"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 September 2009

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video(122:13)McLibel - Two People Who Wouldnt Say Sorry (2005)

video(53:33)Genetically Modified Food - Panacea Or Poison (GMO NWO 2005 Divx5)




Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bobcats Over Washington on 9/11: What Were Two Mystery Aircraft Doing Overhead at the Time of the Pentagon Attack?

6pgs./Partial Transcript; Aircraft Accident; AAL77; Washington, DC; September 11, 2001.” Federal Aviation Administration, September 20, 2001

*AA 77 Radar-Based Timeline and Maps. 9/11 Commission

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Nathan Moulton’s “Activist” Documentary Released

YouTube - Bush at a loss for words on 9/11 foreknowledge question

YouTube - Bush in classroom on 9/11 with his commentary!

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

The Israeli Spy Ring


9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

The FEMA WTC Collapse Analysis Farce

The Information Underground ; Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!

Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

archives:CBC: The Secret History of 9/11 : The U.S. Government Reacts

*9-11: The Mystery Plane; not so mysterious « 9-11 Revisited

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

The 9/11 WTC fires - Where's the Inferno?

Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of 9/11 Attacks


The Fake 2001 Osama bin Laden Video Tape

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

New Footage of WTC 7 and North Tower Collapse - Picasso Dreams

The Science of 9/11 |

9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters

*Video:Between the Lies

*Christopher Bollyn:911 Article Links

American's Journey: Barney Frank uses Straw Man Logical Fallacy to discredit and dismiss peer-reviewed 911 Dust Study

WACLA Delivers Scientific Proof Of TREASON To Members Of Congress And Other D.C. Players DAY THREE | 911Blogger.com


American's Journey: I am Proud to Be a "Conspiracy Theorist" ...especially after the case is solved ha ha

We All Fall Down

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hundreds of 9/11 first responders die of cancer

American's Journey: Fox news 5 reports WTC 7 collapse before it happens

YouTube - South Tower Smoking Guns


Held In A Psychiatric Ward & Called “Delusional” For Saying 9/11 Was An Inside Job « Web of Evidence: What They Don't Want You To Know

Uncensored Magazine | Does NZ PM John Key Agree Explosives Were Used on 9/11?

YouTube - Congressman Barney Frank Dismisses Scientific Report About Explosive Residue in 9/11 Dust

American's Journey: The Dark Implications of Nanothermate in WTC Dust - Unlikely Heroes Explain

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)

Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11

YouTube - BBC now admits al qaeda never existed

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You

Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Power 7/7 Terror Rehearsal - Same thing happened on 9/11. What a coincidence!

London Times Smears 9/11 Truth Movement As Racist, Nazi Like, Stupid

We Demand Transparency!:What exactly is your take on 9/11?

YouTube - More proof of WTC 7 lie

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Botched Building Demolition Reinforces WTC 7 Lie

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jerry Mazza: 9/11 was an Inside Job

YouTube - More About That Exploding Paint

YouTube - Debunking "September Clues" and "No Plane" Theories

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset "Tim Osman"

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » New York Judge Dismisses Claim Negligent Construction Contributed To WTC 7 Collapse

9/11’s smoking gun still smoking!

8) Quotes From Prominent People « Deconstructing the Jewish Crime Network

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11


9/11 and Anthrax - FRAMING ARABS

*All In One Chunk - 9/11 Basic Questions-WRH 9/11 Index-Questions for Michael Moore


Lockerbie bomber Abdelbasset al Megrahi in intensive care in Tripoli hospital - Telegraph

Monsanto? Sustainable? Water bully, I'd say … | Environment | guardian.co.uk

'Telepathic' microchip could help paraplegics control computers - Telegraph

Pictured: Hitler playing chess with Lenin - Telegraph

On a diet? Then put away those sweeteners because they may help you pile on pounds | Mail Online

Phil Gingrey- Great Defender of the Private Insurance Companies-- Trust Them to Regulate Themselves

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Utah Principal Apologizes for Showing Pro-Obama ‘I Pledge’ Video to Students

