"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

13 October 2009

tuesday,13th;& extended weekend archive


Liberal lies about national health care, Part 1

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 2

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 3

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 4

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 5

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 6

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 7

*American Minute for October 13th:William J Federer's American Minute*


INO.com News - No Afghan Involved In 9/11 Attacks: Afghan Warlord (rtt)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » German Soldiers Get Additive Free Swine Flu Shot

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Government Leaders Said Bailouts Were Needed Because “The House Next Door Was Burning Down” . . . Were They Right?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Sixty million years of evolution says vitamin D may save your life from swine flu

Key feature of immune system survived in humans, other primates for 60 million years

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Driver’s licenses scanned in search for fugitives

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Salon Hit Piece Implies Truth Seeking Is A Mental Illness

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why Is MythBusters So Scared To Go Near 9/11?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » War Criminals Are Becoming The Arbiters Of Law

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Real Sicko Movie

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Rich Uncle Pays Your Mortgage

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Senators Push For Iran Attack

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » International probe into Israel organ theft called for

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » British have covered up hundreds of Iraqi casualties, ex-officer says

Sir John Chilcot is chairman of the inquiry into the Iraq war

Iraq inquiry told of 'war lies'

Ex-officer alleges Iraq cover -ups

BBC - BBC Radio 5 live Programmes - Donal MacIntyre, 11/10/2009

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Thousands Of Gays Demand Obama Sign Hate Bill

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why are Monsanto Insiders Now Appointed to Protect Your Food Safety?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Chemtrails Killed the Honey Bees – Secret NATO and UN operation

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Lou Dobbs: Al Gore, “Not Evil Just Wrong” Global Warming Debate

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Disobey Call for Forced Vaccinations

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Dollar Rout or More Bernanke Trickery?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Report: US considers phone companies ‘arm of government’

Gore upbeat on climate bill

YouTube - Daring to Question Al Gore

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Protesters Demonstrate Outside NJ School Known for Obama Anthem

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The REAL Battle Over America’s Banking System

North Korea fires missile amid US warship 'arrival'

Dutch Seize Bank After Run on Assets - WSJ.com

How airport passengers will have 'naked' photos taken by human X-ray machine | Mail Online

EUobserver / Brussels welcomes US move toward global governance of internet

NKorea fires five short-range missiles: official

Number of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Overlooks Thousands of Support Troops

flashback:Center for Grassroots Oversight:An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11

Ahmadinejad: Zionists Aim to Destroy Civilizations in Region « Political Theatrics

Democratic Blood Money and Senator Feinstein’s War Profiteering by Joshua Frank

LiveLeak.com - Hillary Clinton: "Obliterate Iran"

Robert Kiyosaki: Silver Best Hedge Against Inflation » Nationalist Coalition Blog

JFK Autopsy Photos Phony? « LewRockwell.com Blog

Who's in Big Brother's Database?

EclippTV :: Video :: Bill Gates: How to Fix Capitalism


Godmen and the Sheeple « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

CIGNA Employee Flips Off Mother Of Dead Girl Denied Transplant

My Way News - 2012 isn't the end of the world, Mayans insist

Dangerous Unintended Consequences | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Dollar Reaches Breaking Point as Banks Shift Reserves - Bloomberg.com

Toward Freedom - US Senate Panel Extends Controversial Patriot Act Provisions

Obama continues assault on democratic rights

YouTube - Sheen vs Obama UDC Intro

Refreshing News: 8 Things To Think About For Windows 7

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force

Washington's Blog:Congresswoman Kaptur: There Has Been a Financial Coup D'Etat

*Bill Moyers Journal*

Investor's Business Daily: Three Decades Of Global Cooling

Obama approved 13,000 more troops to Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

Zero Tolerance = Mindlessness « LewRockwell.com Blog

Refreshing News: Why Facebook could be the next big news publisher

War Criminals Are Becoming The Arbiters Of Law

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Rep. Alan Grayson: “Hank Paulson Had a $700M Conflict of Interest”

EclippTV :: Video :: Max Keiser-Wall St Pimping Out Obama

EclippTV :: Video :: Federal Reserve Exposed by Richard Belzer on Bill Maher

Goon Squad:It wasn't Muslims who trained their cameras on the World Trade Center Towers prior to the first aircraft impact

The BBC’s amazing U-turn on climate change – Telegraph Blogs

Those Pesky JFK Autopsy Photos « LewRockwell.com Blog

Illinois driver's license fees to triple soon

Greenpeace activists climb Houses of Parliament in climate change protest | Mail Online

Confidential Memos Indicate Oil SDR Pricing Shift Would Be "Most Damaging" To United States And Prec

Nancy Pelosi Proposes a VAT - WSJ.com

Pelosi: House Dems consider insurance tax to fund health care - CNN.com

The Fall of the Republic Begins

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv:Divide & Conquer

EclippTV :: Video :: pt 1/2 Gerald Celente on the The Gary Null Show 07 Oct 2009

Govt unveils huge asset sale to cut debt - Yahoo! News

Iran "news" 2009 = Iraq "news" 2002

Critics of “holy Israel” targeted by Christian Zionists > Stooges > Redress Information & Analysis

Homeland Security chief: Terrorists with al-Qaeda leanings are in US | Raw Story

Kurdistan Halts Oil Exports - NYTimes.com

It’s a Fork, It’s a Spoon, It’s a ... Weapon? - NYTimes.com

SOUTH LEBANON: Humanitarian Law Applies to All

Watch, The Next Stage Of Deleveraging Means The Second Great Depression Is Still Possible

Dianne Feinstein: War Profiteer by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Tax motorists more to help save the planet, Government is urged - Times Online

Senator Lindsey Graham, giving comfort to the 9/11 Commission, is now in open denial of scientific proof of 9/11 treason | 911Blogger.com

Three heroes of 9/11 die of cancer in five days

Mike Whitney: A Dollar Rout or More Bernanke Trickery?

Chasing online pirates is a gold mine! - RT Top Stories

Salon Hit Piece Implies Truth Seeking Is A Mental Illness

Afghanistan: A War of Lies by Eric Margolis

This ONE Action Keeps Brain Function at Its Peak... by Joseph Mercola

Rush Is Wrong by Laurence M. Vance

Making Politics Real by Mark R. Crovelli

Is Gun Control Racist? by Wilton D. Alston

Another Reason To Oppose War by Ernest N. Curtis M.D.

Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War Becomes Peace, When the Lie Becomes the Truth

Refuting Keynes, Line-by-Line by Gary North

Did 1918 Spanish Flu Deaths Result From Aspirin-Induced Scurvy (Vitamin C Deficiency)? by Bill Sardi

Liberty in One Lesson by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

What Price Gold? by Michael S. Rozeff

Is McChrystal Reading LewRockwell.com? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Big Brother FBI by Tom Burghardt

Birth Control Pills Affect Women's Taste in Men: Scientific American

Smoking roll-ups is cool - Times Online

'Benign currency neglect' could spell real danger for US economy - Telegraph

History News Network

Economy, War, Anger Fuel US Secession - IslamOnline.net - News

Quiz yourself on healthy eating | The News-Sentinel - Fort Wayne IN

The man behind 2009's biggest bank bust

FT.com | Economists' Forum | A second Great Depression is still possible

Your Optimal » Blog Archive » 76 Reasons to Have a Gun

A MINORITY VIEW:Elites and Tyrants

YouTube - What Happened in New York on 9 11 2009 This Year? I Don't Think You Knew About This, Did You?

clipser - Russian secret weapon

Leading warmist and his embarrassing 'coming ice age' video

Victory is Near!

What ever happened to mens rea ?

Obama's travel shows he disdains those who might disagree with him

Obama has found his oppressor

Israeli embassy takes Obama to task for Middle East policy

Michael Yon on Afghanistan and 'Operation Market Garden'

White House, Dems reject Price Waterhouse study

Baucus bill offers some magical cost savings

Football players union seeks to block Limbaugh team purchase

Excuses for Lack of Global Warming

How to take down a great power

The Self-Censorship of Liberals: It's Too Scary to Look

Talkers fill GOP leadership vacuum

Nobel Dynamite

Honored, Humbled but Unsure?

