at Fort Hood - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
12 Soldiers Killed and 31 Wounded in Fort Hood Shooting
YouTube - Raw Video: Fort Hood Under Lockdown
12 people shot dead at Fort Hood Army base :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Army: 12 dead, 31 wounded at Fort Hood - TODAY People
Victim Relatives Ask How Gruesome Scene at Ohio Sex Offender's Property Went Unnoticed - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
Iraqi Dad Held in Alleged U.S. Honor Killing on Suicide Watch - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
California Bus Driver Gets 26 Years for Crash That Killed 11 - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
Investigators Eye Suicide in Census Worker Case, Sources Say - FOXNews.com
Kidnapped Missouri Woman, 23, Found Dead - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Joins Anti-Abortion Group - ABC News