"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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19 June 2009


Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei brands UK government 'most treacherous' in the world | Mail Online

Iran elections: Khamenei warns protesters to stay off streets | World news | guardian.co.uk

Leaders worried by the rise of people power in Iran | World news | The Guardian

Douglas Murray: Why we must debate with extremists like al-Muhajiroun | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Berlusconi in fresh row over female escorts | World news | The Guardian

Ancient lake found on Mars - Telegraph

FT.com / Europe - Mafia blamed for $134bn fake Treasury bills

Web beats TV, radio as preferred news source - Tech and gadgets- msnbc.com

Images reveal full horror of 'Amazon's Tiananmen' - Americas, World - The Independent

President Obama Attacks FOX News -- Politics Daily

The Iranian soft coup, under the microscope « A War of Illusions

Hand Sanitizers - Toxic Danger If Ingested

*Protection Phone Masts

IRS Moves to Ban Tax Returns Filed By All But ‘Experts’

Iranian Elections - The 'Stolen Elections' Hoax

Kennedy Gives Up Hate Bill Trick - Hearing Will Be Held

Christopher Bollyn - The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors

Artificial Sweeteners May Contaminate Water Downstream Of Sewage Treatment Plants And Even Drinking Water


U.S. Beats War Drum as Iran Dumps the Dollar | Political Lore .com

Iran's Mousavi: now political rock star - Yahoo! News

Inventory Uncovers 9,200 More Pathogens

Financial Armageddon: The Wall Street Clown Show

VOA News - Nearly A Million Bats Dead from Mysterious Disease

MichNews.com Obama Treason - Why Commander Fitzpatrick Is NOT Guilty of Mutiny!

Raw Story » As Post fires liberal columnist, Bush war architect gets ink

Legendary CBS journalist Walter Cronkite reportedly gravely ill :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Iran supreme leader calls for calm

‘The Daily Show’s’ Jason Jones Goes “Behind The Veil” | Fancast News

U.S. Military Set to Intercept North Korean Ship Suspected of Proliferating Missiles, Nukes - Political News - FOXNews.com

Russia receiving 'relevant' intel on N. Korea missiles

Newsmax.com - CIA Recruiting Laid-Off Bankers in NYC

U.S.- Canada Border Security and Military Integration | Dana Gabriel

Mullen: Unlikely Anyone Will Face Disciplinary Action Over Farah Killings -- News from Antiwar.com

Israeli troops humiliate Palestinians - and put it on YouTube - Haaretz - Israel News

Sheikh Salah: Netanyahu wants to rebuild Temple - Israel News, Ynetnews

Treasury to Auction $104 Billion In Debt Next Week, a Record - Bonds and Treasuries * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

National Emergency « New World Liberty

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on Healthcare (6/18/09)

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on The Tommy Schnurmacher Show 6/18/2009

Refreshing News: NASA’s lunar map sheds new light on Moon’s darkest craters

BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Supplement 'slows down blindness'

Who Will Regulate the Regulators? by Thomas DiLorenzo

You Took My Freedom But Where’s My Security? by Vedran Vuk

The Rand Paul buzz continues to grow as his potential opponents emerge | Political Lore .com

FBI: Child porn on accused museum shooter computer - Yahoo! News

Our Militarized Police Departments: Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Crime - Reason Magazine

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Fusion falters under soaring costs

Kissinger threatens regime change in Iran if coup fails - 12.160Mhz

Two Days Before 9/11, Military Exercise Simulated Suicide Hijack Targeting New York | 911Blogger.com

US says it will not accept NKorea as nuclear state | Antiwar Newswire

Washington's Blog - Thursday, June 18, 2009 Dodd: Giving the Fed More Power is like Awarding a Son a “Bigger, Faster Car Right after He Crashed the Family Station Wagon"

*Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

The McCollum Memo: The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor

BBC Caught In Mass Public Deception With Iran Propaganda

Ron Paul 2012 - The AMERO, Leaked Photos!!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on MSNBC - 6/18/2009

Supreme Court Spares Former Enron Exec - CBS News

YouTube - Lou Dobbs on Amnesty

YouTube - Fire Safe Cigarettes - Or - Smokers as Lab Experiments

YouTube - Part 1: 6/17/09 Freedom Watch 19 w/ Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, more

Gardasil Follow up

YouTube - chemtrails over florence

Nutrient density is the key to good health | The Real Food Channel

06-19-2009: City asks applicants for Internet passwords

Single-Mother Ordered To Pay $80,000 Per Illegally Downloaded Song

06-19-2009: EC Calls For One World Internet Governance

U.S. Tracking Suspicious North Korean Ship

06-18-2009: BRIC Nations Call For A Multipolar World Order

06-18-2009: Suit accuses TSA of unreasonable airport detention

06-18-2009: Fingerprint scans in college crackdown on illegal migrants

U.S. Senate Votes To Apologize For Slavery (Yes and most everyone still is enslaved)

U.S.- Canada Border Security and Military Integration

China Commodities Undercut US Dollar

Iran’s Election and US - Iranian Relations

Pentagon Rebrands Protest as "Low-Level Terrorism"

Proposed New Law Would Let Canadian Police Snoop On What You Do Online

ABC Says No to GOP Ads During Obama Healthcare Special

Over 9,000 Vials Unaccounted For At Fort Dietrick Biolab

Cash to Become Extinct as Chips Take Off

Experts See No ‘Smoking Gun’ for Iran Election Fraud

Does U.S. Poll Rule Out Fraud in Iran?

'The Responsible Left': Funding Obama's Expanding Wars

Things are bad: What do we do about it?


Psychopath MRI

Clouds of Secrecy

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

NSA monitors millions of American e-mails

Marx, the First Real Globalist

The Retreat of the Shadow Lenders, Why Deflation and not Inflation is the Order of the Day

Making Illegal Spying Legal

Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants

Towards a New Financial World Order

Mossad still stalking malls near U.S. military bases

The vanishing left

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship

Reality Mining: Browsing Reality with Sensor Networks

Barney Frank Says He Agrees with Obama that Single-Payer Health Care Systems Have Worked Well

Fannie, Freddie Were at Center of Financial Crisis But Are Not Included in Obama’s New Financial Regulations

Suspect Raised Red Flags in Law Enforcement Circles Long Before He Allegedly Killed Abortionist George Tiller

House Eyes New Taxes As Senators Take Up Trillion-Dollar Health Bill

Details About Health-Care Reform Bill’s Missing ‘Public Option’ Section May be Released Friday

Obama Making Health Care Promises He Cannot Guarantee

Republican Senator Questions Administration’s Treatment of Two More Inspectors-General

AmeriCorps IG Firing Still Facing Questions from Congress

Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom Presented to 3 Defenders of Democracy

Reading Miranda Rights to Terrorists Is 'Crazy' and 'Stupid,' Say GOP Congressmen

Obama Making Responsible Dads a National Priority

Sharpton Asks for Help Investigating Sheriff Arapaio for Alleged Racial Profiling

Eye-Opening YouTube

The ObamaCare Horror Story You Won’t Hear

Obama: ‘There Are Countries Where a Single-Payer System Works Pretty Well’

Tiananmen Moments

Connecting the Invisible Dots

Family Security Matters » Publications » Journalist Threatened For Exposing Terrorism Cover-Ups

How Science Fiction Writers Can Help, or Hurt, Homeland Security

***Site - Alan Watts***

*Site - 100777.com - Introduction and Mission statement

flashback / “Army Surveillance of Civilians” (1972)

***army surveillance civilians.pdf ***

*** lsd experimental psychosis.pdf ***

YouTube - Mass Police Gets Grenade Launchers and More- visit www.freedomfighterradio.net

