"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 August 2009


Is The Democrat Party Already Dead?

How West Is Trying To Harness Indo-Pak Sub-Continent

savethemales.ca - How University Betrays Students

Peru police seize cocaine sewn inside live turkeys - Kansas City Star

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » Fancy Title People and the IDF Against Journalists

Anchor Babies - In Conclusion...The Educational Chaos

U.S. Farm Profit Plunging on Lower Crop, Dairy Prices- Bloomberg.com

His Father's Son | The New Republic

Denmark And The Burkha.

More On Internment Camps

Jay-Z's "Run This Town" and the Occult Connections | The Vigilant Citizen

"Dead Man Musings"The corruption of Judaism: Part 1

Frankfurt on the Hudson - by Adam Kirsch > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

Ted Kennedy: Barack Obama's health plans could be renamed 'Kennedycare' - Telegraph

How Nixon gave Ted Kennedy bodyguards – to spy on his personal life | World news | guardian.co.uk

From dust to bust, America's poor take on a new type of monster

Ayatollah Khamenei moves to protect dissidents from death penalty - Telegraph

Obama's envoy Holbrooke 'in heated row' with Karzai | World news | guardian.co.uk

Police baffled as dozens of 'suicidal' cows throw themselves off cliff in the Alps

Russia deploys anti-missile defence unit near North Korea | World news | guardian.co.uk

Stomach-stapling surgery can eliminate diabetes symptoms - Times Online

Early And Current Fears About Vaccine Dangers

Gaddafi Lockerbie Is History Now Its Time To Talk Business (from The Herald )

What Americans Think About The Populations Debate

Deep Secrets Of A UFO Thinktank Exposed

The Weight of Tradition: Why Judaism is Not Like Other Religions

For Your Eye Only

SPACE.com -- Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They?

Homeland Security Fleecing America? – Michelle Malkin – Black Group Supports Glenn Beck – Obamanistas Punishing Honduras – Stanley Ann Obama Citizenship? – NaturalBornCitizen – FOX May Cover Dr. Taitz Hearing – The BOPAC Report « “The BOPAC Report” & Larry Sinclair’s Allegations – ZachJonesIsHome

» Real Cost of Hope and Change The Great American Blog « FOXNews.com

Real US unemployment rate at 16 pct: Fed official

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - China urges US to end coast surveillance

American Civil Liberties Union attacks David Miliband over UK/US extradition treaty - Telegraph

Historical FACTS On Dangers, Ineffectiveness Of Vaccines


How many of you stupid Obamabots still don’t believe in the New World Order? West Virginia why do you vote for Jay Rockefeller? « The Obambi.com Blog www.obambi.com

The Public Option: Do They Think We're Stoopid?

The Pied-Obama-Piper: Charisma is not equating to Leadership « Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog

High-Speed Robot Hand Demonstrates Dexterity and Skillful Manipulation | Hizook

Michelle Obama falls sound asleep during Ted Kennedy’s funeral « HillBuzz

we saw that...: bob livingston criminality coming out

In Kennedy, the Last Roar of the New Deal Liberal - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Ted Kennedy: A Man in Full

A Rake's Progress

It's Republicans, not Democrats, who are trying to kill the elderly. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

Peter Foster: The man who doubted Al Gore - Full Comment


Tax Pledge Is a Target As Deficits, Debt Grow - washingtonpost.com

Senate Panel Shifts Will Affect Agenda - WSJ.com

Amid the acrimony, Congress has consensus on some healthcare issues -- latimes.com

Teamsters May Not Back Specter’s Re-election, James Hoffa Says - Bloomberg.com

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Excessively Optimistic Deficit Projections

