"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

06 May 2008

6 May : This is a Ron Paul link (click here)

Obama wins North Carolina - International Herald Tribune
The Associated Press: Obama wins in North Carolina, but trails Clinton in Indiana
75 students arrested in San Diego State University drug bust
Church leader arrested on sex charges in northeast NM
Ga. man executed, ending 7-month moratorium
FBI Raids Office of Special Counsel
FBI raids special counsel's office
McCain Says He Would Put Conservatives on Supreme Court
McCain castigates Obama on judges
Democrats in US Congress Prepare Iraq-Afghanistan Funding Measure
Indictment: Arms dealer offered weapons to kill Americans
'Merchant of Death' Charged in US
Terrorism charges filed against arms dealer
Addington is Vice President Cheney's chief of staff
VA blasted over veterans suicides
Committee chairman accuses VA of criminal negligence
Quiet Va. Wife Ended Interracial Marriage Ban
Top US Official to Travel to China, Japan, South Korea
Ohio Democrats talk impeachment after AG refuses to resign
Richmond chemical spill cleanup underway
ABC News Law & Justice Unit
Florida Cops Charge Man, Missing Girl in Death of Senior Citizen
Foundation to donate $50 million for community colleges
Florida Substitute Teacher Fired, Accused of Wizardry
Fishermen suspected after 6 sea lions are killed in Oregon
The Associated Press: Both sides rest at Rezko trial; no defense witnesses called
First international aid reaches Myanmar after cyclone
Hu Jintao and Yasuo Fukuda make friends
Chinese President Hu's visit to Japan boosts warming trend
Emergency evacuation as Chile volcano spits lava
Volcanic blasts and lightning storms clash in skies over Chile
'Puppet President' Dmitri Medvedev takes power in Putin job swap
Yushchenko's private icon collection on display in Moscow
White House Accuses Russia of Provocations in Georgia
Russia 'trying to provoke war' with Georgia
Election over, new London Mayor Boris Johnson is back on form
Austria minister sees official shortcomings in incest case
Austrian incest victim may sue for compensation
Probe held into armed siege death
Suspect dies after shootout in London
UK tightens rules for skilled migrants
Gordon Brown attacked by Charles Clarke
Nigerian Militant Speaks Out on Oil
Day of symbolism at Boyne site
Dalai Lama must show sincerity in action: China
Tibetan Envoy Calls Talks With China a 'Good First Step'
Zimbabwe Election Monitoring Group Questions Presidential Results
Rescuers find wreckage of plane used by British businessmen
Sri Lanka says violence claims 17
Effect of CCTV cameras is limited
Thousands ordered deported from Canada are unaccounted for
Thousands of illegal immigrants elude Canada's border agency
Taiwanese officials in $30m row
Palestinians: New probe against Olmert means no peace partner
Republicans Give Mixed Reasons for Obama Votes
Young voters poised to flex voting muscle
Obama Campaign Sends Word from Rush
Republicans use Obama as the bad guy in negative ads
More On That False Quote in the Obama TV Ad
Exit poll: Half in Indiana say Wright influenced their vote
Obama Shrinks His Audiences to Wage Close Battle in Indiana
Gas and Integrity Fuel Clinton-Obama Duel
Guide: Indiana primary could be 'tiebreaker'
Poll: Flap over pastor hurts Obama
US health care waits to ignite as campaign issue
Indiana Polls are Open
3 Obama campaign offices searched after bomb threat
The Clintons' War Against the Math
Hillary's MAD MAD MAD MAD World
Clinton campaign retools delegate math
Obama gets the innervision thing
What Hath Wright Wrought?
Black churches come to terms with Obama-Wright schism
Nuns, Students Blocked from Voting in Indiana. Where's Congress?
Reason, common sense guide voter ID decision
Voter ID: What's the Big Problem?
State Says Few Voting Problems Reported Across NC
Michelle Obama admits latest gaffe: 'See, this is what gets me into trouble'
About 91 percent of black voters supported Illinois senator
Hoosier state was considered virtual must-win for former first lady
In North Carolina, 8 in 10 whites opt for Hillary after pastor controversy
Rush Limbaugh's 'Operation Chaos' at work in Indiana?
