"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 November 2008


Transcript----Guests- Commerce Secretary Gutierrez, Rep. Rangel
Transcript----Guests- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Transcript----Guests- Sen. Shelby, Rep. Frank, Gov. Jindal (PDF)
Transcript----Guests- Sens. Dorgan and Kyl
Transcript----Guests- Sens. Levin and Shelby
Transcript----Guests- Commerce Secretary Gutierrez, Rep. Rangel
$2 Trillion And Nobody Knows Where It Went
$2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson and Bernanke, But Who Got It, Nobody Knows
'Considered one of the finest pieces of American presidential prose'
'Every day brings this nation closer to Nazi-style totalitarian abyss'
'Every human endeavor has a dark side, due to original sin'
'He seems more interested in settling scores than in bringing people together'
'He was saved because he was hit so hard'
'I heard her scream, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die'
'I kept expecting them all to jump to their feet and shout 'Gotcha!''
'I'll give you a 'hint' if you really want to get me, smile and I'm all yours!'
'I'm almost starting to feel that luxury is a dirty word'
'It was hell right from the moment we said 'I do' at our wedding'
'It's becoming quite commonplace, especially at gas stations'
'It's really a piece that has many different interpretations'
'Mother of all suicide bombers' warns of rise in attacks - Telegraph
'The Bush administration's last great gift to the oil and gas industry'
'The vulnerability (to external demand) is probably worse now than in the 1990s'
'This is the film Al Gore and Hollywood don't want you to see'
'We left family, our home ... but the freedom is worth it'
'When you're at 330, you're not exactly motivated'
1 in 4 Gulf vets has syndrome; Neurotoxic exposures from first Iraq invasion rears widespread illness.
1 last chance to fight for our Constitution
1,000 protesters storm Chinese government building
20 Reasons to Shut Down the Guantánamo Trials by Andy Worthington
3 Scenarios for the Obama Years ;The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
7 agencies got letters about plans to beef up programs, roll back some Bush policies
A (Not So) Funny Thing Happened To Me in Baltimore by Walter Block
A Modest Proposal to Solve the Financial Crisis
A New Way in Burma
A Promise of Change
A Repudiation of Bush Abroad
Air Power by Fred Reed
Alan Keyes suit warns America may see 'usurper' in Oval Office
Allegedly took $7 million as advance on album, autobiography he never produced
Amnesty International Calls for Georgia War Crimes Investigation
An old army in a new war
Artificial food additives affect children’s behavior
Asia Times Online Asian News, Business and Economy.
Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown urges high court to let Prop. 8 take effect - Los Angeles Times
Australia Read the first review of Nicole Kidman's new film The Sun ShowbizFilm
Auto chief execs ask Senate panel for bailout Politics Reuters
Auto chiefs on hotseat in Congress
Bailout's 'blank check' enraging Republicans
Bailouts Will Give Us Detroitsky
Bank supervisors proposed at G20 summit
Banking giant struggling to steady itself after suffering big losses
Barack O'Bama and the Luck of the Irish
Barack Won a Mandate
Before bailing out the Big Three
Beijing orders demolition of leading activist's home
Beijing propaganda chief hatches plan to combat age of internet news - Times Online (2)
Beijing propaganda chief hatches plan to combat age of internet news - Times Online
Biden's son rules out filling Senate seat
Bill O'Reilly blasts Obama over wanting to close Gitmo and a no torture policy. Forgot to mention McCain did also
Bill Scher asserts new president must 'prioritize massive public investment'
Board confirms Coleman-Franken vote, triggering recount
Breaking; Senate Dems cave to Joe Lieberman's threats
Breitbart.tv » Mexican Drug Cartels Behind Surge in Arizona Kidnappings & Home Invasions
Breitbart.tv » ‘Media Malpractice’ Documentary Reveals How Little Obama Voters Knew About Issues
Bumpy Road to a Democratic Pakistan
Bush Could Pardon Spies Involved In Torture
Bush's final foreign trip dominated by economy
Cafferty File; Should Congress Freeze The Remaining Bailout Money
CAIR's attempt to extract fees from Michael Savage rejected
Call to stop turning blind eye to child abuse
Can Karzai Reach the Taliban
Can Mall Be Filled For an Inauguration 4 Million May Try It.
