"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 April 2008

Monday Review - (click here: Ron Paul)

Dakota Fanning 'rape' scheduled for opening
Librarian notified police when man accessed X-rated files online
'I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be artistic'
Procter & Gamble takes heat for same-sex storyline on 'As the World Turns'
'Social change' organization says 'masculinity' too narrowly defined
Defense of Farrakhan a source of pride for New Black Panther Party
Pastor affirms U.S. to blame for 9/11, calls criticism 'attack on black church'
Security reportedly provided by Nation of Islam bodyguards
Claiming it falsely suggests senator wants 100-year war in Iraq
Bingaman puts him ahead in scramble for endorsements
'Over the last 3 weeks her stature has improved'
Scientist warns new species coming if experimentation not stopped
American-trained guards possibly infiltrated by Hamas terrorist group
Rockets, mortars hit Jewish population centers in Gaza Strip
Top administration, defense officials briefed on plans to attack suspected Syrian nuke site
Claimed in church newsletter Jews building 'ethnic bomb' that 'kills blacks, Arabs'
Family alleges daughter, 20, lost her virginity in sexy call
Nashville songwriter charged with homicide of father of ex-'SNL' star
Face 2nd-degree homicide charges for not seeking medical attention
He 'became agitated for some reason and began throwing'
Groom 'used a karate-style kick with his leg to kick' bride to floor
Says she never gave permission for her name, likeness to be used
'I don't want to have to worry about all the different online scandals and problems'
Robert Daskas cites only 'family considerations'
'It's a surgical procedure, but it is being sold as a commodity'
'The United States is the last country I would invest now'
7 young artists try to stretch boundaries by living for 3 weeks with vermin in hair
Members of Russian group say they won't emerge
Ratings dip causes producers to eye major alterations
Earth Day is over, let planning begin for summer solstice, World Humanist Day
To see if it can reduce risk of heart disease for those with type 2 diabetes
Collides with another porpoise while performing mid-air trick
Religious keeper makes hives shaped liked monasteries
Chihuahua in scuba suit takes 1st place in canine fashion show
'The severity of the punishment didn't fit the crime here'
Professor refuses to discuss details of his split
Government takes man's son after confusion over beverage
But struggling economy presents oppportunity pockets for marketers
Analysts see considerably more pain at pump than most drivers realize
'I've got to think we're close to the end on increases'
'The high price for oil is hurting our economy. It's hurting middle-class people'
'Countries will not develop reserves known to lie under their territories'
'We cannot comment on speculation or rumors'
Airlines continue to hike fares to deal with high jet-fuel prices
Government says rate is low, so why do food and energy cost so much?
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'We don't want to run overtime for employees just to produce breakfast'
Tumultuous week highlights industry's many challenges
Ad guru Jim Whelan on believing in yourself and taking risks
How to buy two-wheelers from America
Exclusive: The Richmans use Harley-Davidson troubles to argue for trade-war boldness
'They become No. 1 in chocolate and No. 1 in chewing gum'
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses the implications of reported food rationing in the U.S.
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Craig Smith says price pullback represents 'buy-the-dip opportunity'
'All the mathematical components are just theory unless the behavior kicks in'
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
Pat Buchanan: McCain putting miles between himself and Republican base
David Limbaugh gives pastor failing grade for attempts at self-rehabilitation
Dennis Prager rips journalist for less-than-challenging questioning of Rev. Wright
Mike Whitney: Pastor 'showed that he is neither a fanatic nor an America hater'
Jamie Weinstein thinks he knows why candidate failed to get Constitution Party nod
Exclusive: Joseph Farah says public schools more dangerous to kids than YFZ Ranch
Exclusive: Mychal Massie combats those opposed to ending race-based preferences
Exclusive: Janet Folger urges Christians to look to Bible for all needed tools
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving lays out case for yanking ex-president's travel privileges
Exclusive: Linda Harvey listens in on Jim Wallis beating Christians with 'justice' club
'It's time for some serious plastic surgery!'
