"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 April 2008


Treasury considers new ways for Fed to use powers
Obama Calls Wright's Remarks `Ridiculous,' Offensive
My Way News - Rescuers amazed that 6 twisters caused no deaths in Va.
Chaos over Paul cuts short gathering | www.rgj.com | Reno Gazette-Journal
My Way News - North Carolina Gov. Easley endorses Clinton for president
wcbstv.com - NYCLU: City Now World's 'Marijuana Arrest Capital'
Celebrity Medical Records Indictment - April 29, 2008
Comedian-turned-candidate Franken to pay $70K in back taxes: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Nordic scientists start trial on nicotine vaccine | Industries | Healthcare | Reuters
Manager recounts shooting in West Palm Beach grocery
Action News 5 Special Report: Operator Error?
S&P cuts ratings on New York Times citing weak ad revenue: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
BP and Shell post big profits in era of record oil prices: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Opec says oil could hit $200
Truckers protest high gasoline prices
Gasoline prices top concerns over jobs, health troubles - Yahoo! News
GOP fears Pelosi power grab on Iraq - Martin Kady II - Politico.com
Iranian president's visit will test India - International Herald Tribune
Specially groomed eyebrows a headache at Oregon high school
Saudi governor orders haircuts for men who hit on women
Is Jeremiah Wright a colossal disaster for Barack Obama or a press trick?
Press Club president responds: Reynolds pitched Rev. Wright two years ago
Political Radar: Gingrich: Wright May Be Deliberately Trying to Hurt Obama
Dukakis: It's Probably Obama in '08, But the Campaign Needs to Improve | The New York Observer
Sharks Bite 3 Swimmers In 3 Days - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
A 'Hardball' Senator? - April 29, 2008 - The New York Sun
Microsoft | Microsoft device helps police pluck evidence from cyberscene of crime | Seattle Times Newspaper
wjz.com - Police Make Headway In Baltimore Co. Mystery
My Way News - Alleged Jimi Hendrix sex tape to be released
My Way News - Katie Couric's ratings still sinking
The 50 most influential US political pundits - Telegraph
U.S. population seen tripling to 1 billion in century
Chinese children sold like cabbages into slavery | International | Reuters
BBC and ITV 'censored' party political Christian broadcast against plans for huge new mosque | the Daily Mail
Honduran jailed in rapes of Panhandle seniors | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
My Way News - Specially groomed eyebrows a headache at Oregon high school
Where the buffalo roam -- and die - CNN.com
Houston man accidentally pays water bill for next 600 years | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
El Cerrito man shows you can fight City Hall
I did sniff colleague's chair, admits politician - Telegraph
Berserkeley has been that way a long time
ABC News: Oil Giants Profit; You Pay More at Pump
In France, Prisons Filled With Muslims - washingtonpost.com
RNC Tries to Stop DNC Ad Against McCain
Obama expresses outrage over former pastor Jeremiah Wright's comments
Cultural guides help workers care for polygamist children | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
FOXNews.com - Florida Education Official Lectures Parents on Wasting Money on Alcohol, Cigarettes - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Anti-war Cindy Sheehan files to take on Pelosi
4 Investigates: Floodwalls stuffed with newspaper? | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | Local News | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | wwltv.com
7/7 jury see video of terror ringleader grooming his baby daughter to battle for Islam | the Daily Mail
McCain at Miami's Children Hospital
Rev. Wright at the National Press Club
Roundtable Reviews Wright's Media Tour
Opinion in Crawford vs. Marion County Election Board (PDF)
Newt Gingrich on the State of the Campaign
Jimmy Carter on "Larry King Live"
Discussion of the Voter ID Court Case
April 28 White House Press Conference
Obama on "Fox News Sunday"
Howard Dean on "Meet the Press"
Howard Wolfson & David Axelrod on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Sens. McCaskill & Schumer on "Late Edition"
Obama Addresses Wright Controversy
Bush Chides Reporter, Proclaims Progress in War on Terror
Clinton: "Dreams
SEIU: "Feeling the Pain"
