"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

31 August 2009


Czar's 'communist manifesto' scrubbed from Net

Czar: 'Spread the wealth! Change the whole system'

Obama 'czar' on 9/11: Blame 'U.S. imperialism'!

GOP's Bachmann zings heckler at health-care town hall

'Take that thing off your head'

Federal Reserve Board fights to keep its secrets

How sick was Ted Kennedy?

Kennedy relative flips off crowd

Sen. Ted Kennedy speaks from beyond the grave with letter to Pope Benedict | Irish News | IrishCentral

Group questions Catholic funeral for Kennedy (OneNewsNow.com)

Ted Kennedy's wife Vicki Kennedy good fit for Senate seat, say pols

Breitbart.tv » ‘Headed Home’: Sen. Hatch Writes Song Dedicated to Sen. Kennedy

Obamacare activists to crash D.C.'s massive tea party?

Video - tea party ; Tucson

Physicians sue Obama for health-care 'snitch' program

Key Republican: GOP would repeal health bill if they win in 2010 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Politics | Chances of health compromise continue to fade | Seattle Times Newspaper

Ray Comfort invites Christians to 'go deeper'

'Evangelical Christians' now thanking Allah

August 30, 2009 - Real-time news, photos and video - syracuse.com

Ridge backpedals on pressure to raise terror alert level - USATODAY.com

Cheney Says He Was Proponent for Military Action Against Iran - WSJ.com

Democratic lawmaker questions probe of CIA interrogations

EXCLUSIVE: Lack of translators hurts U.S. war on terror - Washington Times

U.S. commander: Afghan strategy must change | Politics | Reuters

Justices to Revisit ‘Hillary’ Film, and Corporate Cash in Politics - NYTimes.com

Pat Robertson, 79, Recovering From 10-Hour Heart Surgery - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Experts see double-digit Dem losses - Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com


Kennedy 'joked about Chappaquiddick'

YouTube - Salbuchi - We, The People Fighting You, One-Worldlers...

savethemales.ca - Liberal Jews, Sex & The New Satanic Order

Police baffled as dozens of 'suicidal' cows throw themselves off cliff in the Alps

Atzmon - Organ Donation, Theft In Modern Jewish Folklore

"Dead Man Musings"Was Bubonic Plague Knight's Templar Revenge?

Lockerbie bomber 'set free fr oil' - Times Online

Guernica / Last Temptation


The Myth Of The Illuminati - Video

Strange Hexagonal Crystals Part Of Morgellons Syndrome?

Noam Chomsky in Venezuela: 'A better world is being created' | rabble.ca


Man-made volcanoes may cool Earth - Times Online

Google's plan for world's biggest online library: philanthropy or act of piracy? | Technology | The Observer

Energy saving light bulbs offer dim future - Telegraph

Millions facing famine in Ethiopia as rains fail - Africa, World - The Independent

Scientists design spacecraft to save Earth - Telegraph

India loses contact with moon satellite - Scotland on Sunday

CIA head in furious torture row - Telegraph

The Grapes of Wrath revisited: The plight of Native Americans | World news | The Observer

Daily Express | World News :: Megrahi ‘getting better'

US offered 'millions' to keep bomber in UK - World Politics, World - The Independent

Secret documents uncover UK's interest in Libyan oil | World news | The Observer

Revealed: how Shell won the fight for Libyan gas and oil | Business | The Observer

NM Rothschild pitches motorway privatisation plan - Times Online

One in three Halifax branches 'to close' as Lloyds mole reveals plan for biggest bank cull ever | Mail Online

Fluedo: Health chiefs introduce their latest weapon in the war against swine flu | Mail Online

Forced Vaccines, Quarantine, Health Interrogations, Decontaminations

Iraqi journalist who hurled shoe at Bush gets early release for good behaviour

When Russia Saved America

San Francisco - SFoodie - Following the Falafel Trail: FBI Mined Bay Area Food Sales

Karin Friedemann: Myths and Facts about al-Qaeda

Single molecule, one million times smaller than a grain of sand, pictured for first time | Mail Online

North Korean arms headed to Iran seized in UAE: diplomat - Telegraph

Grapes of Wrath revisited, day two: Dust to dust for the ghosts of Route 66 | World news | The Guardian