Exclusive: Chuck Norris solves illegal immigration crisis with simple enforcement tactics
John Hagee praises pontiff for 'his moral vision for America'
RealClearPolitics - Articles - No Limit on Wright's Contributions to McCain
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Wright Throws Obama Under the Bus
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Questions without Answers
Demography Is King - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Codependent Addicts: States and Casinos
RealClearPolitics - Articles - An Old Newness
Wright Defends Church and Blasts Media - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Jeremiah Wright May Have Just Sunk Obama's Campaig
Should we worry about John McCain's temper? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
The Militarist | The American Prospect
The Axis of Evil: An Idiot's Guide
The Real Cost of Tackling Climate Change - WSJ.com
House GOP Targets Obama
When Candidates Can't Lose
Justice Scalia On The Record, 60 Minutes' Lesley Stahl Interviews The Supreme Court Justice About His Public And Private Life - CBS News
ALP: "Jobs"
DNC: "McCain vs. McCain" Web Video
Wright's Q&A at the National Press Club
Obama Ridicules McCain's Gas Tax Plan
McCain Kicks Off "Call to Action" Tour
Gov. Charlie Crist's Morning Media
Wright Says Obama Only Criticized Him to Get Elected
Mississippi Ad Links Local Candidate to Wright
Candidate Characterstics
Dean's Morning Media
DNC: "100"
Obama on "Fox News Sunday"
President Bush at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Clinton Speaks in South Bend
Obama's Hoops
McCain in Arkansas
Candidates Battle Over Energy Plans
Obama in Kokomo
Clinton: "Cost"
Opinion in Crawford vs. Marion County Election Board (PDF)
Obama on "Fox News Sunday"
Howard Dean on "Meet the Press"
Howard Wolfson & David Axelrod on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Sens. McCaskill & Schumer on "Late Edition"
Obama Tackles Bread-and-Butter Issues in Indiana - WSJ.com
Karl Rove: My Advice for Barack Obama | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Gary Younge: Hillary has cynically turned to the one argument she has left: race | Comment is free | The Guardian
Hillary Gets No Respect - New York Times
Shankar Vedantam - Clinton, Obama and the Narcissist's Tale - washingtonpost.com
McCain would 'put families in charge' of health care - USATODAY.com
Bush Made Permanent - New York Times
Go for the Bitter Bloc
Sunset in America
J.C. WATTS: Social conservatives still a political force
Campaign Journal: Bill Vs. Barack: The Talk of the Town: The New Yorker
Bill Clinton May Be Biggest Loser of Campaign: Albert R. Hunt
An Anatomy of Surrender by Bruce Bawer, City Journal Spring 2008
Pariah Diplomacy - New York Times
The ABA's 'Diversity' Diktat - WSJ.com
Editorial: Farm subsidies unnecessary as prices rise
Reform's Chance - washingtonpost.com
Our position: It doesn't make sense for Florida and its cities to try to legislate immigration -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Defiant Wright puts Obama in tough spot -- chicagotribune.com
In Florida, McCain turns focus to healthcare - 04/28/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
TheHill.com - Obama takes lead in Senate endorsements
A Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America by Ron Paul
Are There Limits to Lincoln Idolatry? by Thomas DiLorenzo
Pack Your Bags by Doug French
Kagan’s Definition of Success in Iraq by Bob Murphy
Politicizing Pain by Ron Paul
Prohibition Revisited by Alvin Lowi, Jr.
Ochone! Japanese whisky is voted the best in world - Times Online
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The miracle berry
AKI - Adnkronos international Egypt: Tomb of Cleopatra and lover to be uncovered
Is War With Iran Imminent?- by Justin Raimondo
The Revolution : A Manifesto
UN Sidesteps Allegations in DR Congo – Part I
U.S. Leads World in Prison Population
National ID Card Schemes - A Quick Recap
U.S. Government Orders Travel Industry To Collect Fingerprints
Media Fail to Look Beyond Obama’s Words
White House Speech writer Turns Violent After 9/11 Questions
Exclusive: President Carter Was Concerned About Staged War Provocation, Says Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11 ‘Sound Good’
Bill Clinton: 'I Don't Agree with Bush Investigation, But 9/11 Is Not an Inside Job'
Scalia: Does Torture Violate ‘Cruel And Unusual Punishment’ Provision? ‘No.’