War and Civil Liberties Under Obama « LewRockwell.com Blog

The Pentagon's Favorite Demon by Carlton Meyer

Fox News Infected With “Reefer Madness” | NORML Blog

How Zoning Rules Would Work in a Free Society - Ben O'Neill - Mises Institute

These Are Obama’s Wars Now by Joshua Frank -- Antiwar.com

Oh Yes, Your Cash Has Got Us Very 'Stimulated,' Indeed by Vin Suprynowicz

YouTube - SA@Takimag - The War on Neo-Nazi Terror

Alan Watt's Free Audio Downloads - Cutting Through The Matrix

Jewish Vote Only a Microcosm of Reality

Champions of the World

Ten Amazing Videos from Iran

Anti-Semitic mob puts swastikas on governor's house in Venezuela

Obama health plan on the ropes?

PETA criticizes Obama for swatting a fly

Will the NoKo's fire a missile at Hawaii on July 4th?

No, Senator Boxer. We confer no titles in America.

Khamenei's not so veiled threats to Iranian protestors

'Logic in the Age of Obama'

Explaining Obama: Our First Islamist President?

Obama's Missed Opportunity in Iran

Government Won't Allow Fair Competition

'Shock the Monkey' Healthcare

Ahmadinejad and the Price of a Handgun

After Obama Fails

The Real Importance of the Sotomayor Fight

Lies, Damned Lies and BBC Climate Reports

The National Debate about Late-Term Abortions

Sotomayor's 'Fundamental' Flaws

American Thinker Blog: Conservatives & The Austrian School of Economics (Part 1)

American Thinker Blog: Conservatives & The Austrian School of Economics (Part 2)

U.S. Fortifies Hawaii to Meet Threat From Korea - WSJ.com


Shadowy Iranian Vigilantes Vow Bolder Action - NYTimes.com

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Savage Blasts “Neo-Marxist Media” for Neo-Marxist President :: Boycott The New York Times

I'll pay for half those star tattoos to be removed, says the man who engraved 56 on 18-year-old girl's face

Child Sex Charge Against Mom of Four Leaves Small Town Reeling - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Stanford and 4 others indicted | Front page | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Monica Conyers tie to $40K in jewelry probed | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Guevara's granddaughter to appear in PETA campaign - Yahoo! News

Pick for Protocol Post Corrects Failure to File Taxes in 2 Years - NYTimes.com

Cashless Control Grid Inches Closer to Reality

Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve’s New Dictatorial Powers

Senior Democrat Says Obama’s Czars Unconstitutional

UK follows US with cyber security agency

Congressman Ron Paul on Healthcare

Gerald Celente: Washington is Wall St. and Wall St. is Washington

CNSNews.com - Democrats Bury ‘Community Transformation’ Plans in Health Care Bill

Generals go to war over Iraq inquiry - Home News, UK - The Independent

EXCLUSIVE: Minn. lawmaker vows not to complete Census - Washington Times

Secret Buildings You May Not Photograph, Part 643 - Raw Fisher

Dodd: Giving the Fed More Power is like Awarding a Son a “Bigger, Faster Car Right after He Crashed the Family Station Wagon”

Who Will Control Iraq’s Oil?

Yes, Conspiracy Theorists ARE Crazy

ACLU, Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty sue TSA over ‘illegal’ detention

Obama lawyers try to protect Cheney from Daily Show

Obama’s Insurance Proposal May Grab Power From States

Cash to become extinct as chips take off | News | News.com.au

AFP: World's hungry top one billion: UN food agency

Healthy people should be allowed to take Ritalin to boost brain power, claims expert | Mail Online

The Federal Reserve System's Party Line by Gary North

Krugman Failure, Not Market Failure by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

What Shall We Call the Present Economic Crisis: A Contest by Walter Block

One Man’s Hero Is Another Man’s Goat by Robert Higgs

Killing in War - David Gordon - Mises Institute

Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy? | World news | The Guardian

Answering some well asked questions about personal defense by Massad Ayoob Issue #97

BBC NEWS | Health | Eat less while eating more?