Michael Kinsley - Change We'd Rather Do Without

National Journal Magazine - What Steele Left Out

Op-Ed Columnist - The Great Gradualist - NYTimes.com

Russ Feingold:The Road Home From Afghanistan

Alliance In Peril? - Forbes.com

RealClearWorld - Bomber's Release: Business as Usual

Germany Recalls Myth That Created the Nation

Stocks Crash, Stocks Rally: Now What? - Forbes.com

A new age of cheap energy approaches - Telegraph

Are Peak Oil Fears Really Bogus? | The New Republic

Talking Business - It’s Time to Admit That Money Funds Involve Risk - NYTimes.com

IBDeditorials.com: The Health Care Math Everyone Avoids

Reverse Nazism and the War on Universal Healthcare

The natural order of things (…and how to save your global business) - Fortune Brainstorm Tech

*The real Ted Kennedy


Kennedy 'joked about Chappaquiddick'

Lockerbie bomber praised, Savage hated?

Savage, Lockerbie and 'humane' considerations

Government to Savage: You can't think that!

*ARTICLE LINKS:Coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage*

Obama's job approval rating falls to new low -- latimes.com

Psychiatric hospital employee admits to serving patient nails

'Black agenda' memo stirs mayor race | ajc.com

School bus hijacked in Atlanta by shirtless man, crashes through fence

EXCLUSIVE: Iraqi official's top aide linked to Shi'ite terrorists - Washington Times

President Obama's arrogance is killing his health care plan

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit - Forbes.com

Town-hall clash! Cop vs. Obama 'Joker' poster

Federal Reserve Board fights to keep its secrets

Conservatives warn of 'Wellstone effect' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Ted Kennedy: The comic book - Patrick Gavin - POLITICO.com

Who gets Ted Kennedy's campaign funds? - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

GOP's Bachmann zings heckler at health-care town hall

Court orders Christian child into government education

State could take custody of teen homeschooler

Homeschoolers beat average on entrance exams

Obama 'czar' on 9/11: Blame 'U.S. imperialism'!

White House stonewalls on 'radical' adviser

College kids recruited to join Obama's 'army'

Chief Palestinian justice: Temples never existed

Center tries to drop references to mufti's Nazi cooperation | International | Jerusalem Post

Lebanese villagers block Hizbullah from entering village | Middle East | Jerusalem Post

Officials: 'Iran stonewalling on possible military scope' | Iran news | Jerusalem Post

Ahmadinejad calls for prosecution of Iran's opposition leaders -- latimes.com

Obamacare activists to crash D.C.'s massive tea party?

Physicians sue Obama for health-care 'snitch' program

Insurance giant attacks Democratic plans - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Feds go hog wild promoting swine-flu shots

Glenn Beck's fear of Obama: Seize power overnight

Sheriff apologizes for missed chance to rescue Jaycee Lee Dugard - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Sex slave Jaycee Lee Dugard ‘sorry for bonding with Phillip Garrido’ - Times Online

Video - Kidnap suspect speaks/ CNN.com

Idaho Republican, governor hopeful Rex Rammell makes 'Obama tags' joke about hunting President Obama

How free Americans became pigs at a trough

Found: Cure for the liberal virus

The defining issue of our time

Is 'diversity' threatening Christianity?

Homosexuality and the apostate church

The insanity of the right

A worldview battle in Alaska

Ted Kennedy: 'A coward beside heroes'

The writing is on the wall

Newt Gingrich: President Obama should fire Attorney General Eric Holder | Washington Examiner

Town Halls and the Resurgence of the Radical Right | Mother Jones

The Rodney Dangerfields of the war

American Thinker: Obama and the Thugs

Flat incomes raise doubts about economic recovery - Yahoo! News

Why the federal deficit will raise taxes - Aug. 27, 2009

No, the Net is not anonymous

Can your name keep you from getting hired? - Careers Articles

Why teams in red win more - Telegraph

Pictured: The extreme climber who thrives on 3,000ft wire-walking | Mail Online

McCartney Says Lennon's Remarks About Beatles Were Fueled by Drugs - Spinner

Makin' Bacon: Foodies Are Going Hog Wild Over Pig - Yahoo! News

Growing number taking to raw food diets

Rare condition turns girl's organs into crystal | Aberdeen and North | STV News

Site - Horizon Foundation

Nancy Pelosi asks for $100K to fight 'smears' - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com


*American Minute for August 29th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

What if Obama is ineligible?

