"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 November 2008


news - Sun
Americans will be looking to Obama to transform their country
Obama’s speech in Chicago after winning the presidency
'At the end of the day' 'I personally' 'shouldn't of' said 'fairly unique'
'Because they were not able to sit down and divide it in a rational way, they both lost'
'Congress is, of course, 1 of our biggest constituents'
'Don't tell him no more, lock him up,' police say
'Given how the public feels about him ... patience would probably be something that I would encourage'
'I can immediately see the bad taste in it, but ... it was in no way public'
'I live one block away. I get 'carded' to go on my block'
'In order to maintain a balance between supply and demand, at least through the beginning of 2009'
'It has always been a matter of discipline rather than doctrine'
'It was terrifying. Suddenly, I couldn't see the dials in front of me'
'It's cheap, it's safe, it works, all the technology's already there'
'It's clear you need to have interest rates that are lower than inflation going forward'
'Jerusalem is a city built on top of thousands of bones - Jewish and Muslim'
'Likely to underestimate the amount of net exposure'
'New oligopoly' ;Sudden consolidation raisesquestions about regulation, consumer impact
'No financial institution ... must escape proportionate and adequate regulation'
'Nobody is eager to put money to work given the uncertainty in the market'
'Otherwise, the fire lit by Bush will spread across the world and destroy it into dust'
'Our conflict is not with the Jews, our problem is with the occupation'
'Redemption of America's revolutionary declaration ... would not have been possible without ... the Internet'
'Singing from the same hymn sheet' could upset atheists
'The bill will likely be subject to a filibuster'
'The documents refute once and for all claimsby those who deny the Holocaust took place'
'The liquidations continue and rallies are muted'
'The Nazis' objective was to darken Israel's eyes and turn off the light of the world'
'There is a psychological ethos now that people don't want to jump out and be big spenders'
'These guys went to set about mass murder, and they've paid the highest penalty'
'These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs'
'We don't want to influence the management of these businesses we'll be investing in'
'We hope that any tax increases do not work against getting our economy going again'
'We're letting people know that the credit crunch isn't here. That's a Wall Street problem'
1.3 million wireless customers headed for competitors during 3rd quarter
2008 sees most new U.S. citizens in more than 100 years - CNN.com
28-year-old arrested for disorderly conduct, assault on police officer
4th-straight drop – longest streak of quarterly declines in at least 13 years
89% of voters approve making language official
A Black Premier, Yes, We Can
A president capable of unifying country MiamiHerald.com
AAA survey shows prices have fallen for 52 straight days
Advisers, scholars to promote controversial Shariah funding
African-Americans Enter the No-Excuses Zone
Agency kept lending to failing IndyMac – 'Not our role' to cause problems
Agents warn her 'palling with terrorists' comments spiked danger
Al-Qaeda planing terror attacks in UK intelligence report
Alien mother hires previously deported human smuggler to bring boy to U.S.
Alleged leader of country's most feared drug cartel death squad snatched in raid
America Has Embraced Progress
America Has Restored Its Ideals
America's Progressive Paradox
An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage
Are Chinese Cyber-Attacks Acts of War
As Time Goes By UFOs and Time Distortions
Attempt to recover from slip about talking to 'living' ex-presidents
Barak Israel should consider firing back at Qassam launchers - Haaretz - Israel News
Before blogs caught it, Obama sitetold of requiring students to serve
Bible verses reveal very different scenario from what most people think
Bought one of Britain's most expensive properties on Billionaires' Row
Bring on Chairman Feingold
Brown Has the Tories Sweating
Bush, Obama Teams Show Unprecedented Cooperation
But critics say, 'Let's call drug dealers undocumented pharmacists'
Can the Dems Reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine
Can Washington save the Big Three automakers
CEO Schmidt 'No one really knows what this short-term period ahead of us looks like'
Change We Can Remember
Children struggling at school because they don't know if they are left or right-handed
Christian right regroups after Obama victory
citynews Cat Falls 17 Storeys In Mississauga And Lives
Clinton's spiritual adviser led her through imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt
Combating Terror Requires Troops – And a Plan
Company says current economy’s shape 'amplified' need to cut costs
Cosmic magnets 'well beyond the current cosmological horizon'
Cover featuring Christian-Muslim confab carries headline 'The Jesus-Muhammad Shock'
Credit-card firms expected to send 1 billion fewer offers this year
Critics; Insurance deal leaves policyholders vulnerable to 10s of thousands in costs
David Sirota wants Obama to propose 'far-reaching – even radical – initiatives'
Death toll at 82 – as many as 700 kids on campus when catastrophe hit
Deborah Howell - An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage - washingtonpost.com
Deputy prime minister fears 'period of legal vacuum' if agreement isn't reached
Dick Armey asks; 'What will be the fate of free market capitalism in America'
Dozens of riot policemen called in to calm brawl between rivals
Editor blames 'production error' for inserting controversial comic
Election '08 Irony Abounds
Emanuel's support of Israel, Iraq war could generate White House tension
Enough About McCain's 'Graciousness'
EU voices strong concern over Russian missiles - International Herald Tribune
Ex-drug addict sends apology, money to shop for 2001 crime
Ex-official charged with stealing from group
Exclusive; Gary Bauer cites industries that added so many zeroes to Barack's war chest
Exclusive; Henry Lamb sees lovers of freedomrising to the call from every corner of America
Exclusive; Melinda Delahoyde spotlights heart-changing efforts reducing abortion in U.S.
Exclusive; Phil Elmore sees government laws restricting ISPs as constitutional necessity
Exclusive; Ellis Washington warns of disaster if citizenship issue isn't adequately resolved
Exclusive; Greg Laurie offers wisdom for times when tragedy strikes
Exclusive; Ilana Mercer talks to Tom DiLorenzo about new book exposing Founding Father
Exclusive; Joel Barbee has Obama going supernatural to deal with dead economy
Exclusive; Joseph Farah uses video of browbeating teacher to urge rejection of gov't school
Exclusive; Pat Boone portrays father and son reticent to get on the Obama bus
Exclusive; Patrice Lewis shares list of 'to-dos' to weather an Obama presidency
Expected FCC transition chief served during 'Fairness Doctrine' days
Extinguishing system failure injures another 21 during sea trials, officials deny any leak
For Inaugural, Obama Faithful Say It's Washington or Bust - WSJ.com
Franklin of Houston, Security Pacific of Los Angeles bring 2008 tally to 19
From The Rise And Fall of the Third Reich. An UNSETTLING similarity.