Is your brain wired to survive a disaster? | Mail Online

Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - The Greatest Non-Apology of All Time - True/Slant

Bloggers Meet With Bill Clinton, Yet World Keeps Spinning!

Saxby Chambliss Thinks The Iranian People Don't Remember the 1953 CIA Coup

Senate Finance Committee: We're Going to Make You Buy Insurance With No Public Option

Wingnuts unhappy because CNN calls Shawna Forde's killer Minuteman gang 'extremists'

What Liberal Media? Washington Post Sacks Dan Froomkin

Hope vs Failure: Is There Anything We Can Do As Citizens, Short Of Going Out On The Streets Like The Iranian Patriots?

Charles Grassley: We Shouldn't Blame Greed Any More Than You'd Blame Gravity

Is The Glass Half Full - Or Half Empty? More People Drop From Unemployment Rolls. Why?

Countdown: James Risen--The Eavesdropping Continues

Immigration and hate crimes: Forde case shows how 'respectable' nativists like FAIR help whip up the violence

Mike Pence vs Mike Pence

Congress Continues to Deny Reality: Single Payer is The Only Thing That Makes Economic Sense

Pete's Tweet: Republican Pete Hoekstra Compares Iranian Protests To GOP In Exile

A little turnabout: Open Left's Adam Green ambushes Fox's Griff Jenkins and his ambush crew

New York Times: NSA Agent Was Reading Bill Clinton's Personal Emails

Republican Diane Black's "Strongly Worded Reprimand" To Racist Staffer Revealed

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 17th With William Lewis

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 18th With Jerri Lynn Ward

Obama's Doctor Knocks ObamaCare - Forbes.com

BBC enlisting new satellites to broadcast in Iran

EU Sees Signs of ‘Sustainable’ Recovery, Seeks Exit Strategy - Bloomberg.com

Barbara Boxer: Please Call Me 'Senator' -- Politics Daily

Breitbart.tv » Sen. Boxer Instructs Brigadier General Not to Call Her ‘Ma’am’

My Way News - House eyes new taxes as senators pare health bill

Local shelters lose food aid because of fees | WSBT South Bend - Your Local News Leader | Local News

6% of Jewish Israelis: Obama dministration is pro-Israel | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Prosecutors: Queens mom Marie Lauradin performed voodoo fire ritual that left daughter, 6, scarred

Chubby people live longest: Japan study

JSO: Wendy's Employee Kills Co-Worker - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Study: 19 Ambassador Nominees Bundled $4.8 Million for President's Campaign, Inauguration - Political Punch

Obama: Bible's guidance is timely

Oprah Winfrey: World's greatest boss? - The Oprah blog

Unhappy Customer, 79, Dies After Bid to Stop Verizon Van in Vienna - washingtonpost.com

Google vows to fight porn in China after govt rebuke

FT.com / Companies / Media - Facebook applications raise privacy fears

Deputy: Woman skinned puppy to make belt

FCC Examining Exclusive Handset-Carrier Deals

Federal Jury: Music Downloader Owes $1.92 Million

China's Google Porn Crackdown

The Moon? We're going nowhere, says NASA official

Bing to define Microsoft's capability to innovate

Beta of Free Microsoft Antivirus Suite to be Released Tuesday

Climate Change Already Underway, More To Come

City asks applicants for Internet passwords

Google Books Adds New Features And Tools

New York sign counts global greenhouse gases

Collecta Enters The Real Time Search Wars

MARS LAKE PICTURE: First Proof of Ancient Shores Found

CDC sees "something different" with new flu

New Video Compares GOP Healthcare Reform Critics to Hollywood Horror Movies - US News and World Report

Nestle Voluntarily Recalls Raw Cookie Dough

Clash Over One-A-Day Vitamins' Cancer Claims

Employers' health care costs expected to rise 9 percent

How Do We Make Doctors Better?