Obama birth certificate as seed art at the Minnesota State Fair


*Markets ;Video/Gold Will Hit $1,000

Turning Fear Into Profit

Are Bailed Out Bank Stocks Too Hot?

Bair: Trust the FDIC

The Greenest Gasoline?

World ;Video/Merkel Urges Israel Settlement Halt

Double Nightmare Shrouds Japan Election

Taiwan Approves Dalai Lama Visit

Politics; Video/First Lady Michelle Obama Hits Head Boarding Air Force One

Obama Discusses Katrina In Weekly Address

Sen. John Kerry Shares Favorite Ted Kennedy Moment

Sen. McCain Expresses Admiration for Sen. Kennedy

Dan Quayle Recalls Kennedy's Bipartisanship

Cheney: Obama Should Not Undo Policies That Kept Country Safe

NYT Mag's Ed Klein: Kennedy Used to Ask People, "Have You Heard Any New Jokes About Chappaquiddick?"

VA GOP Ad Attacks Creigh Deeds As A "Copycat"

Black Congresswoman: Opposition Trying To Destroy President "Who Looks Like Me"

Colmes On Obama Changing Meaning Of 9/11 To "National Day of Service"

Rep. Bachmann Heckled At Health Care Town Hall

Sanford Blames Media For Continuing Scandal

Justice Department Probes CIA Interrogation Abuse

Rep. Weiner on GOP's Health Care Mistakes

NYT's Sam Tanenhaus: "We Need Conservatism"

Sorensen, Noonan Share Memories Of Ted Kennedy

Krauthammer: "Trial Lawyers Own The Democrat Party"

Rep. Maxine Waters: Republicans Are "Desperate"


*Transcripts:Biden, McCain & Others at Kennedy Memorial Service

Shields and Brooks on Kennedy and Health Care Reform

Sens. Kerry, Dodd, McCain and Others on Kennedy

Historians Discuss Kennedy's Legacy

Roundtable on Health Care Proposals' Costs

John McCain on Senator Kennedy's Death

Obama's Remarks on the Passing of Ted Kennedy

Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Ted Kennedy's Passing

Roundtable on Kennedy's Legacy

Nancy Reagan, Gov. Patrick, and Others on Kennedy

Shields and Brooks on Kennedy's Legacy

Vice President Biden's Remarks on Ted Kennedy

Senator Orrin Hatch on Ted Kennedy's Life

Obama Announces Bernanke's Fed Re-Nomination

Bernanke Accepts Obama's Re-Nomination

Senator McCain's Townhall Meeting

Roundtable on Bernanke and Spending

Journalists Discuss Bernanke and the Deficits

Michael Steele on the GOP's Health Care Plan

Secretary Sebelius on the Swine Flu

Roundtable on Holder's CIA Investigation

Writers Discuss Justice's CIA Probe

Rep. Pete Hoekstra on the CIA Investigation

Admiral Mullen and Amb. Eikenberry on Afghanistan

Interview with Senator John McCain

Sens. Cardin, Lieberman & Lugar Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad and Grassley Debate Health Care

Senator Specter and Rep. Ryan on Health Care

Obama's Wkly Address: Debunking Phony Reform Claims


BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Jackson death ruled as homicide

Movie Review: Rob Zombie's 'Halloween II' - washingtonpost.com

Label has high hopes for Whitney Houston comeback | Entertainment | Reuters

Four Years After Katrina: New Orleans' Green Makeover - TIME

VOA News - Kidnapping Suspect Being Investigated for Prostitute Murders

YouTube - Couple deny California abduction

Kennedy funeral begins with solemnity and quiet pageantry - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Political Luminaries Pay Tribute to Kennedy