'All options on table against Iran'
Colombia FTA Based on Failed NAFTA Model
North American Union summit done in secrecy
Hispanic congressmembers attack CNN over Lou Dobbs
Ron Paul: Clinton 'doesn't understand the presidency'
Obama: I've learned an immense amount from Dr. Brzezinski
New DNC Ad Attacks McCain for 100 Years in Iraq Comment
Riding the warhorse: Introducing President McCain
Nothing Will Get Hillary Out of the Race
Ron Paul not planning to campaign for McCain
GOP Walks Out On Their Own Convention In Ron Paul Fiasco
Outspoken Arizona Senator Questions 9/11 Official Version Of Events
BBC Reporter Who Reported Early on WTC7 Collapse Agrees There May Be a Conspiracy
New Dark Knight poster distinctly post-9/11
Yukihisa Fujita back for another round - April 24th, 2008
Henry Kissinger Advocates Limited War as 'a Tool of Foreign Policy' in 1958
Alex Jones and Retired DEA Agent Cele Castillo
Indecision 2008 - McCain's Sweet Talk Express
King George W. Bush's United Police States
Functional Sovereignty and the Common Heritage of Mankind
EU wipes England off the map - as Gordon Brown flies the flag of St George over Downing Street | the Daily Mail
BBC NEWS | Business | UK's super-rich 'getting richer'
Carlyle May Pay $525 Million for Stake in NYC Tower
The New Economics of Hunger - washingtonpost.com
Al Qaeda wouldn't hesitate to blow away a city: That's why we need 42-day detention, says ex MI6 boss | the Daily Mail
Syria says US reactor charges as fake as Iraq WMD claims
The Raw Story | Iran says Iraq situation makes U.S. attack unlikely
NYC Is Getting a New High-Tech Defense Perimeter
Homeland Task Force To Be Ready By Fall
Wachovia Facing Drug Money Laundering Investigation
Chertoff To Demonstrate New BWI Checkpoint
OPEC President Sees $200 OIL
Millions In Iraq Contracts Never Finished
The food crisis begins to bite
The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
Letters Give C.I.A. Tactics a Legal Rationale
DC Centralizing Big Brother Surveillance
Which Govt Agency Should Be Your Firewall?
Hindu leader charged with groping underage girls
Jihad Watch: Big surprise: Dutch Muslims reject debate with Wilders over Fitna
Cultural guides help workers care for polygamist children | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
FOXNews.com - Florida Education Official Lectures Parents on Wasting Money on Alcohol, Cigarettes - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Anti-war Cindy Sheehan files to take on Pelosi
4 Investigates: Floodwalls stuffed with newspaper? | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | Local News | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | wwltv.com
7/7 jury see video of terror ringleader grooming his baby daughter to battle for Islam | the Daily Mail
KSTP.com - DETECTIVES: Chris Jenkins murder connects dozens around country
Chinese construction of USC dorm prompts U.S.-contractor-only bill
Roger Waters plays `Dark Side,' unleashes giant pig - Yahoo! News
ABC News: Leibovitz Defends Provocative Miley Pics
Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana - Las Vegas Sun
Arizona truck wreck involves 50-60 illegal immigrants | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Superchubby inmate sues over 'starvation'
HeraldNet: Why rapist got put under Snohomish bridge
Victims of Genital Mutilation Face Deportation - April 28, 2008 - The New York Sun
Woman: Dad kept me in cellar since '84 :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: World
Atheists push own holidays - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Obama stars in Mississippi attack ad
McCain Reverses Course on Obama's Pastor - April 28, 2008 - The New York Sun
Rev. Wright Taunts Journalists, Blasts Government - America’s Election HQ
S.F.'s $100 fine for visible recycling bins
Wright says criticism is attack on black church
Storms tear through Virginia; homes destroyed in Suffolk | TOP STORIES | WVEC.com | News for Hampton Roads, Virginia
Heat Fueling SoCal Flames, Some Areas Evacuated - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles
My Way News - APNewsBreak: Gov. Easley to endorse Clinton
ABC News: Weary Obama Needs Working-Class Lift
My Way News - Clinton highlights Obama's objection to gas tax holiday
