"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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17 November 2008


$2 Trillion And Nobody Knows Where It Went
'Mother of all suicide bombers' warns of rise in attacks - Telegraph
2 charged in election-night hate crime, more suspects sought
A bipartisan Washington begins with Obama's judicial appointments
A New World Economic Order Debuts
A Studio, a Star, a Fateful Bet - NYTimes.com
ABC News Campaign Boogeyman William Ayers Talks to 'GMA'
ABC News CIA Chief Bin Laden Alive, Worried About 'Own Security'
Australia Read the first review of Nicole Kidman's new film The Sun ShowbizFilm
Australia, China agree to fast-track free trade deal PM Rudd
Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged
Barack Obama is warned to beware of a ‘huge threat’ from al-Qaeda - Times Online (2)
Barack Obama is warned to beware of a ‘huge threat’ from al-Qaeda - Times Online
Battle over Big Three bailout looms in lame-duck Congress
BBC NEWS Europe Inmate escapes German jail in box
BILL AYERS Bill Ayers calls Barack Obama 'family friend,' denounces guilt by association -- chicagotribune.com
Bill vetting could cost Hillary her Cabinet post - Mike Allen and Glenn Thrush - Politico.com
Bloomberg.com Worldwide#
Bush Admin Dismiss Mark Of The Beast Lawsuit
Bush Could Pardon Spies Involved In Torture
Business Feed Article Business guardian.co.uk
CAIR's attempt to extract fees from Michael Savage rejected
Citigroup To Cut Over 50K Jobs
Citigroup to shed another 53,000 jobs Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Clinton Vetting Includes Look at Mr. Clinton
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - World leaders dine in style as they discuss financial crisis « - Blogs from CNN.com
Could Barack Obama Be the Biblical Antichrist by Bill Barnwell
Dallas ISD faulted for using fake Social Security numbers News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Latest News
Deregulation Blunders and Moral Hazard by Michael S. Rozeff
Don't Punish Joe Lieberman
DR Congo rebels claim new territorial advance
Election in Kashmir Begins Amid Boycott Calls
Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America
Fake News Epedemic
Film-makers taking on our 'global warming hysteria' - The Irish Times - Sat, Nov 15, 2008 (2)
Film-makers taking on our 'global warming hysteria' - The Irish Times - Sat, Nov 15, 2008
Fired Boxer aide faces child porn charges
Firefighters Gain a Hold in California
Flight Path to Disaster in Afghanistan by Tom Engelhardt and Tariq Ali
Former foes on Obama's radar
Former President of Taiwan in Hospital After Hunger Strike
Fractional Reserve Banking Is Indeed Fraudulent by Laura Davidson
France holds 'Eta military head'
Franken to discuss recount with Senate leaders in D.C.
FT.com - World - Kissinger backs Hillary Clinton as top US diplomat
Gilbert band member killed in crash on way to parade
Giuliani gains ground against Paterson in governor's race in recent poll
Global warning We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists Mail Online
Google & Europe At Odds With Privacy
Greenpeace; Japanese whalers leave for annual hunt
Greens in Germany pick son of Turks as leader - International Herald Tribune
Hard Times Creates Demand For SPAM
Henry Waxman, Hedge Fund Managers and 'Mr. Market Miscalculates' by Kirk W. Tofte
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State 44 washingtonpost.com
Housing starts seen lowest in over 60 years - MarketWatch
Howard Kurtz - Journalists, Glorying in Obama's Moment
Husband's foreign deals may pose issue for Clinton
IAEA chief; Traces of uranium found at Syria site
India Celebrates Landing On The Moon
Indonesian Earthquake Kills at Least 4
Iraq's Cabinet To Vote On U.S. Security Pact
Islam To Emerge As The New World Order
Israel sends limited aid to Hamas-run Gaza
Jesse Jackson concerned about Bush's last days
Jim Jones' followers enthralled by his skills as a speaker - CNN.com
Langford promises 'Atlantic City is going to soar'; Public ceremony marks beginning of second term as mayor
Long Lost Lunar Photos Get New Day In Sun
Louisville faces $20 million shortfall
Major international drill based at D-M to focus on rescue skills, coordination www.azstarnet.com ®
Many ingredients go into lake-effect snow
McCartney hints at “mythical” Beatles track release Lifestyle Reuters
Mexico City to give out Viagra to men 70 and older
