"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 October 2009

14 Oct '09


*World's Smallest Political Quiz*


(1:43:11)The Brotherhood of Darkness

(47:46)The Infinity Bible Code - Second talk given to the Prophesy Club by Al Neal pt.1

(53:45)The Infinity Bible Code - Second talk given to the Prophesy Club by Al Neal pt.2


(2:02:15)Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 13th With Dr. Joel D. Wallach

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 12th With David Icke

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 7th With Icke, Watt & Keiser


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Swine Flu Shot Propaganda Goes Into Overdrive

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears

AG Drops Investigation | KULR-8 News, Sports, Weather - Billings, Montana | Local Top Stories

Document Deadline | KULR-8 News, Sports, Weather - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Hardin Jail Audit | KULR-8 News, Sports, Weather - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Attorney General Request from APF | KULR-8 News, Sports, Weather - Billings, Montana | Related Content

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Saving Face in Afghanistan

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » David Icke on Alex Jones TV: “Last Days of The NWO”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Dollar Rout or More Bernanke Trickery?

Rage at Government for Doing Too Much and Not Enough - WSJ.com

Homeless Population in Shelters Hits Record High | NBC New York

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

*Ron Paul Introduced Audit the Fed Bill in 1983 – Both Parties Blocked It for More Than 25 Years

*video:Barney Frank

New Trailer exposes TV Mind Control agenda in 'Fall of the Republic'

Federal Reserve Exposed on Real Time with Bill Maher

Jonathan Elinoff: Israeli Art Students Had WTC Construction Passes

The States Can Stop Obama

Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags | KATU.com - News, Weather and Sports - Portland, Oregon | Local & Regional

Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

Republican’s Vote Lifts a Health Bill, but Hurdles Remain - NYTimes.com

Shooting of Prominent Economist Baffles Police|ABC 7 News

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Support Your Global Police?

Dems undermine free speech in hate crimes ploy | Washington Examiner

10-14-2009: Propaganda Study: Children Educated At Home At Severe Disadvantage (Bull Shit)

10-14-2009: Manchester airport trials naked-image security scans

10-13-2009: What's next for NASA's moon-crashing mission


10-13-2009: NASA invites Twitter fans to space shuttle launch

10-13-2009: Napolitano Says Al-Qaeda-Style Terrorists Are in U.S.

10-13-2009: Napolitano Says Al-Qaeda-Style Terrorists Are in U.S.

10-13-2009: Obama Dollar Retreats Most Against Commodities in Wealth Shift

10-13-2009: Mass. House approves bill allowing quarantines

Russia resisting sanctions against Iran

The REAL Battle Over America’s Banking System

$600 Billion And 10 More Years of War in Afghanistan : McCaffrey:

Thomas Friedman Glorifies American Militarism

Humanitarian Law Applies to All

Take America Back From the Banks

Student Loans are the New Indentured Servitude

One Nation, Under Illusion

We’re Headed for Hooverville?

Charge Of The Beckerheads....

Dirty Tricks and Toxic Waste in Ivory Coast

Latin America’s Twenty-First Century Socialism in Historical Perspective

Indigenous People Across Latin America Protest Spanish 'Genocide'

Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress

War Criminals Are Becoming The Arbiters Of Law

Millions Will Starve as Rich Nations Cut Food Aid Funding, Warns UN

Dollar Reaches Breaking Point as Banks Shift Reserves

A Dollar Rout Or More Bernanke Trickery?

Secret State Monitors Protest, Represses Dissent

Al Gore Confronted with an Inconvenient Question

Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

The Great Global Warming Swindle

From Their Own Mouths: The Global Warming Con

BBC NEWS: What happened to global warming?

Nazis Fear an Armed People: Schwarzenegger’s Ammo Law

FBI delves into DMV photos in search for fugitives

Three heroes of 9/11 die of cancer in five days

Above The Law? Hilton Refuses To Co-operate With Montana Attorney General

Shooting of Prominent Economist Baffles Police

The Real Sicko Movie

Alex Jones TV: David Icke on Nature of Reality and Mass Awakening Taking Place

The Economic Recovery is an Illusion

Telephone Company Is Arm of Government, Feds Admit in Spy Suit

Failed Economic Policies and Rising Unemployment in the United States of America

Thought Police

Richard Belzer Exposes Federal Reserve on Real Time with Bill Maher

Turkey Israel: No longer Friends?:

Russia must prepare for NATO defeat in Afghanistan, ambassador says

"Massive Ordnance Penetrator,": US wants bunker-buster fast, denies Iran is reason

Israel to join NATO Mediterranean patrols

Balkans: Kosovo and Albania intensify cooperation

NATO's Iraq Training Mission: New HQ in Green Zone

US wants NATO to enter Pakistan:

India, U.S. start large-scale military exercises

Reports: Russian general challenges US on missiles

A NATO for the Middle East?