Full-scholarship campuses remain 1 of higher education's best-kept secrets
Gateway Pundit As Promised... Obama's First Move-- Expand Abortion Rights
Gateway Pundit Obama's Illegal Alien Auntie Onyango Fights Deportation
Girls have to wait only 1-2 as long to find family, new survey shows
GOP a dying breed in New England
GOP looks to serve as check on Obama, Democrats
GOP to Act as 'Check and Balance' Against Obama and Democrats -
Hero of 1993 church attack appearing in Texas
Hindu organization believed responsible for killing 2,000 Muslims, perscuting Christians
How McCain Lost Me
How Obama Won
I Almost Wonder if Republicans Deliberately Lost the Election
India's believers may face bloodbath after another Hindu activist is shot
India's Politicians vs. America's
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Internet revolution that elected Obama could save Earth Gore
Iranian group recruits young 'martyrs' to fight 'global arrogance'
Islamic Republic says call for stopping program is step in wrong direction
Israpundit » Blog Archive » Barack Obama Buffoon in Chief
It Was Republican Policies, Stupid
Jenna Ashley Robinson sees new prez putting slower, weaker soldiers on front lines
Jerusalem forgery trial over 'James ossuary' nears collapses
Jonathan Falwell ;'We must begin to cultivate true conservative leaders'
Kenya banking on Obama payback
Latvia takes over 2nd largest bank as crisis hits Markets Bonds News Reuters
Let the campaign for 2012 begin
Market's turns no surprise 'I think it's absolutely part of the bottoming process'
Matthews video -- Says He Wants to Make This New Presidency Work
McCain Needs to Defend Palin
Memo to the POTUS-elect
Mexican officials seize largest weapons arsenal ever Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
MillionFace » Blog Archive » The Aging of Presidents
More consumers, companies pushed into slow lane for long haul
Mr. Obama's War
My Excitement Over The Election Results I'm A Pundit Too
My Way News - Monks brawl at Christian holy site in Jerusalem
My Way News - Regulators shut banks in Texas, California
Nation's unemployment rate jumps to a 14-year high of 6.5%
Nazi Flying Saucers
New threat Deep global rate cuts show policymakers fear drop in price levels
No hidden white bias seen in presidential race - Yahoo! News
Now He Tells Us; Boehner Wants Less Government
Obama and Indonesia
Obama and Russian president Medvedev chat on phone
Obama Can't Start Soon Enough For Anxious US
Obama Has Much to Prove
Obama Lovefest Won't Last
Obama offers Poland no commitment on missile plan
Obama puts hope on hold in days of transition
Obama reportedly favors Jarrett for Senate
Obama Requires Community Service and Removes his Agenda from Website After Scrutiny. Political Lore .com
Obama reviews Bush orders on stem cells, drilling
Obama says he'll tax the rich, roll back Bush cuts and aid middle class
Obama Skeptics in Asia
Obama steering clear of Dems battle over Lieberman
Obama Taking the Center Road
Obama Team Weighs Issues for First Months
Obama to Face Big Policy Decisions on Iran, N. Korea and Mideast
Obama's Iraq Choice
Obama's Press Honeymoon Is Over
Obama's victory may show the way to win in future
Official leading peace talks claims Israel trying to 'invent' historical Jerusalem link
On The Edge of Time The Mystery of Time Slips, By Tim Swartz
On vacation to help Obama, man resigns, confesses plagiarism
Other first ladies – Mary Todd Lincoln, Hillary Clinton – tried to make contact with dead
Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases - Telegraph
Pair's letter notes Congress granted Paulson broad discretion to use bailout money
Pajamas Media » Avoiding the Clutches of Obama Derangement Syndrome
Pajamas Media » Can You Call Someone ‘Anti-Semitic’ on a Blog Not in Germany
Palin Derangement Syndrome
Powerful group of black businessmen helped him reach presidency
Pre-Obama and Post-Obama
President Elected. Next
President-elect's headquarters declare, 'To God be the glory' for victory
Protesters riot at temple, vow further action against Latter-day Saints
Race Didn't Decide the Election
Rebuild the Party A Plan for the Future
Reid Looks to Chop Republican Committee Seats
Reid, Pelosi urge Treasury to extend aid to automakers
Report cites Frank's proposal to cut military 25%
Reporting on UFOs How the Mainstream Press Avoids UFO Stories
Reuters AlertNet - Lockheed touts jets to Israel, flush with U.S. aid
Righty wingnuts can’t tolerate O-merica - BostonHerald.com
Romney Camp Spreading Palin Stories
Saudi Gazette - Obama win far bigger than Osama sin
Says too early to judge effectiveness of capital injection plan – other options on table
Senate Runoff a Test for Obama
site - Informant News
site - Mr. Creepos World of Sexy Horror Movies
Star Parker ;Party needs to focus on principles, not process
Take this HAARP and Shove it
The ANC Coming Apart
The Climate For Change
The disappearing male
The GOP's Deep Hole
The Nancy Reagan Jab
The Obamagon
The Reagan Counterrevolution - Seeking Alpha
The Right Needs to Get Centered
The Unity Fantasy
The Week Americans Reclaimed Their Country
The World Must Act in Congo - Now
TheHill.com - Cantor GOP stands ready to work with Obama
Time For World to do More Than Applaud
Timothy Green Beckley, Mr. UFO An Interview
Told Americans to follow the example of Europe
Tradition, Family and Property - 10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed
Transcripts --- Interview with Gov. Jennifer Granholm
Transcripts --- Panel on Obama's News Conference
Transcripts --- President Bush on the Presidential Transition
Transcripts --- President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
Transcripts --- Rick Davis on the Sarah Palin Accusations
Transcripts --- Shields and Brooks Reflect on Historic Week
UK campaigners welcome support from Washington for assisted suicide Society guardian.co.uk
Ups and downs of a digital-age campaign - The Boston Globe
US Lacking in Authority, Not Power
Video - UFO Over Madison, Alabama - Nov. 3, 2008
video - 9-11 (2003) Truth Conference - Jim Marrs Discussion on 9-11 ...
video - Alien Contact
video - Art Bell interviews Jim Sparks
video - Reincarnation is a Fact of Life
video - Second interview of Jim Sparks by Art Bell Feb. 25, 2007
video - UFO Billy Meier Info on Art Bell 2
video - UFO Billy Meier on Art Bell 2
video -- Bush Administration Talks Transition
video -- Emanuel on Being Obama's Chief of Staff
video -- Gallup Breaks Down the Election
video -- Lieberman Speaks to Reid, Reporters
video -- McCain's Concession Speech
video -- Obama Adviser Jarrett on Meet the Press
video -- Obama's Victory Speech
video -- President Bush on Obama's Victory
video -- President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
video -- Secretaries of State on Obama's Win
video -- Update on the Minnesota Senate Recount
Viewpoints on Obama election
Weasel Zippers Bin Laden Set to Release Video Threatening Obama, We Will Fight Him if He Fights Islam....
White guilt Done; over; history Philadelphia Inquirer 11-09-2008
With 22 votes each, men flip to determine their fate
Young voters have some clout, and they used it
YouTube - Black teacher belittles soldiers child for supporting McCain
» Blog Archive » Hillary Not looking towards 2016. Who is She Fooling
Michelle Obama's focus is on daughters
Obama, A Man Fit Enough to Run the Country
Ronald Reagan -- A Time for Choosing
$33 Trillion In CDS Still Outstanding!
'Child-witches' of Nigeria seek refuge - Telegraph
'Impeach Obama' Groups Already Pop Up
'Office of President Elect of the United States'
'Rahmbo' Takes DC - 'A Fiercely Principled Jew'
1000's Georgians Protest Vs Saakashvili
8-year-old charged with murdering dad, another man
A gruesome reminder on the anniversary of Kristallnacht
aaa feature site - Thatradio Show Listings, Archives, and Podcasts
AAA SITE - American Rhetoric - The Power of Oratory in the United States
AAA site - Sherman Skolnick's Report -archives
Afghanistan Braces For Obama WAR Surge
AFP chief commends RP peacekeepers in Haiti rescue
After Push for Obama, Unions Seek New Rules
AIG's Plan D
Al Martin - Planetary Deflation
Al Qaeda To Obama - 'Embrace Islam'
Alleged NATO air raid kills five in Pakistan
America Need An Anti-Zionist President
America's Third Republic
American Dream Over In Motown
Americans will be looking to Obama to transform their country
Another Russian nuclear sub accident
Apple Leapfrogs RIM to Become #2 Smartphone Seller in the World
Apple Rejects Radio App Update Due to Excessive Data Transfer
Apple’s Papermaster was misquoted
audio - Nov 7, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
Bali bombers buried in emotional ceremonies
Bankers - Not A Shred Of Decency
Bankers Battle To Stop $24B HBOS Takeover
Bankers, Academics Top Obama Donor List
Banks Ease Credit For Selves, Not You
Banks Living In Fairyland Of Magic Money
Barack Obama; The Kingfish Reborn
Barky & The Strategy Of Manufactured Crisis
Barky Admin & Bush's Criminal, War Policies
Barky Aunti In Cleveland - Will Fight Deporation
Barky's Alinsky legacy
Barky's First Choices Omit Labor, Third World
Barky's Payback To AIPAC Rahm Emanuel
Biotech firms fear pricing pressure from Obama
Black men hope Obama presidency shatters racial stereotypes
Blackouts in Gaza after Israel stops fuel
Blair urges Obama over peace deal
Bollyn - Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance
Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others' Pain
Bush-Obama Meeting Hard Feelings and Hand Sanitizer
BushCo Cuts More Environmental Protections
Canadian Journalist Kidnapped In Afghanistan Freed By Abdutors
Cancer Genome Sequenced
Census of the ocean finding new wonders
Change you can be drafted by government for
Change! - Barky Tabs Volker, Buffett, Rubin, & Schmidt
Chavez Offers Russians Big Gold Projects
Chertoff DHS Demands Integrated Defense
Chicago gets $300m naming gift
China Goes With $586B 'New Deal' Spending
China Unveils $586 Billion Economic Stimulus Plan
China's president wants to cooperate with Obama
China May See Severe Econ Slowdown
Commentary; GOP needs to catch up to Obama's Web savvy
Congressional Democrats Say Economy Will Be First Priority
Cops Staged Confrontation At DNC Convention
Corporate Bankruptcies Rising Fast
Creationism Should Be Taught As Science - Teachers
Credo in Unam Nationem, Sub Deo-Redux
Cyprus Elects Communist President
Danger In PrePaid Plastic Gift Cards
De Menezes Train Eng Thought Cops Terrorists
Dems Talk About Taking YOUR 401ks & IRAs !!
