"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

13 November 2008

Wed - Thurs

Lennon & Marx

'Economic collapse had a heckuva lot more to do with the campaign's collapse than me personally'
'I have strong faith that he'll assemble the right group of individuals'
'I think he gets a long honeymoom ... the media love him'
'I was not willing to have a criminal record because of something I did not do'
'If you want to discourage people from voting, election fraud is one sure way of doing it'
'It gives a whole new meaning to flying high'
'No one's immune,' said 1 staffer, who called mood 'extremely grim'
'She hit one of them smack in the face with a very ripe gorgonzola'
'So they get to experience all the joys of having a dog but without any allergies'
'Systematic and operational failures that led to the tragic and sad death of such a beautiful child'
'That's keeping up with the times, it's what cinemagoers seem to want'
'The kittens' cries may have stirred the dog's maternal nature'
'They cannot call themselves Catholic when they violate such a core belief'
'This is not only national, but it's also local'
'We are a party of principles and must regain our voice'
'We ask you to respect us and our Judaism just as we respect your religion'
'We get to see the whole world, meet the most incredible people'
'We look forward to working with the new administration and congressional leaders'
'We take all these incidents very seriously'
'We were like, 'She couldn't have went anywhere. She can't walk''
'You're supposed to bring godliness into everything'
2 S.F. juveniles charged as adults with murder
A Painful Process of Adjustment
Above All, Obama's a Pol
Advice to Democrats Go For It
After 8 Years, Goodbye & Good Riddance
After years of neglecting holiday, Internet giant outdoes rival Yahoo with tribute
Ahead of the Bell American Express seeks $3.5B Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Al Gore's Ridiculous Op-Ed On Climate Change
Al-Qaida preparing to 'change the face of world politics and economics'
Allegedly tried to solicit favor from D.C. police officer working undercover as prostitute
American Chronicle Homeland Security now spying on Americans
Analyst California faces $28 billion deficit
Anti-gay marriage group steps up for Prop. 8
Armed and nervous in Alaska Politics adn.com
As US Bailouts Expand, 'Where Do You Stop' - Economy US News Story - CNBC.com
Babylon ‘will never recover from Iraq war’ - Times Online
Barone Media wanted Palin abortion - Mike Allen and Andy Barr - Politico.com
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Probe ends historic Mars mission
Ben Shapiro compares young people following Obama to those taken in by Hitler
Boy slits girl's throat in Montrose High lobby - The Denver Post
Brolin I heard that Bush liked 'W.' - CNN.com
Bush Spy Revelations Anticipated
Camille Paglia on Obama, Palin and the next four years Salon
Catholic bishop; 'I won't politicize the Eucharist. I don't want to alienate people'
cbs4denver.com - 10-Year-Old Held 3 Days After Classroom Clash In Denver
China's Cyber Spies Infiltrating U.S.
CNN.com - Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy - Oct. 22, 2002
CNSNews.com - Rescue Package is Not Socialism, White House Says
Congressman Warns Of Obama Dictatorship
Conservatives Follow the Leader by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Conservatives, We Blew It
Constitutional Dead Letters by Roger Roots
Cross-carrying senior, reporter face screams, threats
CSU plan would turn away many B students
Cuban president to visit Russia, alliance grows Reuters
Dancers allegedly laced brownies, cupcakes with Clorox, rat poison, laxatives
Debtomania by Kathryn Muratore
Don't Forget About the War
Dubai hotel issues etiquette guide after sex on the beach scandal -Times Online
Earn points for buying fruits and vegetables, using swimming pool, working out with trainer
Economic woes increase, crisis deals in trouble Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Edwards speaks about Obama, Clinton but not affair
Elderly residents said to be overwhelmed trying to care for tiny hordes
EU Looks Into Blocking Internet Calls
Exclusive; Burt Prelutsky sees jubilant Obama supporters as dancing on nation's grave
Exclusive; David d'Escoto asks, 'Is your kid's soul more important than the prom'
Exclusive; Ellis Washington blasts McCain staffers who dished dirt on 2012 front runner
Exclusive; Jill Stanek tells of Down syndrome teen who helped her through election sorrow
Exclusive; Joel Barbee has Senate candidate discovering extra votes
Exclusive; Joseph Farah feels vindicatedby senator's actions toward Palin, Obama
Exclusive; Judge Roy Moore calls for a rededication to constitutional principles
For Obamas, Public or Private Schools
Former lieutenant governor of Maryland said to seek support of Newt Gingrich
Fox News chairman Ailes comes home, discusses Obama’s tasks - Vindy.com News - Local & Regional News - Youngstown, Warren, Columbiana, Ohio
FOXNews.com - Minnesota Ripe for Election Fraud - Opinion
Gay rights protesters disrupt Sunday service lansingstatejournal.com Lansing State Journal
Getting all lawyered up for Senate recount
Girl who tells Shariah court of rape is convicted, executed for 'adultery'
GM shares hit 65-year low amid liquidity concerns Reuters
Goodbye, Reagan Democrats
Hard Times, But Big Wall Street Bonuses, The Early Show Mystery Shrouding How Much Of The Money Will Come From The $700B Gov't. Bailout - CBS News
Honoring Veterans
How the West Was Won, Cinerama, and the future of IMAX. - By Keith Phipps - Slate Magazine
How to Fix a Flat
IBM to help build broadband network in power lines Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Illustrates how alleged Palin knowledge gap might have been slip of the tongue
Immigration Reform Unlikely
In Alaska, Most Uncounted Ballots Will Be Tallied Today
Iran 'successfully' tests new missile Iran news Jerusalem Post
Iran test-fires new missile near Iraq state media Reuters
Iran test-fires new missile, Israel within reach Reuters
Is Now the Time to Buy Stocks
