"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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02 September 2009

2 Sept 09


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UFO puzzle: Alien baby or elaborate hoax? | The Daily Telegraph

Bionic brain chips could overcome paralysis - health - 01 September 2009 - New Scientist

Men: Avoid Prostate-Cancer PSA Screening by Jon McDougall, MD

The UFO Iconoclast(s): UFOs and VITAMIN C - Linus Pauling's Flying Saucer Secret by Anthony Bragalia


Mexico and Argentina move towards decriminalising drugs | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US health insurers face new questions

Obama's olive branch to Iran | Joschka Fischer | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The mystery of Chernobyl - Telegraph

View from the lab: Beware of the dust - Telegraph

FT.com / Japan - Global insight: A political class devoid of principles

Mobile phone child safety guidelines ‘to be dropped’ « In These New Times

Putin condemns Moscow for signing 1939 treaty with Berlin - then blames Britain for wartime 'pacts' with Nazi Germany | Mail Online

History becomes a battlefield as Putin flies into Poland - Europe, World - The Independent

Big stores counting the cost of ban on GM food - Green Living, Environment - The Independent

Ministers under fire for locking up immigrant children | UK news | The Guardian

Tidal Wave Of Anger Could Still Kill Hate Bill

ACLU Counsel and Gay Rights Champion Found Dead In DC Park - Lez Get Real

Putin Triumphing Over Zionist-Controlled West | Real Zionist News

The Afghan Situation And US Choices

Devvy Kidd -- Major Bills to Defeat After August Recess

Project Blue Beam By Serge Monast (1994)

savethemales.ca - Liberal Jews, Sex & The New Satanic Order

savethemales.ca - How University Betrays Students

savethemales.ca - Is Legislature a Disguised Pagan Temple? (Encore)

savethemales.ca - Boy Scouts -- Model of Masonic Subversion?

savethemales.ca - Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor

Deep Secrets Of A UFO Thinktank Exposed

Taliban Surprising U.S. Forces With Improved Tactics - washingtonpost.com

Madoff case trustee targeting sons, brother: report | Reuters

Raw Story » Report: State Dept. extends Blackwater contract in Iraq

Jihad Watch: Pull my finger: Jihadist who blew himself up on Saudi prince's private jet hid explosives in his anus

Refreshing News: Why Did People Become White?

Did Hitler Want War? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Ten thousand million dollars… | The Real Revo

Oh Bummer: Global warming and the sun

Liberty 101: Government-Run Health Care verses Privately-Run Health Care

*The Rise and Fall of the Dollar: 1800-2009 - Mises Economics Blog

Gordon Brown did not want Lockerbie bomber to die in jail, minute reveals - Times Online

Yahoo! Message Boards - Atmel Corporation (ATML) - THIS is Big Government

t r u t h o u t | US Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques

Obama formalizes Bush policy on digital searches and seizures

Family of Hal Turner: Hal Turner “Informant” Revelations 08/31/2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Confronting Ted Kennedy on Dodging Estate Taxes

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Fox Business 8/31/09: Time to Audit the Fed!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Alex Jones Tv :The New America!!


EclippTV :: Video :: CIA/Blackwater(Xe) - Operatives Post as Journalists

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Alex Jones Tv:The Globalist Final Push to End America!!

An open letter to the RIAA: Illegal file sharing problem solved? | iGeneration | ZDNet.com

Sheehan: Wars Barely Register in U.S. National Psyche

The $531 Trillion Dollar Derivatives Time Bomb

Turner Family Claims Hal is Patriotic American Betrayed by FBI

Madsen: CIA Blackwater Op Infiltrated Ron Paul Campaign

ElBaradei calls Iranian threat 'hyped' | Iran news | Jerusalem Post

The Coming FDIC Bailout - WSJ.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CDC Warns Neurologists To Watch For Nerve Disease Following Swine Flu Shots

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bush’s Third Term: You’re Living It

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Circumcision for All; Free Choice for None

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Nathan Moulton’s “Activist” Documentary Released

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Administration Uses NEA to Recruit Artists to Push Obama Agenda

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obamacare Supporter: ‘Hitler Was a Brilliant Man’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Maddow on Love for Guns: ‘I Just Don’t Think We Should be Allowed to Bring Them Home’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Mercury in Fluorescent Light Bulbs Poisons Factory Workers

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Shock: Wash. Post Blames Obama For Failure of Global Warming Movement!

