"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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14 May 2008


Republicans fear public has lost confidence
Third House loss shakes GOP, raises fears for fall
Schwarzenegger urges lottery bonds for budget
House passes election-year farm bill
Chicago lifts two-year ban on foie gras
Ohio attorney general resigns in wake of scandal
Ohio AG resigns amid probe into harassment, cronyism
Woman pleads guilty in Spitzer prostitution probe
Principal figures in prostitution probe that snared Spitzer
Accused Sept. 11 planners set for court on June 5
Charges Against 9/11 Suspect Dropped
Court to rule on same-sex marriage Thursday
State high court's ruling on same-sex marriage to be issued Thursday
Teenager's Feet Severed Last Year After Cables Snapped on Kentucky ...
Kentucky Kingdom ride accident victim speaks out for safety changes
Ga. law allows guns in restaurants, public transit
Georgians can now take guns into restaurants and on buses
Attorney who defended Guantanamo law to leave
Government’s top Supreme Court attorney resigns
US sea lions died of overheating, not gunshots
Heat suspected for death of sea lions
Coal exec proves stumbling block for W.Va. justice
Ex-officer tells court he covered up botched raid
Cop in fatal raid trial: 'I'm a victim'
2 Students Arrested After Bombs Go Off At School
'Bottle Bombs' Explode in Pr. George's High School
Crude Bottle Bombs Explode at Maryland High School
Texas cops: Substitute teacher came to class drunk
Police: Middle School Teacher Drunk in Class
FOXNews.com - Illinois Woman Dies After Being Pinned Under Dead Husband for Days - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Woman dies after being pinned by husband's body
Test Calculates Physical Fitness Of Adults
Presidential Physical Fitness Award for adults introduced
Chinese premier orders deployment of 90 more helicopters for quake ...
Violence Mars Bush's Israel Trip for 60th Anniversary (Update1)
Rocket hits Ashkelon mall, 90 hurt
Fritzl's victims thank the public
Josef Fritzl family thank public for support ‘in difficult times’
Red Cross: Up to 128000 may have died in Myanmar
Two arrested after India bomb blasts kill 63
VOA News - Jaipur Blasts Demonstrate Continuing Indian Vulnerability to Terrorist Attacks
Zimbabwe's Government Delays Presidential Run-Off Election
Zimbabwe violence escalates | csmonitor.com
Lebanon officials reverse decisions that set off violence
Lebanese Cabinet reverses anti-Hezbollah decisions
Analysts Say Major Progress Unlikely in Arab-Israel Peace Process
Bush puts optimistic face on peace hope in Mideast
Arabs mourn Palestinian "Nakba", deplore Israel's policy
UN: Sudan Violence Threatens Deployment of Darfur Peacekeepers
Sudan want rebels on terror list
Resurgent Eta kills policeman in car-bomb attack
Britain's Brown unveils new policies, ponders TV offer
Colombian paramilitaries appear in US courts
Missile 'strikes Pakistan house'
Missile Kills 12 in Northwestern Pakistan
Drug hitmen attack police in Mexico hot spot
Disputed French bill on GM crops to make come-back
Setback for Sarkozy as parliament throws out GM bill
Pakistan's Zardari Tries to Ease Concerns About Fragile Coalition
Zardari plays down Pakistan rift
Sri Lanka Blames Rebels for Killing of Tamil Minister's Adviser
Ex-Tamil Tigers set their eyes on polls
Queen wears headscarf at Turkish mosque
Queen Elizabeth II visits mosque, listens to Quran recital
Joshua Dugdale on the Dalai Lama: the gaze that won me over
Dalai Lama's five-day visit to Germany will have few meetings with ...
Lannie Davis: Will superdelegates change their minds?
Former Democratic Nomination Rival Offers Praise for Clinton ...