Is your sleep position a nightmare - Telegraph
Italy offers mediation in Russia-US missiles spat - Yahoo! News
Keeping the Promise of Post-Partisanship
Larry Beinhart battles 'myth' that cuts stimulate the economy
Layoffs hit Al Gore's Current Media The Social - CNET News (2)
Layoffs hit Al Gore's Current Media The Social - CNET News
Lebanon Finds 2,900 Old Phoenician Remains
Lesbians, condoms go wild in attack on Christian church
Libertarian Party of California
Lobbyists swarm the U.S. Treasury for a helping of bailout pie - International Herald Tribune
Man believes he sees image of Jesus on slice of toast
McChristians by Laurence M. Vance
McDonald's says it won't host advocates for Nov. 4 commemoration
Mexico's War The Iraq Next Door
Minorities Press Obama for Appointments
Mischief in Minnesota
More money requested after 1st 'spiritual loan' wasn't enough to lift evil
My First Facebook Election, or, How I Became the Country’s Biggest Killjoy by Ellen Finnigan
My Vietnam Memories
My Way News - AP Interview Foley breaks silence on sex scandal
My Way News - Catholic bishops will fight Obama on abortion
My Way News - Palin puts 'brutal' 2008 behind her, looks to 2012
My Way News - Pelosi supports new help for ailing US automakers
Nat Hentoff warns that new prez could use Bush-established powers to diminish liberty
Neighbors fear pink-wrapped package may have targeted daughters
Next Step Obama for Santa '08 by Todd Steinberg
NORTHCOM Announces Vigilant Shield 09
Nuclear Energy is a Must
Obama Faces Real Foreign Policy Challenges
Obama Is a Pragmatist Above All
Obama Must Close Guantanamo
Obama Should Keep Gates
Obama Surfs Through; And Yes, I Still Like Palin
Obama Wades Right Into the Fray
Obama will be ready to 'rule' on Day 1
Obama Will Not Meet with World Leaders This Weekend
Obama's Car Puzzle
Olmert Israel must return to 1967 borders - Haaretz - Israel News
Osama bin Laden plans US attack that will 'outdo' September 11
Pass the Colombian Trade Pact
PETER HITCHENS The night we waved goodbye to America...our last best hope on Earth Mail Online
Phyllis Schlafly exposes millions church organization gave to ACORN
President speaks at WWII aircraft carrier Intrepid in NYC harbor
Pride in our Past, Hope in the Future
Progress Doesn't Come from Washington
Proponents 'will continue to push' agenda at U.N. in coming years
Renaming trees, bans on red-and-green, silencing carols examples of 'war'
Rep. calls Obama Marxist, warns of dictatorship - Examiner.com
Report comes after regime warns U.S. it will respond to any violation of airspace
Rosarito Beach losing tourists to crime fears - Los Angeles Times
Russia rejects U.S. missile proposals International Reuters
Samuel L. Blumenfeld notes 'Washington Wise Men' spoon-feeding president-elect policies
Schwarzenegger Proposition 8 fight isn't over - The Boston Globe
Sect demands right to erect monuments next to 10 Commandments
Sen. Baucus To Release Call For Health Care Reform
Some Positive Election Reactions from the Right
Stopping a Global Meltdown
Study finds obese kids have arteries like 45-year-olds - Los Angeles Times
Suspect 'told her not to disrespect him in his house and punched her several times'
Terrorist group says campaign asked it to keep contact secret until after election
The Democrats' Secret Health Care Plan
The GOP Looking Glass
The Lew Rockwell Show - 66. Public Leadership
Thomas Sowell puts lie to notion 'intellectualism' has gained new foothold in U.S.
Time Inc. Calls for Buyouts
To the Victor Goes the Advice
Transition Team Will Be Filled Using Ethics Code
Tripling of Heart Failure Hospitalization Rate Coincides With Use of Sunscreen Lotion and Advice to Avoid the Sun by Bill Sardi
UK's Brown Now is the time to build global society
US May Lose Its 'AAA' Rating - General Europe News Story - CNBC.com
Verifies person's identity based on lattice work of minute blood vessels under skin
video --- Americans' Hopes for Obama
video --- Another NRSC Ad on Martin's Tax Record
video --- Brooks & Harris on How Fast Obama Will Go
video --- Bush Administration Talks Transition
video --- Emanuel on Being Obama's Chief of Staff
video --- Gov. Tim Pawlenty on the Coleman-Franken Recount
video --- Howard Dean on Morning Joe
video --- Lieberman Speaks to Reid, Reporters
video --- Majority Leader Reid on Lieberman's Future
video --- McCain on The Tonight Show
video --- NRSC Rolls Out Fact of the Day About Martin
video --- NRSC Seeks Donors for Georgia Runoff
video --- Obama Adviser Jarrett on Meet the Press
video --- Palin Goes On the Record
video --- Palin on Today
video --- Podesta on Fox News Sunday
video --- President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
video --- Reps. Cantor and Pence on Fox News Sunday
video --- Schumer Thanks DSCC Supporters
video --- The Obamas Visit The White House
Voice of Marxism announces 'hard work is just beginning'
Walter E. Williams ; Blacks now can't blame discrimination for all their problems
Washington Times - Wash Post concedes bias for Obama
Washington's It Guy John Podesta - Rough Sketch
Watch church lady meet same-sex 'marriage' protesters
Why Obama Looks Like a One Termer
Will Congress cede its powers to the Obama administration - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Will monitor search trends to see abnormally large numbers of searches for flu
Will Obama Free the Slaves by Michael S. Rozeff
Woman claims doctor disfigured her during reduction
Woman in iconic World War II photo reunited with Navy sailors
$150 billion more for AIG US gov't.
'Always Keep The Church On Your Side'
'Odourprinting' could be used to identify people
4 people confirmed dead in mountain plane crash
4,300 Yr Old Queen's Pyramid Found In Egypt
70% Think Obama Will Fix The Economy...
A 'Center-Right' Country, We Shall See.
A Few Post-Election Thoughts
A Veteran's Thanks to America
A Veterans Day Lesson for the GOP
Abbas lays cornerstone for Arafat museum in Ramallah
America's Third Republic
American aid worker killed in Pakistan
American Aid Worker Slain in Pakistan
American Troops Still in Harm's Way; Oh yeah. Them.
