"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

20 June 2009

20 June 09

Iran issues stern warning to protestors but agrees to partial recount - Deutsche Welle

'This is the most authentic and beautiful movement' - Jerusalem Post

Lieberman: Settlements are not obstacle to peace - Haaretz

Mubarak says time is right for Arab-Israeli peace - Ynet

Iran warns Mousavi against street rally - J'lem Post

U.S. Military Set to Intercept North Korean Ship - Fox

EU Reaches Deal on Lisbon Treaty Which Gives Its Institutions Greater Power - Der Spiegel

Netherlands is reliable partner of Russia – Zubkov - TASS

World Powers May Meet on N. Korea Next Month Amid New Threats - Fox

City corrals Christians at weekend Arab fest - Judge won't let ministry deliver tracts on sidewalks - WND

Suicide bomber attacks Khomeini shrine in Iran - Reuters

Russian-Chinese relations hinge on delicate balance of interests - Novosti

Iraq calls US pullback from cities 'big victory' - J'lem Post

Global crisis pushes 100 million into hunger - Gulf News

Schwarzenegger survives mid-air drama - MSNBC

White House: US still wants nuclear talks with Iran - Ynet

Obama Initiatives Hit Speed Bumps On Capitol Hill - Washington Post

Obama 'Very Concerned' About Iran Leader's Threat to Crack Down on Protesters - Fox

Barney Frank pushes to legalize marijuana - 'Criminalizing choices … is not appropriate in a free society' - WND

Medical marijuana transforms into big business in Israel - Haaretz

There's No False Choice on Iran - The consequence of a weak president - Fred Barnes

Obama, Russia, and the Reset Button - Gary Schmitt

Grappling with America: After the big public speeches come even tougher talks in private - Economist

Israel's rare opportunity - Why the Jewish State must assert itself in Iran's affairs - Caroline B. Glick

Neutrality Isn’t an Option - You always have a dog in the fight, whether you know it or not - Mark Steyn

'Khamenei Has Never Seen a Crisis Like This' - Afshin Molavi

Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve's New Dictatorial Powers

Financial Dictatorship Spreads To Europe

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship In United States

'Service' Inspector General fired by Obama for investigating 'Hood Corp' mayor Kevin Johnson?

US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive - Telegraph

In midst of auto crisis, Al Gore backs a new car company in Louisiana

E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress - NYTimes.com

Obama Criticized for Withholding Visitor Logs

Who Owns You?

Common Fish Species Has 'Human' Ability To Learn

Obama's Health Reform Waterloo

Amazing Grace: Parents cradle baby for last time after life support is switched off... but then she came back to life | Mail Online

Iran's Election And US - Iranian Relations

Top 5 Most Sinister Corporate Logos | The Vigilant Citizen

CIA seeks laid-off bankers in N.Y. recruitment drive | Reuters

savethemales.ca - Hitler's Psychiatrist Cited Sexual Motivation for War

Are You Ready For War With Demonized Iran?

Obama administration criticised over failure to disclose coal dump locations | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Bush launches criticism against Obama

New York 'carbon counter' sign shows greenhouse gases in real time | Environment | The Guardian

US increases defences around Hawaii in case of North Korea strike - Telegraph

Big police operation planned for Stonehenge summer solstice | Travel | guardian.co.uk

Pupils made to wear goggles to handle Blu Tack as health and safety reaches 'ridiculous' new heights | Mail Online

'Evil Britain': Iran's religious leader accuses UK of stirring up unrest over election while quashing hopes of a recount | Mail Online

Douglas Murray: Why we must debate with extremists like al-Muhajiroun | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Pro skateboarder takes a glide through White House - Yahoo! News

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran police clash with protesters

Suicide bomber attacks Khomeini shrine in Iran | Reuters

Suicide truck bomb kills 34 in northern Iraq | Reuters

The Cape and Islands NPR Station - Sean Corcoran's Cape Wind Blog

Obama’s Insurance Proposal May Grab Power From States

Suitcase With $134 Billion Puts Dollar on Edge: William Pesek - Bloomberg.com

FT.com / Europe - Mafia blamed for $134bn fake Treasury bills

Peterson: Democrats Back to Square One on Climate Bill - Roll Call

Obama Job Approval Slips to 58% for First Time

FT.com / Companies / US & Canada - China tells Google to end foreign site access

After the Britain's Got Talent backlash, Simon Cowell finally admits: 'Sorry, I did make mistakes.' | Mail Online