John Edwards Endorses Barack Obama
Edwards to endorse Obama
NARAL Pro-Choice America backs Obama
Edwards' Endorsement: What It Means
Edwards to Endorse Obama Tonight
Dems derail McCain bill to boost veterans' college aid
The Politics of Sending Troops to College
Poll: Nearly one-third of Dems would back Clinton indy bid
Edwards to back Obama in US race
Dems raise money together
Obama picks up 2 Michigan superdelegates while in state
Royal Oak superdelegate picks Obama
Clinton Predicts Nominee Before Convention
McCain, GOP in Trouble as Obama Wraps it Up
Ellsworth is last named and uncommitted superdelegate
Clinton Superdelegate Reveals He Voted for Obama
McCain Backer Regrets Comments on Catholics
Pastor who backed McCain apologizes for remarks | Reuters
Stephanopoulos: Clinton Wrapping Head Around Loss
Reid Says ‘We Should Just Relax’ About Democratic Race
Obama takes majority of black superdelegates
‘Almost Nominee’ Status Keeps Obama in Limbo
Obama ventures deep into Limbaugh land
Ron Paul Hopes to Crash McCain's Party
McCain says GOP woes mean a tough road ahead
Dems Looking Ahead to Kentucky, Oregon Primaries
Kentucky demographics favor Clinton
Clinton: All about 2012?
Bill Clinton stumps in Oregon - USATODAY.com
Global Warming: Refreshing change
Clinton’s Universal Bargaining Chip
Clinton status puts focus on her $20 million debt
Raspberry for Barry - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary Agonistes: Why Doesn't She Concede?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Obama Gamble
National Journal Online - A Mississippi Microcosm?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Race and the 2008 Election
Harold Meyerson - McCain's America - washingtonpost.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Government Stifles the Wisdom of Crowds
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Truth Serum
Hillary wins - does anybody care? - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Hillary: I’m Here, Get Used To It
Camille Paglia on HIllary Clinton, Barack Obama and the democratic nomination | Salon
HILLARY SITUATION REMINDS ME OF 1980 | Philadelphia Daily News | 05/14/2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Getting Bubba
RealClearPolitics - Articles - No Veep Slot for Hillary
Maybe We Can't
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain's Character Will Win Hispanic Support
McCain's Supreme wrongheadedness - The Boston Globe
Our Great Economic U-Turn - WSJ.com
Jonathan Steele: Obama says he'll reshape US foreign policy. But can he? | Comment is free | The Guardian
Credit where it's due | The Australian
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Moral Scales
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gerson's Misplaced PEPFAR Anger
Bush in context | Jerusalem Post
Our position: The new farm bill deserves a swift veto by President Bush -- -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Dereliction of duty
My Way News - Edwards backs Obama
Obama defeat amplifies race, rural problems - Ben Smith - Politico.com
W.Va. blowout bolsters Clinton's resolve - USATODAY.com
Violence in Mexico spills across U.S. border
Ahmadinejad says Israel doomed
The Associated Press: Ariz. governor ends sheriff's immigration contract
Video cameras proposed on guns for D.C. police - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Court says schoolkids not harmed by uniforms
Leading Dr.: Vaccines-Autism Worth Study, CBS News Exclusive: Former Head Of NIH Says Government Too Quick To Dismiss Possible Link - CBS News
Lignans' prostate cancer protection gets study boost
Eating flaxseed may halt prostate cancer growth
News - Slaying victim's brother dies from crash injuries - sacbee.com
Hezbollah Spy Prouty Gets $750 Fine, NO JAIL TIME
‘Curious’ shirt choice - BostonHerald.com
Desmond Tutu: Equality of U.S. blacks an 'illusion' -- -- chicagotribune.com
The Savage Manifesto
Pair accused of making child dominatrix - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
Gay rights groups launch hospital ratings - Health care- msnbc.com
Sect mother of newborn not a minor, Texas concedes
Skimpy prom dress lands teen in cuffs | EDUCATION | KHOU.com | News for Houston, Texas
Daughter fails math test, so dad thrown in jail
ABC News: Is There Lead in Your Dental Work?