Mexico drug wars spill across the border - Los Angeles Times
Michigan schools rank high on study abroad list
Minnesota Secretary of State Addresses Senate Recount
Mobster Yaakov Alperon assassinated Israel Jerusalem Post
Murdoch Technology Ushering In Golden Age
Murdoch to Aussies embrace technology The Australian
Murdoch to media You dug yourself a huge hole Coop's Corner - CNET News
My Way News - Iraq's government approves security pact with US
My Way News - Law professor fires back at song-swapping lawsuits
My Way News - White House refines position on auto industry help
National Ledger - Homeland Security and Justice Departments Providing More Info to Local Officers
New York Budget Gaps Threaten Broader Economy - WSJ.com
NY Boy On Life Support in DC Dies
NYCLU Why was Stalin banner removed from school - Yahoo! News
Obama Announces Key White House Posts - FOXNews.com Elections
Obama Courted Federal Employees With Letters Before Election
Obama Gets Geeky
Obama interview sets '60 Minutes' viewership record--The Live Feed
Obama Meeting With McCain in Chicago
Obama on ‘60 Minutes’ — leader of the free world, doer of dishes
Obama quits Senate after 46 months--21 of them seeking another job Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times
Obama transition members have Fannie ties - Jen DiMascio - Politico.com
Obama vows to exit Iraq and rebuild US 'moral stature'
Obama, McCain meet for first time since election Politics Reuters
Obama, on '60 Minutes,' talks about the challenges ahead
Officials; Olmert promised Abbas to free 250 prisoners
Once greeted warmly, Google wears out welcome - International Herald Tribune
Pakistan Accuses U.S. Of Pushing It To Bankruptcy
Panel Finds Gulf War Illness Widespread
Particle Collidor Repairs Will Cost At Least $21 Million
Pelosi outlines aid package for US automakers - Yahoo! News
Pentagon Clears Flying Car Project
PETA plans nude protests against Houma circus HoumaToday.com The Courier Houma, LA
Pirates take 'super tanker' towards Somalia
Plane crash survivor gets out before explosion
President-elect Obama, McCain vow to work closely
Real Estate seminar Become a New World Order agent
Real Money Saving Tips in a Turbulent Economy by Bill Sardi
ReviewJournal.com - News - NORM Penthouse wants piece of the Strip
Roppongi in Tokyo by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
Rupert Murdoch sues for political peace
Russia and Georgia in drone row
Russia Journalist Murder Trial Opened to Public
Russian spy in Nato could have passed on missile defence and cyber-war secrets - Times Online
Sacramento theater director resigns in Prop. 8 aftermath - Los Angeles Times
Sen. Kennedy home from hospital
Sex party set to heat up Australian politics
Should We Worry About Deflation by Doug French
Showdown looming in Congress over automaker rescue Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
So Now Time Tells Us Obama The New FDR NewsBusters.org
Somali pirates hijack Saudi oil tanker with Britons on board - Times Online
Sooner Than We Thought by Yuri N. Maltsev
Space Shuttle Links To Space Station
States face deeper and deeper cuts to balance budgets - International Herald Tribune
Taliban spurn Afghan president's offer for talks
The Humpty Dumpty Economy
The Lew Rockwell Show - 69. The Case for Bigger Government
The world has never seen such freezing heat - Telegraph
Tibetan exiles discuss impasse with China
Times Square Gets First Green Billboard
Tulsa World Inhofe Cancel the 'blank check' (2)
Tulsa World Inhofe Cancel the 'blank check' (3)
Tulsa World Inhofe Cancel the 'blank check'
UN data may indicate slowing of emissions growth
US Sugar wants to turn sugar into fuel
US supply trucks get armed escorts in Pakistan
US, Iraq Sign Troop Withdrawal Pact
Vaccine for skin cancer 'available in five years' - Telegraph
Violent criminals in U.S. illegally go free in Houston Houston & Texas News Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Washington Times - Global summit yields broad agreement
Wealthy gay men backed anti-Prop. 8 effort
What's Next For McCain
Why Can’t I Just Print My Own Stimulus Money by Mark R. Crovelli
With Obama, Murdoch Defies His Image
World Crisis Plan Criticized As Trading Dawns
$1M Paid To Somali Pirates For Tanker Release
$2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson and Bernanke, But Who Got It, Nobody Knows
''If a fly falls into your drink, you should dip it in the drink'