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization

Gaza War Crimes: Israeli Government Contradicts its Own "Self-Defense" Argument

A "Stronger" IMF and World Bank Contributes to exacerbating the Global Economic Crisis

The Myth of "America"

Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air, Not Out of Pre-Existing Deposits or Reserves

McChrystal demands bloodshed

Obama, fascism, and the color line

video:The Shot Is The Pandemic: Swine Flu Vaccines and The CBC

Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Energy crisis is postponed as new gas rescues the world

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Senate Liberals May Push 'Reconciliation' to Achieve Government-Run Healthcare

Lieberman Will Oppose Baucus Bill

McConnell: Dems Have Secret, Trillion-Dollar Bill

Senate Finance Committee Approves Health Bill 14-9

Obama Praises Snowe for 'Diligent' Healthcare Vote

Unions Will Fight Baucus Bill Unless It's Changed

Snowe: I Could Change My Vote

Ariz. Sheriff Facing Off With Feds Over Illegals

'Absolutely No Interest' in Presidential Run: Clinton

Obama Shuns Red States in U.S. Travels

Liz Cheney Targets Obama's 'Radical' Policies

Chris Matthews Fantasizes 'Blowing Up' Limbaugh

Rasmussen: 50% Oppose Healthcare Changes

Essay - The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate - NYTimes.com

FBI building system that blows away fingerprinting ( - Security )

China buys the world - Money machine (1) - FORTUNE

Asia Times Online :Omaha greets an 'unusual visitor' from China

Asia Times Online :Al-Qaeda's guerrilla chief lays out strategy

Holdren sought 'planetary regime'

Tom DeWeese -- "Globally-Acceptable Truth" and the Crime of Thinking, Part 1

Tom DeWeese -- "Globally-Acceptable Truth" and the Crime of Thinking, Part 2

Why are Monsanto Insiders Now Appointed to Protect Your Food Safety?

Immigration Activists Call for Reform

Daughter of Ahmadinejad Adviser Seeks Asylum

Pentagon: Recruiting Last Year Was Best Since 1973

Breaking News, Politics, Commentary from around the world

Breaking News, Politics, Commentary from around the world

Rahn: Is This the Worst Recession?

Summers: U.S. Will Return to Growth

Explorers: North Pole Summers Ice Free in 10 Years

Art Experts Find Possible New Da Vinci

Father of Anna Nicole Smith's Baby Due to Testify

AFP: India rejects Albanian demand for Mother Teresa remains

Why I Hate Obama’s America

Who’s Behind the White House War on Fox News?

The Affirmative Action Nobel

CNSNews.com - You Will Get Health Insurance at DMV—Literally (It’s in the Bill)

CNSNews.com - Senate Finance Committee Falsely Claims It Posted ‘Full Text’ of Bill Online

CNSNews.com - Climate Change Will Be Its Highest Priority, Says U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

CNSNews.com - FCC Commissioner Says Diversity Chief’s Ideas for Regulating Free Speech Are ‘Troubling’

CNSNews.com - Despite Obama Administration’s Hopes, Russia Giving No Ground on Iran Sanctions

CNSNews.com - Pro-Life Activists Speak Out Against Pro-Abortion Leaders in U.S., Spain

CNSNews.com - Health Care Legislation Moves Back Behind Closed Doors Wednesday

CNSNews.com - Interest Groups Battle to Deflect Health Taxes

CNSNews.com - One Republican on Senate Finance Committee Voted for Baucus Health-Care Bill

CNSNews.com - Gen. McChrystal Wants Up to 80,000 More Troops, Even As He Warns About Afghan Corruption

CNSNews.com - Rep. Barney Frank’s Committee Begins Push on Financial Overhaul

CNSNews.com - Scientists Rebut Claim That Man Causes Climate Change

CNSNews.com - Who’s Behind the White House War on Fox News?

CNSNews.com - Judge: Immigrants’ Children ‘Age Out’ of Their Parents’ Green Card Applications at 21

CNSNews.com - Snowe: Health Care Bill A 'Good Place to Start'

CNSNews.com - Son of Former Kentucky Governor Emerges As Slaying Suspect

CNSNews.com - Hillary Clinton Touts Freedom in Speech to Russian Students

CNSNews.com - 85,000 Iraqis Killed in 2004-08, Iraq Government Says

CNSNews.com - Nobel Judges Defend Their Decision to Award Peace Prize to Obama

CNSNews.com - White House Celebrates Hispanic Musical Heritage

CNSNews.com - Pakistani Jets Bomb Militants Near Afghan Border

CNSNews.com - Obama: Homosexual Relationships ‘Just as Real and Admirable’ as Heterosexual Marriage

CNSNews.com - Baucus Health Bill Could Prevent Medical Expense Deductions: Wheelchairs, Chemotherapy, Seeing-Eye Dogs

CNSNews.com - Pro-Abortion Group’s Report Says Unsafe Abortions Kill 70,000 Women a Year

Your dollars are just monopoly money - MSN Money

Guardian seeks urgent court hearing over parliament reporting gag | Media | guardian.co.uk

cryptogon.com » Guardian Censored, Can’t Identify the Reason Why

Asia Times Online :When money is worthless

BBC NEWS | Europe | Food production 'must rise 70%'

Dollar loses reserve status to yen & euro

*Saving Face in Afghanistan by Ron Pau(w/audio)l

Perpetual war is here — and Americans are getting used to it -- baltimoresun.com

Celente Flashback: Great Recession Will Maintain Grip for a Generation -- Seeking Alpha

Partisan Politics—A Fool’s Game for the Masses | The Beacon

The Grameen Thing: Just Another Bubble by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Warren Harding and the Forgotten Depression of 1920 by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Corporatist Pigs! - Pia Varma - Mises Institute

Malpractice on the Market - Eric M. Staib - Mises Institute

Extending the Recession Indefinitely - Vin Suprynowicz - Mises Institute

flashback:The Free Market: Nazism is Socialism

*Site:Gerald Celente

*Site:The Trends Research Institute

The End of the Email Era - WSJ.com

3 Promising Gold Stocks -- Seeking Alpha

Here are some answers to often asked questions of anti-gunners by Massad Ayoob Issue #45

Tactical-Life.com » 10 Commandments of Concealed Carry

Gerald Celente Forecasts 2012: Where are the safe haven nations?