Obama's pastor accused of purloining spouse of parishioner seeking marriage counseling
Republican presidential candidate launches Spanish campaign website
Feds SWAT raid hauls away 'illegal' products, equipment
Safety debate over public water treatments heats up with release of shocking new studies
Claims come as prime minister questioned in 'very serious' criminal probe
Aaron Klein's book reveals terrorists motivated by faith, ideology
At least 41,000 missing as officials reveal tidal wave destroyed town
Al claims climate change forcing ocean temperatures to rise
Bust at San Diego State University follows 5-month undercover operation
African-American condemned for stating being 'gay' not same as being handicapped, black
Eagle Forum founder, advocate for mothers, wives draws opposition
2nd offense triggers $1,000 fine, 90-day license suspension
Reporter: 'The 1st to call was Joe Kovacs with WorldNetDaily'
YOU READ IT HERE FIRST! APRIL 16:working to convert all that grows into fuel surprised by 'inattention'
Rock star's charity allegedly delivers less than half of money it raises
Religious leader responds with challenge to another debate
Fought back with Taser, fists, handgun, police said
'I never imagined the state would make it so difficult'
Former Muslims speak out about their revelations
Diary: 'My main concern was to not catch a venereal disease'
'The existing double standard shall not be tolerated anymore'
'One of the most remarkable behind-the-scenes talents' in broadcast history'
'American consumers are only just beginning to feel the impact'
Futures driven up by fears about supplies, weaker U.S. dollar
Type of chub that accumulates around hips may offer some protection against diabetes
Dietitian hired to arrest officer obesity
'Fruits, vegetables and fish are becoming luxury goods completely out of reach'
'It could be an emotional thing. It could be a physical thing'
'They are going to think it's not socially acceptable'
Denver: 'I certainly believe that they visit somewhat frequently'
New trend has brides intentionally ruining wedding gowns
Study director: 'It's very dependent on the exact drugs used'
Says problems from more than decade of neglect, ineffective development policies
'We are not the thought police and we cannot police people's minds'
'They were fascinated that a ferry could hold that many cars'
'We do not understand why the chief has denied this 1 officer'
'We're taking a lot of abuse out there ... because she was so large'
'The person that operated this server had no clue on security'
Fox News contributor once chosen for People magazine's 'most beautiful' issue
'I'm actually surprised how much I've accomplished'
Stabbing is 3rd major mishap to befall latest spy movie
23-year-old actress, 31-year-old actor have not set wedding date
'The single biggest threat to our country is the immigration problem'
Forces employers to prove they had no option before hiring foreigners
Some 'may pose a threat to public safety and security'
'Now it is all about evaluating his financial circumstances'
'Logic says the idea was already there, or an obsessive thought played a role'
'I find this shocking and I do not understand their motivation'
'She indicated to police that she wanted to scare this group of people'
'I've seen alcohol influence people to do some strange things'
Police believe he intended to 'commit an act of violence'
Consensual sex allegedly took place between January and last week
6-year old had packets of crack, rock, powder cocaine he 'took from parent's bedroom'
'I want to shake them and say, 'Why aren't you doing something!?''
'You could hear him saying stuff like, he needs more ammo'
'Sometimes all you find is the skin. They peck away until nothing is left'
24-year-old dared by friend to enter restricted area, assault animal
'Sometimes I say, maybe it was an angel who took me out of the river'
'I would hate to imagine what's under there'
He 'looked at the officers, raised his middle finger in their direction'
'For a small second after I buy sex, I feel happy, and then it's over. It's so fleeting'
David Limbaugh wonders if endorsement means Obama would loosen union's regs
Dennis Prager takes N.Y. Times' Frank Rich to task for defense of Obama pastor
Pam Martens: Senator is in pocket of 'racist' Wall Street firms
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving looks at convention possibility of 'Gore on the Second Ballot'
Exclusive: Janet Folger urges pro-family activists to take a tip from Ronald Reagan
Pat Buchanan compares new agreement for peace to Bush team's bellicose rhetoric
Exclusive: John Lofton urges 'progressive Christians' to be more open-minded
Questions answered on divorce and debt, 18-year-old money burner
Exclusive: Mychal Massie compares impact of 'gay' activity to smoking, fast food
Marsha West details talk-show host's move to 'the dark side'
Brett Noel illustrates 2 possible faces of U.S. armed forces next year
Exclusive: Chuck Norris warns Americans to stop scurrying down wrong fiscal road
P.J. O'Rourke advises today's graduates on economics and politics
Dem Scenarios: An End, A Beginning, A Nightmare
Obama, Clinton Still Face a Muddled Path | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Hillary’s Mathematical Dilemma — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
Power Line: Michelle Obama's gospel of bitterness
Prejudice could cast deciding vote for Obama, Hillary :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Cosby Is the Real Prophet, Not Wright
My Plea to Republicans - HUMAN EVENTS
George McGovern and Bob Dole - A Slap at Schoolchildren - washingtonpost.com
China Will Get the Olympics It Deserves
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Matthews Ready to Play Hardball in PA
Combat and Composure - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama vs. Clinton 2.0
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Reflections on the Democratic Race
For Primaries in 2 States, a Variety of Scenarios - New York Times
Pantsuits aside, Clinton’s looking better than ever - BostonHerald.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Will Voters Accept Obama's Explanations?