Is there really a recovery on the horizon?

Individual Freedom vs. the Right to a Cell Phone

Obama and the Foreign Policy of the Empty Suit

Credibility for Conservatives

PC Prize for PC Prez

Peace, Brother. But what about Chicago?

Government Care and the Dole Family

Top Twenty Things Obama Doesn't Say

The Biggest Shovel is Obama's

Climate Myths and National Security

President Obama's Porpoise Show

Damien, Stevenson, and Us

Terror and the theatrical paradigm

Will the Nobel Peace Prize be an albatross around Obama's neck?

Ship of Fools: Obama's Intimates and Advisors

A Closer Look At Obama's Odyssey

Nazis And Commies

Liberals and Taxes: The Big Question

The Clergy Who Want an Abortion Ba'al Out

Black Nationalism Provides Foundation for African-American Islamist Movement

Obama's Real Vision of Change

What planet do they think we are on?

Obama's Oslo Bounce Backward

Sunshine scares academic-labor complex

The Sock Drawer Tapes: Did Clinton conceal evidence?

Kaplan on Obama's 'indecision' regarding Afghanistan

Mortgage defaults growing in housing's top tier

Health Insurance Industry attacks Baucus bill

What Americans think about Obama's Nobel Prize

‘Dr. Joe’ treats uninsured with dignity - Health care- msnbc.com

Progressives For Immigration Reform

Fabricating the Pretext for War with Iran (Oct. 12, 2009)

US Communism, Food, Healthcare

The Democrats - Really, You Just Gotta Laugh

Brown will sell off £3bn of our assets to tackle deficit | Mail Online

Palestine Think Tank » Israel Newswire Palestine Resistance Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance Zionism » The First Word War, Second Battle: Nahida Izzat, Adib S Kawar and Kissa OnLine

Obama's Communist Gun-Free America Plan

Second Thoughts On Moore's - 'Get Off Obama's Back'

Mexico City goes to work with government-run electricity | World | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Decline Is a Choice

Argentina - Cow Abducted By UFO - An Analysis

YouTube - Miniatur Wunderland *** official corporate video *** largest model railway / railroad in the world

Red Bull Drink = Slow Death?

Generalleutnant Günther Rall - Telegraph

My Way News - Weapons failed US troops during Afghan firefight

October Surprise - Peace Prize To A War Criminal

Vijayvaani.com:USA and the World: At the crossroads or in the crosshairs?

Alert over donor organs riddled with cancer, mad cow disease and hepatitis - Telegraph

Patients are dying 'because of restrictions on doctors' working hours' - Telegraph

Britain facing 'uncontrollable epidemic of heart disease' - Telegraph

Women 'can enlarge breasts through mind power', claims hypnotist - Telegraph

Chavez says Obama did nothing to deserve Nobel | U.S. | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Europe | Bomb attack on Italian barracks

Fears for stability of Pakistan after militants attack army base | World news | The Guardian

Hostages die in rescue after Islamists take over Pakistani army headquarters - Times Online

China sentences six to death over Uighur riots in Xinjiang - Telegraph

Hillary Clinton and David Miliband tell Iran: time is running out for nuclear deal - Telegraph

Hillary Clinton meets Gordon Brown amid mounting tensions over Iran - Times Online

Eagle is grounded over Turks’ Gaza snub - Times Online

The 'no peace now' camp | Petra Marquardt-Bigman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Palestinian reconciliation deal delayed by UN row | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama 'dashes Palestinian hopes' - Telegraph

UN admits Afghan election 'fraud' - Telegraph

Afghanistan election: Hillary Clinton warns winner must do more for the country - Telegraph

Ex-officer alleges Iraq cover-ups | UK news | The Guardian

Afghan quits election panel, claiming foreigners are making all decisions | World news | guardian.co.uk

CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL: Immigration made America strong - but it threatens to ruin Europe | Mail Online

Wife breaks taboo with exposé of MP's affairs | World news | The Guardian

Carla Bruni 'has spent eight years in therapy' - Telegraph

Britain has worst quality of life in Europe, study says - Telegraph

The missing: Each year, 275,000 Britons disappear - Home News, UK - The Independent

Lord Mandelson and Nat Rothschild share Brazilian ambitions - Telegraph

Josh Cohen | Google's vision for the future of journalism | Technology | The Guardian

Robert Fisk: Genocide forgotten: Armenians horrified by treaty with Turkey - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Energy crisis is postponed as new gas rescues the world - Telegraph

Man-made noise is blamed for driving whales to their deaths - Times Online

It's a 12-day miracle! Praise Obama and pass the Hopium -- chicagotribune.com

Democrats face defeat in Virginia as Barack Obama becomes liability - Telegraph

Worried US parents download paedophile maps before Halloween - Telegraph

Mother of Columbine killer tells of horror 10 years after massacre | World news | The Guardian

And the other Nobel Peace Prize nominees were... - World Politics, World - The Independent

Easter Island residents fear ruin over tourist ruling | World news | The Guardian

Nobel Prize Is Oscar For Best Actor

Heart Disease - Beyond The Stent And Bypass

Thousands Of Gays Demand Obama Sign Hate Bill

The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes

The Business Of Lobbying In American Politics

savethemales.ca - The British Agent at Hitler's Ear

'The Art Of War' & Peace

Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, When the Lie becomes the Truth

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | What happened to global warming?

The comic genius of Binyamin Netanyahu > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis

People say the strangest things? > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

No Electricity And Its 5000 BC

Marijuana for medical purposes fuel gang activity | USA and marijuana laws | Mexican drug lords

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America

What American Jews Have Achieved For Homosexuality

Swine flu vaccine supplier has to pay back millions | World news | The Observer

Barack Obama ready to pay Afghan fighters to ditch the Taliban - Times Online

Obama vows to end military gay policy - Americas, World - The Independent

'Paranormal Activity': Hollywood's demonic saviour - News, Films - The Independent

David Miliband lined up as EU 'foreign minister' - Telegraph

Billionaire EU campaigner 'paid' Tony Blair - Times Online

Smart meters could be 'spy in the home' - Telegraph

Google digital library plan opposed by Angela Merkel | Technology | The Observer

God is not the Creator, claims academic - Telegraph

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Chile: A "Smallfoot" Report?

The DIY fish supper: Future kitchen grows its own vegetables and seafood | Mail Online

Ghost hunters stalk Detroit military base | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Veggie' spider shuns meat diet

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Pallas is 'Peter Pan' space rock

Look into my eyes: The power of hypnosis - life - 09 October 2009 - New Scientist

A Third of Dinosaur Species Never Existed?

Ananova - Huge audience watched op to separate twins

Mystery UFO halo in clouds over Moscow | The Sun |News

Even the Maya are getting sick of 2012 hype - Science- msnbc.com

Scientists identify brain cell which keeps us awake, raising hopes of a cure for jet lag | Mail Online

Real Tsunami May Have Inspired Legend of Atlantis | LiveScience

The 10 Most Brilliant Products of 2009 - FOXNews.com - Slide 1 of 10

Two-year-old with same IQ as Einstein - Telegraph

Your Dollars Are Just Monopoly Money

10-13-2009: FBI Doing Facial Recognition Scans on DMV Photo Records

10-13-2009: FBI Building Multi-Modal Biometrics Database

10-13-2009: Ammunition Bill Signed Into Law

10-12-2009: Confidential Memos Indicate Oil SDR Pricing Shift Would Be "Most Damaging" To United States

Interpol To Help In UN Peace Keeping Missions

10-12-2009: Dollar facing 'power-shift': analysts

10-11-2009: Gore Pushes Climate Bill While Groups Protest

10-11-2009: Ahmadinejad warns of Weapons of Mass Media

10-11-2009: Homeland Security testing Wii Fit Balance Boards to detect fidgeting in airport security lines

10-11-2009: Scientists have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of the human genome

10-11-2009: Battening Down the Hatches: Secret State Monitors Protest, Represses Dissent

*10-11-2009: Why Obama Doesn't Deserve The Nobel Peace Prize An Unabridged List

10-11-2009: Rogue satellites to be cleared from Earth's orbit by German robots

10-10-2009: Derivatives Lobby Links With New Democrats to Blunt Obama Plan

The REAL Battle Over America’s Banking System

President Bill Clinton in 1996: “The era of big government is (NOT!) over” — 13 years later

Shooting of Prominent IMF Economist Baffles Police

Escalation of US NATO War in Afghanistan: The Risks of Regional Conflagration

The Next Stage Of Deleveraging Means Return Of The Great Depression

Sigurdur Einarsson to be the first head of a major European bank to be formally classed as a criminal suspect since the onset of the credit crisis.

Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security

Afghanistan - The Proxy War

The Nobel Prize, the Brand and the President

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

Moore vs Hannity

Alex Jones TV: David Icke on Nature of Reality and Mass Awakening Taking Place

The Economic Recovery is an Illusion

Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, When the Lie becomes the Truth

Telephone Company Is Arm of Government, Feds Admit in Spy Suit

Failed Economic Policies and Rising Unemployment in the United States of America

Thought Police

Richard Belzer Exposes Federal Reserve on Real Time with Bill Maher

APF Plan To Run Hardin Jail Terminated, Arrest Of Hilton Possible

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming

US paid reward to Lockerbie witness, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi papers claim

Criminals may have been hired for census

Dem Apparatchik Describes Millions of Americans as Terrorists

Corporate Media: Is Not Taking the Vaccine Unethical?

Inspiring Or Damaging? Louis Farrakhan Speaks Out On 9/11, Federal Reserve

DHS Video Narrated By John Elway Portrays Average Americans As Terrorists

Police Support Stasi-Like Citizen Tattle Tale Program

The Resistance Mounts

H1N1 FluMist - the Nasal Spray that Keeps on Giving

The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC

Washington OKs mercury in swine flu vaccine

Dr. Oz Will Propagandize For H1N1 Vaccine, But He Won't Give It To His Kids (Video)

Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories

Madeleine Albright confronted on Bilderberg & New World Order Crimes

RAND-linked Think Tank Scholar On Public vs. Private Discussion of Afghanistan Occupation

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Latin America’s Twenty-First Century Socialism in Historical Perspective

Obama's Prize Named For The Inventor of Dynamite

Get Off Obama's Back: Second Thoughts From Michael Moore

Sweatshop Conditions in US Cities

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Asia Times Online :When money is worthless

Chuck Baldwin -- These Are Not Negotiable

World rice stockpiles hit as yields drop

The Obama Justice Department’s Secret Blogging Team… Is it Illegal? | Right Wing News

The Escapist : News : New "Game" Encourages Secret Police-Style Spying

Republicans Formally State Their Objections to Senate Finance Committee’s Health Care Legislation

Baucus Health Bill Could Prevent Medical Expense Deductions: Wheelchairs, Chemotherapy, Seeing-Eye Dogs

Obama: Homosexual Relationships ‘Just as Real and Admirable’ as Heterosexual Marriage

White House Says Catholic Bishops Have Misinterpreted Law Banning Federal Funding of Abortion--And Its Application to Health-Care Bill

Baltimore Schools Embrace Anti-Meat Movement with ‘Meatless Mondays’

Stabenow: Middle Class Won't Be Hit By Health Bill's Cut in Tax Deduction for Medical Expenses Because They Don't Itemize Deductions

Democrats Scramble After Health Insurers Warn About Premium Hikes

Pro-Life Democrats Seek to Block Health Bill if Pelosi Won’t Allow Vote on Amendment Barring Abortion Funding

Scientists Rebut Claim That Man Causes Climate Change

Nobel Peace Prize Decision Seen As Attempt to Steer U.S. Policies

U.S. Speeding Up Delivery of Bunker-Buster Bomb; Denies Iran Is the Reason

Obama Aide Accuses Fox of Operating as GOP Arm

U.N. Chief Now Supports Move to Reopen Debate on ‘Israeli War Crimes’ Report

Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Run for President Again

Threats of Iran Sanctions Won't Work, Russian Official Says

EPA to Wrap Up First Phase of Controversial Hudson River Toxic Dredging Project in November

Senate Finance Committee’s Health Care Legislation Coming to A Vote

Warship Built with WTC Steel Headed to New York

Teachers Benefit From Job-Saving Stimulus Spending

GOP Uses ACORN to Fight Bank Redlining Law

Sen. Barbara Boxer Says Bill Limiting Greenhouse Gases May Pass Soon

FBI Searching DMV Photos for Fugitives

Ex-Judge in Alabama Sex Case Called a `Jekyll-Hyde'

The Affirmative Action Nobel

A Nurse's View of Ethics and Health Care Legislation

Saving the Earth by Hating Humanity

Liberal Health Care Ideas: DOA

Sacto mayor says he was robbed in San Francisco


*Article Links:Media coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage

Silencing Savage - Washington Times


Cambridge to debate without Savage?


Crack thugs sue city: Lawyers settle cop-abuse raps for $500K; same dealers score many times

Columbus is no hero in some classrooms - Washington Times

EDSITEment - Kennewick Man: Science and Sacred Rights

Francis Ford Coppola Sees Cinema World Falling Apart: Interview - Bloomberg.com

Jacqui Smith escapes punishment over £116,000 second home expense claims | Mail Online

Pelosi Key to GOP 2010 Playbook - WSJ.com

Republican senator backs climate-change effort | Green Business | Reuters

The Pill Responsible for the Death of Humanity?

Barack Obama, Elinor Ostrum, and the Nobel Prize (PART 1/2)

Barack Obama, Elinor Ostrum, and the Nobel Prize (PART 2/2)

More Children for Less Money

Look what Massachusetts is up to now!

RealClearPolitics - A Path to Downward Mobility

RealClearPolitics - 'Conceptual Language' Hides Health Care's Costs

RealClearPolitics - Can Republicans Grasp the Opportunity for Revival?

RealClearPolitics - The Multilateral Peace Path to War

RealClearPolitics - World Should Catch Up With Our Health Care

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Obama must start punching harder

Rage at Government for Doing Too Much and Not Enough - WSJ.com

Democratic strategists - TheHill.com

Henry J. Aaron and Isabel V. Sawhill - Bend the Revenue Curve - washingtonpost.com

The Unknown War - Reason Magazine

One nation, under illusion - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - Why President Obama Was Awarded the Nobel Prize

RealClearPolitics - Absurd Debate Over Nobel

Dems undermine free speech in hate crimes ploy | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Magic Numbers in Politics

In Climate World Series, Time to Call the Bullpen | Mother Jones

Closing ethical lapses in Congress - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

Patriot High-Wire Act - washingtonpost.com

Campaign finance laws face a reset - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

CQ Politics | Wrangle Over Rangel Shows Signs of Strain

Watchdog comes back to bite Democrats - TheHill.com

Some lawmakers frown on museum spending -- latimes.com

We've seen enough - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - It is too early to laud Obama – or to be disappointed

Op-Ed Columnist - Misguided Monetary Mentalities - NYTimes.com

Lawrence Kadish: Taking the National Debt Seriously - WSJ.com

Fred Hiatt - The Meeting That Wasn't - washingtonpost.com

Nobel Peace Prize Seen in a New Light - Face The Nation - CBS News

The system let Obama be president. But he still may not be able to beat it | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

Back From the Death Panel

Galston Vs. Cohen: Was McChrystal Right To Go Public? | The New Republic

Study finds disconnect between healthcare needs and support for reform -- latimes.com

Democrats stymie Republican efforts to pass immigration reform measures - TheHill.com

Tea partiers turn on GOP leadership - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

White House Bid to Close Gitmo Hampered by Snags in Congress - WSJ.com

Pork pays: For Murtha's subcommittee, the earmarks pile up

Obama burdened by great expectations | The Australian

Debate on war on terror - Our view: What, exactly, would success in Afghanistan look like? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » The next big political issue? The U.S. dollar |

Obama’s Nobel surprise : The New Yorker

National Journal Magazine - Ban The Bulb? Not A Bright Idea

How to Sell a War - First, Start to Win - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Three Decades of Global Cooling

Irwin Kellner: The buck stops here

RealClearMarkets - Trade With China Explains Dollar Weakness

Zachary Karabell: Deficits and the Chinese Challenge - WSJ.com

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Is the Stock Market a Leading Indicator?

FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Debt and the dollar’s demise, a compendium of concerns

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » MEDICARE–Underestimating the cost

Washington's Blog:The REAL Battle Over America's Banking System

The Real Cost of TARP: The Public’s Mistrust - Deal Journal - WSJ

Hussman Funds - Zen Lessons in Market Analysis

Brian Wesbury: The Economic Recovery Is Well Underway - WSJ.com

Have We Misdiagnosed the Crisis? — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Leaving With the One Who Brought You - Streetwise - M. Santoli - Barrons.com

China's class ceiling -- latimes.com

Murder Doesn’t Belong on Capitalism’s Crime List: William Pesek - Bloomberg.com

To Fix The Global Economy, Fix The Dollar - Forbes.com


*Politics Video:Sen. Snowe To Vote For Health Care Out Of Finance Committee

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Fantasizes About Murder Of Rush Limbaugh

New Liz Cheney Group Ad Hammers Obama For Difference Between "Rhetoric And Reality"

Rep. Weiner: Health Care Lobbyists Are On The Attack

O'Reilly: Another White House Attack On Fox News

Carville On Limbaugh And The Rams

Rush Part 2: I'd Share A Beer With Obama

Brit Hume: White House's Risky Strategy Vs. FNC

Sen. Barrasso: "One Or Two" Defectors In Finance Health Care Vote

Hillary Clinton Supports Obama's Nobel Win

Fox News Responds To Attack On Network By Obama WH

Pundits On Troop Surge Decision

Poll: Politics Played Role In Obama Winning Nobel

VA: McDonnell Leads Deeds In Latest Polls

David Ignatius On Pakistan Relationship

Rep. Grayson: A Hero For The Democrats?

Hitchens: Obama Won Nobel For "Affect" Not "Effect"

Rush Limbaugh On His Life, Obama, GOP

WH Aide Slams Fox News As Arm Of GOP

Stephen A. Smith On Rush Limbaugh And The Rams

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Nobel Peace Prize

"This Week" Roundtable On Nobel Peace Prize, Health Care

Levin, Graham, McCaffrey, Myers On Afghanistan

Sens. Feinstein, Chambliss On Afghanistan

Sens. McConnell, Reed On Afghanistan, Funding

Govs. Granholm, Daniels & Wynn, Zandi On Effect Of Stimulus

McCain: GOP Needs An Agenda

Obama "Wins" Powerball On SNL

Obama Promises To End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

State Dept. On Nobel: Better To Be Thrown "Accolades" Than Shoes

New DNC Ad Touts "Republican Support" On Health Care

Sen. LeMieux Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

Schultz, Grayson: GOP Outraged Over Obama Win

Obama Weekly Address: New Momentum for Health Reform

Maddow: The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

O'Reilly: President Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize

Greta On Fox: Did Obama Deserve It?

*Markets Video:AM Report: Big Downgrade for Goldman

Bair: More Banks to Fail; But Bailout Probably Not Needed

What to Look Out For in Banks' Q3 Earnings

UK Banks are Still Struggling

The Dollar & Getting Into Riskier Assets

Is Wall Street Facing a New Tax Hit?

Jim Rogers Talks Gold

Elizabeth Warren: Foreclosure Fix Not Working

Ritholtz: Don't Bail on Stocks

Sterling Gets Hit by Latest Rate Forecast

Bove: Big Banks Look Good, Regionals to Take Hit

Banks: The Hunt for Profits

*World Video:Brown Unveils Asset Sale

Colombia's Dying Indigenous Groups

Mahmoud Abbas Speech on Gaza War Raises Questions

Sri Lanka Camps a Humanitarian Catastrophe

Moldovan PM Vlad Filat

Nagasaki, Hiroshima Aim for 2020 Olympics


*Transcripts:Guests: Minority Leader McConnell & Sen. Reed

Guests: Sens. Levin & Graham, Gens. Myers & McCaffrey

Guests: Senators McCain, Casey and Stabenow

Guests: Senators Feinstein & Chambliss

Guests: Governors Granholm and Daniels

Obama's Reaction to Winning the Nobel Prize

Brooks and Marcus on Obama's Nobel Prize


YouTube - Health Insurers' Cold Feet on Reform

The Associated Press: Near half of swine flu patients otherwise healthy

Key Republican Will Back Senate Finance Bill - WSJ.com

Behavioral Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Consults Blog - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Virus linked to chronic fatigue

Hospital error leads to radiation overdoses -- latimes.com

Boy Receives New Cheek Bones From Stem Cells : dBTechno

Results of AIDS Vaccine Questioned | TopNews United States

Bill Maher vs. the Flu Vaccine - Well Blog - NYTimes.com

Paul Anka Receives Credit for Michael Jackson Song - ABC News

Celebritology - Twitter -- Nothing But Trouble for Celebs?

The Associated Press: Hearing in Anna Nicole Smith case under way

Turn Your TV Into an Entertainment Center - PC World

Hubble Telescope Spies a Galactic Merger - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Gmail gets another tool for dummies: Name check | Web Crawler - CNET News

Google Docs Gets Shared Folders - PC World

U.S. Stocks Primed for Takeovers, Goldman Sachs Says - Bloomberg.com

Justices Will Hear Appeal of Former Enron Chief - NYTimes.com

Comcast Waits For 'Oui' Or 'Non' - Forbes.com

PostPartisan - Michael Steele's New Domain

Fox News heavies Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck bite back after White House dig

Report: Al Qaeda in Weak Financial State - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Cheney's Daughter Launches Group Against Obama's "Weak" Foreign Policy | AHN

Wind farms interfering with weather radar in NY | AP | 10/13/2009

Secret Service probes anti-Obama message at Lakeville golf course - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Texas/Southwest

Russia Resists U.S. Position on Sanctions for Iran - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Afghanistan's Karzai Would Welcome More US Troops

Palestinian faith in Obama 'evaporates' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Afghan policy exposes divisions among Obama advisers | Reuters

The Associated Press: Sarkozy says son has been thrown to the wolves

Putin’s Party Wins in Regional Elections Across Russia - NYTimes.com

Honduras rivals to discuss Zelaya return post-coup | International | Reuters

RealClearWorld - Obama's Nuclear Agenda

China's Export of Censorship

A Political Scientist Who Does Great Economics - Forbes.com

Editorial - Just Say No - NYTimes.com

RAND- Afghanistan: Echoes of Vietnam

It's up to China to avert a dollar debacle - The Globe and Mail

Why India Fears China

The Hindu : Trend of China-India friendship irreversible

Far Eastern Economic Review | Why Islamic Extremists Hate India

Op-Ed Contributor - China and the Sickly Dollar - NYTimes.com

Turkish-Armenian traumas- ÖMER TAŞPINAR

Sunstein: Take organs from 'helpless patients'

Sunstein: Economic crises could usher in socialism

GOP's Snowe will vote for Democratic health bill - Yahoo! News

Bill forces citizens to list guns on taxes?