Chuck Schumer: The Public Option is Now in Harry Reid's Hands

The Verdict On The New GOP.com: FAIL

Colts owner and NFL Commisioner pan Rush Limbaugh's efforts to be a "minority" owner

The Wealthy Weigh the Consequences: Come Clean, or Keep Offshore Accounts?

Donny Deutsch Calls Rush Limbaugh A "Douche" On Air

Memo to Glenn Beck: As long as you're making corrections ...

Jon Stewart blasts CNN for not fact-checking the news: "We'll have to leave it there."

WATB of the Week: Bill O'Reilly claims, 'There was no cheerleading of President Bush on this network'

A word about Holy Joe as Mount Olympia votes for the Baucus Bill and it passes: 14-9

Fox whines that White House 'attacks' confuse news with opinion -- in a 'news story' that gives only one side

Anthony Weiner: We Need the Public Option and the Health Care Industry is Making Our Argument for Us

Studies: No In-Between With Swine Flu. It's Either Mild -- Or Critical.

Fox wonders why White House sees them as reflexively anti-Obama. Then its pundits bitch about his Nobel Prize

Studies Confirm Americans Are Self-Rationing Health Care

Jim Cramer: Geithner Made Everybody Feel That the Banking System was Safe

Four-Month-Old Baby Turned Down for Health Insurance. He's Too 'Fat'!

Getting a Healthcare Overview - How the Brits do it, how we do it and how the Chinese do it

Michael Moore: Do You Want Airline Pilots to Be Working Two Jobs?

Someone Needs to Tell Mort Zuckerman That Light Rail is Infrastructure

Glennbeckians protest outside school full of kindergartners because they didn't like Obama song

Media Note Anderson Cooper 360 Playing To Liberals, Ignore Playing To Conservatives

Bob Dole was told to STFU on Health Care by Mitch McConnell

GOP Embarrassment Lynn Jenkins Has A Democratic Challenger For 2010

AHIP Takes The Gloves Off, Releases Questionable Report Predicting High Insurance Premiums

Bill Moyers: In Washington, Revolving Doors are Bad for Your Health

As Health-Care 'Reform' Comes Down To The Wire, The Lobbyists Are Winning.

Blue America vs The Chamber of Commerce in Arkansas

Ana Marie Cox on Fox's Treatment of Kevin Jennings: They’re Persecuting Someone Because He’s Gay

White House's Anita Dunn says FOX News is a wing of the Republican Party

John McCain Dodges Question Of Whether Invading Iraq Was A Mistake

Bill Kristol: What 'Grown Up' Serious Argument is There That Sending 15, 000 Troops is Any Better Than 40,000?

Afghanistan Strategy on This Week: Find Yourself in Hole, Dig A Bigger One?

Rachel Maddow: The Nobel Peace Prize and Obama Derangement Syndrome

Rep. Marcy Kaptur With Some 'Reality From Ground Zero' on Ohio Foreclosures

Ret. General: McChrystal should resign if denied troops

Public Pensions in Deep Trouble. All These Economic Landmines, Thanks to GOP Policies!

Simon Johnson: The Opportunity for Real Reform of the Financial System Has Already Passed

Liz Cheney: Peace Prize should be dedicated to US military

The Obama Backlash: What Does It Have To Do With The Media?

Chip Reid Concern Trolls WH Briefing on Obama's Nobel Prize; Worries That Prize Is "Partisan" and "Liberal"

Delusions of grandeur: Militia video warns President Obama to leave the country by Oct. 15

In Strange Turn of Events, Democrats Are Actually Questioning Wisdom of Afghanistan Policy

Glenn Beck thinks non-citizens shouldn't be counted in the Census

Horizon BC/BS Was Delivering Letters to Hospital Patients, Warning Them To Leave. And They Wonder Why We Hate Them.

Nicole Wallace: Scorched Earth Policy-- What Scorched Earth Policy?

Rush Limbaugh Uses Innocent Detroiters As Show Pinata

Excuse Me, Who Won The Nobel Peace Prize?

Michael Moore makes mincemeat out of Hannity's fake 'hospital' video footage from Cuba

ICE Strips Sheriff Joe Arpaio Of Immigration Enforcement Powers

Rep. Alan Grayson: Republicans Probably Wish There Were a Nobel Prize for Fear

Disturbing explosives case: Family ran a day care with bomb-making material and neo-Nazi lit in the back

Tweety sez Obama didn't campaign on the public option. He's WRONG and needs to apologize!