Angola says it will send troops to help Congo govt
Asia of many minds on Obama win
Asian Stocks Fall As Confidence Drops
Auschwitz Blueprints Not New Say Experts
Australia To End Internet Freedom
Australian Government confirms jail privatisation
Barky's Bailout Team - What 'CHANGE'
Big Three Bailout; Not So Fast
Biometric Incentives Register fingerprints, skip passport lines
Biometric Incentives; Register fingerprints, skip passport lines
Bittersweet Victory
Body of S African singing legend Makeba arrives home
BRIC nations join forces for finance reform
Britain should look to its own 'occupied territories' before criticizng Isreal
Brown Blatantly Calls For A 'New World Order'
brzezinski Last two US presidents tested early by al Qaeda attacks
Bush ;Obama's win 'good for our country'
Can John Edwards make a comeback
Catholic bishops plan to forcefully confront Obama
Catholic bishops willfight Obama on abortion
CFR;Previewing 'Bretton Woods Two'
China offers military bootcamp to 4 million internet addicts
City bids fond farewell to QE2
Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama
Countrywide Gas Prices
Credit Crisis Tentacles Reach Everywhere
Credo in Unam Nationem, Sub Deo-Redux
Crude Oil Falls Below $59 A Barrel
Cuban president to visit Russia, alliance grows
Deadly bombings hit Baghdad for third straight day
Delaying tactics hurt Georgia monitoring - OSCE
Dozens Dead In Baghdad Bombings
Eight arrested in Klan-related killing, police say
EU to allow 'wonky' fruit and veg on supermarket shelves
Ex-leader's detention tests Taiwanese democracy
Expert - Blueprints NOT Those Of A Death Camp
FED OK Amex To Become A Bank
Feds refuse to identify bank loan recipients
Four Hamas fighters killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza
Gay couples can start to marry in Connecticut
Gender-wise, RP still tops
Genetically modified maize lowers fertility in mice, study finds
George W. Bush Political Punching Bag
Girl, 13, Wins Right To Deny Heart Transplant
Give public schools a chance
Global Obama inspires the world
Globalization and the Rise of Monopolization Speeds Economic Failure
Google To Track, Report Those Who Research Flu
Google Uses Searches to Track Flu’s Spread
Gordon Brown to help Barack Obama lobby EU over troops
Gov. Paterson to discuss how to close $1.5B budget gap
Gun sales soar with Obama election
H5N1 Spreads In Thai - Surveillance Concerns
Hit-and-Run; Death in a 'Sanctuary City'
Homeland Security now spying on Americans
How Barack Obama Will Ensure His Victory in 2012
IDF-Mossad Snake To Run White House
In Secret Agreement, Shell Nets 25-Year Monopoly on Natural Gas in Southern Iraq
Iran claims new Israel-range missile tests
Israeli Dual Citizens - Loyal To Whom
Israeli FM Refuses To Return Arab Lands
Israeli Ethnic Cleansing By Stealth
Isreali Women Candidate Poster Ban Lifted
It's How You Play The Game
Ivashov - Do Changes Await US Geopolitics
Jewish Leaders Euphoric Over Emanuel
KBR to provide power during emergencies
Kidd - Guns And God
Kim Jong-il Has Second Stroke
King Abdullah and the skeptics
King Showbama 'Ready To RULE' Says Top Staff
Let The Bankrupt Banks Fail
Lieberman’s Limbo
Lupolianski congratulates Barkat on J'lem mayoral win
Man shoots wife, mother-in-law, self in East Dallas
McCain on whether Lieberman will lose his Homeland Security gavel ...
McCain; Palin will play a 'big role' in the future
Mexico Hedges Nearly All Oil Exports
Michelle Obama Expected to Tour DC Private Schools Today
Minnesota Dems keep counting ... and counting ... in Coleman-Franken race
More Settler Evil - Pal Couple Evicted After 50 Yrs
Mossad Spy To Run The White House
Mystery of lost US nuclear bomb
Neuroimaging Of Brain Shows Who Spoke To A Person And What Was Said
New York Times ;Stop the Presses
New York Times hits new low
Nunn advising Obama on defense
Obama 'Ready To Rule' Says Staff - RULE
Obama bids to temper runaway expectations
Obama Foreign Policy Close To Bush's
Obama Nation - Now What
Obama To Bring Gitmo Terror Suspects To US
Obama Website Scrubs Mandatory Community Service Call
Obama's Ethics Rules Won't Ban Big Fundraisers From Transition
Obama's Plan For US
Obama's Plan to Create 'Green' Jobs
Obama's Presidential Retreat
Obama’s Transition Team Restricts Lobbyists’ Role
Olmert First To Call For Return To '67 Borders
Outhouse Outlaws And Privy Police
Panel plans guidelines on handling airport delays
PC madness reaches new heights in Britain
Pelosi Calls for `Emergency' Aid to U.S. Automakers
Pelosi supports new help for ailing US automakers
Police arming Newcastle residents with radar guns
Possible Gun Ban-Increase Tax Creates Panic
Putin Acts On Economic Crisis From Within
Putin says backs longer presidency
Rabies Spreading Across US
Report ;Terrorists use cash, avoid financial ties
Requests pouring in for inaugural tickets
Review - The Long Emergency - Pt 2
Russia rejects US missile proposals
Salinas events Tuesday honor local veterans
Same-Sex Marriage Allowed in Connecticut
Saudi King for tolerance
Space-Based Domestic Spying; Kicking Civil Liberties to the Curb
Sudanese president calls ceasefire in Darfur
Summing Up George Bush
Support 'Survivor Corps' this Veterans Day
Tarpley - Secret IMF World Dictatorship Plan
Ten Years of 'Change' in the UK
The Fierce Urgency Of FOIA
The Islamist Role in the 2008 Canadian Elections
The Jewish Vote in 2008 and the Exit Polls
The Long Emergency
The Missing Obama Landslide
The Seven Aphorisms
Think Tanks Present Policy Proposals to President-elect Obama
Turnout is huge for stirring Veterans Day Parade
Tyson Foods Injects Chickens with Antibiotics Before They Hatch to Claim Raised without Antibiotics
UFO Billy Meier PR Flak Admits False Articles
UFOs From Shuttle Missions In NASA Videos
UK Mortgage Market Shrinks By 80%
UK Unveils Details Of Anti-Obesity Push
US Army Federal Civilian Inmate Labor Program
US monument row in Supreme Court
US troops leave more security in hands of Iraqis
video - Celente Predicts Revolution - Jeff Thu Guest
video - There Is No Democracy
War In The GOP & McCain's Blame Game
We can't defeat Taleban, says Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith
What do the election results mean to conservatives
What The 'Bailout' Is Really Costing US
What's next for the American media
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse
Who really didn't understand Africa is a continent
Why The GM-Cerebus-Chrysler Bailout Is Bad
Woman Killed for Trying to Leave KKK Initiation Ritual
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
Worshippers in Lansing, MI assaulted by liberal activists
Transcripts--- Brzezinski & Scowcroft on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda
Transcripts--- Bush at the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
Transcripts--- Economists Discuss New Fiscal Stimulus Plan
Transcripts--- Interview with Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss
Transcripts--- Interview with Gov. Bobby Jindal
Transcripts--- Interview with Tammy Duckworth
Transcripts--- John McCain on The Tonight Show
Transcripts--- November 10 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts--- Pastor Rick Warren on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts--- Roundtable on a Bailout for Detroit
Transcripts--- Roundtable on Obama's White House Visit

2 S.F. juveniles charged as adults with murder
A Fake Expert Named Martin Eisenstadt and a Phony Think Tank Fool Bloggers and the Mainstream News Media - NYTimes.com
ABC News Barbara Walters Exclusive Pregnant Man Expecting Second Child
After Calif. loss, gays get right to wed in Conn.