The fear factor in health care costs

'Long night' after woman learns she hasn't found long-lost brother

War on mosquitoes warms up with temperatures

FDA Commissioner Faces Formidable To-Do List

Bill Boosting FDA Oversight Of Food Wins Panel Approval

Reports: Walter Cronkite ailing

Is 'Bruno' Harmful to Gay and Lesbian Causes, or Just Really Funny?

Susan Boyle cancels concert; rep says she was 'feeling tired'

'Food, Inc.': The Unsavory Business of Feeding America

Conan defeats Letterman in week 2 of late-night ratings battle

Indictments bring Stanford investors scant comfort

No Illinois Perjury Charge for Burris

No perjury charge against Sen. Burris: prosecutor

Obama is vague on immigration reform timeline

Obama Is Committed to Immigration Overhaul

Transcript: President's remarks at Hispanic Prayer Breakfast

President Obama Promotes Fatherhood, Responsibility

From fatherless child to first dad

Understanding cash-for-clunkers voucher plan

Pilot dies midflight, jet lands safely

First lady to lead Cabinet officers in volunteer efforts

Officers recall horror of Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting

Senate Backs Apology for Slavery

Senate Apology for Slavery Is A Set Up for Reputations

Bush Has Every Right to Answer Questions

Clinton has successful surgery on broken elbow

Feingold talks up Wisconsin auto industry with Obama

Oklahoma Woman, Friend Charged With Killing, Skinning Pet Puppy to Make Belt - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Go Away, Tom Daschle

Howard Baker and Universal Coverage

That's 'Senator' Boxer To You

Sen. Barbara Boxer: No ma'am references, please

Supreme Court rejects inmates' right to have DNA test

US Takes Seat on UN Human Rights Council

Cornell Student Returning to Face Murder Charges

Woman Charged In Voodoo Ritual Burning Of Daughter

Stanford Faces Arraignment on Fraud Charges

Unemployment of 10% Spreads, Risking US Recovery

Switzerland Strikes Double Tax Deal With US

Jobless rate rises in nearly all states

Tech Could Balance Future UK Power Grid - Report

Microsoft Added To Conviction Buy List At Goldman

Reading Twitter in Tehran?

White House denies any Biden-Obama split on Iran

Obama walks tightrope

White House defends neutral stance on Iran

EU tiptoes round Lisbon quicksands

EU leaders endorse new regime regulating financial sector

U.S. Military Set to Intercept North Korean Ship Suspected of Proliferating Missiles, Nukes - Political News - FOXNews.com

Global campaign marks Suu Kyi's 64th birthday

Air France crash families to get 1st compensation

Air France bodies had broken bones, official says

VOA News - India Appeals for Maoist Insurgents, Sympathizers to Engage in Dialogue

BBC enlisting new satellites to broadcast in Iran

Google Adds Farsi to Translation Tool

Ground forces move in for Pakistan offensive

Pakistani Warplanes, Troops Target S. Waziristan

David Stevenson: Not all BRICs are on strong foundations

Sri Lanka's postwar resettlement stalls

Peru Overturns Decrees That Incited Protests

MPs' expenses: How the documents came out

End expenses censorship - Cameron

2 US-Allied Soldiers, 25 Taliban Killed In Afghanistan

Car Bomb Kills Police Official in Spain

ETA Blamed as Car Bombing Kills Policeman in Northern Spain

Over One Billion Go Hungry Every Day

World hunger 'hits one billion'

Kenya will not sit by as Somalia worsens -minister

American Muslims and Jews Consider Obama's Middle East Policy

Ask AP: Clinton campaign debt, green in Islam

Obama's Message to Iran

World Net Daily / 'Iran to pick its own leader

World Net Daily / No fix to financial reg troubles

World Net Daily/ Sotomoyor called 'reliable pro-choice vote'

World Net Daily / Analyst says pilot's in-flight death unusual

World Net Daily / DeMint describes fight for free speech

Barney Frank pushes to legalize marijuana

Senator calls for vetting of candidates' eligibility

What's the difference?

