"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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12 March 2008

12 March-(click here: freewaves.tv)

YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews Richard Hoagland - Part 1 of 3
YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews Richard Hoagland - Part 2 of 3
YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews Richard Hoagland - Part 3 of 3
Why Fallon's Resignation Is Frightening...
Ingredients In US Vaccines - READ
Ron Paul Unlikely To Support McCain
My Way News - 2nd Muslim Elected to Congress From Ind.
McCain Has Lost It - Reportedly Babbles To No One
In developer's trial, note cites Obama role - The New York Times- msnbc.com
Russian army prepares for nuclear onslaught
Russia must use nuclear deterrent to protect allies - analyst
Newsmax.com - McCain Advisers Lobbied for Airbus
Mary Starrett -- Got Illegals? Get Used To It!
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Chemical brain controls nanobots
A Life Blighted By Feminism
Is Israel Improving?
More Education Means a Longer Life, Harvard Researcher Says
Fewer confessions and new sins
The Spitzer Sex Sting: A Few More Questions
A Report Card For George Bush
Palestinian Homes Demolished Without Warning
It’s About Freedom, Not Climatology by Floy Lilley
The New York Times and Joseph Stalin
Dump The System
World central banks unite to ease credit strain | Reuters
Muslims Will Conquer the White House--And the World
Former Judge Tills resigns amid FBI prostitution investigation
McCain Fortune Traced To Organized Crime
America's Greatest Conman
John McCain Is No "Hero POW"
150,000 American Soldier Suicides
MPs back artificial sperm for childless | Politics | The Observer
Honey bees 'wiped out in 10 years' | Environment | The Observer
Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark - Times Online
Chuck Baldwin -- Conservatives Offer No Hope
Devvy Kidd -- When the Department of Justice obstructs justice
Alan Stang -- Has Ron Paul Quit the Race?
Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- You Will Come to Love Big Brother
Michael Moriarty -- America's Oldest Song
Carey Roberts -- Hillary’s Scheme to Revamp the Traditional Family
Mysticism & Global Mind Change
CHANGE! New world, New ways, New minds, New gods
Cliff Kincaid -- Bipartisan Crimes Against the Constitution
Eugene Narrett -- Death Magic
Are you being targeted for euthanasia?
NWV News -- North American Military Agreement Signed by US and Canada
Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D -- Symbology Used in Secret Societies, Part 1
Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D -- Symbology Used in Secret Societies, Part 2
Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D -- Symbology Used in Secret Societies, Part 3
Derry Brownfield -- How to Destroy a Nation
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 1
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 2
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 3
Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 4
Geoff Metcalf -- China Problem
Liz McIntyre & Katherine Albrecht -- American Express addresses RFID tracking plans for people
Arthur Robinson -- The Virtues of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
AUDIO: Dialect Radio - Diana Inquest
VIDEO: History Channel Surveillance Tech
VIDEO: Bush hands the torch to McCain
VIDEO: Ben Griffin Speaks Before Being Gagged
VIDEO: America’s Family Prison
VIDEO: The Invisible Government
VIDEO: Globalisation and the Media
AUDIO: Tony Gosling - Behind Secret Societies
VIDEO: What really happened in New Orleans?
VIDEO: Anthrax Attacks an Inside Job
Britain bans Likud's Moshe Feiglin from entering country - Haaretz - Israel News
Report: Hamas toughens stance on Shalit deal - Jerusalem Post
Israel launches boycott of Al-Jazeera for biased coverage - Jerusalem Post
Fighters From Syria, Weapons From Iran Causing Problems in Iraq, Pentagon Report Says - Fox
Aussie MP boycotts motion commemorating Israel's 60th anniversary - Ynet
Hamas-Israel deal would put Abbas' men at Gaza crossings - Haaretz
Elite police force kills Palestinian near Tulkarm - Ynet
Southwest grounds 42 Jets due to failed inspections - USA Today
Treasury Imposes Financial Sanction on Bahrain Bank for Alleged Link to Iran's Nuke Program - Fox
$4-a-gallon gas forecast in some areas - USA Today
Ethnic dispute tears al Qaeda, Hayden says - Washington Times
Plane flies too close to Capitol in D.C. - USA Today
Gay Episcopal bishop rejects limited role - His appearance restricted at Anglican leaders' global meeting - MSNBC
House Fails to Overturn Bush Veto of CIA Bill That Banned Waterboarding - Fox
US drops China from list of top human rights abusers - Ynet
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer Resigns Effective Monday Amid Links to Prostitution Ring - Fox
Saturn Space Probe to Dive Through Moon's Geysers - Fox
U.S. examines laptops seized in Ecuador raid - Washington Times
Christian librarian takes'gay' profs to federal court - WND
Bush Believes ‘Fairness Doctrine’ Unfair; Will Veto Legislation if Bill Passes - Austin American Statesman
Exit polls: Mississippi Democrats divide on racial lines - CNN
Shas vows more settlement construction - J'lem Post
The ethanol hoax: Corn-based fuel is boondoggle shafting American consumers - Walter Williams
The waterboarding veto - Daniel Gallington
Dobson: Christian Right Needs Leadership - NewsMax
Time for U.S. to reject U.N.'s anti-democratic conference - Claudia Rosett