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bank Of America Asks Armless Man For Thumbprint, Then Denies To Cash His Check (VIDEO)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why Psychologists Are Infinitely More Dangerous Than Conspiracy Theorists

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones On The Psychology Today Hit Piece

National Geographic’s New Hit Piece – 9/11: Science And Conspiracy « The Tonka Report

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Critics Slam World Wildlife Fund for Ad Campaign Exploiting 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » What Would the United States Look Like Without the Federal Reserve?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Democracy Is Dead… Politicians [In] The White House, Senate And Congress [Are] Mere Puppets, Pawns For The … Oligopoly”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » FL GOP: Obama’s speech to schoolkids ’socialist indoctrination’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » BBC ‘Aftershock’ Promo – Economic Collapse/New World Order

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Psychology Today Hit Piece Labels Conspiracy Thinking A Psychotic Illness

Maryland Gov Says Taking Toxic Vaccination is “Patriotic Duty”

Afghanistan for Dummies

CIA: Osama Helped Bush in ‘04

**Psychiatric Insanity

Tim Hawkins: The Government Can

**The Connections of Blackwater’s Erik Prince**

Peter Schiff: The Zero Down Cash for Clunkers Bubble

DHS, FEMA Launch “Preparedness” Campaign

Devvy Kidd -- Major Bills to Defeat After August Recess

IT departments have a deadly new weapon in their war on workers - Telegraph

Health | Swine flu to hit 50% of us? | Seattle Times Newspaper

Preparing for a riot

US jobless soars as companies squeeze workers - Times Online

Rothschild Said to Start Fund; Chairman’s Son Joins

UN chief visits 'doomsday' seed vault in Arctic

All in the mind: The 'telepathy' chip that lets you turn on the TV using the power of thought

CNSNews.com - ‘Global Warming for Dummies’ or Global Warming Propaganda?

Swine flu won't be as dangerous as we thought, official says | World news | guardian.co.uk

CNSNews.com - Health Care Bill Gives Obama Power to Appoint Government 'Commissioner' With Sweeping Power to Dictate Health Coverage

*Indoctrination Alert! Protect your kids on Sept. 8th | bytestyle.tv

*President Obama’s Address to Students Across America September 8, 2009

*Right blasts Obama speech to students - Nia-Malika Henderson - POLITICO.com

Some object to Obama speech to students

Lindorff - There Are Really Only Two Questions

Russia Seeks Afghan War Role as NATO Deaths Climb

Asia Times Online :US's 'arc of instability' just gets bigger

savethemales.ca - Women Duped to Seek Power, Not Love

300 Million Without A Country

Barack Obama 'to host Israel-Palestinian talks at UN' - Telegraph

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » A Palestinian Child Against Israel at The ICC

Gordon Brown did not want Lockerbie bomber to die in jail - Telegraph

Princess Diana: death 'was not an accident' says leading lawyer - Telegraph

QA & Reg Affairs Unit: TOXIC FLUORIDE SECRETS; Fluoride & the Atomic Bomb Program(qualityassurance.synthasite.com)

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » Magnesium–The Miracle Mineral

Bionic brain chips could overcome paralysis - health - 01 September 2009 - New Scientist

Larry King Live on Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA)

Site:(Canada)/The Freedomsite

Section 13 Hate Message Clause Unconstitutional Rules Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

09-03-2009: Are Eco-Cities Building a Comeback?

09-02-2009: I have been abducted by aliens, says Japan's first lady

Obama To Increase Number Of Mercs In Afghanistan

09-02-2009: Sentenced to death on the NHS

*09-02-2009: Big Brother Barack: Students Must Read Books About Him Prior to National School Address

White House Seeks to Archive Comments on its Facebook, YouTube, MySpace Sites

09-02-2009: We Need a Special Prosecutor for Blackwater and Other CIA "Contractors"

09-03-2009: Military Contractor Put U.S. Service Members at Risk With Bogus Aircraft Repairs, Investigators Say

Watchdog Group Warns of 'Lord of the Flies' Environment in Kabul As Embassy Contractors Run Out of Control

Russo-Saudi Arms Deal: The Harbinger of the Middle East Power Shift?