Gov. Easley Endorses Clinton
MSNBC Wonders if McCain is Flip-Flopping
Obama Talks About Attacks
The Democratic Race Along Education Lines
McCain: "Health Care Action"
ALP: "Jobs"
DNC: "McCain vs. McCain" Web Video
Wright's Q&A at the National Press Club
Obama Ridicules McCain's Gas Tax Plan
McCain Kicks Off "Call to Action" Tour
Gov. Charlie Crist's Morning Media
Wright Says Obama Only Criticized Him to Get Elected
Mississippi Ad Links Local Candidate to Wright
Candidate Characterstics
Dean's Morning Media
DNC: "100"
Obama's Risky Denunciation Of Rev. Wright, Analysis: CBSNews.com's Vaughn Ververs Says Harsh Words For Ex-Pastor May Help Obama, But Challenges Await - CBS News
Obama, Wright, and Honesty
Jeremiah Wright's Bombshell | The Progressive
The Anatomy of Wright's Disinvitation - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Where the Dem Rules Really Lead - Craig Crawford's Trail Mix
McCain's Soft Offensive Against Obama | The New York Observer
Sexism Isn’t Holding Hillary Back by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal 28 April 2008
"You Get a Very Bad Grade in History"
A Victory Against Voter Fraud - WSJ.com
America's Forgotten Hostages - TIME
The Pastor Casts a Shadow - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Pastor at Center Stage
Democrats need dream ticket, but selling it won't be easy - Opinion - USATODAY.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - For McCain, There's Only One Perfect Candidate for Veep
Demography Is King - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Questions without Answers
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Codependent Addicts: States and Casinos
High Incarceration Rate Of Blacks Is Function Of Crime, Not Racism
The Fed Must Strengthen the Dollar - WSJ.com
JustOneMinute: Feelin' Bad For Obama's Grandma
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Shrinking Election
RealClearPolitics - Articles - An Old Newness
Understanding American Exceptionalism — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
Rev. Wright's Return - WSJ.com
Editorial: Spinning the news out of control | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Editorials
Editorial: Petraeus, Odierno deserve gratitude
Vouching for Vouchers - washingtonpost.com
Obama Heads for Superdelegate Edge - WSJ.com
In Florida, McCain turns focus to healthcare - 04/28/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
TheHill.com - Obama takes lead in Senate endorsements
How to Revive Securitization Markets - WSJ.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - The binge culture of banking must be changed
Hey, Bernanke Bashers: His Moves Have Been the Right Ones - Barron's Online
What the Fed Could Learn from Europe's Central Bank
Hoover Institution - Policy Review - Taxing Private Equity
Muzzling the Watchdog - New York Times
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Market Power and Trade Policy
Why Populists Need to Re-think Trade | The American Prospect
Junk Bonds, Mortgages and Milken - New York Times
Wrigley: Grand Plans That Didn't Stick
The Case Against Airline Mergers - Portfolio.com
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Cut, Cut, Float the Funds Rate
The pause that refreshes - MarketWatch
Price worries replace panic
Looking Beyond the Bailout - Forbes.com
Snoozing in Econ 101 Is Hazardous to Your Health: Caroline Baum
The Indians are coming | Economist.com
Peak Oil Panic
Re-Regulate Financial Markets?--Posner's Comment
Economics focus | Krugman's conundrum | Economist.com
McCainomics: The Right Reacts - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)
24/7 Wall St.: Sovereign Wealth Funds Bigger Than UK, German, And France GDP
PIMCO - US Credit Perspectives - May 2008
Food Price Inflation, Monetary Policy & Financial Markets
How the Ron Paul Movement Looks to an American in Europe by Ben Novak
On My Elitist High Horse by Bill Watkins
A Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America by Ron Paul
Are There Limits to Lincoln Idolatry? by Thomas DiLorenzo
Pack Your Bags by Doug French
Kagan’s Definition of Success in Iraq by Bob Murphy
Politicizing Pain by Ron Paul
Is War With Iran Imminent?- by Justin Raimondo
AKI - Adnkronos international Egypt: Tomb of Cleopatra and lover to be uncovered
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The miracle berry
Prohibition Revisited by Alvin Lowi, Jr.