The Truth Never Dies (from The Herald )

Lockerbie bomber: 'I want a public inquiry' - Telegraph

Bobbies on beat and windows bars better at stopping us than CCTV, say criminals - Telegraph

Pressure grows on Gordon Brown over Libya trade talks | UK news | The Guardian

Larry Sinclair On Things Obama: Copy of Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair Delivered To Greta Van Susteren of FOX News

Is The Democrat Party Already Dead?

savethemales.ca - How University Betrays Students

High-Speed Robot Hand Demonstrates Dexterity and Skillful Manipulation | Hizook

New Law suit filed in the Western District of Texas. Flight Surgeon Cpt Connie Rhodes, MD refuses to be deployed to Iraq until Obama’s legitimacy for the position of the Commander in Chief is verified « Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Bye, bye, Teddy

A senator at heaven's gate

Shhhh! There's GOP alternative to Obamacare

Get behind Obamacare – the sooner the better

How political correctness protected 'Creepy Phil'

Liberal book banners

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Van Jones and His STORMtroopers Denounced America the Night After 9/11

Madonna's menu: 110 lbs. of Kosher meat

Czar's 'communist manifesto' scrubbed from Net

Czar: 'Spread the wealth! Change the whole system'

Obama 'czar' on 9/11: Blame 'U.S. imperialism'!

Chief Palestinian justice: Temples never existed

White House stonewalls on 'radical' adviser

Ted Kennedy: 'A coward beside heroes'

Councils issue crib sheets to prevent grammatical howlers on signs - Telegraph

'Wizard of Oz,' still magical after 70 years | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

Jesus of Siberia: Ex-traffic policeman who says he is the son of God leads thousands of followers in Russia | Mail Online

Kids training their brains with Bible knowledge for bee

Third time lucky for space shuttle Discovery in dramatic midnight launch | Mail Online

Teetotallers more likely to be depressed | Science Blog

Battle of the Teutoburg Forest: Germany Recalls Myth That Created the Nation - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Revealed: Letter from Henry VII that may prove first Englishman sailed to North America in 1499 | Mail Online


India Ends Lunar Mission After Losing Probe Signal - Bloomberg.com

KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul - U of M's Newest Apple to be in High Demand

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Holes in the Poles: Hollow Earth Madness, or Fata Morgana?

The world’s strangest conventions - Destinations- msnbc.com

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, Cryptid and Extraterrestrial Events

Can Bill Gates stop hurricanes? Scientists doubt it - CNN.com

All News Web - Himalayan Bigfoot to undergo DNA testing

SPACE.com -- Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They?

Is 'hot Jupiter' too close for comfort? - physicsworld.com

World's Stocks Controlled by Select Few | LiveScience

Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.

Bush Daughter Becomes 'Today' Reporter

Breitbart.tv » First Lady Michelle Obama Hits Head Hard Boarding Air Force One

How penniless teen Lotto winner Callie Rogers blew her £2m fortune - including £250,000 on cocaine

White Europeans evolved only ‘5,500 years ago’ - Times Online

Burglars Using Facebook, Twitter to Find Targets: Report - ABC News

Police review Rolling Stone Brian Jones death after MoS reveals new evidence | Mail Online

Breathalyzer test detects lung cancer: study

Russians snatch 'worst tourists' crown from Germans... even hiding sunloungers in their ROOMS | Mail Online

Palm Beach & South Florida gossip & celebrity news | Jose Lambiet’s Page2Live.com» St. Lucie bikini teacher: Porn’s my last hope!

Jaycee Lee Dugard's prison: First pictures of filthy backyard jail where religious fanatic held kidnapped girl | Mail Online

08-31-2009: Disney To Buy Marvel Entertainment For $4 Billion

08-30-2009: Toyota Developing Anti-Drunk Driving Gadget

08-30-2009: Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

08-30-2009: NM Rothschild Pitches UK Infrastructure Grab

57% Would Like To Replace Entire Congress

08-30-2009: DHS: Expect your computer to be seized without suspicion

08-29-2009: 'Arctic Sea' was carrying illegal arms, says general

08-29-2009: Banks Hiding Tsunami of Foreclosures

08-29-2009: Dual-screen laptop on sale by Christmas

08-29-2009: International Paper Treads Monsanto's Path To Frankenforests

08-29-2009: 9/11 planner is recast as key asset for CIA

08-28-2009: Scientists To Design Biological Robot

Files Prove Pentagon Is Profiling Reporters

08-28-2009: Plan To Increase U.S. Access To Military Bases In South America

08-28-2009: Have you heard about Serco, the company that runs Britain?