ABC News: TV First: Gays Wed on 'Brothers & Sisters'
New mayor in Dallas suburb to target illegal immigrants | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
McConnell: Dems will 'turn us into France' - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Muslim clinics fill health care needs of underserved | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Edwards Endorses Obama
NARAL Pro-Choice's Endorsement of Obama
Rove Breaks Down West Virginia
Obama in Michigan
GOP Group Says Obama Will Wave White Flag
Congressional Approval Rating Ties All-Time Low
Carville Will Write Check to Obama
Why President Bush Doesn't Play Golf Anymore
Clinton's Victory Speech
Childers Wins Mississippi District; Russert & Huckabee Discuss
Wolfson, Brazile Debate Michigan & Florida
Obama Speaks in Cape Giradeau
14% of Americans Satisfied
McAuliffe Hits Media Bias, Predicts Victories
Special Election in Mississippi
Hannity & Colmes Discuss Obama's Record
McCain's Climate Change Speech
Obama on "Keeping Our Faith With Veterans"
McCain: "A Better Way"
Clinton: "Thank You"
Obama's Remarks on Manufacturing in Michigan
Clinton's Victory Speech in Charleston, West Virginia
Roundtable on Meaning of West Virginia
Dick Morris Discusses Democratic Race
Brazile & Wolfson Discuss Florida & Michigan
Gov. Richardson & Terry McAuliffe on the Democratic Race
China's Ambassador to U.S. on Earthquake, Olympics
McCain's Speech on Climate Change Policy
Obama Speaks in West Virginia about Veterans
Panel Discusses Running Mates for McCain
Majority Leader Reid Discusses Presidential Race
Interview with John Edwards
Interview with Congressman Rangel
May 12 White House Press Briefing
Nearly 1/3 of Democrats think Clinton should bolt if Obama gets nomination
Praises Hillary: 'We're going to have a stronger nominee in the fall because of her work'
Magazine's reinforcement of anti-American rhetoric casts doubt on senator's insistence he was not aware
Terrorist group prepared to make statement denying endorsement of U.S. candidates
Questions whether 'settlements' are in Jewish state's best interest
Cites Muslim-world experience, middle name Hussein, rebuff of Bush's 'cowboy diplomacy'
Mideast pointman blasted by Israeli leaders as 'hostile' to Jewish state
Lost seat in congressional district that chose Bush by 25-point margin
Illinois senator picks up 2 more superdelegates
'No matter how small, we can't ignore it or waive it'
Dad of honor student picked demands teacher be fired
Exec dismissed for 'contradicting' university agenda
'It is inappropriate for the government to declare some denominations better'
Islamic students reportedly taunted 'unclean' animal
Story claims 13-year-old stole from father to play Xbox with call girls
South African minister asserts U.S. has 'illusion of equality'
16 injured in shopping mall blast as Bush visits to push Palestinian state
Celebrating 60th anniversary as Olmert faces bribery accusations
U.S. leader petitioned to 'ensure integrity of biblical Israel'
Sees 60th anniversary celebrations as attempt to prevent its 'annihilation'
Large-scale lawsuit seeks to ban chemical poisoning of water supply
Catholic officer wins right to reject shot made from aborted fetus
Ballot initiative would extend constitution's protections to pre-born
'It's unconscionable that somebody would do this to another man or woman'
Official death count rises to 15,000, but nearly 40,000 still buried or missing
Storm forms in region as aid worker describes 'unrecognizable' delta
'Law seen as logical step in carving up family rights'
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore traces history of candidate's belief in 'Christian socialism'
Ann Coulter hits party leaders for running macho guys who end up voting like Marx
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky is convinced Barack's followers are akin to cult members
Ben Shapiro details leftist activities, assocations of campaign employees
Exclusive: Jill Stanek says activists are with senator, unless he gets soft on abortion
Exclusive: Joseph Farah whacks Al Gore for blaming CO2 for killer cyclone
Exclusive: David Dolan notes Jewish state a beacon of freedom among Arab lands
Walter E. Williams shows how pols create problems each time they try to solve one
Nat Hentoff praises Senate panel probing Bush administration policies
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak shares a 'not her real name' story from heart of Philly
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of CVS chain bilking Medicaid out of millions
Pablo Navarrete defends Myanmar for being skeptical of U.S. help
Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees schools' 'climate change' indoctrination as child abuse
William McGurn praises Wheaton College for standing by its divorce policy
Nearly blind man makes mistake, so town refuses to collect trash
Official: 'As far as our people are concerned, we stand by what they did'
'What kind of people have they got answering these phones?'