White House: Fox News 'a wing of the Republican Party'

CNN Corrects Audio After Allegations Of Left-wing Bias In AC:360 Ad | TV | Mediaite

Bulletin! 'The mainstream press is liberal'

Principal to boy: Strip off 'insulting' pro-life shirt

AP Newsbreak: Nobel jury defends Obama decision

Petition demands freedom for 2 Christians

Napolitano Says Al-Qaeda-Style Terrorists Are in U.S. - Bloomberg.com

NYT: U.S. can't trace visitors on expired visas - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Foreign minister says Honduran standoff deteriorating

Tearjerker: 5 alive after woman makes 1 brave choice

Abortion foes push for license plates - USATODAY.com

'Chill out,' Graham tells critics - Breaking News - The State

Sharpton Urges N.F.L. to Oppose Limbaugh Bid for Rams - NYTimes.com

Full text: Al Sharpton's letter to Roger Goodell objecting to Rush Limbaugh's purchase of Rams

Sad: Al Sharpton Goes After Rush

Former flight attendant sues Oprah over sex claim | U.S. | Reuters

A darker side of Columbus emerges in US classrooms

Palestinian Memo: Hopes in Obama 'Evaporated' - Middle East Map | News | Crisis - FOXNews.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Confronting Al Gore with An Inconvenient Question

GOP Graham's endorsement boosts climate change bill - Washington Times

Scaling new heights: Piano stairway encourages commuters to ditch the escalators | Mail Online

Researchers Say Photo of Jim Morrison's Ghost Is Real - Spinner UK

Nobel? President? Is he even eligible?

Couple Lives in Flood Tunnels Under Las Vegas - Asylum.com

Cows in the house: Bizarre case of animal neglect reported in Barrett (with video) | PoconoRecord.com

WaterCar Python Offends All 5 Senses on Land And Water | Autopia | Wired.com

The World's Quietest Places

Newborn baby falls through train toilet onto tracks - Telegraph

Murder in Hitler's Bunker: Who Really Poisoned the Goebbels Children? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Shushing the dangerous Glenn Beck

Cultures of corruption

How to end the recession in 12 months

A prize-winning presidency

Bulletin! 'The mainstream press is liberal'

Question for Nobel Appease Prize winner

GOP must take 'chill pill' on Obama Nobel

Another jewel in his crown

Exclusive: Craig R. Smith highlights modern-day feat as big as resurrecting Lazarus

God and guns, Part 1

'The emperor' has no power

Wealth redistribution on steroids

Globalist cover-up hiding Obama's past?

Do something worthy of persecution

Sex and socialism

The Affirmative Action Nobel

Oslo's moral idiots

When politicians are clueless about economics

Rewarding failure at the Baltimore Sun

Chief Nordwall: Columbus in reverse?

YouTube - Franklin Raff speaks at the NRB Israel Prayer Breakfast

Muslim advocates charge NYPD is racial profiling in Queens raids tied to alleged Zazi terror plot

Tulsa World: BA man charged in reported harmonica attack

Hispanics mull boycotting 2010 census - Washington Times

Obesity concerns spur calls to limit new convenience stores in South L.A. -- latimes.com

Naked man arrested after three county police chase - KXXV-TV News Channel 25 - Central Texas News and Weather for Waco, Temple, Killeen |

A scary new tween trend: Raunchy costumes for preteens will make parents scream

Marketing: Burger King to Encourage 'Intimate' Dining - Global News - Advertising Age

Lohan's celebrity catwalk dismays fashion world

Airlines: Your Plane Is Probably On Time, Thanks To The Recession

Amtrak ridership down, but still near record high

How 'Paranormal Activity' Hit It Big

T-Mobile-Sidekick U.S. users face personal data loss | Reuters

College backtracks on gun club ban

*Site:A Place to Ask Questions To Get the Right Answers: The Federal Courts Are Committing Treason to the Constitution per Chief Justice John Marshall


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Plaintiff: Courts must hear eligibility arguments


*stations/ times:The Savage Nation*

*10/12 The Mark Levin Show

Bill Cunningham 10/11/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 10/11/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 10/11/09 Hour 3

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 12th With David Icke

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 7th With Icke, Watt & Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 6th With William Lewis and Gary Franchi


World Net Daily Player:GOP backing 'radical liberal' for Congress

World Net Daily Player:Celebrate 'vision and courage' of Columbus

World Net Daily Player:Obama 'forcing homosexuality' on Americans


Breitbart.tv » Limbaugh Threatens Legal Action Against Journalists Over False Quotes

Breitbart.tv » GOP’s Snowe Will Vote for Democratic Health Bill

Breitbart.tv » Chris Matthews Fantasizes About Someone Shooting Limbaugh in the Head

Breitbart.tv » MSNBC ‘Bleeps’ Analyst’s Nasty Comment About Limbaugh

Breitbart.tv » CNN HLN Host Joy Behar Asks if Cabinet Secretary is Gay

Breitbart.tv » Would Rush Vote for a Liberal Miss America?

Breitbart.tv » Limbaugh Explains Past Comment About Media’s View of McNabb

Breitbart.tv » ‘Susan From Glendale’ Comes Forward After Famous Call to Limbaugh Show


ABC News: ‘Hollywood Tough Guy Teams With Animal Rights Groups for Tax Change’

Making Political Candidates of Tea Party Patriots

The Rise and Fall of ObamaMarketing

SATAN RULES! The Shocking True Story Behind Obama’s Nobel Win

The Internet as the Post Office?

Hate Crimes Ploy Undermines Free Speech

The Baucus Prescription: Higher Taxes and Higher Premiums

Infamous New Orleans ACORN HQ SOLD!

SEIU! SEIU! SEIU!: Obama Pledges to “Paint the Nation Purple”

A Rush to Judgement: Limbaugh and the NFL Players Union

Climate Alert: “We Must Substantiate Planet Warming!”

From the Archives II: ACORN Corruption Runs Deep

Kansas Helps SEIU Using Taxpayer Funds and State Resources

Kyoto II: Whose “power to tax”?

From the Archives: ACORN Corruption Runs Deep

Reagan Was Noble, But Obama Got the Prize

Tea Partiers Turn on GOP Leadership

Note to the Commander in Chief: Make a Decision–Boots on the Ground Report

Federalist Paper Number 42

Consumer Financial Protection Agency: Big Brother Protecting You to Death

2010 Census Still a Boondoggle for the Left

*Site:2010 Census

Animated ‘Astro Boy’: Marxism Aimed at Your Kids?

The Mystery of David Letterman

10 Reasons Why Pastors Avoid the Culture War

Russell Simmons: God Will Destroy Us If We Don’t Follow Barack

Poor Polanski: Depressed, Facing Longer Sentence Today than in ‘77

The Obama White House’s Plagiaristic, Silly Art

Debating Leftists is Like Debating Charles Manson

Hopefully ObamaCare Will ‘Die Quickly’

Who is Barack Obama?

The New American Dream

Gervais Undercuts His Atheist Argument in ‘Lying’

Not Sharp, Drew: USA Today/Freep Sportswriter Used Fake Wikipedia Quotes to Savage Limbaugh

DISTURBING: Significant Increase in Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught at Ariz Border

Tinkerbell Gone Butch: Disney Revamps Glamorous Nymph Into Tomboy

Happy Fall Weekend Day!: Columbus Under Further Attack, Even in . . . Columbus?! Columbus a Jew?; UPDATE: Kids Taught Darker Side of Columbus, Put Him on Trial, Find Guilty

Israel’s Barack Obama/Hebrew Jimmuh to Barack Obama: Congrats, You’re Our Savior

HILARIOUS Video: “Protect Yo’ Cheddah” w/ Greenberg & Greenberg

In “Good” Company: Why Are You Surprised by Obama Nobel Prize?

EXCLUSIVE: Man Slated to be Obama’s Top Immigration Agent Investigated for Embezzlement

These Are Not Negotiable

Water Wars: Mr. Universe Poses as a Populist

911OmissionReport.com:THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE

*Last Days of the New World Order: David Icke On Alex Jones TV

INTERPOL and United Nations Seek Greater Support for Police Role in Peacekeeping Missions

Government to Use Swine Flu for Another Control Mechanism

Jonathan Elinoff: Israeli Art Students Had WTC Construction Passes

‘Cybugs’ to access areas where people can’t go

Woman imprisoned for selling to Saddam was working for CIA

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Which Is The Bigger Smear? To Compare Alex Jones To Glenn Beck, Or To Compare Glenn Beck To Alex Jones?