In Praise of the 'Long' Campaign - WSJ.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - Democratic divisions will be hard to bridge
How Does Hillary Clinton Feel About the White Racist Vote?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Random Events
Israel's 60-Year Test
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Pins and Panders
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Examining the United Church of Christ
The Reformers Who Ruined Politics - WSJ.com
Food Emergency - New York Times
The real economy -- chicagotribune.com
Charlotte Observer | 05/06/2008 | Presidential race could
hinge on Indiana vote
Clinton fate hangs in the balance - Charles Mahtesian and David Mark - Politico.com
Will Exams Cost Obama Student Votes? - WSJ.com
Dean Reiterates Call for Nominee Before Convention
Panel Discusses Clinton's Happier Demeanor
John McCain on His Judicial Philosophy
Obama on "American Morning"
Govs. Easley and Richardson on "Larry King Live"
Reporters Look at Last Day Before Critical Contests
Karl Rove on "Hannity & Colmes"
Obama on "Meet the Press"
Clinton on "This Week"
Howard Dean on "Fox News Sunday"
Govs. Richardson & Easley on "Late Edition"
Sen. Bayh and Rep. Clyburn on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Obama Greets Voters in Indianapolis
McCain Talks About Judicial Philosophy in N.C.
Majority of Democrats Want Race to Continue
Clinton's Top Ten Reasons She Loves America
Obama Rallies Crowd in Indianapolis
McCain Reaches Out on Cinco de Mayo
Panel Discusses Clinton's New Attitude on the Trail
Rush Limbaugh on "The Live Desk"
Obama: "Hometown"
Clinton: "What's Happened"
Clinton's Morning Media
Obama's Morning Media
Clinton on "This Week"
Obama on "Meet the Press"
Candidates Debate the Gas Tax
Howard Dean on "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton: "Partner" and "Spoke Out"
Obama: "Boost"
Obama Does the Top Ten
Judge orders four-member Uintah County 'tribe' to pay damages, fees - Salt Lake Tribune
Horse racing comes under fire after death of Eight Belles
Immigrants Feel Less Welcome in Frederick - washingtonpost.com
Scrapped vessels haunt Coast Guard - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Los Angeles man wins right to use wife's last name | U.S. | Reuters
Food costs likely to boost obesity in poor | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/06/2008
Pregnant cop denied bid to get office duty | APP.com | Asbury Park Press
Boy guilty in death of girl, 4 -- baltimoresun.com
You hippy-crites! When it comes to saving the planet do celebrities practise what they preach? | the Daily Mail
McCain to attend convention of 'reconquista' group
UN teacher by day … Islamists' chief bomb-maker at night - The Scotsman
Magic trick costs teacher job - Tampa Bays Local News
Canada lost track of 41,000 migrants told to leave: watchdog
11-year-old busted for dealing pot at school :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Execution Date Set For Mexican-Born Death Row Inmate
Chinese firms bargain hunting in U.S. - Los Angeles Times
FOXNews.com - Study: American Kids Take Anti-Psychotic Medicines at Six Times the Rate of U.K. Children - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News
FOXNews.com - Feds Probe Shooting of Six Sea Lions in Oregon - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
White Sox doll blow up :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: White Sox
Christianity in Eclipse by Laurence M. Vance
What Is Fascism? by John T. Flynn
Bush’s Brain Speaks to Obama by John Liechty
A Monument to Stupidity by Tom Chartier
The Dangers of Samuelson's Economic Method by Robert Higgs
Is It Jaw-Jaw or War-War? by Patrick J. Buchanan
The Last War and the Next One by Tom Engelhardt
Torture Team: Deception, Cruelty and the Compromise of Law by Philippe Sands review | Non-fiction book reviews - Times Online
Book 'reveals' secret of long life - Telegraph
Top ten greatest experiments - Telegraph
Katie Couric Would Support New 9/11 Investigation 'If There's Enough Public Support'
Geraldo Calls for Florida Gov to Investigate Palfrey “Suicide”
House members press Pentagon for propaganda investigation.