Wright's Voice Could Spell Doom for Obama
With Bingaman Endorsement, Obama Takes Senate Support Lead | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
FOXNews.com - Is Hillary Preparing to Run in 2012? - Opinion
Chinese children sold like cabbages into slavery | International | Reuters
Weeping schoolgirls wish happy birthday Saddam | International | Reuters
Iranian official warns against importing Barbie dolls
Opec says oil could hit $200
Truckers protest high gasoline prices
Saudis to launch $5.3bn sovereign fund
Anchorage digs out after record snowfall: Alaska News | adn.com
US secretary concedes biofuels may spur food price rises
Global warming may end hurricane pioneer's forecasts | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Austria: Police Probe Claims Man Held Daughter In Cellar For 24 Years |Sky News|World News
My Way News - Police: Austrian kids locked in basement, never saw sunlight
Pictured: Inside the cellar where father locked daughter for 24 years and repeatedly raped her| News | This is London
Chilean mayor to offer free viagra to older men
The 50 most influential US political pundits - Telegraph
Officials: 31 of 53 girls from sect ranch have been pregnant
wcbstv.com - Bed Bug-Sniffing Dogs Pinpoint Pests In Seconds
Discovery Cove Dolphin Dies Performing Trick In Front Of Spectators - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Not Speaking for Obama, Pastor Speaks for Himself, at Length
Still More Lamentations From Jeremiah
More than half of teens from sect have been pregnant
Lawmaker Threatens Subpoenas for Aides
Conyers Threatens To Subpoena Ashcroft, Addington And Yoo
Winds Fan California Wildfires
Dolphin dies after aerial collision at Discovery Cove
Attorney says Hans Reiser's testimony "negatively impressed" jury
Cardinal Egan Says Giuliani Shouldn’t Have Received Communion From ...
Cardinal Says Giuliani Broke Understanding Over Communion
Resignations Over Unearned Degree
West Virginia University dean resigns in degree scandal
Suing Over Pay Discrimination
Report faults many states on child abuse policies
Witness: Fundraiser spoke of plan to fire US attorney
NYC construction workers hold Mass for dead colleagues
Dad's video of run-down barracks sparks military response
Military father fights for better conditions at Fort Bragg
Ex-Police Official Sentenced in Bribery
Former New Haven narcotics head to be sentenced
Texas school says father of assault victim stabs student
Father Faces Charges After Allegedly Stabbing Student in School
Groundwater protection bill goes to governor
Lincoln Journal An Irascible Firebrand, Finally Quieted by Term Limits
Austria: incest father has sex assault
Coming to terms with the horror
Some slept, some stood before deadly derailment in China
Zimbabwe Opposition Reunites, Calls on Mugabe to Quit
Zimbabwe says MDC activists attacked army camp-paper
'Taleban killed' in fresh clashes
Afghans to take over Kabul security despite attack: UN envoy
Afghanistan's insurgency spreading north | csmonitor.com
Militant attacks are increasing outside the Taliban's southern stronghold, such as Sunday's on President Hamid Karzai.
In Iraq, Peaceful Protests and Attacks
4 US soldiers killed; militants shell Green Zone
Israel, Hamas trade blame over civilian deaths in Beit Hanun
Mother, 4 Children Die After Israel Strikes Gaza
Way cleared for gas pipeline accord: Foreign ministers to decide ...
Chinese Students in US Fight View of Their Home
US, South Korean Envoys Discuss Nuclear Talks
E Timor rebel leader surrenders
Singh Says Battling Inflation Is India's Key Concern (Update1)
India's PM says fundamentals of economy are robust
Asif insists on constitutional package: Reinstatement of judges
Pakistan parties meet over judges
London mayor hopefuls battle for Muslim vote
Bush to Visit Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia Next Month
Bush has "no illusions" on Mideast breakthrough
Bush to visit Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt
French envoy in Colombia for hostages
France restarts bid to free Colombia FARC hostages
Ex-Gitmo prosecutor alleges politics
Malaysia's king urges lawmakers to protect racial peace as he ...