Why Everybody in America is Wrong About Healthcare ... Including Libertarians and Austrian Economists

Federal Tax Code: Time for GLBT Civil Disobedience

Constitutional Hypocrisy

Robert Reich's cold honesty

What Soros Wanted, Obama Delivers

Why White America Chose Obama

Chavez shows off to other tyrants

If Rush Limbaugh is a Racist, Are His 20 Million Listeners Also?

Schumer playing hardball with health insurance industry

Gore On The Grill

The Name Game for Son of Stimulus

Obama The Impotent: A Dangerous Delusion

The fraud and dishonesty in the Baucus bill

Liberals' Violence Warning Comes a Year Late

Obama: 'Whiner in Chief' - The Nation Magazine

Health Care Reform Chicago Style

Is Rep. Wexler getting payoff from Obama for his support?

God, Conservatism and Values

Rushing to Race Bait

Bernanke's bomb

ACORN one state at a time

How to take down a great power

The Self-Censorship of Liberals: It's Too Scary to Look

Talkers fill GOP leadership vacuum

Nobel Dynamite

Honored, Humbled but Unsure?

Is there really a recovery on the horizon?

Individual Freedom vs. the Right to a Cell Phone

Obama and the Foreign Policy of the Empty Suit

Credibility for Conservatives

Peace, Brother. But what about Chicago?

Government Care and the Dole Family

Top Twenty Things Obama Doesn't Say

The Biggest Shovel is Obama's

Climate Myths and National Security

Senate finance committee votes to pass healthcare reform bill | World news | guardian.co.uk

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini 'was recruited by MI5' - Telegraph

An unhealthy obsession with wealth | Hadley Freeman | Comment is free | The Guardian

The neutered liberal media | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Red faces at Microsoft as server failure turns smartphone dumb - Business News, Business - The Independent

Maybe we can buy our way to victory in Afghanistan, says general - Times Online

Eating chocolate 'can help relieve pain', study claims - Telegraph

Cut yourself? Sprinkling SUGAR on the wound could help it heal faster and lessen the pain | Mail Online

UN, Interpol Design 'Global Policing Doctrine'

Mad Cow Firmly In California Raccoon Population

Gays Criticize Obama's Hate Crime Record


Obama’s Communist Mentor

'Whole face of the mountain' fell into valley, resident says - CNN.com

Despite partial disclosure, Europe's UFO files remain mostly under wraps | Science & Technology | Deutsche Welle | 13.10.2009

savethemales.ca - Why Young Men Are Avoiding Marriage

North Korea 'preparing to launch more missiles' - Telegraph

Cryptomundo » Bigfoot On The Move

Barack Obama's Top 10 unfulfilled pledges - Telegraph

White House accuses Fox News of 'waging war against Barack Obama' - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Health insurance lobby attacks reforms

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US aims for carbon capture in a decade

High Court reinstates nurse who exposed neglect - Home News, UK - The Independent

Al-Qaeda suffering from money troubles as Taliban thrives - Telegraph

Global homicide: murder rates around the world | News | guardian.co.uk

Scientists prove cancer can be passed on in the womb | Science | The Guardian

Kill our cows – and save the planet - Telegraph

Vegetarian spider Bagheera kiplingi found in Central America - Telegraph

US Communism, Food, Healthcare

The Democrats - Really, You Just Gotta Laugh

YouTube - November V, No TV for V

Report: Russia to allow pre-emptive nukes

Maria Shriver Busted Breaking Husband Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Cell Phone Ban On Drivers - wcbstv.com

Michael Jackson's burnt hair is up for sale | The Sun |News

UPDATED: La Toya Jackson: Michael Wouldn’t Have Been Happy With ‘This Is It’ Film | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Invading giant snakes threaten U.S wilderness areas | Lifestyle | Reuters

Armed With A Deadly Burrito - October 14, 2009

*CAIR spent $160,000 to silence Savage

Muslim team banned after refusing to play gay team

My Way News - Health care legislation back behind closed doors

Democrats launch attack on insurer exemption - Patrick O'Connor and Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Obama's critical moment approaches

Clinton Leaves Moscow Without Firm Backing on Iran

Clinton raps Russia over rights on reset trip | World | Reuters

The Associated Press: Russian gays express disappointment in Clinton

American 'abortion addict' who had 15 terminations in 17 years publishes her memoir | Mail Online

Tourists killed in hot-air balloon accident in China -Times Online

Hong Kong apartment sells for whopping $57 million - Yahoo! Finance

Kids Under 10 May Need 2 Swine Flu Vaccine Doses - CBS News

Can Your Pet Save You on Your Taxes?

