"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 May 2008

wknd: rewind

Exposed: the great GM crops myth
Revolution in Military Affairs: From Computer Generated Insurgents to Bioelectric Implants
US preps to strike on Iranian insurgency camp
DHS Looks At Manipulating Hurricanes
IBM Joins Lockheed On Next-Gen FBI Biometrics
Troops to use electronic insects to spot enemy 'by end of year'...
Audit: Up to 400 State Department laptops missing
MI6 chief visits Mossad for talks on Iran's nuclear threat
VIDEO: DC Madam Palfrey's Murder: Alex Jones on Geraldo
Multinationals make billions in profit out of growing global food crisis
Should Google be Able to Read Your Genome?
US feels the heat after Iran-Switzerland $42b gas deal
Russia new missile base response to US
America's Chemically Modified 21st Century Soldiers
Sheriff Candidate Says Campaign Signs Being Defaced, Stolen
EU plans international embassies
Fed `Rogue Operation' Spurs Further Bailout Calls
Spy Grid Part Of Consumer Technology
Air Marshals Grounded by Government’s No-Fly List
Fed Joins with European Banks to Battle Credit Crisis
War On Terror Is Leading Cause Of Terrorism
Merck Dumps Vaccine Waste Into Water Supply
Pentagon Expands Propaganda Reach With Foreign "News" Websites
High-Level Officials Warn of Fake Terror
Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed
DC Madam Predicted She Would Be Suicided
Pentagon Looks for 'Killer Switch'
US Income gains eroded by inflation
Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control
FDA Finds Contaminated Vaccines At Merck
Global warming may 'stop', scientists predict
Are Security Cameras Making You Less Safe?
Fed Cuts Fed Funds Target Rate to 2.0%
Luxury Hotels In Iraq Green Zone?
CG Insurgents To Bioelectric Implants
Geraldo Calls For DC Madam Investigation
Smart Power Meters
US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank pump an extra $82bn into banking system - Times Online
U.S. Drawing Plans For Surgical Strike On Iran
Multinationals Make Billions Off Of Food Crisis
Probe Of USS Cole Bombing Unravels
How scientists plan to recreate the Big Bang with the 7,000-ton Atlas detector | the Daily Mail
Robobug goes to war: Troops to use electronic insects to spot enemy 'by end of the year' | the Daily Mail
Iraq: No Hard Evidence Of Iran Militia Support
Cyclone Kills Over 350 People In Myanmar
Alex Jones On Fox News Discussing DC Madam
U.S. Bombs Iraqi Hospital
Fed Likely To Prefer Lending Over Rate Cuts
Bush Says Rebate Checks Will Boost Economy
County prepares to sue Diebold- cleveland.com
Hillary: God Bless The Elite
America's Chemically Modified Soldiers
Crime Is Terrorism Signs Defaced
Fed Rogue Operation Spurs Further Bailout Calls
CNN: Ron Paul Interview 5/2/08
Feds Seek Curbs On Credit Card Practices
Building Manager: DC Madam Case Not Suicide
Bush Signs Bill To Steal Newborn's DNA
Tillman's Mom: I'm Not Being Told The Truth
Air marshals grounded in list mix-ups
B.C. gas prices to rise 2.4 cents with carbon tax
Border Patrol Releases Illegals Over and Over
CPS Supervisor Accused Of Child Molestation
Americans unload prized belongings to make ends meet
Bush Details $70 Billion War Funding Request
Your Data Got Cached At The U.S. Border
Clinton Incapable Of Using Coffee Machine
3.5 Million Tons Of Plastic In Pacific Ocean
Clinton & McCain Want To Aid Oil Companies
California Faces Water Rationing
BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Schools could monitor well-being
CCTV Car Patrols
Fox Host: Palfrey Might Have Been Murdered
Scientists To Build DNA Tree Database
China Builds Large Scale Future
Media Ignores Palfrey Statements On Suicide
World Tribune — Second carrier group deployed to Gulf as U.S. approves plans for Iran counterstrike
DC Madam's Death Results In Conspiracy Theories
Fed Joins ECB To Fight Liquidity Crisis
Organ Harvesting Confirmed In China
8-Day Terror Drill
Italy Posts Income Details On Web
Ashcroft: Patriot Act Protects Freedoms
Blockade Puts Gaza In Massive Food Crisis
New 1968 LBJ Tapes Released
Bush Wants $770 Million In Food Aid
Thousands Rally For Immigration Reform
Cyberwarfare: DARPA's New Space Race
U.S. Warns Belarus On Embassy Closure
Pentagon Tortured After 2003
Road-tax hike makes thousands of family cars almost worthless - Times Online
Rice Raises New Doubts About Iran Nuke Program
Aviation Companies Blame CIA, FBI For 9/11
U.S. has Mandela on terrorist list - USATODAY.com
U.S. Kills Bin Laden's Man in Somalia - Yahoo! News
Robots To Swarm English Village
CIA Chief Sees Unrest Rising With Population
War protests halt West Coast port traffic - U.S. business- msnbc.com
BBC NEWS | UK | Police 'spying' powers challenged
DC Madam Predicited She Would Be Suicided
Listen to Alex’s interview of Palfrey where she states she would not kill herself.