American Chronicle Homeland Security now spying on Americans
Analyst California faces $28 billion deficit
Australian Web Filter To Block 10K Web Sites
Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged
Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions
Boy slits girl's throat in Montrose High lobby - The Denver Post
Bush Out Of Office Could Oppose Inquiries
Bush Spy Revelations Anticipated
Bush, Out of Office, Could Oppose Inquiries - NYTimes.com
cbs2chicago.com - Mayor Daley Prepare For Mass Layoffs
City Council Detroit needs $10-billion bailout Freep.com Detroit Free Press
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Congressman sorry for likening Obama to Hitler « - Blogs from CNN.com
CNSNews.com - Immigration Groups Mobilize to Push for ‘Pathway to Legalization’ Under Obama
Commentary » Blog Archive » The Big Saudi Swindle
Cosmetic surgery addict injected cooking oil into her own face - Telegraph
Court rules for Navy in dispute over sonar, whales
Covert camera found in Stamford train station women's bathroom - The Advocate
CSU plan would turn away many B students
Cuban president to visit Russia, alliance grows Reuters
Democrats urge federal stake in big auto companies - Yahoo! News
Devotees Flock To Buddha Reincarnation
Dutch court sentences 2 men in HIV injection case
Economic group says developed world in recession
Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America
Experts Say Humans Can Live To 1,000
Failure of auto industry could set off catastrophe - Yahoo! Finance
G20 Summit A New World Order
Gore Says No To Climate Czar Role
Hard Times, But Big Wall Street Bonuses, The Early Show Mystery Shrouding How Much Of The Money Will Come From The $700B Gov't. Bailout - CBS News
History Favors Republicans in 2010 - WSJ.com
Iran test-fires new missile near Iraq state media Reuters
Israeli Soldier Gets 21 Days In Jail For Yawning
Italy Minister Calls For New Security Order
Layoffs hit Al Gore's Current Media The Social - CNET News
Lebanon Finds 2,900 Old Phoenician Remains
Local News Seattle Parks seeking to ban nudity Seattle Times Newspaper
More countries make spreading HIV a crime - Yahoo! News
MSNBC retracts false Palin story; others duped
Muslim killed Catholic girl in love with flatmate - Yorkshire Post
My Way News - AP Interview Foley breaks silence on sex scandal
My Way News - Doctors say marrow transplant may have cured AIDS
My Way News - Palin says woman on ticket would be good for GOP
My Way News - Study Calif dirty air kills more than car crashes
Mysterious glowing aurora over Saturn confounds scientists Mail Online
Netherlands To Ban Magic Mushrooms
New Rule Kicks Patriot Act Foes In The Teeth
NORTHCOM Announces Vigilant Shield 09
Obama Bids To Temper Runaway Expectations
Obama transition members have Fannie ties - Jen DiMascio - Politico.com
Pakistan Stops Money Leaving The Country
Paranoia On The Rise Say Experts
Paranoia on the rise, experts say - Las Vegas Sun
Paulson Bailout Money To Buy Bank Stocks
Paulson Troubled assets won't be purchased - Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com
Perry Wants Unconstitutional Checkpoints
Police Arming Residents With Radar Guns
Presidential Historian Obama Could Permanently Ban ANWR Drilling
Regulators Nix Credit Card Debt Forgiveness Plan
Report Hamas says its officials met Obama aides before U.S. election - Haaretz - Israel News
Resort plans nude anything goes party Oddly Enough Reuters
Retailers Feel Pinch of Returns - NYTimes.com
Rosarito Beach losing tourists to crime fears - Los Angeles Times
Saudi Arabia to Lead U.N. Faith Forum - washingtonpost.com
The Associated Press Devotees flock to 'Buddha reincarnation' in Nepal
The New Gulf War Syndrome
Tories accuse Darling of 'giant con' over plans to raise taxes after recession is over Mail Online
U.K. Facing Sperm Donor Shortage, Experts Say Scarcity Prompted By Reversing Confidentiality Laws - CBS News
U.S. critical of Russia's Baltic missile threats Top News Reuters
US smoking rate is under 20 percent for first time Industries Healthcare Reuters
Washington Times - Gore says no to 'Climate Czar' role
Washington's $5 Trillion Tab - Forbes.com
Who Were Those Clinton-McCain Crossover Voters - Horserace
Hate Laws - Putting Beliefs Behind Bars
$1,000 donation to support traditional marriage causes uproar
'Astonishingly well-preserved' piece inlaid with pearls, emeralds found near Old City
'At this point, we don't know what happened'
'I don't think the American people will accept him surviving and us leaving'
'I got a chance to see God today' Followers believe youth has not eaten in years
'I know Rudy is being urged to get in and take control of the party'
'I think people are going to have a Happy Thanksgiving'
'If people were put off it would counteract all efforts to achieve trustworthiness'
'If you're worried about having to do50 jumping jacks the answer is yes'
'In my opinion, they are fair game for all Arabs ... this is a new form of resistance'
'It was time for me to return to my political roots'
'Odourprinting' could be used to identify people
'She's like Sanjayah'; Why won't Sarah Palin go away
'So thrilled to be part of the country while this is going on'
'There are probably many more discoveries to be made around this site'
'We've got to make sure Obama and all the other Democrats do what we elected them to do'
'When he says that Israel's security is sacrosanct, I believe him'
'When is the last time Rahm spoke for more than 5 minutes without using a curse word'
'Whoever did this has got to have a pretty good mean streak in them'
'You know, you hear the term 'pedophile.' That is prepubescent'
140 Years Of UFO Sightings - Part I
3 die after opening fire on craft packed with commandos armed with machine guns
4,300 Yr Old Queen's Pyramid Found In Egypt
7-Year-Old Political Blogger Gets Obama Thank You Letter
70% Think Obama Will Fix The Economy...