'Every day brings this nation closer to Nazi-style totalitarian abyss'
'Fear of Obama's ties to Ayers because of racism'
'He's extremely talented, as talented as I've ever seen – ever'
'Healthy Life Years' Replaces Life Expectancy
'I hate this thing, but there were times I loved it'
'I think the time comes … for new people and new ideas'
'If there had been a historical Moses, it would have been 700 years after his death'
'It's just the feeling of being completely in control, relaxed and at one with nature'
'Lost tribe of Israel' coming 'home'
'Many of the images and videos depict prepubescent boys engaged in sexual acts'
'Our children are not there for the sexual pleasures of teachers'
'She chose to get married, so this is her decision'
'She's not going to be the de facto leader'
'There was just shock and grief and sadness ... it was just horrible'
'Today, I am ending one journey to begin another'
'We have got to be the party that offers real solutions to the problems'
'We must increase our measures to prevent Iran from achieving its devious goals'
'We need the public's help in identifying any activity'
'We've got to prevent companies from being threatened by climate protection requirements'
'Yes We Can' - Obama...'No We Can't' - Celente
1 in 4 Gulf vets has syndrome; Neurotoxic exposures from first Iraq invasion rears widespread illness.
110 US Banks Ask For $170B From Bailout
1st picture believed taken from summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire, in 1870
1st time any party in Berlin has chosen captain with immigrant background
4,345,000 fall in 2-hour show
50,000 UK Realtors Gone In Next 9 Months
6,000 Ecstasy Pills Seized In Syangogues
A Boondoggle To Defend Against A Fiction
A Center-Left Nation
A Giddy Sense of Boosterism in the Media
A Less Damaging Recession Without Bailouts
A Military for a Dangerous New World
A Modest Proposal to Solve the Financial Crisis
A New Inconvenient Truth
A Rescue Plan Without Taxpayer Money
A World Led by India and China
Across U.S., Big Rallies for Gay Marriage
Across UK, Cops Behaving Like Gangsters
Administrators hand out bogus Social Security numbers to foreign employees
Alan Keyes suit warns America may see 'usurper' in Oval Office
Allegedly posted racist notes, made threats to fire black employees who supported Obama
Alzheimer's Disease (Mad Cow) Hitting 40 Yr Olds
Americans Robbed By Their Own Banks
Another Assault on Freedom of the Airwaves
Asks,'Do you now have to be a financial 'bad boy' to win'
Atzmon - Sabra, Shatila & Collective Amnesia
Author ...Parents to blame for America's 'liberal' drift
AWOL Barky Makes Mockery Of G20
Bailing Out of Plan A
Bailout Nation
Bank supervisors proposed at G20 summit
Banking giant struggling to steady itself after suffering big losses
Bankruptcy Is the Best Option for GM
Barky - US Must Capture Or Kill bin Laden
Barky Links Israel Peace Plan '67 Borders
Barky Packs Staff W-Chicago Cronies, Clintonites
Barky Warned - 'Huge' Al Qaeda Threat - More BS
Barky-Rahm To FORCE 18-25s 'National Service'
Big Pharma BS 'Vit A-E Don't Help Prevent Cancer'
BillO and Beck's Excellent Adventure on Planet Bizarro
Bonior and the auto bailout explosive video
Brody - Paradise Update
Brown Risks Collapse Of Pound Sterling
Bush Cheers 'Free Enterprise' As Capitalism Dies
Bush Could Pardon Spies Involved In Torture
Can Obama Put Racial Politics Behind Us
Captured terrorist boasts widespread recruiting of daughters too big to be stopped
Cartoon Films Stir's Israel's Conscience
Charged with home-invasion robbery after fleeing with resident's purse
Chavez the 'Democrat' Tightens His Grip
Chavez' Caracas Capers
China's Huge Poverty Gag Slowing Growth
China's Own Worst Enemy
China, America and Melamine
China Hints At Aircraft Carrier Project
China Sets Sights On US Telecoms
Chronic Gaza Malnutrition Caused By Israel
Church parishioner sez pastor singled her out for the Obama sign on her car
Citigroup to cut up to 73,000 jobs
Claims About Billy Meier Supporter Said False
CNN; Mapping out a new world order
Comes up with way to keep region clear of No. 2
Communist Party hails role of labor unions in Obama win
Communist Party strategist maps out Obama's agenda
Companies labeled 'Christmas-friendly,' 'Christmas-negligent,' 'Christmas-offensive'
Confronting the Putin Doctrine
Conservatives need to stop writing that racism is dead...