New Mexico breaks ground on commercial spaceport | Science | Reuters

EXCLUSIVE: Minn. lawmaker vows not to complete Census - Washington Times

Obama's Doctor Knocks ObamaCare - Forbes.com

My Way News - House eyes new taxes as senators pare health bill

Aide: Husband of Ensign's ex-mistress sought cash

Sotomayor quits women's club after GOP criticism

article links - Media coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Savage Blasts “Neo-Marxist Media” for Neo-Marxist President :: Boycott The New York Times

My Way News - Feared Basij militia could transform Iran showdown

US navy prepares to intercept North Korean ship | World news | guardian.co.uk

Slaughter of Foreigners in Yemen Bears Mark of Former Gitmo Detainee, Say Experts - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com


Big racial, ethnic divide remains in L.A. on gay marriage, Times Poll finds [Updated] | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

Obama tied to Ayers ... at age 11

Pajamas Media » The ‘Domino Theory’ in the IG Scandal

Democrats urged to play down 'global warming' - Washington Times

Walter Cronkite reportedly gravely ill - Television- msnbc.com

Obama calls for immigration reform at prayer breakfast - Washington Times

Guevara's granddaughter to appear in PETA campaign - Yahoo! News

Pick for Protocol Post Corrects Failure to File Taxes in 2 Years - NYTimes.com

Debbie Schlussel - Isn't This Racism?: Buy Black Goods Only Campaign

Debbie Schlussel - Top Mossad, Israeli Officials Echo Schlussel: Stop Siding With Mousavi (Who is Worse); Iranian Faux-Uprising is Stupid, Pointless

Russian Scientists Warn Of Genetically Modified Fast Food Link To Pandemic Flu

Tussle with Israel puts Obama credibility on the line, observers say - Los Angeles Times

Iran’s Turmoil Creates Dilemma for Obama at Home and Overseas - Bloomberg.com

Supreme Court rejects inmates' right to have DNA test - The Boston Globe

Sheikh Salah: Netanyahu wants to rebuild Temple

Border killings roil Minuteman movement - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Asteroid Probe Set to "Collide" With Earth

India deploys troops against Maoists - CNN.com

Japan and China fight it out for right to mine lithium under Bond's battlefield - Times Online

The Associated Press: Russia plays down NKorea threats

North Korea 'plan missile launch towards Hawaii on Independence Day' | Mail Online

After $196 billion, no proof U.N. programs help - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com

06-19-2009: Big Police Operation Planned For Stonehenge Summer Solstice

06-19-2009: CIA Delays Release Of Secret Prison Report

06-19-2009: In Stark Legal Turnaround, Obama Now Resembles Bush

China Commodities Undercut US Dollar

Pentagon Rebrands Protest as "Low-Level Terrorism"

**Transcript of Ayatollah Khamenei's Speech

Ahmadinejad's Reelection a Victory for Neocons?

Things are bad: What do we do about it?


Psychopath MRI

Clouds of Secrecy

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

Abortion numbers for disabilities should be kept secret: Government lawyers

'Supermarkets set to refuse cash'

Gorbachev: It's time for a second American revolution in the spirit of perestroika

The Obama Financial Reforms: Road to Change or Perdition?

"The Responsible Left:" Funding Obama's Expanding Wars $100 Billion a Vote

VIDEO: We are Destroying our Nation's Moral and Fiscal Integrity

Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax

Iran's spiritual leader backs Ahmadinejad election victory

Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants

Experts see no ‘smoking gun’ for Iran election fraud

Towards a China Russia Axis? Medvedev, Hu sign joint statement, several coop agreements

Russia to give 'asymmetric' answer to possible U.S. space militarization: minister

U.S., Chinese military officials to meet next week - Yahoo! News

U.S.-Cuba talks may resume soon | McClatchy

Somalia calls for 'military intervention'