9 Injured in Second Haiti School Collapse
A Challenge to the Liberal Jewish Community
A Change in Intelligence
A Mandate for 'Progressive Patriotism'
A Mormon-Evangelical Rapprochement
A Political Victory So Very Personal
A Promising Start for Obama
A US Auto Industry Bailout Will Fail
A Veterans Day Lesson for the GOP
A word about southeastern Idaho, where schoolkids chant Assassinate Obama
A World War without War
Abandon All Hope Once Deflation Begins
Abby Elliott and Michaela Watkins Join Cast of 'Saturday Night Live'
Advice on Asia for Obama
Ahmadinejad shuts down newspaper after cover features picture of U.S. president-elect
AIG Rescue Avoids Repeat of Lehman Debacle
Alaska Senator Now Trails in Votes
All These Rescue Plans Rely on Us Too
American man shows no signs of virus 20 months after procedure
Anatomy of Conservative Self-Deception
Ann Coulter whacks paper's David Brooks for telling Republicans how to win elections
Any 'Recovery' Will Be Short-Lived
Apple Researching Virtual Reality Headsets
Are You Disgusted Yet
As More Companies Seek Aid, 'Where Do You Stop
At Governors Meeting, Palin Looks Ahead
Australia To End Internet Freedom
Austrian incest father charged with child's murder
Bailout Cost Already $3.5T - To Get Far Larger
Bait & Switch
Barky To Avoid G20 Summit
Barky To Give Gates, Powell Key Roles
Barky To Increase War & 'Hunt For Osama'
Barky's Bailout Team - What 'CHANGE'
Best Buy Having Worst Of Times
Bidens to Visit The Cheneys Today
Bigger IMF Should Be an Agenda Item
Bill-O Wants To Know Why There Were No Protests at Black Churches
Biometric Incentives Register fingerprints, skip passport lines
Blackwater faces fine for illegally shipping arms to Iraq
Blackwater faces millions in fines; weapons now on black market.
Blame the UAW for Detroit's Problems
BoE - Difficult Times Ahead
Boehner Demands Fed ID Bailout Recipients
Boehner Demands Fed Identify Recipients of Loans
British Navy Says Two Somali Pirates Killed in Shoot-Out
British Telecom Slashes 10,000 Jobs
brzezinski Last two US presidents tested early by al Qaeda attacks
Bush Push To Lock Policy For Obama Has Loophole
Bush says faith sustained him through presidency
Bush to Address UN Forum on Religious Tolerance
BusinessWeek Excludes Obama-Critical Books
But 'still concerned' about ties to former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers
Campaign Finance On Trial Again
Can Terrorism Be Eradicated
CC Firms Attacked For Raising Rates To 17%
cfr Previewing 'Bretton Woods Two'
Change Is Coming to Asia
Charles - The Pointless Prince
Chemo More Harm Than Good
Chicago Jews - Barky First 'Jewish President'
China Considers Looser Media Freedoms
China's Path to World Power
China's Stimulus Package Will Work
Christmas 'Cancelled' For Many In UK
Church diocese bans decorative figures from its cemeteries
Citigroup Freezes US Home Repossessions
Claims leaked reports were politically motivated attempt to bring pressure
Clinton Officials to Lead 3 Departments’ Transition
Clinton's Key Role In The Financial Crash
Coast Guard searching for fisherman off Cape Cod
Colbert Backs Up 'Papa Bear' ;The New Conflict is Gays vs Blacks
Confused Paulson Changes Direction Again
Congo Mining Deals Face Delays Amid Struggle With Rebels
Congolese Army Rape Rampage
Convoy attack kills US soldier, 8 Afghan civilians
Could Obama victory lead to Iran talks
Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama
Countdown Special Comment On Prop 8 ;What Is It To You
Crew member blamed for Russian submarine disaster
Cruel, Inhuman Punishment For UFO Hacker
Darling Admits UK In Recession
Defense secretary says Moscow's threats harken back to old Cold War era
Derivatives A Bomb That's Still Ticking
Desalination projects in works to supply thirsty population, crops
Detroit Is Tanking, But Toyota's In Trouble, Too
Detroit Needs Help Now
Don't Count on China to Save the World
Dow loses 411 points as crisis deepens
Drummer Mitch Mitchell dead at 62
Earthquake drill Thursday aims to make state more prepared
Election Day Victories for Americans' Reproductive Rights
Embattled Banks Still Planning Big Bonuses
End The Fed Rally Nov 22nd
Engaging Iran's Supreme Leader
EU Lawmakers - Punish Israel Over Gaza
Europe Is Obama's First 'Global Test'
Ex-'American Idol' auditioneer found dead near Paula Abdul's house
Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America
Exclusive ... Andrea Shea King tells of best sites to watch oldies, news, documentaries
Exclusive ... Brad O'Leary crunches numbers showing 'landslide' was nothing of the sort
Exclusive ... Jack Cashill covers woman's involvement in Flight 800 spin, 9-11 commission
Exclusive ... Jane Chastain on dissing of governor 'How can anyone believe that trash'
Exclusive ... Joseph Farah says GOP now has opportunity for re-emergence of principle
Exclusive ... Phil Elmore warns companies after ex-employee found password still enabled
Exclusive ... Robert Ringer reveals Barack's rise to power reminds him of 'Animal Farm'
Exclusive ... Brad O'Leary crunches numbers showing 'landslide' was nothing of the sort
Exclusive ... Erik Rush lays blameon 'ideologically barren' GOP elites
Exclusive ... Ernest Istook asserts Reagan optimism needed to revitalize Republican Party
Exclusive ... Joseph Farah emboldens freedom-loving Americans to reclaim nation
Expanded Trade; Now More Than Ever
Experts Say Humans Can Live to 1,000 -Some Experts Want to Prevent That
Expletive-laden, on-air diatribe triggers 'see you later' letter
Fannie, Freddie Ease US Mtge Payments
Fatal H5N1 Confirmed In Indonesia
FBI reports 49% increase in firearm background checks in 1 week
Federal judge resentences Jose Compean to 10 years behind bars
Feds refuse to identify bank loan recipients
Firms scan brain waves to improve ads in Japan
Former Desert Rat runs 100 yards to recover pension money
Former Taiwan President goes on hunger
Fox News anchor says blaming news coverage is 'ridiculous'
Fuel-Efficient Volt Not Salable Without Subsidies
Fundamentalism and Palin
Further Spread Of H5N1 In Northern Thailand
Galilee sheikh claims evidence he, his family linked by blood to president-elect
Gates Criticizes Russian President’s Post-Election Speech
Gates Dismisses Russian Offer Over Stalemate on Missile Systems
Gay activists rally outside Mormon temple in NYC
GE Finance Arm Given $139B In FDIC Coverage
GE Wins FDIC Insurance for Up to $139 Billion in Debt
Gender equality report ranks Israel 56th
Genetically modified maize lowers fertility in mice, study finds
Germany Officially Falls Into Recession
Getting their Backs
Gingrich Says GOP Outmatched
Gitmo's Big Headaches for Obama
Globalization and the Rise of Monopolization Speeds Economic Failure
Globalization is Good for Europe
GM Should 'DIP' into the Government's Coffers
Good for GM, Bad for America
Google Into Flu Spread Data Business
Google To Track, Report Those Who Research Flu
GOP Begins Plotting Comeback
GOP Governors Lament Losses
GOP Should Ask Why U.S. is on the Wrong Track
GOP to file suit to undo McCain-Feingold
Great Depression Lessons Go Unlearned
Guide features 6,700 buildings including Circus Maximus, Forum
Gulf War Syndrome Deaths To Soar
Gun sales and the paranoid right A sucker born every minute
Guyana camp received monthly shipments of cyanide in 1976
H5N1 in Vietnam
H5N1 Spreads In Thai - Surveillance Concerns
Hackers Could Shut Down Much Of Net
Hate Laws - Putting Beliefs Behind Bars
Heady Days Gone, City of London Struggles
Hedge Funds Lose $100B In Oct Alone
Here Come the Liberals
Hero of 1993 church attack appearing in Texas
High Court Rules Against Whales, For Navy
Hizbullah Leader Doubtful Of Obama 'Change'
Hope and Change when choosing a car - not.
