"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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15 May 2008

15TH May


Political Radar: Obama Takes Issue With Bush Foreign Policy Speech
Pelosi: Bush comments 'beneath the dignity of the office' - Politico.com
The Crypt: Biden: Bush's comments were 'bullshit' - Politico.com
Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement
Shaken Republicans look to McCain as savior
How Healthy Is John McCain? - TIME
Parton shocked at Howard Stern radio segment Entertainment Reuters
EU says Google map images could be a problem Technology Reuters
Billion-pixel panoramas — from your own camera - Times Online
Clinton Superdelegate Reveals He Voted for Obama - Yahoo! News
Italy arrests 400 in illegal immigrants swoop International Reuters
My Way News - 9-year-old girl's twin is found inside her stomach
Fast-Food Workers Spit In Customer Drinks - Spotlight News Story - WKMG Orlando
Edwards Throws His Support to Obama - New York Times
Edwards endorsement pays off for Obama
Bloomberg.com: News
Trump snares $100 million contract on oceanfront estate
My Way News - China earthquake death toll exceeds 19,500
Dams reported damaged as soldiers reach quake's center - International Herald Tribune
Ants swarm over Houston area, fouling electronics
Bush sees calls for Iran talks as "appeasement" - Yahoo! News
Palestinians mark 'catastrophe' of Israel's birth
HIV-positive man sentenced 35 years for spitting at officer - Yahoo! News
Al-Qaeda Planning Euro 2008 Attack
Myanmar Survivors Sent To Government Camps
Pickens To Order 667 Turbines For Wind Power
U.S. Recommends Vaccine For Seniors
DoD Carpet Bombs Opposition In Cyberspace
Vatican Astronomer: ET Is My Brother
EU & U.S. To Talk On Transatlantic Economic Ties
The Technocratic Control Grid Advances
Obama Is Not Jesus Christ
DNA Fingerprinting Could ID Viable Embryos
Gas Prices Up 20 Cents In A Week
World Bank Destroyed Grains In Honduras
DHS To Train Cops To Combat Roadside Bombs
NASA Discovers Young Supernova
GPS Grows As A Crime-Fighting Tool
Real ID Defeated In Minnesota
Inflation Easing While Food Price Rises?
Feds To Collect Millions Of DNA Profiles
Charter To Snoop On Customers Web Histories
It Is Fascism When It Happens To You
Airport Scanners On The Streets
NASA Probe Closing In On Mars
Eco-Group Calls For Human Extinction
TSA To Install 200 More Body Scanners
Violence in Mexico spills across US border - Yahoo! News
Enemies securing U.S. night-vision gear - USATODAY.com
On Bookies and Economic Gurus by Gary North
Ushering in Genomic Medicine by Bill Sardi
Virginia's Example Inspires the World by Kevin R. C. Gutzman
The Immigration Question by Butler Shaffer
Finding Obama guilty of insufficient devotion to Israel - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Truth and War by Steven LaTulippe
Economic Causes of War - Ludwig von Mises - Mises Institute
It’s Official: Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith Have Lost Their Minds by Paul Armentano
Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse by Bill Trench
Divers find bust of Julius Caesar in Rhone River - Telegraph
Measuring the 'Aeneid' on a Human Scale - ChronicleReview.com
Seaweed solves ancient American mystery - Science- msnbc.com
Bush Argues Against Talking to Enemies
McCain: "2013"
Howard Dean on "The Tonight Show"
Edwards Endorses Obama
NARAL Pro-Choice's Endorsement of Obama
Clinton on "Nightly News"
Rove Breaks Down West Virginia
Obama in Michigan
GOP Group Says Obama Will Wave White Flag
Congressional Approval Rating Ties All-Time Low
Carville Will Write Check to Obama
Why President Bush Doesn't Play Golf Anymore
Clinton's Victory Speech
Childers Wins Mississippi District; Russert & Huckabee Discuss
Wolfson, Brazile Debate Michigan & Florida
Obama Speaks in Cape Giradeau