09-02-2009: FEMA Red Tape Keeps Families in Trailers

09-02-2009: Sony To Begin Selling 3D TV Sets By 2010

09-01-2009: Homeland Security Spreads More Fear On Swine Flu

42% Of Americans Would Replace Congress With Random People Found In The Phone Book

09-01-2009: SAIC Wins Big DHS Contract

09-01-2009: UN: Nations finish global treaty on illegal fishing

09-01-2009: Saudi Royal Escapes Assassination Attempt

09-01-2009: Federal Government teams with Sesame Street to spread swine flu awareness

08-31-2009: Gmail knocked offline for `majority' of users

08-31-2009: Rise Of Mercenary Armies Menace World

U.S. to boost combat force in Afghanistan

Bomb hits Athens stock exchange

Rothschild replaces Merrill Lynch as Irish government adviser

Oldest Swiss Bank Tells Clients to Sell U.S. Assets or Leave

Former CIA director says axed assassination program ‘valuable’

Scientists design spacecraft to save Earth

The Israeli Bodysnatchers: Story Puts Israeli Government in Frenzied Denial Mode

‘Blood Oath’ Sealed Stanford Deal, Court Is Told

When Malthusians Become Messiahs

What Every American Should be Made to Learn About the IG Torture Report

German Scientists Call for 'World Climate Bank'

DARPA Wants Morphing Helicopter Blades By Yesterday

The effect of economic recessions on population health

Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens

The Truth Of Iraq's City Of Deformed Babies

“The Crash of America”

Don't let a president turn off the Internet

Senate Bill Would Give President Emergency Control of Internet

Poll: 94% Say Rockefeller Cyber-Emergency Bill a Power Grab

Jay Rockefeller: Internet should have never existed

An Unconstitutional Internet Power Grab

Bright Idea: Ban On Popular Bulbs A Turn-Off

Fluoride Linked to Arthritis, Study Shows

Film Producer Accuses NEA of Enlisting Artists to Push Obama's Domestic Agenda

UPDATE: What the NEA Says Vs. Documented Facts

Is geoengineering humanity's last hope to avoid catastrophic global warming?

Time To Lift The Geoengineering Taboo, Experts Urge

The company that runs Britain

CIA secret prisons organized from Germany

Wake up America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory "decontaminations"

VIDEO; H1N1 Swine Flu: Forced Vaccinations in Massachusetts

Karl Marx and the Global Economic Crisis

VIDEO: The Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans to struggling Americans!

Resisting Homophobia in the Military

ID Cards - a World View

There is no such thing as liberal fascism

Rome falls while the sun shines

Now playing: A horror show that puts Hollywood to shame

Aftermath News

Legality of red light cameras disputed « Aftermath News

Provocateurs At End The Fed Rally?

The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and the New World Order

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Childhood Obesity Report Calls For Government Regulations to Limit Access to ‘Unhealthy’ Restaurant Chains

White House Seeks to Capture and Archive Citizens’ Comments on its Facebook, YouTube, MySpace Sites

‘Global Warming for Dummies’ or Global Warming Propaganda?

White House Prediction of $9.05 Trillion in New Federal Debt is Pedicated on Assumption Economy Will Grow Briskly for a Decade

Obama Hails Contributions of Muslims at Ramadan Dinner at White House

Homeland Security’s Goal: Allow 70 percent of Bad Guys Through Ports of Entry

Obama May Get More Specific About Health Care Reform

Republican Senators Seek Go-Slow Approach to Health Care

Justice Stevens Planning to Retire Next Year?