*VIDEO: More Obama Indoctrination Going On In Schools

Oldest Swiss Bank Tells Clients to Sell U.S. Assets or Leave

Have Physicists Cracked the Stock Market?

The Civilized Community of Nations

The Empire and the Robots

No Economic Recovery in Sight: More Financial Chaos Ahead

The company that runs Britain

PanAm 103 Over Lockerbie

Wake up America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory "decontaminations"

The Afghanistan-Pakistan War: Obama’s Vietnam?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | We're all mutants, say scientists

Nanotechnology's role in the ethics debate on human enhancement

Pictured: Electric lollipop that allows blind people to 'see' using their tongue

Deficits Will Matter by Gary North

Monopoly in Vero Beach by Dom Armentano

Plain Sailing – the Keynesian Way by Chris Clancy

Freedom Communications, R.I.P. by John Seiler

That Government Is Best That Governs Not At All by John Sampson

More for the Meat Grinder by Ron Shirtz


World War II: An Unspeakable Horror Now Encrusted in Myths | The Beacon

GOPUSA - Say Hello to the Diversity Czar

Provocateurs At End The Fed Rally?

The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and the New World Order

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

San Francisco News - The Demystifying Adventures of the Amazing Randi - page 1

Secret US spontaneous human combustion beam tested • The Register

Olive Leaf Offers Many Healing Benefits

Telegraphs Ran on Electric Air in Crazy 1859 Magnetic Storm | Wired Science | Wired.com

Japan Wants to Power 300,000 Homes With Wireless Energy From Space | Popular Science

Wall Street Journal Debunks GOP Talking Point on Stimulus

As Jon Lovitz Once Said, "I Can't Believe I'm Losing To This Guy."

Schakowsky on the Media: It is Not Just He Said She Said- They're Telling Lies and Need to Be Called on It

Disgusting: Teabaggers Shout Down Wheel Chair-Bound Woman At Town Hall Meeting

NY Times says President Obama isn't backing away from the Public Option. Don't you love our media?

Wingnuts Are In Full Bloom. Obama Speaking to Schoolchildren Is Really 'Recruiting for Hitler Youth.'

Right on cue, Axelrod promises Obama to come back into the health care fight, but what about the public option?

Red States Have the Largest Numbers of Uninsured. They're Also Opposed to Healthcare Reform. Why?

Pat Buchanan: Hitler Didn't Start WWII


I Think They're Trying To Intimidate Your Father! Hannity To Liz Cheney

Americans For (Their Own) Prosperity Push Democrat Ben Nelson To Filibuster Healthcare Bill.

If Tim Johnson Heads The Banking Committee, How Will We Ever Get Reform?

Countdown: Dan Savage on the Dangers of the GOP Pandering to the Religious Right

Glenn Beck: Obama's Czars Are Our New Robot Overlords?

Rachel Maddow Takes on Tom Ridge Over WMD Justification for Invading Iraq

AFL-CIO Digs In Their Heels - Won't Support Health Care Bill Without Public Option

Ed Schultz Show Psycho Talk: Michelle Bachmann-- Slit Our Wrists, Be Blood Brothers to Beat Health Care Reform

In Change of Tactics, Obama To Lay Out Must-Haves for Healthcare Plan

Matthews Brings on "Independent" Woman Michelle Bernard to Discuss Robert McDonnell's Thesis

Billionaires for Wealth Care at Susan Davis town hall in Spring Valley, California

Hoyer on Health Bill: No Tax Hike, No Deficit Spending, Fully Paid For Or ‘I'm Not Going to Vote For It'

*Revision: Education Dept. Changes Suggested Classroom Activities for Students Who Watch Obama’s Speech