Fed Official: Real Unemployment at 16 Percent

China Deploys Rare Earth Metals For Strategic Leverage

Was Morgan Stanley Compromised By Project Mayhem?

Roubini: “When Governments Reach the Point Where They Are Borrowing to Pay the Interest on Their Borrowing They Are ... Running a Ponzi Scheme"

Physicists Untangle Complicated Webs to Reveal that the World's Finances are Controlled by "Just a Few Mutual Funds, Banks, and Corporations"

Revealed: how Israel helped Amin to take power

Police search babies for weapons and drugs

Doctor admits euthanizing patients during Katrina

Afghan mujahedin 's growth in Afghanistan's north threatens to rout US/NATO

Surging towards a US-NATO Military Disaster: Obama's Escalating War in Central and South Asia.

Russia Scopes Fancy Imports in Window-Shopping Weapons-Buying Spree

U.S. Farm Profit Plunging on Lower Crop, Dairy Prices

Cindy Sheehan's Lonely Vigil in Obamaland

Historical facts about the dangers (and failures) of vaccines

The Rise of Mercenary Armies: A Threat to Global Security

Liquidity to Keep the Financial System from Collapsing in a Heap

Obama's Plan for a Healthy America: The Hazards of Mercury Dental Fillings

The U.S. Invades and Occupies Pakistan

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

Escalating tensions over hunt for oil and gas in the Arctic

"Emergency Control" of the Internet

The Case for Deflation

Mourning With the Kennedys: "A Teachable Moment"

The Militarization of Latin America

VIDEO:Swine flu vaccine could have major medical side effects

The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and the New World Order

Video - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Where tech and philosophy collide

Federal Government Will Borrow 40 Percent of the Money It Spends Next Year, Says White House Report

Weapons Seizure Turns Spotlight Onto Two Rogue States

Japan’s Election Landslide Expected to Produce Changes in Foreign Policy

Chances of Health Compromise Fading, After Republican Negotiator Criticizes Democrats’ Plan

FCC Diversity Chief Says Republican Communications Policies Hurt Civil Rights

Fixing the Health-Care System Requires Market Changes, Not a Government Takeover, Major Economists Say

Obama’s ‘Path Toward Fiscal Discipline’ is Paved with Average Annual Deficits of $900 Billion, Says White House Report

Cheney Calls CIA interrogation Probe An 'Outrageous Political Act'

Report: U.S. Earns $4 Billion on Bailed-Out Banks

US Seeks to Oust Michigan Man over Nazi-Era Charge

Blackwater Tapped Foreigners on Secret CIA Program

Retired NBA Star Claims Racial Bias in Reckless Manslaughter Conviction

Sarah Palin Making First Trip to Asia in September

Obama’s Half-Hearted War Effort

Obama’s Unconstitutional ‘Czars’

The Get-Cheney Squad

Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- A Primer on "Martial Law"

Chuck Baldwin -- More On Internment Camps

Last Trumpet Newsletter - America - A Nation Dying in Her Sleep!

Daily Kos: State of the Nation:The Secret That Will Destroy the World's Financial System

Chicago Indymedia: FEMA gunmen deputized to help administer vaccines

Is Dirt the New Prozac? | Depression & Happiness | DISCOVER Magazine

How the city hurts your brain - The Boston Globe

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media. » Obama birth certificate as seed art at the Minnesota State Fair

YouTube - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

YouTube - Want Proof Foreign troops are here now?! Watch.

More fungus among us-- DARPA program can selectively block personal cell phones, wireless internet, gps--


*William J FederAmerican Minute for August 31st*


*ARTICLE LINKS/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya?

What if Obama is ineligible?

Ermey Says He’ll 'Square Away' Birthers


*9pgs./What Hit the Pentagon?