Parade of Despots Heading For New York

Afghanistan’s Spy Chief Among 23 Killed in Taliban Suicide Blast

Napolitano: 'Big Influx' of New Swine Flu Infections Likely

Lawyer: Wrong-Way Drunken Driver to Be Exhumed, Tested for Medical Condition

Obama’s Half-Hearted War Effort

Obama’s Classroom Campaign: No Junior Lobbyist Left Behind

Obama’s Failure to Help Farming Community May Spring from Racism, Hispanic Democrat Says

China Tightens Grip on Rare Minerals | theledger.com | The Ledger | Lakeland, FL

As hybrid cars gobble rare metals, shortage looms | Reuters

Steve Quayle News Alerts: RFID Chip to Detect Swine Flu Virus?

Sarah Palin vs. Dr. Death

The Smiling Demagogue of the Age

Skeptics Surprise in Skokie

The Kennedy Test

Teddy Kennedy's Very Quiet Catholicism

Kennedy's legacy: Chappaquiddick end-of-life care

Obama's Next Big Push

The Prince of Lies

Obama's Legacy: Hope on the Ropes

Kennedy and the KGB

The KGB, Kennedy, and Carter

Kennedy legacy: Black voters joining the Democratic Party

Another Failed Presidency

Deep oil: a giant discovery

The CIA Is Not the Post Office

Media propaganda enablers

Obama ditches union financial disclosure rules

Different Virus, Different President, Different Media Treatment

The Ramadan dinner at the White House

I wonder if Obama's buddies in the media know this?

A possible nail in the coffin of Obamacare

More 'Kopechne as sacrificial lamb' stupidity

Beware of environmentally friendly refrigerators

Ted Kennedy - A life of debauchery

Fed Can Avoid Inflation Danger: NY Fed President - Financials * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

UN chief visits 'doomsday' seed vault in Arctic

AFL-CIO Digs In Their Heels - Won't Support Health Care Bill Without Public Option

Ed Schultz Show Psycho Talk: Michelle Bachmann-- Slit Our Wrists, Be Blood Brothers to Beat Health Care Reform

In Change of Tactics, Obama To Lay Out Must-Haves for Healthcare Plan

Matthews Brings on "Independent" Woman Michelle Bernard to Discuss Robert McDonnell's Thesis

Billionaires for Wealth Care at Susan Davis town hall in Spring Valley, California

Carlson Who Claimed He Assaulted a Man Who "Bothered" Him in Restroom Brought on to Discuss Violence Based on Sexual Orientation

Are Americans Dumb Enough to Believe Republicans Are Defending Medicare?

If American Health Care Is So Great, Why Do So Many Americans Go Elsewhere For It?

Maria Bartiromo tells 44 year old Anthony Weiner if Medicare is so good why isn't he on it?

Countdown: Glenn Beck Mis-educating His Viewers

Did we elect President Rahm or President Obama?

Rep. Lynn Jenkins Laughs at Uninsured Single Mother, Son

Has Obama's Post-Katrina Gulf Coast Recovery Plan Been Sufficient?

Book Chat: Recipe For America with Jill Richardson

Countdown: Jeremy Scahill on Why There Need to Be Prosecutions from Top to Bottom for Torture

Sam Donaldson clashes with Liz Cheney on torture... Liz says waterboarding isn't torture yet again.

"News judgment," Oh where have you been?

Patriots Come Out To Texas Pro-Secession Rally: "We Hate The United States!"

New Ad Campaign to Target Grassley in Iowa and DC. Help Get It On The Air!

Republican candidate for Virginia governor's seat laid out his far-right agenda years ago

Nick Kristof With The Ugly Truth: Our Health-Care System Destroys Families.