Military Robots Ready for ‘Grand Challenge’ War Games
Buffett says U.S. in recession; banks to face pain
Perhaps 60 percent of today’s oil price is pure speculation
U.S. and Russia will not be strategic opponents: Kissinger
Extraordinary Times, Intentional Collapse, & Takedown Of The U.S.A.
Mullen: Time not ripe for attacking Iran
Green Idiocracy
CIA 'preparing public for Iran war'
Fox Host Suggests Evidence Points To DC Madam Murder
Population Control and a World Food Authority
Government Scientists Hide Vaccine/Autism Link
Former CPS worker accused of molesting family members
Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control
The Economy - Not Unbad?
NWO Champions
Dr. Leonard Horowitz & Government Created AIDS: In Lies We Trust
? Is Cloud Computing a Benefit or Threat?
Spying, Artificial Intelligence and Martial Law
Your personal data just got permanently cached at the US border
London Olympics terror threat used to vastly increase surveillance powers
Government wiretaps—the ones we know about—up 20% for 2007
Lofty goals for armed spy craft
Revolution in Military Affairs: From Computer Generated Insurgents to Bioelectric Implants
Was 10:45 a.m. the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?
Tell Me Again Why "Conspiracy Theory" is a Dirty Label
Government Itself Won't Swear To Official Theory of 9/11
Paul: Not ready to endorse McCain, likes Obama's foreign policy
Clinton has no regrets about threat to 'obliterate' Iran
O’Reilly to Clinton: Are You Surprised Fox News Has Been Fairer to You Than NBC News?
McCain accused of accepting improper donations from Rothschilds
Ron Paul: Nevada GOP Tried To Exclude Us
Excerpt: Zakaria’s ‘The Post-American World’ | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
Millionaire businessman wins right to seek a referendum on the EU Treaty | the Daily Mail
Big Business, BIG Winner at SPP Summit
Why Is Gary Hart So Fearful Of Discussing His "New World Order"?
Probe of USS Cole Bombing Unravels - washingtonpost.com
Rylance reveals why he had to quit the Globe over Iraq - News, Theatre - The Independent
The US Declaration of War on Iran
'Disgraceful': Judges condemn council that rushed through adoption of a baby girl before her natural father could prevent it | the Daily Mail
Rush Limbaugh 'Dreaming' Of Riots In Denver - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
How scientists plan to recreate the Big Bang with the 7,000-ton Atlas detector | the Daily Mail
Deseret News | 9/11 theorist not curtailing his research
An unrepentant view from inside the neocon bunker - Times Online
Clinton strategists weigh 'nuclear option' to take out Obama at convention
The Rev. Wright
Neocons Ready to Attack Iran, Nuke Sites Off the Target List
US-backed plan sees shiny future for embattled Green Zone
“D.C. Madam” supposedly commits suicide
AZ Senator Karen Johnson Op Ed On 911
Credentials Show Chase Suspect In CIA
Registration List For Knives In China
Feds Takeover Fairgrounds For Training
Released Journalist Calls Gitmo Heinous
Hajj's story
Is Nico Haupt A COINTELPRO Operative?
$123 Oil
Marines Ignore Taliban Poppy Crop
Man Wants Panel To Prepare For Space Aliens
Feds: No Duty To Protect Public From Anthrax
McCain Belittles Own Decision On Airport Security
Pentagon Warns Of June Pay Crunch For Troops
75 Students Arrested In Drug Bust
Caution Urged In Choosing Gene Tests
EPA Might Not Limit Rocket Fuel In Drinking Water
America Has A One Party System
Satellite Indicates Global Cooling
Teacher Fired For Wizardry
Malyasian Blogger Charged With Sedition
McCain To Attend La Raza Convention
Great Depression Of The 2010s
Asian Development Bank Becoming Irrelevant?
Torture Memo Author Yoo To Testify
Paranoids Report Unusual Behavior On Ferry
Fannie Mae Reports $2 Billion Loss
G. Sachs: Bilderberg Target Of $200 Oil Nears
Americans Negative Opinion Of Globalization
60 Illegal Aliens Found In Big Rig
Cameras To Catch Cars In Bus Lanes?
2008 Model NAU Parliament Scheduled
Olympics: Clothing and Gestures Scrutinized
CCTV Boom Has Failed To Slash Crime
Paul Campaign Never Ended
Bolton: U.S. Should Bomb Iran
Israel Celebrates 60th Birthday
Gates: Major Changes In Internet In Next Decade
Global Elite Gather In Washington DC
$150 - $200 Oil Prediction
Buying Opportunity For Gold And Silver
Tillman's Mom: This Was A Public Deception
We Deserve The Full Truth About 9/11
Backing My Claims About 9/11 Questions
Autisim Linked To Mentally Ill Parents
Soldier Suicides Could Trump War Dead
McCain Launches Hispanic Web Site
Countrywide May Get Bought For Zero
AP: Who Should MDs Let Die During Pandemic?