Constitutional Crisis Coming Over Obama's Birth
Context - The Elegant Key to Everything
Council agrees to explore possibility of clothing-optional beach in city
Countdown;Bushed! Nov. 14, 2008
Crisis Lets Dems Push Old Agenda
Cyber hackers break into IMF PC system
Darwin's No Help on the Origins of Greed
Dealing With Pakistan is Risky Business
Democrat Jim Martin gets ex-president to help in Senate run-off
Democrats Attach Provisions to Auto Bill
Dershowitz - 'I Helped Keep Carter Silent'
Diane Sawyer to focus on prostitution angle with Ashley Dupre
Did Iran Offer a 'Grand Bargain' in 2003
Did UFO Damage Car
Dispatch From Deep Within 'The Youth Vote'
Diversity Of Human Skin Bacteria Revealed
Do Mideast Reformers Have Friend in Obama
Dorgan; Lieberman actions not acceptable for chairmanship
During such official or state dinners, U.S. taxpayers foot bill
Dutch Calvinists notice embedded visual patterns quicker than culturally similar atheists
Eisenhower's German Holocaust Death Camps
Eminent doctor makes case leftist ideology is a mental disorder
End of Big Government Era Comes to An End
Error brings out NASA confession that temperature stats aren't quality controlled
Exclusive .... Chuck Norris scolds bitter activists for intimidating, harassing Prop 8 supporters
Exclusive .... Craig R. Smith urges GOP, Democrats to come together for good of America
Exclusive .... Doug Powers warns Obama, 'time is coming when hope meets the road'
Exclusive .... Ellis Washington agrees with author who sees societal insanity alive and well
Exclusive .... Joseph Farah demands Obama produce documentation before taking office
Exclusive .... Shawn D. Akers asks, 'Can we please be conservative now'
Exclusive .... Vox Day expresses total disgustwith Nobel Prize winner's economic advice
Exclusive ....Barbara Simpson blasts 'liberals' for hypocritical intolerance
Exclusive ....Ellen Ratner claims Obama win showed world American dream is alive
Exclusive ....Hilmar von Campe cites similarities in ascendancies of Obama, Hitler
Exclusive ....Michael Ackley reveals how little Americans know about Obama
Failing to rein in CO2 output enough to meet pledges signed in 1997 in Kyoto
Fear Of Fascism Pushes Citizen Gun Sales
Fears power to be turned off – daughter, 5, requires feeding tube
Feds didn't file paperwork to detain 75% of inmates who admitted their illicit status
fineman; 'Chief jeerleader' will be Limbaugh, not Palin
Fire Consumes 600 SoCal Mobile Homes
First Class Ideas For A Peoples Bank
FL St Univ Physics Prof Attacks Stanton Friedman
Forks out more than $12,000 for child that's not his, gets no compensation
Fox's Magic Clenis Theory
Freddie Says It Is Worth Less Than Zero
Future leader of largest free-world market absent from crucial 20-nation meeting
G-20 Secret Credit Crash Debt Solution
G-20 Summiteers Met Modest Expectations
G-20 Wants Quick Action on Credit Default Swaps, But Bush Talks Them Into Toothless Regulation
G-20 Politicians Blame Investors For Crisis
G20 - 'New Global Order' Financial Structure
G20 Pledge To Stabilize The Economy
G20 Put Off Major Decisions Until Next Year
G20 Success Doubts Run High
G20 Summit - What The Key Players Want
G20 Summit Mostly Offers Promises
G20 Won't Change Financial Crime Scene
Gardasil Tied To 78 Outbreaks Of Genital Warts
Gardasil Tied To 78 Types Genital Warts
George W. Hoover
Getting to know the Obama team
Gingrich and Jindal Blame Republican Losses on Bush Rather Than Ideology
Global Warming Lies Exposed
Gold At $14,172 An Ounce
GOP senator irate 'We don't know. There is no way of knowing'