House Dems Plan To Take Your 401ks & IRAs
How Barack Obama Will Ensure His Victory in 2012
How to Put the Squeeze on Iran
How Will Obama Pay for Everything ..He Can't
Human Rights Group Questions Effectiveness of Darfur Ceasefire
I Come to Hail the Chief - President Bush
I look for Petraeus to eventually quit the Obama administration
IAEA Head Would Welcome Direct US-Iran Dialogue
IBM to help build broadband network in power lines
IDF-Mossad Snake To Run White House
If Dubai Sneezes, Who Catches a Cold
Ignoring the Truth about Georgia War
In Afghanistan, Little Has Changed in 200 Years
In Defense of George W. Bush
In Setting Tax Policy, Keep New Deal In Mind
Indonesian H5N1 Denials Raise Pandemic Fears
Iran Suddenly Hedges on Talks
Iran Sanctions On Table In Paris
Iraq Signs $3.5 Billion Deal for China to Develop Oil Field
Is GM Worth Saving
Is Now the Time to Buy Stocks
Islamists Continue Advance Through Somalia
Islamists Impose Sharia Law on Somali Port Town
Israel - Remote-Control Guns To Kill In Gaza
Israel's Settlements Must Go
It Matters Not If Its is It's or It's is Its
It's How You Play The Game
Italy Min US,Russia,Europe Should Build New Security Order
Japan To Offer $100 Billion To IMF
Jennifer Aniston finally talks about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Jewish Leaders Euphoric Over Emanuel
Jindal on the Future of the GOP
Job Candidates Face Invasive Questionnaire
John McCain Visits The Tonight Show
Jordanian native offered informant missile that 'can reach the Pentagon'
Josef Fritzl faces murder, rape and slavery charges
KBR to provide power during emergencies
Keep Lieberman in the Caucus (For Now)
Large Suspect H5N1 Cluster In Indonesia
Larry Elder spotlights evidence of pro-The One bias in establishment media
Late-term abortion is major sticking point between Church, president-elect
Latest ex-Clinton administration official selected for Obama administration
Leader of group allegedly shot woman recruited on Internet to join group
Lendman - Global Economic Tremors
Liar, Liar, Returned Silky Knickers On Fire Palin Tells Matt Lauer That There Was Never Any Tension With McCain
Librarians and Other Keynesians
Lieberman's Conditional Support
Lost Pets Find Their Way Home
Maddow ; Obama Counsels Dems To Let Lieberman Be -- UPDATED
Making out at pulpit, shouting blasphemies in front of children
Many Challenges Face President Obama
Matthews to Todd Harris; You Speak With A Forked Tongue
McConnell a Man of the Senate
McDonald's says it won't host advocates for Nov. 4 commemoration
Media Falls Victim To Hoax About Palin
Mediterranean Union Chooses Royal Palace in Barcelona as Headquarters
Michael Reagan; Leading the Right into permanent irrelevance
Michelle Obama's Star Power to Help Families
Military experts say surface-to-surface 'Sejil' just recycled Shahab 3
More Settler Evil - Pal Couple Evicted After 50 Yrs
Moslem Psychos Blind Schoolgirl
Mossad Spy To Run The White House
MSNBC Duped In Palin Africa Story; Retracts
MSNBC Votes For Four More Years Of Keith Olbermann
Mysterious Glowing Aurora Over Saturn
Mystery of lost US nuclear bomb
N Korea Closes Border With S Korea
Nanotechnology - Big Fears For Future
NATO warship confronts pirates off Somalia
Neighbors Of Indonesia H5N1 Victim Now Sick
Neuroimaging Of Brain Shows Who Spoke To A Person And What Was Said
New effort a defense from Russian threat to choke off energy
New Iran Air Defense System 'Successful'
New Testament reveals very different scenario from what most people think
New Way for Peace in Palestine
No action taken to fill watchdog posts, deadline passes for monitoring report
North Korean actions prove Bolton right
Norway tops gender equality list
Nouriel Roubini and the Folly of Fiscal Stimulus
NTSB; Design Errors Factor in Bridge Collapse
Obama 'Ready To Rule' Says Staff - RULE
Obama and India - A New Relationship
Obama Foreign Policy Close To Bush's
Obama gathering info on Iraq policy
Obama Must Act Quickly With Stimulus
Obama Nation - Now What
Obama quashes Iran's hopes for change
Obama Sending Leach, Albright to Economic Summit
Obama Taps Techies to Scour Bureaucracy
Obama Team Sheds Light on New Administration
Obama to Inherit New Global Order from Bush
Obama Website Scrubs Mandatory Community Service Call
Obama's 2nd Thoughts on Talking to Iran
Obama's Campaign Should Be Audited By FEC
Obama's Czars
Obama's EU Dilemma
Obama's Gitmo Closure Plan; A Rose By Any Other Name
Obama's Global Economic Challenges
Obama's Influence in the Sports World; Why the Right Has a Big Decision to Make on Race
Obama's inner circle
Obama's No Dove, But a Smarter Hawk
Obama's Pious Insufferability
Obamanomics Must Take Cues from History
Obese Kids Have Arteries Like 45 Yr Olds
Obsessive Fan of Paula Abdul Commits Suicide
Officials hope program cuts dropout rate
Oil Falls To $50 A Barrel
Olmert First To Call For Return To '67 Borders
Opponents Flip On Willets Point Plan
Oz Resort Plans Nude 'Anything Goes' Party
Palestinians start work on Arafat museum in Ramallah
Palin decries 'extreme partisanship'
Palin saved GOP from landslide Morris
Palin; Bringing up associations with extremists fine for thee, not for me
Part of nation's blacklist of unspecified 'unwanted content'
Paulson Bank U-Turn Sends US Markets Down
Paulson Flip-Flop - Now US Won't Buy Bad Debt
Paulson Gives $700B Bailout To Rich Pals
Paulson Pulls More Rabbits From the Hat
Paulson's Big Con - Bailout Lie Exposed
Paulson's Plan, Better than Obama's
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Knoll dies of cancer
Pickens shelves plan for wind farm
PLO blames Hamas on boycotting inter-Palestinian dialogue
Possible Gun Ban-Increase Tax Creates Panic
Power Line advises Obama to be just like Bush when he speaks publicly
President-Elect Obama Vows To Help Veterans
Prison For Ex-Knesset Member - Fraud
Profiteering off the Obama victory at the NYT
Proponents 'will continue to push' agenda at U.N. in coming years
Proposed FCC Rule a disguised 'Fairness Doctrine'
Protecting Europe From Russian Energy Cuts
Rahm Emanuel On Compulsory Service Plan, Will Media Ignore Again
Rand, Rocke Alum Danzig Touted As SecDef
Regional Panel Approves Plan To Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Renaming trees, bans on red-and-green, silencing carols examples of 'war'
Rep. Jon Kyl vows to filibuster Obama's possible Supreme Court nominees