The Associated Press: Obama: No turf wars, red tape in Katrina recovery

YouTube - Obama Marks Katrina Anniversary in Address

Kennedy was much more than his many mistakes :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Cathleen Falsani

YouTube - Saying Goodbye to Ted Kennedy

House Republicans Consider Attempt to Oust Gov. Sanford - Political News - FOXNews.com

Fla. Governor Picks Friend to Fill Senate Seat - NYTimes.com

High hurdles to prosecute CIA prison abuses: experts | U.S. | Reuters

President Obama Mixes Duty and Play on Martha's Vineyard Vacation - washingtonpost.com

Tax Pledge Is a Target As Deficits, Debt Grow - washingtonpost.com

New Mexico governor urges U.S., Cuba to improve ties - CNN.com

Rammell's Obama 'joke' troubles Idaho leaders | Local News | Idaho Statesman

Actions matter more than PR for U.S. military: Mullen | U.S. | Reuters

The Associated Press: Lynching victim Till's casket to go to Smithsonian

Rangel Failed to Disclose More Assets, Forms Show - NYTimes.com

3 Shot to Death in Florida Home, Manhunt Under Way for Suspect - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

'Tea Party Express' trucks on with tour aimed at health care - CNN.com

Palestinians must unite for talks, UN chief says - washingtonpost.com

The Associated Press: Reality contestant fought with wife before killing

YouTube - Police: Violent Struggle Before Model's Murder

Suicide Attack Kills 18 Pakistani Security Officers Near Major Checkpoint - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Taliban struggle after leader's death

VOA News - Karzai Further Extends Lead in Partial Vote Count

Japan voters set to put faith in untested opposition | Reuters

Reports: North Korea releases South Korean fishing boat - CNN.com

Pressure grows on Gordon Brown over Libya trade talks | UK news | The Guardian

Remote Attacks Add to Iraqi Concerns - NYTimes.com

Concerns dispelled over Gaddafi tent in U.S. town | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

Taiwan political organizations protest DPP invitation to Dalai Lama_English_Xinhua

Israel has Iran in its sights -- latimes.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Fury at Nato's Afghan clinic raid

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Thousands mourn Iraqi Shia leader

The Associated Press: Pakistan destroys suicide bomber training camp

Iranians Say Prison Rape Is Not New - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com

Saudi attack evokes fears of Yemen-based militancy | Reuters

Debbie Schlussel : More Proof NATO (and Denmark) Jumped the Shark

Debbie Schlussel : When Will Nabih Ayad Pay His Student Loans?: Hijab Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Muslim Activist Owes U.S. $117,000+

Debbie Schlussel : You Won’t Get TedCare Under ObamaCare: Ted Kennedy’s Brain Cancer Dream Team (Private Planes, Copters, Police Escorts, Mozart of Brain Surgeons)

Debbie Schlussel : RIP, Mary Jo Kopechne: Ted Kennedy Dead at 77; Will His “Memorials” Include the Full Picture?

Debbie Schlussel : What You Don’t Know About Lockerbie & the Megrahi Release; Dearbornistan Muslim Passenger Bombed Pan Am 103

The Ted Kennedy moral whitewash peaks today

Health care is not a group service

CIA Investigation insanity

The Soviet era memo showing Ted Kennedy working against American interests

Bi-Polar Liberals?

Rep. Watson: Che and Fidel were right to 'kick out the wealthy'

The Kremlin vs. the Cardinals

This Will Never Be A Euro-Socialist Country

The Beck Boycott's unintended consequences

Trust Fund Teddy

Conference seeks way out of Hawaii Statehood "confusion"

Massachusetts politics and the John Jay standard

NY Times Magazine Editor: Kennedy Joked about Chappaquiddick

Black conservative Lloyd Marcus on tour across America

Obama's war on American sovereignty

Obama and the Thugs

Probability and Global Warming

Stop playing the race card

Are Pelosi's lies impeachable?