Reuters AlertNet - Study charts links between mobile phones, tumors

Wood making comeback as power source - USATODAY.com

The car that uses urine to save the planet

Cuba gives 'socialism lite' a try as recession deepens | McClatchy

In major flip, House Dems now represent richest regions - USATODAY.com

Mom Arrested for Washing Kid's Mouth With Soap | NBC Miami

'Spider guy' fesses up to McDonald's drive-through hoax | NetworkWorld.com Community

Jaycee Dugard opens up after 18-year kidnapping ordeal - CNN.com

YouTube - Behind Jaycee Dugard's Cover

Michael Jackson 'This Is It' controversy: So who exactly is Safire? | EW.com

Dylan Releases First Christmas Album - Irresistible Headlines News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Leonardo Da Vinci Painting Found - ABC News

'Godfather' Singer Al Martino Dies at 82 - Spinner

*Ron Paul News: Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis; Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

Drugmakers, Doctors Rake in Billions Battling H1N1 Flu

NASA Engineer to Speak on Destruction of WTC Buildings | 911Blogger.com

William K. Black: How the Servant Became a Predator: Finance's Five Fatal Flaws

UN, Interpol Design 'Global Policing Doctrine'

Geithner Aides Reaped Millions Working for Banks, Hedge Funds - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Global Warming Dooms day cults don't want you to see this

New York-Based Muslim's Web Site Calls for God to 'Kill the Jews' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Hilmar Von Campe on Alex Jones Tv: Defeating The Totalitarian Lie!

**Refreshing News: The 5 Corporations Ruining America

Refreshing News: People 'anxious' when cut off from internet

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine

The Explosion of Tent Cities is Creating Unexpected Problems » Nationalist Coalition Blog

YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton

t r u t h o u t | The Myth of "America"

Ex-officer alleges Iraq cover-ups | UK news | The Guardian

Pam Martens: Secret Deal Between Wall Street and Washington Shines a Harsh Light on Federal Housing Agency

Where Did the H1N1 Late-2009 Flu Season Virus Come From? by Bill Sardi

Understanding the US economy and politics as suffering from parasites: two professional perspectives

*Police, Then & Now;Pictures

Washington's Blog:Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Debunking the "Too Big To Fail" Myth

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Shocking Vaccine Cover Up

Spotlight follows Snowe as health care battle advances - CNN.com

YouTube - Obama :Health Care Bill "Not Perfect", Significant Work ...

Capitol Briefing - Rep. Wexler Resigning for Think-Tank Job

The Associated Press: Pakistani Taliban criticize Obama's peace Nobel

Maria Shriver breaks husband's cell phone law, Web site says - CNN.com

washingtonpost.com > Nation A Historic Success In Military Recruiting

White House vs. Fox News, Not Just Fox Opinion - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Pastor Who Helped Christian Convert Runaway Hopeful Despite Court Ruling - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Runaway Convert Going Back to Ohio

The Associated Press: Delaware 1st grader has 45-day suspension lifted

YouTube - Suspended 1st Grader Allowed Back to School

Internet uproar over Pelosi, Hitler, and Twitter

The Associated Press: Lawyer: Hijacking suspect sought return for years

Hillary Clinton: I'd have hired Barack Obama - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Mark Castillo case: Man pleads guilty to drowning his children at city hotel -- baltimoresun.com

The Associated Press: Wall Street Journal surpasses USA Today as No. 1

The Associated Press: Watchdog: Treasury and Fed failed in AIG oversight

Bloomberg buys BusinessWeek - Dayton Business Journal:

Semiconductor Industry Still At Risk If No Wider Econ Recovery - WSJ.com

Oil hits one-year high as stocks gain - MarketWatch

Wal-Mart to Expand Cellphone Service - WSJ.com

Magazine Preview - Stanley McChrystal’s Long War - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Obama: Afghanistan Decision in 'Coming Weeks'

VOA News - Clinton Stresses Human Rights in Russia

YouTube - Obama steals 'Yes We Can' slogan from Russia?

The Associated Press: Fatah says it's ready to reconcile with Hamas

AFP: China's Hu calls for more 'big' projects with Russia

VOA News - Ex-President Bush Promotes Six-Party N. Korean Talks

The Associated Press: Pakistan bombs militant hide-outs; thousands flee

Rev. Moon performs worldwide mass wedding -- latimes.com

YouTube - Tens of Thousands in Unification Mass Wedding

The Associated Press: Philippines asks rebels to help free Irish priest

UPDATE 2-Romania president rejects technocrat cabinet plan - Forbes.com

India urges China to stop projects in Pakistan Kashmir | Industries | Industrials, Materials & Utilities | Reuters

VOA News - More Than One Billion People Going Hungry

Russian opposition stage walkout, blame Putin, Medvedev | International | Reuters

YouTube - Russian opposition in walk-out protest

VOA News - Zimbabwe Court Puts Senior MDC Official Back in Prison

Call Stalin a murderer? Russian judge says an opposition weekly can. | csmonitor.com

Growth of Facebook leaves MySpace in dust | Media Maverick - CNET News

Facebook ‘poking’: So annoying, it’s criminal - Technotica- msnbc.com

Hubble snaps aftermath of galactic pile-up • The Register

Twitter Now Outflanks Facebook In Spam Fight - The Chart - IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness

Google Voice Pushes Free Phone-service Envelope | CafeSentido.com

The Associated Press: NASA invites Twitterers to next shuttle launch

'Now we have proof' jihadis infiltrating D.C.