Ochone! Japanese whisky is voted the best in world - Times Online
Ted Turner: World Needs a 'Voluntary' One-Child Policy for the Next Hundred Years
Wright Says U.S. Government Capable Of Creating AIDS Virus
White House Speech writer Turns Violent After 9/11 Questions
Exclusive: President Carter Was Concerned About Staged War Provocation, Says Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11 ‘Sound Good’
Conyers to torture memo author: Testify voluntarily or face subpoena
Rockefellers urge action on climate change - Times Online
151 Congressmen Derive Financial Profit From War
News Corp allegedly hired hacker to 'sabotage competition'
Pump prices lift Shell and BP to record £7.2bn - Times Online
OPEC president sees $200 oil possible: report | Reuters
U.S. Credit Card Debt Soars to Unprecedented Heights
Reshaping Public Opinion and the White Coated Propagandists
Carlyle May Pay $525 Million for Stake in NYC Tower
Syria says US reactor charges as fake as Iraq WMD claims
Police Forces Dressing In Black To "Instill Fear" In Citizens
Robert Steele CIA: High-Ranking Official Speaks Out
King George W. Bush's United Police States
Indecision 2008 - McCain's Sweet Talk Express
National “DNA warehouse” bill passes
Redesigned Checkpoint: ‘Soothing’ Experience In Store at Airport Security?
Facial Recognition Is Same As Tossing Coin
Random use of police sniffer dogs breaches charter: top court
Face scans for air passengers will start in the UK this summer | the Daily Mail
Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11
Bill Clinton: 'I Don't Agree with Bush Investigation, But 9/11 Is Not an Inside Job'
Yukihisa Fujita back for another round - April 24th, 2008
New Dark Knight poster distinctly post-9/11
BBC Reporter Who Reported Early on WTC7 Collapse Agrees There May Be a Conspiracy
Outspoken Arizona Senator Questions 9/11 Official Version Of Events
Ron Paul: Nevada GOP Tried To Exclude Us
Constitution Party Selects Baldwin for President, Targets New World Order
Judicial Watch Calls on FEC to Investigate McCain Presidential Fundraising Luncheon Held in London
William Kristol Joins Operation Chaos
GOP Walks Out On Their Own Convention In Ron Paul Fiasco
Ron Paul not planning to campaign for McCain
Nothing Will Get Hillary Out of the Race
New DNC Ad Attacks McCain for 100 Years in Iraq Comment
Obama: I've learned an immense amount from Dr. Brzezinski
McCain proposes League of Democracies to bypass U.N.