Hamas Complains, So U.N. School Will Not Teach Gaza Students About Holocaust

Obama Officials Laud Settlement of Health Care Fraud Probe Launched During Bush Administration

Israeli Archaeologists Find Ancient Fortification

‘Third-Rate’ Charter Schools Should Be Closed, Education Secretary Says

Another Iranian Nuclear Deadline Looms in September, As U.S. ‘Urges’ Iran to Respond

White House Prediction of $9.05 Trillion in New Federal Debt Is Predicated on Assumption Economy Will Grow Briskly for a Decade

Biden: Stimulus Dollars ‘Going Farther and Working Harder Than We Anticipated’

Roman Catholic Cardinal Defends Presiding Over Kennedy's Funeral

Dealers Should Get 'Clunkers' Money by Sept. 30

FDA Test Confirms Animal Was in Man's Soda Can

Finger Bitten Off During California Health Protest

Study Finds Prime Time on the Internet Is 11 p.m.

Obama Facing Hurdles to Nuclear Disarmament Goals

Hearing Thursday for Runaway Girl Who Converted to Christianity

Motorcycle Tribute Will Honor 9/11's Flight 93

More U.S. Troops for Afghanistan? Obama Considering Five Points, Senior Official Says

Sen. John F. Kerry Will Carry On Ted Kennedy’s Health Care Push

Obama Belatedly Aims to Take Control of Health Care Debate

China Approves Single-Dose Swine Flu Vaccine

Timeline of Iran Nuclear Standoff

Israelis, Palestinians Resume High-Level Talks

Former Major League Pitcher Curt Schilling Expresses Interest in Kennedy’s Seat

Obama’s Half-Hearted War Effort

Homeland Security’s Goal: Allow 70 percent of Bad Guys Through Ports of Entry

The Kennedy Funeral: Spitting on Christ

Obama’s Failure to Help Farming Community May Spring from Racism, Hispanic Democrat Says

Radical, or just plain right?

Proper Intellectual Property

Michael Jackson's Death Ruled A 'Homicide'

Misinformation about Fair Trade

Jake Towne's Plank on the Federal Reserve

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Terrorist Leader: U.S. Commanded Attacks in Iran

History House: Freud and Cocaine -- The Deal

The Best Congress AIPAC Can Buy by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Israel May Retroactively Legalize Illegal Settlements -- News from Antiwar.com

CIA doctors face human experimentation claims | World news | guardian.co.uk

OpEdNews - Article: Cheney Running Scared, But Where's Rahm Emmanuel?

Questioning the Police State, Not Just the Tactics « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

Embassy Guards Gone Wild: The Pictures (NSFW) | Mother Jones

Refreshing News: The 100 most annoying things

**The Record of the Federal Reserve - TCS Daily

Nazi Monster Turns Out To Be FBI

Goldman Sachs, the US Treasury, and criminal corruption

Campaign For Liberty — We Don't Need No Thought Control

PDNPulse: Homeland Security Secretary: Report Suspicious Photographers

Letterman Takes On Chris Wallace For "Softball" Cheney Interview (VIDEO)

Astronomers snap most distant black hole in universe | Mail Online

'Losing the News' by Alex S. Jones

Waking people from tranquilized obviousness: the paradox of patience in an emergency

VIEWPOINT: Students need to be able to make informed decision on military service - Mauinews.com | News, Sports, Jobs, Visitor's Information - The Maui News

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Cash For Clunkers Conspiracy?

no third solution » Blog Archive » Hang the Zombieconomy by its Own Rope

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones Tv:Doctors & Scientists Refuse To Take The H1N1 Vaccine!!