DC Madam Supposedly Commits Suicide
Chinese nuclear submarine base - Telegraph
WTC 7 Collapse Planned At 10:45 AM
The Dumbest Man Alive?
Would A Clinton Win Destroy the Party?
Fault Line That Haunts Democrats
Wright's past, Obama's future -- chicagotribune.com
Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria’s ‘The Post-American World’ | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - How to Pursue al Qaeda
We're in a war - where are the media? - The Boston Globe
Orwellian nuttiness incarnate - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Left Starts to Rethink Ronald Reagan | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Wildest trip of all: Sense of import | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/04/2008
The All-White Elephant in the Room - New York Times
Right about Obama
Will age be just a number in '08? - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The 'Unitary Executive'
Obama courts Indiana voters by getting personal. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Pajamas Media » Will Indiana Save Hillary?
Trade deficit - The Boston Globe
The Preacher’s New Pulpit - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Paying for Health Care - Who and How?
Too Solemn for Her Generation? - washingtonpost.com
Watch the web for climate change truths - Telegraph
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Analysis - Family in the News: The Rockefellers
1948, Israel, and the Palestinians—The True Story
Missing Records - New York Times
...Shhh. - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Democracy, Burma-Style - washingtonpost.com
Obama on "Meet the Press"
Howard Dean on "Fox News Sunday"
Govs. Richardson & Easley on "Late Edition"
Sen. Bayh and Rep. Clyburn on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Shields & Brooks Discuss Rev. Wright's Media Tour
Sen. Bayh and Rep. Clyburn on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
McCain Speaks at The Cleveland Clinic
Clinton on "This Week"
Obama on "Meet the Press"
Candidates Debate the Gas Tax
Howard Dean on "Fox News Sunday"
Obama: "Boost"
Obama Does the Top Ten
Charlie Rose Show: NC Governor Mike Easley
Clinton: "Determined"
Hillary Clinton on The O'Reilly Factor
Obama: "In America"
Gov. Bobby Jindal on Leno
Moveon: "Candles"
Obama: "Return"
Clinton: "Maya"
Panel of Democrats Discuss Obama, Wright
McCain Unveils Health Care Tax Credit
Clinton: "Trouble"
Obama Addresses Wright Controversy
Bush Chides Reporter, Proclaims Progress in War on Terror
Clinton: "Dreams
Obama's Tired Campaign Needs Victory, New Life: Albert R. Hunt
Clinton Camp Considering Nuclear Option To Overtake Delegate Lead - Politics on The Huffington Post
FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Hillary Clinton would be the bigger gamble
Popular Mechanics - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Czar Nancy's Rule
Why Oprah Winfrey Left Rev. Wright's Church | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
The messenger who killed the message - 05/04/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
In Iraq, a storm before the calm
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Can Hillary Win Without Blowing Up the Party?