Canvassing Board to meet at 1 p.m. to review results
Celebrate Redistribution With a Shotgun Wedding Between Berkshire Hathaway and General Motors by Eric Englund
China Says Tibetan Separatism 'Doomed'
Citigroup to cut up to 73,000 jobs
City threatens blind woman over unpaid 1-cent bill - USATODAY.com
City wants her cent - The Sun Chronicle Online - News
Clinton job for Obama may depend on Bill
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - GOP senator McCain betrayed Republican principles « - Blogs from CNN.com
CNSNews.com - Virginia AG Credits Local, State Officials with Capturing Sex Offenders in Illegal Immigration Crackdown
Co-founder's rebuff of Microsoft haunted tenure, but will stay until successor found
Congo Rebels Ask for UN Intervention During Ceasefire
Conservatives need to stop writing that racism is dead...
Consumers Continue to Stand by Their Causes During Downturn
Cops Defend Police State Tactics
Countdown; Possibility of Blanket Presidential Pardons
Crafting A Framework For Religious Harmony
Crikey - We need a new world health order, post-G20 - We need a new world health order, post-G20
Crime novelist attacked in scene similar to book CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Metro & Tri-State
Crimes by air marshals raise questions about hiring
Crowd could be 3 or 4 times larger than previous big events on Mall
Crucial Test of Leadership for Ma and Tsai
Cyber hackers break into IMF PC system
Dallas Mavericks owner allegedly avoided more than $750,000 in losses
Danish oil ship briefly seized off Nigeria - Yahoo! News
Dave Welch stresses promotion of biblical righteousness in nation's churches
David Limbaugh; Brock and Frum have acquiesced to a European socialist future
Deflating the Churchill Myth by Eric Margolis
Democrats don't believe vetting Bill Clinton's finances is likely to be problem
Democrats Let Lieberman Keep Senate Chairmanship
Democrats Slap Sen. Lieberman on the Wrist
Dems' Drive to Aid Detroit is Stalling Out
Dennis Prager answers his own question ;'They are not in the same moral universe'
Detroit Needs Chapter 11
Did Iran Offer a 'Grand Bargain' in 2003
Didn't get into campaign 'to turn the government over to the Clintons'
Directed Energy Weapon Protecting The President
Dobson's Pyrrichic Victory
Econ Crisis Could Bring Down Chinese Gov't
Economic Stimulus Stalls in Lame Duck Session
Ed Lasky follows the money involved in still-brewing Senate contest
Enlightened Realism in Ukraine
Ethanol's troubles have sapped the dreams of an Indiana town - Los Angeles Times
Europe's New American Dream
Exclusive Bruno (a.k.a.) Sacha Baron Cohen Disrupts 'Medium' Medium Ausiello Files EW.com
Exclusive, Brad O'Leary lays out implication of prez-elect's intrusive employment form
Exclusive, Chuck Norris scolds bitter activists for intimidating, harassing Prop 8 supporters
Exclusive, Janet Porter urges Congress to probe Obama-citizenship controversy now
Exclusive, Joseph Farah's convinced new book can help right what's wrong with nation
Exclusive, Les Kinsolving, leader in exposingPeoples Temple, marks anniversary of tragedy
Exclusive, Mychal Massie answers the 'is she smart enough' question
Exclusive,Dave Welch links Obama win to failure of church to teach Truth
Exclusive,Michael Glatze sees homosexuality 'somewhat like walking on your hands'
Experts call for action on child abuse
Families in shock over Silicon Valley slayings
FBI-Like Team Hunts Killer of Alleged Israeli Mobster
Feds say S.F. has more pot clubs than Starbucks, but it might not add up
Fifteen corpses found in Baghdad mass grave
Film-makers taking on our 'global warming hysteria' - The Irish Times - Sat, Nov 15, 2008
Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions - Financials US News Story - CNBC.com
First lady visits Lincoln birthplace
Five Surprises From Election 2008
Flight Path to Disaster in Afghanistan
Florida pension fund loses a quarter its value - Yahoo! Finance
FM says Syria 'essential' to Mideast stability
Former Obama opponent now suing to prove President-elect's citizenship Breaking News, Weather, Sports and Entertainment for Georgia and South Carolina Presidential Race Headlines
Former professor collects sentences with classicly bad grammar
FOXNews.com - Officials Israeli Mob Kingpin Killed in Car Bombing - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Franken and Soros ;the saga continues
FT.com - World - Pirates seize another ship in Gulf of Aden
FT.com - World - US & Canada - Kissinger backs Hillary Clinton as top US diplomat
Future leader of largest free-world market absent from crucial 20-nation meeting
Gay Marriage is Inevitable in the Long Run
Gaza ;The Calm Before the Storm
German students trash Holocaust exhibit in Berlin
Gilbert band member killed in crash on way to parade
Gingrich ;There is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us
Gingrich and Jindal Blame Republican Losses on Bush Rather Than Ideology
globeandmail.com Get your antioxidants from the grocer
GM asks Germany for €1 billion credit guarantee - International Herald Tribune
Google & Europe At Odds With Privacy
Gordon Brown defies advice and threatens opt-out law to solve donor crisis - Times Online
Government Can't Handle Global Run On Gold Coins
Gregory Craig selected as White House counsel
Hacker breaks into singer's YouTube account, claims she's killed by drunk driver
Half of Britons struggle with the apostrophe - Telegraph
Half of primary care physicians would quit
Hard Times Creates Demand For SPAM
hardball Chris Hitchens Gets His Clinton Hate On
Hijacked supertanker anchors off Somali coast as pirates open talks over their $100m oil haul... and demand a $10m ransom Mail Online
Hillary Clinton to accept Barack Obama's offer of secretary of state job World news guardian.co.uk
Hillary Clinton to accept Obama's offer of secretary of state job
Holbrooke Lobbying for Secretary of State
Hold on to your dough, the Democrats are back
Holocaust's unholy hold - Los Angeles Times
Hottest October on record was really a September
How America elected Barack Obama
How Global Crisis Could Bring Down China
How the Academic Left Elected Obama
How the GOP Can Get Its Mojo Back
How the Second Amendment Was Restored
How TV networks distorted coverage of Jim Jones story
How We're Fighting the Financial Crisis
Hunt is on for more men to lead classrooms - The Boston Globe
Husband's foreign deals may pose issue for Clinton
In Detroit, Failure's a Done Deal
Industrialized countries' emissions on the rise
Insider Trading, or Political Persecution - Floyd Norris Blog - NYTimes.com
Intends to leave $350 billion untouched for Obama admin's discretion
Internet site sells cutters to make treats shaped like unborn babies
Inventor ;'Worry where the pin is, not where's the next bathroom'
Investigate, remember JFK assassination
Iran-made Weapons Less Than 1% Of All Iraq Caches Found
Iranian-operated cargo ship hijacked off Somalia
Iraq Cabinet Approves SOFA
Iraq Withdrawal Plan Offers a Ray of Hope
Iraqi Cleric Defers on US Pact
Is Gay the New Black
Is Obama a Middle East ‘Splitter’
Israel 'Occupies' No Arab Territories
Israeli Tanks Move Into Gaza Strip
Japan in Recession
Jerry Brown asks Supreme Court to review Prop. 8
Justice criticizes courts that cite other countries' trends