U.S., Britain both fund broadcasts in Iran

Sen. Reid to Obama: Back Off Israel, Pressure Palestinians -- News from Antiwar.com

Crackdowns Reported as Suicide Bombing Kills Two in Iran -- News from Antiwar.com

Obama Tells Hispanic Prayer Breakfast America is 'Nation of Christians and Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Non-Believers'

Barney Frank Says He Agrees with Obama that Single-Payer Health Care Systems Have Worked Well

After Losing $20 Million in Equipment, Federal Health-Care Agency Won $500 Million Earmark in Stimulus; Agency’s HQ Had 10 Pieces of IT Equipment Per Worker

Fannie, Freddie Were at Center of Financial Crisis But Are Not Included in Obama’s New Financial Regulations

Suspect Raised Red Flags in Law Enforcement Circles Long Before He Allegedly Killed Abortionist George Tiller

Details About Health-Care Reform Bill’s Missing ‘Public Option’ Section May be Released Friday

Reading Miranda Rights to Terrorists Is 'Crazy' and 'Stupid,' Say GOP Congressmen

White House Stands by Obama's Claim That Single-Payer Health Care Works In Other Countries--It's Just Not Sure Which Countries Obama Meant

Obama Making Responsible Dads a National Priority

Judge Delays Hearing for Museum Shooting Suspect

To Save Money, California Plans to Deport Illegal Immigrant Inmates

House Eyes New Taxes As Senators Take Up Trillion-Dollar Health Bill

Iran's Top Leader Says Election Not Rigged; Warns of Crackdown on Protesters

Suspect North Korean Ship Has Been Detained Several Times for Maritime Violations

Some Bailout Banks Hold On to Corporate Jet Perks

Eye-Opening YouTube

The ObamaCare Horror Story You Won’t Hear

Obama: ‘There Are Countries Where a Single-Payer System Works Pretty Well’

Reviving States' Rights


Reality Mining: Browsing Reality with Sensor Networks

video - 1972 clip of David Suzuki comparing humans to maggots

Iran faces greater risks than it knows

Between the lines of Netanyahu’s speech

Mossad still stalking malls near U.S. military bases

The vanishing left

The larger context of the 2009 Iranian elections

Bush political appointees serving in Obama administration appoint GOP cronies to senior civil service jobs

Steve Quayle News Alerts

Analysts say North Korea's chemical weapons pose as grave a threat as nukes

Michael Hudson: The Ending of America's Financial-Military Empire

Family Security Matters » Publications » Journalist Threatened For Exposing Terrorism Cover-Ups

Print of Iconic Einstein Photo Sells for $74K

Anti-Abortion Vigils Moved From Closed Kan. Clinic

Deal Reached on Cutting Some U.S. Drug Costs: Report

White House: Census to Better Count Gay Couples

Helicopter Pilot Just Before Crash: "Hang On"

FBI Files Show Wide "Deep Throat" Investigation

Inverted Stamp Collection Sells for More Than $5M

'Data Mining' for Drug Companies Goes to Courts

FBI: 2nd Defendant in Artifacts Case Found Dead

United States Global Leadership

Realigning Pakistan's Security Forces

North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Tests and Six-Party Talks: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Tehran Test

Immigration reform is coming, but there's a looooong row to hoe

Real Time New Rules June 19, 2009

Finally, Common Sense: Draft Bill from The House Includes A Public Plan

Ignoring Shawna Forde: Fox News fails to live up to Bill O'Reilly's own news-coverage standard

Poem for the Rooftops of Iran - June 19th, 2009

audio/flashback:The Fifth Amendment and The Grand Jury - 1957

The Colbert Report: ThreatDown - Uighurs & Donald H. Crosby

Epic Fail: Griff Jenkins' feeble ACORN ambush stunt for Beck falls utterly flat

Even Forbes Mag Readers Know: There's Something Really Wrong With Our Healthcare System

Why would anyone consider George W. Bush credible on the economy?

A Real Life Example: Why We Need Single Payer, or At Least A Public Option

As right-wing talkers mainstream extremism, progressives are standing up to the hate

Bloggers Meet With Bill Clinton, Yet World Keeps Spinning!