14% of Americans Satisfied
McAuliffe Hits Media Bias, Predicts Victories
Special Election in Mississippi
Hannity & Colmes Discuss Obama's Record
Clinton Admits Poor Choice of Words, Presses On
Panel Discusses Edwards Endorsement
Rep. Davis GOP Memo on How to Win in November (DOC)
Bill Richardson on "Hannity & Colmes"
Experts Discuss West Virginia and the Road Ahead
Obama's Remarks on Manufacturing in Michigan
President Bush Visits Jerusalem
President Bush Addresses the Knesset
RealClearPolitics - Articles - If Clinton Wants VP, Obama Can't Stop Her
Obama-Backing Edwards Elbows Aside Clinton
The GOP Must Stand for Something - WSJ.com
Six ways the GOP can save itself - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton's Biggest Mistake
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain Joins Global Warming Cult
Why Carly Fiorina Is So Important to John McCain Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Alice in Housing Land
Keep the Immigrants, Deport the Multiculturalists - WSJ.com
Winning the White Working Class -- In These Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Squeeze on the Middle East's Moderates
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Israel at 60
The tragedy of Deborah Jeane Palfrey - James Kirchick - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - 45 Years of Columns
The Republican Panic - WSJ.com
Angry voters - Opinion - USATODAY.com
EDITORIAL: McCain's path to victory - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Bush's farewell Mideast tour - The Boston Globe
The Savage Manifesto
McCain: U.S. can win Iraq war within 4 years - John McCain News- msnbc.com
Mexican Immigrants Do Not Assimilate Quickly in US, Study Finds -- 05/15/2008
GOP cancer: Party could lose 20 more seats - John F. Harris and Josh Kraushaar - Politico.com
Parents' losses compounded by China's one-child policy - CNN.com
15 wounded as Grad rocket strikes Ashkelon shopping mall Jerusalem Post
Obama gets Edwards endorsement, pledges to join fight against poverty - Latest News - The Grand Rapids Press - MLive.com
toledoblade.com -- University of Toledo official fired over column
Pair accused of making child dominatrix - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
dies, 1 ill after receiving kidneys - The Boston Globe
Sect mother of newborn not a minor, Texas concedes
Court says schoolkids not harmed by uniforms
S.F. parking meters retooled to aid homeless
Skimpy prom dress lands teen in cuffs EDUCATION KHOU.com News for Houston, Texas
Gay rights groups launch hospital ratings - Health care- msnbc.com
Bush urged to address Muslim 'hate' in books
School 'stonewalls' over pregnancy poll
w.kansascity.com 05/14/2008 Phyllis Schlafly calls protesters “a bunch of losers”
wcbstv.com - H.S. Senior Banned From School For Burning Turban
Hillary to run as independent?
More terrorists endorse Obama
Obama, Farrakhan share cover of Wright's monthly
My Way News - Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement
Obama flashback: I would meet rogue-nation leaders
McCain outlines vision of Iraq victory
Children's TV says Tel Aviv doesn't exist
Abortionists defend agreeing to target blacks
tate bans illegals from community colleges
China says quake toll could top 50,000 - China earthquake- msnbc.com
Alarm as cracks appear in earthquake dams - Asia, World - The Independent
Alarm as cracks appear in earthquake dams - Asia, World - The Independent
China bloggers cook up quake conspiracies - Times Online

STLtoday - Sinkholes poses problem for Cape Girardeau
Rocket launched from evacuated Jewish town
Hamas worried its praise harming Obama
Bush in Israel amid prime minister's scandal
Decision greeted with angst, anger: Alaska News adn.com

City spends $5.21 to collect 51 cents in taxes
Citizens uniting against fluoride
The red, white and blue – going green!