Directing as natural as acting to Hoffman
Downing Memo Shows How Blair Aided Murdoch
Dumbest Palin smear of all
Eco-Terrorists Want 80% World's Pop Gone
Economists say Obama's plans might help economy, but not overnight
Economy won't stop Obama's priorities, aides say
Elite Combat Brigade For Chertoff Coming
Emanuel - 'Bad Cop' Enforcer Who Loves F Word
Emanuel - Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal
Emanuel - Son Of A Zionist Terrorist
Emanuel To Bring 'Tough' Approach To WH
Emanuel Will Further American Imperialism
Ex-Intel Engineer Accused Of Stealing $1 Billion In Trade Secrets
Fanatics On Obama - 'He's Been Sent By God'
Father, Forgive Me, I Won't Fight For Your Israel
FDIC Seizes More Failed Big Banks
Fears Obama May Not Make It To White House
Fighting Cancer Through Your Genes
First Full-Year Slump Since 1940s Says IMF
First, Best 'Change' Is Bush Eviction
For Obama, next-gen voters, next-gen doers
Foreign governments attack White House, Obama, McCain campaign systems
Forget JFK - Obama Could Be Next Carter
Frontline Of The New Cold War
G1 a true competitor to iPhone
Georgia Fired First Shot - UK Monitors
Georgian Fears Rise as Ossetians Take Over a Village
Gideon Levy - Let's hope Obama won't be a 'friend of Israel' - Haaretz - Israel News
Global Warming and local politics
GM Could Be Bankrupt In Months
GM grapples to avoid filing bankruptcy as cash vanishes
GOP Defeat and the 'New Tone'
Growing Human Organs In Labs Closer
Gun Sales Soar After Obama Election
Gun Sales Up On Fear Obama Is Gun-Grabber
Harvard Shrinks Hide Millions From Drug Co's
Health Care Reform, a Difficult Mission for Barack Obama
hit-and-run; Death in a 'Sanctuary City'
Honda Reveals Its Own Robotic Leg
How Mossad Controls Political Parties
How To Get Your Hand Bitten
How To Survive Coming US Dollar Collapse
How Windows 7 will, and won't, work better with SSDs
Human Rights Watch Says Rule of Law Should be Restored in Zimbabwe
If only our current leaders had the nerve
Illinois Diocese Splits From Episcopal Church
Illuminists Own Barky - America Is An Obamanation
IMF Urges Radical Action In Global recession
Internet Generation Unsuitable As Jurors
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Makes Grand Re-Opening Ceremony
Iran - Obama's Win Proves Bush's Failure
Iran bans weekly critical of President Ahmadinejad
Iraqi leaders welcome Obama but assert themselves
Is Obama Screwing His Base With Rahm
Is the Sun Changing
Israel FM Attacks Obama's Iran-Talks Plan
Israeli Dual Citizens - Loyal To Whom
Israel Destroys More Homes For 'City Of David'
Isreali Mossad Killer As Man Of Year
It's The Taliban's Fault US Slaughter Civilians
Italian Soccer Players Hit By Fatal Disease
Italy Next To Bailout Banks
Journalist Reaches From Grave To Nail Rahm
Kenya ; Lessons Local Politicians Can Learn From Obama Victory
Key's Landslide New Zealand Election Win Fulfills Child's Dream
Kidd - Comrade Barky Not The Next US President
Labor unions ask political backing for organizing law
Latest in Hudson case ;Balfour parole hearing set for Monday
Latest Kim Pic Suggests Photoshop
Latest Mkt Pitch - Energy From Mushrooms
Lendman - The Wages Of Sin
Liar Obama Wants Missile Crisis With Russia
Libido Low in Many US Women, Testosterone Patch Helps
Linux, netbooks threaten Microsoft's fat profits
Lung Cancer; What you need to know
Ma must step away from Taiwan abyss
Main St Sucked Into GMAC Junk Bonds
Martin and Page Together Again for the First Time
Masonic-Illuminati-Rothschild Israeli Supreme Ct
Medvedev's State Of The Nation Address
Mega Polluter China Points Finger At West
Merkel at Kristallnacht rite decries anti-Semitism
Microsoft aims Windows 7 for holiday 2009
Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes Environment - The Observer
Mini Nuke Plants To Power 20,000 Homes
Minnesota senate race raises suspicions in vote counting
More Elite US Combat Troops Deployed In US
More Ominous NorthCom News
MP3 Player Headphones May Throw Off Cardiac Devices
My theory on Palin's continental drift
MySpace MP3 Player Plausible, CEO DeWolf Suggests
Nader On Obama's Subservience To AIPAC
Nancy Giles; Yes, We Did!
Nano Cosmetic Creams Safety Warning
New US Rule Pares Outpatient Medicaid Services
New Yorkers Warned on Highly Contagious Stomach Flu!
Next up ;Test of Obama as leader
Nightmare Of Cash Found In Old Home
Not Everyone Is Celebrating...
Obama - No-Commit On Poland Missle Plan
Obama ; with election over, US must work together
Obama and the courts
Obama and the Daley Machine
Obama Grandma Knew Frank Davis - Death Predicted
Obama likely to tap fresh faces, old hands
Obama Made Inroads Into Rural Republican Base - NPR
Obama Mulls Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO For Treasury
Obama Paternal Grandma Says At His Birth In Kenya
Obama quashes Iran's hopes for change
Obama Security Threats Press Secret Service
Obama Started Text Message Madness
Obama steering clear of Dems battle over Lieberman
Obama Supporters;Now That It's Over...