'This type of activity is really a rarity with postal employees'
New York veteran: 'It was a mistake I made and I'm truly sorry'
Tuesday's audience was smallest for show in more than 5 years
Gets arrested, then urinates in back of squad car
Study shows higher risk of sudden death for children less than year old
'The reason people are panhandling is because there's a market for panhandling'
Senator has hosted comedy show in past
Bar selling campaign clothing featuring Curious George character
Arizona senator butchers Barbra's songs, rips her politics:ARCHIVES, OCT. 20, 2002
Robber caresses victim throughout night before making his escape
Truck loaded with buckets of construction glue crashes into bus
Bill Donohue: 'He's seen the light, as they like to say. So for me it's over'
Bush to attend ceremonies marking 60th anniversary of Jewish state's founding
Bombs kill 60, wound 150 in western India
Each thought child was with another family member
'She said she had ice cream in the back and didn't want it to melt'
GE May Sell or Spin Off Appliance Unit, People Say
Inflation pressures ease despite food price jump: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Russia and Europe may team up for moon flights | Science | Reuters
The Associated Press: U. of Okla. freshman, 19, elected mayor of Muskogee
My Way News - 10-year-old scholar takes Calif. college by storm
US lists polar bear as threatened species
McCain's 'Better Way': 'Eco-Friendly' Campaign Merchandise; Spokesman Says Not Pandering to Left
Honda robot conducts Detroit Symphony to warm response - Yahoo! News
Up to 2.5 million affected in Myanmar cyclone: U.N. | Reuters
My Way News - Red Cross: Up to 128,000 may have died in Myanmar
Junta is stealing aid, relief groups assert - International Herald Tribune
Sean Penn endorses Barack Obama at Cannes Film Festival opening - Telegraph
Sean Penn leads Cannes revolt against French smoking ban
RealClearPolitics - Articles - GOP Stunned By Loss in Mississippi
FT.com / In depth - Republicans fear election juggernaut
Democrats propose taxes to fund veterans' benefits - Yahoo! News
Approval of U.S. Congress ties record lows - UPI.com
Careless Detention | Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation (washingtonpost.com)
Clips: Top Ten Angry On-Camera Meltdowns
Schwarzenegger to propose borrowing against lottery - Yahoo! News
Vatican astronomer cites possibility of extraterrestrial 'brothers' - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Edwards gives long-awaited endorsement to Obama
Soldiers rescue a child from the rubble after an earthquake ... - Yahoo! News Photos
Dams reported damaged as soldiers reach quake's center - International Herald Tribune
AP video shows China earthquake's first moments
15 wounded as Grad rocket strikes Ashkelon shopping mall | Jerusalem Post
My Way News - Bush links optimism for Mideast reform to democratic Israel
Ants swarm over Houston area, fouling electronics
Rumor mill keeps Obama on defense - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Curious George publisher may sue over T-shirt | ajc.com
YouTube - Racist Obama T-Shirt Protest
Airport-style scanners on the streets | News
My Way News - More Americans are taking prescription medications
Raccoon bite causes school to lock down in Swampscott
Maps of Real Estate Doom by Gary North
What? Those Magic Beans Called ‘Ethanol’? Never Mind by Vin Suprynowicz
Truthdig - Reports - Render Unto Darwin That Which Is Darwin’s
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder : Information Clearing House - ICH
Fewer Bases, More Baseball
Race Cards and Speech Codes by Patrick J. Buchanan
How to Tell If the Drug Czar Is Lying? His Lips Are Moving by Paul Armentano
Why wine tastes better with music - Telegraph
False prophets of doom
Meet the dodo's playmates (and guess what - they're not with us today either) - Telegraph
Technology Review: Where Are They?
The Oreo invades Britain | csmonitor.com
Money Raised for Africa ‘Goes to Civil Wars’
VIDEO: Gun owners protest police action
World Bank `Destroyed Basic Grains' in Honduras
Detainees Drugged Against Their Will
UN alert: One-fourth of world's wheat at risk from new fungus
Taser International 'brainwashed' Canada
Airport Scanners On The UK's Streets
Bird Flu Medicine Toxic for Teens
VIDEO: Richard N. Haass Confronted
Endgame: Hundreds Arrested In Immigration Raid
Security Flaws Exposed At Lawrence Livermore
TSA To Install 200 More Body Scanners
Air Force Aims for 'Full Control' of 'Any and All' Computers
UK Political Tension Monitors Map Race and Religion
Riot control cops could get electrically-charged riot shields
Bank Seeks 6 Billion Euro Bailout
JPMorgan Chase CEO: Recession Just Beginning
US confession: Weapons were not made in Iran after all
VIDEO: Obama Hails Bush Sr’s ‘Excellent Job’ in First Gulf War
VIDEO: FBI Citizen's Academy: Citizens Take Part In FBI Training
Gun Owners Protest Police Action
Obama Is Not Jesus Christ
DNA Fingerprinting Could ID Viable Embryos
Tamiflu Causes Mental Disorders In Teens
Gas Prices Up 20 Cents In A Week
Colombian Drug Traffickers Face Charges In U.S.