Gore Declines 'Climate Czar' Role
Greenspan & Volcker; Tale of Two Fed Chiefs
Group believes it descended from biblical patriarch Joseph
Hamas 'in crisis' after report of Obama-aide meetings
Highly-Addictive Painkillers Pushed On Kids
Hillary's sly demurral speaks volumes
Hmm...Bush Unexpectedly Meets With Livni, Peres
Homeland Security and Justice Departments Providing More Info to Local
How Obama Will Handle His People
How Political Eras End and Begin
How to Bail Out General Motors
Howard Kurtz Discovers Obama worship in the press
Husband's Foreign Deals May Be Conflict for Clinton
Immigration agents releasing violent criminals, says paper
Inhofe - Roll Back the Bailout
Insurers Pull Cover From GM And Ford Suppliers
Intelligent Woman's Guide To Saving The US
Interview With Condoleezza Rice
Inventor; 'Worry where the pin is, not where's the next bathroom'
Iran Converts $75 Billion To Gold
Is liberalism political madness
Is Preventive Detention In the Wings
Israeli Thug 'War' Against Civilian Gaza
Israel Won't Stop Illegal Settlement Exports
Japan to seek to take lead in creating new financial order;ASO
Japan Falls Into Recession As Exports Dive
Jihad Unspun Webmaster Kidnapped In Pakistan
John Bolton Ripped On BBC Question Time
Jon Kyl; 'It seems to me she's got the experience. She's got the temperament for it'
Jonestown, Harvey Milk, & George Moscone
Judge Rules Crop Sprays Harmful
Keep the War, Lose the Rhetoric
Kenyan Police Units Slaughter Hundreds
Kissinger backs Clinton for top US cabinet job
Kol Nidre - Zionist Judaism's License To Lie
Late Edition ; Sarah Palin Is So Excited To Work With That Terrorist Lover!
Leaders Temper G20 Ambitions
Legal challenges spring up across U.S., demand proof of eligibility for office
Legions of bailout supplicants, lobbyists line up to snag rapidly depleting federal fund
Legislator's motion accuses adult magazine of aiming 'sexualized merchandise at children'
Lehman Administrators Paid More Than Bankers
Lehman's BK '10x More Complicated Than Enron'
Lessons Spoke to Nation's Mood
Let The Big 3 Go BK - THEN Bail Them Out
Lilienthal - Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism
Lisbon Treaty To Be Achieved By Stealth
Look East for 'Chimerica'
Major international drill based at D-M to focus on rescue skills, coordination
Makow - Credit Crunch Occult Colonization
Manchester Bullied Into Accepting Road Tolls
Mandelson Using NLP Like Obama To Hypnotize
Market Bottom For Some, It's Close Enough
McCartney - Mythical 14 Min Beatles Track Exists
MERCOSUR(South American Trade Agreement) to Discuss Financial Crisis Mitigation
Michelle Bernard on Hardball ; Hillary Clinton will run a parallel government if named secretary of state
Mike Lester has anti-Bushies in airport conversation with returning soldier
Mile-Thick Pollution Cloud Choking Planet
Militarism & The North American Union
Mind the Gaps; How Obama Won His Victory
Most Brits Think Kids Are Danger To Society
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
Moving America To A Sustainable Future
Must shake free of reporters, editors who forfeited trust, loyalty of readers
Myths About a Mythic Election
Neil Cavuto makes Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT) look like a fool on the Big Bailout
Netanyahu aide; 'Imitation is the greatest form of flattery'
New GOP is Needed
New Police Car Scans License Plates, Sniffs Out Bombs
New questions arise challenging guilt of researcher Bruce Ivins
Newspaper publishers waking up to 'crisis'
Newspapers Censor Their Way to Oblivion