Brain waves used for faster image sorting | Emerging Technology Trends | ZDNet.com
GMO Crops Get Mixed Reaction In Asia
Ritter: Iran Attack Virtual Guarantee
Earthquake In Missouri
Secrecy In DHS Cybersecurity Plans
Telecoms Give Police Info Without A Warrant
Chertoff: Stop Whining About The Control Grid
U.S. Planned Nuke Strike On China Over Taiwan
AP Report On DC Madam Suicide Note
Chertoff Says New Anti-Terror Laws Needed
Mullen: U.S. To Be At Israel's Side For 1000 Years
GAO: Defense Industry Consolidation In U.S.
9/11 Conspiracy Connection To DC Madam Murder
Pistol Cams For NYPD Cops
Wal-Mart Expands Low-Priced Drug Program
Welfare Caseloads Starting To Rise
2008 Trilateral Commission Attendees
More U.S. Kids On Anti-Psychotic Drugs
Luxury Hotels In Iraq Green Zone?
CG Insurgents To Bioelectric Implants
STLtoday.com - Political Fix - Blog Archive - Mo GOP targeting 300 pro-Ron Paul at Monday ‘credentials meeting’
Pictured: The moment a London tourist dies after screaming 'I can't breathe' to police who restrained him | the Daily Mail
Google 'breaching China's state secrecy laws' - Telegraph
New wi-fi devices warn doctors of heart attacks - Times Online
US 'to send 7,000 extra troops to Afghanistan' - Times Online
Pentagon Wants Cyberwar Range to 'Replicate Human Behavior and Frailties'
Pentagon Targeted Iran for Regime Change after 9/11
Georgia says "very close" to war with Russia
Cell Phone Spying: Is Your Life Being Monitored?
New Jason Satellite Indicates 23-Year Global Cooling
Soldier suicides may top war tolls
Military and Homeland Security Dictate Who Lives And Who Dies In A Pandemic
VIDEO: Military Robots Ready for ‘Grand Challenge’ War Games
Homeland Security Update: Chertoff Says New Laws Needed
Defense Industry Consolidation in the USA
GOP targeting 300 pro-Ron Paul at Monday ‘credentials meeting’
Exposed: the great GM crops myth
US preps to strike on Iranian insurgency camp
DHS Looks At Manipulating Hurricanes
IBM Joins Lockheed On Next-Gen FBI Biometrics
Polls At Odds Over Obama's Standing With Americans
Americans Don't Hear about the Real Costs in our Economy
Government Hiring Grows as Private Sector Employment Shrinks
Constitutional Danger in the State Taking of Children from Parents
Heading to College and Failure-bound
McCain Health Care Plan Would Include Federal Money
ABC News: Race Tight in Ind., Obama Wins N.C.; Clinton a 'Formidable Opponent'
Aid workers fear Burma cyclone deaths will top 50,000 - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Burmese storm toll 'tops 10,000'
Burma cyclone: up to 50,000 dead and millions homeless, but still no call for aid - Times Online
Burma cyclone: 10,000 killed in ONE town as massive wave is blamed for death toll set to top 60,000 | the Daily Mail
Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a 'Consequence' of Global Warming
FT.com / In depth - McCain seeks to quash fears on the right
My Way News - Bernanke urges more action to stem home foreclosure crisis
wcbstv.com - NYPD Cracks Sadistic Gang Of Cop Impersonators
Lynn Sweet: Obama bruised in election day basketball game.
Bill Clinton: Hillary would be a better president than me : May 2008 : Toby Harnden : Foreign : Telegraph Blogs
Clinton: OPEC 'can no longer be a cartel'
Desperate Barack Obama begs Democrats: Help me finish Hillary | the Daily Mail
War protesters frustrated by apathy
Frustrated Massachusetts drivers try to sell their gas-guzzlers - The Boston Globe
Weather Channel In Sex Storm - May 6, 2008
Economy: Recession Hits Las Vegas | Newsweek Business | Newsweek.com
Owner of Tropicana casinos files for Chapter 11 protection: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Israel throws 60th birthday bash under cloud of uncertainty
Child virus fears spread to China's capital | Science | Reuters
Doctors punished in China for mishandling deadly virus: Xinhua