Posey: Eligibility document plan not personal

Shocker! Most Americans know of Obama eligibility questions

Support rising for eligibility verification demand

Sonoran News - WorldNetDaily raises over $75,000 to ask …

Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

Obama tied to Ayers ... at age 11

Obama calls for immigration reform at prayer breakfast - Washington Times

Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care - NYTimes.com

Public Wary of Deficit, Economic Intervention - WSJ.com

Insider: ACORN 'always been Democrat operation'

EXCLUSIVE: Minn. lawmaker vows not to complete Census - Washington Times

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : AmeriCorps and ACORN Go Way Back

FBI e-mail investigation fingers White House?

Senator asks about firings of watchdogs -- chicagotribune.com

Public outcry forces 'hate crimes' hearing

Scientists: Obama document is 'scare' tactic

Iranians take protest to rooftops - Iran- msnbc.com

'The Fear Is Gone' - WSJ.com

Kerry on Iran: Don't 'make this about America'

Gibbs avoids question about 'fairness'

White House fires back at Bush comments: 'We won'

Guess who fired Miss California

Chinese forced to choose with one-dog policy - China- msnbc.com

House puts new limits on Gitmo closing - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

Keith Ellison's office hangs up on WND

Crew Thought Continental Airlines Pilot Who Died in Flight Was Asleep - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

'Mom, dad better than certified teachers'

U.N. protocol used to regulate homeschoolers

ABC employees donated heavily to Obama - Washington Times

Steele to GOP: 'Fight' ABC - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Obama's half-sister, Soetoro-Ng, daughters godmother and Penny Pritzker's husband tapped for White House panel - Lynn Sweet

Partisan splits show in health care debate - Washington Times

*article links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Proposed expansion of Federal Reserve may trip up Obama financial reform plan - Los Angeles Times

Democrats to push through banking overhaul quickly

Will FBI hunt for Hoffa’s body in Giants Stadium debris? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/18/2009

Sabotage on shuttle? NASA doesn’t think so - Space- msnbc.com

More Gay Donors Drop Out of DNC Fundraiser, Protesting Justice Department Brief - Political Punch

Same-sex marriages: Census issue: The Swamp

Feds probe Blagojevich contacts with colleges - Chicago Breaking News

U.S. agencies eye coordinated Afghan civilian surge | International | Reuters

Lawmaker returns joke gift from Schwarzenegger - Los Angeles Times

What Has 132 Rooms and Flies? (The White House) - NYTimes.com

Twitter News Network?

The war of words over Israel

Senator calls for vetting of candidates' eligibility

Obama protects cronies at taxpayers' expense

Birthday surprise for Obama?

We are all birthers now - War Room - Salon.com

Obama and Reagan: Study in contrasts

Let's fret about our own tyrants

Khomeini's boys vs. Khamenei's boys

Why socialism makes rights dispensable

Truth and tyranny: The power of words

They believe what!?

Obama offers competition in health care

Carrie Prejean continues to get thrown under the bus.

RebelReports - "The Responsible Left:" Funding Obama's Expanding Wars $100 Billion a Vote

Obama's 'present' vote

The smokin' president - Los Angeles Times

Are You Ready For War With Demonized Iran?