Obama Tabs Zionist War Hawk As Chief Of Staff
Obama team reviewing 'virtually every agency,' aide says
Obama Team Weighs What to Take On in First Months
Obama wants to 'hit ground running' on economy
Obama Wants To Force People To Go Green
Obama's 'Change' Serves Fianancial-Corp ELITE
Obama's 'Crime Policy' Assures Coming Crime Wave
Obama's 'Hate Bill' Steals God-Given Freedom
Obama's 'Zero To Five' Big Brother Plan
Obama's 'Zionist' Chief Of Staff
Obama's bid for health care reform could sink or soar
Obama's Contempt For Our Constitution
Obama's First Priority; Hiring the Right People
Obama's foreign policy goals will face a reality check
Obama's True Place Of Birth Remains Unknown
Obama, China's Hu exchange views on Taiwan, other issues
Obama, Emanuel And Israel
Obamas needs your help -- choosing a presidential pup
Obama FORCED Civ Security Service Plan Leaked
Octopuses share 'living ancestor'
One Day People Will All Look The Same
Opportunities of an Obama Presidency
Other Half Of Obama Brain Awaits Posting
Our Language is the Loser
Outrageous - Bottled Water 38 Pollutants, 10 Brands
Overnight Dialysis Saves Lives; Study
Oz Surfer Dumped By 40 Ft 'Dark, Evil Wave'
Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Grows Again
P.J. O'Rourke on the failures of conservatism
Pal Black Mkt Blocks Israel Econ Pressure
Palestinian unity talks to resume 'within two weeks'; Fatah
Palin Calls Critics Among McCain Aides ‘Jerks’
Pawn Shops For Beverly Hills Down & Out
Pelosi and Reid Urge Aid for US Automakers
Pelosi, Reid Want Bailout For Automakers
Poker With Nuclear Missiles
President-Elect Obama's First CIA Briefing
Promises & 'The Promised Land'
Putin Could Return As Russian Prez Next Year
Rahm Emanuel A Security Risk (Is Water Wet)
Rahm Emanuel's Slave Labor Corps - YOUR KIDS
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
Rand WWIII Recommendation Likely Disinfo
Recession Starts UK Tax Revenue Black Hole
Record Afghan Opium Harvest
Red China And The American Presidential Elections - Pt 2
Red Chinese Secret Police In The US Part 3
Reid Cautious On A Lieberman Decision
revealed first ovary transplant baby - Times Online
Reward Offered In Obama Friend Young's Murder
Rigged Drug Studies Favor The Manufacturer
Russia to Deploy Missiles Only If US Builds Shield
Russian Bases In Abkhazia, S Ossetia In 2009
Russian Nuke Sub Blaze Kills 20
Russian sub accident points to Navy's shortcomings
Sales tax not Schwarzenegger's only revenue option
Salmonella Outbreak Tied to Dry Dog Food Continues
Scientists Pinpoint How Life Began
SCOTUS may take up detention case
Scramble For Congo Minerals Bars Peace
Sheep Ruslting Soars As Economy Fails
Shoppers See Prices Slashed Up To 70%
Shopping Malls Going Vacant In S Africa - Pics
site - Criggo
site - Eat Drink or Die - Videos and recipes
site - MTV MUSIC - I Want My MTV
site - The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Site - The McLaughlin Group
site - The Skeleton Closet - realchange.org
Solar Particle Activity Has Virtually Flat-Lined
Statins found to prevent arterial inflammation, heart attacks
Stunned Republicans search for a way forward
Taiwan, China Expand Joint Search For Oil
Tethering App Coming To iPhone
The Banks Are Lucky To Be Alive
The Cost Of Resisting China's Big Brother
The GOP's path back from the wilderness
The Islamist Role in the 2008 Canadian Elections
The Red Chinese Secret Police In The United States Part 3
There Is No Such Thing as the West Nile Virus
Toy Hall of Fame Welcomes the Skateboard, the Baby Doll and the Stick
TX Edu Official - Obama A Terror Sympathizer
U.S. ; 37 Afghan civilians died in fighting
U.S. Foreign Policy Objectives and Israel's Security
UK Tabs - 'Obama May Not Make It To WH'
UK UFO Photographed Emitting Beams Of Red Light
UN accuses rebels, militia of war crimes in Congo
Uncounted ballots unlikely to reverse Proposition 8
US A Constitutional Republic, Not Democracy
US firms should expect more scrutiny under Obama
US Is Funding The Iranian Nuclear Program
US Jobs In Full Recession Mode
US Official Taliban Tactics Deliberately Endanger Afghan Civilians
US Missiles Kills More Pakistanis
Veterans oppose change in health care
video - Amazing Facts
video - Amazing Nano Technology's Near Future
video - Beasts Tormenting Bound Palestinian
video - EMF-EMR Blasts MA Home - Yours, Too
video - Homes Becoming Popular
video - Inside Job
video - Nader - Obama An Uncle Sam Or Uncle Tom
video - New Vid Shows WTC7 Windows Blowing Out
video - Proof Obama Born In Kenyan Village
video - Rabbi Blasts Zionist Occupation Of Palestine
video - Resilient Responses In Troubled Times
video - To Create New 'Civ Military Force'
video - Unquestionably Flips Off McCain
Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police, Pt 1
Wall Street's eyes on the consumer
War Monger Rahm Emanuel Is Mossad - Read
West - Cold War Is Last Card To Play
What do the election results mean to conservatives
What FDR Can Teach Obama
What happened to free expression
When Science Fiction Morphed Into Politics
When The Zionists Came For...
Who Is Barack Obama
Who Owns Obama
Wiesenthal Museum To Go On Old Muslim Cemetery
Will Obama Use Hate Laws To Stop Islam Critics
World Bank Sees Crisis Crimping Trade
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World Leaders Spell Out Demands To Obama
Worse Than Bush
Young voters have some clout, and they used it
Yushchenko Congratulates 'His High Excellency' Barky
Zionist Emanuel Manipulations - Clinton To Obama
Zionist Jews And The 9-11 Cover-Up

news - Sun
'Blockade-busting' boat arrives in Gaza - Jerusalem Post
Afghanistan a Top Challenge Facing Obama as President - Fox
After victory, a reality check for Obama - Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Another disappointed Obama hater
Assad; Israel not genuine about peace - U.S. contributes to instability - Ynet
Brent Bozell caught as a hypocrite on Obama Obama the Socialist, Obama the Reaganite
Congolese Soldiers Advance on Rebel Lines in Renewed Fighting - Fox
Democracy Now! - Can Grassroots Movement that Propelled Obama to Victory Chart a Better Economy
Democracy Now! - Unchaining History Barack Obama Elected President of the United States
Democracy Now! - Where Do Republicans Go from Here Michael Tomasky on the Future of the GOP
Democracy Now! - Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Responds to Obama Win
Democracy Now! - Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader Discusses Future Obama Presidency and Two-Party Politics
Democracy Now! - Iraq Vet Calls on Antiwar Movement to Press President-Elect Obama for Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq
Democracy Now! - John McCain Concedes Defeat in Phoenix
Democracy Now! - Manning Marable on the Significance of the Nation's First Elected African American President
Democracy Now! - Melissa Harris-Lacewell on President-Elect Obama
Democracy Now! - Obama Should Never Forget The White House Was Built by Black Slaves - Uruguayan Writer Eduardo Galeano
Democracy Now! - Obama Wins Larger Share of Popular Vote Than Any Democrat Since Johnson
Democracy Now! - President-Elect Obama and the Future of US Foreign Policy A Roundtable Discussion
Democracy Now! - Voices of Harlem - Voters in Historic Black Neighborhood Discuss Their Votes
DGHS Show- If Grateful Dead were played as Jazz
DGHS- Dub Side Of The Moon-- that's right, Pink Floyd with dreadlocks
FRC's Tony Perkins claims gay people are 'rioting' over Prop 8
Hamas' Mashaal Ready to talk to Obama - Ynet
Historians, too, call Obama victory 'monumental' - Todd Lewan
Illuminists Own Barky - America Is An Obamanation
Insty-Althouse narcissifest opens up black hole in time-space continuum
Iran slams Obama for nuke remarks - Jerusalem Post
Islamists Post Internet Video Urging Obama to Abandon War on Terror - Fox
Livni; We recognize need for PA state
Lockheed touts jets to Israel, flush with U.S. aid - Reuters
Mormons And Catholics Upset At Being The Target Of Prop 8 Protests
Obama Faces Multiple Crises, Multiple Opportunities - Fox
Obama Tells Big Money Not To Worry
Rahm Emanuel ; 'Priority one is the economy'
Rahm Emanuel is the Real Pit Bull - Ronald Kessler
Real Time; Fox News Reacts To Obama's Election Night Victory
Real Time; The Hard Core Republican Base Is Like A Stalker-Rejection Just Makes Them Crazier
Secret Service blamed Palin for sudden spike in Obama death threats
site - The Dead Guy Hippie Shit Show Podcasts
Tens of thousands attend Rabin memorial in Tel Aviv - Ynet
U.S. Asks Venezuelan Diplomats in Houston to Leave - Fox
US, EU officials meet with Arab representatives on Iran - Jerusalem Post
BBC - Music - Bob Dylan - Video and Audio Clips
Johnny Cash - That Lucky Old Sun
Louis Armstrong - That Lucky Old Sun
Ray Charles - That Lucky Old Sun
YouTube - Bob Dylan and Tom Petty 'Lucky old sun' rehearsal
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video -YouTube - Fallin' hare, Bugs Bunny know a Gremlin
YouTube - Children of the Future Jihad

Mon and Tues

Arming Yourself for the Future by Greg Perry
Barack Obama All the Presidents' dogs - Times Online
Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature by Murray N. Rothbard
Ian Fleming's Jamaica - International Herald Tribune
Messages of Tolerance and Sensitivity by Vin Suprynowicz
Origami expert makes spaceships and scorpions from money - Telegraph
Pom-Poms and Prisons The Powerful Statism of Disney’s High School Musical by Scott Meyer
Statin Drugs Don’t Save Lives and May Increase Your Risk for Diabetes by Bill Sardi
Stuff Does Not Equal Wealth by Karen De Coster
The councils who ban Latin words because are 'elitist and discriminatory' and confuse immigrants Mail Online
The Lew Rockwell Show - 64. Vicious Vaccines
Toxic Anger 2 Getting Angrier and Ron Paul’s Cures by Sandra Hamilton
'Always Keep The Church On Your Side'
'Only Glimmer of Hope' is Obama's Mentor's Retirement
3 Trends Push US To Econ, Dollar Collapse
5 Habits of Highly Successful Capacity Planners
70,000 More US Banking Jobs To Go
A 'Center-Right' Country, We Shall See.