Saxby Chambliss Thinks The Iranian People Don't Remember the 1953 CIA Coup

Senate Finance Committee: We're Going to Make You Buy Insurance With No Public Option

Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated “Color Revolution?”

Cashless Control Grid Inches Closer to Reality

Hyperinflation Could Hit US In 5-10 Years

**29 Engineers: Only Explosives Can Explain 9/11 World Trade Center Destruction

Senior Democrat Says Obama’s Czars Unconstitutional

The Daily Show on the Museum Shooting Aftermath

Corps of Engineers Used Internet to Attack Katrina Critics

Hill wants reins on Fed - Glenn Thrush and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Leave Iran Alone! by Ron Paul

The Other Side of the Mountain by Lila Rajiva

Pushing on a String by Gary North

Back in the U.S.S.A. by Peter Schiff

An American 'Yezhovschina'? by William Norman Grigg

A Clear Case of Armed Robbery (and More) by William L. Anderson

Will Radically Different Banking Plans Work? by Betsy Hansen

A Tale of Two Killings by S.M. Oliva

To fight deflation, abolish cash. Could Japan make reality of ‘science fiction’? - Times Online

Imagine Breaking Up The United States - WSJ.com

Natural Health from A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas

Hair gets down and dirty | Health & Beauty

Obama says immigration overhaul is essential

YouTube - Obama Outlines Immigration Overhaul

New US border czar tours domain

Ariz. killings highlight risk of fringe activists

Did Anti- Immigration "Extremists" Leave Long Trail Of Victims?

Tool to help in immigration checks

Calif. looks to immigrant inmates to save costs

Suing, Praying, Pleading for Immigration Reform

Kids Sue Obama Over Parents' Deportations

The Politics Of Illegal Immigration

Catholic bishops urge immigration reform

Report: Guns Flow South Thanks to US

The DREAM (act) of faith in immigration policy

Thomas Elias: Feinstein farm jobs bill may lead to immigration fix

Arizona's 'False Leadership' on Immigration Policy

One illegal alien…nine little girls molested!

Governor's straight talk on immigrants

San Francisco at Crossroads Over Immigration

Democrats face crucial immigration test

Why Obama Can't End The Raids

Immigration Back on the Table

Sheriff Joe Arpaio scoffs at possibility of broader federal probe

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: New Revelations About The Torture Of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi

Who Will Control Iraq’s Oil?

Fraudonomics: Ben Bernanke - Moron or Liar?

Obama Administration Looks to Colleges for Future Spies

Wag The Dog–Israel Threatens “Punishment” Against the US « The Ugly Truth

For tortured detainees, U.S. considered life sentences on boats

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Is Ken Lay, The Ex-CEO and Chairman Of Enron, Really Dead?

Ancient Egypt Weblog: Ramses II was King Solomon

Refreshing News: Earth’s highest microbial life found around volcanic vents in Atacama

Refreshing News: Cabbage fuel-powered jets can cut carbon emissions by 84%


OpEdNews »The Retreat of the Shadow Lenders: Why Deflation and Not Inflation Is the Order of the Day

Uncle Sam’s Dirty Little Secret | Sense on Cents

American's Journey: US Supreme Court gets it Wrong: No Right to DNA tests after conviction -Videos

YouTube - Shots fired at Holocaust museum

The Bible and Interpretation - Where was the Temple of Herod?

Iranian Election Day Bomb Plot Uncovered - State TV

Has historian finally found real reason for Hitler's obsessive hatred of Jews? | Mail Online

The River Journal - Hidden Image Two

Local Money Strengthens Communities, by Dave Block

The River Journal - Hidden Image Three

Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve’s New Dictatorial Powers

YouTube - Corps used the internet to attack its critics

PETA's Dirty Secret:Peta Kills Animals

p m carpenter's commentary: George W. Bush, proving again he was the worst ever

The Raw Story » Dumped: Despite popularity, liberal blogger fired by Washington Post

*flashback - No Regrets: Carter, Brzezinski and the Muj

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams "Conspiratorial View" Of History While Highlighting 50's Iran Overthrow

New Orleans Program Links Green Jobs, Youth Development - NYTimes.com

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » House Passes Bill With “Global Bailout” Provision