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » David Icke on Alex Jones TV: “Last Days of The NWO”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Russia says Iran sanctions ‘counterproductive’

British Security Services MI5 ‘planned to blow up Sinn Fein headquarters’ - Local & National, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

EU warns against complacency over swine flu - Health & Families, Life & Style - The Independent

Australia: ban TV for under-twos - Telegraph

Jewish Internet Defense Force: How skinnypuppy.ca became THEJIDF.ORG

Tracking Your Taxes: Is Essential Air Service Really Essential? - Political News - FOXNews.com

Born with half a brain, woman living full life - CNN.com

*Texas Has Just Passed A Law That Will Show You How To File Criminal Charges Against The IRS -- And Void Their Liens!

Is a Race War Coming to America? « INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS…

*9/11 Vids « INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS…

North Korea 'preparing to launch more missiles' - Telegraph

I will not sign Lisbon Treaty, says Czech President - Times Online

Eurosceptic Vaclav Klaus forces Prague to ask for EU treaty caveat | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama's Top 10 unfulfilled pledges - Telegraph

Arnold Schwarzenegger agrees to 'Harvey Milk Day' for California - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US aims for carbon capture in a decade

Hillary Clinton hails US-Russian co-operation on Iran | World news | guardian.co.uk

Al-Qaeda suffering from money troubles as Taliban thrives - Telegraph

Global homicide: murder rates around the world | News | guardian.co.uk

Scientists prove cancer can be passed on in the womb | Science | The Guardian

Kill our cows – and save the planet - Telegraph

Vegetarian spider Bagheera kiplingi found in Central America - Telegraph

clipser - Russian secret weapon



The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 7th With Icke, Watt & Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 6th With William Lewis and Gary Franchi

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 5th With Lisa Snyder


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Media Matters: Glenn Beck Gets His Talking Points from Alex Jones

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Top economist Obama ‘refused’ to fix bank system, now it’s too late

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Top economist Obama ‘refused’ to fix bank system, now it’s too late

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » APF Plan To Run Hardin Jail Terminated, Arrest Of Hilton Possible

(3:00:06)Alex Jones Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Inspiring Or Damaging? Louis Farrakhan Speaks Out On 9/11, Federal Reserve

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Fall of the Republic’ unveils Obama’s agenda for the destruction of America

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Fall of the Republic: Crash Course in the Globalist Agenda

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Securitization Boondoggle

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bought and Paid For

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Report: US considers phone companies ‘arm of government’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Official Version of 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Confronting 9/11 commissioner J.F. Lehman

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama, Congress prepare to thwart ACLU suit over abuse photos

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Airports Given H1N1 Quarantine Powers By Federal Government

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bilderberg Media Front Smears Alex Jones In Feeble Hit Piece

School Kids Praise Obama and the State in Video

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | What happened to global warming?

Soros to Invest $1 Billion in Clean Energy, Form Advisory Group - Bloomberg.com

10-10-2009: Derivatives Lobby Links With New Democrats to Blunt Obama Plan

Afghanistan: U.S. Abandons Camp That Was Overrun By Insurgents

10-10-2009: Cern Physicist Arrested Over Supposed Al-Qaeda Link

Murdoch Calls For Free Media (Yeah Right) In China

10-10-2009: Indian Embassy in Kabul Is Bombed

Senators Vote To Renew Patriot Act Spy Powers

10-10-2009: Worried about President Blair of the EU? It may be about to get even worse

10-10-2009: Israeli navy to deploy robot craft; The Protector

10-10-2009: Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security

Novartis Chip Implant Texts Your Phone When You Need Another Pill | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

Obama Reiterates Confidence In Geithner

Clash Of Confusion Over Success Of Moon Bombing

Larry Kudlow Asks The President To Save The Greenback

10-09-2009: Few Pictures From NASA Of Moon Blast

Why Obama Doesn’t Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize: An Unabridged List

Rogue satellites to be cleared from Earth's orbit by German robots

VIDEO: Robert Fisk Talks About His Bombshell Report To Russia Today

"Death Bonds": Wall Street’s Shocking New Plan to Reap Billions off Dying Americans

Survey: 36 percent of women would rather have a cell phone over sex

VIDEO: Madeleine Albright confronted on Bilderberg and New World Order Crimes

Giant cosmic-ray laser to flash across Paris sky

Dem-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee extends PATRIOT Act provisions

Should Students Be Tested for Brain-Enhancing Drugs?

It's a Big Grid, and Somebody Has to Furnish It

Security Patrol Robot With ATV Base

NYPD tracking cell phone owners

Who's in Big Brother's Database?

Is Iran Close to Nukes?

Return of the Warlords

War and Peace Prizes

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

Moore vs Hannity

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Alex Jones TV: Alan Watt

Alex Jones TV: David Icke on the Dollar Collapse and NWO Agenda

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

Alex Jones Tv: Live Viruses in The Vaccines

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Police stop more than 1 million people on street

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Gay rights advocates march on D.C.

Environmental Activists Scale U.K. Parliament

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UCLA prof.: Suspect's mental health a concern

Strip Club Owner Faces 3 Years in Prison Over Tax Fraud

U.N.: Widespread Fraud in Afghan Vote

20 killed in bloody siege at Pakistan army HQ

Pressure on Czechs After Poland Signs EU Treaty

Clinton Confident in Pakistans Stability Amid Terrorist Threat

Two Small Planes Collide in Louisiana

A new frontier opens in the Arctic

Chemicals From Former Missile Sites Pose Water Contamination Risk

'Most' Hostages Rescued in Assault on Pakistani Army Bastion

CVS, Walgreen Have Spot Shortages of Seasonal-Flu Vaccine on Demand Surge

'Sweatboxes' borrow from long tradition

Phase 1 of PCB Removal on Hudson River Completed

Smart Grid Gets Island Test in Maui Resort Area

Prison Time, Felony Charges Rare for Relic Looters

A Darker Side of Columbus Emerges in US Classrooms

Iraqis Face Tough Times, Starting Over in America

Solar Power Outshining Colorado's Gas Industry

Suspect in His 70s Robs Bank in San Diego

Calif. Man Who Held Woman in Casket Convicted

Columbine Killer's Mom: 'No Inkling' on Son

The Big Government-Big Pharma Complex: Disease Mongering for Fear and Profit by Karen De Coster

Obama Is Moving Forcefully to Concentrate All Power in Himself by Jack D. Douglas

'Ravenwood' Comes To America by Chuck Baldwin

Warmonger Wins Peace Prize by Paul Craig Roberts

Do Gun Shows Have Loopholes? by Russell D. Longcore

*USNews.com/Gallery: Whispers Caricatures

*Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report

*World's Best Colleges and Universities

*Best High Schools: Gold Medal List - US News and World Report


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North


*USNews.com: Image Gallery: Constellation, NASA's Moon Program

Obama Weighs In on New Saint - God & Country (usnews.com)

*Market Movers - USNews.com

Social Security's Wheel of Fortune - US News and World Report

YouTube - CBS Announces JFK's Death

*Kennedy Assassination brought back by History, two-part documentary Oct. 11 - Monsters and Critics

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Gerald Celente explains Obamageddon forecast amid call for The Great American Renaissance

*Site:The Trends Research Institute

Peter Schiff Blog: The US Dollar Is The New Peso


Billionaire EU campaigner 'paid' Tony Blair - Times Online

Ukraine fears for its future as Moscow muscles in on Crimea | World news | The Observer

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty - Times Online

Could you really stomach Blair being EU president? - Europe, World - The Independent

Smart meters could be 'spy in the home' - Telegraph

Google digital library plan opposed by Angela Merkel | Technology | The Observer

God is not the Creator, claims academic - Telegraph

David Miliband lined up as EU 'foreign minister' - Telegraph

'Paranormal Activity': Hollywood's demonic saviour - News, Films - The Independent

Swine flu vaccine supplier has to pay back millions | World news | The Observer

Barack Obama ready to pay Afghan fighters to ditch the Taliban - Times Online

Obama vows to end military gay policy - Americas, World - The Independent

French make cars from flax - Times Online

Indigenous tribes more vulnerable in swine flu outbreaks - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