Report; Obama To Stand Up For Iraq Withdrawal
Republican Party challenges 'soft money' laws
Republicans Doomed to 'Dixiecrat' Status
Republicans Lack Filibuster Muscle
Republicans; Sore losers, man
Resorted to substitute after supply of silicone from doctor ran out
Return Of The Living Dead
Review - The Long Emergency - Pt 2
Robert Gibbs; The 'Barack Whisperer'
Robots Now Make Faces Exactly Like People
Rothschild Sees NWO Via Global Bank Governance
Russia Rejects US Missile Proposals
S.F. mayor has formed committeeto succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger
Safe Seats and Carolina Blues
Sailor charged in deadly Russian nuclear sub accident
Sarah Palin Will Not Go Gently Into That Good Night
Saudi king denounces terrorism
Saudis Into Pakistan Quagmire
Saxby Chambliss; Attacks on Cleland Were Fair, Regrets Not Getting Enough of Our Folks Out to Vote
Scandal Rocks US Kosher Meat Industry
Secretary of state came to power with help of Soros-funded group
Sect demands right to erect monuments next to 10 Commandments
Short-sellers betting against the New York Times Company
So much for Sarah Palin's 'misinformation'
Socialism as Moral Hazard
South Africa Officially Mourns 'Mama Africa'
Space-Based Domestic Spying Kicking Civil Liberties to the Curb
Stalker of 'American Idol' judge died in apparent suicide
Stephanie Mencimer pooh-poohs radio talkers' warnings about Fairness Doctrine
Straight Talk About Ethanol
Sudan cease-fire call gets wary reception in Darfur
Summing Up George Bush
Swan song for Jimi Hendrix Experience drummer Mitch Mitchell
Syria - Israeli Bombs Left Uranium Residue
Syria Can't Be Flipped
Taiwan Arrests an Ex-President
Taleban bring new fear to Peshawar
Tax Lessons for Obama
Ted Nugent loves him some Malkin and says a Conservative revolution is brewing
Ted Nugent; 'Consensus building is for wimps and soulless people'
Teenager Is Shot to Death at Fort Lauderdale School
Ten Reasons Why Mexicans Captured America
Ten Years of 'Change' in the UK
Terrorist group members complain such announcements don't serve interests
The Age of State and Local Debt
The bigger the group of potential mates, the more likely decision based on sex appeal alone
The Bush Doctrine - Obama Needs New Policies
The Challenge for Conservatives
The Decline and Fall of the Minutemen
The Economic Moderation ;How We Got Here
The End of Wall Street's Boom
The Fierce Urgency Of FOIA
The GOP's Growing Latino Problem
The Harsh Lessons of Afghanistan
The Inner Circle
The Jewish Vote in 2008 and the Exit Polls
The Kiwi Nanny State Gets New PM
The Latest Russian Missile Crisis
The looming Obamahitler dictatorship; Deja vu all over again
The Missing Obama Landslide
The new blacklist
The New Obama Rules
The Obama Transition;What Change Looks Like
The return of soft power
The RNC Throws A Pie In John McCain's Face
The Same Old Change
The Worst Is Not Behind Us
The Worst of This Is Still Not Behind Us
Think Tanks Present Policy Proposals to President-elect Obama
This Election Has Not 'Realigned' the Country
Time Of Death ..Oct. 3, 2008
To Earn Bailout, Detroit Should Think Fuel Efficient
Toddler Nearly Falls Off Cliff; Saved By Cousin
Toxic Assest Poison Faith In Treasury
Transcripts --- Interview with Sarah Palin
Transcripts --- Paulson's Update on the Financial Rescue Plan
Transcripts --- Analysts Discuss Paulson's Revisions
Transcripts --- Brzezinski & Scowcroft on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda
Transcripts --- Bush at the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
Transcripts --- Economists Discuss New Fiscal Stimulus Plan
Transcripts --- Guest Rahm Emanuel
Transcripts --- Guests John Podesta, Reps. Cantor & Pence
Transcripts --- Guests Sen. Majority Leader Reid and Gov. Schwarzenegger
Transcripts --- Guests Valerie Jarrett, Sen. Martinez, and Rep. Clyburn
Transcripts --- Interview with Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss
Transcripts --- Interview with Gov. Bobby Jindal
Transcripts --- Interview with Sarah Palin
Transcripts --- Interview with Secretary Rice
Transcripts --- Interview with Tammy Duckworth
Transcripts --- John McCain on The Tonight Show
Transcripts --- Newt Gingrich on the Election Results, Ambitions
Transcripts --- November 10 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts --- November 12 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts --- Panel on Paulson's Rescue Update
Transcripts --- Pastor Rick Warren on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts --- Roundtable on a Bailout for Detroit
Transcripts --- Roundtable on Obama's White House Visit
U.S. backs away from plan to buy bad assets
UFO Objects Over DC Restricted Airspace
UFOs From Shuttle Missions In NASA Videos
uk Charges To Use Cash Machines & Checks
UK On Brink Of Total Meltdown
UK Unveils Details Of Anti-Obesity Push
UN suspends food distribution in Gaza
Universal healthcare bill unveiled
University Student's Letter About Obama
US Admits Georgia Attack On SO Was 'Mistake'
US Army Federal Civilian Inmate Labor Program
US Jobless Claims At 7 Year High
US May Lose Its 'AAA' Rating
US says Iraqi who shot troops may have been Qaeda
US still hopes for missile defense talks in Moscow
US Taxpayers May Regret Fed's AMEX Decision
US to ship 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil to NKorea
video - Celente Predicts Revolution
video - There Is No Democracy
VIDEOS --- Begich Takes the Lead in Alaska
VIDEOS ---Americans' Hopes for Obama
VIDEOS ---Another NRSC Ad on Martin's Tax Record
VIDEOS ---Brooks & Harris on How Fast Obama Will Go
VIDEOS ---DSCC Web Video Uses McCain to Attack Chambliss
VIDEOS ---Gov. Jindal On The Record
VIDEOS ---Gov. Pawlenty on the Minnesota Recount
VIDEOS ---Gov. Tim Pawlenty on the Coleman-Franken Recount
VIDEOS ---Howard Dean on Morning Joe
VIDEOS ---Majority Leader Reid on Lieberman's Future
VIDEOS ---McCain on The Tonight Show
VIDEOS ---More of Palin on Today
VIDEOS ---More Palin On The Record
VIDEOS ---NRSC Rolls Out Fact of the Day About Martin
VIDEOS ---Obama Adviser Jarrett on Meet the Press
VIDEOS ---Obama Lays Veterans Day Wreath
VIDEOS ---Palin Goes On the Record
VIDEOS ---Palin Media Blitz Continues
VIDEOS ---Palin on Today
VIDEOS ---Paulson's Update on the Financial Rescue Plan
VIDEOS ---Podesta on Fox News Sunday
VIDEOS ---President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