Fighting ObamaCare in the Spirit of Ted Kennedy

Obama's Road to Healthcare Serfdom

The Dangers of Libertarian Radicalism

Libertarians, Liberals and Conservatives.

Obama Couldn’t Care Less What America Thinks

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Rep. Frank: House will pass Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill this year

Misinformation Alert: Barney Frank Never Said That HR 1207 Will Pass In October

Swine Flu Fearmongering a Mass Psy-op?

Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory “decontaminations”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Cheney ‘OK’ with violating felony torture statute

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Trying to Inflate Our Way Out of Debt Is Like a Monkey Trying To Outrun a Lion

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Physicists Untangle Complicated Webs to Reveal that the World’s Finances are Controlled by “Just a Few Mutual Funds, Banks, and Corporations”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Roubini: “When Governments Reach the Point Where They Are Borrowing to Pay the Interest on Their Borrowing They Are … Running a Ponzi Scheme”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Beginnings of Another Enemy?’: Beck Targets Barack Obama’s Civilian Army

US has 'scrapped plan for missile shield in eastern Europe' - Americas, World - The Independent

UAE Seizes North Korean Weapons Shipment to Iran

*The Federal Reserve: Instigating Crisis Since 1913-Minyanville

Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law - CNET News

YouTube - Debt Slave

ISNS:Study Says World's Stocks Controlled by Select Few

Master hacker admits guilt, gets 15-25 years in prison - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Howard Dean shouted down at health care forum

Refreshing News: Facebook+Brand Name = Millions of Fans

Goon Squad: AIPAC to go on mourning for Ted Kennedy

America's deepening inferiority complex begins to bite Russia

Emptywheel » The IG Report Chronology

Martha’s Vineyard becomes capital of upwardly mobile black America - Times Online

The truth never dies: Megrahi demands Lockerbie inquiry - Herald Scotland | News | Home News

IBM Takes First 3D Image of Atomic Bonds - Quantum Computing - Gizmodo

Tenants fuming as flats turned into 'Big Brother house' with 112 CCTV cameras installed inside | Mail Online

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made « Dprogram.net

CNSNews.com - Census Bureau: We’ll Work with ‘Community Organizations’ to Count All Illegal Aliens in 2010

Zero Hedge: Zero Hedge Exclusive: Is State Street Trading For Federal Accounts?

Planet Beer: Whoops!

Washington's Blog:Trying to Inflate Our Way Out of Debt Is Like a Monkey Trying To Outrun a Lion

More Americans are having their power shut off as the weak economy makes it harder to pay bills. - 12.160Mhz

Christopher Bollyn:Who Put Super-Thermite in the Twin Towers?

The Spend-And-Borrow Economy - Forbes.com

Refreshing News: ‘Mona Lisa’ comes to life in high-tech art

Video:Between the Lies (2009)

Picasso painting found in Iraq 'is fake'

“We don’t want your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to trash the planet” The Federal Reserve, 2009

International Paper Treads Monsanto’s Path to ‘Frankenforests’ - Bloomberg.com


Busted World: All Fall Down

**Christopher Bollyn:Articles; 9/11

Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell discuss Obamacare, Swine Flu and Big Government | Ron Paul .com

The Seminal » Attorney General Holder: What Happened to KSM’s Children? Release All of Paragraph 95

Obama Orders Billions Secreted Into Making “Mark Of Beast” Microchip

US-EU Plan To “Move” Earth Orbit Doomed, Say Russian Scientists

*Coverup: How America Was Robbed

Court orders Christian child into government education

James Murdoch: unchecked BBC expansion is 'chilling' - Times Online

U.S. agents recruiting Mexican drug figures - Washington Post- msnbc.com

U.S. report: Chavez moving to silence media critics - CNN.com

Court takes Dutch teenage girl from parents to block her solo voyage - Telegraph

Saudi prince vows to fight terrorism after attack - Yahoo! News

Mystery man who baffled Lebanese authorities returned to Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