Kashmir votes for democracy, development, not India
Keeping Africa on Washington's Radar
Keeping Israel's Economy Strong
Kennedy creates healthcare working groups
Legal challenges spring up across U.S., demand proof of eligibility for office
Liberal dreams of 'War Crimes' trials fading
Lieberman keeps Homeland Security chair
Lincoln & the Myth of 'Team of Rivals'
Lose the BlackBerry... Yes He Can, Maybe
Major international drill based at D-M to focus on rescue skills, coordination
Make sure your underwear fits, university guide advises staff - Times Online
Margaret Thatcher ;Never Wobbly
McCain backer Lieberman keeps committee chair
medvedev Russia not to become parliamentary republic
MERCOSUR(South American Trade Agreement) to Discuss Financial Crisis Mitigation
Mexico drug wars spill across the border - Los Angeles Times
Michael Steele Shares Vision For GOP's Future
Missile Defense; Stakes Rising on Obama's 1st Test
Murder in Pakistan's Wild West
Murdoch Technology Ushering In Golden Age
Must shake free of reporters, editors who forfeited trust, loyalty of readers
My Way News - Automakers beg for aid as bailout bill stalls (2)
My Way News - Automakers beg for aid as bailout bill stalls
My Way News - Stalemate dims prospects for $25B auto bailout
National Ledger - Homeland Security and Justice Departments Providing More Info to Local Officers
Naturalized American citizen handed over information on design of fueling system
New Florida Legislature leaders take budget challenges
New Police Car Scans License Plates, Sniffs Out Bombs
New, old Congress cross paths in lame duck session - Yahoo! News
Nicaragua's Spoiled Ballot - washingtonpost.com
No More Excuses for Liberals
No More Free Lunches
NYCLU Why was Stalin banner removed from school - Yahoo! News
Obama calls Abbas, promises to back peace talks; official
Obama Calls for Aid to U.S. Auto Industry, With Conditions
Obama Declares War on Conservative Talk Radio
Obama girls look at Washington private schools
Obama Should Look to FDR Not Lincoln
Obama to fail 1st economic test
Obama to fund forced abortions
Obama to pick Holder as Attorney General ;report
Obama told to expect “spectacular” attack during transition
Obama vows climate 'engagement'
Obama's Indecision on Star Wars
Obama, McCain Agree on Change for Washington
Obama, McCain pledge to work together Politics Reuters
Oil capture spotlights Somali pirates' reach
Orwell's Children
Our Dark Lord Murdoch
Pakistan Accuses U.S. Of Pushing It To Bankruptcy
Palin to Join Huckabee in Right-Wing Book Club
Panel finds widespread Gulf War illness
Paper says hosts end up chatting only to those who agree with their opinions
Papers Offer Close-Up of Rehnquist and the Court
Particle Collidor Repairs Will Cost At Least $21 Million
Pass the Colombian Trade Pact
Pat Buchanan ;Republicans shouldn't bow to 'free-trade fanaticism' by opposing bailout
Paul Krugman takes George Will to the woodshed over FDR's Big FIX
Paulson & Bernanke Defend Bailout Package
Paulson Pats Himself on the Back
Paulson voices opposition to Big 3 bailout bill
Paulson, Bernanke defend $700 billion bailout - Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com
Pawlenty; No evidence of wrongdoing in MN election
Physicist Sent U.S. Space Know-How To China
Pirates of the Gulf
Pirates Take Super Tanker Towards Somalia
PLA senior officer leaves for Latin America visit
Planned obsolesence
Poland denies Barack Obama cannibal 'joke' - Telegraph
Political appointees 'burrow' into federal civil service before Obama takes power
Power & Politics On Obama - what, me worry
Powerful unions, socialized medicine 1st crucial steps for long-term plans