Chris Wallace Shows NewsBusters Some Love and Parrots Their Headline on Kennedy vs Helms Obits

LA Invite: Please join us at Brave New Films for an Interview with- David Neiwert - How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

Charles Gibson Retires, Diane Sawyer Replaces ABC World News Anchor - ABC News

Napolitano: 'Big Influx' of new infections likely - Yahoo! News

Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard 'round the world

Whitney Houston loses voice, cracks through Central Park 'GMA' concert - then blames Oprah

Oprah Winfrey taping to shut down Michigan Avenue -- chicagotribune.com

Ben and Jerry's renames ice cream Hubby Hubby in celebration of gay marriage - Telegraph

Give us this day our daily... Catholic church issues prayer for faithful to say before sex

Under fire, President Obama shifts strategy - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

**President Obama’s Address to Students Across America September 8, 2009

The Associated Press: Sen. Grassley: No public option in health reform

Health-Care Anger Has Deeper Roots - WSJ.com

Battle lines drawn over soda, junk food taxes | Health | Reuters

AFL-CIO, Dems push new Wall Street tax - TheHill.com

Lockerbie paper trail leads to Gordon Brown - Times Online

NYC Man Survives After Heart Stops For 45 Minutes - wcbstv.com

Alister Rodgers dies of Hendra virus after 2 weeks in coma | The Australian

First baby born from new egg-screening technique

Afghan U.S. Embassy patrol in 'deviant' parties with booze, hookers - report

BP announces `giant' oil find in Gulf of Mexico - Yahoo! Finance

BP Makes ‘Giant’ Oil Discovery in Gulf of Mexico - Bloomberg.com

Media Ignoring Conservatives' Return to Dominance of Political Book Market | NewsBusters.org

Dutch to prosecute Arabs over Holocaust cartoon - Yahoo! News

Reid: Teddy's death "going to help us" - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama's Green Jobs Czar Van Jones: Republicans Are "A**holes"

FT.com / Technology - Sony to throw its weight behind 3D TV

Jake Towne's Plank on the Federal Reserve

Misinformation about Fair Trade

Tiananmen Persecution Continues in the Present Day

Why the Obama Administration Will Implode In Weeks - FOXNews.com

White House fears liberal war pressure - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

'Dying' Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi filmed by British camera crew

Shock jock Michael Savage threatens to sue Jacqui Smith - Times Online

Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News


A million-dollar flea market find | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/31/2009

Bipartisan plan would end ACORN electioneering - Washington Times

Why AI is a dangerous dream - opinion - 01 September 2009 - New Scientist

Believer has deathworm story to tell - national | Stuff.co.nz

Phobos-Grunt Probe to Put Microbial Life in Mars Orbit: Scientific American

He Lied, She Lied - Forbes.com

BBC - Earth News - Strange jellies of the icy depths

A Fatal Heart Attack Can Occur With Normal Coronary Arteries by Bill Sardi

The Rise of Mercenary Armies: A Threat to Global Security by Sherwood Ross

The Justice of Pay Discrimination by Michael Tennant

The U.S. Is Deploying Its Vietnam-Iraq Fig Leaf by Jack D. Douglas

Prostate patients who say no to surgery 'can live for years' | Mail Online

Aspirin does more harm than good in healthy people: research - Telegraph

The ugly secret why tuition costs a fortune | ajc.com

Rethinking the Good War by Laurence M. Vance

Gibson to step down as anchor of 'World News'

Are 19 Kids Too Many? The Duggars Don't Think So

'Prince of Pops' Directed Orchestra to Fame;Erich Kunzel, 74, Dies; 'Prince of Pops' Directed Cincinnati Pops to Fame - washingtonpost.com

British Leader Insists There Was No Lockerbie Deal - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Brown denies 'double-dealing' over Lockerbie release

EU says Iran has yet to send nuclear offer

US reporters 'dragged across North Korean border' in arrest - Telegraph

YouTube - Journalists Detail Captivity in North Korea

Bomb Explodes Outside Athens Stock Exchange; One Hurt (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Car bomb damages stock exchange in Athens

AFP: Hunt on for Indian politician after chopper vanishes

Pakistan Official Survives Assassination - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Suicide bomb kills top Afghan official

VOA News - UN Reports Decline in Afghanistan Opium Production

Michael O’Hanlon and Bruce Riedel: What’s Right With Afghanistan - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Pakistan court again puts curbs on nuke scientist