*The Israeli Spy Ring

9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

The FEMA WTC Collapse Analysis Farce

Major 9/11 Breakthrough in Japan Spectacular Support for Yukihisa Fujita

*All In One Chunk - 9/11 Basic Questions-WRH 9/11 Index-Questions for Michael Moore

Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

The 9/11 WTC fires - Where's the Inferno?


The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

The Fake 2001 Osama bin Laden Video Tape

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of 9/11 Attacks

9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters

The Science of 9/11 |

*New Footage of WTC 7 and North Tower Collapse - Picasso Dreams


Daily Express | UK News :: ‘I’ll reveal true identity of bomber’

Mexico and Argentina move towards decriminalising drugs | World news | guardian.co.uk

"Loss-Share": FDIC Offers Billions In Guarantees For Buyers Of Failed Banks

Rep. Frank eyes Fed audit, emergency lending curbs - Yahoo! Finance

Artificial Sweeteners Confound the Brain; May Lead to Diet Disaster: Scientific American

Cybersecurity Act of 2009: President Can Take Over Internet, Access Private Data

EclippTV :: Video :: 08/29/2009 Peter Schiff On Your Money The Turning Point

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » John Stossel: Insurance Makes Healthcare Far More Expensive

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on KRIV 2009.08.26: Kennedy Death to Push Reform


Yamin Zakaria - The Massacre of Muslim Civilians is always: 'Self-Defence' but never Terrorism | Palestine Think Tank

Israel: IAEA is hiding far worse evidence on Iran | Iran news | Jerusalem Post

ACLU Lobbyist Larry Frankel Found Dead in Washington | Young Philly Politics

Karin Friedemann: Myths and Facts about al-Qaeda

no third solution » Blog Archive » The FDIC Does Not Protect You

57% Would Like to Replace Entire Congress - Rasmussen Reports™

Hit & Run > Sunspots Do Really Affect Weather Patterns, Say Scientists - Reason Magazine

Scientist Warning of Health Hazards of Monsanto's Herbicide Receives Threats

The Fed on the Defensive by Gary North

Democracy Propaganda | Young Americans for Liberty

Dwight David Eisenhower starved to death 1.7 MIILION POW's in his concentration camps - Forums of Pravda.Ru

Swine Flu: Natural Pandemic or Man-Made Pandemonium? by Lila Rajiva

The Rise of Mercenary Armies: A Threat to Global Security

Zionism: An ‘abnormal’ nationalism

Refreshing News: As Internet turns 40, barriers threaten growth

Refreshing News: Wikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy Text

Kevin McCullough :: Townhall.com Columnist Why the 'O'-ministration will implode in weeks

Obama Orders Billions Secreted Into Making “Mark Of Beast” Microchip

video:Debt Slaves

Taxpayers will not share in profits from government bailout and rightfully so

Will Obama surrender to Russia over missile defence? - Telegraph Blogs

Blackwater Founder Accused in Court of Intent to Kill

Jack Straw admits cave-in over Libyan Lockerbie bomber demands - Telegraph

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil' - Times Online

Olmert becomes 1st PM to be indicted

AFP: Iran's Khamenei vows to prosecute post-vote 'crimes'

The Associated Press: Castro chats live for first time since 2007

tehran times : Chavez rules out Russian military bases in Venezuela

American Egypt researcher says Mubarak “exploiting” country « Bikya Masr

The Associated Press: UN leader defends leadership style amid criticism

Kennedy and the KGB

The KGB, Kennedy, and Carter

Kennedy legacy: Black voters joining the Democratic Party

The Kennedy Legend, RIP

Throwing Darts at HR3200 - Day 2

By all means, let's copy the Cuban health care system

A case study in big governent; Illinois

Irony writ large: I have met the enemy and it is me

Experts see significant GOP gains in 2010 but not enough to win back House

The Two 9/11's

AARP urges seniors to jump off the healthcare cliff

Where's the leadership, Barry?

Medical 'Best Practices' Change Rapidly -- Regulations Don't

It's going to get worse for Obama

The Lobbyists-First Healthcare Reform Bill

Another Failed Presidency

Iran's Bomb: A Done Deal?