North Korea after Kim
Obama ;Fear and the Security Force
Obama and Racial Progress
Obama and the Entrenched White Majority
Obama Declares War on Conservative Talk Radio
Obama Puts Focus on Struggling Homeowners
Obama Sellout Quickens - Summers Nightmare
Obama To Fund Forced Abortions
Obama told to expect “spectacular” attack during transition
Obama's Ball as G20 Punts on Global Market
Obama's Task in Afghanistan
Obama's Tough Call on Torture
Obama's Triumph, The GOP's Calamity
Obama, Dems Should Support Colombia Trade Pact
Obama, McCain Stand to Gain from Meeting
Obama, then and now, on lobbyists working on his campaign
Only 8 Who Voted For Bailout Voted Out Of Office
Organic Beekeepers Report Zero Losses
Orwell's Children
Outspoken Dallas Mavericks owner allegedly dumped shares in Mamma.com
Pair become wealthy using hidden cameras, microphones to assist applicants
Pak accuses US of pushing it closer to bankruptcy
Pakis Know More About Rahm Than Americans
Pakistan Asks IMF For $7 Billion
Palin Will Be a Force to Be Reckoned With
Panel Certifies Gulf War Syndrome
Panel finds widespread Gulf War illness
Paulson Blunders As Debt Market Remains Frozen
Pilger - Beware The Obama Hype
PLA senior officer leaves for Latin America visit
Politicians Then and Now
Powerful unions, socialized medicine1st crucial steps for long-term plans
Practical Change
Prayer book stolen, man tried to take consecrated hosts, snakes appear
Protests in all 50 states aim to pressure California Supremes to overturn Prop. 8
Putin And The Battle For Oil
Putin's Constitutional Junta
Putin's Energy Threat Could Be Risible
Racism is Dead
Rahm Emanuel - Israeli Spy
Rahmbo The Killer
Rare - UFO On Leaked Military Video
Real Time; Obama World
Reassessing Afghanistan
Recession Less Damaging Without Bailouts
Referencing 'white supremacy,' Dohrn claims black man 'not knowable' to white people
Reforms give students legal right to tell teachers how they want to be taught
Republicans --You Can't Say I Didn't Warn You
Republicans whistle Dixie as they look around for an anti-Palin
Reviving Pax Americana
Right Wingers dominate the Sunday Talk Shows
RNC's Mike Duncan claims Democrats-Obama-Biden are tryng to steal elections
Robert L. Jamieson, Jr. ;Survey finds 1 out of 2 Christian marriages implode in divorce
Rockefeller's Ninja W-Illuminati 'Truth' About 'God'
Romance was virtual, but behavior of man's character in online game ruins real marriage
Roubini - The Worst Is Not Behind Us
Rudy also not ruling out 2nd attempt at U.S. presidency
Russia, EU Try To Outflank G20 Plotters
Russian Warship Fights Somali Ship Pirates
Rwanda President Accuses UN Of Betrayal
Sarko Backs Russian Call For pan-Euro Security
Saving Car Giants Bad - Brown Tells CFR
SC's Father Newman says whoever voted for Obama shouldn't receive Holy Communion
SEC Charges Mark Cuban With Insider Trading - WSJ.com
Second G20 Summit Planned For London
Secret ballots for Senators but not for workers
Secret Directed-Energy Tech Protecting the President
Secular Mayor, Holy City
Sen. Ted Stevens now begging for his political life
Senate Democrats will decide Tuesday whether to take away committee chairmanship
Senator McCain Back On The Campaign Trail For Saxby Chambliss
Seven-Year Journey to a Safer Life
Seventh Foot Washes Up - Mystery Deepens
Shaping NWO - NORTHCOM's 'Vigilante Shield'
Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole
Slouching Toward Washington
Sneak Plan For Mandatory ID Cards
SNL Spoofs Joe Biden ;That's Just a Five on the Biden Blunder Scale!