A Few Post-Election Thoughts
A New 9-11 Is Essential Part Of US Planning
Adam & Eve Launches Holiday Sweepstakes!
AIG Gets Second US Bailout On $24B Loss
AIG Needs Another Bailout
America's Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Workout
American Dream Over In Motown
American Troops Still in Harm's Way.. Oh yeah. Them.
Another exciting edition of Name that Party
Another Russian nuclear sub accident
Anti Israel Mood Grows In Germany
Auschwitz 'Blueprints Discovery' Settles Nothing
Banks Living In Fairyland Of Magic Money
Barack Obama & The Chicago Mob
Barky Admin & Bush's Criminal, War Policies
Barky's First Choices Omit Labor, Third World
Barrack Obama & The Conspiracy Theorists
Board Game Had Full Illuminati Agenda In 1995
Brown Calls For A NWO To Beat Recession
Bush, Obama to meet at White House
CBS Names Chip Reid New Chief White House Correspondent; Jim Axelrod Moves to New York - The New York Observer
China Goes With $586B 'New Deal' Spending
China's Bailout Hailed As 'New Deal'
Circuit City Files BK - Shares Fall To 11¢
Colorado's Budget Crisis At The Core Cause
Crisis Sweeps Nordic Region
Danger In PrePaid Plastic Gift Cards
Eco-Terrorists Want 80% World's Pop Gone
Emanuel - 'Bad Cop' Enforcer Who Loves F Word
Emanuel - Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal
Fannie Posts Record $29 Billion 3Q Loss
Fed REFUSES To Tell Where $2 Trillion Went!!
Forbidden City restoration an experiment in U.S.-China teamwork - Los Angeles Times
George W. Bush ; Political Punching Bag
Global Capital Stampede To The Japanese Yen
Greenspan And The Gold Standard
Hit-and-run; Death in a 'Sanctuary City'
How Mossad Controls Political Parties
IDF Minister Seeks OK To Hit Gaza Residentials
Idols TV producer Fremantle seals YouTube deal
Illuminists Own Barky - America Is An Obamanation
IMF Bail Out Ukraine With Huge Loan
India's Chandrayaan-1 Probe Enter Moon Orbit
Israel FM Attacks Obama's Iran-Talks Plan
Israel War On Iran Before Jan 20
Israeli Dual Citizens - Loyal To Whom
Israeli Mossad Killer As Man Of Year
Journalist Reaches From Grave To Nail Rahm
Journalist's Photos Of His Early Life In Rhodesia
Larger administrative blocks could save 5.8 tril. yen Keidanren
Leapfrog Online Delivers More Than One Million New Revenue Generating Units to the Cable Industry
Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be Catastrophic
Man questioned in Hudson case to stay in prison
Masonic-Illuminati-Rothschild Israeli Supreme Ct
McDonald's October sales beat Street; dollar weighs
Micro UAVs Carrying GENETIC Weapons Soon
Minnesota senate race raises suspicions in vote counting
More Ominous NorthCom News
Obama Gathers Same Team Which Caused Crash
Obama is planning to 'rule' us
Obama Mulls Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO For Treasury
Obama plans Guantanamo closure, US terror trials
Obama Supporters organizing to give him a national holiday
Obama Tells Big Money Not To Worry
Obama to get his first look at the Oval Office
Obama's 'Hate Bill' Steals God-Given Freedom
Obama's Plan For US
Obama, Bush to hold symbolic White House talks
Obama FORCED Civ Security Service Plan Leaked
Obots To Soon Learn How Conned They Were
Olmert at Rabin memorial ;We must give up parts of J'lem Israel - Jerusalem Post
One Day People Will All Look The Same
Only Jews Can Stop Zionism
OPEC - More Cuts Could Come Soon
Pal Black Mkt Blocks Israel Econ Pressure
Putin's Global Agenda
Rahm Emanuel's Slave Labor Corps - YOUR KIDS
Rahm Says War To Top Obama Agenda
Rahmbo Sent Dead Fish To Disloyal Democrat!
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
RAND Corporation ;'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
Riding The Censorship Highway To Utopia
Russia To Drill For Cuban Oil And Gas
Russia To Deploy Missiles If US Starts Shield
Scientists Pinpoint How Life Began
SCOTUS may take up detention case
Several World Leaders Warn Of Nuke Hit On US
Shooting victim found near North Hills middle school - Los Angeles Times
Should Ahmadinejad Have Free Speech
site -Turbo USA - American ISP, No Outsourcing!
Stunned Iceland Tries To Recover
The Conservative Decline, Continued - The New York Observer
The friends of George Soros
The Never-Ending Search For Gold
Three Superbanks Remain - NWO Consolidation
Time To Say Goodbye To Earth
U.S. Foreign Policy Objectives and Israel's Security
UFOs From Shuttle Missions In NASA Videos
US Is Funding The Iranian Nuclear Program
US Secret Ops In Syria, Pakistan, Etc Since 2004
video - EMF-EMR Blasts MA Home - Yours, Too
video - Rabbi Blasts Zionist Occupation Of Palestine
video - There Is No Democracy
video ..Inside Job
War Monger Rahm Emanuel Is Mossad - Read
We Are Sick Of US-Israeli Interference
What do the election results mean to conservatives
When Israel Is Not Israel
Who defines 'fair and balanced'
Who Owns Obama
Who Will Live On Sirius XM - The New York Observer
Will Congressional Dems ditch paygo
Will Obama Use Hate Laws To Stop Islam Critics
World Exclusive- E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
Zionist Emanuel Manipulations - Clinton To Obama

Undercover Cops Staged Confrontation Amid DNC
'Holocaust Specialist' For Every UK School!
'Israel war on Iran on the radar'
3 Trends Push US To Econ, Dollar Collapse
70,000 More US Banking Jobs To Go
AIG Gets Second US Bailout On $24B Loss
Asian Stocks Fall As Confidence Drops
Auschwitz Blueprints Not New Say Experts
Babylon Will Never Recover From Bush Slaughter
Barrack Obama & The Conspiracy Theorists
Bloomberg Picks Fight With Federal Reserve
BRIC nations join forces for finance reform
Brown Calls For A NWO To Beat Recession
Brzezinski ;Last two US presidents tested early by al Qaeda attacks
Bush Popularity Lower Than Nixon
Chinese activists tell of routine state detentions, torture, slavery, forced abortions and executions
Circuit City Files BK - Shares Fall To 11¢
Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama
Countrywide Gas Prices
Crisis Sweeps Nordic Region
Czech Mayors Oppose Bush Missile Scheme
Deutsche Bank Cuts GM Share Price Target To 0!
DHL To Cut Almost 10,000 Jobs
Expect Recession To Increase In Severity
Expert - Blueprints NOT Those Of A Death Camp
Fannie Posts Record $29 Billion 3Q Loss
Fed REFUSES To Tell Where $2 Trillion Went!!