Obama as Leninoid

Ted Kennedy - A life of debauchery

The political battleground shifts

Obama's Court Jews; the Rise of J Street

Kennedy Without Tears

The U.N.'s Shocking Sexuality Guidelines

The Future of the Iran Lobby

Spinning for Russia

Bi-Polar Liberals?

Health care is not a group service

This Will Never Be A Euro-Socialist Country

Chris Wallace Plays the "We Haven't Been Attacked Since 9-11" Card While Defending Torture

John Kerry to Orrin Hatch: Who Are The Republicans Who Are Ready to Step Up and Do the Job on Healthcare Reform?

Meet Your Newest Today Show Correspondent: Jenna Bush Hager

Leaked Memos: Lockerbie Bomber Was Traded for BP Drilling Rights

Bob Herbert on the Kennedys: Follow The Fellow Who Follows A Dream

Texas Republican Pete Olson's Health Care Propaganda Fail

Dr. George Tiller's Murderer Considering Justifiable Homicide Defense

Kurtz slams O'Reilly for 'unfair editing'

Orrin Hatch Defends Torture While John Kerry Sits on His Hands

Those wacky wingnuts and their zany conspiracy theories are just getting started. Next up: Obama's planned genocide

McCain pushes back against Cheney: Interrogations violated law

George Will wants truth commission on torture

Cheney: Torture investigation 'offended the hell out of me'

Bill Moyers Journal: Money-Driven Medicine

Ted Kennedy Jr. Says Goodbye To His Father

The 'Washington Post' provides much needed cover for Cheney's FOX News Sunday "torture" appearance

If Torture Works, That Makes It Okay? What A Morally Bankrupt Argument.

Jonah Goldberg's 'Liberal Fascism' fraud is now right-wing conventional wisdom

Why I Hate Barack Obama! Pastor Steven Anderson Sermon

Krugman: The Deficits Saved The World. But Then, It's Only A Problem When Democrats Do The Spending.

President Obama's eulogy for Ted Kennedy: 'To give a voice to those who were not heard'

What a Grand Irish Wake It Was! Friends and Family Remember Teddy

Real Time: Bill Moyers on Health Care as a Human Right

CNN gives 'Tea Party Express' free publicity, free room to lie about their anti-Obama origins

Hardball: Republican A.D.D.

Ed Schultz's Psycho Talk: More Hate Talk From Neal Boortz on Katrina Victims

Michael Steele On Medicare

The Rachel Maddow Show: Revisionist History

NYT's Tearjerker About The Poor Henpecked Insurance Industry

Assessing What Ron Paul Has Accomplished

Mark Steyn: Things only a Kennedy could get away with | kennedy, ted, chappaquiddick, mary, senator - Opinion - OCRegister.com

Ron Paul’s “End the Fed” Movement Gaining Steam - American Banking News

Health Care Through Central Planning: A Helpful Analogy by Karen Kwiatkowski

Faber: Central Banks Blowing New Bubble

Why mowing the lawn relieves stress and boosts your memory | Mail Online

Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquiddick: America's Selective Memory -- Politics Daily

The Duplicity of Ben Bernanke - David Howden - Mises Institute


Jim Rogers was here!

Prince Alwaleed Ranks as Richest Saudi on Arabian Business List - Bloomberg.com

Colombia says president has swine flu

Naomi Campbell attacks companies for 'dropping' black models in recession - Telegraph

Bill Clinton and Al Gore reunite in Tennessee - Bill Nichols - POLITICO.com

Clinton, Gore speak on health care, energy to Tennessee Democrats : Mid-South : Memphis Commercial Appeal

FT.com / Media - Hachette chief hits out at e-books

My Way News - Media: Opposition wins landslide in Japan election

Home Alone Macaulay Culkin ‘is dad of Blanket’ | The Sun |News

Slaying details of Oklahoma City pastor shocking | NewsOK.com

U.S. commander: Afghan strategy must change | International | Reuters

Capitalism the villain as Moore movie hits Venice | Entertainment | Reuters

Israel's Wealthiest Woman Says She Can See the Future

GM to form China venture, invest $293 million | U.S. | Reuters

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » EXCLUSIVE: Carrie Prejean Takes Legal Action Against Miss California USA Officials