Hispanic congressmembers attack CNN over Lou Dobbs
North American Union summit done in secrecy
Colombia FTA Based on Failed NAFTA Model
Hayden Gets Hillary Wrong
Despite 2 previous cases against her, police say she has sex with boy again
Relationship shift: 'There's been great damage'
Defense of Farrakhan a source of pride for New Black Panther Party
National Press Club president says Barbara Reynolds pitched idea 2 years ago
Senator's spiritual mentor ' went out of his way to weaken' him
Security reportedly provided by Nation of Islam bodyguards
Transcript of remarks to media by Obama's pastor
Claiming it falsely suggests senator wants 100-year war in Iraq
Bingaman puts him ahead in scramble for endorsements
'Over the last 3 weeks her stature has improved'
'Resistance' called for in vote setting goals of Palestinian party
American-trained guards possibly infiltrated by Hamas terrorist group
Rockets, mortars hit Jewish population centers outside Gaza Strip
Top administration, defense officials briefed on plans to attack suspected Syrian nuke site
Claimed in church newsletter Jews building 'ethnic bomb' that 'kills blacks, Arabs'
Group cultivates moderate image by hiding extremist ties
Noticeable dip ever since latest round of speculation over CBS News anchor's job
Controversial 'Hounddog' depiction of assault on child to hit screens
Librarian notified police when man accessed X-rated files online
'I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be artistic'
Hundreds of U.S. forces backed by airpower enter Taliban-controlled South
Working as laborers in more prosperous areas of country
Scientist warns new species coming if experimentation not stopped
Judge's ruling means trial will focus on commander's followup to attack
Spokeswoman responds to questions about meetings with terrorists
'If you live under culture of submission, your ability to think withers'
Buildings wrecked, hospital damaged, cars flipped, windows blown out
Chinese arms dispatched to Mugabe rejected by ports – so far
'They appeared normal, just like any other family'
'The world crisis is obviously going to have a ripple effect'
Admits to putting down more than 17,000 since 1998
Texas child welfare make claim about girls on polygamist ranch
Calls living in U.S. without immigration paperwork 'an administrative matter'
Perpetrator broke into homes in each incident, according to officials
Chertoff: 'To some people, it is a symbol of ... the Berlin Wall'
But struggling economy presents oppportunity pockets for marketers
Family alleges daughter, 20, lost her virginity in sexy call
Nashville songwriter charged with homicide of father of ex-'SNL' star
Face 2nd-degree homicide charges for not seeking medical attention
He 'became agitated for some reason and began throwing'
Groom 'used a karate-style kick with his leg to kick' bride to floor
Says she never gave permission for her name, likeness to be used
'I don't want to have to worry about all the different online scandals and problems'
Robert Daskas cites only 'family considerations'
'It's a surgical procedure, but it is being sold as a commodity'
'The United States is the last country I would invest now'
7 young artists try to stretch boundaries by living for 3 weeks with vermin in hair
Members of Russian group say they won't emerge
Ratings dip causes producers to eye major alterations
Earth Day is over, let planning begin for summer solstice, World Humanist Day
To see if it can reduce risk of heart disease for those with type 2 diabetes
Collides with another porpoise while performing mid-air trick
Religious keeper makes hives shaped liked monasteries
Chihuahua in scuba suit takes 1st place in canine fashion show
'The severity of the punishment didn't fit the crime here'
Professor refuses to discuss details of his split
Government takes man's son after confusion over beverage
'This is not about downsizing. It's about needing gas money'
Disappointing sentiment data suggested inflation a concern
'Just a ton of people here getting foreclosed upon, so there are just so many deals'
Soaring gas prices, weaker employment prospects made outlook gloomier in April
Says lawmakers blocking his proposals to deal with high gas prices, other economic issues
Reignites calls for windfall tax as consumers struggle
Meanwhile, gas prices continue to inch higher at pump
Analysts see considerably more pain at pump than most drivers realize
'I've got to think we're close to the end on increases'
'The high price for oil is hurting our economy. It's hurting middle-class people'
'Countries will not develop reserves known to lie under their territories'
'We cannot comment on speculation or rumors'
Airlines continue to hike fares to deal with high jet-fuel prices
Words to enduring anthem expected to fetch more than $400,000
College Board will pay $1 million, with $400,000 for tutoring low-income students
Study: Could rise further if shortage of long-term care workers not resolved
Government says rate is low, so why do food and energy cost so much?
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Economists think rates could be left low possibly through rest of this year
Reflects technology company's confidence it can thrive even with uncertain economy
Tumultuous week highlights industry's many challenges
Ad guru Jim Whelan on believing in yourself and taking risks
How to buy two-wheelers from America
Exclusive: The Richmans use Harley-Davidson troubles to argue for trade-war boldness
More customers outside U.S. using their credit, debit cards for purchases
Blood thinner made from ingredients imported from China
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses the implications of reported food rationing in the U.S.