Attorney for kidnap case wife worried by media coverage - CNN.com

YouTube - Garrido Victim Relives Rape

Obama aims to reset health care debate, aides say - CNN.com

White House dates: The president celebrates Ramadan and American Muslims - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Holds Ramadan Dinner

Man sought in shooting has lengthy record | Delawareonline.com | The News Journal

Holocaust museum shooting suspect opposes psych evaluation - CNN.com

City Business Man Carlos Lopez Surrenders To Police -- Courant.com

Politics - Newsday:Guv hears no itch from Spitzer to run

Levi Johnston: "Me and Mrs. Palin": Alaska Newsreader | adn.com

In Staff Move by Justice Stevens, Some See Signal - NYTimes.com

Montana Supreme Court Hears Assisted-Suicide Case | AHN

The Associated Press: Ex-Ohio congressman Traficant freed from prison

Stanford poll: Obama sways public on controversial education issues - San Jose Mercury News

WORLDmag.com | Community | Blog Archive | Public school superintendent in chief?

Right wing parents say Obama speaking to public school students to recruit his ‘Hitler youth'

Story About Cheating Husband Admitting Infidelity on Sign Was a Hoax - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Attempt to break Elvis impersonator world record fails - Telegraph

American Airlines to cut 921 flight attendant jobs | Reuters

For Sale: Madoff's Montauk home - price: $8,750,000 | U.S. | Reuters

No, the Net is not anonymous

GOP bloggers call for boycott of WND!

The socialist seduction of America

Washington's history of lies

Liberalism is a cult

Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill

Ted Kennedy's letter to the pope

Ted Kennedy: Reagan's Benedict Arnold

U.S. to lose sovereignty over missile defense?

Un-American shenanigans in White House

Obama racist against Latino farmers?

What is the CIA still hiding?

Obama and his czars – peas in a pod

U.N. 'suppressing info' on Iran nukes

White House czar urged 'resistance' against U.S.

Parents rebel against Obama TV speech to schools

Dems warned they can ignore health-care foes 'at own peril'

Political middle ground in America vanishing

State could take custody of teen homeschooler

British take a tough stand against the wrong 'savage' | Jacksonville.com

The return of the welfare queen | Salon

YouTube - Tim Hawkins - A Homeschool Family

LancasterOnline.com:News:Bank robber wanted time away from wife

Military Ends Contract for Profiling Media - CBS News

Ataris Pallidipennis Stal: Rare Bug Goes Viral on Web - ABC News

State preps to relocate quarantined H1N1 victims

She's walking the tightrope on flu | StarTribune.com

Parents rebel against Obama TV speech to schools

Bachmann calls for 'covenant' to defeat health care overhaul | StarTribune.com

Student 'lied' about Muslim seated during Pledge

Target of Haditha claims facing new accusations

White House czar urged 'resistance' against U.S.

Obama Praises Islam as 'Great Religion' - Political News - FOXNews.com

NM freshmen Democrats get an earful on health care

AFL-CIO: Gov't option an absolute must - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

British Government hosts petition to remove Ted Kennedy's 'IRA' knighthood | Irish News | IrishCentral

Dems warned they can ignore health-care foes 'at own peril'

ABC News Exclusive: National Security Adviser Says President Obama Is Having Greater Success Taking Terrorists Out of Commission Than Bush Did - Political Punch

White House now speaks of 'war on terror' - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Gonzales supports Holder on CIA probe - Washington Times


*American Minute for September 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Official Obama nativity story continues to unravel

Lubbock woman sues President Obama - KFDA - NewsChannel 10 / Amarillo, TX: newschannel10.com...

Hot Button - Washington Times

Front Row Washington » Blog Archive » Help Obama, win a trip to see where he was born | Blogs |

YouTube - Vegas Obama Birth Certificate billboard LIVE on FOX News Anchors in shock!!! WND

Talking Cure;Has Obama failed to sell health care reform? Or are Americans just not in the mood to buy? - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Off-Center Opinions | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Voting For Obamacare Will Not Help Save Democrats' Majorities

RealClearPolitics - Cheney Wins Interrogation Argument

RealClearPolitics - George Will is Right

RealClearPolitics - Problems Money Won't Solve

Trial by Fire; Did Texas execute an innocent man?