The Associated Press: GOP senator signals fading hopes on health care

Cheney: Obama Team Should Be Debriefing CIA Interrogators, Not Investigating Them - Political News - FOXNews.com

Breitbart.tv » LA Rep: ObamaCare Opponents Want to Destroy ‘First President Who Looks Like Me’

Reuters AlertNet - UAE seized N.Korea arms shipment bound for Iran

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - ‘N Korean arms for Iran’ seized by UAE

Kidnap suspect's father: son 'out of his mind'

FT.com / Lex / Macroeconomics & markets - Inflation

My Way News - DJ AM, who battled drug habit, found dead in NYC

Dual-screen laptop on sale by Christmas - Telegraph

After Kennedy's Death: Silence from the Pope - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Obama to honor Sen. Kennedy at funeral Mass

Friends, colleagues gather at church for Kennedy's funeral - CNN.com

Afghan drugs: The contrarian view

08-28-2009: Scientists To Design Biological Robot

08-28-2009: Plan To Increase U.S. Access To Military Bases In South America

08-28-2009: Have you heard about Serco, the company that runs Britain?

Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory “decontaminations”

Acoustic Weapons - Death by Cortisol?

The Militarization of Latin America; Seven US military bases in Colombia

Financial Parasites Have Killed the American Economy

UN Scientist: African Nations Rebelling at ‘measures to use climate change to maintain colonialist master-servant relationship’

TSA may hand cash rewards to tipsters about crimes or security violations

Cindy Sheehan's Lonely Vigil in Obamaland

CIA Releases Its Instructions For Breaking a Detainee's Will

Military To Work With FEMA During Swine Flu Pandemic

New Era Dawning for Animal Rights

Edward Kennedy: The Lawmaker

America's deepening inferiority complex begins to bite Russia

Newly Released E-Mails Reveal Cheney Pressured DOJ to Approve Torture

The US Health Insurance Assault on Canadian Medicare

Colonialism reclaiming Africa?

Held In A Psychiatric Ward & Called “Delusional” For Saying 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine

CIA probe must go to highest level-UN rights boss

4409 - NAZI Checkpoint Confronted

198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

RAND advises pharmaceutical company on strategies in vaccinating low-income students

From citizen to serf in 200 years

FARC is the best instrument of US empire: Morales

Chapter 7, The Control of the Kennedys - Threats & Chappaquiddick, "THE TAKING OF AMERICA, 1-2-3", 1985

How Israel wages game theory warfare

The secret deal behind Megrahi’s release

Weaponizing psychology; treating people like dogs

Right-wing mad militarist and his mindless murdering drones

Obama’s ‘Path Toward Fiscal Discipline’ is Paved with Average Annual Deficits of $900 Billion, Says White House Report

FCC Diversity Chief Says Republican Communications Policies Hurt Civil Rights

Fixing the Health-Care System Requires Market Changes, Not a Government Takeover, Major Economists Say

Howard Dean: Democrats Left Tort Reform Out of Health Care Bill Because They Feared 'Taking On' Trial Lawyers

Japan’s Likely Next Ruling Party Seeks ‘More Equal’ Alliance with U.S.

Ted Kennedy Opposed Federal Regulation of Doctor-Patient Relationship—When the Issue Was Partial Birth Abortion

Warning on Possible Pot Growers Called Profiling

GOP Hints Dems Would Deny Republicans Health Care

Marijuana Found Growing in National Park

Obama’s Half-Hearted War Effort

The Get-Cheney Squad

CNN gives 'Tea Party Express' free publicity, free room to lie about their anti-Obama origins

Hardball: Republican A.D.D.

Ed Schultz's Psycho Talk: More Hate Talk From Neal Boortz on Katrina Victims

Michael Steele On Medicare

The Rachel Maddow Show: Revisionist History

NYT's Tearjerker About The Poor Henpecked Insurance Industry

Maybe Laura Ingraham thinks the 9/11 'Day of Service' is a bad idea, but Republicans don't

Rep. Pete Stark Tells It Like It Is: 'Blue Dogs Just Want to Cause Trouble'. Yip Yip!