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'It's time for some serious plastic surgery!'
'All the mathematical components are just theory unless the behavior kicks in'
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
Pat Buchanan: McCain putting miles between himself and Republican base
David Limbaugh gives pastor failing grade for attempts at self-rehabilitation
Dennis Prager rips journalist for less-than-challenging questioning of Rev. Wright
Mike Whitney: Pastor 'showed that he is neither a fanatic nor an America hater'
Jamie Weinstein thinks he knows why candidate failed to get Constitution Party nod
Exclusive: Joseph Farah says public schools more dangerous to kids than YFZ Ranch
Exclusive: Mychal Massie combats those opposed to ending race-based preferences
Exclusive: Janet Folger urges Christians to look to Bible for all needed tools
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving lays out case for yanking ex-president's travel privileges
Exclusive: Linda Harvey listens in on Jim Wallis beating Christians with 'justice' club
Exclusive: Readers sound off on immigration, atheism, column on Zimbabwe
Exclusive: Chuck Norris solves illegal immigration crisis with simple enforcement tactics
John Hagee praises pontiff for 'his moral vision for America'
Was Jeremiah Wright's speech set up by a Clinton supporter?
Cocky and competitive: Basketball is Obama's sweaty platform
Clinton faults Obama for dismissing her plans
FLDS teen gives birth to boy as state officials stand by
Sect girls forced into 'marriage'
Bush faults Congress for inaction on economic woes
Rescuers amazed that 6 twisters caused no deaths in Va.
Army widens probe after finding bad conditions at Fort Bragg
Dad: 'Good things are happening' after Fort Bragg video
Decrepit Army Barracks Exposed on YouTube
Bush meets with new UN representative to Afghanistan
New UN Envoy to Afghanistan Concerned Over Weak Kabul Government
Study: Factory Farming Taking Toll on Health, Economy
Kansas City Star
Iraq budget cut by $171M after oil-profit windfall
Iraq,cost issues sap US military readiness-lawmaker
More text messages revealed in Detroit mayor sex scandal
Judge orders release of Detroit mayor texts
Gulf cartel manager, ex-Mexican cop, gets life term in Texas
Major Mexican drug dealer gets life in US prison
Utah man feds say kept mum about ricin pleads not guilty
Man Pleads Not Guilty to Las Vegas Ricin Charges
Agent: SC teen accused in school plot wanted to kill Jesus
Hearing in school plot shows troubled teen
Teen in SC bomb plot wanted to 'kill Jesus'
Reiser juror: "Never showed sympathy" for Nina
Battle against stubborn California wildfire enters 4th day
New Orleans to Hold Online Presidential Forum in September
New Orleans plans YouTube presidential debate
Cuomo rejects pork contracts
Dallas man freed by DNA testing after 27 years in prison
Report: SC teen spent day of slayings with friend
Austrian Town Holds Vigil for Imprisoned Family
Incestuous Austrian proved to have fathered his daughter's children
Death Toll Mounts In Zimbabwe As UN Security Council Mulls Action
Police free Zimbabwean activists
Tariq Aziz Goes on Trial in Baghdad
Iraq opens trial against Aziz, others over merchant slayings
UN and World Bank say to tackle food crisis
UN to set up task force to tackle global food crisis
UN sets up food crisis task force
China sentences 30 people _ some to life _ over Tibet riots
Rinpoche Defies China as Tibet's Prime Minister Based in India
Ahmedinejad pushes India gas deal
Johnson's pledge 'to help poor'
Teeth-grinding for Gordon Brown as Boris Johnson poaches Kate Hoey
EU cracks door for Serbia in advance of vote
EU, Serbia sign deal on closer ties
Prince William makes secret Afghan trip to meet with troops
Prince William makes surprise visit to Afghanistan
Madeleine McCann left alone as 'last minute decision'
Georgia-Russia tensions ramped up
Russia announces extra troops for Georgia regions: agencies
Bush says release of US intelligence intended to pressure North Korea
Bush pushes 3 nations on nuclear issue
Gaza tragedy complicates Hamas-Israel cease-fire
Palestinian factions insist on reciprocal, comprehensive ceasefire ...