Obama administration criticised over failure to disclose coal dump locations | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Bush launches criticism against Obama

New York 'carbon counter' sign shows greenhouse gases in real time | Environment | The Guardian

Cabinet expenses in full published by Telegraph - Telegraph

Total sacks 900 workers in Lindsey strike row - Times Online

Hundreds walk out in support of sacked oil refinery workers | Business | guardian.co.uk

Big police operation planned for Stonehenge summer solstice | Travel | guardian.co.uk

Pupils made to wear goggles to handle Blu Tack as health and safety reaches 'ridiculous' new heights | Mail Online

Not In My Front Yard: Now the recycling industry joins rebellion

American Minute for June 19th:William J Federer's American Minute

Why Iran's Supreme Leader could be the protests' ultimate victim - Telegraph

RealClearWorld - How Iran's Clerics Can Undermine Ahmadinejad

Rogue entities still pose risks to U.S. - The China Post

RealClearWorld - Upheaval in Iran Doesn't Change Nuclear Calculus

RealClearWorld - Hezbollah, Engagement and U.S. Options

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - For now, silence is still the best policy

A Choice for North Korea

Assessing North Korea's uranium enrichment capabilities | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Hamas: Ideological Rigidity and Political Flexibility | United States Institute of Peace

The green-collar jobs myth

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Why Obama’s big economic gamble is failing | Blogs |

Global Forecast Update: After the Deepest Recession, the Weakest Recovery

Five reasons to avoid the gold rush | Vitaliy Katsenelson Contrarian Edge

Some Lawmakers Question Expanded Reach for the Fed - NYTimes.com

IBDeditorials.com: Wall St. Pushes Back

Krugman's Liquidity Claptrap - Forbes.com

The Volatile Dollar July 2009.pdf

The Great Debate » Debate Archive » Starting a trade war with “Buy America” | The Great Debate |

Obama aims to give regulators chance to rein in future crises - USATODAY.com

Steven Pearlstein - Regulatory Reform That Falls Far Short of It - washingtonpost.com

Kool-Aid Drinkers Survive Financial Overhaul: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

The Obama World Order

RealClearPolitics - Obama Shows Naivete on Iran

Strassel: Mr. Burd Goes to Washington - WSJ.com

Who's afraid of the public option? Health care debate is stuck on a straw man

Global warming fuel rules put freeze on automakers | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Several Scenarios, Not All Bright, Could Result From Iran's Tumult

RealClearPolitics - Obama Clueless on Iran

Government guidelines may harm health care

Opinion | Medicine: culture vs. calling | Seattle Times Newspaper

An Obama "scandal" as phony as Whitewater | Salon

Commentary » Blog Archive » He’s Not Even Warren Christopher

RealClearPolitics - For Connecticut's Dodd, the News Is Decidedly Mixed

RealClearPolitics - Politicking Continues Amid Policy Debates


Unhealthy numbers: Bankruptcies, uncontrolled costs argue convincingly for health-care reform | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Slow the rush

TheHill.com - House passes first approps bill after long day of votes

As right-wing talkers mainstream extremism, progressives are standing up to the hate


transcripts - 21st Century Financial Regulatory Reform

transcripts - Interview with Advisor Christina Romer

transcripts - Senator Shelby on Obama's Financial Overhaul Plan

transcripts - Roundtable on Iran's Election

transcripts - Henry Kissinger on Achmadinejad vs. Mousavi

transcripts - Interview with Representative Mike Pence

transcripts - Bernanke's Speech to the Financial Literacy Summit

transcripts - Presidents Obama and Lee Hold Joint Press Conference

transcripts - Interview with House Minority Leader Boehner

transcripts - Secretary Clinton Unveils Human Trafficking Report


Site - ***PoliticsTV.com***

Senator Webb: Obama 'Doing the Right Thing' on Iran

Sen. Graham: Rahm Emanuel, WH Doesn't Want Photos Released

Minnesota Secretary of State on Undecided Election

Sens. Kerry and Chambliss on Obama and Iran

Geithner Defends Plan To Step Up Oversight

White House Responds To Bush: "We Won"

Tancredo On Bush Speaking Out Against Obama

Sen. Kerry On Iran: "Don't Make This About America"