Feds refuse to identify bank loan recipients
FEMA Manual Covers UFO Attacks, Crashes
Flu Pandemic Could Bring Nationwide Chaos
Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors
Global Capital Stampede To The Japanese Yen
Globalization and the Rise of Monopolization Speeds Economic Failure
GM Opens Car Plant In Russia
GM Shares Hit 60 Year Low
Gordon Brown to help Barack Obama lobby EU over troops
Greenspan And The Gold Standard
H5N1 Spreads In Laos
How Mossad Controls Political Parties
IDF Minister Seeks OK To Hit Gaza Residentials
IDF-Mossad Snake To Run White House
In Secret Agreement, Shell Nets 25-Year Monopoly on Natural Gas in Southern Iraq
Israeli Dual Citizens - Loyal To Whom
Israeli Ethnic Cleansing By Stealth
Isreali Women Candidate Poster Ban Lifted
Ivashov - Do Changes Await US Geopolitics
Kidd - Guns And God
King Showbama 'Ready To RULE' Says Top Staff
Makow - Henry H. Klein Anti-Zionist Martyr
Masonic-Illuminati-Rothschild Israeli Supreme Ct
Micro UAVs Carrying GENETIC Weapons Soon
Mossad Spy To Run The White House
Obama 'Ready To Rule' Says Staff - RULE
Obama bids to temper runaway expectations
Obama Nation - Now What
Obama Replace Bush EOs With New Ones
Obama To Bring Gitmo Terror Suspects To US
Obama To Push 'Big Bang' Reform Package
Obama To Use EOs (Decrees) Widely
Obama Vs Medvedev - Nuke Showdown In Europe
Obama Website Scrubs Mandatory Community Service Call
Obama's 'Hate Bill' Steals God-Given Freedom
Obama's Plan For US
Obama's Treasury Picks Slammed By Obots
Obots To Learn How Deceived They Were
Outhouse Outlaws And Privy Police
Rabies Spreading Across US
Riding The Censorship Highway To Utopia
Space-Based Domestic Spying; Kicking Civil Liberties to the Curb
Stunned Iceland Tries To Recover
Summing Up George Bush
Tarpley - Secret IMF World Dictatorship Plan
The Long Emergency
Treasury prepares to broaden bailout plan; report
Tyson Foods Injects Chickens with Antibiotics Before They Hatch to Claim Raised without Antibiotics
UFOs From Shuttle Missions In NASA Videos
UK Govt Seeks To Censor Media
UK To Resist US Call For More Troops To Afghan
UK's Brown; Now is the time to build global society
US Cold War Snag - EU To Talk With Russia
video - There Is No Democracy
video -There Is No Democracy
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse
Will Obama Use Hate Laws To Stop Islam Critics
Worst retail sales trend since 1974 expected

'Buddha boy' who spent a year alone in Nepal jungle attracts thousands of devotees Mail Online
A Few Modest Proposals for Change by Clyde Wilson
A Recipe for the Next Great Depression by Thomas DiLorenzo
ABC News Surrogate Grandmother Feels Fine After Triplets
Al Gore's Ridiculous Op-Ed On Climate Change
American Express to Become Bank Holding Company - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
Ancient 4,300-year-old pyramid discovered in Egypt
Are We There Yet, Are We There Yet by Robert Higgs
Assault began with argument over Obama, witness says
Astronauts To Make Over Space Station
Babylon Will Never Recover From Iraq War
Barack Obama's Treasury Secretary candidates slammed by liberals - Telegraph
BBC NEWS Americas US Elections 2008 Al-Qaeda's 'mild' message to Obama
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Probe ends historic Mars mission
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Sabretooth tigers hunted in packs
BBC NEWS Science-Nature Dig pinpoints Stonehenge origins
Blogger jailed for 20 years over poem that mocked Burmese dictator - Times Online
Broun says Obama 'Marxist' 110808 - The Augusta Chronicle
Chief GM Needs Federal Aid Soon
CNSNews.com - Rescue Package is Not Socialism, White House Says
Couple arrested for 'having sex' on crowded train Mail Online
Cuban president to visit Russia, alliance grows Reuters
Disney World trip for seriously ill girl in doubt because of insurance problems - Telegraph
DNC Chairman Howard Dean will not seek second term - Yahoo! News
Ex-official charged with stealing from group
Former DNC chief files candidate papers in Va
Former FEMA Chief May Get DHS Post
FOXNews.com - Minnesota Ripe for Election Fraud - Opinion
FOXNews.com - Nation Honors America's Troops on Veterans Day - Local News News Articles National News US News
Gingrich says he'd serve as GOP chairman -- if the RNC wants him Political Insider
Gorbachev Calls On Obama To Carry Out Perestroika
Great white sharks look for girlfriends in underwater singles bar, scientists believe - Telegraph
Hope College estimates 400 students, staff struck by norovirus-like illness - Grand Rapids News - The Grand Rapids Press Online - Michigan Newspaper - MLive.com
Internet attacks seen as more potent and complex - International Herald Tribune
Iran test-fires new missile near Iraq state media Reuters
Laura Bush to publish memoirs before President George W Bush - Telegraph
Learn to Link or Die by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Libertarian Party of California
Memoirs of a Geisha star, Gong Li, branded 'traitor' by Chinese - Times Online
Mexican officials seize largest weapons arsenal ever Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Monks Brawl At Christian Holy Site
My Way News - Harvard seeking spending cuts amid economic crisis
My Way News - Monks brawl at Christian holy site in Jerusalem
My Way News - Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact
NASA Hosts Mars Atmosphere Workshop in Virginia
Obama asks Bush to provide help for automakers - International Herald Tribune
Obama Bids To Temper Runaway Expectations
Obama likely to escape campaign audit - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Obama Planning U.S. Trials for Guantanamo Detainees - FOXNews.com Elections
Obama will be ready to 'rule' on Day 1
Odorprinting Could Be Used To Identify People
Olmert Israel must return to 1967 borders - Haaretz - Israel News
Olmert We must cede parts of Jerusalem Israel Jerusalem Post
Order Lets U.S. Attack Al-Qaeda In Many Nations
Orin Kerr and the responsibility of elites for the last eight years - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Osama bin Laden plans US attack that will 'outdo' September 11
Peru To Sue Yale For Inca Artifacts
Released child killer still fighting for freedom
Rep. calls Obama Marxist, warns of dictatorship - Examiner.com
Report Terrorists Use Cash To Avoid Financial Ties
RIA Novosti - Russia - Gorbachev calls on Obama to carry out 'perestroika' in the U.S.