Deadline looms for Pakistan talks
Sharif flies to Dubai for Pakistan coalition talks
Militiamen ambush drives back US patrol in Sadr City
More than 30 killed in street battles as US troops face intense ...
Diary of a Baghdad anaesthetist
More arrests expected in Jersey
Man charged with rape in child abuse case on isle of Jersey
Karzai had warning of assassination plan, official says
Afghan president warned of attack: intelligence chief
Rome elects right-wing mayor
Rome's chattering classes fear new Mayor may axe film festival
Some 600 British troops are being deployed to Kosovo
Britain to send 600 troops to Kosovo
East Timor rebel leader surrenders
Surrender ends troops' rebellion
Bottom Line: Obama Cuts Ties With Rev. Wright
Obama says rivals Clinton, McCain pandering on gas tax
Clinton wins North Carolina governor's endorsement
Dems Draw Distinctions on Gas Tax Plans
McCain Offers Details of His Health Plan
Obama 'angry' at pastor comments
Hillary Goes on O'Reilly Wednesday for first time!
GOP fights ad attacking McCain's "100 years"
NH Senate candidate urges US troop withdrawal from Iraq
Top Michigan Democrats suggest splitting delegates
Viewpoint: The dubious 'popular vote'
Race Emerges as Complicated Issue in US Presidential Campaign
One candidate must quit in June, Democratic chairman says
Obama 'outraged' by Wright's remarks
Voter IDs and Election Law
Candidates Court Trade Skeptics
GOP Plans $500000 Hit On Obama, Dems
Mississippi Republican Runs Ad Against Obama
Obama to pick up KY superdelegate
Indiana, a Different Kind of Midwestern State
Nev. GOP recesses state convention, angering Paul supporters
Some Republicans crossing party lines for Primary
Obama picks up Iowa superdelegate
Heated campaign souring Democrats on rival candidates
DHS and TSA To Use Psych 101 on Travelers
The Value of Determination
Soldier Claims He's an Atheist, Sues Army Over Harassment
UN Sidesteps Allegations in DR Congo – Part I
U.S. Leads World in Prison Population
Houston Cabbies Protest ID Card Scheme
Considering New Ways For Fed To Use Powers
DynCorp Used Amored Car To Transport Hookers
Iraq WMD Evangelists New Crusade On Ray Guns
Were Syria CIA Photos Photoshopped?
Drone Attacks Hit Iraq
Yoo May Face Subpoena
Global Famine: Blame The Fed
NBC, CBS Bidding For Weather Channel
Recruits With Bad Conduct Promoted Faster
Mass Corruption By KBR In Iraq
Bush Faults Congress For Economy
Israel Preparing To Bomb Iran Nuke Sites
Russia Inches Towards Mars Mission
Police Raid Meth Lab Find Fish Tank
Improper Rothschild Donations To McCain
Bank bail-outs to be kept secret
U.S. Importing 6,700 Tons of Radioactive Sand From Kuwait
Washington to keep supplying arms to Taiwan: US envoy
English village to be invaded in spybot competition
Space war would leave destructive legacy
Biofuels 'crime against humanity'
VIDEO: White House Speech Writer Turns Violent After 9/11 Questions
Cheney lawyer claims Congress has no authority over vice-president
Wall Street Grain Hoarding Brings Farmers, Consumers Near Ruin
NYC Is Getting a New High-Tech Defense Perimeter
Homeland Task Force To Be Ready By Fall