Top Pakistan militant halts talks
UN chiefs hold food crisis summit
UN Holds Food Crisis Talks in Switzerland
UN rejects BBC allegations
UN defends DR Congo investigation
Pa. blames missing primary votes on clerical error
NC governor to endorse Clinton
As Clinton Seeks Gas Tax Break for Summer, Obama Says No
Obama Says McCain Has "Gall" for Criticisms over Gas Tax Holiday
Obama Adds to Distance From Pastor
Clinton highlights Obama's objection to gas tax holiday
Dean says Clinton or Obama will know when to drop out
One candidate must quit in June, Democratic chairman says
Health Care on McCain Horizon
McCain rejects 'big government' takeover of health care
Obama Heads for Superdelegate Edge
Viewpoint: The dubious 'popular vote'
Review of history shows white vote may elude Obama
Clinton: The bigger loser?
Is Bill more of a bane to Hillary?
Obama hones style in search for working class vote
Indiana, a Different Kind of Midwestern State
RNC demands networks yank McCain ad
Nev. GOP recesses state convention, angering Paul supporters
Few States Afford Troops Online Voting
Obama tells Fox that Rev. Wright controversy raised a 'legitimate ...
Obama talks race, Wright, debates on Fox
Op-Ed Columnist Bush Made Permanent
McCainomics: The Right Reacts
Pro-Clinton group airing ad in Indiana
Obama Team Remains Unshaken
After PA, Obama Should Beg Clinton to Be His Running Mat

Inflation Could Be No. 1 Enemy
Buffett Says Recession Could Get Worse
U.S. Uses Cluster Bombs In Sadr City
Baghdad Green Zone Blasted By Militants
9/11 Discussed In Japanese Parliament Again
Radio Free Europe Under Cyber Attack?
151 Congressmen Profit From War
Ted Turner Repeats Call For Population Curb
Ron Paul On CNN: 04/28/08
Iraq Museum Celebrates Return Of Artifacts
UN Agencies Weigh Response To Food Crisis
Homeland Task Force To Be Ready By Fall
Ted Turner Calls For Population Reduction Again
Big Banks Use Astrology To Play Markets
Pelosi & Gingrich Want Carbon Tax
Cops May Impound Cars That Play Loud Music
Rice Rationing Hits Israel
Gas Could Go To $10
DNA Warehousing Bill Passes House
UN troops 'armed DR Congo rebels'
FEMA To Help Run 8-Day Disaster & Terror Drill
Cleveland Expands Surveillance Grid
Chertoff To Demonstrate New BWI Checkpoint
Boat Safety Strategy Issued To Fight Terrorists
Tax Rebates To Show Up In Bank Accounts
NY Times Sees Steep Circulation Decline
U.S. Air Force To Fight Climage Change
How town hall snoopers hijack anti-terror powers to crack down on dog fouling | the Daily Mail
Carlye May Pay For Stake In NYC Tower
Epoch Times | U.S. Credit Card Debt Soars to Unprecedented Heights
OPEC President Sees $200 OIl
Virtual Fence Big Flop
Sharpton Vows To Close City After Acquittals
Ron Paul Campaign Dominates Convention
The food crisis begins to bite - World Politics, World - The Independent
Greenspan & Bush At Fault For Economy
Letters Give CIA Torture A Rationale
Karzai Escapes Attack By Gunmen
Fed Expected To Cut Rate
Millions In Iraq Contracts Never Finished
Manipulations In Time Of War And Hunger
Israeli's Kill 14 Year Old Girl With Missile
Kim Jong-il builds ‘Thunderbirds’ runway for war in North Korea - Times Online
Al Qaeda wouldn't hesitate to blow away a city: That's why we need 42-day detention, says ex MI6 boss | the Daily Mail