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Financial Dictatorship Spreads To Europe

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » ACLU, Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty sue TSA over ‘illegal’ detention

Cash to become extinct as chips take off | News | News.com.au

Obama draws guffaws after cracking wise at correspondents dinner

YouTube - (Complete) President Obama Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner

Schwarzenegger shows some swagger after emergency plane landing

Obama Pushes Financial Regulatory Plan

Obama underscores need for stronger consumer protection

Uncertain Evidence for 'Activist' Label on Sotomayor

YouTube - Bingaman talks insurance, Sotomayor

How Catholics Became Majority on High Court

House impeaches Texas judge accused of sex crimes

Obama's Pledge on Donations Faces Reality

Woman Is Killed in Illinois Train Derailment

1 dead, 6 hurt in Illinois train derailment

Car Dealers Bank On Clunkers

YouTube - Senate passes Cash for Clunkers bill

Aide: FOX News Did Not Tip Off Ensign

Sen. John Ensign, mistress' husband point fingers at each other

The high court flunks a DNA test

Do We have a Right to DNA Evidence in Trials?

Supreme Court rejects inmates' right to have DNA test

That's 'Senator' Boxer To You

Autopsy: Caylee Anthony's skull was duct-taped

YouTube - Fla. Judge Releases Slain Tot's Autopsy Report

PETA miffed at President Obama's fly "execution"

Health vs. experience central to pilot-age debate

Is Lindsay Lohan Ryan Seacrest's new reality TV star trainwreck?

Obama Faces Hurdles in Pursuit of Health Care Reform

YouTube - Obama's Fmr. Doc on Health Care Reform

Apple's Jobs Had Liver Transplant, Journal Reports

Green tea could delay prostate cancer: US study

Global health funds need retooling: reports

Study Questions Effectiveness Of UN Health Program Spending

Blue Cross seeks immediate rate hike

L.A. cracks down on pot dispensaries

Clash Over One-A-Day Vitamins' Cancer Claims

Airman's son kidnapped, cops say; Sift B'klyn tip

Primary-Care Doctor Shortage May Undermine Reform Efforts

The fear factor in health care costs

Electronic Cigarette: Best Value Choice

RIAA Copyright Fine Totals $1.92 Million

Has the RIAA's Fight Against File Sharing Gone Too Far?

China to Google: No porn, or else

A 'Flying Launch Pad' Cruises New Mexico Skies

YouTube - Ground broken on Spaceport America

Counting Carbon at Madison Square Garden

FCC Should Restrict Exclusive Handset Deals

YouTube - Money Minute: Cell Contracts, Jobs, GM

FCC chair-designate to look at mobile handset deals

MSN revamp to include stronger Bing ties

Google Too Slow For You? There's An Alternative (And It's Not Bing)

US Study Projects How 'Unequivocal Warming' Will Change Americans ...

Government report: climate change here, mitigation needed now

Google testing out new format for search ads

Beta of Free Microsoft Antivirus Suite to be Released Tuesday

Shuttle fueling test planned to assess leak fix

Shuttle launch delayed to July by hydrogen leak

Do Sunspots and Solar Wind Have an Impact on Climate Change?

Sunspot Delay Due to Sluggish Solar "Jet Stream"?

***Conscious Media Network - Video Page***

**Poodwaddle - World Clock**

*isotropic.org - today's date*

***site - search engine :Collecta***

Stanford Indicted in $7 Billion Scheme With Antiguan Regulator

YouTube - Stanford Indicted for Alleged Ponzi Scheme

Regulators Close Three More Banks

NRC says six utilities have fund shortfalls -WSJ

Crude Oil, Gasoline Tumble on Increasing Motor-Fuel Supplies

Obama's Mortgage Refinancing Program May Be Expanded

Prosecutors: Sentence Madoff without delay

U.S., Swiss Agree to Share Data on Tax Evaders

Iranians Use Internet, Phones to Share Protest News

YouTube - Tear gas and water cannon used on 3,000 Iranian protesters

Truck Bomb Kills Dozens in Northern Iraq

Global Well-Wishers Commemorate Burma's Suu Kyi's 64th Birthday

Pakistan shows reporters Taliban camp

In Fight With Islamists, Somalia Asks for Help

Officials: Hawaii anti-missile move is prudent

YouTube - U.S. Ready if NKorea Test Fires Another Missile

Over 60 killed in three days in conflict-plagued Afghanistan

Twitter on the Barricades in Iran: Six Lessons Learned

YouTube - Gates, Mullen Disagree About "twittering"