VIDEOS ---Republicans Want Palin to Stay in the Spotlight
VIDEOS ---Schumer Thanks DSCC Supporters
VIDEOS ---The Obamas Visit The White House
Vietnam's War with Progress
Vladimir Putin Closes In On Presidency
voices Gaza closure and shortages
Wall Street Has That 1929 Feeling
Wall Street How Planet Finance Imploded
Walter E. Williams; Blacks now can't blame discrimination for all their problems
Want Some Government Money.. Apply Now
War In The GOP & McCain's Blame Game
Washington Post admits campaign reporting tilted toward Obama
We can't defeat Taleban, says Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith
We could solve 1 of biggest problems in cosmology if we assume our location is special
We Don't Want Another Bretton Woods
What The 'Bailout' Is Really Costing US
What the Russian papers say
What to expect from the next first lady
What's next for the American media
White Guilt Is Now Dead
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse
Why $25 billion bailout doesn't help strapped automakers
Why Are the Stock Markets So Volatile
Why China Wants to Win Moon Race
Why The GM-Cerebus-Chrysler Bailout Is Bad
Will Obama Appoint a Car Czar
Winter v. NRDC ;Injunction Lifted
Woman who turned up drunk to church services claimed to take sex holidays in France
World Markets Slide On More Gloom
WWI Generals Chose To Kill Sons, Not Policies

A New World Financial Order by Jacob Steelman
Consumers Don't Cause Recessions by Bob Murphy
Giving Up the Ghost of the Ghost of J.P. Morgan by Kirk W. Tofte
GOP Should Ask Why U.S. Is On the Wrong Track by Ron Paul
History Is Clear by Doug French
Progressives Should Audit the Fed by Joe Schembrie
Restoring the Libertarian Brand Name by Less Antman
Stop the Bailout Conga Line by Marty Nemko
The Audacity of Hype by Justin Raimondo
The Dark at the End of the Tunnel by Brian Wilson
The Lew Rockwell Show - 67. The Power Elite and Their Media
They’re Stickin’ With the Union by Vin Suprynowicz
AAA SITE - hotsheet.com
aaa link page - CRAYON.net - News Links
aaa site - Libertarian Purity Test
Allan Wall -- Why Obama Won
Berit Kjos -- Spreading Islam Through Christian & Public Schools
Beverly Eakman -- Lip-Syncing Toward Communism
Chuck Baldwin -- Conservatives Lost More Than An Election
Dave Daubenmire -- Don't Succumb to Pressure
David R. Usher -- Why Gay Marriage Bans Succeeded and Republicans Lost
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Anglo-American Chessboard
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Bankers & Their Bombers
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Beating the Oil War Drums
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Burn All, Steal All, Kill All!
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Government by Gunpoint
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Killing the Competitors
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Oil War One, 1914-1918
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Population Reduction Through Genocide
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Recruiting Willing Puppets
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Viet Nam - Democratized and Ready to Plunder
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook Viet Nam Plundered
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook, Creating & Controlling Chaos
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook, Promoting War, Part 1
Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam, a Prototype, Part 2
Democracy Now! - Bush Admin Pushes Through Last-Minute Deregulation that May Be Hard to Undo
Democracy Now! - Congolese Citizens Caught in Crossfire of Battle for Region's Lucrative Resources
Democracy Now! - Filibuster-Proof Democratic Majority Hinges on 3 Undecided Senate Races
Democracy Now! - Gaza Again Plunged into Darkness, Hunger as Israel Blocks Fuel, Food to Suffering Population
Democracy Now! - LA Immigrant Rights Activists Wrap Up 3-Week Fast to Change US Immigration Policy
Democracy Now! - Michelle Obama's Biographer on Nation's First African American First Lady
Democracy Now! - On Veterans Day, Vets of Iraq and Afghanistan and their supporters Face Trial for Antiwar Protest
Democracy Now! - Pulitzer-Winning Author Alice Walker on Obama's First White House Visit as President-Elect
Democracy Now! - Will Obama Presidency Ease Barriers to Politically Outspoken Black Athletes
Democracy Now! - White House Denies Attempt to Link Auto Industry Bailout to Colombia Pact
Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- Fending off the Egyptian Power Structure
Eugene Narrett -- Comedy Hour
Jon Christian Ryter -- America's Worst Nightmare, Part 1
Jon Christian Ryter -- America's Worst Nightmare, Part 2
list page - The Top 100 Libertarian Blogs
Lynn Stuter -- The Selection of Comrade Obama
Marc H. Rudov -- John McCain The Cadaverick
Marsha West -- Distractions, Diversions and Deception
Michael Cutler -- Many Illegals Belong to Spy, Terror Organizations or Drug Cartels
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 11
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 12
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 2
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 3
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 4
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 5
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 6
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 7
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 8
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development - Part 9
Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development
Palin says she doesn't regret Couric interview - CNN.com
Paul Proctor -- Who Are The Real Mystery Worshippers
Restoring the Libertarian Brand Name
Rosalind Peterson -- Buying & Selling the Right to Pollute
Selwyn Duke -- How Obama Will Ensure His Victory in 2012
site - Rational Review News Digest » Rational Review
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 1
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 2
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 3
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 4
The Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel on Obama’s First 100 Days,....
Tom DeWeese -- Free Enterprise Did NOT Cause the Market Meltdown