The Nobel, The Brand And The President

CBC News - British Columbia - Anti-Olympic signs could mean jail: rights group


Temporal Blindness And Over-Populatoin In America

Marge Simpson To Pose For Playboy

ADL Trains Hate Crimes Presecutors - Free Speech To Die

Israeli's bid to buy Al-Jazeera from Qatar

Celente - People Should Brace For 'Greatest Depression'

t r u t h o u t | Nobel Prize for Promises?

savethemales.ca - Obama's Jewish Grandfather

Israel imposes security clampdown on Jerusalem - Telegraph

Pictured: The luminous halo-shaped cloud captured hovering over Moscow | Mail Online

Jordan to refill shrinking Dead Sea with salt water - Telegraph

Williams cites the Devil in attack on invasion 'spin' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Arrests as rival race demonstrations clash - Times Online

Two-year-old with same IQ as Einstein - Telegraph

Millions more to be subject to Enhanced CRB checks - Telegraph

Ian Birrell: This award is premature – and potentially very foolish - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

War and peace prizes | Howard Zinn | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama's peace prize starts a fight - Times Online

Hacker Gary McKinnon 'suicidal' after losing right to appeal against extradition - Times Online

Marijuana legalisation debate in California ignited by home-made bomb - Times Online

Winter comes earlier than ever to US - Telegraph

President of Poland signs Lisbon Treaty - Telegraph

Lisbon treaty turmoil as Czechs demand opt-out | World news | The Guardian

Silvio Berlusconi: I am inferior to no one in history | World news | guardian.co.uk

I’m the most persecuted man in history, says Silvio Berlusconi - Times Online

Italy's press freedom in peril | Manuela Mesco | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Anti-swine flu business suit

The Tower Of Babel, Revisited

3-D Chalk Drawings On Flat Cement Surface - Wow

Why NFL Owners Must Flush Limbaugh

Russia may revise use of nuclear weapons in new military doctrine | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

You Think Obama Doesn't Deserve The Peace Prize?

Adviser: At least 25,000 more troops needed - CNN.com

'You've got blood on your hands': Father of dead soldier refuses to shake Blair's hand after memorial to Britain's fallen heroes

Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel: Blaming Jews for Financial Meltdown

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America

Obama Shows No Intent To Prosecute Illegals

Aha, Rabies In Vaccinated Pets

Jeff Rense Interviews Ty Bollinger - Cancer Truth

Military and Intelligence Demo in Support of Abbas «Kawther Salam

Will Tel Aviv Take The US To War ­ Again?

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Active Duty Troops In Iraq Are Wearing Oath Keeper Tabs: “… what we are wearing while over here in Iraq”

Study Links Virus to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - US News and World Report


YouTube - END THE FED - ACTION 11/22/2009

YouTube - 'Peace Prize to Obama - big mistake by Nobel committee'

Lindoff - WTF? Obama Gets The Nobel 'Peace' Prize?

The Betrayal of Gilad Shalit by Uri Avnery -- Antiwar.com

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » Lawsuit to Attempt to Stop Swine Flu Vaccinations

Read Street: Obama wins Nobel after U.S. authors snubbed - A blog for a community of readers, in Baltimore and beyond. - baltimoresun.com

Revealed: The flash nobody saw when Nasa's £49million 'bomb' crashed into the Moon in a quest to discover water | Mail Online

Sweatshop Conditions In US Cities

Giant cosmic-ray laser to flash across Paris sky - Telegraph

Corporate Media: Is Not Taking the Vaccine Unethical?

Dollar Devaluation A Means To Cope With Debt

Petro Dollars and the Threat of Iran

Government to Use Swine Flu for Another Control Mechanism

The Moon is Not Enough

Wayne Madsen: Why give Peace Award to man at helm of conflicts?

ObamaCare Could be Used to Ban Guns in Home Self-Defense

‘Cybugs’ to access areas where people can’t go

The Resistance Mounts

How They Brainwash A Nation

TxDOT dumps Trans Texas Corridors - Cintra Zachry contract to be canceled | TOLLROADSnews

*flashback/(2006 pitch)

Congress’ Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - CONFIRMED » The Foundry

ObamaCare Could be Used to Ban Guns in Home Self-Defense

Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

The Disappearing Middle Class Dream - How the Average American is coping with the Recession: Savings, Banking, Housing, and Investing. Over 50 Million Households Living on $52,000 or less a year.

Most Americans Dying From Flu-Related Illness Are Likely To Exhibit Nutritional Deficiencies by Bill Sardi

The American Flu Charade by Bill Sardi

Riding the influenza pandemic wave

Mullah Omar Leading Afghan Insurgency In Extraordinary Military Comeback

A Dogged Taliban Chief Rebounds, Vexing U.S. - NYTimes.com

UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote

In 2008 Afghanistan firefight, US weapons failed

Russia, China to boost energy cooperation | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Elton John takes to the keyboard of his “Red Piano” in Moscow | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Bombing the Moon; NASA briefing on mission to crash rocket into moon | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Will Obama Win the Kentucky Derby, Too?

Big Pharma’s Greatest Hits

Government to Use Swine Flu for Another Control Mechanism

From the Pen of David Horowitz: October 11, 2009 »

Their Nobel Savior – by Jacob Laksin »

The American Library Association’s Stealth Jihad Against Free Speech – by William J. Becker, Jr »

Free Speech Under Foreign Assault – by Robert Spencer »

The Illusion of Influence


(16 pgs)Full Report :Credit-Based Scoring in Insurance Markets

read:*The Great Illusion - Now

*read:The Great Illusion - Now (Part 2)


Nobel Peace Prize, by Kent McManigal

The Many Deaths of Hakimullah Mehsud -- News from Antiwar.com

The Real Cost of the Baucus Bill: More than $2 Trillion

Would a Stricter Fed Policy and Financial Regulation Have Averted the Financial Crisis?

Obama Is Becoming the Omnipresident

Time for Tougher Sanctions on Iran's Terrorist Regime

Patriot Act: A Chance to Commit to National Security

Congress's Health Care Reform Bills: The Unknown Costs

Leaving With the One Who Brought You - Streetwise - M. Santoli - Barrons.com


gunlaws.com - State by State Firearms Laws

Anarchy Selections


Muslims To Make Majority of Earth's Population in Near Future - Pravda.Ru

Russia May Find Itself Involved with Another War - Pravda.Ru

Reason Foundation - Is Government Action Worse than Global Warming?

Dylan Hales: The New Left Was Right | Young Americans for Liberty

Are you deserving of a "Peace" Prize? | Young Americans for Liberty

Liberty and oblivion

MPs' expenses: 325 MPs told to 'pay up or explain' - Telegraph

Feds eyeing 'Junior' over court curses

Criminals may have been hired for census - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

RealClearPolitics - Dems Change Stance on Military and Afghanistan

RealClearPolitics - Honoring Obama For Events Yet to Come

Obama dithers toward an Afghan defeat

Diana West: Yale chose Shariah over U.S. Constitution | Washington Examiner

Why Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize - Joan Walsh - Salon.com

Obama's list: The president has a mixed record of achievement

EDITORIAL: Indecipherable gibberish - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

On the Hill - As Republicans Predict a 2010 Surge, Democrats Dig In - NYTimes.com

Piecemeal second stimulus? - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Why the GOP should give O a prize

Surprise Nobel for Obama Stirs Praise and Doubts - NYTimes.com

The Baucus health-care bill's negative repercussions - Oct. 9, 2009

Who's in Big Brother's Database? - The New York Review of Books

On the Hill - As Republicans Predict a 2010 Surge, Democrats Dig In - NYTimes.com

The Nobel quest for mediocrity

'Evil' oil men may help Europe become less dependent on Russia

Look who predicted Obama's Nobel Prize on September 8

Terror and the theatrical paradigm

Will the Nobel Peace Prize be an albatross around Obama's neck?