Dutch right-winger Geert Wilders wins challenge against British ban - Telegraph

'Chill out,' Graham tells critics - Breaking News - The State

Off the Face of the Earth

Palestinian Memo: Hopes in Obama 'Evaporated' - Middle East Map | News | Crisis - FOXNews.com

*Site:Revolution Muslim

Soldier dies after receiving smoker's lungs in transplant - CNN.com

Mackinac Videos: What Canadians Want You To Know About Their Health Care System

Israelis may stay home to avoid arrest in Europe - Washington Times


Breitbart.tv » Chris Matthews Fantasizes About Someone Shooting Limbaugh in the Head

Breitbart.tv » ‘Hustlers’: Limbaugh Blasts Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson Over Legacy of Lies

Breitbart.tv » Five Arrested After Florida Teen Set on Fire in Act of Vengeance

Breitbart.tv » NFL Player May Regret Decision to Head Butt His Own Helmet

Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast: Limbaugh Threatens Legal Action Over False Quotes

Breitbart.tv » Olbermann Targets Malkin: Without ‘Fascistic Hatred’ She’s Just a ‘Mashed-Up Bag of Meat with Lipstick’

Breitbart.tv » Beck Installs ‘Hotline’ for White House to Call Him to Correct Any Mistakes

Breitbart.tv » CNN Notes Limbaugh Denial But Won’t Retract Touting of Alleged ‘Slavery’ Quote

Breitbart.tv » MSNBC ‘Bleeps’ Analyst’s Nasty Comment About Limbaugh

Breitbart.tv » CNN HLN Host Joy Behar Asks if Cabinet Secretary is Gay

Breitbart.tv » Limbaugh Explains Past Comment About Media’s View of McNabb

Breitbart.tv » Latest Video Attack on Limbaugh Features ‘Klan’ Team Uniform

Breitbart.tv » Beck Analyzes Chris Matthews’ Limbaugh Shooting Fantasy


Badge of Bullcrap: Nobel Committee on the Defensive Re Obama

Low Class: Now NFL Commissioner, Team Owner Attacking Limbaugh; Anti-Semitism, Death Threats OK for NFL Owners, But NOT Conservatism

Not Sharp, Drew: USA Today/Freep Sportswriter Used Fake Wikipedia Quotes to Savage Limbaugh

DISTURBING: Significant Increase in Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught at Ariz Border

The Peril of Anointing a Favored Financial Few — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Weak Dollar Equals Strong Stocks, For Now - Up and Down Wall Street Daily - R. Forsyth - Barrons.com

Misleading Indicator - The Atlantic (November 2009)

Wall Street Fends Off Democrats on Risk Reforms - washingtonpost.com

Is Buying Big Pharma The Perfect Health Care Hedge? at The Brian Sullivan Blog

Taxes Are Not Created Equal « Donald Marron

Gold and Greenbacks | Alhambra Investments

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - A different regime change in Iran

A Recipe for Somalia | Foreign Policy

RealClearWorld - An Independent Israeli Foreign Policy?

Senate Finance Committee Approves Health Care Bill - ABC News

The finance committee vote - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com

Was Obama’s Nobel for “awesomeness” and positive thinking? - World - Macleans.ca

After a Key Vote, Health Care Now Turns to Harry Reid

Healthcare one step closer | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The American Spectator : Now Comes the Hard Part

RealClearPolitics - Only American Free Enterprise Can Meet Our Nation's Job Challenge

RealClearPolitics - Washington Is Nuts

RealClearPolitics - What's Michael Moore Talking About?

RealClearPolitics - High Price of ObamaCare

Let’s Make a Deal

RealClearPolitics - Like Obama, Reagan Was Adored by His Party's Base

How Fox News Outsmarted the White House - The Daily Beast

As Baucus bill skimps, health reform suffers - The Boston Globe

Editorial - That Promised Financial Reform - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: Incorrigible Iran - Washington Times

Dems ponder drop in black voter turnout - TheHill.com

Financial-Services Regulation Fuels Tiff - WSJ.com

Some States Forgo Road Signs on Stimulus Program - NYTimes.com


*Transcripts:A 'Critical Milestone' in Health Care Reform

Panel on the Latest in the Health Care Debate

White House, Insurance Industry At Odds

Secretary Clinton Interviewed by the BBC

Rep. Anthony Weiner on Health Care

Guests: Minority Leader McConnell & Sen. Reed

Guests: Sens. Levin & Graham, Gens. Myers & McCaffrey

Guests: Senators McCain, Casey and Stabenow

Guests: Senators Feinstein & Chambliss

Guests: Governors Granholm and Daniels

Address to Full Session of Northern Ireland Assembly


*Politics Video:Snowe: Health Bill A "Good Place to Start"

Sen. Schumer Wants Public Option Put In Final HC Bill

NJ: Christie Says Corzine's Attack Will Fall Flat

Rep. Bachmann: Olympia Snowe's Decision Was "Unfortunate"

Imus: Public Option or Sen. Snowe's Vote?