SEC on Madoff: "Oops, Our Bad" | News | Money/Investing | Mainstreet

Madoff Victims Call Out FINRA | Sense on Cents

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Chris Matthews Proclaims Criticizing Michelle Obama Having 26 Aides Is Racist

Hate speech law unconstitutional: rights tribunal

The FreedomSite Blog: LEMIRE: 2,044 days under the Iron heel of the CHRC

*Obama In The Classroom? « Political Theatrics

US commander’s report paves way for military escalation in Afghanistan

*BBN, Raytheon and a fresh JFK conspiracy theory | NetworkWorld.com Community

White House revises proposed lesson plan on Obama speech | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | News: Education

YouTube - Obama Lobbies For Health Care

YouTube - Biden: Stimulus Plan Is Working

The Associated Press: Kennedy memoir calls Chappaquiddick 'inexcusable'

YouTube - Kennedy Memoir: Chappaquiddick 'inexcusable'

Book Sarah Palin family on 'Jerry Springer' | Midwest Voices

Hassan Nemazee Used Fraud to Repay Fraudulent Loan, Prosecutors Say - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: US seeks tighter rules on foreign farm workers

Exclusive: Christian Convert Teen's Dad: Honor Killing 'Not True'

Jaycee Dugard's aunt describes the family's reunion - San Jose Mercury News

Cruise Ship Rescues Man Who Police Say Jumped From Another Cruise Ship - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Sorry Charlie Plays the Race Card Amid New Allegations | NBC New York

AFP: Tensions brewing between Japan Inc. and new govt

The Associated Press: Powerful Indian politician killed in chopper crash

The Associated Press: US cuts aid to Honduras in support of ex-leader

VOA News - Iran's Parliament Approves 18 of 21 Cabinet Nominees

European leaders seek more transparency in financial institutions_English_Xinhua

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghan election fraud row mounts

Are inaccurate media reports hurting U.S.-Israel relationship? | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

17 patients killed in shooting at Mexican drug rehab center - CNN.com

YouTube - Massacre at Mexico Drug Rehab Center

The Associated Press: Security assigned to watch guards at Kabul embassy

The Associated Press: Court orders renewed probe into Russian slaying

YouTube - Politkovskaya case returns to investigation

Taiwan Isn’t Gagging Dalai Lama During His Visit (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

BBC NEWS | Americas | No parole for dying Manson cohort

Stray bullet kills college student on Ga. campus - KVIA.com El Paso, Las Cruces - Weather, News, Sports -

Obama mixes metaphors in banal Kennedy eulogy

Farfetched ObamaCare Accusation

Teddy One-Note

UK 'death panels' exposed

The new, exciting board game no one wants to play: Obamopoly!

What George Will Could Learn From 'Wild Bill' Corson

Party affiliation gap narrows dramatically

'Help Obama' line removed from kiddie lobbyist action plan

From Messiah to Clown

The Science of Global Warming: Saving the World or Hunting for Ghosts?

The Not Ready for Prime Time President

Medical Care is a Successful and Growing Industry, not a Liability

Obama's Death Panels to Unravel Lightbulb Savings

Surging Ahead in Afghanistan

Castro Thanks Kennedy Family, Bashes Nixon and Bush

Senatorial folly

Sarah Palin vs. Dr. Death

The Smiling Demagogue of the Age

Skeptics Surprise in Skokie

The Kennedy Test

Teddy Kennedy's Very Quiet Catholicism

Kennedy's legacy: Chappaquiddick end-of-life care

Obama's Legacy: Hope on the Ropes

News – Dr. Kevorkian: Michael Jackson "Got What He Wanted" – Celebrity News – UsMagazine.com

YouTube - Kevorkian on Life and Death

Family and friends gather tonight for Michael Jackson burial in Glendale | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Michael Jackson's Tomb

Man accused of slapping child denied bond - UPI.com

*Michael Savage invite ;Cambidge Union Society

Cambridge Union invites Michael Savage to debate

*Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students - Political News - FOXNews.com