Iraqi insurgents use eight-year-old girl as suicide bomber the Daily Mail


Now California statutes limiting institution to opposite-sex couples 'unconstitutional'
Parents erupt after children also ranked for AIDS, death
'Gay' porn pops up on screen: 'The whole class saw it'
Exec dismissed for 'contradicting' university agenda
University chancellor apologizes for 'anguish' caused by decision to honor conservative
Charged with setting fire to Sikh student's head covering during fire drill
Nearly 1/3 of Democrats think Clinton should bolt if Obama gets nomination
'At that point, she'll really have nowhere else to go'
Leading jihadists sound off about presidential candidate in new book
Magazine's reinforcement of anti-American rhetoric casts doubt on senator's insistence he was not aware
White House denies comment in any way directed at Democratic candidate
No preconditions before engaging Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, N. Korea
'Outrageous' for president 'to make this kind of ridiculous statement'
Democratic House leaders calling out president for Israel speech
Sees bin Laden dead or captured, government spending curbed
'It has been Tel Al-Rabi' for generations, on the land of Palestine, next to Yafa'
15-year-old male student claims incident occured during school hours
Caught on tape, now they blame callers for donation fiasco
Confidential briefing with Craig R. Smith on prospering in turbulent times – CD offer
Sponsors acknowledge 'national publicity' from WND reporting
Dumps policy that granted taxpayer-subsidized tuition for degree programs
Government issues rare public appeal for rescue equipment
Thousands of Chinese troops rushed to shore up 'extremely dangerous' cracks
Accuse government of ignoring, ridiculing omens of animals behaving strangely
'We've heard from some people the aliens have landed and want our dirt'
16 injured in shopping mall blast as Bush visits to push Palestinian state
Terrorist group prepared to make statement denying endorsement of U.S. candidates
Celebrating 60th anniversary as Olmert faces bribery accusations
Fear decision gives environmentalists new tool for opposing development
'No matter how small, we can't ignore it or waive it'
Large-scale lawsuit seeks to ban chemical poisoning of water supply
Exclusive: Roger Simmermaker suggests working to preserve
Blast from remote-controlled explosives killed Iraqi commander
Data show consumer prices were up just 0.2% last month
Unemployment claims rise, industrial production drops
Hybrid from Japan has carbon footprint 100 times larger than if delivered by ship
'That's a bad habit of mine. I do it sometimes with all kinds of people. I mean no disrespect'
Blasts 'phenomenally inhuman and unconstitutional' voting record
'I won't be fulfilling God's will unless I go out and do the Lord's work'
Praises Hillary: 'We're going to have a stronger nominee in the fall because of her work'
'I really don't give a s--- what happens to you'
Rank-and-file Democrats providing no support cushion for Democrat-controlled institution
'We should not have published the allegation in the absence of firmer verification'
'She was a giant in the ... industry. Dolly Parton recorded some of her songs'
'They're supposed to be fair. They're supposed to follow their own rules'
Motive allegedly to spare them from shame of finding out that he become financially ruined
Inmates took revenge on stalker who chased ex-girlfriend, 4 others, to their deaths
Accused of being prostitution-ring booker who arranged for Client 9's tryst
90-minute chase – more than 26,000 acres scorched
Cabernet most affected by 'powerful and heavy' tunes, chardonnay by 'zingy and refreshing'
Parents live in fear of bacteria that rapidly kills 1 in 10 infected – primarily children
Sure way to coax wolverine from hiding – nail raw chicken to trees
'This is a stellar death, all right, and the corpse is still warm'
'A bright, circular object, flashing different colors, and after it touched down it disappeared'
'Physically, it's absolutely no stress. It's like being on a motorbike'
Dangerous procedures commonly, successfully performed as treatment for head injuries
'I'm waiting for the police to dig him up. I still hope he's alive'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill highlights ex-VP's true environmental record
Exclusive: Ernest Istook lists myriad problems Al Gore, et al. attribute to 'climate change'
Exclusive: Jane Chastain got sidetracked while convincing herself to vote for senator
Ann Coulter hits party leaders for running macho guys who end up voting like Marx
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Exclusive: The Richmans pinpoint economic policies GOP candidate should implement
Exclusive: Erik Rush urges Obama to denounce his Black Liberation Theology
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore traces history of candidate's belief in 'Christian socialism'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah covers horror stories about wacky punishments for crime
Exclusive: Craige McMillan looks at danger of the masses believing demonstrable lies
Larry Elder praises stage production that values dignity in face of bigotry
Bill McKibben asserts CO2 level at 350 ppm endangers future of planet
Patrick Chappatte illustrates senator's versatile hybrid policy vehicle
Herbert E. Meyer dispels notion that corn-in-car trend is causing global food-price spike
Top California court backs gay marriage
California lifts gay marriage ban
Defying President, Senate Passes Farm Bill
Congress passes farm bill with veto-proof margin
McCain predicts Iraq exit by 2013
Following Edwards, union backs Obama
Fallen City Officers Added To National Memorial
Suspect charged in Florida fires
Firefighters get upper hand on Florida wildfire
Schwarzenegger Hints at Raising Taxes
Suspect in Death of Redskins' Sean Taylor Gets 29 Years in Jail
Plea deal in NFL star's slaying requires testimony
Teen who lost feet on Ky. ride speaks out
Teen Who Lost Legs on Thrill Ride Talks About Ordeal
Bush, Cheney assets stable as economy slowed
Show Me the Money: Bush, Cheney Release Financial Records
UC students socked with fee increase
Chicago overturns foie gras ban
Chicago lifts two-year ban on foie gras
Ex-New Jersey Gov. McGreevey Back on Stand in Divorce Case
Battle's Blog: McGreevey Divorce Trial
Ohio attorney general resigns
Ohio Senate OKs payday lending caps
Perdue signs law allowing guns in restaurants
Pa. woman, brother separated by Nazis to reconnect
Baton Rouge weather
Injuries reported in Ala. factory roof collapse
Injuries Reported in Roof Collapse at Coat Hanger Factory
Attorney objects to book by witness in Jeffs trial
Will book compromise trial?