Clinton Has No Interest In Running For President Again

Steele To Obama On HC: "You Have A Long Way To Go"

Sen. McCaskill: Rove "Really Good at Leaving Out Important Details"

Paul Begala Vs. Ari Fleischer Over Health Reform

Keith Olbermann Slams Rush Limbaugh's NBC Interview

O'Reilly: America's Healthy Future

"Special Report" Panel On Health Care Vote

Sen. Grassley On Health Insurance Mandate

Karl Rove Breaks Down Key Reform Numbers

Gibbs: Snowe's Vote Is "Important" To The White House

Rush Part 2: I'd Share A Beer With Obama

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Fantasizes About Murder Of Rush Limbaugh

Carville On Limbaugh And The Rams

Obama: Snowe Has Been Extremely "Diligent"

New Liz Cheney Group Ad Hammers Obama For Difference Between "Rhetoric And Reality"

VA: Full McDonnell & Deeds Gubernatorial Debate

Sen. Snowe To Vote For Health Care Out Of Finance Committee

Rep. Weiner: Health Care Lobbyists Are On The Attack

Jon Stewart Criticizes CNN Over Fact-Checking

Sen. Snowe Speaks About Vote For Health Care

O'Reilly: Another White House Attack On Fox News

Brit Hume: White House's Risky Strategy Vs. FNC

Fox News Responds To Attack On Network By Obama WH

Poll: Politics Played Role In Obama Winning Nobel

VA: McDonnell Leads Deeds In Latest Polls

Sen. Barrasso: "One Or Two" Defectors In Finance Health Care Vote

Hillary Clinton Supports Obama's Nobel Win

Pundits On Troop Surge Decision

Frank Rich On The War In Afghanistan

Rep. Grayson: A Hero For The Democrats?

David Ignatius On Pakistan Relationship

Hitchens: Obama Won Nobel For "Affect" Not "Effect"

Rush Limbaugh On His Life, Obama, GOP

WH Aide Slams Fox News As Arm Of GOP

Stephen A. Smith On Rush Limbaugh And The Rams

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Nobel Peace Prize

"This Week" Roundtable On Nobel Peace Prize, Health Care

Levin, Graham, McCaffrey, Myers On Afghanistan

Sens. Feinstein, Chambliss On Afghanistan

Sens. McConnell, Reed On Afghanistan, Funding

Govs. Granholm, Daniels & Wynn, Zandi On Effect Of Stimulus

McCain: GOP Needs An Agenda

Obama "Wins" Powerball On SNL

Obama Promises To End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

*Markets Video :Fed Unlikely to Start Raising Interest Rates for Years: Mishkin

Investors Hedging Inflation Risks

Intel Blasts Through Forecasts

Is WYNN a Winning Play?

The Dollar Debate

Is Gold A Dangerous Investment?

Bair: More Banks to Fail; But Bailout Probably Not Needed

What to Look Out For in Banks' Q3 Earnings

UK Banks are Still Struggling

The Dollar & Getting Into Riskier Assets

Is Wall Street Facing a New Tax Hit?

Jim Rogers Talks Gold

Elizabeth Warren: Foreclosure Fix Not Working

Ritholtz: Don't Bail on Stocks

Sterling Gets Hit by Latest Rate Forecast

Bove: Big Banks Look Good, Regionals to Take Hit

Banks: The Hunt for Profits

*World Video:'The Dollar Is Like Democracy'

Brown Announces Extra Afghan Troops

U.S.-Russia Relations: Clinton's Trip to Moscow

In China Gas Deal, Russia's Goals Still Political

Fixing Finance

Russian Opposition in Walk-out Protest

Tens of Thousands in Unification Mass Wedding

Interview with Sharifuddin Pirzada

Iraq's Security Worries

South Africans Protest Over Housing

Brown Unveils Asset Sale

Colombia's Dying Indigenous Groups

Mahmoud Abbas Speech on Gaza War Raises Questions

Sri Lanka Camps a Humanitarian Catastrophe

Moldovan PM Vlad Filat

Nagasaki, Hiroshima Aim for 2020 Olympics

Lawmakers warn of CAIR threat

House Republicans accuse Muslim group of trying to plant spies - TheHill.com

'Now we have proof …'

Gibbs stands by criticism of Fox

Limbaugh: Media 'scum' lying about fake racist quotes


10/13 The Mark Levin Show

10/12 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 141. The State Hates the Internet

Donny Deutsch Calls Limbaugh More Names; Gets Bleeped - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Matthews: 'Someone's Going To Jam a CO2 Pellet Into Rush's Head' | NewsBusters.org

Sharpton Urges N.F.L. to Oppose Limbaugh Bid for Rams - NYTimes.com

Robert Wexler, passionate Florida liberal, quits Congress | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Nurses sue to block mandatory swine-flu shot

Obama favors blue states for travel - White House- msnbc.com

Another GOP senator open to health overhaul - Health care reform- msnbc.com

Oprah guru faces criminal charges?

Oprah or Jesus: Who's right?

AP Newsbreak: Nobel jury defends Obama decision

Meet the 'father of world currency'

'O,' say can you see Obama's face on U.S. flag?

Sunstein: Take organs from 'helpless patients'

Longtime homeschooling champion dies

Bible classes slow to appear in schools

Judge: abortion laws protect girl who sought pregnancy-ending beating - Salt Lake Tribune

Texas man found asleep with corpse inside closet; Cody Jean Plant charged with drug offenses

DNA leads to suspect after 19 years, FBI says - CNN.com

Immigrants Deported After Kidnapping Hoax - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Dollar loses reserve status to yen & euro

Hitler's Little Helpers: Nazi Garden Gnomes Invade German Town - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Beer-Bottle Baby Is Turning Drivers' Heads | NBC Connecticut

Cheerleaders take high-flying risks under untrained eyes -- latimes.com

New Michael Jackson single a mistake | Entertainment | Reuters


*American Minute for October 14th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility attorney mocked, fined $20,000


Stand Up Notes from Flyover Country: My Nobel Prize, Please!