Ship of Fools: Obama's Intimates and Advisors

A Closer Look At Obama's Odyssey

Nazis And Commies

Liberals and Taxes: The Big Question

The Clergy Who Want an Abortion Ba'al Out

Black Nationalism Provides Foundation for African-American Islamist Movement

The Politicization of Peace

Disposable People

The Wisdom to Do No Harm

Liberty First, Security Second

President Obama's Policy Disaster

Watching the Constitution Disappear

My Way News - Wait for benefits is 3 years if health care passes

Your dollars are just monopoly money - MSN Money

A world redrawn: When America showed up on a map, it was the universe that got transformed - The Boston Globe

Jim Rogers sees U.S. Treasuries bubble | Funds | Reuters

Why a 'Public Option' Is Hazardous to Your Health

An Unclear and Present Danger


*Article Links:Media coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage

Silencing Savage - Washington Times

How pathetically useless of Cambridge Union to ban Michael Savage – Telegraph Blogs

Cambridge to debate without Savage?

*Internet reaction to removal of Savage from Cambridge debate


*Politics Video:Govs. Granholm, Daniels & Wynn, Zandi On Effect Of Stimulus

Sens. McConnell, Reed On Afghanistan, Funding

"This Week" Roundtable On Nobel Peace Prize, Health Care

Levin, Graham, McCaffrey, Myers On Afghanistan

Sens. Feinstein, Chambliss On Afghanistan

McCain: GOP Needs An Agenda

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Nobel Peace Prize

Obama Promises To End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Obama "Wins" Powerball On SNL

Schultz, Grayson: GOP Outraged Over Obama Win

New DNC Ad Touts "Republican Support" On Health Care

Obama Weekly Address: New Momentum for Health Reform

Sen. LeMieux Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

Maddow: The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

State Dept. On Nobel: Better To Be Thrown "Accolades" Than Shoes

O'Reilly: President Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize

Greta On Fox: Did Obama Deserve It?

Watch Live: Obama Addresses Nobel Peace Prize

WH Reporter Calls Obama A "Man Of Peace"

Boxer Compares RNC Reaction To Nobel Prize To Taliban's

Reporters Gasp At Obama Nobel Announcement

President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Bolton On Obama "Devaluing" The Nobel Peace Prize

Gibbs Comments On Obama Nobel Peace Prize Win

Rush On Nobel: Obama First "Post-Accomplishment" President

Obama: "I Will Accept This Award As A Call To Action"

McCain: Obama "Has Even More To Live Up To"

Senior WH Official Calls Scarborough An "A**hole" Over Nobel Reaction

Axelrod: Nobel Prize Was "Nothing The President Sought"

Ed Rollins: Obama Needs To "Earn" Nobel Prize

MTP's Gregory Reacts To Obama Winning Peace Prize

Pundits React To Obama Winning Nobel Peace Prize

Rep. Hoekstra On Your Congressman's Health Plan

Rep. Kucinich On Afghanistan Troop Surge

O'Reilly: Is There Trouble Inside The Democratic Party?

More News….

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

Catholic Bishops Declare They Will ‘Vigorously’ Oppose Health Care Bill as It Now Stands

Arizona Sheriff Vows to Enforce Immigration Law Whether ‘Feds’ Like It or Not

New Survey on Islam Calls Into Question Population Figure Used by Obama

Interior Secretary Wants to Move Surplus Population of Wild Horses from West to East at a Cost of $96 Million

Boehner: ‘Just Plain Wrong' for Democrats to Attach Hate Crimes Measure to Defense Authorization Bill

Pelosi Claims She’s Not Aware of Senate Plan to Pass Health Care Through Unrelated House Bill

Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March

Hoyer Won't Rule Out Voting on Senate Health Bill Without Changes and Sending it Directly to President

‘Brewster’ Comes to Homosexual School Czar’s Defense

Gov't Dismisses Call for More Texas Border Fencing

Some Foreign Leaders Cheer Obama’s Peace Prize While Others Question Decision

Read the Health Bill! Not as Easy as You Think

Officials: Food Stamps Swapped for Booze, Viagra

I'm Not Rooting Against Obama

Crime, Census and Censorship

Hire Americans First!

The Casualties of Selfishness

Not a Death Panel, a Death Mandate

Rep. Marcy Kaptur With Some 'Reality From Ground Zero' on Ohio Foreclosures

Ret. General: McChrystal should resign if denied troops

Public Pensions in Deep Trouble. All These Economic Landmines, Thanks to GOP Policies!

Simon Johnson: The Opportunity for Real Reform of the Financial System Has Already Passed

Liz Cheney: Peace Prize should be dedicated to US military

The Obama Backlash: What Does It Have To Do With The Media?

Chip Reid Concern Trolls WH Briefing on Obama's Nobel Prize; Worries That Prize Is "Partisan" and "Liberal"

Delusions of grandeur: Militia video warns President Obama to leave the country by Oct. 15

In Strange Turn of Events, Democrats Are Actually Questioning Wisdom of Afghanistan Policy

Glenn Beck thinks non-citizens shouldn't be counted in the Census

Horizon BC/BS Was Delivering Letters to Hospital Patients, Warning Them To Leave. And They Wonder Why We Hate Them.

Nicole Wallace: Scorched Earth Policy-- What Scorched Earth Policy?

Rush Limbaugh Uses Innocent Detroiters As Show Pinata

Excuse Me, Who Won The Nobel Peace Prize?

Michael Moore makes mincemeat out of Hannity's fake 'hospital' video footage from Cuba

ICE Strips Sheriff Joe Arpaio Of Immigration Enforcement Powers

Rep. Alan Grayson: Republicans Probably Wish There Were a Nobel Prize for Fear

Disturbing explosives case: Family ran a day care with bomb-making material and neo-Nazi lit in the back

Tweety sez Obama didn't campaign on the public option. He's WRONG and needs to apologize!

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) Holds Up Unemployment Extension. Thanks to Him, Hundreds Of Thousands Fall Off Rolls. It's The Party of No!

The Colbert Report: Bend It Like Beck

NFL Players blast Rush Limbaugh over his play to buy the Rams

Senate Dems Approve Extension of Patriot Act Revisions. Meet the New Boss, Etc.

Will Red States Opt Out of Blue State Generosity?

Militant leader who led attack on Pakistan Army base is one of many defectors - Times Online

AFP: Partisan divide persists on US troop surge for Afghanistan

Iraq blasts leave 22 dead - Telegraph


*The Untold History of The Project for the New American Century :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

(1:34:22)The New American Century

*90 pgs:RebuildingAmericasDefenses:Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century


MP3:The Nobel Prize to Obama: Europe's Bid to Re-Colonize America 10.09.09 (5:00 min)

MP3:'Conceptual Language' Hides Health Care's Costs 10.09.09 (5:00 min)

MP3:Fattening the Nanny State 10.09.09 (5:00 min)

*feed:The G. Gordon Liddy Show*

*Audio:Liddy&Sheriff Joe Arpaio

*Audio:Liddy&The President of the American Medical Association on ObamaCare


*The Escapist : Video Galleries : The Escapist Show : Episode 50: Organizational Alphabet Soup


(1:11:11)The Birth of the US Federal Reserve Bank - How usury destroyed America

(42:15)G Edward Griffin - Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

(1:23:37)An Idea Whose Time Has Come - G . Edward Griffin - Freedom Force International

(55:13)G . Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

(28:30)G . Edward Griffin - Inflation

(1:15:28)The Science and Politics of Cancer, G . Edward Griffin 2005,

(51:53)The Discovery of Noah's Ark

(57:01)America In Danger 141 with G. Edward Griffin

(100:17)No Place to Hide - The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism

(47:06)The Capitalist Conspiracy : An Inside View of International Banking

(1:55:48)The Grand Design Exposed

(1:28:32)Edward Griffin - The Dangerous Servant - A Discourse on Government


*The Federal Income Tax law -- A Serious Question

Bankers Made War

Money As Debt

** 320 PGS. / The Mystery of Banking


*The Real Matrix

*The Real Matrix Part 3 & 4

*The Real Matrix Part 5 & 6

*The Real Matrix Part 7


*(14 pgs)/The Intellectuals and Socialism