Reading Twitter in Tehran

Text: News Conference with Obama and Lee

YouTube - Obama: Nuclear-armed North Korea a Grave Threat

President Hu confident about future relations with Russia

YouTube - Mega-deals and security to link China and Russia

Indian Troops Enter Maoist Stronghold

YouTube - Battle for Lalgarh begins

EU Leaders to Create Financial Regulatory Body

YouTube - "A bit of Nice with Lisbon Spirit," says Barroso

Ocean Combed for Jet Data in Biggest Aviation Search

Air France to compensate crash victims' families

Gauging Whether Obama Is Creating Openings in Iran

Obama resists pressure to speak out more forcefully on Iran

Thousands march for Tamil rights

YouTube - Sri Lanka's Economy Poise For Growth - Bloomberg

Palestinian FM says Israeli settlements are main obstacle to peace

YouTube - Support for Israel 'falls among US voters' - 19 June 09

Zimbabwe's PM Calls for Exiles to Return Home

Protest held over racist attacks

YouTube - Romanian families flee their homes in Belfast after attacks

Over One Billion Go Hungry Every Day

Iran’s Top Leader Dashes Hopes for a Compromise - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama Shows Naivete on Iran

Can Obama Create Change in Iran and the Middle East? -- New York Magazine

Global warming fuel rules put freeze on automakers | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Iran's supreme leader stands firm | Ali Ansari | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk


Pressure on Obama to Act Forcefully Is Growing - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - North Korea Will Fight over Ships

Ron Gettelfinger - Tomorrow's Auto Industry - washingtonpost.com

Mark Steyn on why the fascists are winning in Europe - Mark Steyn - Macleans.ca

EDITORIAL: Extreme makeover - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

The last TV station standing in Venezuela - Los Angeles Times

It's plain as day: Burris misled intentionally :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mark Brown

Iran, Revealed

Stress-Testing The Obama Plan For Wall Street - Forbes.com

The Pause Before the Storm? - Barrons.com

Unlikely Partners in a Cause

Taxes And The Crisis - Forbes.com

Some Lawmakers Question Expanded Reach for the Fed - NYTimes.com

Obama aims to give regulators chance to rein in future crises - USATODAY.com

Barack Obama needs to be forceful in using 'soft power' against Iran - Telegraph

Obama betrays Iranians - Washington Times

Masha Lipman - Russia Promotes History That Glorifies - washingtonpost.com

Iran: Regime against change | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Soft Power Moment -Times Online

The Left's Collapse… - WSJ.com

A Choice for North Korea

Assessing North Korea's uranium enrichment capabilities | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Hamas: Ideological Rigidity and Political Flexibility | United States Institute of Peace

Pentagon pulls description of protesters as 'terrorists'

Insider: ACORN 'always been Democrat operation'

Carter helping Hamas open talks with White House

'The Fear Is Gone' - WSJ.com

Senator calls for vetting of candidates' eligibility

What's the difference?

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Abortionists losing special treatment, maybe $1 million

FBI e-mail investigation fingers White House?

Scientists: Obama document is 'scare' tactic

Gibbs avoids question about 'fairness'

CNN Political : White House fires back at Bush comments: ‘We won’ « - Blogs from CNN.com

Barney Frank pushes to legalize marijuana

ABC employees donated heavily to Obama - Washington Times

Steele to GOP: 'Fight' ABC - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Obama's half-sister, Soetoro-Ng, daughters godmother and Penny Pritzker's husband tapped for White House panel - Lynn Sweet

Partisan splits show in health care debate - Washington Times

Calling all kooks

How's that hope, change workin' out?

Tax and spend and hope and pray

Washington, Clinton, Obama … and truth

Arming Christian kids for battle

Are the uninsured really 'victims'?

USDA: Can you hear me now?

PETA: Murder boys but not flies!