Bruce Jenner: Obama’s ‘Done Nothing’ to Earn Nobel

The New Counter Culture: Liberty

Levi Johnston and the Middle-American Minstrel Show

How Worthless is Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize?

The Difference Between Obama and Jesus

Lonewolf Diaries: Europe Waaaaay More Racist Than America

‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’ Director on Lou Dobbs

Daily Gut: The Al Sharpton History Minute

Is ACORN DOA?: Blame The Board!

First They Came For the “Climate Criminals”…

The Value-Added Tax: Financing the Road to Serfdom

ACORN’s GOP Candidate Struggles For Cash

$373 Million to Stimulate Vending Machines

“Gifted Hands” Surgeon Rips Into Obamacare

An ObamaCare Alternative from the States

PETA Shakedowns and “Social Responsibility”: Moving the Goalposts

Obama's polar opposite lost Peace Prize

5 Norwegians and a gypsy

How much has the 'O-bomb' cost us?

Obama: 'We're going to paint nation purple with SEIU'

Obama's unrestrained FBI: Is this America?

If Obama had told us before his election

University idiots

Playboy targets kids by stripping Marge Simpson

What's Michael Moore talking about?

Why I hate Obama's America

Decline Is a Choice

Baucus Committee OKs a Health Bill, But Not Reform

Do something worthy of persecution

These Are Not Negotiable


flashback:1980 Republican National Convention

Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates ...

Politics1 - American Politics , Elections, Candidates & Campaigns

Hare Krishna

Prabhupada Hare Krishna: Audio


Online Music

Lala - Where music plays


Last . fm


video:Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena

Optical Illusions

Pyramids/atlantis videos

(45:45)Age of the Sphinx

(1:48:45)Land of Osiris Egypt Documentry

(44:36)Who Built the Pyramids ?

(1:28:46)Into the Great Pyramid

(1:59:56)The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion]

(58:23)Legend of Atlantis

(1:19:43)Legend Of Atlantis part 2 - Secret Brotherhood

(1:24:34)Legend of Atlantis part 3 - Secret Prophecies

(1:00:16)Legend of Atlantis 4 - Return of the Lightmasters

(40:25)Legend of Atlantis 5 - Battle of Armageddon (1of2)

(31:47)Legend of Atlantis 5 - Battle of Armageddon (2of2)

(54:39)Symbolism in the Book of Revelation


Farmers, Hemp Industry Leaders Arrested for Planting Industrial Hemp at DEA Headquarters in Act of Civil Disobedience to Protest 'Reefer Madness' | Reuters

Marijuana Law Reform - NORML

Cannabis News - marijuana, hemp, and cannabis news


High Times




Planet Paranormal

Ghost Radio On-line


Literature :: Mises Institute

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Home Page

Reference: Thesaurus, Usage, Quotations, and more. Bartleby.com

Latin Index

Full Text Translator | Free Translations from Dictionary.com

Lost in Translation - Cross-language computer translation using Babel Fish


PDF Database - Pdf & Word Ebook Search Engine

Jewish Symbols,etc., are Greek

Online Etymology Dictionary

Famous Quotes by Author - The Quotations Page

*www.mapsofwar.com/(Imperial History of the Middle East

National Gallery of Art

C-SPAN Video Library

*SITE:Natural Cures


*Site:Natural Health Librarian


*Site:Feeding America

*SITE:Americans Against Food Taxes

*SITE:The Kim Komando Show

*Site:Pro Libertate

Alex Jones audio/video downloads

*The Alex Jones Show:FEED PAGE

Miro Guide - VIEW:The Alex Jones Show

*American Dictators by Alex Jones in Documentary

*Masters of Terror Exposed by Alex Jones in Documentary

*Martial Law by Alex Jones in Documentary

*9-11 The Road to Tyranny by Alex Jones in Documentary

*Masters of Terror - EXPOSED by Alex Jones in Documentary

*9-11 - Descent Into Tyranny by Alex Jones in History

*Terror Storm - The Truth about 9-11 by Alex Jones in Documentary


World Net Daily Player:Legislation 'will morph' into government-run system

World Net Daily Player:Obama's spending to blame for declining dollar

World Net Daily Player:'Liberal' Republican better than Democrat?

World Net Daily Player:Russia holds cards on Iran


*Most Corrupt US Military Plan Ever*

*Site:National Security Agency

*Site:Federation of American Scientists


Steve Quayle News Alerts:Financial Warning from Steve Quayle

The Watchman's Cry:"The Coming Bank Failures - A Prophetic Dream"

The Watchman's Cry:AudioCast Messages


Did The CIA Have More Motive Than Oswald? by Jacob G. Hornberger

Oswald, the CIA, and Kennedy by Jacob G. Hornberger

*Hornberger's Blog Archives


*AUDIO / VIDEO(jordanmaxwell.com)

*News Talk Radio Online/Liberty News Radio - News Radio Online

*Liberty News Radio - Show Archives

*The Future of Freedom Foundation - Audio/Video

*Freedom Daily, 2009:and archives