Predict unemployment will continue to rise to 7.7% by 4th quarter of 2009
President of Planned Parenthood makes claim in wake of election results
Prop 8 & Race & Obama & the South
Q&A Wanted A New Global Deal
Qantas Says Two Aircraft Damaged in Collision at Repair Base
Racism is Dead
Rare gorillas threatened by rebels
Report Clinton To Accept Secretary Of State Job
Report Gulf War Syndrome Is Real
report MSNBC backs Barack, gets $139 billion government loan guarantee
Reportedly preparing worst-case 'Doomsday' scenario at upcoming meeting
Republicans --You Can't Say I Didn't Warn You
Reuters AlertNet - Hong Kong grain ship hijacked by pirates - Xinhua
Rising for the Judge, Bowing to the State by Manuel Lora
Ron Paul decries looming New World Order dictatorship under Obama
Rudy also not ruling out 2nd attempt at U.S. presidency
Russian Newsweek warned for insulting Muslims
Says Mitt 'anything but conservative until he changed the light bulbs in his chandelier'
Schwarzenegger opens climate change summit
Secret Directed-Energy Tech Protecting the President
Secretary of State Clinton
Sen. Kennedy returns to work in the Senate
So Now Time Tells Us Obama The New FDR NewsBusters.org
Somali Pirates Keep Hundreds of Hostages in Pirate City of Eyl
Somalia ;Bush's Forgotten Debacle
Soros faces Congress over hedge funds' role in meltdown
Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font
Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font
Source ;Democrats Showing Leniency with Lieberman
Sparks fly as 'gay' activist mob swarms Christians
Study Unhappy people watch more TV --The Live Feed
Study; Unhappy people watch more TV --The Live Feed
Taliban reject Karzai peace offer
Talk radio gets 'Shocked by the Bible'
Talk Show Host Jailed For Not Removing Couch
Tech industry elite seek charter for 'religious harmony'
The Big Three Make Their Play
The Case Against Hillary
The Case Against Lieberman
The Clinton Choice at State
The enemy within
The flying car
The Formerly Middle Class
The G-20 Summit Was a Failure
The Humpty Dumpty Economy
The Lew Rockwell Show - 70. Another Criminal War
The Lieberman Vote ;What it Means and Why
The most insidious IT security risk
The perfect complementary video
The price of foreign consumer products
The racist backlash to Obama's presidency
The Right to Win
The Soros Connection in the Minnesota Senate Race Vote Count
The specter of deflation is suddenly on the horizon
The Triumph of Imperial Christianity by Laurence M. Vance
This 1 crisis could ruin his presidency and destroy your retirement
Thousands Riot in Northwest China
Tibetan Buddhist monks urged to contribute to ethnic harmony
TRAILER Star Trek gets a sexy makeover in new film with love scenes, motorbikes and hunky stars Mail Online
Transcript---- Roundtable on the G20 Meeting
Transcript---- Analysts on the U.S.-Iraq Security Deal
Transcript---- Interview with Barack Obama
Transcript---- Interview with Senator Richard Shelby
Transcript---- Mike Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Tulsa World Inhofe Cancel the 'blank check' (2)
Tulsa World Inhofe Cancel the 'blank check'
Turkey; The Most Anti-American Nation
U.S. Automakers Deserve a Bailout
U.S., other naval forces decide — for now — against intervention
U.S.-Canada Military Plan Could Place Troops in Each Other’s Country
UK Health ministers to render teenage girls infertile to cut pregnancies
UN court to hear Croatian case accusing Serbia of genocide
UN resumes food distribution in Gaza
Undetonated bomb found at police HQ
US 'cyber-bullying' case begins
US Admiral 'stunned' by pirates' reach