Sarah Palin Defends Herself Against Criticism in FOX News Interview - FOXNews.com Elections
Sarah Palin offered $2 million to appear in porn film
Schwarzenegger Proposition 8 fight isn't over - The Boston Globe
Secret Service Officer in Sex Sting
Senator asks sites not to sell inaugural tickets - Yahoo! News
STLtoday - Two employees found slain inside Steak 'n Shake in Green Park
The Associated Press Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship
The Lew Rockwell Show - 65. A Libertarian in the USSR
The New Team - Jamie S. Gorelick - Series - NYTimes.com
The Russian Question by Justin Raimondo
Tough Times Complicate the Case for Buying Super Bowl Ads - WSJ.com
UK's Brown Now is the time to build global society
Using the powers of hypnosis to heal body and mind - International Herald Tribune
Warming winter reds - Times Online
Warnings From World Leaders Within 72 Hours
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE Agenda disappears from Obama Web site
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE Gingrich, Steele duel privately for RNC job
Why veins could replace fingerprints and retinas as most secure form of ID - Times Online
Windows 7 Knows Where You Are
'Committee has to ask itself if it wants someone who has successfully led a revolution'
'Congress is, of course, 1 of our biggest constituents'
'Ensuring that all site regulations are strictly followed and enforced'
'He had a thoughtful, humanistic vision that guided his path'
'I think he will make the right choice and pitch in'
'I thought it was required that a person be dead before they are memorialized'
'I've resolved not to touch alcohol again'
'In these economical times that we're in ... they ought to be ashamed'
'It is true we have failed to regulate the practices that caused most of the troubles'
'It's amazing that we did as well as we did'
'It's hard because I know how tired he is. He's not eating right'
'It's hard to believe that the sight ... did not get anyone's attention'
'Now they have the time and flexibility to sell assets for closer to their intrinsic value'
'Obama's tax-cutting message played a key role in this period of economic anxiety'
'People are still eating beef but they are eating less expensive cuts'
'People need to know who the real Bill Ayers is and what he stands for'
'Real trepidation within his political inner circle' that he might wind up as the pick
'She had so many goals and dreams. Now that's all been taken away'
'There are signs of people downgrading travel choices to reduce the cost'
'This is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently'
'This is complete nonsense and yet another example of political correctness dictated'
'Turbulent global stock markets have caused virtually every American a level of stress'
'We lost $2 billion and like any other business we have to stay afloat'
'We'll get you through the critical first 72 hours and beyond'
90 Years of Chasing Peace
A Conservative Hope for Obama
A Few Post-Election Thoughts
A heads-up for iPod owners
A New Model For Politics & Democracy
A Wary World Cheers
Abbas unit attacks just 1 day after committing to peace talks with Israel
Adverse Feedback Economic Loopiness
Afghan Quicksand Awaits Obama
afghanistan 5 Days at the End of the World
AIG Gets Expanded Bailout, Posts $24.5 Billion Loss
Al-Qaida preparing to 'change the face of world politics and economics'
Alleged secret nuclear reactor targeted by Israelis, built with help of N. Korea
American Express Falls as Credit-Card Lender Converts to a Bank
Antiblood-Clot Pill Could Cut Heart Problems, Study Says
Apple's iPhone So Far, the Best Phone Ever
Arab-American Paul Ibrahim combats notion president-elect unlocked door to opportunity
As Vice President, Joe Biden Will Be Central to Barack Obama's Administration - US News and World Report
Baby becomes first Iowan to undergo rare surgery
Backed a black man and proud of it
Bailout Nation Obama & The Big 3
Bailouts Institutionalize U.S. Mediocrity
Bali, Barack and War on Terror
Banking Lessons from Sweden
Battle Lines Are Drawn for Future of GOP
Bernanke, Paulson had agreed to comply with congressional demands for transparency
Blacks, 'gays' divide on marriage
Body count exceeds 4,400 this year in wave of drug-related violence
Body of SAfrican singer Makeba's to return home; official
Brent Bozell caught as a hypocrite on Obama Obama the Socialist, Obama the Reaganite
Brit Hume says Liberals dare not speak its name
Britain's Cowardice in Congo
Broken Rules Call for New Strategies
Brussels-Moscow Talks 'In the EU's Interest'
Building on Taiwan's Progress
Bush and Obama ;A study in contrasts
Bush honors veterans at aircraft carrier Intrepid
California governor tours superlaser system
Can Conservatism Regain Mainstream Support
Cantor ;GOP will be a check on Obama, Pelosi
CFTC Head Seeks New Regulators
Charlie Brown (CA-04) Needs Help With Tight Race
China's Historic Taiwan Visit
China, Japan Should Help Themselves
Circuit City Decline ;A Chilling Foretaste
City Elections Highlight Battle Between Secular, Orthodox Jews
Closing Ranks
Comedy honour for George Carlin
Conservative Secular Problem Deepens
Crestor Study's Impact Assessed
Current admin balking at allowing Detroit to tap into $700 billion bailout fund
Cut Joe Lieberman Loose
David Brooks; The Republicans Have No Belief System, Circular Firing Squad
David Limbaugh rips liberals for quashing opponent's words while preaching free speech
Dean Seeks Some Respect (and Credit) for Obama’s Victory
Dean Won't Seek Second DNC Term
Defense says malfunction doesn't make firearm an automatic
Dell quells rumors about music player
Demand for inaugural tickets overwhelms supply
Democratic Groups Lay Claim to Obama Win
Dems Have GOP to Thank, at Least in Part
Dennis Prager lists reasons he's not devastated by president-elect's ascendancy
Discovery rare because city was destroyed by Romans in 1st century
Disney Disaster;Cheetah Girl Suing Over Nude Pic Scandal
DNC Chief Dean to Step Down
Don't Repeat Errors of New Deal
Drinking the Palin Kool-Aid
DrudgeReport's Demise Overreported Once Again
Due to fewer U.S. customers, costs for closing poorly performing stores
Election Day Victories for Americans' Reproductive Rights
Embracing the Obama Era
End of a royal ship's era
Enrollment For Medicare Plans Begins, Premiums Rise
EU Account Scandal Must Stop
Europe marks 90th anniversary of WWI armistice
Europeans Race for Obama's Ear
Ex-AIG CEO says government support will have to continue
Exclusive - Janet Porter lays out case Barack Obama isn't a natural-born citizen
Exclusive - Joseph Farah hammers news agency for mischaracterizations of WND writers
Exclusive - Kimberly Fletcher offers inside look at volunteer worker bees for Palin
Exclusive - Les Kinsolving looks at Golden State's rejection of same-sex marriage
Exclusive - Vox Day explains why Republicans are attacking former VP nominee
Exclusive - Mychal Massie argues against Obama's Keynes-inspired tax proposal
Experts alert pest-control operators, homeowners to be on lookout for new species
Extended slump in car sales raises questions about future of U.S. auto industry
Faced with rising sea levels, the Maldives seek new homeland
Fears Gestapo-like security force to impose Marxist or fascist dictatorship
Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose
Fighting Cancer Through Your Genes
For Obama, Bold is Good
For Pakistan's Tribesmen, A Difficult, Deadly Choice
Foreign Policy in a Holding Pattern
Former Democratic National Committee chairman could run for governor
Former IRA militant fights deportation in S. Texas
Franklin Delano Obama
French Rail Attacks Blamed on Anarchists; Eight Held
From Tiny Sect, a Weighty Issue for the Justices
G.O.P. Dog Days
Georgia's Recklessness
Germany's Hopes and Fears for Obama
Giving Elderly A Vision Test Reduced Vehicle Deaths
GM shares tumble to 65-year low
GM's Skid Quickens as Crunch Raises Bankruptcy Threat
Goldman told clients to short bonds it helped sell ;report
Gone are promises on how administration would handle 25 different issues
Google phone costs $144 in materials; iSuppli
Government to Roll Out New Program for At-Risk Mortgages
Governor encourages same-sex marriage advocates not to give up
Group Files Lawsuit to Block Extension of Term Limits
guests Transcripts-- Sen. Majority Leader Reid and Gov. Schwarzenegger
Happily ever after Not so fast
Helicopter lands in middle of supermarket parking lot, stunning patrons
Here Comes the Conservative Civil War
Home builder says buyer traffic, demand plummet after financial crisis
Honoring Veterans
How Obama Affects Middle East Elections
How Obama should govern
HTC Fuze
Huh ,Right wingers proclaim they will work with Obama if he only governs from the center right
Hyperion hopes mini nuclear reactors will power the world
In Europe, main stimulus for growth would come from lowering interest rates
Inauguration mania
India and the G-20 Summit
India Reeling over Obama's Silence
Intel Health Guide To Keep Patients, Doctors Connected
International Vultures Circling Obama
Iraq Provincial Elections On For Jan 31st
Issue is whether government should 'endorse' religious expression
It's Gingrich vs. Steele for RNC Chair
Jamie Gorelick who worked at Fannie Mae said to be considered
Joe Scarborough 'My wife is going to kill me when I get home'
Joe Scarborough Slips Up And Drops The F Bomb
John Podesta, The Shadow President
Jolly ol' St. Nick gets sacked as cities, companies look to save
Judge orders newly hired Apple VP to stop work
Keith signs deal keeping him at network through 2012 election
Kenya's Obama Fantasy
Kick the Automakers' Tires First
Kill the 2012 Talk
Las Vegas Sands prices stock offering
Latin America Leftists Pushing US Out
Laura Bush shares White House tips with Michelle Obama
Let the Obama Infighting Begin
Lindsay Lohan Admits to Love, Not Lesbianism
Lindsay Lohan Loves Samantha, Is Not A Lesbian 'Maybe' Bisexual
Listen. Adapt. Be Positive.