DeMint: Boxer Is "Loose Cannon" Who "Speaks Before She Thinks"

Fox News Banned From Entering ACORN Awards Gala

O'Reilly On "Human Rights And The Liberal Media"

Pelosi: What You Call "Snags," We Call The "Legislative Process"

Sen. Reed On Crackdown In Iran

Sen. McCain On Obama's Slipping Poll Numbers

Napolitano: Gitmo "Contrary To American Values"

Levin On Liberty, Freedom And The Statist

Dean Defends Obama's Stance On iran

Continental Airlines Flight Lands Safely After Pilot Dies

Sen. Bayh On Big Bank Regulation

Sen. Gregg Gives GOP Response To Health Care Reform

White House "Not Convinced" Iranian Elections Were Fraudulent

Bush: "Government Does Not Create Wealth"

Iranian Crowd Chant "Death To The UK"

Rep. Bachmann Will Not Fill Out Census Because Of ACORN

White House: No Sanctions Against Iran

Rep. Hoekstra: Obama, Pelosi "Undermining" U.S. Intelligence

Rep. Sestak On Iran: "No Bullying"

Khamenei Addresses Iranians: There Was No Fraud

Rep. Pence On Iran: "We Stand With Them"

Obama Gives Hopeful Message At Large Democratic Fundraiser

Obama: Promise Of America Is Renewed By Immigrants

McCain Makes Jab At Boxer: "Thank You For Calling Me Senator"

Michael Lind and Peter Morici on China-US Trade Relations

Silent Protest Mourns Iran Dead

Flight Lands after Pilot's Death

Joseph Stiglitz on Too Big to Fail' Bank Dilemma

Iranians Abroad Rally Against 'Stolen' Election

Pakistani Activist Imran Khan on Defeating the Taliban

The U.S. Military's New Warriors: Robots

Kenya Wary of Al-Shabab Threat

Welch to Obama: Let's Slow Down

Marc Gabelli: 'Great Opportunities' in the Market

Geithner Testifies on Regulation Revamp

A Lazy Summer Stock Market?

The Mortgage Guys!

Top 5 Natural Gas Stocks

FDIC's Bair: 'Too Big to Fail' Doctrine Must End

Allen Stanford Arrested

Volatility Ahead for U.S. Markets?

YouTube - Swine Flu puts local girl in hospital

YouTube - Cookie dough recall

YouTube - Iran Presidential Election - Bloomberg

YouTube - Barroso on Importance of 'Unanimity' (in French)

YouTube - U.S. Ready if NKorea Test Fires Another Missile

YouTube - A new cooperative power has emerged in world politics

YouTube - Sri Lanka's Economy Poise For Growth - Bloomberg

YouTube - Pentagon pulls back release of report on Afghan Strike

YouTube - US-Israeli relations strained - 18 Jun 09

YouTube - Stanford Indicted for Alleged Ponzi Scheme

YouTube - Ind. jobless rate: 10.6 percent in May

YouTube - Senate salvages 'cash for clunkers'

YouTube - Pilot on Continental Flight Dies; Jet Lands Safe

YouTube - Sec. Clinton to Have Surgery on Broken Elbow

YouTube - Police: Couple Kills, Skins Puppy to Make a Belt

talk radio

06/18 The Mark Levin Show

06/17 The Mark Levin Show

06/16 The Mark Levin Show

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

***The Lew Rockwell Show - Podcast Archive***

special feature

Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention'


Demons in Alien's Clothing


Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: The New Atlantis -- Volume 1

Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 2 - Riddles in Stone - Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.

Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 6


To Kill A Tree - Part 1

To Kill A Tree - Part Two

To Kill A Tree - Part 3

To Kill A Tree - Conclusion


The Illuminati

Chinese Secret Society Threatens Illuminati

Conspiracies - The Illuminati - Our Secret Masters

Illuminati Mystery Bablyon: Texe Marrs Video by Conspiracy Central


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government