Dukakis: Obama better prepared for GOP assault than I was
In veiled attack, Bush criticizes Dems for terrorist 'appeasement'
Deal seeks to end Lebanon strife
China's Quake Rescue Gets Assist From Russia, Japan, Taiwan
China's government gives rare transparent look at disaster
Zimbabwe's Opposition Calls for Urgent Meetings
Zimbabwe rivals reject run-off date
Palestinians mark the 'Nakba'
Food crisis looms in Myanmar
Dalai Lama kicks off Western tour with China broadside
White House Notebook: Bush a bit wary of drinking the water
In photos: 'President George W. Bush Israel Visit'
Suspected Missile Hits Pakistan Border Village
Pakistani militants accuse US of missile attack
Sharif clear to stand in election
Sharif asks Pakistanis to agitate for reinstatement of judges
Red Cross: 100 killed in Nigeria pipeline fire
Oil pipeline explodes in Nigeria
Deaths in Nigeria pipeline blast
Suicide bomber kills 16 Afghans, wounds 28 (Roundup)
Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent appeals for $19 mln for ...
Anheuser-Busch gives $1.6M for China earthquake relief
Qatar leads an interfaith dialog with rabbis from Israel in attendance
VOA News - Bush Says US, Israel United Against Iran's Nuclear Ambitions
Fritzl's victims thank the public
British Leader Promises to Steer Country Through Tough Economic Times
Politics or prudence? UK's Brown faces dilemma
Italy reassures Romania on immigration (Roundup)
Italy holds 400 'illegal migrants'
French teachers go on strike over job cuts
Mass strike over French job cuts
Venezuela Offered Aid to Colombian Rebels
Interpol to clear Colombia of computer tampering
Bangladeshis Questioned About Jaipur Blasts
Little known group says it set off blasts
Sudan closes paper for publishing military details
Top UN official warns of increasing Darfur violence
Bush Says He Won't Talk to Terrorists, Assails Those Who Will
McCain outlines vision of Iraq victory
McCain Says He Would Seek to End Iraq War by 2013 (Update2)
Edwards's Endorsement of Obama Starts `Al Gore Watch' (Update1)
Clinton's Women Supporters Angry and Sad as Campaign Comes Closer ...
Is Obama's Cynicism Enough?
Clinton fans stand by their woman
Obama to Reporter: Sorry I Called You "Sweetie"
Calling reporter 'sweetie' gets on YouTube
The Victim Card
McCain Aide Trains His Sights on Obama
Mississippi Special: Why Childers Won
The battle over the GI Bill
Dems derail McCain bill to boost veterans' college aid
Obama fans pack Grand Rapids arena
After String of Losses, Republicans Face Crisis
Can John McCain Win?
Fighting for the Votes
Obama and Oregon: More in common than 'O'
Op-Ed Columnist A Victory Plan for Hillary
What's The Big Deal About West Virginia?
Eight reasons why Obama should not choose Clinton as his running ...
Clinton goes on TV, Obama adds superdelegates
Ellsworth is last named and uncommitted superdelegate
Is Obama Too Far Left on Taxes?
Kentucky demographics favor Clinton
McCain in Ohio, Former President Clinton in Kentucky
Ron Paul Hopes to Crash McCain's Party
Clinton speaks about rural issues during SD campaign stop
McCain Breaks With Bush on Climate Policy