*Parents upset over 'leftist propaganda' video - Salt Lake Tribune

*WH withdraws call for students to 'help' Obama - Washington Times

Broun warns of dictatorship | News | OnlineAthens.com

Bachmann calls for 'covenant' to defeat health care overhaul | StarTribune.com

Health-Care Anger Has Deeper Roots - WSJ.com

Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard 'round the world

Taxi Cab Explodes Near Times Square - wcbstv.com

Health care reform means more power for the IRS | Washington Examiner

Brown and out in polls

Afghan U.S. Embassy patrol in 'deviant' parties with booze, hookers - report

Kabul U.S. Embassy Guard Says Sexual Deviancy Required for Promotion - ABC News

BP announces `giant' oil find in Gulf of Mexico - Yahoo! Finance

BP Makes ‘Giant’ Oil Discovery in Gulf of Mexico

Obama to lay out specifics on healthcare-Biden

Tulsa World: Inhofe blasts Obama at Grove town hall

Hastert: Pelosi BLEW IT on health care | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

My Way News - Spacewalk still on despite approaching space junk

Updates on Iran: Iran's Role In Downing Pan-Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland Raised in Dore Gold's New Book: The Rise of Nuclear Iran

How 20 popular websites looked when they launched - Telegraph

*On Facebook, MySpace? Obama's got your e-mail

Obama czar: U.S. was 'apartheid regime'

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Communist Green Jobs Czar Van Jones Says Republicans Are ‘A**holes’

Website for U.S. mission to U.N. scrubbed

Government confiscation of Gospel tracts in court

Lawsuit challenges state ban on Bible

Feds set to seize Dinosaur Adventure Land

Madonna: Israel 'energy capital of world'

New poll shows Congress' popularity dropping

Napolitano: 'Big Influx' of new infections likely - Yahoo! News

AFL-CIO: Gov't option an absolute must - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Passage Found, May Have Been Used by Abraham - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Never mind pillow talk, couples told by Roman Catholic church to PRAY before sex | Mail Online

New iPhone application tracks disease outbreaks

Key U.S. broadband official: More spectrum needed | Technology | Reuters

Four-year-old Toby Field flees home to ride trains 15 times | The Sun |News

Self-proclaimed vampire to serve 10 years for child sex abuse | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

That's a stretch: states seek to regulate yogis | Health | Reuters

New Miss Universe duties: Blowing up condoms


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Hot Button - Washington Times

GOP bloggers call for boycott of WND!

Obama Praises Islam as 'Great Religion' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Arguments for eBay birth certificate fall short

Official Obama nativity story continues to unravel

WH, Dept of Education Revise Language on Students Outlining How they Can “Help the President" - Political Punch

Parents rebel against Obama TV speech to schools

Parents' outrage preview of Obama TV Sept. 8?


*American Minute for September 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute*


Will Americans accept totalitarian government?

He wants you 'hatemongers' silenced

The Kennedy line of succession

Cash for Clunkers, RIP

Liberal lies about national health care, Part 3

Obama and O.J.: More than O's in common?

This just in ... Obama is a leftist!

A scoundrel's Congress

A 'silent death' in Avenal State Prison

Why Naomi Wolf Loves the Burqa « NewsReal Blog

The Wing-Nut Code: What Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Are Really Saying to Their Followers | Politics | AlterNet

Mary Jo's message for Ted Kennedy

Ron Paul and Sarah Palin: Today's heroes

Who decides what - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - It's Time for Obama To Change Course

Tom Daschle: Climbing the Hill on Health Care - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Health Care That Works - NYTimes.com

Karl Rove: Obama and the Perfect Political Storm - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Second World War - 70 Years Later

Op-Ed Contributor - Roosevelt - The Great Divider - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - New Facts Undercut Old Positions on Immigration

RealClearMarkets - We're Recovering Despite Looming Obamanomics

Sorry, Charlie

The federal debt and the tough choices ahead -- latimes.com

Debate on criminal justice -- Our view: 18-year kidnapping tragedy yields useful lessons - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Conservatives Say Attacks on Health Plan Get in the Way of Real Questions - NYTimes.com

FEC: Kansas City Chiefs' John McCain video not illegal - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Short of ‘miracle,’ Congress to fall short on appropriations goal - TheHill.com