SoCal's Bad Fire Season Could Have Been Worse
Sorcerer's Apprentice Caught With Pants Down
Soros faces Congress over hedge funds' role in meltdown
Soup Kitchens - Yesterday And Today
Squatters Take Over $12M Mayfair House
Tech industry elite seek charter for 'religious harmony'
Technology, Exams Creating Robot Children
The $639 Million Loophole
The Bailout's Next 60 Days
The Brilliant Brain Trust
The Deadliest Serpent In Office
The Death of Planet Finance
The First Puppy
The GOP Has a Major Hispanic Problem
The High Costs Of 'Green Recovery'
The Latino Vote ;Can Democrats lock it up for a generation
The Public's Risk, Wall Street's Reward
The return of Eliot Spitzer
The Soros Connection in the Minnesota Senate Race Vote Count
This Week; Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits Americans Want Democratic Governing
Those who split from mates die earlier ... like smokers, the homeless, the poorly educated
To Prevent Bubbles, Restrain the Fed
Today's GOP Like 20th-Century South Africa
Traded doctored photos of genitals for beer
Transcripts ... Guest ...Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Transcripts ... Guests ...Sens. Dorgan and Kyl
Transcripts ... Guests ..Sens. Levin and Shelby
Transcripts ... Guests.... Commerce Secretary Gutierrez, Rep. Rangel
Transcripts ... Guests.... Sen. Shelby, Rep. Frank, Gov. Jindal (PDF)
Transcripts ... Interview with Barack Obama
Transcripts ... Interview with Laura Bush
Transcripts ... Panel on Clinton Secretary of State Rumors
Transcripts ... Shields and Brooks on the Auto Manufacturers
Trillions Down and Still Bailing
Turning up the Heat on Global Warmists
Two-Thirds Barky Staffers From Clinton Days!
UK Health ministers to render teenage girls infertile to cut pregnancies
UK Pushing Contraceptive Jabs, Implants
Unbelievable Video How Your Lawmakers Vote -
Under Obama - No Child Left Un-Programmed
Unhappy People Watch Lots More TV
Up to 50 atomic warheads missing– and not all in unpopulated areas
US Carmaker Crash Would Lose 3M Jobs
US Hides Murders, Sexual Abuses In Iraq
US Import Alert On China Foods
US Store Closings - The Latest Casualty Count
US Wins Early Round over Iraq
Vetting of Clinton Includes Look at Former President
Victims all female – deputies use Taser to break up fight involving 30 people
video - Dr. Paul on the Global Financial Summit HAPPENING NOW
video - BUSH Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame
video - Georgia War Crimes Against S.O.
VIDEO --- The Obamas on 60 Minutes
VIDEO ---Another NRSC Ad Attacks Martin on Middle Class
VIDEO ---Bush on the Economy
VIDEO ---Clinton on Secretary of State Speculation
VIDEO ---Debate on Autos and the GOP
VIDEO ---DSCC Accuses Chambliss of Hiding Something from Inquiry
VIDEO ---Obama Calls for Further Economic Stimulus
VIDEO ---Pawlenty on the Minnesota Senate Race
VIDEO ---Republicans Governors on the Party's Future
VIDEO ---Sens. Levin and Shelby Debate Auto Bailout
VIDEO ---Steele Announces RNC Bid
VIDEO ---The Bidens Visit the Cheneys
VIDEO ---William Ayers on Good Morning America
VIDEO ---Zell Miller Endorses Chambliss
Wall St 'Bailout' Like A 'Free Fraud' Zone
Walls of flames in Southern California force thousands of residents to flee
War On Taliban - Huge Pak Refugee Flood
We Have Never Seen Such Freezing Heat
West Must Accept East Shift Of Financial Power
What Might a Real Depression Look Like
What's a Pulitzer Prize worth
What's Up With Up
Where Obama Can Look For Help
Where's Obama's 'Mandate'
Who'll Cause Obama's First 3 a.m. Call
Why a Big 3 Bail Out is Essential
Why a General Motors Rescue is Essential
Why Europe is secretly afraid of a socialist America
Why MSNBC Shills For Obama
Why Obama Wasn't Swift-Boated
Why we should help the auto industry ;A clear explainer
Witnesses ;Group shouted anti-Semitic curses, called Jews 'Nazis.' 'dogs,' threatened death
Would-Be Mossad Agent Harassed
Year of the Woman Turned Out Badly
Youngster facing aggravated battery charge after hitting woman in head with saw
Your Weekly Address from the President-Elect
Zell Miller endorses Saxby Chambliss
Zeti Appointed To U.N. Task Force To Examine Reform Of Global Financial System
Zionist Extortion
Zionist Miliband Visits Zionist Israel
Zionist NPR Preps Obama Documentary
Zionists Axed Carter Speech At Dem Convention
Zooplankton Plunge 70% In Just 40 Years