Commercial Real Estate Lurks as Next Potential Mortgage Crisis - WSJ.com

Mobile towers threatening honey bees in Kerala

Daniel Yergin: Why Oil Still Has a Future - WSJ.com

Dollar Is Funny Money in Push for World Currency: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

Dalai Lama prayer for the dead is a political move - The China Post

An Ivy League Huey Long

RealClearPolitics - How Obama Can Win on Health Care

ObamaCare: Nips & tucks - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Op-Ed Columnist - Missing Richard Nixon - NYTimes.com

Is conservatism dead? by James Piereson - The New Criterion

The budget abyss -- chicagotribune.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Aug 30, 2009 - Justice Dept. again fielding charges of politics

Frank Said to Back Broader Fed Audits - WSJ.com

Stimulus spending too fast, group warns - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - What Voters Meant...

Peter Dreier and Marshall Ganz -- We Have Hope; Where's the Audacity? - washingtonpost.com

All Politics Was Personal

Kennedy’s politics moved the nation to the left | Cynthia Tucker

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Enough is enough, Harry - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

A Family's Hold on Our Landscape

Commentary » Blog Archive » Advice for the Forlorn

GLENN COOK: Politically correct mumbo-jumbo in our schools - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

No Government Health Care! (Except for Mine.)

Op-Ed Contributor - Obama’s Mixed Messages - NYTimes.com

Editorial - Majority Rule on Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com

Keep faith with 9/11: Official observances must not obscure day's true meaning

Editorial: Get a grip on debt | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/30/2009

Reid says he's not bound by drug deal - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com


*Transcripts:Interview with Dick Cheney

Friends and Family Remember Senator Kennedy

Members of Congress on Kennedy's Legacy

Senators Kerry and Hatch on Kennedy's Life

Senators Remember Ted Kennedy

Transcript of Ted Kennedy's Funeral Service

Biden, McCain & Others at Kennedy Memorial Service

Shields and Brooks on Kennedy and Health Care Reform

Sens. Kerry, Dodd, McCain and Others on Kennedy

Historians Discuss Kennedy's Legacy

Roundtable on Health Care Proposals' Costs

John McCain on Senator Kennedy's Death

Obama's Remarks on the Passing of Ted Kennedy

Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Ted Kennedy's Passing

Roundtable on Kennedy's Legacy

Nancy Reagan, Gov. Patrick, and Others on Kennedy

Shields and Brooks on Kennedy's Legacy

Vice President Biden's Remarks on Ted Kennedy

Senator Orrin Hatch on Ted Kennedy's Life

Obama Announces Bernanke's Fed Re-Nomination

Bernanke Accepts Obama's Re-Nomination

Senator McCain's Townhall Meeting

Roundtable on Bernanke and Spending

Journalists Discuss Bernanke and the Deficits

Michael Steele on the GOP's Health Care Plan

Secretary Sebelius on the Swine Flu

Roundtable on Holder's CIA Investigation

Writers Discuss Justice's CIA Probe

Rep. Pete Hoekstra on the CIA Investigation

Admiral Mullen and Amb. Eikenberry on Afghanistan

Interview with Senator John McCain

Sens. Cardin, Lieberman & Lugar Debate Health Care

Senators Conrad and Grassley Debate Health Care

Senator Specter and Rep. Ryan on Health Care


**Markets Video/China's Inventory Problem

Are Real Estate Buyers Coming Back?

Tamny: 'Krugman Is 100% Wrong' on Deficits

Are Commercial Real Estate Fears Overblown?

Home Builders: Buy or Sell?

NY Fed President on Economic Policy

World; Video/Japan Opposition Wins in a Landslide

Stung Family: Will the BJP Disintegrate?