Losing money so fast it may have to tap government cash to avoid shutting down
Man snagged by believers 'The enraged and offended parishioners stood in his way'
Man, 55, Is Shot to Death Delivering Meals for Charity
Matthews to Todd Harris; You Speak With A Forked Tongue
Medvedev Submits Law on Extending President's Term
Mexico's Difficult Drug War
Microsoft looks at Sun for search answers
Middle is Best for an Obama Government
Minnesota Senate race getting ugly as recount looms
Minorities at War Over California's Prop. 8
Mixed Signals on Lieberman
More money requested after 1st 'spiritual loan' wasn't enough to lift evil
Most Affluent Voters Key to Obama Sweep
Move could undermine Switzerland's prized bank secrecy
MSNBC Taken in by hoaxer on 'Palin doesn't know Africa is a continent' lie
MSNBC Votes For Four More Years Of Keith Olbermann
NASA's Phoenix Mars lander; Long may it rest in peace
Nasty intestinal bug spikes in US hospitals
Nationalizing Detroit
New York Times hits new low
Newt for RNC Chair
Nigeria ;Obama's Victory and the Resurrected Hope
No. 2 electronics retailer urges consumers not to shun stores for holidays
Nonprofit becomes powerful new player for 1.8 million who served in Iraq, Afghanistan
Norm Coleman continues to hold onto razor-thin edge over Al Franken
Obama Aide Hedges on Auto Bailout
Obama and India
Obama and the 'Tyranny of Oil'
Obama and the Founders' Intent
Obama asked Bush for help for auto industry
Obama asks Bush to bail out Detroit now
Obama Committed to a Bold Agenda
Obama daughters may appear on 'Montana'
Obama Gains in Fast-Growing Counties
Obama launches Web site to reach public
Obama Must Close Guantanamo
Obama No Better Than Dukakis
Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions
Obama predicted to be worst president on economy since Herbert Hoover
Obama Prods Bush to Aid Detroit
Obama Puts Hope on Hold in Days of Transition
Obama To Quickly Undo Hundreds Of Bush Executive Orders
Obama triumph triggers Africa soulsearching
Obama Wades Right Into the Fray
Obama Win 'Sigh of Relief' for Stem Cell Research
Obama Won - But Problems, Enemies Remain
Obama wrestles with Guantanamo problem
Obama's Election a Reaffirmation
Obama's Gitmo Closure Plan; A Rose By Any Other Name
Obama's Lessons for UK
Obama's Presidential Retreat
Obama's wife tours private schools while in Washington
Obama's Win Promotes Arab Democracy
Obama-Clinton soap opera takes new turn
Obamas Tour The White House
Oil companies dismiss environmentalists complaints 'After all, it's ... not Temple Mount'
Oil Falls to 19-Month Low, Gasoline Tumbles, on Demand Outlook
Olbermann nets new MSNBC deal
On Veterans Day, Don't Forget Iraq War
Palin says she might run for high office again
Palin Smears Hurt McCain
Parallels opens Windows on the Mac desktop
Partisan Politics Ruining Taiwan's Democracy
Party Like It's 1934!
Pat Buchanan decries 'the fruits of free-trade ideology' affecting America
Paulson Should Reach Out to Team Obama
Piling on Palin
Police detain former president of Taiwan
Polls Show Reaganism Is Not Dead
Port Washington students honor vets
Postcards To President-Elect Obama
President-elect, Bush meet at White House
Quick Change!
Rasmussen; 'Reaganism isn't dead'
Reckless Georgia
Remember the Braves of Great War
Remembrance Day ceremony begins under grey Ottawa skies
Republicans Need to Be Patient
Republicans; Sore losers, man
Russian Talks to Resume
Said to favor Israel's retreat from strategic Golan Heights
Sameer Dossani claims U.S. pulling out is best way to combat fundamentalism
Samuel L. Blumenfeld notes 'Washington Wise Men'spoon-feeding president-elect policies on economics
Schwarzenegger Model Bad for GOP
Scientists Sequence Genome Of Cancer Patient
Seagate in Full-Disk Encryption Push
Search teams shift to recovery in Haiti
Secret enclaves of terrorists living in Britain said to plot onslaught
Secret Service blamed Palin for sudden spike in Obama death threats
Shep Smith Lets Loose A Little Honesty While Billo Fights A War In His Mind
Shipping company Deutsche Post AG set to announce major cuts in U.S.
So much for Sarah Palin's 'misinformation'
Speculation Increases That Kim Jong Il Health Photos Are Falsified
Spokeswoman Valerie Jarrett talks to Tom Brokaw on 'Meet the Press'
Start with an Apology
Stick 'Em Up, America!
Study Links Poor Sleep to Heart Disease
Sun Unveils 'Open Storage' Appliances
Suspected Norovirus Outbreak Closes College
Tanning salons are banned from saying they have health benefits
Ted Turner; 'I'm not chased by demons'
Teens arrested in fatal stabbing; hate crime alleged
Ten Years of 'Change' in the UK
Terrorist group says campaign asked itto keep contact secret until after election
The Bailout of the Bailout of . . .
The Bush Spending Myth
The Choices That Confront America
The flying monkeys are waiting to descend on Obama and Jamie Gorelick
The GOP Gets Off to a Bad Start
The GOP Needs to Be More Centrist
The GOP Needs to Excommunicate Its Heretics
The Great Guessing Game
The Hand Off Obama Seeks Balanced Pace
The Illusion of Iran's Calm
The Inner Circle
The Iran-Saudi Cold War
The Irrelevant South
The Jewish Vote in 2008 and the Exit Polls
The Larry Summers Conundrum
The Law of Unintended Economic Consequences
The looming Obamahitler dictatorship Deja vu all over again
The McCain I Know
The New Liberalism
The New Middle East
The Non-Campaign to Beat Proposition 8
The Obama Bailout Team Brings No Change
The Obama Presidency Takes Shape
The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin XXI ;The Clothes, Ctd.
The Problem with Sarah
The Return of the Real
The Southern Strategy Is Not Dead
The Specter of Deflation
This Week In Memoriam
Time to Pull the Plug on General Motors
Today we are all Barney the dog
Tolerance Not Lesson of Kristallnacht
Top Five Candidates for Secretary of State
Top source warns, senator 'would be wise to keep close counsel'
Transcripts-- Guests - John Podesta, Reps. Cantor & Pence
Transcripts-- Rahm Emanuel
Transcripts-- Guests Sen. Majority Leader Reid and Gov. Schwarzenegger
Transcripts-- Guests Valerie Jarrett, Sen. Martinez, and Rep. Clyburn
Treating reflux helps kids with asthma
Trusting Obama
Tuesday Was a GOP Disaster
UN says food aid in Gaza to cease
Unions' Creepy Push Against Secret Ballot
US Must Work with the World
US supercomputer now world's fastest
Veterans day parade to block main traffic routes
video - NRSC Seeks Donors for Georgia Runoff
video --- Palin Goes On the Record
video ---Brooks & Harris on How Fast Obama Will Go
video ---Emanuel on Being Obama's Chief of Staff
video ---Lieberman Speaks to Reid, Reporters
video ---Majority Leader Reid on Lieberman's Future
video ---Obama Adviser Jarrett on Meet the Press
video ---Podesta on Fox News Sunday
video ---President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
video ---Reps. Cantor and Pence on Fox News Sunday
video ---Schumer Thanks DSCC Supporters
video ---The Obamas Visit The White House
video ---Update on the Minnesota Senate Recount
Violence in Iraq continues as bombings kill 2 more
Voice of Marxism announces 'hard work is just beginning'
Vultures Already Circling Obama
Want to Win the War in Afghanistan, Forget Guns - Think Pomegranates.
Warrants over Rwanda genocide imminent sources
Was Last Week's Vote a Realignment
Was Palin Candidacy a Step Forward for Women
Washington Times - Wash Post concedes bias for Obama
Watch church lady meet same-sex 'marriage' protesters
What Didn't Palin Know
What Lower Oil Prices Mean for the World
What Obama's Victory Means for Racial Politics
What's next for the American media
When Is US Pulling Out of Iraq
Who defines 'fair and balanced'
Why 2010 Won't Be Like 1994
Why Is the Republican Brand in Trouble
Why Obama May Assent to Mergers
Will Obama's Congress Be Too Friendly
Will Press Corps Get Tougher w-Obama
Woman claims doctor disfigured her during reduction
Woman in iconic World War II photo reunited with Navy sailors
Worshippers in Lansing, MI Assaulted by liberal activists
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