Think Progress Report: Let's Connect the Insurance Lobby to the Right-Wing Dots.

McCain Throws in With Sarah Palin: Agrees That VHA Pamphlet is "Kind of a Death Panel"

Ingraham regurgitates right-wing anti-Kennedy cud: Dems playing 'death card' by pushing health-care reform

Rep. Wally Herger Praises "Right Wing Terrorist" at Town Hall

Ezra Klein: Grassley Getting Squeezed By GOP on Committee Assignments

Obama's 'SS': Glenn Beck sees scary black people

Exclusive: The Rest Of That Barney Frank Town Hall Meeting With The Teabaggers

Idaho Republican candidate jokes about buying 'Obama tags' to go along with wolf hunt

Not Only Is This Illegal and Immoral, It's Stupid. Six Days Without Sleep Doesn't Produce Useful Information.

Matthews Compares Being Told to Run Michael Jackson Stories to Threats of Drills Through the Head

Utility Union Workers Sound the Alarm About Unsafe Gas Valves Used in Illinois

Countdown: Bernie Sanders- Let's Pass Sen. Kennedy's Bill From the Health Committee

GOP Cries About 'Hypocrisy' as Massachussetts Prepares to Make Quick Appointment

KS Republican Lynn Jenkins Says GOP Struggling To Find "Great White Hope" To Take On Obama

'Tea Party Express' ads showing up on Fox broadcasts

Morning Joe: Marsha Blackburn Won't Refute "Death Panel" Charge-- "That Door is Open"

Please, Please Don't Change Our Crazy Health Insurance System!

Right-Wing Fearfest: Beck says 'free speech is under attack,' then Limbaugh tells him Obama brings 'totalitarianism'

Greta Van Susteren to Michael Steele: Why Didn't Republicans Do Health Care Reform When They Ran the Show?

Sign the Petition: Name The Healthcare Bill After Its Biggest Advocate, Ted Kennedy

The Fed on the Defensive by Gary North

Swine Flu: Natural Pandemic or Man-Made Pandemonium? by Lila Rajiva

FDIC Walks a Tightrope by Bill Sardi

Financial Crisis Called Off by James Howard Kunstler

Hero Senator? by Don Cooper

Limited Government, An Impossible Dream by John Sampson

Is 'Friending' in Your Future? Better Pay Your Taxes First - WSJ.com

Wake Up, America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory "decontaminations" by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Decentralization for Freedom | Tenth Amendment Center

SAMe - Natural Health from A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas


Government control of the private Internet next?

LiveLeak.com - Jay Rockefeller - Internet should have never existed

Big Brother Obama and WV Senator Jay Rockefeller craft scheme to control the Internet! « 22MOON.COM

*Text of S.773 as Introduced in Senate: Cybersecurity Act of 2009 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress


*Site:Internet Security Alliance


*Audio/The Lew Rockwell Show - 135. Charles Burris: Teaching Real History Instead of Government Lies

*Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 28th With Dr. Marc Siegel

*Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 27th With Wayne Paul

*Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 26th With Jerome Corsi

**Video Archives : Ron Paul **

Michael Savage 08/28/09 H1

Michael Savage 08/28/09 H2

Michael Savage 08/28/09 H3

08/28 The Mark Levin Show


World Net Daily Player:1 million sign petition against Obamacare

World Net Daily Player:Court using 'socialization' to challenge religious beliefs

World Net Daily Player:French lesson in 'free' health care

World Net Daily Player:Health plan hikes taxes for poor


*10pgs./The Move to Depopulate the Planet

** Solving 9-11: The Book - by Christopher Bollyn**

Sibel Edmonds

**pdf/241pgs - Sibel Edmonds Deposition/Transcript_080809.pdf (application/pdf Object)

American's Journey: Video: Think of This Every Time Your Congressperson Screws You (Again)