Brown the betrayer: Britain's sellout prime minister has broken faith and ties with U.S.

Editorial - Reviving Civil Rights - NYTimes.com

GOP readies wave of objections to stall healthcare bill in Senate - TheHill.com

AG takes out papers for Senate bid

IBDeditorials.com: Cut Costs Without Rationing Care By Putting Patient Back In Charge

Kennedy's legacy worth fighting for :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson

Re: Will on Afghanistan - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online

The Road to World War II: Why Wasn't Hitler Stopped? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Will on Afghanistan - Swampland - TIME.com


* Transcripts:Panel on Cheney and the CIA Debate

Mass. Lawmakers Discuss Kennedy Succession

Interview with Liz Cheney

Bloomberg's Interview with Secretary Gates

August 31 White House Press Briefing

Media Availability with Secretary Gates

Interview with Dick Cheney

Friends and Family Remember Senator Kennedy

Members of Congress on Kennedy's Legacy

Senators Kerry and Hatch on Kennedy's Life

Senators Remember Ted Kennedy

Transcript of Ted Kennedy's Funeral Service


*World;Video/Poland Marks World War II Anniversary

Canada May Be Headed to New Election

Journalists Detail Captivity in North Korea

Armenia and Turkey Seek to Restore Ties

Obama Struggles to Maintain Support for Afghan War

Gordon Brown on Lockerbie Bomber

Celebrations for Gaddafi's 40th Year in Power

Russia and Poland: Building a Brighter Future?

Philippine Army in Abuse Row

Markets; Video/Roubini: Bank Balance Sheets Pose Biggest Threat To Recovery

Land of the Rising ETF?

FDIC's Bair: Commercial Loans Are "Looming Problem"

Bailout Falls Short for Homeowners

Why eBay Spun off Skype

September Setback for Stocks Ahead?

Why is Stan Lee Smiling?

Baby Boomers & the Coming Entrepreneurship Boom

Eurozone Unemployment at 9.5%

GM Partners with Chinese Automaker FAW

Politics; Video/Tom Ridge Clarifies His Book on "Maddow"

Laura Ingraham Interviews "Code Pink" Anti-War Founder About Obama

Krauthammer On Obama Losing Public Support In Afghanistan

Olbermann On Cheney For President

Karl Rove On Health Care Confusion

Steele Calls For "Seniors' Bill Of Rights"

Gonzales Defends Holder's Decision On CIA Probe

WSJ's James Taranto: Dick Cheney For President In 2012

Michael Steele On Kennedy: "Country Won't Be Guilted Into Health Care Reform"

Sen. Sanders On GOP "Derailing" Health Care

Rep. Nadler: Holder Should Investigate Cheney

WaPo's Eugene Robinson On Rep. Rangel's Future

Krauthammer: Cheney Is Winning CIA Probe Debate

Liz Cheney On CIA Probe, Health Care

Tom Ridge Concerned About Obama's "Sense Of Complacency"


*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 1st With Mike Rivero

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 31st With William Lewis

Michael Savage 09/01/09 H1

Michael Savage 09/01/09 H2

Michael Savage 09/01/09 H3

09/01 The Mark Levin Show

08/31 The Mark Levin Show


*World Net Daily Player:'eGrassroots': New website aims to 'save our democracy'

*World Net Daily Player:Doctor reveals 'dirty little secret' of health plan

*World Net Daily Player:'Serious fallacy' surrounds war in Afghanistan

*World Net Daily Player:Interrogation probe 'recipe for disaster'


*We Demand Transparency!:What exactly is your take on 9/11?

We Demand Transparency!:videos


American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 2

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 3

American Thinker Blog: Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 4


**Site/Nostradamus and other Prophets;John Hogue


Movie:Charles Manson Then and Now

Movie:The Curve