US gasoline closer to $2, cheapest since March 2005 - Forbes.com
US-Iraq Pact Getting Mixed Reviews in Iran
Venezuela, Iran to create university to teach 21st century socialism
Vetting the Clintons
VIDEO ---- Another NRSC Ad Attacks Martin on Middle Class
VIDEO ---- Auto Debate Continues in Washington
VIDEO ---- Bill Clinton on Sen. Clinton and Secretary of State
VIDEO ---- Bush on the Economy
VIDEO ---- Clinton on Secretary of State Speculation
VIDEO ---- Debate on Autos and the GOP
VIDEO ---- DSCC Accuses Chambliss of Hiding Something from Inquiry
VIDEO ---- Kennedy Returns to the Senate
VIDEO ---- Martin Ad Says He Will Work with Obama
VIDEO ---- Obama and McCain Meet in Chicago
VIDEO ---- Obama Calls for Further Economic Stimulus
VIDEO ---- Pawlenty on the Minnesota Senate Race
VIDEO ---- Republicans Governors on the Party's Future
VIDEO ---- Senate Banking Committee Holds Bailout Hearing
VIDEO ---- Sens. Levin and Shelby Debate Auto Bailout
VIDEO ---- Steele Announces RNC Bid
VIDEO ---- The Obamas on 60 Minutes
VIDEO ---- William Ayers on Good Morning America
VIDEO ---- Zell Miller Endorses Chambliss
video ; Dr. Paul on the Global Financial Summit HAPPENING NOW
Video Pirates make contact with owner of oil supertanker - Times Online
Vote on expelling Stevens from GOP caucus postponed until January
Wal-Mart truck used to smuggle immigrants
Washington churches jostle for the Obamas' worship
Washington churches welcoming Obamas
wcbstv.com - Report MTA To Slash Jobs, Multiple Subway Lines
Well-Deserved Praise for Bush's Africa Record
What the Bush Years Really Cost Us
When Will Obama Give Up on Osama
Where's the birth certificate
Which GOP Will Obama Face
Which Obama Will We Get On Health Care
White House opposes Congress raiding TARP for automakers
Why we should help the auto industry; A clear explainer
Widow of officer killed by illegal immigrant sues city Top stories Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Wisdom offered about stock market swings, selling wedding ring to retire debt
Woman, 35 'With the advancement of technology, I thought, 'Why not''
Words Won't Scare Al-Qaeda
Yet another Republican fearing the dread Obamahitler
Zeti Appointed To U.N. Task Force To Examine Reform Of Global Financial System
'Healthy Life Years' Replaces Life Expectancy
'Yes We Can' - Obama...'No We Can't' - Celente
85 Companies Defefaulted On Debt In 08
Alzheimer's Disease (Mad Cow) Hitting 40 Yr Olds
Americans Robbed By Their Own Banks
Amish Sue US - 'Mark Of The Beast' On Livestock
Bailout Tab Is Really $4.28 Trillion
Barky - US Must Capture Or Kill bin Laden
Barky Links Israel Peace Plan '67 Borders
Barky Packs Staff W-Chicago Cronies, Clintonites
Barky-Rahm To FORCE 18-25s 'National Service'
Big Pharma BS 'Vit A-E Don't Help Prevent Cancer'
Boy Collapses After Playing WOW 24hrs Straight
Bush Cheers 'Free Enterprise' As Capitalism Dies
Cancer Drugs Make Tumors Grow
Cartoon Films Stir's Israel's Conscience
China Passes Japan as Biggest U.S. Treasuries Holder
China's Huge Poverty Gag Slowing Growth
China Denies Stealing US Space Secrets
China Hints At Aircraft Carrier Project
China Sets Sights On US Telecoms
Citigroups Survival In Doubt
Claims About Billy Meier Supporter Said False
Collapse Of The Real Economy
Dershowitz - 'I Helped Keep Carter Silent'
Eisenhower's German Holocaust Death Camps
Euro, Asia Stocks Decline, Led By Banks
Father Who Spanked Runaway Son JAILED
Fear Of Fascism Pushes Citizen Gun Sales
First Class Ideas For A Peoples Bank
Ford Sells Mazda Stake For $540 Million
G-20 Must Admit Own Errors If Crisis To End
G-20 Politicians Blame Investors For Crisis
G20 - 'New Global Order' Financial Structure