Candidates make pitch to party insiders | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
In Small Towns, Bill Clinton Finds A Campaign Niche - washingtonpost.com
Clinton discounts economists in gas tax debate | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
Feds launch 'Gestapo raid' over raw milk
Wright's replacement cites lyrics saying U.S. 'still with the triple K'
'I'm not going to put my lot in with economists'
Hillary jokes about Limbaugh's support for her in Operation Chaos
Impression of presidential hopeful among important group getting worse
Poetry also lambastes 'Sweet Jesus,' mocks 'Onward Christian Soldiers'
Says he'd never seek ex-pastor's advice on policy if he got to White House
Otis Moss compares Wright to Jesus, backs up predecessor on AIDS, drugs
Mickey Kantor says footage doctored ahead of primary to show him disparaging Indianans
Republicans retain other position contested in special election
Exclusive: David Kupelian on unseen disaster following November vote
Last time Jews were attacked hours after lifting barriers
Exclusive: Chuck Norris warns Americans to stop scurrying down wrong fiscal road
'We can probably blame the fact that they're allowed to whip the horses mercilessly'
NASA temperature figures show agency reworking recent numbers upwards, older numbers downwards
Wants to install solar heat, but can't cut tree blocking light
'Some species will begin to appear in places they didn't in the past'
U.S. efforts frustrated as plotters freed in Yemen
DAY OF INFAMY 2001:Broken circle lined with trees looks likes Islamic crescent
YOU READ IT HERE FIRST! APRIL 7:Seeks review of design, elimination of crescent and star, minaret
Psychiatrists pull symposium on 'The Religious Dimension'
'This is no civil rights movement, but a sexual special interest lobby'
Man's wife never believed he had imprisoned daughter, her sister says
Lawyers for Austriaan will argue he was not responsible for his actions
Police under attack for quickly judging her a victim rather than suspect
Umbilical cord still attached during trip, baby is fine
'It reminded me of when Hurricane Katrina hit the United States'
22 children have died in 1 city – type of hand, foot and mouth disease spreading
'The games are about the talent here. We're really focused on that'
Christian was arrested, freed, now facing more accusations by China's government
Says 'class act's' wouldn't have left world in aluminum shed attached to mobile home
9th Circuit expedites appeal of decision to invalidate petition drive
Tests could reveal facts 'making individual less useful to society'
Da Vinci Code deja vu: Moviemaker challenges Christianity's history
Perception foreign reporters deliberately attempting to damage successful Olympics
Minister uses NASA forecasting to study signals of Jesus' return
Next step in 'socially responsible investing' arrives
Group cultivates moderate image by hiding extremist ties
Markers summarized nation's wars, including information on 'mistakes,' 'consequences'
'I would define that as a situation where people are doing less well than they were'
Says 'you don't know how bad I want this'
Catholic bishop says 17th-century shepherd girl saw her in French Alps
New Victorian headquarters, prayer facility located in Melbourne, Australia
Dispute erupts over J.K. Rowling's commencement invitation
Missing child cases 'extremely difficult to investigate'
'I think somebody did something to him. My husband liked to flash his money'
'People who haven't done it before think it sounds vampire-ish
'If I take it down, ... the politically correct people would have won, and that's wrong'
Dead crook had previously been sentenced on 9 burglary, theft-related felonies since '86
Toy industry 'emphatically rejects the scenario that casts toys as villains'
Wore shirt at town meeting that said, 'Don't move. If you run, you'll only die tired'
Plaintiff: Dealer who sold pistol-grip shotgun should have known killer planned massacre
'We were there ... to stand up with an American flag and we were attacked for it'
'I'm giving them a chance to pack up and leave, so ... there may not be a big problem'
18-year-old had warrant out for his arrest for possession of dangerous drugs
28-year-old woman grew fearful of 'emotional connection' with 16-year-old student
Woman cried rape when caught with other man, so spouse killed him
'I've seen alcohol influence people to do some strange things'
Debris found lodged in window 8 stories up on opposite side of street
Alleged leader of Satan Disciples gang faces attempted murder trial
'It's not going to be Team Fresh anymore, it's going to be team fried'
Reenactment of hunting incident by police supports her account, defense lawyer says
Newsweek: 'United States does not seem to be leading the charge'
Man threatened to put hidden video on Internet unless woman's family gave $200,000 more
Guatemala's system corrupt, crumbling, with street crime controlled by inmates
'No question there are fundamental, Grand Canyon-like differences'
'The information represents one more provocation of Russia'
'When you get a hundred of them in 1 day, you start to feel like you are in Berlin in 1944'
'There just aren't many areas in the South in which battlefields aren't located'
Nearly 1/3 in U.S. have little knowledge of typical infant development
'That place is sacred to us because that's where Elora went to heaven'