Dalai Lama Arrives in Taiwan

Fake Currency Racket in India Unveiled

Thousands Stranded on Chinese Border

WWII Remembered, Putin Eyes Poland

Al Qaeda Militant Killed in Dagestan

UN Chief on Artic Visit

'Major Win' for Japan Opposition

Solar Flares Could 'Damage' Earth

Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Indicted

Thousands Still Missing After Iraq-Iran War

Politics; Video/Gore: Country Has "Moral Duty" To Pass Health Care

Ridge On Cheney, CIA Interrogation Tactics, Terror Alerts

Dem SC Gov Candidate Blasts Sanford In "500 Days" Ad

Biden Asks You To Help Debunk Health Care Myths

Ann Coulter On Torture Probe & Health Care Reform

Scarborough: Obama Admin Must Have Signed Off On Lockerbie Terrorist Release

Ridge On Pre-Election Terror Alert: "We Made The Right Decision"

Republican Promises To Reverse Obamacare If GOP Wins In 2012

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend On Uncle "Teddy"

Hatch: Vicki "Ought To Be Considered" For Senate Seat

"Meet The Press" Panel Reflects On Kennedy's Perseverance

Kerry: Cheney Has A "Disrespect For The Constitution"

"This Week" Roundtable On Obamacare, CIA Probe

Cheney: Possible Investigation By Obama "Outrageous Political Act"

McCain: Torture Investigation Would Be "Serious Mistake"

"This Week" Roundtable Remembers Ted Kennedy

Sen. Dodd On Ted Kennedy's "Vitality"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On The War Between CIA And Administration

First Lady Michelle Obama Hits Head Boarding Air Force One

Watch Live: Funeral Mass For Sen. Ted Kennedy

Obama Eulogizes Kennedy As "Greatest Legislator Of Our Time"

Sen. McCain Expresses Admiration for Sen. Kennedy

Grandson: Cause Of Kennedy's Life Was To See Health Care As "Fundamental Right"

Obama Discusses Katrina In Weekly Address

Sen. John Kerry Shares Favorite Ted Kennedy Moment

The Dangers of Libertarian Radicalism

Libertarians, Liberals and Conservatives.

Obama Couldn’t Care Less What America Thinks

In Memory of the HMO Maestro

Euthanasia in the Health Care Plan - an Analysis.

My Way News - Chances of health compromise continue to fade

DJ AM, who battled drug habit, found dead in NYC


He's a driving force in the world of electric cars

Israel, Iran and Obama - WSJ.com



Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit - Forbes.com

*The real Ted Kennedy


**Article Links: Media coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage**

*AUDIO: Michael Savage on 'Banned in Britain'

Government to Savage: You can't think that!

Savage, Lockerbie and 'humane' considerations

Lockerbie bomber praised, Savage hated?


Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs

Obama faces growing anger on the left - Washington Times

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Security Goon Crushes Free Speech: ‘This Ain’t America No More’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Liberals: Painted Obama face is “racist”, but painted faces of conservatives are “A-OK”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » NSA Q Group employs more Soviet-style security measures

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Why Global Warming alarmists are losing their case

TheSpec.com - Business - New browser red-flags disputed facts on the web

Gun Laws and the Passing of Ted Kennedy

CIA: Osama Helped Bush in ‘04

Held In A Psychiatric Ward, Called “Delusional” For Saying 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Scientist Tells Swedish TV: WHO Pandemic Criteria Lowered to Benefit Big Pharma

The name’s Obama — BARACK Obama

“J.P. Morgan” Blows The Whistle On The New World Order

EDITORIAL: False reports about guns - Washington Times

Our 10th Amendment Sovereignty Resolve, Will Defeat the New World Order! « Dprogram.net

Elderly Couple Forced into State Custody

Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- A Primer on "Martial Law"

DHS: Expect your computer to be seized without suspicion | Tech Policy & Law News - Betanews



Bill Cunningham 8/30/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 8/30/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 8/30/09 Hour 3

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 26th With Jerome Corsi

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 27th With Wayne Paul

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 28th With Dr. Marc Siegel


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government


*ARTICLE PAGE/Professor Bart Kosko ; University of Southern California

*ARTICLE PAGE/Professor Bart Kosko - University of Southern California

*ARTICLE PAGE/Professor Bart Kosko - University of Southern California

*SITE-The Trends Research Institute

*SITE - The Evolution & Medicine Review

*SITE - Quark Soup

*SITE -This Week in Evolution

***SITE/Global Futures Studies & Research by the MILLENNIUM PROJECT***


Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 2 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 3 in Obamacare

Dirty secret No. 4 in Obamacare