Summer Slide


**Transcripts: Obama's Remarks on H1N1 Preparedness

Roundtable Debates Afghan Strategy

Tom Ridge Talks About His New Book

Analysts Discuss Afghanistan Strategy

Panel on Cheney and the CIA Debate

Mass. Lawmakers Discuss Kennedy Succession

Interview with Liz Cheney

Bloomberg's Interview with Secretary Gates

Interview with Dick Cheney

Friends and Family Remember Senator Kennedy

Members of Congress on Kennedy's Legacy

Senators Kerry and Hatch on Kennedy's Life

Senators Remember Ted Kennedy

Transcript of Ted Kennedy's Funeral Service


**Markets; Video/Bank CEOs Still Raking It In

Say Goodbye to Business Cards?

Should Banker Bonuses Be Capped?

Gold's $1,000 Horizon

How to Play Natural Gas

Roubini: Bank Balance Sheets Pose Biggest Threat To Recovery

Land of the Rising ETF?

FDIC's Bair: Commercial Loans Are "Looming Problem"

Bailout Falls Short for Homeowners

Why eBay Spun off Skype

**World ;Video/In-Depth Look: China & U.S. Debt

Indonesia Searches for Quake Survivors

China Moves Against Lead Poisoning

Pakistan's New Winged Weapon

US Extends 'Blackwater' Contract

Poland Marks World War II Anniversary

Journalists Detail Captivity in North Korea

Canada May Be Headed to New Election

Obama Struggles to Maintain Support for Afghan War

Gordon Brown on Lockerbie Bomber

Armenia and Turkey Seek to Restore Ties

Russia and Poland: Building a Brighter Future?

Celebrations for Gaddafi's 40th Year in Power

Philippine Army in Abuse Row

**Politics; Video/Scarborough Not Running for President in 2012

MSNBC's Schultz: Jesus "Would Vote Yes For A Public Option"

Dem Rep.: "I'm Not Doing Town Hall Meetings; I'm Not Going To Give Those People A Forum"

Biden: "The Recovery Act Is In Fact Working"

Sen. Whitehouse Supports Investigating CIA

Kennedy Writes About Chappaquiddick In Memoir

Sen. Kyl On Health Care Reform And "Jackpot Justice"

Maddow Reports On Embassy Contractors Hazing Activities

Health Care Protester Has Finger Bitten Off At MoveOn.Org Rally

Pelosi: Bill That Will Pass House "Will Have A Public Option"

Ann Coulter On Van Jones' "A**hole" Comment

DNC Ad: Cheney "Wrong Then, Wrong Now"

CNN Poll: 53% Of Independents Disapprove Of Obama

Rep. Pence On Health Reform's Vital Signs

Obama's Green Jobs Czar Van Jones: Republicans Are "A**holes"

Laura Ingraham Interviews "Code Pink" Anti-War Founder About Obama

Homeland Security Chief Napolitano On CIA Investigation

Krauthammer On Obama Losing Public Support In Afghanistan

Olbermann On Cheney For President

Tom Ridge Clarifies His Book on "Maddow"


*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 2nd With Rep. Jim Guest

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 1st With Mike Rivero

09/02 The Mark Levin Show

09/01 The Mark Levin Show

08/31 The Mark Levin Show

Michael Savage 08/31/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/31/09 H2

Michael Savage 08/31/09 H3

Michael Savage 09/01/09 H1

Michael Savage 09/01/09 H2

Michael Savage 09/01/09 H3

Michael Savage 09/02/09 H1

Michael Savage 09/02/09 H2

Michael Savage 09/02/09 H3


*webtalkradio.net ; Show Podcasts

*Site:Nostradamus and other Prophets, Prophecies and Predictions by John Hogue


*Jackie Mason:The end of free speech*


World Net Daily Player:'It's like opening up a Pandora's box'

World Net Daily Player:U.S. forests 'ticking time bombs'

World Net Daily Player:Public option 'scaring the American people'


*Floridian: Making sense of $1*



*Site:NextNature.net - Exploring the Nature caused by People*


American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 2

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 3

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 4

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 5