World Bank Destroyed Grains In Honduras
19 Year Old Elected Mayor In Oklahoma Town
DHS To Train Cops To Combat Roadside Bombs
Chemicals From Teflon Found In Breast Milk
Bill O'Reilly Flips Out The Dance Remix
NASA Discovers Young Supernova
GPS Grows As A Crime-Fighting Tool
Real ID Defeated In Minnesota
Inflation Easing While Food Price Rises?
18% Approve Of Congress
Feds To Collect Millions Of DNA Profiles
Dems Propose Tax To Fund Veterans
Charter To Snoop On Customers Web Histories
Air Force Aims For Control Of All Computers
Home Foreclosures Hit New High
It Is Fascism When It Happens To You
More Americans Are Taking Prescription Meds
Government To Unveil Fitness Test For Adults
Bush: Terror Attack In U.S. If Democrat Elected
Airport Scanners On The Streets
Violence in Mexico spills across US border - Yahoo! News
The Raw Story | Detainees drugged against their will for deportation
Cops Caught On Camera Stomping More Heads
Chicago Citizens Reject Terror Drill Fearmongering
Wayne Madsen Interrogated, Harrassed At Airport After DC Madam Controversy
The Bush Administration Has No Plans to Help 9/11 Sick
No yuks as Stewart presses Iraq War architect on honesty
Gates: US will teach Iran a lesson
Detainees drugged against their will for deportation
Who Are the Gitmo Defendants?
David Rosen: Sexual Terrorism
Rove refuses call to testify under oath
911 operator: 'I don't give a sh*t what happens to you'
Media Matters - Military analysts named in Times exposé appeared or were quoted more than 4,500 times on broadcast nets, cables, NPR
Bilderberg 2008 Evades All Scrutiny in Vouliagmeni, Greece
Complete Media Lockdown On Athens Bilderberg Meeting?
Chemtrail Assault on Las Vegas
Russia reports over 700 'foreign' nuclear tests in past 50 years
Eco Group Calls For "Voluntary Human Extinction"
Wannabe "Virus" Prince Philip Attacks Big Families
Red-light runners beware -- city launches program to catch violators: Austin
Facial recognition cameras to be used for smoking enforcement
Hi-tech tool spots child drinkers
To Curb Truancy, Dallas Tries Electronic Monitoring
The Red Pill Released Today For Free
Report on RFK Acoustic Evidence
Watch ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, and Fox September 11, 2001 coverage live, original, un-edited. (Even the commercials are intact!) | 911Blogger.com
The Trouble with WTC Asbestos
Ron Paul's Revenge
Big Government Responsible for Housing Bubble
Fox News Caught Flashing McCain TV Subliminal
Ex-GOPer Bob Barr Runs for President as Libertarian
Obama Vows to Model ‘Excellent Job’ President Bush Did in First Gulf War
McCain Poised to Flip on GOP Abortion Platform
Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain
Unnecessary Wars: How Empires Fall
HCR2034 - 442R - I Ver
Greenspan Says Oil to Keep Rising on Capacity Limits
A Glimpse into the New Order
International group disavows UN’s climate claims
British tourists are told to put EU stickers on their passports | the Daily Mail
Clinton Team Acknowledges $20 Million Debt
Will There Be a Revolt Against McCain at the GOP Convention? | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
allAfrica.com: South Africa: High-Flying Sky Spy May Guard 2010 (Page 1 of 1)
A new wrinkle in smoking enforcement | Reuters
Obama compares housing crisis to Great Depression | Politics | Reuters
FEMA concerned about electro magnetic pulses at Mount Weather
China bloggers cook up quake conspiracies - Times Online
Italian PM may be drawn into CIA abduction case | International | Reuters
Bush warns of Iraq disaster - Mike Allen - Politico.com
The Associated Press: Bush disappointed with intel before Iraq war