We glorify Iran's Hitler and hate Michael Savage?

Charles Krauthammer - Obama Misses the Point With Iran Response - washingtonpost.com

Encouragement for imperfect dads

They cry not for Laura

Obama and Reagan: Study in contrasts

Our Adolescent Culture - Prison Fellowship

Official: World’s oldest man dies at 113 - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

NIH Funds $423,500 Study of Why Men Don't Like to Use Condoms - Political News - FOXNews.com

My Way News - 'Magic Fingers Vibrating Bed' inventor dies at 92

Crying toddler prompts Australia parliament re-think | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Misplaced cell phone leads to woman in trunk - PennLive.com

Lawmaker returns joke gift from Schwarzenegger - Los Angeles Times

Twitter News Network?

American Minute for June 20th:William J Federer's American Minute

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Herschel gives glimpse of power

The 5-year-old space age - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Baby flamingos 'scared of pink' - Telegraph

Mystery Of The Missing Sunspots Solved?

*article links :Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


transcripts - Testimony on Financial Regulatory Reform

transcripts - Interview with Secretary Timothy Geithner

transcripts - Interview with Fired Inspector Gerald Walpin

transcripts - Senator Kerry on Obama and Iran

transcripts - 21st Century Financial Regulatory Reform

transcripts - Interview with Advisor Christina Romer

transcripts - Senator Shelby on Obama's Financial Overhaul Plan

transcripts - Roundtable on Iran's Election

transcripts - Henry Kissinger on Achmadinejad vs. Mousavi

transcripts - Interview with Representative Mike Pence

transcripts - Bernanke's Speech to the Financial Literacy Summit


Obama Cracks Jokes At Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner

Iranian Crowd Chant "Death To The UK"

Rep. Bachmann Will Not Fill Out Census Because Of ACORN

Obama "Very Concerned" At Ayatollah's Comments

Ann Coulter On Sen. Boxer's "Ma'am" Remark: "Ignorant"

Rep. Hoekstra: Obama, Pelosi "Undermining" U.S. Intelligence

Rove: ABC "Comfortably Too Close" With White House

McCain Makes Jab At Boxer: "Thank You For Calling Me Senator"

Obama Gives Hopeful Message At Large Democratic Fundraiser

White House: No Sanctions Against Iran

Rep. Sestak On Iran: "No Bullying"

Obama: Promise Of America Is Renewed By Immigrants

Rep. Pence On Iran: "We Stand With Them"

Khamenei Addresses Iranians: There Was No Fraud

Mark McKinnon On Ensign Affair

McConnell Gives GOP Response On Health Reforms, New Gov't Agency

Obama Calls For Financial Reform To Protect Consumers In Weekly Address

McCain: Obama "Betraying What Was Declared On July 4th"

Joseph Stiglitz on 'Too Big to Fail' Bank Dilemma

Iran Protests Continue

US Ready For North Korean Test

Iranians Abroad Rally Against 'Stolen' Election

Pakistani Activist Imran Khan on Defeating the Taliban

The U.S. Military's New Warriors: Robots

Kenya Wary of Al-Shabab Threat

Iran Supreme Leader Warns of Crackdown

Update on Iranian Protests

**Alex Jones & Paul Joseph video :Watson: The Nazi Roots Of The EU

Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention'

Talk radio

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 19th With Dr. Neil Carman

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 18th With Jerri Lynn Ward

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 17th With William Lewis

The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 15th With David Icke

The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 15th With David Icke

The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 11th With Lew Rockwell

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 4th With Richard Gage

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 2nd With Webster Tarpley

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - May 28 With Lew Rockwell

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - May 26 With Kevin Trudeau

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - May 15: Jim Tucker & Charlie Skelton

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - May 14: Bilderberg Special

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - May 6 With Jim Tucker

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - May 4 With Jerome Corsi

06/19 The Mark Levin Show

06/18 The Mark Levin Show

06/17 The Mark Levin Show

06/16 The Mark Levin Show

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

***The Lew Rockwell Show - Podcast Archive***

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

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Texe Marrs Gulag USA Concentration Camps In America

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Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: The New Atlantis -- Volume 1

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Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

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DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

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DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

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DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

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