Georgia Whines After Accused Of War Crimes
GM Bailout Would Be Agony For Taxpayers
Gold At $14,172 An Ounce
Good-Bye & Good Riddance, Mr. Bush
GWI Blamed On Neurotoxins (DU Hidden)
Half Of Family MDs Would Quit If They Could
Highly-Addictive Painkillers Pushed On Kids
Hillary Clinton Will Take Sec State Position
IAEA - Syrian Uranium Source 'Inconclusive'
Identities Sold Online For $160
Intelligent Woman's Guide To Saving The US
Israel-Germany Develop Nuke Warning Device
Israeli Mob Boss KIlled As Gang Wars Escalate
Israelis Signaling US Attack 'Far Bigger Than 911'
Israel Won't Stop Illegal Settlement Exports
Japan Falls Into Recession As Exports Dive
Jihad Unspun Webmaster Kidnapped In Pakistan
John Bolton Ripped On BBC Question Time
Jonestown, Harvey Milk, & George Moscone
Kenyan Police Units Slaughter Hundreds
Kidd - Obama Citizenship Still Under Scrutiny
Kol Nidre - Zionist Judaism's License To Lie
LA Times - Holocaust's Unholy Hold On Jews
Lilienthal - Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism
Loaded Supertanker Hijacked Off Kenya
London Cops Defend Stop And Search Tactics
Makow - Credit Crunch Occult Colonization
Manchester Bullied Into Accepting Road Tolls
McCartney - Mythical 14 Min Beatles Track Exists
Militarism & The North American Union
Most Brits Think Kids Are Danger To Society
Moving America To A Sustainable Future
Nigerian Net Thieves Dupe Woman For $400K
Obama - Hypnotist, NLP, Mind Control Guru
Obama Birth Case Ad In WaTimes Tomorrow
Obama Gains From Bush Power Centralization
Obama Sellout Quickens - Summers Nightmare
Obama To Fund Forced Abortions
Obama's Draft Reg Raises Serious Questions
Oct Producer Prices Fall Record 2.8 Percent
Only 8 Who Voted For Bailout Voted Out Of Office
Order Out Of Chaos
Panel Certifies Gulf War Syndrome
Paulson Blunders As Debt Market Remains Frozen
Paulson May Have Given Bailout $ To Friends
Paulson Warns TARP Isn't `Panacea' for Economy Ills
Paulson, Bernanke Defend '$700B' Bailout
Putin And The Battle For Oil
Rahmbo The Killer
Rare - UFO On Leaked Military Video
Rockefeller's Ninja W-Illuminati 'Truth' About 'God'
Sarkozy's Labor Reforms Trigger Strikes
Shaping NWO - NORTHCOM's 'Vigilante Shield'
Six Stages In America's Decline
Sneak Plan For Mandatory ID Cards
Soros Think Tank Pulls Obama's Strings
Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font
Soup Kitchens - Yesterday And Today
Stop Bailout As Congress Targets Auto Dinos
Tel Aviv Braces After Mafia Don Killed
The Deadliest Serpent In Office
Top 7 At Goldman Renounce 2008 Bonuses
Top Judge - US-UK 'Vigilantes' In Iraq War
TSA's 'behavior detection' draws scrutiny in light of few arrests
UK Pushing Contraceptive Jabs, Implants
UK Entering Deflation
UK Pilots Threaten Strike Over ID Cards
Under Obama - No Child Left Un-Programmed
US Import Alert On China Foods
US Store Closings - The Latest Casualty Count
video - BUSH Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame
video - JJ Johnson On Growing Militia Unrest
video - Margolis On Israel's Attack On USS Liberty
video - What Will Happen If GM Fails
Volcker Blames 'Alchemists' & Bloated Bonuses
Volcker Issues Dire Warning On Slump
Wall St 'Bailout' Like A 'Free Fraud' Zone
West Must Accept East Shift Of Financial Power
What Warming - World Seeing Record Cold
Wheels Within Wheels
Why I Listen To Ben Stein
Why MSNBC Shills For Obama
Worse Than The Great Depression
Would-Be Mossad Agent Harassed
Yahoo Rises as Yang Exit Sparks Microsoft Speculation
Zio Media Prints Anti-Rahm Story
Zionist Extortion
Zionist Miliband Visits Zionist Israel
Zionists Axed Carter Speech At Dem Convention